Fauci & Mengele: Evil, for the Greater Good thumbnail

Fauci & Mengele: Evil, for the Greater Good

By Tabitha Korol

Two doctors, almost a century apart, united in a common purpose. 

Respected South African TV and radio journalist and war correspondent Lara Logan recently triggered leftist ire when she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci, with the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele.  “What you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn’t represent science to them. He represents Josef Mengele … the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps . . . The level of suffering that has been created because of this disease is now being seen in the cold light of day, i.e., the truth, the people see there is no justification for what is being done.”

Mengele was notorious for causing serious harm and injustice – torturous experimental procedures and surgeries on Jews primarily, but also on Romani and others.  If we review Fauci’s history and allow him to continue ad infinitum, there’s no telling that he may well exceed Mengele’s title, “Doctor of Death.”  The experiments performed by both were often touted as being for the greater good, that the intense suffering of some is acceptable for medical advancements that benefit the more worthy.

The world has been made aware of Fauci’s painful experiments on dogs, whose vocal chords were cut to eliminate their barks and whimpers, and on monkeys, without benefit of pain killers or anesthesia.  Research in psychology and criminology shows that animal abuse is not just the sign of the abuser’s minor personality flaw, but a symptom of deep mental disturbance.  They will move on to cruelty to their fellow humans – and he has.

We now know that Fauci used tax-payer dollars for NIH-funded experiments performed on hundreds of AIDs orphans in a New York City hospital in 2004, resulting in the death of more than 200.  Nurses revealed that they tested Thalidomide on some children, a medication already known to produce severe birth defects in thousands of children.  One report said that pregnant women or those considering pregnancy were forbidden to dispense the drug, yet it was administered to children through a G-tube directly into the stomach and intestines.  The children “shriveled and died,” but it was deemed for the greater good.

There is a growing body of research that links cruelty to animals to cruelty to people: both are living beings, both feel pain, experience distress, and may die.  Fauci’s insistence that the current insufficiently tested chemicals be given to everyone, from infants to the elderly, despite the revelation of ensuing heart muscle damage, nerve damage, and serious muscle pain, reveals his bent toward apathy and cruelty.  Fauci and his associates are serial killers.

Today’s injections of presumed cures for COVID-19 are coming under intense scrutiny, with reports of raised welts at the point of entry; followed by nausea and swollen lymph nodes; followed by symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome (neurological disorders), thrombosis (blood clots), and myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle), spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, eventual cancer, damaged immune systems, and death.   World Health Organization’s VigiAccess provides public access to the reported potential side effects of 24 medicinal products.  With the second-highest number of deaths for influenza vaccine noted at 272,202 (1968-2021), the absolute highest is for the COVID-19 vaccine at 2,457,386 (2020-2021).    Nothing else comes close.

A December 5, 2021 report from Americasfrontlinedoctors.org published news of  Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS), that we will soon become aware of widespread immune erosion.  The vaccinated will be more vulnerable to illness and death than the unvaccinated.

The UK’s Lancet studies of 16 million Swedish individuals shows the vaccinated were at greater risk than the unvaccinated; a sign of “immune erosion” or “acquired immune deficiency,” leading to the aforementioned post-vaccine illnesses, resulting in either chronic illness or death.

Scotland reported that the infection fatality rate is 3.3 higher in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated, the risk of death 2.15 times higher.

An Israeli report of August 17, 2021 revealed that the severe cases are the fully vaccinated who account for 85-90 percent of the hospitalization.  Their infection fatality rate is 3.3 times higher for the vaccinated than for the unvaccinated, and that 3,133 people contracted the illness from the vaccinated individuals.

The insanity continues when people refuse the shots.  They are threatened with job loss, banned from attending functions or shopping, and put under lockdown, including serious and prolonged self-imprisonment in some countries.

This is not the government’s strong desire to protect its citizenry for the greater good, but the worldwide plan of the Marxist’s Great Reset, and the numerous ways that have been set into motion to control and eliminate large swaths of people (billions) for depopulation without casting suspicion on the “well engineered bioweapon toxin,” the spike protein.  Dr. Shankara Chetty explained, “They’ve engineered a virus and put this weapons-grade package onto it, called ‘spike protein’ . . . The vaccine will kill at least 1,000,000,000 people.”

Now we come to the opposition to Lara Logan’s position, the Jewish groups that are protective of the Holocaust, that the term may not be used in vain.  They fear that by using it for issues other than the Nazi genocide, the severity of the term may be diminished.  They understandably seek to protect the use of its application, but Logan did not say “Holocaust.”  She said that Fauci “represents Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps.”   Clearly, she was referring to the psychology that explains how humans can view others as guinea pigs, lower life forms.  She was perfectly correct.  The two share that similarity and who is to say how far Fauci would go if he were allowed to continue.

There are also Jews (who disassociate or are self-hating) whose psychology has never been completely understood, not for lack of trying.   They are uncomfortable with the mildest reference to the Nazi killing machine, preferring to disengage from the nightmare.  They may be escaping painful memories or family history, but keep their identity rather than convert to another religion.  They remain recognizable but choose to distance themselves from the entire Yiddishkeit of Eastern Europe and the successes of modern-day Israel.

There are also Jews who are simply antisemitic, such as in the ADL, who stray from their mission to fight defamation.  They feature antisemitic speakers who openly express their hatred of Israel.  The now-woke CEO Jonathan Greenblatt has begun telling the Jews that they must fight their own anti-black racism.  How ludicrous indeed when Israeli Jews includes Jews of color.  The ADL raises funds presumably for Jewish issues but uses them for other causes.  Greenblatt has joined George Soros, Bill Gates, and other globalists in the not-so-secret globalist meetings in Aspen. They hate their heritage (Judaism and America) but pretend otherwise so as to continue inflicting harm.  The ADL is not worrying about trivializing the Holocaust.  They are worried that they’ll be drumming up more sympathy for Jewish causes.

Lara Logan sees the comparisons of Fauci and Mengele as a way of awakening the masses.  We learned the extent of Mengele’s deeds after World War II; we may not learn Fauci’s totals until after this war against civilization.  Fauci, the revered scientist, and Gates, the benevolent philanthropist, are protected by our media and this administration.  The suffering of  people who’ve had the injections and the looming misery by the delayed spike proteins remain in question, but there are courageous voices who are beginning to speak out.  Not everyone has access to unexpurgated news, and there are those who would rather not know, so they cover their ears and their faces, trust a socialist government that claims to be working for the greater good, and obey without question.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has warned that administering the experimental gene therapy, called “vaccines,” is mass murder, crimes against humanity, but who’s listening?  Zelenko tried cautioning Israel, but the state is still injecting its citizens.  Pfizer has bullied several countries into taking the shots and has signed documents against their liability for harm.  Pfizer has paid out hundreds of billions of dollars for severe harm caused to children; few are aware, or accept the suffering of others for the greater good.

Lara Logan quoted what she observed.  There are no trains to concentration camps or extermination camps, but there is already news that Austria and Germany are Nazifying again with lockdowns for as long as 20 months to date, comparable to incarcerations.  Severe fines are among the punishments for walking without injection confirmation – “Your papers, please.”  Australia is beyond incomprehensible.  Do we really want to allow our government to exercise such police-state control over our citizens?  Logan is right to expose what she can – the number of sick, hospitalized, permanently damaged, breathing problems, nerve damage, and heart muscle damage much worse after COVID jabs than all other vaccines.  We must also alert the public about the number of children who are whisked off by school authorities for injections without parental knowledge.  This is medical tyranny, and they’re now coming for the babies.

Logan used the example of Mengele to call to our attention the increasing dangers.  This is a new world, with new techniques, but the same justification, that they have our welfare in mind; it is for the greater good.   This is a modernized world with new techniques – invasion without tanks, death without bombs – but we still have people who seek to rule uber alles.

©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

#TeamTERF Pushes Back Against Trans Activism thumbnail

#TeamTERF Pushes Back Against Trans Activism

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

The vast majority of the planet could be classified as TERFs, since most people do not believe that people can change sex at will.

TERFAbbreviation for:

  1. Trans Educated Rational Female (female form)
  2. Trans Educated Rational Father (male form)
  3. Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (archaic)

During the recent controversy about Dave Chapelle’s Netflix special, The Closer, the term TERF was in the news although, as is common when it comes to trans issues, the mainstream media reporting was melodramatic and contained inaccuracies. Dave referred to himself as belonging to “Team TERF”, and made various jokes which were perceived to be transphobic.

The term TERF (“trans exclusionary radical feminist”) is widely used by trans rights activists as a slur. It appears that it was originally coined to describe people who do not believe that men who wish to be women, and who claim that they were “coercively assigned male at birth”(?!), are in fact women, and then proceed to “discriminate” against them as a result by declining them access to female-only spaces and entitlements.

We are reliably informed that these TERFs are a small minority. These activists seem to be blissfully ignorant of the fact that the vast majority of the eight billion people on the planet could be classified as TERFs, since most people (for some strange reason) do not believe that people can change sex at will.

The use of the term has since broadened to apply to anyone who dares to question any tenet of trans ideology. This of course includes parents such as myself who attempt to protect their kids from premature medicalization when they suddenly claim a trans identity, and instead try to obtain appropriate care and support for them. Even a parent who eventually agrees to allow their child to transition will be vilified as a TERF if they question the pathway laid out for their child by the ideology in any way at all.

TERF is such a silly term – and the way it is flung around reminds me of the immature name calling which (in a more dignified former time) was restricted to the schoolyard. Yet these days, supposed adults use it freely to vilify anyone who disagrees with them, in an attempt to disguise the fact that they have no valid or rational arguments to present to support their position.

So much of the discourse of trans activists is so childish that it is tempting to simply ignore it. For example, we have the use of euphemistic baby talk such as “top surgery” (for mastectomies and breast implants), and “bottom surgery” (for genital surgeries) in place of the correct medical terms. Not to mention a variety of irresponsible, histrionic pronouncements, such as the claims that being “misgendered” or prevented from competing in sports competitions set aside for the opposite sex, may cause gender questioning kids to quite literally die.

The need to manage our distressed teen offspring, who have an intense desire to permanently alter their bodies in the name of an ideology, does at times become a bit overwhelming. So I confess that we parents do allow ourselves the occasional giggle at some of the more bizarre pronouncements of our adversaries, which provides much needed comedic relief. The solemn assertion that there is such a thing as a female penis is undoubtedly my personal favourite.

However, there are very many activists who issue the most vile, offensive insults and threats against those they consider to be TERFs . Feminist Meghan Murphy suggests that the term TERF is not just a slur, it is hate speech. I tend to agree.

In the current political climate, it appears this behaviour can occur with impunity. The use of the term TERF, accompanied by insults or threats of violence, is enabled or supported by institutions such as universitieslocal councils and even libraries. Needless to say, none of this is in any way funny.

It is also true to say that, because of the frightening power that this movement seems to have somehow gained over society, accusations of being a TERF often achieve the desired effect of silencing critics.

Recently, however, something has changed. Activists are losing access to one of their favourite silencing tactics. People critical of gender ideology are reclaiming the term TERF. After the Chapelle Netflix special, #TeamTERF began trending on Twitter. You can now buy feminist t-shirts emblazoned with the phrase. Others have come up with much improved versions of the acronym such as the delightful “Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools”.

We also have TRE (Trans Rational Educated) Voices, a brave, no holds barred cry for sanity with regards to child and youth transition from trans people themselves.

Well, we parents would also like a piece of the action. People within our networks have come up with much needed improvements to the term TERF. We already have Trans Educated Rational Parents (TERPS).

