
Are Biden’s Handlers Making Room for Right-Wing ‘Terrorists’ at Guantanamo?

My latest in PJ Media:

The establishment media agrees that Biden’s handlers’ freeing of Taliban jihadi Abdul Latif Nasser from Guantanamo, where he had been held for nineteen years, was the first step toward taking care of more unfinished business from the Obama administration and finally closing the notorious prison camp. But is that really the plan? Or might Guantanamo be filled up with a new group of terrorists?

The signs aren’t hard to find. CNN reported Wednesday that “the Justice Department repeatedly has documented the emergence of what could be called small, right-wing extremist groups.” One of the examples offered in the report is that of Robert Morss, a Pennsylvania resident who was arrested in connection with the January 6 Reichstag Fire. According to CNN, when Morss was arrested, police “found in his car a notebook with a page titled, ‘Step by Step to Create Hometown Militia.’ Beneath it Morss allegedly scribbled bullet point reminders, fleshing out the idea of forming a violent cell – ‘bring assault rifle’ and ‘set up your kit’ — and notes on ‘formation.’”

Then there were Ian Rogers and Jarrod Copeland, who were “so devoted to former President Donald Trump and so angry about the 2020 election result, that they allegedly plotted to blow up the Democratic headquarters building in Sacramento. One commented over an encrypted messaging thread, where the two discussed planning, that he realized they would be perceived as domestic terrorists, and the second man had previously joined an anti-government militia group.”

Whether these three men actually did anything criminal, or planned to do so, is a matter for the courts to decide. But ominously, a prosecutor wrote about the Rogers/Copeland case that “all of the political and social conditions that motivated them to plan what they themselves described as a terrorist attack remain.”

What are those conditions? Raw Story gave a clue to the answer to that in a risibly hysterical piece Monday that began:

A very particular, cultish and dangerous brand of domestic terrorism has been honed, and we should call it what it is: Trumpist terrorism.

 We’ve rarely if ever experienced domestic terrorism organized not only in the service of an ideology — white supremacy — but in the name of one person, a cult figure for whom people will kill and die, devoted to his cause and taking perceived orders from him.

 But that is what is happening now.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Handlers’ Freeing of Guantanamo Detainee Highlights the Confusion and Failure of the ‘War on Terror’

Abdul Latif Nasser spent nineteen years in the Guantanamo prison camp without charge. This was a tremendous injustice, and was born of the confusion about what exactly we were facing after 9/11 in the first place. Bush called it a “war on terror,” and so we put enemy combatants in a prison camp. In past wars, soldiers who became prisoners of war were generally not tried; they were held until the end of hostilities and then released. But Bush’s war became Obama’s war and was then transformed by the latter into a war against “violent extremism,” which opened the door for the identity of the enemy to be shifted from jihadis to “white supremacists,” a label increasingly used of all non-Leftist Americans. Neither the war against “terror” or against “violent extremism” have any definable end point, so there was no end point for the jihadis in Guantanamo.

Meanwhile, many former Guantanamo detainees have returned to the jihad. Will Abdul Latif Nasser do so? Time will tell. But was anything done while he was at Gitmo to disabuse him of his jihadist sensibilities? Of course not. That would have been “Islamophobic.” Instead, he was given a Qur’an, the book that led him to wage jihad in the first place, in a manner that demonstrated that even the infidel U.S. had exaggerated reverence for the book: non-Muslim guards even wore gloves when handling it (because unbelievers are “unclean,” as per Qur’an 9:28). It is entirely possible that Abdul Latif Nasser is an even more hardened and determined jihadi than he was before. Your taxpayer dollars, and Washington’s willful ignorance, at work.

Guantanamo detainee Abdul Latif Nasser speaks out after release

by Guy Davies, ABC News, July 20, 2021:

A Guantanamo Bay detainee who spent nearly two decades at the notorious facility and thought he might not make it out alive spoke out after being released — the first prisoner freed by the Biden administration.

