The Unhinged Violent Left Goes Crazy over Abortion thumbnail

The Unhinged Violent Left Goes Crazy over Abortion

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

I’ve commented many times about the unhinged, violent Left.  They’re out in full force now, completely unglued by the draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

We start with the actual violence they have already perpetrated. Pro-abortion activists smashed police cars and injured police officers with rocks and bottles in Los Angeles, shattered all the windows at City Hall in Portland, and spit on and shoved counter-protesters in front of the Supreme Court.  They also spit on counter-protesters in Arizona, while calling them names that can’t be repeated here.

Next come the public figures who are inciting others to violence.  California Governor Gavin Newsom said we will soon feel the fury of abortion supporters and told them to “fight like hell”, which was not OK and amounted to insurrection, according to Democrats, when Trump said it on January 6th. Transgender activist Chelsea Manning urged people to arm themselves and train in teams to learn how to use their weapons.  Other unhinged Leftists said, “BURN IT ALL DOWN” and “political violence works … burn down the Supreme Court”, among similar statements.  A leftist on Twitter said someone should murder Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Then there’s the intimidation.  Leftists groups are telling protesters to go to the homes of Supreme Court Justices to make their feelings known.  One group published the addresses.  The White House refused to condemn it.  What could possibly go wrong?  You might not recall, but a deranged angry leftist shot and injured a security guard at the Family Research Council in 2013, having gone there with the intent to massacre as many people as possible.  Another deranged Leftist shot Steve Scalise and other Republican congressmen on a baseball field four years later.  Maybe the Justices will get lucky and the protesters will only pound on their front doors like they pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court during the Kavanaugh hearings.

Meanwhile, other abortion fanatics are saying the wackiest things.  Whoopi Goldberg said abortion decisions should be between “my doctor, myself, and my child.”  Huh?  Well, Whoopi, what do you think unborn babies would say if given a choice in the matter?  They just might say, “My body, my choice.”  Too bad we don’t get to hear from them. A minor Hollywood actor tweeted, “I don’t think anybody actually believes fetuses are people.”

This is a change of tone for me on here but I don’t think anybody actually believes fetuses are people. I think they’re lying. There are almost 1,000,000 miscarriages each year in America, it happens to almost everybody. But we’re not constantly getting invited to the funerals.

— Alex Falcone (@alex_falcone) May 5, 2022

Oh, maybe just half the country.  Then there were the unhinged Leftists who said the Supreme Court will outlaw interracial marriage next. That will come as a surprise to Justice Clarence Thomas who is in an interracial marriage.

You can be sure there’s more to come – more wacky statements, more intimidation, and more violence from the unhinged Left.  But all of this pales in comparison to what they’re doing to the unborn.  It all fits, doesn’t it?  Anything goes with the unhinged violent Left, including murder, just to get their way.

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