Western Civilization’s Most Important and Neglected Strand thumbnail

Western Civilization’s Most Important and Neglected Strand

By Jerry Newcombe

For the last few generations, Western civilization has been under attack. But recently there were some excellent defenses of it made by Bill Maher (earlier this month) and by Greg Gutfield in his program on Fox News last Friday.

Gutfield said: “So let’s talk about the death of Western civilization. It’s in trouble, people….Now, before you accuse me of being too pessimistic, let me just say the West has been tested before and we’ve come through….in 1940 when it looked like the Nazis could take over all of Europe, it was the British who stood up to them alone. Sounds familiar to what Israel is doing right now, doesn’t it?”

Gutfield went on, “When the wall and Soviet communism fell, our president didn’t. The West survived once again….So if you’re a parent, think hard about where your kids are going to school. Make sure they understand that America is unique in history and so are the achievements and the freedoms of Western civilization.”

I really appreciate the comedian’s insights as far as they go. But I would add that the Judeo-Christian tradition has been the critical foundation for this strength and resilience.

For example, Gutfield rightly extolled Winston Churchill for his great rallying speech when the British army was surrounded at Dunkirk. But it’s important to also note that Churchill declared in that speech that they (the British) would fight against the Nazis in every way they could “until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

Churchill said in another speech on June 18, 1940, “I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization.”

Although many point to the influences of the Enlightenment, ancient Greece, and ancient Rome, it is the predominant Judeo-Christian influence that defines Western Civilization.

Meanwhile, another comedian recently defended the West. A few weeks ago, Bill Maher said, “For all the progressives and academics who refer to Israel as an outpost of Western Civilization, like it’s a bad thing…Western civilization is what gave the world pretty much every [expletive] liberal precept that liberals are supposed to adore. Individual liberty, scientific inquiry, rule of law, religious freedom, women’s rights, human rights, democracy, trial by jury, freedom of speech.”

He credited Rousseau and Voltaire with the giving the world the idea of human rights. There I would disagree. Rousseau and Voltaire were at war with Western civilization, and they helped create the nightmare that was the French Revolution. The streets ran red with blood because of their anti-God philosophies.

Maher did properly credit John Locke for the rights “against unreasonable searches and seizures” embodied in the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. But Maher left out Locke’s Christian worldview—which is seen throughout his books, including his Second Treatise on Civil Government, which has some 90 references to the Bible to formulate his arguments. That book was influential to America’s founders.

Furthermore, John Locke wrote a book entitled, The Reasonableness of Christianity. I once attended Sunday school classes taught by Greg Forster, Ph.D., now with Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. Forster credits his conversion to Christ through his study of that book by Locke for his doctoral thesis at Yale.

What makes Western civilization what it is? A dozen years ago, reports emerged that some Chinese intellectuals were beginning to realize how important Christianity was to the genius of the West.

Writing for the Iona Institute for Religion and Society (March 3, 2011), Tom O’Gorman opined, “In the West we are doing our best to destroy our Christian heritage; but in China, Chinese intellectuals are coming around to the view that it is precisely this heritage that has made the West so successful.”

Harvard University’s Niall Ferguson quoted a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in his book, Civilization: The West and the Rest: “The Christian moral foundation of social and cultural life was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics. We don’t have any doubt about this.”

At D. James Kennedy Ministries, we are gearing up to release in December our ground-breaking documentary based on a book that I co-wrote with Dr. D. James Kennedy, What If the Bible Had Never Been Written? This book shows how the Scriptures have transformed our world in a multitude of positive ways.

One quote from our book says it all—as to the Scriptural contribution to Western civilization. Said author and former Yale professor William Lyons Phelps: “Our civilization is founded upon the Bible. More of our ideas, our wisdom, our philosophy, our literature, our art, our ideals come from the Bible than from all other books combined.”

©2023.  Dr. Jerry Newcombe, D. Min. All rights reserved.

The State of Abortion Across the States thumbnail

The State of Abortion Across the States

By Family Research Council

Since the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade was dismantled last summer, the fight against abortion has largely moved to the state level. Although many in the pro-life movement argue that there is a strong case to be made for the federal government’s duty to protect the lives of unborn children, leftists have shifted their focus to campaigning for abortion on a state-by-state basis, with a particular emphasis on constitutional amendments declaring abortion a “right” under state law.

For example, CaliforniaMichiganOhio, and Vermont have all voted to declare abortion a constitutional “right,” while Kansas and Kentucky rejected proposals to bar abortion from being enshrined in the state constitution. Most of these measures have been adopted via referendum, and abortion activists are relying on the same tactic in other states.

In Nebraska, a proposal has already been submitted to election authorities to declare abortion a state constitutional “right.” The group Protect Our Rights, which is endorsed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Nebraska and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska, introduced a ballot initiative to constitutionally protect abortion up to the point of “fetal viability,” which would be determined by individual doctors on a case-by-case basis.

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen (R) signed a law in May protecting the unborn after 12 weeks. In South Dakota, a group called Dakotans for Health is collecting signatures to introduce a ballot initiative barring the state government from protecting unborn lives until the third trimester. Abortion is currently illegal in South Dakota — the state’s last Planned Parenthood abortion facility committed its final (legal) abortion last June.

The Missouri Women and Family Research Fund is also collecting signatures for pro-abortion ballot initiatives, although the proposed language is currently under litigation after Republican Jamie Corley argued pro-life Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft’s ballot initiative summaries relied on partisan language critical of abortion. Led by Corley, the Missouri Women and Family Research Fund is seeking to add numerous exemptions to the state’s current law, which protects the unborn in all cases except when a mother’s life is in danger. If adopted, the ballot initiative would make it a “fundamental right” to “choose to have an abortion” during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and would block criminal or civil penalties for abortionists.

Leftists in the Sunshine State have formed a coalition called Floridians Protecting Freedom which includes Florida’s ACLU branch and the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates (FAPPA) and are pushing pro-abortion ballot initiatives. According to FAPPA’s website, the proposals aim to “constitutionally protect Floridians’ freedom to access abortion.” The proposed language states, “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed a six-week protection bill into law earlier this year, superseding the state’s 15-week law. The 15-week law is currently under review by the Florida Supreme Court but, if it is allowed to go into effect, will be replaced by the six-week law. Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (R) and other pro-life leaders and groups have asked the state Supreme Court to intervene and prevent the initiative from appearing on the ballot.

A coalition in the Grand Canyon State, called Arizona for Abortion Access, is pushing a ballot initiative to include a “fundamental right” to abortion in the state’s constitution. The organization includes the ACLU of Arizona, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona, and NARAL Arizona. Abortion is currently illegal in Arizona past 15 weeks, but the state Supreme Court could allow almost total protections for the unborn from 1864 to go back into effect.

In Maryland, voters will decide next year whether to enshrine abortion in their state’s constitution. Lawmakers agreed in March to put the constitutional amendment up for referendum. The amendment states that “every person, as a central component of an individual’s rights to liberty and equality, has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decision to prevent, continue, or end one’s own pregnancy.” Abortion is currently unrestricted in Maryland.

In New York, leftist groups are funneling millions of dollars into efforts to enshrine abortion in the state constitution. Planned Parenthood Action and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) of New York, among others, have pledged a combined $20 million to promote the measure in digital and broadcast advertisements, as well as to back canvassers. The constitutional amendment would make “reproductive healthcare and autonomy” a protected civil rights category. Abortion is currently legal in New York up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, and permitted after 24 weeks if the mother’s life is in danger.

The Colorado Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice Coalition is pushing a similar amendment in the Rocky Mountain State. Backed by organizations like the ACLU of Colorado and Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, the coalition is collecting signatures for an amendment to not only ensconce abortion in the state constitution but to also undo an existing measure which bars the state from funding abortion. That law also ensures that abortion is not covered by government-provided health insurance programs. Abortion in Colorado is currently unrestricted and state legislators have repeatedly passed pro-abortion laws over the past two years.

Although mainstream media outlets predicted pro-abortion efforts in Nevada would “likely” be successful, a judge has shot down a leftist-led ballot initiative. Abortion during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy was already codified into Nevada’s constitution in 1990, but Planned Parenthood-allied Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom launched an attempt to constitutionally allow abortion at any point throughout pregnancy. District court judge James Russell blocked the effort earlier this month, ruling that the proposed language was too broad. The proposed language would have ensured a “fundamental right to reproductive freedom,” which would include “all matters relating to pregnancy.” Russell ruled that the proposed language was “logrolling,” violating a Nevada law which prohibits combining unrelated subjects in a single ballot initiative.

He wrote, “This Court agrees … that the Petition embraces a multitude of subjects that amount to logrolling. Subsection 1, alone, embraces the following subjects: prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, vasectomy, tubal ligation, abortion, abortion care, management of a miscarriage, and infertility care.” He added that “it is unclear how a vasectomy relates to infertility care or postpartum care. Likewise, it is unclear how postpartum care is related to abortions or birth control.” Russel concluded, “Thus, it is improper to characterize these broad categories as a ‘single subject’ because there is no explanation as to how these provisions are functionally related.”

The South Carolina Supreme Court also handed pro-lifers a recent victory, rejecting Planned Parenthood’s attempt to block the state’s heartbeat law. After the court upheld the heartbeat law in August, Planned Parenthood asked the justices to block the law, arguing that the legislation’s definition of a “fetal heartbeat” was ambiguous. Earlier this month, the court declined to hear Planned Parenthood’s challenge. This follows Georgia’s Supreme Court upholding the Peach State’s own heartbeat law last month, originally passed in 2019 and enacted once Roe was overturned.


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: U.S. Abortion Numbers, Rate, and Ratio Increased in 2021: CDC’s Abortion Surveillance

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

NYC: Gay Black Leftist Defaces Poster of Kidnapped 19 Year-Old Girl Hostage with ‘THIS WHORE’ thumbnail

NYC: Gay Black Leftist Defaces Poster of Kidnapped 19 Year-Old Girl Hostage with ‘THIS WHORE’

By The Geller Report

This is the left in America.

Minorities (in this case black and gay) are the most vicious and vile Anti-Semites.

On a poster of a 19-y-old girl, he writes: “This whore”

WATCH: A man writes on the posters of Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas.

New York City…

A man writes on the posters of Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas.

On a poster of a 19-y-old girl, he writes:

“This whore” pic.twitter.com/fUqUrvLC8J

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 26, 2023


Pamela Geller


Daughter of Critically Ill Freed Hostage Rips Red Cross

Great to See to Elon Musk In Israel

HORRID: Biden Apologizes to Hamas

Montreal: JCC (Jewish Community Council) Building Attacked with Molotov Cocktail

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

The Stalin/Andropov Legacy in America: Controlled Opposition thumbnail

The Stalin/Andropov Legacy in America: Controlled Opposition

By Simona Pipko

“The information is the most precious commodity in politics.”— Yuri Andropov.

