Coal Hit Record Highs in 2021 thumbnail

Coal Hit Record Highs in 2021

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

China and India drive coal to record highs.

Reports of the death of coal are, to quote Mark Twain, “greatly exaggerated.”

In fact, the International Energy Agency (IEA) reveals that coal is having its best year ever, propelled by insatiable demand from China and India.

Read the IEA’s full “Coal 2021” report at

Here are a few eye-opening takeaways:

  • The price of coal more than doubled, hitting an all time high of $298 this fall, up from $81 last year
  • “Coal is the largest source of electricity generation”
  • Global coal power is “on course to increase by 9% to 10,350 terawatt-hours (TWh) – a new all-time high”
  • Coal is the “second largest source of primary energy”
  • China, which both produces and imports the most coal, increased its coal use another 9%
  • Chinese power accounts for “one-third of global coal consumption”
  • Chinese “overall coal use is more than half of the global total”
  • India, the number two coal user, increased coal 12%
  • “Global coal consumption is not on the Net Zero trajectory”

Click Here for a chart showing coal use by region with the IEA’s projections out to 2024

China and India value coal so highly that they worked together to scuttle tough anti-coal language at COP 26, the UN climate conference in Glasgow, prompting COP President Alok Sharma, MP, to issue a tear-filled apology.

While China and India ramp up their economies, the Biden Administration is strangling American energy production, crippling decades of work toward energy independence, and causing severe inflationary pressure.

Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (if that’s your thing) count for nothing with nations such as China and India eager to supply the goods we no longer manufacture… and expand their fossil fuel energy use as fast as their economies will allow.


Craig Rucker

Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why California’s Move to Ban Gas-Powered Generators [and Lawn Equipment] Could Leave Californians in the Dark thumbnail

Why California’s Move to Ban Gas-Powered Generators [and Lawn Equipment] Could Leave Californians in the Dark

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

California legislators have not only cut ties with reality—failing to see that they’re heading for ever more blackouts—they also want to cut their citizens’ last lifeline to reliable power when blackouts inevitably occur.

“Excuse me,” says your landscaper. “The mower’s out of juice. Mind if I plug in?” You look from the immobile machine to your half-cut lawn. “Outlet’s over there,” you tell him. “But let’s knock $20 off your fee? What are we up to now, 25 cents a kilowatt-hour?”

Welcome to the future. Welcome to California.

The state, committed to net-zero emissions by 2045, is moving to ban sales of gas-powered landscaping equipment as early as 2024. This is not the first attempt. Politicians tried and failed to do the same in 2003. Since then, though, more than half of homeowners in the state have swapped out their consumer-grade equipment for “zero emission equipment” (ZEE), meaning, battery-powered weed whackers, leaf blowers, hedge clippers, chainsaws, and even lawn mowers.

Many make the switch because, although lower-powered and less reliable (do batteries ever die at the right time?), battery-powered equipment is less noisy. That’s what prompted Mayor Stewart Welch of Mountain Brook, Alabama to begin switching his town’s tools over to electric. The bellow of leaf blowers disturbed his tennis game with a friend who, as chance would have it, had previously complained about the town’s noisy equipment. The city has spent $18,000 over the last year outfitting its public works crew with electric trimmers, blowers, and more.

According to Stanley Black & Decker, sales of the company’s electric yard equipment jumped 75 percent between 2015 and 2020. But, although lots of people are making the switch of their own accord, they’re not doing it fast enough, according to California’s legislative assembly.

The biggest holdouts are those who do landscaping for a living, and for good reason. I searched Husqavarna’s site high and low for battery run time info for its 550iBTX, which one landscaper reviewed as “The best electric blower on the market.” For $469? Not bad, I thought. After lots of web searching about the battery, I gave up and contacted support. Turns out, it does not come with one. The lowest-priced option will cost landscapers an extra $300 and lasts between thirty and sixty minutes. The one the associate recommended, though, costs $969 (yes, more than double the cost of the blower) and “lasts up to 3.5 hours,” he told me. That’s if you run it in “normal” mode, which is half the power of Husqavarna’s $459 gas blower; boost mode saps the power faster and is about 33 percent less powerful than the gas blower.

Some landscapers make electric work, and not just those whose equipment is paid for by taxpayers, as in Mountain Brook. Chris Regis, owner of Florida-based lawn care company Suntek, is able to charge customers between 10 and 20 percent more for all-electric lawn care. He says, “There are people who don’t care and say, ‘I just don’t want the noise.’” All power to them. That’s exactly how free markets work.

Given the numbers above, though, it would take a lot of lawns to make up one’s initial investment with only a 10 or 20 percent upcharge. But Regis’s investment is far greater. He has outfitted the company’s vans with solar panels for recharging batteries on the go—each van costing about $100,000. Reflecting on how much longer the same work now takes him, Jimi Layne of Mountain Brook’s crew asked, “Are we looking at dollars and cents?”

That’s an even more pertinent question in California, where energy prices are the highest in the continental US. (23.11 cents per kilowatt-hour, as of June 2021). Gas is more expensive there, too, in large part because of penalizing policies, but researchers predict electricity prices can only rise in the golden state, thanks to a host of factors. Prices are high, in part, because the size of the state increases transmission costs, as do wildfires on mismanaged public lands that have knocked out critical infrastructure, requiring replacement.

But the biggest contributor to high prices is the state’s push to adopt wind and solar, which require big upfront investments but nonetheless necessitate a reliable backup for when the sun’s not shining and the wind’s not blowing.

This problem came to the fore in 2020 when, for two days, California’s three big energy companies instituted rolling blackouts across the state because the grid could not meet demand. It was a self-inflicted wound. Given the state’s environmental restrictions, many coal-fired power plants are being decommissioned, and thanks to irrational fears, they’re not being replaced with clean, reliable nuclear energy, either.

Instead, taxpayers are being forced to subsidize massive investments in “renewables,” and power companies make up much of the state’s inevitable shortfalls by buying energy from more reliable, fossil-fuel plants in neighboring states. Unfortunately for Californians, on August 14, 2020, when the sun set and solar farms went offline, these companies realized they had miscalculated how big that shortfall would be. Western states were in the grip of a heat wave, and as Californians reached for the AC dials, they lost power altogether.

Losing power is no minor inconvenience, particularly when you live in what is naturally a desert, and especially when it’s more than 100 degrees outside. It’s not just that people can’t charge their Teslas or their ZEE mowers. One 2020 study concluded that more than 5,500 Americans lose their lives due to extreme heat annually. Climate-related deaths are a key indicator of low climate resilience, the ability of a locale to deal with extreme temperatures and weather. And, of course, climate resilience is directly dependent on plentiful, affordable, reliable energy.

But, increasingly, that is what California is doing away with in favor of expensive, unreliable energy. Unsurprisingly, the poor suffer the most. Research done in 2020 shows that many in Los Angeles can’t afford air conditioners, and many who have them can’t afford to run them because electricity prices are so high. In fact, accounting for cost of living, California has the highest poverty rate in the country, in large part because energy prices are so high. This, not in spite of the state’s adoption of “cheap” and “reliable” renewables, but because of it—because solar and wind are not cheap nor reliable and require a backup that is.

Yet, with startling shortsightedness, the state assembly has sent Governor Gavin Newsom a bill that will effectively eliminate a go-to backup: gas-powered generators. The bill (AB-1346) lumps gas-powered generators in with the offending landscaping equipment and all other “small off-road engines,” referring to them as SOREs. It “encourages” the California Air Resources Board (the state’s own sort of EPA) to “adopt cost-effective and technologically feasible regulations to prohibit engine exhaust and evaporative emissions from new small off-road engines” and to consider “expected availability of zero-emission generators.”

Such generators do exist, but they are far more expensive, generate far less power, and most need to be recharged after just a few hours. Consider the GOAL ZERO YETI 3000X. It costs $3,400, and an additional $250 kit enables you to use it as a battery backup for your home. After all that, you can power a single refrigerator for less than 2.5 days, and that of course drops if you want to power, say, a few lightbulbs. By contrast, a Duromax XP10000HX can power your whole home—lights, appliances, and A/C system—continuously, running on either gasoline or propane, and it costs $1,400.

When the power went out last August, says Collin Blackwell of Eldorado Hills, California, “We went out and bought an $800 generator, so that way we could have the fridge powered up in the garage at least and be able to have food and everything in the house.” Mark Galloway of Cameron Park said he lives in a mountain community where losing power is fairly common. “You should have something, so having the backup generator and things like that—I think it’s on you to really take care of that,” he said. “It’s not like it’s something that you can’t plan for.”

But, if AB-1346 is signed into law, going out and buying an $800 generator will no longer be an option.

California legislators have not only cut ties with reality—failing to see that they’re heading for ever more blackouts—they also want to cut their citizens’ last lifeline to reliable power when these blackouts inevitably occur. California is committing energy suicide, and given that people rely on energy for just about everything, we shouldn’t be surprised by the toll this will take on human life.


Jon Hersey

Jon Hersey is managing editor of The Objective Standard, fellow and instructor at Objective Standard Institute, and Hazlitt fellow at Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars: Is the Conventional Wisdom Wrong? thumbnail

Electric Cars vs. Gas Cars: Is the Conventional Wisdom Wrong?

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

What rings true intuitively isn’t always backed up by the numbers.

Joe Biden, the current front-runner of the Democratic 2020 field, promises the return of electric vehicle (EV) tax credits. The presidential candidate says that “a key barrier to further deployment of these greenhouse-gas reducing vehicles is the lack of charging stations and coordination across all levels of government.” Biden wants 500,000 new charging stations by the end of 2030, thereby incentivizing the use of electric cars beyond the advantages given when buying them.

As it stands—and depending on the state in which the car is bought and withholding the individual tax situation of the buyer—some people can save up to $10,000 on a new Tesla thanks to this tax incentive.

This policy introduced under the Obama administration had the intention of promoting electric vehicles in order to reduce carbon emissions, but what happened in the countries that eliminated the tax credits tells a different story. When Denmark got rid of its tax credits for electric vehicles, Tesla’s sales dropped by 94 percent. In Hong Kong, the company saw a decline of 95 percent as the city got rid of comparable tax advantages for those buying electric cars.

According to Biden, that is because the right user incentives aren’t there, notably charging stations. However, the countries involved have considerably more charging stations than the US: Denmark has 443 charging stations in its capital Copenhagen, as well as over 500 more across the rest of the country. As for Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post reports:

The move [Tesla opening a super-charging car park in Hong Kong] followed the opening of Tesla’s first supercharger station – which can fully charge a Tesla in just 75 minutes […]. Currently there are 92 Tesla superchargers at 21 supercharger stations, with more than 400 public and shared charging points.

Clearly, the question of EV is not one of convenience but of price.

Norway has the largest fleet of electric vehicles in the world, making up 60 percent of all new sales this year. Reporting on the story, NPR writes that “10,732 [sold cars] were rated with zero emissions.”

The Institute of Transport Economics at the Norwegian Center for Transport Research lays out the ambition of carbon dioxide reduction through electric mobility.

For these vehicles a massive transition to electric engines can result in an up to a 97 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions and up to 76 per cent reduction in energy use per transport unit.

Adding to that, over 95 percent of Norway’s electricity comes from hydropower, of which 90 percent is publicly owned. That does not come without its downsides. As electricity consumption increases in Norway, the sector is unable to keep up. Last year, lack of rainfall and low wind speed exploded Norwegian electricity prices to the level of Germany (which is still in the process of phasing out nuclear energy). Norway then resorted to coal power, and as fossil fuel power imports exceeded energy export, Norway has actually seen an increase in CO2 emissions.

This is despite the fact that Norway’s climate and geography make it ideal for the production of renewables, which is not the case for every state in the US. However, electricity production is only half the story of EV.

Electric vehicle batteries need a multitude of resources to be manufactured. In the case of cobalt, the World Economic Forum has called out the extraction conditions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where more than half of the world’s cobalt comes from. Miners as young as seven years are suffering from chronic lung disease from exposure to cobalt dust. Not only does battery manufacturing account for 60 percent of the world’s cobalt use, but there are also no good solutions to replace it, which is something Elon Musk is struggling with.

