VIDEO: DeSantis slams critical race theory and says it will have no place in Florida classrooms — ‘Not worth one red cent’

Watch. If America’s voting system is not federalized by the Democrats, then Governor Ron DeSantis can be elected POTUS in 2024.

DeSantis slams critical race theory and says it will have no place in Florida classrooms: ‘Not worth one red cent’

By Washington Examiner, March 17, 2021

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis slammed critical race theory and pledged there is no room in his state’s classrooms for the controversial curriculum.

“There’s no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory,” the Florida Republican said Wednesday. “Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”

DeSantis pledged that Florida’s curriculum will “expressly exclude” the teaching.

DeSantis also said he is proposing a $3,000 bonus for Florida teachers who complete a civics education program that focuses on “foundational concepts” rather than the critical race theory that has been spreading nationwide.

The critical race theory movement, energized by the New York Times’s recent 1619 Project, deviates from a traditional curriculum and teaches that racism is embedded in the founding of the United States.

Earlier this year, government employees in San Diego County, California, were forced to take part in critical race theory training, including a lecture stating that only white people are capable of being racist.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention moved forward last fall with critical race theory training despite an executive order from former President Donald Trump instructing government agencies to halt the practice.

“The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions,” former Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought said about the executive order at the time, adding that “these types of ‘trainings’ not only run counter to the fundamental beliefs for which our Nation has stood since its inception, but they also engender division and resentment within the Federal workforce.”

RELATED ARTICLE: DeSANTIS: ‘Teaching Kids to Hate Their Country and Each Other’ Not Worth ‘One Cent from Taxpayers’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Will California Schools Mandate Pagan Religion?

In California schools, it would seem that Jesus is out, but worshiping human-sacrifice-requiring Aztec deities may soon be in.

In a 1996 book I wrote with D. James Kennedy, The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail, which dealt with today’s anti-Christian bias, we noted the following: “San Jose, California. City officials built a statue of the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl, costing taxpayers half a million dollars. The mayor says the Aztec religion possessed ‘those elements that seek to elevate the human consciousness to a higher plane.’”

After observing the story, we offered this commentary, “The irony is that the Aztec religion routinely engaged in human sacrifice. Here is a statue built to honor the god of human sacrifice—the worship of whom cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of human beings. Yet the same city ruled that there is no room for a manger with baby Jesus in it. Jesus, whose teachings and followers have banished human sacrifice from every corner of this world, is out. A god demanding human sacrifice is in.”

Here we are a quarter of a century later, and now comes a story out of California about a proposed plan to promote such teaching, accompanied by ritual Aztec chanting, in the public schools there. Once the teachers’ union says the schools can open, of course.

Writing for the (3/10/21) Christopher F. Rufo notes: “Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new statewide ethnic studies curriculum that advocates for the ‘decolonization’ of American society and elevates Aztec religious symbolism—all in the service of a left-wing political ideology.”

If this passes, it could impact “10,000 public schools serving a total of 6 million students.” Rufo notes that this curriculum was developed by a Marxist and is part of the “pedagogy of the oppressed.”

The chanting, of course, means that the children would be involved in not just learning about the deities, but in actually worshiping them.

Rufo opines, “The chants have a clear implication: the displacement of the Christian god [sic], which is said to be an extension of white supremacist oppression, and the restoration of the indigenous gods to their rightful place in the social justice cosmology. It is, in a philosophical sense, a revenge of the gods.”

In the name of “the separation of church and state”—words not found in our Constitution—any remnant of our nation’s Judeo-Christian tradition seems to find no place in our public schools. But chanting to pagan deities is fine with the left.

The first Congress under the Constitution wrote the First Amendment in 1791. And the first liberty they guaranteed—before freedom of speech, of the press, or of assembly—was the freedom of religion. They wanted to make sure that there would be no national church at the federal level, forcing people of other denominations to conform. They also wanted to make sure the government would not restrict the free exercise of religion.

The First Amendment later was twisted to mean we should have a strict “separation of church and state”—not allowing any reference to God in the public arena.

That same Congress that gave us the First Amendment passed a law called The Northwest Ordinance, spelling out an expectation for territories that became future states, saying, “Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary for good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

It is historically undeniable that when they said, “religion,” they meant Christianity (in one form or another). And when they said, “morality,” it was Biblical morality.

Note the priority of the Congress as to schools. Teach them about God, morality, knowledge.

How different is the anti-Christian curriculum proposed in California.

Those Aztec deities demanded violence. Robert Ripley of “Believe It or Not” fame writes about a carved circular stone found in the National Museum in Mexico City, where the human victims were slaughtered in Aztec worship: “The prisoners, who for several years had been held in reserve for this festival, were ranged in files forming a procession nearly two miles long. This long line slowly walked to their death marking time to the shrieks of the dying as they were bent naked on this stone and their hearts torn from their bodies. It required four days to finish the slaughter.” (Wonder Book of Facts, 1957).

In contrast, Jesus—who said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”—offered Himself as the sacrificial “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” But today, California educators apparently prefer pagan deities that demand human sacrifice for worship. Since recognition of God has been expelled in our public schools, too many of our learning centers have become secular wastelands. In California, it could get even worse.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Worshiping Human Sacrifice & Cannibalism.

Kentucky’s Berea College Hosts Event Calling ‘Trumpism’ a Form of Terrorism

The left’s effort to demonize and criminalize all opposition to its sinister agenda is advancing rapidly, and so the news out of Kentucky’s Berea College on Friday, as outrageous as it was, came as no surprise. Fox News reported that Berea “is scheduled to host an event critical of Donald Trump and associating the former president and ‘white citizenship’ with terrorism.” But would Berea or other colleges and universities like it ever dream of holding an event about actual terrorists, specifically Islamic jihadis? Not on your life!

“A flyer obtained by Young America’s Foundation (YAF),” Fox continued, “describes the event as a way to ‘resituate Trumpism and white citizenship as forms of white terrorism enacted against the majority of people living within the borders of the U.S. and beyond.’”

The event is set for this coming Wednesday. In these days of stifling Covid orthodoxy, it will, of course, take place not in person, but over Zoom. The flyer announcing the event reads like a parody of today’s campus intellectual fads and shibboleths: “The Women’s and Gender Non-Conforming Center [I bet you wish you had one of those on your campus] presents GENDER TALK…White Citizenship as Terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again.” The event is “co-sponsored by Law, Ethics, and Society,” an organization that likely has little to with actual law, ethics, or anything that would strengthen a society.

The flyer, according to Fox, “features images of protesters carrying tiki torches at the racially charged Charlottesville, Virginia, protests at the beginning of Trump’s presidency.” It states:

Despite calls for multiculturalism and color-blindness, segments of white America mourn their so-called loss of privilege, consistently begging to return to the nostalgic past in which their esteemed value as white citizens went unquestioned. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return America to a previously “great” past. But the offer to “Make America Great Again, Again,” requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is defined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear towards particular communities and identities, then this is what “Trumpism” is at its core.

As ridiculous and groundless as all that is, as rooted in leftist fantasy about Trump’s presidency being somehow “white supremacist,” Berea College officials were not embarrassed, as they should have been, when asked about this event. On the contrary, they defended it, as any fascist smear merchant would, issuing a statement that said: “To some, the provocative title of the event implies that Berea is not a welcoming place for individuals with differing political views.” More than “implies,” you fascists.

“That is not true,” the Berea statement insisted:

At Berea, we strive to live out our motto: God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth. Berea accepts students of all faiths (or none at all), religious beliefs, ethnicities and political leanings, creating a diverse environment that encourages acceptance, respect and even appreciation across our differences. We encourage open dialog on difficult topics. Racism and white nationalism have been topics of great debate over the past five years. The event planned for next week seeks to confront aspects of the political spectrum that relate to the difficult topic of race in America. While that may cause discomfort, it is a valid and important conversation in this time of political and racial division. It is our hope that these types of conversations will occur across the country. Open, honest dialogue is essential to understanding racism and moving toward an anti-racist society.

Unless you’re a Trump supporter, that is.

Meanwhile, it is a 100% certainty, not 99%, but 100%, that Berea College administrators and professors would recoil in horror at the prospect of hosting an event focusing on the threat of jihad violence and Sharia oppression. In the extraordinarily unlikely off-chance that such an event were scheduled, it would be inundated with charges of “Islamophobia” and “racism” to the extent that most students would not attend, for fear of the social stigma attached to going.

But this? Demonizing and smearing half the American electorate? That’s just fine. And of course it plays right into the agenda of the political and media elites, who have embarked upon a clear initiative to defame all supporters of the former president as “extremists,” as they did previously with foes of jihad terror and Sharia injustice, and destroy them accordingly. The U.S. is entering an extremely dark period, but it has been a long time in the offing. And it has gotten dark early at Berea College.

RELATED VIDEO: Robert Spencer on The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Learning From Failure – Get in the Fight Now!

It has often been said that you learn more from failure than from success.

We don’t doubt the wisdom in that observation. So, if it is true, we need to look at the state of American Conservatism today. This is the movement that supports the Constitution, the ideas of limited government, personal liberty, personal responsibility, free markets and the Judeo-Christian ethic.

Conservatives over the years have created an impressive array of think tanks, publications, and books. We have had some success at politics. But even as we have succeeded politically on occasion, the broader battle for the soul of the nation has gone against us.

We have failed. It is not a partial failure either. It has been a rout across a broad swath of institutions and public attitudes. Only in the recognition of that failure is it possible to move forward.

Part of the reason Trump could come out of nowhere to defeat multiple primary opponents and the Clinton machine was that people were frustrated with the current Conservative leadership. That leadership had failed us. It is a time for a realistic assessment of where we are in this ideological battle.

Conservatives have lost the universities and the secondary and primary schools. We have lost the metropolitan newspapers, Facebook, Twitter, sports, Hollywood, Broadway, popular music, museums, classical music, art, magazines ranging from men’s health to teenage girls, most of the network news organizations, book publishing, most of the mainline churches, comedy, large parts of the medical profession and healthcare and many large corporations. No doubt we left some things out but you get the point.

While small business still leans our way, we have even lost the Chamber of Commerce. Big business not only sides mostly with Democrats, they openly insult us with left-wing political and absurd “woke” messages in their advertising.

Increasingly, even the institutions of the military and our intelligence agencies are now largely under the sway of our opponent’s thinking. We have largely lost the courts and the permanent bureaucracy that controls our way of life. We have lost much on the county and city levels as well, with many major cities under Democratic dominance for a half-century.

The many local tyrants have been revealed even in more conservative jurisdictions by their response to the Covid crisis and their embrace of lockdown policies. A paradigm example of this is the governor of New Jersey, who when challenged by a reporter about his policies, admitted that it never occurred to him to consult the Bill of Rights.

Talk radio and independent publications such as The Prickly Pear remain the only areas where Conservatives hold sway.

We have been outsmarted by our opponents. While we sincerely disagree with them, one has to admire their ability to stay in the fight and persevere for the past century, their ability to organize, fundraise, and promote their own within our cultural institutions. They are serious about advancing their ideas, are willing to be ruthless and cunning while Conservatives tend to be passive because of their inherent desire to be left alone and to leave others alone.

We can learn much from our opponents from their success and our failure.

The success of the left is they realized early that they must capture the schools and the major organs of communication in society. They have been working on that for a century.  Conservatives backed the opposition to international communism, and many paid with their lives doing so. The irony is, we largely won the war abroad but lost the war at home.

Collectivists of all stripes are easier to organize because they are collectivists. Conservatives are like trying to herd cats. Our fierce independence is both our strength and weakness. You just don’t see Democrats cave on vital issues like you see Republicans. They understand that politics is a team sport.

It is said that politics is downstream from culture. What does it say then for America’s future when a former stripper has 70 million followers and is solicited by a political party to interview a Presidential candidate? We of course are referring to Cardi B, the rap “artist.” Maybe you are unfamiliar with her work. Click here to see the lyrics of her hit WAP (Wet Ass of last summer.

Given this cultural effluent, if politics is indeed downstream from culture, we have a problem, don’t we?

The good news is despite the Left’s control of the schools and of culture, at least half the population remains on the Conservative side of the spectrum. We expect that quite a few old-fashioned Liberals will be coming our way as the Left accelerates its use of violence, intimidation, social canceling of any and all opponents of their declared socialist agenda.

Leftism is really a secular religion. If you are outside the canons of their racial guilt (the white man’s exclusive original sin), you are a heretic to be shamed and persecuted. Some on the left are now even talking about re-education camps for those that don’t follow. But Americans don’t like being pushed around and one of Trump’s most attractive characteristics was that he fought back. In doing so, he spoke for many Americans who could not find their own voice.

Perhaps progressive education is so inherently bad that the propaganda isn’t sticking or Conservatism tends to emerge spontaneously from those maturing, raising families, and engaging in commerce. This has been observed for years. Whatever the factors are at play, it is remarkable given the Progressive dominance on the idea conveyor belt, that we are still even in the fight.

There is an aphorism of some truth, that has been incorrectly attributed to Churchill, Clemenceau, and even John Adams that goes something like: “If you are not a Liberal when you are 20, you have no heart. If you are not a Conservative when you are 40, you have no brain.”

