How a Mindless Climate War on Energy Surrendered Ukraine thumbnail

How a Mindless Climate War on Energy Surrendered Ukraine

By The Geller Report

The Biden Administration gutted America’s energy sector to appease it’s radical climate czar John Kerry. They actually gifted America’s energy industry to Russia, because of John Kerry’s hatred of fossil fuels. This disastrous decision has financed Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. John Kerry is a total wrecking ball.

The Geller Report predicted that John Kerry would cause significant damage (here, herehere) as the Biden Administration’s climate czar. As Secretary of State, John Kerry’s stupidity, recklessness, and lies had a profound role in destabilizing the Middle East. Today, as climate czar, John Kerry is destabilizing the world.

What a despicable clown

— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) February 24, 2022

How a Mindless Climate War on Energy Surrendered Ukraine

By Newsmax, February 26, 2022

Delusional Western nation anti-hydrocarbon energy policies premised upon combating climate change as the “greatest existential threat” are being exploited by far more immediate and formidable adversaries.

We are currently witnessing tragic consequences play out in failures of Russian oil and gas-dependent NATO allies — Germany in particular — to dissuade and counter savage Putin aggression against Ukraine.

Add to this, a concurrent Biden administration policy disaster which has simultaneously terminated U.S. energy independence while also depleting export capacities to reduce E.U. dependence on those Russian supplies.

Germany, a dominant E.U. economic power and notable NATO skinflint (only 1.5% GDP for military) depends on Russia for over half of its natural gas and a quarter of its oil imports.

Let’s all be reminded that NATO was created in 1949 by the U.S., Canada, and several E.U. countries expressly for this very reason: to provide collective security against then-Soviet Union expansionism following the Second World War.

Whereas America has no treaty obligation nor popular desire to engage our troops in a non-NATO member Ukraine war, let’s nevertheless also recall a 1994 commitment called the Budapest Memorandum in which the U.S., Great Britain and Russia guaranteed Ukraine security protections in exchange for a very big military concession.

The memo begins by noting that Ukraine had committed “to eliminate all nuclear weapons from its territory within a specified period of time.”

That stockpile included some 1,800 nuclear devices, all of which were returned to Russia by 1996.

Those signatories — Russia included — “reaffirm[ed] their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine;” “pledged to “refrain from economic coercion” against Ukraine; and agreed to “seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine” in the event of an “act of aggression” against the country.

With converging and compounding consequences, U.N.-promoted climate alarmism over fossil burning energy greenhouse gas emissions inexplicably prompted a plan hatched about 20 years ago by then-German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to also phase out non-carbon emission nuclear energy over three decades.

RELATED ARTICLE: Poll: 62% of Voters Say Putin Wouldn’t Have Invaded Ukraine If Trump Were President

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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