Virginia House Passes Bill to End Virginia’s Clean Economy Act! thumbnail

Virginia House Passes Bill to End Virginia’s Clean Economy Act!

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Give yourself a hand!

The Virginia House of Delegates voted by a 52-48 margin to pass HB 118 — a bill crafted to roll back the disastrous Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) put in place by former Governor Ralph Northam.

As you may recall, CFACT asked you to chime in and give your opinion, and apparently many of you did just that. So overwhelming was the response, in fact, that opposition to the VCEA grew to a whopping 7-1 margin against it! To be sure, it appears VA House legislators heard your voice and have decided they were also in favor of putting the brakes on the dangerous Green New Deal-style VCEA initiative to pave their state with costly wind and solar farms.

Again, bravo!

As you might expect, CFACT also weighed in on the issue via other means. CFACT advisor Collister Johnson and I, for instance, went down and testified directly before the House sub-committee on Commerce and Energy on behalf of HB 118. CFACT’s website also posted numerous articles showcasing the folly of the VCEA. And right before the vote today, CFACT released a groundbreaking report by former DOE researcher David Wojick pointing out numerous flaws in Dominion energy’s plan. We sent it to every member of the House.

Among the study’s key findings include:

  • Dominion’s proposed Plan for VCEA compliance will likely lead to disastrous blackouts and price spikes. Destructive reliability problems are possible as early as winter 2023-24.
  • VCEA requires ever increasing amounts of intermittent wind and solar power, accompanied by the progressive retirement of all existing fossil fueled generating capacity. Reliability can only be maintained by adding massive amounts of battery storage along the way.
  • Dominion’s proposed Plan includes less than 3% of the required storage. The necessary storage will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.

You can read the full report for yourself here.

Importing needed power from neighboring states to ameliorate likely energy shortages is not feasible, and Dominion’s Plan all but acknowledges such.

This was indeed a good day. The battle to undo the damage done by the Greens over recent years still has a long way to go, but at least there’s a bright spot that just happened a little south of the Mason-Dixon that should give us encouragement.

For nature and people too.

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EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.