The disagreement is, after all, about the nature of man. It takes a while to see how people interact with each other over a period of years and circumstances to form an opinion. A more realistic view comes with experience and maturity.

If you believe man is basically good, then concentrating power in a few to rule over others is not a problem. If you think mankind must constantly struggle against a flawed nature, then you are skeptical about allowing power to concentrate anywhere (the Founders knew this so well). That includes multinational corporations that snuggle close to the government. And it is equally true of multinational corporations that snuggle close to the Chinese Communist dictatorship.

So, the good news is that there is still a substantial remnant of alienated, unappreciated and ignored people who do not like the direction our culture and politics are going.

They are silent for the most part and intimidated. Right now, they are a bit depressed as well.

We at The Prickly Pear hope to wake them up, inspire them, educate them, embolden them and get them in the fight.

Some question if there is still a “silent majority”, but evidence suggests it still exists. After all, with all the forces of media against President Trump, he received about 74 million (legitimate) votes. He may have even won the election, but it would appear the Left outsmarted us when it came to election integrity.

We are discouraged that so many individuals on the liberty side of the political spectrum don’t feel election integrity is more important. That issue needs immediate work. Why a Conservative venue like the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal acquiesces is astonishing.

This is no time to be silent. It is time to rise up and let your voices be heard. Even though the Presidential election was “lost”, good progress was made in the House. The most enduring thing that might come out of this election mess is a stronger backbone among Republicans as it relates to election integrity.

Please pay attention to the TAKE ACTION section of The Prickly Pear. It will appear from time to time with concrete things you can do. It won’t take much of your time or resources. Click the SUBSCRIBE button and sign up so that we may grow.

Read our Mission Statement in ABOUT US. We are growing, adding excellent and truthful Conservative content every day and are committed to the mission of “informing, educating and advocating” America’s foundational principles to as many as possible. Exposing the Left’s goal of “fundamentally transforming America” into a socialist nation is critical to maintain our Republic and our liberty. Please consider a contribution to our efforts and platform. We are self-funded to date and ask that you now join us – we have learned from failure and implore you to sustain the fight against an endpoint of tyranny, the Left’s unstated goal for America.

If you are not willing to fight now, when will you?

In future articles, we will explore what we have done wrong as Conservatives and what we may be able to do better. But for now, we have to recognize what we have been doing is not working. The other side is winning.

We must overcome the natural aversion to action that plagues Conservatives. We don’t wish to rule others and we reject being ruled. For the most part, all we want is ordered liberty and to be left alone.

But we are past the time to ‘consider’ fighting back. It was Edmund Burke, considered by many to be the first modern Conservative who said, “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Join us at The Prickly Pear and get in the fight.  We hope to have a dialogue with you and other liberty lovers so that we might improve and amplify the Conservative message. Click on the CONTRIBUTE button and help us grow. Be sure to bookmark (or favorite) us in your browser and tell your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues about our truthful, aggressive and fearless Conservative website.

Have courage. The election mess is a temporary event. It will only do lasting damage if you concede defeat in your own mind.

Opposition is Rising to Teacher Union-Mandated Shutdowns

Refusing to accept responsibility for Covid-related lockdowns, the American Federation of Teachers tars Republicans.

In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, a Republican, correctly blamed the nation’s teachers unions for the overwrought Covid-related lockdowns that have strangled public education throughout much of the country. The American Federation of Teachers took umbrage at the column and countered with a Tweet, “Teachers, staff, and the unions behind them are not a barrier to schools reopening. We are a barrier to staff and students being put in danger for Republican talking points.”

No, not a Babylon Bee entry. The union actually thinks that Republicans pose a greater threat to children than the lockdowns, which have now been with us for just about a year, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the CDC is urging the nation’s elementary and secondary schools to reopen as soon as possible. At the same time, The New York Times “Asked 175 Pediatric Disease Experts if It Was Safe Enough to Open School.” The experts, mostly pediatricians focusing on public health, “largely agreed that it was safe enough for schools to be open to elementary students for full-time and in-person instruction now. Some said that was true even in communities where Covid-19 infections were widespread, as long as basic safety measures were taken.”

Maybe they were Republican scientists and pediatricians? Hardly. In fact, many liberals in government and the mainstream media are now pillorying the unions over their intransigence.

For example, veteran New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, a self-described progressive, is demanding that schools reopen now. In an opinion piece last week, he blamed “Democratic governors and mayors who too often let schools stay closed even as bars opened.” He also stressed that they have “presided over one of the worst blows to the education of disadvantaged Americans in history. The result: more dropouts, less literacy and numeracy, widening race gaps, and long-term harm to some of our most marginalized youth.”

In San Francisco, where unicorns outnumber Republicans, the city is suing the school district over its refusal to reopen. The lawsuit, filed in February, claims that the “number of suicidal children in San Francisco has hit a record high and health experts say it is clear that keeping public schools closed ‘is catalyzing a mental health crisis among school-aged children.’”

Also, the hardly Republican Los Angeles Times editorial board is not happy with the ongoing shuttering of schools. In “L.A. Unified is officially out of excuses for keeping elementary schools closed,” the editors insist that Superintendent Austin Beutner “needs to put on his big-boy pants, reopen schools and demand that teachers return or risk their jobs.”

Chicago progressive Democratic mayor Lori Lightfoot has been butting heads with the Chicago Teachers Union over school reopenings. In a recent interview, she suggested that the obstinance of the union revolves around its aspirations to become “something akin to a political party” and that “ultimately, they’d like to take over not only Chicago Public Schools, but take over running the city government.”

Parents of all political stripes have reached the end of their rope. Ad hoc groups of moms and dads are out in the streets demanding that their schools reopen. Open Schools California and Reopen California Schools have thousands of members statewide. The groups have called for campuses to reopen, want more transparency from school districts, and a seat at the table to discuss reopening plans.

Saturday, calling out the United Teachers of Los Angeles, hundreds of parents gathered at the Federal Building in West L.A. and demanded that LAUSD reopen. Now.

The teacher’s unions claim that we must have a boatload of cash to reopen – for masks, updated ventilation systems, and other Covid-related adjustments. But in reality, not much money is really needed. As  policy analyst, Inez Stepman writes, only five percent of private schools across the country started all-virtual this fall. She adds that “the average private school tuition (is) substantially lower than average public school per-pupil funding (about $11,000 to public schools’ $14,000), they’ve received only a tiny fraction of the federal and state aid that has been available to public schools.”

While the unions demand online-only learning in public schools, many families are bidding adieu to the Educational Industrial Complex. Data released in February show California k-12 public schools have dropped by a record 155,000 students. Nationally, untold millions have dropped out of their public schools.

So it is hardly a surprise that a survey of 160 independent schools reveals that private schools are picking up the slack. Researchers found that of the 160 independent schools, “121 are currently open full time, for face-to-face learning. The remaining 39 are on some sort of hybrid schedule…”  Additionally, Education Week reported in November that, pre-Covid, about 3 percent of children nationwide were homeschooled. But this year, that number tripled to 10 percent. No telling where that number is now.

The lockdowns have opened Pandora’s box. While some parents are indeed afraid of sending their kids to school, many are not. And it’s the latter group who has been sending their kids to private schools in increasing numbers. This bodes well for the parental choice movement that is gathering steam in many states across the country. More on this soon.


This article appeared first appeared on March 2, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from the Heartland Institute.

Rep. Andy Biggs Says Follow the Science, Open Schools

It’s past time to open schools, Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., says.

“The percentages for teachers or students is really, really low,” Biggs, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, says of the risk of contracting COVID-19. “In Florida, they’re playing sports.”

“The flip side of it, of course, is this isolation, this online learning, this basic lockdown for these kids is producing greater suicide rates, higher depression rates,” Biggs says. “And something like half of all the adolescents and young adults have experienced some suicidal ideation that they had never had before. That’s a result of these school lockdowns, which don’t follow the science and they don’t make sense.”

The third-term congressman from Arizona joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss reopening during the pandemic, as well as to weigh in on the crisis at the southern border.

Rachel del Guidice: I’m joined today on “The Daily Signal Podcast” by Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona. Congressman Biggs, always great to have you with us on “The Daily Signal Podcast.”

Rep. Andy Biggs: Great to be with you, Rachel. Thanks for having me.

Del Guidice: You just wrote an op-ed for the Washington Examiner about kids going back to school and why that’s important. And the op-ed [is] called “Let parents, not teachers, decide when children go back to school.” Can you tell us about the op-ed and why this is important?

Biggs: I wrote the op-ed in immediate response to the Chicago school union stuff. But it isn’t just that, we’ve been actually talking about schools reopening for many, many months. The data’s clear. It was clear from Europe. It’s clear.

We’re in Florida today and Florida has successfully been reopening schools. They’re playing sports. But a lot of people say, “Oh, we’re worried about the teachers.”

But the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] director, who’s now the CDC director, before she was the CDC director, said, “You can actually open up schools. They’re not petri dishes. They’re not these superspreader events. You’re not going to create a cataclysmic problem.”

And then when she became the CDC director, she said, “Well, now maybe we’ve got to have vaccines or something and all this.”

The reality is we haven’t seen anything like that at all. There’s no vector. The percentages for teachers or students is really, really low. In Florida, they’re playing sports.

The flip side of it, of course, is this isolation, this online learning, this basic lockdown for these kids is producing greater suicide rates, higher depression rates.

And something like half of all the adolescents and young adults have experienced some suicidal ideation that they had never had that before. That’s a result of these school lockdowns, which don’t follow the science and they don’t make sense.

Del Guidice: In the op-ed you make the point that President [Joe] Biden, in his best imitation of truth minister from “1984,” has deemed the in-person school for one day a week, even if it is not a full day, it means schools are “opened up.” Why is this not the case?

Biggs: You can’t say that meeting a half a day in person means that you have an open school. That’s just a lie.

And that was my point there, is that President Biden campaigned, “We’re going to open up schools.” And then when he found out that teachers unions didn’t really want to open schools and go back to work, he said, “Well, we’ve opened them up. … We’re going to call it good because some places have half day open.”

That’s ridiculous. And it doesn’t change the other negative factors that we talked about.

We’ve got students that have been out almost a year, and that may mean that they fall behind two, three, four years because they’ve lost the foundation. And especially, I look at two groups, [one being] the young kids because their ability to read needs to be cemented in by the time you’re in third grade.

That’s what they tells us, it becomes very difficult to learn to read after that. And then we’re basically pulling those kids out and really going to cause the massive problems, maybe lose a generation.

The other one is the adolescent-age kids who rely on socialization and peers to help them adjust as they’re getting ready to leave high school, move to college or trades, or whatever. They’re being harmed tremendously.

Del Guidice: Democrats have their $1.9 trillion COVID-19 bill. And I believe about 9% of it goes actually to COVID relief. … This is just an honest question that I have, is there money in this bill for schools to reopen?

Biggs: Well, there actually is. There’s about $6 billion for the schools to reopen. All the rest of the money that’s in for schools is out beginning of 2023 and forward. It’s not in this fiscal year.

Believe me, we didn’t need to do the bill that we did in the middle of the night last night because the previous five bills had a trillion dollars left over, including about $60 billion for public schools.

And I guess the third point to make it as if schools aren’t going to open up, why in the heck are we giving them more federal dollars?

Del Guidice: What else is in this bill that has nothing to do with COVID-19 since only 9% of it does go to COVID?

Biggs: Well, you have a huge amount of money going to bail out blue states and blue cities and towns who’ve mismanaged their pension funds or anything else.

And by the way, every state is going to get $500 million. That’s like the blank check portion of this thing. It’s insane. So, that’s where they’re starting out. Then you get bonuses and stuff on that based on having a high unemployment.

So think about it. If you’ve mismanaged your state, you’re going to get more money because you’re going to have more people that are unemployed. That’s in there. So there’s that.

You’ve got money for [National Endowment for the Arts], [National Endowment for the Humanities], for libraries and museums. That’s probably half a billion dollars just with that.

We’re sending $750 million overseas. You got $50 million for family planning, including abortions. You’ve got $400 million because we’re concerned, I say that facetiously, that some pets might be more susceptible to COVID. They’re going to go [to] an experiment on COVID.

So we get sending vaccines overseas, and we’re going to test animals to see if they might get COVID. This is the kind of garbage that is in this bill.

You got, [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi’s getting a subway system out there, up in the Bay Area. And [Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer’s getting another bridge in New York.

Rachel, they changed the name of it from the COVID-19 relief package to the America recovery plan, or something like that. It’s like, they went from global warming to climate change because it wasn’t accurate.

So you can’t say it’s COVID relief because it’s not. What it really is is this massive boondoggle of pork and buying our votes around the country. That’s what that’s about.

Del Guidice: Honestly, it came to mind when you were talking about that, when it comes to what Nancy Pelosi’s wish list says, as well as Senator Schumer said, it almost seems like earmarks. I feel like a case could be made, like, these are basically earmarks.

