GOP Senators: Garland Has ‘Given Life to the Idea Dissidents Are Synonymous with Terrorists’ thumbnail

GOP Senators: Garland Has ‘Given Life to the Idea Dissidents Are Synonymous with Terrorists’

By Discover The Networks

A letter signed by the 11 Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee demanded that Attorney General Merrick Garland withdraw his October 4 memo ordering the FBI to investigate parents who speak out at school board meetings against leftist classroom indoctrination, particularly of the racist ideology known as Critical Race Theory.

“Are concerned parents domestic terrorists or not?” the letter begins. “No arm of the government, including the offices under your command, may be used to chill criticism of local government officials. By involving the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division in this matter, that is exactly what you have done.”

Describing school officials as persons who “just happen to be a major constituency of the political party that currently controls the White House and the Department of Justice,” the senators write that the use of counterterrorism tools against parents is the federal government’s attempt to flex its “muscle in [the] marketplace of ideas.”

“Make no mistake about it — there are those who would be perfectly happy with the federal government, now including the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, scaring people out of criticizing local school boards,” the letter continues. “A big part of this problem, which you either do not understand or are complicit in, is that too many people nowadays equate ideas they do not like with violence.”

“You have given life to the idea that dissidents are synonymous with terrorists,” the senators concluded. “This is a common tactic of third-world dictatorships, but it should never be FBI practice.”

Merrick Garland

5 Known Connections

FBI Whistleblower Reveals That the Bureau Created a “Threat Tag” to Track Alleged Harassment of Education Officials

On November 16, 2021, Fox News reported that an October 20 internal email from the FBI’s criminal and counterterrorism divisions — as part of the agency’s implementation of Garland’s October 4 memo citing an increase in harassment of education officials — instructed agents to apply the threat tag “EDUOFFICIALS” to all probes of threats allegedly directed at school board officials, teachers and staff. “The purpose of the threat tag is to help scope this threat on a national level, and provide an opportunity for comprehensive analysis of the threat picture for effective engagement with law enforcement partners at all levels,” said the email. It also instructed FBI agents to try to determine: (a) what may have been the motivation behind the criminal activity being investigated, and (b) whether that activity violated any federal laws.

Reacting to news of the FBI threat tags, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan tweeted on November 16: “Merrick Garland testified that the FBI wasn’t targeting parents. We now know the FBI is ‘tagging’ parents they consider threatening. The Attorney General has some explaining to do.” In a similar vein, Republican Senator Josh Hawley tweeted: “If this is accurate, parents are getting the domestic-terrorist treatment after all.”

To learn more about Merrick Garland, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Cost of a Constitutional Republic thumbnail

The Cost of a Constitutional Republic

By Save America Foundation

“Trust is the easiest thing in the world to loose, and the hardest thing in the world to get back.” – R. Williams

Today’s blog comes from my wife’s and my pastor, Pastor G Antonio Smart, at Victory Independent Baptist Church on MacDill Ave., South Tampa. We travel 45 minutes to attend this church because of the pastor. He is a US Air Force veteran, a patriot and a massive second amendment supporter. He speaks out fearlessly on subjects like race, truth about slavery, abortion, the constitution, the enemy within among many other subjects most pastors, especially black pastors, will not talk about out of fear of losing their tax benefits!

We first met this great Pastor at an anti Muslim Brotherhood rally in Tampa. Something drew us to him and we started talking. We were kindred souls instantly. He became the Chaplain for the Save America Foundation attending meetings and opening and closing them in prayer. Those of you that know me understand that I do not get close to many people that quick but I want you all to know that both Pastor Smart and his church of over 30 years are the real thing.

Please read and enjoy this blog which was written by Pastor Smart some years ago when President Obama was in the White House. It was published July 4th, 2009. Feel free to share, like and comment.

The Cost of a Constitutional Republic by Pasto G. Antonio Smart

The President of the United States on a recent trip to Egypt made it a point to state that “America is not a Christian nation.”

While it is true that there are many different religious groups living within the borders of the United States, the vast majority of citizens of this country still overwhelmingly profess Christianity. The government is not Christian, but the citizens are.

The European colonists that came to America in the 17th century brought their faith with them and founded a nation under God where religious freedom could be practiced. They had no intention of founding an Islamic state, a communist state, another monarchy, or a military dictatorship.

The American Revolution gave birth to a Constitutional Republic in which the rights of the individual are to be respected, and the rule of law was established to maintain an honorable society.

The Constitution is the document that guarantees that the citizens of America would not have their unalienable rights trampled upon by the very government they place in power.

The ideology that brought about the creation of the United States was based upon the concept of the government perpetually deriving its power from the people, thus preventing it from ever becoming despotic.

The adoption of the Constitution in 1787 created the Constitutional Republic in which the government leaders as well as all the citizens are mandated to obey the laws of the land.

In theory, the President, Vice-President, members of Congress, and the courts are supposed to operate in the best interest of the people and are to enforce and legislate just laws.

The framers of the US Constitution deliberated at great lengths to produce a text that would honor the ideals for which the revolutionary war of Independence was fought. Equal rights under the law would become a governing principle, if not always a pure reality.

The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15, 1791; ten amendments designed to protect the individual citizen from the potential and foreseen abuses of the government. The first of these contains the freedom of religion clause forbidding the government from establishing a state religion and thereby effectively protecting Christians from persecution and oppression.

The cost of a Constitutional Republic where freedom reigns, like the cost of spiritual redemption in which the soul is made free, is BLOOD. In order to be free from all forms of tyranny men had to bleed and some had to die; all had to fight.

Would those brave men have fought for an Islamic Republic?

Would they have fought for a Marxist -Socialist state?

I believe the answer to be a resounding NO. America is only as good as God’s grace is shed on HIS people that are still here. As far as we are concerned our republic exists because of Christians.

At this time I would like to invite any of you looking for a church to try ours: Victory Independent Baptist Church and Christian Academy, 6202 South MacDill, Tampa. Florida. 33611. Sunday Bible classes start at 10:00am and Sunday service at 11:00am. Sunday evening service is done on Zoom at 6:30pm. Wednesday evening is a Bible study and prayer session starting at 7:00pm.

Come and join a true Bible experience taught by a true, America loving Pastor. America needs you all but our population has to turn back to God. If anyone has questions feel free to let me know in the comments section or if you know me via email or phone.

More from Pastor Smart can be read and watched by clicking here.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Millions of Children Targeted by the FDA thumbnail

Millions of Children Targeted by the FDA

By J.W. Bryan

When the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) okayed the current Pfizer “vaccine,” it is not a vaccine, rather a bioweapon, according to overwhelming and mounting evidence backed up by testimony from many physicians, scientists, and virologists. It signed a potential death warrant for millions of children across the globe.

Dr. Richard L. Fleming, PhD, M.D., J.D., contacted the Federal Drug Administration concerning the safety and efficacy of the Covid “vaccine” and was assured by them, in words to the effect, “that it was everything a vaccine should be – very pristine.” However, it appears that Dr. Fleming was somewhat dubious of the FDA claims. So, he and his team went into action with tests to either confirm or reject its claim.

The results: Surprise! Surprise!

I’ll let him tell you about that. If he is correct in the findings, which I have no doubt of, it bodes very ill for the children of the world. One report stated that it could amount to as many as 28 million affected. Click here.

Let me just give you a few highlights of what Dr. Fleming stated.

According to Dr. Fleming, he and his team tested the vaccine that the FDA said was, in words to the effect, “everything a vaccine should be – very pristine” What they found was totally different.

Beginning with dropping a saline solution on a blood sample – the blood didn’t change, but after adding the Pfizer vaccine the blood became pale which meant that the oxygen and or the hemoglobin had been removed/extracted from the red blood cell. This would indicate (which he explains) that this “vaccine” would destroy the red blood cells, therefore preventing the blood from delivering enough oxygen throughout the body.

I have listened to this video several times and each time I learn more about the importance of the blood. But it shouldn’t be any surprise for God’s Word tells us that “Life is in the blood.”

Additionally, Dr. D.C. Jarvis, in one of his books on arthritis tells us that there are three ways that acid enters the blood.  After naming the ways, he names what monitors this and if and when excess acid enters which would change the PH balance from 7.2 to the lower or acid side.  Then the excess is kicked out and distributed throughout the body to form a bed of immunity that no virus or other various organisms can live in.

The ill which this jab bodes for the millions of children is only a miniscule tip of the iceberg compared to the heartbreak of the millions of families throughout the world. We cannot imagine more than a smidgen of their total suffering in the years to come, especially when it dawns them, that it was all a big lie. And as a result of being uninformed or misinformed, or maybe in some cases, just being completely ignorant of what was happening, they failed in their greatest responsibility to protect their children.

Children of our Past

This is absolutely heartbreaking for me. There are many children across this land which we haven’t seen for many years that my wife, Polly, and I have a connection with. For about 20 years, after I retired from International Paper Company, we were employed as house parents in Children’s Homes.

This resulted in our entering into a new life, for we looked not only as a new life but as an extra life given to us by God. We were entering into something that prior to this we had no idea or cognizance of the fact that there were many children, through circumstances not of their making, who were now having to adjust to a mode of living in which they were removed from family.  Other than occasional visits, their daily lives had dramatically changed.

We went into this new venture having successfully reared three grown children of our own who were now creating their own lives. As such, we believed that we had the experience and qualifications to become house parents to ten to twelve children in a children’s home.  The reality was…we weren’t…we only thought we were. We now know that it is very doubtful that anyone is really qualified for the position of house parents in a children’s home.

We were into this for over three years before becoming comfortable and in, what we considered, complete command of what we were responsible for. We now know that “what we considered’ was not correct. We were never in complete command; there were so many things we didn’t teach them.

Nevertheless, we were blessed with what agape love is all about, love that continues even when it is not returned. I had never considered that at some time I would love children who were not my own as much as if they were mine. These children, especially a group of girls we spent six years with, tunneled their way into our hearts so that it was almost unbearable when we decided to leave.

I believe this was the saddest day of my life. When I walked out the back of Phillips Cottage, AT Palmer Home for Children, after the gathering of Polly and I in the living room for prayer and the bidding of goodbye to the girls. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that they had followed me, I suppose to maybe say goodbye once more before I drove off.

As I watched them, I realized that they were all weeping. So, I had to return to them to try and give them some comfort, but I needed comfort myself. I spent a few minutes hugging and talking to them while, at the same time, I was weeping along with them. Finally, I said, “Well, girls, I need to leave, momma Polly has already left, and I don’t need to let her get too far ahead of me.”

