Incensed By Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover, The Left Won’t Even Pay Lip Service To Free Speech thumbnail

Incensed By Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover, The Left Won’t Even Pay Lip Service To Free Speech

By John Daniel Davidson

There was a time not long ago when liberals at least pretended to support free speech. Those days are gone, and never coming back.

If you want to know how insane our disinformation discourse is right now, consider this: on Wednesday, just two days after Elon Musk secured a $44 billion deal to purchase Twitter — triggering apoplectic doomsaying from his critics on the left — news broke that the Department of Homeland Security has created a “Disinformation Governance Board” to combat misinformation ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Testifying before the House Appropriations Subcommittee, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the new entity would address the “threat” of so-called targeted misinformation campaigns among minority communities. Hours later, Politico reported the DHS board would also focus on illegal immigration and Russia, and would be led by Nina Jankowicz, a former disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center and an advisor to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, who also happens to be a Russia collusion truther.

In addition to spreading the false story that former President Donald Trump was put in office as part of a nefarious Kremlin plot, Jankowicz once claimed armed Trump supporters would show up to the polls to intimidate voters. In the runup to the 2020 election, she spread the false narrative that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian influence operation.

Indeed, the choice of Jankowicz to head a DHS office targeting election misinformation ahead of the midterms tells you everything you need to know about what the Biden administration means when it uses terms like “misinformation,” and sets up a board at DHS to “combat” it. The point of the board is to suppress any information or news that runs counter to the administration’s political aims and policy agenda. Understood in this light, the new DHS board amounts to a Soviet-style Ministry of Truth, a propaganda operation designed to quash speech and hide information from voters ahead of national elections — the exact opposite of its stated purpose.

News of this Disinformation Governance Board should snap the entire Musk-Twitter saga into focus. The unintentionally hilarious freak-outs from corporate media and left-wing blue checks about the end of democracy if Musk takes control of Twitter are not, according to the left’s point of view, overreactions.

For them, the purpose of Twitter is not to facilitate free speech or the salutary exchange of ideas or even robust debate. They care as much about all that as, say, Mayorkas and Jankowicz care about disinformation ahead of the midterms. Nor do they care all that much about hateful speech or targeted harassment on Twitter. So long as the targets of hate and harassment are on the right, it’s fine by them.

When they decry Musk’s takeover and lament that it will threaten democracy, what they mean is that they fear losing control over the platform, which, although smaller than some other social media companies, is a remarkably powerful tool for controlling narratives, shaping political discourse, and influencing news coverage. For them, “free speech” means speech they allow, that falls within boundaries they themselves have set and can change as needed. None of the people who now claim Musk’s ownership of Twitter is a huge problem saw any problem at all with Twitter’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election — a major case of actual misinformation that arguably affected the outcome of the election.

You cannot get them to admit this, though, in part because they will not admit it to themselves. Epistemic closure on the left makes it impossible for someone like The Atlantic’s Adam Serwer, for example, to understand the Musk takeover of Twitter as a potential victory for authentic free speech. For Serwer, the entire debate about free speech on Twitter is a canard, “a disingenuous attempt to frame what is ultimately a political conflict over Twitter’s usage as a neutral question about civil liberties, but the outcome conservatives are hoping for is one in which conservative speech on the platform is favored and liberal speech disfavored.”

That pretty much sums up what the left is telling itself about all this. Allowing conservatives to speak their minds on Twitter about, say, transgenderism or abortion or critical race theory, can’t possibly be considered “free speech.” To them, it’s just “hateful conduct” conservatives engage in as part of a power dynamic, which in turn warrants censorship.

Same goes for raising concerns about last-minute changes to voting rules ahead of the 2020 election, or questions about the origins of Covid-19 and the efficacy of the vaccines. None of it counts as free speech, according to the left. Mention any of that, and you’re liable to get locked out of your Twitter account. (Believe me, I know whereof I speak.)

For the left, this isn’t only right and just, it’s necessary to “protect democracy.” Consider the recent remarks from former President Barack Obama — the living, breathing avatar for this mode of thinking. During a speech at Stanford University, Obama said censoring speech online is necessary to thwart disinformation that could hoodwink people into believing falsehoods or losing trust in their leaders, and of course we can’t have that. “Once they lose trust in their leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of truth, the game’s won,” he said.

It never occurs to Obama, or to his rapt audience at Stanford, that our leaders richly deserved to be distrusted, as do the mainstream media and our political institutions. The important thing, for Obama and those with his mindset, is not that these people and institutions prove themselves actually trustworthy, only that they be seen as such. If that means a little more online censorship, then so be it.

It was not always so. There was a time not long ago Obama himself at least made it sound like he thought free speech was important. Speaking at the United Nations in 2012 just weeks after the terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi that killed Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador in Libya, along with three other Americans, Obama mounted a spirited defense of free speech. (Set aside, for the moment, that he did so under the false pretense that the Benghazi attack came about as a result of spontaneous protests of an anti-Muslim video, and not, as everyone at the time knew, a coordinated assault by Islamic militants affiliated with Al Qaeda.)

The reason the United States protects free speech, Obama said, is “because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can quickly become a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities,” and because, “given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences can inflame, the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech.”

Efforts to suppress free speech, he went on, are doomed to fail because “in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete.”

What a difference a decade makes.


This article was published by The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

Sweden Finally Gets Some Recognition thumbnail

Sweden Finally Gets Some Recognition

By Neland Nobel

During the recent government panic over Covid, almost all governments in one form or another used “lockdown”, or the quarantining of the healthy, in order to stop the spread of the disease. This was a first in history because usually, isolating the sick or the especially vulnerable was the strategy.

The result was severe economic distortion including soaring debt, rising inflation, and completely tangled supply chains. We will all be lucky if a global depression can be avoided as a consequence of these flawed policies.  Starvation in the Third World is a real possibility.

But even simply on the basis of healthcare outcomes, growing evidence shows it was a terrible mistake. This includes no better fatality rates, a bulge in health problems from those who could not seek treatment for other ailments and conditions, soaring mental health issues including drug and alcohol abuse, catastrophic disruption of schooling and the lives of children, and the severe diminution of personal liberty.

In the early phases of the pandemic, given the unknown nature of the virus from China, and the severe response China had to a pandemic that they likely were more knowledgeable about than other nations, it would be charitable to give governmental officials some latitude. They simply did not know what they were dealing with and copied China.

Computer models vastly exaggerated the possible fatalities. It also seemed to feed into the needs of Progressives to control every aspect of life, kind of a dry run for their coming “lockdown” to save the world from “climate change.”

There was widespread fear that hospitals would collapse under the weight of the infected.

As more information began to become available, it appeared many of these measures did little good and in fact did substantial harm. Some countries, continued harsh measures, while others began to relax the regulations.

Within the US, typically states and cities run by Democrats continued severe measures and while Republican states, used a lighter touch. It soon became clear that outcomes were no better, and sometimes worse, in states with harsh lockdown policies. Yet, advocates of harsh lockdown decided to follow only the “science” that supported their policies.

This caused a further divide politically in the U.S., with die-hard lockdown politicians seeming to revel in their newly found power to abuse civil liberties, while Republicans began to protest, refused to comply, and mock the excesses of others.

It divided families and friends as well. One group seems forever terrified and wanted to force others to embrace their fears by forcing others to vaccinate, wear masks, and curtail group activities.

Others calculated their own risk and tried as best to go on with their lives within the restrictions.

The vaccinated and boosted members of societies began to get the virus and spread the virus. If this was a vaccine in the traditional sense, it seemed quite ineffectual. Even President Trump, ever eager to brag about “Operation Warp Speed”, began to have doubts about the role he played in all of this.

But, we could have had mass vaccination without lockdown.

Even today, it is not uncommon to see people wearing masks alone while walking outside or riding in a car. It is hard to recall any period in U.S. history where such fear gripped a large segment of the population. The mask became a talisman to ward off evil spirits, it would seem.

To vaccinate very young children, who have virtually no chance of dying from the virus, but yet run the considerable risk of adverse reactions, still continues to be promoted.

Among nations, really only one pursued fundamentally a different strategy. It was generally to protect the vulnerable elderly while leaving younger citizens with lower risk to make their own calculations of risk.

We highlighted this experience in multiple articles to our readers as we found their approach much more balanced and their results really no worse than severe lockdown states.

The country, of course, was Sweden.

Sweden generally has designed a mixed economy, high taxes, generous state-provided benefits, and open immigration, while allowing considerable room for enterprise and personal freedom.

It does not exactly fit the description of a government that would pursue this lighter touch to the pandemic. But English-style democracies like Australia and New Zealand were among the most dictatorial, while quasi-socialist Sweden took another route.

Yet Sweden was constantly mocked for its approach. You just don’t stand apart from a good bureaucratic stampede.

To date, little press has been given to the remarkable difference in Sweden. Perhaps, this is because the information is so embarrassing to the more popular harsh lockdown politicians around the world.

We are proud that at The Prickly Pear, we repeatedly tried to call attention to the Swedish approach with multiple articles.

That is why it is perhaps an encouraging signal that a reckoning is coming for the harsh lockdown crowd with the publication in the Washington Monthly, of a major article on Sweden, and an analysis of all the terrible unintended consequences that followed in the U.S. from harsh lockdown policies.

The Washington Monthly is not known for being particularly conservative and its readership is Beltway elites. That makes their piece on this subject all the more revelatory. This is not a fringe publication, but rather one popular in the corridors of political power, the same corridors that produced awful lockdown policies.

Here are a few snippets from What Sweden Got Right About Covid :

But Sweden seems to have been right. Countries that took the severe route to stem the virus might want to look at the evidence found in a little-known 2021 report by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The researchers found that among 11 wealthy peer nations, Sweden was the only one with no excess mortality among individuals under 75. None, zero, zip.

That’s not to say that Sweden had no deaths from COVID. It did. But it appears to have avoided the collateral damage that lockdowns wreaked in other countries. The Kaiser study wisely looked at excess mortality, rather than the more commonly used metric of COVID deaths. This means that researchers examined mortality rates from all causes of death in the 11 countries before the pandemic and compared those rates to mortality from all causes during the pandemic. If a country averaged 1 million deaths per year before the pandemic but had 1.3 million deaths in 2020, excess mortality would be 30 percent.

There are several reasons to use excess mortality rather than COVID deaths to compare countries. The rate of COVID deaths ignores regional and national differences. For example, the desperately poor Central African Republic has a very low rate of fatalities from COVID. But that’s because it has an average life expectancy of 53. People in their 70s are 3,000-fold more susceptible than children to dying of COVID, and even people in their 20s to 50s are far less likely to die than the elderly. So, it’s no surprise that the Central African Republic has a low COVID mortality rate despite its poverty and poor medical care. The U.S., by contrast, with its large elderly population (and general ill-health compared to most wealthy countries), was fertile soil for the coronavirus.

Excess mortality is the smart, objective standard. It includes all deaths, whether from COVID, the indirect effects of COVID (such as people avoiding the hospital during a heart attack), or the side effects of lockdowns. And it gets rid of the problem of underlying differences among countries, allowing a direct comparison of their performance during COVID.”

They go on to say:

Even among the elderly, Sweden’s excess mortality in 2020 was lower than that in the U.S., Belgium, Switzerland, the U.K., the Netherlands, Austria, and France. Canada, Germany, and Australia had lower rates than Sweden among people over the age of 70—probably because Sweden failed to limit nursing home visits at the very beginning of the pandemic.

The U.S., by contrast, had the highest excess mortality rate among all 11 countries in the Kaiser study. We also had a stunning number of COVID deaths—more than 1 million. Our lousy rate is probably due to multiple factors, says Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. Our underlying health is worse than most wealthy countries because of our wide wealth gap, high rates of poverty and obesity, spotty access to high-quality health care for the poor, and an aging population.”

There is much to be learned about this whole Covid affair. Where did it come from? Why did governments react the way they did, even as information came in contradicting their policy? Why did so many people abandon their freedom and responsibility for their own lives? What role did the media play in spreading irrational fear? Will any of our leaders ever be held accountable for their decisions? Where were the checks and balances in our American system?