“your child has announced that they are trans, out of the blue. Do not be bullied into abdicating your parental role to outsiders with unknown motivations, who will be encouraging your child to disbelieve and mistrust you. Be strong and persevere.”https://t.co/nBx7nORcQt

— Terps Official🐘🦏 (@OfficialTerps) June 28, 2021

Now it is time for us to embrace the term TERF, to repackage it and to use it with pride. Mums (and indeed all adult human females who fight gender ideology) are “Trans Educated Rational Females” and Dads are “Trans Educated Rational Fathers”.

We parents often joke that we have PhDs in gender ideology, and in what passes for “medicine” in the care of gender questioning kids. We have educated ourselves extensively in the service of helping our beloved kids. We have read the studies. We have talked to the experts. We are clear that there are only two sexes, and that it is not possible to change sex. We know that no one is “born in the wrong body”. We understand that there is a social contagion going on. We know there is no evidence base for the practice of transitioning children and young people being beneficial in the long term.

Once educated, we then proceed to act rationally. We attempt (often against the odds) to guide our kids, to nurture them into adults who will be happy with their natural sexed bodies, un-mutilated and un-medicated. We seek to obtain help for their many issues (anxiety, ADHD, autism, depression, eating disorders, internalized homophobia) before considering drastic permanent steps. We refuse to be coerced by activist tactics such as exaggerating the risk of suicide, or pretending that there is evidence that transition will be beneficial in the long term for our kids.

So next time I am called a TERF for questioning gender ideology or attempting to care for my child, I will inform the name-caller what the term really means and thank them for the compliment. I suggest others begin to do the same.

This article has been republished with permission from the Substack blog Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)

Biden. You suck. thumbnail

Biden. You suck.

By Save America Foundation

For the first time since I became an extremely proud American citizen on February 26, 2003, I am ashamed of what my adopted country has become. Let me explain before you get upset at me!

First, I am proud to be an American patriot. I love my Constitutional Republic and the constitution which I think, after the Bible, is the most amazing document ever written by man. I even was proud during the King Obama dictatorship years although I never understood how Americans elected him. He is a lowdown, testosterone challenged traitor. He led this country down a dangerous slippery slope that the election of My President, Donald J Trump stopped in its filthy tracks.

Then for four years I was ecstatic as my country grew in pride and strength. The economy boomed – every single aspect of it. Unemployment of every ethnic group was at its lowest as individual wealth and savings were at a high. Everything was incredible. We were the most powerful nation in the world as President Trump did his thing – making America great. Surely the role of every president who lives his country.

Then in 2020 along came a fraudulent, stolen election and we end up with a decrepit, mentally deficient, criminal, pervert, corrupt Commie loving so called president who from day one has run this country as if it is a communist nation where the government has all the power and we the people are serfs.

In a short 11 months the Democrats have taken this nation and reduced it to almost a third world nation status. It has destroyed our economy. It is destroying the middle class. It is trying really hard to destroy our fossil fuel industry. It is destroying education. It is destroying our military. It is destroying our law enforcement. It has weakened us to the degree that we are actually at great risk of our security as a nation. It has destroyed our secure borders. It has destroyed our faith in the election system. It has destroyed our infrastructure like the supply chain. It has badly affected black employment and ruining all the gains minorities mad in the preceding 4 years. it has made us a laughing stock to our enemies who perceive us as weak and pathetic. We see this with Russia, China and Iran who are running rampant as they take advantage of our country as this administration attempts to bring us to our knees.

Let’s be honest. The list above is short and just a brief synopsis of the evil activities this administration has done in a very short time. The Build Back Better Bill they are trying to pass will be the final nail in our coffin if passed as is. This will be a 5 Trillion dollar Socialist program that will keep growing as many of the programs planned will never be stopped. Ever. It must never be passed but to do that Joe Manchin from Virginia is going to have to grow a huge sets of testes and vote against it. If he doesn’t his home state of Virginia will have a massive economic downfall as will the USA. It’s all on him.

How sad that our countries future is on the back on one man, a Democrat. He can make or break it with his vote. Republicans, all 50, will be voting against it so without Manchins vote it will pass.

I am not running around like a headless chicken or yelling the sky is falling. Trust me all of you. If this Bill passes it will be the destruction of everything this country ever stood for and the end of our self rule. It’s simple as that.


So going back to my original paragraph I am ashamed that we Americans have been so fooled and been so careless with our freedoms and liberties. That we have allowed this country to have got here. That we have not put a stop to the extremist lunacy of the left. That we have acted like cowards and ensured that our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. That we have allowed such disdain for our armed forces and law enforcement. That we have allowed the sentiment that criminals are more worthy than victims. That our citizenship is so worthless.

2022 will give us a chance to recoup and prevent any more damage to our beloved country.

Ensure everyone you know – including you all – vote. Do the right thing for my beloved country. Your country. Destroy the New Socialist Democrat Party. Annihilate it.

If we do not then the only other alternative will be civil war.

Your choice America. Will you stand up now while we still can and make the changes needed. Move our country to the center or right.

I feel the change!! We can do this.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

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ABSURD: 007 to become Non-Binary? You have got to be kidding me! thumbnail

ABSURD: 007 to become Non-Binary? You have got to be kidding me!

By Dr. Rich Swier

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.” – Ayn Rand

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” ― Ian Fleming

I have grown up watching Ian Fleming’s James Bond films. Ian Fleming in his novel Goldfinger wrote, “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.

It now appears that Hollywood has become the enemy of white alpha male heroes and the next 007 film may seal the deal.

Have you noticed that male heroes have disappeared from the silver screen? Have you noticed that males, especially white males, are now portrayed more as villains than heroes?

Have you noticed the feminization of Hollywood to the detriment of the alpha male? BTW, have you also noticed that white heroes have been replaced by black heroes?

Have you watched on screen and felt the pussyfication and Black Lives Matter idol worshiping of the Hollywood elite?

Are you sick and tired of it yet? Many of us real men and real women are!

Woke Hollywood

The Daily Caller’s David Hookstead in his column titled “James Bond Might Become Non-Binary In The Future, Producer Says” reported:

James Bond’s future sounds like it might head down a path fans won’t like.

According to the Daily Mail, producer Barbara Broccoli appeared on the “Girls On Film” podcast to talk about what’s ahead for the legendary spy, and her comments are bound to have fans talking.

“I do, because I don’t think that we should be making films where women are playing men,” Broccoli explained when talking about whether or not the character will always be male.

However, she left the door wide open for the character to change pronouns.

Hollywood is now definitely “woke” and addicted to non-binary steroids. First we have males competing in female sports and the woke are silent. Now we may have 007 turned into a non-binary character. And again the woke are silent.

Maybe the solution is to have a non-binary male, who thinks he’s female, play the male in the next 007 film? I would laugh at this but can you picture Bruce Jenner or Ellen DeGeneres or Elliot (formerly Ellen) Page or the cisgender male drag queen RuPaul as the next 007? Seriously!

Insanity is being driven by the cancel culture and its first target was the alpha male and it is now the white alpha male. If you’re any white male you are labeled a white supremacist by Hollywood.

QUESTION: Is it just a matter of time before the black alpha male becomes non-binary?

Bottom Line

I have watched 007 from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig’s Bond, James Bond. 007 is an alpha male and has always been an alpha male. The number 007 is synonymous with the consummate alpha male character, period.

I am tired of watching action films where the leads are all female. This is a way of denigrating manliness. To make James Bond, and now 007, non-binary is a direct attack on every heterosexual male.

The culture war zealots have now claimed yet another victim – James Bond.

As far as I am concerned if Hollywood continues to go non-binary so I will continue to boycott Hollywood.

A non-binary James Bond is the proverbial straw that has broken the camels back. Bond died in the last film No Time To Die, and 007 has died with him.

In Casino Royale Ian Fleming wrote, “Surround yourself with human beings, my dear James. They are easier to fight for than principles.” 

Hollywood has no principles. I will fight for the human alpha male and real woman, not what non-binary Hollywood wants.

Just call me Bond, James Bond!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

I, Psaki thumbnail

I, Psaki

By The Peoples Cube

A remnant of the Obama administration, Jen Psaki has mastered the art of shamelessly dissembling before a largely friendly press corps and has proven relentless in her efforts of omit or distort facts, spin events, highlight the inconsequential and diminish the consequential.

But this soulless android in the service of the Biden administration may have, indirectly through misdirection or incidentally by disinformation, broken all three laws of Robotics:

First Law

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Jen Psaki Defends Joe Biden Reopening Border Detention Center: ‘This Is Not Kids Being Kept in Cages’

Second Law

A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

WH’s Psaki Defends Inflation — ‘Good Thing’ Because It Means ‘More People Are Buying Goods’

Third Law

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Resurfaced Tweets Haunt White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki

And on and on…

Kyle Rittenhouse Can Sue Jen Psaki for Defamation

Jen Psaki Falsely Claims Trump Told People to ‘Inject Bleach’

EDITORS NOTE: This column by Colonel Obyezyana on The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Missions Accomplished – History Revisioned thumbnail

Missions Accomplished – History Revisioned

By The Peoples Cube

It took only 1,857 days (or, for those who are counting – 160,444,800 seconds, or… 2,674,080 minutes, or… 44,568 hours) but our moment has come! President Hillary has finally bestowed upon us what was rightfully ours…. Her VICTORY speech of November 8, 2016!

Hillary Clinton Chokes Up as She Reads Parts of the Victory Speech

Our moment was stolen from us. But, as the great American philosopher/thespian Jeffrey Goldblum has so eloquently said…


If there’s one thing history has taught us, it’s that liberalism will not be contained. Liberalism breaks free, it expands to new territories, and crashes through barriers painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh, well, there it is…. Life finds a way

And so here we are. The world of last Tuesday is now the world of next Tuesday.

But we cannot stop here, comrades. This shall not be a one and done. We must take this revisionism and correct all the wrongs of the world. We must reshape history in our own image.

I have begun a list of revisionism events for which the record must be corrected. Please join me in compiling a list of historic wrongs you expect to be corrected. Because the future deserves our past.

  • Joe Biden Delivers Speech as if he knows who Joe Biden is
  • Hunter Biden Sells Art Masterpiece
  • AOC delivers brilliant remarks
  • Kamala Harris voted Boss of the Year by White House staff
  • Bill Clinton waves finger saying he did have sexual relations with that woman
  • Jen Psaki circles back
  • Transpo-Pete working diligently
  • Chris Cuomo named head of CNN Worldwide
  • Kyle Rittenhouse sentenced to life in prison for double murder
  • King George III celebrated throughout the American colonies

EDITORS NOTE: This column by El Presidente on The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Hotel USSR: A new book by Oleg Atbashian thumbnail

Hotel USSR: A new book by Oleg Atbashian

By Oleg Atbashian

I’m happy to report that I’ve just published my second book, Hotel USSR. It’s a story of а young man coming of age in a totalitarian state. He wants to be an artist but he isn’t authorized to buy paints. He wants to see the world but the authorities brand him as politically unreliable. He wants to get married but the system separates him from his bride. He listens to Hotel California and wishes he had their problems: he himself is stuck in a real-life trap that he “can never leave,” and he calls it Hotel USSR. To check out, he must break every rule in the book.

This young man is me and this is my real life story. People have often asked me what growing up in the USSR felt like. This book is my answer. It’s illustrated with my own drawings and paintings, which I did in my twenties before I quit drawing. The reason for quitting is in there as well.

In addition to it being humorous and entertaining, I hope this story can be an eye-opener for younger people who may naively believe in the false promise of socialism. Rather than debating Marxism directly, I demonstrate how it fails in practice and what absurdities ensue when the entire state lives in denial of its failures, forcing people not to trust their own eyes. The book describes socialism as an attempt to regulate human existence in cumbersome ways that defy human nature, leaving no doubt that to build “real socialism that works” is no more possible than to build a house based on an optical illusion.

I hope you enjoy my story and help me to spread the word. Amazon allows a short preview – please rate it and leave a comment:

Art from this book can also be found in Oleg’s Art Gallery. Prints on demand at RedBubble.com.

