It’s the Weather, Not the Climate, Stupid! thumbnail

It’s the Weather, Not the Climate, Stupid!

By Dr. Rich Swier

Weather is the state of the atmosphere, describing for example the degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy.

What is Weather?

According to BYJU’S

  • The day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere at a place with respect to elements like humidity, temperature, wind speed, rainfall, etc. is called the weather of that place.
  • Weather can be cloudy, sunny, rainy, stormy or clear. It is a part of the natural phenomenon which maintains the equilibrium in the atmosphere.
  • But conditions can be worse sometimes. When the atmospheric conditions are extreme or intense enough to cause property loss or life loss, such weather is termed as severe weather.
  • These also vary according to the altitudes, latitudes, and region and pressure differences. Tornadoes, cyclones, heavy rainfall, fog, winter storms come under this category. They are disastrous and hazardous. Proper disaster management and strategies are required to handle these conditions.

Weather is the key factor in our daily lives. The weather determines how we heat/cool our homes, how we dress to keep warm or fight the heat and how we live our lives. If your an Eskimo living in Alaska you deal with different weather conditions than someone who is living in Florida, for example.

Why are we so focused on the Climate?

Climate was in use in English for well over a hundred years before we began to use the word in the 16th century to refer to weather conditions. So climate is synonymous with the weather. Then mankind began to use the phrase climate change in 1956.

Skeptical Science, whose mission is to debunk climate misinformation by presenting peer-reviewed science and explaining the techniques of science denial, noted this about the phrase climate change:

“The roots of the term have been around since 1956, when a scientist referred to it as ‘climactic change’ in a paper. By the ’80s, ‘climactic change’ had morphed into ‘climate change’ and entered popular discourse.”

BYJU’S Factors Affecting Weather:

  • All the changes that happen in the weather are made by the sun. Because the sun has a very high temperature and it is a huge sphere of hot gases. It is the main source of heat and light for the earth. It is even the primary source of energy hence affects the weather.
  • The energy reflected and absorbed by the earth’s surface, the oceans and the atmosphere play an important role in determining the weather at any place.
  • Gases like methane, water vapour and carbon dioxide also play a role in determining the weather.

So is it weather or climate?

Why I’m a Conservationist and not an Environmentalist

I deeply care about the planet earth and about all of the creatures living on the land and in our seas, rivers and oceans. However, I am not a environmentalist. Rather I am a conservationist.

According to Merriam-Webster, a conservationist is “a person who advocates conservation especially of natural resources.”

In contrast, an environmentalist is defined as one “concerned about environmental quality especially of the human environment with respect to the control of pollution.”

Do you see the difference?


A conservationist uses what has been given to us to use. He or she does not want to control people but give people access to all natural resources but task people to use these natural resources for the good of all of mankind. Not to do so is blasphemy.

I believe that it is mankind’s duty to use our God given natural resources. I also believe that God tasks us to use them wisely. I believe in waste not, want not.


Environmentalists, unlike conservationists, want to prevent mankind from using earth’s natural resources. Environmentalism wants to “save the planet” by sacrificing the lives, liberties and prosperity  of mankind.

An environmentalist is focused neither on nature nor on science. An environmentalist is focused on controlling pollution by controlling people. Environmentalists have killed millions of people (e.g. when environmentalists banned DDT which lead to the deaths of millions who succumbed to malaria in third world countries from infected mosquitoes).

In order to control the people environmentalists have over time pushed three myths (big lies):

  1. Myth #1: Human Extinction Due To Climate Change Is Imminent


I believe Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed.”

It’s not about pollution at all.

Environmentalists want to reduce the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. They forget that it’s CO2 that feeds the plants and makes them green and grow faster thereby producing more for mankind to consume. Remember learning about osmosis in high school?

Genesis 1: 27-30 reads:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’ Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground–everything that has the breath of life in it–I give every green plant for food.’ And it was so.

Don’t fall for the environmentalist’s big lies. Believe in the truth. God’s truth.

We have been given great bounty and we are tasked to give thanks for it.

Remember what Edmund Burke wrote,

“There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity – the law of nature and of nations.”

As we approach Thanksgiving Day 2021 perhaps we should bow our heads in prayer and be most thankful for our conservationists who give us food, drink and with this bounty, health and prosperity.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Supreme Court to weigh EPA authority to regulate greenhouse pollutants

BIDEN’S BOLSHEVIK: Saule Omarova wants to ‘bankrupt’ the fossil fuel industry to ‘tackle climate change’ thumbnail

BIDEN’S BOLSHEVIK: Saule Omarova wants to ‘bankrupt’ the fossil fuel industry to ‘tackle climate change’

By Dr. Rich Swier

“The goal of socialism is communism.” – Vladimir Lenin

Why Saule Omarova is Biden’s Bolshevik

On November 6 and 7, 1917, leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government. It now appears that Biden has appointed a Bolshevik as his Comptroller of the Currency.

Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system.

Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recently as 2019, she was still praising the USSR’s economic system as in some ways superior to our own. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’” [Emphasis added]

Read the full article.

Now Omarova wants to bankrupt America’s oil, coal and natural gas industries for the greater good of climate change. Watch:

Biden nominee Saule Omarova saying the quiet part out loud. On the oil, coal and gas industries:

“We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.”

— BidenNoms, A Project of AAF (@bidennoms) November 9, 2021

Climate Change and Big Brother

Al Gore wants “big brother” to watch you if you oppose Biden’s climate change agenda. Watch Al Gore’s latest ‘solution’ to Climate Change is mass surveillance:

Public Debt is a Public Good? Not!

In the tweet below Omarova wants more public debt.

Why? Because, according to her socialist thinking, public debt serves the “public good.”

Assistant Professor of Law at UC Berkeley School of Law Abbye Atkinson in a paper titled Making Public Debt a Public Good wrote,

In other words, a public agency like the NIA [National Investment Authority] would center broad social welfare in its fiscal mandate rather than individual wealth accumulation. For example, it could readily support infrastructure geared toward remediating racial justice.

A terrific new essay by @abbye_atkinson on how to make public debt serve… well, the public. And thanks for the shoutout to the National Investment Authority (NIA) idea! Spot on. @LPEblog @justmoneyorg @BuddyYakov

Making Public Debt a Public Good

— Saule Omarova (@STOmarova) September 20, 2021

What is the National Investment Authority (NIA)? According to Data for Progress:

Originally advanced in 2018, the NIA proposal has become particularly salient in the context of the current intersecting public health, economic, and climate crises. Drawing on the experience of the New Deal era’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), the NIA offers a concrete institutional solution to multiple organizational, financial, and operational challenges associated with the long-term climate agenda. The NIA would operate alongside the Treasury and the Federal Reserve and directly allocate both public and private capital to clean infrastructure projects that currently do not get funded in private markets on the necessary scale.

The NIA fits perfectly with Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

Biden’s Bolshevik Saule Omarova is all in on bankrupting our energy industry and increasing public debt.

Recently 11 Republicans voted with Democrats to raise the national debt ceiling. In June, 2021 the reported:

new poll from Axios/SurveyMonkey is out on how Americans view free-market capitalism and socialism. The initial takeaway, as we’ve seen with many other polls in recent years, is that overall support for socialism is on the rise while the appeal of capitalism is ebbing away.

Is Biden Building Back Better the second Bolshevik Revolution?


Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is morphing from a cultural war into a full blown Bolshevik Revolution. The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. The causes of the Bolshevik Revolution were widespread inflation and food shortages in Russia after World War I.

After the collapse of Afghanistan, America’s longest war, Biden inherited an economy from President Trump that was robust, growing, with low inflation, no food shortages with American energy independence.

Biden, since his inauguration, has reversed everything President Trump has done to make America great. Biden’s Build Back Better has, in fact, caused supply chain shortages, rising inflation, food shortages, rising cost for home heating fuel and gasoline prices. Biden and his Bolshevik are now determined to destroy America’s energy industry for the “great good” of climate change.

Watch this absurd question by Kamal Harris:

NEW – Kamala Harris asks NASA if they are able to “track trees” by race as part of “environmental justice.”

— (@disclosetv) November 6, 2021

Track trees by race? Environmental Justice? Really. What happened to equal justice under the law. What happened to our Constructional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

We believe is will get worse before getting better. The are dark days ahead as long as the Democrats and their Republican RINO allies keep taxing, spending and raising the debt on our children and grandchildren.

In a May 15th, 2021 FEE column titled “The US Is 5 Years Away from a National Debt Death Spiral. Here’s WhyCraig Eyermann wrote:

According to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Debt Management, the U.S. government is just five years away from the point where every new dollar it borrows from the public will go toward funding interest payments on the national debt.

Craig Eyermann warns, “There’s an old saying that applies for the U.S. government’s looming fiscal situation: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” It’s only ever a question of how painful it will be when it does.

Conservatives must take control of one or both houses of Congress to stop the Biden Bolsheviks and their agenda to destroy our collective pursuits of happiness.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


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Republicans Who Supported Biden’s $1.2T Infrastructure Bill Once Opposed $25B for Border Wall –

Brown University Researcher: ‘Instead of fighting a war on terror, U.S. should be mobilizing to combat climate change’

Academic Wants a U.S. ‘War’ Against ‘Climate Change’

Doctor Diagnosed Patient With ‘Climate Change’ in Canada thumbnail

Doctor Diagnosed Patient With ‘Climate Change’ in Canada

By Pamela Geller

Here we go…..

Climate change is the greatest political fraud of our time – the earth has been warming for millions of years. It’s the very definition of the emperors new clothes. But it provides the left with a hammer.

The ‘boogie man” is about to get the COVID clampdown treatment.

Doctor blames asthma suffered by patient on ‘climate change’ after historic heat wave killed 500 in Canada

  • A British Columbia emergency room doctor diagnosed a patient with ‘climate change’ after believing his asthma worsened as a result of a historic heat wave
  • He said his patient’s health was also exacerbated by poor air quality linked to forest fires in the province during the summer
  • Nearly 500 Canadians were killed, mostly in British Columbia, during a five-day heat wave as temperatures surged past 121F

    Climate change will kill 250,000 per year between 2030 and 2050 from malnutrition, malaria, and heat stress, the World Health Organization says

By Michelle Thompson For Dailymail.Com, 7 November 2021

A Canadian doctor pointed to ‘climate change’ as the cause for a patient’s asthma after finding that an unprecedented heat wave and poor air quality contributed to the person’s deteriorating health.

Dr. Kyle Merritt, who works at a Nelson, British Columbia hospital, said the environmental hazards prompted him to make his first ‘climate change’ clinical diagnosis after treating the patient who came in struggling to breathe.

‘If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,’ the emergency room doctor told Glacier Media.

‘It’s me trying to just… process what I’m seeing.’

The diagnosis came shortly after a historic heat wave in June killed nearly 500 Canadians during a five-day period as temperatures surged past 121F.

When the heat wave passed, it was replaced by another health threat as thick smoke from wildfires compromised air quality.

‘We’re in the emergency department, we look after everybody, from the most privileged to the most vulnerable, from cradle to grave, we see everybody. And it’s hard to see people, especially the most vulnerable people in our society, being affected. It’s frustrating,’ he said.

Merritt also spoke about a patient in her 70s whose ailments were exacerbated during the heat wave.

‘She has diabetes. She has some heart failure. … She lives in a trailer, no air conditioning,’ he told the outlet. ‘All of her health problems have all been worsened. And she’s really struggling to stay hydrated.’

The observations made by Merritt and other doctors throughout the western Canadian province promoted the colleagues to launch Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health.

The healthcare professionals are using the group to advocate for better health by protecting the environment, they said on the website.

‘We are deeply concerned about the climate crisis and its impact on health,’ the group’s website says. ‘This summer, our patients experienced extreme weather events of heat dome, drought, and severe wildfires. Record-breaking temperatures soared above 40 degrees Celsius in June and air pollution from wildfires reached 43 times the amount of safe levels throughout July and August. ‘

Read the rest…

RELATED VIDEO: Watch: Al Gore Proposes Big Brother Climate Change Mass Surveillance

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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COP 26: Obama & AOC Fly In thumbnail

COP 26: Obama & AOC Fly In

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Barack Obama may have served as the 44th President of the United States, but he is just as wrong as anyone else who approaches global warming from deep roving left field.