This does not even address the extraction procedures, complications, ethical conditions, and emissions produced by the need for aluminum, manganese, nickel, graphite, and lithium carbonate.

With a European market estimated to reach a total of 1,200 gigawatt-hours per year, which is enough for 80 gigafactories with an average capacity of 15 gigawatt-hours per year, that need is set to increase exponentially.

The renowned German research institute IFO declared the eco-balance of diesel-powered vehicles to be superior to electric vehicles in a study released in April.

We know from the US Department of Energy that the average fuel economy of cars more than doubled from 1975 to 2018. Fuel economy is increasing while horsepower has also increased exponentially, making cars both cleaner and faster. In 2017, the average estimated real-world CO2 emission rate for all new vehicles fell by 3 grams per mile (g/mi) to 357 g/mi, the lowest level ever measured. View the Real-World Economy (MPG) and Real-World CO2 Emissions Chart (g/mi).

It doesn’t even matter which car brand you feel loyal to since all brands have made comparable improvements. View the Fuel Economy vs. CO2 Emissions Chart.

No wonder: As much as consumers might care about CO2 emissions, they are even more price-sensitive. Even those consumers who aren’t will eventually be swayed when they find out their car brand is costing them comparably excruciating amounts in fuel.

Electric cars won’t be the one-size-fits-all solution to our current transportation challenges—at least not for the foreseeable future. As both technologies have up-and downsides, we need to consider what innovation can realistically achieve before we make calls for bans or rushed replacements.


Bill Wirtz

Bill Wirtz is a Young Voices Advocate and a FEE Eugene S. Thorpe Fellow. His work has been featured in several outlets, including Newsweek, Rare, RealClear, CityAM, Le Monde and Le Figaro. He also works as a Policy Analyst for the Consumer Choice Center. Learn more about him at his website.


Last we heard we had only 12 years to extinction. Suddenly the goalposts have been moved to 50 years. No explanation for the change! Undoubtedly in 50 years they will be moved again. This is climate policy, bartender style!

— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) December 21, 2021

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections thumbnail

THE MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections

By John Droz, Jr.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Lots of really interesting material in this issue, but particularly note the red items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

COVID-19 — Therapies:

*** Now we know why the establishment has always opposed early treatment

*** Dr. McCullough Describes ‘Sinister Ways’ Doctors Worldwide Are Restricted From Treating COVID Patients

*** Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations, Mortality In Half After Implementing Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine

NY Times Reports that Merck COVID-19 Drug Can Mutate DNA, Cause Birth Defects and Male Infertility

Report Update: The FDA COVID-19 Drug Approval Process: Remdesivir vs Ivermectin

Ivermectin Fans Have a New Champion to Root for – 3CL Protease Inhibitor Tollovid

COVID-19 — Injections for Children:

*** 16,000 Physicians and Scientists Agree Kids Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine

*** Over 15,000 Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus on Vaccinating Children and Natural Immunity

Dr. Robert Malone, Advises All Parents Strongly Against Vaccinating Children with COVID Injections

Israeli Public Emergency Council Position Paper: COVID-19 Vaccine for Children

COVID-19 — Injections vs Acquired Immunity:

*** 137 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to COVID-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted

*** Rep Jordan Urges CDC To Do A Natural Immunity/Vaccine Study

Study: Acquired immunity is superior to injection immunity (also here)

Study: Vaccinated people have 600% higher risk of COVID-19 infection compared to those with natural immunity

COVID-19 — Injections (Other):

*** Pfizer COVID-19 Inoculations: “More Harm Than Good”

*** Japan Places Warning on COVID ‘Vaccines’

CDC now recommends avoiding Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine

160,000 Adverse Reactions from Early Pfizer COVID Vaccine Rollout

90% of all “COVID” deaths since August occurred in fully vaccinated

Study: Increased risk for COVID-19 breakthrough infection in fully vaccinated patients with substance use disorders

Study: COVID-19 vaccines drop below zero efficacy on spread by about 200 days

Study: The Pfizer mRNA vaccine: pharmacokinetics and toxicity

Study: COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk

Could Immune System Erosion be Connected to the Injection?

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – The COVID vaccines were designed to fail

COVID-19 — Injection Mandatess:

*** Powerful, short video about an acclaimed nurse being terminated

*** 37 Studies on Vaccine Efficacy that Raise Doubts on Vaccine Mandates

*** Forcing People Into COVID Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Information

*** The Supreme Court’s New York State vax mandate ruling: A missed opportunity

Americans increasingly refuse to obey mandates in the name of fighting COVID

Defeat The Mandates DC March: January 23rd

NYS Bill Proposing Covid Concentration Camps

Mandatory vaccination spells the violent end of European liberalism

US Mega-Corporations Rush to Abandon Illegal Vax Mandates

As Many as 123,000 UK Healthcare Staff May Resign Rather Than Take the Jab

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Fail the Jacobson Test

Supreme Court Declines Emergency Relief for NY Health Care Workers

Austrians age 14 and over who refuse Covid vaccines will be fined £1,000 per month

Military Members Seek New Injunction Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

UK Gov’t admits there are 23.5 Million unvaccinated people in England

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

*** The Science and Ethics Regarding the Risk Posed by Non-Vaccinated Individuals

*** CDC Admits That “Fully Vaccinated” Americans Are Super-Spreaders Carrying Deadly Variants And High Viral Loads

Virologist: Fully vaccinated are a major source of COVID virus transmission

Scotland: Vaccinated account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths over the past 4 months

Some recent Pfizer Documents

COVID-19 — Omicron:

*** CDC: Most Reported US Omicron Cases Have been with the Fully Vaccinated

*** CDC Admits Omicron Spread Almost Entirely By The Vaccinated

*** Dr. Campbell: Optimize your immune system for Omicron!

Dr. Campbell: Omicron Predictions

Dr. Cambell: First Omicron Science

Danish Report on Omicron (see table 4)

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** Dr. Ben Carson: Pandemic Could Be Solved Quickly If Politics Thrown Out

*** The Medical Profession Implodes

*** Dr. Meyer’s COVID-19 Preparation Toolkit

*** Robert Kennedy Jr.: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The Wuhan Lab Research

*** The pandemic will end when the digital monetary system is in place

Emails Expose How Dr Fauci And Mark Zuckerberg Colluded To Impose Control Over Pandemic Narrative

As International Trials Begin Against the Globalists Will a Return to Public Executions be Necessary?

Report: SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England

Efficacy, Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Health Care: The Need for an Agreement to Clarify its Meaning

‘Follow the Science’ a Potent Source of Authority for Politicians

Oregon Coming Through Exactly as Predicted — and It’s Bad for All of Us

Maskerade: Some Facts about Masks

Greed Energy Economics:

Industrial Wind Turbines Once Again are Up to Their Old Tricks

California To Slash Rooftop Solar Subsidies, Add New Fees

Wind & Solar Energy:

Green Energy Push Is Contributing To Forced Labor, Slavery

Offshore wind project go-ahead ‘will be disastrous’ for already-struggling seabirds

Nuclear Energy:

Is nuclear energy green? France and Germany lead opposing camps.

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Report: Fossil fuels for China, Decarbonization for everyone else

Biden’s New “Regressive” Methane Tax Will Raise Average American’s Gas Bill By 17%

Kawasaki to build industrial scale H2-capable gas turbines in Germany

California imported crude oil ranks as a major emissions generator

Global Coal Power Demand On Track For Record As Green Energy Transition Crumbles

Misc Energy:

Rush to green hydrogen masks mammoth plans to wood-chip the forests

Electric Batteries Are Not Emissions Free

Manmade Global Warming — Recent US Tornadoes:

Tornados Ravaged the South and Liberal America’s Reaction was Insanely Predictable

Short video: Kentucky Tornadoes, Climate Change and Pressure Systems

Meteorologist responds with data after Biden blames climate change for tornados

Tornado Tall Tales Being Spun Off Tragedy by Biden

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Russia opposes linking climate and security issues at the UN (kudos to them!)

Does the CCP (China) control Extinction Rebellion?

Climate Dogma Killed Biden’s “Build Back Better”

Fossil fuels are not to blame for world’s climate issues

The East Slams the West’s Climate ‘Colonialism’

The Real Climate Crisis Isn’t What We’re Told; It’s Worse!

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** Heritage: Election Integrity Scorecard

*** The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged

Sinema pops Democrats’ filibuster trial balloon on voting rights

Senator Rubio Introduces Bill to Prohibit Foreign Citizens from Voting

New IRS Disclosures Confirm Flood of Private Money to Elections Offices from Zuckerberg Grantee

Legal Policy Focus: The Voting Rights Act

US Election — State Issues:

Whistleblower Claims 35,000 Votes Were Added To Democrat Totals In Pima County’s (Arizona) 2020 Election

PIMA County (Arizona) Election Integrity Hearing

US Politics and Socialism:

Whose fault is it that America is descending into Third World status?

Drifting Toward a Catastrophic American Defeat

The anti-American agenda of President Biden’s nominees

Other US Politics and Related:

Joe Manchin in talks with Republicans on filibuster reforms

How Government Bureaucracy and Media Wokeness Led to January 6

How the States Can Reform Health Care

DC Bar Restores Convicted FBI Russiagate Forger to ‘Good Standing’

Religion Related:

Anti-Christian hate crimes in Germany increased by nearly 150% in 2020

Education Related:

Three Ways to Teach Students How – Not What – to Think

Universities Have Forgotten Their Purpose: Pursuing the Contemplative Life

Harvard waives ACT, SAT admission requirement for graduating classes through 2030

The malicious, historically illiterate 1619 Project keeps rolling on

Science and Misc Matters:

*** Short video: The Government Just Took Away YOUR FREEDOM

All-Out Defense of “Chinese-Style Democracy” Exposes Cracks in Xi Jinping’s Armor

Video: Digital Book Burning and the Degradation of the Scientific Culture

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2021; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

How CO2 Supply Chain Mayhem Almost Caused a Meat Shortage in Britain thumbnail

How CO2 Supply Chain Mayhem Almost Caused a Meat Shortage in Britain

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

In recent months, many of us have faced empty shelves, long lines, and frustrating delays as supply chains have seized up around the country, and indeed the world. Some have argued that the government should step in to fix these issues, blaming the problems on “corporate greed” and “the free market”. But while it may be tempting to blame private companies for our current woes and see the government as the savior, the reality is not that simple. Indeed, far from being the solution, government intervention in the market is arguably the primary cause of these problems in the first place.

A good case study for this issue is Great Britain. Back in September, the nation’s supply chain issues got so bad that they almost had major disruptions in their food supply. The UK government has been intervening in an attempt to fix the problems in the short run, but the situation is still extremely precarious.

So who is responsible for these issues? Well, let’s follow the supply chain link-by-link and see if it can lead us to the culprit.

The immediate problem that food producers are facing is a shortage of food-grade carbon dioxide (CO2). The meat industry is particularly affected by this shortage, since CO2 is used in many meat production processes. But aside from that, the gas also plays a key role in modified atmosphere packaging, which is used to prolong the shelf life of many food products. It’s also used in carbonated drinks (hence the name) like beer and soda, and in its solid form as dry ice it is used to keep fresh food cool during transportation.

Why is there a shortage of CO2? Well, most food-grade CO2 comes from fertilizer plants, because CO2 is a byproduct of the fertilizer manufacturing process. These plants, however, have been producing far less CO2 than normal. So to understand why there’s so little CO2, we need to investigate the fertilizer plants. This brings us to the next link in the chain.

Two of the biggest fertilizer plants in the UK are owned by a company called CF Industries. Together, they normally produce about 60 percent of the UK’s food-grade CO2. However, these plants were actually shut down for a large part of September, which drastically reduced the UK’s CO2 production.

The reason they were shut down is because natural gas, an essential part of the fertilizer process, has been very expensive in recent months. With the price of this key input so high, it was actually uneconomical for the plants to operate, so they decided to shut down temporarily in hopes of restarting their operations once the price of natural gas came back down. But why is natural gas suddenly so expensive? This brings us to the third link in the chain.