Maybe the process of self-examination can now begin because a beltway publication is now willing to talk about it. Let’s face it, our leaders, our press, and our medical establishment failed us terribly.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

What the West Got Wrong About China thumbnail

What the West Got Wrong About China

By Habi Zang

In believing that China would one day become a liberal democratic society, Western elites demonstrated their ignorance of Chinese culture.

Until recently, for the past four decades, the myth that helping China get rich would make it into a democracy was part of the everyday “wisdom” in the West. However, China—the second-largest economy in the world—continues steering a totalitarian course with a new “core leader” of the Chinese Communist Party at the helm who builds massive concentration camps in Xinjiang, throws human-rights lawyers and Christians into jail, aggressively brandishes its military force at Taiwan, and even harasses Chinese Americans living in the US.

It’s often said that those egregious transgressions are an indication of the CCP regime’s rejection of “fundamental freedoms, human rights, and democratic norms,” as FBI director Christopher Wray stated on January 31, 2022. Wray was speaking about the Party’s decades-long operation on American soil of targeting, threatening, or kidnapping former Chinese nationals or American residents who openly criticize the Chinese government or advocate democratization in China. They even went further to interfere with the U.S. congressional election by threatening a military veteran who once was a student leader of the 1989 pro-democracy protest in Tienanmen square.

But what’s been violated here is not so much Chinese Americans’ human rights but their political rights as American citizens. Liberties stipulated in the Constitution of the United States are not abstract human rights, but have a political nature. Freedoms Americans have enjoyed are a legacy bequeathed by their forefathers. Americans must understand that freedom in the Land of Free is a tradition, not a conventionally-assumed axiom—a “self-evident” moral truth—that is unproven and unprovable, and more importantly, nonexistent in other societies. American freedom is prior to the American republic.

The reason why China would brazenly “disregard the international law” that many other nations voluntarily abide by is that the rule of law is not, and has never been, a moral principle in Chinese society.

Arendt and Confucius

Political theorists Hannah Arendt observed that the problem of freedom is crucial to the question of politics, and no political theory can afford to remain unconcerned with it. So, the question of freedom will serve in this piece as the Rosetta stone for our understanding of Chinese politics.

Mistakenly, freedom has always been positively associated with democracy, notwithstanding the precaution taken by America’s founding fathers and the penetrating insight offered by Tocqueville. It is probably due to this reason that Western democratic nations always invoke individual freedoms as the moral principle to legitimate their criticism of the CCP regime’s suppression of free speech, an independent press, and religious freedom. Within the framework of the Western political tradition, this is a legitimate and valid argument when examining human affairs. But all criticisms or indictments are a fool’s errand, exerting no effect whatsoever on the CCP regime, because Chinese society views humans and human affairs entirely differently from the West.

Juxtaposing Arendt’s account of freedom with Confucianism, we can start to make sense of why the CCP unabashedly behaves the way it does.

Distinct from the common definition of freedom, such as Isaiah Berlin’s treatment, Arendt defines freedom as the human capacity to start something new in the man-made world and attributes it solely to the fact that we are born into the world. For Arendt, freedom is not a value or a proposition, as it is now commonly interpreted, but a fact simply by virtue of our natality. “God created man in order to introduce into the world the faculty of beginning: freedom,” says Arendt.  Freedom to Arendt is humans’ raison d’etre, and it is the prerequisite for action which is the essence of politics for Arendt. “Men are free . . . as long as they act . . . for to be free and to act are the same.” Note that the Arendtian term action includes both speech and action, and it is the “only activity that goes on directly between men without the intermediary of things or matter.” In other words, action is the only human activity that is exclusively political.

As intriguing and persuasive as her treatment of freedom is, Arendt’s conclusion does not go beyond the Western framework. Confined in her self-referential imagination which is anchored to the Judeo-Christian world, Arendt attributes freedom to natality. But it works only if we believe humans are born into the world as an individual being endowed with human dignity and rights because we are created in the image of the Creator.  

The traditional Chinese philosophy presents a different outlook on human nature, however. For Arendt, humans are the beginning of something new because birth is a beginning. But Confucianism, the predominant school of thought in Chinese tradition, sees birth as a derivative of the family line.

Confucius’ The Classic of Filial Piety (400–300 BC) provides the window through which we see the Confucian definition of humans. The very first teaching of filial piety states that “Our bodies—to every hair and bit of skin—are received by us from our parents, and we must not presume to injure or wound them.” This is the beginning of filial piety, and its end is to glorify one’s parents in the future by bringing fame and fortune to the family. Humans are not recognized as beings of intrinsic value but as a bundle of utilities.

Thus, we see filial piety stands in stark opposition to such liberal ideas as individual sovereignty. The liberal man is a rights-bearing individual entitled to his “life, liberty, and property,” whereas the Confucian man does not presume to own his own body. He only assumes his personhood through integrating himself into the family line. Liberalism postulates an autonomous self, while Confucianism negates the self.

In the despotically ruled society, such as China, where the man-made world is not “the scene for action and speech,” as Arendt put it, “freedom has no worldly reality.” What constitutes the social facts in China are obedience and uniformity, not freedom and individuality as in the West.

The Polis and Under Heaven

The French sociologist Emile Durkheim defines moral authority as a higher end, the good, that prescribes human affairs and legitimates moral judgment. In traditional Chinese society, it is filial piety that authorizes morality, in stark contrast to the modern Western political thought which states that the individual is sovereign. Filial piety, in Confucius’s words, is “a perfect virtue and all-embracing rule of conduct . . . filial piety is the root of (all) virtue, and (the stem) out of which grows (all moral) teaching.”

To understand Confucian ethics is to understand Chinese political culture, as historically political issues in China were essentially moral issues. Unlike Western politics, which is about administering justice or securing rights according to a consensus among citizens, the Chinese view politics as the making of moral judgments concerning right and wrong in accordance with Confucian ethics. Filial piety is the ethical solution Confucius proposes to end political conflicts, once and for all. “By the practice of it (filial piety) the people were brought to live in peace and harmony, and there was no ill-will between superiors and inferiors,” notes Confucius.

It was the rule of morality, not the rule of law, that defined Chinese politics.

In The Classics of Filial Piety—primarily a moral code of conduct—Confucius teaches that “of all the actions of man there is none greater than filial piety. In filial piety, there is nothing greater than the reverential awe of one’s father. In the reverential awe shown to one’s father, there is nothing greater than the making him the correlate of Heaven.” We can therefore conclude that the Durkheimian sense of the sacred object—the source of moral authority—is the father in both the literal and metaphorical sense. With this understanding, Confucianism can be viewed as a religion as manifested in the ritual of ancestor worship.

What the individual sovereignty is to liberalism, ancestor worship is to Confucianism. In Chinese society what the ruling class—the Party—and the subjects have in common is the patriarchal hierarchy itself. Rights of any sort do not have worldly reality.

When writing about authority, Arendt reminds us to differentiate between authority and coercion or persuasion. In “What Is Authority?” Arendt untangled the common, mistaken conflation of authority and power. Arendt’s treatment of authority is philosophical and therefore is different from Durkheim’s term which is a sociological construct. For Arendt, coercion (the external force) is used when authority breaks down. Persuasion, on the other hand, presupposes an egalitarian order and operates in argumentation. “Where arguments are used, authority is left in abeyance,” notes Arendt. By contrast, authority indicates the authoritarian relation—a hierarchy order rooted in statuses and allegiances—which is acknowledged and respected by both the one who commands and the ones who obey.

In contrast to the Greek city-state, the 20th-century Chinese philosopher Fung Yu-Lan characterizes the Chinese state as the family-state. In the Chinese tradition, household rule is vested solely in the household head—the despot in the Greek translation.

The way the Greek city-state handles domestic issues is through persuasion, whereas the household rule of the Chinese family-state is authoritarian. In the Greek polis reside citizens who participate in public affairs in the agora via arguing and reasoning, while under Heaven, the Chinese subjects obey the ruler (the Son of Heaven) who ought to be “benevolent” and “righteous,” acting like a father who disciplines and provides for his children.

Chinese Political Culture

China is the only ancient civilization that continues to exist today. Twenty-five dynasties constituted the long history of imperial China starting from the Qin dynasty (221-206 BC) and ending with the Qing in 1912. Those 25 different households have come and gone, but they have passed on the same mores and values, making the cultural continuity possible. The People’s Republic of China is but the twenty-sixth dynasty.

Despite Mao’s (ostensible) hatred for Chinese traditions, the CCP regime has in effect modeled itself on the imperial family state, taking over not just the land but its subjects too. Today, the public officeholders in China are still referred to as “父母官,” literally meaning the “father and mother officials.” On the other end of the hierarchical spectrum, the people still address themselves as “老百姓,” literally meaning “old hundred surnames.” It is a term that emerged with the founding of the Qin dynasty that ended feudalism in China. The nobility and the slaves disappeared, and in their stead emerged the class of the “old hundred surnames,” a submissive population of probably the world’s first centralized state.

The only difference between imperial China and the CCP regime is that in the past, there was a perpetual, unresolvable conflict between one’s filial piety to the state and to the family, but now this contradiction is solved by playing an intellectual sleight of hand. I grew up listening to the propaganda that the Chinese word “国家” (country) is combined with two characters: “国” meaning the state and “家” meaning the family. Without the state, the family cannot survive, as revealed in the sequence of this word. What’s been inculcated in the minds and hearts of the “old hundred surnames” is that the state is prior to the family.

For too long has the West remained ignorant of the deep structure of the Chinese society that has preserved entirely the traditional political culture. It is this culture, not the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, that explains the voluntary submissiveness among the “old hundred surnames” and their preference for stability over “dangerous freedom” (in Thomas Jefferson’s words). This is why the government brutally sent troops in 1989 to massacre peacefully protesting students. It is why the three student representatives, supposedly fighting for democracy, nevertheless knelt on the steps of the Great Hall while holding a petition paper over their heads—the typical manner of the subjects seeing the emperor—when petitioning for a dialogue with the government officials. It is why China unabashedly breached the Hong Kong Handover Treaty merely two decades later after the signing. And it is why in the spring of 2022, Xi Jinping, the “Emperor Xi,” was able to place Shanghai’s 26 million people under a lockdown that led to the separation of babies from their parents and even deaths due to starvation, lack of medical care, or suicide.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Human rights exist to the degree that they are respected by people in relations with each other and by government in relations with their citizens.” Well, in Chinese society what the ruling class—the Party—and the subjects have in common is the patriarchal hierarchy itself. Rights of any sort do not have worldly reality.

If only Washington politicians, think tanks, or pundits had understood the Chinese political culture, the delusion that a rich China would ultimately become a free China would never have passed into everyday “wisdom,” jeopardizing America’s interests and security. 


This article was published in Law & Liberty and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

6 Dystopian Things Biden’s ‘Disinformation Board’ Pick Nina Jankowicz Has Done thumbnail

6 Dystopian Things Biden’s ‘Disinformation Board’ Pick Nina Jankowicz Has Done

By Elle Reynolds

Nina Jankowicz wants to police memes, but is totally cool with lies fabricated by the Clinton campaign to take down Trump.

Mere days after eccentric billionaire Elon Musk’s buyout of Twitter sent the political censors into a tizzy, the Biden administration debuted a “Disinformation Governance Board” to crack down on online speech the White House doesn’t like. The proposed agency, which would fall under the Department of Homeland Security, already merits the comparisons many have drawn to George Orwell’s “ministry of truth,” but Joe Biden’s appointment of Nina Jankowicz to be the board’s executive director makes the hackery even more obvious.

Here are six of the most dystopian things Jankowicz — whom DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas ridiculously called “absolutely” politically neutral — has ever said or done.

Shortly after The New York Post broke inflammatory news of damning emails and photos on a laptop belonging to then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, Jankowicz aided the coordinated effort by legacy media and Big Tech to quash the story right before the election.

The Associated Press (among many other outlets) pooh-poohed the explosive news, citing Jankowicz’s input to claim “disinformation experts say there are multiple red flags that raise doubts about their authenticity, including questions about whether the laptop actually belongs to Hunter Biden.”

“We should view it as a Trump campaign product,” Jankowicz told the AP.

More than a year later, even corporate outlets including both The New York Times and The Washington Post quietly, grudgingly admitted the laptop is indeed real. In other words, the woman tapped to lead Biden’s disinformation Gestapo has herself engaged in textbook disinformation.

