Marco Rubio Is Right, The Postwar Liberal Order Was A ‘Dangerous Delusion’ thumbnail

Marco Rubio Is Right, The Postwar Liberal Order Was A ‘Dangerous Delusion’

By John Daniel Davidson

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Editors’ Note: Today is the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump. The essay below states well the critical and much needed directional change ahead for the United States. The history and dangers of the ‘liberal order’, the ‘open society’ and the dissolving societal norms and character of America away from its Judeo-Christian founding are well acknowledged by the author. The 2024 election has defined the judgement of American citizens that a historic change in the direction in how America functions is needed. So much has been providential in bringing Donald Trump back to the office of President. Marco Rubio is a superb choice for the Secretary of State to affect the directional and essential changes in U.S. foreign policy to ensure the survival and strengthening of the greatest nation on earth. In a few words, this means to “Make America Great Again”.

It’s long past time to reconsider our suicidal obsession with an open society and recognize that America is more than just an idea.

Dring his confirmation hearing for secretary of state on Wednesday, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., leveled a searing critique of the postwar international order and the globalist ideology that sustains it. For generations, that ideology has dominated the corridors of power in Washington and guided American foreign policy almost without question. It has not served us well, and it’s long past time to discard it.

Rubio took direct aim at the postwar liberal order in his opening statement, signaling a major shift in American foreign policy under a second Trump administration. In Rubio’s telling, repudiating postwar globalism means a return of American foreign policy based on the American national interest, a recovery of our American identity, and a recognition that our national interests are not always going to be aligned with the interests of the so-called “international community” or global corporations.


It was a “dangerous delusion,” said Rubio, to think that the end of the Cold War meant the end of history and “that all the nations of the world would now become members of the democratic western-led community, that a foreign policy that served the national interest could now be replaced by one that served the liberal world order, and that all mankind was now destined to abandon national sovereignty and national identity and would instead become one human family, and citizens of the world.”

The hallmarks of this delusional ideology, Rubio went on, included “an almost religious commitment to free and unfettered trade,” which was pursued at the expense of our national economy. It also included “an irrational zeal for maximum freedom of movement of people,” which has caused a “mass migration crisis.” (Note that Rubio doesn’t qualify or limit this merely to “illegal immigration.”)

These twin pillars of the postwar liberal order, free trade and open borders, are the logical policy endpoints of the globalist ideology that first gained traction in the aftermath of World War Two and were adopted without question at the end of the Cold War. Where did this ideology come from though, and why has it been so thoroughly embraced for so long?

One of the major architects of it was Karl Popper, an Austrian philosopher who during World War Two wrote The Open Society And Its Enemies, a major philosophical work which would prove massively influential in the decades after its publication in 1945. Popper believed the fascist regimes responsible for the Second World War arose from what he called the authoritarian personality, which produced a tribal or “closed society,” marked above all by deference to authority and subordination of the individual to the collective. Such societies tend to be nationalistic, authoritarian or totalitarian, and committed to concrete ideas about transcendent or metaphysical truth.

The task facing the world in the aftermath of World War Two and the horrors of Auschwitz, wrote Popper, was to ensure that nothing like that could ever happen again. The only way to do that, he argued, was to banish the closed society altogether, reject transcendence, embrace disenchantment, and pursue a radically open society. Popper was a philosopher of science, and wrote in a formal, academic style, but his anti-metaphysical ideas translated to a politics of openness and a society in which everything was open to critical questioning and empirical falsification. Nothing was really true, in other words, except the need for openness and a rejection of what R.R. Reno has called “the strong gods” of national identity, religion, and transcendence. Popper thought we must define for ourselves the truths we need, even truth about reality itself: “Facts as such have no meaning; they gain it only through our decisions.”

In his 2019 book, Return of the Strong Gods, Reno argues that Popper’s influence on the postwar liberal order cannot be overstated — and that’s a big problem for us today. The danger of an open society is that at some point it begins to come apart. If nothing binds a nation together, it cannot cohere, and will eventually collapse.


Today we aren’t facing the war-ravaged world that Popper was, but one that has been dangerously weakened by the open society ideology that he espoused. “Our problems are the opposite of those faced by the men who went to war to defeat Hitler,” writes Reno. “We are imperiled by a spiritual vacuum and the apathy it brings. The political culture of the West has become politically inert, winnowed down to technocratic management of private utilities and personal freedoms. Our danger is a dissolving society, not a closed one; the therapeutic personality, not the authoritarian one.”

This is what Rubio was getting at in his opening statement, and it’s a theme that’s been running right through the heart of our political discourse since Donald Trump came down the escalator in 2015. Are we going to be an endlessly open society, committed only to open borders and free trade, with no sense of national solidarity or loyalty to the American nation and people? Or are we going to rediscover what the West cast aside after World War Two, and embrace again the loyalties and truth-claims that enable a nation and a people to cohere and pursue their collective interests over and against those of other nations?

To be sure, Rubio and Trump and the entire populist MAGA movement stand in contrast to a bipartisan consensus that has ruled in Washington for many decades now. In his televised address on Wednesday, President Joe Biden repeatedly referred to America as an idea. It’s a familiar claim, that America is based on the universal proposition that all men are created equal, therefore anyone who accepts the proposition can become an American.

But the limits of this claim should by now be obvious. America is more than an idea, it is a people bound together by a shared past and a common future. We have a distinct language, culture, and way of life. We are also not, as Elon Musk thinks, simply an indifferent meritocracy derived from a proposition of human equality. Much of Asia is also a meritocracy, and no one mistakes it for America.

Indeed, the proposition of human equality at the heart of our nation is above all a religious claim, specifically a Christian one. We have to understand “America as an idea” in that context. If America is an idea, the idea is not some version of the radical individualism and anti-metaphysics of Karl Popper, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the inheritance of Christian Europe. Put another way, the idea is western civilization itself, formed and sustained by Christian claims about God and man.

In concrete policy terms, a rejection of the postwar liberal order and a return to a politics of national solidarity will mean turning away from unfettered global free trade that benefits multinational corporations at the expense of America’s working families. It will mean rejecting mass immigration — legal and illegal — and recognizing that open borders are a force for destabilization and social chaos. And on the world stage it will mean recognizing that America’s national interests are not always served by deference to international bodies, corporate profits, and a rising GDP.


This article was published by The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.

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The Hostage Deal – Necessary But Awful thumbnail

The Hostage Deal – Necessary But Awful

By Neland Nobel

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

A moral quandary of the first order.  Release terrorists for hostages so that more terrorists can take more hostages and kill more innocents later.

It appears that at least one portion of the Israeli-Gaza War is winding to a close.  The two sides seem close to an agreement that will swap Israeli captives for Muslim terrorists, with some security arrangements in Gaza to protect against future attacks like October 7th. Biden, Trump, and Qatar all seem to be taking premature victory laps as the deal, while announced, has not been finalized. Last-minute demands by Hamas may yet scuttle the deal.

Most concede that the deal floated last May could not have occurred without Trump’s bold intervention and his “hell to pay” statement. The role of Trump’s envoy, who had no official power, is also controversial. Israel must keep good relations with Democrats by throwing Biden and his allies a bone, and they must give Trump an early victory.


The Israeli government is under tremendous pressure from the US and from the Left inside Israel to do this deal. Let’s hope that they don’t follow typical US results: win on the battlefield but lose at the peace table.

There are a number of elements that we don’t like. While we fully understand the anguish families inside Israel are feeling, it should be noted that except for 5 IDF soldiers, the captives largely came from kibbutzes along the border with Gaza and are part of the Israeli Left. They are the folks always crying land for peace, openly engaged Arabs as employees who betrayed them, and they have paid a heavy price for their naiveté. However, they also are pressuring their government in a way that will endanger themselves again and other Israelis as well. They deserve no political victory for this behavior. 

Once again, Israel will return about 1027 hardened terrorists for a handful of entirely innocent hostages. Yes, apologists will say there is already precedent for this. About 10 years ago, Israel exchanged just one hostage (a soldier) for a thousand terrorists.  Among them, notably, was one who became the leader of Hamas, who unleashed the October 7th massacre. In short, you give up a lot to get very little, and experience shows it costs more innocent lives later.

Is it worth the death later to get emotional relief for a handful of families in the short term? Israel is a small country, really a large family, so we can fully understand the anguish that can be exploited by the Left.  However, the security calculus is just not there.  It makes little security sense to release thousands of terrorists, many convicted in a court of murdering innocents, for just a handful of entirely innocent hostages.

Sometimes, a bad precedent does not need to be honored. Terrorist enemies know full well the desperation for hostage return by Israelis, and thus, they play that card with gusto. They know the Israeli Left will go into the streets as their ally to put pressure on the government. They also know they can depend on the American Left as well. In short, such a concession encourages more hostage-taking, which is a brutal thing to do to get an agreement.

Speaking of agreements, the whole premise is based on a false assumption. You get something; we get something for an agreement. However, one side does not honor agreements and will break them whenever expedient. Israel will never be protected by “agreements” made with people well known not to honor agreements. This is political theatre, not authentic arrangements for security.


The moral asymmetry is also uncomfortable. Israel must exchange innocent civilians, captured in their homes and abused in captivity in unspeakable ways for terrorists who perpetrate horrible violence on innocents with full knowledge of what they are doing. In fact, they do these grotesque things with great pride, calculation, and religious justification. The term “hostage swap” conveys the idea of moral equivalence. Both sides took hostages, and to get peace, we have to have an even deal. It is not an even deal. Young women taken at the “Rave Music Festival” did not harm Gazans, but Gazans did grave harm to innocent revelers. Where is the equivalence?

Gazan civilians also actively played a role in abusing and incarcerating hostages.  Indeed, some Gazans might not agree and have to live under an oppressive regime that is brutal to any civilian challenging Hamas political leadership. But, independent polls suggest the vast bulk of Gazans supported the invasion of October 7th.

In fact, this whole sordid story is one of a “land for peace” that proved a failure. Having failed multiple times, the International Left, the UN, and Democrats will propose it again and again.

Knowledgeable people know this, but we are afraid some of the American public will look at this and say, “Well, both sides have been fighting for a long time, and both sides have to move for peace.” But there would have been no war, no destruction of Gaza if terrorists had not invaded. Gazans got their land, the government of their choosing, valuable agricultural facilities, and modern infrastructure.  They got a massive amount of international aid. They used it to build tunnels, rockets, and arms. They did not use the funds to build a viable and decent government for their people. They invaded another country, and they started planning for it almost the moment they got “land.” They even used their good relations with some of the kibbutzim to gain intelligence so their brutal invasion would have the maximum shock value.

These two sides are not morally equivalent, and making a lopsided agreement to swap innocents for murderers does not make it so.

Finally, we are concerned that the incoming Trump administration is in too much of a hurry to duplicate a Reagan-like hostage release.  There are Americans among the Israelis, and we get that. Trump wants a political victory as he takes office.  He could get it later. How many future Israeli and American lives are we giving up to get this political applause?

If there is a consolation, we guess that Hamas will soon violate the terms of this agreement, and we hope that Trump will then allow Israel to finish the job in Gaza.

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Biden’s Statement on the Equal Rights Amendment Is Straight From the Land of Make-Believe thumbnail

Biden’s Statement on the Equal Rights Amendment Is Straight From the Land of Make-Believe

By Thomas Jipping

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

With just days before leaving office, President Joe Biden has shared his personal belief that the Equal Rights Amendment is now part of the Constitution. This isn’t the first time that he’s been wrong on both the facts and the law, but, even as personal observations go, this one is particularly absurd.

Here, for the umpteenth time, are the facts. The Constitution provides that Congress, by a two-thirds vote, may propose an amendment to the Constitution and that it becomes part of the Constitution when ratified by three-fourths of the states (38) in the manner Congress requires.

Rep. Martha Griffiths, D-Mich., introduced House Joint Resolution 208 in 1971 to propose this language: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”


As Congress had done 10 previous times, it included a seven-year deadline for state ratification in her resolution. The women’s groups backing the ERA supported doing so, and everyone knew that the deadline was binding.

Congress passed Griffiths’ resolution and sent it to the states on March 22, 1972. As the March 1979 deadline approached, 35 states had ratified the ERA, but five of those had pulled their support. Even after Congress (in a move later found unconstitutional) added 39 months to the process, that’s where the tally stood. The amendment failed to get the support of 38 states. The ERA was dead.

Just ask feminist leader Gloria Steinem, who was asked about the ERA’s status during an appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in January 1986. Steinem said that the ERA “now has to start the process over again, … be passed by the House and Senate, and go through all of the states’ ratification process.”

Even the liberal National Public Radio acknowledged just a few years ago that the 1972 ERA “fell short and expired in 1982.”

The Congressional Research Service says that the 1972 ERA “formally died on June 30, 1982.”

The U.S. Civil Rights Commission, in a report authored by none other than future Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, said that the 1972 ERA had to be ratified by its deadline to become part of the Constitution. It’s not part of the Constitution because it wasn’t ratified by the deadline.


So, what on earth is Biden talking about? Well, three states—Nevada in 2017Illinois in 2019,and Virginia in 2020—passed resolutions “ratifying” the 1972 ERA decades after it expired.

Here’s some fantasy math for you: Start with the 35 states that passed ratifying resolutions, ignore the five states that withdrew their support before the deadline, and add the three states that pretended to ratify after the deadline and …. wait for it …. there are your 38 states! There might a universe where that makes sense, but it’s not this one.

Only two issues are relevant here. First, did Congress have authority to set a ratification deadline when it proposed the 1972 ERA? Yes. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld this authority in 1921. The Justice Department, during both Republican and Democratic administrations, has repeatedly agreed. I examined the arguments in detail (for example, here and here) and came to the same conclusion. I explained that conclusion to a House Judiciary Subcommittee in September 2023.

Second, had at least 38 states ratified the 1972 ERA by the deadline? The answer is no, whether you include or exclude the rescinding states. I don’t mean to sound condescending, but 35 and 30 are both less than 38. But don’t listen to me, take it from Ginsburg. In 2020, she said that the ERA should “start over” because “there’s too much controversy about latecomers.”

A stronger proponent of the ERA should be difficult to find, yet she asked the crucial question: “If you count a latecomer on the plus side, how can you disregard states that said, ‘We’ve changed our minds’?” Indeed.

In his statement, Biden said he agreed with the American Bar Association and “leading legal constitutional scholars” that the 1972 ERA is now part of the Constitution. I examined the scholars’ arguments at length in September 2023 and responded to the Bar Association last August. Like other ERA advocates, Biden must live in a world of make-believe where deadlines are the beginning, not the end, and where states ratify proposed amendments that do not exist.

States have sued, hoping to force the archivist of the United States to declare that the 1972 ERA is now in the Constitution. None of that spaghetti has stuck to the legal wall: The First Circuit Court of Appeals and the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected those arguments.

It’s worth noting what Biden did not do. While expressing his personal belief on the issue, he said nothing about the archivist declaring or certifying anything about the 1972 ERA.

Led by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand,  D-N.Y., 47 Senate Democrats recently wrote Biden asking that he order the archivist to do so. The president neither has authority to do so, nor would his directive have any legal effect. And besides, the archivist said a month ago that “legal, judicial, and procedural decisions” prevent any certification. Either way, Biden’s statement never even mentioned the senators’ demand.

Finally, Biden’s own Justice Department has rejected his view. The department defended the archivist in one of those lawsuits and, in its appellate brief, argued that, while the states “argue that the ERA has been validly adopted notwithstanding the congressional deadline, they have not identified any relevant legal authority establishing that this is so.”

Neither did Biden.


This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit: Shutterstock

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Republicans Need A Forceful Answer To Democrats’ Deceptive Questions On The 2020 Election thumbnail

Republicans Need A Forceful Answer To Democrats’ Deceptive Questions On The 2020 Election

By Margot Cleveland

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Editors Note: The author is very perceptive in that she finds most Democrats don’t want an answer to the question of whether Trump lost the election; they simply demand we accept the flawed process where both election rigging and election fraud took place. They seek humiliation, not elucidation. If we don’t accept the interference by Federal agencies, intervention by Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, their secret collusion with both the press and the Democrats, speech-suppressing social media moguls, and illegal last-minute changes in the election rules, we must be “against democracy.” Those who have abused the process the most demand that we respect “the process” that they tarnished and manipulated. We are not against democracy. We are against democracy being defrauded. Biden “won” all right. Democracy lost. 

It’s past time for Republicans to provide a pithy answer to counter the Democrat’s deceptive question about the 2020 election.