Thinking back on this time, I remember Dr. Waldron, the CEO of Palmer Home for Children, was waiting for me by my truck.  I was heartbroken and continued weeping when he said to me, “When you get about 15 or 20 miles down the road, you’ll began to feel a lot better.”

Our love for those children never diminished, and we still think about them today.

In the following weeks and years, I continued to be very concerned for our girls. I wrote a little booklet about the time we spent with them entitled, “Precious Journey.” At the end I voiced my concern and dread for their future. I think I stated it something like this, “We are very concerned about the future of our girls. I think of Krystal, she was the oldest, she will soon cross the threshold into adulthood what will she do, where will she go? I envision her vaulting upon the back of a wild steed and grasping a handful of the horse’s mane and charging into God’s thunderstorm of life.”

This was about 22 years ago, and the concern we had for them at that time can’t be compared to the concern we have now, with all the murdering of people under the pretense of fighting a virus that according to mounting, overwhelming evidence doesn’t even exist.


But what chills me to the bone is what they are doing and planning for today’s children. I pray for them, but I know by the testimony of many doctors and scientists that these bioweapons called ‘vaccines” are engineered and designed to either kill or seriously injure. My prayer is that they know that faith in God is their only refuge.

Now the White House is urging Americans to undergo booster shots to help prevent the spread of new strains when they originally told us the vaccine would protect us from all strains. This reveals how urgent and determined the forces behind the Plandemic have become. They are aware that time is of an essence – they need to proceed with their depopulation goal and most people are unaware of their plans.

Implicit in this “urging of Americans by the White House to undergo COVID booster doses to help prevent the spread of new strains,” actually means “the booster will bring forth new strains of the virus.” This third jab is one of the biggest lies coming from the very depths of Hell by the stakeholders. Foolish Americans and most of our medical personnel will agree to once again be government guinea pigs.

For us to understand the true meaning of it we must perceive it 180 degrees from how they intend for us to see it.  For us to see the truth of it, we must read it like this, “The White House is urging Americans to undergo COVID booster doses to aid in the spreading of death throughout the world.”

By interpreting this esoterically, we can see that the injection of the current jab, the bioweapon called a “vaccine,” isn’t killing people fast enough.  In order to speed up the operation, i.e., the global objective, for decreasing the earth’s population by 91.7%, a bioweapon booster shot is designed to accomplish what the former two-jab bioweapon, failed to bring to fruition.  These are the expectations of the stakeholders behind the Great Reset, represented by Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and others too numerous to list.

Listen to Mike Adams as he excoriates the FDA for their endorsement of murderous vaccine atrocities against children.

According to Brian Shilhavy, Editor of Health Impact news, the flames of “COVID fear” are being stoked again, as the Big Pharma Globalists unleash their new plan to increase profits, and exert more tyrannical control over populations by using corporate media and puppet politicians in an attempt to extend the false “COVID pandemic.”

Within just a couple of days after announcing that a “new variant” had been discovered in Africa, Big Pharma has now promised the world that they are rushing to rescue everyone with new drugs and new vaccines to fight this “deadly new variant.”

But Big Pharma is not rushing to rescue anyone.  Reality is that it is rushing to implement provisions which will kill millions of people across the globe.

Listen to Mike Adams as he explains how the cover story of the “Nu” (Omicron) variant plays into accelerating a wave of “vaccine” deaths. Link  According to Adams, the omicron “variant” media hysteria is pure fiction. It’s nothing but a 1984-style Orwellian psychological terrorism operation that has been engineered to keep the populations of the world enslaved and obedient while terrorist governments carry out their global depopulation/genocide programs.

I agree with him on most everything he presents. There is one part of his presentation, however, that I disagree with, and that is where he speaks of the danger from the variant and what we can do in defense against it, when it only exists in the minds of the people that are targeted.

To my mind, based on the evidence thus far, the only way there is any danger from it is when one takes the vaccine in defense of it. That is the purpose and strategy behind the omicron “variant” media hysteria – to develop a climate of fear.  And fear does not come from God, it is a weapon of the devil.


Please share this article in as many ways as possible. There are millions of people who continue to believe that the COVID-19 jabs, as well as the boosters, are a defense against the “COVID” virus and variants. According to all evidence submitted by multiple physicians and scientists, the virus has a 99.8% recovery rate which is lower than the seasonal flu.  If we fall for their lies and consider them to be the truth, the result will be the same as if their lies are the truth – and the “pandemic” will exist, but it will be foisted upon us via their spike protein clot shots.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.

Where Are the Government COVID Vaccine Safety Studies? thumbnail

Where Are the Government COVID Vaccine Safety Studies?

By Save America Foundation

Yesterday I reported to you the number of adverse reaction reports filed about COVID vaccines in the U.S. has topped 900,000 and the number of deaths shortly following COVID vaccinations now exceeds 19,000, according to official government numbers.  Today, we look at what happened in the first 90 days after the government approved the Pfizer vaccine and at additional evidence that’s come in regarding the withholding of information by Pfizer before its vaccine was approved.  Both of these add urgency to the question: Has the government conducted follow-up COVID vaccine safety studies and, if not, why not?

We start with the fact the FDA wanted to hide its records about adverse reactions which occurred in the early days after the COVID vaccines were approved.  A court disagreed, and the first batch of records has been released, with more to come.  One record already released is a smoking gun.  It’s entitled “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports”.  [available here]  This document shows Pfizer received 42,000 adverse reaction reports, including 1,223 deaths in the first 90 days of vaccine use, originating from several countries.  The most frequently reported adverse reaction was nervous system disorders.  Adverse reaction “(r)eports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” the document notes (p. 5).  This puts the nail in the coffin of the argument made by my critics that adverse reactions are being over-reported.  The document goes on to discuss additional findings that three times as many women as men were injured, the Pfizer vaccine can make COVID symptoms worse, and there were a number of miscarriages and premature births which occurred in the period under consideration.

Despite all this, the Pfizer vaccine remains in use today and the government keeps pushing the phony narrative the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ without ever discussing the undeniable risks.  The government, as far as I can tell, has not performed follow-up safety studies as it is supposed to do when a problem with a vaccine becomes apparent.

Let’s turn, now, to the period before the vaccines were approved.   Pfizer originally said publicly 15 people died during its COVID vaccine trials out of 22,000 who were vaccinated.  But it submitted a report to the FDA showing the number was actually 21, not 15.  Even though most died from other causes, the discrepancy means deaths linked to Pfizer’s vaccine were 24 percent higher among those vaccinated during the trial than Pfizer was publicly letting on.

That’s significant given the fact more than 19,000 deaths associated with COVID vaccines have occurred since in the U.S. alone.

As you may recall, a whistleblower made even more serious allegations about Pfizer’s trial data last month.  The British medical journal BMJ published a whistleblower account claiming, “the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial.”

Others have accused government officials of engaging in conspiracy and criminal cover-up.  My point is that the astoundingly high number of adverse reaction reports and deaths – completely unprecedented in 30 years of vaccine injury reporting – should have prompted government officials to conduct follow-up safety studies on these vaccines, as indicated in the second half of the VAERS disclaimer.  To the best of my knowledge, no such studies have been conducted.  I have filed a Freedom of Information Act request to find out for sure.  I also want to know if the government has ever reached a decision whether to conduct such studies and I want to know the reasons for the decision, if any was made.  The government has essentially asked for the rest of December to respond to my request and I will start pressing for answers after the first of the year.

The government rushed into COVID vaccines at “warp speed”. Normal approval processes and safety protocols were not followed. It should come as no surprise there are big problems with these vaccines. We the People should know just how big these problems are before we’re tempted to support politicians who want to rush into vaccines in future pandemics.

Visit The Daily Skirmish

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


People Who Get Johnson & Johnson Vaccine at Elevated Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Study

Report: Thousands of Canadians Died Due to Delayed Care during COVID-19

RELATED VIDEO: NEW NYC Vaccine Mandate: 2 Insane Facts (EXPOSED)

January 6th: The Democrats’ Star Chamber thumbnail

January 6th: The Democrats’ Star Chamber

By Save America Foundation

A new report from House Republicans put a spotlight on the cruel treatment of the January 6th prisoners who are still awaiting trial, none of whom have been charged with insurrection.  The report cites, among other things, detention without court dates or bail, no family visits, and intentional abuse by prison guards.  C-SPAN  Gateway Pundit

Before detailing the abuses further, first, a little perspective.  The charges against these prisoners are things like trespass, assault on a police officer, and obstruction of official proceedings.  None of this amounts to insurrection, despite the Democrats’ robotic and ubiquitous incantations of the term.  Prosecutors haven’t charged insurrection because they know they can’t make a case for it.

When I was a criminal defense attorney, a charge like trespass for first offenders would have been handled completely differently.  There would have been a chance of first offender treatment whereby, if certain conditions were met, the charge would be dropped and the record expunged.  If not first offender treatment, the defendant would have been granted release on their own recognizance or small bond, probably pled guilty, and been sentenced to probation and a fine.  To keep a first offender in jail on a minor charge for almost a year without a finding of guilt or even a court date would have been unthinkable.  The way the January 6th cases are being handled is crazy, and the only reason is politics.

Back to the abuses:  A congressional delegation toured the facility where the prisoners still awaiting trial are being held and talked to them.  The delegation heard stories of broken toilets, prison guards mocking prisoners as members of a cult and telling them to denounce Trump, not being fed properly, not being allowed religious services, being denied medical treatment or even haircuts, not getting their mail on a regular basis, being confined to their cells most of the day, and not being allowed to talk to their attorneys.

This is America?  No, this is more like the Star Chamber of Merry Olde England, where the King used criminal process to control his political enemies.  [Criminal Evidence: Principles and Cases by Thomas J. Gardner, Terry M. Anderson, p. 175].   Constitutional rights and due process were thrown out the window.  What is happening to the January 6th prisoners is starting to look like indefinite detention, which is a big constitutional no-no.  Why don’t we just cut to the chase and put them on the rack until they denounce Trump and admit they conspired with him to overthrow the U.S. government?

The Democrats want to paint these prisoners as insurrectionists, committed revolutionaries who conspired to take down the whole system.  Stupid wahoos who didn’t know what their goal was or how to achieve it, but were just upset, is more like it.  Anybody like me who has tried to organize anything will tell you the grassroots political Right is completely incapable of pulling together anything as complicated as overthrowing a government.  Heck, we organizers have a hard enough time getting people to write to Congress on important issues.   Don’t tell me this was a planned insurrection.  I don’t believe you.  Twelve years of trying to herd cats on the political Right tells me otherwise.

