VIDEO: Sometimes Conservation is a Bear thumbnail

VIDEO: Sometimes Conservation is a Bear

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

How do we find the best solutions for both bears, and people too?

That’s what Gabriella Hoffman set off to find out on the latest episode of CFACT’s Conservation Nation series. Hoffman traveled to Montana and Wyoming to interview stakeholders and find out what’s really going on with Grizzly and Black Bear conservation.

Watch the full episode.

Environmentalists would have you believe that to properly conserve nature, humans must have zero interaction with it. Nothing could be further from the truth. When people are properly managing lands and wildlife, both people and animals thrive. That’s exactly the point those on the ground in Big Sky Country working with the bears had to say.

Listen to their stories for yourself!

Hoffman also brought this “conservation is conservative” message to several college campuses as well, including Florida State and Appalachian State University in North Carolina. Speeches at Michigan Technical University, George Mason University, Boston University, and the Ohio State University are also scheduled.

Students got to hear about how hunting and fishing helps drive conservation efforts, and why proper use of our federal lands (by allowing energy production on them!) helps fund National Parks and drive energy independence.

If only some representatives from the Biden Administration could have attended and learned something!

Finally, every week, CFACT promotes a commonsense conservation message through Hoffman’s District of Conservation podcast, sponsored by CFACT. Check out some of the latest episodes, like this one that covers how Virginia is now open for hunting on Sundays, and this one that lambasts Biden’s energy and land use policies for playing into Putin’s hands when it comes to gas prices.

Share these videos and podcasts with a friend, and let’s spread the word that real conservation requires humans to be involved through free markets, smart ideas, and local stakeholders.


Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.