First, to say that natural gas prices are high in Britain is really quite the understatement. According to Industry group Oil & Gas UK, wholesale prices for gas in September were up 250 percent since January, and had increased 70 percent since August. As one UK energy CEO remarked, this is “the most extreme energy market in decades.”

So what’s causing the high prices? A number of factors. High global demand has played a role, especially since roughly 60 percent of the UK’s natural gas supply is imported. Lower solar and wind output have also been factors, as well as outages at some nuclear stations. The cold winter in 2020 also resulted in depleted stocks (since people use natural gas to heat their homes), and several gas platforms in the North Sea have closed to perform maintenance that was paused because of the COVID-19 lockdowns.

But one of the biggest sources of price volatility is the dearth of natural gas storage facilities in the UK.

“The UK currently has very modest amounts of storage, less than 6% of annual demand.” writes Michael Bradshaw, a Professor of Global Energy at the University of Warwick. “In Germany, France, and Italy, storage covers about 20% of annual demand,” he continues for context. Another report noted that the UK has enough storage to last for about 7 days, whereas Germany and France have roughly 90 days of storage.

While storage is far from the only factor affecting natural gas prices, it certainly plays a significant role. But why does Britain have so little storage capacity? This brings us to the final link in the chain.

One of the reasons for Britain’s low storage capacity is that a storage facility called Rough, which used to provide a significant percentage of the UKs natural gas storage, was decommissioned in 2017 as a result of age-related deterioration.

Industry leaders were concerned about the resulting lack of storage at the time, and have been warning about the issue ever since.

“Rough makes up an impressive 70% of the UK’s storage working gas volume,” Timera Energy noted back in 2017, when permanent closure was still being deliberated. “This can be contrasted with Rough’s contribution to the UK’s daily deliverability, at around 25%. And it is the deliverability that the UK market will miss most.”

They go on to explicitly discuss the likely impact of the closure on the price of natural gas. “The loss of deliverability should boost spot price volatility as it reduces the buffer of supply flexibility available to respond to swings in daily demand…The loss of working gas volume is likely to mean that supply shocks…have a sharper and more prolonged price impact.”

The need for more storage was reiterated in 2019 by another industry leader named InfraStrata Plc. “There is more demand in the market than we can satisfy,” said John Wood, the CEO of InfraStrata. “The market in the U.K. is sending out strong economic signals for additional gas storage capacity.”

So why wasn’t more storage built? Well, as it turns out, natural gas storage is taxed and regulated very heavily in the UK, much more so than other industries. Indeed, one of the largest gas storage operators in the country, called Storengy, explicitly called attention to these problems back in 2018, pointing out the “punitive” and “extortionate” tax levels that are applied to storage facilities as well as the numerous regulations that burden the industry.

As a result of these barriers, many potential storage projects have remained on the shelf, since they are prohibitively expensive in the current business environment. Thus, even though the demand is clearly there, the market has been unable to meet it, because taxes and regulations have severely crippled the industry.

This analysis is hardly exhaustive, of course. But at least with respect to the storage issue, it seems clear that government intervention in the market is the primary cause of the food supply chain disruptions.

One of the interesting things about this story is how it highlights the plethora of people, items, and systems that work together to keep our grocery shelves full. First, we discovered that food producers rely on CO2. That led us to investigate fertilizer plants and the crazy natural gas market, and then from there we explored natural gas storage and learned about the many ways that government intervention has been crippling that industry. Of course, most people wouldn’t intuitively connect gas storage regulations with food availability, but the rippling unintended consequences of these policies are very real nonetheless.

In his famous essay “I, Pencil,” Leonard Read similarly draws attention to the “innumerable antecedents” of everyday items, such as the seemingly simple lead pencil.

“Just as you cannot trace your family tree back very far, so is it impossible for me to name and explain all my antecedents,” Read wrote, speaking as the pencil. He goes on to discuss some of the many ancestors of the pencil, the people and things that went into producing it, and he points out how they all depend on one another. Indeed, you can’t mess with the trucking industry without impacting the production of pencils, just as you can’t mess with natural gas storage without impacting food supplies.

With that said, trucking and natural gas are not only ancestors of pencils and food. They are also ancestors of many other products, and this leads to an important insight. In reality, it’s actually somewhat misleading to speak of supply chains, as if the economy consisted of independent, linear processes. The economy is much more accurately characterized as one giant supply web, a multiplicity of interconnected processes that all depend on each other in various ways.

With this in mind, it quickly becomes apparent why interfering with the economy can be so dangerous. When the government breaks one part of the web, they aren’t just impacting one chain, they are creating countless unintended consequences, many of which are impossible to foresee.

If we’re lucky, those consequences will only lead to higher prices. If we’re not so lucky, empty grocery shelves await.

To address the looming crisis, the UK government ended up bailing out CF Industries, the company that owns the fertilizer plants. The deal, which was finalized on September 21, resulted in one of the two plants resuming operations, with the UK government providing “limited financial support,” which the Environment Secretary later clarified was “going to be into many millions, possibly the tens of millions [of euros].”

Since then, the government has brokered a deal between CF Industries and its CO2 buyers. Though the details are unclear, the government seems to be involved in setting the price of CO2, which would constitute even more intervention in the market.

But intervention is not the solution here. When governments intervene, they inevitably distort price signals, leading to increasingly inefficient outcomes. The real solution is for the government to stop causing the problem in the first place by removing the taxes and regulations that are standing in the way of the natural gas storage market.

Granted, it will take some time before the storage market can adjust, but even in the interim, the best way to address these problems is to let markets and prices do their thing.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Gas Prices up 55% Since December 2020 thumbnail

U.S. Gas Prices up 55% Since December 2020

By The Geller Report

U.S. Gas Prices up 55% Since December 2020 – Dr. Rich Swier

Copyright © 2021 LLC. A Florida Cooperation. All rights reserved. The is a not-for-profit news forum for intelligent Conservative commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own. Republishing of columns on this website requires the permission of both the author and editor. For more information contact:

Electric Batteries Are Not Emissions Free thumbnail

Electric Batteries Are Not Emissions Free

By Royal A. Brown III

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” – John F. Kennedy

The below article is a WOW factor one and should be required reading in every High School Science class.  Batteries are not emissions free and certainly contribute to so called “Climate Change” yet activists who push the persistent, persuasive and unrealistic myths of Climate Change are also advocates for “alternative power sources” including solar, wind and battery powered devices like all electric cars.

By Bruce Haedrich

When I saw the title of this lecture, especially with the picture of the scantily clad model, I couldn’t resist attending. The packed auditorium was abuzz with questions about the address; nobody seemed to know what to expect. The only hint was a large aluminum block sitting on a sturdy table on the stage.  When the crowd settled down, a scholarly-looking man walked out and put his hand on the shiny block, “Good evening,” he said, “I am here to introduce NMC532-X,” and he patted the block, “we call him NM for short,” and the man smiled proudly.

“NM is a typical electric vehicle (EV) car battery in every way except one; we programmed him to send signals of the internal movements of his electrons when charging, discharging, and in several other conditions. We wanted to know what it feels like to be a battery. We don’t know how it happened, but NM began to talk after we downloaded the program.

Despite this ability, we put him in a car for a year and then asked him if he’d like to do presentations about batteries. He readily agreed on the condition he could say whatever he wanted. We thought that was fine, and so, without further ado, I’ll turn the floor over to NM,” the man turned and walked off the stage..

“Good evening,” NM said. He had a slightly affected accent, and when he spoke, he lit up in different colors. “That cheeky woman on the marquee was my idea,” he said. “Were she not there, along with ‘naked’ in the title, I’d likely be speaking to an empty auditorium! I also had them add ‘shocking’ because it’s a favorite word amongst us batteries.” He flashed a light blue color as he laughed. “Sorry,” NM giggled then continued, “three days ago, at the start of my last lecture, three people walked out. I suppose they were disappointed there would be no dancing girls.

But here is what I noticed about them. One was wearing a battery-powered hearing aid, one tapped on his battery-powered cell phone as he left, and a third got into his car, which would not start without a battery. So, I’d like you to think about your day for a moment; how many batteries do you rely on?”

He paused for a full minute which gave us time to count our batteries.  Then he went on, “Now, it is not elementary to ask, ‘what is a battery?’ I think Tesla said it best when they called us Energy Storage Systems. That’s important. We do not make electricity – we store electricity produced elsewhere, primarily by coal, uranium, natural gas-powered plants, or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a zero-emission vehicle is not at all valid. Also, since forty percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is from coal-fired plants, it follows that forty percent of the EVs on the road are coal-powered, n’est-ce pas?”

He flashed blue again. “Einstein’s formula, E=MC2, tells us it takes the same amount of energy to move a five-thousand-pound gasoline-driven automobile a mile as it does an electric one. The only question again is what produces the power? To reiterate, it does not come from the battery; the battery is only the storage device, like a gas tank in a car.”

He lit up red when he said that, and I sensed he was smiling. Then he continued in blue and orange. “Mr. Elkay introduced me as NMC532. If I were the battery from your computer mouse, Elkay would introduce me as double-A, if from your cell phone as CR2032, and so on. We batteries all have the same name depending on our design. By the way, the ‘X’ in my name stands for ‘experimental..’

There are two orders of batteries, rechargeable, and single use. The most common single-use batteries are A, AA, AAA, C, D. 9V, and lantern types. Those dry-cell species use zinc, manganese, lithium, silver oxide, or zinc and carbon to store electricity chemically. Please note they all contain toxic, heavy metals.  Rechargeable batteries only differ in their internal materials, usually lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide, and nickel-cadmium.

The United States uses three billion of these two battery types a year, and most are not recycled; they end up in landfills. California is the only state which requires all batteries be recycled. If you throw your small, used batteries in the trash, here is what happens to them.

All batteries are self-discharging. That means even when not in use, they leak tiny amounts of energy. You have likely ruined a flashlight or two from an old, ruptured battery. When a battery runs down and can no longer power a toy or light, you think of it as dead; well, it is not. It continues to leak small amounts of electricity. As the chemicals inside it run out, pressure builds inside the battery’s metal casing, and eventually, it cracks. The metals left inside then ooze out. The ooze in your ruined flashlight is toxic, and so is the ooze that will inevitably leak from every battery in a landfill. All batteries eventually rupture; it just takes rechargeable batteries longer to end up in the landfill.

In addition to dry cell batteries, there are also wet cell ones used in automobiles, boats, and motorcycles. The good thing about those is, ninety percent of them are recycled. Unfortunately, we do not yet know how to recycle batteries like me or care to dispose of single-use ones properly.

But that is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and windmills and solar panels. These three technologies share what we call environmentally destructive embedded costs.”

NM got redder as he spoke. “Everything manufactured has two costs associated with it, embedded costs and operating costs. I will explain embedded costs using a can of baked beans as my subject.

In this scenario, baked beans are on sale, so you jump in your car and head for the grocery store. Sure enough, there they are on the shelf for $1.75 a can. As you head to the checkout, you begin to think about the embedded costs in the can of beans.

The first cost is the diesel fuel the farmer used to plow the field, till the ground, harvest the beans, and transport them to the food processor. Not only is his diesel fuel an embedded cost, so are the costs to build the tractors, combines, and trucks. In addition, the farmer might use a nitrogen fertilizer made from natural gas.

Next is the energy costs of cooking the beans, heating the building, transporting the workers, and paying for the vast amounts of electricity used to run the plant. The steel can holding the beans is also an embedded cost. Making the steel can requires mining taconite, shipping it by boat, extracting the iron, placing it in a coal-fired blast furnace, and adding carbon. Then it’s back on another truck to take the beans to the grocery store. Finally, add in the cost of the gasoline for your car.

But wait – can you guess one of the highest but rarely acknowledged embedded costs?” NM said, then gave us about thirty seconds to make our guesses. Then he flashed his lights and said, “It’s the depreciation on the 5000-pound car you used to transport one pound of canned beans!”

NM took on a golden glow, and I thought he might have winked. He said, “But that can of beans is nothing compared to me! I am hundreds of times more complicated. My embedded costs not only come in the form of energy use; they come as environmental destruction, pollution, disease, child labor, and the inability to be recycled.”

