Democrats’ J6 ‘Show Trial’ in Washington, D.C. Isn’t This Treason? thumbnail

Democrats’ J6 ‘Show Trial’ in Washington, D.C. Isn’t This Treason?

By Simona Pipko

The term Show Trial came to the world from Russia, Stalinist Soviet Russia. It was a time when I had lived in Russia. The term is very familiar to me, because I am a former Soviet defense attorney and have practiced law for twenty-five years in Soviet Russia. The time when the term was born is a very important one: the method to keep total control and power over the population. Stalin was building a political system of Soviet Socialism by weaponizing the court system and law enforcement against the people. The term Show Trial illustrates an immoral embodiment of the judicial system when criminals charged dissent with the help of various punitive agencies. Show Trials and Purges annihilated millions of innocent people under Stalin in the 1930s-1940s …

The term Show Trial had a long life as a symbol of Socialism, I participated in hundreds of Show Trials in the 1960-1970s… The vast majority of people still called them Show Trials, but in the Russian court system the term was transformed to visiting sessions of the court or demonstration sessions of the court. I have never thought to hear and see something similar in America. Alas, I did. I was stunned, watching testimony of Ms. Hutchinson in the House select committee’s investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol Hill. She presented herself as an omnipresent aide of the chief of staff Mr. Meadow, as one of the most forceful and compelling aides to testify about former President Donald J. Trump’s. She definitely has an ambition of a career in government, like so many others in Washington. Her testimony was very suspicious to me…  Why? Because she was helping Committee to arrange a predetermined outcome—to convict a former President Trump…

On Twitter, Ms. Hutchinson was compared to John Dean, the former White House counsel to President Richard M. Nixon, whose public hearing testimony proved pivotal in describing his role in the Watergate cover-up. Mr. Dean said. “She was able to fill in the information from her observations instantly.” It is a very interesting couple. Some years ago I expressed my opinion about the Watergate where Hillary played the first violin of Nixon’s accuser. Knowing Stalinist KGB Mafia/Army, I think that we have a quadruple Watergate today: both had been manufactured by the KGB Mafia/Army… I would say that somebody recently approached Ms. Hutchinson and… she changed her mind. You saw it on 6/28/22. My personal opinion based on my knowledge and on the information presented by the article Cassidy Hutchinson Stuns With Testimony About Trump in Jan. 6, June 28, 2022, by Maggie Haberman

So, Ms. Hutchinson was supposed to follow Trump in Florida and she has testified four times: “Ms. Hutchinson was supposed to go work for Mr. Trump during his post-presidency in Florida, but the plan was abruptly dropped before she was to join. In the past several months, she has testified under subpoena four times before the committee, behind closed doors.”

Beyond hearsay, my first question will be: Why does bombshell come so late only in her fourth testimony? The logical answer is because Ms. Hutchinson has shortly changed her lawyer and changed her mind. The next question will be: who did recommend her another lawyer? Did the person connect to the Committee? If yes, what was the person’s name? I am asking those questions, because I know how all of that has been done, I know the KGB Mafia/Army and its strategy, tactics, and dirty tricks to implement Socialism and Green policy. I believe that the Dems in consent with the KGB Mafia/Army had planned to organize violence on January 6, 2021: they didn’t have an issue to fight Republicans in the midterm election, the Republican violence would supposedly give them the issue.

The KGB Mafia/Army Operations in Washington D.C.

Nobody will ask my questions in the current Committee, because it is one-party anti-Trump cabal with no balance. You will be surprised, but the members of the Committee are using the same strategy, tactics, and violated ethics and traditional rules of the Congress. Pelosi was responsible for the security in the Capitol Hill, but you won’t see her and the Mayor of D.C. testifying under the Oath there—they are out of the picture for a reason. Allen West was only half-right, finding seventy Socialists in the Congress. Today we have the entire Democrat’s leadership of Socialist Charlatans in cahoots with the KGB Mafia/Army building Socialism in America for decades. Socialist Charlatans act in many different levels of our nation: in the streets, the WH, and Congress…Watch them!

I have been writing about Socialist Revolution in America and the role of the KGB Mafia/Army in that revolution for decades, publishing a book: Socialist Revolution in America XLIBRIS, 2021. Yet, America still doesn’t know the KGB Chairman Andropov’s design to infiltrate simultaneously the media and the entire American Intelligence and Security apparatus…As a result the entire paradigm in America has been changing drastically. The recent poll shows 88% of people think that we are on the wrong track. They are right: Biden’s team is a national security risk, it implements Soviet Socialism in America with the help of Obama’s holdovers and the KGB Mafia/Army. Thousands of Socialist Charlatans, some with mental illness, destroy the American Constitutional republic from within…Read an updated and republished in 2022 my book: What is Happening to America?

Pay attention to the January 6th Committee, a one-party anti-Trump haters. They intend to criminalize the GOP and do that a-la Stalin by Demonizing the 45th President, a successful capitalist, who symbolized a unique success of the American Constitutional republic, an exceptional republic, designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. That design gives total power and control to We The People. But the Dems manage quite successfully their activities to cover-up their past: Demonizing the 45th President is a convenient way to hide their intent to demolish the American Political system and implement Socialism. It also helped them to cover-up the crime the Democrat leadership had committed by collaborating with Russian Intel for decades, following Stalin’s postulate… Read my books about Bill Clinton and Barack Obama…

Biden as a leader of the Democrat Party, to be precise, Biden’s cabal-team have the same agenda. You can understand their complicated goal only through knowledge of Russia and her Intelligence and Security apparatus. Joe Rogan should read my books and columns to learn who divides our country. It is complicated, because it took me thirty years to warn you about: that is now coming. I have no room to repeat it, but I will help you. There are three of my columns that explain the dramatic changes happening in the heart of Biden’s cabal-team to save the skin of the Democrat Party by using Russian war on Ukraine. These three columns were written by me on February 21, 28, and April 4, 2022. You can read them and other columns for free by clicking here.

