Federal Plan to Save Local Government Jobs Cost $800,000 Per Job Annually, Economic Paper Finds thumbnail

Federal Plan to Save Local Government Jobs Cost $800,000 Per Job Annually, Economic Paper Finds

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Why was the program so wasteful? The answer is surprisingly simple.

We’re finding out more every day about the true cost of Covid-19 policies.

Economists Jeffrey Clemens, Philip G. Hoxie & Stan Veuger recently released a paper titled Was Pandemic Fiscal Relief Effective Fiscal Stimulus? Evidence from Aid to State and Local Governments.

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper examines whether Covid stimulus was effective at the stated goal of preserving jobs in state and local government.

The results will be surprising to many.

The authors find that federal aid to state and local governments to save jobs was incredibly ineffective.

In fact, this program was even more inefficient than the notoriously inefficient Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Jon Miltimore recently wrote for FEE on the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ harsh critique of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). One highlight of the Federal Reserve’s report is the cost for each job-year saved with the PPP was incredibly expensive.

But as Clemens and co-authors point out, “[t]he PPP, which has itself been criticized for having a modest job-preserving impacts per dollar spent, has been estimated to cost much less per job year saved” when compared to the stimulus to local government.

So the PPP, despite being very expensive per job-year saved, was much less expensive than the federal spending intended to preserve local and state government jobs. How much less?

The PPP was estimated to have cost somewhere from $169,000 to $258,000 per job each year. This program to save state and local government jobs cost in the range of $433,000 to $855,000 per job each year. This is as much as 5x more waste!

This is a staggering amount to spend on preserving jobs, which begs the question, why was the program so wasteful?

The average salary for a state government worker is less than $100,000 even in the highest paying states according to ZipRecruiter. For the same amount of money it cost to preserve a single job, government could have created 8 jobs with a $100,000 salary digging holes in the ground.

So how did the government spend more than $800,000 per job to save jobs which normally pay five figures?

To understand why, consider the other institutions which support most of the employment in our society: businesses.

Firms would never be willing to spend $800,000 to preserve a worker who is usually only paid $100,000. Why?

Well, a business engaging in an ineffective and wasteful policy like this would make a loss on each worker and go out of business.

When the cost of a worker exceeds the value of what they produce (as judged by customers), private companies will lose money by hiring the worker. This mechanism ensures businesses don’t pay owners of resources (in this case labor) more than society values them.

Defenders of government policy here could argue that government is trying to fulfill a different role than business. Perhaps it’s the job of government to ensure steady employment in troubling times.

The problem with this line of thinking is it assumes jobs in and of themselves are good. But, as many great economists have noted, this belief is wrong.

Consider an exchange economist Milton Friedman had as documented by the American Enterprise Institute:

While traveling by car during one of his many overseas travels, Professor Milton Friedman spotted scores of road builders moving earth with shovels instead of modern machinery. When he asked why powerful equipment wasn’t used instead of so many laborers, his host told him it was to keep employment high in the construction industry. If they used tractors or modern road building equipment, fewer people would have jobs was his host’s logic.

“Then instead of shovels, why don’t you give them spoons and create even more jobs?” Friedman inquired.

The point of the story is clear. It’s possible for jobs to be wasteful. And government is particularly prone to generating these wasteful jobs.

Economist Anne Bradley explains why:

Jobs created through market competition are much more likely than government jobs to foster entrepreneurial thinking, discoveries, and the products and services that make people’s lives better at increasingly lower costs. This is not because government jobs are filled with bad or lazy people, but because the government does not operate under the self-correction mechanism that profits and losses provide.

The complete failure of Covid economic policy becomes clearer as more programs like this are examined.

Without a mechanism like profit and loss to evaluate the value of alternative options, we are left with a policy which spends nearly a million dollars to preserve a single job with a salary less than one tenth of that.

We can only hope future government programs are scrutinized more carefully given the wasteful policies generated at every turn.


Peter Jacobsen

Peter Jacobsen teaches economics at Ottawa University where he holds the positions of Assistant Professor and Gwartney Professor of Economic Education and Research at the Gwartney Institute. He received his graduate education George Mason University and received his undergraduate education Southeast Missouri State University. His research interest is at the intersection of political economy, development economics, and population economics. His website can be found here.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Bad Moves by Bad People for Bad Policies thumbnail

Bad Moves by Bad People for Bad Policies

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

Move over, Deplorables.  Here come the Despicables.

The January 6th Committee is putting on its dog-and-pony show supposedly for the purpose of passing new legislation to secure the Capitol building.  But ask yourself this:  if they had a case that insurrection occurred that day, why would they need to doctor the evidence they’re showing the public?  Liberal Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz blasted the Committee for editing out part of Trump’s speech:

It was unethical,” Dershowitz said.  “Why was it unethical? … [Trump] said at the end of the speech he wanted people to show their voices patriotically and peacefully. They doctored the tape! They edited those words out. If a prosecutor ever did that they’d be disbarred!

The Obama-era sue-and-settle scam is back.  This is where federal agencies encourage left-wing groups to sue the agency – wink, wink, nod, nod – to get favorable rules imposed without going through the rulemaking process and, oh by the way, hand over huge piles of taxpayer money to the Left – billions in the Obama years.  The Trump administration ended the practice, but the Biden administration brought it back.  The Interior Department agreed to pay the leftist Center for Biological Diversity $140,000 in attorney’s fees in a sue-and-settle maneuver last year.

Speaking of environmental groups, green special interests couldn’t get the Green New Deal through Congress, so now they’re squeezing the private sector to achieve the same ends.  They are:

  • pressuring banks not to lend to fossil fuel companies which supply most of our energy
  • using ESG (environmental, social, and governance) scoring – which some states have moved to outlaw – to withhold capital from fossil fuel companies, and
  • proposing through the SEC that corporations make burdensome climate disclosures, not only about themselves, but about their suppliers, vendors, and shippers, imposing major new laws while bypassing the democratic process.

It gets worse. Environmentalists regularly declare we’re having the ‘hottest year on record’ when they know darn well the earth was warmer during earlier periods of human history – long before industrialization.  They know it was hotter in the Medieval and Roman Warm Periods, just to name two.  They also know there were no catastrophic consequences from warming of the kind they are warning about now.  They’re also faking their data on a regular basis, one recent example being the removal of declining temperatures from the 1962 to 1983 cooling period from datasets in order to set up claims of recent global warming.  [study published here – more on fake data here]  Environmental activists know these temperature fluctuations are caused by the natural activity of the sun, which varies, not human CO2 emissions.

The Left lies about more than climate change.  Abortion activists claimed there was overwhelming public support for Roe v. Wade.  They’ve been lying about public support for abortion since even before Roe.  Today, the fact of the matter is 70 percent of Americans oppose abortion in the second trimester.

What other behavior would you expect from a bunch of liars?  There are any number of stories about abortion clinics trying to hide botched abortions occurring on their premises (here’s one).   The Biden administration is encouraging teenage girls to get secret abortions and hide them from their parents.  A high school in Seattle is forcing students to sign a pledge saying they support abortion or they will not get access to a mentoring program.

These are bad people who have no moral compass for whom winning is the only thing.  To them, the ends justify the means.  It doesn’t matter how much they lie or who they hurt, as long as they win.  But as George Orwell observed, you can’t reach supposedly noble ends with despicable means.  The very process of using evil means will corrupt the people using them, making their ends unattainable, no matter how hard they try.  They end up bad people.  Are you one of them?  I hope not.  If you’ve listened to everything I’ve said and still say to yourself, ‘Go, Team, Go!’, you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself how you could have let yourself become so Despicable.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

21 Nonconformity Quotes to Help You Resist the Crowd thumbnail

21 Nonconformity Quotes to Help You Resist the Crowd

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Many individuals feel they have no choice but to follow the herd. These quotes will help you break away.

The author Dorothy Sayers (1893-1957) once observed that one of the downsides of the modern age is that humans are ill-equipped to resist an endless onslaught of messaging (the “incessant battery of words, words, words.”)

Literacy had expanded but the tools of reason, logic, and deduction were being lost even as humans were being exposed to mass media and near-constant advertising.

In a turn of phrase that would have made Doctor Strange proud, Sayers wondered if the conditions of the modern world had made humans “susceptible to the influence of advertisement and mass propaganda to an extent hitherto unheard of and unimagined.”

Sayers wrote those words in 1947, a year before George Orwell’s own dark premonitions on propaganda and control were published in his classic work 1984.

Sayers and Orwell were onto something, but the uncomfortable truth is that mass media has only amplified since their time. The average American today spends close to four hours a day “reading, listening to or simply interacting with media” on computers, tablets or mobile devices, one recent study found. For tweens, the figure is even higher: 4.5 hours. For teens, average screen time is higher still: 6.5 hours a day.

The inundation of media poses a threat to one of the essential qualities that makes humans human: individuality. To be fair, the individual has always struggled to survive the herd (to paraphrase Kipling); but in many ways mass media make this quest even more difficult. Today we’re endlessly bombarded with messaging, imagery, and ideology fighting for our attention, minds, and wallets.

We’re told what shows to watch and what books to read and which characters are problematic. We’re told what ideas and messages are okay, and which must be suppressed, expunged, or modified. We see which celebrities are punished for which transgressions.

For many it’s exhausting, confusing, and anxiety-inducing. Perhaps the worst part is that many individuals feel they have no choice but to follow the herd.

“The psychology of crowds is a fascinating thing,” Claire Lehman, the editor of Quillette recently observed. “Because most people are conformists, it seems pretty clear that once a certain number of ideologues take hold in an organisation or society, a tipping point is reached & the herd just follows along.”

Few today would deny this a challenge. It often seems the world today is one big, senseless crowd. But it’s important to remember a key truth: we don’t have to march to the beat of the crowd’s drum.

Here are 21 quotes on conformity and nonconformity that reveal the struggle to and the importance of remaining free in our own minds.

  1. “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” – Rudyard Kipling, 1935 (this quote is often misattributed to Nietzsche)
  2. “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” – President John F. Kennedy, 1961 address to the United Nations
  3. “I don’t give a damn what others say. It’s okay to color outside the lines.” – Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970), musician
  4. “It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” – Ralph Waldo EmersonSelf-Reliance (1841)
  5. “Rebel children, I urge you, fight the turgid slick of conformity with which they seek to smother your glory.” – Russell Brand, My Booky Wook, 2008
  6. “Heresy is another word for freedom of thought.” – Graham Greene (1904-1991), author
  7. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (1954)
  8. “For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance (1841)
  9. “The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity.” – Dr. Robert Anthony, The Ultimate Secret to Total Self-Confidence
  10. “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).” – Mark Twain, notebook (1904)
  11. “All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular positions.” – Adlai Stevenson, Address at Princeton, 1954
  12. “Go your own way. Question everything. Accept nothing. Accept no dogma, no cant. There are too many people walking around thinking they’re sacred cows, and they’re only half right.” – Rosie DiManno (b. 1956), Canadian journalist
  13. “I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.” – Rita Mae Brown (b. 1944), author
  14. “Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.” – Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
  15. “It is the individual only who is timeless. Societies, cultures, and civilizations―past and present―are often incomprehensible to outsiders, but the individual’s hungers, anxieties, dreams, and preoccupations have remained unchanged through the millennia.” – Eric Hoffer (1898-1983), moral philosopher
  16. “Perhaps, if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque.” – Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children
  17. “If I decide to be an idiot, then I’ll be an idiot on my own accord.” – Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
  18. “It is very nearly impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind.” – James Baldwin (1924-1987), author
  19. “Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road.” – Voltaire (1724-1788)
  20. “Only a very small number of people are truly evil. But a very large number of people are conformists. To prevent evil on a mass scale it’s more important for us to ward against our own instinct to conform with the crowd than it is to worry about anything else.” – Claire Lehman, founding editor of Quillette
  21. “Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Lia Thomas’ ‘Woman of the Year’ Award Is More of the Left’s War on Women thumbnail

Lia Thomas’ ‘Woman of the Year’ Award Is More of the Left’s War on Women

By The Geller Report

There is a real war on women, and it’s by feminists and the Left. This is the real war on women: Fox News reported Friday that “the University of Pennsylvania nominated swimmer Lia Thomas for the NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ award.” The award is supposed to recognize female student athletes who have done great things. The NCAA nomination page says: “Established in 1991, the award recognizes female student-athletes who have exhausted their eligibility and distinguished themselves in their community, in athletics and in academics throughout their college careers.” In announcing the award, UPenn said that NCAA member schools “are encouraged to celebrate their top graduating female student-athletes by nominating them for the NCAA Woman of the Year Award.” Amid all this self-congratulation, one important fact has been overlooked: Lia Thomas is not a woman. Lia Thomas is a man.