He paused, “I weigh one thousand pounds, and as you see, I am about the size of a travel trunk.” NM’s lights showed he was serious. “I contain twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside me are 6,831 individual lithium-ion cells.

It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each auto battery like me, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just – one – battery.”

He let that one sink in, then added, “I mentioned disease and child labor a moment ago. Here’s why. Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?” NM’s red and orange light made it look like he was on fire.

“Finally,” he said, “I’d like to leave you with these thoughts. California is building the largest battery in the world near San Francisco, and they intend to power it from solar panels and windmills. They claim this is the ultimate in being ‘green,’ but it is not! This construction project is creating an environmental disaster. Let me tell you why.

The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium-diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicon dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades. Sadly, both solar arrays and windmills kill birds, bats, sea life, and migratory insects.

NM lights dimmed, and he quietly said, “There may be a place for these technologies, but you must look beyond the myth of zero emissions. I predict EVs and windmills will be abandoned once the embedded environmental costs of making and replacing them become apparent. I’m trying to do my part with these lectures.

Thank you for your attention, good night, and good luck.” NM’s lights went out, and he was quiet, like a regular battery.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Meteorologist: Biden’s tornado climate link ‘utter bullsh*t’ thumbnail

Meteorologist: Biden’s tornado climate link ‘utter bullsh*t’

By Marc Morano

‘Opposite to observational evidence’ – Tornadoes blamed on global cooling in 1970s.

Meteorologist Chris Martz on tornado climate link: “This is utter bullshit.” … “Here are the facts: No overall trend in U.S. tornado activity since 1954; but EF-3+ down 50%.”

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: “To claim ‘global warming’ as cause for tornadoes ‘is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence’”

Even the UN IPCC disagrees with Joe Biden – Extreme Weather Expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. noted: UN IPCC AR6 WG1 states: “trends in tornadoes… associated w/ severe convective storms are not robustly detected” … “attribution of certain classes of extreme weather (eg, tornadoes) is beyond current modeling & theoretical capabilities” … “how tornadoes… will change is an open question”

Tony Heller Video: Biden Discusses Tornadoes In Kentucky: “History and science aren’t among Joe Biden’s strong points.” — Tony Heller of Real Climate Science Rips Biden

Tornadoes blamed on…Global Cooling! – July 14, 1974 – Lincoln Journal Star – Excerpt:

“Droughts, floods, blizzards, tornadoes, typhoons, and hurricanes have plagued much of the nation and the world in recent years. Most people considered these weather conditions to be abnormal and temporary, but instead, climatologists now believe the first half o the 20th century was blessed with unusually mild weather and that the global climate has begun returning to a harsher — but more normal — state. For the long run, there is mounting evidence of a worldwide cooling trend.”

December Tornadoes are not rare:

Also see: Biden on tornadoes: ‘We all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming’ – Reality Check: Big tornadoes down 50% since 1954 – Meteorologist Chris Martz rebuts Biden: “Here are the facts: • No overall trend in U.S. tornado activity since 1954; but EF-3+ down 50%.”

Tropical cyclone activity below-normal in 2021 across Northern Hemisphere & US tornadic activity also below-normal

Geologist Gregory Wrightstone: Joe Biden spins tornado misinformation

Biden uses tornado tragedy to further climate agenda: But ‘data shows that these winter tornadoes are not becoming more frequent’

By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot – December 12, 2021 9:23 PM

Biden uses tornado tragedy to further climate agenda: But ‘data shows that these winter tornadoes are not becoming more frequent’– Climate analyst Paul Homewood: “Provisional data from the NWS indicates that the tornadoes which hit Mayfield, Kentucky and Edwardsville, Illinois were both EF-3s. Although most tornadoes occur in spring and early summer, strong tornadoes are not unheard of in winter. Indeed, on average since 1950 there have been five tornadoes every winter of EF3 and greater strength. And the official data shows that these winter storms are not becoming more frequent:

Despite the latest outbreak, the number of tornadoes this year has been well below average. ”No F5 Winter Tornadoes In The U.S. For Fifty Years – Last one occurred in 1971

The US has been hit by six F5 winter tornadoes since 1950, the last ones occurring fifty years ago.

1953-12-05 MS 1957-12-18 IL 1971-02-21 LA 1971-02-21 LA 1971-02-21 MS 1971-02-21 MS #

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer in 2019: “To claim ‘global warming’ as cause for tornadoes ‘is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence’”– Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: “The last half of the 65-year U.S. tornado record had 40% fewer strong to violent tornadoes than the first half. To claim that global warming is causing more tornadoes is worse than speculative; it is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence.”

Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.:  “But none of that justifies making obviously false claims about the state of current science, even if made in support of a worthy cause by someone I voted for.”

Tony Heller Video December 12, 2021:

Biden Discusses Tornadoes In Kentucky: “History and science aren’t among Joe Biden’s strong points.”

Tony Heller’s visuals from his December 12, 2021 video:

Tornadoes blamed on…Global Cooling! – July 14, 1974 – Lincoln Journal Star – Excerpt: “Droughts, floods, blizzards, tornadoes, typhoons, and hurricanes have plagued much of the nation and the world in recent years. Most people considered these weather conditions to be abnormal and temporary, but instead, climatologists now believe the first half o the 20th century was blessed with unusually mild weather and that the global climate has begun returning to a harsher — but more normal — state. For the long run, there is mounting evidence of a worldwide cooling trend.”

1976: ‘Frequently Freakish Weather” due to “global cooling.” – The High Point Enterprise

April 1974: “If sufficient action isn’t taken in the next few months, countries could disappear from the face of the earth,” United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim said last month, referring to the horrific drought now ravaging West Africa. (Tribune Australia)

Related Links: 

Strong Tornadoes Peaked During The Ice Age Scare Years: ‘Strong tornadoes peaked during global cooling years of early 1970s,and then bottomed as the climate warmed’

1975: Climatologists Blamed Record Tornadoes On Global Cooling

The Collapse of Climate-Related Deaths: Deaths have ‘fallen over 90% since 1920’

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer in 2019: “To claim ‘global warming’ as cause for tornadoes ‘is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence’”

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: “The last half of the 65-year U.S. tornado record had 40% fewer strong to violent tornadoes than the first half. To claim that global warming is causing more tornadoes is worse than speculative; it is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence.”

Geologist Gregory Wrightstone: Joe Biden spins tornado misinformation – December 12, 2021 – In 2017, while researching tornado data, I archived the NOAA site’s page on tornadoes and data. At the time, NOAA specifically warned that pre-Doppler radar records of tornadoes (before 1995) are unreliable:

“One of the main difficulties with tornado records is that a tornado, or evidence of a tornado, must have been observed. Unlike rainfall or temperature, which may be measured by a fixed instrument, tornadoes are short-lived and very unpredictable. A tornado in a largely unoccupied region is not likely to be documented. Many significant tornadoes may not have made it into the historical record since Tornado Alley was very sparsely populated during the early 20th Century.”

Because of this, NOAA recommended (at the time) only using the strongest tornadoes as a measure of pre-Doppler numbers and provided this chart that documented an overall decrease in the number of strong and violent storms that were categorized as >EF 3 (I have added the carbon emissions to the chart).

Figure 1 – Tornadoes: NOAA (2017) NCEI Historical Records and Trends, CO2: Boden 2016 Global Regional and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. CDIAC

NOAA today takes one to their latest iteration, which showcases a chart of ALL tornadoes dating back to 1950 and shows a steady and significant rise in the number of tornadoes from 1950 to the late 1990s. Bear in mind, that just a few years ago, NOAA specifically warned against using exactly this data because it would under-count the numbers before 1995.

Figure 2 – Tornadoes: NOAA (2017) NCEI Historical Records and Trends,

All of this begs the question: Why would a government agency promote flawed data? The answer is simple: It “confirms” their preconceived notion of increasing severe weather and provides support for alarming claims of ever-increasing death and destruction.

October 2021: NOAA Gets Caught Disappearing Inconvenient Tornado Data: Removes webpage showing ‘number of strong tornadoes has declined since the 1970s’– Paul Homewood: “It is absolutely clear that the number of strong tornadoes has declined since the 1970s. Alarmingly, however, this page has been ‘disappeared’, and the link now comes up with this:

Fortunately, Wayback still has a copy of the original web page, and I also have it on file. It is blindingly apparent that NOAA found their original assessment far too inconvenient, something that should be kept out of the public domain at all cost.”

The Politically Incorrect Guide To Climate Change – 2019 – By Marc Morano

Page 203: Greg Carbin, tornado warning coordination meteorologist at NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma.

According to Carbin, “NOAA statistics show that the last 60 years have seen a dramatic increase in the reporting of weak tornadoes, but no change in the number of severe to violent ones.”64 And as extreme weather expert Roger Pielke Jr.’s analysis of the data reveals, “Tornadoes have not increased in frequency, intensity or normalized damage since at least 1950, and there is some evidence to suggest that they have actually declined.”65 Pielke found, “Over the past six decades, tornado damage has declined after accounting for development that has put more property into harm’s way.” The bottom line: “Recent years have seen record low tornadoes.”

Climate analyst Paul Homewood explained how NOAA tried to spin global warming fears in 2017 by inflating the tornado statistics. “According to NOAA, the number of tornadoes has been steadily growing since the 1950s, despite a drop in numbers in the last five years. But with increased National Doppler radar coverage, increasing population, and greater attention to tornado reporting, there has been an increase in the number of tornado reports over the past several decades. This can create a misleading appearance of an increasing trend in tornado frequency,” Homeward pointed out. “The bottom line is that the NOAA headline graph is grossly dishonest,” he explained. “NOAA themselves know all of this full well. Which raises the question—why are they perpetuating this fraud?”

Blame for Recent Tornadoes On ‘Global Warming’ Is Incorrect– Patrick Marsh, a Storm Prediction Center meteorologist, reported that outbreaks of 50 or more tornadoes really aren’t uncommon, having happened 63 times in U.S. history. There are even three instances of more than 100 twisters in single years. Roy Spencer reminds us once again not to conflate three decade or- longer climate cycles with seasonal weather which naturally varies from year to year. He writes, “The alarmist claims of AOC, Gore, and Sanders are not just speculative; they are opposed by our observations and by meteorological theory.”

New tornado study ‘underlines just how corrupt climate science has become’ – 2019 Analysis debunks claim tornadoes getting more frequent in Southeast– Climate analyst Paul Homewood: “Sometimes a story comes along which underlines just how corrupt climate science has become…Anybody with any expertise on tornadoes knows that there has been an increase in tornado reports over recent years simply because of better reporting…To include the weakest EF-0 tornadoes in the study fundamentally undermines the whole exercise, given that EF-0s now account for over 60% of all tornadoes…So, what happens when we only look at the stronger EF3+ tornadoes in Alabama? Surprise, surprise, they have become much less frequent!”

1896 Tornado Killed 400 People In St. Louis

1890 Tornado Killed Nearly 200 People in Louisville

The Easter 1913 Tornado Outbreak

©Marc Morano. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Fracking Our Way to Energy Independence thumbnail

VIDEO: Fracking Our Way to Energy Independence

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

We live in a world where we take countless conveniences for granted.

We heat and cool our homes with the turn of a knob or press of a button. We turn on the lights for as long as we like with the flip of a switch.

What makes all this modern ease possible?

Reliable, affordable energy. And much of that is thanks to hydraulic fracturing, aka “fracking.”

Check out CFACT’s latest “Conservation Nation” video which highlights the importance of fracking in our daily lives.

Of course, not everyone recognizes fracking’s importance. Many on the Left view the affordable energy fracking provides as something to be attacked, not praised.

And attack they have. Fracking has come under criticism from the media, activists, and liberal politicians at all levels.

Can fracking, and the many small family-owned operators within the industry, survive?

That’s what Gabriella Hoffman investigates on the latest episode of CFACT’s Conservation Nation YouTube series. Hoffman gets the perspective straight from the operators and rig workers themselves.

Watch the new segment.

While the first segment explores how fracking works, “Part 2” takes on the purported claims of environmental harm it causes as well as the impact regulatory assaults are having on the industry.

