Entries by Save America Foundation

Biden Says July 4th Just Got Cheaper!

I begin today with two wise old African proverbs from the country of my birth, Rhodesia. Shona Proverb:- “ The innocent looking people are often the guilty.” In Shona that would read “Imbwa nyoro ndidzo tsengi dzamatovo.” An old Shangaan proverb: “Don’t replace a puff adder with a black mamba.” Or in their language “Huma Mheri kunghena mamba.” […]

China Is Spanking Biden!

The People’s Republic of China has raised its level of aggression towards the US exponentially since the fraudulent arrival of the Biden Administration into power. They, like all our enemies, Syria, Russia, Iran etc. understand they are dealing with a crook, all be it a severely mentally challenged crook. They know he is weak and […]

DemonRats Ensure Cruel & Unusual Punishment

Inflation, the cruelest tax of all, is here. Under the insane monetary agenda of this socialist administration, America and Americans are all going to feel the terrible affects of inflation. There is no other option as they, the Democrats, resort to previously failed policies and discard any attempt at being fiscally conservative or responsible. Hyper […]

Are CDC Bureaucrats & Dem. Politicians Guilty of Mass Murder & Crimes Against Humanity?

“Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.” – Anonymous Today, instead of reading the ramblings of your trusty scribe, me, I am copying the writings of another man whose article appeared in Townhall. It is of great importance and relevance as we continue navigating through the BS Covid […]

Biden and the G7!

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein In what will be probably the most useless and pathetic G7 meeting in beautiful Cornwall we are going to watch a ballet of carefully coordinated public appearances by our mentally challenged and pitiful so called […]