“For those listening back home in the U.S., let me say this,” Obama told UN COP 26, “It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or a Democrat if your Florida house is flooded by rising seas, or your crops fail in the Dakotas or your California house is burning down.”

Sorry to inform you, Mister President, all those things are WEATHER, NOT CLIMATE.  It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, short or tall, crop production is setting records, California fires are historically normal, and sea level has risen at the same minuscule pace since before the industrial revolution.

“It’s not just that we can’t afford to go backward,” Obama said. “We can’t afford to stay where we are. The world has to step up and it has to step up now.”

The U.K. Independent commented, “The emptiness of these promises shows COP26 — and the future COP27, COP28, COP129 — for the farce that it is. This is not a serious attempt to solve the climate crisis. It’s a chance for world leaders to pat themselves on the back for doing barely anything in the past and pledge to do stuff they’ll never do in the future. Obama is famed for inspiring hope, but today his words ring hollow.”

Obama called for wealthy nations to spend much more.  The Paris Climate Accord contains plans to redistribute $100 billion per year to poor nations.  Funding never reached that level and the developing world is not happy. At a UN conference in Bonn years ago, a delegate from the island of Tonga approached CFACT’s delegation and asked, “you’re Americans?  When are you sending the money?” Climate cash is the reason they signed onto the Paris agreement in the first place.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also jetted in to Glasgow to push the Green New Deal.  “I have worked very hard on advancing the Civilian Climate Corps, which is now successfully in the Build Back Better Act,” AOC said, “we’ll seek to mobilize over 300,000 jobs for young people in emissions draw down and environmental injustice.”

That’s a pretty big reveal AOC made.  If she is correct, the Biden social spending bill still contains funding for AOC to mobilize, indoctrinate and deploy a vast brigade of climate campaigners to harry and subdue the rest of us.  There seems no end to the bad policy crammed into Biden’s bill.  That’s no way to “build back better.”

The UN announced today that it has performed an analysis that the pledges made at COP 26 are insufficient to keep the globe from warming over its (arbitrary) 1.5 degree C target.  The UN announced that 2.4 degrees seems more likely.  Of course that is based on climate computer modeling, not reality.

The good news?  Climate computer modeling ALWAYS runs too hot!

P.S. Don’t let Obama and AOC have the last word on climate!  Help CFACT present the facts that debunk the global warming narrative.  Please donate right now and let’s beat the Left with hard work and devastating facts.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Brown University Researcher: ‘Instead of fighting a war on terror, U.S. should be mobilizing to combat climate change’ thumbnail

Brown University Researcher: ‘Instead of fighting a war on terror, U.S. should be mobilizing to combat climate change’

By Robert Spencer

“In general, the greater the understanding, the greater the delusion; the more intelligent, the less sane.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Heidi Peltier is a “senior researcher at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University and director of programs for the Costs of War Project.” For all her skills as a researcher, however, she doesn’t appear to be aware that the Obama administration ended the war on terror in 2012. What’s more, the waste she decries in the war on terror is largely derived from the fact that it was wrongly conceived from the beginning, and wrongly executed all the way through.

In any case, she wants an end to Wilsonian messianic interventionism, and that would indeed be a good thing. But she wants the resources of the U.S. government to be devoted instead to fighting “climate change,” apparently unaware of the fact that such a fight will be just as empty and fruitless as the “war on terror,” if not even more so. It is, to say the least, unproven that human activity has caused climate change, and even more unproven that human activity can fix the climate. What’s more, the activities proposed are all being undertaken by the U.S. and Western Europe, while China ignores the problem and benefits economically from the West’s self-abnegation.

She says: “Climate-related disasters have killed more Americans from flooding and wildfires than the 2,996 people who died in the 9/11 attacks.” That may be, but again, there is no proof that this was the result of something human beings did. There have been floods and wildfires throughout history. Nor is it certain that ending the use of the internal combustion engine etc. will solve the problem.

It’s time to shift from the ‘war on terror’ to a war on climate change

by Heidi Peltier, Guardian, November 7, 2021:

Large government bureaucracies are often slow to adapt to changing realities, such as the catastrophic threats we face in a warming world. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is no exception. New research from Brown University’s Costs of War Project shows that the DHS has been overly focused on foreign and foreign-inspired terrorism, while violent attacks in the US have more often come from domestic sources. A combination of willful ignorance and institutional inertia caused the agency to miss the rise in white supremacy and domestic terrorism that led to the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol.

The new data from Dr Erik Dahl, Associate Professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School, show that just one of the 46 failed terror plots in the US from 2018 through 2020 was directed by a foreign organization. In contrast, 29 plots were planned or carried out by domestic groups. In 2019, DHS finally acknowledged the growing threat of targeted violence and domestic terrorism borne mainly of far-right ideology and white supremacy and issued its first strategy document identifying these threats.

While we know now that the threat of violent attacks from domestic sources outnumber those from foreign sources, a bigger source of insecurity still is that of climate change. On October 21, the DHS released its first-ever “Strategic Framework for Addressing Climate Change,” acknowledging the importance of climate as a source of disruption and threat to security. As the COP26 UN climate meetings start this week, it’s time for a recognition that climate change is in fact a more expensive, more deadly, and more real threat to lives and to the US economy than the threat of what we call terrorism.

The “War on Terror” – a phrase born in the George W Bush administration – needs to be retired both as an action and a concept. The word “terrorism” instills a sense of fear and gives carte blanche for the US government to intervene around the globe….

Instead of wasting trillions of dollars and millions of lives fighting a war on terror, the US should be mobilizing to combat climate change….

Climate-related disasters have killed more Americans from flooding and wildfires than the 2,996 people who died in the 9/11 attacks….

To read more columns about Climate Change click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

GENOCIDE 2.0: Environmentalism Embraces Population Control to ‘Ecologically Right-sized the Number of Humans’ thumbnail

GENOCIDE 2.0: Environmentalism Embraces Population Control to ‘Ecologically Right-sized the Number of Humans’

By Dr. Rich Swier

Genocide: The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

“Of all the problems which will have to be faced in the future, in my opinion, the most difficult will be those concerning the treatment of the inferior races of mankind.” ― Leonard Darwin

“Soon it will be a sin for parents to have a child which carries the heavy burden of genetic disease.” ― Robert Edwards

Humans are considered carbon-based life forms. Our bodies are 18% carbon. According to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, “By mass, about 96 percent of our bodies are made of four key elements: oxygen (65 percent), carbon (18.5 percent), hydrogen (9.5 percent) and nitrogen (3.3 percent).” Plants then use the carbon dioxide humans breathe out and create the oxygen humans and other creatures breathe in!

When we take a breath, we pull air into our lungs that contains mostly nitrogen and oxygen. When we exhale, we breathe out mostly carbon dioxide.

QUESTION: Do we need to cull the population, thereby cutting CO2, in order to save the planet?

Environmentalists, with the full assistance of the United Nations, want to reduce CO2 (carbon) from the earth in order to save it.

QUESTION: How do environmentalists want to reduce CO2?

ANSWER: First slow, then stop and finally reverse population growth by killing the born and unborn!

So how does this reversing of population growth impact you and me?

The Population Media Center’s website states:


Slowing down, stopping, and eventually reversing human population growth — these are ethical imperatives that will help improve the chances of future generations establishing sustainable living scenarios with the planet.

The most ethical gift we can give the people and creatures of the late 21st century and early 22nd century is a chance. In the realm of population, this means working across the generations to ensure a much smaller, more ecologically right-sized number of humans. [Emphasis added]

So we must reduce the population in order to save the planet? So what are the three types of population policies proposed by environmentalists? They are:

  1. Pro-natalist: A pro-natalist policy is a population policy which aims to encourage more births through the use of incentives.
  2. Anti-natalist: An anti-natalist policy is a population policy which aims to discourage births.
  3. Eugenics: Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. Eugenics was popular in America during much of the first half of the twentieth century and was embraced by Adolf Hitler in attempt to create a superior Aryan race, while at the same time eliminating the undesirable. This lead to the holocaust.

So, if you are pro-life you would be pro-natalist. If you are anti-natalist you would be pro-abortion. If you believe that only the most worthy humans should bread you are pro-eugenics.

Environmentalism, Eugenics & the New Genocide

Professor Paul Sutton, of the University of Denver, was a delegate for the American Association of Geographers at COP26. He wrote in The Hill, the largest independent political news site in the U.S.:

[W]ithout population stabilization and eventually degrowth, all the other approaches to climate change will not work.

[ … ]

The least costly and most effective policy to control future CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and thereby climate change is to curb global population growth by simply providing contraceptive care to all women in the world who want it but do not currently have access.

Daily Express columnist Leo McKinstry said, “curbing population explosion should be top of the COP26 agenda.” McKinstry went on to state:

“There are currently 7.9 billion people on Earth, a total expected to rise by at least one billion every 12 years. It is a level of growth whose insatiable demands not only put an intolerable strain on our natural resources, but also fuels the ruination of eco-systems, from rivers to rain forests. …

“The decision to avoid this question at COP26 is the equivalent of holding a conference on obesity without mentioning calorie intake or lack of exercise.”

These comments sound very much like the arguments used to promote Eugenics. In 1936 the United States Public Health Service (now the CDC) conducted an experiment:

[T]he government used 623 black men as human guinea pigs in a 40-year medical experiment. This in itself is bad enough, but for 40 years these black men, predominately poor and uneducated, were deliberately kept in the dark about what was happening to them. This “experiment” continued for 20 years after the Nuremburg trials and the set of standards that came out of the trials called the Nuremburg codes. The civilized world agreed that human beings would not be used as research animals and that doctors would never forget their first duty to heal their patients.

Covid, Vaccines & the New Holocaust

Google actually has a counter with information on Covid infections, deaths and vaccinations. According to Google there have been worldwide 219,456,675 cases of Covid,  4,547,782 deaths, and 3,108,880,373 fully vaccinate. reported that 9.2% of those vaccinated have “serious symptoms.” This means that to date 286,016,994 humans are having serious effects from being jabbed. The Mayo Clinic reports:

Serious side effects of the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine can occur within three weeks of vaccination and require emergency care. Possible symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent stomach pain
  • Severe or persistent headaches or blurred vision
  • Chest pain
  • Leg swelling
  • Easy bruising or tiny red spots on the skin beyond the injection site

In the United States VAERS has received 6,968 reports of death (0.0019%), according to the CDC. (Numbers as of Aug. 26, 2021.)We still do not know the serious side effects of getting jabbed.


Population control is the new way forward to save the planet. When people like Leo McKinstry compare people to calories we begin to see how environmentalists want to dehumanize humanity. This dehumanization leads to Eugenics which leads to depopulation by force, which leads to governments deciding who lives and who dies by mandate.

It’s happened so many times in history. Hundreds of millions have been slaughtered, like cattle, in the name of saving humanity. has an ongoing research project tracking the public’s attitudes and experiences with COVID-19 vaccinations.

Covid has become the hammer to drive the nails into the coffins of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It has lead to a new age of rule by global government mandates presumably to save the people from themselves. Watch Dr. Lee Merritt speak about “The Heart of the Vaccine’s Darkness.”

It’s ironic that environmentalists use the term “human footprint” to symbolize their movement to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere when of course what they really want are no more human footprints at all.

Remember what George Orwell wrote in his novel 1984:

“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?”

We all understand where this all leads, don’t we. The question is how do we stop Genocide 2.0?

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: List of links to Senate Hearings on Vaxx damage and cheated trials from November 1st 2021

COP 26: Socialists & Scoundrels Emerge From Hiding thumbnail

COP 26: Socialists & Scoundrels Emerge From Hiding

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

If there’s one thing that unites the UN conference in Glasgow, it is that everyone wants a piece of you.

Apparently what is troubling the Earth is that you are too free and live too well.  Plans to curtail your freedom and redistribute what you’ve worked for into more deserving pockets abound.  That none of this will meaningfully alter the temperature of the Earth doesn’t enter into it.

Everywhere CFACT goes in Glasgow we encounter utter shamelessness.

A UN climate conference is a place where a mega-movie star like Leonardo DiCaprio jets in to sit with an old-guard Socialist like UN Secretary General António Guterres to discuss new ways to bring you to heel.

