New York Post: Known Antifa members Posed as Pro-Trump to Infiltrate Capitol Protest


The GOP is dead. They joined the National Socialists Workers Party to destroy us.

Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources

By Larry Celona, New York Post, January 7, 2021:
Chaos unfolds amid huge crowd at the Capitol
At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.
The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.
The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.
A Washington Times report initially claimed two other protesters were actually Philadelphia-based Antifa members — citing a retired military officer with access to facial recognition software — but the outlet deleted the article after the software company told Buzzfeed News that the story was “outright false.”


More EVIDENCE, PHOTOS of Antifa Infiltration At Capitol
Photos, Reports Show ANTIFA Infiltrators Stormed the Capitol Building
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Watch President Trump’s Video Message

President Trump’s message:

Crowd of protesters waving American flags march down a street in MELBOURNE chanting ‘Donald Trump, four more years’
Intelligence Analysts downplayed Chinese Election Influence to Avoid Supporting Trump Policies, Inspector Finds
New York Post: Known Antifa members Posed as Pro-Trump to Infiltrate Capitol Protest: Sources
More EVIDENCE, PHOTOS of Antifa Infiltration At Capitol
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The endgame of transgender ideology is to dismantle the family

Nancy Pelosi and her fellow gender-inclusive enthusiasts have taken a bold and much-disparaged move to erase language that expresses the reality of familial relationships. In the name of inclusivity, words like “father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law” have been targeted for erasure from House proceedings.
If pursued, this scrubbing of gendered words from public communications in concert with other trans-inclusive initiatives will prove seismic in its effect on society.
Pelosi and her associates are echoing the socialist-feminist ideology articulated by Shulamith Firestone in the 1970s: “It has become necessary to free humanity from the tyranny of its biology” and “eliminate the sex distinction itself [so that] genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally.”
At its core, this means that male and female manifestations of the human body should no longer be legally recognized or culturally valued. We have been marching down this road for decades and are now approaching the endgame: a genderless society. The vilification of gendered language in public settings is a significant leap toward “freeing humanity from the tyranny of its biology” and undoing the significance of biological sex.

Mothers on the trash heap of history

Firestone made a stunning prediction. She jubilantly declared that when biology was subdued and “transsexuality” became the legal and cultural norm, “the blood tie of the mother to the child would eventually be severed” and the triumphal “disappearance of motherhood” would follow. And she was right. Legal movements surrounding transgenderism are setting the stage for the legal marginalization of mothers, fathers, and families by force of law.
Though Firestone’s astute prediction has been largely overlooked in the debate about transgenderism, the fact remains that when women legally disappear, so do mothers because “mother” is a sex-specific designation. The same goes for fathers. If there are not two specific, perceivable sexes that can be definitively recognized by law, then it becomes difficult to define or defend mothers and fathers—along with their parental rights—in legal terms. Therefore, the belonging of children to their parents is increasingly thrown into question and the family stands on trembling legal legs—which is precisely the point.
When parents’ ties to their children are obscured or weakened it creates an environment hospitable to government intervention and socialist-communist revolution. That is why Marx’s Communist Manifesto openly called for the “abolition of the family.” Dethroning the family creates a void that can and must be filled—though it is impossible to adequately fill it. If we are to avoid the destruction of the family and the domination of the state that necessarily follows, we must resist efforts to cancel biological sex.

Rejection of anatomy

The push for gender abolition seems to be accelerating. Last year a California state Senate committee attempted to ban the words “he” and “she” during committee hearings. The “rainbow voting agreement” in the Netherlands calls for “the registration of gender to be abolished wherever possible.” A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, arguably the world’s most prestigious medical journal, asserted that sex demarcations on birth certificates should be reconsidered because “assigning sex at birth perpetuates a view that sex as defined by a binary variable is natural, essential, and immutable.”
It is becoming difficult to keep up with the myriad initiatives being rolled out to forcibly suppress biological sex distinctions.
The legal and social embracing of transgenderism encapsulates rejection of the human body as inherently manifested in two distinct and complementary forms. This rebellion against anatomy is not only tragic for individuals, who wage war against their own bodies, but it also undercuts the inherent, two-pronged voltage of male and female that propels, balances, and drives the world.
If it becomes legally inappropriate to recognize the two bodily sexes or to articulate how the interplay of those sexes forges and perpetuates the basic relationships by which we fundamentally define ourselves (mother, father, son, daughter) then the core of civilized society is in peril.
What started out masquerading as a celebration of gender turns out to be an edict for the elimination of the sex distinction itself, which in turn erodes the family—the essential cradle of humanity. If we are to salvage the family and civilization with it, we must protect and defend the “gendered language” that is now on the chopping block.

Kimberly Ells

Kimberly Ells is the author of, The Invincible Family: Why the Global Campaign to Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can’t Win, and is a policy advisor for Family Watch International where she works to… 
Artificial girlfriends are holding China’s and Japan’s men in thrall
Is Down syndrome ‘tragic’ when they die – or when they live?
The demographics of 2021
EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Rep McCarthy Is Preparing For A RED WAVE | Huckabee

Rumble — Rep. Kevin McCarthy is preparing for a red wave. Why? He analyzes the GOP’s momentum in 2021. Don’t miss Gov. Mike Huckabee’s interview with Rep. Kevin McCarthy!

Watch Huckabee Saturdays 8/7c and again Sundays 9/8c exclusively on TBN
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President Trump Releases Video Statement

“I know your pain. I know you’re hurt.’ “We have to have peace.” “We have to respect law and order.” We can’t play into the hands of these people.”
Watch the whole thing.

RELATED ARTICLE: President Trump Calls In the Elite National Guard UPDATE: DoD Refuses Request

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Photos, Reports Show ANTIFA Infiltrators Stormed the Capitol Building

Subject: Antifa posing as Trump supporters – MUST SEE 2 mins 37 secs.

Early indications show Antifa behind the Capitol break in. This was deliberate. This was sabotage. This was an orchestrated  distraction to undermine the millions of Americans opposing the greatest election theft in human history.


RELATED ARTICLE: FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED: “Viking” who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing the same outfit
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Unarmed Woman SHOT DEAD At Capitol Protest Identified, 14-Year Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbit

Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service. This is how the nation she served thanked her.

WASHINGTON (KUSI) — The woman who was shot and killed inside the US Capitol during the protests was from the San Diego area.
KUSI News has spoken with her husband.
The woman is Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service.
Her husband says she was a strong supporter of President Trump, and was a great patriot to all who knew her.
The Metropolitan Police Department says an investigation into her death continues.
KUSI sends our condolences to her family and all who knew her.

We watched for months while Democrats burned, rioted and looted major cities across America. Police didn’t kill anyone.
One peaceful protest opposing the biggest election coup in history and two people were shot? And no one is talking about this?
We’re done as a country.

RELATED ARTICLE: Unarmed Woman Shot DEAD By Police At Capitol Protest
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Look at What’s Ahead for 2021

Our extremism forecast. Look our for these three things.

Americans are still in shell shock from 2020, a year that projected the public onto the frontlines of extremism. Few people exited 2020 without a crash course on the complex reality of what extremist behavior and extremist ideologies look like.
And while most are heaving a collective sigh of relief that a torrential year of chaos and instability is over, it is most likely the case that extremism is our new reality for several years to come.
Here to help map out the year to come, we offer our 2021 forecast on how this pattern will unfold in 2021.