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” — Elmer Davis

Two populist leaders have won in the Netherlands and Argentina sending a tidal wave across two continents. In America I was shocked by the opposite events. There was a discussion between two respected men: Thomas Sowell and Mark Levin on Fox News, November 25, 2023. They were discussing two topics: Biden’s government run by Radical Left and a new book by Thomas Sowell Social Justice FallaciesAfter their discussion Victor Devis Hanson joined Levin’s show. I was sitting, amazed, watching three of the most intelligent men in America, talking about Marxism. Stunning by listening to them, I was still waiting for the truth. Alas, they didn’t know the truth, they didn’t know Stalinism and his ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism. None of them has mentioned Russia at all, none of them grasped Putin’s Socialist Revolution going on in America today.

Those who never heard Andropov’s name don’t know him and therefore they can’t understand what is going on in 2023 America. They don’t know Russia’s role in global politics and activities of its Intel during the last hundred years—they don’t know the term: Controlled Opposition. That means they can’t perceive what is going on in 2023 America, because Biden’s government is the Controlled Opposition. It is not controlled by the dead Marxist theory, but it is controlled by Vladimir Putin and his KGB’s Mafia/Army—an Evil Doer. Putin is a devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov, he had very successfully implemented the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism for the last thirty years…

Another Republican, Laura Ingraham has discussed that problem more deeply. She has exposed the Democrats Socialist Project Brainwash, Clinton Global Initiative, and Equity scam in the Ingraham Angel, Special addition, Fox News, November 23, 2023. Moreover, she also exposed a contemporary danger of TikTok run by China, which has confused kids and will serve as propaganda to vote for Biden in November 2024. Every word said by her is the total truth. She however, didn’t mention the common denominator for all those actions—Stalinist ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. The next day Nathan Sales and Stephan Miller continued the discussion on the Ingraham Angel coming to a sad conclusion: sweeping-radical rise of global anti—Semitism.

It so happened that I was a member of the Russian legal community at the time of Andropov’s tenure as the KGB Chairman 1967-1982. He was a smart and intelligent man, a very unusual Chairman of the KGB: he loved Russian music and poetry. I learned from him about Control Opposition. All of that didn’t prevent him from successfully spreading the ideology of Stalinist Soviet Socialism across the globe, infiltrating all continents. I am an alive witness of his KGB’s Mafia/Army War Crime against humanity, its activities throughout the globe. Some of my friends from the Law School have been working under his supervision and they provided me with the information about him, which I used in my books and columns.

Controlled Opposition

I had known that Controlled Opposition had been invented by Yuri Andropov and I have written several columns describing it. Surprisingly, I   found similar discussion in America and an article: What Is Controlled Opposition? Controlled opposition secretly works against you. BRENDON MAROTTA, MAY 26, 2022. “Controlled opposition is a powerful strategy. In a typical political conflict, each group only gets to play their side of the conflict. With controlled opposition, one organization can play both sides. Controlled opposition can also act as spies, feeding information back to opposition organizations, feeding disinformation to those they pretend to ally with, and deliberately instigating infighting to ensure activist work does not get done.”

It is a brilliant article, written 60 years later, but much better than my explanations. I recommend you to read it to grasp Biden’s secrecy-strategy and possibility for him with the help of the KGB’s Mafia/Army to repeat in 2024 the 2020 election. Yes, the Stalin/Andropov legacy is alive and well in America. Israel-Hamas War will give you the opportunity to look at Controlled Opposition in its life-actions, just watch Biden’s team: collaboration with Russia on the Southern border with millions illegals pouring to our soil destroying the Constitution, or preventing Israel from winning against the terrorist-Hamas by insisting on a cease-fire. I’d also remind you of the Afghanistan shameful surrender, which I described as the Russian design and the White House execution in August 2021. Think about all of it.

As you can see the Soviet propaganda-machine has very smoothly traveled from Russia to China in the 21st century. Perhaps, too smoothly, forgetting the substance and history of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. As a matter of fact, it was Josep Stalin who implemented his ideology of Soviet Socialism in both countries: Russia and China. Both countries’ ideological basis had been Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Despite changing the official name, the Soviet System with its punitive agencies is still running the government of Russia. Writing about Russia for forty-two years, I presented the current Russia’s FSB by their former name the KGB as the merger, an amalgamation of all Intel agencies Apparatus. My term for the KGB’s Mafia/Army—an Evil Doer has resulted from the rising global anti-Semitism by the KGB’s activities for decades.

Don’t be surprised by massive global pro-Palestinian protests, violence, and vandalism. This is a result of the KB’s Mafia/Army activities for decades. All our colleges are under the pressure to address anti-Semitism, but nobody taught them that Russia is a terrorist and anti-Semitic state, fighting Western civilization for the last hundred years. Terrorism is a violent act to achieve political gain.  All recent terror acts in America had an identical motive and agenda, identical methods and brutal executions. All came from the same source, a testament to a massive failure of our Intel not knowing Russia and its KGB’s Mafia/Army. Yuri Andropov was right: “The information is the most precious commodity in politics.” Please, read information about Russia’s elections, to compare it with the latest elections in America:

“Russian Carousel (Roundabout) in America

Encouraged by his success, Putin and his criminal cabal began designing the final assault on the political system of the American Constitutional Republic—the 2020 election. To grasp my ideas, you have to know the KGB Mafia-Army, Putin’s KGB government, and certain events going on in Russia. In my preceding column. I have tried to show you massive infiltration in the 2020 election by several foreign governments, in particular Putin’s KGB, because I was afraid that Russian hackers would outwit Americans. Maybe the Dominion machines produced fraud, maybe David Sanger NYT is right, researching software, I am not an expert in computer and software technology, but an expert in Russia. The events of multiple frauds were not only obvious visually, but they have been very familiar to me, as happened in the Russian election years ago. And I have described them in my books. The Navarro Report is accurate: the stories of the illegitimate ballots in suitcases and ballots driven by truck from New York to Pennsylvania happened exactly the way it occurred in the Russian 2007 election. Please, read a fragment from my book at the time:

“Have you heard the term carousel (roundabout) used in the election to Duma?  Do you know what it means? Hearing this word in Russian, I did not understand its application at first. The events that followed had given me the meaning of the word. The United Russia party together with the Kremlin’s administration had organized the youth movement’s groups providing them with a caravan of buses. The vast majority of youngsters were called NASHISTS. I watched them on Russian TV. Young people, wearing shirts with Putin’s portrait, singing with enthusiasm bordering on euphoria, occupied the buses and moved along the streets to the voting precincts one after another. The voting ballots were waiting for them and they all voted for United Russia. Then they left for other voting places where they voted again and again for the United Russia (Party).

I will give you another example so you can fully comprehend what is going on in Russia. A couple of months before the election, the Kremlin had issued an order to all enterprises and offices throughout eleven time zones. The order requested all the workers of the above-mentioned plants and offices, students and teachers to take the absentee ballots from their places of residence and vote in their place of work or study. The heads of all offices were told to watch how people were voting and provide United Russia with the victory. Moreover, the policy of infiltration from the Soviet past became clear in the present Russia.” pp. 191-192, What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012.

Socialist Charlatans vs. the Western World

The Republicans still don’t understand that there is no patriotic Democrat Party any longer, a multi-national cabal of Socialist Charlatans are fighting Republicans and our Constitutional Republic. Until Republicans call Socialist Charlatans their real names, Republicans will lose… language matters… Socialist Charlatans have camouflage themselves by the name Democratic, though nothing democratic is left in the so-called Democrat Party. Biden is using the name of democracy and lying to you by talking about American democracy, because people didn’t grant power to Joe Biden—the KGB did. The Republicans in Georgia’s runoff election need to learn and use an appropriate terminology. Language is a major factor in debates!” Russian/Chinese Intel: Carousel and COVID-19 in America, December 21, 2020 by Simona Pipko.

Yes, our national security is at stake and every American needs to learn the information about our foremost enemy: the terrorist state of Russia. Those are not just empty words, but ironically some Republicans are diverting your attention from actual culprits by making dead Marxism the actual source of all American problems and helping the Democrats to deceive you. The American pundits not only ignorant pertaining Stalinism, they don’t know Marxism, that I studied at the law school for four years:

Creating the Theory of Socialism and Communism as a means of rooting out the exploitation of man by man, Marx and Engels purposely divided it into two phases: the first phase was Socialism and the second –- Communism. They identified in detail the tasks, agendas, and ways to achieve them in the “Theory”, as follows:

  • First – the tasks and agenda—overthrowing the capitalist economic system and establishing Socialism as a basis for the creation of a classless Communist society in the future.
  • Second – how to fulfill the tasks and agenda—through World Revolution.
  • Third – the World Revolution would occur under the leadership of the proletariat.  “Proletariats of the world unite!” was their slogan.
  • Fourth – Marxist Theory can be applied only in industrially developed European countries.

Pay attention to the fourth point:” Marxist Theory can be applied only in industrially developed European countries.” Russia was an agricultural country and has never been an industrially developed European country. The creation by Stalin of his system of Soviet Socialism was in direct opposition to Marxism. It was a typical Stalinist fraud. Socialism couldn’t exist without the government force. To create Soviet Socialism, Stalin used Marxist rhetoric to fabricate his own system that was completely intertwined with punitive agencies. The creation of the Soviet Mafia, Socialist modus operandi, and the KGB’s Mafia/Army had been a necessity for Stalin to help deceive and defraud people.  A devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov, Vladimir Putin is still keeping the Soviet system of punitive agencies in Russia after the Soviet Socialism had collapsed.” The Democrat Party: A Party of Disinformation and Fraud May 21, 2023.

That is the reason, I repeatedly remind you about Soviet-Socialist Modus Operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication, and fraud. Operation Disinformation was started in the beginning of the 20th century by Stalin, building class-warfare and never ended. America has never learned Stalinism and is unable to recognize it. By the way, if you read my columns or any of my books, you will learn that all countries overturned to Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism, had been subverted by the same exact way. If you look at America today, you will be stunned by lies, deceptions, fabrications, and fraud used by Biden’s White House and his entire administration. Welcome to Soviet Socialism in America!!! It is like in the Soviet Union—Inside a Gigantic Network of Falsehood!