Book description on Amazon:

As a child, he was promised abundance and freedom in a communist paradise. In that bright future, he dreams of being an artist. But as he grows up, he discovers that his dream is based on a fraud and that his country is really a dictatorship governed by bullies, liars, and thieves. He and the girl he loves find themselves trapped in a labyrinth of a dysfunctional utopia they call “Hotel USSR,” where every aspect of life is regulated by improbable rules that override human nature. To live their dream, they decide to break the law. This takes him on a series of tragicomical adventures that feel like acts in the theater of the absurd: a worker in Siberian oil fields, an army conscript, an inmate at a forensic psychiatry facility, a visual propaganda artist, a Soviet dissident, and an immigrant to America. And everywhere he goes he draws pictures…


EDITORS NOTE: This column by Red Square on The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

An Open Letter to America thumbnail

An Open Letter to America

By Oleg Atbashian

Dear America,

The Left are doing everything they can to dismantle the institution of law enforcement nationwide and do away with police.

This is not because the Left is against police. The Left is against the rule of law. And I’ll tell you as has been amply demonstrated, without the rule of law and your police to enforce it, no-one’s life is worth a plugged nickel.

The communists trying to grab the power and rule over you are not against police in principle. They have a police force to replace the abolished one.

The mobs are the new police. They are the beginnings of a new enforcement establishment for the new tyrannical country they are attempting to replace. If we were to give that new country a name, the most honest one is The Tyranny. The mobs are the police of The Tyranny.

The police of The Tyranny aren’t out there to enforce the rule of law – as the police of a free country do. The mobs have no interest in protecting our fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property. Their job is to enforce the rule of the communist tyranny over you. If you oppose The Tyranny, you are a criminal in their eyes.

I don’t care if you believe me or not. If the insanity of their takeover continues, they will prove my point to you with force and fury.

Given a chance politically, those mobs will become the official revolutionary police force with uniforms, weapons, and everything they need to enforce the rule of The Tyranny. What you see now – organized mobs – is simply the form they can get away with at the present time.

God bless America and give us the strength we need to preserve our country and our liberty, not only for our generation but for all our posterity, as our forefathers before us bestowed it to us.

EDITORS NOTE: This column by the Karl Marx Treatment Center originally appeared on The Peoples Cube and is republished with permission. Contributors to The Peoples Cube blog are former citizens of the Soviet Union. ©All rights reserved.

In his dystopian novel 1984 George Orwell wrote, “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face – for ever.”

The Way Out thumbnail

The Way Out

By Imprimis Digest

The following is adapted from a speech delivered at a Hillsdale College reception in Overland Park, Kansas, on November 18, 2021.

Here are two questions pertinent to our times: (1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and (2) How would you stop that from happening? The answer to the first question has been provided in these last two disastrous years. The answer to the second has begun to emerge in recent months. Both are worthy of study.

Reducing a Great Republic to Despotism

To establish despotism in a nation like ours, you might begin, if you were smart, by building a bureaucracy of great complexity that commands a large percentage of the resources of the nation. You might give it rule-making powers, distributed across many agencies and centers inside the cabinet departments of government, as well as in 20 or more “independent” agencies—meaning independent of elected officials, and thus independent of the people.

This much has been done. It would require a doctoral thesis to list all the ways that rules are made in our federal government today, which would make for boring reading. The truth is that very few people not directly involved know how all this works. Although civics education is practically banned in America, most people still know what the Congress is and how its members are elected. But how many know how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) came to be, under what authority it operates, and who is its head? Here is a clue: it is not Anthony Fauci.

Admittedly, this new kind of bureaucratic government would take—has taken—decades to erect, especially in the face of the resistance of the Constitution of the United States, which its very existence violates. But once it has been erected, things can happen very fast.

What, for example, if a new virus proliferates around the world? There have been procedures for dealing with such viruses for a long time. They begin with isolating the sick and protecting the vulnerable. But suddenly we have new procedures that attempt to isolate everybody. This is commanded by the CDC, an element of this bureaucratic structure, and by a maze of federal and state authorities, all of which see the benefit to themselves in getting involved. The result is that large sections of our economy were closed for months at a time, and citizens placed under the equivalent of house arrest. This has not happened before. The cost of it, and not just in monetary terms, is beyond calculation.

To set up a despotism capable of pulling this off you would need the media’s help. Those controlling the media today are trained in the same universities that invented the bureaucratic state, the same universities the senior bureaucrats attended. The media would need to be willing to suppress, for example, the fact that 50,000 doctors, scientists, and medical researchers signed the Great Barrington Declaration. That document reminds people that you cannot suppress a widely disseminated contagious virus through shutdowns and mass isolation, and that if you try, you will work immeasurable destruction of new kinds—unemployment, bankruptcy, depression, suicide, multiplying public debt, broken supply chains, and increases of other serious health problems. Some of the signatories to this Declaration come from the most distinguished universities in the world, but never mind: their views do not fit the narrative propagated by the powerful. They have been effectively cancelled, ignored by the media and suppressed by Big Tech.

You would need some help from business, too. As far as influence is concerned, “business” is dominated by large institutions—those comprising big business—whose leaders are also educated in the same universities that conceived bureaucratic government and trained the bureaucrats and media heads. This provides a ground of agreement between big business and the bureaucratic state. Anyway, agree or not, businesses are vulnerable to regulation, and to mitigate the risk of regulatory harm they play the game: they send lobbyists to Washington, make political contributions, hire armies of lawyers. If you are big enough to play the game, there are plenty of advantages to be won. If you are not big enough to play the game—well, in that case you are on your own.

Amidst the unprecedented lockdowns, imagine there comes an election, a time for the people to say if they approve of the new way of governing and of this vast, unprecedented intrusion into their lives. Then let us say that in several states the election rules and practices are altered by their executive branches—the people in charge of enforcing the law—on their own, without approval by their legislatures. Say this brazen violation of the separation of powers takes place in the name of the pandemic. One does not need to know what percentage of votes in the final tally were affected to see that this is fishy. No sensible person would place control of the election process in one party—any party—or in one branch—any branch—of the government, alone. In some crucial states, that was done.

Finally, to sustain this new kind of government, you would need to work on education. You might build a system of centralized influence, if not control, over every classroom in the land. You might require certification of the teachers with a bias toward the schools of education that train them in the approved way. These schools, poor but obedient cousins of the elite universities, are always up on the latest methods of “delivery” of instruction (we do not call it teaching anymore). These new methods do not require much actual knowledge, which can be supplied from above.

As far as content, you might set up a system of textbook adoption that guarantees to publishers a massive and captive market but requires them to submit proposed books to committees of “experts,” subject of course to political pressures. You might build a standard approved curriculum on the assumption that everything changes—even history, even principles. You might use this curriculum to lay the ground for holding everything old, everything previously thought high and noble, in contempt.

Doing this, incidentally, deprives the student of the motive to learn anything out of fashion today. It is a preparation not for a life of knowing and thinking, but for a life of compliance and conformity.

This is by no means an exhaustive account of what it would take to build a thoroughgoing tyranny—for further instruction, read Book Five of Aristotle’s Politics or George Orwell’s 1984. But it gives an idea of a mighty system, a system that seems unassailable, a system combining the powers of government and commerce, of education and communication. Money and power in such a system would accrue to the same hands. The people who benefit from the system would be the ruling class. Others would be frustrated. And such a system would tend to get worse, because the exercise of unchecked power does not bring out the best in people.

Any elaborate system of government must have a justification, and the justification of this one cannot simply be that those in the ruling class are entitled on the basis of their superiority. That argument went away with the divine right of kings. No, for the current ruling class, the justification is science. The claim of bureaucratic rule is a claim of expertise—of technical or scientific knowledge about everything. Listen to Fauci on Face the Nation, dismissing his critics in Congress as backward reactionaries. When those critics disagree with him, Fauci said recently, “They’re really criticizing science because I represent science. That’s dangerous.”

The problem with this kind of thinking was pointed out by a young Winston Churchill in a letter to the writer H.G. Wells in 1901. Churchill wrote:

Nothing would be more fatal than for the government of states to get into the hands of the experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge: and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows only what hurts is a safer guide, than any vigorous direction of a specialised character. Why should you assume that all except doctors, engineers, etc. are drones or worse? . . . If the Ruler is to be an expert in anything he should be an expert in everything; and that is plainly impossible.

Churchill goes on to argue that practical judgment is the capacity necessary to making decisions. And practical judgment, he writes in many places, is something that everyone is capable of to varying degrees. Everyone, then, is equipped to guide his own life in the things that concern mainly himself.

Another thing about the experts is that they are not really engaged in the search for truth. Instead, the powerful among them suppress the obvious fact that there is wide disagreement among the experts. There always is.

God save us from falling completely into the hands of experts. But God has given us the wherewithal to save ourselves from that. So let us move to the second question posed above.

How to Defeat a Rising Despotism

In answering the second question, I will tell two stories that are suggestive.

The first took place in the small town of Jonesville, Michigan, five miles north of Hillsdale College. In our state, as in most places where the lockdowns were enforced, businesses were crippled or destroyed en masse. Restaurants were chief among them. One of our local restaurants is a 30-year-old diner called Spanglers Family Restaurant. Mitch Spangler is the proprietor. The business was founded by his late father, and Mitch was purchasing the business from his mother. The payments to his mother depended upon the revenues of the business, and his mother’s retirement depended upon the payments. The life’s work of two generations was at stake. Mitch was also helping to support a daughter in college.

This is not to mention the more than 20 employees whose livelihoods are dependent on Spanglers. “Our employees are moms who have kids,” Spangler told the local paper. “One of our employees is pregnant; another is a 19-year-old kid. This is his first job, and he just bought a car.” Our leaders in Washington treat it as a small thing when trillions are being thrown about. To the Spanglers and people like them, their relatively small revenue streams are everything.

Mr. Spangler was not prepared to surrender all this. When a second lockdown was ordered by Michigan’s governor a year ago last month, he kept his restaurant open. He put a sign on the door and posted on Facebook to make clear, among other things, that he was acting out of necessity for the sake of his business and the livelihoods of all those dependent on it; that precautions would be taken, including the installation of an electrostatic fogger that would disinfect the air; that he understood the thinking of those who would choose to stay away from his restaurant, but that he hoped they would understand his own thinking. “If you cannot support us, we understand,” he wrote, “but please allow us to have the freedom to do what we have to do.”

The wheels of bureaucracy began to grind. Spanglers was visited repeatedly by the health department, by the licensing authorities, and even by the agriculture department (one wonders what they had to do with it). Spangler was fined and threatened with forcible closure. But he persevered, never backing down, and his busines did well. On a typical weekend, not only locals but supporters from the neighboring states of Indiana and Ohio lined up outside to show their support.

Mitch Spangler is our kind of fellow, and the College gave him some help organizing his legal representation. We did not wish to be in the newspaper about this because we were facing our own pressures, and we too were determined to resist them. But Spangler was no good at keeping a secret: he wore a Hillsdale College t-shirt on FOX News and thanked us for our help. And when he had a little ceremony in his parking lot in the spring to thank his staff and his customers, I was honored to say a few words.

This may not seem on its face a big story, but it is a most important story. It is important because it is a story about the nature of human beings and of citizens and of our rights. The nature of a thing is the essence of a thing. One aspect of the nature of a human being is that he must eat to live. In condemnation of slavery, Abraham Lincoln loved to say that every man was created with a head, hands, and mouth, the implication being that the head should guide the hands in the feeding of the mouth. Because we are made to live this way, we are also determined to live this way. The alternative is dependence, which does not make us happy.

It should not therefore be surprising that, if you try to destroy the business of a man whose family has spent over 30 years building it, he will resist. Trying to strongarm people like Mitch Spangler is not a good idea. There are millions of them, and they have always made up the core of this greatest of free republics.

