NYPD shifts focus from jihad terror groups to ‘far-right and extremist hate groups’

The NYPD is adjusting its focus to fit the Left’s narrative, not reality. Remember: It wasn’t “far-right extremists” who rioted all summer in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Wisconsin, New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, and numerous other cities that I have already forgotten. It was Leftists: Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who have also been found to have been among those storming the Capitol that is being used as a Reichstag Fire pretext to shut down dissent from the Leftist agenda. When the NYPD talks about “far-right and extremist hate groups,” it likely really means ordinary citizens who oppose the dominant political philosophy, including those who have already been defamed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “hate groups.” Lies such as what the NYPD is spreading here are in service of solidifying the hegemony of that philosophy.

“NYPD’s focus on terror shifts to local extremist groups”

by Rocco Parascandola, New York Daily News, January 30, 2021:

The NYPD has spent the past 20 years adapting to the ever-changing landscape of terrorism, focused first on large jihadist groups, then lone wolves who emerge out of nowhere, and now far-right and extremist hate groups.

In late 2019, the nation’s largest police department created a new unit within the Intelligence Bureau called REME, which stands for Racially and Ethnically Motivated Extremism. It was formed a year after a brawl on the Upper East Side between anti-fascists believed to be connected to Antifa and members of the Proud Boys, one of the more prominent far-right groups.

REME works similarly to its’ umbrella unit, with two dozen investigators and analysts applying the same intelligence gathering techniques used to build cases against members of ISIS and al Qaeda.

But there are differences, notably the laws that make it easier to charge someone linked to a designated foreign terrorist organization….


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Mahmoud Abbas is threatening to kill anyone who might oppose him

Somalia: Muslims crash explosive-filled vehicle into hotel, then open fire on staff and patrons

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.