CNN Runs Free Advertising for Protests in Support of Palestinian Jihad

My latest in PJ Media:

First the Associated Press was exposed sharing an office building with Hamas in Gaza, which meant either that they were aware of Hamas’ activities and covered for the terror group, or didn’t know Hamas was there and are therefore the worst reporters in the world. And now comes more confirmation that what we are told are news organizations are actually propaganda arms not only for the Left’s agenda, but for the Palestinian Arab jihad against Israel. CNN on Saturday published an article entitled “Protests in support of Palestinians expected across the United States,” which was not so much a piece of reporting on those protests, but a free advertisement for them, complete with a case for why you should participate in your local orgy of Jew-hatred.

It doesn’t start out too badly: “Protesters are expected to rally in cities across the United States this weekend in support of Palestinians, as Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire ending days of destruction and bloodshed.” But immediately after that comes the staple of establishment media reporting on Israel and the Palestinians: the casualty count. “Since May 10,” CNN claims, “Israeli airstrikes have killed at least 243 people in Gaza, including 66 children, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health. Twelve people in Israel, including two children, died as a result of militant fire from Gaza, according to the Israel Defense Forces and Israel’s emergency service.”

Oh, hey, that’s bad: 243 Palestinians, including 66 children, were killed versus only twelve Israelis. The clear implication of CNN’s framing of the story here is that Israel responded in a disproportionate manner to the rockets Hamas fired into Israel, and indiscriminately bombed Gaza without regard for the lives of civilians. Reality is quite different. In the latest conflict, Hamas followed its longstanding practice of launching attacks from civilian areas so as to draw retaliatory fire that would harm civilians and be usable for propaganda purposes. This launching of attacks from civilian areas has been abundantly documented, even by the unflaggingly anti-Israel United Nations. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted Thursday: “It’s not easy fighting a terrorist organization that embeds its military infrastructure in civilian areas. We use the latest military technology to precisely strike Hamas targets, while minimizing damage to the surrounding areas.”

Also, casualty figures can be severely misleading. 419,400 Americans were killed in World War II; over five million Germans were killed. Does this mean that Nazi Germany had the moral high ground, and the United States was in the wrong? Of course not. But CNN presents the figures without any information on Hamas’ use of human shields. It mentions that use only as an Israeli accusation, without any mention of the UN’s findings: “Thousands of protesters gathered for rallies last weekend, stretching from New York to California. Protesters showed support for Palestinians and accused the Israeli government of using disproportionate force and bombing densely-populated civilian areas indiscriminately. The Israeli government has accused Hamas of launching rocket attacks from those population centers.”

There is more. Read the rest here.


Video: At Florida pro-jihad rally, Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ call for total destruction of Israel

UK: Pro-jihad rioters attack car during anti-Israel demonstration in London

India: Muslim fruit vendor caught spitting on cut watermelons, is arrested

UK: Cop who screamed ‘Free Palestine’ won’t be fired despite rule against officers taking political positions

Nigeria: Muslims raid Christian home, murder a 21-year-old mother and a 19-year-old man

Jihadis in Gaza: ‘Wage jihad to revive the glory of martyrdom operations, which disturb the sleep of the Jews’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The New Savagery of the Oldest Hatred

Same old, same old. But not it’s America, not Germany. And you won’t find it covered by the Democrat media complex.

The New Furies of the Oldest Hatred

Take a good look at who is speaking out against Jew-hate. And who is staying silent.

By: Peter Savodnik, Bari Weiss Substack, May 21, 2021:

The furies have been unleashed. They were everywhere you looked these past two weeks, though you won’t read about them much in the papers.

We saw them on Thursday, when pro-Palestinian protesters threw an explosive device into a crowd of Jews in New York’s Diamond District. We saw them on Wednesday, when two men were attacked outside a bagel shop in midtown Manhattan. We saw them on Tuesday, at a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood, when a group of men draped in keffiyehs asked the diners who was Jewish, and then pummeled them. And in a parking lot not far away, when two cars draped in Palestinian flags roared after an Orthodox man fleeing for his life. And in the story of the American soccer player Luca Lewis, cornered by a band of men in New York demanding to know if he was a Jew. Then there was the caravan careening through Jewish neighborhoods in North London carrying people screaming: “Fuck the Jews! Rape their daughters!” And the rabbi, outside London, who was hospitalized after being attacked by two teenagers. And the demonstrator in Vienna shouting, “Shove your Holocaust up your ass!” — the crowd of young people, mostly women, cheering. The synagogue in Skokie that was vandalized. The synagogue in Tucson that was vandalized. The synagogue in Salt Lake that was vandalized. The pro-Israel demonstrators in Montreal pelted with rocks. And the pro-Palestinian agitators in Edmonton driving around in search of Jews. The teeming crowds in Washington, D.C.BerlinBangladeshPhiladelphia and Boston and San Francisco and, of course, across the Arab world. The seemingly ubiquitous accusations of “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.” The Turkish president, reaching all the way back to the Middle Ages, accusing Israelis of “sucking the blood” of non-Jewish children. Every hour on the hour, the celebrities posted their memes and the elected officials and the influencers — it’s hard to tell the difference — called Israel an “apartheid” regime. Apartheid regimes, like regimes guilty of genocide and ethnic cleansing, are meant to be overthrown. Violently, if need be. So bloodshed is warranted, yes?The silence-is-violence people — those who are quick to “call out” anyone deemed inadequately antiracist, experts at digging up any dusty book passage — have been remarkably quiet when it comes to Jews being dehumanized and hunted down.

Let us dispense with the fiction, once and for all, that hating the Jewish homeland, which contains the largest Jewish community on Earth, is different from hating Jews. It has been exceedingly difficult in our blinkered, hyper-secularized present, so removed from the primal animosities of not so long ago, to conceive of a world in which tens or hundreds of millions of people who have never visited Israel or never met a Jew want Jews dead. We’ve been blinded by the oceanic success of life under the Pax Americana. We think this is how people are. This is not how people are. This is a wondrous aberration. There were 2,000 years of ghettos, blood libels and pogroms, of dehumanization and second-class citizenship that culminated with the Shoah. For the past several decades — a sneeze in the span of Jewish history — we American Jews have been maundering through the happy, mournful echoes of the recent past. That recent past meant that we weren’t shocked to see this violence from the Europeans, who have never stopped hating Jews, but who had been forced, by the camps, to camouflage their Jew hate in their criticism of Israel, their obsession with it. But America? We were not steeped in the Old World hatreds. We were deeply flawed — who wasn’t? — but our flaws were always in conflict with our identity. One of the many problems with antisemitism, like Jim Crow, was that it made a mockery of our ideals, which made it impossible to hold onto the old bigotries forever. One had to reject Jew-hate and support the Jewish right to self-determination for the same reason one had to dismantle literacy laws that limited voting rights: It was central to the American weltanschauung. It was part of our animating ethic. The progress was glacial and uneven but inexorable. It was America becoming more American. We were supposed to have transcended the old blood-and-soil stupidities. But they can’t be transcended. That was a beautiful myth, a myth that was fundamental to our idea of ourselves. But we are losing ourselves.