Democrats continue to play games with the Senate confirmation hearings. And while the Trump nominees remain unscathed by the “gotcha” questioning, someone needs to forcefully, substantially — and in a sound-bite — answer their query about whether Donald Trump “lost” the 2020 election.

Pam Bondi, Trump’s nominee for attorney general, sidled near the sweet spot when Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., asked her if she was “prepared to say today under oath without reservation that Donald Trump lost the presidential contest to Joe Biden in 2020.”


“Ranking Member Durbin, President Biden is the president of the United States. He was duly sworn in, and he is the president of the United States,” the attorney general nominee replied.

Durbin persisted, though, asking whether she had “any doubts that Joe Biden had the majority of votes, electoral votes necessary to be elected president in 2020.”

Bondi reiterated that she “accept[s], of course, that Joe Biden is president of the United States, what I can tell you is what I saw firsthand when I went to Pennsylvania as an advocate for the campaign. I was an advocate for the campaign, and I was on the ground in Pennsylvania and I saw many things there, but do I accept the results? Of course I do. Do I agree with what happened, and I saw so much. You know, no one from either side of the aisle should want there to be any issues with election integrity in our country. We should all want our elections to be free and fair and the rules and the laws to be followed.”

“I think that question deserved a yes or no, and I think the length of your answer is an indication that you weren’t prepared to answer yes,” Durbin retorted.

Sen. Dick Blumenthal, D-Conn., would later revisit the 2020 election, intoning that he was “really troubled” and “deeply disturbed” by Bondi’s response to Durbin: “You have to be able to say that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. You dodged that question when you were asked directly by Senator Durbin.”

Bondi forcefully condemned the senator’s comments: “You said ‘I have to sit up here and say these things.’ No, I don’t. I sit up here and speak the truth. I’m not going to sit up here and say anything that I need to say to get confirmed by this body. I don’t have to say anything. I will answer the questions to the best of my ability and honestly.”


While Bondi’s pushback was beautiful to see, it’s past time for Republicans to provide a pithy answer to counter the Democrat’s deceptive question.

As I explained last year when the legacy media hounded then-Sen. J.D. Vance to say Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, there is a fundamental flaw in the question: “The query includes an undefined term — ‘lost’ — which holds a different meaning to Trump supporters and to the anti-Trump inquisitors.”

“If ‘lost’ merely meant Biden is the president of the United States, then that’s an easy answer: Yes, of course, Trump lost, as Biden was inaugurated,” and he is currently nearing the end of his four disastrous years in the Oval Office. But that’s not what those demanding an acknowledgement that Trump lost mean by “lost,” and yesterday’s hearings confirmed that reality, for Bondi repeatedly and expressly attested that, yes, Joe Biden is the president of the United States.

What Durbin, Blumenthal, and pretty much everyone else demanding a “yes” or “no” answer to whether Trump lost the 2020 election seek is a concession that Trump’s election challenges were frivolous, unfounded, or wrong. Democrats inject such concessions into their meaning of “lost.”

That’s why Bondi answered Durbin’s question as she did, by stating both that she accepted that Biden is president of the United States and that she saw firsthand issues in Pennsylvania’s election.

In other words, it depends on what you mean by “lost.”

Republicans need to make this point more explicit, first to stop the silly game of “gotcha,” but second to remind Americans what Democrats and the media did to “win” in 2020. Here, the other meanings of “lost” come into play.

“If asked whether Trump ‘lost’ the 2020 election, meaning that if all legal votes were counted and all illegal counts discarded — and the counting was done legally pursuant to controlling election law —” the answer should be a resounding, “I don’t know.”

As I wrote last year: “No one can possibly know the answer to that question because in 2020 there were too many election laws violated or ignored, and too many illegal votes counted. But the lawsuits challenging the election outcomes were tossed as moot once the votes were certified, so there was never a determination on the validity of the tallies, leaving uncertain the accuracy of the election results.”

That’s why election integrity matters because no serious country should leave its citizens shrugging over the accuracy of the vote count.

But “lost” can have a third connotation too, with it posing the question of whether Trump “lost” a free and fair election to Joe Biden. And with this meaning given to the word “lost,” I’d venture to say that an overwhelming majority of Americans would agree the 2020 election wasn’t “free and fair,” but was rigged against Trump.

Republicans need to make that point, and the confirmation hearings provide a perfect opportunity. So, here’s a simple, soundbite for the next Trump nominee cornered with the query, “Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?”

“It depends on what you mean by ‘lose.’ Joe Biden is the president of the United States. But Biden did not win a free and fair election, and the country has suffered the devastating consequences for the last four years as a result of the Biden presidency.”

And the 2020 election was not free and fair: Not when the FBI pre-bunked the Hunter Biden laptop story, causing social media companies to censor the evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s pay-to-play scandal; not when the Biden campaign’s senior advisor, Antony Blinken, “set in motion” the release of a public statement signed by 51 former intelligence agents that falsely framed Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinformation; not when there were “systemic violations of election law” which “disparately favor[ed] one candidate,” and “allow[ed] for tens of thousands of illegal votes to be counted;” and not when illegal drop box were placed in Democrat-heavy precincts and Zuckbucks were used to get out the Democrat vote.

Of course, the Democrat inquisitors will likely try to reframe the nominee’s response as one asserting claims of widespread fraud, which is precisely what the J6 Committee did in its show trial, all while ignoring the substantial evidence of systemic violations of election law. But “that there was no widespread fraud in November 2020 doesn’t mean that the election was not rigged to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.”

With the legacy media’s stranglehold on the news broken, Americans now know many of these facts. So, if Democrats insist on relitigating the 2020 election, Republicans shouldn’t fear forcefully and clearly countering with the truth and then moving on — because the rest of the country has long ago.


This article was published by The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.

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Los Angeles County Residents Sacrificed On The Altar Of Wokeness thumbnail

Los Angeles County Residents Sacrificed On The Altar Of Wokeness

By Mark Wallace

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

“By their fruits ye shall know them,” is an old quote from the Bible (Matthew 7: 16-20).  It is essentially another way of saying that people’s natures and characters are best shown by what they do, not by what they say.  Words are cheap; action is what counts.

The recent disastrous fires in Los Angeles bring into very sharp focus the nature and character of the Progressive Left Democrats who rule Los Angeles County and much of California.  By their actions they left Los Angeles County residents open to destruction by wildfire.

It’s not as if they had no advance warning. There have been disastrous wildfires in California for decades now.  In 2018, the town of Paradise in northern California was leveled by a horrendous fire that claimed 85 lives.  Within Los Angeles County and surrounding areas there has been the Bridge Fire (2024), the Bobcat Fire (2020), the Saddle Ridge Fire (2019), the Station Fire (2009), the Crown Fire (2004) . . . and the list goes on.


With wildfires just around the corner, able to strike with little or no warning, and with the potential for destroying human life and causing billions of dollars of property damage and rendering hundreds or thousands of people homeless, it should have been an absolute top priority — second to none — to move fire protection to the very top of the government agenda.  And to allocate sufficient financial resources to get the job done.

Did Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and her Progressive Left allies move fire protection to the very top of the government agenda?  Of course not.  They cut the budget of the Los Angeles Fire Department by over $17 million.  

The simple truth is that the top of the government agenda in the City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County was occupied with woke matters such as declaring Los Angeles a “sanctuary city” and thereby lending aid and comfort to illegal aliens — criminals, every single one of them — who broke federal law by entering the United States illegally.  Also at the top of the list, way ahead of fire protection, was the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (“DEI”) fraud.  DEI’s basic tenet is the elevation of racial and ethnic identity over merit.  There is also a strong element of “hate whitey” in DEI.  Other items on the agenda over the past several years have been fascist vaccination mandates, masking rules, lockdowns, passing out free goodies to illegal aliens and generously feeding the Homeless Industrial Complex.  And let’s not forget about California spending $50 million to “Trump-proof” the state.  

All of the money spent on these pet woke causes could have been spent on fire protection.  The money could have been spent on saving people’s lives in a wildfire situation.  The money could have been spent on saving people’s property in a wildfire situation.

So what exactly happened in Pacific Palisades and the city of Altadena (which is, or was, east of the City of Los Angeles)?  

There was ample warning that Los Angeles County was about to experience a severe weather event in the form of the Santa Ana Winds.  These are strong winds that blow from the eastern desert areas to the coastline in the west.  They are hot, dry, powerful winds, reaching velocities of up to 100 miles per hour (although more often in the 30 to 70 mph range).  If a fire starts — by an arsonist or by sparks from a power line — the strong winds blow embers downwind, spawning hundreds of additional fires.  The  key to preventing tragedy is for the fire department to get in there quickly and extinguish the blaze before it spreads too far and too wide to be extinguished.


When the fire erupted, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass was on a junket to the African nation of Ghana.  The understaffed and under equipped Los Angeles Fire Department, crippled by millions in budget cuts, valiantly responded but encountered several major problems.  A major reservoir that could have supplied water to fight the blaze was empty.  Not only was the reservoir empty, many of the fire hydrants in the fire areas were empty as well or were only able to trickle out small amounts of water.  Aerial firefighting (think planes and helicopters dropping large amounts of water) wasn’t possible because the Santa Ana winds were too strong for  planes and helicopters to operate in the requisite fashion.

With even the most elementary, basic advance planning, the following reasoning would have become apparent:  If the winds are strong enough, aerial firefighting isn’t possible.  The Santa Ana winds come just about every year in the Los Angeles area and are usually very strong, in many instances strong enough to preclude aerial firefighting.  The possible unavailability of aerial firefighting makes it critically important to be prepared to fight the fire with water from fire hydrants and reservoirs.  Ergo, no effort should be spared to ensure that the fire hydrants and reservoirs have plenty of water.  All that was required was attention to the problem and the money to fix it.

The Leftist Progressive woke-sters who rule Los Angeles couldn’t be bothered to protect Los Angeles residents from wild fires.  Forget about fire hydrants and reservoirs, they had other priorities:  their DEI programs, biological men in girls’ locker rooms, passing out freebies to illegal aliens, feeding the Homeless Industrial Complex, “Trump-proofing” Los Angeles, etc.

In the end, it probably wasn’t so much a matter of money as it was of caring and of prioritizing fire protection over their pet progressive causes.  The cheap words we hear now from these woke-sters are all about protecting Angelenos from wild fires, but their actions  before the fires erupted were to prioritize woke causes over fire protection. 

“By their fruits ye shall know them.”  The Leftist Progressive rulers of Los Angeles chose by their actions to sacrifice on the altar of wokeness the lives of citizens of Los Angeles County together with billions of dollars of their property. 

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The Infamous Delta Smelt Fish Has Not Been Seen in Nearly a Decade – California Allowed Its Cities to Burn to the Ground Over a Fish That They Can’t Even Find Anymore thumbnail

The Infamous Delta Smelt Fish Has Not Been Seen in Nearly a Decade – California Allowed Its Cities to Burn to the Ground Over a Fish That They Can’t Even Find Anymore

By Jim Hoft

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minute

The tiny Delta Smelt fish have not been seen in the wild in California in over a decade.

And yet, California Democrats flushed annual water flow into the ocean to save this little fish that they can’t even find in its natural habitat.

Now several cities are burnt to the ground.


They sacrificed entire communities for a fish that doesn’t exist.

A 2021 report by Dan Bacher in the Sacramento News revealed that there have been NO DELTA SMELT seen in the wild since 2012.
They’re extinct.

For the seventh September in a row, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has caught zero Delta smelt during its Fall Midwater Trawl Survey of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

The last time Delta smelt – an indicator species for the broader ecological health estuary – were found in CDFW’s September survey was in 2015. Only 5 were caught by state biologists at the time.

After that, the only year that Delta smelt were caught during the entire four-month survey was in 2016, when a total of 8 smelt were reported.

The final results of Fish and Wildlife’s four-month survey of pelagic (open water) fish species, conducted from September through mid-December, won’t be available until around the start of next year. The current September 2022 data is available here on the annual state surveys webpage.

Recent research has shown that the water releases are not providing the benefits to the small fish that they originally thought. Their population numbers are nearly nonexistent in the wild…..


Continue reading this article the Gateway Pundit.

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How To Help The Big Blue Bully thumbnail

How To Help The Big Blue Bully

By Neland Nobel

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Wildfires, compounded by poor governance, have ravaged Los Angeles and other areas of California. We really feel for the people who have lost their homes. For many, their family wealth was in that home, and with so many going naked without insurance, this means they have been wiped out. Property loss aside, the death count is rising and will likely continue to do so.

Many have had their businesses destroyed or their employer wiped out. Schools have been destroyed. All of this is very disruptive to families and the greater community.

We feel bad that Californians have been so severely abused by their government.  Stories continue to surface about fire trucks from other jurisdictions being stopped to pass emission standards. Huh? Can you imagine the quantity and toxicity of what is being poured into the air as homes burn with all kinds of plastics, insulation, and roofing materials being incinerated?


The New York Post ran an incredible story about how an “endangered” shrub halted brush clearing. We wonder how those bushes have done in the recent fire.

California has subsidized homelessness and drug abuse. Ironically, tolerating large numbers of deranged and addicted homeless people may well have had a role in the fires.

When it comes to staffing public safety institutions and fire departments, California imposes its “woke agenda” on all hiring practices. We have nothing personally against overweight lesbians, provided they are the very best candidates for the job. This fire suggests they were not selected on merit but instead on their sexual preferences.

And then there are the empty reservoirs, fire hydrants without water, and general abuse of the watershed by putting the interests of a tiny fish ahead of millions of people. It exposes one of the key problems with environmentalism. That problem is the ridiculous assumption that a “pristine state of nature” can be recreated (if such a condition ever existed), forgetting that 40 million people already live in California and are now an integral part of “the environment.”

California created such a hostile regulatory environment and ran such terrible fire prevention policies that major insurance companies have been pulling out of the state. Imagine how bad it must be that a company would not want access to all those clients and the seventh largest economy in the world.

Beyond these recent apparent examples of poor governance, California’s one-party system has created an economic bully of the first order. California often leads the nation in coercing companies to comply with their regulations as if they ran the entire country. Without being “California compliant” you can’t sell certain types of autos, heavy trucks, and even firearms in the state. Since, in many cases, companies can’t afford separate production lines, California “standards” are imposed through coercion and economic blackmail on the rest of the country.


Politically, Californians such as Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Adam Schiff, Diane Feinstein, and others have forced their woke agenda on the rest of the country as well. The state has become a political bully.

California is among the most smug and sanctimonious states related to illegal immigration.

Through Hollywood and fashion, California has become a cultural bully as well. In fact, it is hard to think of a damaging social trend that did not start in California. At one time, the state banned travel by state employees to 26 other states because they were insufficiently compliant with the demands of the LGBTQ+ community.

In short, California has been an obnoxious bully on various political, cultural, and economic fronts for years.

Now, this giant Blue Bully has to look to Arizona and Alabama to bail them out of the problems self-inflicted through years of arrogant Progressivism.

As much as we feel for the people of California, it must also be noted that a large majority of Californians voted for all this crap and that now they want the rest of the country to pick up the cost for the consequences of their flawed voting.  The state is arrogant, and many of its voters are also.

That raises the interesting question: how do we separate the innocent from the guilty? About 40% of Californians voted for Trump.  And many of the eastern, rural counties still lean conservative. But why should the rest of us pay for the consequences of the poor political choices of the majority of voters and their overpowering arrogance? Further, is it wise for the rest of us to continue to facilitate the bad judgment and philosophy that promotes the right to poop in public wherever one wishes to? Are fire protection and law enforcement “California values?”?

California can set its priorities with its own money, but when they ask for our money, don’t we have a right to say something about how it is spent?

Furthermore, recent state actions demonstrate an almost neo-confederate type of attitude, which is a danger to the existence of the union. You can’t allow states to violate Federal law, even if they disagree with that law.  John C. Calhoun was bad enough in South Carolina but would be insufferable in California.

No, we should not facilitate bad behavior by California. It is not optimal for the rest of us; frankly, it has not been good for them.

Therefore, as the cries rise for us to “help California,” that help should be contingent upon them adopting some sane economic and environmental policies. Otherwise, we will have to pay for the next disaster that is sure to follow.

As far as the voters are concerned, we are not sure that Californians fully understand how both they and their state are viewed by the rest of us. They have been bullies on many fronts, so the primary cost and consequences must fall on Californians for this rebuilding. They will have to re-direct their spending. Instead of spending on fire prevention, they have spent more than three times that amount just on their failed homeless policies.