A UN climate conference is a place where Al Gore pushes his “Green” investment company’s plans to grow rich from taxpayer subsidies, all the time donning an unearned mantle of virtue.  The WSJ once wrote that Gore has amassed a vast fortune without ever conferring value upon a customer.

A UN climate conference is also a place where Socialists feel free to emerge from the shadows to boldly attack free-market Capitalism, as if their failed ideology were not responsible for suffering throughout the 20th century on a never-before-imagined industrial scale.

Pete Murphy has served as an intrepid CFACT correspondent here in Glasgow and posted a roundup of much of what he saw in the UN “Green Zone” in Glasgow.  The Green Zone is the place where activists and NGOs let their hair down and showcase their propaganda.  Check out this collection of wacky posters Pete photographed.  They’d be funny if those behind them were not so dangerously, deadly in earnest.

There has been a major push at COP 26 to accelerate the war on coal, however, China has sidestepped all that, and continues to commission new coal plants at the rate of one a week.  That wind and solar are not up to the job of replacing electricity from coal somehow escapes most of those at the COP.  Nuclear remains the most efficient way to safely generate clean, emissions-free (if that’s your thing) electricity.  An alliance of blinkered Greens and vested energy interests refuses to budge from its way.

CFACT’s Marc Morano has been covering Swedish climate scold Greta Thunberg’s conclusion that COP 26 is a useless exercise in “blah, blah, blah” with glee.

However, consider the yet darker side of “blah, blah, blah.”  What Greta and the red brigades in Glasgow truly mean is that they do not value deliberative, democratic processes, individual choice, or national sovereignty.  They demand immediate destruction of the free-market economic prosperity and individual rights that have nurtured them from infancy — and replace them with what?

The Green-Left seldom reveals just what they would do with power should they get it.  For a hint we have to look at the pain they’ve wrought when they had the chance.  Look at great cities like Portland and Seattle in flames and disorder, or a jewel of a country like Venezuela plunged into starvation and despair if you are seeking present-day lessons in why not to put the Woke in charge.

Then there’s the entire sad history of Socialist destruction throughout the 20th century.

Pity Greta didn’t stay in school and learn about that.

RELATED ARTICLE: Cop26: It’s socialism or extinction

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COP 26: Kerry’s Climate $ Trillions [+Video] thumbnail

COP 26: Kerry’s Climate $ Trillions [+Video]

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

John Kerry told UN COP 26 that the United Nations can count on the $100 billion in funding they’ve been begging for and a whole lot more.

Kerry, who serves as President Biden’s “climate envoy,” said that “billions won’t cut it” and that a plan to spend trillions of dollars on “climate finance” will be announced on Wednesday.

This seems to be the Biden Administration’s “M.O.” Ignore debt, welcome inflation and spend, spend, spend.  The Left is working overtime to fundamentally shift economic life from free market capitalism to central government planning.  To update an old cliché: “a trillion here and a trillion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.”

The bloviating from the podium continues at COP 26 with a concerted attack on methane.  Did you ever shop for a methane stove, furnace, water heater, or BBQ? No?  That’s because you know it better as natural gas, the odorless, invisible, clean-burning fuel with the blue flame found in abundance in the United States.  It is natural gas that allowed America to lead the world in emissions reductions (if that’s your thing).  Team climate started calling it by its chemical name “methane” to scare us with anti-science, chemistry-phobic bias.

CFACT’s Marc Morano has been broadcasting from Glasgow nonstop, yesterday telling OAN’s Stephanie Hamill live on the air that “if you actually cared about the climate, this isn’t the place you would go to solve it.  You would actually go to free market, wealth creation and prosperity and not the centralized plan the United Nations is proposing.”  Marc has been calling out climate hypocrites for jetting in on private jets to the COP and leading plush plutocratic lifestyles while demanding the rest of us tighten our far humbler belts.

I don’t know who is scarier, the wacky leftists running amok inside the COP and out, or the international elite meeting in the back rooms of the conference planning how next to control and fleece us.

President Biden’s feckless naivety continues to astound.  Biden used his last day at the COP to take China and Russia to task for not sending their heads of state to Glasgow, saying they made “a big mistake.” “The rest of the world is going to take a look at China and say, ‘what value have they provided?”’

If Kerry succeeds in conjuring up trillions of dollars in climate finance, whom does he think is waiting in the wings eager to supply the solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and rare earths it would take to build a new inefficient “renewable” energy infrastructure?

Try looking east, Mister President.

It’s not China who made the worst climate mistakes in Scotland.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COP26 and Population: The First Shall be First, and the Last Shall Be Kept From Breeding thumbnail

COP26 and Population: The First Shall be First, and the Last Shall Be Kept From Breeding

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

The COP26 conference on climate change may have solved little, but it was a brilliant opportunity to recycle hoary clichés about overpopulation.

Professor Paul Sutton, of the University of Denver, was a delegate for the American Association of Geographers at COP26. He wrote in The Hill, the largest independent political news site in the US: “without population stabilization and eventually degrowth, all the other approaches to climate change will not work.”

He wants an aggressive program of population control: “The least costly and most effective policy to control future CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and thereby climate change is to curb global population growth by simply providing contraceptive care to all women in the world who want it but do not currently have access.”

Closer to home, Daily Express columnist Leo McKinstry says that “curbing population explosion should be top of the COP26 agenda”.

Observers have remarked on the absence of Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin but the most significant absence, he declared, is the lack of emphasis on population control. We are “perhaps the biggest cause of environmental degradation”.

“There are currently 7.9 billion people on Earth, a total expected to rise by at least one billion every 12 years. It is a level of growth whose insatiable demands not only put an intolerable strain on our natural resources, but also fuels the ruination of eco-systems, from rivers to rain forests. …

“The decision to avoid this question at COP26 is the equivalent of holding a conference on obesity without mentioning calorie intake or lack of exercise.”

And with a grand rhetorical flourish he concludes: “Overpopulation is an engine of social injustice and eco-destruction. It should be at the heart of COP26 proceedings.”

There is a kind of twisted logic in these gentlemen’s pronouncements, since if people are not born, they cannot harm the Planet, but neither can they help it.

In fact, however, global birth rates are also in decline. The population growth we now see is caused by people living too long — a problem stemming from greater prosperity.

For those who argue that there are “too many people”, it makes more sense to kill people already born than to kill the unborn – unless they wish the human race to die out altogether.

Perhaps they do – apart from themselves of course — which explains lamentations about the problem of the “ageing population” alongside a clamour for the right-to-die and quiet moves to make it easier for old, the sick and the disabled to refuse treatment.

Just to add to the general mood of merriment and optimism, the consumer organisation Which? is telling Britons that eco-friendly households should give plastic Christmas trees a miss this year. Which’s sombre message is that you will need to keep a plastic tree for at least 12 years to offset its carbon footprint.

But they shouldn’t buy real ones either. The greenest things to do are to hire a real fir tree (expensive), grow your own (do you have the patience?), or make a fake one out of sustainable materials (who has the time?).

If we continue down this slippery green slope, it can only be a matter of time before Christmas itself, with its feasting and present-giving, will be abolished as being detrimental to the environment. And after all, bowing down to a baby – when babies are supposed to be ruining the Planet — rather than to the 95-year-old misanthropist David Attenborough, is so un-green.

Malthus is on the nose because of the experience of forced population control in China and India. But it is being revived.

It is of course heavily disguised as Caring for the Planet, and in a sly inversion of the Biblical morality which tells us that the first shall be last and the last shall be first, it seems the first shall continue to be first and the last shall be prevented from being born.

Whether or not the nobs talk openly about overpopulation, if COP26 has its way, the rest of us will be poorer, colder and sicker – and without children to console us in our old age. That’s the kind of unwanted Christmas present we can all do without.


Ann Farmer

Ann Farmer lives in the UK. She is the author of By Their Fruits: Eugenics, Population Control, and the Abortion Campaign (CUAP, 2008); The Language of Life: Christians Facing the Abortion Challenge (St… More by Ann Farmer.

RELATED ARTICLE: Afghanistan: Taliban calls for international funding to support its efforts to fight climate change

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Blah, Blah, Blah – CLIMATE – Blah, Blah, Blah thumbnail

Blah, Blah, Blah – CLIMATE – Blah, Blah, Blah

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Greta Thunberg Continues To Show Us That She Is CLUELESS, Chants “Blah, Blah, Blah”

UN COP 26, the most significant climate conference in years is underway in Glasgow and CFACT is there!

World leaders such as Boris Johnson, Prince Charles, President Biden, Al Gore, and UN Secretary General António Guterres ascended the stage for the UN “World Leaders Summit.”

CFACT found ourselves in the unusual position of agreeing with Swedish climate kid Greta Thunberg who called the world leaders’ rhetoric a bunch of ineffectual “blah, blah, blah.”

Greta just topped herself singing repeatedly to world leaders, “You can shove your climate crisis up your a***,” to the tune of “she’ll be comin’ round the mountain.” Watch:

CFACT shares Greta’s sentiment on this one.  (Though not her penchant for profanity).

All this top down blah, blah, blah demands a little perspective:

Pete Murphy joined CFACT’s delegation to Glasgow as a policy analyst.  Read Murphy’s first dispatch from the COP at  In addition to his roundup of world leader bloviating, Pete reports that Climate Depot’s Marc Morano went on the airways reporting developments on One America News (OAN), the Joe Piscopo national radio show, and Washington DC’s talk radio station WMAL, among other media.  Stay tuned for much more.

Check out the big black inflatable capitalist “snake” climate campaigners are parading around Glasgow.  They did a fine job of underscoring the anti-capitalist agenda lurking behind so much climate and environment rhetoric.

CFACT’s (unofficial) poll of local Scots, however, reveals a people firmly grounded in common sense.  Scots are waking up to the fact that their massive investment in intermittent wind and solar power is threatening them with unaffordable electricity prices and blackouts.  Look to Scotland and some other European countries for a model of how not to handle a national energy strategy.

CFACT is your eyes, ears and voice in the UN climate process.

Watch for much more as COP 26 unfolds in Glasgow.


Craig Rucker

Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president.

RELATED VIDEO: Which is worse? Biden’s being senile OR sleeping on the job?

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why I’m a Conservationist and NOT an Environmentalist thumbnail

Why I’m a Conservationist and NOT an Environmentalist

By Dr. Rich Swier

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.’ And it was so.” – Genesis

“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” — Albert Einstein

“There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value.” –  Speech by Theodore Roosevelt in Osawatomie, Kansas, August 31, 1910.

I deeply care about the planet earth and about all of the creatures living on the land and in our seas, rivers and oceans. However, I am not a environmentalist. Rather I am a conservationist.

According to Merriam-Webster, a conservationist is “a person who advocates conservation especially of natural resources.”

In contrast, an environmentalist is defined as one “concerned about environmental quality especially of the human environment with respect to the control of pollution.”

Do you see the difference?


A conservationist uses what has been given to us to use. He or she does not want to control people but give people access to all natural resources but task people to use these natural resources for the good of all of mankind. Not to do so is blasphemy.

The U.S. Department of the Interior says this about the conservationism:

President Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most powerful voices in the history of American conservation. Enthralled by nature from a young age, Roosevelt cherished and promoted our nation’s landscapes and wildlife. After becoming president in 1901, Roosevelt used his authority to establish 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, four national game preserves, five national parks and 18 national monuments on over 230 million acres of public land.

Today, the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt is found across the country. There are six national park sites dedicated, in part or whole, to our conservationist president. Along with others like John Muir and Rachel Carson, Roosevelt’s words and actions continue to affect how we approach and appreciate the natural world. In honor of his birthday, check out some great Roosevelt stories and quotes below.

I believe that it is mankind’s duty to use our God given natural resources. I also believe that God tasks us to use them wisely. I believe in waste not, want not.

Aldo Leopold wrote,

“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. By land is meant all of the things on, over, or in the earth. Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left. That is to say, you cannot love game and hate predators; you cannot conserve the waters and waste the ranges; you cannot build the forest and mine the farm. The land is one organism. Its parts, like our own parts, compete with each other and co-operate with each other. The competitions are as much a part of the inner workings as the co-operations. You can regulate them—cautiously—but not abolish them.”

Love the land and its creatures but partake of earth’s bounty.

As John James Audubon wrote,

“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.”


