Entries by Kenneth R. Timmerman

Why does Joe Biden consistently attack U.S. friends and befriend U.S. enemies?

Last week, Greece announced it would be sending US-made Patriot anti-missile batteries and soldiers to man them to Saudi Arabia, to replace US-manned Patriots the Biden administration withdrew in April. It was a momentous development in the rapidly changing geopolitical environment of the Middle East, and received zero coverage in the corporate media in the United States. […]

Biden’s Rout in Kabul: You own this, Joe!

For decades, Joe Biden has touted himself as a foreign policy genius. As a United States senator, he never had to make a decision or bear responsibility for running off at the mouth. As vice-president, he was given backwaters such as Ukraine that he reportedly turned into a family piggy bank. But now he is president. He […]

Biden Embraces The Mullahs, Ditches The Saudis

The Biden administration has announced that it is “recalibrating” its relationship with Saudi Arabia to include cutting off arms sales, rehabilitating the Houthis in neighboring Yemen, and intentionally snubbing Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, widely known by his initials, MBS. Democrats in Congress and the media have long made a cause célèbre of the Saudi Crown Prince. They despise his ruthless crackdown on […]

VIDEO: Who is behind Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic?

I discusses Dominion and Smartmatic with Bob Sellers and Heather Childers on NewsmaxTV. Smartmatic Chairman was investment partner of George Soros.  ©Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved. RELATED VIDEO: ‘Drop and Roll’ – How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From Donald Trump. RELATED ARTICLES: Taking a Closer Look at the Trump Campaign’s Battle to […]