How did this happen? It’s inane to try to superimpose a tidy, monocausal explanation on all of the above. But we know a few things for sure. America’s great institutions, and the security and stability and rhythm they once provided, have been co-opted, and this has had an unbelievably destabilizing impact on all aspects of American life. We have lost this edifice, which took decades to build and about ten minutes to tear down, because of our remarkably spineless “elite,” who seem to have no concept what role they are meant to play, or if they do, simply don’t have the cojones. Then there is the transformation of the American left. The left used to imagine itself having one job. That job was to protect the interests of the working class. In fact, until not long ago, the left could not imagine a politics outside the framework of a Herculean struggle pitting the working class against the managerial elite, otherwise known as the Republican Party. Literally every conversation started and ended with class. Class struggle, class warfare, the working class, the middle class. But in the last quarter of the 20th century, the old fight against economic inequality gave way to the pressures of the market and geopolitics. The Chinese gave up on violent, socialist totalitarianism and embraced a kind of retrofitted capitalism. Then came Thatcher, Reagan, the end of the Cold War, the collapse of Soviet communism, the Indians (who, in 1991, embarked on a Reagan-like unwinding of the old Five-Year Plans), the internet, globalization, Bill Clinton, and the narrowing of our ideological differences. In just a few decades, traditional left-wing politics seemed to have lost its reason for being. There was a void, and a need for a new organizing principle to try to make sense of the world. Into the void seeped the new, soft-boiled thinking about race and gender, which had been fomenting, mostly on campus, for the past two decades. Identity soon acquired a new status among liberals, who now called themselves progressives. It comported with our shifting demographics, and it gave the Democratic leadership, which could no longer talk about soaking the rich, something to talk about. Over the past two decades, this obsession with identity has intensified and spread. Progressives are now incapable of talking about anything important without mentioning human beings’ immutable traits.Any politics of identity was bad for the Jew. On the right, the identiarians said that the Jew lacked whiteness — it was a new version of the old Nazi claim about our impurity. On the left, the Jew was said to have too much. In 2021, we are well-aware of the white-nationalist inanities. We have memorized the horrific footage from Charlottesville. We remember every Jew murdered in Pittsburgh and in Poway.But their chants of “Jews Will Not Replace Us” are now being joined by the identitarians of the left, who wield vastly more capital and power, in government, in the media, in the universities, in Hollywood, and in Silicon Valley. (It’s curious that Rep. Rashida Tlaib has accused Israel of “forced population replacement.”) Together, they form a bleating chorus of grievances. Somehow their roster of The Hurt never includes the Jew.The betrayal of the Jew has been building. It started with an unexpected moral relativism (one recalls Howard Dean, on the presidential campaign trail in 2003, saying it was not America’s place to take sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict). Then there were the apologetic Jews, the Jews who felt, as so many Jews have felt across the centuries, that they must have done something wrong, the self-haters, the internalizers, who fashioned themselves into perfect fig leaves. This escalated into a low-simmering hostility (with Joseph Lieberman, the one-time vice-presidential nominee, slowly exiting his party), and the coolness of Barack Obama, and his insistence on an Iranian nuclear deal that seemed to excite American progressives more than any Israeli (or Saudi or Emirati) general. Then there were the activists. All of them seemed to have a — what’s the word? — problematic relationship with the Jewish community. It wasn’t just an incident or untoward comment. It seemed characterological. The Women’s March was helmed by a Louis Farrakhan acolyte who was not shunned, but put in the pages of Vogue and now stars in an ad for CadillacBlack Lives Matter was birthed by a fake Marxist who apparently enjoys when her book is compared to Mao’s, and whose original charter accused Israel of “genocide” and “apartheid.”The progressives will respond that there is nothing antisemitic about criticizing Israeli policy. They are right! All governments should be scrutinized. But criticism of Israeli policy is often just criticism of Israel’s existence. We know this because the criticized policies almost always involve Israel being able to defend itself against hostile neighbors (being able to exist); and because there is an obsession with Israel that distinguishes it from any other country or foreign-policy issue. Countless Muslims have suffered at the hands of the Chinese, Indians and Russians — to say nothing of the Assad regime having incinerated as many as 600,000 Syrians, the nearly 500,000 Palestinians confined to refugee camps in Lebanon, or the indentured servants, including many Palestinians, in the nearby Gulf. This is not whataboutism. It is perspective. Progressives will insist that we have progressed, as it were, beyond antisemitism. We don’t live in that world anymore. Don’t be paranoid! The violence in the streets doesn’t represent the movement! Note that the same people who insist that America hasn’t made one iota of progress on race — that we have so much work to do — also insist that we have resolved with the Jewish problem that goes back to Jesus. Sure. Elected Democrats, for a while, mostly held it together. They used to call the Jew hate what it was. Recall, for example, Senator Chuck Schumer, just two years ago, comparing Rep. Ilhan Omar’s remarks about Israel to Donald Trump’s comments about neo-Nazis. That was when Democrats embraced Israel’s right to defend itself, and condemned the loss of Palestinian life, but didn’t hesitate to note that it was Palestinians compounding Palestinian misery: a corrupt regime in Ramallah and an even more corrupt and violent and unimaginably inhumane regime in Gaza that was controlled by a terrorist organization backed by Iran.But over the past few years, progressives have slowly — and then not so slowly — abandoned those positions. They have succumbed, like so many on the right, to their partisan manias. Trump was “for” Israel; they had to be “against” it. They have stumbled into the bottomless rage of the identitarian left. They have embraced the new racial-gender taxonomy, which reimagines thousands of years of Jewish history into a wokified diorama. Today, the conflict can only be seen through this flattening prism, with Israel playing the role of the white, colonial settler and the Palestinian that of the settler’s dark-skinned, indigenous victim. All this cartoonishness has led progressives to erase the “lived experience,” as one is now trained to say, of the nearly one million Arab Jews who did not migrate to the Middle East but were expelled from their homes, in 1948, the year of Israeli independence, by Arab regimes. They have also ignored the pivotal role that was played, for two decades, by Egypt, which occupied Gaza, and by Jordan, which occupied the West Bank — a two-pronged occupation that presaged the broader Arab community’s attitude toward the Palestinians, whom they treated as fodder. The Palestinians, in the eyes of most other Arabs, were not a people but bodies they were happy to sacrifice to achieve what their armies could not in the Six-Day War of 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. That was the moral of the Arab military humiliation: Conventional armies could not defeat Israel, but maybe a protest movement pushing up against Israel’s borders — abetted by an adoring press corps, aid groups, repurposed Soviet propaganda and lots of E.U. cash — could. It was a brilliant segue.Now we are confronted with the spectacle of members of Congress droning on on the House floor about how the Israeli army is somehow guilty of systemic racism and superimposing complicated ideas concocted by a French philosopher they’ve never read onto a conflict they barely comprehend.They are an embarrassment and a disgrace and they are enabled by the cowards in their own party who are reluctant to criticize them for fear of being called racist or, God forbid, being primaried. That is not the worst that can be said. The worst that can be said is that, by squeezing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into the Procrustean Bed of left-wing identitarianism, the new progressives have alienated the Jew, who, for the most part, remains attached to the Jewish State, from the American body politic. By transforming the Jewish State into a force for evil, they have forced the Jew to defend that attachment. They have created a space separating the Jew from America, and, in that space, they have legitimized violence against the Jew for defending the indefensible: “apartheid,” “colonialism,” “white supremacy,” “ethnic cleansing,” “genocide.”It is the Jewish youngs who are most vulnerable to the new idiocy. It is in their classrooms, on their screens. They find themselves in a sad lacuna. They have been steeped in Jewishness at home. But, on campus, on Zoom, on TikTok, on YouTube, on Instagram, they are pummeled by a ceaseless and acrimonious anti-Zionism.They respond predictably. Only 48 percent of American Jews under 30, in a recent Pew Research Study, feel close to the Jewish State (but 82 percent of Jews overall do). They prefer not to be affiliated with it. They say that Israel doesn’t represent them, that it doesn’t embody their version of Judaism, that it doesn’t align with their brand. They talk endlessly about Palestinian narratives and the need for the white settler to check his privilege, and they seem to forget that they are the most privileged Jews ever to walk the face of the Earth and that turning away from Israel is nothing more than exercising that privilege, flaunting their great fortune. One suspects their contemporaries raised in more antisemitic climates do not share their antipathy. The Jewish olds will reassure you that the sclerotic Democratic leadership — the 81-year-old Speaker of the House, the 70-year-old Senate Majority Leader and the 78-year-old president of the United States — are keeping the crazy in check. They are mistaken. This is not about who outmaneuvers whom in Congress, or the midterms, or the presidential primary. It is not about whipping votes or moving legislation. It is about the sea change that has engulfed us and that has exposed this most meaningless of distinctions without a difference: anti-Zionism and antisemitism.

The olds won’t be here forever. What will come next? For the 75% of Jews who vote Democrat, they will, presumably, continue to believe the right is unpalatable. That the G.O.P.’s lunatics are not tunneling their way into the party leadership, like they are on the left, but have already wrested control. Yes, the Abraham Accords are a great achievement, but what does policy matter when we can’t agree on who won an election? When members of Congress are comparing mask mandates to the Holocaust? Are there any other options?Right now, there is a single freshman congressman from the Bronx trying to hold back the tidal wave of insanity. Soon enough, Ritchie Torres’ colleagues will declare that anyone who is not adequately anti-Zionist is a white supremacist or else ok with white supremacy. Jews who refuse to disavow their Judaism and their Zionism will be discouraged from leadership positions or running for office. Their money will be welcome at closed-door meet n’ greets on Park Avenue or in the Palisades. Bagels, lox, a few Yiddishisms sprinkled into the conversation to make everyone feel tolerant, but please, no talk of that godawful abomination of a Nazi desert.Most of us will delude ourselves, Sarah Silverman-style.We’re good Jews. We’re not Israelis. I love Shabbat! I just don’t like Israel. We will wrap ourselves in our hypocrisy and self-loathing and fear. We will try to wish it away. We will post the right things, about defunding the police or hate having no home here or whatever. We will genuflect. We will pretend that we are not alone, like the Jewish State. That will be the only way to navigate our alienation. To lie and lie and lie to the world and, most importantly, to ourselves.


Rashida Tlaib was special guest for event hosted by Islamic terror spox who promotes Holocaust denial and Jew-hatred

New York Red Bulls goalkeeper Luca Lewis says jihadi mob in NYC said they’d KILL HIM IF HE WAS A JEW

‘I WOULD DO IT AGAIN’: Racist Muslim Who Brutally Beat, Bloodied NYC Jewish Man Shows No Remorse

Irish parliament to vote on motion to expel Israeli ambassador

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ilhan Omar Enraged as AIPAC Calls Her Out for Supporting Jihad Against Israel

My latest in PJ Media:

Facebook is getting out of line, and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) is enraged. Instead of acting the way it usually does, dutifully carrying water for the far Left, Facebook has had the temerity to allow the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to run an ad criticizing Omar herself. After a public career of virtually unanimous adulation from the media and fawning from her colleagues in Congress, even in the face of her repeated anti-Semitic statements, it must be jarring indeed for the winsome Congresswoman actually to face some negative feedback.

Rejecting Omar’s demands (so far) that the ad be taken down, Facebook is allowing AIPAC to run an ad reading, “When Israel Targets Hamas Rep. Omar calls it an ‘act of terrorism.’” This outrages the soft-spoken Omar because what she actually wrote was “Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism.”

Omar and her henchmen contend that this is a misrepresentation of her position that is not only false, but potentially lethal. Isi Baehr-Breen, her deputy communications director (where was her principal communications director? Down at the border with Kamala Harris?), fumed: “It’s dangerous, plain and simple,” and claimed that the AIPAC ad constituted “anti-Muslim hate speech.”