The second story is more famous, but it too is about nature—indeed, about that word’s most basic meaning. The word nature, as I said, refers to a thing’s essence, but it comes from the Latin word for birth. Our nature begins with how we are born and how we grow. Just as we are attached by nature to the way we get our livings, so we are attached by nature to our parents, and still more to our children. And this second story, set in Loudoun County, Virginia, is about parents and children.

In schools throughout Virginia, including in Loudoun County, children are being subjected to critical race theory (CRT). This involves lecturing children, especially those belonging to the non-preferred races, about the “structural evils” of which they are told they are part. Being taught alongside CRT is a distorted view of the history of our country, which true enough has its warts, but which surely has its glories as well—including glories about equal rights regardless of race. Between fighting the armies of the English monarch, the Confederacy, the Nazis, the communists, and Islamic terrorists, something nearing a million Americans have died for the cause of equal rights. These Americans have come in all colors.

Amidst statewide controversy over the teaching of CRT, the Loudoun County School Board also adopted a broad policy of recognizing “transgender” students in preference to their “biological sex” (excuse the redundancy). Even before this, boys were permitted to use girls’ bathrooms, in one of which there was an assault and rape of a female student by a “gender-fluid boy.” The boy in question was then allowed to attend another school in Loudoun County, where he assaulted another girl. This first girl’s parents were understandably outraged and, at the risk of being called narrow-minded, went so far as to complain to the school board.

Groups of parents who had already been protesting CRT and policies promoting transgenderism joined in the complaint. There was no violence at the school board meetings with one exception: law enforcement was summoned, and the outraged father of the assaulted and raped girl was bloodied and dragged out of one meeting. It is true, however, that voices were raised.

The National School Board Administration called upon the Biden administration to investigate these protesting parents as potential perpetrators of “domestic terrorism or hate crimes.” Remember, these parents were citizens attending a meeting of an elected body to tell their representatives what they think. The rights of petition and assembly are protected in the First Amendment. Except for certain preferred groups, these rights today appear to have been repealed.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland intervened, instructing the FBI to investigate these parents and others around the country. The FBI’s Counterterrorism Division has reportedly deployed tools and resources normally reserved for terrorist threats against parents who are angry at school boards for what is occurring in their children’s schools. All this provoked massive support, across Virginia and around the nation, for the parents of Loudoun County.

This support is not surprising. By nature, parents love their children and feel responsibility for them. Citizens, especially one hopes American citizens, feel entitled to state their grievances. The Declaration of Independence itself contains a list of grievances against the King. The Biden administration reacted to these protests just as King George III reacted against the American colonists in the years leading up to the American Revolution: he called in law enforcement. And the people of Virginia reacted in a way reminiscent of the American colonists: they defeated the candidate for governor who took the position that parents should have nothing to do with their children’s education.

What do these two stories—one of them taking place in Hillsdale County, Michigan, a deep red county, and the other in Loudoun County, Virginia, which is deeply blue—have in common? In both stories we see reactions against violations of our rights, rights that we have by nature as human beings.

The story about Mitch Spangler is about our right to work and to store up the product of our labor so that we and our families can eat and thrive. The American Founders put this in terms of our natural right to property. The story about the parents of Loudoun County is about the natural right of mothers and fathers to raise their children. To interfere with these rights is to interfere with the nature of the human being.

These facts about nature were well known during the American Revolution, the very Revolution that is besmirched by the members of our ruling class today, just as it was besmirched by the ruling class at the time of the Revolution. It was the interference with the colonists’ natural rights by that former ruling class that led to the American Revolution. These recent stories from Michigan and Virginia show that we Americans do not seem to like that interference any better today.

In addition to the right to make a living and the right to raise our children, we have the right to participate in our government, even if we are not experts, and the right to look to the heavens and not to our ruling class for guidance. We have these rights because we—every single one of us—were born with them sewn by God into our nature, and we cannot find our earthly fulfillment without them.

If we put these facts together as a people, we will have recovered the understanding that produced the American Revolution. We will stop these current predations upon our rights. We will bring this overwhelming government back where it belongs, under the control of the people.

The signs of such a movement are emerging. Pray they are enough.



Larry P. Arnn is the twelfth president of Hillsdale College. He received his B.A. from Arkansas State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in government from the Claremont Graduate School. From 1977 to 1980, he also studied at the London School of Economics and at Worcester College, Oxford University, where he served as director of research for Martin Gilbert, the official biographer of Winston Churchill. From 1985 until his appointment as president of Hillsdale College in 2000, he was president of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy. From October 2020 to January 2021, he served as co-chair of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission. He is the author of several books, including The Founders’ Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Between the Declaration and the Constitution and Churchill’s Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government.

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is America founded on freedom or on slavery? thumbnail

Is America founded on freedom or on slavery?

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

Anti-Black racism is not part of America’s DNA. If it were, it couldn’t change — and it has.

One of the most contentious issues in American history is the existence of slavery in a country “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” as Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address. Inspired by critical race theory and the Black Lives Matter movement, the New York Times has even campaigned with its 1619 Project to popularise the idea that the country was founded on the bondage of slavery, not the liberty extolled by its Founding Fathers.

MercatorNet interviewed Robert R. Reilly about this debate. Reilly is the author of America on Trial: A Defense of the Founding. He recently added a special chapter on slavery

MercatorNet: Did the United States fight the Revolution primarily to protect the institution of slavery?

Robert R. Reilly: It had absolutely nothing to do with protecting slavery. To suggest otherwise is a singular act of ignorance – one that the 1619 Project commits. Gordon Wood is perhaps the foremost historian of the American Revolution. He makes clear that, “this claim is false. In 1776 Great Britain was not threatening to abolish slavery in its empire… It was the American colonists who were interested in abolitionism in 1776.”

Princeton historian Sean Wilentz explained, “Had the Americans not won their independence in 1783, it is almost inconceivable that the British government would have ended slavery in any of its colonies thereafter.” Indeed, the British Empire was the leading slave trader in the world, and many of its colonies in the Western Hemisphere relied on slavery for their economic output and well-being.

Legal scholar Paul Finkelman relates that “the British government gave special protection to the Royal African Company, which brought more slaves to the American colonies than any other single entity. Investors in the Royal African Company reached the highest echelons of British society, and included members of the Royal family.”

In 1769, Virginia raised taxes on the importation of slaves, but the Crown overruled it. In 1772, Virginia passed another law with a prohibitively high tax on the slave trade. The legislators appealed to the king that “[t]he importation of slaves into the colonies from the coast of Africa, hath long been considered as a trade of great inhumanity” and asked him to “remove all those restraints on your majesty’s governors of this colony, which inhibit their assenting to such laws as might check so very pernicious a commerce.” Once again, the British government overrode the law.

Thomas Jefferson complained in 1774 of the Crown’s interference in the colonies’ efforts to end the transatlantic slave trade. Great Britain eventually passed legislation to end it in 1807, several weeks after the United States did.

“Anti-Black racism runs in the very DNA of this country” is the catchcry of critical race theory and the 1619 Project. How do you respond to this allegation?

If it were in the DNA of America, then it couldn’t be changed, but it has been. People who have not seen the change in race relations in this country over the past half-century since the civil rights movement must be blind. I don’t know a sector of American society in which racism is not considered morally repugnant. Of course, to our shame, that was not always so.

Was the slavery practiced in the American slave states the worst in the world at the time?

There is no gainsaying the fact that it was very bad, indeed. It was certainly just as bad if not worse in the Caribbean and in South America. Slavery in Africa was also vicious.

How did the Founders reconcile in their own mind the statement that “all men are created equal” and the existence of slavery? To us, after all, the double standard seems so obvious.

It was the Founders who publicly raised the moral standard by which slavery, which had existed since time immemorial, would be seen as a great wrong. Why was that hypocritical?

Gordon Wood said, “Far from protecting slavery, the American Revolution inflicted a massive blow to the entire slave system of the New World.” Benjamin Franklin held that slavery was such “an atrocious debasement of human nature” that he formed a Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and raised funds for the “relief of free negroes unlawfully held in bondage”. Pennsylvania became the first government in history to abolish slavery. John Adams considered slavery a “foul contagion in the human character.” He said, “Negro slavery is an evil of colossal magnitude.” At the Constitutional Convention, Gouverneur Morris excoriated slavery as being “in defiance of the most sacred laws of humanity,” which “damns them to the most cruel bondages.”

In the decade between the Declaration and the Constitution, every state north of the Mason-Dixon Line, and north of the Ohio River, abolished slavery or passed measures leading to its abolition by 1804. The Northwest Ordinance, passed by Congress in 1787, forbade slavery in the huge territory that would later comprise five Midwestern states (Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin). None of these things would have happened had not the American founding principle been that “all men are created equal.”

Could we focus on two key figures in your analysis? First, Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration, the third President – and a slaveowner. Doesn’t his record support the 1619 Project’s accusation of hypocrisy?

In 1779 Jefferson proposed a law for gradual emancipation in Virginia. It failed passage. In addition, in Congress in 1784, he proposed the law, which came within one vote of adoption, that would have banned slavery from the entire Western territory of the United States.

In Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration, he had written that George III “has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him”, which was a condemnation of Great Britain’s participation in and perpetuation of the slave trade. According to Jefferson, this sentence was removed at the insistence of South Carolina and Georgia. Ironically, in earlier colonial times, Georgia had been overruled in London when it tried to ban slavery.

In regard to American slavery, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever… The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest… The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other.”

In 1807, President Jefferson applauded the approaching congressional measure to forbid the foreign slave trade “to withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further participation in those violations of human rights which have been so long continued on the unoffending inhabitants of Africa, and which the morality, the reputation, and the best interests of our country have long been eager to proscribe”.

Like many others, Jefferson presumed that slavery would peacefully die out over the course of time. He freed only two slaves during his lifetime, allowed three others to leave Monticello with his tacit consent, and manumitted five more in his will.

Why not more? Robert F. Turner explains that “the reason Jefferson did not free but five of his own slaves in his will is simple: Under Virginia law at the time, slaves were considered ‘property,’ and they were expressly subject to the claims of creditors. Jefferson died deeply in debt.” In fact, Jefferson took on a sizable debt that came with his inherited estates and accrued more debt when he co-signed a large loan for a friend who subsequently defaulted.

This is not to gainsay the fact that Jefferson practiced slavery and benefitted from it. Nonetheless, in 1823, he wrote that slavery was “a hideous blot” and that he was “happy in believing that the conviction of the necessity of removing this evil gains ground with time”. Unfortunately, this was not to be so.

The other figure is Frederick Douglass, the brilliant freed slave and abolitionist leader who was loud in his praise of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. How does the 1619 Project account for his attitude?

It can’t, because what Douglas said gives the lie to its central thesis. He was emphatic that the Constitution was not a pro-slavery document precisely because it did not mention slavery and thought it was “a slander upon their memory” to think otherwise of the Founders’ intentions.

In a Fourth of July oration in 1852, he said, “In that instrument I hold there is neither warrant, license, nor sanction of the hateful thing; but interpreted, as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT. Read its preamble, consider its purposes. Is slavery among them? Is it at the gateway? Or is it in the temple? It is neither.”

There are at least three provisions in the Constitution which appear to support slavery – the importation clause, the three-fifths clause, and the fugitive slave clause. They clearly seem to support slavery… How do you account for those?

In order to reach ratification, the framers did include three compromises regarding slavery’s existence in the Constitution. The “Importation Clause” of article I, section 9, prevented Congress from banning the importation of slaves for a period of 20 years. As mentioned above, the ban was passed in 1809.