And what about the expense of offering free medical care to all illegal aliens? Why should the rest of us spend money on that? Or their sanctuary cities programs. Money is fungible – aiding them in one area allows them to spend money on nonsense in another.

No, California is currently spending a lot of money on the wrong things that should be re-directed to rebuilding and environmental reform. We should withhold funds until we see that both the voters and their political leaders are willing to reconsider their priorities.  

In short, they have the money to start rebuilding if they do not squander their cash on their woke agenda. The rest of us are not required legally or morally to support their woke agenda.

Yes, help should be given, but with strings attached to require better governance. Notably, we must see a change in their neo-confederate actions.

However, if they can’t come down from their lofty arrogance, at least government funds should be withheld. What private charities and free enterprise choose to do is different. That is money gathered by voluntary action. But from the perspective of tax dollars confiscated by force, you can’t demand that others subsidize your lousy behavior.

California’s Democrats just opened a special session appropriating $50 million to “fight Trump.” Until that legislation is repealed and redirected to help the injured homeowners, we suggest not giving one dime to the Big Blue Bully. Once they abandon free health care for illegals, end sanctuary cities, and adopt sane environmental policies, then it is likely a Federal role will be necessary.

The fiscal condition of the US government is already tenuous at best. It is estimated that it may require upwards of $275 billion to rebuild the area of Los Angeles. It could be well more than that if reconstruction is delayed by California’s legendary bureaucracy. This will make it even more difficult for the Trump Administration to reduce the deficit and fight inflation. And what if more fires destroy more of California?  Until California reforms itself, the expense could be never-ending.

It is time for fiscal tough love for all Americans, but especially for the Big Blue Bully.

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The Prickly Pear is focused on delivering timely, fact-based news, and citizen opinion that reflects our mission to “inform, educate and advocate about the principles of limited government and personal liberty.”

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New Report Highlights Dangers of Male Prisoners Housed in Women-Only Facilities And Details Policy and Legal Reforms Aimed at Protecting Female Inmates thumbnail

New Report Highlights Dangers of Male Prisoners Housed in Women-Only Facilities And Details Policy and Legal Reforms Aimed at Protecting Female Inmates

By Editors of The Independent Women’s Forum

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

“For every woman forced into silence, let this report restore her voice,” said Amie Ichikawa, Independent Women Ambassador

Independent Women released an extensive report, titled “Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Stopping the Dangerous Policies Putting Men in Women’s Prisons,” that emphasizes why women’s prisons should remain as female-only facilities and the threat radical gender ideology poses to female inmates.

May Mailman and Inez Stepman, legal director and legal analyst, respectively, for Independent Women authored the report, which “aims to restore fairness, uphold constitutional protections, and prioritize the safety and dignity of incarcerated women in the face of dangerous and ideologically driven policies,” according to its executive summary.

The executive summary reads, in part:


“In recent years, state and federal policies have increasingly permitted or required male inmates, often with histories of violent or sexual offenses, to be transferred to women’s facilities based on self-declared gender identity. These practices ignore biological differences and the safety of female inmates, many of whom are survivors of sexual violence. Studies reveal alarming statistics: male inmates identifying as women are disproportionately likely to have committed sexual offenses, and incarcerated women face heightened risks of harassment and assault under these policies.”

The nearly 50-page report calls for meaningful action through both policy and legal reforms, such as “[a]mending PREA regulations to prevent gender identity-based transfers to women’s prisons” and “[c]larifying that the ADA does not mandate ‘transition’ services or mixed-sex housing.”

Additional policy and legal reforms include:

  • ​​Protecting incarcerated women’s rights to report abuse without retaliation or erasure of their claims.
  • Eliminating reliance on activist medical guidelines, such as those from WPATH, which lack scientific consensus.
  • Tying federal prison funding to policies that prioritize safety for female inmates.

May Mailman, legal director for Independent Women, said: “Women do not deserve to be housed in locked prisons with violent criminal males, period. During the campaign, Kamala Harris, unashamed of her overt backing of trans-identifying men in women’s prisons, tried to indicate the law required such insanity. She was wrong. ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Stopping the Dangerous Policies Putting Men in Women’s Prisons’ makes clear that policy leaders hold clear authority to protect women and enforce sanity. This is a must-read for politicians and their staff trying to end the predations of gender ideology.”

Inez Stepman, legal analyst at Independent Women, said: “We’ve already seen what the delusion that biological sex is changeable has done to women’s sports and locker rooms. But that those ideologues would extend this idea even to prisons, and subject women to being housed alongside convicted sex offenders under the guise of ‘transition’ is a new level of insanity and callousness towards women’s safety. This isn’t a report I ever thought I’d have to write, but the story of dangerous men being placed in women’s prisons is one that has to be told. The law has been systematically twisted across the country to value the ‘rights’ of men to pretend to be the opposite sex over the physical and mental safety of incarcerated women. I hope the light this report brings to the issue forces policymakers to face the consequences of their ideological decisions and reconsider.”

Amie Ichikawa, a former inmate, Independent Women ambassador, and co-founder of Woman II Woman, a non-profit organization providing re-entry services, parole hearing prep, and advocacy for the safety and dignity of incarcerated women in California, said: “The Prison Rape Elimination Act is basically guidelines on how to report rapes and get funding for it. In over 20 years, it has not eliminated prison rape. The unfortunate reality is that it has done nothing to improve the safety or well-being of incarcerated women. It needs to be overhauled, and this detailed report is the starting point for ensuring women in our nation’s county jails and state and federal prisons are protected from all forms of sexual abuse.”


The report’s release comes less than a year after the launch of IW Features’ exclusive docu-series, “Cruel & Unusual Punishment: The Male Takeover of Female Prisons.” Through the ongoing Cruel & Unusual Punishment documentary series, IW Features, the grassroots storytelling program of Independent Women, brings voices to light who detail the untold, gruesome story about what’s been happening to female inmates behind closed doors. As more and more prison systems allow men to declare themselves “women” and opt to be housed in facilities meant for women-only, the voices of those most affected deserve to be heard.

The “Cruel & Unusual Punishment: The Male Takeover of Female Prisons” docu-series has highlighted the following stories:

  1. Male Rights ‘Overrode Ours’: Former Inmate Jennifer Barela Exposes Sex Discrimination After Women’s Prisons Welcomed Men
  2. Exposing ‘Trans Supremacy’ Inside Women’s Prisons | Amie Ichikawa’s Story
  3. Our Sentence Wasn’t To Be Abused,’ Says Female Rape Alissa Kamholz Victim Forced to Live Behind Bars With a Man
  4. Prison Guard Hector Bravo Ferrel Resigns After ‘Immoral, Dangerous’ Trans Policies
  5. Sexual Assault Victim Evelyn* Shares ‘Trauma’ of Prison’s Transgender Policies
  6. Female Inmate Dana Gray Sexually Harassed By Fully-Intact Male Inmate Speaks Out From Behind Bars
  7. Retired Law Enforcement Official Richard Valdemar Calls Out ‘Bigotry’ of Prison Self-ID Policies
  8. Female Inmate Tomiekia Johnson Blasts Policies Forcing Her to Live With Men
  9. Inmate Cathleen Quinn Loses Parole After Objecting to Trans Prison Policy
  10. Longtime Prison Teacher Alicia Beckmann Quits After Male Inmates Were Transferred to Minnesota Women’s Facility
  11. Seattle Jail Nurse Olivia* Quits After ‘Unsafe’ Trans Policies Force Female Inmates to Share Space With Predatory Men
  12. Female Inmate Crystal Jackson Says Washington’s Trans Prison Policy Has Robbed Her of Her Religious Freedom
  13. Female Inmate Channel Johnson Says ‘Trans’ Male Prisoner Manipulated Her into Sexual Relationship


This article was published by  Independent Women’s Forum and is reproduced with permission.

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Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, Bullhorn for the Muslim Brotherhood thumbnail

Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, Bullhorn for the Muslim Brotherhood

By Khaled Abu Toameh

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Promotes Jihad, Radical Islam, Terrorism. Even Israelis and Palestinians Agree!

The Palestinians have finally discovered that Qatar’s Al-Jazeera television network — which has long been serving as a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and virtually all other Islamic terrorist groups — is “broadcasting inciteful content, spreading misinformation, and interfering in internal Palestinian affairs, which [the Palestinian Authority Ministerial Committee] claimed stirred division and instability.”

On January 1, the Palestinian Authority (PA) announced the suspension of Al-Jazeera’s broadcast operations in the West Bank, ordering the temporary suspension of work by all journalists, staff and associated channels affiliated with Al-Jazeera, adding:


“The decision will remain in effect until the network resolves its legal status, which was deemed in violation of applicable laws and regulations in Palestine.

“The suspension is reportedly temporary and will remain in effect until the network addresses its legal status in accordance with Palestinian regulations.”

The PA’s decision to freeze Al-Jazeera’s broadcast operations came in response to the network’s coverage of clashes between PA security forces and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin Refugee Camp in the northern West Bank. The clashes erupted last month after the gunmen, many of whom are affiliated with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, stole two vehicles belonging to the PA.

The incident seriously embarrassed the PA, which ordered its security forces to launch a major security operation against the Iran-backed gunmen in the camp. As part of the crackdown, the PA has cut off water and electricity supplies to the residents of the camp:

“The Jenin Refugee Camp has been under intense pressure for over a month, as residents grapple with the ongoing violent campaign led by the Palestinian Authority (PA) forces. The situation has worsened for the camp’s 14,000 residents, who face severe shortages in food, water, electricity, and medical care, as well as significant restrictions on movement.”

Since the beginning of the security operation, Al-Jazeera broadcast several reports accusing the PA and its security forces of killing innocent civilians inside Jenin Refugee Camp. Al-Jazeera, in addition, interviewed several Palestinian and Arab political analysts and activists who strongly criticized the PA and accused it of collaboration with Israel. The reports enraged the PA leadership and finally prompted it to ban Al-Jazeera from operating.

“Some media outlets, first and foremost Al-Jazeera, spread lies about the situation in Jenin Refugee Camp,” charged Anwar Rajab, spokesperson for the PA security forces. In an implicit reference to Iran, Rajab said:

“Some regional parties are trying to escalate the situation in Palestine through the outlaws [gunmen]. We call on our people to look after the children to prevent them from falling prey to the extremism Islamic State (ISIS) ideology.”

Hours before the PA announced the suspension, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate revealed that a number of Palestinian journalists had filed complaints against the TV network for its “non-objective media coverage, which included provocative material and reports that were misleading and incite internal strife.” The syndicate added:

“[T]he current editorial policy of Al-Jazeera Network management reflects incitement and spreading discord in Palestinian society… and its coverage of events serves its incitement agenda and ignores journalistic professionalism.”

It is hard to say that the Palestinian Authority was surprised by Al-Jazeera’s incitement and lack of journalistic professionalism.


For decades, the PA was prepared to tolerate incitement and lack of journalistic professionalism as long as they were directed against Israel. For decades, the PA has been aware that Al-Jazeera serves as a mouthpiece for Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and other radical Islamic Jihadists in the Middle East, including Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

The PA refrained from taking action against Al-Jazeera, mainly out of fear of facing a backlash from human rights and press-freedom organizations, as well as fear of angering rich and powerful Qatar.

The PA also did not see a need to act against Al-Jazeera so long as the network did not incite against the PA leadership and its security forces.

Al-Jazeera’s support for the gunmen in Jenin Refugee Camp and its recurring criticism of the PA over the past month finally convinced the PA leadership that the network poses a threat to PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s regime in the West Bank.

According to an investigative report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI):

The Al-Jazeera TV network is an arm of the Qatari regime. It is owned by the government and carries out its foreign policy by means of indoctrination of the Arabic-speaking masses worldwide. Al-Jazeera, therefore, should not be discussed as a means of telecommunications, but instead as an unyielding and forceful political tool of Qatari foreign policy under the guise of a mass media network.

“Among the Islamist terrorist organizations that Qatar and Al-Jazeera have supported over the years are the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hizbullah, the Al-Nusrah Front/ Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, ISIS, Hamas, and even the Shiite Iranian proxies in Yemen, Ansar Allah (the Houthis)…

“Al-Jazeera was the prime power for toppling the secular authoritarian regime in Egypt, when Qatar, by means of Al-Jazeera, supported the Muslim Brotherhood in ousting then Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. Al-Jazeera, the single most significant platform for mainstreaming jihadi and Muslim Brotherhood ideology, was the power that accorded [Muslim Brotherhood member] Mohamed Morsi his victory [in Egypt’s 2012 presidential election].”

For many years, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and Chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a key element of Muslim Brotherhood thought in the Muslim world, was given a weekly hour-long religious program on Al-Jazeera which he used to espouse antisemitic, homophobic and anti-Western views and to praise the Holocaust and promise another one – this time “at the hand of the believers.”

According to the MEMRI report, Al-Jazeera’s role in providing a platform for promoting extremist Islamist ideologies goes back decades:

“The case of promoting Al-Qaeda is of particular interest. Two months before 9/11, Al-Jazeera gave an Al-Qaeda spokesman, Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, free rein to speak uninterrupted for 10 minutes, and to call for 12,000 mujahideen (warriors) to join Al-Qaeda.

“Al-Jazeera employed a correspondent, Tayseer Allouni, who was sentenced in Spain to seven years in prison for transferring funds to Al-Qaeda…

“Al-Jazeera’s official role in the current Israel-Hamas war is no where more evident that its exclusive broadcast of Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif on the morning of Saturday, October 7, 2023, at the very time that Hamas terrorists were carrying out their mega-terror attack in Israel, killing over 1,300 and taking more than 250 Israelis and foreign nationals hostage into the Gaza Strip. In the recording, Deif declared the launch of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ and incited all Palestinians to join the war, using all means in their possession – guns, knives, Molotov cocktails, and vehicles.”

Since the beginning of the Gaza war, Al-Jazeera has been serving as the semi-official mouthpiece of Hamas. The station regularly broadcasts exclusive footage of terrorist attacks on Israeli soldiers and provides a free platform for the terror group’s leaders and spokesmen.

It is no wonder that Israel decided several months ago to shut Al-Jazeera. The Israeli decision was denounced by many governments and human rights organizations, with some dubbing it a “dark day for democracy.” Israel closed down Al-Jazeera because the TV network was openly assisting Hamas. Similarly, the Palestinian Authority has banned Al-Jazeera after accusing it of incitement, spreading misinformation, and supporting Iran-backed Islamist armed groups in the West Bank.

Both Israel and the PA understand that Al-Jazeera is not an ordinary media outlet concerned with news and journalistic professionalism. They have both come to the conclusion that Al-Jazeera’s goal is to promote radical Islam and terrorism. It now remains to be seen whether the US and other countries will follow suit and stop the Qatari-owned TV station from supporting terrorism, poisoning the hearts and minds of millions worldwide, and ravaging global security.


This article was published by The Gatestone Institute and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit:  Wikipedia

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Weekend Read: Weaponizing Law Enforcement Against Americans thumbnail

Weekend Read: Weaponizing Law Enforcement Against Americans

By Kenin M. Spivak

Estimated Reading Time: 20 minutes

House investigations reveal that the Deep State and the Biden-Harris Administration are engaged in a massive repression of American freedoms.

Reports released by two House committees in December shine a harsh light on the deceptions and oppressive tactics utilized by numerous federal agencies, the Intelligence Community, and leaders of the Democratic Party. During the last year of the first Trump Administration, agencies within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), State Department, and Justice Department (DOJ) initiated improper contacts with media in an effort to censor conservative views. These agencies also took steps to interfere in the 2020 election to benefit Joe Biden.

The Biden-Harris Administration supercharged the weaponization of the federal government against the American people. With the active participation of the media, the administration followed a whole-of-government effort to collude with, and coerce, the media to suppress and censor conservatives and others who opposed progressive goals. It threatened parents with terrorist “threat tagging” and visits from the FBI for speaking their minds, stretched statutory authority beyond recognition to prosecute Donald Trump and his supporters, harassed and penalized whistleblowers, invaded bank privacy, sent heavily armed federal agents into private homes, and brought an unprecedented barrage of litigation against states to force them into compliance with the administration’s unconstitutional goals.

On December 17, 2024, the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight (Administration Subcommittee) released its report on the events surrounding January 6, 2021 and the politicization of the Select Committee (January 6 Committee) established by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate those events. Three days later, the House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government (Justice Subcommittee) released a 17,000-page final report detailing the administrative state’s and the Biden-Harris Administration’s repressive censorship enterprise and other abuses.