Women must realize: the left is stripping us of everything that is uniquely ours. Women are being robbed of every good thing in our lives. First and foremost? Motherhood, our greatest joy and source of happiness. Our marital rights are being stripped, masculinity is rendered “toxic” (trust me, that hurts women), romance has been demonized, and femininity has been rendered politically incorrect (for proof of that, see how Victoria’s Secret has been killing its own brand).

Young women are being robbed of the greatest gifts life has to offer. And they don’t know it. But they’re unhappy and they don’t know why. It’s overwhelmingly depressing, these poisonous fruits of “women’s liberation.” The epidemic of single motherhood, the breakdown of the American family, the street vernacular of “bitches and hos,” the emasculation of men, the bone-crushing responsibility of one woman being mother, father, breadwinner, chief cook and bottle washer we owe to the feminists.

The destroyers have been at war against American values for forty years, and Lia Thomas, “Woman of the Year,” is just the latest proof that they have succeeded. Women have been diminished and dehumanized, all under the guise of “liberation” and “feminism.” All this shows the power of the art of propaganda.

The family is the basic building block of any successful society. Children born out of wedlock are more likely to struggle in school or suffer emotional and behavioral problems. Yet today, over fifty percent of births in this country to women under thirty are outside marriage. And an astronomical forty percent of women are not married when they have children. Back in 2016, Child Trends reported that “40 percent of births in the United States occur outside of marriage, up from 28 percent in 1990.” Since then, the percentage of births outside of marriage has only increased.

In the documentary, Oral Sex Is the New Goodnight Kiss, Sharlene Azam, a Canadian filmmaker, says, “If you talk to teens [about oral sex], they’ll tell you it’s not a big deal. In fact, they don’t consider it sex. They don’t consider a lot of things sex.” In the documentary, teenage girls talk casually about their sexual experiences and even their forays into prostitution. One girl sums up the new attitudes: “Five minutes and I got $100. If I’m going to sleep with them anyway because they’re good-looking, might as well get paid for it, right?”

This is how the phony feminist movement empowered women. More like enslaved women. Those men-hating parasites have ruined the glorious exaltation of women in 20th-century America.

I know. I grew up in it. All one has to do is watch movies from the twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and sixties (before the left’s rout of American culture) to catch a glimpse of the status of women and see the seismic change in the dynamic between women and men. In those films, women were treated with respect and equality. We were then formidable, respected, treasured, and above all… revered. It was as good as it gets. Relationships had depth and were serious stuff. Look at today’s films. There is no dynamic between the sexes. It’s two people playing with sex toys.

The Femarxist movement uses “equalization” as a means of empowering castration by the female at the top while emasculating males at the bottom. The transgender craze is the apotheosis of this movement.

All this is no surprise, of course. A breakdown of sexual mores and a flouting of convention is part and parcel of the agenda in every society to which socialism has come. And here we are.


Pamela Geller

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

No Safe Space: Chemical Abortion and Trafficked Daughters thumbnail

No Safe Space: Chemical Abortion and Trafficked Daughters

By Family Research Council

“My strategy was to be unseen. I became numb. Most abuse victims don’t know they are victims. We just know that this is life.” — Darlene, survivor

Darlene was 13 when she was first molested. To this day, she remembers running and hiding under the bed, desperate to disappear. “It just sort of flipped a switch in me, because I had no safe place anymore.” Fatherless, she watched her mom go from one abusive relationship to the next, until one day Darlene just stopped going to school. “That was when my world seemed to completely spiral out of control,” she admits. “[A] guy came to my neighborhood who was so jovial and so friendly to everybody. He was so magnetic is the only thing I can think of. All the kids in the neighborhood gravitated to him — and I had no idea that I was his target.”

By her 14th birthday, she was a commodity. “The first time he sold me was to a businessman,” Darlene thinks back. “He was a bouncer at an illegal gambling ring, and he’d bring me to that back alley — and he’d leave me in the car and men would use me there, over and over and over. And then when he opened the door, he said, ‘Gee, you look like hell.’ … I was beaten, gang-raped, drugged, dragged, and bruised in a sick game of dehumanization.” No one, not even her mother, stopped it. “Sometimes I was out on the streets for days at a time, sometimes weeks.” Her buyers were businessmen, city councilors, professionals, criminals.

After she’d been passed around for five years, she was sold to a man who told her, “in graphic detail how he’d forced other girls to have an abortion.” By that point, Darlene had been trafficked so long, she thought she couldn’t get pregnant. “I didn’t think it would happen,” she said. Until she did. When her abuser found out, he threatened to kill her if she tried to escape without having an abortion. “He even threatened to do it himself.” Terrified, she threw herself at his feet, begging him not to force her. He threw the phone in her lap and waited until she called and made an appointment. “In my mind, I had no choice,” she remembers.

Years have passed, but there are thousands of other Darlenes trapped in horror stories like hers. This very second, there are men online, in malls, walking through neighborhoods, luring girls away from unhappy homes with one goal: to sell them and use them for sex. Like Darlene, they’ve been kicked, beaten, starved, punished, and forced to subject themselves to a level of brutality and humiliation most of us can’t comprehend. Most of these young girls end up pregnant — as many as 71% according to one report. And not just once. Multiple times. “A third of women trafficked ‘underwent numerous abortions as victims of trafficking’” — most against their will.

Now, with Roe v. Wade gone, and abortion activists frantic to protect their biggest business, the plot has become more sinister: abortion pills, through the mail, where no one has to know. The new back-alley method that gives predators like Darlene’s an even easier way to inflict harm.

Before the abortion industry invented chemical killing, there was at least a good possibility that abused and hurting girls would see an adult face to face, a nurse or health care worker in a safe place where they could tell the truth and get help. And while abortion centers like Planned Parenthood’s were notorious about covering up these nightmarish crimes, there was a better chance of teenagers breaking their silence and getting rescued — than removing all supervision and forcing them to go through this dangerous abortion process alone.

As so many doctors have warned, these are lethal drugs. The Left tells women that it’s a simple, safe, natural, and private process. What they don’t tell them is stories like Solome’s. “I had blood all over my legs and went in the tub to wash them. The cramps got so bad I couldn’t even move. I couldn’t even cry…” she testified to the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus. “I couldn’t get to my phone to dial 911 and go to the emergency room…” There was so much pain and blood, she thought she might die. “I haven’t really healed from my experience, and I don’t know if I ever will.”

Imagine the harm rapists and other predators could do if these drugs were as available as the Biden administration is demanding. Children, innocent women, and sex victims of all kinds would be in an endless cycle of violence — with no guarantee that they would survive the complications. Because the last place a serial abuser is going to rush his victims is an emergency room where the girls would have easy access to law enforcement.

And yet, President Biden, controlled by the radicals in his party, has decided to take the side of those monsters, demanding that states make it easier for everyone to get their hands on these deadly drugs. In a term that has redefined extremism, he has decided to become the president of predation. “As our nation faces another significant health care crisis, this guidance is to remind the roughly 60,000 retail pharmacies in the United States of the unique role pharmacies play in ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive health care services,” according to Health and Human Services.

This, Dr. Ingrid Skop warns, despite the fact that chemical abortions have four times as many complications as surgical abortions. The Biden administration, she explained on “Washington Watch,” took away all in-person supervision.

“They can get it delivered by mail without ever encountering a doctor. … [And] these medications work by cutting off hormonal support and then causing contractions. The further along a woman is, the more likely it is to fail. When it fails there, the woman is at risk for infection. She’s at risk for hemorrhage. And that tissue that does not pass out has to be removed surgically. Even under the prior recommendations, using it up to 10 weeks gestation, about 5-8% of the time it does fail and the woman needs surgery. But in this new world where nobody’s even checking to find out how far along she is, it’s going to fail more frequently.”

For any woman, those are inhumane odds. For a woman trapped in a life of sex abuse, it’s a death sentence. The idea that anyone — let alone the leader of the free world — would try to push this poison on innocent mothers and children is abhorrent. What he’s telling the desperate, hurting girls like Darlene is that there’s no way out. That there is no safe place. “Women who are in this situation,” she tells people now, “need healing. They need guidance, they need compassion. But they don’t need abortion.”

She should know. The night Darlene begged her captor for her baby’s life, she had a dream — of a little face, part of a hand “with those distinct stubby fingers,” part of a ribcage. Looking back, she knows it was supernatural, a window into a womb she didn’t know. She woke up, raised her arms in the air in an act of desperation, and said, “God, if you’re real, I need you to show up.” He did, hatching a plan for her to escape with the help of a social worker assigned to track her as a runaway. She faked her abortion and found her freedom.

Darlene was saved by heroes — people who valued her life and her baby’s. Girls everywhere deserve a government and a president who does the same.


Tony Perkins

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column appeared in The Washington Stand is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tide Turning on Woke Criminal Justice Cabal thumbnail

Tide Turning on Woke Criminal Justice Cabal

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

Last month, San Francisco voters, fed up with high crime, ousted progressive prosecutor Chesa Boudin in a recall election.  The new DA has just cleaned house, firing 15 employees in a new emphasis on public safety.  She vowed to hold “serious and repeat offenders accountable.”  Put this together with the jurisdictions re-funding the police and walking back their no-cash bail policies, and it appears Woke criminal justice reform has passed its peak. Funny what happens when people get mugged by reality.

But there’s work left to do in many places.  West Hollywood is reducing the size of its sheriff’s department despite the fact crime is up 137 percent.  Chicago police are no longer allowed to chase people on foot.  A one-man crime wave was arrested five times in ten days in New York City, after being released without bail for a slashing and other crimes.  The New York subway stabber was released from jail the night before, having been given ‘time served’ for brandishing a knife at police.  In all, violent crime is way up in New York and other cities controlled by Democrats.

Cashless bail, not letting police do their job, or getting rid of police officers entirely – we already know how these stories end, and they don’t end well.   But hope springs eternal in the fantasyland of the mindless Left.

