[Davos in the Desert]: An Opportunity To Learn About Hamas Rule in Gaza thumbnail

[Davos in the Desert]: An Opportunity To Learn About Hamas Rule in Gaza

By David Wanetick

On October 7, the world witnessed how Hamas externalizes its demonically deadly proclivities. Over 1,400 senseless and barbaric murders. Babies were decapitated and burned alive. Children were killed in front of their parents. Parents slayed in front of their children. Women raped. Over 200 civilian abductions—babies, children, and the infirm among them. Victims of Hamas’s rampage into Israel hailed from at least 25 countries.

What is less known and little discussed is Hamas’s mercilessly repressive rule of Gaza. Freedom of expression, religion, and the press are more distant than pipe dreams. No semblance of legitimate courts exists in Gaza. Under the thumb of Hamas, Gazan schools teach children only hate. The only thing Hamas glorifies is the death of its own people, under the veneer of martyrdom. Women are stripped of their rights. Gaza’s vast tunnel system was largely built with the small hands of enslaved Gazan children.

Corruption is rampant. Honest Gazan merchants are shaken down to the point of being placed in debtors’ jails. Hamas diverts anything of value—food, fuel, medicine—for its mendacious military purposes. Water pipes are unearthed and repurposed as rocket launchers. Gaza’s schools and hospitals are commandeered by Hamas. Hamas militants use their fellow Gazans as human shields. Hamas terrorists literally tie children to buildings to repel reprisals.

On the evening of December 3, world-renowned Israeli-Arab Bassem Eid will speak about these issues in Chandler, AZ. This is a wonderful opportunity to show your support for Israel, regime change in Gaza, and long-term tranquility in the region by attending this Davos in the Desert program.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.