1.  The Normalization of Extremist Groups

In 2020, Antifa gained a maelstrom of public support among civilians who believed in the group’s propaganda that it is simply anti-fascist. Despite Antifa’s violent behavior that included singling out individuals or smaller groups amid their mob and demanding uniform or compliant behavior, it has been largely lost on their public supporters that the group has exhibited the very thing it claims to stand: fascism.
In 2020, America witnessed, for example, everyday American mothers building a human wall (aka the “Wall of Moms“) to protect Antifa rioters from law enforcement. On the eve of the new year, Antifa announced a Portland-based Anti-Fascist Soccer League.

The move to build community-oriented sports clubs not only normalizes Antifa but takes a page out of other extremist groups that seek these venues as soft ground for recruitment and outreach.
In 2021, expect further normalization and specifically integration of this extremist group into the fabric of society.

2. Asymmetrical Terror Attacks

Terror ideologies and terror tactics adapt to the times, as covered in Clarion Project’s inaugural podcast launch last year that looked at how jihadists were exploiting the COVID-19 crisis. Less than two weeks ago, on Christmas Day, an explosion in Nashville offered a new curveball in understanding terrorism.
Terrorism analysts Max Abrahams and Joseph Mroszczyk offered several points of significance that set the Nashville Christmas Day explosion apart from other terror attacks. The attack tried to minimize civilian casualties and was not accompanied by the dissemination of any ideological manifesto. Even though the Nashville attack was not a jihadist attack, the perpetrator copied the jihadi tactic of using a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.

3. The Death of Nuance

A meme circulating around 2016 was “Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is a Nazi.” It was a tongue-in-cheek phrase marking the rise of polarization. Today, the more appropriate meme would be “Everyone who doesn’t agree with me must be an extremist.”
In 2020, the American landscape erupted in the war of extremes with opposing ideological groups engaging in open violence. The hyper-polarization driving more simplistic (and more dangerous) forms of tribalism will only escalate in 2021, with a combination of open violence along with antagonization and intimidation.
In 2021, vague identity markers — sloppily used by the media and political celebrities (where anyone can be marked as a white supremacist, an Islamist, etc.) — will be used by a broader percentage of the civilian population over issues that are not extremist in nature.
Case in point: Last month, a teacher out of Charlotte, North Carolina, called parents who want schools to re-open “white supremacists.”
While more terror attacks and splintering extremist factions are most likely in our future, the most dangerous of all is the rising radicalization of the American public via the death of nuance.
The most necessary course of action in 2021 will be disengagement and de-escalation. While the average American is not directly responsible for nor has control over major events, we all have a part to play in the perimeter that encircles our lives, whether on- or offline.
EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GEORGIA: Dominion Machines In 3 Of The Largest Republican Precincts Breakdown

Why would anyone think it would be different this time?

Columbia County voting snag catches Trump’s attention

By: WRDW, January 5, 2020:

EVANS, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) – Due to some technical problems that drew the attention of President Donald Trump, voters in Columbia County had to fill out paper ballots for a time Tuesday morning instead of using machines to mark their ballots during the start of voting in Georgia’s Senate runoffs.
Meanwhile, voting was going smoothly with no problems reported in neighboring Richmond County, according to Richmond County Elections Director Lynn Bailey. The Columbia County problems were among the few in Georgia, according to the state’s elections chief, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

State voting official Gabriel Sterling blamed the problems in Columbia County on a programming error for security keys and poll worker cards.
After the problem was realized, newly programmed codes and key cards were being taken to locations via law enforcement. The problems across Columbia County were fixed by 10 a.m., according to Raffensperger’s office.
At the Stevens Creek Church voting site, the polling manager said a code gives staff members access to the systems to start them up for the day.
However, that code was wrong Tuesday morning.
When this happens, staff members report the problem to the elections office, which must re-initiate that code and get the systems back up, the polling manager said.
When the systems were down Tuesday, poll workers started issuing emergency paper ballots until their systems came back up.
What Trump said
The snag in a red county caught the eye of Trump, who tweeted:
Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of Georgia that Dominion Machines are not working in certain Republican Strongholds for over an hour. Ballots are being left in lock boxes, hopefully they count them. Thank you Congressman @RickAllen
Sterling fired back on Twitter because Trump’s tweet came after the problem had been fixed:.
And this issue in Columbia Co. was resolved hours ago and our office informed the public about it in real time. The votes of everyone will be protected and counted. Sorry you received old intel Mr. President.

How it’s supposed to work
Under the voting system, which the state has used for less than a year, voters receive a key card to activate a voting machine, then use a touch screen on the machine to make their selections. The machine prints a paper ballot, which voters take to a scanning station and insert to record their votes.
Among the problems Sterling cited were issues with the key cards.
So voters filled out ballots by hand when the system wasn’t working.
Once the ballots were filled out, voters inserted them into a slot in a locked bin attached to the ballot scanner.
Hand-marked paper ballots at Stevens Creek Church went into a locked bin attached to this…
Hand-marked paper ballots at Stevens Creek Church went into a locked bin attached to this ballot scanner.(WRDW)
The poll manager at Stevens Creek scoffed at the idea that the ballots inserted in the locked bin were being discarded. He said poll staffers work very hard to make sure this doesn’t happen.
Which locations had problems?
We don’t have an extensive list of polling locations affected by the problem, but one newsroom staff member reported needing to hand-mark a paper ballot at West Acres Baptist Church. News 12 also received reports from viewers or staff members that paper ballots also were used at the Kiokee Baptist Church, Stevens Creek, Augusta Christian and River Island voting sites.
Election workers at Grove First Baptist Church said they ran out of key cards and the polling pads for employees weren’t working Tuesday morning.
When they ran out of keys, they gave out eight paper ballots.

Perdue: Voting “Anomalies” Reported in at Least Three Georgia Counties
WATCH: Pennsylvania Legislature Erupts into Chaos Over GOP Refusal to Seat Democratic Senator Over Illegal Ballots
Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Pennsylvania Legislators Overrule the Secretary of State

They’re officially against certification. Now they must change the slate. If one flips, the dominoes will fall.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Reminded Us What It’s Like to Have an American President

