To Our friends in the IDF — Stop Talking & Start Planning Your Strategic, Operational & Tactical Response to Destroy the Iranian Government thumbnail

To Our friends in the IDF — Stop Talking & Start Planning Your Strategic, Operational & Tactical Response to Destroy the Iranian Government

By Geoff Ross

To our friends at the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) we salute you and send you our very best wishes.

Congratulations on your success and superior military capabilities in destroying the incoming ballistic missiles and drones fired upon your beautiful country Israel by the terrorist state of Iran.

I am a retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief, Surface Warfare and Air Warfare designated. I served with you in the past at a training command. I am also a veteran of Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.

I offer you my military strategic, operational and tactical advice such as it is from my past experiences.

  1. Stop stating publicly that you are going to respond militarily to the terrorist state of Iran. Stop talking and let the evil Iranian government fall into complacency. Instead state the matter is closed when in fact it is not.
  2. Do not tell the Biden administration or any country you consider friendly towards Israel any plans you may have for a future military strike against Iran. The Biden administration will share this information with the Iranian government. The Biden administration is NOT your friend.
  3. Military strategy is the long term planning and execution between adversaries. Military tactics is the movement of military troops on a particular battlefield. You know this already and “You’ve got this covered” just don’t talk about it.
  4. Stop talking to the American and all media outlets unless it’s disinformation because it will be fed back to the Iranian government. Ask yourself why was Biden on vacation over the weekend when he knew Iran was going to attack you.

In Operation Desert Storm in 1991 we told the fake news CNN we would enter Iraq and Kuwait from the South. Saddam Hussein thus relocated most of his military personnel and also buried his Russian made tanks in the Kuwaiti and Iraqi sand in the south after getting this information from CNN.

We then entered Iraq from the north quickly gaining military ground and air superiority. The Iraqi military that was left in the north surrendered quickly.

We then took out the Russian made tanks from the air while the tank crews ran their Air Conditioners as our pilots could see the tank heat signatures from the diesel engines that were used to run the AC units.

Thanks to CNN reporting the false information we fed them we had an easy entry into northern Iraq. CNN is not your friend.

We loved watching the fake news CNN reporting the disinformation from the beach in southern Kuwait and like the idiots they are nobody showed for their party.

Don’t talk to the fake news media unless it’s disinformation.

5. Do nothing and say nothing and wait for our Presidential election in November. Stop talking about future military operations unless it’s disinformation.

Plan your response in destroying the Iranian government in 2025. Trump will be in the White House and he is your true real friend not Biden. You must take out the government and their senior military leadership first.

Iran is a centralized government like most Communist countries. If you take out the people giving the orders first this dismantles their ability to respond to your just deserved military action. You can then take out their nuclear weapons facilities second.

6. Be patient and when the time is right do what must be done to ensure the permanent security of your nation and people. But wait – your enemy must fall into complacency. Right now they are waiting for your response.

7. The Iranian government used over 300 missiles and drones against your homeland and could replace them by 2025 that is true but disregard that.

You’ve already proven your strength and Iran rebuilding its missile and drone inventory should not be taken as a requirement to initiate immediate action against this evil regime. Patience is the key and an unprecedented military strike that totally eradicates their government should be taken but not yet.

Wait until 2025 and wait until Trump has hired real American leadership in our Pentagon that actually supports you. Give him time to rebuild our military leadership and remove the woke commie military leaders currently in our armed forces.

Then do what you have to do without notifying anyone. Bam! Take no prisoners.

Trump will back you up always.

©2024. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.


The Iranian threat has always been there.

Now, they have come out of the shadows to expose its true face—a radical and irrational regime that wants to end the entire free world.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) April 14, 2024