Baehr-Breen added: “It’s par for the course for AIPAC to demonize electeds [sic] who stand up for Palestinian rights and an end to the occupation. What’s more surprising is their attempts to link Congresswoman Omar herself to Hamas terror attacks in their own advertising—ads that only target her, a Black, Muslim woman, in this way. It’s dangerous, plain and simple. It is also dishonest since Rep. Omar has been one of the few Members of Congress to condemn war crimes committed by both Netanyahu and Hamas while calling on the United States to actually take steps to end both the current outbreak of violence and the broader occupation.”

It’s true, sort of. Omar issued a statement Monday condemning “far right ethnonationalist Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu,” claiming that he is “now responsible for at least 1,505 casualties in Gaza, including 200 deaths, 59 of them children. He has leveled entire residential buildings, targeting journalists and civilians alike in direct violation of international law.” The statement added: “At least 10 Israelis, including 2 children, have also been killed by indiscriminate Hamas rocket attacks. To be clear, this is also a war crime.”

Notice that Omar’s office could find no pejorative adjectives to heap on Hamas to match those it found for Netanyahu. Notice also that while it condemned Hamas’ “indiscriminate…rocket attacks,” it said nothing about Hamas’ longstanding practice of launching attacks from civilian areas so as to draw retaliatory fire that would harm civilians and be usable for propaganda purposes. This launching of attacks from civilian areas has been abundantly documented, even by the unflaggingly anti-Israel United Nations. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted Thursday: “It’s not easy fighting a terrorist organization that embeds its military infrastructure in civilian areas. We use the latest military technology to precisely strike Hamas targets, while minimizing damage to the surrounding areas.”

There is more. Read the rest here.


Why AOC’s Disgusting Slanderous Attack Against Israel Falls Apart

Israel: Muslim rioters burn 10 synagogues, 112 Jewish homes, 29 mosques exposed as weapons storage sites

The Muslim Intellectuals Who Are Decimating India with Absolute Impunity

Islamic preacher with 487,000 YouTube followers quotes Muhammad to recommend drinking of camel urine

Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association guidelines: “Do not call Gaza ‘Hamas-controlled’”

Germany: Muslim migrant murders sister’s boyfriend because he was Christian

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Gaza-Déjà vu … Again?

The problem of Gaza was created by the belief that land could be transferred to the Palestinian Arabs to provide them a viable opportunity for self-governance.

We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created themA maxim attributed to Albert Einstein.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results–A maxim attributed to Albert Einstein.

Fanaticism consists of redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim— A citation from George Santayana, The Life of Reason Vol. I, Reason in Common Sense.

Friday’s ceasefire, which brought a regrettably premature end to yet another round of indecisive fighting between Israel and the terrorist enclave of Gaza, underscores an unpalatable truth—a truth both unfortunately unacknowledged, yet persistently enduring.

Monotonously repetitive violence

Indeed, it precisely because it is unpalatable and disagreeable that it is unacknowledged—and because it is unacknowledged, it remains unaddressed and therefore, enduring.

It is this: The conflict in Gaza is no longer one that can be managed. It is one that must be resolved.

Of course, this does not mean that continued and increasingly futile efforts will not be invested in evermore vain attempts to attain the seductive, yet elusive, goal of managing it (i.e. somehow containing it), rather than resolving it (i.e. ending it permanently).

Of course, these will all be of no avail.

After all, repetitively applying the same methods to the same problem can only produce the same outcomes as in the past.

The pattern of violence in Gaza is almost monotonously cyclic. Short periods of a few years of relative calm (themselves often interspersed with brief skirmishes) were succeeded—and preceded—by major military campaigns—in 2008/9, 2012, 2014, 2019, and now 2021.

Significantly, after each round of fighting, despite the damage inflicted by the IDF, the Gazan-based terror groups have typically emerged with their military capabilities vastly enhanced and their political standing, largely untarnished.

Unfortunately, for over a decade, Israel’s longstanding policy has been to cease fire whenever the other side consented to cease fire (however sporadically). It has allowed Hamas, and its terror affiliates, to launch repeated rounds of aggression, determining not only when they are launched and when they end, but also largely controlling the cost incurred for such aggression, ensuring that it remains—by their criteria—within the range of the “acceptable” cost of “doing business”.

Israel has, in effect, allowed Hamas not only to determine the scale and scope of the hostilities; as well as when (and to some degree, where) they take place—usually when it feels strong enough to initiate fighting,…or too weak not to. 

Perpetuating a perverse pattern

Lamentably, time and again, the Gazan terrorists developed (indeed, often have been allowed to develop) some offensive measure with which to assault Israel.

In response, Israel has devised some (usually ingenuous but expensive) countermeasure to contend with it. However, all of these were designed to thwart—or mitigate—the attacks, rather than prevent them from being launched in the first place.

Thus, suicide attacks resulted in a security fence and secured crossings; which led to the development of enhanced rocket and missile capabilities; which lead to the development of the billion dollar Iron Dome; which led to the burrowing of an array of underground attack tunnels; which lead to the construction of a billion dollar subterranean barrier; which led to the use of incendiary kites and balloons that, over the summers, reduce much of the rural South, adjacent to the Gaza border, to blackened charcoal.

This Israeli policy of restraint, designed to manage rather than resolve the conflict, is not a prudent one, reflecting judicious cool-headedness. Quite the opposite, it is a policy of evasion, that refuses to recognize reality. It entails shying away from confrontations, which it is able to win (admittedly at a significant cost)—while risking later confrontations, which may not be able to win (at any cost).

The perils of restraint are, indeed, myriad—regarding its impact on both military and civilian affairs.

Attack drones, cruise missiles, multiple warheads…?

On the military level, they provide Hamas, and its more radical spin-offs, the opportunity to vastly improve the performance of its weaponry by orders of magnitude.

It is an opportunity that they have eagerly seized.

Indeed, the Gazan–based terror groups have shown impressive ingenuity in devising, enhancing, and honing their aggressive capabilities to assault the Jewish state. Today, they have achieved abilities that would have appeared inconceivable in 2005, when Israel unilaterally abandoned the area—and had anyone then predicted Israel would be facing the ominous reality that it faces today, they would undoubtedly have been dismissed as unrealistic scaremongers.

Yet today, it takes little imagination to envisage the deployment of future modes of Judeocidal assault on the Jewish state and its citizens—as well as those to circumvent the current defense systems protecting Israeli lives against the full lethal potential of the enemy attacks on it.

For example, Palestinian terror groups are known to be working on drone development and production, which, in large measure, would neutralize both the underground anti-tunnel barrier and the anti-ballistic Iron-Dome system. Accordingly, the grim specter of a possible drone swarm, carrying explosive—perhaps even some non-conventional—charges, being detonated on, or over, some luckless Jewish community, is no longer beyond the realms of plausibility.

Moreover, it is no longer possible to dismiss the prospect of Israel having to face—in the not too distant future—the specter of incoming missiles with multiple warheads, which disperse just before being intercepted, greatly challenging its current missile defense capabilities. Or the development of some kind of anti-aircraft capabilities that could restrict — or at least hamper — Israel’s present unlimited freedom of action over the skies of Gaza. Or the development— perhaps with Iranian collaboration—of some low-flying Cruise-type missile, which Israel’s missile-defense systems are not designed to intercept…

Jews in the Negev or Arabs in Gaza?

On the civilian level as well, there are inclement socio-economic ramifications of strategic proportions.

Indeed, the prospect of an unending recurrence of terror attacks on towns and villages, which the government only “manages” but does not eliminate, could result in the depopulation of the more vulnerable areas, initially in the South.

Although the area appears to have flourished in the interbellum period between Operations “Protective Edge” (2014) and the “Guardian of the Walls” (2021), there is little guarantee that this will—indeed, can—continue if the terror attacks persist. After all, there is likely to be little appeal in continuing to live in an area, where the residents regularly have to endure their economy—particularly tourism and agriculture—being devastated; their livelihoods being drastically diminished; with the constant disruption of daily life and the ongoing danger to their lives…and those of families.

Accordingly, Israel must face up to—and internalize–the unpalatable dilemma that, in the long run, there will either be Arabs in Gaza or Jews in the Negev. Eventually, however, there will not be both.

Furthermore, with the increased range of the enemy rockets, other areas, also afflicted by repeated bombardments, may find their populations denuded—as residents move to less hazardous parts of the country…or less hazardous counties.

Moreover, now that restraint has managed to bring central Israel (including the capital Jerusalem, the commercial hub, Greater Tel Aviv, and Ben Gurion airport) into the rocket range of Gazan-based terrorists, the threat of frequent large-scale disruptions of the socioeconomic routine is likely to have enormous ramifications. The intermittent periods of calm that might have been bearable in the South will not be tolerated in the Center.

Thus, unless a radical and permanent – or at least long-term – solution can be devised, large-scale flight of businesses and population is not an implausible prospect, which advocates of Israeli restraint must seriously ponder – and address.

Decisive victory, not deterrence

Clearly then, the Israeli approach has been grossly misguided. Worse, it is a tried and tested recipe for unending and escalating violence — and must be abandoned before it culminates in inevitable tragedy, larger even than that which it has already precipitated.

When discussing Israeli objectives in the military conflict over Gaza in the public discourse, the emphasis is placed almost exclusively on the IDF attaining “deterrence” vis-à-vis Hamas and other terror entities in the Strip—to dissuade them from initiating violence against the Jewish state.