2. Her Creepy Mary Poppins Disinformation Song

In February 2021, Jankowicz posted a very weird video on TikTok singing about so-called disinformation to the tune of an iconic “Mary Poppins” song.

“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious, by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious,” she sang in the bizarre jingle.

3. That Time She Called for Censoring Memes

“The biggest challenge in identifying this content both for our team and for platforms is what we’ve dubbed ‘malign creativity’ — the coded language, memes, and context-based content which allow harmful posts to avoid detection,” Jankowicz tweeted in a thread about the content she thinks needs more censoring.

A related report she co-authored went so far as to claim that “malign creativity,” including “iterative, context-based visual and textual memes,” is “the greatest obstacle to detecting and enforcing against online gendered abuse and disinformation.”

4. When She Suggested Using Cops to Police Online Speech

Discussing “online abuse” toward women in an April interview, Jankowicz insisted, “We need to at least upskill police officers and local law enforcement to deal with these things and perhaps start some collaboration.”

“In the UK, they’re looking at making the content that they call ‘awful, but lawful’ illegal,” she continued. “I think we need to think about that as well, because again, going back to the comparative situation, if I were walking down the street and there were a bunch of men yelling these slurs at me, the police would intervene, I could get a restraining order against these people who are coming back, again and again, to say these things to me. Online, that just doesn’t exist yet. So I’m hopeful for that architecture to come into play.”

5. When She Sang Praises for The Russia Disinformation Hoax’s Christopher Steele

In August 2020, Jankowicz tweeted about what a great authority Christopher Steele was on disinformation.

“Listened to this last night- Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo. Worth a listen,” she tweeted about a podcast appearance.

Steele is the infamous ex-MI6 agent who was hired in 2016 by FusionGPS (which was hired by Perkins Coie, the law firm representing Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign) to manufacture a collection of sensational lies about then-candidate Donald Trump, which became known as the Steele dossier. The dossier was then peddled to the FBI and various media outlets, and serves as the basis for years of false slanders about Trump via the Russia collusion hoax.

Jankowicz’s praise of Steele is just one more instance of her support for actual disinformation when it fits her agenda. She wants to police Twitter memes, but is totally cool with lies fabricated by a Democrat presidential candidate’s campaign to take down her opponent and choke his presidency.

6. When She Called Insulting Kamala Harris a Threat to Democracy

“I wrote about the online gendered abuse I experienced, and the attacks we tracked against

@KamalaHarris, @AOC, @IlhanMN, & more,” Jankowicz wrote on Twitter, referring to an article she wrote for Wired. “Platforms and governments aren’t doing enough. It’s time to act. Our national security and democracy are at stake.”

It’s certainly unpleasant when cowardly people choose to tear down others for no good reason from behind a computer screen. But you don’t have to defend any actually malicious comments about Democrats like Kamala Harris to remember that the same media types whining now have hurled countless and inexcusable slander at Republican women like Sarah Palin without batting an eye. Double standard aside, online insults are hardly the biggest national security threat to America today.

By no means is Jankowicz’s disturbing history alone what makes the “disinformation board” so foreboding. It’s not unlikely Biden will yank her name from the ring once her radicalism becomes more widely known, or in an attempt to tamp down criticism of the new unit.

But with or without her, the proposed agency is just as dystopian as it sounds — and any Americans who value the First Amendment should speak out against it while they still can.


This article was published by The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

Weekend Read: The Threat to Liberty is Coming from Inside the House thumbnail

Weekend Read: The Threat to Liberty is Coming from Inside the House

By Barry Brownstein

You might be, as I am, alarmed about the future of liberty. How deep are the roots of liberty when so many submit to authoritarian measures in response to COVID, and approve the use of coercion against those less eager to comply? Unable to visualize alternatives, public acceptance of top-down coercive solutions to COVID demonstrates a willingness to sacrifice liberty for the promise of safety.

To restore liberty, our understanding of liberty needs to deepen.

The prolific author and educator Leonard Read is most famous for his timeless essay “I, Pencil.” In one of his earlier works, Students of Liberty, based on a 1950 talk he delivered to economics students at the University of Pittsburgh, Read clarifies in simple terms what liberty is and the mindset that must be restored. Read writes, “Liberty— the absence of coercion or violence— is not readily comprehended.” He explains that the absence of coercion and violence is not readily comprehended because “relatively few among those who have lived on this earth have been able to visualize any order in society, or any progress by those who compose it, except as the will of some has been imposed on the actions of others.”

Tellingly, Read adds, “History, for the most part, is a record of violence. Present-day talk and writing— history in the making— for the most part is an argument for the rearrangement of the rules of violence.”

History is being made not merely by governments and bureaucrats but by our fellow Americans. The results of this Rasmussen poll conducted earlier this year reveal a readiness of the American public to rearrange the “rules of violence:”

59 percent of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Nearly half (48 percent) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.”

45 percent of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine

47 percent of Democrats favor a government tracking program for those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine.

29 percent of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

To be sure, a clear majority of all likely voters oppose these measures. Yet, a terrifying wind justifying violence is blowing, a wind that an alarming number of voters of all stripes are welcoming.

Having aroused primitive fears, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, presidents, and governors, supported by mainstream news and social media censorship, purported to assume responsibility for our health decisions. People felt relieved from the burden of exploring what they can do to boost their immune system and sustain their health. Read explores the consequences of outsourcing personal responsibility:

Once the reliance on self is removed, once the responsibility for a portion of our being has been assumed by another — be that other a person, a set of persons, or the police force—we cease to think about or apply our ingenuity to the activities thus transferred. When the agency to which the transfer is made is the state, an agency of coercion, is it any wonder that creative thought diminishes to near non-existence?

We become convinced that there are no other solutions, so we stop looking for them. Read explains, “Creative thought is abandoned by man as a free and thus a creative agent and assumed by man as an agent of coercion. Coercion, by its nature, is incapable of creativeness.” No wonder, with the government in charge, top-down coercive solutions are prioritized, and efforts to discover effective treatments for COVID are actively thwarted.

If you are tired of being on the defense opposing endless coercive measures or want “less talk and more action,” Read’s Students of Liberty is a balm for your liberty-minded soul. Yet, this is not a call to organize and elect the right people.

The movie When a Stranger Calls provides a metaphor that exposes the human tendency to see our problems as far removed from where they really are. In the movie, the psychotic killer calling the babysitter was not far away; the calls were coming from inside the house. The real threat to liberty and the means to restore liberty are closer than we think.

Love vs. Violence

The Rasmussen poll results may trigger a defense response: to bloody hell with those who would trample on our rights. Think again. Some of those with illiberal views are our family members, colleagues, and neighbors. Read points us to a fundamental fact of human existence—humanity is interdependent. He writes that our “existence on this earth beyond a primitive state requires a recognition of this fact and a knowledge of how to deal with it skillfully.”

Read observes, “How to deal with it [interdependence] skillfully is where divergence of opinion in social affairs originates.” He continues, “This divergence takes the shape of two diametrically opposed recommendations. One commends life in accordance with the principle of violence. The other commends life in accordance with the principle of love.”

When we think of violence, we think of criminals or governments waging wars. Read asks us to broaden our understanding of violence and reflect on the many ways we support violence. Mandating funding government programs we don’t support with our tax dollars is an act of violence. Violence includes actions taken to prevent people from making peaceful decisions as to how to use their energy and property.

Read is clear: “The cause of our ills is a reliance on the principle of violence. Violence breeds violence. The more of it we practice, the more of it will we rationalize as justified— even ‘needed.’” 

Will the path our country is going down lead to the violent horrors we are witnessing today in Shanghai, where over 25 million people are trapped in their apartments with little food?

Read writes, “The alternative to violence is love.” Of course, he is not referring to romantic love. Instead, he recognizes the virtues of love:

Love, as here used, refers to the application of the kindly virtues in human relations such as tolerance, charity, good sportsmanship, the right of another to his views, integrity, the practice of not doing to others what you would not have them do to you, and other attributes which result in mutual trust, voluntary cooperation, and justice.

“Love prospers only in liberty.” Read continues,

[Love] generates and grows among free men; only with difficulty among men ruled by the principles of violence. As violence begets violence so does one personal act of kindness beget another… It is, then, in liberty that man’s natural aptness evolves toward its potentiality and its goodness.

Read sees the truth: Love prospers in liberty. It is also true that liberty prospers only with love. Only with love will you accept the principles of a free society. The rights and freedom you cherish for yourself are possible only when you cherish the same rights for everyone else.

It is twisted to believe you have the freedom to choose a medical procedure for yourself and, at the same time, believe others should make the same choice as you. Read cautions us to examine the underlying belief that we are more “decent” than others:

It is not necessary to make the case for the principle of love. Most persons will contend that it is the principle we ought to practice but that it is impractical. But try to find the individual who believes it impractical so far as he is concerned. He doesn’t exist. Each person thinks only that it is others who are incapable of decency.

Believing oneself more decent than others, it is an easy step to set oneself up as the standard for how others should live:What I am asserting is that everyone thinks himself essentially good, and capable of the high performances which interdependence requires in accordance with the principles of love. Why, then, don’t we be done with violence? Primarily, the reason is because of an all-too-common inhibiting fallacy, a myth we have conjured up in our minds: “No one else is quite as good and dependable, if left to his own resources, as I am.” This is a form of intellectual Caesarism. In effect, the persons who hold this opinion aver that the world would be a better place in which to live if only others were cast in their image— a rather brazen indictment of God.

Going on the Offense

Read explains why calls to “action” are relatively ineffective ways to restore and advance liberty. He singles out what matters most to the future of liberty: we must be students of the principles of liberty. He explains that even advanced students have more to learn:

An appreciation that progress is possible only when human energy is freed of restraint, has been gained by but few men. Is there one book or one article written by anyone at any time that can be designated as the final word on liberty? I doubt it. Perhaps the best that can be said is that the finest minds of all time have been in pursuit of its understanding and that now and then a tiny ray of new light has been thrown on what theretofore was darkness and lack of understanding. These few most advanced searchers have been among those who say: “The more exploration I do, the more I find there is to learn.”

As advanced searches of liberty, we join Read in asking, “What [then] ought to be the direction of our efforts?

My answer— self-improvement— is the essence of simplicity. The reasons which lie behind the answer, however, are complex. But without the complex reasons, the simple answer is useless. The inclinations to escape personal responsibility, and the conjured-up beliefs that somehow intellectual miracles can be wrought by us on someone else, are too persuasive for easy rejection. Unless we fully understand that these inclinations and beliefs are wholly without merit we will continue to indulge them. I wish to make the argument, as best I can, for self-improvement as the only practical course that there is to a greater liberty.

Read cautions that if you believe it is not you but someone else who needs improvement, you are looking in the wrong direction:

This notion that it is always someone else rather than one’s self who is in need of improvement is based on several false assumptions. It denies any extension of understanding to the one person on earth on whom one has the greatest influence— himself. It stamps the speaker as thinking of himself as a finished intellectual product, as all-wise. And, finally, it ignores the idea of truth as an object of infinite pursuit. This notion asserts a type of egotism in the presence of which learning cannot take place. It is death to the spirit of inquiry.

Read poses three questions for us to measure our commitment to liberty: “Would I initiate offense on those who would not offend me? Am I unjust, naturally, to the point where violence is required to restrain me? Am I unable and unwilling to deal honestly with those who would deal honestly with me?”

Read challenges us to vigorously discover the limits of our own understanding and recognize our failures to choose love over violence: “The student attitude is more than a matter of mere assertion. It is more than finding out what is known. It requires the rare quality of finding out that which is not known.”

Learning about love vs. violence should be a focus of our efforts:

If it be true that one does not become a teacher of liberty until he has advanced himself as a student; if it be true that the principle of love prospers in a condition of liberty; if it be true that the principle of violence thrives in the absence of the principle of love; if it be true that the principle of violence is destructive of ourselves, of civilization, and of mankind; then it would seem to follow that the student attitude should head our agenda of required activities.

Read admits that “to some a disappointing aspect of the student approach is that it reduces the chance of ‘saving the world’ to the saving of only one person— one’s self.” We have been wrong in thinking our work is to change others while pretending we are arbiters of virtue. It is only in the degree of our error that we differ from others.

