Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Eyes Invasion Declaration, Sweeping Border Moves If Elected thumbnail

Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake Eyes Invasion Declaration, Sweeping Border Moves If Elected

By Adam Shaw

Arizona has been at the forefront of the ongoing crisis at the southern border

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is promising to declare an “invasion” at the southern border if elected to lead the state in November, one of a number of aggressive moves she intends to take to combat the raging migrant crisis.

The Trump-backed former news anchor secured the Republican nomination earlier this month in a state where the migrant crisis has taken a heavy toll. Recent data obtained by Fox News show that Yuma Sector has seen a 242% increase in encounters so far this fiscal year.

With a crisis in both Arizona and Texas, Lake has joined the growing number of voices calling to declare an invasion at the southern border, a move proponents have argued would give the governor additional powers to deal with the crisis under the Constitution.

“This is the biggest invasion we’ve ever had on our homeland since the founding of this country,” Lake told Fox News Digital in an interview. “And so we’re going to call it what it is.

“It’s also important to call it what it is for our policy as well. We’re going to be invoking our inherent powers under Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution to defend ourselves from the invasion in lieu of the federal government reneging on their guarantees to protect us under the Guarantee Clause, Article IV, Section IV.

“So we will issue a declaration of invasion, and we will take on those powers that are granted to us in the U.S. Constitution, and we will take care of the problem at our border.”…..


Continue reading this article at Fox News.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.