WATCH: Biden stumbles, mumbles, blunders his way through first news conference

This is frightening. All of it.


Watch Closely: Biden’s Gives Away His Dirty Trick to Make It Through First Press Conference

By Kyle Becker, March 25, 2021

President Joe Biden gave the first press briefing in over two months in office on Thursday. Watch as he takes his first question:

Biden, after taking a question from Zeke Miller of the Associated Press, fumbles around with his notes and takes peeks at it throughout his answer.

“Well, I’m — look,” Biden said and paused, then began looking through a booklet of scripted answers. “When, uh, when I took office I, uh, decided that it was a fairly basic, simple proposition. And that is, I got elected to solve problems.”

“And the most urgent problems facing the American people I stated from the outset,” he contiued, “was COVID-19 and the economic dislocation for millions and millions of Americans.”

“And so that’s why I put all my focus in the beginning, for a lot of problems, put all of my focus on dealing with those particular problems,” Biden said while again referring to his notes.

The reaction on Twitter was incredulity.

Biden also was calling on reporters based on a prepared list.

Despite having 64 days to prepare for the event, Biden can’t even answer a question authoritatively without notes. What a difference from President Trump, who could talk for hours unscripted without notes or a teleprompter.


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