It had been so long since we had an American president, many people had forgotten what it was and should be like. And after decades of anti-American, cultural Marxist indoctrination in American schools and popular culture, others thought it was a terrible thing. Neo-Dem Never-Trumper William Kristol tweeted: “I’ll be unembarrassedly old-fashioned here: It is profoundly depressing and vulgar to hear an American president proclaim ‘America First.’”
A foundation of the Democrats’ 2020 platform was the party’s vow to return America to its place in the world, i.e., to stop putting America First, and to go back to being the world’s beat cops and ATM. Now, however, after four years of Trump, some Americans see how the American president should put America first, and they’re not going to forget when Dotty Old Joe hits the White House basement, or when Kamala Harris moves her socialist, internationalist clown show into the Oval Office.
Yes, Trump was a braggart and a blusterer. Yes, he insulted people. Yes, he was often inarticulate. Yes, he showed none of the polish to which we have become accustomed from those who claim to be “experts” in how our government, and our daily lives, should be run. He was derided as an amateur, a non-expert, and he was: for some, that was one of the most important bases of his appeal. For Trump, unlike every other president going back to Reagan, and unlike most others before that going back to before Woodrow Wilson, dedicated his every act as president to putting Americans first and bettering their lives, and he wasn’t afraid to go against the conventional wisdom and decades of precedent to do so.
This often paid spectacular dividends. In June 2016, Barack Obama ridiculed Trump’s pledge to attract U.S. companies that had moved out of the country back to the United States, asking Trump, “What magic wand do you have?” Trump’s magic wand was an unprecedented initiative to cut regulations on businesses and drastically lower taxes.
It began to work immediately. Harry Moser of the Reshoring Initiative, which tracks jobs returning to the U.S. from companies that had relocated elsewhere, stated, “I’d say 300, 400 [companies], at least, announced in 2017” that they were returning. They brought jobs with them. In 2019, unemployment was at 3.5 percent, the lowest it had been since 1968. The Trump administration also set record lows for unemployment among blacks and Hispanics and record highs for the stock market. Trump proved the point that had been made in the 1920s and subsequently forgotten: lower taxes and fewer regulations mean that businesses can prosper, and when businesses prosper, so do the Americans whom they employ.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump called the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) “the worst trade deal ever made” and vowed to replace it. He did: in November 2018, he signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which mandated much more favorable terms for the United States than NAFTA did.
In foreign policy, though he was derided as “isolationist,” Trump brought about stunning and unprecedented peace deals between Israel and Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and Morocco. John Kerry had smugly warned that no peace in the Middle East was possible without first setting up a Palestinian state and reducing an already tiny Israel; Trump once again proved the “experts” wrong.
There is a great deal more. Donald Trump became president when the nation had lost its way. He made herculean efforts to bring it back to what the Founding Fathers had intended it to be: a bastion of freedom. As Trump said: “I never forget, that I am not President of the world, I am President of the United States of America. We reject globalism and we embrace patriotism. We believe that every American citizen, no matter their background, deserves a government that is loyal to them. The Democrat Party and the extreme radical left are trying to abolish the distinction between citizens and non-citizens.”
Now they will do so. But there are still Americans, and now they have experienced the governance of an American president. If free elections are still possible in 2024, which admittedly is by no means certain, they’re going to want another president who puts them first. For another benefit of the Trump presidency is, paradoxically enough, its untimely and unjust demise. Most Americans assumed that when Trump became president, he would be able to implement his own agenda insofar as he could secure the cooperation of Congress, as other presidents had done. But Trump encountered an entrenched coterie of bureaucrats at all levels who were determined to thwart his every move. Never before had a president been subjected to such a concerted and criminal effort to remove him from office, first by framing him for a crime he didn’t commit, then by impeaching him for a second crime he didn’t commit, and finally by massive, carefully organized voter fraud.
This story has an unhappy ending, except now free Americans know what we are up against in a way we never would have known if Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016 and America continued its long, slow, and seemingly inevitable decline into socialist internationalism. Now Americans know what is going on. Some of them are going to resist it and fight, by all legal means, to defend our freedoms.
Free Press Journal claims bloodthirsty Muslim ruler in India, Aurangzeb, was ‘more sinned against than sinning’
Pakistan: Sunni Muslims slit throats of 11 coal miners for the crime of being Shi’ite
Grand Mufti of Syria and Iranian Islamic scholar discuss ways of ‘confronting attempts to distort image of Islam’
UK: Muslim who plotted to behead a cop when he was 14 set for release, is granted lifelong anonymity
UK authorities accused of ‘inflating far-right threat to appease critics who say they focus too much on jihadis’
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

“Scumbags” Swarm Senator Josh Hawley’s DC Area Home; Terrorize his Wife who is home alone

Hawley’s wife was home alone with a new baby.
This is what the goons on the Left are so good at—terrorizing—and I expect this is why there are so many weak Republicans, and for that matter weak Judges and Justices (e.g. John Roberts).
The story is at Gateway Pundit, a website you should follow as the Hoft brothers are on top of all of the latest news involving the Great Election Steal of 2020.
When I saw Jim Hoft’s post. I immediately thought about Leo Hohmann’s post yesterday !

VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home — Pounding on Door, Screaming Threats — Terrorizing His Wife and Newborn Baby

The Senator was back in Missouri at the time.

But Senator Hawley’s wife Erin and their newborn baby were at home at the time!
This is the modern-day Democrat Party.
Their fake news media will, no doubt, ignore this latest attack on a mother and her baby!

The Senator, who was in Missouri when the attack occurred, tweeted this:

The Gateway Pundit blog goes on to report that Shutdown DC put out a notice claiming credit for terrorizing women and children.
told you about Shutdown in October (many work for the federal government).
A “vigil”?
Meanwhile a different sort of thug—Fox News anchors—bully Senator Hawley who stands up to Bret Baier’s snark. 
I hope all of you have now dumped Fox News!
Look around and see that Leftwing media sites are thrilled with not only Baier, but are overjoyed to see Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade say Trump has no proof of election fraud. At Mediaite.

Hawley is the first of twelve US Senators to question the 2020 presidential election results.  Georgia’s Kelly Loeffler says she will join the twelve, but I don’t know how that works since today’s Georgia special election results will surely not be available by tomorrow.
EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Biden Estimated 250,000 COVID Deaths This Month. He Was Off By 178,000!


Jeff Crouere is the host of, “Ringside Politics,” which airs weekdays on WGSO 990-AM in New Orleans. He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on
George Parry is a Contributor to The American Spectator, The Federalist, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. George is a former federal and state prosecutor. George served as: Special Attorney for the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, U.S. Department of Justice ; Unit Chief, Investigations Division, Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office ; Special Organized Crime Prosecutor, Blair and Cambria counties (central Pennsylvania) ; and a Legal Analyst for KYW-TV in Philadelphia.
TOPIC: Beware of the Thing That Is Coming!
Tristan Justice is a staff writer at The Federalist focusing on the 2020 presidential campaigns. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism.
TOPIC: Biden Estimated 250,000 COVID Deaths This Month. He Was Off By 178,000!
©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

Ten Absolute Truths About the 2020 Election and Election Fraud That Every American Should Understand