The stories will end just as badly in cities still stuck with progressive prosecutors.  Steve Descano’s office in Fairfax, Virginia sought a light sentence for a man charged with assault and battery.  The man went on to beat a 63-year-old woman to death at a bus stop. Next door in Loudon County, a judge removed the progressive prosecutor from a case for “deliberately misleading the Court and the public” in an attempt to ‘sell’ a plea deal.  In Philadelphia, progressive prosecutor Larry Krasner dropped charges against three Antifa members who beat two Hispanic men.  The progressive prosecutor in L.A., George Gascon, treated a 17-year-old repeat offender as a juvenile and asked the court to put him in a probation camp after the offender tried to kill a young mother and child, despite the fact the offender was on parole and violating the terms of his release at the time of the attack.

The puppet master behind all these progressive prosecutors is George Soros who has spent $40 million to elect 75 progressive prosecutors around the country.  The man evidently wants to sow chaos and is spending his fortune to do it. Twenty-eight of his puppets signed an open letter after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade saying they will defy state laws that limit abortion.    These lawless puppets want to play state legislature and decide what the laws should be, which is not their role.  This is chaos.  Before you say you kinda like the idea of not enforcing abortion laws, let’s change the facts:  How would you like it if 28 Trump prosecutors said they would not enforce climate emergency laws?

On the Left, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always the revolution. Woke criminal justice reform isn’t just about evening the score for the supposedly downtrodden and oppressed.  It’s about creating chaos, to make society stink and push frustrated citizens into voting left-wing authoritarian governments into power to clean up the mess the authoritarians created in the first place.   But Woke criminal justice reform is on the decline and, now, two progressive prosecutors have gone down to ignominious defeat at the polls.  If the Left wants to create further chaos, they’re going to have to find another way to do it.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


Major Convenience Chain Closes LA Locations Over Violence Fears

Starbucks CEO Blames Woke Elected Officials For 16 Store Closures In Dangerous Cities

Transgender Woman Impregnates TWO Inmates at New Jersey’s Female Prison thumbnail

Transgender Woman Impregnates TWO Inmates at New Jersey’s Female Prison

By The Geller Report

Who could have predicted this?

Transgender woman who impregnated 2 inmates removed from N.J.’s female prison https://t.co/CnJkHCn9cC

— njdotcom (@njdotcom) July 16, 2022

Incarcerated transgender woman Demi Minor impregnates two inmates at NJ prison

By: NY Post, July 16, 2022:

NJ women’s prison inmates pregnant after sex with transgender prisoner

A transgender woman behind bars at a New Jersey women’s prison impregnated two fellow inmates, prompting officials to move her to a different facility, a report revealed Saturday.

Demi Minor, 27, was moved last month from the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women to the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility — a prison for young adults in Burlington County, a New Jersey Department of Corrections spokesman told NJ.com…..


Pamela Geller


The Left’s War On Women

Interrogating the Transgender Agenda

Transgender Permanence Is A Myth

LEFT’S WAR ON WOMEN: Lia Thomas Nominated by University of Pennsylvania for NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ Award

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The More Unpopular He Gets, the More Radical Biden Becomes thumbnail

The More Unpopular He Gets, the More Radical Biden Becomes

By Jihad Watch

He doesn’t work for the voters, he works for the Left.

The new New York Times poll is bad news for Biden and bad for America.

It’s not just the 33% approval rating that’s truly worrying. Biden has hit a new polling low, but he hits new polling lows every week. 70% of Democrats still claim to approve of Biden, much as they would a diseased cat, the propped up corpse of Osama bin Laden, or small piece of dried spaghetti as long as it was a Democrat. But only a quarter of the party wants Biden to run again.

Biden’s few remaining brain cells aren’t worried about the 2024 election. They’re worried about the Democrat primaries that he barely survived last time around. And isn’t likely to this time.

64% of Democrats want someone, anyone, other than Biden to run in 2024.

As Biden’s poll numbers have slid down the slopes faster than a falling skier, he hasn’t moved to the center, but to the fringes. Like most of his party, the primary threat comes from the Left. And the more unpopular Biden becomes, the harder he pivots leftward to protect his primary options.

Even if they’re mostly imaginary.

That’s why the poor poll numbers are nothing to celebrate. Biden pretended to run from the center, but never governed from the center. And his growing unpopularity has only made his administration more extreme. Biden doesn’t need America and doesn’t have it anyway.

He needs the Left.

Leftists and Americans wanted opposite things from the Biden administration. Americans wanted stability, sensible policies and an end to the chaos. Leftists wanted endless spending on their agendas, identity politics and a perpetual state of crisis. Biden took office in a locked down city with a heavily military presence, appointed an attorney general bitter at having a Supreme Court seat taken from him and tasked with pursuing partisan grievances. Gargantuan spending bills aggravated the already unstable economy and pushed the country to the brink.

Everything else followed from that.

Biden locked his administration into a leftist worldview that alienated most of the country. The more the rest of the country shuns him, the harder he clings to the “one that brought” him.

Barack Obama.

Biden isn’t popular, but he never was. He first got to the White House riding leftist coattails. He certainly wasn’t elected based on his own popularity, but because the Left waged a scorched earth campaign. The only reason someone so corrupt and inept ever ended up in the White House was as a beneficiary of the outpouring of rabid leftist hatred against conservatives.

The 2020 strategy of lying low and letting the Left rage got him in the White House. And Biden knows that his only shot of getting back in is once again letting the Left do its worst.

Biden’s national poll numbers don’t matter because he didn’t win a popularity contest.

It doesn’t matter if he’s at 41% or 33% or 6%. Biden’s gambit will be once again lying low and letting the Left shape the battlefield. Faced with the likelihood of being a one-termer, his staffers are leftists who aren’t in it for the money or the career development, but are true believers in the “cause”. And he needs leftist donors who aren’t invested in personalities, but in ideology.

Much like Xi, Biden understands that the ‘party’ matters and the public doesn’t. And ‘party’ doesn’t mean the official one with a donkey on the box, but the ideological leftist movement that cares about the things he’s vigorously promoting from critical race theory to gender identity to modern monetary theory and all the theories that in their sum add up to Marxist theory.

Joe Biden likely doesn’t believe any of it, but just as Hunter didn’t have to read Mao’s Little Red Book to cut business deals in China, Biden doesn’t have to understand what he’s promoting.

Biden came into office after outsourcing much of his administration’s policy apparatus to the Bernie and Warren people. The “Big Guy” doesn’t care much about policy. Biden has been anti and pro-abortion, pro and anti-terrorism, and pro and anti-racism depending on the moment.

What Biden cares about is having the big job and whatever benefits flow from it. An egomaniac who kept on lying about his college grades while running for president, he accidentally landed in a position commensurate with his inflated self-image. And one that offers plenty of rewards.

Much as Hillary, another compulsive liar, wrecked her own party and then the country while trying to cling to power no one thought she should have, Biden, even in his diminished state, is not going to let go. In that, Biden is no different than the rest of a gerontocratic oligarchy, men and women like Speaker Pelosi and Senator Bernie Sanders, claiming to speak for the youth.

After generations in power, none of them are eager to let go and accept the inevitable. Especially since the inevitable is no longer as inevitable as it once used to be.

It’s inevitable to most that Biden won’t run and won’t win if he does. And in the normal state of things, that would be true. But we are in a post-polling world in which public opinion is no longer just a reaction to events, but can be directly shaped by manufacturing a series of crises.

And if Biden works hard enough for the Left, perhaps the Left will work to keep him in office.

Some race riots, lockdowns, and crises yet to be unleashed can do wonders for changing people’s perspective. It likely won’t work and may not even be tried, but Biden doesn’t have any other cards to play. And he never did. Biden can’t win elections on his own. So he won’t try.

The more unpopular he becomes, the less likely he is to even bother going through the motions.

Biden may sit in the White House (when he’s not vacationing in Delaware), but he doesn’t work for the American people. He works for the Left. And he may not remember much of anything else, but that is the one thing he has never forgotten. It’s the only reason why he’s here.



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s Speech At Ben Gurion Airport: Some Good Parts, and Some Statements That Called for Rewrite

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

UK Government Report: Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths Since April, 90% of Which Were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed thumbnail

UK Government Report: Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths Since April, 90% of Which Were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed

By The Geller Report

We know it’s bad. But as data, (deliberately withheld by the Democrat-media-axis) becomes available its worse than we thought.

Despite the danger, the Democrats are ramping up totalitarian edits and mandating our children and babies get injected with this poison.

A report that was quietly published by the UK Government, just hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation, reveals that Covid-19 deaths have risen dramatically among the triple vaccinated population in England over the past couple of months whilst declining drastically among the unvaccinated population.

With the most recent figures showing the vaccinated population in England accounted for a shocking 94% of all Covid-19 Deaths in April and May, and 90% of those deaths were among the triple/quadruple vaccinated population.


On the 7th July, Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, announced he was resigning. Since then the Mainstream Media in the UK have distracted the public with 24/7 news on that announcement and speculation on who could replace him.

It’s times like these that you ought to watch what bad news is being quietly published in the background in the hope that it won’t receive much attention, and it just so happens that hours before Boris announced his resignation, his Government published new data that proves things have been terrible for the vaccinated population in England over the past couple of months.

Back in March 2022, the UK Health Security Agency announced that from April 1st 2022, they would no longer publish the vaccination status of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths in England.

At the time, the UKHSA claimed this was because the UK Government had ended free universal Covid-19 testing and this therefore affected their “ability to robustly monitor Covid-19 cases by vaccination status”.

However, this was a lie.

The UK Health Security Agency had been looking for an excuse for months to stop publishing the data because it clearly showed the vaccinated population were suffering immense immune system damage, with case, hospitalisation, and death rates per 100,000 highest among the fully vaccinated population.

The following chart shows the real world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the Week 3Week 7 and Week 13 UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 –


This was nowhere near the claimed 95% effectiveness by Pfizer was it?

But now we have more evidence to both prove the UKHSA was lying, and that the current mainstream media storm surrounding the resignation of Boris Johnson is just a distraction.

This is because another UK Government agency, known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS), has just published data on deaths by vaccination status.

The latest dataset from the ONS is titled ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022‘, and it can be accessed on the ONS site here, and downloaded here.


Table 1 of the latest dataet contains figures on the mortality rates by vaccination status for all cause deaths, deaths involving Covid-19, and deaths not involving Covid-19. And it is here that we are able to ascertain the vaccination status of everyone who has died of Covid-19 since the beginning of April 2022, when the UKHSA claimed they could no longer reliably report the figures.

Here’s how the ONS presents the figures for the month of April 2022 –


Keep reading….

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Warren: Close Crisis Pregnancy Centers ‘All Around the Country’ thumbnail

Warren: Close Crisis Pregnancy Centers ‘All Around the Country’

By Discover The Networks

Speaking with reporters on Tuesday, infanticide enthusiast Sen. Elizabeth “You didn’t build that” Warren (D-MA) called to shut down crisis pregnancy centers “all around the country” for helping women seek alternatives to abortion.

“In Massachusetts, right now, those ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by 3-t0-1,” Warren declared. “We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts and we need to shut them down all around the country.”

“Fool people” by offering them an alternative to murdering their unborn children? This is further evidence that the so-called “pro-choice” position is actually anti-choice; otherwise abortion proponents like Warren would be fine with whatever action a pregnant woman decided was best for her, not just abortion.