An environmentalist is focused not on nature or science. An environmentalist is focused on controlling pollution by controlling people. Environmentalists have killed millions of people.

In order to control the people environmentalists have over time pushed three myths (big lies):

  1. Myth #1: Human Extinction Due To Climate Change Is Imminent

Biden’s Build Back Better agenda has a climate basket.

Biden’s Climate Basket:

This basket is filled with green energy goodies. It’s the Green New Deal on steroids. Unfortunately, if you heat your home using natural gas or electricity you are being tricked because you energy bill will go up, not down. If you drive a car, SUV, truck or van that uses fossil fuels you have already see gasoline and diesel prices go up over 323%. There’s no treats in this basket for us consumers too. For you see went the cost of energy goes up so does the prices of consumer goods. This basket is filled with tricks and no treats.

Here are three absolutes that John Casey, a good friend of mine, taught me about the climate:

  1. The climate changes.
  2. These changes of the climate follow natural cycles (e.g. summer, fall, winter, spring).
  3. There is nothing mankind can do to change these natural cycles.


I believe Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed.”

It’s not about pollution at all.

Environmentalists want to reduce the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. They forget that it’s CO2 that feeds the plants and makes them green and grow faster thereby producing more for mankind to consume. Remember learning about osmosis in high school?

Genesis 1: 27-30 reads:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’ Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground–everything that has the breath of life in it–I give every green plant for food.’ And it was so.

Don’t fall for the environmentalist’s big lies. Believe in the truth. God’s truth.

We have been given great bounty and we are tasked to give thanks for it.

Remember what Edmund Burke wrote,

“There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity – the law of nature and of nations.”

As we approach Thanksgiving Day 2021 perhaps we should bow our heads in prayer and be most thankful for our conservationists who give us food, drink and with this bounty, health and prosperity.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

AWED Newsletter: We cover everything from COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. thumbnail

AWED Newsletter: We cover everything from COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

By John Droz, Jr.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Note 1: Each issue now has a link, so it’s simple to share on social media. We’re also hoping that the new Newsletter format makes it easier to read.

Note 2: Please see the major new website ( with dozens of quality COVID-19 reports.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

New website ( with dozens of quality COVID-19 reports.

COVID-19 — Therapies:

The FDA’s War Against the Truth on Ivermectin

Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with vax

Merck sees up to $7 billion in sales of Covid-19 drug in one year

Study: Nutraceutical Approach to Preventing COVID-19 and Related Complications

Low‐dose radiation therapy (LDRT) for COVID‐19 and its deadlier variants

COVID-19 — Vaccines:

CDC’s Interesting Definition of a Vaccine

A site collecting data for adverse vaccine reactions: React-19

Dr. Campbell: Professional athlete’s vaccine experience

DC Rally on Nov 2: Real Not Rare

Gov’t Reports Suggests Vaccinated Are Having Immune System Decline

Study: Long-term COVID-19 side effects may include memory loss, etc.

John Hopkins: Immunocompromised People — Fully Vaccinated and Not Protected

Short video: Federal Agencies not keeping adverse COVID-19 records

Official reports suggest vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Harvard Study: CNS Inflammation Post Vaccination

Former CDC Director Gives Alarming Statistic on Fully Vaccinated COVID Deaths

Reminiscent of Nazi Germany: The Disturbing Truth Behind the Vax

MD: I Will Not Be Taking the Current COVID-19 Vaccines

Fully Vaccinated Colin Powell Dies of COVID-19

In England: fully vaccinated accounted for 82% of Covid-19 deaths & 66% of hospitalizations during the past month

COVID-19 — Vaccine Mandates:

Navy to begin kicking sailors out who refuse COVID vaccine

The push for “vaccinating” kids relies on deception and ignorance

White House Details Plan To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11

Vaccine Tyranny Ignites Brushfires of Freedom

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Vaccine Mandates

Santa Claus Fired Over Vaccine Mandate By Major Retailer

San Francisco shuts down food business for not enforcing vaccine mandate

185 Employees Leave Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab Due to Vaccine Mandate

The Immorality of Hospital-Forced Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandates

MD: Tyrannical COVID agenda violates every law of the land

The EU Parliament Opposes Vaccine Mandate Agenda

CDC director says schools should have mask mandates even if FDA approves jab for kids

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

Study: Children born during pandemic have lower IQs

Viral Shedding: All You Need To Know About This COVID-19 Transmission

Waterford has 97+% vaccination rate — but State’s highest rate of Covid-19 infections

COVID-19 — Misc:

We Are in This Conflict Whether We Like It or Not

Covid Authoritarians Are The Cause Of America’s Problems, Not The Unvaccinated

COVID, lockdown and the retreat of scientific debate

Short video: Healing the Divide

Dr. Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government

Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy: The Fauci Saga Continues

Chinese Defector Reveals COVID-19 Origin

Absolute Corruption: The Three Big Pharma Companies with COVID EUA Vaccines, All Employ Former FDA Commissioners

Greed Energy Economics:

Congress eyes $235B in clean energy subsidies. Here they are

The Real Cost of Government Mandated Wind and Solar

New data on real offshore wind costs

Why Carbon Hysteria And Decarbonization Policies Are Economically Insane

Wait, who agrees NC electricity costs must keep going up? Not consumers

New Book: Green Murder

Study: Electric Cars Cost More To Refuel Than Gasoline Powered Cars

Solar And Wind Are Forcing Poverty On Africa

Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:

Tucker exposes the hidden impact of green energy

Wind Noise: A Continuing Issue (night amplification)

The Dirty Little Secret: Wind Turbines Create Health Issues

EPA’s Commitments to Action on PFAS

Wind Energy:

Wind Turbine Failures Behind Europe’s Energy Crisis are a Warning for America

No Christmas for wind project operator or neighbors

Icebreaker wind project proposed for Lake Erie needs to find more financing soon

Plug-in cars are the future. The grid isn’t ready.

Solar Energy:

EPA Plans New Rules for “Forever Chemicals” (found in some solar panels)

NY’s CLCPA: Yet Another Industrial Solar Issue

Unintended Consequences of Solar Development Threaten Agriculture

Nuclear Energy:

Renewables are 5 times the cost of nuclear

IAEA, Poland Say Nuclear Energy Needed to Hit Climate Goals

Why The Pro-Nuclear Movement Is Winning

Sodium-cooled fast reactors and the future of nuclear energy

Fossil Fuel Energy:

The true feasibility of moving away from fossil fuels

Nature calls but the world is not listening

Fossil fuels form the basis of our medical and food supply chains

A toolkit to make existing Coal plants more efficient

Our Medical Industry and Food Supply Depend on Fossil Fuels

U.S. Coal Industry Says Almost Sold-Out For 2022

Misc Energy:

The Dangerous Intersection of Energy, Politics and Shipping

Supreme Court to hear challenge to EPA climate change rules for power plants

Red China Tried To Go Green, Now It’s Going Dark

Will the Energy Crisis Be ESG’s Great Reset?

Global Energy Crisis Is the First of Many in the Clean-Power Era

Report: Energy Rationing is on the Horizon

Democrats’ Energy Agenda Puts Foreign Approval Ahead of American Families

Energy professionals: do you understand how the media works?

NYS Prop 2: A Dangerously Seductive Idea

Staggering $1.5 billion lithium deposit discovered in Maine

Maine Energy Facts

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

Director of Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center, quits due to politics

Report: The underestimated role of clouds in global warming

Mankind’s Danger is Not Climate, but Policy that Uses Climate to Destroy Us

COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect of Owning Nothing

A Flood Of Superficial Climate Reports

CLINTEL: Critique of the AR6 WG1 Summary for Policymakers

CLINTEL catalogs IPCC errors in time for UN COP 26

Don’t be fooled by claims of consensus, science is not a popularity contest

Big Tech is censoring the climate change debate

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

CO2 Coalition unveils new website:

The collapse of our values is a greater threat than climate change

G20 Rome summit deeply divided over COP26 agenda

Dr. Lindzen: China Warming

Laughing at climate hysteria

First Get the Science Right

Short Video: Is There Really a Climate Emergency?

Experts: Biden’s Climate Financing Plan Won’t Help Climate, But Will Push Country To Totalitarianism

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

Get Smart About What Really Happened in the 2020 Election

Democrats’ Re-Branded Takeover of State Elections Should be Unanimously Rejected

Statement on Senate Vote Defeating S. 2747

‘No Widespread Support’ for Democrats’ Anti-Voter Agenda

Restoring voter confidence: what suppression?

US Election — Virginia:

An army of GOP’s ‘election integrity’ poll watchers — turns out across Virginia

Lawsuit: Virginia county is violating election law amid governor race

How Virginia Democrats Are Working To Make Elections Sloppy Again

US Election — Other State Issues:

AZ State Senate Hearings of Partial Forensic Audit of 2020 Election

Maricopa Audit found ‘Thousands of Duplicate Ballots’

Scorched Earth Judging in North Carolina

Connecticut: Director of Elections or Partisan Operative?

Two Ballot issues to be voted on by NY citizens

What are NYS Five Ballot Propositions All About?

Huge Setback As Judge Shuts Down Attempts To Examine Georgia Ballots

WI Sheriff Investigation – Election Law Not Just Broken, but Shattered

US Politics and Socialism:

As the Left Tries to Kill American Citizenship, Citizens Fight for their Ancient Rights

Obama’s Police State Dream Is Coming True

Statisticians Sue to Halt EPA Committee Work

Four Part Video: The Threat of China

Biden says he’s open to altering, eliminating filibuster to advance voting rights

Patience with Biden wearing thin among Black leaders

The Poor Will Always Be With Us

How free stuff is used to addict the urban poor to welfare

Some NC Ex-prisoners Will Soon Receive a Guaranteed Monthly Income

Other US Politics and Related:

Nationalism to Confront Globalism in Glasgow

The Legacy of Slavery is Not Simply Black and White

Victor Hanson: One Man’s Anarchy is Another’s Road to Justice

As America Teeters on Fiscal Disaster, Biden Worries about the Weather

Meta: The Final Disconnect From Reality?

US Military’s Misplaced Focus on COVID and Climate Change Could Cost Us the Next War

Religion Related:

Short Video: Amish Covid | Full Measure

Why atheism is ‘incompatible’ with science

Fourteen Years in Communist Prison Could Not Break His Faith

Education Related:

Why Is the AAUP Investigating UNC?

Short Video: It’s A Big Club And You Ain’t In It

Big-City Schools: Where America’s Most Vulnerable Kids Get Shafted

The Doctor Is In… on Educating America’s Children

Science and Misc Matters:

The New Victim of Cancel Culture: Science

Unpacking Propaganda: What Is It? What Can You Do About It?

Military Is Developing ‘Cognitive Warfare’ Weapons

Politics: some more equal than others

Shane Snow on Storytelling

NYS “Green Amendment,” Proposition 2, Will Only Enrich Lawyers

Please use social media, etc. to pass on this Newsletter to other open-minded citizens…

If at any time you’d like to be added to (or taken off) the distribution of our popular,  free Media Balance Newsletter, simply send me an email saying that.

Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or the website) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2021; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

Europe’s Real Energy Wake-Up Call thumbnail

Europe’s Real Energy Wake-Up Call

By Michael Fumento

No, the answer is not fossil fuels; it’s nuclear.

Energy Crisis Is a ‘Wake Up Call’ For Europe to Ditch Fossil Fuels,” declares CNN. That rather sounds like fossil fuels are becoming scarce there, which they’re not. Besides, the U.S. alone could ship enough coal to tide Europe over for at least a few centuries—including to Newcastle.

The crisis that has European energy prices soaring, such that the green-conscious Euros are eyeing coal, has two bases: A move away from fossil fuels to comply with global climate change accords and a concurrent shift away from nuclear energy.

In trying to meet its Paris Treaty obligations, Europe has tremendously reduced fossil fuel extraction capacity. Add the economic bounce-back from the Covid lockdowns, plus such factors as low Norwegian hydroelectric reservoirs and opportunistic Russian gas manipulation, and Europe is left scrambling for energy, including burning more coal and petroleum and paying as much as five times for natural gas as last year, while U.S. prices are about double.