This winter, whenever you shuffle to the thermostat and turn it up a couple degrees, remember to think of the workers who are out in the field harvesting the energy we all take for granted.

They deserve to be thanked and appreciated – not vilified by politicians and the media.

Watch the latest episode of Conservation Nation here and learn the facts.

WATCH PART 1: Drilling into the truth behind fracking.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column with video are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Renewable Energy Experts Cast Doubt On Biden’s Wind Power Plans thumbnail

Renewable Energy Experts Cast Doubt On Biden’s Wind Power Plans

By The Daily Caller

The Biden administration’s aggressive plans to transition away from fossil fuels to a decarbonized electric grid may be impossible to achieve, according to energy experts.

To achieve President Joe Biden’s net-zero emissions by 2050 goal, for example, the U.S. would need to triple its existing transmission line infrastructure, according to a 2020 Princeton University study. The U.S. would also need to invest $3.4 trillion in transmission line expansions, including lines connecting new solar and wind energy generation to the grid, the study concluded.

“The current power grid took 150 years to build. Now, to get to net-zero emissions by 2050, we must build that amount of transmission again in the next 15 years and then build that much more again in the 15 years after that,” Jesse Jenkins, a Princeton researcher and co-author of the study, said, E&E News reported.

Since Biden took office, he has pledged to cut U.S. emissions 50% by 2030, have a 100% carbon-free grid by 2035 and have the economy reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. As part of the president’s clean energy agenda, the Department of the Interior unveiled plans to fund up to seven offshore wind farms nationwide with a total capacity of 30 gigawatts (GW) by 2030 in October.

However, the 30 GW of power proposal falls far short of the 300 GW that offshore wind farms on the East Coast would need to produce to achieve net-zero, Tufts University environmental engineering expert Eric Hines said, according to E&E News.

“Once we get beyond that first 30 GW, we are really going to have our hands tied as an industry,” Avangrid Renewables president Bill White said during a recent conference, E&E News reported.

The Oregon-based Avangrid is a major developer of renewable energy technology that owns a 50% stake in a wind project off the coast of Massachusetts. The project, which is under construction and is on pace to be the first of its kind in the U.S., will consist of 62 wind turbines and generate 800 megawatts per year.

Overall, there are just 14 offshore projects in development along the East Coast, E&E News reported. While the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) continues to coordinate with a number of states on several projects, the agency has noted that the U.S. will need more wind projection to reach its energy goals.

“We will indeed need more capacity,” BOEM’s head of renewable energy, James Bennet, said, according to E&E News.

Wind and solar generation, though, have been criticized for being unreliable sources of energy since they almost never produce the amount of power they are capable of. Offshore wind, for example, produces just 45% of its energy capacity because of its intermittent production capability, Energy Information Administration data showed.

“We’ve supplanted geographically-specific policies for a general policy that wind and solar are generally good and fossil fuel is bad,” American Institute for Economic Research senior faculty Ryan Yonk previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “And that puts the ability to consistently produce energy at a reasonable price in jeopardy.”



Energy and environment reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Cannot Power The World With Solar Panels And Wind Turbines Alone’: Bipartisan Lawmakers Advocate For Increased Nuclear Energy

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Environmental Impact Study Must Precede ‘Build Back Better’ thumbnail

Environmental Impact Study Must Precede ‘Build Back Better’

By Michael Cutler

Bill’s immigration amnesty would devastate U.S. ecology and U.S. economy.

The leaders of the Democrat Party claim to be concerned about the environment.  It was the Democrats, after all, who have been pushing The Green New Deal, a major element of the disastrous legislation known as “Build Back Better.”

However, as we shall see, hypocrisy is never difficult to find.

Before America is pushed off the proverbial cliff by the lunacy of Build Back Better, I propose that an all-inclusive environmental impact study be conducted first to explore the intended and unintended consequences of this bill.

The “pro-environment” Democrats should be delighted to have an independent study done to make certain that we safeguard the environment that they claim to be ever so concerned about!

In 1973 the Endangered Species Act was enacted to protect endangered species of flora and fauna from extinction.

Frequently  major construction projects require that environmental impact studies be conducted before work can begin, to safeguard the environment.

Having brought up the Endangered Species Act it is worth noting that on August 31, 2021 the Center for Biological Diversity issued a press release, Historic Accomplishment: Snail Darter Recovered Fish Made Famous in Tellico Dam Controversy No Longer Endangered that began with the following excerpt:

WASHINGTON— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed today to remove the snail darter from the endangered species list due to recovery. Thanks to government and collaborative efforts, the little fish is no longer in danger of extinction.

The 3-inch-long fish — named after its primary food source, small riverine mollusks — gained fame in the 1978 U.S. Supreme Court case Tennessee Valley Authority vs. Hill. The court upheld the newly passed Endangered Species Act at the request of conservationists and others who sought to protect the fish and its last free-flowing habitat in the Little Tennessee River, along with 300 family farms and countless Cherokee ancestral sites, from the construction of the Tennessee Valley Authoritys highly controversial Tellico Dam.

The press release went on to note:

Thanks to the persistence of many people, the extinction of the snail darter was ultimately avoided, and today we can celebrate its recovery,” said Zygmunt Plater, the attorney who wrote the citizens’ petition to save the darter in 1975 and represented the fish and the farmers in the Supreme Court victory. But the uneconomical Tellico project was a boondoggle from the start. The snail darter, like many other endangered species, signaled that human values are also endangered when their survival is threatened. The destruction of the Little Tennessee River shows that bad ecology is usually bad economics and its safer to save an animals natural habitat in the first place.

Today America’s middle class should be placed at the top of that Endangered Species List and should be given as much concern as the snail darter was accorded in 1975.

This past June I wrote an article about the disastrous impact that Biden’s immigration policies are having on the environment, Biden Administration Advances Environmentally-Unsustainable Immigration Policies.

The amnesty provision contained within Build Back Better would also potentially lead to the influx of tens of millions of immigrants as I outlined in my article, Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is BunkDems’ plans to import tens of millions of immigrant children prove it.

Each person who is present in the United States needs much more than a pillow on which to lay his/her head at night.

Each person present in the United States creates a significant ecological footprint.

Each person needs food, water, electricity, sewerage, clothing, housing, transportation, health care and, in the case of minors, eduction.  Food required acreage of land be set aside to grow food for each person.

While Build Back Better promises to provide clean water, water shortages are becoming more pronounced, especially in the American West.

Consider this worrying report from CBS News’ 60 Minutes, Southwest states facing tough choices about water as Colorado River diminishes.

Water is not just used for drinking but to prepare food and grow crops and sustain farm animals.  Water is also essential for sanitary purposes.

While the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that 6.5 million illegal aliens would benefit from the amnesty provided in Build Back Better, the realty is that there is no way to really know what number of illegal aliens would participate.  The requirement that these aliens had to have entered the United States prior to 2011 is utterly meaningless.  Because the numbers of aliens are so huge there will be no interviews and no field investigations. Additionally, speaking from direct experience, I spent one year as an adjudications officer during my 30 year career with the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) it is far easier and quicker for an adjudicator to approve an application for an immigration benefit than to deny it.

An application can be approved in less than 30 minutes while denials could take days or longer.

Denials are likely to be followed up by appeals by the aliens.  No one appeals an approval!

Furthermore, no record of entry is created aliens who enter the United States without inspection.  Many aliens use multiple false identities and so there would be no way to reliably determine whether an alien entered the United States ten years ago or ten days ago.

Considering the checkered background of Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro “Get to Yes” Mayorkas, adjudicators will likely be pressured to approve all of the applications they are assigned and it is also likely that there will be no efforts to verify the familial relationships between the legalized aliens and their supposed children and spouses for whom the newly legalized aliens will most likely have the authority to file petitions to grant them immigrant visas.  The outrageous claim that “only” 6.5 million illegal aliens would be granted lawful status could easily explode into tens of millions of lawful immigrants.

Each person has an economic footprint as well.  Flooding America with millions of aliens would have an adverse impact on inflation, the national debt, education, unemployment, jobs and wages.

Meanwhile, flooding America with millions of immigrants would lead to more inflation as they require food, clothing and shelter.  The cost of housing will rise dramatically while the value of labor would plummet, leading to more homelessness.

Our roads and our cities would suffer from far more congestion which would lead to more pollution.

The inability to properly vet millions if aliens would irrevocably undermine national security and public safety and send that very dangerous message to aspiring illegal aliens from around the world that in the United States violations of laws will not just be tolerated but rewarded, essentially firing the starter’s pistol for this race to the borders of the United States.

It is important to be clear that the United States has the most generous immigration policies of any other country on this planet.  Indeed, generally the United States admits more than one million lawful immigrants each year.  They are provided with “Green Cards” and are immediately placed on the path to United States citizenship.

This is more than all of the other countries from the rest of the world combined.

Additionally the United States admits tens of millions of aliens on various temporary (non-immigrant) visas- again, more than the rest of the world combined.

However, I fear that the lunacy of Build Back Better would discourage highly qualified immigrants to seek to enter our country as the situation spirals out of control even as America’s adversaries lick their chops in anticipation of the self-destruction of our nation at the hands of those We The People elected to protect the Constitution, our nation and our fellow Americans.

There is nothing “Anti-Immigrant” about securing our borders from the un-inspected entry of aliens who may pose a threat to national security, public safety, public health and the jobs and wages of Americans.  Indeed, the entry of such aliens poses a threat to Americans and lawful immigrants alike.

As the title of one of my previous articles noted, Biden’s Immigration Bill Would Be an Act of National SuicideFigures don’t lie – but liars can figure.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: How Poland deals with immigration and border security.

Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions Newsletter: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. thumbnail

Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions Newsletter: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

By John Droz, Jr.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Note 1: Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

We hope that the Newsletter format makes it easy to scan and read.

Note 2: Please see our major new website ( which has dozens of quality, science-based COVID-19 reports.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

COVID-19 — Therapies:

Study: Top Israeli Doctor Says Ivermectin ‘Really Has Antiviral Activities

Study: Ivermectin — multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to exceed expectations

Study: Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection

Study: The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2

Study: Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID-19

Study: Early ambulatory outpatient sequenced antiviral multi-drug COVID-19 treatment for high-risk children and adolescents

FDA Panel Backs First Pill for COVID-19 by a Small Margin

COVID-19 — Injections:

To be euthanized, people must show proof of having their COVID-19 injections

Why is Vermont, the Most Vaccinated State, Grappling with a COVID-19 Surge?

Study: Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of COVID Reinfection, Severe Disease

Short video: Patterns Of Deployment Of Toxic Covid Vaccine Batches

Some Doctors are paid for every COVID-19 injection they do

COVID-19 — Some Side Effects of Injections:

COVID-19 vaccines cause prion diseases

Physician: Stillbirths Increasing Across Canada in Fully Vaccinated Mothers

Study: Trends in ambulatory cardiology consultations for suspected myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination

Smoking gun confidential Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up of Injection Deaths

World’s First Vaccine Murder Case filed in India’s High Court

Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

COVID-19 — Injection Mandates:

Study: Mass vaccination fails to halt COVID-19 transmission rates

WHO Says There Is “No Evidence” Booster Shots Offer ‘Greater Protection’ Despite Countries Like The U.S. Pushing Them

The Great Vaccine Mandate Scam

How fear fuels the vaccine wars

CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify COVID-19 “positives”: “10% diagnostic accuracy”

COVID-19 — Some Lawsuits Against Injection Mandates:

Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Workers in 10 States

Heritage Foundation sues Biden admin over vaccine mandate

One Biden Vax Mandate Down, 3 to Go

Federal Judge Rejects DOD Claim That Pfizer EUA and Comirnaty Vaccines Are ‘Interchangeable’

COVID-19 — Omicron:

Could OMICRON be the CURE for COVID? Highly infectious strain with “mild” symptoms could deliver worldwide natural immunity and make vaccines obsolete

Is the World Over-reacting to the Omicron Variant

Doctor who raised alarm about omicron variant says symptoms are ‘unusual but mild’

Dr. Cambell video: Omicron in the US, increased transmissibility confirmed

“EU must consider mandatory COVID injections”

Study: Omicron does reinfect after natural infection

Short video: Omicron, first case report from SA

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

Excellent: More Than 400 Reports on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions

97 Reports Questioning Mask Effectiveness, plus 61 Reports Concluding that Masks can be Unsafe

Disturbing Study Finds that Face Masks, etc Responsible for Causing 23% Decline in Children’s Cognitive Abilities

[Study: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Child Cognitive Development: Initial Findings in a Longitudinal Observational Study of Child Health]

PANDA: Pandemics Data & Analytics

Associate Editor of British Medical Journal: COVID-19 vaccine trials cannot tell us if they will save lives

COVID-19 — Fauci, et al:

**A President Betrayed by Bureaucrats: Scott Atlas’s Masterpiece on the Covid Disaster

Book Review: Fauci and the Great AIDS Swindle

The Frightening Secret of Anthony Fauci’s Survival

COVID-19 — Misc:

Big Pharma Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors

WHO Meets To Craft Global Pandemic Treaty With Teeth To Punish

Short video: Governments are methodically stripping away our human rights, shall we talk about it?