This radical harpy’s condemnation of crisis pregnancy centers comes in the wake of multiple such centers from coast to coast being targeted by vandalism and intimidation by radical pro-abortion groups like Jane’s Revenge. Heidi Matzke, director of the Alternatives Pregnancy Center in California, said “We have been forced to hire 24-hour on site security. We have had to reinforce doors and bullet-proof our walls. We’ve had to paint our building with anti-graffiti coating. We’ve added cameras, armed our staff with pepper spray and stopped running our mobile clinic because of threats of violence.”

“From here forward, any anti-choice group who closes their doors, and stops operating will no longer be a target. But until you do, it’s open season, and we know where your operations are. The infrastructure of the enslavers will not survive. We will never stop, back down, slow down, or retreat,” the pro-abortion domestic terror group Jane’s Revenge threatened recently in an open letter.

Elizabeth Warren

111 Known Connections

Announcing Her 2020 Presidential Campaign

On December 31, 2018, Warren announced that she planned to run for the office of U.S. President in 2020.

Warren’s Desire to “Reshape Our Country and Our Economy”

On her presidential campaign website, Warren explicitly announced her desire to “reshape our country and our economy, restore our government, and save our democracy.” To achieve that end, she said “we need to be willing to fight for bold, structural solutions to the problems we face as a nation. That means tackling generations of racial injustice and systemic discrimination head on and building a government that works for everyone.”

To learn more about Elizabeth Warren, click here.


Planned Parenthood Offers Trans Hormone Therapy to Minors

Tedros Demands Return to ‘Tried and Tested’ Social Restrictions

Blackburn Wants Answers on NEA’s $140k ‘Enemies List’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NY DA Bragg Charges VICTIM of Bodega Attack by Violent Ex-Con thumbnail

NY DA Bragg Charges VICTIM of Bodega Attack by Violent Ex-Con

By Discover The Networks

In an op-ed Friday at Fox News Channel, retired FBI agent James Gagliano blasted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s “shameless body of work,” highlighting his charging of a 61-year-old bodega clerk, Jose Alba, with Murder in the Second Degree in the self-defense stabbing death of a violent ex-con who threatened and assaulted him in the shop.

The entire incident in Upper Manhattan last week was caught on the store’s surveillance video. “Alba was charged with murder and subjected to a ridiculously high quarter-million-dollar bail package (half of what the DA’s Office requested, but later reduced to $50,000.00 in the self-defense case) and transported to Rikers Island to be housed with real criminals,” Gagliano wrote. “Welcome to the dystopian hellscape that Alvin Bragg’s prosecutorial discretion has wrought on New York. Is it any wonder city dwellers consider fleeing in droves?”

Gagliano went on to note that the thug Alba stabbed was a career criminal, while Alba has no criminal record. “What kind of message does Alba’s arrest for defending himself send?”

“Bragg’s refusal to serve as the people’s prosecutor, while coddling criminals and charging those who act in clear defense of self, make him unfit for duty,” Gagliano correctly noted.

“Decades of Democratic stranglehold on the Office have seen moderate D’s accede ground to progressives like Bragg. The leftward lurch isn’t working — it is harming a once great city,” Gagliano concluded.

Alvin Bragg

6 Known Connections

On January 8, 2022 in New York City, Bragg appeared at a National Action Network rally alongside activist Al Sharpton to discuss his (Bragg’s) criminal-justice agenda. “We know that our first civil right is the right to walk safely to our corner store,” said Bragg. “But we also know that safety has got to be based in our community and fairness. It cannot be driven solely by incarceration.” In defense of his tepid approach to punishing criminals, the new D.A. said: “This is going to make us safer. It’s intuitive. It’s common sense. I don’t understand the pushback.”

When asked during a January 2022 interview with Fox News if his policies would “give criminals a green light,” Bragg answered: “No, I mean, it at least depends upon your definition of a criminal. And for all too long we’ve kind of dealt with this othering of anyone we put in jail is a criminal. Well, you know what, we’re putting in jail homeless people who, literally, in one example, used one counterfeit bill to buy food and toothpaste, got a sentence of [several] years. So, if that’s your definition of a criminal, I suggest we need to really reorder ourselves…”

To learn more about Alvin Bragg, click here.


Buttigieg Defends Harassment of Kavanaugh at Restaurant

CNN’s Bell Wears T-Shirt Vowing to ‘Aid and Abet Abortion’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

White House Incites Democrat Goons To Attack Supreme Court Justices thumbnail

White House Incites Democrat Goons To Attack Supreme Court Justices

By The Geller Report

18 US Code § 1503: Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror, or officer in or of any court of the United States, or officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any United States magistrate judge or other committing magistrate, in the discharge of his duty, or injures any such grand or petit juror in his person or property on account of any verdict or indictment assented to by him, or on account of his being or having been such juror, or injures any such officer, magistrate judge, or other committing magistrate in his person or property on account of the performance of his official duties, or corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). If the offense under this section occurs in connection with a trial of a criminal case, and the act in violation of this section involves the threat of physical force or physical force, the maximum term of imprisonment which may be imposed for the offense shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed for any offense charged in such case.

(b)The punishment for an offense under this section is—

(1) in the case of a killing, the punishment provided in sections 1111 and 1112;

(2) in the case of an attempted killing, or a case in which the offense was committed against a petit juror and in which a class A or B felony was charged, imprisonment for not more than 20 years, a fine under this title, or both; and

(3) in any other case, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, a fine under this title, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 769Pub. L. 97–291, § 4(c)Oct. 12, 198296 Stat. 1253Pub. L. 103–322, title VI, § 60016, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(K), Sept. 13, 1994108 Stat. 1974, 2147; Pub. L. 104–214, § 1(3)Oct. 1, 1996110 Stat. 3017.)

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh went to Morton’s Steakhouse in downtown Washington, D.C. for dinner Wednesday, but was spotted; Leftist protesters appeared, and the Justice had to leave through the back door.

A Morton’s representative then issued a statement saying that politics shouldn’t intrude on one’s “right to eat dinner,” but Biden’s press secretary disagreed. As far as Karine Jean-Pierre is concerned, those who dissent from the Left’s agenda have no right to enjoy dinner in peace.

Doocy on Brett Kavanaugh being forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters: “So these Justices, because protesters do not agree with an opinion… have no right to privacy?”

Jean-Pierre: “This is what a democracy is.” pic.twitter.com/xaxH2Gq7Na

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) July 8, 2022

Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Jean-Pierre: “So where’s the line? If these protesters can go to a Justice’s house, can they can go to a restaurant? Where is it that you don’t think it’s appropriate for a group of protesters to go?”

Jean-Pierre responded: “I just laid out—you asked me about intimidation, we condemn intimidation. We condemn any violence. And we’ve been very clear that is… it is like clear… it is a clear definition of what violence is and what intimidation is. Peaceful protest, people should be allowed to be able to do that.”

Not satisfied, Doocy pursued the matter: “In a restaurant?” Jean-Pierre replied: “If it’s outside of a restaurant, if it’s peaceful, for sure.” Doocy, shocked, said: “Really?,” whereupon Jean-Pierre reiterated: “Peaceful protests.”

Doocy then drew the obvious conclusion: “So these justices, because protesters do not agree with an opinion that they signed on to have no right to privacy, is what you’re saying.”

Jean-Pierre’s coherence began to elude her, as she sputtered: “Peter, this is… this is… people have the right… this is what a democracy is.” Doocy asked: “Do people have the right to privacy?” The press secretary replied: “Of course, people have a right to privacy. But people also have a right to be able to protest peacefully. It’s the intimidation and the violence that we condemn.”

Yet this plainly was intimidation, and Jean-Pierre was fine with it. The Leftist rag Politico was likewise cheered at the prospect of Leftist thugs forcing Kavanaugh to flee Morton’s, heading its notice of the incident “Happy Friday” and adding: “Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line with your best constitutional argument for the right to eat dinner.” Politico then provided email addresses for three of its “journalists”: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, and Ryan Lizza.”

The “constitutional argument for the right to eat dinner” business comes from Morton’s response to the incident, which began, Politico said, when “D.C. protesters targeting the conservative Supreme Court justices who signed onto the Dobbs decision overturning the constitutional right to abortion got a tip that Justice Brett Kavanaugh was dining at Morton’s downtown D.C. location. Protesters soon showed up out front, called the manager to tell him to kick Kavanaugh out and later tweeted that the justice was forced to exit through the rear of the restaurant.” Note the manipulative wording: Politico assumes that there is a “constitutional right to abortion” that was overturned, when there never actually was such a right, and the claim that there was never had any justification in the Constitution at all. This is how the Leftist media attempts to control the narrative.

Politico went farther than that, sneering at Kavanaugh despite the fact that he was the victim in the incident. If Sonia Sotomayor had been the Justice who was thus harassed, would Politico’s coverage have been different? Like night and day. But in this case, Politico continued, “Daniel Lippman looked into the incident for us and confirmed that account. While the court had no official comment on Kavanaugh’s behalf and a person familiar with the situation said he did not hear or see the protesters and ate a full meal but left before dessert, Morton’s was outraged about the incident.” And here is where the real fun began: “A rep for the chain steakhouse sent Lippman this statement: ‘Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant. Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner. There is a time and place for everything. Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency.”

Was the Morton’s rep making a statement about constitutional rights? Of course not. He or she was making a statement about common decency, a virtue that is in alarmingly short supply among Leftists. The reaction from Karine Jean-Pierre, as well as Politico, shows that the Left is embracing totalitarianism at a rapid clip, and that all too many Leftists are just fine with the idea that if you hold political opinions that they deem unacceptable, you should be harassed and hounded anywhere and everywhere, presumably until you’re simply too exhausted to continue to dissent from their agenda. Their totalitarian is showing, without concealment or apology.



Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 25 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

July 7, 1935: Moscow Orders First Communists To Hawaii thumbnail

July 7, 1935: Moscow Orders First Communists To Hawaii

By Hawaii Free Press

When the USSR collapsed in 1991, long-secret archives of the Communist International were thrown open to western researchers for the first time.  Many previously unknown details of communist history have been revealed–including the 1935 Comintern orders directing Communists to begin work in Hawaii.  These were uncovered by veteran researcher Herbert Romerstein in Moscow.

The transcription is below, the pdf of the original as recovered is HERE (p 35-36).

Many of the names of the Comintern’s “Anglo-American Secretariat” members meeting about Hawaii on February 17, 1935 are aliases of British, Russian, and other European communists. Some are unidentifiable. But one, “Sherman”, was much closer to Hawaii and in a position to begin carrying out the Comintern dictates contained in this document.

Romerstein, author of The Venona Secrets, describes “Sherman” as: “William Schneiderman, who, in the 1930s, was an agent of the Soviet foreign spy agency NKVD, code-named “Nat” (Venona transcripts), with an alias of “Sherman.” He was later made head of the Communist Party of California, where he would come into contact with individuals as significant as J. Robert Oppenheimer, the chief scientist at the Manhattan Project. (Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel, The Venona Secrets, Washington, DC: Regnery, 2000, pp. 258-68.)

The Comintern’s February, 1935 discussion was followed by a July 7, 1935 “Letter to the CPUSA on Hawaii.”  That led to quick action on the part of American communists.  Bob Krauss, in his book, “Johnny Wilson, First Hawaiian Democrat” (p 170) writes:

On the Honolulu docks, a tough little German-Hawaiian from Kalihi, Maxie Weisbarth, spoke for seamen as business agent for the Sailor’s Union of the Pacific. A six-page, free-swinging, semi-weekly newspaper called the Voice of Labor began publication on November 4, 1935.

