Energy Expert and Congressional Candidate, Niki Conforti, on Biden’s Energy Policies thumbnail

Energy Expert and Congressional Candidate, Niki Conforti, on Biden’s Energy Policies

By Dr. Rich Swier

WHEATON, Ill. /PRNewswire/ — As a candidate for Illinois’ 6th Congressional District and an Energy Consultant, I feel compelled to speak out on the current state of energy in America, because America’s energy policy is a matter of National Security.

Being energy dependent as a country, as we are today, is not only costly to the American people, it weakens America’s position on the world stage.

By subverting our own energy suppliers, the Biden administration and their policies have put us at the mercy of foreign oil. It shifts the power structure away from America to countries like IranVenezuelaChina – and RussiaRussia’s invasion of Ukraine is just one adverse effect of this transfer of power.

Regaining energy independence will again tip the scales of the world power in America’s favor. America is the largest force of good in the world. A strong America will keep tyrant countries in check and benefit the whole world.

At home, being energy independent will lower the price of gas to fill our tanks and heat our homes. Lowering prices will temper inflation – which is at a 40 year high today.

As an off set to this, the current Administration is pushing renewable energy and electric vehicles. According to one executive order signed by Biden, the US is to achieve 100% carbon free electricity by 2030 and 100% electric vehicles by 2035.

This is not feasible. Renewable energy is not the sole solution for American energy as advocated by this administration.

One reason is the battery storage that is needed requires lithium, which is mostly produced in China. Beyond that, we would need to utilize much of today’s farmland and natural preserves for wind and solar fields to meet the demand for energy. Not to mention the problem with disposing of them and the costs involved.

Pushing renewables as the panacea to our energy needs will keep us dependent on foreign countries, like China, and lead to more problems down the road.

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