Biggs: Yeah. They’re they really are basically earmarks. Except for with earmarks, you could identify who the earmarks were going for, not always. But yeah, these were earmarks for sure. And they’re going to go straight into earmarks. You better believe it.

Del Guidice: Well, you voted “no” on Democrats’ Equality Act, and I want to talk a little bit about this piece of legislation.

There’s a lot to it, but one of the components of it is it will allow biological men who identify as women into women’s restrooms. It will allow boys who are biologically boys into girls’ locker rooms to disrobe. It will allow biological men or boys on women’s soccer teams or sports teams.

Can you tell us more about this piece of legislation and your perspective of it and how it’s going to impact women and just society in general?

Biggs: This may be the worst piece of legislation in the history of the United States of America. Quite frankly, what it does in the guise of equality, we actually heard people saying, “Oh, you shouldn’t vote. No, we just want to be able to love each other.” That isn’t what this is. This is control. This is actually attacking religious freedom. It’s attacking women.

So domestic violence shelters, if you have a woman who’s been abused by a man and they go to the domestic violence shelter, but some guy who is identifying as a woman that day, they get to come into their domestic violence shelter—any public accommodation, any public entity cannot basically control for biological men and women.

So a safe space for women might be that domestic violence shelter. It might be the women’s locker room. It might be the girls’ locker room at school. It might be the girls’ bathroom at an elementary school. If a 6-year-old kid says, “I’m really identifying as a girl today,” you cannot prevent them from going in there. That’s how ludicrous this bill is.

So you have all of that going on, at the same time you tell parents and physicians, doctors, and counselors, if a child—and a minor—says, “I really want to change my sex,” the parents might say, “We don’t think you’re ready to make that decision.” The counselor agrees. And then the physician says, “I agree that this should not happen.”

If you don’t allow the puberty blockers and hormone therapies that go with this, they can take your kid away from you. That’s what’s in the equality bill. And that’s just a small component of the equality bill.

When I said they’re attacking religion—we debated this last night. And the Democrats were saying, “We’re not attacking religion at all.”

There’s a provision right in there that says that RFRA, which is the Religious Freedom [Restoration] Act of 1993, that says, “You can have defense to some of these social issues if you have a sincerely held religious view.”

They specifically say, “It’s no defense,” because they’re criminalizing all these things. So if you don’t do these things, it becomes a criminal conduct and RFRA would have allowed protection for religious people of consciousness faith. They specifically said, “Nope, you can’t have those exemptions anymore. You can’t have those protections.”

They are attacking religious freedom, associational freedom, freedom of speech. And they’re interjecting the government between the parent and the child. That makes it the worst bill in the history of this country—in my opinion, unconstitutional.

Del Guidice: Given the attacks on religious freedom and now that these safety guards for people who have deeply held religious beliefs, that really those are not going to be available anymore, do you foresee people of faith or people with deeply held religious beliefs going to prison over this?

Biggs: They might. They’re trying to put all people of faith into a box.

Don’t forget, this week, while the equality bill was going on, in two different hearings in the House of Representatives, they were holding hearings basically declaring that if you voted for Donald Trump or if you’re Republican, you’re a racist xenophobe, white nationalist, domestic terrorist.

So at the same time, they’re trying to put people of faith in this box. They’re basically also saying, “And if you wander outside that box and express yourself, you’re a domestic terrorist.”

That’s where we’ve come. And so, I’ve been saying now for about a month and a half, two months now that we’ve moved into fascism.

We’re no longer just a soft socialist nation. We’re into fascism because you add the censorship that we’re all experiencing and that’s being done, not by the government per se, but with this federal government’s encouragement to go ahead and censor any kind of dissenting or opposing viewpoint.

The heterodox conservative viewpoint is being stifled while you are allowing the orthodox leftist view of collectivism and corporatism. That’s what’s happening in the United States today.

Del Guidice: Well, we do have a Democrat House, Senate, and White House. The Republicans aren’t the majority. But are there any ways that the Equality Act can be countered? Do you see any opportunity to address any of these issues?

Biggs: Whether it’s the Equality Act or even HR 1 or the COVID bill, we have to rely on the Senate because the Senate still has the 60-vote filibuster rule. So that’s their first line of defense.

And if the Senate can’t keep enough Republicans off these bills, or if the Democrats say, “We’re going to change the rules so we can ram it down your throat,” then we have to rely on two other places—the courts, and they’re notoriously unreliable, but there are some good places that we can rely on, and then the states. In particular, I think of the states’ attorneys general.

So, if HR 1, which is the election bill, gets through, we need the states’ attorneys general to immediately file the lawsuits to enjoin that so we can attack that. Same with Equality Act, they’re going to need to bring cases on that. Same with the immigration abuse, they’re going to need to bring the lawsuit.

Thus, the states’ attorneys general, they may need the state legislatures to—I’m trying to remember which state this week … passed legislation saying, “We don’t have to comply with President Biden’s executive orders.”

So, the state legislatures have a role to play in this. And I’ll just tell you, the governors, … they could step up and become the most important political force in this country today, if governors were courageous and would do this.

Del Guidice: Another item on Nancy Pelosi’s agenda is a $15 minimum wage. What is that going to do to jobs?

Biggs: The [Congressional Budget Office] has said that that’s going to eliminate 1.5 million jobs. I think they’re overly conservative. We have a lot of hidden jobs as well.

Restaurants are going to be decimated. Unskilled, low-wage people, which are mostly kids coming out and getting their first job, they’re not going to be able to get a job because there’s going to be fewer jobs available to them. So, not only will you have jobs lost, nobody’s going to be hired for these jobs.

You’re going to see a move to automation. We’ve already seen that at the fast-food places where you go in and there’s automated menus, etc. You’ll see more automation to replace folks like this.

But what exacerbates the loss of jobs is, at the same time that’s going on, this poorest border, these promises of amnesty, where you’re bringing in low-wage, low-skilled workers to compete with our low-wage, low-skilled workers, our American kids. That’s the problem.

Del Guidice: Actually, [that’s] one of my next questions. The Biden administration has said that they plan to give amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants. Why is this a problem? What will this look like? What are the implications of the bill?

Biggs: First of all, that 11 million number has been used for 13 years. Now it’s really closer to 20 million, maybe even north of 20 million. So we have to be honest with that number. The number’s probably, I believe, twice as much as they’re saying. So that’s No. 1.

But the other thing is it provides a massive draw factor incentive. So you’re going to have lots of folks coming over. They’re already massing on the other side of the border.

Biden has told them specifically, “Don’t come yet. Don’t come yet. We’re not ready for you.” He’s telling them just to wait there, just on the other side of the border in Mexico, because when he gets his amnesty through, if he does get it through, then it’ll be time to come through. And that’s what he wants.

But what that will do is, we know that there’s already unaccompanied minors, not 6-year[-olds], we’re talking 15- to 17-year-olds. Oddly enough, MS-13 gangs fit that profile. I’m not saying all of them are, but we do know that there are gangs coming in.

We’ve got cities along the borders. A liberal Texas mayor said, “Mr. Biden, please, please don’t release these people into our community.” They’re starting to release them into the communities. Again, that’s going to bring crime, stress on the social safety nets of those communities.

All of these things that are going on, that’s what you’re seeing happening right now along the border because of Joe Biden.

Del Guidice: Well, lastly, I wanted to ask you about cancel culture. It’s something that’s really come up a lot recently when it comes to social media, different organizations, even nonpartisan organizations—like the Job Creators Network. Their Twitter has been taken down because of some alleged broken rule that they violated of Twitter’s.

First of all, I wanted to hear your perspective of cancel culture. And then secondly, I think the House Freedom Caucus had its own cancel culture moment, to a degree. So if you’re able to address that at all, we’d love to hear your thoughts.

Biggs: Cancel culture is the move to tyranny and fascism that I was talking about earlier. My wife will tell you I’ve harped on this for decades.

The left is inherently tyrannical. You can’t do socialism without coercing people. You can’t do fascism without coercing people. And America isn’t going to let you nationalize soda pops and stuff like that, or basically anything.

So, it becomes a fascism where you’re controlling through regulation. You’re controlling it through taxation and they start doing a bidding. That’s what canceled cultures become.

So all the social media outlets are basically doing the left’s, the hard left’s bidding at preventing the opposition from speaking. And they’ll cancel you. They’ll prevent you from doing stuff. I’ve had my social media taken down. All of this stuff, they want to erase you.

I just have to get this off my chest before I go to the HFC moment that you’re talking about. They want to have a unitary party. That’s what they want. Who has unitary parties? Authoritarian governments. We have, basically, an oligarchical fascism in the United States today.

I know I’m going to get hassled for saying that, but that’s really what you got. And you got to face the facts because they’re trying to constrain your freedom and who you are.

So, our moment, we were invited to come to an event called Conservative Members Conference in Florida. One of the big hotel chains in the country, the biggest hotel chain in the country had contracted with the host of that event, which wasn’t us. We were just invited to come. Freedom Caucus was invited to come.

When this hotel chain found out who was coming, they said, “We can’t host you guys. You’re a bunch of conservatives coming into this event.” And so they canceled a half-a-million-dollar contract, to my understanding of what that was, because they didn’t want a bunch of conservative staying at their hotel.

And what that means is the host of this event had to scramble to find another place. And by golly, they did find it. [It] was a great place and I’m leery to even say what the name of that place was because they might get canceled. Because that’s how obscene this is.

We’re seeing conservative actors fired. We’re seeing conservative athletes ostracized or cut. [We saw a conservative coach], for wearing a [One America News Network] T-shirt while he’s fishing with his boys, they forced him to apologize to keep his million-dollar-plus-a-year job. That’s the whole thing that we’re talking about. It’s not enough that Joe Biden was sworn in as the president of the United States.

I’ve seen this in Congress, where a chairman has said to a member of the House Freedom Caucus, “I want you to admit that Joe Biden is the legitimate president of the United States.”

“What do you mean?”

“No, he’s the legitimate president of the United States, I want you to admit that.

“He got sworn in. He’s sitting in the Oval Office.”

“I want you to admit [that.]”

That is how insane these people are. And that’s a committee chairman for the Democrats. We’re not talking some yum-yum who’s in the squad, we’re talking about the chairman of one of the most powerful committees in Washington, D.C. “You must admit that he’s the legitimate president.” To what end?

And my response to that is, I will admit he’s a legitimate president when you admit that you tried to delegitimize Donald J. Trump’s presidency for the last four years.

The point is they want obeisance. They want compliance. This isn’t about freedom anymore. This is about control and power and hatred. And that’s where the left is today, Rachel.

Del Guidice: Well, Congressman, thanks. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for running through all these issues. We appreciate having you with us all the time. Thanks for being here.

Biggs: You bet. It’s good to be with you.


The interview first appeared on March 11, 2021  at the Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission. 

TENNESSEE: Somali Students Ripped-Off College to the Tune of $114,000

Just so you know that Minnesota isn’t the only place in America where refugee contractors and the US State Department salted a Somali population, Tennessee got them too!

This is the kind of story I was thinking about when I first began this blog!

To counter the ‘new American’ fluff stories I wanted to show that some of those migrants, supposedly simply “looking for a better life,” are actually getting a better life at great expense to us, both financially and culturally.

Lately I’ve been distracted by so much news involving political frauds and crooks, so it’s good to have a reminder of why this blog came into being.

From The Tennessee Conservative (hat tip: Gary):

Pair of Middle Tennessee Students Accused Of Stealing $114,000 From University

Two Middle Tennessee State University students have been charged with stealing more than $114,000 from the university.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation announced Wednesday that Mohamed Gure and Mohamed Osman were indicted by a Rutherford County grand jury for fraudulently obtaining student activity fee payments from the university over a three-year period.

The Tennessee comptroller’s office, which helped TBI with the investigation, said Gure and Osman stole $114,145 between November 2017 and November 2020.

Gure was charged with one count of theft over $60,000, one count of theft over $10,000, 30 counts of forgery and two counts of criminal simulation. Osman was charged with one count of theft over $60,000, 28 counts of forgery and two counts of criminal simulation.

The comptroller’s office said Gure and Osman were presidents of MTSU’s Somali Students Association when they submitted at least 85 false invoices for reimbursements totaling $82,200 of student activity fee funds. Many of the invoices were for payments to nonexistent vendors, the comptroller’s office said.


“MTSU should ensure its Student Organizations and Service Office carefully reviews supporting documentation before reimbursing student organizations,” Comptroller Jason Mumpower said in a statement. “Our investigators also noted several instances in which MTSU officials were not following their own guidance when processing reimbursements.”

Gure and Osman were arrested and booked Tuesday into the Rutherford County Jail. Gure’s bond was set at $60,000, and Osmon’s bond was set at $50,000.

Middle Tennessee State University is located in Murfreesboro, 33 miles from Nashville. The Somali Student Association facebook page is here.

Did any of you have any idea that public colleges (funded by taxpayers!) were shelling out this kind of money for student organizations?