One week before this date, a rawboned young seaman named Jack Hall landed in Honolulu from the Mariposa to begin a career as a union organizer that would make him the most powerful labor leader in Hawaii. He eked out a living on less that $20 a week working for Weisbarth distributing pamphlets….

Communist infiltration of labor unions apparently did not worry Johnny (Wilson), although Hall’s friends said Hall read nothing but Communist literature. Johnny said later, “I knew as far back as 1936 that there were Communists here in Hawaii….”

It was 3 ½ months from issuance of the Comintern’s “Letter to the CPUSA on Hawaii” to the arrival of Jack Hall in Honolulu.  Koji Aiyoshi, who would go on to assist Mao Zedong as a spy in China during WW2, describes in his memoir “From Kona to Yenan” (p27), the beginnings of his recruitment to communism (without acknowledging it as such) in 1936 Honolulu.

Also of interest, the 1951 Congressional testimony of former ILWU Communist Jack Kawano, describing the earliest communist arrivals in Hawaii. All arrived in late 1935 and early 1936 shortly after the Comintern orders were given.

Hall would eventually lead the ILWU which was controlled by the Communist Party and which would in turn control the Democratic Party. Ariyoshi would edit the ILWU’s communist-line Honolulu Record from 1948-58. Both Hall and Ariyoshi would be among the 1953 “Honolulu Seven” Smith Act defendants.  In 1948 Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis would arrive from Chicago and become a Honolulu Record columnist under Ariyoshi.  Davis would from 1970-79 become a mentor to the young Barack Obama.

In 1954 the Democrats took control of the Territorial Legislature. Between the 1950 beginning of the Korean War and 1959 Statehood, most Hawaii Communists would leave the Party, but not necessarily leave behind Stalinist organizational methods or socialist economic ideas.

As Hawaii’s first elected Democrat State Governor Jack Burns would point out later:

“Every guy in the ILWU was at one time or another a member of the Communist Party of America.  This is where they got their organizational information and how to organize, and how to bring groups together and how to create cells and how to make movements that are undetected by the bosses and everything else…I know what they were about.  I said this was the only way they are going to organize.”

The document is transcribed below. Embedded links have been inserted to provide more information about organizations and individuals named in the document. Sections in [brackets] are not visible on the original and a presumed text has been inserted when possible based on context and spacing.

See pdf of original document (pp 35-36).






February 17, 1935.

Present: McIlhone (chair), Mehring, FlakeNaumann, Brown, Sherman, Levine, Bergmann, Massie, Gray, Porter, Andrews, Brigadier, Riley, Ahnstrom, Billett, Mingulin.


1. Hawaiian question.

Reporter: Flake.

Speakers: Shermann, Nehring, Mingulin, Naumann.


1. To discuss the question with the American and Japanese comrades. To draw up a document which analysis the situation and the revolutionary tasks in Hawaii.

Responsible: Commissor composed of comrades Flake, Mingulin, Porter, Sherman, representative of Eastern Secretariat.

Responsible for Commission: Com. Sherman.



July 7, 1935


The growing discontent of the masses of the population in the Hawaiian Islands with the regime of colonial oppression and the exploitation of American imperialism with its policy of militarization of the Hawaiian Islands makes it essential for the CP USA to give every possible assistance to the development of the mass revolutionary movement in Hawaii, so that the foundations will be laid for the formation off a Communist party as the leader of the emancipation movement in Hawaii. Due to the altogether insufficient information at present available, it is not possible at present to completely formulate all of the tasks of the revolutionary movement, which further investigation and discussion of this question should be conducted by the American Party.

The political slogans of the Hawaiian revolutionary movement should be based on the developing of the agrarian, anti-imperialist revolution, the struggle against the yoke of American imperialism, and the bourgeois landlord system, and for a workers’ and farmers’ republic. Although the slogans of the national liberation struggle cannot be exactly predetermined and will have to grow out of the creation and development of the national liberation movement itself, it is the first and foremost task of the American party to assist this process and raise the slogan of “Right of Self-determination of the Peoples of Hawaii, up to the Point of Separation”, to demand the withdrawal of the US armed forces, and to expose the policy of the militarization of Hawaii as part of the war plans of American imperialism.

The CP USA should discuss with the Hawaiian comrades what are the basic tasks of the agrarian anti-imperialist revolution, especially the solution of the land question, which, according to the material available, presents itself as the task of destroying the semi-feudal remnants, the confiscation of the big plantations which predominate in Hawaii (and are mainly owned by foreign imperialists), and the division of the land among the people.

In addition to the main political slogans of the national liberation struggle, the Hawaiian revolutionary movement should consider raising the following immediate partial demands, the struggle for which should receive the full support of the CP USA:

1) Full democratic rights for the people — against the terror; freedom of speech, press, assembly, and the right to organize and strike; full electoral rights [for] the disenfranchised masses and the American soldiers and sailors.

2) Equal rights for all [nationalities and an end to] discrimination against the coloured people (Hawaiian, [Japanese], Filipino, etc.)

3) Eight hour day for industrial and agricultural workers

4) Abolition of the con.. .. ..labour.

5) Establishment of a .. .. ..ay for

…. the coloured .. .. ..

6) [Une]mployment and .. .. ..

7) Cancellation of [the debts of small farmers] and sharecroppers.

8) Reduction or can[-cellation of re-]nt for small farmers and share-croppers.

The CP USA should [make a prior]ity of establishing a central newspaper (by [combining] the central organs publish by various groups, or making one [of the existing newspapers into the] central organ),

[balance of document was not retrieved]


Andrew Walden


EDITORS NOTE: This Hawaii Free Press column originally published on March 3rd, 2009 is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Latest Super Gay ‘Thor’ Film more about ‘Hate and Blunder’ than ‘Love and Thunder’ thumbnail

Latest Super Gay ‘Thor’ Film more about ‘Hate and Blunder’ than ‘Love and Thunder’

By Dr. Rich Swier

We went to see the latest Marvel film “Thor: Love and Thunder” we left the theatre thinking Marvel Studios should have named it Hate and Blunder.

Marvel’s Thor was very very queer in many many ways.

First the film pushed a totally anti-Jew, Muslim and Christian narrative. It was about gods with a little “g” who cared nothing about humanity or even the children who were held captive by the psychotic “god” Gorr. Gorr wasn’t a god he was a thug

Second it was all about hate, not love. The film was filled with self gratification and the quest for power not redemption or grace. It repeatedly sent cult like messages of selfishness, I, me, my, above all else.

Third it was pushing the gender-queer narrative with three characters, effeminate Zeus played by of all actors Russel Crow and two queer characters Korg, played by Taika Waititi, who “made a baby with his male partner” and lesbian Valkyrie played by Tessa Thompson. Maybe Disney will come out with pregnant Korg figurines in time for Christmas?

Queer website Them.us‘ Samantha Riedel reported,

At an advance screening of Thor: Love and Thunder on Tuesday with director Taika Waititi and starring cast members including Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman, one fan asked bluntly how gay the film would be.

So gay,” intoned Portman in reply. Waititi opined that it is, in fact, “super gay.”

Read more.

The film was disjointed and did not inspire but rather it was a big bore with lots of animation and no plot. The character Gorr the god, played by Christian Bale, was not only evil but incomprehensibly destructive, misguided and zombie like.

Marvel and Waititi should have called this farce Thor vs Gorr The Zombie.

Every other one of the mythical gods in the film from Zeus to Thor were zombie like characters. They had no redeeming values other than gaining and keeping their metaphysical powers. They relished and wallowed in decadence and lacked any form of love for anything but themselves.

The only thunder in Thor was a mishmash of disjointed scenes that never were clear or sent a positive hopeful message. The only thunder was the deafening sound of silence and the audience’s disbelief at this Marvel Studios’, and Waititi‘s, biggest bust and blunder to date. We’re sure it will crash at the box office like Disney’s “Lightyear.”

Martin Goodman, the founder of Marvel comics is turning over in his grave as are Stan Lee and Walt Disney. 

Disney owns Marvel and they’re both going down the gender identity rat hole. We’ve boycotted Disney now we’re adding Marvel to our growing list of “Q” rated film companies.

Do not waste your money seeing this film.

We recommend three films that are much more worthwhile: Elvis, Top Gun: Maverick and Mr. Malcolm’s List.

Please read our review: ‘Elvis’ the Movie and Elvis the ‘Seeker of Truth’

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

NY Times Whitewashes Jankowicz Lies, Defends ‘Disinfo’ Board thumbnail

NY Times Whitewashes Jankowicz Lies, Defends ‘Disinfo’ Board

By Discover The Networks

Fox News reports that The New York Times published a report that was rather charitable to the now-defunct “Disinformation Governance Board” and its appointed director, the bizarre and totalitarian leftist Nina Jankowicz.

In April, the Biden administration tried rolling out an Orwellian new Department of Homeland Security division called the “Disinformation Governance Board,” with Jankowicz at its head. It was halted in May after drawing intense backlash. Jankowicz, notorious for her widely-panned “Mary Poppins” parody and her own history of peddling misinformation, resigned and left DHS.

However, The Times alleged Jankowicz was “targeted online by false or misleading information about her role” and refrained to delve into what her critics had actually said, including the misinformation she pushed.

“The board quickly became a new foil in an old Republican campaign narrative that overbearing Democrats want to intrude deeper and deeper into people’s personal beliefs — ‘canceling’ conservative values. Ms. Jankowicz’s prominence in the discussion of Russia’s actions made her a particular target for the Republicans,” The Times wrote.

“It’s borderline comical that The New York Times wants us to not only feel bad for Nina Jankowicz, but take her seriously as an authoritative voice on what’s factual,” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck told Fox News. “The piece refers to ‘false or misleading’ attacks on Jankowicz, but it never cared to explain why they were false or even what the criticisms were.

“The name of the board itself was Orwellian and the fact that The Times wouldn’t critically acknowledge that shows the thickness of their egos.”

New York Times (NYT)

97 Known Connections

During the course of its history the Times has won 94 Pulitzer Prizes (including a record seven in 2002), far more than any other newspaper. These awards have sometimes been fraught with controversy, however. For example, Walter Duranty was a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times Moscow correspondent in the 1930s who concealed his knowledge of Joseph Stalin‘s mass murders and other atrocities in the Soviet Union. In 1933, at the height of the Russian famine during which millions starved to death, Duranty wrote that “village makets [were] flowing with eggs, fruit, poultry, vegetables, milk and butter. … A child can see this is not famine but abundance.” According to historians, reports such as these were crucial factors influencing President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s decision to grant the Soviet Union diplomatic recognition in 1933. Writes historian Ronald Radosh,  “Duranty was a propagandist for Stalin and everything he wrote was a lie.”

The Times was likewise dishonest in its reporting about the atrocities of the Nazi Holocaust…

To learn more about the New York Times, click here.


NPR Promotes ‘Queer’ Sex Ed, Denounces ‘Stigma’ of STDs

Poll: Only 64% of Dems Approve of Joe, Down 24 Pts. in One Year

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The White House Goes Full Pravda thumbnail

The White House Goes Full Pravda

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

I’ve often said the rise of the authoritarian Left is the greatest challenge of our time.  You can see the truth of that statement in the way the Biden administration is trying to shut people up and snuff out competing points of view.

A reporter tried to ask the White House press secretary about favored media outlets being invited to special White House press events while others are shut out and blacklisted.  His microphone was cut off halfway through his question.