Our efforts at self-improvement have their compensation: “A person with this philosophy receives satisfaction from any increases in his own perception and, consequently, is not dismayed with the ‘faults’ of others. Actually, there is no other way to ‘save the world.’”

It is easy to tell ourselves that others are not ready to take on the responsibilities of liberty. It is harder to consider our own reluctance to pursue a life of liberty and responsibility. At this crucial moment in history, Read counsels humility: “The advanced students of liberty, who are so greatly needed at this juncture in history, will spring from among those who properly rate their competency low but who are determined to raise it.”

The great news is that advancing liberty doesn’t depend on finding the right people to rule us. You, a student of liberty, are the person we are waiting for. Each of us is waiting for the other to choose love over violence. Stop waiting; living the virtues of love is essential to practicing what we preach.

It is easy to despair, fearing the outlook for liberty has never been bleaker. Read might say the outlook for liberty has never been greater. Why? Awakened to the erosion of liberty, there is more grist for the mill to facilitate our learning than at any time in recent memory. We have more opportunities to become advanced students of liberty. As each of us answers the call, the threat to liberty will diminish. All are called, but are enough of us ready to heed the call? The future of liberty depends on our answer.


This article was published by AIER, American Institute for Economic Research, and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

What is The Main Purpose of Education? thumbnail

What is The Main Purpose of Education?

By Catrin Wigfall

Our country’s K-12 public education system is being transformed into something it was never intended to be. Academic rigor is taking a backseat to an ideological mission, as schools go beyond teaching reading and math to focus on reshaping students’ attitudes and beliefs to advance a political agenda.

But most Americans do not believe this shift is the primary purpose of education, according to a survey by EdChoice and Morning Consult.

“Core academic subjects”

In Minnesota, most survey respondents said that mastery of “core academic subjects” for students in K-8 and mastery of “skills for future employment” in high school is the primary purpose of education. (Learning core academic subjects was a very close second for high school students.)

Additionally, teaching students how to be good citizens was also identified as an extremely important part of students’ K-12 journey, along with them becoming independent thinkers and learning socialization skills.

“Fixing social issues” came in last as education’s main purpose, with only 23 percent noting it “extremely important” for K-8 students to learn and 26 percent saying so for high school students.

A fundamental shift

Most Americans agree the classroom is not the place to implement a political agenda, but the advancement of an ideology with such contempt for achievement is being advanced by unaccountable teachers’ unions, unchecked bureaucracy, “equity” consultants, and philanthropic foundations that spend billions of dollars perpetuating the racism they claim to want to address.

As more parents wake up to the educational issues within our K-12 system, fundamental questions about education should get asked. This must include forcing the debate about education’s primary purpose and what students need to be set up for success outside of the classroom. Literacy and numeracy skills, paired with preparing students to further develop into responsible, enlightened, and civic-minded adults and members of society, must be prioritized.


This article was published by The Center for the American Experiment and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

1991: When America Tried to Keep Ukraine in the USSR thumbnail

1991: When America Tried to Keep Ukraine in the USSR

By Ryan McMaken

The US government today likes to pretend that it is the perennial champion of political independence for countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain. What is often forgotten, however, is that in the days following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Washington opposed independence for Soviet republics like Ukraine and the Baltic states.

In fact, the Bush administration openly supported Mikhail Gorbachev’s efforts to hold the Soviet Union together rather than allow the USSR to decentralize into smaller states. The US regime and its supporters in the press took the position that nationalism—not Soviet despotism—was the real problem for the people of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.

Indeed, in the case of Ukraine, President George H.W. Bush even traveled to Kyiv in 1990 to lecture the Ukrainians about the dangers of seeking independence from Moscow, while decrying the supposed nationalist threat.

Today, nationalism is still a favorite bogeyman among Washington establishment mouthpieces. These outlets routinely opine on the dangers of French nationalismHungarian nationalism, and Russian nationalism. One often sees the term nationalism applied in ways designed to make the term distasteful, as in “white nationalism.”

When nationalism is convenient for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its European freeloaders, on the other hand, we are told that nationalism is a force for good. Thus, the US regime and mainstream media generally pretend that Ukrainian nationalism—and even Ukrainian white nationalism—either don’t exist or are to be praised.

In 1991, however, the US had not yet decided that it paid to actively promote nationalism—so long as it is anti-Russian nationalism. Thus, in those days, we find the US regime siding with Moscow in efforts to stifle or discourage local nationalist efforts to break with the old Soviet state. The way it played out is an interesting case study in both the Bush administration’s bumbling and in the US’s foreign policy before the advent of unipolar American liberal hegemony.

The Antinationalist Context

In the late 1980s, it was already apparent that the Soviet Union was beginning to lose its grip on many parts of the enormous polity that was the USSR. Restive nationalists within the Soviet Union were beginning to assert local control. For example, by 1989, ethnic Armenians and Azeris were already embroiled in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh that continues to this day. Deadly ethnic violence flared, but Moscow, in its weakened state, put off taking action. Yet, in January 1990, Moscow did act in what is known in Azerbaijan today as “Black January.” Soviet tanks rolled into the Caspian Sea port city of Baku and killed as many as 150 Azeris—many of them civilians: “The ostensible aim of the intervention was to stop Azeri massacres of Armenians, but the real goal was to prevent the Azerbaijani Popular Front from taking power.”1 The Popular Front was the chief political arm of anti-Moscow nationalism in Azerbaijan, and its leader stated, ”The goal is to drive out the army, liquidate the [Moscow-controlled] Azerbaijani Communist Party, establish a democratic parliament.”

Yet instead of Washington pundits instructing Americans to announce “I stand with Azerbaijan,” we were told the real threat was nationalism. As Doyle McManus wrote at the Los Angeles Times in 1990: “An ancient specter is haunting Europe: untamed nationalism…. From Baku to Berlin, as the Soviet Bloc has disintegrated, ethnic conflicts that once seemed part of the past have suddenly returned to life.” These old nationalistic impulses, one official from the State Department averred, are “dangerous ghosts” from Europe’s past. Arch establishment foreign policy advisor Zbigniew Brzezinki was on hand to claim that ethnic tensions could lead to “geopolitical anarchy.” Bush administration officials were “worried” that smaller national groups might replace the Soviet Union. At the time, it was not uncommon to hear that nationalism in Europe would bring about a situation similar to that which supposedly caused World War I. As one “senior Bush advisor” said, “It’s 1914 all over again.”

So, when the Soviet tanks showed up to crush a potential coup that might free some Soviet subjects from Moscow’s yoke, the feeling in Washington was one of relief rather than dismay at Moscow’s aggression. Washington was clinging to the idea that the answer to nationalism was to ensure the continued existence of—as Murray Rothbard put it—”a single, overriding government agency with a monopoly force to settle disputes by coercion.” That agency was the USSR.

The US Against Independence for Ukraine and the Baltics

That was in early 1990. By late 1990, on the other hand, it was increasingly apparent that the Soviet state was in deep trouble and events were spiraling beyond the control of either Moscow or Washington. The situation in the Baltics was especially acute. On March 30, 1990, Lithuania declared independence and seceded from the Soviet Union. The Soviet state responded with a blockade. Latvia and Estonia began moving toward independence as well, although these two countries would not formally secede until late August 1991.

Yet, even in early August 1991, Washington under George H.W. Bush was still obsessed with the nationalist “threat.” In early 1990, the Soviets had claimed that Baltic independence was “a threat to European stability,” and this position, according to the Los Angeles Times, had “won considerable sympathy within the Bush Administration and in West European capitals.” 

This preference for Moscow-coerced unity and “order” over nationalist decentralization was again on full display on August 1, 1991. This was when George Bush delivered his notorious “Chicken Kiev” speech. In this address to the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian USSR, Bush harangued the Ukrainians on the need to accept rule from Moscow and reject nationalism, stating

Yet freedom is not the same as independence. Americans will not support those who seek independence in order to replace a far-off tyranny with a local despotism. They will not aid those who promote a suicidal nationalism based upon ethnic hatred.

In other words, the nationalist bogeyman was invoked to hold the Soviet Union together. Bush’s finger-wagging at the secessionists was received well by “moderate” pro-Moscow communists. But it was less well-received by Ukrainian nationalists—to put it mildly—and Baltic secessionists were horrified as well. But few were waiting for approval from the Americans. Less than six months later, all of the Baltics had seceded from the USSR, and a Ukrainian referendum on independence passed easily. (Lackluster support for secession continued in the Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine.)

In delivering this speech, Bush was essentially acting as Gorbachev’s message boy, and Bush clearly supported Gorbachev’s “All-Union Treaty,” which was supposed to create a new, enlightened version of the Soviet Union that would replace the old USSR.

Yet if the Soviet Union was going to hold together, it was going to require the participation of the Ukrainians. That didn’t happen, and Foreign Affairs concluded in 1992, “It was Ukraine, led by President Leonid Kravchuk, that ultimately provoked the unraveling of the Soviet empire: Ukraine’s refusal to sign Mikhail Gorbachev’s union treaty precipitated the collapse of the U.S.S.R.”

Through most of it, the US had repeatedly warned against the dangers of secession and the threat of nationalism. Instead, the party line in Washington appeared to be that the old Soviet Union could be reformed into a new large state where democracy would keep the Lithuanians, the Ukrainians, the Azeris, the Armenians, and countless others in line. After all, from the point of view of Washington, the end of large state is not a rebirth of freedom, but an outbreak of “chaos” and “instability.” Thus, Moscow was treated as a far greater friend of Washington than secessionists in Kiev or Riga.

The panic over nationalism in the former USSR didn’t persist, however. Washington’s about-face on all this came when Washington realized it could extend its “unipolar moment” by expanding NATO—in spite of the promise to not extend NATO eastward. Once it became clear that nationalism could be harnessed to serve the ends of NATO expansionists, then nationalism became a feature of “sovereignty” and the “rules-based order.” But as we’ve seen with the badmouthing of Polish and Hungarian efforts to control their borders and assert independence from Brussels, nationalism is intolerable whenever it inconveniences the European Commission or the White House.


This article was published by Mises Institute and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

2000 Mules thumbnail

2000 Mules

By Neland Nobel

Public opinion about the election process, and the state of election integrity, varies greatly.

Among Democrats, many believe the 2016 election was stolen, largely because of Russian interference. Hillary Clinton is on record saying the election was illegitimate and that the election was stolen from her.

However, these same Democrats believe the election of 2020 was perfectly clean, and that any suggestion the election results were rigged constitutes “the big lie”, and is a call to insurrection. MAGA people, President Biden just suggested, are the most radical movement in recent American history. Republicans are “white nationalists”, “domestic terrorists”, and other horrible things worse than the Klan.

That is an interesting view for a President who claimed he would bring Americans together. These charges are enough to incite violence against Republicans.

For Democrats, any efforts at improving election integrity are just “suppressing the vote”, and are suggested only because of racial and ethnic bias.

For Republicans, it seems different than for the Democrats. For Democrats, if they win, the election is honest. If they lose, the election was rigged. That is pretty clear-cut.

Republicans are a bit more confused as they don’t seem to quite have the partisan standard to cling to. They seem willing to be cheated and still love the election process.

Some feel the election was “stolen”, while others feel more likely it was legally “bought”. Some Republicans feel nothing bad happened. Republicans can’t seem to decide what happened and what they want to do about it.

Others take an even more nuanced view. The fraud did take place, but not on a scale that would alter the outcome of the election. This begs the question as to how much fraud should ever be tolerated.

Others, such as Maricopa County Recorder Richer seem to believe that the election was just fine, even though he was not in a position to see that it was. He came into office with the tide of the disputed election. Meanwhile, Republican Maricopa County Commissioners take umbrage at any suggestion they failed in their jobs, even though they were in charge of the questionable election.

Establishment Republicans don’t think fraud took place, are embarrassed by the suggestion, and want to move on.  For them, such discussions distract from the real weakness of Republicans, their message to the voters.  Writers such as the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan reflect this diffident view.  Sure, there was some cheating, but Republicans need to be dignified, take the screwing, and move on in the tradition of the sainted Richard Nixon of the 1960 campaign.

Some have called this spineless reaction “principled loserdom.” That seems descriptive.