I have to say that some of these ‘new Americans’ are clever scammers, but not quite clever enough this time!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

KENTUCKY: Berea College Hosting Event Describing ‘White Citizenship’ and ‘Trumpism’ as Terrorism

Meanwhile, it is a 100% certainty, not 99%, but 100%, that Berea College administrators and professors would recoil in horror at the prospect of hosting an event focusing on the threat of jihad violence and Sharia oppression. In the extraordinarily unlikely off-chance that such an event were scheduled, it would be inundated with charges of “Islamophobia” and “racism” to the extent that most students would not attend, for fear of the social stigma attached to going. But this? Demonizing and smearing half the American electorate? That’s just fine. And of course it plays right into the agenda of the political and media elites, who have embarked upon a clear initiative to defame all supporters of the former president as “extremists,” as they did previously with foes of jihad terror and Sharia injustice, and destroy them accordingly. The U.S. is entering an extremely dark period, but it has been a long time in the offing.

“Kentucky college hosting event describing ‘white citizenship’ and ‘Trumpism’ as terrorism,”

by Sam Dorman, Fox News, March 12, 2021:

A Kentucky college is scheduled to host an event critical of Donald Trump and associating the former president and “white citizenship” with terrorism.

A flyer obtained by Young America’s Foundation (YAF) describes the event as a way to “resituate Trumpism and white citizenship as forms of white terrorism enacted against the majority of people living within the borders of the U.S. and beyond.”

Titled “White citizenship as terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again,” the event is set to take place on March 17 via Zoom, according to a page on Berea College’s website. The Women’s and Non-Gender Non-Conforming Center is sponsoring the session with the Law, Ethics, and Society at the college.

YAF said it obtained the flyer through its Campus Bias Tip Line. It features images of protesters carrying tiki torches at the racially charged Charlottesville, Virginia, protests at the beginning of Trump’s presidency.

The flyer also takes a critical approach to the “Make America Great Again” slogan. “Despite calls for multiculturalism and color-blindness, segments of white America mourn their so-called loss of privilege, consistently begging to return to the nostalgic past in which their esteemed value as white citizens went unquestioned,” it reads.

“Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return America to a previously ‘great’ past. But the offer to ‘Make America Great Again, Again,’ requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is defined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear towards particular communities and identities, then this is what ‘Trumpism’ is at its core.”

Berea defended the event in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

“To some, the provocative title of the event implies that Berea is not a welcoming place for individuals with differing political views,” a statement from the college read….


Video: Robert Spencer on Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq

Michigan: Muslim Instagrammer Harasses Jews in Kosher Shop

UK: Muslim who helped Paris jihadis murder 130 people was recruited for jihad at mosque renowned for jihad activity

YouTube fascists terminate Truth In Politics account hours before scheduled Robert Spencer interview

Sweden: Crime Prevention Council blames Swedish women for the fact that Muslim migrants commit the most rapes

New United Nations report claims ‘Islamophobia’ is on the rise

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Columbia University Hosts 6 Different Commencements SEGREGATED BY RACE, Sexuality, Income Level

One Geller Reader reader points out,

‘Continuing with your report of the Biden DOE’s reversal of Trump’s determination that ‘racial affinity groups’ were a form of segregation, see this story on all the separate graduation ceremonies that Columbia Univ promotes. If anyone there had proposed something like this 25, 30 yrs ago, their job fitness would have been questioned: today, they are celebrated as ‘visionary’ – or something.”

Columbia University Hosts 6 Different Commencements Segregated By Race, Sexuality, Income Level

By Charlie Kirk, March 10, 2021:

Columbia University will offer six different graduation ceremonies segregated by race, sexuality and income level.

The University is describing them as “Multicultural Graduation Ceremonies.” In the last week of April, graduating students will be offered virtual ceremonies in six categories – Native American, “LGBTQIA+,” Asian, “Latinx,” black, and “First-generation and/or low income.”

The College Fix reports:

They cover graduates of Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, General Studies and Barnard College, its sibling women’s college. Students must register by March 21 to get their “multicultural graduation gift,” such as stoles, tassels and pins, and by March 31 to be listed as participants.

The virtual segregated ceremonies do not replace ceremonies for the whole Ivy League university and its individual schools, but rather provide “a more intimate setting for students and guests to gather, incorporate meaningful cultural traditions and celebrate the specific contributions and achievements of their communities,” the page says.

It’s not clear when Columbia first disclosed the segregated ceremonies. The earliest cached version of the page is from Friday night.

It was flagged the next day by Mercy Muroki, senior researcher at The Centre for Social Justice and graduate student in social policy at the University of Oxford.

Muroki who was clearly disappointed tweeted “Racially and sexually segregated graduation ceremonies. One of the ‘best’ universities in the world. If you want to know what going backwards looks like, this is it.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

On ‘People of Color’ and ‘Systemic Racism’ — And Why I Am Sick of Hearing It

I am sick of it. I really am sick of it.

I understand, better than most, what prejudice is. When I was a boy, I went bowling with friends. Someone else put chewed gum on my seat as a practical joke. I did not see it, and I sat on it. It ruined my pants. It never came off. My parents’ finances were lower middle class, and they could not afford at that time to buy me new pants. As I stood up, with the chewing gum on my pants at the bowling alley, a laughing teenager from a few lanes over yelled, “Jew bastard!” I was maybe seven years old.

Around age 12, one Saturday — Shabbat afternoon — I was in the park with friends. We were playing ball. Suddenly, a group of teenagers came riding on bicycles into the park, swinging metal bicycle chains, yelling “Jew bastards!” and “Kikes!” We started running away from them. It was time for me, a Kike and a Jew bastard, to learn karate and self-defense.

Years later, one Sunday night I was on the IRT subway train from Brooklyn to Manhattan, returning to Columbia where I went to college, after having spent my Shabbat (Sabbath) weekend with my mother (of blessed memory) and sisters, as I did every Shabbat. It was 90 minutes on subways and buses from Columbia every Friday to be home with family on Shabbat, and 90 minutes every Sunday night back to college. On the train I did my assigned weekend readings. As I was reading, suddenly a person grabbed the yarmulka off my head and yelled, “Jew bastard!” He was with two friends. I never have forgotten the image. The train was about to stop, and they were laughing and about to exit the train car — with my kipah.

Maybe my reaction would have been different if my sister, Debbie, had not hand-crocheted that kipah. Maybe my reaction would have been different if I had stopped to think rationally. But that was a last straw. I jumped up from my seat, slammed my book, ran at the three of them, and karate-kicked the fellow who was holding my yarmulka. I kicked him in a part of his body that rendered a serious question whether he ever would have children. He fell to the floor, clutching at what remained of his reproductive organ, as the train stopped and the car door was opening. I yelled at the top of my lungs, “Never again!” I was not thinking of the Holocaust but of the chewing gum and the teens on bikes with those metal chains. The two friends of my assailant fell off the train car, and I kicked the other one — the one moaning and screaming with a suddenly high voice — off the car…..

…..We grew up in a home that was free of prejudice. My parents taught me that all people are created equal in G-d’s eyes. Most all American Caucasians evolved to a color-blind value system. By the year 2008, just before Obama was elected, this entire country, except for society’s outlier, was free of prejudice. Everyone was equal. America never was about equal outcomes but about equal opportunities. With the 1978 Bakke case having been decided by the U.S. Supreme Court 30 years earlier, the United States had offered discrete minorities two generations of extra advantage to get into college, to own businesses, to enter professions. American cities were electing Black mayors. Two generations of Americans never had seen a segregated bathroom or bus or lunch counter. This country had achieved racial harmony. It was not that long ago that racial harmony existed…..

…..Here is a prophecy: If things do not change, and if those who historically faced prejudice before Obama and before Bakke intend to rely on blaming the Innocent and on extolling cultural trash like Cardi B and on “canceling” good people who are prejudice-free simply because the offenders believe in free enterprise and in self-help, believe in the Word of G-d and that there are only two genders, then 50 years from now the same disadvantaged groups who today rely on blaming instead of self-help will then be at the same exact rung on the social order that they are today, just as 50 years of racism-free society and Great Society “entitlements” have not accomplished equality of results today, even as newcomers from Asia entered this country these past 50 and 60 years and leap-frogged those already here….

…..As someone who has faced discrimination all my life, and has succeeded more than my parents and Bubbies and Zeydes of blessed memory ever could have dreamed — as have all my siblings and as did my former wife, Ellen of blessed memory and her family — I know firsthand the secret to the American Dream: Don’t rely on the government for equal results because the government only will botch most things it touches. Rather, rely on yourself for self-help and your immediate network of family and friends, and the people at your church, cathedral, synagogue or temple, and private sources for a boost when needed — and understand that all you need to do to succeed in America is to be good at something valued by others: whether it be LeBron James and Kobe Bryant at basketball, Jackie Robinson and Henry Aaron at baseball, Aretha Franklin and Michael Jackson at singing … or Thomas Sowell in economics, Ben Carson in medicine, Colin Powell in military leadership, the late Herman Cain in food entrepreneurship, Shelby Steele in philosophy, Stanley Crouch in culture, Richard Parsons in business, Obama in community organizing, Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan in race-baiting, or anyone else in any imaginable field whose story of success came from long hours of hard work and determination — and knowing that “systemic racism” is a canard adopted only by losers who are doomed always to be losers … or by their White liberal overlords hoping that no one notices them playing Three-Card Monte to retain their reins of control.

Read the entire article at The American Spectator. The article was originally published there on February 28, 2021.


Rabbi Dov Fischer, Esq., a high-stakes litigation attorney of more than twenty-five years and an adjunct professor of law of more than fifteen years, is rabbi of Young Israel of Orange County, California. His legal career has included serving as Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review, clerking for the Hon. Danny J. Boggs in the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and then litigating at three of America’s most prominent law firms: JonesDay, Akin Gump, and Baker & Hostetler. In his rabbinical career, Rabbi Fischer has served several terms on the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, is Senior Rabbinic Fellow at the Coalition for Jewish Values, has been Vice President of Zionist Organization of America, and has served on regional boards of the American Jewish Committee, B’nai Brith Hillel, and several others. His writings on contemporary political issues have appeared over the years in the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Jerusalem Post, National Review, American Greatness, The Weekly Standard, and in Jewish media in American and in Israel. A winner of an American Jurisprudence Award in Professional Legal Ethics, Rabbi Fischer also is the author of two books, including General Sharon’s War Against Time Magazine, which covered the Israeli General’s 1980s landmark libel suit.

VIDEO: Why Does Any Conservative Want their Kids in Public Schools?

[T]he new “education threat” is “a one-two punch that combines Alinskyite community organizing with woke education based on Critical Race Theory.” – Stanley Kurtz

I have been puzzled for months when I hear from just about any conservative media a demand to get kids back in school during this Chinese virus ‘crisis.’

Even our President Trump is demanding kids get back to public school.

Why does anyone with a passion to make America great again want their kids indoctrinated at the hands of Leftist teachers like the ones Stanley Kurtz informed Breitbart readers about recently?

Why isn’t every patriot homeschooling or finding an alternative school, perhaps a small Christian school if one absolutely can’t make homeschool work?

The Chinese virus has given all American parents the opportunity to escape the education system’s Leftist indoctrination, so make the break now!

Here is Stanley Kurtz telling Breitbart author Dr. Susan Berry what is on the horizon.

And, what a coincidence it involves Alinsky community organizing, reminding me to tell you (again) to read Alinsky so you know what it is all about and you will know how to fight back.

Stanley Kurtz: ‘Action Civics’ Curriculum Is ‘Alinskyite Community Organizing’ with Critical Race Theory

“One of the nation’s key researchers of the Common Core standards and the revised Advanced Placement U.S. History framework warns the proposed “action civics” curriculum will teach America’s students how to community organize for leftist causes with a woke education program based on Critical Race Theory.

Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, explained to Breitbart News the new “education threat” is “a one-two punch that combines Alinskyite community organizing with woke education based on Critical Race Theory.”

He observed that, in this new “action civics” framework, “teachers organize their students for demonstrations and lobbying on behalf of leftist causes.”  [That is exactly what Styron’s book is about.–ed]

“Action civics also lets students volunteer with leftist community organizations and participate in their advocacy for course credit,” Kurtz noted. “If you layer ‘culturally responsive’ woke education on top of that, teachers are forced to indoctrinate students with ideas like ‘systemic racism,’ ‘white privilege,’ and ‘gender fluidity.’ Teachers also have to go through training sessions to cure them of their ‘whiteness.’”

There is more.

Seems to me that you have a choice: Fight the school system while your kids are in it, or get them the hell out and enjoy them at home!

And, forget about this notion of doing all the right things for them to get into some Leftwing college that will further indoctrinate them while breaking you financially!

If I had to do it again, I would encourage career and employment paths for my children that don’t require a college degree, or if college is a must for you and your kids at least find a very conservative college.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

I Do Not Like This Woke Flimflam

The left bans books by Dr. Seuss and Ryan Anderson, showing they’ve become more theocratic than progressive.

When I was a boy in school, we were often encouraged to read banned books. Back then, to censor anyone was about the least hip thing you could do, the province of the glowering churchman and the cordless phone-wielding parent, the least cool of 1990s archetypes. Pitted against them was the heroic liberal-minded librarian, who would sooner raise her voice in the study section than deny a book to a curious student. “READ!” cried colorful signs off of every classroom wall. And if you wanted to READ! Judy Blume, Alice Walker, or William Golding, well, then, far be it from anyone else to stop you.