The fact is, Europe could have been at zero emissions for electricity and heating long ago. (Though note these are just part of overall so-called “greenhouse gas emissions”; globally one quarter.) We know from the French experience. After the oil shocks of the 1970s, France went on a massive nuclear plant building spree such that it was getting practically all its electricity from nukes or other non-fossil sources like hydroelectric. Sacré bleu, it was even exporting to other countries!

Germany was heading in that direction, with 36 nuclear plants providing almost a third of the nation’s electricity. Not surprisingly, knowing German technological skill, that included the world’s most productive plant. Overall demand hasn’t risen much since then, so, given other carbon-free sources such as hydroelectric and geothermal, it’s entirely conceivable that fossil-fuel fired plants could have been completely replaced. Then, like France, Germany could have become a net electricity exporter.

The country’s position would have been all the better when you consider the example of U.S. nuclear plants, which have progressively produced more power, almost a doubling through what is called “nameplate capacity factor.” Capacity factors for U.S. nuclear power plants are currently 92.5 percent, compared to only 55.9 percent in 1975, enabling generating costs to drop about a third just since 2012. That capacity factor also leaves every other form of energy in the dust with coal at 40.2 percent, wind at 35.4 percent, and solar voltaic at just 24.9 percent.

But rather than being Deutschland uber alles, the country’s powerful green movement convinced now-outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel not just to stop building new plants but to start shuttering those in operation. Anti-nuclear activists followed a now common script. They first exploited the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, with its perhaps 50 people quickly killed (almost all first responders) and then maybe 4,000 more dying over time from lower-dose radiation exposure according to a U.N. report. Never mind that comparing a Soviet nuke plant to a German one is like comparing a smoky 2-stroke East German-era Trabant to a new Porsche.

Thence to the Fukushima, Japan, disaster in 2011. An incredible 9.0 offshore earthquake (one of the five largest ever recorded) led to a massive tsunami. It swept over whole towns (the videos are horrifying), including the world’s largest seawall, and into coastal nuclear facilities. This caused meltdowns at three reactors because instead of having a passive shutdown system the “Generation-II” Japanese plants relied on an active system of emergency diesel generators erroneously located at a lower elevation than the reactor buildings. That knocked them out and also made proper heat dissipation impossible. Even still, while over 19,000 people died or disappeared in the quake and tsunami, so far only one death has been attributed to radiation leakage.

But never mind that Germany ranks quite low in seismic activity and doesn’t get a lot of tsunamis. Teutonic troublemakers saw their opening and Merkel, despite her physics degree, completely caved and ordered a nuclear phase-out. Now all German plants but six have been shuttered and those are scheduled to shut down next year even though they still provide a vital 10 percent of the nation’s electricity.

Instead about a fourth of Germany’s home-grown electricity comes from coal, the overwhelming majority being the dirtiest variety, brown lignite. Rather than exporting clean electricity, it exports dirty coal. Rather than being an energy exporter, it relies heavily on imports—mostly Russian.

Germany likes to boast of its high “renewable energy” use. But since it imports so much energy, what does it matter what it produces domestically anyway? As it happens, it’s the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in Europe—though in fairness, that’s as a country, not per capita. Its electricity prices including taxes are the highest in the world. It’s just not a sunny country, especially in the north, thus their solar farms make no sense. (I once spent three weeks there in summer with virtually no sunshine.)

Germans also pay over twice what Americans do per unit of heating gas, in part because, like Europe generally, they are so heavily dependent on Russian gas imports that in turn keep Putin and his klepto-cronies in office. If Germany had kept its nuclear fleet running while still building renewable generation, it would be burning 25 percent less gas and a third less coal for electricity according to a 2019 National Bureau of Economic Research paper.

As for the U.S., it has steadily decreased greenhouse gas emissions as a country and per capita essentially by switching to cheaper natural gas from coal. But it, too, is shuttering nukes, albeit slowly and not by fiat, but rather responding to ever-stricter safety demands that make even upgrading an existing plant more expensive than building a new natural gas plant.

France built most of its nuclear capacity in just seven years, and it actually takes only about five years to build a nuclear plant. Further, new plants would be using modern designs. Bill Gates, a major nuclear power booster, notes that almost all plants currently operating were designed with a slide rule. The 3G+ Westinghouse AP1000, computer-designed, shuts down passively without need for operators, generators, or pumps. China has had four in operation for almost a decade, while the Georgia nuclear facility scheduled to come online soon uses two such reactors. Given enough engineers and construction workers with the proper skills, Europe could do in seven years what France did, plus Germany could keep its own plants online.

Yes, upfront nuclear plant costs are quite expensive, in part because of the massive layers of safety features required. The U.S. Department of Energy data that so many rely on to compare energy costs load the dice against nuclear and towards wind by using what it calls “levelized costs” that represent the per-kilowatt-hour cost of financing, building, operating, and maintaining an electricity generation plant over its assumed financial life. But that life is an arbitrary 30 years, which is considerably longer than wind farms are projected to last (20 to 25 years according to the industry, meaning 20 at best) and vastly shorter than nuclear plants last.

Like European cathedrals, a nuclear plant can last forever. One in New York has been in operation since 1969, and the first nuclear aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise, used the same reactors from when it entered service in 1960 until it was retired in 2012. So, 20 years is stretched to 30 with wind and 52 or more is shrunk to 30 with nuclear. Hardly fair. For operating costs, nuclear is much cheaper than fossil-fuel fired plants or so-called “renewable energy,” meaning biomass, wind, and solar. Further, nuclear plants’ land needs dwarf those of wind and solar facilities, which in addition to the availability of wind and sun can greatly limit where they can be located.

Regardless of whether you buy into what many consider the cult of global climate change, nuclear remains the way to go. As Charles Frank of the Brookings Institution has found, ranking the various forms of energy generation in terms of CO2 displacement: Nuclear energy replaces almost six times the emissions of solar energy, four times that of wind, twice that of hydroelectric energy, and five times that of low-carbon gas.


This article was published on October 26, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from The American Conservative.

Climate Skeptics to Attend UN Summit in Scotland thumbnail

Climate Skeptics to Attend UN Summit in Scotland

By Marc Morano

Marc Morano to attend UN climate summit in person with full United Nations issued credentials in Scotland.

How many times do we have to save the Earth? President Biden will be set to hammer Ameirca first at the UN summit.

The aptly named ‘Blah Blah Blah’ UN COP26 climate summit

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano and a contingent of climate skeptics will descend upon the UN climate summit in Glasgow Scotland next week. The climate skeptics will be joining a growing coalition of climate activists who realize that UN summits are meaningless and will support the accurate claims of Schwarzenegger, Greta, Kerry, Hansen and others.

’30 years of blah blah blah’: Thunberg (correctly) questions value of climate talks – Greta: “There is no Planet Blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” … “Net zero, blah, blah, blah. Climate neutral, blah, blah, blah. This is all we hear from our so-called leaders — words, words that sound great but so far, has led to no action or hopes and dreams. Empty words and promises.”

Watch: Greta is right! Climate Summits are “blah blah blah.” – Morano Minute E19Schwarzenegger gets it right: ‘Nothing is getting done’ at UN climate summits – Echoes Greta’s ‘Blah Blah Blah’ analysis

Shock graph of rising CO2 emissions despite ‘planet-saving’ UN climate pacts shows ‘farce’ of ‘climate action’

John Kerry again admits climate futility: If U.S. & China ‘could go to zero (CO2 emissions) tomorrow… the world would still have a problem’

Flashback: Kerry admits zero emissions in US wouldn’t make difference in climate change

Flashback 2015: Then Sec. of State John Kerry explains climate futility: If U.S. zeroed out CO2 emissions, it ‘still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world’

‘Fraud, Fake…Worthless Words’: NASA’s James Hansen on UN Paris Pact – “[The Paris agreement] is a fraud really, a fake…It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.” 

2019: UN Paris Climate Accord debunked by former UN IPCC chair Bob Watson – ‘Insufficient to address climate change’

Climate movement grandpa James Hansen declares the Green New Deal is ‘nonsense’ – ‘We need a real deal which understands how economics works’

2019: Progressive feminist Naomi Wolf rips the Green New Deal as ‘fascism’ – ‘I WANT a Green New Deal’ but ‘this one is a straight up power grab’

2021: MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen: “Increasing emissions from China, India, and the rest of the developing world swamp the small reductions in the Anglosphere and the European Union. Indeed, if emissions from the Anglosphere and the EU were to cease (which is, of course, an impossibility), it would make little difference.

Saving the Earth — again?! 

The United Nations admitted that the much-hailed 2015 “historic” UN Paris climate pact did not “save” the planet and is instead “not enough” to prevent a climate change catastrophe! Despite being praised by former Vice President Al Gore, former Sec. of State John Kerry and many others, it appears the UN is demanding even more climate “action” to address what it claims is a climate problem.

Flashback 2019: UN admits ‘historic’ Paris climate pact did not save Earth after-all! Now says: Cutting CO2 ‘not enough’

UN in 2019: We must change food production to save the world, says leaked report – Cutting carbon from transport and energy ‘not enough’ IPCC finds

But in 2015, the UN Paris climate pact was supposed to be enough.

Al Gore in 2015 on Paris pact: “Years from now, our grandchildren will reflect on humanity’s moral courage to solve the climate crisis and they will look to December 12, 2015, as the day when the community of nations finally made the decision to act.” 

Secretary of State John F. Kerry in 2015: “This is a tremendous victory for all of our citizens–not for any one country or bloc, but a victory for all of the planet, and for future generations.”

French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius in 2015: “History is coming, in fact, history is here,” he said. “On 12 December 2015, we can have a historic day, a major date to go down in the history of mankind. The date can become a message of life.”

But Climate Depot’s Morano warned in 2015 that the UN Paris climate pact was only the beginning:

Flashback 2015: ‘Does this mean we never have to hear about ‘solving’ global warming again!?’ 

Morano: “Now that the United Nations has officially ‘solved’ man-made global warming, does this mean we never have to hear about ‘global warming’ fears again!? Does this mean we can halt the endless supply of federal tax dollars funding ‘climate change’ studies?…Now that the UN treaty has ‘solved’ global warming, can we all just move on to something else?’

The reality is those so-called climate solutions like the UN Paris pact, cap-and-trade and carbon taxes are never enough for climate campaigners. Years later, the UN even admitted that the Kyoto protocol failed.

See: 2009: Confessions Continue: UN IPCC Chair Pachauri Admits it: ‘Kyoto Protocol did not work’

See: Reality Check: Every UN Climate Summit Hailed as ‘Last Chance’ To Stop ‘Global Warming’ Before It’s Too Late– Previous ‘last chance’ deadlines turned out to be — well — not the ‘last chance’ after all. –

“This was the last chance,” said Miguel Arias Canete, Europe’s climate chief about the UN Paris pact. “And we took it.”

©Marc Morano. All rights reserved.

UN Climate Hypocrisy In Glasgow thumbnail

UN Climate Hypocrisy In Glasgow

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

The UN is heading to Glasgow, Scotland, for “COP 26,” which is being billed as the most important climate conference since Paris.

CFACT will be there!

COP 26 has been on hold for a year due to fears of COVID-19.

It seems the UN has learned the wrong lesson from the pandemic.  Instead of realizing our economy is fragile and supply chains must be safeguarded, the UN has unfortunately learned that fear works in achieving tyrannical ends. CFACT’s Marc Morano has reported extensively at CFACT’s Climate Depot, that Team Warming has developed a severe case of lockdown envy, and views the economic dislocations wrought in the name of combating the pandemic as a blueprint for future lockdowns in the name of climate.

President Biden and “climate envoy” John Kerry are both headed to Glasgow anxious to “restore American leadership” on global warming.  Having these two feckless seniors land in Scotland means the time has well and truly come for those seeking to use the UN climate process as an opportunity to hamstring American power and influence and shake Uncle Sam down for cash.