Short video: Anatomy of an Epidemic

How Sweden avoided COVID disaster

Florida’s Dept of Health COVID-19 page

Rapid COVID-19 Tests Will Soon Be Covered by Insurance in US

Wearable Fitness Trackers Could Detect COVID Before You Do

Video: Inside Australia’s COVID-19 internment camp

Video: Making a Killing — The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

Wind & Solar Energy:

A green paradox: Deforesting the Amazon for wind energy in the Global North

Quantifying the hurricane risk to offshore wind turbines

Green Technologies Have A Glaring Problem Of Scale

NY Utility Bills to Rise 10± Percent due to Green NYC

Lake Erie wind turbine project subject of upcoming Ohio Supreme Court hearing

Pennsylvania Bill Solar and Wind Decommissioning Introduced

Fire fears over huge battery storage plants for wind project

NC Commissioners rebuff request for 574-acre solar project

Nuclear Energy:

Key Facts about Spent Nuclear Fuel

Closing California’s last nuclear power plant would be a mistake

Nuclear Bans Tumble as Once-Skeptical States Seek Carbon Cuts

Fossil Fuel Energy:

Multistate carbon tax scheme on gasoline collapses

Germany urges US Congress not to sanction Putin’s pipeline

Biden lacks understanding of oil’s contributions to civilization

Inconvenient realities about net-zero

Fifteen States Respond to ‘Woke Capitalism,’ Threaten to Cut Off Banks That Refuse to Service Coal, Oil Industries

China is mining much more coal again and that’s boosting its factories

Elizabeth Warren Goes to War Over Natural Gas Prices She Helped Create!

Michigan Governor voluntarily dismisses pipeline lawsuit

Misc Energy:

Contempt for the Middle Class at Heart of Energy Politics

Why the Energy Transition Will Be So Complicated

There’s an enormous geothermal pool under the Latrobe Valley that can provide cheap, clean energy

UK: Blundering blindly into an energy emergency

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

The Profound Junk Science of Climate

India’s Net Zero Pledge: What Does It Really Mean?

Honestly, is climate change really humanity’s greatest threat?

The Real Threat to Banks Isn’t From Climate Change — It’s From Bankers

CEI’s New Anti-Carbon Tax Study

Climate ‘scientists’ admit to lying, cheating & fraud

Why We Must Quit Worrying About Uncertainty in Sea Level Projections

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

The World’s Climate Is Changing, so What Should We Do?

New Climate Study: Arctic Ocean Warmed Before Human CO2 Emissions

Dr. Will Happer: How to Think about Climate Change

Arctic Sea Freezes Early, Trapping 18 Ships in Ice Near Russia

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

Election Reform Is a Winning Issue for Republicans

Lindell Punts on Supreme Court Filing

Attorneys Reveal, Explain and Discuss The U.S. Supreme Court Complaint

Harvard’s ‘Lawfare’ Programs Are an Omen of Elections Decided in Court

US Election — State Issues:

Virginia’s Election Integrity Laws Are The Best Tools To Protect Voting Rights

Georgia Governor’s Election Audit Report Admits Massive Fulton Errors

North Carolina: A True Tale of Absentee Vote Fraud

NC General Assembly recently passed two pieces of election integrity legislation

US Politics and Socialism:

How Democrats are using multiculturalism and immigration to destroy America

Biden’s failures continue to mount as Americans suffer. What a missed opportunity.

The Frogs Have Begun Fleeing The Government’s Boiling Pot

Start Paying Attention! It’s Long Over Due!!!!

Short video: Everything You’ve Ever Seen About Cuba is a Lie

The Communist Plan To Overthrow America From Within

Religion Related:

COVID trauma seems not to have shaken American Christians’ faith

The Supreme Court will probably uphold the Mississippi law limiting abortion after 15 weeks

Education Related:

Matt Walsh Wants To Beat The Left At Their Own Game

Alumni Withhold Donations, Demand Colleges Enforce Free Speech

If at any time you’d like to be added to (or taken off) the distribution of our popular,  free Media Balance Newsletter, simply send me an email saying that.

Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or the website) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2021; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

The Geneva Conventions War With Forced Vaccines thumbnail

The Geneva Conventions War With Forced Vaccines

By Rod Thomson

Combining various international treaties since its inception in 1864, the Geneva Conventions were originally intended for, and still stand as, protections for soldiers and civilians in wartime. So, with the vaccines for COVID being discussed as a possible crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Code, which falls under the Geneva Conventions, the question arises: Are we at war? 

During what became known as “The Doctors’ Trial” after WWII, concerns arose about medical experimentation on humans.

According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, “German doctors had argued in their own defense that their experiments differed little from those conducted before the war by German and American scientists. They showed that no international law or informal statement differentiated between legal and illegal human experimentation.” (Emphasis mine). Thus, the Nuremberg Code was created comprising ten points outlining acceptable medical research and standards.

Part I of this series is entitled, “How the Nuremberg Code Applies to the Vaccine.” It explains the doctrine of voluntary and informed consent of the participant in medical applications under the Code. Its “adoption into the 1949 Geneva Conventions later gave [it] international standing. Breaking from the Convention’s intent presumably constitutes a war crime.”

More importantly, the term “medical experimentation” as stated in the Nuremberg Code is defined in Part 1.

My argument in Part I of this series asks why, since the Code falls under the Geneva Conventions, ought not the Conventions’ umbrella classification applying to “wartime” victims also extend to the Code’s intention by default? And, if true, where do civilians fall? Of course that’s a legal question and I don’t pretend to be an attorney. But it seems to me that the presumption could easily be made. Yet no one is making it.

That said, why have tens of thousands of doctors recently signed on to what’s being called the new “Nuremberg Trials 2021?” Legal proceedings have been filed against the CDC, the WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity by over a thousand attorneys worldwide.

Led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the “Nuremberg Trials 2021” team argues that the vaccines are in violation of Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV. It claims that Article 32 states that “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. And, “according to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.”

Indeed, the International Committee of the Red Cross confirms that Article 32 specifies that “protected persons must not in any circumstances be used as ‘guinea-pigs’ for medical experiments. ‘Biological experiments’ are also prohibited by the other three Conventions of 1949.”

I believe, as laid out in Part 1, that there are convincing arguments as to why the COVID-19 vaccines fall into the “experimental” definition of the Nuremberg Code in multiple ways.

Regardless, on a deeper dive into Article 32, its title is telling. The formal document, shown in an uploaded PDF version from the United Nations, is called the “GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR OF 12 AUGUST 1949.” Again the reference to wartime is notable.

Cornell Law School says that, “[t]he Geneva Conventions … provide minimum protections, standards of humane treatment, and fundamental guarantees of respect to individuals who become victims of armed conflicts.” It doesn’t say ‘victims of unarmed conflicts.’

Multiple educational resources concur with the aforementioned references to “wartime” terms, including World Atlas. It states that “[t]he Geneva Conventions refer to international agreements that are made up of four treaties and three protocols that define the treatment of people during a war.” (Emphasis added.)

How can it be, then, that the Nuremberg Code, falling under the Geneva Conventions, could be used in any argument against the COVID vaccine during a time of peace? Recent history offers some clues.

In an intriguing article from Wired published on Nov. 7, 2002, it seems as a country we’ve travelled this road before. The article’s title reads, “Forced Vaccines Haunt Gulf Vets — Rule No. 1 in the Nuremberg Code for conducting medical experiments: Get the subjects’ consent.” The author explains how our soldiers were given non-FDA-approved drugs prior to deploying to Desert Storm. Many returned with assorted unexplained illnesses.

“‘We had a third day of shots before we went over (to the Gulf),’ said the ex-Ranger, who requested anonymity because his Army Reserve commitment [had] yet to expire. ‘Guys in other units only had two, but most Rangers had three. They wouldn’t tell us what they were for.’”

According to the article, the question of forced vaccines had been addressed years before. “In a February 1953 directive, Defense Secretary Charles Wilson established what [was] still the ‘law of the land’ governing such experimentation. Consistent with the Nuremberg Code, the directive’s cornerstone is voluntary consent,’ according to Wilson.

“‘The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential,’ Wilson wrote, ordering that such consent be given in writing before at least one witness. Wilson also banned use of ‘force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion’ in obtaining consent. When did that change?

“Did the Pentagon obey this directive during the Gulf War? According to Dr. Jane M. Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, it did not. The administration of experimental drugs without consent was, Orient said, ‘the first instance in which an official government agency officially sanctioned the direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.’” And it was intentional!

“In a 1994 report called Human Experimentation and Other Intentional Exposures Conducted by the Department of Defense, [the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs] claimed that “‘[t]he results of our investigation showed a reckless disregard that shocked me,’ said Committee Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV. ‘The Pentagon … threw caution to the winds, ignoring all warnings of potential harm, and gave these (investigational) drugs to hundreds of thousands of soldiers with virtually no warnings and no safeguards.’”

“‘There is no provision in the Nuremberg Code,’ the Rockefeller Committee report concluded, ‘that allows a country to waive informed consent for military personnel or veterans who serve as human subjects in experiments during wartime or in experiments that are conducted because of threat of war.’

If it protects our soldiers then in time of war, one would think it would also protect our civilian populations who are NOT in a state of war, right?

Responding to the accusations at the time, a Pentagon spokesperson stated: “‘[i]n all peacetime applications, we believe strongly in informed consent and its ethical foundations…. But military combat is different.’

In other words, according to the Pentagon in 1994, the Nuremberg Code only applied to soldiers in peacetime. It seems the narrative changes by what the “powers that be” deem convenient, at any given time.

In my book and articles, I habitually reference radical leftist Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, because it contains the tactics by which the left endeavors to transform America to socialism and then communism. As important as his thirteen tactics, however, are his lesser-known eleven rules of ethics of means and ends. They provide a window into why the left, and Democrats by extension, can justify their out-of-control unethical behavior.

“Alinsky’s third rule of ethics of means and ends, ‘in war the end justifies almost any means’, applies to the left’s unapologetic, unethical shaming of all things conservative.” (Rules for Deplorables, pg. 215)

Arguing for the new “Nuremberg Code 2021” wouldn’t require convincing others that we’re at war with China per se (as if they even needed such justification). In order for the experimental vaccines to be criminalized, just say: We’re at war with the left!

If, on the other hand, the Pentagon’s position in 1994 is considered, then the Code’s “informed consent and its ethical foundations” are binding “in all peacetime applications” stays. They can’t have it both ways.

Necessarily, Alinsky’s fourth tactic, “make the enemy live up to its own book of rules,” must be applied. If the original Nuremberg Code of 1949 falls under the “wartime” parameters of the Geneva Conventions, and the vaccine is indeed “experimental” as my Part I of this series argues, then the signers of the “new Code” may well have a case.

It’s a fact that the military knowingly condoned experimental medical treatment well after the 1949 Nuremberg Code was established under the Geneva Conventions. And, that they felt justified in doing so. Why on earth should Americans believe the government would follow ethical standards now?

The simple answer is, we shouldn’t. Whether Americans accept it or not, we are in a state of war for the very survival of our country. The enemy should neither be trusted nor obeyed.