Based on the evidence described in these reports, there are two inescapable conclusions: (1) regardless of the administration in office, the Deep State in DHS, DoD, DOJ, IRS, the Intelligence Community, and other agencies have arrogated to themselves unconstitutional and unlawful powers to infringe individual liberties, expand rules, and use force to suppress conservatives’ goals, religion, and free speech; and (2) the Biden-Harris Administration, Pelosi, and leading Democrats endorsed, supported, facilitated, and led the expansion of these efforts.

These reports are products of extensive investigations and include copious evidence. Though the Administration Subcommittee’s report can be faulted for its angry tone, a vainglorious pandering to its chairman, Barry Loudermilk, and sometimes hyperbolic conclusions, it provides compelling evidence of wrongdoing. Broader in scope and more thoroughly researched, the Justice Subcommittee’s report is the product of a detailed inquiry into a broad betrayal of trust. Justice Subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan is to be commended for uncovering problems and taking steps that have already ameliorated some of these practices.

The findings in these reports show why the Trump Administration must clean house. That is why Trump has nominated sometimes controversial individuals such as Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, Pete Hegseth, Pam Bondi, John Ratcliffe, Russell Vought, and Rick Grenell. It explains Trump’s impulsive, properly withdrawn nomination of Matt Gaetz and the creation of DOGE as an advisor outside of government. It is why so many of Trump’s appointees have expressed concern about the agencies they have been selected to lead.

Above all, the administration must not redirect targeting—it must eradicate these stains on the American soul.

An Illegitimate, Rigged Show Trial

I believe Donald Trump erred by holding his “Save America” rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, separating his call for a peaceful march by 8,500 words words from his peroration, in which he implored the crowd to “fight like hell,” and his dilatory public response to the ensuing violence. I condemn the demonstrators who entered the Capitol or resisted orders to disperse.

Nonetheless, the exaggerated, partisan accounts of that day, invective used by Democratic leaders and the media for political advantage, and the unjustifiable divergence between the fierce overcharging of those with even a scintilla of connection to the January 6 events and the near indifference to the violent left-wing rioters who, following George Floyd’s death, killed or injured hundreds of Americans, burned down billions of dollars of private property, destroyed police stations, occupied cities, and laid a sustained siege to the federal courthouse in Portland, is inexcusable.


The evidence shows that from the outset, the January 6 Committee was rigged to condemn President Trump and lay the foundation for Congress or the courts to reach a finding that he was guilty of insurrection, thereby triggering grounds for prohibiting him from again serving as president under the 14th Amendment. To achieve this result, the January 6 Committee was organized in violation of House rules, and was selective in pursuing its mandate, parsing its evidence, and writing its report. It stage-managed its public hearings and then covered up its wrongdoing by deleting, withholding, and encrypting its files.

On June 30, 2021, the House passed H.R. 503, establishing the January 6 Committee to investigate the “facts, circumstances, and causes” of January 6, and the “preparedness and response” of law enforcement. It included an exemption to House Rule 11 that gave the Committee’s chairman the power to greatly limit questions from the Republicans who would be appointed to the Committee.

Furthermore, House Rule 10, Clause 5 requires that the members of standing committees be elected “from nomination[s] submitted by the respective party caucus or conference.” Speaker Pelosi named seven Democrats and one Republican—Liz Cheney. Two of those Democrats, Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff, previously served as impeachment managers against President Trump. Prior to being selected, Cheney pledged, “I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office.”

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy proposed five Republicans, but in an unprecedented violation of House rules, Pelosi rejected his nominees. She then named Republican Adam Kinzinger as the final member of the January 6 Committee.

Even with the exclusion of Rule 11, H.R. 503 still required Chairman Bennie Thompson to consult with the Republican ranking member before issuing subpoenas or ordering depositions. House rules require each of the party caucuses to select its ranking members. Because Pelosi excluded Republican nominees, there was no Republican ranking member (though the committee pretended that Cheney served that function). Some of those subpoenaed by the January 6 Committee challenged the subpoenas on this basis, but the courts deferred to Congress.

All committee chairs have the responsibility to archive committee records with the Clerk of the House, who subsequently stores those records with the National Archives and Records Administration. H.R. 503 further requires that all January 6 Committee records be transferred to any committee designated by the Speaker; Pelosi designated the Committee on House Administration.

The January 6 Committee failed to archive or provide the Administration Subcommittee with video recordings of witness interviews, as many as 900 interview summaries or transcripts, and more than one terabyte of digital data. The January 6 Committee also delivered more than 100 encrypted, password protected documents for which it never provided the passwords.

Once underway, the January 6 Committee focused on hyping the horrors of January 6 and assigning blame to Trump. It generally ignored its mandate to investigate preparedness and the response, because that would have established that Trump authorized and directed 10,000 National Guard soldiers to be available to ensure security and safety, and that Pelosi declined that assistance. Because there were no Republican-selected members on the January 6 Committee, there were no cross-examinations, witnesses called, or evidence reviewed at the behest of Republican-selected members.

Every investigatory committee hopes for its John Dean, Nixon’s White House counsel who testified about his first-hand knowledge as a participant in the cover-up of the Watergate break in. The January 6 Committee’s pale substitute was Cassidy Hutchinson, the then-24-year-old Coordinator for Legislative Affairs for White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Hutchinson testified about things she claims to have been told and about a letter she claims to have transcribed, but which the evidence suggests never happened.

Following her second uneventful interview with January 6 Committee staff, Hutchinson drastically switched her narrative and began testifying to a variety of unsubstantiated and uncorroborated claims. It is not clear why she did so, but the Administration Subcommittee uncovered evidence of secret conversations between Hutchinson, former White House employee Alyssa Farah Griffin, now a co-host of ABC’s The View, and Liz Cheney. Cheney improperly influenced Hutchinson to fire her attorney and referred her to a number of new attorneys, including a lawyer from the multinational law firm Alston & Bird whom Hutchinson then retained.

Based on hearsay, Hutchinson claimed that Trump had lunged toward the Secret Service driver of his car after his request to go to the Capitol was denied. Trump, the individual Hutchinson claimed gave her the information, and the agents with Trump that day have denied her claim. But after her third interview and retaining the Alston lawyer, Hutchinson suddenly recalled that she heard White House employees saying that Trump had agreed that Pence should be hung. Though there is no corroboration of this allegation, the January 6 Committee featured it throughout its hearings and in its report.

Hutchinson also claimed that she transcribed a note from Meadows, and edited by White House lawyer Eric Herschmann, that conceded that anyone who entered the Capitol without authority had acted illegally. The Administration Subcommittee retained an independent certified handwriting expert who said that Hutchinson’s story is false. Herschmann denies the note is genuine.

The Administration Subcommittee refers to Cheney’s actions as “witness tampering” and recommends a criminal referral and, implicitly, bar discipline. That goes too far by criminalizing common misbehavior; it may be emotionally satisfying, but it will not improve American government.

In 2022, HBO released Pelosi in the House, a documentary directed and produced by Alexandra Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. It includes footage of Pelosi and members of House and Senate leadership after being evacuated from the Capitol on January 6. The January 6 Committee was in possession of the footage throughout is investigation, but did not publish or archive it.

In one clip, Pelosi admits to her Chief of Staff, Terri McCullough, that they bear responsibility for the lack of security at the Capitol. Discussing her failure to call up the National Guard, Pelosi states, “I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

The Administration Subcommittee also uncovered evidence that senior Defense Department (DoD) officials intentionally delayed deploying the National Guard to the Capitol, despite Trump’s contrary directions. According to interviews conducted by the DoD Inspector General, during a January 3, 2021 meeting that included Trump, Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, Trump warned about the large number of protestors expected on January 6 and authorized 10,000 soldiers or National Guard to “make sure it’s a safe event.” Miller promised that there was a plan to do so. Milley further testified to the Inspector General that Trump ordered DoD to use all assets necessary to guarantee the safety of everyone in Washington, D.C. on January 6.

The Administration Subcommittee concluded that in the course of the investigation by the January 6 Committee, DoD and the Biden-Harris Administration possessed information that the Secretary of the Army misled senior congressional leaders by stating that the D.C. National Guard was “on the way” at a time it was not.

It appears that the Biden-Harris Administration, including DoD and the January 6 Committee, colluded to omit from the investigation and its report exculpatory information that would have shown that President Trump attempted to work with DoD and the National Guard to ensure the security of the Capitol at the time of his planned rally on January 6.

Oddly unmentioned in the Subcommittee’s report is that Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon were prosecuted and sentenced to four months in prison for refusing to testify before the January 6 committee—the first former White House official to be imprisoned for a contempt of Congress conviction and the first time in 65 years that anyone has been prosecuted for refusing to testify before a House committee. That last time, and each of the ten times before then, the individuals who were imprisoned refused to testify before the reviled, highly partisan House Un-American Activities Committee.

The Administration Subcommittee’s report shows that the events of January 6 were preventable, and that Trump’s speech that day would not have resulted in a riot, or at the least the riot would not have penetrated the Capitol, if Democratic leadership had accepted assistance offered by the president or if DoD had mobilized the National Guard sooner.

While Trump is not without blame for the events of January 6, the January 6 Committee was an undemocratic, rigged, partisan show trial akin to Soviet and Chinese trials that are staged to justify a result rather than find the truth.

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Censorship Complex

The Justice Subcommittee obtained internal communications from social media platforms, Amazon, and others in which executives of these companies attribute suppressing and censoring videos, posts, and other content to “pressure” from the Biden-Harris Administration. For example, on the administration’s third day, the White House emailed Twitter (now X) to demand that a tweet by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. be “removed ASAP.”

Previously unknown is that under intense pressure from the White House, Amazon also suppressed placement and promotion of certain books critical of the administration.

The Justice Subcommittee report concluded that: (1) Big Tech changed its content moderation policies because of pressure from the Biden-Harris White House; (2) the censorship campaign targeted not just falsehoods but also true information, satire, and other content, including Americans’ personal experiences; (3) the censorship campaign had a chilling effect on other speech; (4) the Biden-Harris White House had leverage because of its power over policies that affected media companies; and (5) the Biden-Harris White House pushed censorship of books, not just social media.

The Biden-Harris censorship enterprise had its origins in the Obama and Trump Administrations. Following the 2016 election, offices within the executive branch began efforts to covertly censor Americans’ free expression. The FBI formed the Foreign Influence Task Force in the fall of 2017. The Global Engagement Center (GEC), a multi-agency entity housed within the State Department established by President Obama in early 2016 to counter terrorism, expanded its mandate in 2017 to include countering foreign disinformation, and later also domestic speech (the GEC was closed down on December 23, 2024 when Congress refused to continue its funding). The DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) formed the Countering Foreign Influence Task Force in 2018, which evolved under Biden into the “Mis, Dis, and Malinformation Team” (MDM) in 2021 to counter foreign and American speech.

Once the Biden-Harris Administration took office, these censorship efforts expanded. Senior members of the Biden-Harris White House immediately began a months-long pressure campaign on Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, and other companies to censor views disfavored by the Biden-Harris Administration. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence created the Foreign Malign Influence Center in 2021. DHS created the Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board in May 2022, soon disbanded following broad condemnation. CISA also built out and met with its MDM Advisory Subcommittee throughout 2022.

Even during the Trump Administration, key activities of this censorship complex involved “inoculating” the public against damaging stories about Biden family influence peddling and taking other steps to bolster Joe Biden’s candidacy against Trump.

Foreign Censorship

The Justice Subcommittee demonstrated that the threat to Americans’ free speech increasingly includes foreign governments, including Brazil, the European Union, and Australia, but that the Biden-Harris Administration failed to defend Americans’ rights. For example, the Justice Subcommittee determined that in 2022, the FBI facilitated censorship requests to American social media companies on behalf of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), a Ukrainian intelligence agency then infiltrated by Russian security services. The SBU transmitted to the FBI lists of social media accounts that allegedly “spread Russian disinformation.” The FBI requested—and, in some cases, directed—the world’s largest social media platforms to censor Americans engaging in constitutionally protected speech online, including a verified State Department account and accounts belonging to American journalists.

The Biden-Harris Administration also failed to protect Americans confronting censorship outside the United Sates. In Brazil, Justice Alexandre de Moraes forced American companies such as X and Rumble to cease operations in Brazil after they refused to comply with his illegal censorship orders. A European bureaucrat threatened American companies with retaliation under European law for facilitating political discourse in the United States. Australia considered legislation that purported to censor online speech globally. The Justice Subcommittee report observed that the Biden-Harris Administration refused to take a leadership role opposing these efforts. Likely that is because multiple Biden-Harris officials, including Harris and former climate czar John Kerry, have characterized the First Amendment as an obstacle rather than an essential right (see herehere, and here).

Artificial Intelligence

The Justice Subcommittee also uncovered strong evidence that the Biden-Harris Administration covertly tried to coerce AI companies by pressuring developers to censor new models, funding the development of AI-powered censorship tools, and collaborating with censorious foreign nations on AI regulations. The Justice Subcommittee identified examples of the Biden-Harris Administration funding the development of both AI-powered censorship tools and pressing tech companies to selectively exclude disfavored information when training generative AI in order to bias or censor responses.

With regard to potential AI legislation, the Justice Subcommittee report recommends that Congress follow four principles to protect Americans’ right to free expression: (1) ensure the federal government is involved in private AI algorithm or dataset decisions; (2) ban funding of censorship related research; (3) end foreign collaboration on AI regulations involving the censorship of lawful speech; and (4) avoid AI regulation that gives the government coercive leverage.

Non-Governmental Proxies

The Justice Subcommittee described how the federal government colluded with private and academic institutions to target and censor Americans’ speech, including (1) how CISA used proxies and partners to target and censor Americans’ election-related speech; and (2) how the National Science Foundation funded and supported the development of AI-powered tools that would supercharge the government’s ability to censor disfavored speech.

The most notable effort to cover up government censorship efforts was CISA’s (and later GEC’s) partnership with Stanford University’s Internet Observatory, called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was launched in 2020 during the Trump Administration. Instead of focusing on legitimate cybersecurity threats, EIP focused on so-called misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, and mutated into the nerve center of the federal government’s domestic surveillance activities.

On November 10, 2021, CISA director Jen Easterly gave a speech in which she asserted that CISA is in the business of protecting infrastructure, and “the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure.” She went on to say that Americans should not be free to determine the truth.

Under Easterly’s tenure, CISA (1) worked with federal partners to mature a whole-of-government approach to curbing alleged misinformation and disinformation; (2) considered the creation of an anti-misinformation “rapid response team” capable of physically deploying across the country; (3) moved its censorship operation to the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC), a CISA-funded non-profit, after Missouri and Louisiana, along with several other plaintiffs, sued CISA and the Biden-Harris Administration; and (4) used the same CISA-funded non-profit as its spokesperson to “avoid the appearance of government propaganda.” Members of CISA’s advisory committee internally worried that it was “only a matter of time before someone realizes we exist and starts asking about our work.”

In a draft of its 2022 recommendations, a CISA subcommittee recommended that it step up the use of outside organizations in performing its functions, which increasingly focused on censoring Americans. Though correctly warned by CIA legal counsel that “the government cannot ask an outside party to do something the Intelligence Community cannot do,” CISA disregarded that advice to bypass the First Amendment and “avoid the appearance of government propaganda.”

One method CISA used to censor Americans is called “Switchboarding.” This is the federal government’s practice of referring requests for the removal of content on social media from generally Democratic state and local election officials to the relevant platforms. For the 2022 election cycle, CISA transferred this function to EI-ISAC. The FBI was often copied or referenced in requests to suppress or remove content, signaling that it would take action if the request was not acted upon.

CISA claimed that its mission did not include censoring “content that is polarizing, biased, partisan or contains viewpoints expressed about elections or politics,” “inaccurate statements about an elected or appointed official, candidate, or political party,” or “broad, non-specific statements about the integrity of elections or civic processes that do not reference a specific current election administration activity.” But in practice, state and local election officials used the CISA-funded EI-ISAC to silence excluded criticism and political dissent.

For example, in August 2022 a Democratic government official in Loudoun County, Virginia, reported a Tweet featuring an unedited video of a county official, “because it was posted as part of a larger campaign to discredit the word of” that official regarding Loudon County’s on-going dispute about the use of Critical Race Theory in county schools. EI-ISAC sought to assist that county official, demonstrating that her “misinformation report” was nothing more than a politically motivated censorship attempt.

