POLL: Most Americans, Including Even Some Democrats, Think Trans Madness Has Gone Too Far thumbnail

POLL: Most Americans, Including Even Some Democrats, Think Trans Madness Has Gone Too Far

By The Geller Report

Here yet again we see how far the insane far-left agenda of the Democrats really is from the genuine concerns and actual perspective of the American people.

The American people, or at least the ones who still have a healthy sense of reality, are thoroughly sickened by what leftists are pushing on children with their trans madness.

Even many Democrats, as you can see from the results of this poll, have had enough. The Democrats and the left have failed the American people in every possible way. They have rendered us poorer, more unsafe, more vulnerable, and more uncertain than ever before. And they’re even trying to steal our children. But people are seeing through them.

Majority Of American Voters, Including Many Democrats, Oppose Sex-Change Surgeries For Minors: POLL

by Sarah Weaver, Daily Caller, October 25, 2022:

A majority of American voters believe the transgender movement has gone too far in recommending that underage children transition to the opposite sex via drugs and surgery, according to a new poll released Tuesday.

The poll, put out by Summit Ministries in conjunction with McLaughlin and Associates, was conducted between October 12 and 17 and surveyed 1,000 likely general election voters by political affiliation, race/ethnicity, age, and place of residence.

According to the poll, 65% of respondents believed the transgender movement had gone too far in recommending sex change surgeries and drugs to minors, while only 21% did not. Interestingly, 44% of Biden voters in 2020 agreed with the majority, while only 34% said transgenderism has not gone too far. Along racial and ethnic lines, 48% of African-Americans and 56% of Hispanics agreed with the majority of respondents….

Fifty-seven percent believed financial gain motivated the medical industry to provide gender transition services to children, while only 24% thought it wanted to help children. A significantly higher percentage of Trump 2020 voters than Biden 2020 voters believed the medical industry was motivated by financial gain. Of Trump voters, 76% said they were motivated by greed. Nevertheless, a still-sizable 39% of Biden voters shared this view….

Read more.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.