It was a healthy attitude, I think, even if it was a bit precious and overdone. For all of Holden Caulfield’s necking and socking in the jaw, The Catcher in the Rye was not only the most censored book in public schools, it was also the second most assigned. I read it in English class without anyone ever complaining, along with Lord of the Flies and Brave New World. Those puritanical censors never did descend. And while today there’s even a Banned Books Week to revel in that which you’re not supposed to READ!, it would be almost unthinkable for anyone with any cultural power to try to silence Myra Breckinridge or even Lolita.

Last week, Amazon quietly scrubbed a book from its online store called When Harry Became Sally. Written by conservative author Ryan T. Anderson, it’s a measured critique of trans ideology that had previously been available on for three years without issue. Amazon has long had a policy against selling anything deemed to be “hate speech,” yet prior to now, that had mostly meant the likes of Holocaust denial and fringe conspiracy theories. The de-platforming of Anderson’s book suggests that the retail giant has significantly enlarged its definition of “hate speech,” making it much more, shall we say, woke.

If that’s true, then it raises a serious question: are conservative books now banned? And I do mean banned—Amazon is a far more authoritative censor than any single library or public school. About 72 percent of new adult books are sold in its online store; to be yanked off its virtual shelves is a literary death sentence. And what happened to When Harry Became Sally seems like a pilot run, a sign of things to come. I don’t mean that Amazon is about to sweep away en masse all conservative literature, that Deliver Us From Mail-In Ballots or whatever Sean Hannity’s latest book is called won’t be available for purchase next week. I do mean that the books that pose the most serious challenges to left-wing identity politics, like Anderson’s, are also those that fall most neatly under that “hate speech” rubric.

And then what? What happens if critiques of the ruling ideology are no longer easily accessible? What happens when it isn’t the offensiveness of the opposition tract that determines whether it’s allowed but the effectiveness? This is the reality we now confront. You don’t need government to pass a law to shut somebody up; you need only to capture the relevant cultural gatekeepers. Likewise did the company that publishes Dr. Seuss recently announce that six of his books will no longer be sold. It doesn’t matter that these titles—And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry StreetScrambled Eggs Super!—were already more difficult to find than, say, The Lorax. Some of the racial depictions therein were deemed to violate woke standards and practices, and so they were, not criticized, not taken off a curriculum, but removed from publication.

Mark Twain’s novel, of course, doesn’t reinforce racism but skewer it, by depicting it in all its antebellum ugliness. But blaspheming the woke cannot be permitted even if it’s in the service of an approved point. Think again of that glowering churchman, only put him in a “Black Lives Matter” T-shirt with a trans flag poking out of his JanSport. The impulse that drives these cancellations isn’t progressive and it certainly isn’t liberal. It’s theocratic. Wokeness treats its hierarchies of race, gender, and sexual orientation as unquestionable dogma, with everything else—discourse, literature, art, math—subordinated to its tenets. The left has thus become everything it once claimed to hate. They’re the book banners now, the quaking prudes, the reverend from Footloose, the Savonarola.

Abolish the past and you impoverish the present. The old liberal idea says that if even one person was to hold an opinion, he should have the right to express it since society might benefit if only in rejecting it. Whatever you think of the philosophy of John Stuart Mill, that principle seems worth defending today. There’s a corollary too: ban that one-person opinion and you might suddenly find it catching on. Here’s something no teenager has ever said: Mom told me I’m not allowed to watch this so better change the channel to PBS. There’s nothing quite like breaking a taboo; some people even elected a president in part because he stomped all over them. In which case, for its own good, maybe the left ought to recognize that argument is better than censorship.


This article first appeared on March 4, 2021 and is reproduced with permission from The American Conservative.

A Different Homage to Rush

After Rush died, I was struck like so many others. I rarely listened to him because if I had the radio on during his hours I would be listening to Dennis Prager.  While listening to the reaction to his leaving us, something stated by Tucker Carlson literally caused me to light up.

He said that Rush defined what being a Conservative/Republican is with a distinct clarity. He also said that we really do not have anyone else around today do that. He went on to state he did not believe one member of Congress could do so if given the opportunity.

That left me with a challenge. Though I consider myself a peon compared to Rush, I decided to tackle the project.

First and foremost, we believe that the United States of America is the greatest force for good in the world and in the history of the world.  In our almost 250-year history, we have done more good on this planet than any other nation that has ever existed.  We have faced our challenges to do better and we have strived to do that. That is why we are still the beacon of freedom for people around the world. Many want to come here and experience the American dream whether they be dirt poor, comfortably middle-class, or wealthy regardless of their ethnic background.

We believe our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are the backbone of our existence. And, most importantly, the Bill of Rights provides us unique freedoms, unlike any other country. Our protections on freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom from unjustified government search and seizures, and more makes our country unique and needs to be protected.

We believe in the rule of law. We believe that the government has promulgated too many laws that confuse our citizens as to their obligations.  Laws need clarity for people to understand what those obligations are so they can be clearly enforced. When there are too many laws and they conflict with each other that leads good, honest citizens to disregard them thus damaging the rule of law. Once laws are clear but then broken, swift and sure punishment can be meted out for breaking those laws.

We believe that our courts are established to apply the laws. We want judges to interpret the laws as written by the legislature not to make up interpretations to suit the times. An independent judiciary has its role and a limit to its independence.

We believe that our system of capitalism combined with a free democracy through our Republican form of government provides the greatest opportunity to all Americans to reach their fullest potential in achieving a rich and rewarding life. 

We believe in equality of opportunity. We do not care what your ethnic background is or when you (legally) came here. If you work hard and follow the rule of law, we wish you God speed. If Asians are the best students and study the hardest, they should have the highest number admitted to elite universities. If you come from a different ethnic background and do not like how many Asians are filling those spots, we have a solution for you.  Work harder. Individual merit and hard work are how you succeed in our country.

We believe what we offer to the world is the reason that so many people across our planet want to immigrate here. We ask only two things. Allow our system to determine how many people can come here that best meets the needs of the country; and second, you come here through our legal process. Once here, we wish you the best of luck. We find people who follow these rules want to become Americans in the sense of what that has meant to millions of people for more than 200 years. We find they are proud to participate in our system and have enormous success.  Many become our best Americans.

We believe this country was founded as a religious country. That means we do not care what religion you follow; simply that you follow a religion. Religion fosters a strong family structure and strong families are the backbone of this nation. The dissolution of the family structure will destroy America. Children are best brought up in a household with committed parents.

We believe in free and fair elections where individuals have to take responsibility for their own vote and to educate themselves as to who should be their elected leaders. A system where individuals are divorced from any responsibility for their vote will lead to a dishonest and devalued government.

There may be other essential aspects of the beliefs we have as Republicans/Conservatives. If I missed something, please let me know. I believe that all Republicans should be able to espouse these principles and that Rush would have supported them all.


This article first appeared on February 28, 2021 in Flash Report and is reproduced with permission of the author.



Diversity Agonies

The racial diversity movement began with R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr., with his 1990 Harvard Business Review article, “From Affirmative Action to Affirming Diversity.” His thesis was that with the growth of racial minorities in the nation, it would behoove companies to have more diversity in their ranks if they wanted to understand their customers, in order to make more money.

Since then, it has become agonizing to follow the downward spiral of the movement as it has descended into ridiculous thinking and social engineering.  The diversity mantra is “inclusion,” but the reality is exclusion.

Particularly ridiculous is the popular trope that racial diversity is indispensable for a good college education, a trope that even the U.S. Supreme Court believes, or pretends to believe.  Even more ridiculous are the conventional racial categories of white, Asian, Hispanic, black, Native American, and Pacific Islander—especially the first three.

What makes me qualified to say this?  Well, I predated Roosevelt Thomas on the idea of diversity.  (Skip the next three paragraphs if you have no interest in my background.)

Paragraph One:  Years before Thomas’ article, I led corporate efforts at providing equal opportunity to minorities, especially blacks, by removing longstanding barriers to employment and advancement.  My efforts included going on a retreat with black thinkers to have no-holds-barred discussions about our respective racial perceptions and to share ideas about applying the learning to the workplace.  This was nothing like the silliness of Starbucks’ recent corporate-wide training, which was the result of the company being extorted by the grievance industry.

Paragraph Two:  Decades before that, I was an officer in the well-integrated U.S. Army.  And before that, I attended a university where about a third of the student population was comprised of Mexican Americans and Mexican nationals, several of whom were close friends, and none of whom used the label “Hispanic.” As much as I liked them, I’m at a loss to explain how their presence in the classroom helped me to learn accounting, finance, economics, and statistics.

Paragraph Three:  Prior to the foregoing, as a fifteen- and sixteen-year-old, I was the only “white” on an otherwise all-black janitorial and kitchen staff at an exclusive St. Louis country club, where Catholics, Italians, and Jews were not welcome as members.  For extra money after work, I’d wash and wax the big Buicks and Pontiacs of the black waiters, who were at the top of the staff pecking order, because they interfaced directly with club members, got lucrative tips, and were considered the epitome of the profession because they used to work on cross-country passenger trains as Pullman waiters. This was before black families were dismembered by the welfare state and war on drugs, courtesy of our benevolent government, which was egged on by goo-goos on the left and law-and-order types on the right.

Anyway, let’s return to the ridiculousness of today’s diversity movement.  A good place to start is with the conventional racial categories.

It is the antithesis of diversity to lump together the hundreds of diverse races, ethnicities, nationalities, and cultures in the nation and world into just several categories.  It obscures unique differences and produces a meaningless agglomeration.

Take the “Asian” category or clump.

First, what are the precise boundaries of Asia?  Where does Asia end and the Middle East begin?  What side of the arbitrary line does Iran fall?  Is Mongolia part of Asia or Russia?  Why is the subcontinent considered to be Asian for diversity purposes instead of having its own category?  And why isn’t Siberian Russia considered to be Asian for diversity purposes?

Maybe facial features, not geographic roots, are the primary determinants of whether someone is Asian or not for the purpose of diversity scorekeeping and admission quotas in colleges.  Maybe to be categorized as an Asian, one has to have hooded eyes, high foreheads, and straight black hair.  Well, if so, what could go wrong with classifying people by appearance?  Oh, wait, that was done by the self-described Aryans who took over Germany in 1933.

In any event, if you want to offend Koreans, tell them that they are the same as the Japanese.  Or tell Hindu East Indians that they are the same as Muslim Pakistanis.  Or tell Tibetans that they are the same as Indians or the Chinese.  Or tell Filipinos that they are the same as Malays.  And so on.

Because the racial categories can be offensive, maybe they should come with trigger warnings.

Anyway, here are some questions for the Supreme Court:  Which of the scores of unique groups under the “Asian” label should be represented on college campuses to enhance learning?  If in the spirit of inclusion, the answer is all of them, the numbers will be quite large.  For instance, there are 55 ethnic groups alone in China.  But these constitute only a small fraction of the more than 10,000 unique ethnic groups around the world.

On a related note, should there be more Tibetans in nursing schools and fewer Filipinos?  Should there be more Muslim Pakistanis in engineering and science schools and fewer Hindu East Indians?  Should there be fewer Han Chinese in computer science and more Thais?  Who decides these matters and how do they decide while upholding the Constitution?  Moreover, what the hell does the racial composition of a class have to do with learning math, science, engineering, medicine, and other disciplines?

More importantly, when students contract with a college to fork over tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for learning a published curriculum, the college has no contractual or ethical right to subject students to a hidden racial agenda, social experiment, or ideological indoctrination.  This would be akin to Starbucks lecturing customers about racial issues when they order a five-dollar coffee.  Hmm, on second thought, millennials would like a lecture on race and social justice along with their coffee, given that they’ve been immersed in state-sanctioned indoctrination in these topics ever since kindergarten.

TRIGGER WARNING:  You might be offended by the following discussion of the “Hispanic” category.

As with the “Asian” category, markedly different races, ethnicities, nationalities, and cultures are lumped together in the “Hispanic” category.  The category includes European Spaniards and Portuguese who are whiter than this Italian; Central American and South American aristocrats who descended from these Europeans and didn’t mix their genes with the local native population; Native Americans or African Americans with no European blood; and the largest group of all, those with a mixture of European blood and Native-American or African blood.

Which of the above count for diversity purposes?

Nationalities are just as varied:  Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Haitians, Mexicans, Guatemalans, Venezuelans, and so on.

And within each group, there are wide variations in lifestyle, outlook, and conduct, as there is with all racial and ethnic groups.  For example, the Mexicans I went to school with were quite different from the gangbangers in the barrio where I lived.  Perhaps learning would be enhanced if student bodies were to have a certain percentage of gangbangers (or Italian mobsters).  Sure, gangbangers might have trouble getting good SAT and ACT scores, but in the interest of social engineering, these quantifiable admission standards are being eliminated anyway and being replaced with such mushy criteria as extracurricular activities.  There is no reason why gang signing, drug dealing, and drive-by shooting couldn’t be counted as extracurricular activities.  It would only be fair and nonjudgmental, after all.