The “Three-Fifths Clause” of the Constitution (article I, section 2) for apportioning representation in the House of Representatives is often misunderstood as a denial that slaves were fully human because they each counted as only three-fifths a person. The purpose of the clause, however, was to lessen the power of the slave states and was not in any way premised on the belief that slaves were not fully human beings. Had the slave states been able to include the slaves in “the whole Number of free Persons” it would have enhanced their power by increasing their number of representatives, which was determined by population. It was an anti-slavery clause.

The so-called “Fugitive Slave Clause” (article IV, section 2) appears to be the most troubling of the compromises because it provided for the return of runaway slaves. It at least avoided the word “slave,” tellingly using “person” instead, in order to undercut condescension toward them as property. This revision emphasized that slaves were held according to the laws of individual states and, as the historian Don Fehrenbacher has noted, “made it impossible to infer from the passage that the Constitution itself legally sanctioned slavery.”

So, these were prudential compromises necessary for there to be a United States in the first place – without which slavery would not have been ultimately abolished.

How do historians view the 1619 Project? After all, the project creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones, received a Pulitzer Prize for her work.

That speaks volumes about the Pulitzer Prize, unless it was given in the category of fiction. Hannah-Jones is not an historian; she is a journalist. Some of the most prestigious professional historians of the American Founding wrote a joint letter protesting her misrepresentations.

Is the story of the founding basically just an academic quarrel or does it have political consequences in 2021?

The whole point of the calumny is to support attacks on the United States. If the Founders can be tagged as supporters of the odious practice of slavery, ipso facto, they stand condemned. More than any other issue today, slavery is used to limn the American Founding as corrupt in its origins. The most often repeated charge, especially from the Left, is that the United States was rooted in racism from the beginning, actually even before the beginning. Therefore, this country is irredeemable. If it is irredeemable, it must be taken down.

This accounts for its current political relevance, and it is why it must be countered if we wish to preserve the first nation in the history of the world to be founded on the principle that all people are created equal.


Robert R. Reilly is Director of the Westminster Institute. In his 25 years of government service, he has taught at National Defense University (2007), and served in the Office of The Secretary of Defense,… More by Robert R. Reilly

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GOP Senators: Garland Has ‘Given Life to the Idea Dissidents Are Synonymous with Terrorists’ thumbnail

GOP Senators: Garland Has ‘Given Life to the Idea Dissidents Are Synonymous with Terrorists’

By Discover The Networks

A letter signed by the 11 Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee demanded that Attorney General Merrick Garland withdraw his October 4 memo ordering the FBI to investigate parents who speak out at school board meetings against leftist classroom indoctrination, particularly of the racist ideology known as Critical Race Theory.

“Are concerned parents domestic terrorists or not?” the letter begins. “No arm of the government, including the offices under your command, may be used to chill criticism of local government officials. By involving the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division in this matter, that is exactly what you have done.”

Describing school officials as persons who “just happen to be a major constituency of the political party that currently controls the White House and the Department of Justice,” the senators write that the use of counterterrorism tools against parents is the federal government’s attempt to flex its “muscle in [the] marketplace of ideas.”

“Make no mistake about it — there are those who would be perfectly happy with the federal government, now including the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, scaring people out of criticizing local school boards,” the letter continues. “A big part of this problem, which you either do not understand or are complicit in, is that too many people nowadays equate ideas they do not like with violence.”

“You have given life to the idea that dissidents are synonymous with terrorists,” the senators concluded. “This is a common tactic of third-world dictatorships, but it should never be FBI practice.”

Merrick Garland

5 Known Connections

FBI Whistleblower Reveals That the Bureau Created a “Threat Tag” to Track Alleged Harassment of Education Officials

On November 16, 2021, Fox News reported that an October 20 internal email from the FBI’s criminal and counterterrorism divisions — as part of the agency’s implementation of Garland’s October 4 memo citing an increase in harassment of education officials — instructed agents to apply the threat tag “EDUOFFICIALS” to all probes of threats allegedly directed at school board officials, teachers and staff. “The purpose of the threat tag is to help scope this threat on a national level, and provide an opportunity for comprehensive analysis of the threat picture for effective engagement with law enforcement partners at all levels,” said the email. It also instructed FBI agents to try to determine: (a) what may have been the motivation behind the criminal activity being investigated, and (b) whether that activity violated any federal laws.

Reacting to news of the FBI threat tags, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan tweeted on November 16: “Merrick Garland testified that the FBI wasn’t targeting parents. We now know the FBI is ‘tagging’ parents they consider threatening. The Attorney General has some explaining to do.” In a similar vein, Republican Senator Josh Hawley tweeted: “If this is accurate, parents are getting the domestic-terrorist treatment after all.”

To learn more about Merrick Garland, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Cost of a Constitutional Republic thumbnail

The Cost of a Constitutional Republic

By Save America Foundation

“Trust is the easiest thing in the world to loose, and the hardest thing in the world to get back.” – R. Williams

Today’s blog comes from my wife’s and my pastor, Pastor G Antonio Smart, at Victory Independent Baptist Church on MacDill Ave., South Tampa. We travel 45 minutes to attend this church because of the pastor. He is a US Air Force veteran, a patriot and a massive second amendment supporter. He speaks out fearlessly on subjects like race, truth about slavery, abortion, the constitution, the enemy within among many other subjects most pastors, especially black pastors, will not talk about out of fear of losing their tax benefits!

We first met this great Pastor at an anti Muslim Brotherhood rally in Tampa. Something drew us to him and we started talking. We were kindred souls instantly. He became the Chaplain for the Save America Foundation attending meetings and opening and closing them in prayer. Those of you that know me understand that I do not get close to many people that quick but I want you all to know that both Pastor Smart and his church of over 30 years are the real thing.

Please read and enjoy this blog which was written by Pastor Smart some years ago when President Obama was in the White House. It was published July 4th, 2009. Feel free to share, like and comment.

The Cost of a Constitutional Republic by Pasto G. Antonio Smart

The President of the United States on a recent trip to Egypt made it a point to state that “America is not a Christian nation.”

While it is true that there are many different religious groups living within the borders of the United States, the vast majority of citizens of this country still overwhelmingly profess Christianity. The government is not Christian, but the citizens are.

The European colonists that came to America in the 17th century brought their faith with them and founded a nation under God where religious freedom could be practiced. They had no intention of founding an Islamic state, a communist state, another monarchy, or a military dictatorship.

The American Revolution gave birth to a Constitutional Republic in which the rights of the individual are to be respected, and the rule of law was established to maintain an honorable society.

The Constitution is the document that guarantees that the citizens of America would not have their unalienable rights trampled upon by the very government they place in power.

The ideology that brought about the creation of the United States was based upon the concept of the government perpetually deriving its power from the people, thus preventing it from ever becoming despotic.

The adoption of the Constitution in 1787 created the Constitutional Republic in which the government leaders as well as all the citizens are mandated to obey the laws of the land.

In theory, the President, Vice-President, members of Congress, and the courts are supposed to operate in the best interest of the people and are to enforce and legislate just laws.

The framers of the US Constitution deliberated at great lengths to produce a text that would honor the ideals for which the revolutionary war of Independence was fought. Equal rights under the law would become a governing principle, if not always a pure reality.

The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15, 1791; ten amendments designed to protect the individual citizen from the potential and foreseen abuses of the government. The first of these contains the freedom of religion clause forbidding the government from establishing a state religion and thereby effectively protecting Christians from persecution and oppression.

The cost of a Constitutional Republic where freedom reigns, like the cost of spiritual redemption in which the soul is made free, is BLOOD. In order to be free from all forms of tyranny men had to bleed and some had to die; all had to fight.

Would those brave men have fought for an Islamic Republic?

Would they have fought for a Marxist -Socialist state?

I believe the answer to be a resounding NO. America is only as good as God’s grace is shed on HIS people that are still here. As far as we are concerned our republic exists because of Christians.

At this time I would like to invite any of you looking for a church to try ours: Victory Independent Baptist Church and Christian Academy, 6202 South MacDill, Tampa. Florida. 33611. Sunday Bible classes start at 10:00am and Sunday service at 11:00am. Sunday evening service is done on Zoom at 6:30pm. Wednesday evening is a Bible study and prayer session starting at 7:00pm.

Come and join a true Bible experience taught by a true, America loving Pastor. America needs you all but our population has to turn back to God. If anyone has questions feel free to let me know in the comments section or if you know me via email or phone.

More from Pastor Smart can be read and watched by clicking here.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Millions of Children Targeted by the FDA thumbnail

Millions of Children Targeted by the FDA

By J.W. Bryan

When the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) okayed the current Pfizer “vaccine,” it is not a vaccine, rather a bioweapon, according to overwhelming and mounting evidence backed up by testimony from many physicians, scientists, and virologists. It signed a potential death warrant for millions of children across the globe.

Dr. Richard L. Fleming, PhD, M.D., J.D., contacted the Federal Drug Administration concerning the safety and efficacy of the Covid “vaccine” and was assured by them, in words to the effect, “that it was everything a vaccine should be – very pristine.” However, it appears that Dr. Fleming was somewhat dubious of the FDA claims. So, he and his team went into action with tests to either confirm or reject its claim.

The results: Surprise! Surprise!

I’ll let him tell you about that. If he is correct in the findings, which I have no doubt of, it bodes very ill for the children of the world. One report stated that it could amount to as many as 28 million affected. Click here.

Let me just give you a few highlights of what Dr. Fleming stated.

According to Dr. Fleming, he and his team tested the vaccine that the FDA said was, in words to the effect, “everything a vaccine should be – very pristine” What they found was totally different.

Beginning with dropping a saline solution on a blood sample – the blood didn’t change, but after adding the Pfizer vaccine the blood became pale which meant that the oxygen and or the hemoglobin had been removed/extracted from the red blood cell. This would indicate (which he explains) that this “vaccine” would destroy the red blood cells, therefore preventing the blood from delivering enough oxygen throughout the body.

I have listened to this video several times and each time I learn more about the importance of the blood. But it shouldn’t be any surprise for God’s Word tells us that “Life is in the blood.”

Additionally, Dr. D.C. Jarvis, in one of his books on arthritis tells us that there are three ways that acid enters the blood.  After naming the ways, he names what monitors this and if and when excess acid enters which would change the PH balance from 7.2 to the lower or acid side.  Then the excess is kicked out and distributed throughout the body to form a bed of immunity that no virus or other various organisms can live in.

The ill which this jab bodes for the millions of children is only a miniscule tip of the iceberg compared to the heartbreak of the millions of families throughout the world. We cannot imagine more than a smidgen of their total suffering in the years to come, especially when it dawns them, that it was all a big lie. And as a result of being uninformed or misinformed, or maybe in some cases, just being completely ignorant of what was happening, they failed in their greatest responsibility to protect their children.

Children of our Past

This is absolutely heartbreaking for me. There are many children across this land which we haven’t seen for many years that my wife, Polly, and I have a connection with. For about 20 years, after I retired from International Paper Company, we were employed as house parents in Children’s Homes.

This resulted in our entering into a new life, for we looked not only as a new life but as an extra life given to us by God. We were entering into something that prior to this we had no idea or cognizance of the fact that there were many children, through circumstances not of their making, who were now having to adjust to a mode of living in which they were removed from family.  Other than occasional visits, their daily lives had dramatically changed.

We went into this new venture having successfully reared three grown children of our own who were now creating their own lives. As such, we believed that we had the experience and qualifications to become house parents to ten to twelve children in a children’s home.  The reality was…we weren’t…we only thought we were. We now know that it is very doubtful that anyone is really qualified for the position of house parents in a children’s home.

We were into this for over three years before becoming comfortable and in, what we considered, complete command of what we were responsible for. We now know that “what we considered’ was not correct. We were never in complete command; there were so many things we didn’t teach them.

Nevertheless, we were blessed with what agape love is all about, love that continues even when it is not returned. I had never considered that at some time I would love children who were not my own as much as if they were mine. These children, especially a group of girls we spent six years with, tunneled their way into our hearts so that it was almost unbearable when we decided to leave.