Following increased public awareness of CISA’s role in government-induced censorship, and the Justice Subcommittee’s issuance of subpoenas to Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Meta in February 2023, CISA scrubbed its website of references to domestic MDM. Prior to the cleansing, the domain “” was associated with a webpage titled “Mis, Dis, Malinformation,” which included an overview of CISA’s efforts to censor foreign and domestic actors.

The Biden Justice Department led efforts to stall compliance by CISA and its private partners with Justice Subcommittee subpoenas.

Election Interference Operations

The Justice Subcommittee found extensive evidence of a concerted campaign by the FBI to preemptively debunk—or “prebunk”—allegations about the Biden family’s influence peddling scheme in advance of the 2020 presidential election. Starting prior to the New York Post’s October 14, 2020 report about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, this campaign—during Trump’s first term—included warning social media platforms about a pre-election Russian influence operation relating to Hunter Biden and the Ukrainian company Burisma. As a result, many social media platforms adopted policies that suppressed or banned coverage of the Post’s story as a potential Russian hack-and-leak operation.

The FBI had been in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop since late 2019, and used it in one or more investigations in 2020. It knew the laptop was real and that its contents were authentic, but did not correct the false justifications for censoring the Post’s story.

Even after social media companies stopped censoring the stories, 51 former intelligence community officials, using their official titles and citing their national security credentials, released a public statement suggesting that the story “had all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” The Justice Subcommittee obtained communications among signers, however, that established that many doubted the laptop was in fact Russian disinformation. The Justice Subcommittee investigation revealed that the public statement was politically motivated from the start. As former CIA Director Michael Morell testified, it was designed to “help Vice President Biden” in his presidential campaign.

As the emails soliciting signatures made clear, “We think Trump will attack Biden on the issue at this week’s debate,” and “we want to give the [Vice President] a talking point to use in response.” The Justice Committee’s interim report detailed how Morell spearheaded the statement after receiving a call from then-campaign advisor, and later Biden Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. The Biden campaign coordinated the statement’s dissemination to the media.

Nonetheless, in their public statements, interviews, and communications, the signers did not correct Politico, MSNBC, or other media that reported the statement as establishing the laptop was Russian disinformation, or proactively seek to correct that perception. Rather, the Intelligence Community worked to diminish the reach of stories that could be seen as harmful to Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

report issued jointly by the Justice Subcommittee and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence detailed previously nonpublic information that CIA officials, including Trump CIA Director Gina Haspel, were aware of the statement before its publication. In fact, some of the signatories, including Morell, were under contract with the CIA at or about the time of its publication and had access to confidential information that discredited the letter’s purpose.

In a debate with Trump on October 22, 2020, Biden referred to the statement as proof that the laptop was a Russian hoax, and that Trump’s attacks were “garbage.” Numerous signers lauded Biden’s use of their statement in their internal communications.

A book written by Andy Slavitt, a senior advisor to Biden who was deeply involved in the censorship enterprise, criticized Americans who disagreed with the administration’s overriding the Constitution as an “obsession with individual liberties.”

Weaponizing Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Against Americans

The FBI leadership’s trend toward political partisanship in recent years has disturbed the ranks of front-line FBI agents. FBI whistleblowers disclosed examples of waste, fraud, and abuse at the Bureau. They characterized the FBI leadership as “cancerous,” “enveloped in politicization and weaponization,” “rotted at its core,” and having a “systemic culture of unaccountability.”

According to the Justice Subcommittee, the FBI brutally retaliated against many of them for breaking ranks—suspending them without pay, preventing them from seeking outside employment, and purging suspected disloyal employees. The FBI also abused its security clearance adjudication process to target whistleblowers. Under pressure from the Justice Subcommittee, the FBI reinstated the clearance of at least one decorated FBI employee.

During the Biden-Harris Administration, the Justice Department and FBI advanced a two-tiered system of justice—investigating and prosecuting individuals or groups with disfavored views. Documents received pursuant to the Justice Subcommittee’s subpoenas show that the FBI singled out Americans who are pro-life, pro-family, and support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction as potential domestic terrorists. It targeted its employees who hold conservative views, investigated parents at school board meetings, and sought to invade Catholic churches in the name of fighting “domestic terrorism.” The IRS, Treasury Department, and other Justice Department agencies, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), misused federal funds to target Americans.

Perhaps nothing is more emblematic of the Justice Department leadership’s disdain for American people than a memorandum issued by Attorney General Merrick Garland on October 4, 2021 to the FBI director and all U.S. attorneys that instructed them to develop strategies to investigate parents who voiced objections at school board meetings. The Justice Department’s documents demonstrate that there was no compelling nationwide law-enforcement justification for the Attorney General’s directive. Rather, the administration’s goal was to silence critics of its radical education policies and neutralize an issue that was threatening Democratic Party prospects in the close gubernatorial race in Virginia.

In response to the Justice Subcommittee’s subpoena, the FBI acknowledged for the first time that, following Garland’s directive, it opened 25 “Guardian assessments” of school board threats, and that six of these investigations were run by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division. According to the FBI, none of these investigations resulted in federal arrests or charges, highlighting the political motives behind the actions.

Under Biden and Garland, the ATF issued a rule to drastically expand the number of Americans who would require a license to deal in firearms. A federal district court judge issued temporary restraining orders prohibiting enforcement of that rule pending a decision in the case. To send a message, a large contingent of heavily armed ATF agents executed a pre-dawn raid of alleged dealer Bryan Malinowski that left him dead. The raid is reminiscent of the FBI’s similar raid against pro-life activist Mark Houk, who was later acquitted of all charges.

In 2022, Congress appropriated $78.9 billion in new funding to the IRS, including $45 billion to hire as many as 87,000 agents. Following approximately a nine month investigation, the Justice Subcommittee cited evidence that the IRS had weaponized unannounced visits against the administration’s political foes, including an unannounced field visit to the home of journalist Matt Taibbi the very day he testified before Congress about government abuse. Though neither Taibbi nor his accountant had ever received a notice from the IRS about an issue with his tax returns, the IRS had opened a case against Taibbi on Christmas Eve—a Saturday—three weeks after he began reporting on government censorship involving Twitter. Taibbi owed no taxes; in fact, the IRS owed Taibbi a substantial refund.

Pressure and oversight about abusive field visits led the IRS to prohibit unannounced field visits to taxpayers’ homes.

The Justice Subcommittee also found that the Justice Department attempted to access private communications from members of Congress and congressional staff involved in conducting oversight of the Department.

Weaponizing Law Enforcement Against Catholic Americans

The Justice Subcommittee revealed and stopped the FBI’s effort to target Catholic Americans because of their religious views.

While the FBI claims it “does not categorize investigations as domestic terrorism based on the religious beliefs of the subject involved,” an FBI-wide memorandum originating from its Richmond Field Office did just that. Under the guise of tackling the threat of domestic terrorism, the memorandum painted certain “radical-traditionalist Catholics” as violent extremists and proposed opportunities for the FBI to infiltrate Catholic churches as a form of “threat mitigation.”

The Justice Subcommittee’s investigation began in February 2023 after a whistleblower revealed the existence of an anti-Catholic memorandum in internal FBI systems. FBI employees could not define the meaning of “radical-traditionalist Catholic” when preparing, editing, or reviewing the memorandum. Nevertheless, this single investigation became the basis for an FBI-wide warning about the dangers of “radical” Catholics.

From witness testimony and FBI internal documents, the Justice Subcommittee learned that there were errors at every step of the memorandum’s drafting, review, approval, and removal process. For example, the two FBI employees who co-authored the memorandum told FBI internal investigators that they knew the sources cited in the memorandum, including the Southern Poverty Law Center, Salon, and The Atlantic, had a political bias.

Coordinating with Financial Institutions to Surveil Americans

The Justice Subcommittee’s investigation revealed that federal law enforcement has virtually unchecked access to private financial data, is testing out new methods and technology to embed financial surveillance into the American financial framework, and has deputized the financial sector as an investigative arm (see here and here).

The Bank Secrecy Act authorizes the Treasury Department to impose reporting obligations on businesses and financial institutions, including Currency Transaction Reports for any individual involved in any transaction of over $10,000 and a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) when it identifies a “suspicious transaction relevant to a possible violation of law or regulation.” Documents received by the Justice Subcommittee from at least 17 entities, including banks, crowdfunding sites, money service businesses, and the Treasury Department, show that the FBI has manipulated this process by encouraging banks to file SARs based on names and selectors provided by the FBI. The fact that a SAR has been filed is not disclosed to customers.

The FBI developed typologies that target Americans with conservative views, including gun owners, those concerned with illegal immigration, and those opposed to COVID mandates. Other criteria used for these warrantless searches of financial records include contributions to conservative organizations, including leading legal organizations that defend religious and conservative views such as Alliance Defending Freedom. The FBI also uses search terms like “MAGA” and “TRUMP” and has treated purchases of religious texts or firearms as indicators of “extremism.”

The Justice Subcommittee discovered that financial institutions confidentially report millions of Americans’ transactions to the federal government and that at least 25,000 government officials have access to search and download Americans’ financial information from government repositories without a warrant.

Weaponizing the FTC Against Elon Musk

The announcement of Elon Musk’s proposed acquisition of Twitter generated an enormous backlash among elected officials and activists on the Left, some of whom called for the federal government to “block” the purchase.

On April 25, 2022, Twitter accepted Musk’s offer. Three days later, an attorney for Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina Khan sent an email to the other commissioners requesting that they vote the following day to approve a previously negotiated consent decree with Twitter that included additional privacy and security protections. Prior to this email, Khan had not circulated a copy of the consent decree or FTC staff recommendations to the Republican commissioners—despite having substantially completed the decree a year earlier. In addition, despite repeated requests, FTC staff had not briefed the Republican commissioners about the proposal. In rushing to a vote, Khan ignored the traditional three-week notice period used by commissioners to study proposals.

Following the closing of the acquisition, Democrats in Washington stepped up their pressure campaign. Seven Democratic senators issued a joint press release calling for the FTC to investigate Musk’s so-called “alarming steps” at Twitter. They demanded that the FTC “vigorously oversee its consent decree” with Twitter, and outlined the different purported grounds on which Musk could have already violated the terms of the decree in his first few weeks of ownership. President Biden signaled support for government intervention, saying that “there’s a lot of ways” the government could review the transaction.

The FTC launched an aggressive campaign to harass Twitter, particularly after Musk took steps to reorient Twitter around free speech. Within three months, the FTC sent Twitter over a dozen letters that made more than 350 specific demands, including that Twitter provide, among other things: (1) information relating to journalists’ work protected by the First Amendment, including their work to expose censorship abuses by Big Tech and the federal government; (2) every internal communication “relating to Elon Musk”; (3) information about whether Twitter is “selling its office equipment”; (4) all reasons Twitter terminated Jim Baker, a former FBI lawyer; (5) information disaggregated by “each department, division, and/or team,” regardless of whether the work had anything to do with privacy or information security.

Khan refused to meet with Musk to discuss the situation until Twitter fully complied with all demands, many of which had nothing to do with the consent decree. Ultimately, after its extensive and expensive harassment, the FTC found no violations of the consent decree.

Democrats’ Target Political Opponents

The Justice Subcommittee also issued two reports (here and here) that summarize already known information about the Democrats’ unprecedented campaign of lawfare to keep Trump off of the campaign trail, drain him of resources, and attempt to prevent millions of Americans from being able to cast a ballot for their candidate of choice. My articles on this lawfare (hereherehereherehereherehere, and here) also discuss its impact on Trump’s lawyers and supporters, whereas the Subcommittee’s reports focus on Trump.

Most conservatives believe in restraint. We try to win with integrity, logic, and tradition. That leaves us unprepared for asymmetrical attacks from the Left.

“Freedom is fragile thing,” Ronald Reagan warned in 1967, “it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.”


This article was published by The American Mind and is reproduced with permission.

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End Of Biden’s Title IX Rule Change Hailed By Arizona Lawmakers thumbnail

End Of Biden’s Title IX Rule Change Hailed By Arizona Lawmakers

By Daniel Stefanski

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Arizona Republicans are applauding a recent court decision that helps to protect females.

Late last week, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky dealt a significant blow to a Final Rule from the Biden administration on Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The court ruled that “the Final Rule and its corresponding regulations exceed the Department’s authority under Title IX, violate the Constitution, and are the result of arbitrary and capricious agency action.”

According to the press release issued by the Arizona Senate Republicans, this Biden administration rule “required schools to allow boys and men in girls’ and women’s private spaces like restrooms and locker rooms, on their female-only sports teams, and to disregard other sex-based protections created for the safety, security, and well-being of biological females within federal law.”


In a written statement, Senate President Warren Petersen said, “We are grateful for the conservative attorneys general nationwide who are working tirelessly to protect women and girls from bigger, stronger boys and men, while the radical Left continues to ignore not only science, but common sense. Women and girls are fighting an uphill battle as progressives try to undo the protections created for them, including Arizona’s Save Women’s Sports Act, which the Republican-led Arizona Legislature is currently litigating while Arizona’s own Attorney General refuses to do so.”

Senator Sine Kerr added, “This is a big victory for the women and girls who’ve had athletic and educational opportunities stripped from them at the hands of biological males posing as females, but there is still much more work to be done. While Governor Hobbs vetoed last year the Arizona Women’s Bill of Rights, Senate Republicans have vowed to continue to push legislation that safeguards women and girls on the playing field, in their bathrooms, their locker rooms, and anywhere else carved out specifically for them. Our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and neighbors deserve to feel safe and supported, and it is our duty as elected officials to ensure their protection.”

After receiving the news of the court order, Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, who led the coalition of attorneys general against the new rule on Title IX, said, “This is a huge win for Tennessee, for common sense, and for women and girls across America. The court’s ruling is yet another repudiation of the Biden administration’s relentless push to impose a radical gender ideology through unconstitutional and illegal rulemaking. Because the Biden rule is vacated altogether, President Trump will be free to take a fresh look at our Title IX regulations when he returns to office.”

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, one of the attorneys general in the coalition also weighed in, saying, “I’m proud to have successfully defended Title IX from the federal government’s power grab that threatened to upend half a century of landmark protections for women and punish States for following their own laws.”

Petersen continues to use his office as the leader of Senate Republicans to help stand in the gap for Arizona in major state and federal legal fights in the absence of Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes. He promises more intervention into legal matters in 2025 as legislative Republicans work toward protecting their state from government overreach and special interests that attempt to take Arizona in radical directions.



This article was published at AZ Free News and is reproduced with permission.

Your Support is Critical

The Prickly Pear is focused on delivering timely, fact-based news, and citizen opinion that reflects our mission to “inform, educate and advocate about the principles of limited government and personal liberty.”

To achieve that mission, Prickly Pear often engages with like-minded contributors and organizations who share our values. We encourage to support these partners in any way you can, as these partners make our efforts possible.

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15 Questions That Will Put an End to the ‘Climate Scare’ Once-and-for-All thumbnail

15 Questions That Will Put an End to the ‘Climate Scare’ Once-and-for-All

By Ronald Stein

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

To support the growth of health and prosperity worldwide for the 8 billion on this planet in the coming decades, and the increasing demand for electricity, and for the 6,000+ products in our materialistic society, and for the various transportation fuels ⏤ will challenge humanity’s creativity to support the supply chains to meet those growing demands.

Government-mandated winners and losers are only applicable to those few in the wealthier countries that can afford huge subsidies, but the reality is that there are no silver bullet answers.

For those outside the few wealthy countries, we see that at least 80 percent of humanity, or more than six billion in this world, are living on less than $10 a day, and billions are living with little to no access to electricity.


Politicians in wealthier countries are pursuing the most expensive ways to generate intermittent electricity. Energy poverty is among the most crippling but least talked-about crises of the 21st century. We should not take electricity, products, and fuel for granted. Wealthy countries may be able to bear expensive electricity and fuels, but not by those that can least afford living in “energy poverty.”

It should be one of everyone’s New Year’s resolutions to acquire a passion to stimulate discussions to enhance everyone’s Energy Literacy. To support and facilitate those CONVERSATIONS, at least three are required:

  • A Moderator: Teacher, student, or Podcast host.
  • A representative of the products and fuels of our materialistic society and
  • A representative of the pro-renewables for zero-emissions electricity.