My fellow Americans! Knowledge is Power! We are living in a very dangerous time for our Constitutional republic. Our national security is at stake!I have been writing about Russia trying to warn you for the last forty-two years. It is not the dead Marxism, but the alive KGB’s Mafia/Army—an Evil Doer that infiltrated to dismantle our educational system, courts, business and all democratic institutions designed by our Founding Fathers.

Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save America the Beautiful. You will find all answers of how to save our country in my columns. Read them for free and save America from the Democrats, who are selling out country to the terrorists and foreigners!

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued www.simonapipko.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

4 things you were supposed to forget about ‘Trans Day of Remembrance’ thumbnail

4 things you were supposed to forget about ‘Trans Day of Remembrance’

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

For a third year in a row, the Biden Administration has laid it on thick in marking November 20 as ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ (TDoR).

“Today, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, we grieve the 26 transgender Americans who were killed this year,” Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced in a video that quickly went viral last week.

In a press statement on the same day, Secretary of State Antony Blinken described the event as “a day to commemorate the transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming persons who are targeted and killed for living authentically and courageously”.

“Trans individuals are a part of every country, every culture, and every faith tradition,” Blinken claimed, adding, “we will continue to speak loudly and clearly to end transphobic violence and homicide”.

In his own statement, President Biden declared, “We must never be silent in the face of hate,” while mourning “the loss of transgender Americans taken too soon this year”.

In recent times, Mercator has taken considerable interest in TDoR, in particular noting the exaggerated claims regularly made about a supposed transgender murder epidemic.

While what follows provides further critique of such tall trans tales, the words of Mercator editor Michael Cook bear repeating, who in another piece on the same topic has affirmed:

“All trans murders are tragedies. All of the victims are someone’s son or daughter. They all had friends who loved them. They all had inalienable rights and deserved to be treated with respect.”

Well said.

Even so, the Biden admin’s rhetorical sleights of hand must be named for what they are. Alleging that all of the transgender-identifying people being mourned by the White House were targeted due to their sexual identity — due to ‘transphobia’ — requires more than mere words: it demands proof.

Moreover, to commemorate a day for so fractionally small a cohort of Americans is to let the ideological cat out of the bag. Only for causes that come in rainbow colours would the deaths of 0.000008% of Americans warrant so much pomp and circumstance from the Biden Woke House.

As one popular X account quipped, “When is the Victims Of Falling Vending Machines Day Of Remembrance?”

So, to mark TDoR this year, consider four things the woke establishment hoped you’d forget this Transgender Day of Remembrance.

One. ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ is one of approximately 150 LGBT-themed days of the year that are now marked for commemoration. Conservative commentator Robby Starbuck provided a comprehensive list, noting these days now represent about 41 percent of the year.

Pray tell, what is the point of another “day of remembrance” when there are barely any days left on which one could possibly forget the ubiquitous rainbow cult?

Two. Every death is tragic. But unless I am missing something, it appears to be remarkably safe to be a transgender American.

According to the CDC, the overall homicide rate in the United States is 7.8 people per 100,000 population. By comparison, 26 transgender persons killed out of a population of 1.6 million transgender-identifying Americans yields a homicide rate of only 1.6 homicides per 100,000.

Thus, it appears to be five times safer to be transgender in the United States today.

Put another way, for the transgender homicide rate to come anywhere near the overall US homicide rate, we would have expected not 26 transgender homicides this year but 126. Where are the 100 missing transgender homicides? If they exist, we can be certain the Biden White House would have told us all about them. Shy of that, we can only conclude they did not happen — and therefore that transgender Americans are a uniquely safe identity group.

Three. Secretary Blinken claimed that transgender people are being killed for “living authentically and courageously”. However, 1 of the 26 people referenced by Karine Jean-Pierre — DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson — was actually killed after confronting a security guard with a fire extinguisher and then a screwdriver, according to LGBT online rag The AdvocateAuthentic and courageous?

Indeed, a closer look at the news stories about the violent deaths of transgender-identifying Americans reveals an alarming picture.

In 2022, Ray Muscat of Michigan was shot by his partner who was also transgender. Not long after, Kitty Monroe of Memphis was also killed during a domestic dispute with his partner. In November of the same year, Maddie Hofmann of Pennsylvania was shot and killed after aiming a gun at a police officer. The following month, Caelee Love-Light of Dallas was shot and killed by a disabled person whom he had first stabbed.

During 2023, at least three of the violent transgender deaths that made the news involved similar altercations — whether an argument over a payment for a sex acta dispute over suspected HIV infection by a sexual partner, or a during a fight that broke out at a party.

To underscore the point made earlier, each of these deaths are tragic. But they hardly count as evidence of transgender people being targeted and killed for being transgender, or for “living authentically and courageously”.

Four. The fake news media is ever eager to highlight a person’s transgender identity if they fall victim to a crime, but wilfully neglect to mention it when they perpetrate one.

Examples of this include the mass shootings carried out by a non-binary shooter in Colorado Springs, a transgender shooter in Denver, another transgender shooter in Maryland, and a cross-dressing shooter in Philadelphia.

And who can forget the Nashville transgender shooter, whose woke manifesto was buried by the authorities for months and only saw the light of day after a whistleblower leaked it to the media?

The point is not that most violent transgender deaths are somehow deserved, or that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by transgender individuals. It is not even necessarily the case that transgender ideology or transgender lifestyles are inherently more prone to violence — though others are welcome to mount that argument.

The point is this: there is no transgender murder epidemic, and transgender people who commit violence do not deserve special protection from criticism because of their transgenderism.

If anything, Transgender Day of Remembrance reveals that kowtowing to a particular ideology does more to befuddle and obfuscate than actually shed light on the serious scourge of violence and homicide in America.

How about just the plain old truth instead?



Ben Terang is a freelance journalist writing from Milwaukee.

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCATOR column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

Nikki Haley (Nimarata Nikki Randhawa) another disloyal Republican Running Against Trump thumbnail

Nikki Haley (Nimarata Nikki Randhawa) another disloyal Republican Running Against Trump

By Geoff Ross

The anti Trump liberals posing as conservative capitalists like Americans For Prosperity and the Koch Group are trying desperately hard to help fund disloyal presidential “Republican” candidate opponents run against Trump.

Up to bat now is the disloyal Nikki Haley the former Governor of South Carolina. Don’t forget that Trump was totally loyal to her and he had full confidence in Nikki Haley when he was President.

When Trump was President-elect he offered her the job of Secretary of State but apparently that was way above her pay grade and would cut into her morning coffee breaks and afternoon naps after watching the View, so she declined the position.

She said she was also busy with her family and her two children. I think they are named after characters from the Lion King movie. I could be wrong.

Trump then offered Haley the job as Ambassador to the United Nations which she gladly accepted. Meetings once a quarter close to shopping in New York and no real responsibility per say. Right up her alley.

Haley then resigned as governor of South Carolina to become U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in January 2017. Thanks to President Trump.

Her disloyalty to Trump commenced on March 15, 2017, when she said she would not support a ban on Muslim immigration to the United States should President Trump choose to enact one.

Which may account for Muslim members of congress now getting elected into office like the Palestinian Pro-Hamas Jew hater and congressional representative who hangs a Palestinian flag outside her congressional office.

Then – On October 9, 2018, Nikki Haley resigned as the U.N. ambassador, effective December 31, 2018. She only lasted 21 months.

It’s interesting that Nikki Haley’s resignation was announced one day after an anti-corruption watchdog group “Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington” accused her of accepting seven luxury private plane trips as gifts from South Carolina business leaders.

I bet her free plane rides also irritated the Carbon Footprint Socialist Crowd. Haley has though publicly acknowledged that “people” are causing climate change so apparently she is on board with that Al Gore communist approved destroy the oil industry fraud.

During the 2016 Republican presidential primaries Nikki Haley also did not support Trump instead she endorsed and campaigned for U.S. Senator Marco Rubio then Ted Cruz (fair enough) but still Trump remained loyal to her.

What is important is that Haley had previously stated that she would NOT run for President if Trump also sought the nomination. She definitely should be awarded the Pinocchio award here. Seriously you cannot trust her.

So Trump continues to dominate a commanding lead in the polls. Even the fake news stenographers at MSNBC and CNN working for Biden cannot report he is behind.

When Trump is back in the White House in January 2025 he should continue his loyalty to Nikki Haley who was actually born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa who is of Indian Sikh decent and offer her the position of Ambassador to Pakistan in Islamabad an arch enemy of her home country India. Cheers!

©2023. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

Israel Needs A Doolittle Raid thumbnail

Israel Needs A Doolittle Raid

By Center For Security Policy

On April 18, 1942, 16 U.S. B-25 bombers attacked Tokyo. Of those, two were shot down. The rest
reached Chinese regions where anti-Imperial forces saved them. Only one of the original 16 landed—in Vladivostok, Russia. All the rest—precious assets for a U.S. army stretched thinner than onion skin—were shot down or ditched. The surviving crews—all of whom had been handpicked as the best of the best—were gone, captured or unavailable for months. Eight among the crews were captured by the Japanese.

The result of the raid: marginal damage to Tokyo, and negligible damage to the industrial capacity of the empire. By every tactical measure, this was an irresponsible waste of men and materiel at a time when America could ill afford to waste anything. And President Roosevelt—whose attentions and energy were already stretched to the limit—had sought the raid, monitored its preparations and then impatiently ordered it. His general staff all thought him mentally unwell and irresponsible.

And yet, the Doolittle Raid (as it came to be called, after its commander, James Doolittle), was one of the most important actions undertaken by the Americans during the war, and arguably represented its turning point. It was tactically disastrous, but strategically cataclysmic.

Because it turned around American morale. It overshadowed—even erased—the memory of Dec. 7 and replaced it with a defined war goal, through actions, not just words. Americans now understood where they were headed and invested their energies totally in achieving victory, rather sapping them by focusing on their wounds. America had passed from fear and foreboding to optimism.

The Japanese were unnerved because the islands which for 1,500 years had never been penetrated due to the protective, mystical spirit of the Kamikaze wind—had been bombed. The Japanese general staff were humiliated, and their stature, which had ridden so high in the five months since Pearl Harbor, was tarnished. The killing of Japanese civilians in their capital, combined with the shame felt by the military command, created inescapable pressure to strike back. For Japan had understood that the raid had broken their full control of the situation, taken back some of the initiative and thus threatened to reverse its relentless strategic momentum.

The pressure took its toll: Japan advanced Admiral Yamamoto’s s invasion plans of Hawaii to retake the initiative and force a battle in Midway for which it had not fully prepared. In June 1942, only seven months after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese were catastrophically defeated there by a far smaller force because Japan had prematurely rushed to avenge its honor. Its controlled competence had given way to a grave misstep. While it still took another three years, Midway changed the direction of the war. Japan’s strategic momentum was never regained and America was on the straight road to victory, which greatly relieved Britain and cast a dark doubt over Hitler’s aspirations in Europe. Thus, those 16 planes, with few bombs, set the course of the whole war.