Writing “10 Absolute Truths” on any subject could be considered bold, overly ambitious, or just downright arrogant. That becomes even more a consideration when writing on a controversial subject such as election fraud. Nevertheless, there are some important lessons from history, including the most recent election, that coalesce into powerful truths that we will have to face sooner or later, whether pleasant or not.
Truth #1: Election Fraud is real. It’s not new. But it has gotten more sinister and sophisticated.
The fact is that election fraud is a part of the human experience and has been well documented. It’s not a “conspiracy theory.” There are numerous examples of documentation, including court convictions and deathbed confessions. You can see a lot of this at a fabulous Heritage Foundation website, A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States.
American history is replete with colorful examples. One of those involves the “Battle of Athens,” when a group of GIs returned to their small town in Tennessee after World War II only to discover that while they were fighting for America, a mob from Memphis took over the town they loved.
One of these war heroes responded by running for mayor but later learned the election was rigged. The GIs then broke open the town armory, blew up the jail, and forced an open counting of ballots with the whole town watching. They proved the fraud in the election and jailed the cheaters. It’s a great American story.
Another example is the story of “Landslide Lyndon,” our 36th President. There’s no question that Lyndon Johnson cheated to win a close election in his first Senate race in 1948. Robert A. Caro documented this with the equivalent of deathbed confessions in the second of his massive five-volume biography of Johnson, The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Means of Ascent. In 1990, Dan Balz wrote that Johnson “didn’t just steal the election but pulled off a heist of historic proportions, far greater than anyone has recognized until now.”4 New York Times writer Martin Tolchin reached a similar conclusion in a book review titled “How Johnson Won Election He’d Lost.”
In addition, there are many instances of foreign election fraud where dictators such as Kim Jong Un, Joseph Stalin, Hugo Chavez, and Nicolas Maduro won obviously fraudulent elections with massive totals and an unreasonable percentage of the vote.
These are all very real facts from history. Since human nature has not changed, there is no reason to believe that election fraud has disappeared. Quite the contrary. Fraud has upped its game with modern technology, as explained below.
Truth #2: The election stakes are higher than ever before.
It’s cliché to say that “this is the most important election of our lifetimes”—but also true, because the stakes are ever increasing. We are looking at federal spending of nearly $8 trillion in 2020 with an “actual” budget deficit exceeding $4 trillion and total federal taxes well north of $3 trillion. Obviously, the COVID-19 pandemic is a big culprit. But how that money is raised and spent will have a lasting impact on our lives now and well into the future. Clearly, spending happens regardless of who occupies the White House, but the ante has just been upped—by a lot. That’s why so much money was spent in the 2020 elections—almost $14 billion on the presidential and congressional races.
Beyond the money, America is a more divided nation than any point, perhaps, since the Civil War. This has worsened during the pandemic. There are major debates over policies such as mandated shutdowns, declarations of what is an essential business (and what isn’t), and mask requirements that have direct, personal, and long-lasting impacts on our finances and our very way of life.
In addition to the hopefully short-term pandemic challenge, we also face a set of radical proposals that would permanently alter America if enacted. On the electoral front, we have heard loud voices within one party to form new states from the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico with the primary purpose of adding new Senators from their party to tip the Senate permanently in their favor. In addition, the leadership of that same party has demanded immigration changes that appear designed to provide a permanent popular majority for their party through more open borders, amnesty, and fast tracks to citizenship.
Many of the same group also support abolishing the Electoral College in favor of a national popular vote. Of course, such a move would remake the electoral landscape completely. Election fraud in a single state might be sufficient to decide an election. And lest you think that the Supreme Court might rein in such ambitions, this same group has advocated a scheme called “court packing,” where the new President would add Justices to the court to guarantee a majority ruling whenever required. President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to do this in 1937 but failed.
Finally, there are major foreign policy debates on the role America should play in the world, how we should react to China, and how we protect our nation. The differences over these issues are stark and will have a huge impact on our national security in the not-too-distant future.
Truth #3: Foreign actors are interfering in our elections, and that is a national security risk.
You may have grown weary of the constant refrain by Democratic politicians and the mainstream media that Russia successfully hacked our elections for Trump. We now know there is no proof of that. But what can be proven is that foreign nations, including Russia, have attempted to influence our elections for decades—including 2016—and will continue to do so in the future. According to U.S. intelligence agencies, in 2020 they upped their game despite almost knee-jerk attempts to deny it based on political bias.
In the fog of fraud accusations, it is difficult to decipher just what role foreign powers had in the election and the impact on the outcome. There are credible allegations of Chinese involvement in voter registration drives. Keep in mind that any foreign involvement in elections is illegal under federal law. Beyond that, there are serious discussions regarding whether the Chinese produced fake ballots used for fraud, whether Russia or Iran attempted electronic intrusions into the electoral process, and the impact of foreign funding on our voting equipment companies.
Truth #4: Our electronic voting machines are vulnerable, but most are afraid to admit it.
Former Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Chris Krebs put out a very questionable early statement, reportedly written (in part) by the voting machine companies, that declared the 2020 election was “the most secure in American history.”
That seems very strange given the evidence of irregularities compiled and presented in hearings across the country. It is even harder to swallow given the bipartisan warnings of electronic equipment vulnerabilities. I covered these extensively on my BlazeTV show (Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman) well before the 2020 vote but was by no means alone. HBO featured a tremendous documentary in March 2020, Kill Chain, on how easily hackers can breach U.S. voting machines. PBS ran a special in June 2020 titled “In Georgia, primary election chaos highlights a voting system deeply flawed.” MSNBC reported in 2019 how easy it is to hack Dominion and other voting machines. There have been many other press reports [some examples HEREHERE and HERE] on how easily voting machines can be compromised.
Democrat Senators led by Elizabeth Warren, were so concerned about the vulnerability of U.S. voting machines being hacked during the 2020 elections that they issued a formal complaint letter in December 2019.
A frequent claim by election officials is that voting equipment is “air gapped” and not connected to the internet. This is misleading, as the Kill Chain documentary demonstrated with overwhelming evidence. In fact, some (albeit disputed) reports contend that Dominion may have been communicating with overseas servers on Election Day.
Those who have attempted to debunk concerns about Dominion Systems, for example, make claims such as those by voting technology expert Edward Perez in the New York Times on November 11:

I’m not aware of any evidence of specific things or defects in Dominion software that would lead one to believe that votes had been recorded or counted incorrectly.

Perez apparently missed the 2018 reporting from the same newspaper when the Times’s website posted a video of a Michigan professor hacking voting software and clearly showed their defects and risks. Any reasonable person can look at the method used to tabulate votes and recognize inherent flaws in the systems. The state of Texas did, which is why in January 2020 it rejected the use of Dominion Voting Systems products due to inefficiency and unreliability.
You don’t have to drill down into the history of the Dominion voting machines, the manuals that demonstrate how to switch votes as a “feature” and foreign connections. You just have to accept what others were saying about the vulnerabilities before the 2020 count was awarded to Biden. Beyond that, however, it should be important to look into claims that Dominion employees carried a personal political bias against President Trump. Do we really want those controlling our election to be blatantly biased?
The claim that a full recount rules out the notion of machine contamination, unfortunately, does not offer reassurance. Kill Chain warned Georgia officials in advance that any recount using Dominion Voting Systems equipment and software would be automatically tainted. In addition, there are reports that the firm used to conduct audits of Dominion has audited it before.
Truth #5: What happened in six states was not normal or acceptable.
We have testimonies, affidavits, and video evidence of massive irregularities in the contested states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada. There are reports provided under penalty of perjury pertaining to the ejection of witnesses or requiring extreme distances from the count, failure to verify signatures, and vote-counting rule changes. Workers were told to go home, reportedly due to a burst pipe (that may have been just a clogged toilet). Security footage shows ballots pulled from suitcases hidden underneath tables—after workers were dismissed—that reportedly coincides with ballot otherwise eliminate data from the election even as the outcome is contested.
It is unacceptable that witnesses to this activity have been threatened and intimidated. Yet that has been happening. If there was no fraud, why? We have a responsibility to protect our election but also to protect whistleblowers who warn us of bad behavior.
Truth #6: The science of statistics reveals unusual patterns that should be investigated.
When examining elections, it is good practice to look at the data to see if there are any unusual statistical patterns, as explained in a September 2012 National Academy of Sciences report. This is what we have done in reviewing foreign elections. But for some reason, there seems to be virtually no curiosity whatsoever from the mainstream media regarding this most unusual election.
For example, the claim is that Biden won more votes than any American presidential candidate ever before. Yet he won the fewest counties of any previous winner. When you delve into the data, there are some unexpected patterns that raise serious statistical questions. This is the same sort of analysis that is used to find fraud in other industries. Jay Valentine, who built the eBay fraud detection system, for example, has serious issues with the 2020 election data stream, which he suggests indicates industrial-grade fraud.
Truth #7: Mail-in ballots have long been recognized as a fraud risk—and with good reason.
Mail-in ballots can be legitimate, but they require generally accepted safeguards. Unfortunately, those safeguards were violated repeatedly in the 2020 election in critical locations. For example, it is crucial to have clean voter rolls and not send out ballots indiscriminately. That was not the case in this election. The evidence is overwhelming that huge numbers of unrequested ballots were sent to deceased individuals or wrong addresses, with multiple copies sent to the same person in multiple locations. According to a Heritage Foundation analysis, once ballots arrive at a home, the voter may be subject to intense coercion. Then, when the 2020 ballots were returned, many voting locations failed to match signatures or even check the postmark date to verify if the ballot was legally cast in the time provided. The safeguards were sadly ignored. This is consistent with the findings of a 2005 commission led by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker that concluded “absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”
Truth #8: Preventing election fraud is a civil rights issue.
There’s a reason that the 1871 “Ku Klux Klan Act” dealt with conspiracies to defraud voter rights. This is because free and fair elections are directly tied to civil rights. Candidates vie to maximize their share of the minority vote, and President Trump had a strong showing with some of the best numbers for a Republican in 60 years. If fraud were permanently introduced, however, it would greatly reduce the perceived value of minority voters, diminishing their future clout. Thus, it is imperative that we have clean elections as a matter of civil rights.
Truth #9: The mainstream media and social media manipulated election results by censoring political discourse.
Whether or not legal, the actions taken by both the mainstream media and social media companies to censor political debate is nothing short of despicable. This one-sided bias was evident in media coverage that clearly was anti-Trump. The Media Research Center (MRC) published a study after the election that showed that many Biden voters (in numbers large enough to have swung the election) would have voted differently if they had been exposed to a more equitable media landscape. As just one example from MRC, had there not been a near-total blackout on the Hunter Biden laptop story and other censored news, 17% of Biden voters nationwide would have switched to Trump—more than enough to swing the election.
The social media impact was even more profound. Research by Dr. Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, claimed that search engine manipulation likely swung millions of votes from Trump to Biden.  This occurred because most people who use Google for information assume they are getting unbiased results. Epstein claimed that, by changing the ranking of search results, Google could alter political choices, suggesting that Google acts less like an impartial utility and more like a political action committee.
The bias has seemed even more blatant after the election, when Facebook and Twitter banned pro-Trump political speech, hiding behind biased fact checkers. Conservative commentator Candace Owens’s recent legal victory against fact checker PolitiFact illustrates this point.
Truth #10: It is acceptable to question election results. In fact, it’s a necessity to maintain free and fair elections.
Despite the mass effort to challenge and silence anyone who questions election results, a willingness to question election outcomes is an important part of our democratic process. If we ever blindly accept election results without question, we will be lost. In the 2000 election, Vice President Al Gore fought the stated results all the way to the Supreme Court, finally conceding on December 13 only after the final court ruling. That was his right. You can’t dismiss a candidate’s right to use every legal means to contest an election. That’s an important safeguard. Likewise, Americans have a free speech right to express their opinion about an election. Hillary Clinton and her supporters were certainly vocal and not fact-checked into acquiescent silence about her belief that Russian collusion stole the 2016 election for Trump—even after a lengthy investigation proved otherwise. They had that free speech right to their opinion. It therefore should be acceptable to question the results of this most unusual 2020 election.
The Bottom Line: Nations that allow mass corruption in elections are at risk of permanently losing all liberties.
This is sad but self-evident. The risk of fraudulent elections is simply too great to “look the other way,” even once. It is a matter of national security. There should therefore be no rush to the expedient, “politically correct,” and patently false conclusion that there was not enough voter fraud in the 2020 election to affect the final results. Rather, we owe it to ourselves and our children to properly investigate and root out the fraud.