On a personal note, using extracurricular activities as a criterion in admissions would have penalized me when I applied for college, for my main extracurricular activity in high school was working in order to save money for college.  I didn’t have the connections, time, or money for sexy internships, or study programs in Europe, or unpaid work for some nonprofit charity.

TRIGGER WARNING:  Let’s now have an offensive conversation about the “white” category, and specifically, about Italian-Americans like myself, who comprise about six percent of the U.S. population.

Not only am I in a minority group, but I’m also a libertarian, which means that I have no political power and would be shunned on today’s college campuses.

According to the sophomoric thinking of the Supreme Court and diversity scorekeepers, everyone arbitrarily assigned to the “white” category is alike.  As such, diversity isn’t advanced by having them in the classroom.  It’s only advanced by having non-whites in the classroom.

Based on this bizarre thought process, if I had attended Harvard, I would’ve been seen as identical in perspective to a blue-blooded Brahmin who descended from the Pilgrims.  Or if I had attended Yale, there would’ve been no difference between myself and George W. Bush.  I would’ve been just as ignorant as him of Middle East history, of the Islamic religion, and of the geopolitical realities in the region.

Granted, Bush and I have very similar backgrounds.  His dad went to Yale, headed the CIA, made a fortune in the oil business, and became president of the U.S.  My dad had a high school education, worked as a tile setter and warehouseman, and was the son of an Italian immigrant and coal miner.  Moreover, Bush no doubt paid for his college education as I did—by working for blacks as a janitor, laboring in an aluminum plant as a member of the Steelworkers union, working for a city sewer department, being a union painter, bartending in a restaurant, and being a stocker and checker in a supermarket.

See, all whites are indeed alike.

But am I really white or even Italian?

Because Italy didn’t exist as a nation-state until 1861, my lineage probably goes back to a city-state, not a nation.  Maybe I’m a Venetian.  That has a nice ring to it.  I’m going to start entering that on Census forms.

Like most people with roots in the Italian peninsula, chances are that I’m a mongrel, a mix of all the different races that tromped through the peninsula over the millennia, either in war, slavery, or trade.  This includes North Africans, Semites, Persians, Etruscans, Greeks, Moors, Celts, Lombards, the damn Vandals, and many others.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think that the Pilgrims landed in Italy, so I can’t claim to be a descendant of them and thus can’t be blamed for starting the white man’s injustices against Native Americans.  Likewise, my grandparents were peasants in Italy until the early 20th century, so they had nothing to do with slavery, with Jim Crow, or with Mussolini’s brutal experiment with colonialism in Africa.

Thank goodness the Pilgrims didn’t land in Italy.  Enough religious zealots have found their way to Italy throughout history, including Muslims who used to rule what is modern-day Sicily.  At least they were preferable as invaders to L. Ron Hubbard and his merry band of Scientologists, whose ship was not allowed to dock in an Italian port, to the credit of the Italian government.

Of course, there are scores of other unique peoples who are thrown into the blender of the “white” category, including, to name some of them, English, Turks, Chechens, Bosnians, Circassians, Hungarians, Greeks, Basques, Corsicans, Welsh, Scots, Belarusians, Georgians, Lithuanians, Russians, Sardinians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Finns, Danes, and Croats. These range from aristocrats and plutocrats to peasants and the impoverished.

Yet in some quarters of college campuses, whites are all the same:  privileged, imperialistic, wealthy, and racist.  You betcha:  A Scots-Irish Appalachian hillbilly, whose forebears were in indentured servitude or were impoverished tenant farmers, can get into Georgetown University as easily as John Kerry did.  And a backwoodsman in Tennessee is no different from Al Gore, who lived in a swank Washington hotel as kid, attended the exclusive St. Albans prep school, and went on to Harvard.

The ignoramuses who think this way seem to believe that the way to stop racial stereotyping is to engage in racial stereotyping.  Likewise, the way to be inclusive is to be exclusive.  Amazingly, the nation’s intelligentsia and media don’t call them out on their ignorance and hypocrisy.

If any race deserves special diversity considerations, it is African Americans, due to the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, as well as other injustices.  But even they are all not the same, which is far from a profound observation.

There is a marked difference in worldview between, on one hand, a Thomas Sowell, a Shelby Steele, and a Clarence Thomas; and on the other, a Jerimiah Wright, a Malcolm X, and an Al Sharpton.  If a college student were to interface with someone like the first three, the student would get a totally different impression of black thinking than a student who was to interface with someone like the other three.

Which raises a statistical question:  How many blacks should be enrolled at MIT as math majors so that other math majors of different races will interface with a large enough number of blacks to get a complete picture of how all blacks think?  Perhaps the Supreme Court knows the answer.

The question gets more complicated when one considers black immigrants.  For example, the emigrant from Kenya who used to help take care of my mom had a different worldview than the six aforementioned African Americans.  I enjoyed speaking with her about her native country, as I enjoy speaking with all racial and ethnic groups about their heritage.  As a Kenyon, she was proud that a president of the United States had roots in her motherland but other than that, she didn’t feel that she had much in common with African Americans.

As the above suggests, it’s not necessary to attend college to have exposure to diversity.  For open-minded people, everyday life provides ample opportunities—opportunities that come about over a lifetime, not just over four years.  There is also the ongoing learning about other races by reading history, sociology, anthropology, and literature. For close-minded people, the racial composition of a college class won’t make any difference.

Speaking of close-mindedness, is there any group that is more close-minded than college administrators and faculty, who try to mask their social engineering agenda with intellectual contortions about racial categories and diversity?

Fatal Philanthropy

An entrepreneur with an estimated net worth of more than $136 billion, Bill Gates founded Microsoft and technology; is deeply involved with the World Health Organization, which encompasses the world economy and world peace; the international Planned Parenthood Foundation, focusing on eugenics and population control; and the many facets of academia, all without the corresponding educational background. He is now prepared to control our food supply, the climate, and shoot for the sun.  

Bill Gates is one of several non-academics who, notwithstanding, has been permitted to implement major changes in our education system in preparation for a federal takeover.  Promoted by President Obama’s administration, the schools now communicate a radical political ideology to produce workers for a global economy.  Had their intentions been honorable, they might well have reverted back to the older textbooks when the overhaul proved to be less than stellar, but it was progressing precisely according to plan.

Although I’ve provided greater detail in past essays, we’re due for a recap because the globalists have instituted so much more.  Boards of Education (B of E) have increased their indoctrination by fabricating a history in which “revolution, religion, gender, and racial groups” have negatively shaped our culture.  Historic truth is absent.  Our students know little about America’s history, our founding, and the laws that were enacted to provide freedom for all.  Today’s textbooks portray the United States as an evil empire to be loathed, disrespected, and replaced by a socialist/Marxist governance.  The political Black Lives Matter curriculum encourages racial divisiveness and victimology, which I view as the Obamas’ vengeance against the white population.

Math was first made so difficult that parents can often not help with homework – all in the name of equity – that children may struggle equally.  Now, the Gates Foundation is bankrolling “anti-racist” math, so that students need not show the correct answer and to “dismantle the classroom’s power structure.”  As marriage and family are continually disparaged, and broken homes, single mothers and neglected children disregarded, the left is removing courses where white students were said to excel.  National standards weaken the students and diminish any individual talents they may have.  Playtime was reduced drastically and now the children hate school.

Removing phonics from the reading program results in fewer readers and increased illiteracy.  Students are being robbed of the joys of sounding out new words and reading on their own.  Reading has been made more frustrating and overwhelming.  Classic literature is also under attack, particularly as today’s teachers under lockdown announced they want to drop Shakespeare from the curriculum.  The replacement recommendations are dystopian and sexualized stories that are far beyond the children’s comfort levels and coping skills.  The frontal lobe’s maturity level to handle such situations does not mature until about age 25, so their reading experiences are decidedly unpleasant.  Our enemy within is disenfranchising and under-educating our youths to discourage their reading and exercise of independent reasoning and reckoning, rendering an equivalent of the Nazi book burning unnecessary.

Math and reading test scores had dropped significantly in 2006, the graduation rates of major US cities down to 52%, with an abysmal 70% for the national average, and the administrations continue to ignore parents’ requests to remove Common Core.  Gates somewhat laughed when he admitted to the project’s failure, but he was willing to test other methods on our nation’s children.  Of course, offspring of the elite attend private schools.

When the failures of No Child Left Behind became obvious, Obama and Gates embraced another disastrous program, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  They then removed the requirement that teachers must have mastery over their subjects, and employed unqualified teachers.  The solution was equity, replacing meritocracy with uniformity, but without grades and competition, the students lost their incentive to learn and succeed.  I do not agree that Bill and Melinda Gates meant well.  They invested millions to accomplish precisely what they achieved.  They openly admit to seeking population reduction, restraining humanity and limiting freedom under a globalist rule.  The decline of education was a deliberate success for them.   

Gates’s Common Core continues to be the left’s focus.  Students’ rights are being crushed through intersectionality, the system that divides them into competitive groups to force feelings of oppression.  American exceptionalism is all but extinguished, and scholastic achievement has become a social justice agenda.  Our students have been trained to hate Jews, Christians, all white people, the family unit, and different opinions.  They’ve been taught to believe that males and females function similarly, but that there are more than 59 sexes.  The young victims agree to abortions, myriad sexual deviances and mutilation, while succumbing to permanent emotional damage.  Indeed, the children are told they can change their sex, but are actually undergoing disfigurement and dismemberment so that they will never be able to produce the next generation – an horrific scheme for depopulation.

In mid-February, 2021, the Senate considered The Equality Act, which removes from our vocabulary the differences between the two sexes, which amounts to ignoring science and the existence and qualities unique to both sexes.  It endangers women and defeats women’s sports competitions, and diminishes the masculinity we count on for protective forces.  It was also a week ago that The Ohio State University announced its support of freshmen girls’ prostituting themselves during annual “Sex Week.” Other perverted presentations for teens include toxic masculinity, binary genders, sex in faith settings, and “Kink 101.”  And OSU is not alone.

Gates owes his wealth, his influence and, above all, his ideology of eugenics to his parents, Mary, and Bill Sr.  Building upon the concept of “philanthrocapitalism,” in which the skills of the fabulously rich are applied to the world’s problems, their attentive young son now eagerly carries on  his parents’ dream, the weeding out of “others,” the “deplorables,” the untermenschen, the racism that they and the Nazis advocated.  Such “philanthropists” are committed to securing the world for their kind.   Gates invokes ‘the rich world’s enlightened self-interest” and warns that “if societies can’t provide for people’s basic health, if they can’t feed and educate people, then their population and problems will grow and the world will be a less stable place.”  In an interview, he warned “huge population growth in places where we don’t want it, like Yemen and Pakistan and parts of Africa.”  The magisterial “we” being the rich.

Without death camps and ovens (for now), it is still possible to reduce the population directly, through the Gates Foundation’s involvement in global vaccinations, and indirectly, through education – with equity to equalize outcome, where none are better and none are worse, and no hope for singular achievement and improvement.  It is only equality that can provide every human being with freedom and equal opportunity to rise, each according to his innate abilities, efforts, and dreams.  Bad learning experiences are known to affect children negatively by stifling their emotional growth and causing depression, an effective means of reducing population.  Those who react in frustration and anger are used on the streets as the rabblerousers, the rebellious, the army of the left.

In his latest outburst of academic genius, our hero of philanthropy is now bankrolling a group of 25 educational organizations to defend non-white students from math because correct answers are racist, capitalist, and imperialist views.  In order to turn the tables and blame “white supremacists” for the underachievement of brown and black students, the elimination of the grading system is said to “combat racism.”  Rather, this has intentionally increased racism by turning the tables against the white population.  The left has implemented a shame-and-blame society, reviving the victimhood of black slaves while also victimizing the whites for the slavery of previous centuries.

As schools continue their descent into a madness, Bill Gates, devoid of any medical background, may now branch out into other fields – healthcare and vaccinations.  From 1933 to 1945, Nazi physicians and medically trained geneticists began developing racial health policies, including “medical” experimentation to advance their racial and ideological views and sterilization that harmed many minorities, and nearly annihilated Europe’s Jewish population.  Gates Sr., proponent of Planned Parenthood (PP), set the mindset for Gates Jr., and vaccinations gone wrong in Africa and India.  A former PP clinic director revealed that girls were receiving prescription contraceptives without doctors’ orders, thereby endangering them while increasing PP’s Medicaid reimbursement.

Gates made the DTP (Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertussis) vaccine a priority for African babies, yet Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., reported that ten times more African children died of Gates’s DTP vaccine than those not vaccinated.  Still, Gates remains the de facto authority.  He was responsible for India’s polio-eradication campaign in 2011 that caused 47,500 cases of vaccine-induced polio paralysis. He also promoted the highly controversial Pentavalent vaccine (hepatitis-B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and Hib/haemophilus influenzae type-b), which was banned by Japan, UK, Canada and the US for its  unprincipled experimentation, uninformed consent, and forced medical procedures.  Is there anyone who still cannot recognize the connection of the present to the not-so-distant past?

