Parents Quick to Seek Universal ESAs, But They May Need a Backup Plan thumbnail

Parents Quick to Seek Universal ESAs, But They May Need a Backup Plan

By Jeremy Duda

Parents submitted more than 6,000 applications in the past two weeks for their newly eligible children to receive Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA) according to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE).

Catch up fast: Gov. Doug Ducey signed a law in July that expanded the program to all students.

  • It has historically been open only to specific groups, such as students with disabilities, kids who attend failing schools, Native Americans who live on reservations, or children whose siblings participate in the program.

Why it matters: Under the ESA program, parents who pull their children from public schools receive money to spend on private school tuition, tutoring and educational materials.

  • The Joint Legislative Budget Committee estimated in June that there were at least 47,000 private school students and about 35,000 homeschooled students who would become eligible under the law for ESAs.

By the numbers: Since Aug. 16, when the ADE opened applications for universal ESAs, it has received 6,494 applications for students who wouldn’t have previously qualified for the program, the department announced on Twitter Tuesday.

  • About 75% of those students were not previously enrolled in a public school, which was a requirement for eligibility prior to the universal expansion law, the ADE tweeted.
  • The ADE also received 279 applications for students who met the preexisting criteria.
  • There are currently 12,127 students participating in the program, the department tells Axios.

Yes, but: ESA opponents are collecting signatures to refer the law to the ballot, which would put universal expansion on hold until voters approve it.

  • So parents who are counting on using the vouchers for their kids should probably have backup plans.

Of note: It’s too late to put the law on the ballot for this year’s general election, so if Save Our Schools Arizona succeeds in collecting enough signatures, voters won’t have a chance to weigh in until November 2024.

  • If enough signatures aren’t collected, the expansion law will go into effect on Sept. 24.

Save Our Schools spokesperson Beth Lewis wouldn’t say how many signatures the campaign has collected so far, but she tells Axios that it’s on pace to collect the nearly 119,000 they need.

  • “This obviously will light a fire for people who kind of maybe thought, ‘Oh, it’s not going to be that bad,’” Lewis said of the ADE’s announcement on ESA enrollment.


This article was published by Chalkboard Review and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.