Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes thumbnail

Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes

By The Geller Report

The Democrats poisoned our young – rendered them unable to think. They’ve destroyed public education and poisoned the public discourse.

Nearly a third of Gen Zers favor government surveillance in the home. The very idea is abhorrent to the founding principles of our once great nation. The left has succeeded in their long war against individual rights and freedoms. American. destroyed from within.

Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes

By Emily Ekins and Jordan Gygi, Cato Institute, June 2023:

George Orwell’s 1984 is one of our society’s most frequently referenced illustrations of what life would be like under an authoritarian government. Actual government policies that are viewed as illiberal in varying degrees are often tied to this novel by opponents, an easy and effective way to call out government overreach and control. In the book 1984, citizens of the fictional nation Oceania are under constant government surveillance, including in their own homes. Devices called telescreens display propaganda and record peoples’ actions, allowing the government to monitor people even in what should be the most private place they know—their homes. This type of behavior is meant to be an extreme example of what can happen when a government gains too much power, and opposition to such surveillance has been assumed to be overwhelming and obvious. But is it?

In a newly released Cato Institute 2023 Central Bank Digital Currency National Survey of 2,000 Americans, we asked respondents whether they “favor or oppose the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity.” Not surprisingly, few Americans—only 14 percent—support this idea. Three‐​fourths (75 percent) would oppose government surveillance cameras in homes, including 68 percent who “strongly oppose,” while 10% don’t have an opinion either way.

Read the survey report.


Pamela Geller

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.