So what does this have to do with Israel?

Israel faced its Pearl Harbor on Oct. 7. The wound gave the Iranian camp great strategic initiative and showed the region that it was the strong horse, while Israel was complacent and possibly even too weak to survive in the long term. What followed was very much like the five-month period between Dec. 7, 1941 and April 18, 1942 in World War II, where tactically the United States might have begun to mobilize, societally it began to do what it had to do, but overall the strategic momentum had not been retaken. American morale was still sinking after the initial anger faded into the grim reality of a long war, and Japanese morale continued to rise as America’s withered.

Right now, Israel has considerable tactical initiative, but no strategic initiative. Hamas dictates the fate of the hostages and deals. Hamas governs the agenda of international pressure  The U.S. State Department controls the international diplomatic agenda. Hezbollah defines the parameters of conflict on the Lebanese border. Yemen chooses when, where and how often it intervenes, and has caused international shipping to retreat into a defensive crouch. Iraqi militias define how much the United States and Israel can feel secure in Syria and the Golan. Israel may possess tactical superiority in every theater, but it lacks strategic initiative and control in all of them. Iran is still driving everything.

As such, as a nation and society, Israeli will remains high, but there are signs already of fraying of focus, internal stresses and lack of faith in the final goals. Or even their definition. Rhetoric is also misaligned: Iran is seen and blamed as the puppet master in terms of an “either we or they survive” showdown, but the war is fought entirely locally against Hamas, as if this was a limited conflict rather than part of such a twilight struggle against Iran.

Wars are won through strategy, not tactics. Israel has reached the point where it needs a Doolittle Raid.

Israel not only needs to prop up Israeli morale to move beyond the shadow of Oct. 7 (as the United States had to move beyond the shadow of Dec. 7), but to take actions—perhaps even against Iran itself, but certainly against theaters right now languishing (Yemen, Iraq, Syria)—that strategically signal this is no longer about Hamas alone, nor even about the Palestinians, but about forcing the Iranian regime itself into cowering in fear of what unpredictable thing Israel might do next, and through that to retake strategic initiative and set the regional agenda to bear down on Tehran’s regime itself. Israel needs to take control of the agenda in every aspect and force Iran’s hand into missteps.

Israel needs a Doolittle Raid. Or two… or three.

Originally published by Jewish News Syndicate


David Wurmser

Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs.

RELATED ARTICLE: Obama-Biden 3.0’s fundamental transformation of Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

Suzanne Harp May be Just the Congresswoman Texas Needs thumbnail

Suzanne Harp May be Just the Congresswoman Texas Needs

By Amil Imani

Texas needs more good leaders, and Suzanne Harp, a sixth-generation Texan on her mother’s side, emerges as a compelling figure, vying for a seat in the United States Congress for Texas’s 3rd District, which is encompasses suburbs north and northeast of Dallas, including the cities of McKinney and Allen.

Her father, an immigrant from Athens, Greece, taught her to appreciate her country and yet be mindful of government overreach.  Thus, Harp’s unique perspective, strong Christian values, and commitment to challenging the status quo position her as a Washington outsider with the potential to bring about positive change.

Today, she is a vice president with a leading mergers and acquisitions investment bank, building win-win relationships and alliances within the professional communities of CPAs, wealth advisors, attorneys, financial services people, and consultants.

However, Harp says her most significant accomplishment is raising and home-schooling her four children in Judeo-Christian values with her husband, Bill. They cultivated a relationship with the Lord by studying God’s Word alongside the great philosophers to develop a Biblical world view, a deep understanding of the Constitution, and the blessings of being an American.

It is good that she has decided to run for Congress. She could be the one that’s going to provide Texas’ 3rd Congressional district with the missing leadership and give it the much-needed voice to fight for religious liberties, election integrity, and border security, as well as counter human trafficking, runaway spending, and unconstitutional mandates.

In an interesting turn of events, Harp played a significant role in exposing a scandal involving another Republican candidate, Van Taylor, who had been caught in 2022 having an affair with an American-born widow of an Islamic State recruiter and dropped out of his race. She had been accused of using her position to reveal her rival’s affair though it certainly seemed to be in the public interest to know.

Harp’s policy priorities reflect her values and commitment to the American people. She is for preserving religious liberties, thus ensuring that individuals can practice their faith without government interference. Her various campaign speeches can be observed to emphasize the importance of election integrity in that she supports measures such as cleaning up voter rolls, implementing voter ID, and conducting audits to maintain public trust in the electoral process.

On the issue of border security, Harp proposes common-sense reforms to restore peace and security at the border, addressing illegal immigration. She is also keen on upholding the Second Amendment, underlying the fact that she stands firm in defending the right of Texans to keep and bear arms, resisting any attempts to infringe upon these rights.

In the realm of social issues, Harp advocates for pro-life policies, emphasizing the protection of the unborn and opposing laws that infringe upon these rights, including late-term abortion laws.

In an issue that’s popular in energy powerhouse Texas, she calls for renegotiating the Keystone XL pipeline, highlighting the need to bring back jobs and money and rebuild America.

While Harp’s campaign materials don’t explicitly outline strategies to combat runaway spending and unconstitutional mandates, her general stance as a candidate suggests supporting spending cuts in non-essential areas, advocating for constitutional limits on government power, promoting transparency and accountability, and encouraging public participation.

Suzanne Harp’s candidacy represents a fresh voice that blends business acumen with a commitment to constitutional principles.

As Texas contemplates its representation in Congress, Harp offers a unique perspective and a promise of unwavering dedication to the values that have defined her journey from a sixth-generation Texan to a candidate for national office.

©2023. All rights reserved.

First American Among Third Group Of Hostages Released By Hamas thumbnail

First American Among Third Group Of Hostages Released By Hamas

By The Daily Caller

Hamas released a third group of hostages — including Abigail Edan, the first American — Sunday as the four-day ceasefire between Israel and the terrorist group continues.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the status of the third group of hostages, stating that “based on the information” given by the Red Cross, 14 Israeli hostages and three foreign national hostages were released, according to an IDF post on X (formerly known as Twitter).

The release of hostages comes as a four-day ceasefire negotiated by the Qatari government was agreed to by Israel and Hamas. Within the terms of the agreement, Hamas agreed to release 50 hostages they kidnapped Oct. 7 in exchange for 150 Palestinians held in Israeli prison.

IDF authorities confirmed that “as of now” 13 of the hostages are within Israeli territory, with four additional hostages being released to the “Rafah Crossing.”  One of the 13 hostages was airlifted by helicopter to a hospital, according to CNN.

Based on information that was received from the Red Cross, 14 Israeli hostages and three foreign national hostages have been transferred to the Red Cross.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 26, 2023

The Israeli prime minister’s office released some of the hostages’ names, showing nine hostages under 18 years of age. The two youngest are only four years old; there are four others between 40 and 84 years old, per Israeli officials.

Of the three foreign nationals identified is Abigail Edan, a four-year-old American dual citizen who was kidnapped Oct. 7 by Hamas in Israel, according to CNN. Edan’s parents were reportedly both killed in front of her during the attack, with her father reportedly using his body as a shield to protect the four-year-old, according to the outlet.

“She turned four just two days ago,” White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated on CNN prior to the confirmed release. “She has been through hell. She had her parents killed right in front of her and has been held hostage for the last several weeks,” Sullivan said. “But I am going to say that we have growing optimism about Abigail and we will now watch and see what happens.”

President Biden commented on the release of Edan, stating she is receiving the “supportive services she needs,” highlighting the “terrible trauma” she has been through.

“Today she’s free, and Jill and I — together with so many Americans — are praying for the fact that she is going to be alright.”

Edan is one of three American hostages reportedly determined to be among the 50 hostages to be released by Hamas, according to Sullivan, who stated the U.S. is still expecting two mothers. However, there is only one more day within the four-day truce and it is unclear if the U.S. has confirmed the two remaining Americans will be in the group released on Monday.



General assignment reporter.


Hamas Releases Second Group Of Hostages

Video Shows First Group Of Freed Israeli Hostages Crossing Into Egypt

Mega-March for Global Communism bearded by Hamas in Ottawa

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©2023. All rights reserved.

The Wave-Particle Duality is a Classic Observer’s Dilemma thumbnail

The Wave-Particle Duality is a Classic Observer’s Dilemma

By Amil Imani

“Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there’ independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld.” Physicist John Wheeler

In the quantum world, reality takes on a paradoxical nature because at the heart of this enigma lies the duality of particles. Something that can exist as both a particle and a wave, a phenomenon known as wave-particle duality. Yet, the most intriguing facet of this quantum realm is the indispensable role played by the observer in shaping the fabric of reality. This intrinsic ambiguity challenges our notion of reality, prompting us to rethink the nature of the fundamental building blocks of our universe. At the heart of quantum theory lies the wave function, a mathematical construct of a probability distribution about a particle’s position and properties. The duality between particles and waves extends beyond mere theoretical speculation; it is experimentally validated through phenomena like interference patterns in the double-slit experiment.

One of the most iconic experiments in quantum physics, it serves as a gateway to understanding the role of the observer in shaping reality. In its simplest form, the experiment involves firing microscopic particles, such as electrons or photons, through two closely spaced slits onto a screen. Here, if we imagine particles as big as marbles, then classical intuition would lead us to expect two distinct bands on the screen corresponding to the two slits. However, these are tiny particles, and being in the quantum state, they exhibit an interference pattern on the screen reminiscent of the behavior of waves.

Now I am sure, some time or the other, in your childhood days, you must have enjoyed throwing stones into the still waters of a lake or a pond, haven’t you? If you have observed the ripples produced by the impact, you might have also observed how the waves spread and interfere, creating a pattern on the water’s surface.

In the double-slit experiment, similar to the ripples in the pond, each particle behaves like a wave. The two slits serve as points of origin, each akin to the end of the impact of the stone hitting the water and thereby generating the waves. Though we actually sent individual particles towards the two slits, particles being particles, they tend to exist in the probabilistic state.

When these particle waves pass through the slits, they interfere with each other, just like the ripples in the pond. The interference creates an intricate pattern on the detection screen, similar to the way observed on the water’s surface. This interference pattern is crucial when microscopic particles are not directly observed.