While prima facie, this may appear reasonable, with regards to Israel and its terrorist foes, it is an approach that is misplaced and needs to be drastically rethought.

After all, despite the heavy damage inflicted on Hamas in previous operations, (and on Hezbollah in the 2006-Second Lebanon War), they have not really been deterred in so much as their will to engage Israel has not been broken—as did defeat in WWII to Germany and Japan.

At best, it has forced Hamas to regroup, rearm and redeploy, typically with greatly enhanced capabilities. Indeed, the current campaign has shown that despite the severe devastation wrought on it, Hamas is still spoiling for a fight.

Decisive victory, not deterrence (cont.)

Accordingly, the damage inflicted by the air force and other “standoff” weapon systems, despite its severity, is damage that Hamas is prepared to absorb, rather than forgo its hostile intentions toward Israel.

But, if the enemy’s will to fight cannot be diminished, its ability to do so must be eliminated. With the possible exception of Serbia, which was subjected to almost 80 days of bombing by the combined air forces of NATO, history has shown that this cannot be done by standoff weaponry alone. This requires boots on the ground, physical control of the enemy territory, as well as of infrastructure, and installations.

Abandoning restraint, adopting a policy of imposing surrender and inflicting acknowledged defeat on Hamas will be far from cost-free. On the contrary, it will require a heavy toll in terms of both blood and treasure. But the blame for that must be laid squarely on those who urged Israel and the IDF to abandon Gaza, ensuring that, sooner or later, it will fall to the control of the radicals.

Moreover, the costs involved in persisting with a policy of restraint will almost certainly outstrip those of the more assertive alternative. (In this regard, readers will recall that one of the arguments the proponents of the Disengagement used was that it would spare the high cost of maintaining the Jewish settlements. Of course, that was before the Disengagement precipitated at least four major military campaign, the need for a billion dollar anti-tunnel barrier, massive reinforcements of residential homes and construction of domestic shelters…and so on and so forth.)

Gaza: Deconstruction not reconstruction

It was Albert Einstein who famously said that one could not solve a problem with the level of thinking that created it.

Clearly, the problem of Gaza was created by the belief that land could be transferred to the Palestinian Arabs to provide them a viable opportunity for self-governance. Equally clearly, then, the problem of Gaza cannot be solved by persisting with ideas that created it – i.e. persisting with a plan for Israel to provide the Palestinian Arabs with land for self-governance.

The problem can only be solved by entirely abandoning the concept that Gaza should be governed by Palestinian Arabs. Any effective solution must follow this new line of reasoning.

Adhering to failed formulae will merely prolong the problem.

Thus, if Hamas comes out stronger from this round of fighting, it will be only a matter of time before the next, probably more deadly, round breaks out.

If Hamas comes out weaker from this round of fighting, it is only a matter of time before it will be replaced by an even more violent extremist-successor – and thus, once more, only a matter of time until the next, probably more deadly, round breaks out.

The only durable solution requires dismantling Gaza, humanitarian relocation of the non-belligerent Arab population, and extension of Israeli sovereignty over the region.

The only humanitarian solution

That is the only approach that can solve the problem of Gaza.

That is the only approach that will eliminate the threat to Israel continually issuing from Gaza.

That is the only approach that will extricate the non-belligerent Palestinians from the clutches of the cruel, corrupt cliques who led them astray for decades.

That is the only approach that will preclude a need for Israel to “rule over another people.”

Former US President Herbert Hoover, dubbed the “Great Humanitarian” for his efforts to relieve famine in Europe after WWI, wrote in The Problems of Lasting Peace:

Consideration should be given even to the heroic remedy of transfer of populations…the hardship of moving is great, but it is [still] less than the constant suffering of minorities and the constant recurrence of war.”

How could anyone, with any degree of compassion and humanity, disagree?

©Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

Craven Coward Chuck Schumer Cowers As Pogroms And Violence Against NYC Jews Escalate

Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer won’t defend Israel and American Jews against the antisemitic Left. That is because he believes that he will be primaried by AOC or another Leftist should he do so. Chuck Schumer is a coward and a disgrace to the Jewish people.

As Pogromists Activate, Chuck Schumer Cowers

By Commentary Magazine, May 21, 2021

On 47th Street in Manhattan, the famous “Diamond District” where so many Jews work, someone set off an incendiary device this afternoon.

A car caravan driving down First Avenue in Manhattan featured people shouting “Fuck you, Jews” as it paraded through the streets of the city with the largest Jewish population outside Israel. Near Bryant Park, a pro-Palestinian demonstrator threw a bottle at a restaurant diner, who threw it back and was then spat upon. In Times Square, a gathering in support of Israel was set upon. That was just today. And all this came after similar scenes in Toronto and London.

Now let me speak to you of the weasel in human form who serves as the senior senator from New York and the majority leader of the U.S. Senate. His name is Charles Schumer, and over the decades he has loved nothing more than to declaim speeches to Jewish groups in which he notes that his last name translates as “guardian” in Hebrew. And as I have heard him say on several occasions, he considers himself a contemporary “shomer,” a guardian at the gates of Jerusalem, protecting Israel and the Jewish people as in ancient times.

The Violence Against Jews and the Democrats’ Complicity

Blah. Blah. Blah.

In the city Schumer represents, in the state he represents, Jews are being attacked for being Jews and demonstrators are supporting a terrorist group that is firing rockets at Jews. Where is this vaunted shomer, this supposed guardian of his people? Spiritually cowering under his desk, terrified of a primary challenge from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in his 2022 election. His only significant action since hostilities began was supporting a bipartisan ceasefire statement. At the beginning of the week. The statement did say Israel has the right to defend itself. How nice. And how about my kids walking on the streets of Manhattan, Chuck? Who’s defending them, if only rhetorically? Hey, Chuck: How about your kids?

I am focusing on Chuck Schumer because he is the second or third most important Democratic elected official in America, and his silence speaks volumes about his party’s heartbreaking and disgusting refusal to confront the increasingly unmasked and open anti-Semitism spewing from the mouths and tweets of AOC and her fellow Squad members and other terrorist apologists in the House—not to mention Bernie Sanders, who shames the memories of his forbears with his humanitarian concern for every other minority group on earth save the very people whose blood courses through his ice-cold veins.

There is murder in the air. Do not mistake it for anything else. And do not mistake cravenness, and cowardice, and rancid ambition for anything else, either.

n 47th Street in Manhattan, the famous “Diamond District” where so many Jews work, someone set off an incendiary device this afternoon.

A car caravan driving down First Avenue in Manhattan featured people shouting “Fuck you, Jews” as it paraded through the streets of the city with the largest Jewish population outside Israel. Near Bryant Park, a pro-Palestinian demonstrator threw a bottle at a restaurant diner, who threw it back and was then spat upon. In Times Square, a gathering in support of Israel was set upon. That was just today. And all this came after similar scenes in Toronto and London.




The furies have been unleashed. They were everywhere you looked these past two weeks, though you won’t read about them much in the papers.

We saw them on Thursday, when pro-Palestinian protesters threw an explosive device into a crowd of Jews in New York’s Diamond District.

We saw them on Wednesday, when two men were attacked outside a bagel shop in midtown Manhattan.

We saw them on Tuesday, at a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood, when a group of men draped in keffiyehs asked the diners who was Jewish, and then pummeled them. And in a parking lot not far away, when two cars draped in Palestinian flags roared after an Orthodox man fleeing for his life. And in the story of the American soccer player Luca Lewis, cornered by a band of men in New York demanding to know if he was a Jew.

Then there was the caravan careening through Jewish neighborhoods in North London carrying people screaming: “Fuck the Jews! Rape their daughters!”

And the rabbi, outside London, who was hospitalized after being attacked by two teenagers.

And the demonstrator in Vienna shouting, “Shove your Holocaust up your ass!” — the crowd of young people, mostly women, cheering.

The synagogue in Skokie that was vandalized. The synagogue in Tucson that was vandalized. The synagogue in Salt Lake that was vandalized.

The pro-Israel demonstrators in Montreal pelted with rocks. And the pro-Palestinian agitators in Edmonton driving around in search of Jews.

The teeming crowds in Washington, D.C.BerlinBangladeshPhiladelphia and Boston and San Francisco and, of course, across the Arab world. The seemingly ubiquitous accusations of “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.”

The Turkish president, reaching all the way back to the Middle Ages, accusing Israelis of “sucking the blood” of non-Jewish children.

Every hour on the hour, the celebrities posted their memes and the elected officials and the influencers — it’s hard to tell the difference — called Israel an “apartheid” regime. Apartheid regimes, like regimes guilty of genocide and ethnic cleansing, are meant to be overthrown. Violently, if need be. So bloodshed is warranted, yes?

The silence-is-violence people — those who are quick to “call out” anyone deemed inadequately antiracist, experts at digging up any dusty book passage — have been remarkably quiet when it comes to Jews being dehumanized and hunted down.

RELATED ARTICLE: **uck Schumer Slammed for Silence on Antisemitic Attacks in New York

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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List of the 35 Most Virulent Antisemitic Haters in the U.S. Congress

Beware the camel in the tent.

According to the classic Arab tale, one cold night, a camel asks his master if he can put his head in the tent for warmth. “By all means and welcome,” said the man; and the camel stretches his head into the tent. Soon after, the camel inquires if he may also bring his neck and front legs inside. Again, the master agrees.