Here are just a few open-ended starter questions for Teachers, Students, and Podcaster Moderators to stimulate 3-way Energy Literacy conversations:


(1) Limitations of just electricity from renewables. Renewables, like wind and solar, only exist to generate occasional electricity. Since these so-called renewables CANNOT manufacture any of the more than 6,000 products AND the various transportation fuels made from fossil fuels for vehicles, planes, and ships that are demanded by the infrastructures of today, the same infrastructures that did not exist 200 years ago, the question for our conversation is: WHY eliminate fossil fuels when there is no known “replacement” to fossil fuels that can support the materialistic demands for products and fuels of the population and economy that are supporting the 8 billion on this planet?

(2) Most of the products in our materialistic society are made from fossil fuels. Everything that NEEDS Electricity, like iPhones, computers, data centers, and X-ray machines, need electricity to function. All the parts of toilets, spacecraft, and more than 50,000 merchant ships, more than 20,000 commercial aircraft, and more than 50,000 military aircraft are also made from the products based on derivatives manufactured from crude oil, so the question for our conversation is: Why rid only the wealthy countries with “green” movements, of fossil fuels as that would just divert the supply chain of oil to refineries in developing countries, to meet the demands for products and fuels that did not exist 200 years ago?

(3) Only wealthy economies have “green” movements. Of the 8 billion now on planet earth, of which 80% are making less than $10/day and lack many infrastructures being enjoyed by those in the wealthier countries such as Transportation, Airports, Water filtration, Sanitation, Hospitals, Medical equipment, Appliances, Electronics, Telecommunications systems, Heating, and ventilating, so the question for our conversation is: Why are the wealthy countries the only ones pursuing a “green movement” with subsidies and mandates?


(4) Planet Earth’s resources are limited! Our 4-billion-year-old planet has limited natural resources like oil, gas, coal, lithium, cobalt, manganese, etc., that are being extracted at alarming rates. Even with technological advances in the next few decades, we may find “more.” Still, at current rates of extraction of those resources, the planet may be sucked dry in 50, 100, 200, or 500 years, so the question for our conversation is: Should there be a greater focus on the limitations of Earth’s natural resources now being extracted for the enjoyment by wealthier countries on Earth as our 4-billion-year-old planet will continue to be here, with or without humans,?

(5) Developing countries are THE only source for the materials for wealthier countries to go “green”. Since the current “green movement” technology requires significant rare earth minerals and metals to construct EV batteries, wind turbines, and solar panels that are not easily available in the few wealthier countries are being mined in developing countries, so the question for our conversation is: Are the wealthy country mandates and subsidies ethical and moral, to continue financially encouraging China and Africa to continue the egregious human rights violations of vulnerable minority populations by exploiting “their” poor with yellow, brown, and black skin, and financially supporting environmental degradation to “their” landscapes just to reinforce mandated EV’s, and subsidizing of wind turbines, and solar panels in “wealthier country backyards”?

(6) The Future of EV Batteries. The first cell phone, more than 50 years ago in 1973, the Motorola DynaTAC, weighed 2.5 pounds and was 9 inches tall. Today’s cell phones are generally under 7 ounces with almost unlimited functions, easy charging, and virtually unlimited applications. In the coming decades, the current 1,000-pound lithium battery in EVs will seem barbaric, just like the first cell phone, future EV batteries will be lighter, cheaper, longer range, and shorter charging times, so the question for our conversation: How long do you think it will take humanity ingenuity and creativity driven by the free enterprise environment, to meet the humongous growing demand for efficient electricity, that will most likely exceed what we experienced in cell phone development that took 5-decades? 

(7) Electricity came about AFTER the discovery of oil. ALL six methods to generate electricity, from hydro, coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, and solar, for the generation of electricity, are ALL built with the products, components, and equipment that are made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil, so the question for our conversation is: Why rid the world of fossil fuels as that would eliminate our ability to generate electricity?

(8) So-called renewable power has proven to be very expensive electricity. The few wealthy countries able to provide heavy subsidies to transition to occasional electricity generation from breezes and sunshine has proven to be ultra-expensive for Germany, Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, all of the EU, and the USA. These few wealthy countries that currently represent about one of the eight billion of the world’s population still remain ignorant that billions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America still live on less than $10 a day – and that billions still have little to no access to electricity, so the question for our conversation is: How will the “green movement” help those in poorer developing countries join the industrialized society being enjoyed by those in the wealthier countries?

(9) The supply chain to support zero-emission mandates must be ethical and moral. The zero-emission mandates from the few wealthier developed countries require key challenges in the supply chain requirements from the raw materials sector for rare earth minerals and metals that need to be overcome if the electricity generation transition is to be realized, so the question for our conversation is: Why is there no conversation about securing sustainable supply chains, promoting responsible sourcing practices with labor and environmental laws and regulations, and ensuring a just and equitable green and digital transition for everyone, both poor and wealthy?

(10) Nuclear power plants are prolificating around the world. For more than 7 decades, nuclear power has proven to be the safest, most compact, emissions-free, and cheapest way to produce continuous, uninterruptable, and dispatchable electricity; it has resulted in increased activities in China, Russia, and Japan with about 60 new nuclear power plants under construction across the world and a further 110 planned, so the question for our conversation is: Why do you think that America is supporting subsidies for unreliable wind and solar generated electricity that is NOT continuous nor dispatchable, and avoiding nuclear-generated electricity that is continuous, dispatchable, and emissions-free?

(11) Nuclear power generation has an impressive safety track record. America has a track record of almost 70 years of nuclear power plant operation without any injuries, including over 70 years of nuclear Navy reactor operations for all their submarines and aircraft carriers, so the question for our conversation is: Why is there so much public resistance in America to allowing nuclear power to compete with other forms of power generation on the open market?

(12) The USA is falling behind in technological developments in nuclear power generation. While nuclear power generation is proliferating around the world in China, Russia, and Japan, with about 60 new nuclear power plants under construction and a further 110 planned, nuclear power design and construction came to a slow end in America in the early 1980s due to the handling of the anti-nuclear movement and an incompetent Nuclear Regulatory Commission, so the question for our conversation is: What will it take to stimulate American interest to just catch up with foreign countries domination of technological developments in nuclear power generation?

(13) CO2 starvation. The minimum threshold for plant life is 150 ppm of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), but today, CO2 levels are about 420 ppm. Carbon dioxide is essential for life on Earth, as humans need it to regulate respiration and control blood pH, while Plants use it to create oxygen through photosynthesis. So, the question for our conversation is: With CO2 levels today nearing the starvation levels for plant and human life on Earth, why the focus on reducing CO2 levels to end life?

(14) Government-subsidized projects have yet to produce Environmental Impact Reports. To date, all wind and solar generation of electricity has been funded by government subsidies as NONE have been financed by private entrepreneurial investor funds, but all those subsidized renewable projects have yet to be accountable for Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) that detail the life cycle for renewables that run from design, procurement, and construction through operations, maintenance, and repair, as well as the life-ending decommissioning and disposal or recycling and restoration of the landscaping back to its original pristine condition, so the question for our conversation is: Why are government subsidized renewable projects toward wind, solar, and electric vehicles EXEMPT from the same Environmental Impact Reports that extensively discuss decommissioning, recycling, and restoration of the landscaping back to its original pristine condition for wind, solar, and EV battery materials when they are required when those projects are funded with private money?

(15) Earth’s natural resources are not being replenished. As the world’s population depletes, the 4-billion-year-old Planet Earth’s natural resources of crude oil, coal, natural gas, and the critical minerals and metals to support the “green” movement like lithium, cobalt, manganese, etc., over the next 50, 100, or more years, our grandchildren may be unable to enjoy the more than 6,000 products of our materialistic society, being enjoyed by the current residents on this planet, so the question for our conversation is: To continue the preservation of human life on earth, how do we get serious about conservation, efficiency improvements, and recycling the waste that humans are generating?


This article was published by The Heartland Institute and is reproduced with permission.

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Big Pharma Continues to Hide the Truth thumbnail

Big Pharma Continues to Hide the Truth

By Harvey Risch

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

On Thursday, Joe Rogan and Marvel megastar Josh Brolin traded stories about the preponderance of Covid vaccine injuries among their friends. Brolin even described contracting “a mild case of Bell’s palsy” earlier this year, which Rogan attributed to the vaccine, noting he knew several people who suffered facial paralysis following Covid vaccination.

There is no perfect medicine. The benefits and harms of any treatment must be carefully considered in order to prescribe the safest, most effective course of action for a patient. While the FDA and CDC continue to extol the benefits of the Covid vaccines, they have ignored a growing body of evidence that these products can also be harmful. The code of medical ethics demands a transparent and balanced accounting of their impact on the American people. Only then can we set the best course for healthcare policy and future pandemics.

An honest accounting begins with clinical trials, supposedly “the most rigorous in history.” Pfizer’s own legal arguments suggest otherwise. Responding to a whistleblower lawsuit alleging major deviations from protocol, Pfizer’s lawyers noted that the company’s “Other Transactions Authority” agreement (OTA) with the Pentagon didn’t require clinical trials to comply with FDA regulations because the vaccine was a military prototype for “medical countermeasures.” This agreement allowed Pfizer to “grade its own homework,” so to speak — a point emphasized by DOJ lawyers in a separate filing in Pfizer’s support.


The FDA intended to keep Pfizer’s data hidden for 75 years, but attorney Aaron Siri’s FOIA lawsuit forced the agency to release them. Naomi Wolf’s DailyClout led 3,250 volunteer experts in analyzing more than 450,000 pages of internal Pfizer documents and uncovered massive harms ignored by the FDA, detailed in The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity.

This effort revealed 1,233 deaths in the first three months of the vaccine rollout, and a litany of injuries: “industrial-scale blood diseases: blood clots, lung clots, leg clots; thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a clotting disease of the blood vessels; vasculitis, dementias, tremors, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsies.”

These harms are echoed by data from V-safe, a smartphone-based tool created by the CDC. Among 10.1 million registered V-safe users, 7.7 percent reported side effects so serious they were compelled to seek medical care, many more than once.

The main culprit is the Covid spike protein encoded in the vaccine’s mRNA technology. This protein is an antigen, or foreign immunogenic substance, located on the outer coat of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, that triggers an immune response. The mRNA in the shots instructs the body’s cells to produce identical spike proteins, inducing the immune system to create antibodies that bind to them, theoretically protecting vaccinated individuals against the virus. Unfortunately, this plan has a fatal flaw: The spike itself is toxic and potentially deadly.

Hundreds of peer-reviewed articles have demonstrated the spike’s potential for harm independent of the rest of the virus. Potential complications include myocarditis, blood clots, neurological injuries, and immune dysfunction. Pfizer’s own pre-market biodistribution studies show that vaccine components leave the injection site in the arm and penetrate every major organ system within hours, where mRNA can linger for weeks, forcing cells to churn out more and more of the toxic spike protein, which can persist for months. There is no way to predict how much spike protein the mRNA injections will produce in any individual, and there is no “off switch.”

According to CDC figures analyzed in Toxic Shot: Facing the Dangers of the COVID “Vaccines,”  from 2021-2023 the US suffered 600,000 excess deaths not associated with Covid. Furthermore, Bureau of Labor Statistics data reveal that two million Americans became newlydisabled, with unusual excesses in historically low-risk groups.


These trends coincided with mass Covid vaccination, including an unaccountable 59 percent surge in deaths among Americans ages 15-44 in the third quarter of 2021 compared to 2019. Crucially Covid contributed only part of this excess mortality: in that quarter the US suffered around 201,000 excess deaths, with Covid officially accounting for 123,000, leaving 78,000 excess deaths — 39 percent of the total — still unexplained.

Similar figures from abroad underscore a tragic loss of life among healthy people at minimal serious risk from the virus.

It could get worse. No carcinogenicity studies were performed on the injections prior to their launch, thus long-term cancer risks are essentially unknown. The spike protein also appears prone to prion-like misfolding, raising the specter of potential neurodegenerative disorders.

Medical ethics demand a balanced approach to every intervention, weighing potential benefits against potential harms. However, in the case of the Covid vaccines, federal agencies have chosen only to proclaim benefits. By surfacing data that bear upon both the positive and negative impacts of the Covid vaccines, and evaluating the pandemic performance of CDC, FDA, and other health agencies, the new administration can restore confidence and integrity in medicine and public health.


This article was published by The Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.

Harvey Risch, Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute, is a physician and a Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine.

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Trump Faces Starting Term Without a Cabinet thumbnail

Trump Faces Starting Term Without a Cabinet

By Jacob Adams

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

With less than 10 days until President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, Republicans worry that government bureaucracy will prevent the new president from starting his term with a fully confirmed Cabinet.

Cabinet and Cabinet-level nominees traditionally face extensive paperwork obligations, including FBI background checks and financial disclosures, but Republicans are now suggesting that this bureaucratic process has the potential to obstruct Trump’s agenda in the early days of his administration. As the Washington saying goes, “Personnel is policy.” The Senate needs to act quickly if senators want the Trump agenda to become the Trump reality.

Some Senate Republicans have proposed beginning the hearings for Trump’s nominees while the rest of their required paperwork is being completed. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, for example, has scheduled a hearing next week for energy secretary nominee Doug Burgum as he continues to complete his paperwork and send it to senators.


A majority of both Trump and Joe Biden’s initial Cabinet or Cabinet-level nominees who were not withdrawn were confirmed either in February or March of the president’s first year in office.

During Trump’s first term, his secretary of defense and secretary of homeland security nominees were the only nominees confirmed the first day. Those picks, Jim Mattis and John Kelly, had a much easier time navigating the national security bureaucracy as both were retired four-star Marine Corps generals. Their stars also evoked a certain level of deference from senators considering their confirmation.

By the end of January 2017, Trump had five total Cabinet-level nominees confirmed (four department heads and the ambassador to the United Nations). The last initial Trump department nominee to be confirmed was the head of the Department of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, who took office on April 25, 2017. Alex Acosta, Trump’s second nominee to lead the Department of Labor, was confirmed by the Senate two days later.

It was not until May 2017 that the Senate had fully confirmed all of Trump’s Cabinet and Cabinet-level posts.

Biden had similar results getting his nominees confirmed before the end of his first month in office. He had four Cabinet-level positions filled by the end of January 2021. Those were his nominees to lead the Defense Department, State Department, and Treasury Department, plus the director of national intelligence. Biden’s last initial Cabinet-level nominee was confirmed just four months later, in May 2021.

Recent reporting on the nominees for the second Trump Cabinet has suggested that secretary of state nominee Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; ambassador to the United Nations nominee Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.; and director of Central Intelligence Agency nominee John Ratcliffe are the most likely to be confirmed on Day One. 


Rubio appeared cheerful in a post about a meeting he had last month with Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, and the hawkish Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., about his nomination.

Both Rubio and Stefanik have experience with contentious hearings through their time in Congress, and they both still have connections on Capitol Hill. Stefanik, known for her grilling of university presidents during a hearing on campus antisemitism, has not yet resigned her seat in the House of Representatives and has served in House GOP leadership, which means she has extensive relationships with both House and Senate members.

Before Ratcliffe served as the director of national intelligence from May 2020 until the end of Trump’s first term, he also was a member of Congress. The combination of legislative and national security experience will serve as a boon for the CIA-bound Ratcliffe. But Rubio has an even greater advantage because he is not only a member of the body considering his nomination but is considered a leading voice on foreign affairs.

Having won both houses of Congress and the White House, Republicans are tasked now with governing. They will have a lot on their plate in the upcoming months, including passing one or more reconciliation bills to attempt to implement many of Trump’s priorities, such as deporting illegal aliens, renewing the American energy industry, and passing tax cuts. Failing to implement such “America First” priorities has the potential to imperil the Republicans during the midterm elections.


This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.

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The Christian Case for Deportation thumbnail

The Christian Case for Deportation

By Grayson Quay

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Editors’ Note: The cast for deportation can be made on a number of foundations: national security, rule of law, economics, and religious. The author is correct that Progressives will soon be playing on our heart strings and religious people are likely vulnerable to such arguments. The author makes a good case that it is permissible under Christian doctrine and we hardly need to point out that Israel has made most effective use of walls to control population flows.

The Bible, the ballot, the border.

Donald Trump’s resounding victory in November indicates widespread public support for radical action on immigration.

In October, a Marquette Law School poll showed support for “deporting immigrants who are living in the United States illegally back to their home countries” at 68% among registered voters. After the election, a separate poll found that 57% of respondents favored deporting at least 11 million people living here illegally.


The once and future president has a clear mandate to restore law and order to our immigration system. The question is how long it will last.

