PODCAST: Misleading Infographic about Climate Change and Wildfires thumbnail

PODCAST: Misleading Infographic about Climate Change and Wildfires

By Conservative Commandos Radio Show



E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D., Founder and National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, www.CornwallAlliance.org, author of over a dozen books and over a thousand articles, former associate professor of historical theology and social ethics at Knox Theological Seminary and of interdisciplinary studies at Covenant College.

TOPIC: Misleading Infographic about Climate Change and Wildfires


Jeanette Ward for Wyoming came to Casper, Wyoming a political refugee from fascist Illinois. She served there (2015-2019) as a School Board Member on the largest elected school board in Illinois (U-46), she defended parental rights against the transgender mob, politically biased textbooks, and race hustlers. She publicly exposed a fellow board member who said the American Flag was “nothing more than toilet paper” to her and who said Jeanette was the “21st century brand of the KKK”. Jeanette ran for State Senate in Illinois in 2020 and learned first-hand how the left converted the Covid scam into a weapon for institutionalized election theft. Losing a previously +9 Republican district by about 1700 votes, Jeanette lost VBM (vote by mail) in just ONE of the four counties in my district by roughly 8000 votes, where the clerk for that county didn’t bother to verify any of those VBM signatures. The straw that broke the camel’s back for her family was when one of her family’s high-school daughters was threatened with out-of-school suspension for not wearing a mask. She’s PRO-LIFE, PRO-FREEDOM, PRO-2nd AMENDMENT, and PRO-FAMILY.

TOPIC: Corruption within the FBI and the DOJ

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