Finally, the camel asks, “May I not stand wholly within?” With pity, the master beckons him into the warm tent. But when the camel comes forward it becomes clear that the tent is too small for them both. “I think,” the camel said, “that there is not room for both of us here. It will be best for you to stand outside, as you are the smaller; there will then be room enough for me.” And with that, the man is forced outside of his tent.  (Mawer)

With much of Congress on Israel’s side as it wages a defensive war against the terrorist group Hamas, a swath of Democrat lawmakers are expressing hostility to the Jewish state

As Israel faces Hamas rocket attacks, these are its most virulent critics in Congress

With much of Congress on Israel’s side as it wages a defensive war against the terrorist group Hamas, a swath of House lawmakers is expressing hostility to the Jewish state.

By: Emily Brooks | Washington Examiner | May 20, 2021:

With much of Congress on Israel’s side as it wages a defensive war against the terrorist group Hamas, a swath of House lawmakers is expressing hostility to the Jewish state.

Most of those who have consistently cast Israel-critical votes in recent years are Democrats, and they’re increasingly causing headaches for their party’s leadership. They’re also complicating dynamics for President Joe Biden as Hamas fires thousands of rockets into Israel and the country responds with deadly strikes in Gaza.

Members of the far-left “Squad,” who are relatively recent additions to Congress, are among the most hostile to Israel.

Democratic Reps.Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezof New York and Rashida Tlaibof Michigan on Wednesday are planning to introduce a resolution that would block a planned $735 million sale of bombs to Israel.

The resolution stands in stark contrast to the congressional response in 2014 after Hamas fired hundreds of rockets into Israel. The then-majority Republican House agreed to without objection a resolution written by former New York Rep. Steve Israel, a Democrat, that asserted “Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel” and stressed that “Hamas is a United States-designated terrorist organization.”

“The United States should not be rubber-stamping weapons sales to the Israeli government as they deploy our resources to target international media outlets, schools, hospitals, humanitarian missions and civilian sites for bombing,” Ocasio-Cortez said about the resolution in a tweet.


Jew-Hating Communist Sen. Bernie Sanders Resolution Blocks Arms Sales to Jewish State

The Demonization of Israel in the Halls of Congress

WATCH: Jews in New York City harassed, beaten, firebombed, and spit at in multiple attacks by “Pro-Palestinian” Nazis

REWARDING JIHAD TERROR: “Biden” Admin Vows to REBUILD TERROR Hub Gaza With American Taxpayer Dollars

EXPLOSIVES: Muslims Burn and Beat Jews In Violent Pogrom In Midtown Manhattan

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Group That Supports Jihad Terrorists Organizes Anti-Israel Protests Across the U.S.

It’s hard to support “Palestine” without supporting jihad terrorists who rejoice in the murder of Israeli civilians.

Activist Group That Supports Terrorists Organized Anti-Israel Protests Across US

by Kaylee Greenlee, Daily Caller, May 17, 2021:

An activist organization that previously supported terrorism and another affiliated with a group that reportedly worked with terrorists organized dozens of anti-Israel protests in major U.S. cities over the weekend.

Samidoun, a group designated as a terror organization in Israel with active chapters in the U.S., advertised 80 demonstrations from Friday through Sunday, with 49 occurring in major cities across the U.S. on Saturday. The Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), an anti-Israel group, organized a handful of the demonstrations.

“There are currently over 200 martyrs throughout Palestine and on the borders with Lebanon, and the entire land of Palestine is rising … confronting the most brutal violence of the colonizer with steadfastness, struggle, and a revolutionary promise of a liberated future,” Samidoun said.

Samidoun and the PYM helped organize “days of resistance” protests across the U.S. in August 2020 where some participants carried the flags of Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Both groups are designated as Foreign Terror Organizations by the State Department, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

Israeli forces continued airstrikes near Gaza City Monday after Hamas and other militant groups fired thousands of rockets into Israeli territory, the Associated Press reported. Since the attacks began at least 188 Palestinians have been killed and over 1,200 people were injured, while around 3,100 rocket attacks launched from Gaza have killed eight people in Israel.

Thousands of demonstrators protested for hours in Brooklyn, New York, on Saturday and climbed onto street lights, set off fireworks and stopped traffic in some areas, NBC New York reported. Samidoun advertised the protest and listed its New York chapter as an organizer.

The “days of resistance” demonstrations were to “remind the world that the Palestinian people will continue to rise and confront all attempts of liquidation and destruction of the cause of Palestine and resist dispossession, exile and genocide,” Samidoun said in a statement, the DCNF reported.

The PYM helped organize and promote pro-Palestine demonstrations in Atlanta, Georgia; Dallas, Texas; Detroit, Michigan; Los Angeles and San Diego, California; and Washington, D.C., according to the Act Now to Stop War & End Racism Coalition. The PYM is associated with the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, it’s [sic] leader Mohammad Nabulsi called for death to Israelis, the DCNF reported….

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Watch as Palestinian Anti-Semitic Rally in Orlando, Florida Gets Violent

On May 15, 750-1000, Israel and Jewish hating Palestinians with their Marxist Democrat supporters descended on Lake Eola Park in downtown Orlando to demonize the day Israel was granted statehood by the United Nations, calling it the NAKBA.

At 2:42 in this video Rasha Mubarak as emcee on a loudspeaker, singles out a cameraman, in the front row, as a Zionist, Provocateur, then instructs the people there to “cover him,” and they did. During this time, I was hit, bumped, elbowed, and pushed out of a public space against my will.

Due to Rasha Mubarak’s incitement to violence against me, I was forced to move or risk increased assault.. Nakba is an Arabic term meaning ‘The great catastrophe.’ The great catastrophe is that Israel survived the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. So you are probably asking, what is this NAKBA? Israel was granted statehood by the United Nations on May 14, 1948.

On May 15th, 5 Arab countries tried to wipe Israel off the face of the planet…and failed. The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded the brand new State of Israel and lost the war in a humiliating defeat. Israel’s Arab neighbors tried to destroy Israel again in the 1967 Six-Day War and suffered another humiliating defeat. Israel’s Arab neighbors tried again to destroy Israel in the hard-fought 1973 Yom Kippur War and failed. Muhammad hated the Jews 1400 years ago, and now the followers of Islam got humiliated by the Jews repeatedly.

Arab Muslim and HAMAS Palestinian terrorists have been conducting bombings, knifings, shootings, stonings, arson, BDS, terrorist operations non-stop for 73 years in Israel. The motivation for all this Palestinian violence is to never have to have another NAKBA Rally again, as articulated by Rasha Mubarak in this video.

The NAKBA is a call for Israel’s destruction from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

These psychopaths openly dream of snuffing out every citizen of all races and religions they deem as collaborators with CITIZENS OF OR JUST LIVING IN ISRAEL.


  • Florida Palestine Network
  • The Muslim Women’s Organization
  • Unbought Power
  • Poder
  • LatinX
  • Central Florida Climate Action
  • Florida Student Power Network
  • Our Revolution Florida
  • FL International Solidarity Collective
  • Colombian Progressives
  • Young Democrats of Orange County, President Alex Weeden
  • Florida Young Democrats


DC TERROR: Democrats Launch Last-Minute Push To Stop Israel Arms Sale

Make no mistake, these barbarians would have supported the Third Reich. We are under siege by America’s most depraved enemy – the left. Stealing the election was the great stroke against the very soul of our nation.

Liberal Dems launch 11th-hour push to stop Israel arms sale

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is leading the effort, along with Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Mark Pocan, Ilhan Omar and others, according to a draft resolution obtained by POLITICO.

By: Lara Seligman, Andrew Desiderio and Nahal Toosi, Politico, May 19, 2021:

A group of lawmakers is cobbling together an effort to block a controversial sale of precision-guided weapons to Israel as President Joe Biden ratchets up the pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bring to a halt the increasingly deadly conflict in Gaza.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is leading the effort, along with Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), and others, according to a draft resolution obtained by POLITICO. An Ocasio-Cortez spokesperson confirmed she is releasing the resolution Wednesday.

The resolution of disapproval, as drafted, aims to prohibit the proposed $735 million sale of a Boeing-built arms guidance kit to Israel. The Joint Direct Attack Munitions kit, as it’s known, converts unguided or “dumb” bombs into precision-guided munitions

The eleventh-hour Democratic effort comes one day after a group of senior House Democrats on Tuesday backed off an emerging push to delay the sale amid intensifying violence in the region. Lawmakers wanted to use the impending arms transfer as leverage to push the Israelis to drop their resistance to a ceasefire.
Ted Cruz: The Squad’s statements ‘might as well be issued on behalf of Hamas’

Earlier Wednesday, Biden told Netanyahu that he “expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire,” according to a White House readout of their phone conversation. Last week, the U.S. blocked efforts by the United Nations Security Council to call for a ceasefire, effectively backing Israel’s bombing campaign against Hamas, the Palestinian militant group.

As of Wednesday, Israel’s military operations in Gaza have killed 217 Palestinians, including 63 children, while 12 Israelis have died in the conflict, which escalated after Hamas launched thousands of rockets into Israel.

The resolution of disapproval isn’t likely to advance through the House or even the Foreign Affairs Committee; the period given to Congress for review of the Israel arms sale in question expires at the end of the week. Although symbolic, the Ocasio-Cortez-led push reflects progressive Democrats’ increasing uneasiness over the lack of conditions on U.S. support for Israel, skepticism that’s only deepened as Israel continues to bombard Gaza with air strikes.