Here are just a few of the issues on the table in Glasgow:

  • “Net Zero” has become the buzzword to watch.  The Biden Administration is pushing to electrify everything and to generate all that electricity with intermittent wind and solar which are not up to the task;
  • “Nationally determined contributions” are each countries’ individual plans pursuant to the Paris Climate Accord.  Glasgow is the UN’s chance to rope America in while China, Russia and India skate free.
  • The UN is hoping Biden will pump billions into its Green Climate Fund with a heaping extra payout to make up for the funds the Trump Administration was unwilling to waste.  Obama diverted the cash sidestepping congressional appropriation.  Will Biden?
  • Loss and damage means placing financial responsibility on developed nations when extreme weather events strike poor countries.  So far the U.S. has managed to steer clear of this one.  However, activist-driven “attribution science” now wrongfully pins every natural weather event that comes along on climate.  This has developing nations licking their chops.  Biden and Kerry may be just the pair to surrender.
  • China continues to add coal plants as fast as its economy will permit, and now emits more greenhouse gases than the rest of the developed world COMBINED!  China recently pledged to fight climate change by not helping Africans build their electric grids (while continuing to expand its own).  China’s ploy to distract us?  Demand America pay more!

CFACT will keep you fully informed as the UN climate conference unfolds in Scotland.

One person to watch at COP 26 is Greta Thunberg.  Watch for the unscientific, unsmiling young Swedish scold to continue to hector world leaders.  Greta has been none too amused by international climate diplomacy recently saying, “ Build back better. Blah, blah, blah. Green economy. Blah, blah, blah. Net zero by 2050. Blah, blah, blah. Climate neutral. Blah, blah blah.”   Greta may be on to something with her “Blah, blah, blahs,” but when she follows it up with a demand for Socialist “climate justice” she becomes one more opponent of individual freedom.

Socialism is not the solution to climate change or anything else.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Fossil Fuels Form The Basis Of Our Medical And Food Supply Chains thumbnail

Fossil Fuels Form The Basis Of Our Medical And Food Supply Chains

By Ronald Stein

Under Biden’s plan to rid America of fossil fuels, such a plan would eliminate the medical industry that is totally reliant on the products made from petroleum derivatives, and eliminate oil-based fertilizers to grow the crops that feed the 8 billion on planet earth. Surprisingly, Biden must be oblivious to the consequences of his plan as efforts to cease the use of oil could be the greatest threat to civilization, not climate change.

Biden supports the end of fracking, oil exploration, and oil importing which cuts off the supply chain of crude oil to refineries. Without any crude oil to manufacture, the elimination of the supply chain to the 131 operating refineries in the U.S. would eliminate that manufacturing sector.

Without refineries, there will be none of the oil derivatives that are manufactured from crude oil that are the basis of more than 6,000 products in our economy and lifestyles.

Without the supply chain of crude oil, not only is the refining industry history, but the domino effects are the destructive impacts on the medical, food supply, electronics, and communications industries as they are all totally dependent on the products made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. Any grade school-educated kid can understand that breezes and sunshine, can only make weather-dependent intermittent electricity.

The medical industry is reliant on the products derived from the derivatives manufactured from oil that produce all the critical medical equipment like ultrasound systems, defibrillators, exhalation valves, inhalation valves, CT systems, X-ray, medicines, masks, gloves, soap and hand sanitizers for hospitals, and protective gowns, gloves and face shields gear for doctors and nurses.

Is Biden oblivious to the fact that all those medical products begin from crude oil, or as the Wall Street Journal states – Big Oil to the Coronavirus Rescue? Vaccines need refrigeration, and refrigeration need electricity, especially in the hospital sector where redundant generation capacity for continuous uninterruptable electricity is a mandate.

While Biden attempts to lower emissions at any cost, in favor of some weather-dependent electricity from breezes and sunshine that can only survive with massive subsidies, coal imports and exports continue to increase internationally to meet the electricity generation needs of developing countries as reflected in the Merrill Lynch Global Energy Weekly report.

At least 80 percent of humanity, or more than 6 billion in this world cannot subsidize themselves out of a paper bag as they are living on less than $10 a day. To reduce emissions in the developing countries that control most emissions, the wealthy countries would need to step up and subsidize electricity generation from breezes and sunshine, to replace more than 3,000 coal fired power plants in developing countries like China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Africa, and Vietnam with billions of people seeking affordable electricity.

The oil that reduced infant mortality, extended longevity to more than 80+ and allowed the world to populate to from 1 to 8 billion in less than 200 short years, is now required to provide the food, medical, communications, and transportation infrastructures to maintain and grow that population.

A key question for President Biden before America attends the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Conference in Glasgow, Scotland in November:

How dare pro-humanity individuals and governments support the banishment of fossil fuels, when their banishment would be the greatest threat to civilization resulting in billions dying from starvation, diseases, and weather-related deaths?

Getting off fossil fuels would reverse most of the progress humanity has made over the last few centuries. The inventions of the automobile, airplane, and the use of petroleum in the early 1900’s led us into the Industrial Revolution and victories in World Wars I and II. The healthier and wealthier countries of today now have more than 6,000 products that did not exist a few hundred years ago, all manufactured from fossil fuels, the same fossil fuels that Biden wants to eliminate.

Under Biden’s plan to rid American lifestyles and economies of fossil fuels, such a plan would ground the military, space program, and Air Force 1. It would also mothball the huge energy demands of airlines, cruise ships and merchant ships, as well as eliminate the medical industry, electronics industry, and the communications industry that are totally reliant on the 6,000 products made from petroleum derivatives.

The first use of oil-based fertilizers took place in 1946, and today our food supply is dependent on hydrocarbons. The world’s population of 8 billion souls depends on oil-based fertilizers to grow the crops and feed the animals that are consumed each year. Any cessation of hydrocarbons will immediately result in the annihilation of billions of souls, returning the globe to a 1950 population count of approximately 2.5 billion souls.

How can a pro-humanity President Biden support COVID injections to save thousands of lives, and simultaneously support ridding the world of fossil fuels that would be the greatest threat to civilization resulting in billions dying from starvation, diseases, and weather-related deaths?


This article was published on October 19, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from CFACT, Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow.

The Legal Doctrine of “Carbon Crimes”—Torturing Law and Reason to Rid the Planet of Climate Change Deniers

By Dr. Lucas Bergkamp

The climate movement has discovered criminal law as a tool for conducting climate politics. To complement civil lawsuits against states and corporations, the movement’s activists intend to invoke torture and a newly proposed crime of “ecocide” to target corporate executives, politicians, and others who stand in the way of their preferred policies. In pushing their agenda, these activists receive assistance from the judiciary—specifically, the European Court of Human Rights.

The use of criminal law to pursue climate politics is a further step in the radicalization of the climate movement and poses a threat to economic and political freedoms, the rule of law, and democracy. If the movement is able to realize its plans, all those who do not support ambitious climate policies would have to fear prosecution and imprisonment. Conversely, threatening criminal sanctions against politicians and corporate executives will create powerful incentives to adopt ambitious climate policies and the dominant pro-climate narrative.

Lucas Bergkamp explains how criminal law, in the climate movement’s vision, should supplement civil and administrative law to eliminate any and all opposition to its plans for the realization of a climate utopia.

European government of judges

Over several decades, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has evolved into a European government in itself. Based on doctrines designed to enable it to expand its powers at its discretion, the Court has enacted a series of mandates for new laws and policies for Europe. There is little democratic control over the Court’s role in advancing progressive politics. Once the Court has spoken, national parliaments are unable to undo its pontification because a human right trumps national law; national judiciaries are compelled to execute the Court’s judgments, even if their own national law provides otherwise.

While imposing its high moral demands on executive governments, the Court believes itself to be quite exempt from any moral or legal constraints. In a previous contribution, I discussed how climate change litigation before the Court has undermined the rule of law, the separation of powers, and democracy. In this article, I focus on the Court’s role in criminalizing the climate debate. Its reckless disregard of judicial impartiality, the right to a fair trial, and judicial restraint is another manifestation of the Court’s support for the progressive movement.

Criminalizing “climate denial”

A decade ago, an American lawyer argued that climate denial is arguably punishable as criminal deception and fraud under existing law. In 2015, Al Gore said that “climate change deniers should be punished.” President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement was viewed as a crime against humanity: “This is murder.”

A recent book, Carbon Criminals, Climate Crimes, describes “what corporations in the fossil fuel industry, the U.S. government, and the international political community did, or failed to do, in relation to global warming.” On UNESCO’s website, a prominent feature article advocates that “climate crimes must be brought to justice” and that “states and corporations must be held accountable for their actions or inaction regarding climate change.”

The rationale supporting criminalization

The argument for criminalizing “climate denial” typically boils down to the following argument articulated by Jeremy Williams:

“Given what we know and have known for decades about climate change, to deny the science, deceive the public, and willfully obstruct any serious response to the climate catastrophe is to allow entire countries and cultures to disappear. It is to rob … the poorest and most vulnerable on the planet of their land, their homes, their livelihoods, even their lives—and their children’s lives, and their children’s children’s lives. For profit. And for power…. These are crimes. They are crimes against the earth, and they are crimes against humanity.”

This emotional outcry is not only an impenetrable amalgamation of factual and moral reasoning but also assumes what must be proved. To prevent disaster, rationality needs to be brought back into the analysis. Unfortunately, as the ECHR demonstrates, we cannot rely on the judiciary to do so.

The “European Climate Change Court”

In 2020, the ECHR signaled to the human rights community that it was open to receiving applications from climate activists. The Court and the Council of Europe held a conference, “Human Rights for the Planet,” in which several judges, including the Court’s president, played key roles. The speeches delivered by the Court’s judges were rightly perceived as an open invitation to activists.

Several climate cases are now pending before the Court. As expected, climate-emergency rhetoric dominates the arguments presented by the plaintiffs. The Court has already demonstrated how far it is willing to go to rewrite the law to save the planet.

“Climate emergency”

The European Court of Human Rights, to which its president refers as the “European Climate Change Court,” has used the opportunity presented by the climate litigation that it invited to take the lead in criminalizing the climate debate. It has done so in a number of ways. First, the Court’s president and one of its vice presidents have declared publicly that “we are facing a dire emergency that requires concerted action by all of humanity” and that “we will face the collapse of everything that gives us our security.” Thus, the Court’s leaders have openly and unreservedly endorsed the climate movement’s alarmist rhetoric. They have done so not based on science but on alarmist declarations by Sir David Attenborough, a well-known biologist and climate activist.

Second, to prevent any argument on the facts, the judges added: “No one can legitimately call into question that we are facing a dire emergency that requires concerted action by all of humanity.” They also committed the Court to the cause: “For its part, the European Court of Human Rights will play its role within the boundaries of its competences as a court of law, forever mindful that Convention guarantees must be effective and real, not illusory.”

No right to a fair trial for deniers

By issuing these warnings, the Court effectively closed down any debate on climate change and climate science before any trial has even begun. In doing so, it deprived defendant states of an important argument to defend themselves against allegations that their climate policies are inadequate to fight the alleged climate crisis. Before they could present the relevant scientific evidence showing that there is no such thing as climate emergency or climate crisis, the Court’s leading judges told the defendant states that they should not dare to deny.

By labeling any argument that there is no climate crisis “illegitimate,” these leading European judges, who should serve as examples of judicial impartiality, have endorsed the climate movement’s climate-denier rhetoric. This rhetoric is an inappropriate, unethical play on Holocaust denial. Simultaneously, and directly relevant to this contribution’s subject, the Court’s “illegitimacy” label also raises the specter of criminal prosecution.

There is no climate crisis

It is hard to think of any judicial conduct that shows greater partisanship and disregard for the principle of judicial impartiality than the conduct of these European human rights judges. The right to a fair trial, guaranteed by article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, has effectively been set aside for climate deniers. The question should be asked whether, given the opinions expressed by its leaders, the ECHR can legitimately rule in any climate case.

The Court’s denial of justice is all the more shocking in light of the science, which does not support the proposition that there is a climate crisis. The European Commission has stated: “The term ‘climate emergency’ expresses the political will to fulfil the obligations under the Paris Agreement.” In almost 4,000 pages, the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 report does not once employ the terms “climate crisis” or “climate emergency” because these terms do not belong to the scientific terminology (they occur only in a descriptive section on communication). Rather, they are political slogans, as the Commission suggested. To the point, the undefined “climate emergency” is an invention by activists.


Remarkably, even the finger-pointing at perceived climate denial was not sufficient for the ECHR. In the first climate case pending before it, the Court decided, on its own volition, to add “torture” to the charges against 33 states that allegedly do not do enough to combat climate change, as required by the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The Court suggests that these states may have committed “torture” by adopting “inadequate climate policies.”