“I was born again on July 19. My birthday is no longer March 4. I was born yesterday on July 19,” Abdul Latif Nasser said in a statement shared with ABC News. “I have no words to describe my overwhelming sense of happiness and joy. It is like a miracle after 20 years to be home and celebrate Eid together with my family.”

On Tuesday, the legal charity Reprieve, which campaigned for his release and provided legal support, confirmed to ABC News that Nasser was reunited with his family in Morocco.

Nasser, whose case was profiled by ABC News in 2019, was first cleared for release from Guantanamo more than five years ago. He had been detained there for 19 years after he was captured in Afghanistan, alleged by the U.S. government to be an active member of the Taliban and then to have trained with al-Qaeda.

During his time at Guantanamo, he was never charged with a crime, and his lawyers stress that none of the U.S. government’s claims have been aired in a court of law. He was cleared for release in 2016 following a Periodic Review Board (PRB) hearing, set up by the Obama administration in 2011, in order to speed up the process recommending individuals for transfer away from the facility.

The PRB consists of officials from six major agencies, and all members of the board must recommend that law of war detention is no longer justified….

In a statement from Nasser’s brother, Mustafa, his family said were delighted Nasser was home in time for the Islamic festival, Eid al-Adha….


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of 9/11 by Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

Biden is restarting every terrible Obama project. And he’s trying to finish those that Obama couldn’t.

Obama’s big dream was freeing all the terrorists and closing Gitmo. One of his first executive orders addressed Gitmo’s terrorists. He forced out Secretary of Defense Hagel over it, and terrorized Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to such an extent that at one point Obama actually asked a Republican Congress for the power to override him on this. The Osama mission wasn’t about killing the terrorist leader, but detaining him for a civilian trial so he could justify dismantling Gitmo and the military court system.

Biden is following in Obama’s footsteps, but he’s chosen to be less confrontational about it. That’s a matter of tactics, not ends.

Unlike Hagel and Carter, Biden picked Lloyd Austin as a guy who will rubber stamp the worst possible abuses and crimes against national security.

It began with prioritizing Gitmo terrorists for vaccines.

9/11 vets expressed their fury at Joe Biden after the Pentagon approved giving Covid vaccines to Guantanamo Bay terror inmates before most Americans.

Tom Van Essen, who was New York City Fire Commissioner during the September 11 attacks, called the move “f**king nuts.”

“The fact that the 9/11 community can’t get the vaccine and the terrorists can show how backward our government is,” John Feal, who was a demolition supervisor at Ground Zero, said.

“It’s the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard. It’s an insult to the people who ran into the towers and were killed and those who worked on the pile for months and are ill.”

Last month, I wrote about one of Biden’s more outrageous Gitmo release parties.

Biden’s newest charity case wanted something bigger. The dossier describes the 9/11 mastermind’s associate and Paracha chatting about Al Qaeda getting some “radiological or nuclear items several times” because Paracha wanted “to help al-Qaida ‘do something big against the US.’”

Paracha “also discussed nuclear attacks and attacks against nuclear power plants” and had an idea for “al-Qaida to attack a nuclear power plant”.

So you can see why Joe Biden is letting him go.

But the overall strategy is keeping Biden’s plot against America on the down-low.

President Joe Biden has quietly begun efforts to close the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, using an under-the-radar approach to minimize political blowback and to try to make at least some progress in resolving a long-standing legal and human rights morass before the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

And then Biden can have a party to celebrate the 20th anniversary with his new Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Iranian terrorist buddies.

But he’s trying to keep it secret.

After initial plans for a more aggressive push to close the facility — including rebuffed attempts to recruit a special envoy to oversee the strategy — the White House changed course, sources said. The administration has opted to wait before it reaches out to Congress, which has thwarted previous efforts to close the camp, because of fears that political outcry might interfere with the rest of Biden’s agenda.

“They don’t want it to become a dominant issue that blows up,” a former senior administration official involved in the discussions said of Biden officials. “They don’t want it to become a lightning rod.”

Don’t tell the Americans what we’re up to. Let the media keep posting pictures of Biden with dogs or kids, while the nation is betrayed.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.