Republicans, meanwhile, have remained staunchly behind Israel and Netanyahu. At a press conference on Wednesday, GOP senators hammered Biden for not being more outspoken in favor of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza — even suggesting that the administration was tacitly supporting Hamas.

“Joe Biden needs to stand up and reject this radical anti-Israel proposal,” Sen. Tom Cotton (D-Ark.) said, referring to Ocasio-Cortez’s effort. “But Joe Biden has been rapidly caving to the left this week.”

Lawmakers said Tuesday that the weapons, bought directly from Boeing in a deal that had been in the works for years, would not arrive in Israel for months. Unlike foreign military sales, direct commercial sales do not get posted online, and lawmakers only get a 15-day window for objections. Congress was first notified on May 5.

A State Department spokesperson declined to comment on the sale, citing federal laws restricting public comments on licensing activity related to direct commercial sales.

Democrats abandon push to delay Biden administration arms sale to Israel

We remain deeply concerned about the current violence and are working towards achieving a sustainable calm,” the spokesperson said.

The U.S. has long provided lethal arms, including precision-guided bombs, tanks and sophisticated fighter jets, to Israel. Since 1985, the U.S. government has provided nearly $3 billion in foreign military aid annually for Israel to preserve its military edge over its Arab neighbors.

Washington has also built war reserve stock facilities in Israel to stockpile military equipment, including ammunition, “smart” bombs, missiles and military vehicles. Although intended for use by U.S. forces in the Middle East, the equipment has on rare occasions been transferred to Israel for use during conflicts, including during the 2014 Gaza war.

In recent years, however, the political dynamic surrounding U.S. support for Israel has shifted significantly. While both parties broadly continue to express strong support for Israel’s sovereignty, some progressive Democrats have become more vocal about potentially cutting U.S. military aid to Netanyahu’s conservative government, particularly after he considered annexing part of the West Bank in 2020.


Islam Channel fined £20,000 after broadcasting show that contained ‘antisemitic hate speech’

WATCH: Pro-Terror, Jew-Hating Mob Viciously Attacks Jewish Diners in Los Angeles

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Terrorist Black Lives Matter Declares ‘Solidarity’ With Terrorist Hamas In War Against Jews

Birds of a feather, or in this case, terrorists ……

Black Lives Matter Declares ‘Solidarity’ With Hamas In Israel Conflict

By Daily Wire May 18, 2021

The official Black Lives Matter organization declared its “solidarity” with Palestinians on Monday, effectively backing the Hamas terror organization in its ongoing conflict with Israel.

Writing on Twitter, BLM’s official account noted that it “always will be” partnered with the cause of “Palestinian liberation.”

“Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians. We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation. ( always have. And always will be ),” the organization said.

The sentiment echoes that of other progressive organizations and legislators, including Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a member of the progressive “squad” who spoke out against Israel both in a floor speech, where she praised a Palestinian-American activist affiliated with Black Lives Matter who previously called for the death of police officers, and on Twitter, where she compared the conflict in Gaza to riots in Ferguson, Missouri.

“The fight for Black lives and the fight for Palestinian liberation are interconnected. We oppose our money going to fund militarized policing, occupation, and systems of violent oppression and trauma. We are anti-war. We are anti-occupation. And we are anti-apartheid. Period,” Bush tweeted, citing her own House floor speech on the matter.

RELATED ARTICLE: “Biden” DOJ Drops Charges Against Terrorist Antifa, Adds Up More Charges Against Capitol Protesters

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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House Democrats vote overwhelmingly against applying sanctions on CAIR-linked Hamas

Just in case you weren’t clear about which side they’re on.

House Democrats Vote Against Hamas Sanctions

by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, May 18, 2021:

House Democrats overwhelmingly voted on Tuesday afternoon against applying sanctions on Hamas, the Iranian-backed terror group that has fired thousands of missiles at Israel during the past two weeks amid a deepening regional conflict.

In a 217-209 vote, Democrats rejected a bid by House Republicans to hold a vote on Hamas sanctions legislation authored by Rep. Brian Mast (R., Fla.). The bill was supported by every House Democrat in the last Congress, but stalled this time around when Democratic members refused to allow the bill to be considered by the legislative body. Republicans wanted to pass the legislation to further express support for Israel as it fights the terror group.

As the conflict in Israel continues into its second week, many Democratic lawmakers on the party’s left flank have publicly criticized the Jewish state, with some describing its defensive operations as terrorist acts. Progressive lawmakers such as Reps. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D., N.Y.) have called for cutting U.S. military aid to Israel and sanctioning the country. They have not condemned Hamas’s strikes on the country or the terror group’s use of civilian shields in the Gaza Strip….


Netanyahu says no to Biden’s call for ceasefire amid continuing Hamas rocket fire

Pakistan: Illiterate Christian paraplegic and his wife in jail awaiting execution for sending ‘blasphemous’ texts

UK: Muslims screaming ‘anti-Semitic slurs’ brutally beat rabbi outside his synagogue

Congo bishop in the face of Muslim persecution of Christians: ‘We are in a state of utter misery’

The Palestinian Propaganda Machine Cranks Into High Gear

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Meet the Team of Israel-Haters Joe Biden Has Assembled

My latest in PJ Media:

Oh yeah, this is sure to work: Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday, according to the Jewish Press, that he was “sending an envoy to the Middle East to ‘seek to calm tensions’ even as he urged Israel to avoid killing civilians.” Israel does more than any other military force has ever done to avoid killing civilians, so that was not a good sign. Even worse was that the soothing envoy is Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hady Amr, an indefatigable supporter of the genocidal Palestinian Arab jihad against Israel.

Back in 2002, Amr declared: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada.” He said that Palestinians would “never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military, and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children. And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents.” He did not, of course, say a word about Hamas’ long-established practice of launching jihad attacks from civilian areas, so that retaliatory fire could be used for propaganda purposes. Of course, that was a long time ago, but Amr went on to a long career in the Obama administration and elsewhere, and never showed any sign that he had moderated his positions.

Anyone who is surprised that Biden’s handlers would send a jihad supporter to talk with the Israelis and Palestinians hasn’t been paying attention. Just days after Joe Biden was inaugurated, pro-Erdogan Turkish journalist Hakkı Öcal, according to Ahval News, “highlighted a report on the strong presence of Jews in the cabinet of U.S. President Joe Biden.” The report claimed that there was an “over 50 percent Jewish presence in the new U.S. cabinet,” and pointed Secretary of State Antony Blinken and CIA Deputy Director David Cohen, among others. But Öcal was off base: among Biden’s handlers, Jewish and non-Jewish, there are few, if any, staunch friends of Israel. After just a few months in office, it was clear that Joe Biden’s handlers’ administration was shaping up to be the most anti-Israel presidency since the founding of the modern State of Israel. That is clear from the appointments Biden’s handlers have made. A sampling:

Robert Malley, special envoy to Iran, has become notorious over the years for his support for Iran’s Islamic regime and pronounced distaste for Israel. The Washington Times revealed in February 2021 that back in July 2019, “Iran’s smooth, English-speaking foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, met with Robert Malley, who was President Obama’s Middle East adviser, in an apparent bid to undermine the Trump team and lay the groundwork for post-Trump relations.”

Malley was a good choice for such an assignment. An Israeli security official noted in February 2008 that Malley “has expressed sympathy to Hamas and Hizbullah and offered accounts of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that don’t jibe with the facts.” Obama dropped Malley in May 2008 after it came to light that he had met with representatives of Hamas, but six months later sent him as an envoy to Egypt and Syria.

There is more. Read the rest here.



Florida man converts to Islam, plans to create video on how to make deadly explosive for ISIS

Afghanistan: Islamic State murders at least 12 of the wrong kind of Muslims in mosque for Eid al-Fitr

Sharia UK: University reprimands student teacher for defending teacher who showed Muhammad cartoon

Erdogan: ‘Virus of Islamophobia’ is turning Europe into ‘open air prison’ for Muslims

Libelous, pro-jihad, far-left Stanford student ‘reporter’ Emily Wilder surfaces as ‘journalist’ for Hamas-linked AP

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Erdogan asks pope to ‘mobilize the Christian world’ to support the jihad against Israel

Centuries ago, popes spearheaded the resistance to the advancing jihad. But Erdogan knows what he is dealing with in Pope Francis, and it isn’t exactly the spirit of the Crusades. Whatever else he may be, Pope Francis is the perfect pope for a Europe that has discarded and no longer appreciates its own culture and heritage.

Erdogan urges Pope to help end Gaza conflict, impose sanctions on Israel

AFP, May 17, 2021 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday urged Pope Francis to help rally the world to adopt sanctions against Israel for its “massacre” of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The phone call between Erdogan and the pontiff came as Turkey presses ahead with a furious diplomatic push to help end bloodshed that has claimed the lives of 197 Palestinians and 10 people in Israel since May 10.

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Erdogan told Pope Francis that “Palestinians will continue to be subjected to a massacre unless the international community punishes Israel… with sanctions”, the Turkish presidency said.

The pope’s messages were of “great importance to mobilize the Christian world and the international community”, the Turkish statement added.

The pope on Sunday said the loss of innocent lives in the violence was “terrible and unacceptable”, warning that the conflict risked “degenerating into a spiral of death and destruction”.

Erdogan, who has vocally championed the Palestinian cause during his 18-year rule, has spoken out repeatedly against Israel’s actions, accusing it of waging “terrorism” last week.