A recent executive order threatens consequences for any public school official who merely questions a child’s desire for gender-transitioning drugs and surgery.  Can’t have the new orthodoxy disrupted, you see.

White House climate advisor Gina McCarthy urged social media companies to “really jump in” and stamp out misinformation pointing out the inflationary costs and unreliability of green energy sources.  Can’t have the magnificent green energy transition disrupted, you see.

McCarthy’s urgings are part of a larger administration effort to work with climate activists and Democrat-controlled congressional committees to silence political opponents.  The White House is recruiting activists and academics to discredit dissenters on climate change.  Open records requests have been filed to find out just how far the speech suppression efforts go.

It’s been widely reported the DHS Disinformation Governance Board is merely paused, not shut down.  Getting less attention is a new White House Task Force headed by Kamala Harris targeting supposed online harassment, abuse, and disinformation.  The Task Force is in the business of policing online speech that offends the administration.  You can dress this up any way you want, but it’s still censorship.  Get your Stalin on, baby.

So what we have here is a government that seeks to take people’s free speech rights away.  This is just the opposite of what government is supposed to do.  Government is supposed to protect our rights, not take them away from us.  [See the Instant Graduate Degree in Political Science]

As for free speech rights, you have the right to be wrong about climate change or anything else.  The answer to erroneous speech is not government censorship; it’s more speech.  If you think the green energy transition will lead to nirvana, make your case, don’t shut me up.

I guarantee you do not want to live in a world where the government decides what is true and disallows speech it deems to be false.  You should listen to the survivors of communism in my speakers bureau who will tell you it is truly awful to live in a country where you have to whisper what you really think on street corners and agree in advance with the person with whom you are speaking you will tell the authorities you were only talking about football if you are questioned about what the two of you said to each other.

So here’s my message to everybody, the Biden administration included: The more you try to shut me up, the more I’m going to scream and I’ve got the trial attorney experience to do it.  If you want to silence me, you will have to pry this microphone from my cold, dead fingers.  Climate change is a hoax and transgenderism is communism.  There, I said it.  Come and get me.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Democrats’ J6 ‘Show Trial’ in Washington, D.C. Isn’t This Treason? thumbnail

Democrats’ J6 ‘Show Trial’ in Washington, D.C. Isn’t This Treason?

By Simona Pipko

The term Show Trial came to the world from Russia, Stalinist Soviet Russia. It was a time when I had lived in Russia. The term is very familiar to me, because I am a former Soviet defense attorney and have practiced law for twenty-five years in Soviet Russia. The time when the term was born is a very important one: the method to keep total control and power over the population. Stalin was building a political system of Soviet Socialism by weaponizing the court system and law enforcement against the people. The term Show Trial illustrates an immoral embodiment of the judicial system when criminals charged dissent with the help of various punitive agencies. Show Trials and Purges annihilated millions of innocent people under Stalin in the 1930s-1940s …

The term Show Trial had a long life as a symbol of Socialism, I participated in hundreds of Show Trials in the 1960-1970s… The vast majority of people still called them Show Trials, but in the Russian court system the term was transformed to visiting sessions of the court or demonstration sessions of the court. I have never thought to hear and see something similar in America. Alas, I did. I was stunned, watching testimony of Ms. Hutchinson in the House select committee’s investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol Hill. She presented herself as an omnipresent aide of the chief of staff Mr. Meadow, as one of the most forceful and compelling aides to testify about former President Donald J. Trump’s. She definitely has an ambition of a career in government, like so many others in Washington. Her testimony was very suspicious to me…  Why? Because she was helping Committee to arrange a predetermined outcome—to convict a former President Trump…

On Twitter, Ms. Hutchinson was compared to John Dean, the former White House counsel to President Richard M. Nixon, whose public hearing testimony proved pivotal in describing his role in the Watergate cover-up. Mr. Dean said. “She was able to fill in the information from her observations instantly.” It is a very interesting couple. Some years ago I expressed my opinion about the Watergate where Hillary played the first violin of Nixon’s accuser. Knowing Stalinist KGB Mafia/Army, I think that we have a quadruple Watergate today: both had been manufactured by the KGB Mafia/Army… I would say that somebody recently approached Ms. Hutchinson and… she changed her mind. You saw it on 6/28/22. My personal opinion based on my knowledge and on the information presented by the article Cassidy Hutchinson Stuns With Testimony About Trump in Jan. 6, June 28, 2022, by Maggie Haberman

So, Ms. Hutchinson was supposed to follow Trump in Florida and she has testified four times: “Ms. Hutchinson was supposed to go work for Mr. Trump during his post-presidency in Florida, but the plan was abruptly dropped before she was to join. In the past several months, she has testified under subpoena four times before the committee, behind closed doors.”

Beyond hearsay, my first question will be: Why does bombshell come so late only in her fourth testimony? The logical answer is because Ms. Hutchinson has shortly changed her lawyer and changed her mind. The next question will be: who did recommend her another lawyer? Did the person connect to the Committee? If yes, what was the person’s name? I am asking those questions, because I know how all of that has been done, I know the KGB Mafia/Army and its strategy, tactics, and dirty tricks to implement Socialism and Green policy. I believe that the Dems in consent with the KGB Mafia/Army had planned to organize violence on January 6, 2021: they didn’t have an issue to fight Republicans in the midterm election, the Republican violence would supposedly give them the issue.

The KGB Mafia/Army Operations in Washington D.C.

Nobody will ask my questions in the current Committee, because it is one-party anti-Trump cabal with no balance. You will be surprised, but the members of the Committee are using the same strategy, tactics, and violated ethics and traditional rules of the Congress. Pelosi was responsible for the security in the Capitol Hill, but you won’t see her and the Mayor of D.C. testifying under the Oath there—they are out of the picture for a reason. Allen West was only half-right, finding seventy Socialists in the Congress. Today we have the entire Democrat’s leadership of Socialist Charlatans in cahoots with the KGB Mafia/Army building Socialism in America for decades. Socialist Charlatans act in many different levels of our nation: in the streets, the WH, and Congress…Watch them!

I have been writing about Socialist Revolution in America and the role of the KGB Mafia/Army in that revolution for decades, publishing a book: Socialist Revolution in America XLIBRIS, 2021. Yet, America still doesn’t know the KGB Chairman Andropov’s design to infiltrate simultaneously the media and the entire American Intelligence and Security apparatus…As a result the entire paradigm in America has been changing drastically. The recent poll shows 88% of people think that we are on the wrong track. They are right: Biden’s team is a national security risk, it implements Soviet Socialism in America with the help of Obama’s holdovers and the KGB Mafia/Army. Thousands of Socialist Charlatans, some with mental illness, destroy the American Constitutional republic from within…Read an updated and republished in 2022 my book: What is Happening to America?

Pay attention to the January 6th Committee, a one-party anti-Trump haters. They intend to criminalize the GOP and do that a-la Stalin by Demonizing the 45th President, a successful capitalist, who symbolized a unique success of the American Constitutional republic, an exceptional republic, designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. That design gives total power and control to We The People. But the Dems manage quite successfully their activities to cover-up their past: Demonizing the 45th President is a convenient way to hide their intent to demolish the American Political system and implement Socialism. It also helped them to cover-up the crime the Democrat leadership had committed by collaborating with Russian Intel for decades, following Stalin’s postulate… Read my books about Bill Clinton and Barack Obama…

Biden as a leader of the Democrat Party, to be precise, Biden’s cabal-team have the same agenda. You can understand their complicated goal only through knowledge of Russia and her Intelligence and Security apparatus. Joe Rogan should read my books and columns to learn who divides our country. It is complicated, because it took me thirty years to warn you about: that is now coming. I have no room to repeat it, but I will help you. There are three of my columns that explain the dramatic changes happening in the heart of Biden’s cabal-team to save the skin of the Democrat Party by using Russian war on Ukraine. These three columns were written by me on February 21, 28, and April 4, 2022. You can read them and other columns for free by clicking here.

You also should know that Biden, as a point man for Obama in Ukraine, had collaborated with Putin since 2013-2014. I was reporting about that in my columns on Ukraine. Remember that Biden offered President Zelinskyy to bring him to the U.S. in the beginning of the war. He didn’t believe in Ukraine’s victory and didn’t care a bit about its people. His team is lying and deceiving Americans the same way they are deceiving the Ukrainian people. To deceive and confuse us, they will play negative and positive theatrical performances. Remember Socialist modus operandi—lies, deceit, and fraud. Watch Biden’s cabal-team and you will find all three in their daily activities. Biden’s cabal was monitoring my computer and learning a possible way to save the Democrat Party for the crime they had committed for decades… They changed their mind by reading my columns and used the information to change their foreign policy and save their skin…

Fox News, celebrating Independence Day, presented a wonderful show of American History under the title: Fighting America’s Enemies on June 2, 22. Those were incredible stories about Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others, their bravery, love for the county and our American Constitution. President Biden is the opposite of them: he is fighting the U.S. Supreme Court and using the enemy to save his party. We have never experienced the chaos we have today. Look at our country: open borders, surging violence, killings, vandalism, robbery, and arson have a common denominator in America—the wrong and long-range policy of the so-called Democrat Party. Alas, we still don’t know Russia and her Intel to uncover the puzzle of Stalinist Socialism in America and Putin is destroying us with impunity…

Although it is painful to admit, the truth must be known: Ukraine cannot sustain a protractive war against Russia without International help. There are many reasons why, but using this column, I’ll tell you the major ones: War in Ukraine is a part of a global war waged by Socialist/Communist forces against Western civilization and American Capitalism for the last hundred years. Putin is a devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov, who continued this war by widening a Global Spy Ring in the 21st century. Without knowledge of Russia we can’t successfully fight China. Russia colonized Africa in the 20th century, China is colonizing South America today. These two are connected by the umbilical cord of the ideology. Stalin had created the same Intelligence apparatus in Russia and China. He married Communist ideology with Islam—all Islamic terrorism was designed by the Russian KGB Mafia/Army, including the attacks on 9/11. To learn Stalinism read my books, especially: The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism XLIBRIS, 2006.