This is likely to continue unabated, as the Gates Foundation is essentially unaccountable, moving freely between the private and public spheres.  Not burdened by democracy or national sovereignty, Gates himself gloated, “I’m not gonna get voted out of office.”

Kennedy also reported on April 14, 2020, that Anthony Fauci’s NIAID gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab, to fund experiments on bats from the local caves.  Researchers warned they were playing with fire.   The prophetic Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates predicted a pandemic just before President Trump assumed office.  Now, a new, severe syndrome has been revealed – a Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children – following their recuperation from the COVID-19 virus.  Doctors are warning that COVID vaccines may be causing autoimmune attacks in heart and brain, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has issued warnings of the depopulation effects of vaccines within three to six months.  Yet, Gates remains the guru of global health, securing himself from any litigation.

Gates’s RNA approach to the coronavirus, considered promising for pandemics and other applications, is admittedly challenging for the elderly, but promising for the young.  During a May 2020 interview, he declared that he wants the entire world force-vaccinated, while seeking exoneration of any liability for himself and  pharmaceutical companies.  The vaccinations could be made compulsory (against the individual’s rights), compelled by the Supreme Court for the protection of public health and safety, and considered constitutional, as it did during the 1905 smallpox epidemic, and Bill Gates stands to profit by the millions.

This necessitates some revelatory information about how Gates would then extend his control to vaccination cards and universal testing requirements, Agenda ID2020, as part of a vaccination package.  The agenda was designed and backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the WEF and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations), a centralized general electronic data collection to include 200 points per citizen, for such as bank accounts, shopping habits, health records, political inclination, etc.  This is his entrée to complete control over all citizenry, including their right to bear children, attend government-controlled schools, travel, start businesses and hiring procedures, to qualify for national healthcare and voting rights, ad infinitum.

So drastically out of touch, Gates was shown smirking during a TV interview, as business owners have shut down, workers lost jobs, the elderly suffered from loneliness, and students agonized from isolation and ended their own lives.  He calmly said the people must continue on lockdown.

 On February 26th it was announced that litigation is beginning for Crimes Against Humanity, an offense in the international criminal law, adopted in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg Charter), for the full devastating impact and domination inflicted on the public as a consequence of the “wholly fraudulent” corona virus (corona scandal), from which no extra deaths have been reported – the collateral damage from the lockdowns, destruction of businesses and people’s lives, and the imposition of masks that are considered very damaging to the psychological and physical health of the wearer.  The group of attorneys of several countries are seeking legal reparations for all who have been adversely affected.  The information will also include a review of the dangerous Great Reset, to fight for the implementation of a truly independent justice system.  Please listen to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich here.

Gates has the proverbial finger in every pie.  He already believes humans should be eating synthetic beef, and with his recent purchase of 242 acres of farmland and nearly 27,000 acres of other land across 19 states, he is America’s farmland king in control of agriculture.  In agreement with AOC’s desire to make cattle farming a thing of the past, thereby depriving Americans of beef, dairy products and leather, Gates may now control the production of plant food.  Dare we expect this disciple of extinction to increase food production or is it more likely that he’d proceed along the path of Stalin’s “Great Purge” of 1932, the political starvation of 13.9 million Ukrainians.

Gates has now granted himself license to fund a climate change experiment with Harvard scientists to dim or block out the sun, another means of curbing our food sources for depopulation.  Anything is possible when we surrender our rights.

The grim rise of ‘hate studies’

Intellectual sanity requires monitoring the first signs of destructive idiocy.

The toxic ideas that have corrupted today’s universities all began as tiny, obscure musings before escaping from the laboratories. They may have started with an unpublished paper or two, a request for modest institutional funding, or an informal discussion group. Eventually, they earn a panel at a regional disciplinary convention and an experimental course. In a few years, the “little idea” has metastasized into a full-blown intellectual plague.

Particularly disturbing is that the intellectual soundness of this “little idea” has no relationship to its burgeoning appeal—the opposite may be true: the wackier it is, the more alluring for career-minded academics chasing “the next big thing.” How else can one explain critical race theory, academic-style feminism, the deconstruction mania, and, alas, much more?

Intellectual sanity requires monitoring the first signs of destructive idiocy, just as the CDC tracks the early signs of an epidemic. Only then can the infant nonsense be strangled in the cradle. Imagine the intellectual mischief we could have avoided if critical race theory died an early, peaceful, obscure death.

That said, here’s the next big evil: “hate studies.”

This incipient plague embraces the very essence of totalitarianism—the criminalization of thinking. Out with criminal behavior, in with thoughtcrime. Not only does this switch contravene America’s long legal stress on illegal behavior (and First Amendment protection of unpopular speech) but the inherent murkiness of thoughtcrime and the near impossibility of reading peoples’ minds ensures that anybody, anytime can be punished for “bad thinking.”

Now, since every human regularly thinks “bad thoughts,” nobody is safe from today’s Grand Inquisitors, and if one believes that being hounded for systemic racism is bad, just wait until one is denounced for unknowingly holding “dangerous stereotypes” about people of color. Confess your bad thoughts! We are all guilty, all the time, and so prosecutors can send everyone off for rehabilitation.

I recently encountered this pox-in-the-making in my Bard College alumnae magazine (the Bardian, Fall 2020), which almost incidentally mentioned the Bard Center for the Study of Hate. “Hate” has long been a professional interest of mine, so I looked a little deeper. Lo and behold, Bard’s war on “hate” is a nascent industry that already has a website, webinars, a journal, courses with reading lists, and academic specialists. Rest assured that savvy professors are soliciting naive foundations to combat this alleged evil currently bedeviling America.

The Bard Center (BCSH) “…  will bring scholars from diverse disciplines to Bard College and all of its campuses to speak about the human capacity to hate and demonize others. It will place, mentor, and support students working at internships with nongovernmental organizations that combat hate.”  It also, “…seeks to impact public discussion about hatred nationally and internationally.”

This anti-hate message is already filtering into student brains through such Bard courses as Outsider Art; American Studies; Gender and Sexuality Studies; German Expressionism; Capitalism and Slavery; Contagion: on rumor, heresy, disease, and financial panic; and Women’s Rights, Human Rights, among others. Bard students will almost surely learn about the evils of “hate” and ambitious, trend-sniffing academics will adjust their teaching interests accordingly.

Nor is Bard College alone in the enterprise. Other early investors are The Gonzaga Institute for Hate StudiesThe International Network for Hate StudiesCalifornia State University at Santa Barbara Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, and up in Canada, the Centre on Hate, Bias and Extremism located at the Ontario Institute of Technology. Meanwhile, the hate hatters gathered in Warsaw, Poland last year for The International Network for Hate Studies (did anyone tell Polish jokes?).

The Journal of Hate Studies is already up to Volume 17, and for those doubting its academic bona fides, it has been blessed by the Seal of Approval from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which certifies the journal as offering high quality, peer-reviewed articles. This is a high-minded mission: “The Journal reflects the optimism that as hate is understood, it can be contained and controlled allowing for persons to reach their full human potential without fear of retribution.”

And what, exactly, is this hate that must be scrutinized and then purged from the human mind? According to the Journal, said hate can be found in “…any one or more of its manifestations (e.g. racism, misogyny, antisemitism, homophobia, religious intolerance, ethnoviolence, anti-immigrant animus, etc.).” Needless to say, one does not have to be a Talmudic scholar to see the troublesome imprecision and the pitfalls of this anti-hate mission. Does hate motivate opposition to open borders, or might this be rational, economic self-interest? Is criticizing Islam for promoting terrorism just hateful emotion, or is it supported by fact?

Those who think that resolving these complexities is easy should consult the history of interpreting the First Amendment’s struggle with “dangerous” speech. Is hate to be banished entirely, or is some hate, for example, hating the KKK, tolerable? These hate-hunters will also patrol a huge territory: “Consider[ing] how hate is institutionalized, maintained, or perpetrated through culture, organizations, policies, politics, media, discourses, epistemologies, etc.” Note the reference to two “etc.’s” in these catalogues. Can one be guilty of hating “etc.”? I personally loath the etc. community.

Who will exorcise this hate? The Ministry of Anti-Hate? The courts or the Stasi? Might each individual be the judge and jury and settle the matter as he sees fit? Special tribunals of expert academics with doctorates in Hate Studies? Will hate hounds receive special training from mind-readers or utilize hi-tech tools like fMRI’s to probe the brain’s depths and root out unconscious bias?

Recall how yesterday’s hateful slur may become today’s official designation—queer, Chicano among others. We all know how certain words are certifiably hateful if employed by some but not others. What if the alleged hate has no relationship to any possible behavior, as in “I hate Anabaptists,” when this sect barely exists? And what are the penalties for haters when exposed? Public confessions and shaming? There are no easy answers, since the American criminal code excludes “hate” as a stand-alone crime. If unemployment were the penalty, no American would have a job.

“Hate Studies” is clearly an academic racket for ambitious scholars likely frustrated in climbing up the traditional academic ladder. It is not especially technical, nor does it require mastering a foreign language. Entry into the field is easy, but this “softness” should not detract from the awaiting evil. Today’s universities are happy to hire quacks galore to ameliorate their woes—why not hire a few extra anti-hate specialists to add to the collection? It’s all too easy to imagine these hate-hunters heading Inquisitions exposing invisible “hate” everywhere. Books, entire libraries, and even traditional disciples will be scrutinized for toxicity and, rest assured, costly bogus prescriptions will be written.

hate to say it, but this will not end well, so it’s time to sound the alarm.

This article has been republished with permission of the author from Minding the Campus.


Robert Weissberg

Robert Weissberg is a professor emeritus of political science at The University of Illinois-Urbana. More by Robert Weissberg


At the coalface of teenage gender change

Are all men misogynist and violent?

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Boston public schools cancel new advanced classes for high performing students because of racial inequalities

Democrats punish achievement, hate the good for being the good, and display the most foul racism since Jim Crow.

Boston public schools cancel new advanced classes for high performing students because of racial inequalities

By: Carlos Garcia, The Blaze, February 26, 2021

Boston Public Schools officials said that a program with advanced learning classes would be cancelled over concerns that the classes served disproportionate racial groups.

The program known as Advanced Work Classes was intended to serve high-performing students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade. Students are encouraged to study their subjects in a deeper and non-traditional manner.

School officials became concerned when a report showed that the program was disproportionately serving white students, and underserving black and Hispanic students.

The district analysis found that more than 70% of the students in the program were white or Asian, while nearly 80% of the students in the district are Hispanic or black.

“This is just not acceptable,” said School Committee member Lorna Rivera in a school meeting in January. “I’ve never heard these statistics before, and I’m very very disturbed by them.”

Rivera cited one finding at one school that showed the program included 60% white fourth graders though a majority of third graders are black or Hispanic.

Superintendent Brenda Cassellius told WGBH News on Friday that they would put the program on hiatus over the racial findings.

“There’s been a lot of inequities that have been brought to the light in the pandemic that we have to address,” Cassellius said. “There’s a lot of work we have to do in the district to be antiracist and have policies where all of our students have a fair shot at an equitable and excellent education.”

Students would be eligible in the program if they scored high on a test in third grade. Of those, participants were chosen by lottery. Officials said 453 students were invited to the program last fall, 143 students applied and 116 enrolled for the 2021 year.

Cassellius said students already enrolled in the program could continue, but it would be phased out for fourth and fifth grades.

Here’s more about disparities at Boston public schools:

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Mediocrity Is The New Excellence

We have been reporting the failure of America’s government schools who now follow UNESCO’s worldwide Common Core.  You read that right: Common Core is a UNESCO program, and is supported by Microsoft.  When Common Core was required parents, teachers, and administrators were warned that our students would be approximately two (2) behind.  No one cared or listened and another unproven program was forced on our students.  Today with CCPvirus, students will be about 3-4 years behind. Mission Accomplished. American Exceptionalism is dead.  Mediocre, indoctrinated, woke students afraid of words now rule.  The communists have created their internal army. Mission Accomplished.

American government schools are failing our students.  Fifty percent of American graduates cannot read, write and do simple math. Bill Gates admitted its failure. More money was his answer.  We all know that the only thing that will affect change is a return of the curricula back to traditional education, WHICH WAS A HUGE SUCCESS.

OK, so the schools are failing, who cares? What does that mean to me?  Why should I care?  Our government positions are filled by diversity using racial lines not ability; therefore, the high standards and pride in work ethic are no longer important. Due to the extreme push for diversity, important positions are filled following a racial quota, not ability guaranteeing a failure of the program.  Scientists and experts are motivated by grants and money “proving” theories that have no scientific or technical basis.  Functionally illiterate people (people taught to be illiterate) are below average, so standard employment requirements are also lowered. Employers are finding workers are not qualified. Workers can’t read and follow directions. Too often, ignorant people make costly mistakes which could pose safety hazards or damaged products.  Instead of addressing the real issue, poor quality education, employers are forced to lower standards to meet racial quotas often imposed by government through grants, subsidies or directives. Too often lowered standards pose a danger to the people they serve.

Remember when:

Eric Holder when AG lowered the standards of the police force.