Kevin Freeman

Kevin D. Freeman, CFA, is the co-founder of, a group that is exposing and documenting fraud in the 2020 election. Freeman is also host of The Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman on BlazeTV, author of two bestselling books (Secret Weapon and Game Plan), and a Senior Fellow with the Center for Security Policy. Mr. Freeman, CFA, is the founder and CEO of Freeman Global Investment Counsel 

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Central Outreach and Advocacy Center Executive Admits to Registering Countless People Using Same Address in Georgia

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing the Executive Director for Atlanta’s Central Outreach and Advocacy Center (COAC), Kimberly Miller, admitting to the organization’s routine practice of registering homeless people to vote using the same address.
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Kimberly Miller, Central Outreach and Advocacy Center executive director: “So, the majority of the people we serve don’t have an address, so we allow them to use our address if they register to vote and to get Georgia State ID.”
  • Miller: “Because you have to have proof of residence, and so although we are not a shelter, we do allow them to use 201 Washington Street [Atlanta, Georgia].”
  • Miller: “So, I can’t even begin to tell you how many people have that address on their ID. We’ve never run into any problem with that until this election. One of our board members got wind that they thought we’re doing things not on the up and up because so many have the address, but we’ve not heard any repercussion from it since.”
  • Miller: “So, but it’s just a way to – I mean people have to have an address – the only way they can get ID, which you’ve gotta have to do anything else, is to have an address. So, we allow that. We’ve done that for years.”
  • Adam Seeley, Central Night Shelter board member: “A couple thousand people had our address registered as their mailing address for their voter registration.” 

You can watch the full video here:

How can the voters of Georgia trust this sort of election process?
Does Central Outreach and Advocacy Center take any steps to ensure that their address isn’t being abused in elections?
As you and I both know, a few thousand votes can make all the difference in the state.
EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

America’s Subversion Factor: The Cancer of Communism

“A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.” –  Benjamin Rush, Letter to David Ramsey
“Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” –  James Madison, Federalist Papers: No 10
“We are now forming a Republican form of government.  Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments…If we incline too much to democracy we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of a dictatorship.” –  Alexander Hamilton, Constitutional Convention

America is facing a conspiracy so deep that political leaders of every stripe, social and mainstream media, the judiciary and prosecutors, the entire US justice system and every power in DC acts as though nothing has happened.  And yes, they do it in such a matter-of-fact attitude that it’s easy to conclude they’re all in on the entire communist takeover of our country, and basically, they are…along with countless others who have infiltrated every facet of our federal, state and local governments.
January 20th will determine whether we are still a nation of laws or a corrupt, third-world banana republic where horse-race fixers tell the truth and politicians are the real scam artists.  It will determine whether voting in America will ever again be worth the effort.
In four years, we have failed to see true justice against those who worked for our highest law enforcement organizations and have openly spit in the face of the rule of law and remained free and working for mainstream media and communist promoting universities.  Others who were innocent were put through a grist mill of false charges and fraudulent set ups in order to get to the president who was hated for disrupting the communist takeover of our government.  We know who those innocents are and how they’ve suffered, and we know the enemies of freedom; they are communists and fascists.
Faces of Evil
Mottel Baleston wrote of how we view evil people as monsters.  He told of an incident in 1961 when Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer and chief overseer of the Holocaust was on trial in a courtroom after being kidnapped by Israeli agents from his hiding place in Argentina.  It was just 16 years after that horrible war and tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors were living in Israel.  Those who had witnessed Eichmann’s activities were called to testify in the courtroom where the defendant sat in a bulletproof glass enclosure.
As the witnesses were called forward to give their testimony, they had to pass by where Eichmann sat in his glass booth.  One man, a Holocaust survivor, when he was called forward, suddenly began to shake as he passed by Eichmann and then collapsed to the floor.
He quickly revived and was able to give his testimony, but afterward was asked why he collapsed.  Was it a recall of brutality, was it overwhelming fear, was he remembering Eichmann and some horror?  It was none of these things.  He had expected to see a monster of a man, someone who had to be restrained, someone capable of the brutal murder of millions.  That is what he was prepared for, but as he passed the glass enclosure, inside sat a small, pale, ordinary, quiet man who looked like a clerk.  The sudden realization that there exists within every ordinary person the capability for monstrous evil is what shocked the witness and caused his momentary collapse.
Evil comes with many faces, but none so demonic and ungodly as communism or fascism, the likes of which have murdered millions over the centuries.
God and Freedom
From the very inception of this great country, those who wished to destroy our God given freedoms recorded in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were planning America’s takeover and destruction.
James Madison himself, father of the Constitution, warned against convening a second constitutional convention. When he learned that New York and Virginia were actively calling for an Article V convention in 1788, just months after ratification of the 1787 Constitution, he was horrified. He counseled: “If a General Convention were to take place for the avowed and sole purpose of revising the Constitution, it would naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than the Congress…. It would consequently give greater agitation to the public mind; an election into it would be courted by the most violent partisans on both sides … [and] would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who, under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts … might have the dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric….”
Madison knew there were enemies of freedom at the very beginning of our country and trembled at the thought of a second convention.
Only 73 years later, 620,000 Americans died in the “Civil War,” a war fought for secession and freedom by the south over economics; it had nothing to do with slavery.  British slave trade was stopped in 1807 and its end in America was forthcoming as well it should have been.
Despite the fact that most American conservatives believe the war was fought over slavery, it is a falsehood promoted by Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity and others who have consistently agreed with liberals so as to refrain from being called “racists.”
The events surrounding the War Between the States were closely watched and commented on by both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. There were no less than sixty-one letters between Marx and Engels touching on the subject of the war; at least two memorials by Marx, one to President Lincoln, and one to his successor, President Andrew Johnson; and a host of letters from Marx to his socialist allies in the United States, including several to an officer in the Union Army.  Marx’ letter to Lincoln carried an address, beside that of Marx, the signatures of several prominent British trade unionists as well as French socialists and German social democrats.
Marx and Engels participated in the Civil War by serving as propaganda agents in the Northern cause in Europe.  Not only did Marx serve as a contributor to the American newspaper, the New York Daily Tribune, but also, he and Engels were contributors to several European newspapers.
In today’s politically correct environment, it is not uncommon to hear the south slandered with the very same falsehoods enunciated by Marx and Engels.  How many times has a Confederate flag, monument, holiday or hero been condemned or torn down because “the South fought for slavery…” a total lie from the very pit of God hating hell by communists?  Even soldiers who fought on both sides asked why the abolitionists were brought into the war.  Lincoln actually held the Emancipation Proclamation in his desk for six months to wait for the perfect opportunity to use it in January of 1863.  The vile statements by Lincoln about America’s indentured black men and women are never spoken.  (Lincoln’s Marxists by Al Benson, Jr. and Walter D. Kennedy)
Nevertheless, the evil of slavery, whether of black, brown, Irish, or other white souls, needed to be eliminated forever.  Yet, slavery continues today throughout countries led via communist totalitarian dictators, i.e., Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Nicolás Maduro, Miguel Díaz-Canel, etc.
The 1950s and 1960s

