Trust me! Our gas prices are high by Democrat design. thumbnail

Trust me! Our gas prices are high by Democrat design.

By Save America Foundation

For this insidious administration to blame Trump, Russia, oil companies and the goats mother for the state of our high gas prices is purely and simply a lie. A huge and deliberate lie they hoped their traditional cohorts, the MSM, would embellish and promote.

Their cow-towing to the extreme left members of what is left of the old Democrat party as it morphs into the New Socialist Democrat Party, is treasonous and designed to collapse this constitutional republic into a country our founding fathers would not recognize. Heck, one I wouldn’t recognize.

The gas prices we see today are a direct result of the lefts agenda which is an irrational attack on the very life blood of this country and its economy. Fossil Fuels. Everything they say contrary to that is a lie. Period.

They say it is about Green Energy. Another lie that is easily disproved. Not one single country on this earth produces oil as clean as we do here in the good old US of A! So by cutting our ability to drill, to move the product via efficient and safe pipelines and refine it we then become dependent on our enemies for oil. The production of oil in the Middle East, Russia, OPEC, Venezuela et al is produced with more filth and pollution and without as much care to the global climate as that produced at home.

As this evil and Satanic Administration get closer to what promises to be a disastrous mid term election, the more they panic and therefore the more they lie.

The recent decision by Biden to release 180 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Reserve is not about anything other than reversing another Trump want and wish decision. ( 1 million barrels a day for six months ) A decision that he made with our countries security and well being in mind. After all, unlike Biden, Trump loves America.

In March of 2020 President Trump asked for $3Billion to fill the strategic reserve. He saw oil prices very low and decided it would be financially beneficial at that time to fill the reserves to the brim. The DemonRats stopped it. Even bragged about it. They called it stopping a “big oil bailout.”

Environmental groups like Friends of the Earth and Green Peace called it a huge victory against evil oil. The Trump plan was wise. It was no bail out to big oil. Not at those prices. It would have given America another layer of security.

Biden’s plan to drain off a million barrels a day from the SOR is being done to try and improve critical and terrible poll numbers. The price at the pump means nothing to him. The Strategic Oil Reserve is designed to be an emergency domestic supply of oil in the event of war or disaster. By him recklessly depleting our reserve, Biden is crippling our capability to withstand any future oil crisis. He is also endangering our national security. Something he has always done without care.

America consumes over 20 million barrels of oil per day. A total in excess of 3,690 million barrels over the six month period of this latest Hail Mary from Biden. He is releasing 180 million barrels over the same six months! Do the math. A drop in the ocean but one they are trying to make into some magnificent decision from a caring and understanding President. What a freaking joke! Personally I am not sure he has the cognitive wherewithal to even understand what he was told to read!

The reason we are paying record high prices today are 100% Bidens’ and the lefts energy policy results. His stoppage of the Keystone XL pipeline, stopping drilling on Federal Lands and putting so much red tape in front of oil producers making it unviable on some leases to drill are why we are where we are. Oil prices are set on the international energy futures market and not by oil companies.

Buying oil from our enemies, such as Iran and Venezuela etc. will only endanger the entire world security as these evil countries and their leadership get rich enough on our dollars to produce weapons of mass destruction and build up their militaries. Just as Biden and his gang are weakening and destroying ours.


©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.