Here is where our key when understanding has to take a quantum turn – so to say. This analogy takes an intriguing turn when we introduce the role of observation, akin to scrutinizing the pond’s surface. When we present a measurement apparatus to determine which slit a particle passes through, the interference pattern vanishes! To put it scientifically, this act of observation collapses the quantum wave function.

However, the act of observation in the double-slit experiment disrupts this wave-like behavior, highlighting the profound impact of the observer on the outcome, mirroring the idea that the act of measurement in the quantum world plays a crucial role in shaping the observed reality. In their quantum state, the particles simultaneously exploring multiple paths collapsed from a wave to a particle.

This phenomenon underscores the participatory role of the observer in the quantum narrative, challenging the notion of an objective reality independent of observation.

Our classical world is like an already collapsed wave function – because of us – the observer. Our consciousness exists in a quantum state, exploring multiple options simultaneously. Thus, do we exist in both states simultaneously? Both forms are conjoined by our strain of thoughts, which leads to the observation effect that shifts us from one state to another. We might exist in a quantum form if we are too lost in thought. Only a conscious observation brings us to the Now – the collapsed state, where physical reality manifests.

Thus, the implications of the observer effect extend beyond the confines of the quantum realm, infiltrating our broader understanding of reality. If observation fundamentally shapes the nature of particles, one is compelled to question the stability of an objective reality. This realization echoes the sentiment expressed by physicist John Wheeler.

Indeed, the observer emerges as an indispensable architect of reality, weaving the fabric of existence through the act of measurement. The wave-particle duality, encapsulated by the wave function and illuminated by the double-slit experiment, challenges our preconceptions and beckons us to question the very nature of perception and reality.

The quantum world is an enigma to us as observers, but one thing should become clear. What we see is not necessarily what we get, and the observer is an inseparable part of the cosmic dance that unfolds at the smallest scales of existence.

2023. All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus Group Sides with Hamas Terrorists thumbnail

FLORIDA: Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus Group Sides with Hamas Terrorists

By Royal A. Brown III

No surprises below – “Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus invited two organizers with the Florida Palestine Network to speak at a recent virtual meeting.”

The Democrat Party in Polk County is aligned in every respect with the Democrat Socialists of America and their anti-American agenda.

Democrats in Polk County are no different than those in power in D.C. – they are lawless; anti-American; anti-Israel; anti-nuclear family; pro-LGBTQ agenda and anti-Liberty as defined by our Constitution and our God granted Rights!

The answer lies in electing local, state and federal officials who are truly conservative and love our country and its God given rights under our Constitution. This includes meeting the goals of Project 17 locally; primarying out establishment RINOs at state level and re-electing POTUS Trump in 2024!

Gary White Lakeland Ledger | USA TODAY NETWORK

At a time when elected officials almost uniformly support Israel’s military action in Gaza, advocates for Palestinians recently addressed a group affiliated with the Polk County Democratic Party.

The Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus invited two organizers with the Florida Palestine Network to speak at a recent virtual meeting. Lamia Moukaddam and Tamara Yousef shared a presentation titled “What’s Happening in Palestine and How To Be an Ally” for about a dozen participants.

The Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus is one of at least six affiliated with the local Democratic Party. Another is the Polk County Democratic Party Jewish Caucus. Veysel Dokur, president of the Progressive Democratic Caucus, unsuccessfully ran against Sen. Colleen Burton, R-Lakeland, in the 2022 election.

The appearance by Moukaddam and Yousef came amid Israel’s continued military offensive in the Gaza Strip, in response to a coordinated raid into Israel on Oct. 7 by Hamas, a Palestinian militant group based in Gaza. That assault largely targeted civilians, including children.

Hamas attackers reportedly killed about 1,200 Israelis and took about 240 hostages.

The Israel Defense Forces have repeatedly bombed Gaza, destroying many of its structures and leaving more than half the population internally displaced, according to media reports. The Hamas-run health ministry claims that the military campaign has killed more than 13,000 in Gaza, including at least 5,600 children, while Israel disputes those figures.

Moukaddam and Yousef described the current conflict as a continuation of the Nakba — or displacement of Palestinians — that began with the creation of Israel in 1948. More than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled their homes or were expelled by Zionist forces during the 1948 Palestine war.

Gaza, a strip of 141 square miles with a population of about 2 million, is an autonomous region bordered by Israel, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea. The political division of Hamas has governed the region since 2006.

In an interview before the meeting and during the presentation, Moukaddam, a Lebanese-American who identifies as nonbinary, labeled Israel’s military action a genocide and said its leaders are engaged in ethnic cleansing.

Yousef, a Palestinian-America, told those on the Zoom call that more than 7 million Palestinian refugees are scattered across the globe, making them the world’s largest refugee population.

Israel is a long-established American ally, and President Joe Biden has repeatedly expressed support for the country, though his administration has called for humanitarian pauses in the military mission to allow aid to reach Gaza residents. Members of Congress and the Florida Legislature have shown almost undivided solidarity with Israel.

“A lot of folks are talking about what happened on Oct. 7 and since then, but this history goes far, far beyond that,” Moukaddam said during the presentation. “And so, we really want to discuss the root causes of the ongoing genocide and kind of how we got here today.”

Moukaddam declared that Zionism — the movement for the creation and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel — is “the equivalent of colonialism and, frankly, an ethno-state as well.”

That term refers to a sovereign state in which only members of a particular racial or ethnic group have full citizenship.

Yousef described Hamas’ actions on Oct. 7 as “a resistance movement to obtain liberation from the Israeli occupation” and called the Israeli military response as “a U.S.-funded genocide.”

“It’s not a war,” Yousef said. “It’s a genocide and ethnic cleansing and an apartheid. Vocabulary matters. What we call this matters — it’s a genocide. And simply put, anti-Zionism is not antisemitic or anti-Jewish.”

Some politicians have suggested that expressions of support for Palestinians amount to condoning terrorism or that any criticism of Israel’s military action equates to antisemitism. Interviewed before the meeting, Dokur said that the Polk County Progressive Democratic Caucus does not support Hamas, the group labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State, a description he also used.

“This is not support for Hamas,” Dokur said. “This is support for humanity and calling out our human side. The Palestinian people are not Hamas; they are the Palestinian people. Hamas is not the Palestinian people; they are separate.”

Dokur noted that some Israelis, including the group Jews for Peace, have protested the military action and called for a ceasefire. Jewish groups in the United States have also demonstrated against the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

Dokur said he denounces both antisemitism and “anti-Muslim hatred.” Identifying himself as part of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Dokur stressed that some religious organizations have demanded a ceasefire in Gaza.

After Israeli forces struck two schools over the weekend affiliated with the United Nations, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply shocked” and repeated his call for “an immediate humanitarian cease-fire.”

In an interview, Moukaddam did not explicitly condemn Hamas for the Oct. 7 attack.

“Everyone is so focused on Oct. 7, and they’re not looking at the fact that this has been a 75-year-long genocide and illegal occupation,” they said. “And every time the oppressed fight back, every time brown or Black communities fight back, they’re considered the terrorists, versus the oppressed. And so, when people ask me to condemn Hamas or the (taking of) — what was it, 190 hostages? — what about the over 2 million hostages in Gaza right now?”

Demonstrations in support of Palestinians have occurred throughout the world in recent weeks. Police clashed with protesters gathered Nov. 15 outside the offices of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C. In Florida, a group rallied outside the state Capitol in Tallahassee to demand a ceasefire.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican candidate for president, has called for disbanding pro-Palestinian student organizations at two state universities, prompting a lawsuit claiming violations of free-speech rights.

Moukaddam was arrested Nov. 9 during a protest organized by the Florida Palestine Network outside the C4 Advanced Tactical Systems warehouse in Orlando. They joined about 40 demonstrators who chanted in criticism of the company for supplying explosives used by the Israeli military.

Moukaddam said they were peacefully protesting while standing in a crosswalk when five sheriff’s deputies slammed them to the ground, causing injuries. Moukaddam was charged with resisting an officer without violence, a misdemeanor, after they refused an order not to block a roadway, according to the arrest affidavit.

Gary White can be reached at gary. white@theledger.com or 863-8027518. Follow on X @garywhite13.

Read full article.

©2023. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘You Can’t Hide’: Biden Berated By Pro-Palestinian Protesters At Christmas Tree Lighting

The Theatrics of American Politics Reeks of Reality TV thumbnail

The Theatrics of American Politics Reeks of Reality TV

By Amil Imani

Power dynamics, policy debates, and public perception intertwine in the conundrum of American politics, where, I believe, there is a persistent undercurrent of skepticism regarding the authenticity of political discourse. It might be possible that politicians, regardless of party affiliations, may share language coaches, orchestrating a grandiose performance akin to a reality TV show. This extreme thinking might challenge the conventional understanding of political dynamics and, therefore, posit that the adversarial nature of American politics may be nothing more than an elaborate charade.

Now let’s have a peek at the shared language coach puzzle with a perception that unveils the intricacies of political discourse and invites us to question whether the carefully crafted communication strategies employed by the new crop of upcoming politicians like Vivek Ramaswamy contribute to a more nuanced understanding of politics and governance or serve as a veil that obscures the true nature of their intentions and behind-the-scene collaborations.

On a hunch, both Democrats and Republicans may be engaging in a collective effort to refine their communication skills through shared language coaches. This notion raises questions about the apparent animosity displayed between political opponents. Could these individuals collaborate to craft a compelling narrative beneath the surface, playing different roles in a carefully choreographed spectacle?

To understand what’s currently unfolding in American politics, or perhaps what has been present for a long time, we need to examine the Good Cop, Bad Cop perspective with a discerning eye, recognizing the hidden interplay of political strategies, alliances, and the potential shared objectives that may lie beneath the surface of apparent ideological conflicts.

The concept of politicians playing “good cop, bad cop” is not new. Still, the idea of it being a coordinated act adds a layer of intrigue to the current political landscape, including what’s happening in Texas right now. Thus, do we need to understand that politicians alternate between roles, presenting the illusion of fierce ideological battles while secretly working together behind closed doors? This dynamic could be a strategic maneuver to maintain public interest, perpetuating the illusion of a divided nation while concealing a more unified reality.

The notion of a reality TV paradigm in US politics arises from a video that has surfaced, where Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican presidential candidate, is seen plagiarizing Barack Obama’s speech during a GOP debate. The line in question is: “So let me just address a question that is on everybody’s mind at home tonight: who the heck is this skinny guy with the funny last name, and what the heck is he doing in the middle of this debate stage?” Ramaswamy said this line at the beginning of the debate.

The line was originally from a speech Obama gave at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. Obama spoke about hope in his speech, which would become the centerpiece of his White House bid. He said: “The hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too.”