So how about a little justice for the January 6th prisoners whose cases have not yet been resolved?  Why not let them see their families?  Why not grant them bail?  Why not give them court dates and get on with it?  If there’s an insurrection here, it’s by the Democrats who have turned this whole thing into a big circus to persecute their political enemies, and who are stomping all over these prisoners and the Constitution in the process.

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Skirmish column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Media’s Propaganda Services for Idol Fidel Castrol Continue—Five Years After His Death thumbnail

Media’s Propaganda Services for Idol Fidel Castrol Continue—Five Years After His Death

By Agustin Blazquez

Five years ago this week a 90 year old Fidel Castro died peacefully in bed—a longevity and manner of passing he denied tens of thousands of his subjects. Naturally the big guns of the Democrat Party and Mainstream Media tried to give “balance” to his Stalinist regime’s “achievements” vs. its methodology. And some of them paid dearly—made to look like total jackasses—for their asinine commentary, Soledad O’Brien in particular.

The Castro regime (many of the same people running Cuba today) jailed and tortured political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin did during the Great Terror. They murdered more Cubans in their first three years in power than Hitler’s regime murdered Germans during their first six.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro could have been Cuba’s Elvis!” (Dan Rather)

The Castro regime shattered — through mass-executions, mass-jailings, mass larceny and exile — virtually every family on the island of Cuba. Many opponents of the Castro regime qualify as the longest-suffering political prisoners in modern history, having suffered prison camps, forced labor and torture chambers for a period three times as long in Fidel Castro’s Gulag as Alexander Solzhenitsyn suffered in Stalin’s Gulag.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro is very shy and sensitive, I frankly like him and regard him as a friend.” (Democratic presidential candidate, Presidential Medal of Freedom winner, and “Conscience of the Democratic party,” George Mc Govern.)

Fidel and Raul Castro beat ISIS to the game by over half a century. As early as January 1959 they were filming their murders for the media-shock value.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro first and foremost is and always has been a committed egalitarian. He wanted a system that provided the basic needs to all. Cuba has superb systems of health care and universal education…We greeted each other as old friends.”  (Former President of the United States and official “Elder Statesman” of the Democratic party, Jimmy Carter.)

The Castro brothers also came closest of anyone in history to (wantonly) starting a worldwide nuclear war.

In the above process the Castros converted a highly-civilized nation with a higher standard of living than much of Europe and swamped with immigrants into a slum/sewer ravaged by tropical diseases and with the highest suicide rate in the Western hemisphere.

And yet:

“Fidel Castro is old-fashioned, courtly–even paternal, a thoroughly fascinating figure!” (NBC’s Andrea Mitchell.)

Over TWENTY TIMES as many people (and counting) have died trying to escape Castro’s Cuba as died trying to escape East Germany. Yet prior to Castroism, Cuba received more immigrants per-capita than almost any nation on earth—more than the U.S. did including the Ellis Island years, in fact.   

And yet:

“Viva Fidel! Viva Che!” (Two-time candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination Jesse Jackson, bellowed while arm in arm with Fidel Castro himself in 1984.)

Fidel Castro helped train and fund practically every terror group on earth, from the Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, from Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, from the Black Panthers to the IRA and from the PLO to Al-Fatah.

Would anyone guess any of the above from reading or listening to the mainstream media, or the (Fake) History Channel, upon his death—or since?

In fact, from their reactions, all that dancing in the streets of Miami’s Little Havana when Fidel finally croaked seemed to strike many mainstream Media talking heads as odd, if not downright unseemly.

According to the scholars and researchers at the Cuba Archive, the Castro regime’s total death toll–from torture, prison beatings, firing squads, machine gunning of escapees, drownings, etc.–approaches 100,000. Cuba’s population in 1960 was 6.4 million. According to the human rights group Freedom House, 500,000 Cubans (young and old, male and female) have passed through Castro’s prison and forced-labor camps. This puts Fidel Castro’s political incarceration rate right up there with his hero Stalin’s.

It’s not enough that liberals refuse to acknowledge any justification for the Cuban-American celebrations upon his death. No, on top of that here’s the type of thing the celebrants are accustomed to hearing from the media and famous Democrats:

“Castro’s personal magnetism is still powerful, his presence is still commanding. Cuba has very high literacy, and Castro has brought great health care to his country.” (Barbara Walters.)

“Fidel Castro is one helluva guy!” (CNN founder Ted Turner.)

Whatever else you might say about Fidel Castro, nobody ever accused him of misreading the U.S. mainstream media.

“Much more valuable to us than military recruits for our guerrilla army were recruiting American reporters to export our propaganda.” (Fidel Castro’s sidekick Che Guevara, 1959.)

“Without the help of the New York Timesthe Revolution in Cuba would never have been.” (Fidel Castro while pinning a medal on NY Times reporter Herbert Matthews, April, 1959.)

As seen from the quotes above, the propaganda services by much of the mainstream media for the Castro regime continues apace—despite half a century of terror-sponsorship, mass-murder, and mass-torture by their hero and his successors.


Humberto Fontova

EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Three Black Men Frame White Men for a Crime thumbnail

Three Black Men Frame White Men for a Crime

By Selwyn Duke

In case you haven’t guessed, my title is another way of characterizing the hoax perpetrated by actor and malefactor Jussie Smollett, currently on trial for falsely claiming he was the victim of a 2019 “hate crime.” It’s a way of framing the frame that would be quite common were the races reversed.

Of course, a white guy today doesn’t have to falsely claim anything to be demonized in media. He just has to be guilty of DWW — Defending While White, à la poor Kyle Rittenhouse or Mark McCloskey. As for Smollett, he pulls a jump-the-shark version of a “hate crime” hoax, and the media (see Robin Roberts et al.) just nod sympathetically.

There’s nothing fanciful, after all, about claiming that two white, MAGA-hat-sporting Trump supporters running around Jussie’s Chicago neighborhood at 2 a.m. in sub-zero temperatures, carrying bleach and a noose (don’t leave home without them) attacked him and screamed “MAGA country!” (I mean, it’s not like Chicago is a liberal place or anything). Why, I myself was assaulted and called speciesist names last year by a transgender sasquatch carrying a hammer and sickle flag and singing “Sweet Transvestite” from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. These things happen.

What separates the Smollett hate hoax from most others, however, and makes it even more disgusting is a certain inversion of reality: It was yet another example of a rich, influential, left-wing individual not only playing the victim, but putting the onus on the relatively powerless. Reflecting Rittenhouse’s and the Covington Catholic kids’ background, the MAGA movement comprises mainly middle-class, Middle American people — the average guy. Yet it is he, not individuals such as the wealthy and famous Smollett, who’s cast as privileged and powerful.

This institutional power enjoyed by the world’s Smolletts is reflected in how the actor’s utterly ridiculous story was embraced by media, whether they believed it or not. Some did, of course. Leftists are detached from reality, and people who’ll swear that boys can will themselves into being girls may certainly fancy Smollett’s tale plausible. (You know how crazy those Trump supporters are, after all!) But there’s also this:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it,” as Upton Sinclair put it.

Not only do leftists, dysfunctional people almost to a man, live in a world of rationalization, but the incentive to rationalize in the Smollett case was especially great. Consider:

Let’s say it’s early February 2019, and you’re a Robin Roberts or a Chris Cuomo (a pre-firing Fredo) and you retrieve your brain from where you checked it at the station door. You subsequently realize that Smollett’s story is about as plausible as Slick Willie’s saying “I did not have sex with that woman Monica Lewinsky.” You then report on the manifold holes in it. The result?

You’re condemned in social media, SJWs call for your head, and, even if you’re not fired, you become a pariah, suffer career damage and are expelled from the cocktail party circuit. And when you’re proven right sometime later, it doesn’t really matter, not nearly enough to negate the damage already done. This is for a simple reason.

In your Machiavellian milieu, the Truth is not relevant — the narrative is.

As in a criminal syndicate, telling the truth about misdeeds can be punished severely. The rule is: Don’t snitch. Don’t give up the game. It’s maintaining the lie that’s expected — and rewarded.

And part of the lie was that Jussie was oppressed, by something other than his own mental derangement, and that we live in a white supremacist nation.

Of course, if we did, the two co-conspirators who helped Smollett perpetrate his hoax, Nigerian immigrants Abimbola and Olabingo Osundairo, would never have been in this country in the first place. And if we did, we’d certainly be hearing as much about how three black men framed white men for a crime as we’d hear about a white-on-black frame-up that might occur today (but, strangely, never does).

Oh, and how much prison time would a white hate hoaxer get for filing a false police report and wasting thousands of hours of department manpower? Because it’s predicted that poor oppressed Jussie will skate with probation and community service.

Man, I’d like to get me some ‘a that there oppression.

Contact Selwyn Duke; follow him on GabMeWe, or Parler; or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Tyranny with a Needle thumbnail

Tyranny with a Needle

By Kelleigh Nelson

“A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of a higher obligation…To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus, absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.” – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to J.B. Colvin, September 20, 1780

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent, we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” – George Washington

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” – Patrick Henry

“Tyranny is tyranny, no matter what its form; the free man will resist it if his courage serves.” Judge Learned Hand

Our only weapon is the truth and, in the end, the truth must always defeat the lie. Ten years ago, we would have been shocked and outraged by the very idea of censorship, but I’m afraid we’ve all become acclimated to cruelty and injustice by being exposed to it in steadily increasing doses throughout the years.

Intolerable wrongs we accept now as a matter of course, would have provoked marches in the streets and calls for new elections only a few years ago.  I cannot accept injustice any more now than I did as a teenager with my mother constantly educating me on the evils that could befall America. Fear laden propaganda has become steadily more oppressive where citizens are tempted to believe whatever our Pravda media and medical hierarchy tell them.

How quickly medical staff bowed to the “protocols for Covid patients,” when so many of the tests were false positives, many died unnecessarily and early treatment was ignored. That didn’t stop hospitals, corporations and schools from genuflecting to the Covid jab mandates.  It was never about life saving treatment, it was about the jab.

America’s Health Care Decline

If you haven’t purchased a copy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, you are missing a great and informative read on a vile and odious man who has done nothing to improve America’s health care and is an unelected autocratic leader.  Fauci is a combination of Hitler, Mengele and Goebbels, the evil leader, doctor and propagandist.

Robert Kennedy states, “When Dr. Fauci took office, America was still ranked among the world’s healthiest populations. An August 2021 study by the Commonwealth Fund ranked America’s health care system dead last among industrialized nations, with the highest infant mortality and the lowest life expectancy.  ‘If health care were an Olympic sport, the US might not qualify in a competition with other high-income nations,’ laments the study’s lead author, Eric Schneider, who serves as Senior Vice President for Policy and Research at the Commonwealth Fund.”