He told the pope on Monday that “all of humanity should be united against” Israel.

“The savagery caused by Israel threatens regional security,” he added….


Israel Bombs Building Housing Biased Media and Hamas, Biased Media Omits Mention of Hamas Presence

Israelis ‘determined to take down infrastructure of Hamas,’ but Schiff calls on Biden’s handlers to stop them

Muslim Representatives Omar and Tlaib parrot Hamas talking points

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Muslim arrested for shooting at random cars in busy gas station parking lot

We will probably soon hear that Ahmad Jihad Bojeh is mentally ill, but it is also true that the Islamic State and al-Qaeda have repeatedly called upon Muslims in the U.S. to do violence to random people.

“Deputies arrest man accused of shooting at cars at Wawa gas station,” FOX 35 News, May 15, 2021:

KISSIMMEE, Fla. – The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office arrested a man deputies say was caught on video shooting at cars in a busy Wawa gas station parking lot.

Ahmad Jihad Bojeh, 24, has been arrested for attempted first-degree murder.

Deputies say they responded to the Wawa at 4397 W. Vine Street in Kissimmee on Thursday night.

“The suspect was captured on video shooting at the victim and at random vehicles in the parking lot,” deputies said….


Israelis ‘determined to take down infrastructure of Hamas,’ but Schiff calls on Biden’s handlers to stop them

Little girl whom ‘Palestinians’ claim was killed by Israelis is actually Russian child model who is still alive

Muslim Representatives Omar and Tlaib parrot Hamas talking points

India: Muslim columnist says ‘A Hindu chanting Jai Shree Ram is most likely a terrorist’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All  rights reserved.

President Biden and Public Scandal

Fr. Gerald E. Murray on Biden and abortion: He needs to be told that his objectively sinful behavior constitutes a culpable offense for which he needs to seek pardon after repenting.

Should President Joseph Biden be admitted to Holy Communion when he attends Mass? The simple answer is, “No,” owing to his public and unwavering support for legalized abortion. Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law states: “Those. . .obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.” Abortion, the killing of innocent unborn children, is a grave sin, as is the legalization and promotion of this heinous practice. It’s a criminal violation of an unborn person’s right to life.

In the 2002 Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life, Cardinal Ratzinger, then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), stated: “John Paul II, continuing the constant teaching of the Church, has reiterated many times that those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies have a ‘grave and clear obligation to oppose’ any law that attacks human life. For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them.” (Emphasis added)

In the 2004 Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion: General Principles Ratzinger specifically instructed the U.S. bishops that a Catholic politician engages in formal cooperation with the sin of abortion when he consistently campaigns and votes for permissive abortion laws. President Biden obviously promotes the abortion license and has directed that taxpayers’ dollars pay for abortions. He’s an unapologetic and determined promoter of this immoral attack on human life. This is an indisputable fact. Just ask his supporters at Planned Parenthood and NARAL.

Ratzinger told the U.S. bishops that, dealing with such a politician, “his Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist.” He also cited a 2002 Declaration from the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts: “When ‘these precautionary measures have not had their effect or in which they were not possible,’ and the person in question, with obstinate persistence, still presents himself to receive the Holy Eucharist, ‘the minster of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it.’” (Emphasis added)

The Declaration explains: “The decision, properly speaking, is not a sanction or a penalty. Nor is the minister of Holy Communion passing judgment on the person’s subjective guilt, but rather is reacting to the person’s public unworthiness to receive Holy Communion due to an objective situation of sin.”

An objective situation of sin is scandalous in this case because such a Catholic politician who consistently promotes abortion by that very conduct actively encourages others to fall into the same sin. In Biden’s case, his well-known campaign promises to keep abortion legal and federally funded is clear evidence of his rejection of Catholic moral teaching. He plainly intended to convince other Catholics to join him in gravely sinful behavior. Such conduct renders him publicly unworthy to receive Holy Communion.

The facts, and the applicability of canon 915 to those facts, are indisputable.

For this reason, the recent Letter of the CDF Prefect, Cardinal Ladaria, to the American bishops is disappointing, even confounding. Remarkably, he never mentions canon 915. He calls for dialogue among the bishops “so that they could agree as a Conference that support of pro-choice legislation is not compatible with Catholic teaching.” But the matter is already beyond question. Any bishop who does not agree “that support of pro-choice legislation is not compatible with Catholic teaching” should change his mind or his job.

Ladaria then calls for dialogue with Catholic politicians “who adopt a pro-choice position. . .as a means of understanding their positions and their comprehension of Catholic teaching.” Really? After almost 50 years of legalized abortion, the “pro-choice” position needs no further study. Let alone “dialogue.” It is hard to imagine that President Biden and other Catholic advocates of legalized abortion are unaware of what the Church teaches about the sanctity of human life. They just don’t follow it.

Ladaria calls for further dialogue among the bishops, with other episcopal conferences, and further consultation with his office. How long would this process take? It’s a needless delay in tackling a major scandal.

The Church has a duty to teach God’s law and to sanction members who egregiously and continuously exempt themselves from obedience to that law – and encourage others to do the same. Depriving them of Holy Communion, we may hope, will jar them into reforming their conduct and their opposition to God’s binding law for all mankind.

Public defiance of God’s prohibition of unjust killing is an attack upon the faith and unity of the Church. The Church has a responsibility before God to lead the flock away from diabolical disobedience and into grace-filled obedience.

A Catholic who falls into immoral behavior, knowing that the Church has condemned it, should be presumed by his pastor to be imperiling his soul and the souls of those he is influencing. He needs to be told that his objectively sinful behavior constitutes a culpable offense for which he needs to seek pardon after repenting.

The American bishops should act as a group, and individually in their dioceses, to end the scandal of the continued administration of Our Lord’s Most Holy Body and Blood to the highest public official in our land. To fail to do so amounts to a refusal to uphold the Church’s canon law, to the grave harms of souls. It would be a negligent passivity, a failure to defend the sanctity of the Christ’s greatest gift to his Church.

And it would communicate to all the message that God may be mocked without consequence when an important Catholic public figure decides to support, not God’s law, but rather the gruesome linchpin of the sexual revolution, unfettered legal abortion.


Fr. Gerald E. Murray

The Rev. Gerald E. Murray, J.C.D. is a canon lawyer and the pastor of Holy Family Church in New York City.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2021 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Florida’s Capital of Anti-Semitism

As Jews across the globe begin to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, when the Torah was Divinely given on Mount Sinai, and we watch aggrieved that our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land are attacked with missile explosions, filled with shrapnel to pierce young and old, I reflect as well on the anti-Semitism abounding in South Florida. In Florida’s capital of anti-Semitism, Manatee County, adjacent to Sarasota, not a single official has condemned decades of Jew-hatred. Not a single official has intervened in the years and years of vandalism on/near Jewish Holy Days that have left this yard ransacked and littered immediately next door to our Heritage Village West Condominium clubhouse, office, library, outdoor recreational center, and pool, where the criminal acts can be viewed directly anytime of the day or night.

Taking our case, fully-documented, to court reaps even more classic anti-Semitic accusations, because, like Israeli Jews, this Jewish family is condemned for defending itself. In classic anti-Semitic fashion, we are labeled as abusive, vindictive, frivolous, bizarre, and a long list of other pejorative terms.

For 13 years, the condemnations of this Jewish family have persisted unchecked to the point that our recent court hearing by Zoom, controlled by the court, blackened our faces entirely and precluded all presentations of our exhibits on the screen to the judge, opposing counsels, and the public, whose faces were not blackened. In Manatee County, the Jews are told by officials that swastikas on the entrance to a beautiful complex are not anti-Semitic crimes because they can be cleaned off.

Is there anyone in Florida’s capital of anti-Semitism unwilling to keep the code of silence that impugns this entire county and state?

Racist Graffiti Found in Manatee County Community Shows Swastikas, Racial Slurs


PUBLISHED 9:46 AM ET Nov. 05, 2019

MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. — Residents in the Del Tierra neighborhood in Bradenton woke up Monday to swastikas and racial slurs drawn on structures.

  • Racial slurs and swastikas on community’s front gate
  • Residents believe teenagers used mulch to draw on the walls
  • Neighbors helped clean up the vandalism

Some of the words were so offensive Spectrum Bay News 9 couldn’t show them on television.

Residents believe the person used mulch to draw hate symbols on the walls. They also have an idea of who they think may be responsible.

“Everyone’s mad. It’s a very…we’re under the impression it was probably teenagers,” Del Tierra resident Robin Nickel said. “I know it couldn’t possibly be an adult in my heart. I just can’t imagine that.”

The community does have security cameras, but neighbors said they weren’t working at the time. They plan to have them repaired to catch anyone on camera who plans to try something like this in the neighborhood again.

The neighbors stepped up to get the graffiti cleaned up.

According to our partners at the Bradenton Herald, the Sheriff’s Office doesn’t consider this vandalism because no damage was caused and the graffiti was cleaned up within five minutes of the discovery.

The members of the community want to clear up any misconceptions about the people who live here and what they will tolerate.

“It’s not indicative of our neighborhood. We are a very multicultural neighborhood. The thing that was really important to me was that the community acted immediately and cleaned it up themselves,” Nickel said.

A community determined to come together with images they say are meant to tear people apart.

©Beverly Newman. All rights reserved.

Muslim CNN Reporter: ‘The world today needs a Hitler’

Now deleted, but the screenshots are everywhere. Will CNN fire him? Or give him a promotion?