Reality television has become dominant in modern entertainment, shaping narratives, manipulating emotions, and blurring the lines between fiction and reality. What if American politics, too, has, by design or otherwise, adopted elements of this genre? From what I see happening all around, I do get the feeling that politicians are not just participants in the political process but actors in a grandiose reality TV show, where the stakes are not just policy decisions but the perception of power and influence.

This is all about the allure of spectacle, where the orchestrated drama, scripted narratives, and theatrical performances within the political arena try to keep the audience captivated, shaping perceptions and overshadowing substantive issues. The allure of spectacle distracts the public from underlying issues and fosters a sense of unpredictability, keeping viewers engaged in the ongoing political drama.

While the idea of American politics as a shared reality TV show may seem extreme, for now, it raises important questions about the nature of political discourse and the authenticity of public narratives. Evidence supporting such a theory may need to be made clearer. Still, the observed understanding challenges us to reconsider the motivations behind political actions and the potential influence of entertainment culture on the political landscape. Whether this theory holds water or not, its very existence underscores the need for a critical and discerning public capable of seeing through the interplay of politics, media, and entertainment in the 21st century.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Ken Paxton Amidst a Witch Hunt of Legal Storms and Political Crossfires thumbnail

Ken Paxton Amidst a Witch Hunt of Legal Storms and Political Crossfires

By Amil Imani

This is nothing but a witch hunt, and yet again, Ken Paxton, Texas’s Attorney General, finds himself at the epicenter of a protracted legal saga.  But Paxton stands resilient. Beyond a victim’s perceptions, Paxton himself contends that these charges, dating back to 2011, are fabricated. As the narrative unfolds, and as a keen observer navigating through the storm, my perspective sheds light on Paxton’s position as both a victim of political attacks and a target of an insidious agenda, challenging the prevailing narrative.

At the heart of the controversy lies the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, a foundational principle of our justice system. Rather than viewing legal challenges as evidence of wrongdoing, they are seen as an integral part of a fair process, underscoring the importance of due process in pursuing justice.

The absurd claim is that Paxton defrauded investors by allegedly encouraging them to fund a tech startup. The twist lies in the assertion that, unbeknownst to the investors, Paxton was receiving financial compensation for promoting the venture. Despite these serious allegations, Paxton has pleaded not guilty, maintaining his innocence in the face of legal turmoil.

Paxton unequivocally asserts that the charges against him, which have lingered since 2011, are entirely fabricated. Despite the passage of time, he contends that the statutes of limitations on certain issues have been exceeded while simultaneously arguing that the laws in question were never applicable to him in the first place.

Instances of politically motivated attacks form a pervasive theme in the landscape. Paxton, targeted for his political stance, finds himself entangled in a web of calculated assaults that go beyond genuine legal concerns. The sheer number of these instances paints a vivid picture of a political battleground where Paxton is a key player.

Beyond the legal intricacies, Paxton’s tenure as Texas Attorney General is marked by positive contributions that extend far beyond the courtroom drama. His impact resonates in policy initiatives, legal actions, and positive outcomes attributed to his leadership, offering a nuanced perspective that transcends the legal battles.

Amidst the legal maelstrom, concerns loom large regarding fair treatment in both the media and the legal system. The bias witnessed in public discourse becomes a rallying point, fostering a sense of solidarity among those who perceive Paxton’s treatment as unjust and influenced by a narrative that borders on a subversion of facts.

Beyond the courtroom battles, Paxton’s legal disputes are viewed as instruments in a larger political game, part of a broader effort to undermine him politically. This perspective unveils a strategic dimension to the legal challenges, shaping the narrative of a political chessboard where Paxton is a major player ensnared in an unjustified imbroglio of deceptive moves.

Paxton’s resilience and determination, far from mere persistence, are hailed as defining traits. His ability to continue serving despite legal challenges is seen as a testament to his capacity to overcome adversity and emerge stronger. In the context of heightened scrutiny, these traits take on added significance.

Amidst the legal intricacies and the specter of a witch hunt, our trust in the legal process remains a steadfast guiding principle. We fervently hope for a fair resolution where truth prevails, shaping our overall perspective and influencing how we interpret the unfolding legal proceedings against Paxton.

Moreover, in an email circulated to his supporters shortly after the charges were made public, Paxton expressed confidence in his eventual vindication. Anticipating a thorough examination of the case, he articulated his expectation to be fully exonerated once the complete facts come to light.

As the legal odyssey unfolds, Ken Paxton has introduced a layer of defiance against the accusations. From his vantage point, these charges are baseless and part of a broader narrative that he expects will ultimately reveal his innocence. In the complex interplay of legal intricacies, political attacks, and the currently unfolding saga, Paxton remains resolute in his plea of not guilty, awaiting a full examination of the facts to clear his name.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s tireless campaign and forthright exposition of his vision assure the electorate and voters that the best-qualified public servant is at the helm in the office of the Attorney General. We can’t allow him to stand alone at this crucial moment.

And as the Court of Criminal Appeals takes center stage, the narrative of defending Ken Paxton is not just a legal battle; it’s a resolute belief in the innocence, resilience, and positive contributions of a public figure navigating a storm of unjust controversies and, of course, a political witch hunt.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Former Grand Mufti Of Egypt, ‘The Destruction Of Israel Will Lead To A Battle In Which The Muslims Will Defeat America And Russia’ thumbnail

Former Grand Mufti Of Egypt, ‘The Destruction Of Israel Will Lead To A Battle In Which The Muslims Will Defeat America And Russia’

By Middle East Media Research Institute

Former Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Dr. Ali Gomaa posted a video on his YouTube channel on November 11, 2023, in which he claimed that the destruction of Israel will lead to the battle of Gog and Magog. He said that with “divine intervention” described by the Prophet Muhammad, Jesus will descend and kill Gog and Magog, and the Muslims will vanquish the Byzantines.

He added that when Israel is thrown into the sea, the Americans will move into the region, followed by the Russians, and in response the Muslims will fight them. Gomaa explained that the Americans represent the Byzantines described in the Hadith, whereas the Russians represent Gog and Magog.

Gomaa: “We do not know what will happen after the destruction of the Zionist entity. The Jews, Israel, and the Zionist entity are not worth a mosquito’s wing, in the eyes of Allah and the [Muslim] people. Let us imagine a political scenario, in which Israel is destroyed.

“What will happen? America will immediately move in. Don’t think that once we throw Israel into the sea, it will be the end of this story. America will immediately move in. The hadith says: ‘You will fight the Byzantines…’ Those Americans are the Byzantines [of our days].

“If Israel is finished, and America moves in, what will happen? Russia will immediately move in. Who are these Russians? They are Gog and Magog – well-known tribes in Armenia. It is all known and in the books. Imagine that the Americans and the Russians moved in. What would you do? You would fight them, because this is your land and your country.

“Therefore, this matter requires direct divine intervention. The Prophet Muhammad told us that such intervention will come to be, and that Jesus son of Mary will descend. He will kill Gog and Magog, and the Muslims will vanquish the Byzantines, but this warrants divine intervention.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar Sheikh Hamad Al-Senan: The Jewish Soldiers Wet Themselves When The Hamas Lions Emerged From Their Cages, And Foiled Rothschild And Rockefeller’s Scheme Of A Jewish State Between The Nile And The Euphrates


WATCH: IDF Spokesperson wraps up the last 24 hours as we conclude the first day of hostage release—a pause in our war against Hamas. pic.twitter.com/utg9MUkVEq

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 25, 2023

The sweet 9-year-old Ohad Monder, who returned last night from captivity with his mother Keren and grandmother Ruthi, in a first and exciting meeting with his father, brother and family members. pic.twitter.com/VKDms46uQz

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) November 25, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This MEMRI column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The United States of America or the United Nations Which Will You Choose? thumbnail

The United States of America or the United Nations Which Will You Choose?

By Karen Schoen

Congress worked so hard to screw we the people once again, they had to take a break. What could be better at least they are not in DC spending on money on things to destroy us. So they are at home having a Happy Thanksgiving.  Are they worried about high gas prices, or making ends meet on a paycheck that hardly buys anything anymore, or paying that mortgage with their second job? No they are just going to tap into their donors and get all the money they need, while they spend our money on useless items that guarantee America’s destruction.

I never saw a bigger bunch of thieves than those bobbleheads clapping for a dictator XI at their $40,000 a plate dinner using money they stole from We The People. But at least we did hear some good news it seems as though the liberal Jews have finally realized that giving money to organizations that hate you will get you killed. Let us hope they have actually stopped. 15 years ago when I discovered that a form of Marxism called Sustainability was dominant in college courses, I asked my University if they were sustainable AKA communist.  When they told me yes, I told them never to call me again and ask for a donation. Sadly it took 15 years and billions more dollars for the Jews to realize that they had just become useful idiots of the communist regime and were assisting in the Marxist takeover of their country.

It always amazed me that the billionaires are the first ones to give to organizations that are based on destruction of their country, or industry.  If they hate America so much, and we are so horrible, then just find another country and Good-bye. Then I realized they must be doing this to eliminate the competition and make more money while accumulating more power.  Look at who is funding the Palestinian riots.  Why the billionaire donor from Code Pink of course. Do these useful idiot rioters realize that all those signs saying gays for Palestine would get them killed if they actually went to GAZA. They are putting a noose around their own necks and stepping off the chair themselves. It is so sad to see the young people fight for a group of people that considers them as trash (infidels) and would sooner have them killed. Imagine if these same useful idiots fought for the country that gave them all the opportunity to amass the riches that they dreamed about. Ah the power of propaganda.

My real concern comes from what has happened this past week that most people have not connected the dots nor understand the depth of destruction we are about to face as our legislators legislate nothing worthwhile to help We The People. Those of you that think that any of these keebler elves will do anything other than add to the destruction of America should come down from the planet you not occupy cuz it’s not going to happen

Nikki Haley wants endless wars. She also thinks the Feds should control the  internet by forcing the carriers to turn over their algorithms and the people to expose their identity.  Say something the government doesn’t like and lose social credits of your CDBC card. She shouldn’t even be on that stage as she is NOT a natural born citizen.

Ron DeSantis lied to the people of Florida, got a law changed so he could run for office while being a part time governor with a full time salary. Of course nobody talks to Floridians. Our energy policy written by his donors Duke Energy and FPL  guarantees billions to China for useless solar panels and wind farms that are only accessible and useful 5.5 hours a day instead of using the abundant natural gas that we have. Our electric costs are up 30%. The insurance rates given to his insurance donors are now off the charts. For a simple home people are paying over $3,000. The state of course is now being overrun with illegals who will be living in those high-rises that he has allowed the developers to develop in their 15 minute cities which will be the new norm.

