Top Ten Fastest Growing Conservative Websites Identified

One of my favorites, Gateway Pundit, is near the top of the list.

Who needs Fox News and who needs Twitter*** just put these sites on your daily reading and watch list and you will be the best informed citizen in your neighborhood. But, just being well-informed doesn’t cut it.

Do not spend all of your time becoming a super-reader because you have work to do!  You have to be a community organizer for America First! from the bottom up!

My Community Organizing 101 series for patriots was launched last weekend (and it is for any and all issues, not just for how to organize on refugee/immigration issues).

Community Organizing 101 is also available on my sidebar under a photo of Obama giving instructions to his fellow Marxists.

What do we do now? Fight Back Locally!

So here are the top ten fastest growing conservative media outlets. Sorry the list is not very clear, go to Gateway Pundit for a clearer image.

Top five are OANN, Newsmax, The Gateway Pundit, The Epoch Times, and The Federalist.


*** As you know Twitter suspended me, took away all of my followers (there were 13,500 remaining before they wiped them out), and now won’t allow me to deactivate my account—-Why?  because I am suspended with no access to it.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.