Entries by Bruce Bialosky

Lies, Damned Lies

The saying is actually “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. “It was popularized in the United States by Mark Twain; the originator is in question. As you are aware the Democrats characterized almost everything President Trump said as a lie. The Washington Post stated there were 30,573 lies or misstatements during his term of office. Yet, […]

It is Not Socialism, It is a Right

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” […]

Dangerously Ignorant Business Executives

Some 20 years ago, I got deeply involved in a political group. I recruited experienced political operatives and we started to build an operation that no one believed could be done. Then things started to go sideways because we were beholden to a national board made up of affluent contributors who knew little about grassroots […]

Supporting the Infrastructure Bill

I have taken a hard look at the proposal by President Biden to revitalize our national infrastructure.  I am ready, willing and able to support the proposal.  I just have a few questions. You start with $115 billion for roads, highways, and bridges.  Please tell us the specific projects you are spending that money on […]

President Psaki

I was taken aback by the positive reaction by many members of the Press who were excited when the Biden Administration announced they were going to resume daily press briefings. Why would they want to listen to a hand-picked flack disgorging half-baked answers about subjects on which they are barely enlightened? Say what you will about […]

Why We Hate the Press

Until I was 15 and moved to Southern California, I delivered newspapers for five years. Every day I came home with hands stained from printer’s ink. It is in my blood. I wore it with pride. I still receive the Wall Street Journal in print form and will until I die, or it dies. Most […]

The Perils of One Party Leadership

Handing a government over to one political party does not always end with disastrous results.  There are times when single party leadership avoids massively bad policies and destruction.  But it is especially likely to occur when that one party leadership remains in control for long periods of time. The current pandemic has allowed for some […]

President Biden: You Will Love George Will’s Immigration Stance

Many mainstream Republicans have watched as elements of the party have changed, particularly with the desertion of the non-public union middle class from the Democrats. Some like George Will display a level of discomfort with the new elements of the party that were particularly attracted to our last President. Will’s January 22, 2021, column epitomizes […]

A Different Homage to Rush

After Rush died, I was struck like so many others. I rarely listened to him because if I had the radio on during his hours I would be listening to Dennis Prager.  While listening to the reaction to his leaving us, something stated by Tucker Carlson literally caused me to light up. He said that […]

Mass Murder Cover Up

A storm covers the skies of New York as a scandal has broken surrounding its Governor. Charges have come forth asserting a cover-up of the number of deaths occurring in New York nursing homes that were hidden from the public. That may be true, but that is not the real cover-up. There is another group […]

Protecting Women

The cascades of high-mindedness keep rolling over us from the new kids in Washington. Backed by the sycophants who used to be our proud journalists, we hear how civility is once again reigning over our nation’s capital as the autocratic lecher has finally departed after four years of pain and suffering. All of that rang […]

Teachers’ Unions — Killing the Competition

Suppose “New Burger” (a new chain of burger joints) opened to great reviews – perhaps something that is not very surprising.  What would be surprising is if McDonald’s decided it was going to throw all of its massive resources at New Burger to kill it off.  If McDonald’s made charges that New Burger was not […]

The Robinhood Earthquake

We don’t have enough things on our plates. We needed this. We have a Congress trying to impeach a president who is no longer president.  We have a new president trying to set a world record for executive orders.  We have people calling everybody either racists or white supremacists.  Oh and then there is the […]

We Are Supposed to Pray for Joe Biden

Joe Biden is now fulfilling his quest that has run for at least 33 years and probably more, of becoming President of the United States. As loyal Americans, we should fall in line and support him as our president. That is going to be difficult. Let me tell you why. His pleas for unity within […]

Biden’s First Act is Economic Insanity

Everyone wishes success to our incoming President. Unlike the crowd that hated Trump, Republicans will not be sitting with their voodoo dolls sticking pins into them in hopes of Biden falling on his face. As much as I would like to applaud Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan, it would be an act of economic insanity […]

The End of the Trump Era

In 1982 James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling wrote an article espousing the Broken Windows Theory.  Simply stated, it says if you let small crimes and evidence of such become apparent it will lead to larger and more specific crimes. In effect, it gives people a license to continue on misbehaving as they have […]

Our Election Rules Are A Mess

Supposedly our election rules are left to the states. The problem is most people seem not to care about anything other than our biennial elections for Congress and the President every four years. Bill de Blasio — the worst mayor in American history — was elected by just 8% of NYC voters. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was […]

The Truth about Polls

The veracity of the polls done during this last election period has been the subject of much discussion.  There have been assertions that some polls were done to suppress the vote. When a well-known pollster was asked about that, the reply was “There was record voting.” The bigger question is whether the polls are impossible […]