“Following WWII, life expectancy in the US climbed for five decades, making Americans among the longest-lived people in the developed world.  IQ also grew steadily by three points each decade since 1900.  But as Tony Fauci spent the 1990s expanding the pharmaceutical and chemical paradigm, instead of public health, the pace of both longevity and intelligence slowed.  The life expectancy decrease widened the gap between the US and its peers to nearly five years, and American children have lost seven IQ points since 2000.”

Congress had specifically charged Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to investigate and prevent certain illnesses within the American public.  Instead, allergies, autoimmune and chronic illnesses have mushroomed to afflict 54 percent of children, up from 12.8 percent when Fauci took over NIAID in 1984.

People from every nation would journey to America to receive the finest in health care worldwide.  That is no longer true.

Drs. Fauci, Birx and Redfield were chosen by VP Michael Pence, the Trojan Horse within the Trump administration. Trump chose Pence to head the Covid Task Force, so the buck stops with our 45th President.  It took Pence’s January 6th failure to save the Trump presidency and the Republic before our favorite 21st century president realized the deep state neo-con he had chosen stabbed him in the back, and the Republic in the heart.

Coverup to Catastrophe

People are being damaged every day via Covid inoculations and Covid doesn’t even exist anymore.  Many of the vaxxed who carry 251 to 1000 of the viral loads in their nasal and oral pathways are spreading the enhanced variants.

The lie is that the uninoculated are spreading the virus!  No, it’s the twice or thrice jabbed who are spreading illness and death. Look at the highly inoculated states compared to the lower jabbed states…it’s obvious.  There are more people sick and dying who have been vaxxed than those who have abstained.  (Michael Yon calls us “pure bloods.”)  According to the New York Times, the least vaccinated states of West Virginia, Idaho, Wyoming, Mississippi and Alabama are seeing a fall in case numbers.

Attorney Aaron Siri has published an initial report addressing information he demanded and received via civil lawsuit from the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Those subpoenaed FDA files prove they knew the Pfizer vax has dangerous side effects.

That hasn’t stopped our Pravda media from making demands of their illegitimate leader.  CNBC host Jim Cramer called on President Joe Biden to not only require forced vaccination of all Americans, but he also wants the military to enforce it!  Cramer adds that in order to put an end to this “pandemic,” the federal government needs to require vaccines, including booster shots, for everyone in America by, say, January 1st.”

On Steve Bannon’s November 26th show, Peter Navarro said, “There has to be an end immediately to the universal vax policy.  It’s very clear and Dr. Malone can talk about the science of this, and that we are running the risk of creating vaccine resistant mutations. They are proliferating. That could wind up doing great harm to people around the world who, ironically, are vaccinated.  That policy is not working.  The Malone/Navarro doctrine is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable targets. Always remember that we are not really vaccinating people, that is not a vaccination.”

Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone are still pushing this vax for the “most vulnerable.”  Who are they?  The elderly, often referred to as “useless eaters” by the proponents of depopulation and genocide, are most likely to have deleterious side effects from the jab.

Bill Gates believes we must reduce the population of the world by at least a billion people and this will be done by abortion and vaccine euthanasia, whereas United Nations Agenda 21/30 believes the world population must be reduced by 85 percent.  Most of their vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very illness, polio for example in India, and sterilizing young women in Kenya with modified tetanus vaccines. Many of the children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the backing of the World Health Organization (WHO) and, yes, the UN Agency responsible for the Protection of Children, UNICEF.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is calling for “Investigations into the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ for Medical Malpractice and Crimes Against Humanity.” Also see, Coronavirus – No Vaccine Is Needed to Cure It.

All Roads Lead to the Vaccine

There are places in Southeast Asia and Europe where the groundwork is being laid for compulsory vaccination, where you’ll be forcibly jabbed.  That is how bad the stakeholders want vaccination.  The stakeholders are Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, the CDC, NIH, FDA, AMA, the White House, Gates Foundation and WHO.  We’ve never had this before, this massive propaganda program.

It’s a “needle in every arm,” as Dr. Peter McCullough has explained in many interviews.  As for Covid recovered patients, why would these stakeholders want a needle in every arm when recovered have God’s natural immunity?

Only two months of investigations were done for these jabs that could give you everything from a sore arm to death.  They take your information, get you to sign a release and you are now in a database.

Recent visits to two new hand surgeons, since my previous surgeon retired early, have let me know that they are all about the protocols to save their sorry backsides, and they refuse to believe in God’s natural immunity. They tell me I should get the vax despite recovery from C-19 and verified antibodies.  I have been in the home of a friend who is 48 and has Delta and was very sick.  I am not worried that I will catch anything.

North Carolina just passed a law that 12-year-old youngsters can make their own decisions on the vax, and it could be their fatal decision. In America and in Europe, thousands die on days one, two, and three after the vaccine.  This is despotic tyranny.

Why are we pushing this in a way where people’s jobs, education and livelihood decide on a position that is potentially fatal?  So many parents want their children to go to college this year, but they don’t want them forced into taking an experimental jab that could kill or cripple them.  The internet is full of these cases; blood clots, strokes, immediate death, pericarditis and myocarditis to name just a few.  Dr. Peter McCullough says that he cannot recommend this injection because it has passed all thresholds to being a safe product.  It’s not just Johnson and Johnson, in fact, more of the safety events have occurred with Pfizer and Moderna.

There are now papers by prominent worldwide scientists calling for a halt in the program. There are prominent virologists, including Nobel Prize winners who have said, “If we vax to the long-gone Wuhan Covid spike protein, it’s going to grow super bugs that will really wipe out populations.” Dr. Michael Yeadon, former top scientist and VP at Pfizer has said, “You are 50 times more likely to die of the vax than of Covid.”

I believe this is what is wanted by the stakeholders…depopulation via genocide and vaccine euthanasia.

Dr. Peter McCullough believes indiscriminate vaccination is a horrendous bioweapon that has been thrust onto the public and will cause great personal harm which it already has accomplished.


Only one percent of the vaccine death and adverse events are reported on the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in America.  Why?  It takes a half hour to fill out the report and at the end of every page it says, “Warning, federal offense and severe fines and penalties if falsified reports.”

People are talking to each other; they know the vaccines are not safe and now they want children without parental oversight to have these jabs! And get this…now they want to be in the church!  If your church promotes this, run to the nearest exit!

Whitney Webb, a professional writer, researcher and journalist said that this is what globalists have been waiting for.  Whitney believes they’re waiting for a way of marking people.  When you get a vaccine, you’re marked in the database and this can be used for trade, commerce, behavior modification. Dr. McCullough says you can see it in Dallas where they’ve announced that you can’t go to a Dallas Mavericks game unless you’re vaccinated.

Colleges today are announcing they’re not giving any credits even to natural God given immunity.  And it goes against all previous science.  Have you had chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough?  You’re immune for life!  Every scientist in the world knows that natural immunity is way better than the vax immunity.  Why is faulty vax immunity the priority and natural immunity doesn’t count?

Dr. McCullough agrees with Whitney Webb and believes the vax is a way of marking people, similar to communist China’s social credit system.  The vax is just the starter, they’re already prepping people for numerous boosters.  McCullough asks, “What product is there that is indemnified, where if something goes wrong, you have no recourse?”  When a pregnant woman gets vaccinated, she has no maternal fetal rights.   Something happens to her baby and she’s out of luck?  This is extraordinary what Americans are doing and accepting.

As of December 4th, 2021, 2,809 dead babies were reported in VAERS following Covid shots.  New documents prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC knew the shots were not safe for pregnant women.

The Nuremberg Code was enacted to stop sadistic human medical experimentation from ever happening again, but individual European states and now the entire E.U. are ready to scrap the code.

A Nuremberg 2.0 trial against world leaders for crimes against humanity has kicked off in Poland.  Attorneys, doctors and researchers are joining together and are willing to go into an international court and testify about the genocidal efforts of those who launched the viral bioweapon and the death shots.  Let us hope and pray that this proves successful for the survival of humanity.

Vaccine Safety Data

Not just our older vaccines, but newer vaccines like shingles, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal vaccines demand a minimum of two years of safety data codified into regulatory rules for the manufacturers.  That was all thrown out for the Covid vax and it was two-month “warp speed.”  The idea that we could vaccinate people who were not even tested in the trials has never been done before.  The very first pregnant woman vaxxed in the US was done without any knowledge of safety or efficacy.

The argument was that Covid was a very bad illness and 600K people died so everyone needs the jab and they need it now.  But as Dr. McCullough and other outspoken and honest physicians and scientists have stated, 85% of those people could have been saved with early home treatments which were actively suppressed and quashed by the stakeholders and Pravda media.  Let’s see the “safety” of these vaccines, because there is none being shown!  Americans never received weekly updates on vaccine safety from federal officials.  The lack of these two things are the largest examples of medical malfeasance, wrongdoing by those in authority, in all medical regulatory history.

There were no updates on treatment, no promotion of early treatment to reduce hospitalization and death, and now when we release the vaccine, why are there no safety updates, why are there no attempts for risk mitigation in terms of making the vaccine program safer?

Dr. McCullough stated, “Never, out of the box, is a brand-new technology tried on a pregnant woman.  We know this vax technology produces the dangerous spike protein. The Wuhan spike protein, the spicule on the ball of the virus itself which damages blood vessels and causes blood clotting, and all of them do, we would never unleash that into a pregnant woman’s body.  Something is very wrong with what’s going on.  What’s going on now in the world, these are examples, clear cut examples, of wrong doing, that is at such a high level.  The group think is in the wrong direction in such a consistent and overwhelming way that people are being harmed in an extraordinary fashion.”


The stakeholders have continually promoted Sars-coV-2 as something far worse than it is to push everyone into accepting the Covid inoculations. Loneliness and lockdowns actually did more damage, but was the impetus to “a needle in every arm.”  Early treatment was the key, but an early treatment meant there was no need for a “vaccine.” Treatment was quashed while thousands needlessly died, and Americans were told normalcy would only return with the “warp speed” vax. The fear propaganda worked and Pravda media promoted mass “vaccination.”

Vaxxing the elderly and infirm came first, then pregnant women, and the unborn died in record numbers.  Next were injections for the Covid recovered.  Now they’re on to our children and soon to our babies.  How many have to die before this evil is stopped?  The limit to shut down a vax program is 25 to 50 deaths as we saw with the swine flu in 1976.  We have lost thousands in America alone.  Scroll through the VAERS summary for Covid jabs, remembering this is only one percent of reported deaths or adverse effects.