We ought to be fighting for transparency, the right of informed consent, and most importantly, the right to freedom of choice. If we do not stand strong for these minimal protections now, we are not mere guinea pigs, we are the experiment itself.



Cathi Chamberlain, aka The Deplorable Author and founder of The Deplorable Report, is a four-time start-up business owner, published author of a self-help book featured on CNN worldwide and owner of the nation’s first all-female construction company. She is a sought-after political speaker and has been a regular contributor on the Salem Media Radio Network. In her book, “Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism,” Cathi heavily references Saul Alinsky’s 1970’s blockbuster book, “Rules for Radicals.” She is currently on her “Florida Deplorable Book Tour.” Contact her for your next speaking event at


This is how Romania does it….70% of all citizens refusing the Jab and dictatorships….

— 🔴⚪️💙 DEAN 🔴⚪️💙 (@777DEAN777) December 4, 2021

EDITORS NOTE: This The Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like us on Instagram

VIDEO: FEMA Whistleblower Exposes Globalists’ War Against The Sun. thumbnail

VIDEO: FEMA Whistleblower Exposes Globalists’ War Against The Sun.

By Jamie Glazov

In a March 25th, 2021 New York Times article titled “Should We Block the Sun? Scientists Say the Time Has Come to Study ItChristopher Flavelle wrote:

WASHINGTON — The idea of artificially cooling the planet to blunt climate change — in effect, blocking sunlight before it can warm the atmosphere — got a boost on Thursday when an influential scientific body urged the United States government to spend at least $100 million to research the technology.

That technology, often called solar geoengineering, entails reflecting more of the sun’s energy back into space through techniques that include injecting aerosols into the atmosphere. In a new report, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine said that governments urgently need to know whether solar geoengineering could work and what the side effects might be.

“Solar geoengineering is not a substitute for decarbonizing,” said Chris Field, director of the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University and head of the committee that produced the report, referring to the need to emit less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Still, he said, technology to reflect sunlight “deserves substantial funding, and it should be researched as rapidly and effectively as possible.”

Read the full article.

This new Glazov Gang episode features Celeste Solum, a former FEMA operative. Visit her site at ShepherdsHeart.Life.

Celeste exposes Globalists’ War on the Sun, revealing how and why the Deep State is working on “restructured” light[a.k.a. geoengineering].

RELATED VIDEO: Blocking Out the Sun to Fight Climate Change


A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?

Harvard Scientists Begin Experiment To Block Out The Sun

EDITORS NOTE: This Jamie Glazov Productions video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Countries With the Cleanest Environments in the World Are Also the Most Economically Free, Research Shows thumbnail

The Countries With the Cleanest Environments in the World Are Also the Most Economically Free, Research Shows

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Research shows that countries with the highest levels of economic freedom also have the highest environmental performance.

One of the most frequently raised arguments against capitalism is that it is the primary driver of environmental pollution and climate change. But if we compare Yale University’s ranking of countries with the highest environmental performance with the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, a very different correlation emerges.

For more than 20 years, Yale University has been publishing the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and ranking countries according to their environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The EPI uses 32 performance indicators across eleven issue categories:

  • Air Quality
  • Sanitation & Drinking Water
  • Heavy Metals
  • Waste Management
  • Biodiversity & Habitat
  • Ecosystem Services
  • Fisheries
  • Climate Change
  • Pollution Emissions
  • Water Resources
  • Agriculture

According to Yale University’s analyses, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and France are the highest ranked countries, followed by Austria, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Germany. The report states, “One of the consistent lessons of the EPI is that achieving sustainability requires sufficient economic prosperity to fund public health and environmental infrastructure.” The researchers find that there is a clear positive correlation between environmental performance and country wealth, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.

An interesting comparison can be made between the EPI and the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, which has been measuring economic freedom around the globe since 1995. The index, which is also referred to as the capitalism index by the sociologist Erich Weede, was most recently published in spring 2021 and analyzes the level of economic freedom in 178 countries. The Heritage Foundation index applies twelve criteria, all of which are weighted equally:

  1. Property Rights
  2. Judicial Effectiveness
  3. Government Integrity
  4. Tax Burden
  5. Government Spending
  6. Fiscal Health
  7. Business Freedom
  8. Labour Freedom
  9. Monetary Freedom
  10. Trade Freedom
  11. Investment Freedom
  12. Financial Freedom

The ten most economically free countries in the world in the 2021 index are:

  1. Singapore
  2. New Zealand
  3. Australia
  4. Switzerland
  5. Ireland
  6. Taiwan
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Estonia
  9. Canada
  10. Denmark

The countries with the lowest levels of economic freedom were North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Sudan and Zimbabwe. The 178 countries are all grouped in five categories: Free, Mostly Free, Moderately Free, Mostly Unfree and Repressed. The Heritage Foundation’s researchers compared the two indices – Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index and their own Index of Economic Freedom – for the year 2020 and found that the countries with the highest levels of economic freedom also had the highest EPI scores, averaging 76.1, while the “Mostly Free” countries averaged 70.2. There is then a big gap to the “Moderately Free” countries, which were rated much lower (59.6 points) for their environmental performance. The “Mostly Unfree” and “Repressed” countries registered by far the worst environmental performance (46.7 and 50.3 points in the EPI, respectively).


Image Credit: 2021 Index of Economic Freedom (page 26), Heritage Foundation

To smooth out the dynamic developments in the Index of Economic Freedom, it makes sense to take each country’s average score over 15 years from 2006 to 2020. This compensates for the kind of one-off effects that can result from short-term policy measures. These averages can then be compared with the Environmental Performance Index’s scores from 2020. The data reveal a clear positive correlation (the correlation coefficient is 67%). A regression analysis also confirms that for every one-point increase in the Economic Freedom Index there is a 1.06 point increase in the Environmental Performance Index. Such a high coefficient, combined with the very strong correlation between the indices, suggests a clear statistical relationship. This correlation can be explained by the causality between increased capitalism and greater technological progress and prosperity.

The economist Daniel Fernández Méndez addressed the potential objection that countries with greater economic freedom “are ‘exporting’ their polluting industries to the less free third world, while keeping non-polluting industries in their country.” However, this is clearly not the case. His analysis of the investments made by countries with high environmental standards reveals that only 0.1% of their foreign investments flow to countries with low environmental standards. The conclusions from these calculations are clear: “With the data analyzed, we can see that capitalism suits the environment. The greater the economic freedom, the better the environmental quality indexes. The ‘cleaner’ countries do not export their pollution by relocating companies.” Clearly, the environment is no different to so many other areas of life: Capitalism is not the problem, it is the solution.


Dr Rainer Zitelmann

Dr. Rainer Zitelmann is a historian and sociologist. He is also a world-renowned author, successful businessman, and real estate investor.

Zitelmann has written more than 20 books. His books are successful all around the world, especially in China, India, and South Korea. His most recent books are The Rich in Public Opinion which was published in May 2020, and The Power of Capitalism which was published in 2019.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

California Effectively Ends Fracking, Cites ‘Urgent Climate Effects’ thumbnail

California Effectively Ends Fracking, Cites ‘Urgent Climate Effects’

By The Daily Caller

California has gradually weaned itself off fossil fuel fracking well ahead of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2024 ban of the oil and gas extraction method.

The California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM), the agency that oversees new permits, has denied 109 new permits from fossil fuel firms this year, according to Department of Conservation data. State regulators have approved just 12 permits in 2021, the most recent of which came in February.

Uduak-Joe Ntuk, the state’s oil and gas supervisor, said he couldn’t approve new fracking grants “in good conscience” in a September letter to the energy firm Aera Energy, The Associated Press reported. Ntuk cited the “increasingly urgent climate effects of fossil-fuel production” and “the continuing impacts of climate change and hydraulic fracturing on public health and natural resources.”

“Unfortunately, the State of California continues to take arbitrary actions that deliver little positive benefits for our fight against climate change but imposes big impacts on Californians – to our finances, to our freedoms, essentially to how we live and work every day,” Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) President and CEO Catherine Reheis-Boyd said in a statement last month.

“Real solutions do not come through arbitrary bans, mandates, and the whim of elected leaders,” she said.

On Oct. 8, the WSPA sued the Newsom administration over the mass denial of fracking permits. One month earlier, the Kern County Board of Supervisors also filed suit, challenging the state’s authority to ban access to oil and gas resources, according to The Bakersfield Californian.

“The decisions (Newsom) has made to unilaterally come after the oil and gas industry in violation of standing rules and standing law, that’s been established by the state Legislature, has been a gross overreach of his power,” Board Chairman Phillip Peters said after the suit was filed in September.

In April, Newsom ordered CalGEM to end new fracking permits by January 2024. He also asked the California Air Resources Board to conduct an analysis of how the state could completely wean off fossil fuel extraction by 2045.

The governor said the state “needs to move beyond oil.”

“In California, this is an industry that is used to getting its way,” Hollin Kretzmann, a senior attorney at environmental group the Center for Biological Diversity, told The San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday. “It is a sign that the tide is starting to turn, and the state is starting to prioritize public health and the environment over the profits of the oil industry.”

While California’s crude oil consumption has stayed level over the last several decades, it has become more reliant on foreign producers, state data showed. More than half of the state’s oil over the last ten years was imported.

Meanwhile, gasoline prices, which are tied to the cost of oil, have surged nationwide to multi-year highs, according to the Energy Information Administration. California has experienced the largest increase with prices hitting $4.79 per gallon on average.



Energy and environmental reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Boston Green New Deal’: Boston To Divest From Fossil Fuels, 15% Of City’s Revenue

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Oil Reserves Released By Biden Expected to Primarily Go To China, India thumbnail

Oil Reserves Released By Biden Expected to Primarily Go To China, India

By Dr. Rich Swier

Gas prices for Americans are at an all time high. There are no words.

Oil reserves released by Biden expected to primarily go to China, India

U.S. taps 50 million barrels of oil from reserves in an attempt to tamper spiking costs at the gas pump

By Caitlin McFall FOX Business, November 24, 2021:

President Biden’s move to tap the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve is expected to supply Chinese and Indian oil needs as gas demands have led to global shortages, reports said Tuesday.


The White House said the Department of Energy will release 50 million barrels of oil held in U.S. reserves — 18 million of which have already been congressionally approved for sale.


U.S. President Joe Biden speaks on the economy during an event at the South Court Auditorium at Eisenhower Executive Office Building on November 23, 2021 in Washington, DC. President Biden announced the release of 50 million barrels of oil from the S (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images / Getty Images)

China and India have been actively purchasing U.S. sour crude oil produced in the Gulf of Mexico, first reported Bloomberg.

Sour crude oil contains high levels of sulfur, which reportedly makes it more expensive to process and traditionally turns buyers away.

But U.S.-produced sour crude oil appeals to foreign buyers because of its relatively affordable price tag, the publication said.

The White House’s Tuesday announcement means the U.S. will seek to accelerate sales abroad in an attempt to counter spiking prices at the gas pump.

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks on the economy during an event at the South Court Auditorium at Eisenhower Executive Office Building on November 23, 2021 in Washington, DC. President Biden announced the release of 50 million barrels of oil from the S (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images / Getty Images)

The additional 32 million barrels will be intended for U.S. consumers to alleviate increased demand.

Earlier this month OPEC+, led by nations like Saudi Arabia and Russia, refused to increase production to meet rising demands.

Gas shortages have led to rising inflation and gas prices at the pump not seen in seven years.

“The President has been working with countries across the world to address the lack of supply as the world exits the pandemic,” the White House said in a statement.

In a globally coordinated effort China, India, Japan, South Korea and the United Kingdom will also tap their reserves to try and bring down gas prices.

“The president stands ready to take additional action, if needed, and is prepared to use his full authorities working in coordination with the rest of the world to maintain adequate supply as we exit the pandemic,” the administration added.