You also should know that Biden, as a point man for Obama in Ukraine, had collaborated with Putin since 2013-2014. I was reporting about that in my columns on Ukraine. Remember that Biden offered President Zelinskyy to bring him to the U.S. in the beginning of the war. He didn’t believe in Ukraine’s victory and didn’t care a bit about its people. His team is lying and deceiving Americans the same way they are deceiving the Ukrainian people. To deceive and confuse us, they will play negative and positive theatrical performances. Remember Socialist modus operandi—lies, deceit, and fraud. Watch Biden’s cabal-team and you will find all three in their daily activities. Biden’s cabal was monitoring my computer and learning a possible way to save the Democrat Party for the crime they had committed for decades… They changed their mind by reading my columns and used the information to change their foreign policy and save their skin…

Fox News, celebrating Independence Day, presented a wonderful show of American History under the title: Fighting America’s Enemies on June 2, 22. Those were incredible stories about Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others, their bravery, love for the county and our American Constitution. President Biden is the opposite of them: he is fighting the U.S. Supreme Court and using the enemy to save his party. We have never experienced the chaos we have today. Look at our country: open borders, surging violence, killings, vandalism, robbery, and arson have a common denominator in America—the wrong and long-range policy of the so-called Democrat Party. Alas, we still don’t know Russia and her Intel to uncover the puzzle of Stalinist Socialism in America and Putin is destroying us with impunity…

Although it is painful to admit, the truth must be known: Ukraine cannot sustain a protractive war against Russia without International help. There are many reasons why, but using this column, I’ll tell you the major ones: War in Ukraine is a part of a global war waged by Socialist/Communist forces against Western civilization and American Capitalism for the last hundred years. Putin is a devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov, who continued this war by widening a Global Spy Ring in the 21st century. Without knowledge of Russia we can’t successfully fight China. Russia colonized Africa in the 20th century, China is colonizing South America today. These two are connected by the umbilical cord of the ideology. Stalin had created the same Intelligence apparatus in Russia and China. He married Communist ideology with Islam—all Islamic terrorism was designed by the Russian KGB Mafia/Army, including the attacks on 9/11. To learn Stalinism read my books, especially: The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism XLIBRIS, 2006.

America Mirrors the Russian Socialist Revolution

Witnessing what is going on in the year 2022 America, had reminded me of the predicament in 1917 Russia. Ayn Rand called the Russian Socialist Revolution a coup d’état. She was right. Let me tell you how it was happening. Duma like today was the Russian Parliament in St. Petersburg. Russia was at WWI and using the people’s frustration of the war, Bolshevik’s faction in Duma planned the revolution. They were designing to act from two different locations: the Duma and the streets. An army of Bolshevik’s agitators had been working within the Russian Army to demoralize the soldiers, agitating them to kill their Officers, go home and join the anti-war demonstrations on the streets, manifested themselves against the war. The unspeakable killings have begun in the city. The Bolshevik’s agitators had entered Moscow and spread to other cities with the same plans—demonstrations and killings inundate Russia …

Meanwhile, Bolshevik’s faction in Duma has begun a fight against the Provisional Government of the Russian Republic led by Alexander Kerensky. The Russian Republic lasted three months, Bolshevik’s faction was very successful and Alexander Kerensky ran from St. Petersburg in a women’s dress. There is no coincidence that I am writing about Socialist Revolution in America using the term Socialist Charlatans constantly. I use the term because I know Russian history: from the beginning of the Russian Socialist Revolution there was born Socialist Modus Operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud. That exact Modus Operandi has been used by Bolshevik’s faction against the Russian Republic and its leader in Duma Alexander Kerensky. You know the result. I am leaving for you to make the conclusion…

When I am writing this line, the TV is telling the country about the tragic shooting in the parade in Chicago. The shooting from the roof hit me immediately, it is the method in the Russian military protocol. The Russian KGB was often using the method of liquidating-assassinating the opposition’s leaders that exact way during the demonstrations. This was the act of terrorism and I smelled the Russian connection with either George Soros, Bernie Sanders or with BLM, Antifa, or other criminal groups of Socialist Charlatans in America. The mass-shooting will never end, until we learn the Russian history and Stalinist Intelligence and Security Apparatus, which is destroying our republic from within. It is shocking; President Biden spent more time battling the U.S. Supreme Court then expressed outrage at the mass-shooting in the parade celebrating the Fourth in Chicago, let alone the nuclear deal with our enemy Iran…

I have to repeat again: knowledge of Russia and her Intelligence and Security Apparatus is a Must. This knowledge will reveal the foreign invasion on our Southern border organized by Putin, the way he has managed the Muslim Invasion to Europe in 2015, explaining by me in my several columns. The open season on the police officers started under Obama will continue under Biden. In short: All America’s problems derived from decades of collusion between Russia and the Democrat Party. Those crimes can be stopped only by knowledgeable FBI Director, we don’t have. Christopher Wray is the person responsible for current crises in America and the world…

My fellow Americans!

Knowledge is power! We can’t fail, our children and grandchildren will never forgive us! Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save America the Beautiful.

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued and at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.