In America, with about 100 million receiving the Covid jab, this is far and away the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever injected into a human body in American history and it’s going strong.  There is no mention of safety by our officials, with wild enthusiasm by our hospitals and hospital administrators, with doctors supporting it, many of whom are saying they won’t see patients in offices if they’re not jabbed.

It has never been about the virus; it has always been about the vaccine.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


Mandating Covid Vaccines for Children is Insane.

— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) December 7, 2021

Check Your Member of Congress’ Freedom Index thumbnail

Check Your Member of Congress’ Freedom Index

By Royal A. Brown III

The Freedom Index rates members of congress based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements.

Congressional Voting Records

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The Freedom Index is an educational resource provided by The New American magazine. We do not endorse or oppose candidates. The Freedom Index is intended to inform the American people, candidates, and elected officials about the rights and freedoms protected by the Constitution of the United States.

Please share links to Freedom Index pages and print versions of the Freedom Index Congressional Scorecards with groups, friends and associates to help inform and educate them on the issues affecting their freedom.

Learn more about The Freedom Index by clicking here.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Democrat Howard Dean: Unvaccinated Republicans Are ‘Irresponsible,’ ‘Disgusting’ thumbnail

Democrat Howard Dean: Unvaccinated Republicans Are ‘Irresponsible,’ ‘Disgusting’

By Discover The Networks

Thursday on MSNBC’s The Beat, former DNC chairman and all-around loser Howard Dean dismissed Republicans who refuse the experimental vaccine against COVID-19 as “disgusting.”

Asked about reports that Donald Trump tested positive for COVID a few days before the first presidential debate in 2020, Dean launched into a bitter, angry smear of the former President: “Look, Trump was the most immoral and irresponsible president in the history of the country. He may or may not be the worst president, but he certainly is in contention. But he was certainly the one with the fewest morals and scruples and certainly the craziest in terms of psychiatric illness. So we are used to this kind of stuff. I am not shocked. I am disgusted. I am not shocked.”

Dean is a demagogic idiot with no standing even in his own corrupt, power-obsessed Party. Literally every sentence of his anti-Trump rant is demonstrably false.

He went on to complain that a recent poll revealed that “41% of Republicans today said they wouldn’t get the shot, but 24% of them said they would never get the shot, ever. If Republicans are a little less than half of the country, that means an eighth of the country intends never to be vaccinated, which means we’ll never get rid of this virus. There will always be a reservoir of this virus in the American population until we can get up over 85%- 90% vaccination. That is irresponsible, and that is what is disgusting.”

Dean and his leftist comrades are enraged that there remain Republicans who will not comply with their totalitarian vaccine madness, which has nothing to do with public health or “following the science,” and everything to do with seizing and holding power. Democrats don’t care about eradicating COVID; they want to eradicate political opposition.

65 Known Connections

At a May 2014 Democratic fundraiser in Colorado, Dean denounced the Republican Party:

“This is a Republican party that has decided they like power so much that they think it’s okay to win by taking away the right to vote…. They are not American. They could be more comfortable in the Ukraine or Russia but stay away from our country. This is based on the right to vote…. We have had enough of the politics of anger. We have had enough of the politics of hate. We have had enough of the politics of division.”

To learn more about Howard Dean, click here.


WHO: ‘No Evidence’ Boosting Entire Population Offers Greater Protection to Healthy Individuals

BLM Demands White Boycott: ‘Capitalism Doesn’t Love’ Blacks

Maloney: ‘We’re Not Even in a Democracy’ Without Abortions

Jen Psaki Falsely Claims Trump Told People to ‘Inject Bleach’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Majority Of Voters Worry About Vaccine Side Effects, Oppose Federal Mandates thumbnail

Majority Of Voters Worry About Vaccine Side Effects, Oppose Federal Mandates

By Pamela Geller

Why are top athletes dropping face-first onto playing fields worldwide? Why is the New England Journal of Medicine dropping research like this the day before Thanksgiving?

Thank the former top NYT science writer (now banned on Twitter) for this –

Reader Alert: Majority Of Voters Worry About Vaccine Side Effects, Oppose Federal Mandates

Developing …

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 3, 2021

The jab does not prevent contraction or stop the spread,

Many thousands have died of COVID fully jabbed,

The jab causes variants

Tens of thousands have serious medical problems because of the jab,

and Many have died specifically of the jab.

— Lyudmila Skarkov (@LSkarkov) December 2, 2021

RELATED VIDEO: Inside Australia’s Covid internment camp.


Wait, she’s being held even after testing negative?

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 3, 2021


EXCLUSIVE: People of New York Uniting Against MANDATES. Taking Action!

U.S. Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Far Surpasses 2020’s – When There was No Vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Here’s Why You Aren’t Allowed to Watch the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial thumbnail

Here’s Why You Aren’t Allowed to Watch the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

This isn’t a conspiracy. This is just plain old government corruption.

The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the socialite who stands accused of procuring young girls for the sex predator Jeffrey Epstein, began last week.

Though the mainstream media has not focused as heavily on this case as other high-profile trials in recent months, the proceedings have certainly not been forgotten by the general public. But much to the chagrin of that public, the trial will not be filmed.

Some have even painted this fact in a conspiratorial light, a tint that has surrounded much of the story around Epstein, his death, and now Maxwell’s trial.

More specifically, many believe high-ranking officials across multiple governments and celebrities were caught up in the sex ring Epstein allegedly ran, and that the powers that be within our government are invested in preventing these details from coming to light.

People will be forgiven for having little to no faith in our government or our systems, and this wouldn’t be the first trial with foul play by the system (a fact supporters of our justice system, capital punishment, and qualified immunity would do well to remember when they approach public policies).

But, the vast majority of these reports have been flatly false. Maxwell’s trial will not be filmed for one reason and one reason alone: cameras have been banned in federal courts for decades, which is the level at which she will be tried. Media will still be allowed in the courtroom, as will a certain number of spectators.

According to the United States Courts website:

“Electronic media coverage of criminal proceedings in federal courts has been expressly prohibited under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 53 since the criminal rules were adopted in 1946. Rule 53 states: “[e]xcept as otherwise provided by a statute or these rules, the court must not permit the taking of photographs in the courtroom during judicial proceedings or the broadcasting of judicial proceedings from the courtroom.”


“In 1972 the Judicial Conference of the United States adopted a prohibition against ‘broadcasting, televising, recording, or taking photographs in the courtroom and areas immediately adjacent thereto.’”

Now, this isn’t to say there’s nothing fishy going on in this case, just that there’s nothing especially fishy going on with this practice in this case. It also does not mean there’s nothing wrong with the protocol, evenly applied though it may be.

Indeed, there is a very good argument to be made for why cameras should be allowed in all trials, but the courts, prosecutors, and judges all continue to argue stringently against it.

Some of their arguments are more valid than others, like the need to protect witnesses and victims. That’s a valid concern in a case like this one. The victims have all already suffered greatly, and the global attention on the case could be enough to scare away even the strongest of individuals from choosing to participate. But, there are better ways of addressing this concern than banning cameras from the courtroom. Witnesses could be allowed to testify remotely, utilizing technology that could obscure their identity, as one example.

As a whole, this is just another way the government avoids accountability and transparency. And knowing what we know about the justice system, there is nowhere that this scrutiny is needed more.

The Founding Fathers were well aware of the need for transparency in government. As James Madison once said, “A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” It is essential that the American people have access to information about the inner workings of our government if we should ever hope to be able to hold its actors accountable. Without this essential component, our civil liberties will not stand for long—and this is already evident in our crumbling legal system.

As Thomas Paine said, “A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” The rate of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct ought to be enough to back up this statement.

So as Americans are becoming more aware of the abuses in our justice system, we should demand that practices like prohibiting recordings be abandoned so all citizens have a greater ability to hold government actors accountable.


Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is the Content Manager and Brand Ambassador for the Foundation for Economic Education.

RELATED ARTICLE: Maxwell Trail Bombshell: World Shocked After Sick Epstein Photo Placed Into Evidence

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Just When You Thought The World Couldn’t Get More Idiotic thumbnail

Just When You Thought The World Couldn’t Get More Idiotic

By Robert Spencer

Here’s the latest installment in the Annals of Idiocy: “Inclusiveness: a European Commissioner recommends no longer using ‘Christmas,’ ‘Christian’ names and the masculine,” translated from “Inclusivité : une commissaire européenne recommande de ne plus utiliser “Noël”, les noms “chrétiens” et le masculin,” Valuers Actuelles, November 29, 2021 (thanks to Medforth):

European Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli launched an internal guide for inclusive communication at the end of October. This prohibits a number of expressions deemed to be stigmatizing according to gender, sexual identities, ethnic origins or culture, the Italian daily Il Giornale revealed on Sunday (November 28). These recommendations aim to “reflect diversity” and to fight against “stereotypes deeply rooted in individual and collective behavior.”

One “stereotype” that racists have is that many black people have names like “Dequan” and “Lashonda” and “Takeesha.” So in order to combat that stereotype, all such names should be banned. No sense giving white racists grist for their mill.

Using Italian names for gangsters in movies about the Mafia simply reinforces stereotypes about “Italo-American” criminals. The only solution is to make sure that no Italian names are used for Mafia members. “Henry” and “Charles” are acceptable as gangster names, but “Enrico” and “Carlo” are not. No Mafia gangster should be shown either cooking, or eating, a plate of pasta. Garlic should also not be mentioned.

Similarly, in a movie about Mexican drug traffickers, their names must not lead anyone to think that they are in any way “Mexican”; that would not be fair, as such names would only reinforce a “stereotype” that far too many of us unthinkingly accept. Give them names like “Randolph” and “James” and “Alice.” Under no conditions should any Mexican drug trafficker be called “El Chapo” or “El Gordo” or “El Mata Amigos.”

In general, the report suggests that no one should be identified on the basis of their particularity or in a way that is not [sic] offensive. For example, the use of the masculine form “by default” should be prohibited and the salutation “Dear Sir or Madam” should be replaced by “Dear Colleague.” Gender-specific terms such as “workmen” should also not be used. As the document – Dalli’s internal guide –is written in English, some recommendations are not applicable to other languages. The text also provides that one should never ” imply ” a person’s sexual orientation or even their gender identity. Similarly, it considers that a reference to elements of Christian culture “assumes that all people are Christians.” It therefore recommends deleting the reference to Christmas and speaking instead of “holidays.” Christian names such as “Mary” or “John” should be banned, according to the Commissioner.