MAGA people feel elections make little difference if the process is rigged and dogmatically seek evidence to confirm their opinions the election was stolen.  They want new laws to improve what they believe was a system manipulated by Democrats under the cover of the Covid crisis. They have made significant progress in some states in tightening up laws and regulations.

Large corporate media sides with the Democrats and establishment Republicans.  Despite some significant revelations, the press is not interested in investigating the 2020 election nor the elaborate scheme by Democrats to frame Donald Trump with Democrat paid-for Russian disinformation.

Then along comes the Salem Media Group, an organization called True the Vote, and documentary film producer and podcaster Dinesh D’Souza.

It begins with a spirited discussion, among a few of their most popular radio talk show hosts including Dennis Prager, Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, Sabastian Gorka, and D’Souza.

Then, after all the evidence is put forward, the group revisits their opinion of the election process.

The consensus at the beginning was that if Republicans are going to make a “big charge”, such as the election is stolen, they need “big evidence”. And to date, most felt it has not been produced. We need more than isolated cases of cheating in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona. We need more than elected officials stretching the law to make the changes that made the fraud possible, and more than the almost half a billion dollars in Zuckerberg money.  With the courts largely running from the whole subject, circumstantial evidence has been produced but nothing that one could call “big evidence.”

The rest of the film basically is producing the “big evidence” using entirely novel electronic approaches of cellphone spacial evidence and video from security cameras, that are commonly used in intelligence and police work but have never been applied before to election results.

We will not give away the plot.

Everyone citizen, Republican or Democrat should see this film.

This film opens up the debate again, along totally new lines of inquiry.

We will give you a hint as to the ending. After seeing the evidence, Dennis Prager, among the most skeptical of the talk show hosts says, “I want to fight this with every fiber of my being.”

Another hint: the situation in Arizona was pretty bad.

We urge you in the strongest terms to go see the film at the theatre or call it up online as it will be available soon.

Be sure to view the video also on this site from Dinesh D’Souza.

You need to see this film and make sure that your friends and family see it as well.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

I Just Got Back from a Trip thumbnail

I Just Got Back from a Trip

By Bruce Bialosky

To Saturn. I was there for six years. Boy, have things changed. I am not talking about Joe Biden being President which is shocking enough. I am referring to the fact that the hottest issue in America is not even climate change. It is people changing gender, what gender you are, how you refer to yourself, and teaching children about their gender identity. Wow, things sure changed while I was gone.

When I left, the country was just adjusting to the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage. Many people were delighted and the issue of being gay was now a thing of the past. From 1969 to 2015, not even 50 years, Gays went from The Stonewall Riots to being fully accepted. People didn’t care anymore whether someone was gay except for the odd person behind the tree. I had not cared for a long time as certified by the fact my Best Man at my wedding in 1986 was and is gay.

When I left for Saturn, the entire issue was settled. I returned to a massive uproar. I knew the Sparks song All You Ever Think About is Sex, but I figured it was obscure, now it had taken over the nation.

The groups supporting gay rights and gay marriage did not want to say, “we won, we are done.” So, they found a new cause – Transgenders. Thus, these activists are still in business and raising more money than ever. I asked many others if they ever thought there would be so much focus on such a small group of people, and they just looked at me in amazement that this has happened.

The problem is if you are not on board with people changing their gender, you are branded a bigot. Most people do not care if someone wants to change genders, they just do not want to hear about it and they do not want to pay for it.

A fracas broke out about males becoming females and participating in either high school or college sports. When anyone questioned the right to do so, they were branded a bigot. Here is something I noticed when I returned – not one of the people who were against former males participating in women’s sports had ever argued against former females participating in male sports. Why is that? If they only argued one way because they said it was unfair to the female athletes to compete against former males, can you really brand them a bigot? Doesn’t that provide validation that they are not arguing against Transgenders but instead arguing for fairness in sports competition?

Discussion about gender has become all the rage. What you call yourself is now a thing. When I left people referred to each other as men or women, he or she, her or him. Now there is a laundry list of names you can call yourself. There are new terms like “cisgender.” Who makes this stuff up? Don’t they have real jobs? And all the pronouns. And stating what you want (preferred) to be called. I was referred to a professor at U.C. Berkeley who is the sister of a childhood friend. I went on her Wiki page which stated her preferred pronoun was “They.” I read her bio and was deeply confused by the references made every time “They” was used. It reminded me of when people used to use the royal “We.” Our response looking at the person was always “What, do you have a mouse in your pocket?”

Boy, have things changed. It seems it is now mandatory to teach children about gender identity even as early as kindergarten. We used to focus young children on other matters like getting an education and learning how to read. One state decided that teachers may not discuss the matter with kids 5-8 years old and World War III broke out. I saw a video of three grown women skipping down a hallway arm-in-arm saying “Gay, Gay, Gay.” What has happened folks? Do six-year-olds need to hear this stuff? Will it not just confuse them? Can’t they just be kids? They will have plenty of time to deal with these matters and choose their preferred pronouns. In the end, isn’t that the role of their parents to discuss this with their children?

Then I saw a video of a teacher saying that because of this law he could not share the weekend activities he had with his gay partner with his students. I do not have a perfect memory, but I searched back in it and could not think of an instance where a teacher conveyed anything about their personal life to me. Not even when I was president of the School of Business at San Diego State and spent hours and hours with professors and the Dean. Certainly, my third-grade teacher never discussed even going to see the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra with George Szell or the Indians or Browns. It just did not happen, and I cannot see a reason it should. My, have things changed.

Yes, coming back from Saturn was shocking. Not only was all this going on, but the Chicago Cubs had won a World Series. Now we know the world has totally been turned upside down.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

How The Climate Crusade Hijacked the Environmental Movement thumbnail

How The Climate Crusade Hijacked the Environmental Movement

By Tom Harris

Modern environmentalism has been taken over by an extremist cult that threatens to destroy the movement. This cult preys especially on young and impressionable people who lack the life experience to recognize when their goodwill and altruism are being taken advantage of. Like most cults, it is not backed by sound science, engineering, economics, or public policy. Yet it has been adopted by the elites in society—media, government, educators, corporate leaders, and even church officials—as a de facto social good that cannot be contested.

The cult is a belief in dangerous man-made climate change, of course. This entirely bogus crusade now thoroughly dominates the environmental movement. Take Earth Day, just past April 22nd, for example.

On Earth Day, “climate” appeared 10 times on the home page. The first action item on the Greenpeace USA home page was a link to a new climate communications report. The United Nations International Mother Earth Day home page cited “climate” no less than seven times. Pollution was referenced once. Land once. Water and air not at all. Even Earth Day’s Google home page doodle took you to a page that showed the supposed impact of climate change.

Do a Google web search for any of the environmental movement’s most important days and you will see the same. Whether it’s Earth Hour (March 28 this year), Earth Month (April), Environment Day (June 5 this year) or Earth Day, climate change has completely hijacked the movement.

This has been going on for years. Instead of concentrating on issues affecting people today, the environmental movement has been taken over by long-term concerns about climate change no matter what else is happening in the world. For example, two years ago, UN Climate Chief Patricia Espinosa “urged the international community to remain focused on Earth Day 2020’s overarching theme of climate change, despite the COVID-19 crisis…” The Earth Day 2020 website went further and called, climate change “the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.”

But most people in the world apparently do not agree. For the almost 10 million people who voted in the UN’s “My World” poll that was on the web between 2013 and 2020, “Action on climate change” ranked dead last, despite the agency listing that priority first among issues to be selected from.

Such results are inconvenient for UN climate bureaucrats, so, after ending the My World survey, they are essentially running the poll again. This time, they ask the public to tell them: “WHICH SIX OF THE FOLLOWING GLOBAL GOALS ARE OF IMMEDIATE CONCERN TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY?” So far, 582,106 people have voted and “Climate Action” is currently ranked 9th out of the 17 goals, securing about 10% of the votes cast.

When their surveys showed relatively low concern about environmental issues in their 2015 poll, Gallup proposed several causes of the decline, one of which should trouble the environmental movement strategists: they are, in effect, focused on the wrong issue. Gallup explained,

“The primary focus of the environmental movement has shifted toward long-term threats like global warming — issues about which Americans tend to worry less than about more immediate threats like pollution. Importantly, even as global warming has received greater attention as an environmental problem from politicians and the media in recent years, Americans’ worry about it is no higher now than when Gallup first asked about it in 1989.”

Most sensible people are environmentalists and want clean air, land, and water. Yet climate change now dominates, not just Earth Day, but the entire environmental movement, sucking funding and energies away from tackling important short and mid-term issues such as pollution and species at risk. Besides the strategic blunder of focussing on an issue the general public seems to not really care much about, there is a serious ethical problem that will eventually come back to haunt the movement.

Documents such as the Climate Change Reconsidered series of reports from the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change illustrate that debate rages in the scientific community about the causes of climate change. Scientists cannot yet even agree on whether cooling or warming lies ahead, let alone how much we affect the climate. Yet global warming campaigners assert that “the science is settled.” We know for certain, they claim, that our carbon dioxide emissions will cause a planetary emergency unless we radically change our ways.

This makes no sense, of course. Uncertainty is inherent to all science, especially one as complicated as climate change.

The consequence of this overconfidence is tragic. According to the San Francisco-based Climate Policy Initiative, of the over one-half trillion dollars that is now spent annually across the world on climate finance, 91% goes exclusively to mitigation, trying to control future climate states. Only 7% of global climate finance is dedicated solely to helping vulnerable people cope with climate change in the present. Based on a hypothesis about the causes of climate change, we are letting people suffer today so as to possibly help those yet to be born. As the public comes to understand this, they will soon regard the climate crusade as fundamentally immoral and today’s environmental movement as wholly misguided.

That scenario, not theoretical future climate, is what should most concern sensible environmentalists.


This article was published by CFACT, Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

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‘Ludicrous’: Buttigieg Watches As Manchin Throws Cold Water On Biden’s EV Dreams

By Thomas Catenacci

Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin slammed the Biden administration’s lofty electric vehicle (EV) plans as “ludicrous,” saying the U.S. should first address root issues.

Manchin expressed concerns that the administration was focusing too much on electric vehicle incentives rather than shoring up the domestic battery and critical mineral supply chains, during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Thursday [4/28.22]. He noted that China, which controls the vast majority of global critical mineral mining and refining needed for renewable energy tech, could use its leverage over the U.S. for geopolitical reasons.

There’s a waiting list for EVs right now with the fuel price at $4,” Manchin told Buttigieg. “But they still want us to throw $5,000 or $7,000 or $12,000 credit to buy an electric vehicle.” (RELATED: Ford Reports Devastating Losses Thanks To Electric Vehicle Gamble)

“It makes no sense to me whatsoever when supply and demand — we can’t produce the product for the people who want it and we’re still going to pay them to take it? It’s absolutely ludicrous in my mind,” he continued. “But I’m thinking we are getting ourselves tangled in a situation that we’re not going to be able to supply … everything that’s going to be needed for this product.”

The West Virginia lawmaker then asked Buttigieg if the Department of Transportation shared his concerns about EV shortages and credits.

“We are following this closely and I think it’s a great example of one of the areas of manufacturing capacity that we’ve got to do more of right here on American soil,” Buttigieg responded. “If you look at the timelines that the physicists have laid out on climate, some of them can — in terms of our action and our need to rise to the challenge — could arguably be measured in months rather than years at this point.”

“So, we feel a sense of enormous urgency to accelerate not just the uptake of electric vehicles, but, as you note, their production and our productive capacity for them,” he added.

Buttigieg didn’t address Manchin’s concerns about the EV credit included in President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

U.S. consumers in the market for an EV must wait up to 18 months to receive their purchase depending on the desired model. Several popular Tesla EVs, for example, have wait times stretching into late 2023.

The Build Back Better Act includes an up to $12,500 tax credit for purchases of electric vehicles made with union labor using American batteries. EVs made in non-union shops would offer consumers much smaller credits.

Biden has promised that 50% of new vehicle sales in the U.S. will be emissions-free by 2030 and every addition to the federal government’s 600,000-vehicle fleet will be electric by 2035.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

Here’s What to Watch Following Dobbs Draft Leak thumbnail

Here’s What to Watch Following Dobbs Draft Leak

By Melanie Israel

Politico leaked a draft version of a Supreme Court decision for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization late on May 2. It would uphold a Mississippi law protecting unborn children when they can feel pain—15 weeks of pregnancy—and overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Dated Feb. 10, the draft decision is not final. Pro-life Americans are feeling more hopeful than ever that the Supreme Court may soon correct a grave error and leave Roe in the dustbin of history. But the leak is a nakedly political attempt to get the justices to back down. The court must issue its Dobbs decision without delay.