  1. Stanton Evans dismantled the myths surrounding Joe McCarthy in his explosive book, Blacklisted by History. Evans’ stunning revelations completely overturned the communist propaganda against this Senator who tried in vain to save America from communist infiltration, ultimate takeover and destruction. His book provides the first accurate account of what McCarthy did and more broadly, what happened to America during the Cold War. He showed what McCarthy’s short stay on the national stage was really about.

In the 1960s, along came the Weather Underground, promoting exactly what we’ve seen with the Marxist leadership of Black Lives Matter, many of whom were trained by members of the Weather Underground.  To these leaders and their followers, black lives haven’t mattered one iota when their businesses and incomes have been destroyed first by the dictatorial closing of small businesses over the Chinese virus and a second time by BLM and Antifa terrorists.
Bill Ayers, Weatherman Underground leader and Obama promoter said, “We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build the new society.”  America is truly under siege by rabid communist revolutionaries.  BLM has been joined by Antifa founded in 1932 Germany; they claimed they were against fascism but their goal is totalitarian communism.
2020 America
The 2016 election of Donald J. Trump upset the Democratic Socialist’s communist reset order. For four years, our president has been censored, castigated, chastised and lambasted by the left with false charges against him, his administration and even his family, but not one charge was valid.
Trump’s economy had to be destroyed.  Along comes China with a ready-made globalist bioweapon, initially studied at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but later ousted and sent to the bioweapon laboratory in Wuhan, China where study was funded by the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
VP Mike Pence as head of the Coronavirus Task Force, chose democrat Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Redfield to head up the team.  Fauci and his good friend, China spokesman, Dr. Tedros of the World Health Organization (WHO) used Covid-19 to convince President Trump that the economy should be shut down or over two million Americans would die.  That shutdown has destroyed America’s small businesses.  The democratic totalitarian despots ruling various states have continued their fascistic and autocratic edicts in the name of health safety, a lie from the very pit of communist hell.
I have no doubt that the democrats joined with China to destroy the magnificent American economy built by President Trump, in order to oust him from office in 2020.  When the Dominion voting machines showed Donald Trump as a landslide winner despite the economy, five states shut down the count and reopened after thousands upon thousands of mail-in ballots had been hand delivered for Biden, and Smartmatic software had switched Trump votes in these states to Biden.  Who gave the order to shut down the counting in all these states?  And where is the error-app that was always on the machines prior to 2020 and is now missing?  Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) tells us that election whistle blowers are being prosecuted in Texas.  For what?  For telling the truth?  Where is justice?  Where is the Rule of Law?
The Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) ballot-counting system used in 28 states during the election contained Chinese-made hardware components as well as the Smartmatic ballot software. Voter data was illegally transmitted to foreign countries and this led to the alleged seizure of a server by the U.S. military at the offices of Scytl in Frankfurt, Germany.  To date, we do not know if this seizure is real or fake news.
Since General Michael Flynn’s Pardon of Innocence by President Trump, he has been interviewed by various media.  His latest with Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch was one of the best, and the General told Tom that our country and her people have been massively abused by the seditious and treasonous acts of the FBI and CIA.

Had the General never departed the White House, the Mueller investigation likely would never have happened.  Senior officials in the US government and DOJ are bureaucrats who should be held accountable for corruption, but have never been charged.  Foreign and domestic countries, institutions and leaders no longer care if they are caught in sedition, treason and corruption.  Nothing happens to them even when their massive duplicity is exposed.
General Flynn stated, “Our electronic voting systems, and there were three that were used with Smartmatic software, Dominion, Election Systems and Software (ES and S) and Harp Enterprises, by law, are not supposed to be connected to the internet.  And… you’re not supposed to do software updates prior to an election, during the election, or after the election unless they’re recertified and that is legally done, I believe, 90 days prior to an election.”
He went on to say that they have factual evidence through forensic analysis of the electronic machines having IP addresses (Internet Protocol) which is an electronic handshake between one machine to another machine.  In some cases that other machine is a “server.” The investigative teams have IP servers that go to China, Serbia, Spain, Germany, Russia and Iran.  This is clear evidence that foreign countries interfered with and were involved in this fraudulent and treasonous election.
Unconstitutional (read that treasonous) actions were taken by states and counties that are outside our election process, yet federal judges and even the supreme court are not interested in making sure constitutional law regarding our elections was followed.
On December 31st Sidney Powell was interviewed by Gene Bailey on Flashpoint and told us as much as she could without jeopardizing their strategy, and what to expect next.  Listen to her important interview and fund her cause at
Tomorrow the electoral votes will be counted and despite the many republicans who have joined to object to the votes, I’m not sure this will change anything.  My vote, along with 74 to 80 million other votes for President Trump, was stolen by the treasonous communist revolutionaries in the Democrat Party.
When the 1787 Constitution was completed, Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight, “I agree to this Constitution … and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”
All of this went along with Franklin’s basic philosophy of sound government; namely, that no people can remain free if they become wicked and immoral. When a society decays to the point where people begin to fear for their lives and their property, the demands for a police state have always been inevitable.
When Ben Franklin was asked what type of government he’d given to America, he answered, “A Republic if you can keep it.”  Shall we or will the cancer of communism prevail?

