How Corporations and a Nonprofit Partnered to Stop the Red Wave thumbnail

How Corporations and a Nonprofit Partnered to Stop the Red Wave

By Jihad Watch

The IRS let the Left ‘Rock the Vote’ in the midterms.

The Left’s most successful youth voter turnout operation began when a Fort Lauderdale record store owner was busted for selling 2 Live Crew’s ‘As Nasty as They Wanna Be’ album.

The record store owner was convicted of obscenity charges after Judge Jose Gonzalez had denounced the rap album, containing numbers such as ‘Me So Horny’ and ‘Dick Almighty’, for its “references to violence against women and abusive sex”. The record store owner would later be busted for selling cocaine and was accused of pushing crack through his store.

While he did not have a happy ending, music industry executives at Virgin Records, worried about the impact of obscenity rulings on their bottom line, created Rock the Vote. Officially its purpose was to mobilize youth turnout to avoid having the country run by older politicians who just didn’t “get the youth”, or at least the destructive culture that older executives were pushing on the youth, but RTV was a Democratic voter turnout operation from the very beginning.

“Did you know youth voters canceled out every voter over 65+ for 2022?” Rock the Vote recently bragged. The voters they wanted to cancel out were Republicans and moderate Democrats.

Music industry executives co-founded Rock the Vote with Steve Barr: a finance chair of the Democratic Party. The voter turnout operation, famous from its MTV days, helped turn the Democrats away from the party of Tipper Gore and the party of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

In the 80s, Hollywood and the Democrats had attempted to appeal to Middle America and normative values. By the 90s, they triumphantly tossed those overboard and redefined themselves as the hip edgy transgressives who were leaving the stodgy Republicans behind. Democrats in the 80s had criticized the excesses of the entertainment industry, but by the 90s, beginning with Bill Clinton, they had become politically and culturally inseparable from it.

And that’s how ‘Me So Horny’ led to a youth voter turnout operation that played a significant role in midterm elections where Democrats depended on their vote.

Facing widespread discontent from virtually every adult demographic, with Latino, Jewish, Asian and even black voters shifting toward Republicans, they bet on Generation Z. And it delivered.

In the midst of a terrible economy and a crime wave, Democrats were boosted by a demographic least likely to share adult concerns about the economy, schools and public safety, and most likely to be animated by phantom ideological narratives about social justice, abortion and global warming.

Democrats enjoyed the highest turnout for younger voters in a generation with a 31% turnout. Especially in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan.

That doesn’t just happen.

Rock the Vote, which claims to be nonpartisan and can only operate only on the condition of not expressing a party preference, published an officially branded table, boasting that, “Why wasn’t 2022 a red wave? The youth vote. Young voters were the only age group with a strong majority support among Democrats.”

This partisan message, like the entire RTV agenda, is one big violation of the tax code.

In the midterms, Rock the Vote used social media influencers to target the youth vote. Afterward the organization posted a list of Gen Z politicians whom they described as “dominating the polls and being elected.” All three were Democrats. There were no Republicans on the list.

Maxwell Alejandro Frost, had been the organizing director of March for Our Lives, which partners with Rock The Vote. Nabeela Syed was a veteran of Emily’s List. Cassandra Levesque was backed by Planned Parenthood. RTV was championing not only Democrats, but leftists backed by the partisan groups it was partnering with. Yet another abuse of its nonprofit status.

RTV’s Featured Civic Technology Partners is a damning list of radical leftist groups and political allies like Black Lives Matter, March for Our Lives, MoveOn, Planned Parenthood, The Arab American Institute, assorted unions, the NAACP, the National Iranian American Council: known by some as the ‘Iran Lobby’ and CAIR. ‘As Nasty as They Wanna Be’ indeed.

Missing from the list is anything remotely resembling a right-leaning or conservative group.

What began with Madonna rhyming, “Dr. King, Malcolm X/ Freedom of speech is as good as sex” now has Black Lives Matter’s DeRay McKesson as a director at RTV. But behind the pop culture were the industries that were able to influence elections while partnering with a nonprofit.

Rock the Vote has partnered with NBA teams, Cox cable, Foot Locker, Gap, WarnerMedia, Macy’s and Yelp to name a few of the companies partaking in its ‘Brands for Democracy’.

While officially RTV is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan nonprofit, its director, Jessica Reeves currently serves, “as a political appointee in the Biden-Harris Administration as Director of Public Engagement at the Small Business Administration.”

Rock the Vote is not only nonpartisan, it has a direct connection to the Biden administration’s public engagement team. That makes it not only partisan, but is being partly supervised from inside the administration of a prospective presidential candidate. That’s blatantly illegal.

RTV’s upper echelons are stacked with Democrat political operatives.

Muthoni Wambu Kraal, another director, worked for the DCCC, Obama and as the National Political & Organizing Director for the Democratic National Committee. She also sits on the board of ActBlue. RTV’s president, Carolyn DeWitt worked on the 2012 Democrat convention.

Amanda Brown Lierman, RTV’s co-chair, doubles as the campaign director for a leftist SuperPAC and formerly worked for Obama. An official with a partisan SuperPAC playing a role in what claims to be a nonpartisan nonprofit involved in elections is a major red flag.

But there’s little ambiguity about the fact that Rock the Vote is a Democrat voter turnout operation under people who have specialized in turning out Democrat voters.

Rock the Vote was ahead of the curve in combining corporate partnerships and nonprofits to boost Democrat voter registration and turnout. Rock the Vote’s blueprint has since become the Democrat standard without the IRS ever lifting a finger against a nonprofit blatantly violating the tax code.

As discussed in Internal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, a pamphlet from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the IRS has allowed leftists to build massive nonprofit networks aimed at achieving their political agenda. That includes campaign operations.

In my recent talk, I broke down how the Democrats have replicated every element of their campaign operations through nonprofits so that every public estimate of election spending is far off because it does not take into account the massive impact of 501(c)(3) cash that secures voter registration, messaging and turnout to invisibly shape and sway election results.

The effects, like the recent midterms, appear unnatural and impossible unless you understand what the machine fed by massive amounts of harvested data and virtually unlimited amounts of tax-exempt cash from major donors and corporate alliances is doing behind the scenes.

Rock the Vote’s agenda, which it’s not at all shy about, is championing leftist agenda items and electing Democrats to implement them. Or as RTV put it, “Whether it’s climate justice, healthcare, inflation, reproductive rights, education, or something else, there’s a lot on the ballot right now. Don’t let your voice go unheard!”

RTV’s partisan activities mean that it has no right to operate as a 501(c)(3). It is directly involved in fundraising to mobilize partisan voter registration and election turnout. Voter registration and outreach by nonprofits is only legal on the condition that it’s “conducted in a nonpartisan manner.” RTV never operated in a nonpartisan manner and it certainly isn’t doing that now.

But Rock the Vote’s abuses of the tax code have become too commonplace among nonprofits as discussed in the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s series on the IRS and nonprofit abuses.

The midterms demonstrated how effective Democrats have become at illegally using their nonprofits to find voters to outweigh the public will.

And what that means is that we are all subsidizing a leftist political machine.

As Internal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo lays out, Democrats have built a massive nonprofit political machine funded by taxpayers and abetted by the IRS. The DNC can afford to spend a mere $5 million on its voter registration campaign because most of the work is already being done for it by an army of nonprofits  with nearly infinite budgets.

But a new generation of elected officials and investigators may be ready to rock Rove the Vote.

Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.