Roe v. Wade was a poorly reasoned, wrongly decided decision that legalized abortion on demand across the country in 1973. Sixty-two million lives and half a century later, it has poisoned our laws, our courts, and our country.

But a new day might soon be dawning. Here’s what you need to know about the shifting policy landscape on abortion and what to watch for in the days and weeks to come.

Quick Facts: Abortion in America

To set the stage for discussions about the leaked draft and the fallout, here are some key facts to keep in mind.

The United States is an outlier when it comes to abortion policy, thanks to Roe. We’re one of only a handful of countries that allows elective late-term abortion—in the company of human rights violators like China and North Korea.

Despite charges to the contrary, the law at issue in the Dobbs case, which protects unborn children after 15 weeks gestation, isn’t remotely extreme compared to the rest of the world. In fact, 47 out of 50 European countries restrict elective abortion before 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Take polls purporting to show strong support for Roe v. Wade with a grain of salt. Most Americans don’t realize that a) Roe permits abortion at any time and b) overturning Roe doesn’t prohibit abortion overnight, but returns the issue to the American people.

Most Americans don’t support Roe’s radical regime that permits abortion on demand. Rather, Americans support key protections for unborn children.

Overturning Roe has never been the final goal of the pro-life movement. When that day comes, hopefully soon, the next phase of work—especially in state legislatures—will begin in earnest. Freed from the shadow of Roe, policymakers can protect many more women and unborn children from an abortion industry that profits from their deaths.

The Radical Left’s Response

Leaking the draft opinion was a shameless act of intimidation, coercion, and destruction. It was clearly meant to try to get one or more justices to change their mind. But the left won’t stop there.

Already, activists—and senators—are calling for the Senate to eliminate the filibuster, which is the Senate’s rule for extended debate. In the Senate, a 60-vote threshold is required to end debate on a piece of legislation. Doing away with this proud tradition of extended debate—which in previous years has been praised by some of the very members who today want to end it—would mean the Senate could pass radical pro-abortion legislation by a simple majority vote.

Many of the left are happy to change rules and norms when it doesn’t suit them or frustrates efforts to impose a deeply unpopular policy. Thus, they’re renewing their calls to “pack” the courts. Under this scheme, Congress would create new judicial vacancies so that President Joe Biden could nominate activist judges.

The goal, of course, would be for activist judges, once approved by the Senate, to impose the left’s abortion policies. Such a scheme of course amounts to a “hostile takeover of the judiciary.” It would politicize the courts and undermine the fundamental principle of separation of powers.

The left is also renewing its attempts to “codify” Roe v. Wade. What it really means is legislation like the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act. This act is far more radical than Roe, which itself permits abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy.

The Women’s Health Protection Act would repeal existing state laws, expressly prohibit future laws that regulate abortion and the abortion industry and place at risk long-standing federal policies that reflect more than 40 years of bipartisan consensus.

It also would threaten policies that disentangle tax dollars from abortion, conscience-protection laws, and state-level pro-life laws such as informed consent requirements, reflection periods, parental involvement laws, and more.

Beyond Congress, abortion advocates are turning to the Biden White House. They’re urging the Food and Drug Administration to argue that its regulations permitting telemedicine abortion preempt state laws to the contrary. This would mean that abortion providers would be able to circumvent laws in over a dozen states that prohibit telemedicine abortion.

They’re also calling for the federal government to lease land to abortion clinics. This could mean that an abortion clinic could operate on federal land even within a pro-life state.

What Next?

Our laws should reflect the simple truth that every life, from the moment of conception, has inherent dignity and should be protected.

For too long, Roe has been a barrier to enacting laws that protect women and unborn children from the brutality of abortion. The Supreme Court justices in the majority must refuse to cower to the left’s appalling tactics of intimidation. They should issue their opinion without delay, allowing a new day to dawn in our country.

States can then revive old laws. These include unenforced pre-Roe statutes, conditional laws in the event Roe is overturned, and laws like “heartbeat” bills that had been blocked by lower courts. They can also enact new laws that protect the youngest and most vulnerable.

Congress, for its part, must use all its constitutional authority to protect innocent unborn children in states that refuse to protect them from abortion after their heartbeats can be detected. It must continue the work to protect babies who survive abortions, stop the interstate flow of abortion drugs, and stop taxpayer dollars from funding the abortion industry.

Congress must also ensure that nobody is forced to violate his or her moral or religious convictions by participating in abortion.

Finally, policymakers at all levels of government must commit to the central goal of the pro-life cause: to see the day when every person, from the moment of conception, is protected in law and welcomed in life.


This article was published in The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

The End Of Tolerance thumbnail

The End Of Tolerance

By John Hirschauer

Thomas Aquinas argued that human law, because it is “framed for a number of human beings the majority of whom are not perfect in virtue,” should not criminalize every vice. Instead, he argued, the civil power should ban “only the more grievous vices, from which it is possible for the majority to abstain.”

Needless to say, Aquinas was not a relativist. Thomas never denied that the acts in question were, in fact, vicious—violations of the divine law for which the offender could lose his eternal soul. His suggestion that the state “tolerate” certain vicious behaviors was a prudential concession to human nature, not an endorsement of vice.

Tolerance, both as a prudential concession to human nature and as a liberal value, has fallen out of fashion. In part, this is because tolerance is judgmental. To “tolerate” something—a poorly cooked meal, an annoying houseguest, the garish paint job on your neighbor’s house—acknowledges the existence of a standard from which the tolerated thing deviates. You “tolerate” your neighbor’s stupid yard sign not because “Science Is Real” qualifies as penetrating insight, but because you want to be polite.

British philosopher John Gray made this point in a 1992 essay, “Toleration: And the Currently Offensive Implication of Judgement.” He argued that, in spite of its hippy-dippy connotations, exercising tolerance actually requires “strong moral convictions.”

“When we tolerate a practice, a belief or a character trait, we let something be that we judge undesirable, false or at least inferior,” Gray wrote. “[O]ur toleration expresses the conviction that, despite its badness, the object of toleration should be left alone.”

It is because of this implication of judgment that tolerance has fallen out of fashion in favor of what the White House calls “affirmation,” that is, an unqualified endorsement of a person’s beliefs and choices. Behind this shift is the belief that nothing is really true or false, that what matters is not whether the emperor has clothes, only whether he’ll be really upset if you tell him he’s naked. The demand for affirmation always comes from a place of insecurity.

Secure people don’t care that other people hold them and their beliefs in contempt. There are plenty of people who merely “tolerate” my Catholic faith, for example, and some believe I’m going to suffer unthinkable torments for all eternity for failing to reverence Muhammad or observe the Jewish Sabbath. A few of them will tell me that to my face, which, given their convictions, is an act of charity. The fact that people might disapprove of my religious profession and think worms will pick at my flesh in eternal hellfire doesn’t particularly bother me, partially because I can’t control what they believe, and partially because I think they are wrong.

If you are insecure, however, if you don’t believe in your heart of hearts that your beliefs are aligned with reality or your actions are defensible, then the fact that “tolerance” implies a judgment of the behavior or belief in question leads you to demand affirmation instead. The demand for affirmation has reached the heights of our institutions. The Biden White House, for instance, has promoted “gender-affirming care,” hormonal and surgical interventions coupled with emotional reassurance, for people experiencing gender dysphoria. A Washington University report similarly called on the school to “create campuses at which sexual minority people would not be merely tolerated, but in fact, validated, affirmed, and celebrated as a vital part of the mosaic of diversity.” In both cases, the people involved are presumed to be so insecure that if even one person refuses to acknowledge their chosen identity, their entire sense of self will crumble like a house of cards.

We don’t extend this principle of affirmation to people with other “identities.” We don’t tell the Democratic activist to accept the premises of Republican politicians so as to protect that politician’s partisan identity. We don’t tell the Muslim who sincerely believes this author will spend an eternity mired in the flame that he must “affirm” and “validate” the specific religious claims made by Christianity so as to preserve my feelings. But the Colorado Civil Rights Commission will drag an obscure religious baker through the court system for years for refusing to bake a cake to affirm a gay couple.

Tolerance, whatever its demerits, at least allow people with serious convictions to amicably disagree with one another. Affirmation demands universal participation, even if we think the thing that we’re being asked to affirm is wrong. The former has become unfashionable because, as Gray put it, we live in a “post-Christian age” allergic “to the thought that we are flawed creatures whose lives will always contain evils.”


This article was published by The American Conservative and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

No Comfort in a Correct Prediction thumbnail

No Comfort in a Correct Prediction

By Neland Nobel

Trying to guess what the economy and the financial markets will do occupies an entire industry. And, within that industry of financial services, opinions vary greatly. That makes the job of prediction even more difficult because so many bright people have such diametrically different points of view. Which set of views is correct?

Having come from that industry, and maintaining a keen interest in the economy, we have shared our opinions with you, the readers of The Prickly Pear. Matters of personal finance should be of interest to all of us, especially when going into difficult times.

We have suggested in a series of articles, that many negative trends have been forming and that 2022 would be a “risk-off” year. Among these are: monetary and fiscal tightening, a flattening or inversion of the yield curve, serious inflation, an oil price shock, a food price shock, China is going back into lockdown making supply chains worse, a seriously overvalued stock and real estate markets, a vicious bear market in bonds, a complete breakdown of law and order at the Southern border and in dozens of major cities, overall excessive debt, a war that likely is just the opening battle in a broader conflict, an unwinding of the Bretton-Woods era monetary arrangements, dreadful political leadership, and environmental extremism that paralyzes rational policy responses. Whew!

The Democrat’s response to the inflation they have unleashed is to raise taxes! Either you get skewered with high inflation (a hidden regressive tax) or you get skewered with a direct tax on whatever income your can earn. Screwing the public seems to be the best Democrats can give us in policy options.

These are all important trends, each of which standing alone, would spell trouble. Rarely have we seen quite so many problems link arms and confront us at the same time.  For that and other reasons, we suggested that the classic 60-40 approach taken by most money managers would not work, as both stock and bonds would be declining at the same time.

These fundamental macro events and now being joined by technical deterioration within the stock market, such as busted long-term trend lines and the penetration of long-term moving averages.  Margin debt appears to have peaked out, internal divergences have formed, and price momentum is turning negative.  Defensive areas of the market are now outperforming growth.  Historically speaking, these are not good signs.

In short, the “wealth effect” of an ever-rising market may have gone into reverse gear.

We suggested that 2022 would be a difficult year for investors and the economy which would justify investors taking serious steps to de-risk their portfolios.

A recent headline in Market Watch was that stocks have had the worst opening for the year since 1939. It gives us little comfort to report that most of our predictions seem to be playing out. We mention them not to brag but only to catch your attention and ask you to enter these on the credit side of the ledger, to balance out the eventual errors that we will surely commit.

We have been correct to warn you of a “risk-off” year.  Did you take action to reduce risk?

But if we did not get your attention before, we hope we have the credibility to have it now.

Things are getting worse.  You need to have a discussion with your financial advisor if you have not already done so.

There are tangible signs the economy is weakening, even beyond the surprisingly weak GDP numbers for the first quarter.  This is coming even earlier than we expected.

Demand for home mortgages is falling.

Consumer sentiment is growing sour.

Industrial production is slumping and the demand for trucking is slipping.

Some stock market indices such as the broad Russell 2000 and the NASDAQ Composite  have fallen somewhat below the necessary level to label the market “bearish.”

The damage to stocks is more than the averages suggest.  Something close to 45% of all stocks on the NASDAQ are down more than 50%.  ARKK, the techno-laden ETF run by the now-famous Cathy Wood is down 70%.  Darlings of the lockdown like Peleton and Zoom have also lost about 70%.

The global bond market has crashed, wiping out over so far about $8 Trillion.

There has been a severe decline in the Japanese Yen to a 20-year low (the third-largest economy) and the Chinese Yuan is wavering.

Are we starting a round of competitive currency devaluations and beggar-thy-neighbor policies like the 1930s?