Legacy media outlets are sure to flood the airwaves with heart-wrenching images. The press would like nothing more than for deportation to generate maximally painful images of crying abuelas with a dozen American grandchildren being loaded into ICE vans, idealistic DREAMers killed by cartel violence after being deported to Guatemala, and jackbooted thugs beating good samaritans with nightsticks as they use their bodies to shield the migrants claiming sanctuary at their Unitarian church.

In the ideal scenario for Democrats, these sympathetic victims replace Laken Riley as the face of the immigration issue, Trump’s approval numbers tank, Americans’ folk-libertarian instincts shift blue, and they win big in the 2026 midterms.

Trump and his team appear to recognize this danger and are already attempting to mitigate the potential PR backlash. Prominent figures like Vice President-elect J.D. Vance and incoming border czar Tom Homan have emphasized that early deportation efforts will focus on criminals and national security threats. But as Homan also acknowledged, tackling criminal migrants “first” implies that non-criminal ones will follow.

If Republicans are serious about seeing this project through to the end, they’ll need to prepare voters to withstand a full-court press of emotional manipulation and moral outrage. Christian conservatives especially should be ready to have all the usual Bible verses hurled in their faces: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” “love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt,” “[t]he foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born,” and so on—mostly from the mouths of non-believers.

Trump’s 2024 victory relied in part on maintaining his decisive margins among white evangelicals while flipping the Catholic vote red. These voters in particular must resist attempts to co-opt their faith in service of progressive globalism. And for the sake of their own souls, they’ll need to do so without embracing racial or ethnic hatred.


To that end, it seems useful to return to New Testament passages on civil government.

“[R]ulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good,” Paul wrote to the Roman church. “But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.”

Similarly, Peter instructed his readers to submit “to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.”

Taken together, these verses outline the biblical vision of politics: the civil realm exists to punish criminals, deter would-be offenders by making them fear punishment, and uphold public morality. Civil magistrates who violate or neglect these duties sin against the people God has entrusted to him. (A regime that does so flagrantly enough may even lose its legitimacy—though the bar is pretty low, considering that Peter and Paul were writing about an empire that condoned infanticide and slave rape, ruled by the arch-degenerate Nero.)

All this remains true. What’s changed is that we no longer live under an autocracy. In every political order depicted in the Bible, there is a sharp divide between rulers and ruled.

In a republic, those two roles coexist in every eligible voter. The authority to determine public policy devolves indirectly upon the electorate. As a private citizen, the Christian must turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and all the rest. But when he steps into the voting booth, he participates in the duties of the collective magistrate.

This includes voting for policies that would be sinful to undertake for oneself. If my father were murdered, my duty as a Christian citizen would be to refrain from vengeance. But as a partial magistrate (that is, voter), my duty would be to see the killer imprisoned or executed. I might, with perfect consistency, forgive my father’s murderer and then vote for a DA who would seek the death penalty.

This can be a difficult balance to strike. I might stab the killer myself, thus improperly executing the vengeance that belongs to me only in my impersonal capacity as a partial magistrate. Or I might vote for a soft-on-crime DA, thus improperly allowing my moral duties qua individual to override my moral duties qua voter. To commit the latter error would be a sin against my law-abiding neighbors, for whom I (as partial magistrate) bear responsibility.

It used to be only rulers who bore this burden of dual personhood. The Torah’s command to welcome the foreigner forbade King David (as an Israelite) to mistreat his Philistine-born servants. It did not require him (as king) to let 100,000 Philistine men walk across the border. Today, we’re all in the same situation.

It’s recently become fashionable among immigration hardliners to attack Christian charities that serve illegal immigrants. But while it’s perfectly legitimate to denounce NGOs that facilitate human trafficking or lobby for open borders, when it comes to supplying basic human needs, it’s time to set politics aside. Does offering aid to illegal immigrants incentivize more illegal immigration? Maybe. It’s not your job to worry about that.

The way churches (and individual Christians) should respond to mass migration is by feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, and caring for the sick. So donate your spare coat to the clothing drive, volunteer to teach free ESL classes, drop a casserole at the shelter, provide legal aid to those navigating the asylum system, and help a migrant dad make car payments so he can feed his family driving Uber.

Then go cast your vote for those who stand for fully enforcing immigration law, knowing full well they plan to deport the people you’re trying to serve. (You could even continue serving immigrants once they’re deported, whether through direct financial support or by partnering with churches or other organizations in their home countries.)

This vision of political theology does not require mass deportations. It does, however, dispense with the objection that aggressive immigration enforcement is somehow un-Christian. People of goodwill can disagree on the ideal immigration system, but the current anarchy is unacceptable.

Individual charity demands that you help those in need. Political charity demands that you (in your role as partial magistrate) maintain order and punish wrongdoing. Perhaps in other forms of government it would be possible to avoid this complicated dual responsibility. But not in ours.


This article was published by The American Mind and is reproduced with permission.

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Crime, Corruption, And Incompetence Pay Well For Leftist Big City Leaders thumbnail

Crime, Corruption, And Incompetence Pay Well For Leftist Big City Leaders

By M.D. Kittle

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

The nation’s largest cities, run by Democrats, are crime-infested, debt-ridden places making their liberal leaders a very good living.

They call it The Big Easy. While New Orleans has earned a reputation for its laid-back lifestyle, its government has long been known as an easy, sleazy den of corruption and incompetence.

It’s a good-paying gig if you can get it.


In fact, there’s much cheese to be made as a “dedicated” public servant in the nation’s largest Democrat-led cities — even while they burn.

Take New Orleans’ top crimefighter, Police Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick, the old gal with the Kristen Wiig Target Lady hairdo. She’s raking in more than $300,000 a year. Kirkpatrick started her tenure as superintendent in September 2023 at an annual salary of $337,943, according to a new report from government spending tracker Open The Books.

That’s a hefty paycheck, even for a 65-year-old seasoned law enforcement veteran who appears to be a dedicated soldier for the left’s three pillars of public safety: diversity, equity, and inclusion.

‘I Didn’t Know About Them’

Understandably some of her fellow citizens are questioning the value Kirkpatrick brings to her post after a U.S. born-radicalized jihadist with an ISIS flag drove a pickup truck through a crowd of Bourbon Street revelers on New Year’s Day, killing 14 and injuring dozens more. Questions of confidence definitely popped up when Kirkpatrick admitted that she had no idea that New Orleans had in 2017 put barriers in place in an attempt to impede such attacks in the tourist-rich district. The barriers were not up at the time but have since been installed.

“Actually, we have them. I didn’t know about them, but we have them, and so we have been able now to put them out,” the apparently overmatched Kirkpatrick told reporters a day after one of the deadliest terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. 

As NBC News reported, “the 700-pound steel barriers, which are certified by the Department of Homeland Security, were credited with preventing casualties in a similar incident last year in California at the Rose Parade.” The security barriers were reportedly taken down because they had been malfunctioning, with city crews in the middle of installing a new bollard system. Apparently the bewildered police superintendent wasn’t aware of all of that.


City officials did not return The Federalist’s requests for comment.

‘When You Mess Up, You Fess Up.’

Bizarrely, Kirkpatrick was under investigation after a similar car-versus-pedestrian incident near the same area where the New Year’s terrorist attack took place. The police superintendent was driving in the French Quarter when her vehicle struck a man and a woman. The female received minor injuries.

Kirkpatrick told NOLA that she was on duty at the time, having just visited an injured police officer in the hospital when she made a left-hand turn and didn’t notice the pedestrians.

“I’m so sorry for what happened last night. I’m so grateful that the two people involved really are going to be fine. Just terribly sorry,” the superintendent said in August. The status of the investigation is not clear. In a subsequent interview, Kirkpatrick said, “When you mess up you fess up. And that is also part of leadership and leading the way. And even myself, if you mess up, I own this, I apologize for it, and then I will take the consequences for it and then we’re gonna move on.”

According to Open The Books, Kirkpatrick has collected nearly $3 million since 2016. She previously served as police chief in Oakland, California, where her 2017 starting salary grew from $250,003 to $334,090 by 2019, OTB reports. 

“The Oakland Police Commission voted unanimously to fire Kirkpatrick without cause in February 2020. She sued for wrongful termination, claiming she was fired for speaking out against alleged corruption in the Commission, an independent civilian group that oversees Oakland’s police,” the watchdog notes in its report.

She won in federal court. A judge in 2022 ordered the city of Oakland to pay Kirkpatrick $1.5 million in damages, including a full year’s salary of $337,675, according to OTB. She had sought $3 million, part of it in “emotional damages.”

Kirkpatrick, “one of the most tenured police executives in the country,” is steeped in the politics of DEI. As a National Press Foundation bio notes, the police superintendent is a national instructor at the FBI’s Law Enforcement Executive Association’s Leadership Training Program, “where she instructs on topics including, but not limited to, Bias and Diversity, Emotional Intelligence and Leading Generations.”

‘With Distinction and Integrity’

Kirkpatrick is pulling down a much heftier salary than New Orleans’ leftist Mayor LaToya Cantrell, according to Open The Books’ review. But the mayor will muddle through somehow on her $188,370 annual compensation.

Of course, Cantrell is a real high flier. She got busted a few years back bumping up her unnecessary “official” overseas flights to first class. According to New Orleans’ Fox 8, the Democrat and three of her top aides enjoyed a junket to France so the mayor could sign a “sister-city agreement.” Not willing to fly with the peasants in coach, Cantrell bumped up her seating arrangements to the elite section — charging New Orleans taxpayers $18,000 for the privilege.

“About a week after she returned from France, Cantrell traveled to Switzerland for another signing of a ‘sister city’ agreement. Her flight there cost just over $9,800, and she spent more than $11,000 for the six days in Ascona, Switzerland,” Fox 8 reported.

Cantrell had long refused to pay the city back for the extravagance, despite a city policy clearly stipulating that if city employees want to travel in business or first-class, they do so on their own dime.

“All expenses incurred doing business on behalf of the City of New Orleans will not be reimbursed to the City of New Orleans. I do my job and I will continue to do it with distinction and integrity every step of the way,” Cantrell huffed.

She ultimately agreed to pay back the nearly $29,000, but only after the New Orleans City Council threatened to take the unauthorized travel expenses out of her salary.

‘Accusation After Accusation’

Cantrell and Gilbert Montano, the city’s chief administrative officer, were implicated last year in a 25-count indictment unsealed in September. Neither has been charged, but they are referenced in the indictment against Randy Farrell of Metairie, “a licensing inspector accused of conspiring to offer bribes to city officials to dissuade an investigation of illicit permitting activity,” Fox 8 reported.

It gets worse. According to a column in the Louisiana Illuminator:

previous federal indictment was issued July 19, accusing Jeffrey Vappie, a former member of the mayor’s police security detail, of defrauding the taxpayers by submitting false timecards to the NOPD for work he never did. The indictment charges that, instead of conducting police work during those hours, he was “carrying on a personal and romantic relationship with public official 1.”

“Public official 1” is the mayor, according to multiple reports. The FBI has charged Vappie with making false statements to try to cover up his romantic relationship with the mayor. Vappie has filed a not guilty plea, and his trial date has been pushed back to July.

“How I came in seems to be how I’m going out,” Cantrell said at the beginning of her Oct. 1 budget presentation to the City Council, according to a recording from Fox 8. “Accusation after accusation after accusation. But also a track record of delivering results.”

Crime Pays

While Cantrell did Europe in style and Kirkpatrick made law enforcement diversity, equity and inclusion a top priority, New Orleans continued to hold the dubious honor as one of the most dangerous cities in America. While the former “Murder Capital” boasts of a significant decline in violent crimes from the record numbers a few years ago amid the national “defund the police” movement, celebrating FBI crime statistics can be a tricky business. As John R. Lott, Jr. reported in October in The Federalist, the bureau has been caught fudging the numbers in the Biden years.

“While the FBI claims that serious violent crime has fallen by 5.8 percent since Biden took office, the NCVS [National Crime Victimization Survey] numbers show total violent crime has risen by 55.4 percent,” the story, originally published by RealClearInvestigations, notes.

That’s the same FBI, by the way, that missed an Islamic State-inspired terrorist’s deadly intentions because it was too busy hosting DEI-ladened recruitment sessions.

#FBINewOrleans is holding a Diversity Agent Recruiting event and we want to meet you! Agents and FBI executives will provide first hand information about a rewarding career. Apply now to see if you qualify for the July 17th event in Metairie, LA here:,” an inclusive X post advertised in June.

The story is the same all over. The nation’s largest cities, run by Democrats, are crime-infested, debt-ridden places that are making their leftist leaders a very good living.

According to a salary review by Open The Books for The Federalist, the mayors of the nation’s five-largest cities hauled in a combined $1 million-plus in total compensation in 2023 — not counting kickbacks.

While California Burns

Karen Bass, the grossly incompetent mayor of Los Angeles, raked in compensation totaling more than $300,000, according to OTB’s records. As the Los Angeles-area burns from “unprecedented” wildfires, Bass is on the hot seat for slashing the city’s fire-fighting budget. As the wildfires raged out of control, the Democrat mayor was in West Africa— attending the inauguration of Ghana’s president. Bass was one of four delegates representing President Joe Biden. 

Her predecessor, like Bass, pumped plenty of DEI into “fire protection,” according to my Federalist colleague Beth Brelje.

In January 2022, then-Mayor Eric Garcetti checked multiple DEI boxes by appointing Kristin Crowley as fire chief, the first female, LGBT chief in Los Angeles. That year, according to LAFD data, “of the more than 6,500 applicants to LAFD, 70% were people of color and nearly 8% … were female,” which was “double the … percentage of female firefighters within the Department” at the time.

Crowley, according to OTB’s review, collected “an absurd $439,772 — $412,493 base pay and $27,278 ‘other’ pay.”

Crowley has pushed the banner of DEI inside the Los Angeles Fire Department.

“As the fire chief, if confirmed, I vow to take a strategic and balanced approach to ensure we meet the needs of the community we serve,” she said, as Newsweek quoted her. “We will focus our efforts on increasing our operational effectiveness, enhancing firefighter safety and well-being, and fully commit to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture within the LAFD.”

Los Angeles’ top cop, Jim McDonnell, was sworn in in November at a $450,000 base salary, one of the highest police chief salaries among the nation’s largest cities, according to the Associated Press.

And if you’re scoring along at home, Brian K. Williams, Bass’ deputy mayor for public safety, was on administrative leave after being accused of making a bomb threat to city hall, the Associated Press reports. The FBI searched Williams’ home last month, and the matter remains under investigation. 

Crime and Debt

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, facing corruption charges, collected $258,041.16 in total compensation in 2023, according to OTB. The mayor is looking at some big legal bills ahead of an April trial tied to his alleged relationship with Turkish government officials. Prosecutors accuse Adams of accepting tens of thousands of dollars in improper gifts, including extravagant international travel packages from wealthy foreign businesspeople. Earlier this week, federal prosecutors said “law enforcement has continued to identify additional individuals involved in Adams’ conduct, and to uncover additional criminal conduct by Adams.”

The Democrat, who has pleaded not guilty, blasted the prosecutors at a press conference.

“You know, even Ray Charles can see what’s going on. And I have an attorney, Alex Spiro, he is handling that. I’ve said over and over again, I’ve done nothing wrong. Let the attorneys do that. I have to run the city,” Adams told reporters Tuesday.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson — Let’s Go Brandon! — was set to earn about $221,052 last year following a pay raise tied to inflation, according to Illinois Policy. Chicago City Council members, the publication reported, pulled down a comfortable salary of just shy of $146,000 after a whopping 9.6% pay raise in 2023, even as crime and debt continued to devour the Democrat-led Windy City.

“Chicago is not only the nation’s murder capital but leads the nation in mass shootings. Last year, there were 83 mass shootings, which Chicago Police define as three or more,” Illinois Policy reported in July.

Left Coast Corruption

Ousted San Francisco Mayor London Breed was the highest-paid mayor in the nation, raking in $383,760 in total salary and benefits in 2023, according to Open The Books.

Breed’s tenure in office was so disastrous that even the most devout liberals in the leftist city couldn’t take any more. The Democrat lost her bid for reelection in November amid chaos in San Francisco’s streets. Her leftist leadership only exacerbated the city’s homeless, drug, and brazen retail theft crises. Breed’s fellow Bay Area Marxist, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, suffered a worse fate — she was ousted in a recall election after just two years into a four-year term under a cloud of corruption.

Breed, too, faced a corruption scandal heading into November’s election after the former director of the mayor’s multi-million dollar “Dream Keeper” initiative, billed as an “ambitious social equity program,” was suspected of improperly spending funds. Breed faced “mounting scrutiny” after the San Francisco Chronicle investigation exposed troubling expenditures.