Torture, of course, is a serious crime. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) provides that torture, “when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack,” is a crime against humanity. Consequently, not implementing adequate climate policy would be a crime against humanity that can be prosecuted by the ICC. What would the victims of actual torture think of the Court’s misuse of this term for political reasons?

Judicial threats

Corporate executives of companies deemed to be responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, politicians that do not support ambitious climate policies, and everyone else who advocates against the climate movement’s agenda would be exposed to criminal prosecution and imprisonment of up to 30 years. This is not a far-fetched interpretation of the relevant law but, as explained below, a fairly straightforward application. Obviously, the ECHR was well aware of what it was doing by slipping in “torture,” but it nevertheless felt comfortable proceeding in this manner.

Needless to say, the threat of life imprisonment is a very powerful disincentive. As an academic author for UNESCO put it:

“Criminal sanctions are the most potent tools we have to mark out conduct that lies beyond all limits of toleration. Criminal conduct violates basic rights and destroys human security. We reserve the hard treatment of punishment for conduct that damages the things we hold most fundamentally valuable. Climate change is causing precisely such damage.”

This seems to be exactly what the judges on the ECHR believe. Corporate executives will have to think twice about corporate climate policies and will be inclined to cave in to activists’ demands. Likewise, politicians skeptical of the current climate policies may feel compelled to give up their resistance. All other dissenters may also be inclined to choose personal security over honesty. Economic freedom, political freedom, and freedom of speech would be obliterated. Is this what the Court’s president means when he says that the European Convention guarantees must be “effective and real, not illusory”? The Court’s inexplicable decision to add torture to the charges in the first climate case only adds to the concern that human rights protect only those who endorse progressive causes, not those who have other political preferences.


By invoking the crime of torture in the climate debate, the ECHR may also have intended to assist the efforts to get ecocide recognized as a crime. “Ecocide” refers to the “devastation and destruction of the environment,” but no official legal definition yet exists. For decades, greens have been trying to get ecocide recognized as an international crime—but so far, to no avail. In the last two years, however, due to the rise of the climate crisis narrative, they have made significant progress. There now is much activity aimed at persuading international organizations to legislate on ecocide. In May 2021, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), a global organization that claims to empower national parliamentarians to promote, inter alia, sustainable development, adopted a resolution calling on all “[m]ember Parliaments to reinforce criminal law to prevent and punish widespread, long-term and severe damage to the environment” and “to examine the possibility of recognizing the crime of ecocide to prevent the threats and conflicts resulting from climate-related disasters and their consequences” (emphasis added).

In June 2021, an expert panel convened by the Stop Ecocide Foundation published a definition of “ecocide” intended to serve as the basis for an amendment to the Rome Statute of the ICC. Once the Rome Statute is amended to include ecocide, individuals suspected of having committed ecocide can be tried before the ICC.

The amendment’s breadth

With this amendment, the prohibition of climate denial becomes redundant because the Rome Statute threatens imprisonment against not only those who commit a crime but also anyone who “induces the commission of such a crime,” “aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission,” or “in any other way contributes to the commission or attempted commission of such a crime by a group of persons.” Moreover, the Rome Statute applies equally to all persons, without any distinction based on official capacity; specifically, elected representatives and government officials are not exempt from criminal responsibility.

Thus, politicians, corporate executives, thought leaders, and anyone else can be subject to criminal prosecution if they express an opinion or pursue a policy deemed to be “anti-climate” that therefore may result in ecocide. In the fight against climate denial, this tool would be of incalculable value.

European Union “leadership”

The European Parliament has referred to ecocide in two recent reports and expressed the wish to recognize ecocide under EU law and diplomacy. To prepare the adoption of an EU directive on ecocide, the European Law Institute launched a project on ecocide. Taking advantage of the momentum, even before this project is finished, the ecocide movement is now pushing to get ecocide included in the EU Environmental Crimes Directive, which is currently being revised.

EU member states control a significant portion of the votes necessary for an amendment of the Rome Statute and can provide incentives to secure the additional votes necessary to get the crime of ecocide adopted. The consequences of such an amendment could be enormous if the ICC follows the example of the ECHR and jumps onto the climate activists’ bandwagon.

Climate change is ecocide

Make no mistake: while the definition of ecocide is broad and vague, the primary target of the ecocide movement is climate change. Civil liability law and human rights law give climate activists the tools to force governments and companies to comply with their demands, but this kind of litigation is expensive and takes time. The new crime of ecocide would give them a powerful instrument to shortcut the process by threatening criminal sanctions against corporate directors and officers, as well as reluctant politicians and opinion leaders, and to force them to change their ways.

Climate activists also believe that the term “ecocide” will have an emotive and stigmatizing effect that “causing climate change” does not have. As one author puts it:

“The term “ecocide” sounds dramatic. It is more emotive than “contributing to pollution” or “increasing greenhouse gas emissions” or “investing in fossil fuels.” It communicates the gravity and urgency of the irreversible destruction being inflicted on the environment. It unambiguously casts major polluters as “villains,” perpetrators of a crime (emphasis added).”

No protection

National laws do not protect the suspects. Under the proposed definition of the international panel, ecocide means “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.” Note that “unlawful,” which is broader than “illegal,” is the gateway to disregarding permits for emissions and compliance of activities and products with national laws.

The main trick is that this definition does not require any actual damage; knowledge of likely damage in the future is enough—which is a given, in light of the “settled science” set forth in the IPCC reports. Fundamental principles of criminal law are merely an afterthought, if they are on the radar screen at all.

Torturing human rights and criminal law

Needless to say, the ECHR’s suggestion that governments “torture” their citizens by implementing “inadequate climate policy” is both insulting to torture victims and unlawful. The inclusion of torture in a climate-policy lawsuit is the culmination of the Court’s progressive move away from a human rights adjudicator to a social policymaking institution. This activism has not only harmed the Court’s reputation as an impartial court of law but has also created serious problems for national legislatures faced with the often unhinged policy mandates imposed by the Court.

To be sure, we do have a torture problem, but it is not the European climate policymakers who are doing the torturing. Rather, the Court itself has tortured the law to fit its own ideology. The Court tortured the European Convention on Human Rights until it confessed that it is a program for progressive politics. It tortured the right to life and several other human rights until they agreed to include within their scope a whole series of so-called positive obligations, which only the Court gets to define. Perhaps most egregious, the Court tortured the Convention until it gave the Court the right to waive essential requirements imposed by the Convention to eliminate any limits on its jurisdiction, which then allowed the Court to move forward with the first climate change case, which it so desperately wanted.

The crime of climate change

The use of criminal law to pursue climate politics is a new chapter in the climate-litigation saga. Climate activists have discovered criminal law as a tremendously effective tool for climate politics. Governments and corporations can be subordinated through civil and human rights law, but to put pressure on corporate executives and politicians, criminal law is much more effective. Criminal law is the crowbar that pries open the doors to the boardrooms and the chambers where policy decisions are made.

What is remarkable is that the activists include not only the nongovernmental organizations that claim to “fight for the climate” but also Europe’s highest judges at the European Court of Human Rights. Are the limits on its authority really lifted by the self-declared crisis?

Lock them up!

In totalitarian states, political dissidents are controlled in three ways: they are removed from public life as a “danger to public order”; they are placed in psychiatric hospitals, since they suffer from mental illness; or they are imprisoned because they have committed crimes. The climate movement’s latest move pursues this third route of “delegitimization” and “denormalization” of its political opponents and those who disagree with the movement.

According to the climate movement, the alleged climate crisis would require urgent action to avert the impending catastrophe and save the planet and humanity. In its view, this requires that democracy, fundamental principles of law, and the limits of judicial power are set aside. In this struggle for survival, the climate movement has concluded that greenhouse gas emissions must be criminalized so that climate deniers can be locked up. Unfortunately, the ECHR has fallen victim to the emotional appeal of the movement’s rhetoric.

Threats to freedom

The climate movement’s strategy is clear: torture and ecocide must be part of its toolbox so that the sinners can be converted, deniers can be punished, and climate utopia can be realized. Inevitably, however, “climatism” results in the suppression of freedom and opens the path to climate totalitarianism. Ironically, the ECHR, which was created in the aftermath of the destruction of the Nazi totalitarian regime to act as a legal bulwark safeguarding individual liberty, has placed itself as the judicial enabler of this process.


This article was published on October 22, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from The Heartland Institute.

New Study Finds Electric Cars Cost More To Refuel Than Gasoline Powered Cars thumbnail

New Study Finds Electric Cars Cost More To Refuel Than Gasoline Powered Cars

By Dr. Rich Swier

Anderson Economic Group EV Transition Series: Report Comparison: Real World Cost of Fueling EVs and ICE Vehicles compared the actual costs of fueling normally asperated cars and trucks versus all electric vehicles. Read the full study here.

The Anderson study noted that Electronic Vehicles (EVs) are, “often presumed to be less expensive to fuel than their ICE counterparts. There is a rationale in physics for this: due to greater thermal efficiency, electric motors convert energy more efficiently than combustion engines. However, this cost is only one of five.”

For a complete picture, Anderson notes that we consumers must consider:

  1. Commercial and residential electric power/fuel costs.
  2. Registration taxes.
  3. Equipment (e.g., chargers) and installation costs.
  4. Deadhead miles incurred driving to a charger or fueling station.
  5. The cost of time spent refueling

The study found:

  • There are four additional costs to powering EVs beyond electricity: cost of a home charger, commercial charging, the EV tax and “deadhead” miles.
  • For now, EVs cost more to power than gasoline costs to fuel an internal combustion car that gets reasonable gas mileage.
  • Charging costs vary more widely than gasoline prices.
  • There are significant time costs to finding reliable public chargers – even then a charger could take 30 minutes to go from 20% to an 80% charge.

In the Anderson Economic Group’s October 21, 2021 column “Real-World Electric Vehicle Fueling Costs May Surprise New EV Drivers” they wrote:

6 months of independent research finds fueling costs for electric vehicles (EV) are often higher than for internal combustion engines (ICE)

East Lansing, MI–October 21, 2021: Anderson Economic Group released today the first in a series of analyses examining the transition from ICE vehicles to EVs.

This initial 36-page study is the culmination of comprehensive research comparing the “apples-to-apples” costs involved in fueling both EVs and ICE vehicles. AEG undertook this study after noting that many commonly cited figures did not account for the true costs associated with EV charging.

AEG calculated the cost of chargers, additional road taxes, commercial charging fees, and “deadhead” miles for three different EV driving scenarios and compared these with 3 analogous ICE vehicle scenarios. The research found that fueling an EV is often more expensive than fueling an ICE vehicle. It further found that fueling costs are far more variable for EVs. The authors go on to note the significant time costs imposed on EV drivers as a result of both inadequate infrastructure and wait times associated with fueling, which can be five to ten times the cost for ICE drivers.

According to study author Patrick Anderson, “These numbers may be surprising to those who haven’t relied upon an electric vehicle, but it’s important we safeguard the public from ‘charger shock.’ Before consumers can feel comfortable buying EVs in large numbers, they need to understand the true costs involved.”

Read the full article.

About the Authors

Mr. Patrick Anderson is Anderson Economic Group’s principal and CEO. His company is one of the most recognized boutique consulting firms in the United States, with years of expertise in the US automotive industry. The company has consulted for manufacturers that include General Motors, Ford, DaimlerChrysler, Honda, and others, along with nearly 200 automobile dealerships representing virtually every brand in the market.

Mr. Alston D’Souza works in Anderson Economic Group’s strategy and business valuation practice area, where he serves as senior analyst and data scientist. While at AEG, Mr. D’Souza’s work has focused on damages and market analysis. He holds a master’s degree in econometrics and quantitative economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Bachelor of Technology degree from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (India).


Founded in 1996, Anderson Economic Group (AEG) is one of the most recognized boutique consulting firms in the United States. The company has offices in East Lansing, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois. The automobile industry is a primary area of specialization for the experts at AEG, who approach this critical automotive transition from a perspective that recognizes the role everyday consumer choices will play in driving EV market trends.

AEG’s automotive clients include manufacturers, suppliers, trade associations, and dealers and dealership groups.

©All rights reserved.

3 Environmental Doomsday Myths, Debunked thumbnail

3 Environmental Doomsday Myths, Debunked

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

Climate change is real, but it’s not the end of the world.