In summary, a number of markets are in trouble, the economy is in trouble, and real estate looks frothy and vulnerable.

The FED runs a high risk of policy error, which is jamming up interest rates with the economy already weakening.  That potentially could make things worse. To flip flop again, and reverse course, would signal they are not serious about inflation.  The FED has painted itself into a corner and there is no painless way out.

There are certainly some positive things going on, that is for sure.  Elon Musk buying Twitter is one. But the preponderance of data and market action suggests that recession is now a higher probability than before.

The one silver lining in all this is that most people will rightly blame the Democrats for wild inflation in food and fuel and, the wreckage in their 401ks. A feckless foreign policy encouraged Russia and likely China to take advantage of our weakness.  Biden, supposedly an experienced operator in the US Senate for years, seems incapable of compromising with reasonable opposition.

Actually, he seems incapable of uttering a coherent sentence.  Behind him of course,  is the cackling and vacuous Kamala Harris, the woman of color and imbecility.

We could be moving into a political leadership vacuum.

Aggravating the problem, they both peddle the lie that opponents to their socialist and racist initiatives are “white nationalists” that is a security threat to the very existence of the Republic.  And now, we have the Department of Homeland Security forming a board to oversee “truth”.  It is straight out of Orwell and scary as hell.

With this twisted view of reality, political compromise to address the many problems we face is likely impossible.  After all, you can’t negotiate with terrorists like Republicans, can you?  And, why would Republicans in their right mind wish to deal with people who have labeled them white supremacists? Well, there is the one lady from Wyoming…

Only after a thorough drubbing of Democrats in the mid-term elections, is political consensus likely.  But the election will likely be too late to reverse many of these trends from wreaking damage to household and corporate net worth.

As we have stated previously.  We will be very lucky to dodge a recession and bear market.  Don’t leave your financial planning to luck alone.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

Critics Raise Alarm Over New DHS ‘Speech Police’ thumbnail

Critics Raise Alarm Over New DHS ‘Speech Police’

By Casey Harper

Critics have raised the alarm after the Department of Homeland Security announced the creation of a new federal board that will monitor and combat speech it deems “disinformation.”

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke about the “Disinformation Governance Board” while testifying before Congress this week. Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. DHS has pointed to disinformation given to migrants as well as Russian disinformation.

“The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat,” he said.

What or who constitutes a threat will be determined by the federal government, and critics say that is a big problem.

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., posted a video on Twitter saying the “Soviet-style censorship agency” is evidence that “the Marxist left is coming after your most basic constitutional rights.

“A lot of people don’t know this, but the Department of Homeland Security just set up a new office that’s going to be a speech police,” Rubio said. “They’re basically going to be focused on misinformation … so instead of the Department of Homeland Security focused on stopping drugs from coming into America or securing the border, stopping illegal immigration, they’re not going to be focused on that. They’re focused on policing speech, on making sure that people cannot share information or say things that they decide is misinformation.

“Guys it’s time to wake up,” he added. “If you don’t think these people are coming after free speech. If you don’t think they are … coming after freedom, you better believe it now.”

Those concerns were heightened when news broke that Nina Jankowicz announced online that she would be “serving in the Biden Administration [DHS] and helping shape our counter-disinformation efforts.” Jankowicz worked as a global fellow at the Wilson Center where her research focused on disinformation.

Critics quickly pointed to Jankowicz’s remarks about the Hunter Biden laptop story and disinformation. The laptop story has become a focal point in the debate over censorship, particularly on social media, as evidence has increasingly verified many parts of that story that was labeled as misinformation and censored by mainstream and social media in the weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

Hunter Biden, the president’s son, has been under scrutiny for how he made large sums of money overseas and whether President Joe Biden had knowledge of the deals, was involved in them, or could be compromised in any way. The U.S. Department of Justice is currently investigating Hunter Biden.

“Back on the ‘laptop from hell,’ apparently – Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op,” she wrote on Twitter during the 2020 presidential campaign.

After taking criticism this week, Jankowicz defended her remarks.

“For those who believe this tweet is a key to all my views, it is simply a direct quote from both candidates during the final presidential debate,” she said. “If you look at my timeline, you will see I was livetweeting that evening.”

The DHS plan comes just days after billionaire Elon Musk has all but secured the purchase of Twitter. Musk has emphasized the need to restore free speech to the platform, calling it a modern “town square” for our democracy.

Notably, Twitter censored the Hunter Biden story during the last presidential election.


This article was published by The Center Square and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

Law Enforcement: Border Patrol Agents Have Lost Operational Control, Awareness at Border thumbnail

Law Enforcement: Border Patrol Agents Have Lost Operational Control, Awareness at Border

By Bethany Blankley

Agents estimate 1 million people evaded capture and are already in U.S. illegally with no way of knowing who they are.

While Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims the southern border is secure and he has a plan in place for increased surges, those in law enforcement say the opposite is true. Not only have Border Patrol agents lost operational control of the border, but they’ve also lost operational awareness and have no idea who is coming through, current and former Border Patrol agents told The Center Square.

In President Joe Biden’s first year in office, an estimated 1 million people entered the U.S. illegally and evaded capture, Border Patrol agents estimate. Known as “gotaways,” they aren’t included in the apprehension and enforcement data published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection every month.

There are generally two groups of people entering the U.S. illegally, those in law enforcement told The Center Square. Those who surrender at ports of entry claim to seek asylum or other immigration-related claims, and gotaways.

Gotaways are considered to be more dangerous, those in law enforcement – from Border Patrol agents, to sheriffs, to local police – say. When they’re captured, they often have criminal records. Sheriffs attempt to quantify the ones who’ve evaded capture through a range of methods after finding stash houses and images of groups of people wearing camouflage and backpacks traveling on foot caught on cameras placed on private properties and in other areas.

Last year, CBP “officially released known, documented numbers of illegal aliens who evaded apprehension to be roughly 380,000 people,” retired Chief of U.S. Border Patrol Rodney Scott told The Center Square. “Last month, we learned from a leaked Border Patrol document that there were over 300,000 known people who evaded apprehension” in the first three months of this year, he said.

“In light of these numbers and the fact that Border Patrol agents are so overwhelmed that very few are out patrolling the border,” he said, “it would be absolutely naive to believe that there aren’t already over one million gotaways in the U.S. when Border Patrol was able to document over 300,000 known gotaways with very few agents in the field and hundreds of miles of the border left unpatrolled.”

Scott adds that while many immigrants are coming to America seeking a better life, those entering illegally through the southern border are doing so with the aid of Mexican cartels.

“Cartels are using the massive numbers of people as a weapon to overwhelm Border Patrol,” Scott said, “so they can intentionally bring in criminals, terrorists, and narcotics.

“Even if you feel sorry for these people, they are willingly participating in criminal activity to bring serious threats into this country and that includes terrorist criminals, and narcotics,” he said. “They are creating a diversion to usher in all of these criminal elements.”

On Tuesday, Mayorkas published a 20-page memo detailing DHS’ border security plan. It states that DHS “has been executing a comprehensive and deliberate strategy to secure our borders and build a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system.”

But that hasn’t been the case over the past year, critics of Mayorkas’ argue. In Biden’s first year in office, a record number of people entered the U.S. illegally after Mayorkas introduced sweeping changes to immigration enforcement efforts, prompting multiple lawsuits.

In fiscal 2021, CBP reported 1.9 million total enforcement actions. Already in fiscal 2022, CBP has reported 1.2 million enforcement actions, excluding gotaways.

But even these numbers are “very misleading,” a Border Patrol agent in Texas, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of concerns for his job, told The Center Square. “On the one hand, you can argue the border is more secure because of higher apprehensions. On the other, it’s less secure because there are more apprehensions – meaning, if more family units are being apprehended you don’t know how many single individuals are getting through or who they are.”

In reality, the agent said, “We don’t have complete situational awareness of the border since the 2006 Secure Fence Act, which requires us to do so. We will never know who and how many came across,” unless the approach to border security changes, the agent said.

Border Patrol agents estimate the number of gotaways by identifying sign cuttings, foot traffic marks, images captured from drawbridge cameras, residents’ critter cam images, or a visual of groups from camera towers, among other methods.

They also learn about gotaways from local residents who call them “about their property broken into – which is every single day, the agent said. “Residents along the border are tired of their property being broken into and or stolen. They are afraid of speaking out because of cartel retaliation.”

Retired Border Patrol agent Frank Lopez, Jr., who’s filed to run in Texas’ Congressional District 23, told The Center Square, “Personnel on the ground have now lost operational awareness let alone operational control because they’re not patrolling like they used to, meaning Border Patrol has no idea who is coming through or how many are. The best we have are estimates.”


This article was published by The Center Square and is reproduced with permission.


America is now aware of the Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called disinformation a “threat” that needs to be addressed with federal law enforcement power. (Is it coincidental that Elon Musk will shortly take Twitter private and re-establish a free speech platform in America?)

This new DHS office is the Biden Speech Police and represents an existential threat to our First Amendment and our Republic. Please click the adjacent red TAKE ACTION link for the resources to inform your Senators and Representatives about this unconstitutional and tyrannical assault on American Free Speech and our fierce rejection of it.

‘Who Do I F*ck To Be Famous And Powerful?’: Video Resurfaces Of Biden’s ‘Minister Of Truth’ Singing About Getting To The Top thumbnail

‘Who Do I F*ck To Be Famous And Powerful?’: Video Resurfaces Of Biden’s ‘Minister Of Truth’ Singing About Getting To The Top

By Diana Glebova

Editors’ Note: We object in the most strenuous terms to the illegal idea of this Federal agency overseeing “truth.” It is a direct violation of the Constitution which applies to government as in “Congress shall make no law…” in the First Amendment. The amendment in the Bill of Rights is specifically a restriction on the government’s suppression of free speech. It is even worse because this new office is created out of whole cloth by a Federal Agency with the intention of interfering with political speech, without any Congressional input, hearings, funding, or citizen input. To add considerable insult to massive injury, Biden has further nominated a woman to head this agency who appears to be a complete psychopath. She does not appear to have the intellect, maturity, temperament, or personality to be in charge of any substantive agency, even if its functions are legal. For those who cherish liberty and the Constitution, this outrage requires immediate action. We cannot relent until this entire idea and agency are scrapped. This is the hill to die on. Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas has violated the law in so many ways that he should be promptly impeached and most of this agency disbanded. We must demand our representatives stand up on this issue now.

President Joe Biden’s new head of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, appeared to sing a parody song about who to “fuck” in order to be “famous and powerful” in a resurfaced video.

“I want to be rich, famous, and powerful! Step on all my enemies and never do a thing,” Jankowicz sang to the tune of a piano, according to Breitbart.

“Who do I fuck to be famous and powerful? I’ve done everything I can and now the rest is up to you,” she appeared to add.

The song was an edited version of “My Simple Christmas Wish (Rich, Famous, and Powerful)” by David Friedman, according to the outlet. The lyrics in her version were edited to include “Who do I fuck” instead of “who do I have to fake.”

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board on Wednesday to combat misinformation before the 2022 midterm elections, Fox News reported. (RELATED: ‘I Don’t Have Any Information’: Fox News Reporter Presses Psaki On Biden’s New Minister Of Truth Being Biased)

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Friday Jankowicz is an “expert on online disinformation” and was “formerly a disinformation fellow at the Wilson center,” as well as an adviser to the Ukrainian foreign minister, among other positions.

“This is a person with extensive qualifications,” Psaki added.

Jankowicz also posted a singing video in February calling herself the “Mary Poppins of disinformation.”

“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious,” Jankowicz sang in a TikTok video.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.


America is on to the LGBTQ…., transgender, gender fluidity, sexualizing agenda the Walt Disney Company is openly grooming our nation’s children with. It is timely and imperative that we inform Disney of our rejection of their indoctrinating, far leftist and godless attempt to sexually groom our youngest generation…

Against ‘Principled Loserdom’ thumbnail

Against ‘Principled Loserdom’

By Josh Hammer

I was in New Haven, Connecticut, this past week for a couple of events at Yale, one of which was a William F. Buckley, Jr. Program debate for a primarily college-age audience on “common good conservatism.”

During the debate, I argued on behalf of the more “muscular,” more forceful, and less “liberal” approach to political economy and political gamesmanship frequently associated with the ascendant “New Right.”