I believe this was the saddest day of my life. When I walked out the back of Phillips Cottage, AT Palmer Home for Children, after the gathering of Polly and I in the living room for prayer and the bidding of goodbye to the girls. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that they had followed me, I suppose to maybe say goodbye once more before I drove off.

As I watched them, I realized that they were all weeping. So, I had to return to them to try and give them some comfort, but I needed comfort myself. I spent a few minutes hugging and talking to them while, at the same time, I was weeping along with them. Finally, I said, “Well, girls, I need to leave, momma Polly has already left, and I don’t need to let her get too far ahead of me.”

Thinking back on this time, I remember Dr. Waldron, the CEO of Palmer Home for Children, was waiting for me by my truck.  I was heartbroken and continued weeping when he said to me, “When you get about 15 or 20 miles down the road, you’ll began to feel a lot better.”

Our love for those children never diminished, and we still think about them today.

In the following weeks and years, I continued to be very concerned for our girls. I wrote a little booklet about the time we spent with them entitled, “Precious Journey.” At the end I voiced my concern and dread for their future. I think I stated it something like this, “We are very concerned about the future of our girls. I think of Krystal, she was the oldest, she will soon cross the threshold into adulthood what will she do, where will she go? I envision her vaulting upon the back of a wild steed and grasping a handful of the horse’s mane and charging into God’s thunderstorm of life.”

This was about 22 years ago, and the concern we had for them at that time can’t be compared to the concern we have now, with all the murdering of people under the pretense of fighting a virus that according to mounting, overwhelming evidence doesn’t even exist.


But what chills me to the bone is what they are doing and planning for today’s children. I pray for them, but I know by the testimony of many doctors and scientists that these bioweapons called ‘vaccines” are engineered and designed to either kill or seriously injure. My prayer is that they know that faith in God is their only refuge.

Now the White House is urging Americans to undergo booster shots to help prevent the spread of new strains when they originally told us the vaccine would protect us from all strains. This reveals how urgent and determined the forces behind the Plandemic have become. They are aware that time is of an essence – they need to proceed with their depopulation goal and most people are unaware of their plans.

Implicit in this “urging of Americans by the White House to undergo COVID booster doses to help prevent the spread of new strains,” actually means “the booster will bring forth new strains of the virus.” This third jab is one of the biggest lies coming from the very depths of Hell by the stakeholders. Foolish Americans and most of our medical personnel will agree to once again be government guinea pigs.

For us to understand the true meaning of it we must perceive it 180 degrees from how they intend for us to see it.  For us to see the truth of it, we must read it like this, “The White House is urging Americans to undergo COVID booster doses to aid in the spreading of death throughout the world.”

By interpreting this esoterically, we can see that the injection of the current jab, the bioweapon called a “vaccine,” isn’t killing people fast enough.  In order to speed up the operation, i.e., the global objective, for decreasing the earth’s population by 91.7%, a bioweapon booster shot is designed to accomplish what the former two-jab bioweapon, failed to bring to fruition.  These are the expectations of the stakeholders behind the Great Reset, represented by Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and others too numerous to list.

Listen to Mike Adams as he excoriates the FDA for their endorsement of murderous vaccine atrocities against children.

According to Brian Shilhavy, Editor of Health Impact news, the flames of “COVID fear” are being stoked again, as the Big Pharma Globalists unleash their new plan to increase profits, and exert more tyrannical control over populations by using corporate media and puppet politicians in an attempt to extend the false “COVID pandemic.”

Within just a couple of days after announcing that a “new variant” had been discovered in Africa, Big Pharma has now promised the world that they are rushing to rescue everyone with new drugs and new vaccines to fight this “deadly new variant.”

But Big Pharma is not rushing to rescue anyone.  Reality is that it is rushing to implement provisions which will kill millions of people across the globe.

Listen to Mike Adams as he explains how the cover story of the “Nu” (Omicron) variant plays into accelerating a wave of “vaccine” deaths. Link  According to Adams, the omicron “variant” media hysteria is pure fiction. It’s nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the populations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist governments carry out their global depopulation/genocide programs.

I agree with him on most everything he presents. There is one part of his presentation, however, that I disagree with, and that is where he speaks of the danger from the variant and what we can do in defense against it, when it only exists in the minds of the people that are targeted.

To my mind, based on the evidence thus far, the only way there is any danger from it is when one takes the vaccine in defense of it. That is the purpose and strategy behind the omicron “variant” media hysteria – to develop a climate of fear.  And fear does not come from God, it is a weapon of the devil.


Please share this article in as many ways as possible. There are millions of people who continue to believe that the COVID-19 jabs, as well as the boosters, are a defense against the “COVID” virus and variants. According to all evidence submitted by multiple physicians and scientists, the virus has a 99.8% recovery rate which is lower than the seasonal flu.  If we fall for their lies and consider them to be the truth, the result will be the same as if their lies are the truth – and the “pandemic” will exist, but it will be foisted upon us via their spike protein clot shots.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.

Where Are the Government COVID Vaccine Safety Studies? thumbnail

Where Are the Government COVID Vaccine Safety Studies?

By Save America Foundation

Yesterday I reported to you the number of adverse reaction reports filed about COVID vaccines in the U.S. has topped 900,000 and the number of deaths shortly following COVID vaccinations now exceeds 19,000, according to official government numbers.  Today, we look at what happened in the first 90 days after the government approved the Pfizer vaccine and at additional evidence that’s come in regarding the withholding of information by Pfizer before its vaccine was approved.  Both of these add urgency to the question: Has the government conducted follow-up COVID vaccine safety studies and, if not, why not?

We start with the fact the FDA wanted to hide its records about adverse reactions which occurred in the early days after the COVID vaccines were approved.  A court disagreed, and the first batch of records has been released, with more to come.  One record already released is a smoking gun.  It’s entitled “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports”.  [available here]  This document shows Pfizer received 42,000 adverse reaction reports, including 1,223 deaths in the first 90 days of vaccine use, originating from several countries.  The most frequently reported adverse reaction was nervous system disorders.  Adverse reaction “(r)eports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” the document notes (p. 5).  This puts the nail in the coffin of the argument made by my critics that adverse reactions are being over-reported.  The document goes on to discuss additional findings that three times as many women as men were injured, the Pfizer vaccine can make COVID symptoms worse, and there were a number of miscarriages and premature births which occurred in the period under consideration.

Despite all this, the Pfizer vaccine remains in use today and the government keeps pushing the phony narrative the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ without ever discussing the undeniable risks.  The government, as far as I can tell, has not performed follow-up safety studies as it is supposed to do when a problem with a vaccine becomes apparent.

Let’s turn, now, to the period before the vaccines were approved.   Pfizer originally said publicly 15 people died during its COVID vaccine trials out of 22,000 who were vaccinated.  But it submitted a report to the FDA showing the number was actually 21, not 15.  Even though most died from other causes, the discrepancy means deaths linked to Pfizer’s vaccine were 24 percent higher among those vaccinated during the trial than Pfizer was publicly letting on.

That’s significant given the fact more than 19,000 deaths associated with COVID vaccines have occurred since in the U.S. alone.

As you may recall, a whistleblower made even more serious allegations about Pfizer’s trial data last month.  The British medical journal BMJ published a whistleblower account claiming, “the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial.”

Others have accused government officials of engaging in conspiracy and criminal cover-up.  My point is that the astoundingly high number of adverse reaction reports and deaths – completely unprecedented in 30 years of vaccine injury reporting – should have prompted government officials to conduct follow-up safety studies on these vaccines, as indicated in the second half of the VAERS disclaimer.  To the best of my knowledge, no such studies have been conducted.  I have filed a Freedom of Information Act request to find out for sure.  I also want to know if the government has ever reached a decision whether to conduct such studies and I want to know the reasons for the decision, if any was made.  The government has essentially asked for the rest of December to respond to my request and I will start pressing for answers after the first of the year.

The government rushed into COVID vaccines at “warp speed”. Normal approval processes and safety protocols were not followed. It should come as no surprise there are big problems with these vaccines. We the People should know just how big these problems are before we’re tempted to support politicians who want to rush into vaccines in future pandemics.

Visit The Daily Skirmish

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


People Who Get Johnson & Johnson Vaccine at Elevated Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Study

Report: Thousands of Canadians Died Due to Delayed Care during COVID-19

RELATED VIDEO: NEW NYC Vaccine Mandate: 2 Insane Facts (EXPOSED)

January 6th: The Democrats’ Star Chamber thumbnail

January 6th: The Democrats’ Star Chamber

By Save America Foundation

A new report from House Republicans put a spotlight on the cruel treatment of the January 6th prisoners who are still awaiting trial, none of whom have been charged with insurrection.  The report cites, among other things, detention without court dates or bail, no family visits, and intentional abuse by prison guards.  C-SPAN  Gateway Pundit

Before detailing the abuses further, first, a little perspective.  The charges against these prisoners are things like trespass, assault on a police officer, and obstruction of official proceedings.  None of this amounts to insurrection, despite the Democrats’ robotic and ubiquitous incantations of the term.  Prosecutors haven’t charged insurrection because they know they can’t make a case for it.

When I was a criminal defense attorney, a charge like trespass for first offenders would have been handled completely differently.  There would have been a chance of first offender treatment whereby, if certain conditions were met, the charge would be dropped and the record expunged.  If not first offender treatment, the defendant would have been granted release on their own recognizance or small bond, probably pled guilty, and been sentenced to probation and a fine.  To keep a first offender in jail on a minor charge for almost a year without a finding of guilt or even a court date would have been unthinkable.  The way the January 6th cases are being handled is crazy, and the only reason is politics.

Back to the abuses:  A congressional delegation toured the facility where the prisoners still awaiting trial are being held and talked to them.  The delegation heard stories of broken toilets, prison guards mocking prisoners as members of a cult and telling them to denounce Trump, not being fed properly, not being allowed religious services, being denied medical treatment or even haircuts, not getting their mail on a regular basis, being confined to their cells most of the day, and not being allowed to talk to their attorneys.

This is America?  No, this is more like the Star Chamber of Merry Olde England, where the King used criminal process to control his political enemies.  [Criminal Evidence: Principles and Cases by Thomas J. Gardner, Terry M. Anderson, p. 175].   Constitutional rights and due process were thrown out the window.  What is happening to the January 6th prisoners is starting to look like indefinite detention, which is a big constitutional no-no.  Why don’t we just cut to the chase and put them on the rack until they denounce Trump and admit they conspired with him to overthrow the U.S. government?

The Democrats want to paint these prisoners as insurrectionists, committed revolutionaries who conspired to take down the whole system.  Stupid wahoos who didn’t know what their goal was or how to achieve it, but were just upset, is more like it.  Anybody like me who has tried to organize anything will tell you the grassroots political Right is completely incapable of pulling together anything as complicated as overthrowing a government.  Heck, we organizers have a hard enough time getting people to write to Congress on important issues.   Don’t tell me this was a planned insurrection.  I don’t believe you.  Twelve years of trying to herd cats on the political Right tells me otherwise.

So how about a little justice for the January 6th prisoners whose cases have not yet been resolved?  Why not let them see their families?  Why not grant them bail?  Why not give them court dates and get on with it?  If there’s an insurrection here, it’s by the Democrats who have turned this whole thing into a big circus to persecute their political enemies, and who are stomping all over these prisoners and the Constitution in the process.

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Skirmish column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Media’s Propaganda Services for Idol Fidel Castrol Continue—Five Years After His Death thumbnail

Media’s Propaganda Services for Idol Fidel Castrol Continue—Five Years After His Death

By Agustin Blazquez

Five years ago this week a 90 year old Fidel Castro died peacefully in bed—a longevity and manner of passing he denied tens of thousands of his subjects. Naturally the big guns of the Democrat Party and Mainstream Media tried to give “balance” to his Stalinist regime’s “achievements” vs. its methodology. And some of them paid dearly—made to look like total jackasses—for their asinine commentary, Soledad O’Brien in particular.