For many, thinking about the future of our planet is terrifying. According to a global survey reported by the BBC, 56 percent of young people believe that humanity is doomed because of climate change and 45 percent say that their anxiety about the climate affects their daily lives. Here in the US, the story is much the same; three-quarters of Americans believe that climate change will result in the extinction of man, and one in five millennials believe that that extinction will occur within their lifetime.

A college student recently wrote the following in a campus newspaper about her climate anxiety:

I stay up into the early hours of the morning, Googling some variation of “Is there hope for climate change,” and “Biden climate change plan good?” (…) I fret over every piece of waste I encounter, wondering whether I should trash it or wash it and hope it qualifies for the recycling bin. What if I wash the aluminum foil I heated leftover lasagna on, does it become recyclable then? The anxiety is crippling.

Many young people clearly are suffering intense climate anxiety. And who can blame them? Because so much of the information they consume on the issue — both from the news media and social media — is apocalyptic in nature, this is an inevitable outcome.

But is the messaging they are receiving even true? Is the anxiety they are feeling justified?

A sober examination of the facts and the science would suggest not.

Here’s the truth: Climate change is indeed real and has mostly negative effects; however, climate change is not the end of the world.

So, in an effort to make the facts clear and perhaps provide a more comforting alternative to the dominant narrative among my peers, here are a few of the most common myths about the environment, debunked.

Myth #1: Human Extinction Due To Climate Change Is Imminent

At the source of much anxiety about climate change is the belief that humans are likely to go extinct sometime in the near future due to its effects. But that belief is just not correct.

Even the scientists most concerned about climate change rebuke this assertion. Michael Mann, who is a professor of atmospheric science at Penn State and a superstar of the movement to fight climate change, wrote that “There is no evidence of climate change scenarios that would render human beings extinct.”

In Michael Shellenberger’s book, Apocalypse Never, he notes that Stanford University atmospheric scientist Ken Caldeira also said that “climate change does not threaten human extinction.”

Some of the fear about human extinction undoubtedly started after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared, in 2019, that “The world is going to end in twelve years if we don’t address climate change.” But, as Shellenberger documents in his book, climate scientists from NASA said that “All the time-limited frames are bulls–t,” and a paleoclimate researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison said that her statement was a “mischaracterization.”

In short, there are virtually no scientists who believe, and there is no science to support, the idea that humans will go extinct from climate change.

Usually stemming from the belief that humans will go extinct from climate change is the perception that it is currently making life substantially more dangerous for humans. But, in fact, humans are actually much more protected from climate-related disasters than we were just 100 years ago.

Bjorn Lomborg, who is a visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School and a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, has shown — based on data from the International Disaster Database — that the individual risk of a climate-related death (ie. from hurricanes, droughts, extreme temperatures, etc.) has declined by 98.9% since 1920.

It is certainly the case that models project storms and other climate-related events to get more intense going forward. But (aside from the fact models have historically failed to accurately predict future climate developments) that does not necessarily mean the positive trend over the past 100 years will reverse itself.

Yes, there is climate danger. But there is also climate resilience. The reason for the dramatic reduction in climate-related deaths over the past 100 years has been the rapid economic and technological development that has characterized the US during that time. Whether it be more reliable infrastructure, access to cheap energy, or a better ability to forecast severe weather events before they take place, these have all led to rising human safety even in the face of climate change. And this has not only been observed in the US, but in countries around the world.

FEE’s Saul Zimet summed it up well when he wrote:

The climate resilience side of the equation, despite being at least as significant as the climate danger side, is often ignored in the models of future climate impact. This is because, while it is difficult to model a changing climate, it is impossible to model the future of human ingenuity, which will be composed of decisions and insights that only the people of the future can possibly know.

Every time there is a devastating hurricane, drought, heatwave, or wildfire, one can reliably expect the headlines in media outlets ranging from the New York Times to CNN to imply that these disasters are not only getting more frequent, but also more severe, due to climate change.

Roger Pielke Jr., professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado, has studied both the frequency and impacts of various natural disasters. When it comes to the number of major hurricanes in the continental United States since 1900, he has not found a dramatic increase, but rather a slight decrease.

The Keys are part of the continental US

— Tim Winfree (@TimWinfree) July 22, 2021

The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory — which operates within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research — writes that “There is no strong evidence of increasing trends in U.S. landfalling hurricanes or major hurricanes, or of Atlantic basin-wide hurricanes or major hurricanes since the late 1800s.”

Aside from frequency, there is also the issue of intensity, of which there are two aspects. The first is how intense the storm itself is and the second is how much damage there is as a consequence of the storm. On the first question, the evidence is mixed. On the second question, it is true but misleading to say that the economic costs of natural disasters, including hurricanes, have gotten worse.

When Pielke Jr. looked into economic damages from natural disasters over time as a percentage of GDP, he found that they have actually declined.

The cost of natural disasters has been going down since 1990

The world’s leading expert on this is @RogerPielkeJr who testified before the Senate on this 2 days ago@SenatorTester asked the expert from the Union of Concerned Scientists to counter him & of course she couldn’t

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) July 22, 2021

Even so, the rising dollar number with respect to damages is often cited as evidence that hurricanes are getting worse. In Congressional Democrats’ letter advocating for a new Civilian Climate Corps (CCC), for example, they justified their claim of a “record-breaking cyclone season” by writing the following:

The United States experienced 22 billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in 2020, shattering the previous annual record of 16 events. 2020 was the worst fire season on record, burning over 10.2 million acres and costing over $16 billion in damages and $3 billion in suppression costs. The U.S. experienced a record-breaking 30 named tropical cyclones, 7 of which became billion-dollar disasters—also a new record.

But measuring the severity of hurricanes by how much economic damage they cause is misguided because, as Bjorn Lomborg explains in his book False Alarm, it fails to take into account a phenomenon known as the “expanding bull’s-eye effect.” He writes:

[S]imilar climate impacts will result in more costly disasters because an increasing number of people with more and more valuable assets are at risk. The expanding bull’s-eye effect can be thought of as an archery target, with the rings (showing population density) telling us how many people and possessions are at risk of being hit by an imaginary arrow, or natural disaster.

As the human population increases and development takes up a greater proportion of total land — especially in high-risk areas — more natural disasters will inevitably hit somewhere within the bull’s eye, thus causing more economic damage than if there was no development there. Over the past 100 years, such development and population increase have been widespread in the US. As a result, we would expect more people to now take up space within the bull’s-eye.


Similarly, when it comes to wildfires, the number of acres burned annually has decreased dramatically over time. In 2014, researchers from Auburn University and the Georgia Institute of Technology found “a significant declining trend” of global burned area since 1900. Based on this study, Lomborg writes “the global amount of area burned has declined by more than 540,000 square miles, from 1.9 million square miles in the early part of last century to 1.4 million square miles today”

He has also, based on publicly available data, compiled his own numbers on the area burned in the US since 1900 as a consequence of wildfires. His data show a similar trend, with burned area reducing dramatically over time.

Despite breathless climate reporting about ever-increasing fires

US fires burn 5-10x less today

Even with extreme warming, area burned will stay about same across century

Climate does increase burned area,

but zoning and forest management much more important

Refs in thread

— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) January 23, 2021

Moreover, a 2017 study published in Science found that “global burned area declined by ∼25% over the past 18 years.”

Despite these facts, it is also clear that more homes are now subject to the effects of wildfires than ever before. However, the reason for this can also be explained by the expanding bull’s-eye effect. In False Alarm, Lomborg notes that in 1940, there were only about 500,000 homes in high-fire-risk zones, but it was almost 7 million by 2010. To put that in perspective, the rate at which housing increased in high-fire-risk zones was more than 3 times higher than it was for the country generally. It should therefore be no surprise that more families’ homes are at risk today than they have been in the past.

Over the next 100 years, we should expect temperatures to continue to rise — just as they have in recent history. Along with that, we should expect some of the negative effects of climate change to continue as well.

However, this does not mean the world is ending; it does not mean you should stay up at night crippled with anxiety over the climate; it does not mean we should panic. Rather, we must understand why humanity has been able to adapt to a changing climate thus far and what steps are necessary to ensure human flourishing for generations to come.

This article was originally published on Read the original article.


Jack Elbaum

Jack Elbaum is a Hazlitt Writing Fellow at FEE and an incoming sophomore at George Washington University. His writing has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The New York Post, and the… More by Jack Elbaum

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Mad Rush for Coal As India and China Suspend Climate Correctness thumbnail

A Mad Rush for Coal As India and China Suspend Climate Correctness

By Vijay Raj Jayaraj

Editors’ Note:  Conservatives are generally split into two camps regarding global warming. Some feel that man’s activities have little or nothing to do with natural changes. Others feel we are contributing but feel money is better spent addressing specific problems with targeted solutions (sea walls, more air conditioning, nuclear power, water desalinization, water storage, modern forestry, etc.) rather than attempting the dubious and incredibly expensive quest to change the entire climate of the earth. All feel it is stupid to rely on the “international community”, which predictably is pulling in more directions than John Kerry can spin lies. The contradictions in policies are nonsensical. For example, why is China given the status of a “developing country” when they have modern infrastructure, nuclear missiles, hypersonic nuclear missiles, and the most modern factories in the world? As this article clearly points out, the U.S. can sacrifice its prosperity on the altar of environmental religion, but if the rest of the world keeps burning coal (which it is), it is not only a useless undertaking, it really is a suicidal energy policy.

During the first week of October 2021, both India and China made desperate attempts to buy the stranded Australian coal shipments in China’s port warehouses.

The coal shipments, which were originally intended to be imported into China, were left stranded at the port after China banned the import of Australian coal last year.

Despite this ban, China has now unloaded some of the shipments due to the unprecedented demand for coal and electricity in the country. India’s industries too have made a dash to secure some of these stranded shipments as a severe coal shortage has gripped India.

So, what can we learn from this mad rush for coal?

Power Demand and Coal Shortage of Unprecedented Levels

China has been experiencing severe power shortages for the past month, while India is on the brink of running out of coal for its power plants.

China has already asked its industries in some provinces to shut down owing to power shortage and asked residents to use as much natural light as possible. China’s power crisis has now evolved into a global supply chain headache, as the country’s manufacturing industry—which supplies products worldwide—is disrupted and may take months to recover.

India’s coal power plants had just 4 days of coal left in their inventories last week and the situation is set to become more challenging in the coming weeks. A government minister was questioned if rolling blackouts are on the cards for the country’s 1.3 billion population.

As a result, the demand for coal is at unprecedented levels in Asia.

Coal is Still the King

Coal is still the King of energy sector. China, which originally banned the import of Australian coal, has now allowed it to be imported. Indian companies have purchased approximately 2 million tons of stranded Australian thermal coal from the Chinese warehouses.

Much of the present energy chaos in Asia could have been avoided if China and India protected their domestic energy interests against the climate politics from the West. Both countries are part of the Paris climate agreement and have embarked on some of the world’s largest solar power projects worth billions of dollars.

Instead of spending their precious resources on renewable technology, Beijing and New Delhi could have diverted those resources for expanding their fossil fuel fleet. Even worse, China had occasionally placed limitations on coal use, before the severe Winter energy crisis forced them to retract the ban.

Coal already provides the majority of electricity demand in both countries (above 60% in China and above 70% in India). If these two nations want to avoid a repeat of 2021, then they must look back at the past and invest heavily in the coal sector without compromising.

This is because both Solar and Wind are unreliable forms of energy sources that are more expensive and do not provide excess electricity when its needed the most. The current backup solutions like battery storage are incapable of powering huge power demand from cities or industries. So, when the wind stops blowing and the sun stops shining, life must literally come to a grinding halt – affecting everyday life and an immediate hit on the economy.

So, what are they waiting for? Why do they have to sacrifice their own citizen’s well-being for the sake of a global climate pact-like the Paris agreement—that seldom cares about affordable energy access in poor countries?

If there is one positive takeaway from the ongoing energy crisis in Asia, it is this: 2021 was a good lesson on how not to frame energy policy.

Coal—the most affordable, abundant, and reliable energy source—must be utilized to serve the best interests of 3 billion people in Asia and the remaining in the world. Both India and China are within their rights to ditch climate correctness and increase coal dependency.


This article was published on October 14, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from CFACT, Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow.