Sen. Rand Paul Says He May Join Rep. Brooks To FILE AN OBJECTION to Electoral Votes During Joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021


We are counting on it.
The more smug, dismissive, mocking the Democrat criminal syndicate pretends to be, the more terrified they they are we’ll have our day in Congress. They just need to steamroll over us — not this time.
There are a lot of us. There are also opportunists, posers, fakers, liars and phonies — and so we have to get through those quislings It is a HUGE undertaking, labor intensive – we need an army and we had obstacles – so many – even th lawyers representing us bolted (because of threats to life, limb, family, practice). This is a years long project and we are attempting it in weeks And the clock is ticking … so everything is at rush speed (hence the lawsuits with typos and errors).
We have no law enforcement on this – its all the work of individuals.
But these conditions are almost biblical — and the individual, once again, will herald in one of the great moments in history.
WATCH: Rand Paul Breaks Down Voter Fraud Step-By-Step As Dem Senators Scream Internally

Sen. Paul Won’t Rule Out Filing Objection to Electoral Results

By Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, December 13, 2020
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he isn’t ruling out filing an objection to electoral votes during the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021.
“We’re still looking at all the legal stuff that’s happening with the legal cases and we’ll make our decision after we’ve seen all the legal challenges,” the senator told CNN on Dec. 10.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) recently told reporters that he’s leaving the option open as well. Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, this week will hold the first congressional hearing on the election, citing “irregularities.”
The joint session features both bodies of Congress meeting to count electoral votes.
Congressional rules enable a U.S. representative and senator to join together to file an objection to the electoral votes from a state during the session. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Rep.-elect Barry Moore (R-Ala.), and Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) have said they are planning to file objections.
The group has been reaching out to senators to try to convince at least one to join the effort, but no senators have pledged publicly that they will do so as of yet.
The Epoch Times reached out to the offices of all Republican senators and senators-elect to inquire whether the lawmakers had been in touch with the group and whether they would consider joining them. The only on-the-record response was from a spokeswoman for Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), who referred to comments the senator made to reporters, calling the effort “madness.”
“It would be saying, ‘Look, let’s not follow the vote of the people, let’s instead do it [sic] what we want.’ That would not be the way a democratic republic ought to work,” Romney said.
The reluctance to commit to objecting to the votes follows no senators presenting a brief in support of the Texas lawsuit against four other states. A group of 126 House members, including Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), signed a brief in support of the suit, which was rejected by the Supreme Court.
The reluctance to commit to objecting to the votes follows no senators presenting a brief in support of the Texas lawsuit against four other states. A group of 126 House members, including Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), signed a brief in support of the suit, which was rejected by the Supreme Court.
Senators told Politico that they didn’t think another brief would have made a difference.
Others criticized the suit itself.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said the lack of a brief from any senators “reflects skepticism about the legal theory about whether one state or a group of states can challenge state elections,” while Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) called the suit “a PR stunt.”


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.