Despite the crime, the incompetence, and the corruption, voters in the America’s biggest cities continue to elect leftist mayors. NBC News called the Dem stranglehold on mayoral seats — effectively 10 of 10 liberals leading the 10 most-populated communities in 2023 — the new “Blue Wall.” That same year, Democrats controlled all but three mayor’s offices in the nation’s 25 most-populous cities, according to the corporate news outlet.

“Those 25 cities are home to 38 million residents, about 12% of the country’s total population and more people than the combined populations of 21 states,” the NBC News noted.

‘Mentality of Liberal Failure’

While Democrats still dominate the city electoral map, President-elect Donald Trump “made significant inroads in surprising places,” from blue havens like New Jersey, New York, and Hawaii, according to an AP analysis of November’s vote totals. AP VoteCast, a survey of more than 120,000 voters nationwide, “found that Trump made substantial gains among Black and Latino men, younger voters, and nonwhite voters without a college degree, compared with his 2020 performance.”

In the Bronx, for instance, Trump picked up 27 percent of the vote, unheard of in the deep blue bastion, according to the New York State Board of Elections. It was the best showing by a Republican presidential candidate there in 40 years, NBC News reported.

“Even Chicago, the bluest of blue cities, is getting Trumpier,” Chicago Magazine reported post-election.

“In the last three elections, Donald Trump has steadily increased his share of the vote here, from 12.4 percent in 2016, to 15.8 percent in 2020, to 21.4 percent” in November’s election, the publication noted. “In Illinois as a whole, Trump’s percentage jumped from 40.5 percent in 2020 to 44.3 percent this year.”

Of course, lots of Democrats, uninspired by fill-in candidate Vice President Kamala Harris, sat out the election. But Patricia Easley (aka “P Rae”), a black conservative activist and mega MAGA backer from Chicago, last summer predicted growing support for Trump in her city, as black voters especially grow tired of generations of broken promises from Democrats.

“Our goal is to get people away from the mentality of liberal failure that is happening in our city,” Easley, the founder of conservative group ChicagoRedtold me at July’s Republican National Convention.


This article was published by The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.

Image credit: YouTube screenshot KPRC2

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Treasury Yield Curve Steepens, as Long-Term Yields Coddle Up to 5% while Short-Term Yields Stay Put, Not Seeing Any Rate Cuts. Mortgage Rates Rise to 7.24% thumbnail

Treasury Yield Curve Steepens, as Long-Term Yields Coddle Up to 5% while Short-Term Yields Stay Put, Not Seeing Any Rate Cuts. Mortgage Rates Rise to 7.24%

By Wolf Richter

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

30-year Treasury bonds sold at auction on Friday at highest yield in at least 16 years despite Fed’s 100 basis points in rate cuts.

Since the Fed’s 100 basis points in rate cuts, the 10-year Treasury yield has risen by 114 basis points, including by 9 basis points on Friday, to 4.77%, the highest since November 2023, upon news of a continued solid labor market in an economy that is growing substantially faster than the 15-year average growth rate, with inflation re-accelerating in the wings. And seeing these upside risks to inflation, the Fed is gingerly shifting back into its wait-and-see mode.

Also on Friday, the 20-year yield rose to 5.04%; the Treasury Department sold 30-year bonds at auction with a yield of 4.91%, the highest auction yield since before the Financial Crisis; and a daily measure of mortgage rates rose to 7.24%.

The Effective Federal Funds Rate (EFFR), which the Fed targets with its policy rates, has remained at 4.33% since the December rate cut, down by 100 basis points from the pre-cut levels (blue). I’m not sure we’ve ever seen anything like this before – a 114-basis-point surge of the 10-year yield while the Fed cut by 100 basis points – but there’s a good reason for it.


The reason for this phenomenon of the Fed cutting by 100 basis points while longer-term yields soar by over 100 basis points is the unusual situation the economy went through, and why the Fed cut rates.

Normally the Fed cuts rates when it sees a recession on the horizon. And the bond market, also seeing a bad economy ahead, begins to send longer-term yields lower.

But this time around, the Fed cut without a recession in sight, with a solid labor market and above average economic growth despite the highest policy rates in decades. It cut by 100 basis points because inflation cooled a lot from 9% in 2022. But it cooled a lot without a steep recession and big job losses, it cooled despite the economy growing at an above-average rate, which is another rarity. It caused major recession predictors that normally work well to produce false positives.

The yield curve un-inverted last year and is steepening nicely.

Short-term yields haven’t really budged since before the December rate cut, which had already been fully priced in at the time. Now there is no more rate cut priced in within the short-term window of those securities before they mature. For example, on Friday, the 3-month yield was 4.32%, same as in the days just before the December rate cut.

But everything from the 2-year yield and longer has risen substantially since the rate cut. This caused the yield curve, which had gracefully un-inverted entirely just before Christmas, to steepen.

The yield curve had inverted in July 2022, when the Fed’s big rate hikes pushed up short-term Treasury yields very fast, but longer-term yields rose more slowly, and so the short-term yields blew past them.


The chart below shows the yield curve of Treasury yields across the maturity spectrum, from 1 month to 30 years, on three key dates:

  • Gold: July 25, 2024, before the labor market data spiraled down (which was a false alarm).
  • Blue: September 16, 2024, just before the Fed’s rate cuts started.
  • Red: Friday, January 10, 2025.

This yield curve is getting closer to looking healthy again, though it remains relatively flat and the steepening process still has some ways to go:


Continue reading this article at Wolf Street.

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May I Have A Few Words, Please? thumbnail

May I Have A Few Words, Please?

By Charles M. Strauss

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

“El Rushbo” – Rush Limbaugh – wrote that “Words mean things.” For that reason, leftists change the meanings of words, and seduce us into changing our words, in order to confuse public discussion.  Thus, liberals can’t bring themselves to say “abortion”; their euphemisims are “choice” and “reproductive rights “Gun control” is “gun safety.” ”Pedophiles are “minor attracted persons.” Genital mutilation is “gender-affirming treatment.”

Here are a few words which I invite you to help me save from liberal dumb-speak.


There was a time when we all understood that “immigrant” and “migrant” were different words, with different meanings.  Some time in the last decade, politicians and the media started using the words interchangeably, and recently, “migrant” has almost completely replaced “immigrant.”


A “migrant” goes to a place temporarily For example, migrant workers go to a place to work (such as to harvest crops), then return to their homes at the end of the work season. Cliff swallows migrate from Argentina to San Juan Capistrano, California in the summer, and return in the winter.  “Immigrants,” on the other hand, go to a place with the intention of remaining permanently.

Are the millions of people who have crossed our borders in recent years here temporarily, on vacation or to work, or have they come here intending to remain?  Clearly, they are not migrants; they are immigrants.  Please let’s stop talking about illegal (or undocumented) migrants, and please correct those who call them migrants.  They are not migrants; they are immigrants.


The verb “affect” means “to act upon; to produce a change upon.” In recent years, TV talking heads have decided to turn the noun “impact” into a verb. Now they say “Inflation impacts middle class voters” instead of “Inflation affects middle class voters.” The definition of “impact” as a verb is – are you ready? — “to affect.” So why does everybody say “impact” nowadays, and rarely “affect”? I don’t know; apparently “they” (whoever they are) decided that “impact” sounds cooler.  Well, “they” are wrong. It doesn’t sound cooler; it sounds like somebody is trying to impress somebody, and it affects my mood negatively. Harrumph!


Note to politicians and TV talking heads: it is pronounced fentaNIL, not fentaNOL. Rhymes with fill, hill, kill Bill.  Fentanyl is an important topic, worthy of discussion, but if you can’t even pronounce it, I have no interest in whatever you might have to say; you have no credibility.  As soon as I hear “fentaNOL,” I tune out. It’s similar to “nuclear,” which is pronounced “new clear,” not “new cue lar. President Bush used to do that, and I always thought “Yesterday, he couldn’t even pronounce newcuelar, and today he has the launch codes!” So please, fentaNIL, not fentaNOL.


A cartridge has four parts: the case, the gunpowder, the primer, and the bullet. When the firing pin hits the primer, it causes a spark. The spark ignites the gunpowder, which turns into a rapidly expanding gas. The expanding gas forces the bullet out of the case, like a cork popping out of a champagne bottle. The bullet goes speeding down the barrel and comes out with a very loud noise (again, like a champagne bottle), leaving behind the empty case with a used-up primer.  When people say that a gun had bullets in the clip, they mean there were cartridges in the magazine. (Don’t get me started on clip and magazine!)


Some of us actually know how to define “man” and “woman.”  (XY chromosomes; XX chromosomes. Simple.) The words “man” and “woman” are not interchangeable with “gentleman” and “lady.”  “Gentleman” and “lady” are “honorifics,” words intended to convey honor, respect, admiration. A gentleman is a man, and a lady is a woman, who exhibits excellent manners and proper behavior. How silly it sounds to hear a police officer say “I observed the lady setting the homeless person on fire,” or “I observed the gentleman shooting the schoolchildren.” Those are not admirable behaviors, are they? Please, “man” and “woman” are perfectly good words; don’t be afraid to use them. Save the honorifics for those who deserve them.



Come to think of it, police officers never “see”; they “observe.” Maybe it is compensation for feelings of inadequacy; they feel like they have to talk highfalutin’. No police officer ever wrote a report saying that he got out of his car. He “exited his vehicle.” What about you? Do you exit your vehicle, or do you just get out of your car? Also, a police officer will never utilize the word “use” when he can use the word “utilize.”


It used to be generally understood that the appropriate response to “Thank you,” is “You’re welcome.” Recently, people have stopped saying “You’re welcome.” Now, if you say “Thank you” to a waiter or waitress, he or she will reply “No problem,” or “Of course,” or some other alternative to the newly unpopular “You’re welcome.”  OK, I understand that the folks at Chick-Fil-A have adopted “My pleasure” as sort of a trademark, but nobody else has a decent excuse. It’s especially amusing to hear guests on TV talk shows. When the host says “Thank you,” the guest replies “Thank YOU.”  This could go on indefinitely. “No, thank YOU.” “Well, thank you more!” “Oh yeah? Thank you even more, to infinity plus infinity zillion!” Just say “You’re welcome,” people!


You’re welcome.

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RFK, Vaccines, and the FDA thumbnail

RFK, Vaccines, and the FDA

By Raymond J. March

As President-elect Trump prepares to return to the White House this January, many continue to question his choices for key cabinet positions. Perhaps his most controversial appointment so far is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (commonly referred to as RFK) as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. And a recent vaccine-related controversy is not helping. 

Before Christmas, The New York Times released a story detailing that Aaron Siri, a vaccine injury attorney and a member of RFK’s legal team, petitioned the Food and Drug Administration in 2022 to revoke its approval of the Polio Vaccine, which is still being reviewed. Since the story broke, RFK has distanced himself from Siri and insists he is “all for” the polio vaccine. His spokesperson also released a statement indicating, “Mr. Kennedy believes the Polio Vaccine should be available to the public and thoroughly and properly studied.”

Not everyone is convinced. Congressman and polio survivor Steve Cohen believes “his position on vaccines disqualifies him for consideration as a Secretary of Health and Human Services.” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (also a polio survivor) denounced efforts to “undermine public confidence in proven cures” and urged RFK to “steer clear of even the appearance of association with such efforts.”


His associations with Siri aside, RFK has been an outspoken skeptic about vaccines—questioning their benefits and emphasizing their alleged harms. As the incoming HHS Secretary, he will have considerable influence over the FDA. President-elect Trump previously stated he would let RFK “go wild” on health policy, and he’s reaffirmed his support since. 

While RFK’s skepticism of vaccines and future influence over the FDA causes many to panic, he primarily emphasizes “transparency” in the vaccine development and approval process. Many politicians and the FDA’s vaccine chief agree. To that end, let us review the historical role the FDA played in regulating vaccines.

Although the modern FDA began in 1962, the agency did not regulate vaccines until 1972. By then, the US already had vaccines for smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella. All these vaccines were grandfathered in and are currently part of the standard vaccine schedule—meaning the FDA played a modest role in approving and regulating them. 

Since 1972, the FDA has only approved seven vaccines that appear on the vaccine schedule: Hib, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, varicella, pneumococcal, influenza, and rotavirus. Some of these play a relatively minor role in public health. Only 27 states require children to get the Hepatitis A vaccine before starting school. Rarely serious or fatal, varicella, also called chickenpox, was considered mild enough that parents with infected children commonly hosted “chickenpox parties” to expose others purposefully. Influenza vaccines (flu shots) do not follow the standard FDA review process because they are annually updated. Despite being FDA approved, the rotavirus vaccine was taken off the market in 1999 due to rare but serious side effects. Another rotavirus vaccine was approved in 2006 and 2008. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA issued emergency use authorizations for three COVID-19 vaccines. However, under Operation Warp Speed, each vaccine underwent an accelerated approval process, significantly truncating the usual FDA review process for new vaccines. Eventually, these vaccines received full FDA approval without undergoing the entire process. 

However, the US also produced a pandemic-related vaccine in record time before the modern FDA existed. As I previously wrote in The Beacon


From 1957-1958, the 1958 influenza (often referred to as the Asian Flu) spread through the United States, infecting 20 million individuals and causing 116,000 deaths. At this time, the FDA held significantly less regulatory authority and did not regulate vaccines.

Similar to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, medical scientists developed a vaccine for the 1958 influenza before the virus reached the United States. Without the FDA prolonging approval, cooperation between public health agencies and private vaccine developers distributed 60 million doses of the vaccine during the first two months of the pandemic.

Consequently, hospitals were not overwhelmed and there was “no serious disruption of community life” during the 1957-1958 pandemic. As an article written at the time in the Journal of the American Medical Association noted, quick development, approval, and distribution of the vaccine “made it possible for a nation to organize in advance of an oncoming epidemic for the first time in history.”

RFK has the potential to dramatically change vaccine policy. To do that, he will need to influence the FDA strongly and unprecedentedly. Unfortunately, I do not think many concerned citizens understand how involved (or uninvolved) the FDA has been in vaccination policy. This article is my attempt to promote transparency.


This article was published by The Beacon, a publication of the Independent Institute, and is reproduced with permission.

‘A Huge Win’: Woke ‘Cartel’ Of Financial Giants Dealt Death Blow 11 Days Before Trump Takes Office thumbnail

‘A Huge Win’: Woke ‘Cartel’ Of Financial Giants Dealt Death Blow 11 Days Before Trump Takes Office

By Daily Caller News Foundation

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Asset management behemoth BlackRock wrote a letter to institutional investors Thursday announcing its exit from an emissions-focused investor group, according to the Financial Times (FT).

The firm, which manages over $10 trillion and has been a leader in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing, has left the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) coalition — a United Nationssponsored collection of financial services companies that have pledged to achieve net-zero portfolios by 2050 or sooner, the FT reported. The move comes less than two weeks before President-elect Donald Trump, who plans to embrace fossil fuels in his second term, takes office, and follows the exits of a slew of other corporations, including Goldman Sachs Group, Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (RELATED: UN Reportedly Moves To Unlock Tens Of Millions In Climate Funding For Country Run By Terrorists)

In the letter to investors, vice-chair Philipp Hildebrand wrote that the asset manager’s membership in NZAM had “caused confusion regarding BlackRock’s practices and subjected us to legal inquiries from various public officials,” according to the FT.


The firm began its ESG initiative in 2020, with CEO Larry Fink stating that “climate risk is investment risk” and that climate change would spark a “fundamental reallocation of capital.” However, the world’s largest asset manager exit has been backpedaling on its ESG efforts as of late, only supporting about 4% of the 493 environmental and social investment proposals shareholders put forward between the end of June 2023 and the end of June 2024, down from a rate of 47% in 2021.

BlackRock has also walked back some of its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts, editing their DEI language to be less racially oriented.

Fellow investment firm Vanguard left NZAM in 2022, while financial services firm State Street remains in the environmental coalition.

“The news of BlackRock’s departure from NZAM should be music to the ears of every American consumer,” Will Hild, executive director of conservative nonprofit Consumers’ Research, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “NZAM is an illegitimate cartel of asset managers pushing harmful and costly net zero policies across the entire economy. The activities of NZAM and its members raise prices on Americans everywhere from the gas pump to the grocery store.”

When reached for comment, BlackRock referred the DCNF to a report confirming their departure from NZAM.



This article was published at the Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.

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