But how can you write, say, an application letter for an academic job and use as your salutation — as Helena Dalli recommends – “Dear Colleague”? You aren’t anyone’s “colleague” yet – that’s what you are applying to be – and use of that salutation would merely come across as presumptuous, and likely nip in the bud your chances to be hired.

To eliminate all gender specific names, start with the easy ones. Thus “workman” can become “worker.” But what do we do when we come, say, to weddings, where there is an insufficiently “inclusive” focus on the “man” and the “woman”? Revise the text. “Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband” should instead become “Do you take this man or woman or non-binary other, to be your lawful wedded husband or wife or non-binary other”? Eventually it might be a good idea to provide a single word that can refer equally to both “husband” and “wife.” We’re working on it.

Using the “masculine” form “by default” should. be avoided, according to Helena Dalli, EU Equal Opportunities Commissioner, working tirelessly to make the world a better place by erasing all distinctions. But “Dear Sir or Madam” doesn’t use the “masculine” form “by default” – it carefully allows, in full diversity-inclusivity-equity mode, both the masculine and the feminine possibilities.

The claim that a reference to “elements of Christian culture” necessarily “assumes that all people are Christian” is utter nonsense. If I mention “the Bamiyan Buddhas,” does this make me guilty of assuming “that all people are Buddhist”? If I write that “the holiday of Diwali is observed differently by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, creating a rich tapestry of cultural traditions and customs,” have I thereby assumed that everybody in the world is either “Hindu, Jain, Sikh, or Buddhist”? If I mention “Hanukkah” or a menorah, or show on YouTube a lesson on “how to spin a dreidl,” have I assumed that everyone in the world is “Jewish”? Should all references to the Bible be eliminated, because such references would be unacceptable, as “too Christian” or too “Judeo-Christian”? Surely we can’t have that in our brave new world that hath such creatures in it as Helena Dalli. Indeed, as the Bible itself is a venerable vehicle for what we now recognize as sexism, why not go beyond forbidding the reading of the Bible, and make possession of the book itself a crime?

Helena Dalli, the powerful EU Commissioner, thinks we need to rid the world of names that are too linked to Christianity. She mentions as examples of names that must no longer be used “Mary” and “John.” But these are just the names that come immediately to mind. We need to get rid as well of other names smacking of Christianity, including “Peter,” “Simon,” Thomas,” “Joseph,” “Martha,” “Christopher,” George” (which makes one think of “Saint George”), “Andrew,” “Samuel” and so many more names that are “too Christian” for Christians – or anyone else — to use.

But why does Helena Dalli not mention the need to abolish names that are “too connected” to the religion of Islam? Why should “Mary” and “John” be eliminated, but “Mohammed” and its many variants — Mahmoud, Ahmad, Muhammad, Magomed, Mahmad, Mehmet, Mamadou, Muhammadu, Mahamed, Mohamad, Mohamed, Mohammad, and so on – be tolerated inside the EU? Helena Dalli should provide us with a list of names that she believes are unacceptably linked to religions other than Christianity, the sole faith she mentions and for which she appears to bear a deep animus. Then we can get to work banning those names as well.

She’s also against mention of the very word “Christmas.”

Even the expression “colonizing of Mars” is considered negative, as it would be reminiscent of colonialism, and should be replaced by the phrase “sending people to Mars.” The report [by Helena Dalli] also advocates a form of positive discrimination. It suggests not convening working groups where only one gender is represented and thinking about inviting people from different ethnicities to events and photo shoots. Helena Dalli has already been criticized for the polemical campaign “Freedom with the Hijab” and the participation of Islamist associations in the campaign.

It will be fascinating to see if the EU Commissioner manages to make every single working group at the EU “gender diverse.” How will such a rule work in practice, particularly with the Muslims, whose unequal treatment of men and woman is legitimized in the Qur’an itself and who insist even on separating male from female worshippers in the mosque?

A verse in the Quran – 4:34 – gives husbands the right to “beat” their wives if they even suspect them of “disobedience.” Honor killings by Muslim men of their wives, daughters, sisters, and daughters-in-law – which may be prompted by a multitude of sins committed by females in the family, such as refusing to wear a hijab, or being seen talking to a non-Muslim boy – lead to very light punishment or in some cases to no punishment at all. The misogyny of Islam can also be seen in the fact that a Muslim woman’s testimony is worth only half that of a man, and a daughter inherits only half what a son receives. Will Helena Dalli be able to force Muslim males to include females in their meetings? I suspect she will not even try. Her desire to impose restrictions of all kinds on “religions” ends up with her applying her humorless and bizarre restrictions to one religion only – Christianity.

As for doing away with the very word “Christmas,” the cast of Seinfeld, trying to be as ridiculous as possible, already provided some years ago a different word for that day, even less “Christian” than the word “holiday” (which derives from “holy day”); they called it “Festivus.” That should please Helena Dalli. A Festivus Tree, Festivus Lights, Festivus Presents, Festivus Cards. What’s not to like?

I know what you’re thinking. You are thinking that her idiocy will be rejected all those who have kept their wits about them, that the thinking world will rise up and laugh to scorn Ms./Mrs.Mr./Non-binary/Equal opportunity Helena Dalli. But she’s not just some Hyde Park Corner lunatic; she’s the EU Equal Opportunities Commissioner. In that post she can do – she’s already done — a lot of damage. She needs not just to be laughed at, but to be relieved of her position. Please, EU, put her, and therefore us, out of her misery.




UK: Another Muslim rape gang busted, 39 men plus three women who allowed premises to be used

Turkey: One in three women has been a victim of domestic violence

France: Government organizes Islamic exhibitions to teach the French to accept cultural differences

Ilhan Omar plays audio of death threat she claims she received on her voicemail

Australia: Muslim family stabs daughter at shopping center because she was dating a Christian

UN holds pro-Palestinian conference on anniversary of recognizing Israeli statehood

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TikTok suspends account of critic of Islam who has been inundated with death threats thumbnail

TikTok suspends account of critic of Islam who has been inundated with death threats

By Robert Spencer

Mila wrote: “Perfectly logical to hate the most problematic and dangerous religion these days!”

If she had expressed hatred for Christianity, would her account have been suspended? No, TikTok would have crowned her Queen of France.

‘Now that sucks, take a look’: Mila’s TikTok account suspended over comment on Islam

translated from ““Là ça craint, regardez bien”: le compte TikTok de Mila suspendu à cause d’un commentaire sur l’islam,” Valeurs Actuelles, November 30, 2021 (thanks to Medforth):

Mila, regularly harassed and threatened on social networks because of her positions that re deemed controversial on Islam, noted on Monday (November 29) the suspension of her TikTok account. The young woman made it known on Twitter, the same day, during the evening. “My TikTok account was suspended following this comment. I don’t mind losing my account, but this sucks, take a good look,” she said in her post. The cause of the suspension of her TikTok account was these few words: “Perfectly logical to hate the most problematic and dangerous religion these days!”

These words angered a number of users of this social network, who therefore massively reported Mila’s post. This was then deleted by the application, for the following reason: violation of community guidelines. Secondly, the young woman’s account, reported for the same reasons, was suspended.

On Twitter, Mila also shared in the context of this comment that she had been the victim of bullying: “I’ve received a huge amount of (completely unprovoked) abuse tonight, on my TikTok account of course, from our favourite Islamists and therefore in addition to the threats, insults and calls to murder, massive flaggings.” A few hours earlier, she had confided on social media that one of her videos had been removed from TikTok’s mobile app. She indicated that she had appealed the decision, but the content had not yet been restored.


Is CAIR’s Complaint about the Misuse of ‘Islamic Terminology’ Actually a Confession?

France: Presidential hopeful slams out-of-control Muslim migration, vows to tear up migrant treaty with UK

Bennett as nuke talks resume: ‘Iran won’t just keep its nuclear program; from today, they’ll be getting paid for it’

Iran’s former Atomic Energy Agency top dog confirms: Islamic Republic has active nuclear weapons program

ISIS bride Shamima Begum asks to return to UK: ‘Westernized, less Muslim’ women’s tents ‘targeted by arsonists’

Jerusalem jihad murderer exhorted other Muslims to shed blood and ‘become actual role-models of jihad’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Salvation Army’s Woke ‘International Policy on Racism’ thumbnail

Salvation Army’s Woke ‘International Policy on Racism’

By Royal A. Brown III

In case you’re interested.  Following is the Salvation Army’s International Policy on Racism. This is WOKENESS personified! I understand they might have withdrawn this  from their Guide to Employees .  under pressure from donors.

We have laws e.g. Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 65 which have eliminated so called “systemic racism” in the United States – yes there may be some individuals who are still bigots but, as a nation we are not nor are 99.99% of our white population.

Those who foster such Marxist principles espoused by BLM and inculcated into CRT; who extort businesses and charities into turning totally WOKE and keep people of color thinking they are victims of an evil, racist country are the true bigots and racists.

International Policy on Racism

PRACTICAL RESPONSES The universality of God’s love is clearly declared in Scripture, and must be actualised in the daily living of people (1 John 4:20).

Racism is a wrong that needs to be countered and calls for truthful acknowledgement, rectification and reconciliation on an organisational, individual and societal level. Responding at an organisational level: The Salvation Army is committed to equality, disavows discrimination and affirms racial diversity.

Sorrow and repentance are needed for any negative legacy that past shortcomings have created. We acknowledge that Salvationists have sometimes conformed to economic, political, social and internal pressures that perpetuate racism

  •  The Salvation Army will make and encourage efforts to challenge and overcome racism wherever it exists.
  •  The Salvation Army must always be vigilant and guard against the infiltration of racism in our organisation.
  •  The Salvation Army recognises the importance of robust systems to report and discuss racism without fear and will endeavour to provide these. • The Salvation Army will continue to make efforts to ensure ethnic diversity in international and territorial leadership.
  •  The Salvation Army will promote the value of ethnic diversity and inclusiveness in all expressions of Salvation Army life including prioritising resources for the education and development of all personnel.
  •  The Salvation Army will regularly review its investment portfolios to ensure that they are consistent with the values and beliefs it proclaims. Responding at an individual level: • Salvationists are expected to take personal action against racism motivated by their obedience to the example of Jesus and their respect of the image of God in every person.
  •  Salvationists are expected to seek to influence the attitudes of others by expressly rejecting racial stereotypes, slurs and jokes.
  •  Salvationists should raise their families to appreciate the diversity of cultures and ethnicities.
  • Salvationists are encouraged to join with others in combined efforts to bring about justice for the victims of racism. Responding at a societal level: The Salvation Army will seek to influence governments, businesses, civil society and other faith communities to:
    • Pursue goals of racial and economic justice. This should include efforts to achieve fair working conditions, adequate income, safe and secure housing, educational opportunities that will enhance life, and health care that is accessible irrespective of ethnicity.
    • Be aware of its responsibility to promote racial justice and ethnic diversity in private and public sectors of life.
    • Avoid and resist rhetoric that can contribute to ethnic stereotyping.
    • Encourage all people – especially leaders in society – to recognise the negative effects of racism in society and commit to rid the world of this injustice.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.