The Castro regime (many of the same people running Cuba today) jailed and tortured political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin did during the Great Terror. They murdered more Cubans in their first three years in power than Hitler’s regime murdered Germans during their first six.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro could have been Cuba’s Elvis!” (Dan Rather)

The Castro regime shattered — through mass-executions, mass-jailings, mass larceny and exile — virtually every family on the island of Cuba. Many opponents of the Castro regime qualify as the longest-suffering political prisoners in modern history, having suffered prison camps, forced labor and torture chambers for a period three times as long in Fidel Castro’s Gulag as Alexander Solzhenitsyn suffered in Stalin’s Gulag.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro is very shy and sensitive, I frankly like him and regard him as a friend.” (Democratic presidential candidate, Presidential Medal of Freedom winner, and “Conscience of the Democratic party,” George Mc Govern.)

Fidel and Raul Castro beat ISIS to the game by over half a century. As early as January 1959 they were filming their murders for the media-shock value.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro first and foremost is and always has been a committed egalitarian. He wanted a system that provided the basic needs to all. Cuba has superb systems of health care and universal education…We greeted each other as old friends.”  (Former President of the United States and official “Elder Statesman” of the Democratic party, Jimmy Carter.)

The Castro brothers also came closest of anyone in history to (wantonly) starting a worldwide nuclear war.

In the above process the Castros converted a highly-civilized nation with a higher standard of living than much of Europe and swamped with immigrants into a slum/sewer ravaged by tropical diseases and with the highest suicide rate in the Western hemisphere.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro is old-fashioned, courtly–even paternal, a thoroughly fascinating figure!” (NBC’s Andrea Mitchell.)

Over TWENTY TIMES as many people (and counting) have died trying to escape Castro’s Cuba as died trying to escape East Germany. Yet prior to Castroism, Cuba received more immigrants per-capita than almost any nation on earth—more than the U.S. did including the Ellis Island years, in fact.   

And yet:

“Viva Fidel! Viva Che!” (Two-time candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Jesse Jackson, bellowed while arm in arm with Fidel Castro himself in 1984.)

Fidel Castro helped train and fund practically every terror group on earth, from the Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, from Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, from the Black Panthers to the IRA and from the PLO to Al-Fatah.

Would anyone guess any of the above from reading or listening to the mainstream media, or the (Fake) History Channel, upon his death—or since?

In fact, from their reactions, all that dancing in the streets of Miami’s Little Havana when Fidel finally croaked seemed to strike many mainstream Media talking heads as odd, if not downright unseemly.

According to the scholars and researchers at the Cuba Archive, the Castro regime’s total death toll–from torture, prison beatings, firing squads, machine gunning of escapees, drownings, etc.–approaches 100,000. Cuba’s population in 1960 was 6.4 million. According to the human rights group Freedom House, 500,000 Cubans (young and old, male and female) have passed through Castro’s prison and forced-labor camps. This puts Fidel Castro’s political incarceration rate right up there with his hero Stalin’s.

It’s not enough that liberals refuse to acknowledge any justification for the Cuban-American celebrations upon his death. No, on top of that here’s the type of thing the celebrants are accustomed to hearing from the media and famous Democrats:

“Castro’s personal magnetism is still powerful, his presence is still commanding. Cuba has very high literacy, and Castro has brought great health care to his country.” (Barbara Walters.)

“Fidel Castro is one helluva guy!” (CNN founder Ted Turner.)

Whatever else you might say about Fidel Castro, nobody ever accused him of misreading the U.S. mainstream media.

“Much more valuable to us than military recruits for our guerrilla army were recruiting American reporters to export our propaganda.” (Fidel Castro’s sidekick Che Guevara, 1959.)

“Without the help of the New York Timesthe Revolution in Cuba would never have been.” (Fidel Castro while pinning a medal on NY Times reporter Herbert Matthews, April, 1959.)

As seen from the quotes above, the propaganda services by much of the mainstream media for the Castro regime continues apace—despite half a century of terror-sponsorship, mass-murder, and mass-torture by their hero and his successors.


Humberto Fontova

EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Three Black Men Frame White Men for a Crime thumbnail

Three Black Men Frame White Men for a Crime

By Selwyn Duke

In case you haven’t guessed, my title is another way of characterizing the hoax perpetrated by actor and malefactor Jussie Smollett, currently on trial for falsely claiming he was the victim of a 2019 “hate crime.” It’s a way of framing the frame that would be quite common were the races reversed.

Of course, a white guy today doesn’t have to falsely claim anything to be demonized in media. He just has to be guilty of DWW — Defending While White, à la poor Kyle Rittenhouse or Mark McCloskey. As for Smollett, he pulls a jump-the-shark version of a “hate crime” hoax, and the media (see Robin Roberts et al.) just nod sympathetically.

There’s nothing fanciful, after all, about claiming that two white, MAGA-hat-sporting Trump supporters running around Jussie’s Chicago neighborhood at 2 a.m. in sub-zero temperatures, carrying bleach and a noose (don’t leave home without them) attacked him and screamed “MAGA country!” (I mean, it’s not like Chicago is a liberal place or anything). Why, I myself was assaulted and called speciesist names last year by a transgender sasquatch carrying a hammer and sickle flag and singing “Sweet Transvestite” from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. These things happen.

What separates the Smollett hate hoax from most others, however, and makes it even more disgusting is a certain inversion of reality: It was yet another example of a rich, influential, left-wing individual not only playing the victim, but putting the onus on the relatively powerless. Reflecting Rittenhouse’s and the Covington Catholic kids’ background, the MAGA movement comprises mainly middle-class, Middle American people — the average guy. Yet it is he, not individuals such as the wealthy and famous Smollett, who’s cast as privileged and powerful.

This institutional power enjoyed by the world’s Smolletts is reflected in how the actor’s utterly ridiculous story was embraced by media, whether they believed it or not. Some did, of course. Leftists are detached from reality, and people who’ll swear that boys can will themselves into being girls may certainly fancy Smollett’s tale plausible. (You know how crazy those Trump supporters are, after all!) But there’s also this:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it,” as Upton Sinclair put it.

Not only do leftists, dysfunctional people almost to a man, live in a world of rationalization, but the incentive to rationalize in the Smollett case was especially great. Consider:

Let’s say it’s early February 2019, and you’re a Robin Roberts or a Chris Cuomo (a pre-firing Fredo) and you retrieve your brain from where you checked it at the station door. You subsequently realize that Smollett’s story is about as plausible as Slick Willie’s saying “I did not have sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky.” You then report on the manifold holes in it. The result?

You’re condemned in social media, SJWs call for your head, and, even if you’re not fired, you become a pariah, suffer career damage and are expelled from the cocktail party circuit. And when you’re proven right sometime later, it doesn’t really matter, not nearly enough to negate the damage already done. This is for a simple reason.

In your Machiavellian milieu, the Truth is not relevant — the narrative is.

As in a criminal syndicate, telling the truth about misdeeds can be punished severely. The rule is: Don’t snitch. Don’t give up the game. It’s maintaining the lie that’s expected — and rewarded.

And part of the lie was that Jussie was oppressed, by something other than his own mental derangement, and that we live in a white supremacist nation.

Of course, if we did, the two co-conspirators who helped Smollett perpetrate his hoax, Nigerian immigrants Abimbola and Olabingo Osundairo, would never have been in this country in the first place. And if we did, we’d certainly be hearing as much about how three black men framed white men for a crime as we’d hear about a white-on-black frame-up that might occur today (but, strangely, never does).

Oh, and how much prison time would a white hate hoaxer get for filing a false police report and wasting thousands of hours of department manpower? Because it’s predicted that poor oppressed Jussie will skate with probation and community service.

Man, I’d like to get me some ‘a that there oppression.

Contact Selwyn Duke; follow him on GabMeWe, or Parler; or log on to SelwynDuke.com.

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Tyranny with a Needle thumbnail

Tyranny with a Needle

By Kelleigh Nelson

“A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of a higher obligation…To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus, absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.” – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to J.B. Colvin, September 20, 1780

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent, we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” – George Washington

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” – Patrick Henry

“Tyranny is tyranny, no matter what its form; the free man will resist it if his courage serves.” Judge Learned Hand

Our only weapon is the truth and, in the end, the truth must always defeat the lie. Ten years ago, we would have been shocked and outraged by the very idea of censorship, but I’m afraid we’ve all become acclimated to cruelty and injustice by being exposed to it in steadily increasing doses throughout the years.

Intolerable wrongs we accept now as a matter of course, would have provoked marches in the streets and calls for new elections only a few years ago.  I cannot accept injustice any more now than I did as a teenager with my mother constantly educating me on the evils that could befall America. Fear laden propaganda has become steadily more oppressive where citizens are tempted to believe whatever our Pravda media and medical hierarchy tell them.

How quickly medical staff bowed to the “protocols for Covid patients,” when so many of the tests were false positives, many died unnecessarily and early treatment was ignored. That didn’t stop hospitals, corporations and schools from genuflecting to the Covid jab mandates.  It was never about life saving treatment, it was about the jab.

America’s Health Care Decline

If you haven’t purchased a copy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, you are missing a great and informative read on a vile and odious man who has done nothing to improve America’s health care and is an unelected autocratic leader.  Fauci is a combination of Hitler, Mengele and Goebbels, the evil leader, doctor and propagandist.

Robert Kennedy states, “When Dr. Fauci took office, America was still ranked among the world’s healthiest populations. An August 2021 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked America’s health care system dead last among industrialized nations, with the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy.  ‘If health care were an Olympic sport, the US might not qualify in a competition with other high-income nations,’ laments the study’s lead author, Eric Schneider, who serves as Senior Vice President for Policy and Research at the Commonwealth Fund.”

“Following WWII, life expectancy in the US climbed for five decades, making Americans among the longest-lived people in the developed world.  IQ also grew steadily by three points each decade since 1900.  But as Tony Fauci spent the 1990s expanding the pharmaceutical and chemical paradigm, instead of public health, the pace of both longevity and intelligence slowed.  The life expectancy decrease widened the gap between the US and its peers to nearly five years, and American children have lost seven IQ points since 2000.”

Congress had specifically charged Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to investigate and prevent certain illnesses within the American public.  Instead, allergies, autoimmune and chronic illnesses have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when Fauci took over NIAID in 1984.

People from every nation would journey to America to receive the finest in health care worldwide.  That is no longer true.

Drs. Fauci, Birx and Redfield were chosen by VP Michael Pence, the Trojan Horse within the Trump administration. Trump chose Pence to head the Covid Task Force, so the buck stops with our 45th President.  It took Pence’s January 6th failure to save the Trump presidency and the Republic before our favorite 21st century president realized the deep state neo-con he had chosen stabbed him in the back, and the Republic in the heart.

Coverup to Catastrophe

People are being damaged every day via Covid inoculations and Covid doesn’t even exist anymore.  Many of the vaxxed who carry 251 to 1000 of the viral loads in their nasal and oral pathways are spreading the enhanced variants.

The lie is that the uninoculated are spreading the virus!  No, it’s the twice or thrice jabbed who are spreading illness and death. Look at the highly inoculated states compared to the lower jabbed states…it’s obvious.  There are more people sick and dying who have been vaxxed than those who have abstained.  (Michael Yon calls us “pure bloods.”)  According to the New York Times, the least vaccinated states of West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming, Mississippi and Alabama are seeing a fall in case numbers.

Attorney Aaron Siri has published an initial report addressing information he demanded and received via civil lawsuit from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Those subpoenaed FDA files prove they knew the Pfizer vax has dangerous side effects.