Congressional GOP: Objections Sustained over Election Results

Joint sessions of Congress are usually perfunctory, formal events. But so far, nothing about Wednesday’s gathering of the House and Senate is shaping up to be ordinary. When the results of the Electoral College are presented to Congress, they’re usually certified without much controversy. That won’t be the case this year when more than 150 Republicans have vowed to take the loudest stand against election fraud in U.S. history.
Spurred on by stalwarts like Reps. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) — who’s been trying to stop the certification of the results in court — Republicans are determined to protest the electors’ final tally. As Brooks has insisted for weeks, there is “overwhelming” and “compelling” evidence of “serious voter fraud and election theft” that resulted in a Joe Biden win which he (and 39 percent of Americans) believe is suspect. “There are dozens in the House of Representatives who have reached that conclusion as I have,” he explained. “We’re going to sponsor and co-sponsor objections to the Electoral College vote returns of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and maybe more…”
Brooks, who was outspoken right out of the gate in November, has significant company now, as more than 140 House Republicans and a dozen GOP senators have pledged to join his cause. As constitutional scholars are quick to point out, if even a single member of the House and Senate object to certifying the votes, each chamber will be thrust into a formal debate on the Electoral College results. That’s just fine with Senators like Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who feel that 2020’s suspicious processes are too important to gloss over.
In a statement to his Republican colleagues, Hawley argued that “No one has mounted a substantive defense of the state law under which the November election was conducted… [N]o court has ruled on the merits of this question. These are very serious irregularities, on a very large scale, in a presidential election… I cannot,” he continued, “vote to certify the Electoral College results on January 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws,” Hawley declared.
At the very least, he urged, “Congress should investigate allegations of voter fraud and adopt measures to secure the integrity of our elections. But Congress has so far failed to act,” he said. “For these reasons, I will follow the same practice Democrat members of Congress have in years past and object during the certification process on January 6 to raise these critical issues.” Before the Left could raise a stink, the Missouri senator reminded liberals that they, too, have objected to Electoral College results — in 2004 and 2016.
This time around, the 12 GOP senators contend, the allegations about a rigged election are “widespread.” “That belief is held by Republicans (67 percent), Democrats (17 percent), and Independents (31 percent).” Unless an “emergency 10-day audit is completed” in every state, they agreed, a dozen Republicans (Marsha Blackburn, Tenn.; Mike Braun, Ind.; Cruz, Texas; Steve Daines, Mont.; Hawley, Mo.; Ron Johnson, Wisc.; John Kennedy, La.; James Lankford, Okla.; as well as Sen.-elects Bill Hagerty, Tenn.; Cynthia Lummis, Wy.; Roger Marshall, Kans.; and Tommy Tuberville, Ala.) will reject the College’s vote as not “lawfully certified.”
This isn’t about undermining the election, the senators argue. It’s about protecting future ones. Not every Republican has the stomach to do that, they recognize. But protecting Americans’ votes is the right thing to do. And thousands will be on hand in D.C. on Wednesday to cheer the conservatives on in one final stand — a rally to show support for Congress’s bravest.
At the end of the day, the results will come down to a lengthy debate and votes in Congress. If Republicans call the six questionable states on the carpet like they plan to, the whole process could take 24 hours — or more. Critics, like Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), say the whole idea is a waste of time because the GOP doesn’t have the House votes to win. But they miss the point. Winning isn’t as important as stopping Americans from losing their trust in democracy. And if that’s what’s on the table, then conservatives are doing something admirable: going down fighting.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.

In Georgia, 2020 Isn’t Finished Yet
Awoman’s Place Is in the House?
EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Integrity Group Sues Fulton County, Georgia Under New Constitutional Amendment

AMHERST, Va. /PRNewswire/ — The of the non-partisan Thomas More Society, an election integrity watchdog group, has filed litigation challenging Fulton County’s use of private monies to conduct election operations in both the 2020 general election and the January 5 Senate runoff elections.
The lawsuit takes advantage of a new constitutional amendment that waives sovereign immunity for local government entities in Georgia, which came into effect January 1.
The Amistad Project alleges that Fulton County illegally accepted over $10 million from a leftist organization called the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which is funded by $350 million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. The lawsuit also contends that the terms of the grants that Fulton County accepted further violated the law by giving votes cast in Fulton County an unfair advantage over votes cast in other parts of the state.
“The sanctity of our electoral process is being violated by the unprecedented infusion of private money,” said Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project. “Instead of being distributed equally, as the law requires, election funding is now being doled out by private interests seeking to influence the process for partisan advantage.”
The money Fulton County has accepted from CTCL is nearly equal to the amount the county received from public sources for the 2020 general election, and the Zuckerberg/CTCL money comes with significant strings attached. As has been detailed in other lawsuits filed all over the country, CTCL grants dictate details such as the number of polling places and absentee ballot drop boxes in recipient jurisdictions, and come with “clawback” provisions entitling CTCL to recoup the money if it is not spent in strict accordance with the group’s mandates.
According to the Amistad Project’s lawsuit, the CTCL money has also been used to facilitate illegal “curing” of flawed ballots while partisan election observers are being prevented from meaningfully observing the process.
Mark Zuckerberg and CTCL have created a two-tiered election system that benefits left-leaning urban areas at the expense of more-conservative parts of critical battleground states, skewing the results of our elections in favor of one political party,” Kline said. “Public elections are supposed to be just that — public — and we are asking the courts to restore order and enforce the law.”
Reference: Case # 6742649
©Thomas More Society. All rights reserved.

