Amnesty Opponents Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) and Mary Miller (R-IL) Win Their Primaries thumbnail

Amnesty Opponents Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) and Mary Miller (R-IL) Win Their Primaries

By Dr. Rich Swier

ALIPAC in an email congratulating Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) and Mary Miller (R-IL) for winning their respective primaries stated:

Amnesty supporting GOP Rep. Rodney Davis has been defeated by Amnesty opponent Rep. Mary Miller, who is endorsed by ALIPAC, in the Illinois primary today!

Rep. Rodney Davis is on ALIPAC’s Cantor List for removal from office due to his support for Amnesty for Obama’s DACA illegals which is opposed by most Americans and a super-majority of GOP Primary voters. At last count, Miller was beating Davis 58% to 42%.

ALIPAC Endorsed conservatives Reps Lauren Boebert and Doug Lamborn also fought off challengers and won their primaries today in Colorado.

ALIPAC would like to thank every American voter and activist who is working to remove Amnesty backing RINOs and Democrats from office while supporting those who stand with America’s existing immigration and border laws like Reps Miller, Boebert, and Lamborn.

Please congratulate these Constitutional conservative candidates on Facebook:

Doug Lamborn for Congress

Lauren Boebert for Congress,

Mary Miller for Congress

And on Twitter here.

We would like to congratulate our three ALIPAC Endorsed Amnesty opposing GOP candidates who won their primaries tonight in Colorado & Illinois! Thank you for standing up for America’s existing border and immigration laws @RepDLamborn @laurenboebert and @Miller_Congress

— William Gheen (@ALIPAC) June 29, 2022

©Dr. Rich Swier—All rights reserved.