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Mark Kelly Political Money Machine

By Neland Nobel

Mark Kelly seems out of touch with Arizona issues. On inflation, the border, gas prices, radical race and sexual themes in schools, he has been a loyal member of the Biden team. When it comes to supporting Joe Biden, few can sport higher scores than the 94% for Kelly.

But besides mechanically supporting everything the radical Democrats can throw in the legislative hopper, he has been busy raising money. Real busy. His greatest success in fact, has been the ability to raise huge sums of money.

The Phoenix Business Journal estimates that Kelly has raised over $75 million dollars, the second-greatest haul of any Senate race in the country.

During the same period, his Republican opponent Blake Masters has raised about $9.9 million.

While Arizona has grown, of course, in the scheme of things we are still small in population in relation to New York, California, Illinois, or Pennsylvania.

Therefore, you have to suspect most of this gargantuan flow of money is coming from out-of-state and rich left-wing interests. You simply can’t raise that kind of money in Tucson, his political base, because Tucson is actually one of the poorer cities in the country.

According to the Phoenix Business Journal, “Kelly’s campaign manager Emma Brown brushed off the outside spending, saying in a statement that as that money pours into the state “attacking Senator Kelly’s record, this campaign continues to be fueled by grassroots donors who contribute what they can, when they can.”

Grassroots donors? Does anyone really believe that kind of money can be raised in the barrios of Tucson?

To be fair, both parties view the race in Arizona as pivotal to control of the Senate, and out-of-state interests are likely to play a large role. However, it appears Kelly has a huge advantage in fundraising.

However, for Kelly to outraise Masters by 7:1 is pretty lopsided.  It makes one wonder how an incumbent with this kind of financial war chest could even be in trouble, which Kelly clearly is.  Perhaps even vast sums of money cannot cover up the ugliness of Biden’s failed policies. It seems that monetary lipstick on a pig still leaves a pig to contend with.

For Arizona voters, you have to ask yourself if it is acceptable to have your current Senator funded so lavishly by outside private interests. They are unlikely to be just giving their money away. They want something, and what they want is a compliant Senator who will act in accordance with his paymaster.

If that is the case, can he really represent the needs and aspirations of the citizens of Arizona?

We don’t think so. That is not how the world really works, does it?  You know from your own life, people just don’t give away money without wanting something in return.

Arizona is not unique, however. Kelly has been running neck and neck in the fundraising races with another new Senatorial candidate, the black radical Raphael Warnock of Georgia.

Democrats have truly become the party of the rich. Across the United States, Democrat Senate candidates are out-raising Republicans. In fact, in 8 of the 10 most expensive Senate campaigns, the Democrat is raising the most money.

The Democrat that used to represent the working man is no more. It has become the party of the ultra-rich, the tax-free foundations, and the special interests.

If you, as a Democrat voter, are uncomfortable with that, you should not reward this kind of political behavior. The Senate race should be determined by who has the best governing philosophy that will best serve the needs and interests of the people of their state. In the case of Arizona, that candidate is not Mark Kelly.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.