That hasn’t stopped our Pravda media from making demands of their illegitimate leader.  CNBC host Jim Cramer called on President Joe Biden to not only require forced vaccination of all Americans, but he also wants the military to enforce it!  Cramer adds that in order to put an end to this “pandemic,” the federal government needs to require vaccines, including booster shots, for everyone in America by, say, January 1st.”

On Steve Bannon’s November 26th show, Peter Navarro said, “There has to be an end immediately to the universal vax policy.  It’s very clear and Dr. Malone can talk about the science of this, and that we are running the risk of creating vaccine resistant mutations. They are proliferating. That could wind up doing great harm to people around the world who, ironically, are vaccinated.  That policy is not working.  The Malone/Navarro doctrine is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable targets. Always remember that we are not really vaccinating people, that is not a vaccination.”

Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone are still pushing this vax for the “most vulnerable.”  Who are they?  The elderly, often referred to as “useless eaters” by the proponents of depopulation and genocide, are most likely to have deleterious side effects from the jab.

Bill Gates believes we must reduce the population of the world by at least a billion people and this will be done by abortion and vaccine euthanasia, whereas United Nations Agenda 21/30 believes the world population must be reduced by 85 percent.  Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness, polio for example in India, and sterilizing young women in Kenya with modified tetanus vaccines. Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the World Health Organization (WHO) and, yes, the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is calling for “Investigations into the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ for Medical Malpractice and Crimes Against Humanity.” Also see, Coronavirus – No Vaccine Is Needed to Cure It.

All Roads Lead to the Vaccine

There are places in Southeast Asia and Europe where the groundwork is being laid for compulsory vaccination, where you’ll be forcibly jabbed.  That is how bad the stakeholders want vaccination.  The stakeholders are Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, the CDC, NIH, FDA, AMA, the White House, Gates Foundation and WHO.  We’ve never had this before, this massive propaganda program.

It’s a “needle in every arm,” as Dr. Peter McCullough has explained in many interviews.  As for Covid recovered patients, why would these stakeholders want a needle in every arm when recovered have God’s natural immunity?

Only two months of investigations were done for these jabs that could give you everything from a sore arm to death.  They take your information, get you to sign a release and you are now in a database.

Recent visits to two new hand surgeons, since my previous surgeon retired early, have let me know that they are all about the protocols to save their sorry backsides, and they refuse to believe in God’s natural immunity. They tell me I should get the vax despite recovery from C-19 and verified antibodies.  I have been in the home of a friend who is 48 and has Delta and was very sick.  I am not worried that I will catch anything.

North Carolina just passed a law that 12-year-old youngsters can make their own decisions on the vax, and it could be their fatal decision. In America and in Europe, thousands die on days one, two, and three after the vaccine.  This is despotic tyranny.

Why are we pushing this in a way where people’s jobs, education and livelihood decide on a position that is potentially fatal?  So many parents want their children to go to college this year, but they don’t want them forced into taking an experimental jab that could kill or cripple them.  The internet is full of these cases; blood clots, strokes, immediate death, pericarditis and myocarditis to name just a few.  Dr. Peter McCullough says that he cannot recommend this injection because it has passed all thresholds to being a safe product.  It’s not just Johnson and Johnson, in fact, more of the safety events have occurred with Pfizer and Moderna.

There are now papers by prominent worldwide scientists calling for a halt in the program. There are prominent virologists, including Nobel Prize winners who have said, “If we vax to the long-gone Wuhan Covid spike protein, it’s going to grow super bugs that will really wipe out populations.” Dr. Michael Yeadon, former top scientist and VP at Pfizer has said, “You are 50 times more likely to die of the vax than of Covid.”

I believe this is what is wanted by the stakeholders…depopulation via genocide and vaccine euthanasia.

Dr. Peter McCullough believes indiscriminate vaccination is a horrendous bioweapon that has been thrust onto the public and will cause great personal harm which it already has accomplished.


Only one percent of the vaccine death and adverse events are reported on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in America.  Why?  It takes a half hour to fill out the report and at the end of every page it says, “Warning, federal offense and severe fines and penalties if falsified reports.”

People are talking to each other; they know the vaccines are not safe and now they want children without parental oversight to have these jabs! And get this…now they want to be in the church!  If your church promotes this, run to the nearest exit!

Whitney Webb, a professional writer, researcher and journalist said that this is what globalists have been waiting for.  Whitney believes they’re waiting for a way of marking people.  When you get a vaccine, you’re marked in the database and this can be used for trade, commerce, behavior modification. Dr. McCullough says you can see it in Dallas where they’ve announced that you can’t go to a Dallas Mavericks game unless you’re vaccinated.

Colleges today are announcing they’re not giving any credits even to natural God given immunity.  And it goes against all previous science.  Have you had chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough?  You’re immune for life!  Every scientist in the world knows that natural immunity is way better than the vax immunity.  Why is faulty vax immunity the priority and natural immunity doesn’t count?

Dr. McCullough agrees with Whitney Webb and believes the vax is a way of marking people, similar to communist China’s social credit system.  The vax is just the starter, they’re already prepping people for numerous boosters.  McCullough asks, “What product is there that is indemnified, where if something goes wrong, you have no recourse?”  When a pregnant woman gets vaccinated, she has no maternal fetal rights.   Something happens to her baby and she’s out of luck?  This is extraordinary what Americans are doing and accepting.

As of December 4th, 2021, 2,809 dead babies were reported in VAERS following Covid shots.  New documents prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC knew the shots were not safe for pregnant women.

The Nuremberg Code was enacted to stop sadistic human medical experimentation from ever happening again, but individual European states and now the entire E.U. are ready to scrap the code.

A Nuremberg 2.0 trial against world leaders for crimes against humanity has kicked off in Poland.  Attorneys, doctors and researchers are joining together and are willing to go into an international court and testify about the genocidal efforts of those who launched the viral bioweapon and the death shots.  Let us hope and pray that this proves successful for the survival of humanity.

Vaccine Safety Data

Not just our older vaccines, but newer vaccines like shingles, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal vaccines demand a minimum of two years of safety data codified into regulatory rules for the manufacturers.  That was all thrown out for the Covid vax and it was two-month “warp speed.”  The idea that we could vaccinate people who were not even tested in the trials has never been done before.  The very first pregnant woman vaxxed in the US was done without any knowledge of safety or efficacy.

The argument was that Covid was a very bad illness and 600K people died so everyone needs the jab and they need it now.  But as Dr. McCullough and other outspoken and honest physicians and scientists have stated, 85% of those people could have been saved with early home treatments which were actively suppressed and quashed by the stakeholders and Pravda media.  Let’s see the “safety” of these vaccines, because there is none being shown!  Americans never received weekly updates on vaccine safety from federal officials.  The lack of these two things are the largest examples of medical malfeasance, wrongdoing by those in authority, in all medical regulatory history.

There were no updates on treatment, no promotion of early treatment to reduce hospitalization and death, and now when we release the vaccine, why are there no safety updates, why are there no attempts for risk mitigation in terms of making the vaccine program safer?

Dr. McCullough stated, “Never, out of the box, is a brand-new technology tried on a pregnant woman.  We know this vax technology produces the dangerous spike protein. The Wuhan spike protein, the spicule on the ball of the virus itself which damages blood vessels and causes blood clotting, and all of them do, we would never unleash that into a pregnant woman’s body.  Something is very wrong with what’s going on.  What’s going on now in the world, these are examples, clear cut examples, of wrong doing, that is at such a high level.  The group think is in the wrong direction in such a consistent and overwhelming way that people are being harmed in an extraordinary fashion.”


The stakeholders have continually promoted Sars-coV-2 as something far worse than it is to push everyone into accepting the Covid inoculations. Loneliness and lockdowns actually did more damage, but was the impetus to “a needle in every arm.”  Early treatment was the key, but an early treatment meant there was no need for a “vaccine.” Treatment was quashed while thousands needlessly died, and Americans were told normalcy would only return with the “warp speed” vax. The fear propaganda worked and Pravda media promoted mass “vaccination.”

Vaxxing the elderly and infirm came first, then pregnant women, and the unborn died in record numbers.  Next were injections for the Covid recovered.  Now they’re on to our children and soon to our babies.  How many have to die before this evil is stopped?  The limit to shut down a vax program is 25 to 50 deaths as we saw with the swine flu in 1976.  We have lost thousands in America alone.  Scroll through the VAERS summary for Covid jabs, remembering this is only one percent of reported deaths or adverse effects.

In America, with about 100 million receiving the Covid jab, this is far and away the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever injected into a human body in American history and it’s going strong.  There is no mention of safety by our officials, with wild enthusiasm by our hospitals and hospital administrators, with doctors supporting it, many of whom are saying they won’t see patients in offices if they’re not jabbed.

It has never been about the virus; it has always been about the vaccine.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


Mandating Covid Vaccines for Children is Insane.https://t.co/HgvDeiexyn

— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) December 7, 2021

Check Your Member of Congress’ Freedom Index thumbnail

Check Your Member of Congress’ Freedom Index

By Royal A. Brown III

The Freedom Index rates members of congress based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements.

Congressional Voting Records

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The Freedom Index is an educational resource provided by The New American magazine. We do not endorse or oppose candidates. The Freedom Index is intended to inform the American people, candidates, and elected officials about the rights and freedoms protected by the Constitution of the United States.

Please share links to Freedom Index pages and print versions of the Freedom Index Congressional Scorecards with groups, friends and associates to help inform and educate them on the issues affecting their freedom.

Learn more about The Freedom Index by clicking here.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Democrat Howard Dean: Unvaccinated Republicans Are ‘Irresponsible,’ ‘Disgusting’ thumbnail

Democrat Howard Dean: Unvaccinated Republicans Are ‘Irresponsible,’ ‘Disgusting’

By Discover The Networks

Thursday on MSNBC’s The Beat, former DNC chairman and all-around loser Howard Dean dismissed Republicans who refuse the experimental vaccine against COVID-19 as “disgusting.”

Asked about reports that Donald Trump tested positive for COVID a few days before the first presidential debate in 2020, Dean launched into a bitter, angry smear of the former President: “Look, Trump was the most immoral and irresponsible president in the history of the country. He may or may not be the worst president, but he certainly is in contention. But he was certainly the one with the fewest morals and scruples and certainly the craziest in terms of psychiatric illness. So we are used to this kind of stuff. I am not shocked. I am disgusted. I am not shocked.”

Dean is a demagogic idiot with no standing even in his own corrupt, power-obsessed Party. Literally every sentence of his anti-Trump rant is demonstrably false.

He went on to complain that a recent poll revealed that “41% of Republicans today said they wouldn’t get the shot, but 24% of them said they would never get the shot, ever. If Republicans are a little less than half of the country, that means an eighth of the country intends never to be vaccinated, which means we’ll never get rid of this virus. There will always be a reservoir of this virus in the American population until we can get up over 85%- 90% vaccination. That is irresponsible, and that is what is disgusting.”

Dean and his leftist comrades are enraged that there remain Republicans who will not comply with their totalitarian vaccine madness, which has nothing to do with public health or “following the science,” and everything to do with seizing and holding power. Democrats don’t care about eradicating COVID; they want to eradicate political opposition.

65 Known Connections

At a May 2014 Democratic fundraiser in Colorado, Dean denounced the Republican Party:

“This is a Republican party that has decided they like power so much that they think it’s okay to win by taking away the right to vote…. They are not American. They could be more comfortable in the Ukraine or Russia but stay away from our country. This is based on the right to vote…. We have had enough of the politics of anger. We have had enough of the politics of hate. We have had enough of the politics of division.”

To learn more about Howard Dean, click here.


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Maloney: ‘We’re Not Even in a Democracy’ Without Abortions

Jen Psaki Falsely Claims Trump Told People to ‘Inject Bleach’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.