RELATED ARTICLE: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis blasts Biden, calls inflation a ‘huge problem,’ pledges gas tax relief

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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‘Will Not Fix The Problem’: Biden Releasing Oil Reserves Due To Politics, Critics Say thumbnail

‘Will Not Fix The Problem’: Biden Releasing Oil Reserves Due To Politics, Critics Say

By The Daily Caller

  • President Joe Biden’s decision to tap the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) was derided by top GOP lawmakers and experts who said the move was political and won’t move the needle on gasoline prices.
  • “Even if the economic reality of five or maybe 10 cents a gallon of short term impact isn’t that big of a deal, doing nothing might look like a really big political problem,” Kevin Book, a National Petroleum Council member and managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • The federal government will release 32 million barrels of oil from the SPR and accelerate the release of 18 million barrels that had already been congressionally mandated, the White House announced Tuesday.
  • “This very temporary measure is not going to solve the supply issue at the pump nor is it a solution to gas prices that have doubled in the last year,” Rep. Fred Upton, the top Republican on a House energy subcommittee, told the DCNF.

President Joe Biden’s decision to tap the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) was derided by top GOP lawmakers and experts who said the move was political and won’t move the needle on gasoline prices.

The federal government will release 32 million barrels of oil from the SPR and accelerate the release of 18 million barrels that had already been congressionally mandated, the White House announced Tuesday. Biden’s move to release crude oil from the nation’s emergency reserves was made alongside China, India, Japan, South Korea and the U.K., marking the first internationally coordinated release of emergency oil reserves.

However, experts suggested that the action was likely a political reaction to ever-rising prices at the pump and said it wouldn’t have a significant long term effect.

“It’s possible to say, ‘okay, this is something that politically, if not economically, requires intervention.’ The problem might be that, actually they started talking about doing something back in August,” Kevin Book, a National Petroleum Council member and managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“The White House was aware of these rising prices and concerned about them, and started taking steps towards intervention and created an expectation for intervention,” he continued. “So, even if the economic reality of five or maybe 10 cents a gallon of short term impact isn’t that big of a deal, doing nothing might look like a really big political problem.”

Book added that the release would have a minimal effect on oil prices, which had already declined over the last several weeks as reports of such a move became public. The price of oil is expected to decrease in the next couple of months due to normal seasonal market fluctuations, according to Book.

A Goldman Sachs report published last week echoed Book’s comments, arguing that tapping the SPR is a “short-term fix to a structural deficit” and was already priced-in to the market. Oil prices may even increase more than expected due to the move, the report concluded.

Biden even acknowledged that he doesn’t have a near-term fix for higher prices and that tapping reserves would barely have an effect during a CNN town hall in October. His administration has mulled an SPR release for months.

But, like Book, Chamber of Commerce Global Energy Institute Senior Vice President Christopher Guith said Tuesday that the White House should focus on long term policies rather than “ineffectual band aids.”

‘A cynical move’

Biden, meanwhile, has faced heavy criticism for his administration’s anti-fossil fuel actions, which include revoking the Keystone XL pipeline permit and banning new oil and gas leases on federal lands. While the president has set ambitious clean energy goals, gasoline prices have risen to their highest level in nearly a decade, government data showed.

Gas prices are tightly tied to the price of crude oil.

“This very temporary measure is not going to solve the supply issue at the pump nor is it a solution to gas prices that have doubled in the last year,” Michigan Rep. Fred Upton, the top Republican on a House energy subcommittee, told the DCNF.

The SPR was established in the 1970s as a tool to help the U.S. survive future energy crises where the global supply of oil dried up. The total inventory is estimated at around 604 million barrels of oil which is kept in deep underground storage caverns in Texas and Louisiana.

The last time the U.S. tapped the SPR was in 2011 when former President Barack Obama ordered a strategic release amid the Libyan civil war, a move that disrupted the Middle Eastern nation’s oil exports.

“President Biden’s policies are hiking inflation and energy prices for the American people,” Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member John Barrasso said in a statement. “Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve will not fix the problem.”

“We are experiencing higher prices because the administration and Democrats in Congress are waging a war on American energy,” he continued.

Dan Kish, a senior fellow at the Institute for Energy Research, said the move was like someone eating everything from the pantry then “shooting the farmers.”

“This is a cynical move by a guy who’s done everything in his power to restrict production here at home and in North America,” Kish told the DCNF. “All the while watching Russia become our number two supplier of foreign oil.”

Kish noted that oil prices have increased since Biden announced the release, a sign that it would have little effect on gasoline prices.

Republican Whip Steve Scalise said the SPR is strictly for emergency purposes in response to a question from the DCNF during an October roundtable. If Biden wanted to lower prices, he would make it easier for firms to drill and construct domestic pipelines, the Louisiana Republican added.

“The SPR is not to be used as a piggy bank just to bail you out when your failed policies create higher gas prices,” Scalise said.

“The answer is very straightforward and it’s right under our feet,” he continued. “Instead of trying to drain what’s left of our reserves, we ought to be producing more energy and creating more jobs here in America to take leverage away from OPEC countries and to take leverage away from Russia.”



Energy and environment reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter


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Biden’s Energy Secretary Fails To Answer Question About Oil Industry

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White House Adviser Says There’s An ‘Energy Crisis,’ Doubles Down On Calls For Boosted Foreign Oil, Gas Production

Oil Prices Surge Again After OPEC Ignores Biden

Is The Shift To Renewable Energy Propelling Us Into An Energy Crisis?

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Biden’s Comptroller Pick Would Bankrupt Energy Companies & Nationalize Banking thumbnail

Biden’s Comptroller Pick Would Bankrupt Energy Companies & Nationalize Banking

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

President Biden should withdraw his nomination of Saule Omarova to be Comptroller of the Currency — or the Senate should reject her.

Omarova, a professor at Cornell Law, said this concerning energy companies: “we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.”  She would apply that same destructive, heavy hand of government throughout our financial system.

Omarova advocates a radical transformation of banking that is tantamount to nationalization and would leave your relationship with your bank unrecognizable.

Some, such as Senator John Kennedy, have focused on Omarova’s education in the Soviet Union.  This included membership in “The Young Communists” and a college thesis entitled “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in Das Kapital” which she has refused to share with the Senate.  Omarova told Senators at her confirmation hearing, “I am not a Communist.”

CFACT does not hold growing up behind the Iron Curtain against people.  In fact, it is usually an asset.  We often look to those who grew up without freedom and its prosperity to share their hard-earned life lessons with those of us fortunate enough to have been born free.

However, the Left is trying to defend Omarova as the victim of a new McCarthyism (as if they didn’t spend the last five years shouting Russia, Russia, Russia! at people who had nothing to do with Russia).

The disqualifying problems with Omarova’s philosophy stem not from from the Socialist indoctrination she received back in the U.S.S.R., but from her immersion in the unmoored leftism flowing through American academia.

Last year Omarova laid out her philosophy of financial regulation in a law review article entitled The People’s Ledger: How to Democratize Money and Finance the Economy This article is directly on point to the role of the Comptroller and disqualifies Omarova to hold the office.

Omarova advocates for nothing less than the de facto nationalization of the American banking and finance system.

In the financial world Omarova envisions private banks would no longer offer deposit accounts.  We would all have a government bank account instead which the government would easily use to deposit, subtract and redistribute funds.  The feds would be able to observe your smallest transaction.  When the government determines it is time to stimulate the economy, funds could be “helicopter” dropped directly into those accounts deemed worthy.  Omarova describes this as “QE (quantitative easing) for the people.”

Like all bad generals, Omarova is focused on fighting the last wars, the financial crisis of 2008 and the contraction of the economy due to COVID-19 shutdowns.  She is all about pumping money into the economy with an unhealthy dose of left-wing redistribution along the way.  Omarova needs to wake up.  Deflation is no longer the threat, inflation is.

The debate should not be between pumping money into the economy via quantitative easing vs. throwing it out of “helicopters,” but rather how to restrain the growth of the money supply, as we did in the Reagan era, and get inflation back under control.

The Left’s radical plans for banking mirror their government takeover attempts on healthcare.   Omarova’s anti-banking philosophy consists of incremental steps on the road to what might be termed “single banker,” analogous to the Left’s relentless push for “single payer,” socialized medicine.

At a time when the beast of inflation has been released to ravage American savings, the President should nominate and the Senate confirm only reliable central bankers focused on forcing the inflationary beast back into its cage to safeguard our system of economic freedom.

Saule Omarova should not be allowed to serve as Comptroller of our currency.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

An Unstoppable Wildfire’ Of ‘Pi**ed-Off Moms in Florida thumbnail

An Unstoppable Wildfire’ Of ‘Pi**ed-Off Moms in Florida

By Christian Ziegler

Frustrated by the overreach of government and attack on parental rights, moms and dads are stepping up and taking back their country one School Board at a time.

The Orlando Sentinel ran an article covering the importance of education issues in 2022 and highlighting Moms for Liberty, which is an organization based in Florida that launched just this past January and in less than a year has already grown to 142 chapters in 32 states with over 60,000 members.

The lesson at the ballot box in 2022 will be crystal clear – Don’t mess with our kids or the rights of our parents!

Jessica Tillman, a Seminole County mother of four, developed some new interests during the COVID-19 pandemic: Fighting against school board mask mandates and organizing with like-minded parents.

For Tillman, the government response to COVID-19 served as an “awakening” that spurred her to organize the Seminole County chapter of Moms for Liberty, a polarizing group that started in Florida and rapidly expanded across the country.

It really brought on the need for parents to really be involved in our children’s education,” she said.

The fight over face masks made Moms for Liberty a presence at Central Florida school board meetings, turning once staid policy discussions into sometimes

Now, the group’s members are shifting their attention to other priorities. Among them: urging schools to remove “pornographic” library books and criticizing instructional materials they think teach critical race theory or praise communism.

Launched on Jan. 1 by a trio of current and former conservative Florida school board members, Moms for Liberty quickly grew into a national network of parents aiming to become a lasting political force.

It puts its membership ranks at 60,000 with 152 chapters in 33 states, but many of its local groups are still small, with 40 or so dues-paying members who meet in their homes or local libraries, parks, churches and community centers.

An unstoppable wildfire’ of ‘pissed-off moms,’ GOP strategist says

Some of the gatherings are “Madison meet ups” where they read aloud from the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The meetings start with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer and include a review of the local school board’s agendas. The group’s philosophy is proudly proclaimed on signature navy Moms for Liberty t-shirts that have become a fixture at school board meetings — “We do not co-parent with the government.”

The group’s rapid rise has been likened to the Tea Party movement that swept the country during the Great Recession. Bridget Ziegler, one of the founders, said parents who have long felt they have been sidelined from their children’s education are fueling the growth.

“These are their children,” said Ziegler, a Sarasota County School Board member married to a top Florida GOP official. “There is nothing people get more passionate about than their children and rightfully so.”

The group, “on a mission to stoke the fires of liberty,” views parental rights as its overarching goal. It hopes to influence Florida school board elections next year. Moms for Liberty has also become the darling of some GOP leaders, with one Jacksonville mother appearing on stage with Gov. Ron DeSantis at a press conference last month.

Christian Ziegler, Bridget’s husband and the vice-chairman of the Florida Republican Party, said he expects education issues will mobilize voters for “liberty-minded” candidates up-and-down the ballot in next year’s elections.

“It is a lot more difficult to show up to school board meetings than to vote, and these parents are showing up in droves at these school board meetings,” he said. “It is like an unstoppable wildfire out there.”

Politicians who dismiss the concerns of “pissed off moms” do so at their own peril, Ziegler said, noting such views helped propel Republican Glenn Youngkin’s to victory in the Virginia governor’s race earlier this month.

But Wes Hodge, chair of Orange County’s Democratic Party, sees Moms for Liberty as less grassroots and more part of a “coordinated effort” to influence 2022 elections by firing up supporters of former President Donald Trump through culture war issues.

The group’s views do not represent mainstream thought in Orange County, he said. A Quinnipiac University poll from August found 60% of Floridians supported mask requirements for students, teachers and staff.

“This is a way to keep the Trump Train engaged,” he said. “If you want to show up in a clown suit and spew nonsense about how masks cause UTIs, more power to you. That’s Democracy. Does that mean they have a right to have policy enacted after their viewpoints? No.”

Hodge was upset when a Moms for Liberty member got Orange County Public Schools to remove the book “Gender Queer” from three high schools, using Jacob Engels, the blogger and political operative who is an associate of the Proud Boys, a far-right nationalists group.

Read more.