Tucker Carlson reported that the Obama administration put diversity over safety in hiring for air traffic controllers. How enthusiastic will you be to travel by air?

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio wants to lower the standards for NYC’s elite high schools. Will they still be elite after quotas have changed their academic rating?

These are just a few Obama examples.

Trump turned it around and excellence with America First was just beginning to take hold.  Communists hate excellence because it brings opposition.

No fear Joe is here. He will fix and segregate the government again under the banner of equity. Biden’s newest Executive Order Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.

Joe has turned the clock back to when the government under the original order of Woodrow Wilson, was segregated. Joe managed to cancel MLK JR, by putting  the 1963 Civil Rights Act in the trash.

Now the left can focus on trashing all those “white” Americans, while teaching our kids hatred not reading writing and math. Why teach at all? Better to train new activists to destroy the country.  Pay attention to the chart. Will your grandkids or kids turn you in?

Biden immediately nixed the 1776 project.  Biden will force  America to take its place at the bottom of the worldwide heap.  Biden is more interested in color and race than exceptionalism.  After all communists believe educated people require more of their government so their vow is to keep the people stupid. Ignorant people can easily be diverted to activism since they have no skills and must fill a void to feel useful. Schools are the perfect place to create these “useful idiot”. The destruction of America’s youth is evident as Komrad Biden Removes Trump’s Ban on CCP Propaganda in Schools.  Love your enemy.

Check out the 45 Goals of Communism read into the Congressional Record in 1963:

#17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

#18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

#19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

What we don’t see is the affect of mediocre schooling.  What goes on in the actual office where common sense (no longer taught in school) does not exist?  Porn now shown on government computers during work hours is acceptable.  Lying is acceptable, Emailing during work is acceptable.  All of this amounts to billions of dollars lost due to incompetence, theft and corruption.  Remember the Gulf Oil Spill?  Government Inspectors from MMS were busy watching porn rather than inspecting rigs.

According to the CDC, American suicide is up and higher due to CCP Virus. Instead of asking why more meds are given to depressed people—often causing more depression, while root causes are ignored.

Depression has multiple causes.  Some are:

  • an individual forced into a controlled environment
  • not being able to express themselves as individuals
  • anti-depressants
  • ignoring natural psychological and physical needs
  • not belonging
  • loneliness (devices replacing friends)
  • lack of responsibility
  • lack of morality
  • life without meaning or purpose
  • lack of common sense
  • inability to logically draw conclusions in problem solving
  • inability to reason (thus drawing wrong solutions)
  • frustration having no future or destiny.

All of these are key triggers often leading to anxiety and depression.

Depression can lead to violence and or suicide.  Sadly key skills have been eliminated from schools giving student nothing meaningful to look forward too. Schools now teach our children to hate their country family and G-d, forcing students through communist propaganda of what to think, not how to think.

Common Core forces a child to think in a box with little hope for a future not in line with the predetermined government goal. Common Core is based on the premise that people are stupid and the “smart academics know best”.  If a child  makes a different response not their desired response, often a child will be  bullied by other students or teacher. A child might act out just to make their ideas known. Then too often students feeling worthless turn to drugs, massive piercing, tattooing, drinking, cutting, murder, terrorism, or suicide.  Hopelessness is the dominant emotion.  Common Core manipulates emotion and eliminates individualism, forcing a child into groupthink, not innovation and creation. Emotion become dominant with no logical reason to balance.  A person can only think of one thought at a time. By forcing overuse of right brain function (emotion) the left brain (logic and reason)  become dormant from lack of use.   Today, aside from being functionally illiterate, too many people are motivated by  trigger words that unleashes unbridled emotion too often resulting in violence or suicide.  Not to worry. Common Core will be gone. That is the name Common Core not the ideas.  We must be vigilant and learn the names of the new programs saying the same things like BLM or 1619 Project.

Continuing to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results, is insane, as we have heard over and over. Common Core, Whole Word Reading, Eureka Math, Evolution all assist in diminishing the capacity of America’s future. Yet we ignore the facts and continue to push this horrid programs filled with errors, omissions and bias.  Have we learned nothing from years of failing grades? Not to worry, more money will “fix” the problem. No, “It’s the curricula stupid.”

Why are we forcing America’s children to follow a failed program?  Education based on collectivism not individualism, training not education and values not facts, according to the brilliant educator Shirley McCune, in a speech to the Governors Association under GHW Bush, it is necessary to change and alter the culture and society.  This is not education. It is indoctrination. She promotes outcome based education.  Our children’s destiny will now be chosen by a computer.   How many more generations of Americans will we lose to this indoctrination called education? So far we have lost 4 generations. You can listen to Shirley.

According to Biden, all K-12 and colleges are now forced to select students on the basis of Diversity.  This does not produce the best and brightest.  The danger in science, by ignoring the SCIENTIFIC METHOD of reasoning out problems  is escalating as students study irrelevant subjects like diversity, race and minority affects on a variety of issues NOT SCIENCE.  If STEM students are selected by diversity not ability who will invent the next Widget, or cure?

I have a challenge.  Since Common Core was thrown at us without proper vetting (no test run) and violates many educational codes and statutes, why not have at least one school in each district teach traditional education?  Several states are finally beginning to recognize the harm that training not educating have brought. Florida, Texas, are taking the lead.
How is this problem being address by Wall Street? 

If nothing is done, how many more agencies and businesses will fail putting the public at risk?  Do we now get to choose our doctor, mechanic, air traffic controller, police based on color of skin or ability to do the job? The choice is ours.

What’s in your school?  Will you Join

Will you check your school? Your child’s work? Correct mistakes challenge texts for bias? errors? omissions? Join Us.  America’s future is in our hands.

Is America worth saving? If not you, who?  If not now, when?

I will not comply will you?

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.


Diversity or Safety? Justice Dept. Orders Lower Standards for Police Exam

Tucker Carlson: Obama Administration Put Diversity Over Safety in Hiring Air Traffic Controllers

De Blasio Proposes Changes to New York’s Elite High Schools

Rush Limbaugh: Conservative Icon and Giant

Rush Limbaugh’s passing this week triggered sadness on the Right and glee on the Left. The Left’s grave dancers exulted in his death, believing that they had just rid themselves of one of America’s greatest and most persuasive opponents of their twisted views favoring an Orwellian future for our nation.

With Rush no longer available to counsel and guide us, conservatives should take the opportunity afforded by his passing to reflect on one of the most basic questions of all — what is it to be a conservative? What differentiates us from the Left?

Conservatism is founded on two core concepts: (1) personal responsibility and (2) the critical importance of liberty in our lives. In an important way, these two concepts are opposite sides of the same coin. We should have the liberty to govern our own lives but in having that right must be prepared to take personal responsibility for outcomes resulting from the exercise of those liberty rights.

The Left, on the other hand, despises both of these concepts. This hatred is not merely peripheral to the Left’s worldview but rather is at the very core of it. The Left has created a cult of victimhood.  To prosper under the Left, you have to prove yourself a victim. (But, as we shall see in a moment, you have to be the right kind of victim). If you are a “person of color,” all of your woes have nothing to do with the choices you have voluntarily made in your life but instead are the result of a racist society. There is a racist under every rock and behind every bush. How America could be a racist society when 350,000 white Union soldiers gave their lives in a great civil war to free black Americans is never explained by the Left and is studiously ignored.

The term “person of color” was carefully chosen by the Left to enlarge its potential base from blacks to Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and American Indians. The only group clearly excluded from the party is whites. In the Left’s racist worldview (and here really is something that is truly racist), whites are responsible for all  woes of “people of color.” And thus we see the proliferation of the racist terms “white privilege,” “white fragility,” etc. We see the Left’s preoccupation with “reparations,” where people who never owned slaves will have their taxes raised to make payments of free money to people who never were slaves (but happen to be of the right skin color).

Now, it’s true that some people truly are victims:  a policeman who is shot in the spine by a criminal and spends the rest of his life in a wheelchair; an American soldier who fought in Vietnam, was exposed to Agent Orange and prematurely contracts a fatal form of cancer; a young boy or girl whose parents are both killed in an automobile accident after being hit by a drunk driver. But these are hardly the kind of victims whose cause is ever championed by the Left. For the most part, these individuals and their fates are largely ignored because they do not advance the Left’s identity politics. White high school seniors who are discriminated against by Harvard University when they apply for admission are also “victims” (victims of truly racist admission policies), but they are not victims either as the Left sees it. Why? Because although they are members of a group, they are not members of a group the Left favors, they are members of a group the Left despises.

What is written above undoubtedly would be termed “hate speech” by many on the Left, and this brings us to the second point: the critical importance of liberty in our lives. As a core value, it is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

By and large, today’s Left despises liberty. For the Left, the only kind of speech that is protected by the First Amendment is speech the Left agrees with.  Anything the Left disagrees with is “hate speech” and must be suppressed. The Left’s organs in the Tech World – Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Twitter, are only too happy to comply. Hence the savage attack on Parler, an alternative to Twitter that declined to censor conservative postings and therefore had to be crushed. Hence the Left’s efforts to get advertisers to boycott the Tucker Carlson show on Fox News and to get him kicked off the air. The world has changed dramatically from the days when the American Civil Liberties Union battled in favor of the right of Nazis to march in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in the suburbs of Chicago. 

Obviously, the Left would also like to see the Second Amendment go and the ownership of firearms be prohibited. The latest schemes are focused on the imposition of draconian taxes and registration requirements. “Liberty be damned!  We’re the Left and we know what’s good for you! Shut up and obey!”

In summary, the Right can best honor the memory of the great Rush Limbaugh by continuing to campaign as vigorously as it can for the core values of personal responsibility and liberty that Rush devoted his life to.

Beijing ☭ Biden Signs Executive Order Ending Trump Industry Apprenticeship Program

President Trump’s economic policies brought tremendous prosperity to the American worker. The unions should have showered President Trump with praise for his pro-industry agenda. They didn’t do that. Instead, most of America’s union leaders endorsed President Biden. The union members should demand their resignation.

“The policy allowed “trade and industry groups, companies, non-profit organizations, unions, and joint labor-management organizations” to create their own apprenticeship programs that would help workers obtain the skills that the economy needed but that universities are not providing, or are providing at a cost that is unaffordable for many Americans.”  

Biden Signs Executive Order Ending Trump Industry Apprenticeship Program

By Breitbart, February 22, 2021

President Joe Biden signed an executive order this week revoking former President Donald Trump’s order providing federal funds to apprenticeship programs created by industries, calling for more government-controlled alternatives.

In 2017, Trump signed Executive Order 13801, Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs). The policy allowed “trade and industry groups, companies, non-profit organizations, unions, and joint labor-management organizations” to create their own apprenticeship programs that would help workers obtain the skills that the economy needed but that universities are not providing, or are providing at a cost that is unaffordable for many Americans.

“Registered Apprenticeships,” approved by the government, have been part of U.S. labor policy for decades. Under the Obama administration, these received more funding. But critics argued that the government-controlled model, run by the Department of Labor and with the involvement of labor unions, held back the growth of apprenticeships. The Trump order allowed industries (and unions) to develop their own programs, within regulations but independent of government control.

The Washington Post — hardly friendly to the Trump administration — reported that his new policy had bipartisan support:

Trump signed an executive order that seeks to reorient and expand ApprenticeshipUSA, a grant program that was previously championed by the Obama administration and has been supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.
The administration’s aim, White House officials say, is to give more flexibility to third parties — including businesses, trade associations and labor unions — to design programs that will offer skills training to those who are seeking jobs for which they are not yet qualified.

Under current rules, the Labor Department is too heavy-handed in crafting the programs, they argue.

But left-wing groups, and some congressional Democrats, objected to Trump’s order. The Center for American Progress complained that Trump was creating “a parallel track that lacks adequate worker protections” that could allow for “the proliferation of low-quality programs.”

Democrats eventually frustrated Trump’s new system, as Bloomberg News noted this week: “Democrats in Congress blocked funding and the implementing regulations weren’t finalized until last year.”

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), the Ranking Member on the House Committee on Education and Labor, objected to Biden’s change in a statement:

“President Biden’s move to end IRAPs will kill jobs. Period. Doubling down on an inefficient, 80-year-old system that is unresponsive to workers’ needs is not a solution, it is irresponsible.

“In the last four months 131 IRAPs have been created, the vast majority of which are for nursing credentials. Why a party that claims to follow science would limit nursing credentials during a global pandemic is beyond me.

“Instead of catering to union bosses and increasing Washington’s overreach into the private sector, we should support and encourage efforts to cut the regulatory red tape that stops too many employers from filling in-demand jobs. Employer-led apprenticeship programs account for more than 80 percent of all apprenticeship programs nationwide. The success of these programs should come as no surprise, employers know best what skills their employees need to excel in the workplace.

The Biden White House described his new policy as “expanding registered apprenticeship programs,” with a view to training “diverse, local, well-trained workers who have a choice to join a union.”

The White House claimed that industry-run apprenticeships “have fewer quality standards than registered apprenticeship programs” and that they “fail to require the wage progression” that occurs under union-backed, government-run programs.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.