Dear Salvation Army,

For more than 30 years, I have given between 20 and 50 dollars to your annual Christmas red kettle campaign.

Now that you have chosen to advocate for Critical Race Theory, this year’s amount will be zero.


Tom @salvationarmy

— Tom Quiggin (@TomTSEC) November 25, 2021

Allegations of the Salvation Army Going “Woke” thumbnail

Allegations of the Salvation Army Going “Woke”

By Jerry Newcombe

Is the Salvation Army going woke on racism? (11/26/21) observes: “A Salvation Army guide aimed at ‘courageous conversations about racism’ asks ‘White Americans’ to ‘stop trying to be ‘colorblind.’”

Stop trying to be colorblind? I thought that was the ideal, promoted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—to treat people according to the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

There are apparently two prominent documents from the Christian denomination (which is what the Salvation Army is) that deal with the issue of racism, issued by the American headquarters of the group in Northern Virginia.

One of them is “Let’s Talk About Racism.” Joseph Curl quoted from this document in the (11/25/21):

“Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin.”

As of this writing, the Salvation Army has now pulled this document down—perhaps because of blowback. They recently issued this statement: “…the International Social Justice Commission has now withdrawn the guide for appropriate review.”

Of course, racism is a horrific evil. But some critics are concerned that rather than responding to actual racism, the Salvation Army had aligned itself ideologically with the Black Lives Matter organization, which leverages unfalsifiable and amorphous charges of “systemic racism” to drive racial grievances.

Whatever the stated intentions of Black Lives Matter may be, their stance against the family actually exacerbates poverty—by helping to break down the family.

A Black Lives Matter handout declares:

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. We foster a queer-affirming network.”

So much for God’s design for the family. While the extended family can be helpful, studies show what a major difference it makes in the life of the child to have a mom and a dad. The kind of “disrupting” of the nuclear family BLM advocates has actually done incredible damage to the black community.

There’s another document from the Salvation Army. “Study Guide on Racism” is still online, and thankfully it is much better.

The booklet states:

“Racism is fundamentally incompatible with the Christian conviction that all people are made in the image of God and are equal in value. The Salvation Army believes that the world is enriched by a diversity of cultures and ethnicities.”

Yes, and amen.

They also note, “The only race is the human one;” and they add,

“Followers of Jesus Christ now find essential unity in Him, rather than in culture and ethnicity. Such a way of thinking and relating is a powerful force for good. It embodies the ministry of reconciliation.”

Despite its critics, true Christianity practices real diversity, rather than the race-centered, divisive, skin-color-obsessed counterfeit promoted by the left. In Christ, there is no black, there is no white, there is no distinction of socio-economic status.

One of the goals of the Salvation Army, inasmuch as they are motivated by the love of Jesus, is to alleviate poverty. This is why they have worked tirelessly since their origin in the slums of London in 1865. They now work in 131 nations around the globe.

But anyone that promotes the disintegration of the family inadvertently promotes poverty and the further disintegration of society.

The irony is that government policies tend to create more poor people because they penalize functioning families. Welfare programs in the U.S. subsidize out-of-wedlock births, thus, creating more poor people.

The Brookings Institution says that you have a 98 percent chance of avoiding poverty if you do three things: 1) Graduate high school. 2) Work full time. 3) Marry before you have children. Only 2 percent of those who do these things end up in poverty.

As Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation points out, marriage turns out to be the single greatest weapon in the war on poverty.

It would be quite a shame if the Salvation Army ever does go “woke.” I’ve always respected their overall consistent Christian witness. I even had the privilege of once interviewing the worldwide head of the organization in London in 2001. The late John Gowans told me there wouldn’t be a Salvation Army without the Savior, Christ.

Meanwhile, after recently pulling down the controversial racism guide, they said:

” The Salvation Army mission statement clearly outlines the nature of our service: to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His name without discrimination. The beliefs that motivate our service are based solely on the Bible, and that will never change.”

This is a lesson we should all heed.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Poll: Only 13% of Dems Want Kamala if Biden Doesn’t Run thumbnail

Poll: Only 13% of Dems Want Kamala if Biden Doesn’t Run

By Discover The Networks

A new poll from The Hill-HarrisX reveals that only a pathetic 13 percent of Democrats would support Vice President Kamala Harris if decrepit President Joe Biden does not run for a second term in 2024. She only barely edged out former first lady Michelle Obama, who scored 10 percent despite having repeatedly expressed no interest in running for political office.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Monday that Biden’s intention is still to run for a second term in office, but no one believes his obviously declining mental or physical condition, at the age of 81, will enable him to finish out even this current term, much less another one. That puts the spotlight on the incompetent, unlikeable Kamala, about whom her own party is, shall we say, less than enthusiastic.

The Hill-HarrisX poll highlights that and the Democrat Party’s dearth of charismatic leadership in general. A whopping 36 percent of responding Democrats claimed they were “unsure” whom they would support for president, and another 13 percent said they would choose someone who was not on the provided list. All the other candidates, which included aging, lifelong communist Bernie Sanders, radical harpy Elizabeth Warren, grandstanding presidential-wannabe Cory Booker, wealthy elitist Michael Bloomberg, uninspiring Andrew Yang, and incompetent diversity hire Pete Buttigieg, received a mere 5 percent or less support.

None of those candidates will stand a proverbial snowball’s chance against former President Donald Trump, who not only is rumored to be running again in 2024 but also arguably won the fraudulent 2020 election to begin with.

Kamala Harris

102 Known Connections

Harris Condemns America’s “Shameful Past” vis-a-vis Native Tribes

At the National Congress of American Indians’ 78th Annual Convention on October 12, 2021 — the day after Columbus Day — Harris delivered a virtual address in which she said: “Since 1934, every October, the United States has recognized the voyage of the European explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas. But that is not the whole story. That has never been the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for Tribal nations — perpetrating violence, stealing land, and spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past, and we must shed light on it and do everything we can to address the impact of the past on Native communities today.” Lamenting that “Native Americans are more likely to live in poverty, to be unemployed, and often struggle to get quality healthcare and to find affordable housing,” Harris claimed that President Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” agenda, if passed into law, would have “a significant [positive] impact on Indian Country.”

To learn more about Kamala Harris, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Omicron Crackpots thumbnail

Omicron Crackpots

By Save America Foundation

I wish I could say I trust my government, but I don’t, not when they’re so obviously full of phony-baloney about COVID and trying to get me to believe the stupidest things.

When the medical trials first launched it was one shot, then two. Then passports/segregation. Now 3 shots, with Israel on their 4th and booster interval shortened to 3 months. It could also be a two dose Omicron booster.

Informed consent was never on the table.

Pure insanity…

— Kris Eriksen 🇨🇦 (@KrisEriksen77) December 1, 2021

Joe Biden said yesterday people should get vaccinations and booster shots to ward off the Omicron variant.  What he didn’t tell you is that people infected with the Omicron variant in Africa and Australia were fully vaccinated.  He also didn’t tell you Moderna’s chief executive is out there saying the current vaccines most likely won’t protect you against the Omicron variant and new vaccines are needed.

This whole vaccine thing is out of whack to begin with.  The emphasis has always been on vaccines, while the idea of effective treatment for COVID, strangely, has never gotten much attention.  Hydroxychloroquine was dismissed early on, despite the fact a survey of 6,000 doctors worldwide found it was the best treatment based on their clinical experience.  Ivermectin also got short shrift, even though it’s been endorsed by the Tokyo Medical Association and basically fixed India’s COVID problem.   Now comes the nail in the coffin for our government’s phony narratives about hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin:  There are now 67 studies showing Ivermectin and 298 studies showing hydroxychloroquine are effective in treating COVID-19.  But you have to sue your doctor and your pharmacist if you want to be treated for COVID with Ivermectin.  Why is that?  Do you want to follow the science or follow the government pied pipers who, themselves, might just be following the money?

Speaking of science, there are a hundred studies showing masks are not materially effective in reducing COVID transmission and are actually harmful to wear.

So much for the mask narrative, but the wheels are coming off other government narratives about COVID, too.  ‘The vaccines are effective’ – no, breakthrough cases are on the rise as vaccine efficacy drops below 50 percent.  They said close the schools even though the risk to kids was miniscule and closing schools didn’t lower the child mortality rate.   They ignored natural immunity and kept pushing the vaccines even though almost 150 million Americans have natural immunity from having been exposed to coronavirus.

Recently, Fauci claimed to be the science and above criticism – the same guy who first said masks are meaningless and ended up telling you to wear two of them.  If it’s true he is now the science, how do you explain this? – Fauci said in the 1980s that kids could get AIDS from routine nonsexual contact.  Not true.  He also said heterosexual AIDS would become 10 percent of all AIDS cases.  It’s never even been close to that.  Flash forward to COVID and we see Fauci initially saying it’s nothing to worry about, it’s just a bad flu, and you can’t rely on models to make predictions, but then he went on to rely on models to make predictions.  Fauci also claimed hydroxychloroquine was actually dangerous, but he was already in possession of information showing it was effective.  Sorry Fauci lovers, but something’s not right with that guy.

To sum up, everything government officials are telling you about COVID is wrong and there is no reason for you to believe them.

Germany reports highest COVID death toll in 9 months.

If only they’d had mandatory mask rules and vaccine passports.

Oh, they did.

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) December 1, 2021

Some people are speculating about motive, saying public health officials are deliberately lying, in cahoots with the vaccine manufacturers, and deliberately killing people.  I’ll leave the speculation to others.  it’s enough for me to know I can’t rely on the government, that it’s up to me to seek out the correct information, and I’m ultimately responsible for the choices I make.  That may sound novel to you, but it’s the way it’s supposed to be in a self-governing Republic composed of what are supposed to be self-governing individuals.

Sorry if I’ve shattered your faith in government, but you never should have had that much in the first place.

Visit The Daily Skirmish

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


“I have been stunned at the response – and especially from Britain. Nothing I have seen about this new variant warrants the extreme action the UK government has taken in response to it.”