My interlocutor, the amiable lawyer and National Review writer Dan McLaughlin, offered a substantive defense of orthodox “Reaganism” and an attitudinal appeal for conservatives to remain the “grown-ups in the room.”

According to this logic, it is incumbent upon conservatives—actually, right-liberals—to act as righteous stewards of civic decency and defenders of the sacrosanct norms of liberal proceduralism, no matter how much our political foes have strayed.

To drive home the point, it was only a day after the Yale debate that McLaughlin and his National Review colleague Charles C.W. Cooke publicly criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his fellow Sunshine State Republicans for acting to dissolve The Walt Disney Co.’s autonomous Reedy Creek Improvement District near Orlando—a move Republicans ushered through as just comeuppance for Disney’s voluble opposition to Florida’s recent Parental Rights in Education law.

To spike the football in such a fashion so goes the narrative, would be “indecent.” To punish a high-profile enemy within the confines of the rule of law, making a woke corporate behemoth pay for its advocacy of the civilizational arson of corroded childhood sexual innocence, would be gratuitous and—egad!—”illiberal.”

The problem with this logic is that it is, to its core, a loser. It was a political loser in the presidential general elections of 1992, 1996, 2008, and 2012, and it was a political loser in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, when Donald Trump—the most pro-“winning” rhetorician and the single candidate least besotted with liberal pieties—shocked the establishment and prevailed.

And it is a substantive loser because the right’s vision of a more naturally ordered, just, and solidaristic society will obviously be—indeed, has demonstrably been—hindered by unilaterally abandoning the playing field of moralistic legislation and statesmanship to the one-way cultural ratchet of progressivism.

Proponents of the status quo are analogous to the complacent coffee-sipping dog in the “this is fine” online meme, willfully oblivious to the cultural rot, fever pitch-level fractiousness, and ruinous decadence engulfing American society like an inferno.

At this increasingly late hour of our republic, what status quo defendants meekly offer is, to borrow a phrase from the Claremont Institute’s Matthew J. Peterson, the “suicidal anti-politics of ‘principled’ loserdom.”

To engage in such an “anti-politics,” where genuine political statesmanship—what a younger George F. Will once called “statecraft as soulcraft”—is eschewed and the highest goods one can fight for in the public arena are sacrosanct liberal neutrality and supply-side tax cuts, is to habituate a culture of losing.

Such is the fundamental nature of responding to left-wing culture warriors seeking to chemically castrate children with cheerful hand-waving about slashing the capital gains tax rate. It is to be part of a controlled opposition that cheerfully accepts inveterate losing, as long as the Washington uniparty still passes some neoliberal consensus policies that redound to ruling class interests.

The “principled loserdom” mentality leads to what another Claremonster, Michael Anton, referred to in a famous 2016 essay as the “Washington Generals”—the exhibition basketball team known for once losing 2,495 games in a row. As Anton wrote, in this scenario, “your job is to show up and lose.”

But “principled loserdom” is wrong. The American Founders were not content to fight against the British Crown and accept losing, so long as their lofty principles were followed along the way; on the contrary, they pledged their “lives … fortunes and … sacred honor” to the cause in the Declaration of Independence.

Abraham Lincoln was not content, either, to fight to preserve Union and accept losing, so long as his high-minded principles were followed along the way; on the contrary, he was motivated by his great moral conviction, as espoused in his 1854 Peoria Speech, “that there can be no moral right in connection with one man’s making a slave of another.”

Substantive justice must always be conservatives’ political lodestar. And if conservatives find themselves irrevocably hamstrung by a peculiar conception of the permissible means to achieve that end, at least over a reasonable duration of time, then it is time to change the means.

“The Constitution is not a suicide pact,” goes the famous paraphrase of Justice Robert Jackson’s 1949 dissent in Terminiello v. City of Chicago. Neither, for that matter, is American civilization itself. And contra the coffee-sipping canine of online meme fame, things in America are not “fine.”

Conservatives must start acting like they actually understand this, wielding whatever levers of power they are able to attain. Given the left’s successful Gramscian “march through the institutions” chokehold on all of the major institutions of civil society, that means using crass political power. It means, in other words, following the example of Florida Republicans and Disney.

But the long-term success of following the Florida playbook will depend, in part, on how quickly the “New Right” can excise “political loserdom.”


This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


America is on to the LGBTQ…., transgender, gender fluidity, sexualizing agenda the Walt Disney Company is openly grooming our nation’s children with. It is timely and imperative that we inform Disney of our rejection of their indoctrinating, far leftist and godless attempt to sexually groom our youngest generation…

Amazon Employees Melt Down Over ‘Traumatic’ Conservative Children’s Book in Leaked Video thumbnail

Amazon Employees Melt Down Over ‘Traumatic’ Conservative Children’s Book in Leaked Video

By Katrina Trinko

Once again, Amazon has shown it’s on the side of leftist activists, not free speech.

Matt Walsh, a popular conservative podcast host and writer at The Daily Wire, just released a children’s book titled “Johnny the Walrus.” The book, according to the description on Amazon, tells the tale of Johnny, who likes to pretend to be a dinosaur or a knight.

But one day “when the internet people find out Johnny likes to make-believe, he’s forced to make a decision between the little boy he is and the things he pretends to be—and he’s not allowed to change his mind,” states the description.

Amazon is clearly trying to squash Walsh’s book. 

According to Walsh, his picture book has been removed from the category of children’s books and moved to political books. Ads for the book on Amazon also have been rejected by the tech giant as not being “appropriate for all audiences”—an umbrella term for standards that ban advertising for books promoting incest and pedophilia, among other things.

Amazon did not respond to The Daily Signal’s emailed request for comment.

Despite all this, Walsh’s book is soaring on Amazon, becoming No. 1 in books Wednesday.

This isn’t the first time Amazon has targeted conservative books. Last year, Amazon blocked ads for the new book, “BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Revolution,” by Heritage Foundation senior fellow Mike Gonzalez, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, and editor. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation, which attempted to purchase the ads.)

After The Daily Signal reported on its actions against the Gonzalez book, Amazon reversed its decision and claimed the ads initially were blocked due to “inaccurately enforced” policies.

Last year, Amazon also banned Ethics and Public Policy Center President Ryan T. Anderson’s book,  “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.”

In response to a letter from four U.S. senators inquiring as to why Amazon had stopped selling Anderson’s book, Brian Huseman, Amazon’s vice president for public policy, responded, “We have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness.” Anderson, however, notes that his book doesn’t characterize LGBTQ+ identities as a mental illness.

Meanwhile, while Anderson’s book is too dangerous, Amazon continues to sell Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” 

And just like every other Big Tech company, Amazon never seems to censor or block leftists. Nor does it treat leftist books as too political to be classified as children’s books.

Here’s a sampling of woke children’s books that Amazon still lists under the children’s books category:

1. “Jacob’s Room to Choose,” by Sarah and Ian Hoffman, is a picture book about Jacob, who likes to wear dresses and gets kicked out of the boys’ bathroom, and his friend Sophie, who has a similar experience in the girls’ bathroom.  “When their teacher finds out what happened, Jacob and Sophie, with the support [of] administration, lead change at their school as everyone discovers the many forms of gender expression and how to treat each other with respect,” states the description on Amazon.

2. “Antiracist Baby,” a board book by “How to Be an Antiracist” author Ibram X. Kendi, who champions critical race theory.

3. “I Am Jazz,” by Jessica Herthel, is a picture book that tells the story of TV personality Jazz Jennings. “From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl’s brain in a boy’s body,” states the description on Amazon, which adds that ultimately a doctor “said that Jazz was transgender and that she was born that way.”

4. “Jack (Not Jackie)” by Erica Silverman is about Susan, who realizes that her little sister “doesn’t like dresses or fairies-she likes ties and bugs!” The Amazon description continues, “Will she and her family be able to accept that Jackie identifies more as ‘Jack’?” and notes: “This book is published in partnership with GLAAD to accelerate LGBTQ inclusivity and acceptance.”

I could go on—there’s a shockingly robust selection of propaganda books for little leftists—but you get the point. On Amazon, it’s OK for people with the “right” views to write about gender identity for kids. But it’s not OK for Walsh, just because the views he holds aren’t seen as acceptable. 

Doubt that? Popular Twitter account Libs of TikTok released two videos Tuesday that appears to show an Amazon internal meeting where company employees discuss Walsh’s “Johnny the Walrus.”

“‘Johnny the Walrus’ is a bit of a problematic book—not a bit—it is not a bit of a problem, it’s one hell of a problem,” states a man who appears to be the meeting host. He adds at another point, “I also saw someone mention that this is really tough content if you’re transgender, if you’re gender nonbinary … and this is super triggering … I would understand if you needed to leave.”

Amazon did not respond to The Daily Signal’s email requesting comments on the videos.

And if you’re still wondering what the popular sentiment is at Amazon, consider this: In 2020, donations from Amazon employees to President Joe Biden’s campaign totaled $2.3 million, per Open Secrets. Donations to President Donald Trump’s campaign totaled a measly $289,000. 

It’s clear that Amazon is not committed to a level playing field for all books, regardless of ideology.  Once again, another Big Tech company is making clear that there’s one set of rules for leftists and another set for conservatives.


This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


America is on to the LGBTQ…., transgender, gender fluidity, sexualizing agenda the Walt Disney Company is openly grooming our nation’s children with. It is timely and imperative that we inform Disney of our rejection of their indoctrinating, far leftist and godless attempt to sexually groom our youngest generation…

Did a Key FBI Agent in Whitmer Plot Attempt to Surveil Steven Crowder? thumbnail

Did a Key FBI Agent in Whitmer Plot Attempt to Surveil Steven Crowder?

By Julie Kelly

It appears Jayson Chambers, one of the key FBI Agents involved in the entrapment effort, did just that. Why?

In 2017, Steven Crowder, a conservative activist and host of a popular YouTube channel, infiltrated Antifa with his producer.

Weeks before a speaking engagement by Ben Shapiro at the University of Utah—an event Antifa planned to disrupt violently—Crowder worked his way into the group through the use of burner phones and encrypted chats. Crowder secretly recorded discussions between Antifa thugs promising to use “plain clothes and hard tactics” to shut down Shapiro’s speech on September 28, 2017. This included distributing weapons such as ice picks, combat knives, and guns.

Despite a heavy law enforcement presence for Shapiro’s speech, pockets of violence did erupt as Antifa confronted police and Shapiro supporters outside the venue, resulting in the arrest of a handful of rabble-rousers. Crowder then posted a video account of his undercover operation and noted a collective lack of interest by major news organizations in Antifa’s violent pre-planning efforts.

An FBI agent, however, appeared to want more information from Crowder about Antifa’s behind-the-scenes work. It’s unclear how Crowder contacted this particular FBI agent shortly after the Shapiro protest but he described the encounter on Megyn Kelly’s podcast last week: “We got on the phone with a guy at the FBI and he asked ‘how did you get involved, how did you get on this Antifa app?’” Crowder told Kelly about the initial call, wondering aloud why the FBI didn’t know how to access the encrypted chat. The FBI, Crowder said, didn’t express any interest in capturing the perpetrators, which Crowder found “odd.”

The correspondence with this FBI agent, working out of the FBI’s counterterrorism unit in Michigan, continued for some time then tapered off. It wasn’t until recently that Crowder heard the name of his one-time FBI contact: Jayson Chambers.

Chambers was one of the key agents involved in the FBI-concocted plot to “kidnap” and “assassinate” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. He was primarily responsible for handling Dan Chappel, the informant hired by the FBI in the spring of 2020 and compensated at least $60,000 to execute the scheme. “This was the guy on a fishing expedition with my office!” Crowder told Kelly about Chambers.

“I think he was thinking, ‘these guys must be extremists,’ and he realized we were just normal, Christian conservatives and moved on down the trail,” Crowder said. “But when I read it publicly, I was like, ‘boom, shit, this guy was a spy?’”


Continue reading this article at American Greatness.


America is on to the LGBTQ…., transgender, gender fluidity, sexualizing agenda the Walt Disney Company is openly grooming our nation’s children with. It is timely and imperative that we inform Disney of our rejection of their indoctrinating, far leftist and godless attempt to sexually groom our youngest generation…