Jenner: ‘Disaster’ Los Angeles DA Gascón is ‘Enemy Number One’ thumbnail

Jenner: ‘Disaster’ Los Angeles DA Gascón is ‘Enemy Number One’

By Discover The Networks

Friday on Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom, Fox contributor Caitlyn Jenner blasted George Soros-backed, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón as an “absolute disaster” and public “enemy number one” for his harmful Progressive crime policies.

Gascón is facing a second recall effort for implementing policies like not seeking enhancement allegations, which can significantly extend prison sentences for violent offenders, and barring prosecutors from charging juveniles as adults, even those accused of serious crimes.

This is happening in all cities across the nation, and they all have one thing in common, and that’s very liberal, progressive [District Attorneys],” Jenner said. “Here in Los Angeles, the exact same thing. Our D.A. George Gascón is an absolute disaster. He is actually enemy number one for the people because of what’s happening with the crime. He just doesn’t want to prosecute crime.”

Jenner said it’s gotten so bad, a friend who works in real estate in Beverly Hills said buyers often ask if prospective homes have a “safe room” to hide out in if there is a break-in. “This has to stop,” Jenner said. “The people of Los Angeles have to get together, and we have to get that guy out of here.”

George Gascón

10 Known Connections

Crime Rates Skyrocket in Los Angeles

Gascón’s approach to criminal justice led to swift and dramatic increases in rates of violent crime in Los Angeles. In 2021, for instance, there were 52 percent more homicides and 59 percent more shooting incidents than in 2019. Gascón gave those figures little importance, saying: “The reality is that we go through these cycles, and we go through the cycles for a variety of reasons…. In many ways we cannot prosecute our way out of social inequalities, income inequalities, the unhoused, the desperation that we have.”

To learn more about George Gascon, click here.

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