– Dr Angelique Coetzee, who alerted the world to the Omicron variant

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) December 1, 2021


Problems with Covid Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

 Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

COVID Vaccines: The Dog Is Chasing Its Tail.

Woman Sues Police Union for Using Her Son for Photo-Op—After Beating Her Up thumbnail

Woman Sues Police Union for Using Her Son for Photo-Op—After Beating Her Up

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

A second lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Rickia Young, a black mother who last fall, in spite of breaking no laws, was ripped from her car, beaten, and separated from her toddler for a deceptive photo-op used in a propaganda social media post.

Last October, Young was driving home through Philadelphia with her two-year-old son and 16-year-old nephew when she accidentally found herself at a protest against police abuse. Just hours before, Philadelphia police had fatally shot 27-year-old Walter Wallace Jr., a black man whose family had called for mental health help. As Young attempted to make a three-point turn to get away from the crowd, she was pulled over by police, who smashed in her vehicle’s windows before pulling her out and assaulting her. Young was “violently yanked from the vehicle” and beaten, “causing significant injuries,” her lawyer, Riley Ross told CBS.

After the beating, she was handcuffed and forcefully separated from her toddler and teenage nephew. Two days later, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the nation’s largest law enforcement union, posted a picture of her son on Facebook in the arms of a white female officer with the following caption:

“This child was lost during the violent riots in Philadelphia, wandering around barefoot in an area that was experiencing complete lawlessness. The only thing this Philadelphia Police Officer cared about in that moment was protecting this child. We are not your enemy. We are the Thin Blue Line. And WE ARE the only thing standing between Order and Anarchy.”

The post falsely painting Young as a neglectful mother has since been deleted, but not before it was shared over 700 times. Despite already having been paid $2 million by the city for being beaten and separated from her son, Young is seeking an additional $50,000+ from the FOP for the Facebook post. Her complaint accused the union of portraying her son as a “neglected and abandoned child” in order to “promote its own political propaganda” of police as the child’s savior, when in fact they were the ones that separated the child from his mother. Her attorneys claimed that she endured “harassment, anxiety, depression and a damaged reputation as a result of the social media post,” to NBC. According to the lawsuit, the FOP’s Facebook followers were outraged and demanded authorities take Young’s child from her based on the dishonest caption.

“This was a picture of a white female police officer holding this Black boy. It’s not lost on us the symbolism that they tried to highlight with that post, as if she was the savior of that Black child and the only one who could save him,” said Ross, Young’s lawyer, to NBC. “The fact that the child was only in that police officer’s arms because of what the police themselves did to his mother and him makes that post all the more despicable.”

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw released the following statement on the incident:

“The behavior that occurred during the interaction between Rickia Young, her nephew, her son, and some of the officers on the scene violated the mission of the Philadelphia Police Department. As a matter of fact, the ability for officers and supervisors on the scene to diffuse the situation was abandoned, and instead of fighting crime and the fear of crime, some of the officers on the scene created an environment that terrorized Rickia Young, her family, and other members of the public.”

Two of the officers involved have been fired and an additional 14 officers are awaiting disciplinary hearings.

According to a FEE column by Charles Baird, a professor of economics emeritus at California State University, public sector unions are “nothing less than a conspiracy between politicians, bureaucrats, and unions to create and sustain a fourth branch of government specifically designed to increase the cost, size, and power of government.” In this case, law enforcement bureaucrats conspired with the union to create propaganda to help the police gain more credibility and respect, a strategy to increase the power of government.

This unfortunate incident is a vivid example of police departments and unions working together to create a culture in which common folk allow and praise the monopoly that law enforcement has on violence because they’d feel unsafe without it. The Philadelphia Police Department took advantage of an already chaotic situation to sow more division, and then the FOP capitalized on that division even further by turning their actions into propaganda. It’s not difficult to figure out what the intentions were behind posting a picture of a supposedly abandoned black child in the arms of a white officer in the midst of a protest against the department.

The racially-charged photo that stoked the flames on social media at the expense of a mother and her family’s safety and reputation was caused by taxpayer-funded government employees and promulgated by a dishonest public sector union. Why should our money be used, not only to fund this corruption, but to also bail them out when victims like Young (rightfully) sue for millions of dollars?

These settlements come from taxpayer dollars. Ultimately, the problem with police unions stems from public sector unions in general. The lack of accountability that these unions face because of their protection from the government is at the root of the problem.

The rhetoric used in FOP’s Facebook post was meant to juxtapose the “lawlessness” of black Philadelphia residents to the anarchy-fighting heroes, the police. However, police only act as protection from lawlessness when they hold themselves accountable to the rule of law, which they all too often fail to do. When law enforcement tramples on the rights of those they’re meant to protect such as in the case of Rickia Young, that is perpetuating the very same “lawlessness” that the police unions claim to oppose. The Philadelphia Police Department acted as an agent of chaos, not order.

When the government attempts to aggressively impose order in the name of protecting liberty, it often results in injustice. In this instance, the Philadelphia police attempted to halt the chaos in the streets by cracking down on protesters and anyone who happened to be at the scene. Obviously, this just resulted in more chaos.

This is exactly what Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a 19th-century French politician and one of the first popular thinkers to promote civil liberties, would have predicted. He famously characterized liberty as “not the daughter, but the mother of order.” Liberty begets social harmony and spontaneous order, whereas violations of liberty in the name of order begets chaos, conflict, and the lawlessness of tyrants.

Police unions are not advancing law and order when they shelter lawless behavior and attack liberty, which is the ultimate source of order.


Problems with Covid Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain. thumbnail

Problems with Covid Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

By Save America Foundation

Foreword by Fred Brownbill. Today is one of those rare days you guys get two for one. The 2nd part shows the stupidity of those on the media and governments world wide. Please read both as neither is long. There are two links at the bottom. The second is about the minor symptoms etc. of the new variant. If you are under thought this will go for ever rethink it! Share. Share. Share.


Problems with COVID Vaccines Getting Harder to Deny

Two weeks ago, I told you I would be filing a Freedom of Information Act request to find out whether or not the government has decided to do follow-up safety studies on COVID vaccines given the now nearly 2 million adverse reaction reports filed in the U.S. and Europe.  This unprecedented flood of adverse events a serious problem and the alarm bells are ringing ever-louder.

According to the latest official federal government numbers, 894,143 COVID vaccine adverse reaction reports have been filed, including 18,853 reported deaths shortly following vaccination.  That’s just in the U.S.  The latest numbers from Europe show over a million additional adverse reactions including over 30,000 deaths.  These numbers far exceed all the adverse reaction reports filed on all other vaccines in 30 years of vaccine injury reporting.

Yes, these numbers alone do not prove causation or constitute scientific proof that COVID vaccines are injuring and killing people.  However, the VAERS disclaimer goes on to say the purpose of the reporting system in the U.S. is to provide an early warning and to prompt the government to conduct further studies when a safety problem with a vaccine becomes apparent.  I defy anyone to tell me almost two million adverse reaction reports in the U.S. and Europe including almost 50,000 deaths linked to the vaccines are insufficient to trigger follow-up studies.

Yet, we have no public indication the government has conducted such studies or has any interest in doing so.  That’s why I filed a Freedom of Information Act request, to find out what the government has decided about such studies, and why.  The government has responded by saying it’s a complex request involving numerous parties and they will need extra time to process it.  I will follow up after the first of the year and take the case to court, if necessary.

Meanwhile, evidence of a safety problem with COVID vaccines continues to pile up.

Experts have linked 200 more symptoms to the vaccines which are not covered in the informed consent form given to patients.

Vaccinated people under 60 are dying at a higher rate than the unvaccinated in Britain.

Ten thousand Australians are expected to file COVID injury claims for harms or loss of income due to adverse reactions to being vaccinated.

It was finally revealed that hospitals receive extra federal bonus payments for every COVID vaccination they administer.

Finally, the Left does not accept anecdotes as evidence unless they serve its purposes.  The Left is forever parading victim stories to sway public opinion.  Well, here are some anecdotes and victim stories for you:   A California man suffered weeks of horrible pain and finally died after receiving the Moderna vaccine.  His message to the public: “I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”  Schools in Saginaw were forced to close after a number of teachers suffered adverse reactions from mandatory COVID booster shots.  Speaking of mandatory, 2,000 airline workers have sued their employer for forcing them to get vaccinated.  The lead plaintiff, a flight attendant, suffered an adverse reaction from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and nearly died.

Don’t tell me there are no problems with these vaccines. Don’t tell me further studies are not warranted. The government will eventually have to give me the information I want, and I will tell everyone the truth about these vaccines and the harms associated with them. Then the question will become who in the government made the decision to sweep all this under the rug in order to push the phony ‘the vaccines are safe and effective’ narrative. Heads should roll and I will not stop until they do. Somebody needs to take this on. Think about the next time and, if they get away with it this time, how many millions of vaccine injuries and deaths they will be tempted to sweep under the rug in a future pandemic. This callous disregard for the safety of humanity in the name of generating wealth and power for a tiny elite needs to stop right here, right now.

Thank you Christopher Wright.

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Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Slams ‘Hype,’ Travel Bans.

National Chair of the South African Medical Association, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who made an early discovery of the Omicron variant amongst patients, says “the hype” that’s been created surrounding the variant is unwarranted.

According to Reuters, “the variant was detected and announced by South Africa’s National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) on Nov. 25 from samples taken from a laboratory from Nov. 14 to Nov. 16.”

Coetzee told Reuters that in one of the “biggest hospitals” in her “area” and country of South Africa, there is only one patient who is COVID-positive on ventilation, and there has been no confirmation, as of Sunday, that Omicron is the cause.

“The hype,” Coetzee says, “that’s been created currently out there in the media and worldwide doesn’t correlate with the clinical picture. And it doesn’t warrant to just cut us off from any traveling, and bans South Africa as if we are the villains in the whole process — should not be like that.”

Coetzee, who is also on the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, says, “looking at the mildness of the symptoms we are seeing currently, there’s no reason for panicking as we don’t see severely ill patients.”

“I also checked with the hospital, some of the hospitals in my area, and one of the biggest hospitals they only have one patient currently that’s COVID-positive on a ventilator, and they don’t even know whether it’s COVID — you know it’s Delta- or whether it is Omicron-related.”

Reports of the new variant have since resulted in several European countries, such as the United Kingdom, issuing travel bans on southern African countries, a ban that South Africa has strongly contested. Since Friday, the United States and some Asian nations have also banned travel from South Africa.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Health Officials Warn Against Jumping to Conclusions on Omicron Variant