Justice Alito’s Leaked Majority Opinion Draft of Dobbs v. Jackson
By Shawnna Bolick
Editors’ Note. The following is a message to the supporters of AZ Representative Shawnna Bolick (LD 20) who is currently a Republican candidate for the Arizona Secretary of State. We share Ms. Bolick’s timely message about the egregious leak of the SCOTUS opinion and the left’s partisan attack on the judiciary, the correctness of overturning Roe v. Wade and Casey, and the central issue of states’ rights with the readers The Prickly Pear.
Two things are true about Justice Alito’s leaked majority opinion draft of Dobbs v. Jackson:
- This unprecedented disclosure is damaging to SCOTUS and our judicial system. Motivated by a partisan agenda, the Democrats are threatening the foundation of our institutions to raise money and GOTV efforts. If they are willing to undermine SCOTUS just for a few bucks and a few votes, there’s nothing they won’t do to tip the scales their way. I’m glad an investigation has been launched to find out who has caused irreparable harm to SCOTUS.
- Conservatives have reason to be cautiously optimistic that we might see the day that Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey are finally overturned and the egregious decision that has wrought chaos on our country is finally put to rest. The leaked draft is not official, but let’s remain hopeful that SCOTUS doesn’t succumb to the Democrats’ tactics to pressure the justices to change their vote.
But even in the leaked majority opinion draft, Justice Alito is 100% correct: “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision…Roe was egregiously wrong from the start.”
This has always been about states’ rights, no matter how the Democrats try to spin it. That’s why I signed on to a pro-life amicus brief last fall to ensure that America’s laws match the science and reflect our commitment to human rights. I was also proud to vote to limit abortion after 15 weeks, which our Governor recently signed into law.
Learn more about Shawnna Bolick at www.bolickforarizona.com.
America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)
This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

This article is courtesy of ThePricklyPear.org, an online voice for citizen journalists to express the principles of limited government and personal liberty to the public, to policy makers, and to political activists. Please visit ThePricklyPear.org for more great content.