RELATED ARTICLE: Pakistan: Muslim Bollywood star quotes Hitler to call for killing ‘all the Jews of the world’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Muslim Mob Screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ Attacks Jewish Man in Midtown Manhattan

WARNING: Graphic video of Jew Attacked by Mob in Midtown New York City

My latest in PJ Media:

Given the ferocity of the far-left’s hatred of Israel and its increasing propensity for violence, this was perhaps inevitable: earlier this week in midtown Manhattan, right outside the New York Public Library, a Muslim mob screaming “Allahu akbar” violently assaulted a Jewish man, leaving him bleeding from a head wound. Posting video of the incident on Twitter, Times of Israel contributor Joshua Washington labeled it: “Attempted lynching of a Jewish man in New York.” Yet nothing is more certain in our morally confused age that the attackers went away thinking they were on the side of righteousness.

[Graphic video]

Another video of the incident that was posted on Rumble shows the mob that attacked the man screaming “Allahu akbar,” “F**k you, Zionist pig,” and “Palestine’s too strong for you.” Independent journalist Elad Eliahu reported that “According to one protester, a passer-by made really hateful comments towards free Palestine protesters which allegedly lead to one throwing a chair at this man as he was mobbed by others. He was eventually led into a store by an officer after being chased.” This is Bill de Blasio’s New York, and so it was no surprise that, as Eliahu noted, “According to sources the NYPD’s riot squad caught the protester who allegedly threw the chair, proceeded to not arrest and let him go.”

Of course they did. The left is on the side of the Palestinians, and so Palestinian protesters assaulting a Jew are going to have a hard time getting arrested in the far-left one-party oligarchy that New York City has become. We should just be grateful that de Blasio doesn’t give the chair-wielding thug the key to the city. After all, he and his comrades believe that the Palestinians are acting on a righteous cause.

The protesters who mobbed this Jewish man obviously believe that as well: their screams of “Allahu akbar” make that clear. “Allahu akbar” does not mean “God is great,” as the establishment media frequently claims, but “Allah is greater,” that is, the god of Islam is superior to the god of the infidels, or to any other infidel entity. It is a declaration of the victory and superiority of Islam, which is why jihad terrorists so often shout it. Its usage by the mob in New York City also underscores the fact that Palestinian activists tend to see the conflict in Islamic terms.

There is more. Read the rest here.


Italy: Muslim migrant imam calls for elimination of the Jewish people, destruction of the Vatican

AP Pretends It Didn’t Know It Was Sharing a Building With Hamas

Eid prayers in Hagia Sophia for the first time in 87 years stir crowd with ‘Palestinian’ victimhood propaganda

Muslim CNN reporter: ‘The world today needs a Hitler’

Pakistan: Muslim Bollywood star quotes Hitler to call for killing ‘all the Jews of the world’

Video from UK ‘Palestinian’ demo: ‘F**k the Jews, rape their daughters’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden adviser ‘has echoed Iranian regime talking points and has made excuses for Iran’s oppressive government’

A traitor class is in power in Washington. Unless, of course, you think making excuses for a regime that frequently chants “Death to America” is the highest form of patriotism.

Lawmakers Demand State Dept. Revoke Security Clearance for Appointee Tied to Iranian Regime

by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, May 10, 2021:

Several lawmakers are demanding the State Department revoke the security clearance of and launch an investigation into a Biden administration appointee who they say has troubling ties to Iran’s hardline, anti-American government.

Reps. Jeff Van Drew (R., N.J.), Scott Perry (R., Pa.), and Yvette Herrell (R., N.M.) say the Biden administration made a serious mistake when it hired Ariane Tabatabai as a senior adviser to the Office of the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, a high-level position that requires security clearance. Tabatabai’s hiring first sparked controversy in March, when a group of Iranian dissidents outed her as an Iranian regime sympathizer whose family has close ties to the ruling theocratic regime, as the Washington Free Beacon first reported in March.

The lawmakers, in a letter sent late last month to the White House, demand Tabatabai’s security clearance be revoked until a proper investigation is launched into her “allegiance to the Iranian regime,” which the lawmakers say poses “a security threat to the United States,” according to a copy of that communication. They also request the Biden administration provide them with a classified briefing on the security screening process that permitted Tabatabai to obtain a government clearance. As the United States engages in negotiations with Iran aimed at inking a revamped nuclear deal, Tabatabai’s purported ties to the regime and high-level State Department posting are generating serious concerns, the lawmakers say.

“We respectfully ask for a classified briefing on Ariane Tabatabai’s connection to the Iranian Regime, as well as an additional background check to closely examine her ties to it,” they write in the April 23 letter.

Tabatabai’s critics—including the lawmakers and Iranian dissident groups who oppose the hardline government—outlined multiple public appearances in which she parroted Iranian regime propaganda and downplayed the import of democratic protests that threaten to topple Iran’s clerical leadership. They see the administration’s decision to hire Tabatabai as a sign the State Department intends to appease Iran and offer it significant concessions as part of any revamped nuclear deal.

Tabatabai, the lawmakers write, “has echoed Iranian regime talking points and has made excuses for Iran’s oppressive government. She has downplayed the significance of dissatisfaction that Iranians have with their government, stating that protesting is a ‘feature in the Islamic Republic’ and is an ‘inherent part of Iranian public life.’” Additionally, in December 2020, Tabatabai “claimed that Iran has ‘affirmed its place as a significant regional force.’”

In addition to her writings, Tabatabai’s father, Dr. Javad Tabatabai, is a senior faculty member at the state-controlled University of Tehran and is allegedly part of Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s inner circle, according to information published by Iranian dissident groups.

State Department spokesman Ned Price expressed outrage over the letter when asked for comment by the Free Beacon. While the State Department generally does not comment on correspondence from Congress, Price disregarded that practice to dispute what he described as “smears and slander.”…


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Supporter of ‘Palestinian’ jihad uses 2009 photo from Afghanistan to claim Israel is committing war crimes

Germany: City of Hagen removes Israeli flag to avoid offending Muslims

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How Do You Leave God Out of Prayer?

First, the good news. President Joe Biden recognized the National Day of Prayer last week.

Now, the bad news. Although he marked the day with a written proclamation, as all presidents have done for decades, the reportedly “devout” Catholic left God out of his pronouncement.

How do you do that if you’re sincerely emphasizing the value of prayer? (5/6/21) summed up the president’s invocation: “Joe Biden Mentions Racial Justice, Climate Change in ‘National Day of Prayer’ Message. But Not God.”

Said President Biden at last week’s National Day of Prayer ceremony: “As we continue to confront the crises and challenges of our time — from a deadly pandemic, to the loss of lives and livelihoods in its wake, to a reckoning on racial justice, to the existential threat of climate change — Americans of faith can call upon the power of prayer to provide hope and uplift us for the work ahead….Throughout our history, Americans of many religions and belief systems have turned to prayer for strength, hope, and guidance.”

In our highly secular age, it’s almost not surprising to see God or Jesus left out of a supposedly prayer-centered statement. In a dissenting opinion to a church-state case in 1984, Lynch v. Donnelly, the Supreme Court referred to the phenomenon of “ceremonial deism.” This implies references to God that “have lost through rote repetition any significant religious content.”

But it wasn’t always like this in America. One man noted that despite the difficulties we as Americans faced in our divided nation, we must fervently thank the Almighty for all His blessings to us.

He wrote, “The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come….They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.”

Those words were written by our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln on October 3, 1863 in his Thanksgiving Proclamation. Despite the devastation of the Civil War, he could still find cause to thank God and ask for His help.

Another American prayed that the nation would come to imitate the Savior, that is, Jesus, so that we might become a happy nation.

He wrote, “I now make it my earnest prayer, that God…would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do Justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves, with that Charity, humility & pacific temper of mind, which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion & without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation.”

That was George Washington. The father of our country wrote this in a famous letter called “the Circular to the States.” He wrote it in June 1783, after—by God’s Providence—we had successfully won our independence from Great Britain a year and a half earlier at Yorktown.

Another man in American leadership asked that the Lord would guide our nation and help us work through our myriad problems.

As he officially proclaimed a day of prayer, he penned, “On that day I ask all who believe to join with me in giving thanks to Almighty God for the blessings He has bestowed on this land and the protection He affords us as a people. Let us as a Nation join together before God, fully aware of the trials that lie ahead and the need, yes, the necessity, for divine guidance. With unshakeable faith in God and the liberty which is heritage, we as a free Nation will surely survive and prosper.” This was Ronald Reagan, 40th president on March 19, 1981.

He proclaimed May 7, 1981 as the National Day of Prayer that year—he also made it an annual event on the first Thursday of each May. Reagan often noted that as a nation we absolutely need God’s help.

Another example of a national day of prayer involving actual prayer—to God—involves a group of American leaders, desperately calling out for His help. They set aside a day of what they called, “Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer.”

They urged fellow citizens to “confess and bewail our manifold sins and transgressions, and by a sincere repentance and amendment of life, appease his [God’s] righteous displeasure, and through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, obtain his pardon and forgiveness.”

This was the Continental Congress—the very group of men who helped create this nation in the first place. They set aside May 17, 1776 as a day for intense prayer. And God answered their prayers.

Our history is rich with examples like this—sincere calling on the Lord. But Biden’s comments on prayer remind me of “ceremonial deism.” Alas, one could just as well invoke, “To Whom It May Concern.”

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.