Our show this week will focus on 2 important topics: The OBiden take over of the internet which will eventually be turned over to the United Nations. UNESCO already has it guideline for total tyranny and control of language. This started in 2016 under Obama when he gave control of ICANN – the internet management of Addresses and Domain Names to a group of stakeholders and the UN, sighting failure to protect online activity as the cause.

UNESCO recently produced guidelines for Internet use. About 150 guidelines. UNESCO is committed to assisting Member States, civil society, and major digital players in embracing this text, so that platform operations fully align with our values and international human rights standards. Let us remain focused on our goal: combating hate speech and misinformation while preserving freedom of expression. Who’s values? Who’s goals?

Controlling the conversation through big tech and the media enable election manipulation so their people get in office. Hidden in the Infrastructure and Jobs Act recently passed without being read, OBiden look control of the internet through FCC regulations. Any Republican signing that bill should be primaried out of existence.

Read FCC Commissioner Carr’s letter of opposition to more government control. If this is implemented there will be no more free speech :

The Arab world has come together. Islam is now teaching how evil the West is and all they have to do is cite what we have done to ourselves.  The Koran says being gay is a criminal offense punishable by death. They tell their Muslim followers the West is anti-family, anti-god, anti-country which makes it easy to hate the Western ideology The Woke policies have destroyed the very fiber of the West and guess what that makes the Muslims right.

Listen to our show this week:  Alex Newman talks about what will happen if we allow OBiden to control the internet. We must pressure congress. Clare Lopez will talk about the facts of Islam.

Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. All Globalists want is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL Don’t give them yours. Challenge them with the truth. Doing Nothing is affirmation.

©2023. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Dinesh D’Souza: Did We Really Win the Cold War?

REMEMBER: ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction!’ thumbnail

REMEMBER: ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction!’

By Amil Imani

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” — President Ronald Reagan

Sadly, during these times of great peril, truth is sacrificed by the politically correct, myopic, and self-serving in the liberally dominated media and the ruling class. People of courage and integrity must labor tirelessly to speak the truth and defend Liberty. We must not be silent. The people are crying out for freedom.

Laziness is a disease. I strongly urge you to get involved and get your friends and family to become part of this movement. We must keep America from losing to a group of loonies. We are living in a troubled time. This is the era of universal propaganda, lies, deceit, and the complete perversion of truth on all levels. Truth has become a dangerous ideology. Our responsibility, as citizens, is to build a bridge of truth over the sea of lies. George Orwell was not wrong in stating, “In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Truth has become the ultimate revolutionary act for these brave citizens.

2024 is the most critical election of our era. This is not a joke. We neither can nor must allow the repeat of the 2020 stolen election. That would be the end of America as we know it. Be vigilant. Start now. Fight for election integrity.

Please, people of faith. People who believe in God and aim to obey Him. This is your time; this is your call. Please stand up and protect our Liberty now. Time is of the essence.

The cause of the good is in dire need of stalwart champions. Be one.

“A stream of light shall pierce the darkness of ignorance and man’s oppression until Liberty enlightens the world.” — President Grover Cleveland

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.


Don’t believe in miracles?!?!?

A REPUBLICAN has just beaten a Democrat in Charleston, South Carolina, for the first time since 1877.



— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) November 22, 2023

What Does Osama bin Laden’s Viral Moment on TikTok Mean for America? thumbnail

What Does Osama bin Laden’s Viral Moment on TikTok Mean for America?

By Family Research Council

Last week, TikTok videos about Osama bin Laden’s “letter to America” went viral, with some on the platform suggesting bin Laden made some good points and was perhaps even justified in attacking the United States. Trying to process this bizarre development, some have argued that TikTokers praising the letter are simply stupid or uneducated. Yet, the problem runs deeper than ignorance and education. Too many Americans see reflected in bin Laden’s words the same antipathy for the United States and the West that they have. This societal self-loathing is a grave threat.

“I need everyone to go read, it’s literally two pages, go read letter to America, and please just come back here and let me know what you think,” one TikToker urged, “because I feel like I’m going through an existential crisis right now.”

Another person stated, “So, I just read letter to America, and I will never look at life the same. I will never look at this country the same.” It was a common theme that bin Laden’s diatribe prompted disillusionment. One woman said, “Reading this letter, it becomes apparent to me that the actions of 9/11 and those acts committed against the USA and its people were all just the buildup of our government failing other nations.”

The Guardian quickly deleted its webpage with the full text of Osama bin Laden’s letter so that it would not be its top trending article. TikTok removed the hashtag #lettertoamerica from its search function and removed posts that amplified bin Laden’s message. The company released a statement saying, “Content promoting this letter clearly violates our rules on supporting any form of terrorism.”

By now, Big Tech has sufficiently tamped down the overt promotion of bin Laden’s thoughts, and the text of the letter is harder to find with a simple Google search. It’s true that social media lends itself to the rapid spread of terrible ideas, and this brief viral moment does not reflect most people. Still, the question remains: Why are so many Americans susceptible to the rantings of a dead terrorist who hated us?

In his “letter to America,” bin Laden railed against the supposed wrongs perpetrated by (or supported by) the United States in “Palestine,” Somalia, Kashmir, Lebanon, Iraq, and elsewhere. This message appeals to those who think that the U.S. is the root of many problems globally. It also appeals to Americans taught to feel guilty for the relative peace and prosperity we have been blessed with.

While these TikTokers are likely sincere in their appreciation for the letter, they are clearly cherry-picking which of the letter’s sentiments they praise. Bin Laden’s letter directly answered the question “What do we [al Queda terrorists] want from you [Americans]?” He stated that the terrorists want Americans to turn to Islam, to discard “all the opinions, orders, theories and religion which contradict with the religion He sent down to His Prophet Muhammad.” Are bin Laden’s Western sympathizers prepared to embrace the strict and radical vision of Islam promoted by bin Laden? Unlikely. Bin Laden also demands the rejection of “immoral acts of fornication” and homosexuality. How remarkably un-woke. Notably, these quotes did not make it to TikTok, nor did the blatant anti-Semitism throughout the letter.

There is no new brilliance in the “letter to America.” TikTokers have not stumbled onto any lost wisdom. Bin Laden’s hateful diatribe is as odious and slanderous now as it was in the aftermath of 9/11. What’s changed is that we now have a generation that deeply dislikes the U.S. and Western civilization more broadly. Some of these people inevitably see their own distaste for the U.S. and all it stands for in the words of an angry and murderous terrorist.

Today’s teenagers have no memory of 9/11 or the United States’ difficult war against al-Qaeda. Sadly, public schools cannot be trusted to accurately teach even recent history. Discourse at the university level centers around the evils of colonialism, the need to “decolonize” regardless of the bloodshed that it would cost, and the alleged toxic influence of Western powers in the course of history. Such anti-Westernism now permeates American culture and media.

A hyper focus on criticizing the West ignores the positive developments that have come out of the West. Christian ethics are foundational to Western civilization, and the order, justice, and understanding of human rights that Western civilization brought to much of the world is a very good thing. Many (particularly younger) Americans refuse to see this. Thus, we may be left with a society that hates itself. Such a society-wide suicidal inclination is exceedingly dangerous.

After Russia invaded Ukraine, a Quinnipiac poll asked American respondents whether they would stay and fight or leave the country if the United States were similarly invaded. More Americans aged 18 to 34 years old stated they would leave (48%) than stay (45%). The Free Press is now reporting that Western women are converting to Islam to support Palestinians after the October 7 Hamas attack. In a conflict of civilizations, these people will markedly not stand for God and country.

The antidote to the allure of bin Laden’s writings is to create a culture that teaches, values, and lives by the Christian ethics and longstanding American values that have contributed to this country’s flourishing. Western civilization is currently on the precipice, but it remains the best option and one worth fighting for. We must act like it.


Arielle Del Turco

Arielle Del Turco is Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, and co-author of “Heroic Faith: Hope Amid Global Persecution.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

The Gaza War • How Communist ‘Science’ Works • Argentina Registers a Win for Individual Liberty thumbnail

The Gaza War • How Communist ‘Science’ Works • Argentina Registers a Win for Individual Liberty

By Vlad Tepes Blog

First they come for your symbols.

Then they come for your landmarks.

Then they come for your artists and teachers.

Then they come for you, if they don’t already have you.

🇵🇸🇮🇹 Giant Palestinian flag was hung on the leaning tower of Piza

Viva Palestina ❤️ pic.twitter.com/3cjmPNPNHm

— 🔻🇵🇸ميّ (@MayMelhem) November 17, 2023

MSM has lied to us about pretty much everything for many years now. As a consequence, most people who are capable of waking up don’t trust the media at all. This is healthy. But always believing the opposite of what the media says is equally unhealthy as believing it. They do not simply lie about the facts. Media uses very advanced, originally Soviet invented and US intel improved disinformation techniques, many of which we have covered here at Vlad. For example with the war in Ukraine, the media did a sudden change of when history started as soon as the Russians went into the Donbas. Before that, numerous articles existed on how Ukraine was the most corrupt nation in Europe and how leaders of Ukraine grotesquely abused the people of the Donbas region. Then when Russia invaded, all history of the region suddenly began on that date. Russia could not be allowed to have a Casus Belli, even if it was one we would not accept as permissible. It had to be a black-hat Vs. White-hat scenario.

Bush did the same thing with Iraq. As I remember the time-line from personal experience, and as history is now under the full control of Winston Smith I have to rely on memory while we are allowed to have one, Kuwait was diagonally drilling under the Iraqi border and stealing their in-ground oil. (This was so well known at the time, The Simpsons even did a parody of this in one of their episodes where oil was discovered under the public school and the evil Mr. Burns drilled under the school to steal it.) Then Iraqi leader, Sadam Hussain, asked the US ambassador to Iraq, at the time it was a woman, if it was OK for Iraq to stage a limited invasion of Kuwait to take back control of their oil fields. I remember the US Ambassador to Iraq on TV at the time looking bewildered after the war started explaining clearly that she had asked the white house directly and the US gave permission for that invasion.

The next thing you know, babies were being thrown from incubators because as we all know, the first thing an invading army does, is go into your neonatal wards and steal incubators. Much more important than say, attacking military targets or even sacking national treasuries.

After that, no one should have trusted the US government. Since then of course we have a cornucopia of lies designed to manipulate us, and rarely for our own good, even if that is an excuse. From the Religion of Peace, to safe and effective, to Transwomen are women, and more than I care to try and remember at the moment, increasingly we are fed pseudo-realities to justify actions we would not accept if they didn’t force these narratives and rubrics on us. I for one, am still working on making my apartment Y2K compliant.