America Mirrors the Russian Socialist Revolution

Witnessing what is going on in the year 2022 America, had reminded me of the predicament in 1917 Russia. Ayn Rand called the Russian Socialist Revolution a coup d’état. She was right. Let me tell you how it was happening. Duma like today was the Russian Parliament in St. Petersburg. Russia was at WWI and using the people’s frustration of the war, Bolshevik’s faction in Duma planned the revolution. They were designing to act from two different locations: the Duma and the streets. An army of Bolshevik’s agitators had been working within the Russian Army to demoralize the soldiers, agitating them to kill their Officers, go home and join the anti-war demonstrations on the streets, manifested themselves against the war. The unspeakable killings have begun in the city. The Bolshevik’s agitators had entered Moscow and spread to other cities with the same plans—demonstrations and killings inundate Russia …

Meanwhile, Bolshevik’s faction in Duma has begun a fight against the Provisional Government of the Russian Republic led by Alexander Kerensky. The Russian Republic lasted three months, Bolshevik’s faction was very successful and Alexander Kerensky ran from St. Petersburg in a women’s dress. There is no coincidence that I am writing about Socialist Revolution in America using the term Socialist Charlatans constantly. I use the term because I know Russian history: from the beginning of the Russian Socialist Revolution there was born Socialist Modus Operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud. That exact Modus Operandi has been used by Bolshevik’s faction against the Russian Republic and its leader in Duma Alexander Kerensky. You know the result. I am leaving for you to make the conclusion…

When I am writing this line, the TV is telling the country about the tragic shooting in the parade in Chicago. The shooting from the roof hit me immediately, it is the method in the Russian military protocol. The Russian KGB was often using the method of liquidating-assassinating the opposition’s leaders that exact way during the demonstrations. This was the act of terrorism and I smelled the Russian connection with either George Soros, Bernie Sanders or with BLM, Antifa, or other criminal groups of Socialist Charlatans in America. The mass-shooting will never end, until we learn the Russian history and Stalinist Intelligence and Security Apparatus, which is destroying our republic from within. It is shocking; President Biden spent more time battling the U.S. Supreme Court then expressed outrage at the mass-shooting in the parade celebrating the Fourth in Chicago, let alone the nuclear deal with our enemy Iran…

I have to repeat again: knowledge of Russia and her Intelligence and Security Apparatus is a Must. This knowledge will reveal the foreign invasion on our Southern border organized by Putin, the way he has managed the Muslim Invasion to Europe in 2015, explaining by me in my several columns. The open season on the police officers started under Obama will continue under Biden. In short: All America’s problems derived from decades of collusion between Russia and the Democrat Party. Those crimes can be stopped only by knowledgeable FBI Director, we don’t have. Christopher Wray is the person responsible for current crises in America and the world…

My fellow Americans!

Knowledge is power! We can’t fail, our children and grandchildren will never forgive us! Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save America the Beautiful.

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued  https://www.simonapipko.com and at www.drricswier.com/author/spipko/

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Medals of Honor, Badges of Shame thumbnail

Medals of Honor, Badges of Shame

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

Hershel “Woody” Williams, the last World War II Medal of Honor recipient, will lie in honor at the U.S. Capitol later this month.  He died at the age of 98.  The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest military award for bravery, awarded by the President in the name of Congress.  Williams went out alone to try to take out machine-gun positions on Iwo Jima so tanks could open a lane for U.S. infantry troops to advance.

He deserves our thanks for defending freedom.  Other people in the news recently deserve our condemnation for undermining it.  Shame on them.

The National Archives put a ‘harmful language alert’ on the cornerstone of freedom, the U.S. Constitution, warning readers the document supposedly contains biased or offensive language.  The National Archives’ outrage is selective because no such warnings appear on a document containing the N-word or a document using the K-word to refer to Jews.  But the Constitution?  Beyond the pale, apparently.

The Democrat Party in Pima County, Arizona posted “F*ck the 4th” on social media sites, referring to Independence Day.  I don’t care what led them to it.  They are ingrates taking this magnificent country for granted, and that’s the issue as I see it in this situation.

The City of Orlando insulted the country in the course of inviting people to the City’s 4th of July fireworks display.  “A lot of people probably don’t want to celebrate our nation right now, and we can’t blame them…. When there is so much division, hate, and unrest, why on earth would you want to have a party celebrating any of it?”  The City apologized later, but a Democrat state lawmaker said it shouldn’t have.  A Democrat – it figures.  One time, my Tea Party was marching in a parade handing out pocket Constitutions.  I’ll never forget – one lady held up her hands to refuse:  “Oh no, I’m a Democrat.  We don’t NEED the Constitution.”

Another Democrat, a congressman from Rhode Island, said, ““Spare me the [blanket-blank] Constitutional rights,” in reference to the gun debate.  Congressman Cicilline, in case you don’t know it, the Second Amendment exists to protect us from wannabe tyrants like you.

A Major League Baseball manager in San Francisco said he would boycott the National Anthem at games until he ‘feels better’ about the direction of the country.  Feels better?  Gabe Kapler, thank your lucky stars you have a country to play baseball in.

With adults like these, is it any wonder more than 30 percent of school kids don’t know the 50 stars on the American flag represent the 50 states?   Honestly, how long do you expect the country to last if we keep going like this?

But there are some bright spots amidst the decay.

In honor of Independence Day, a group of pro-America businesses donated a portion of their revenue to ‘Folds of Honor’ which provides scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service members.

Another military-related charity, Wreaths Across America, donated land for a patriotic park in Maine that will have the world’s tallest flagpole plus remembrances of all 24 million veterans who have served our country since the Revolutionary War.  That would include the forgotten black patriots who fought alongside the colonists in that War of Independence.

Scott Walker, the former Governor of Wisconsin, wrote an op-ed praising a high school student who petitioned her school to restore the Pledge of Allegiance.  Good idea, I hope it catches on.

Florida is putting money behind its initiative to teach civics in school so students know what is required to maintain our Republic.  The money will go for implementing the project and teacher bonuses.

Before you leave the 4th of July 2022 entirely behind, I encourage you to watch my Tea Party’s short Independence Day video on mooring ourselves in public and private virtue, preserving the proper balance of our Constitutional order, and emphasizing what brings us together in national unity and purpose,  I also encourage you to remember the sacrifice “Woody” Williams and so many others made on Iwo Jima and other battlefields to defend our freedom.  Those who scoff at our flag and the notion of patriotism dishonor their memory and sow chaos.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Carville: ‘I’m Petrified,’ ‘Not Optimistic’ About the Midterms thumbnail

Carville: ‘I’m Petrified,’ ‘Not Optimistic’ About the Midterms

By Discover The Networks

Sunday on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation, failed Democrat strategist James Carville confessed that he is “petrified” and “mortified” for his Party heading into the midterms, declaring that “if this country does not have a voter intervention,” then he was “not optimistic about its future.”

“I am not a voice of calm. I’m petrified,” the cadaverous Carville told race-hustling host Al Sharpton. “And I will echo what my friend Congressman [James] Clyburn said — if this country does not have voter intervention, I am not optimistic about its future.”

He continued: “And if people, and particularly young people, if they care any about this country — and as you know; you were once a young person one time on the forefront of the civil rights movement — if they don’t get a hold of this and do something, I am mortified. And I wholly endorse the Clyburn strategy of voter intervention, but I am not a voice of confidence at all. I am very afraid right now.”

He should be. The Democrats have shown themselves to be the Party of skyrocketing inflation, record gas prices, food shortages, supply chain issues, open borders, gender ideology aimed at children, Critical Race Theory indoctrination in schools, defunding the police, surging crime, infanticide, cancel culture, mob violence, widespread voter fraud, totalitarian mask-and-vaccine mandates, and the eradication of the middle-class, among other insanity. Americans have had enough, and the midterms are going to demonstrate that.

James Carville

8 Known Connections

In a May 21, 2020 podcast interview, Carville made the following remarks:

  • What’s going on is [Trump] is going to get his ass beat. He’s going to get his fat ass beat. Now, the question is by how much…. If we go and take it to him and talk about what a massive, fat failure he his, then we can run away with this thing. The idea is not just to defeat Trump, you have to defeat Trumpism. You have to defeat the idea that the United States of America is a place and not an idea. And this idea that it’s all white people fighting against non-white people, men fighting against women, I don’t know, gay people fighting against non-gay people, it’s all bullshit, and call him on it. The country does not want him back. We’ve got to beat him bad…”

To learn more about James Carville, click here.


POLL: 71% Of Voters Don’t Want Biden In 2024

MCDANIEL: A Red Tsunami Is Barreling Towards Democrats

LOL: Mayorkas Says ‘I Think We Are Doing a Good Job’ on Border

Ilhan Omar Booed Off Stage at Somali Concert in Home State

Kamala Defends Abortion Rights as ‘Fundamentally American’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Majesty & Mystery  of Marriage thumbnail

The Majesty & Mystery of Marriage

By Bud Hancock

Every responsible adult in this country who reads a newspaper, watches a TV news program, or surfs the internet knows that we are experiencing a serious breakdown of the foundation of our culture. That foundation has long been considered the Judeo-Christian values that were so prevalent when our Founding Fathers gathered together to form what is now the United States of America.

In that time, for the most part, there was an accepted moral standard that provided guidance throughout a person’s life. And no, that guidance did not begin at the schoolhouse doors, nor was it completely given through sermons from the local pulpits. It was in the family home, listening to the words, and prayers of a loving father and mother where children received most of this guidance. The Holy Bible was the ‘primer’ used by families to give direction and purpose to their children. This dispensation of guidance was the most basic tenet of family life and it produced some of the most courageous, honest and trustworthy men and women who then guided our nation to become the greatest in world history.

Fast forward to today; what was considered immoral, unethical, illegal, or sinful then is now accepted as the norm in a society that has seemingly lost its moral compass. What could possibly have happened to change our national culture to this extreme in only a few hundred years? It’s easy to simply blame the devil but the truth is much more frightening. We have seen, and are still seeing, a breakdown in the American family that can be blamed on a lack of understanding of, and respect for, marriage.

The divorce statistics in the United States are staggering; in fact, one source indicates that the rate of divorce for first marriages is somewhere between 41% and 50%. Even more disturbing is the divorce rate among couples claiming to be Christian. While slightly lower than the divorce rate for non-Christians, the figures are still very high, and indicate serious problems that should be addressed by the Body of Christ.

The Origin of Marriage

Marriage is much more than a legal means for having a sexual relationship. The sexual part of marriage is very important and is a crucial part of God’s plan, but there is much more to a marriage than the sexual relationship. For Christian couples, there should be a much better understanding of the totality of marriage, how it began and why it exists. What does God have to say about marriage? Since He is the creator of marriage, let’s start with His Word on the subject. In Genesis 1:27 (KJV), we read: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” What clearer explanation for why there are only two genders on this planet: God wanted it that way! But wait, it also says in Genesis 2:18 (KJV): “And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet (or, suitable) for him.” Originally, Adam, the man, was created without the woman. After God created all the animals and brought them to Adam for him to name, God then saw that Adam was still alone, since none of the animals was suitable as a mate. Some people, in error, have stated that if God saw the woman as an afterthought, He must have made a mistake creating Adam alone. But, since God is perfect and cannot make a mistake, they must be wrong who think this way. Before God created Adam, did He know that Adam would be incomplete without a mate? Of course, He did. But He was about to demonstrate His amazing love and awesome wisdom in solving the problem of Adam not having a mate.

For most Cristian couples who were married in a church ceremony by a minister of the gospel, the words “what therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder” should be very familiar. These are very common words used at the end of many, if not most, church weddings. But how many new husbands and wives listen to those words and consider what they mean, and how important they are in a marriage?

Let’s continue the historical account of what happened from Genesis:

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:18-24 KJV)”.

In God’s eyes, when Adam and Eve were married, He saw them as one flesh, or one body. This is the beginning of the mystery of marriage-the joining together of a man and a woman which, in the eyes of God, forms one body from the joining of two. This passage of scripture is the first mention of marriage in the Bible, and it was the act of a loving God, joining together a man and a woman for life. God himself originated, ordained and approved marriage.

God’s Plan for Adam – a Perfect Mate

Though the animals God created were magnificent and perfect, they were not created in God’s image, and they were not what Adam needed to make him complete. However, God knew exactly what He was doing; He always does. His plan was to take a part of Adam, from his flesh and from his bone, and skillfully craft an exquisite being who would augment and complete every part of Adam’s existence, spiritually, physically and mentally.

