VIDEO: Biden Kicked 5,000 National Guard Troops out of Senate cafeteria and put them in a Parking Garage! They are PISSED!

As a combat veteran, I am outraged that any president would treat our soldiers with such disrespect.

Joe Biden wanted Washington, D.C. to become an armed camp for his inauguration by having an estimated 26,00 National Guard troops on hand. Then he treats them like dirt, second class citizens by housing them in a parking garage? No beds, only one bathroom, on a freezing night with no heat and no power outlets.
I wouldn’t treat my worst enemies like this. But wait, Biden probably considers these soldiers as his enemies?
Biden had the FBI vet them for their political beliefs.
WASHINGTON (AP) – FBI vetting Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack

U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.
Read more.

What does this tell you?

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

1 reply
  1. Bruce Webster
    Bruce Webster says:

    What the Military Should do is Honor their sorn Duty to uphold the Constitution and protect American Citizens! That is, overthrow this Political Coup that the DEMONCRATS have conceived by way of their Treasonous acts and arrest Biden & Harris and Reinstall President Trump as America’s rightly Elected President!!!!!

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