All this to say I don’t blame people who do not accept the MSM version in general about events in Israel and Gaza since October 6th. In fact I want to send a letter to CNN saying: “GET OFF MY SIDE!”.

But there are a few basics which at least I can be confident about.

There had been a cease fire declared by Hamas and its supporters before the attack to put the Israelis off guard. This is consistent with the Islamic doctrinal Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, where Mohammad made a peace deal when he was losing a war, not to attack his enemy for 10 years, then after rearming he attacked them in 2 years and won. In other words, peace deals in Islam are a tactic of war, and not meaningful as one would hope based on the language used. Much like the left actually. So Hamas attacked under a cease fire. This is largely how they managed to inflict so much damage.

There were atrocities committed, and many civilians were taken hostage. I know this because I know people whos’ family and friends were taken as hostages. Some killed, some may still be held hostage.

We can know that Hamas broke pretty much every aspect of the Geneva Convention, which even by that same convention means that Israel is not bound by the rules. In other words, if Hamas places and fires weapons from civilian areas, Israel is not constrained to destroy those targets by the convention, if it was, no one ever would have signed it, as it would be a manual of how to win a war by cruelty and not a manual for conflict resolution through reasonable use of force. The videos released of hostages in and under hospitals, (can I say here that these hospitals look cleaner and better in some ways than the ones in Ottawa? certainly fewer people in the waiting rooms.) are real. And some of the more grotesque videos taken from body cams of the Hamas attackers have been viewed by people like Douglass Murray, who were more than content that what they saw was real, and confirms what the claims are of the Israeli government. All this to preface more footage from Israel showing Hamas’ use of hospitals and other ‘illegal’ areas for military or terroristic purposes.

Evidence of Hamas’ strategic use of Gaza residents and Shifa Hospital patients as human shields has been emphasized for weeks, further substantiated by this discovery of 55-meter-long terrorist tunnel, located 10 meters below the Shifa Hospital complex. pic.twitter.com/roVv4DijAg

— अनुराग 🇮🇳 (@VnsAnuTi) November 20, 2023

Israel reveals CCTV footage showing Hamas terrorists hauling bloodied hostages into Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital on October 7 – as IDF troops ‘discover 180-foot tunnel under medical centre’

Uncovered CCTV footage appears to show victims abducted by Hamas during the October 7 massacre being hauled into Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

The surveillance footage shows bloodied victims – believed to be Thai and Nepali migrants taken hostage by the terrorists – being carried into the hospital on gurneys. They appear to have been severely injured by Hamas fighters.

The video, which was released by Israel‘s Defence Forces (IDF) on Sunday, was captured at Al-Shifa hospital the day that Hamas launched its attack on Israel.

By now its common knowledge that an anti-leftist won the federal election in Argentina. This is amazing news. I believe it is the same person that Tucker Carlson interviewed not that long ago this fall.

Some articles on that:

Western Journal:

Libertarian Trump Fan Wins Stunning Victory in Argentina’s Presidential Election

What many deemed impossible just months ago is reality: Libertarian populist Javier Milei resoundingly won Argentina’s presidency.

And with his victory Sunday night, the fiery freshman lawmaker has given Argentinians hope of major changes following a campaign that saw him revving a chainsaw to symbolically cut the federal bureaucracy down to size.

With almost all votes tallied, Milei handily beat Economy Minister Sergio Massa, 55.7 percent to 44.3 percent. Milei won all but three of the nation’s 24 provinces, and Massa had conceded even before the electoral authority began announcing preliminary results.

Zero Hedge:

Javier Milei, the outsider libertarian candidate with radical solutions to Argentina’s economic crisis, has just won Sunday’s presidential runoff against Economy Minister Sergio Massa. In a surprise outcome, Massa conceded in a speech to supporters in Buenos Aires on Sunday even before the official results were released, saying he called Milei to congratulate him on his victory.

We expect to have a translation of his acceptance speech later today.

Meanwhile, here is a pretty awesome interview with him here. Maybe it is time we got a little more blunt with the enemies of liberty.

The most important answer any politician has ever given… ever pic.twitter.com/kzXSSdvnlW

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 21, 2023

Well, at least you know where Argentina’s new President stands pic.twitter.com/Lhhe9JFDQd

— Malcolm Roberts 🇦🇺 (@MRobertsQLD) November 20, 2023

ModeRNA admits the vaxx causes/can lead to cancer. Also the DNA contaminant in the VAXX contains an antibiotic resistance gene.

Moderna ADMITS That DNA Contamination Can Lead to Cancer

• Moderna has a patent that acknowledges RNA is preferable to DNA in vaccines due to risks of insertional mutagenesis, which might activate oncogenes or inhibit tumor suppressor genes, Dr. @RWMaloneMD explained.

• A new… pic.twitter.com/EEAybZgrRZ

— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) November 15, 2023

Some pretty significant propaganda efforts, destruction of privacy for political purposes and UN plans to attack your appliances?

Thank you all for your kind attention to this site and its efforts.

This man may represent the essence of Communist ‘scientism’. The reframing of actual evidence based reasoning into a communist system of conclusion based reasoning, which resulted in something like 100,000,000 deaths in the 20th century.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Marxist led Colombia withdrew its Ambassador to Israel. Seriously? thumbnail

Marxist led Colombia withdrew its Ambassador to Israel. Seriously?

By Geoff Ross

Colombia expels Israeli ambassador, threatens to suspend relations with Israel

Colombian president Gustavo Petro expelled the country’s Israeli envoy, Gali Dagan, for criticizing the president’s outspoken support of Palestinians and accusations against Israel following the Hamas attack on Israel. Petro said on Monday that Dagan should “at a minimum, apologize and leave” the country, National Review reported.

Dagan’s criticism of Petro came after the Colombian president likened Israeli military operations to the Nazi persecution of Jews, adding, “No democrat in the world can accept Gaza being turned into a concentration camp.”

Additionally, Petro said that Colombia would suspend foreign relations with Israel, as Colombia does “not support genocides.”

The citizens of Colombia fully support 100% the nation of Israel and its right to defend itself from the vermin HAMAS terrorists that decimated and viciously brutalized over 1,400 peaceful Israeli and foreign citizens on October 7th 2023.

It is the Marxist President Gustavo Petro of Colombia that withdrew the Colombian Ambassador from Israel not the people or the republican led congress of Colombia.

The Marxist President Gustavo Petro of Colombia demands Israel engage in a ceasefire yet his pals in his own Communist FARC slaughtered over 440,600 Colombians over the past 6 decades.

Here in Colombia President Petro wants total negotiations with the terrorist FARC and ELN so it’s no surprise he is not supporting the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) swift and decisive military action in the Gaza Strip.

Petro also has an active 6 month ceasefire with his pals in the National Liberation Army or (ELN) the largest communist group left in Colombia thus preventing the Colombian Army (much to their chagrin) from wiping out the last of these vicious communist terrorists.

Petro is just protecting his Communist friends from the Colombian Army, he is not so much concerned with a ceasefire. My opinion.

Petro has a national disapproval rating of 61% and dropping on par with the Marxist Biden in our own White House.

The Republican led Colombian congress continues to block Petro’s economic Marxist socialist destructive agenda.

I do not think President Petro will last his four year term. The Colombian judiciary and Congress will probably end up impeaching him from office eventually for corruption.
President Petros son is also currently under arrest for election campaign finance fraud as the corruption runs rampant in the Petro socialist inner circle as is much the case with the socialist Biden Administration in the USA.

So when you see the nation of Colombia listed as a nation that has withdrawn its ambassador to Israel be advised this action is not supported by the citizens of this great constitutional republic and nation.

It is supported only by the corrupt Marxist President who is despised by the Colombian people despised by the Colombian military and hated by the Colombian Police forces.

©2023. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved. Author is currently on assignment in Bogotá, Colombia


Israel suspends military exports to Colombia over its president’s criticism of Gaza siege

Israel and Colombia in ferocious diplomatic spat over Hamas war

BRAVO ARGENTINA! Javier Milei CRUSHES Argentine left, Becomes World’s First Libertarian Head of State thumbnail

BRAVO ARGENTINA! Javier Milei CRUSHES Argentine left, Becomes World’s First Libertarian Head of State

By The Geller Report

This is amazing.

“Milei hates wokeism, hates socialism, hates the media, hates excessive government spending, hates the political elite…” — Collin Rugg

… and loves his country.

Javier Milei crushes Argentine left, becomes world’s first libertarian head of state

Trump-like Javier Milei won 56% of the vote, and 20 of 23 Argentine provinces, in decisive win over Economy Minister

By: Sergio Massa, Fox News, November 19, 2023:

Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich has the latest on the Summit of the Americas meeting of heads of state in Los Angeles on ‘Special Report.’

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – How can the current economy minister of a nation with 140% inflation and 40% living below the poverty line win a presidential election? It turns out that he can’t, at least not in Argentina.

Libertarian outsider congressman and economist Javier Milei, of the Liberty Advances party, won a decisive victory tonight over the establishment’s center-left candidate, the Peronista Sergio Massa.

With 99.3% of the votes counted, Milei stood at 55.7% versus 44.3% for Massa. While Massa won the vote-rich province of Buenos Aires by a little over 1%, Milei won the city proper of Buenos Aires, and then crushed Massa in the vote-rich northern provinces of Cordoba, Santa Fe, and Mendoza…..

“I did NOT get in here to be leading lambs—I GOT in here to WAKE UP LIONS!”


— Javier Milei, Destroyer of Shitlibspic.twitter.com/cOQemYvKlX

— Jason Jones (@jonesville) November 20, 2023

Read more.


Pamela Geller


🔊 … Javier Melei
New President of Argentina

Socialism is … “🤮”

I love this guy.


— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) November 20, 2023

The globalists tried to stop Javier Milei but the people of Argentina weren’t having it. They just elected this populist libertarian firebrand President.

Bravo, Argentina 🇦🇷 pic.twitter.com/0D4B9tkyDQ

— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) November 20, 2023

Some reasons to be optimistic:

🇦🇷 Argentina just elected anti-socialist economist Javier Milei in a landslide

🇺🇸 Trump beats Biden in all recent polls

🇩🇪 Right-wing AfD is surging in Germany

🇫🇮 Finland just formed its most right-wing government in its history


— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 20, 2023

Argentina has 150% inflation and socialists have been in power destroying that country for 40 years

And even *they* could handcount all their votes in 1 night and declare a Presidential winner

Meanwhile in America our vote totals in swing states ‘magically’ change at 4 AM after… pic.twitter.com/6mweY9jeO8

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) November 20, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.