I once heard a Christian woman say to her congregation that God is spontaneous, and she stated that Christians should also be spontaneous, like God. While that may be partly true, especially in our worship of God, I disagree with most of what she said. The very creation we are a part of, the universe and everything in it, proves that a being with supernatural intelligence and wisdom planned the entire creation down to the most minute detail. He left nothing to chance, or evolution.

The act of God’s creativity in removing a piece of Adam’s own body and transforming it into the very element that was originally missing from Adam is, to me, a proof that God plans everything well in advance. It is also possibly the greatest act of Love, other than the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus, ever recorded in the Bible. How much more perfect could Eve have been than to have come directly from the body of her husband? Please understand, in the same way that the animals were created, from the dirt, Adam was also made from the dust of the earth, from actual dirt. God took that dirt and changed it into the marvelous creation known as man, the human body, then he breathed into it His own life.

But, unlike Adam, the first human being created, Eve was made using flesh and bone that had already undergone the miraculous transformation God exhibited in creating Adam when He changed dirt into a flesh and blood body. Eve was made using material from Adam’s physical body that had already been transformed and perfected by God’s touch! But, as perfect and unique as she was, Eve, just like Adam, was incomplete on her own. It was only when God joined them back together that they completed each other. And what is just as wonderful and amazing is this: every living human being after this came from the body of the woman whom God made using the flesh and bone of Adam. Wow! God is the ultimate planner!

In God’s eyes, when Adam and Eve were joined in marriage, the two fleshes that came from one were perfectly joined back into one flesh again; only this time they perfectly complemented and completed each other! God’s plan was for Adam and Eve to remain in a perfect married state, perfectly joined together forever, since they were created not to die, but to live eternally. Had sin not entered the world, every man born of this perfect union should also have sought out and found the perfect woman, the one who would complete his life before God.

The Corruption of Sin

Up to this time, Adam and Eve had neither needed nor worn clothes because they were unaware of their nakedness: “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed “ (Genesis 2:25 KJV). But we all know that sin did enter and that changed everything. Instantly sin opened their eyes and they saw themselves as God did; for the first time, Adam and Eve saw each other’s naked physical bodies and were ashamed: “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons” (Genesis 3:7 KJV). Up until that time, only God knew they were naked. The shame of seeing their naked bodies caused them to hide themselves from God, as sin and shame always do.

I have often wondered why Adam and Eve didn’t know they were naked until they sinned. I personally believe that they were both covered, or crowned, with God’s own glory when He created them and they were totally unaware of their physical bodies until their eyes were opened after they sinned, and God’s glory departed from them. When sin entered through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, and their eyes were opened to know good and evil, God’s perfect plan for marriage became corrupted.

Eventually, having seen that women were beautiful to behold and physically desirable, many men began to look more for the physical beauty of a woman for completion. However, this only provided the physical completion, rather than the total completion God had planned as a result of Eve’s creation. Anytime man’s actions contradict God’s perfect plan, man loses some of what God originally intended for him. God desired, and expected, to have Adam and Eve multiply and replenish the earth with beings just like themselves. God wanted the original perfect union between one man and one woman to create a worldwide family that He could fellowship and commune with on a daily basis.

The Deception of Physical Beauty

Because of the corrupting influence of sin, men began to place a higher priority on the physical attributes of women and many eventually chose their mates based on those attributes that were pleasing to the eye. Sin caused men to relate to women more on a physical level based on their appearance, rather than their spiritual and/or intellectual makeup. However, this was a very short-sighted means of choosing a mate since another result of sin was the aging process, which is essentially the death process whereby all human beings begin to gradually lose that which keeps them young and physically attractive. Physical beauty, which soon fades, is a poor means of determining the suitability of a mate, but it now seems to be the highest priority used by both men and women in the ‘mate selection process’.

Physical beauty, without a corresponding spiritual beauty or purity, is a means of deception Satan uses to deceive men and women into making poor choices for marriage. When the aging process, or any other circumstance, such as accident or illness, causes the loss of physical beauty, the basic reason for the marriage based on appearance alone vanishes and divorce is considered a viable alternative to staying with a person who is no longer physically attractive. Based on the divorce rate statistics, this option is used nearly as often by Christian couples as those who are non-Christian. Just because it is considered to be a legitimate way of dissolving a marriage does not make it acceptable in God’s sight.

Enter Divorce

It didn’t take long for men to realize that the selection of a mate based on a woman’s physical beauty was no guarantee of a successful, or happy, marriage. The first mention of divorce is found in the Book of Leviticus, indicating that divorce had already become an issue in the time of Moses. Much later, during Jesus ministry, the question of divorce was one of the weapons the Pharisees used to try to catch Jesus in His words. In the Gospel of Matthew, we read, “The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. They say unto him, why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.” (Matthew 19: 3-9 KJV)

Jesus states clearly that Moses granted divorce as an option to the Israelites due to the hardness of their hearts, not because it was acceptable to God. Those men who sought to separate from, or ‘to put away’, their wives had obviously chosen their wives using their eyes, not their hearts, and had easily fallen prey to the deceiver, Satan. As I stated earlier, God’s plan was for a man and woman to fully complement and augment each other, physically, spiritually and mentally.

But, when mate selection was based only on a physical attraction, something was missing in the marriage that hastened a divorce. What? Most people would likely answer this question that one, or both simply stopped loving the other. Only when we examine the type of love that forms the basis of a good marriage can we truly answer this question.

The True Basis for Marriage

Even though there are other words in the Greek language that are defined as ‘love’, two are mainly used in the New Testament, translated into the English word, love. The first is phileo (5368 in Strong’s Concordance), a Greek word meaning to be a friend to, or to have affection for (denoting personal attachment, as a matter of sentiment or feeling). This word usually connotes a brotherly love, or the feeling one might have for a friend. The second word is the Greek agapaó (25 in the Strong’s Concordance), which means to love in a social or moral sense, to prefer, i.e. embracing God’s will. One Word study, defines it as a “discriminating affection which involves choice and selection”.

This word has a much wider and deeper meaning than phileo, since agapaó embraces judgment and the deliberate assent of the will as a matter of duty, principle and propriety. This is the God kind of love, whereby He chooses to love when it would seem to us impossible to do so. This is the love described in John 3:16 and fully explains why God gave His only Begotten Son to be the sacrifice for our sins. God loves because He chooses to love.

Agapaó is the love God used when he took a part of Adam and skillfully crafted a mate that would provide everything, physical, spiritual and mental, that Adam was missing in his aloneness. Adam was neither physically, nor spiritually, complete until Eve was presented to him. God understood then, and understands now, exactly what every person needs to be complete.

Agapaó is the kind of love that God determined to be the basis for a man to leave his mother and father and cleave (or cling, adhere) to his wife. Agapaó love says to another person: “you are valuable and precious to me and I choose to love you and hold on to you”. But agapaó love is much more than that; agapaó is love that goes far beyond the physical and dwells on a much higher level, that of the spiritual. Unless this is the type of love that forms the foundation for a marriage, the chances for divorce are extremely high.

Since men and women are triune beings, made up of spirit, soul and body, there is a third Greek word that is very important for a healthy marriage is the word ‘eros’, from which the word ‘erotic’ is derived and it specifically refers to the physical, intimate love that is connected to the sexual act between a husband and wife. God designed the marriage of a man and woman to be a ‘complete union, one in which the two totally become one with the physical union meant to provide a satisfying physical relationship while also providing the means for the union to produce offspring. God, who is perfect, leaves nothing undone and the sexual part of marriage is no exception.

Requirements for a Successful Marriage

In the Book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul plainly tells the men in the Church at Ephesus what is required for them to be followers of God: “Husbands, love (agapaó) your wives, even as Christ also loved (agapaó) the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband” (Ephesians 5:25-33 KJV).

In this passage, Paul is comparing the relationship between a man and his wife with the relationship Christ has with the Church. The Church is the ‘body of Christ’, and Jesus loves His body. He was willing to lay down His own life for a body of sinful people so that they could form the Church that was, as yet, non-existent. The holy Spirit signified through the writing of Paul that a man should love his own wife in the same way. Even as Christ loves His body, the Church, and was willing to lay down His life for it, a man must love his wife in the same way, and certainly no less than he loves his own flesh; by the same token, the wife is instructed to reverence, or respect, her husband no less than the Church reveres Christ.

Conclusion – The Missing Ingredient in Many Marriages – Real Godly Commitment

It is indeed a great mystery that God used the union of a man and his wife to describe the union between Christ and the Church. Jesus was committed to God’s plan of salvation, knowing in himself that He would have to die for the church, His body of believers, to become pure and clean and worthy of Him. He knew the terrible price He would have to pay for that union to come into existence, but He possessed the critical attribute that allowed Him to face His death and not waiver—commitment. By an act of His will, he chose to follow God’s plan, no matter what the cost to Him. A husband should have the same commitment concerning his wife, and by an act of his will, he should choose to love her, at all costs.

In the same way, once a man determines what is required of him to love his wife with agapao love, he must then decide, by an act of his will, to commit to, and remain committed to, the union with his wife that has been ordained and blessed by God. When this commitment is present, the means to cherish and nourish his wife will come much easier, as will her respect and reverence for her husband

I am reminded of the words of Ruth Graham, wife of evangelist Billy Graham, who, during an interview, was asked about her long marriage to her world-famous husband. When asked if she ever thought about divorce, she answered emphatically, “No, I’ve never thought of divorce in all these 35 years of marriage, but I did think of murder a few times”. She was obviously joking about the murder comment, but her words indicate that even the most godly and strongest believers are, at times, driven to think negative thoughts about their marriages. However, with Godly love and commitment, the divorce option can, and should, be taken off the table when marital problems occur, as they invariably will. Situations will occur in every marriage to cause anger, frustration and hurt, but none of these should ever be considered a reason to dissolve a marriage that was ordained and blessed before God.

Imagine the hurt that Jesus feels when we, His body, mess up and sin against Him. Yet, He is always there, waiting for us to come to Him, repent and ask forgiveness and restore the fellowship that was broken as a result of our sin. In the same way, when problems arise that break the marital fellowship, husbands and wives should first consider what is needed for restoration, and then repent, ask for forgiveness of, and forgive, each other. This act of fellowship restoration will often save the marital relationship.

It is somewhat understandable that non-Christian couples will not comprehend the majesty and mystery of marriage, but all who have a good Christian foundation on which their lives together were built must realize that they will be held accountable for what happens in their marriages. When Jesus said the words: “what God has joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6 KJV), He established and confirmed God’s law on marriage. I know that many will say they made a mistake and should not have married the person they did. But does that make divorce among Christians OK? To answer that properly, we must consider that marriage vows are just that: they are vows or oaths made before Almighty God. In Psalm 15, the psalmist asked these questions of God: “Who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? And who shall dwell in thy holy hill?” He provides a partial answer in verse 4b: “He that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not”. Christian couples must understand the sacred duty and obligation they accepted when they both spoke the vows that were to bind them together in holy matrimony for life. The basis for their marriage must not be a purely physical attraction and love, but it must be the agapaó love described previously.

This agapaó love, and the ensuing commitment to a marriage, will not keep problems from occurring, but they will provide the Christian couple with the Godly means to work on, and solve, every problem that does arise and will allow them to remain in a committed and loving relationship. The agapaó love and commitment should always find the answer to any problem before divorce is ever considered. If all Christian couples would work more diligently on their level of commitment, embracing love as a choice, rather than a physical attraction, a long and successful marriage is possible. The best result would be that Christian divorce rates would drop dramatically and God will be pleased.


©Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.