Ascent of the Killjoys

How did you like life in 2020 America? That’s an important question, because if the Dems’ blatant theft of our election is not overturned and Biden manages to lurch into office, 2020 will soon start looking good.
No one needs to be reminded of the tragedy of so many beloved small businesses closing permanently, or children being deprived of their normal school routines, or Americans locked out of their places of worship and of all manner of entertainment. It’s almost as it someone didn’t want us to have any fun—or any freedom. So let’s take a quick look at a few exhibits of the “Do as I say, not as I do” phenomenon during the Coronavirus lockdowns.
As you may recall, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was caught on surveillance video having her hair done in a salon that was closed to the public. Infuriated to have been filmed violating the state’s rules, Pelosi went on offense, calling out her attack dogs to hound the salon owner into shutting down her business and leaving town.
And then there’s Scarf Lady Deborah Birx, who’d been adjuring us to stay home and have a miserable, lonely Thanksgiving in order to, um…”stay safe,” while she traveled to Delaware to have Thanksgiving with her extended family. She was so taken aback by the flack she received from outraged Americans, that she’s retiring from the public stage. I count that as a win for We the People.
But Governor Newsom gets the prize for the most infuriating case of flouting Covid restrictions—since he ordered them! Gavin was caught hosting a lavish dinner party at one of the most exclusive restaurants in the country: The French Laundry. You can see him in a photo with some ten or twelve others, at a party for his chief lobbyist. Funny thing, in frank violation of his lockdown orders, the guests traveled quite a distance to get to the hideaway restaurant in the wine country’s sleepy town of Yountville. There was no “social distancing,” none of them wore masks, and they were from a number of different households mingling together – all of which liberties were forbidden for ordinary tax-paying Californians. But Newsom assured us that he’d thought the dinner—in a swank, private room with elegant chandeliers—was to be “outdoors” and that he and his wife paid for their meal. Whew! That should make it OK, right?
What makes Gavin’s jaunt all the more outrageous is that this dinner feted top lobbyists for…wait for it…the California Medical Association! These guys are surely Newsom’s partners-in-crime who can be counted on to provide a steady stream of fear-mongering faux “facts” the Governor can cite to rationalize whatever egregious abrogations of our rights he chooses to implement.
All three of these public officials came up with “excuses:” Pelosi claimed to have been “set up,” Newsom thought the $15,000 dinner was a picnic, and Birx said she traveled to Delaware because her parents had stopped eating—besides, she had to winterize the home. Well, that explains it!
But let me be clear: I’m not arguing that we should all tow the line, stay home, wear masks, forgo beauty salons and dining out—rather the opposite! We the People need to reclaim the aspects of normal life from the tyrants who’ve usurped them, and who now treat them as their unique privileges.
A pox on their New Normal!
The above are only a few examples of officials flouting the rules they inflict on the rest of us, and they are not flukes. “Hypocrites!” scream the incensed members of the public.
Beyond Hypocrisy
But I’d like to offer another explanation. There is an element of hypocrisy, yes—they clearly don’t believe it is dangerous to go maskless, or to travel, or to congregate with friends or families—that’s just a ruse they employ to control the public. But their behavior goes far beyond simple hypocrisy. When they continue to live the good life they’ve denied to the rest of us, they’re simply doing what dictators, members of Communist Politburos, and a host of other oligarchs do: they create two vastly disparate sets of rules. For themselves, it’s luxury, riches, multiple mansions, ill-gotten gains, do-what-you-like freedom. For the peasants, serfs, slaves, the captive populace—that’s us—it’s austerity, indefinite detention, shortages, life under oppression and governmental control, and general misery.
I don’t call that hypocrisy—I call it taking sadistic pleasure in causing others to suffer. It is the hallmark of Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and totalitarianism of all stripes. And now, thanks to a number of mostly Democrat Governors inflicting draconian lockdowns on their citizens, Americans are beginning to learn what tyranny tastes like, and why people from Socialist/Communist countries have so desperately yearned to flee to America—the erstwhile land of liberty and opportunity.
Socialism’s Dirty Little Secret
Many people have pointed out that the evil twins Socialism and Communism are to be avoided at all cost because they have never worked anywhere they’ve been tried. Just look at Venezuela. How about the former Soviet Union? East Germany under Communism? Cuba? North Korea? All failed states! Communism and Socialism just don’t work!
Well, once again, I beg to differ. I think they not only work, but work so well that the NWO globalist elites want to install them permanently. These top-down totalitarian systems just don’t work for ordinary people—you know, people like us—who want to live and let live, to be free to pursue their happiness.
This was Orwell’s point in his classic satiric fable Animal Farm, where the pigs engineer a “reset” on the farm, using a coup d’état to oust farmer Jones and then institute their socialist utopia. Sound familiar? It should.
The Animal Farm Utopia
In most schools, students read Orwell, but miss the point. As a private teacher who works with high school students, I like to give an assignment asking them to explain the difference between a utopia and a dystopia. Very few figure it out. Here comes the spoiler: they’re one and the same. But how can that be? Ask yourself this question: who gets to determine just what the utopia will be like? Those are the rulers/elites—Orwell’s pigs. And it is their utopia. At the same time, it is a hellish dystopia for everyone else.
And that is why I say Socialism and Communism work just fine, and exactly as intended. They just don’t work for We the People. They work for the elites who set them up in the first place. It is only the terminally naïve (AOC) or the conniving and unscrupulous (long list here, but let’s start with Kalumny Harris) who tell us that other nations got it wrong and they’ll get it right.
Why Trump’s Victory Is Our Last Best Hope
Why does this matter? Because our present-day facsimiles of Orwell’s pigs are attempting to oust President Trump and plunge America into a dystopia that will shock even the useful idiot Liberals who try so faithfully to be politically correct. They’ve been diligently kowtowing to BLM Communists, agreeing with all the propaganda that comes from on high including defunding the police who protect their families, letting their sons be castrated so they can pretend they’re girls, voting for politicians who support killing full-term babies—i.e. infanticide, etc. Shouldn’t they be rewarded for such a display of virtue and solidarity with the Progressive agenda?
They will be surprised when they’re treated just as Napoleon, the ruling pig, treated Boxer, the faithful, hardworking horse in Animal Farm. And in case you haven’t read, or don’t recall this powerful indictment of Communism by Orwell, a former Leftist, here’s the spoiler: Napoleon sends Boxer off to the glue factory.
America under Socialism/Communism as a vassal state of the New World Order is an ugly future to contemplate—but contemplate it we must, because this is exactly what’s at stake in our stolen election. The Democrats, Big Media, Big Tech, Chinese Communists, Never-Trumpers, RINOs, and the NWO globalist elites “voted” for Beijing Biden. The American people voted for Donald Trump. Either Trump remains in office as our duly elected President who won in a landslide, and the cheaters are indicted for felonies including sedition and, in some cases, high treason—or we’re going the way of all “successful” Socialist/Communist countries. In that case, move over, Venezuela.
© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.
RELATED VIDEO: BIDEN VS TRUMP – What’s Really at Stake on Jan. 20th?

Majority of House GOP Expected To Stand for Trump on Jan. 6

GOP Senators must stand with their constituents and the legitimacy of one person, one vote, or there is going to be a bloody revolution.

Majority of House GOP Expected To Stand for Trump on Jan. 6

The divide within the Republican Party on the issue of the 2020 election has never been more stark, as at least 140 House Republicans are expected to oppose counting the presidential electoral votes on Jan. 6, according to a CNN report.
By Cameron Arcand, The Western Journal, January 1, 2021:
As the House will still maintain a Democratic majority, and it appears most Republican senators are not planning to object to certifying the election, it is not likely to alter the presumed Joe Biden victory.

Numerous affidavits testifying to various types of election fraud have been filed in courts in several swing states.
These affidavits constitute evidence of fraud, but those allegations have yet to be proven by state courts, and the legal action remains ongoing.
This legal action motivated Sen. Josh Hawley to announce his objection to certifying the results, which will trigger a vote in both chambers of Congress.
As Business Insider reported, the Missouri Republican could be positioning himself for a 2024 presidential run — as any successful Republican candidate in the primaries will need some support from those who backed President Donald Trump.
“I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws,” Hawley said in a statement posted to Twitter.

As the action does not have the support of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who already recognized Biden as the president-elect, it is not likely to gain nearly enough traction in the Senate.

Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse has been the most vocal Republican voicing opposition to the effort to keep fighting the apparent election results.
In a statement posted to Facebook, Sasse lambasted the Trump campaign’s legal effort.
“[T]here are serious penalties for misleading a judge, and the president’s lawyers know that — and thus they have repeated almost none of the claims of grand voter fraud that the campaign spokespeople are screaming at their most zealous supporters,” he said. “So, here’s the heart of this whole thing: this isn’t really a legal strategy — it’s a fundraising strategy.”
So if the effort is expected to fail, how come there is such a sizable opposition to certifying Joe Biden’s apparent win in the House?
For one thing, while California Rep. Kevin McCarthy is a great minority leader, he does not hold the same power and influence over decision-making in the House that McConnell does in the Senate, and is thus not as capable of keeping his caucus in line one way or the other.
(It’s worth noting that McCarthy has neither publicly denounced nor praised the House Republicans who reportedly plan to challenge the Electoral College vote certification.)
Moreover, many House Republicans who believe the election was unfairly stolen from the president have nothing to lose by taking such controversial action, as they either represent heavily Republican districts or banked on Trump’s energy to win.
Loyalty to Trump is currency in some conservatives circles, so taking a stand over the election results puts some in safe territory for their political future.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Over 432,000 Votes Removed From President Trump in Pennsylvania, Data Scientists Say
Majority of House GOP Expected To Stand for Trump on Jan. 6
Congress Approves Rules Regulating Jan. 6 Electoral Vote Count
Former Director of National Intelligence Grenell: Trump in ‘Really Good Position’ for Electoral Vote Showdown
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.