Twenty States Now Ban Genital Mutilation for Minors thumbnail

Twenty States Now Ban Genital Mutilation for Minors

By Neland Nobel

Twenty states now ban genital mutilation or what progressives call “gender-affirming care” for minors with gender dysphoria.  In most cases, it has been achieved against almost universal support by the Democrat Party for invasive surgery and puberty-blocking drugs.

Texas is the latest and largest state to pass such legislation banning such practices.

Penalties vary by state.  For example, Arizona specifies no particular penalty, Arkansas allows parents and others to sue the doctors involved, while Florida makes it a crime.  Other states combine provider liability for lawsuits with medical license suspensions. So while penalties vary in severity, a good chunk of the country is now solidly opposed to changing the sex of children based on the self-analysis of children too young to understand sex or sexual roles and behavior.

The blowback against the transgendered movement continues to gain speed.  Parents are standing up to school boards, legislators are standing up against “medical professionals”, and consumers continue to boycott corporations like Target and Anheuser-Bush.  Even the invasion of women’s sports is now getting significant pushback.

The economic losses are so huge to some corporations that many executives now question the wisdom of picking sides in cultural/political issues.  Nevertheless, the desire to achieve high ESG scores and please BlackRock seems to trump serving customers and the fiduciary duty to shareholders.

Even the gay community is starting finally to split up on the issue with prominent gays such as Dave Rubin and Douglas Murray suggesting the LGBTQ+ alliance does not logically hold together. The interest of gays and lesbians does not align with the fringe claims of the transgender movement.

The speed and intensity of this reaction are heartening and indicate conservatives are losing their passive attitude concerning many hot-button societal issues.

While many deserve credit, we feel special recognition should go to Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire.

In the political realm, Ron DeSantis of Florida has been both the bravest and clearest political leader in this area.  He seems better than anyone else currently connecting cultural issues and politics.

Other legislators are finally asking for some scientific proof for such procedures as cited by the revealing exchange below.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.