How Very Fitting: Satan Endorses the Palestinian Cause thumbnail

How Very Fitting: Satan Endorses the Palestinian Cause

By Jihad Watch

When Satan endorses your cause, you just might not have the moral high ground, but it is certain that no lessons have been learned from a recent imbroglio in Phoenix. A drag performer who calls herself (that’s the pronoun in the news stories, but you never know what it might mean these days; she does, however, appear to be female in her video about this event) “Daddy Satan” was set to be the featured performer at a “Drag Show for Palestine” in Phoenix on Saturday evening, but this gala display of unintentionally revealing virtue-signaling was canceled after a “backlash.” Why, that’s staggering. Who could possibly have objected to such a splendid display of leftist lunacy?

CBS 12 in Phoenix reported Monday that the sad news of the cancellation came from “Daddy Satan” herself. Ms. Satan, who says she is a “‘Proud Biracial, Pansexual, Chameleon’ Drag Demon,” had been scheduled to perform at an event that would also have featured the cutting-edge cultural trailblazers and stunning and brave drag queens “Pissunderstood” and “Jacon The Box.” This celebration of depravity, perversion and insanity was going to kick off at six PM on Saturday at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore in Phoenix, and was billed as a “night of Drag and Community as we gather at Palabras Book Store in solidarity with Palestine.”

Alas, the voices of what the left calls hatred, heteronormativity and racism, that is, the voices of common sense and sanity, spoiled the party. Satan first thanked everyone who had been involved in the event and then dived into full-throttle victimhood mode: “To everyone facing bullying as a result I am so so very sorry! My intentions were to raise awareness, bring joy to activists, and express our grief/anger/and hopes within community. And I never intended for anyone to get caught in the crossfires of hate, especially @palabras_bookstore – I can’t thank them enough for all they’ve done and I’m so sorry for the way people are throwing hate towards them.”

Ms. Satan went on to tell address those whom she called “my lovely Drag entertainers,” saying: “you were meant to help people process this terrible time in history and give us hope and joy so that we may all join in on and continue the fight for Justice. You all don’t deserve the hate that has come about and for that I am truly sorry.” What “hate” did Daddy Satan and her cohorts actually receive? She doesn’t mention anything actually illegal, such as threats. It seems that all they got was some pushback about how insane the event really was.

Satan addressed that “hate” forthrightly: “A majority of the comments were the same,” she said. “A lot of them were ‘why don’t you try this drag show in Palestine and see what they think of you?’ I don’t need to go to another country to see how they may treat queers. The way they treat queer people in America is terrifying enough.” Responding to people who were apparently telling her that the prevailing religion in “Palestine” wouldn’t exactly welcome her and her ilk, she insisted magnanimously that “anyone can have a different belief system than me. People can even hate queers all they want – but I will never condone genocide just because someone is different. And that is why I will continue on to the next big thing. A FREE PALESTINE MEANS A FREE WORLD.”

Well, that’s swell. But it’s not just that the Gazans “have a different belief system.” Islam mandates death for homosexuality, in accord with the command of Muhammad: “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Lot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done” (Sunan Abu Dawud 4462). Recently a Muslim cleric in Britain said that Allah had not granted victory to the Palestinians because there were too many homosexuals at pro-Palestinian rallies in the West.

In light of that, Ms. Satan’s Drag Show for Palestine was not only wrongheaded; it was downright stupid, as is the organization “Queers for Palestine.” It was, however, refreshingly forthright that a drag performer calling herself “Daddy Satan” would come out so strongly for the Palestinian cause. After all, those who are calling for a ceasefire today are calling for Hamas to survive, and if Hamas survives, there will be many more massacres of Israelis on the order of the savagery we saw on Oct. 7. Satan endorses Palestine? How very fitting.




Biden Regime Denies, Confirms It Doesn’t Want Israel to Defeat Hamas

New Columbia Prof Hails Hamas Jihad Murderers

Tensions escalate between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority over Abbas’ new prime minister appointment

Mohamed Abdou, Deep Admirer of Hamas, Now Teaching at Columbia

Israel: Muslim cleric opens fire in Jewish neighborhood, targeting two children at point-blank range

UK: Gaza protests in London have cost more than $40,000,000 in policing

Scotland’s Muslim Leader Angrily Discovers Entire Country is White

National Geographic Names a Drag Queen ‘Traveler of the Year’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Despite War, Israel Ranks 5th in World Happiness Report thumbnail

Despite War, Israel Ranks 5th in World Happiness Report

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

Despite five months of war with Hamas, Israel ranked fifth in the 2024 World Happiness Report.

The annual report ranked the happiness of 143 countries based on life evaluation, positive emotions, and negative emotions, among other factors.

Anat Panti, a happiness policy researcher at Bar-Ilan University University in Ramat Gan, explained, “Even this year, which was one of the most difficult in the country’s history, Israel is ranked in the top five of the international happiness index.

The reason for this lies in the fact that life satisfaction, the index by which the level of happiness is measured, is a stable index over time and refers more to the characteristics of the country itself such as the strength of the economy, the degree of social involvement, and the health services in the country, than to fleeting feelings.”

Finland was ranked as the happiest country for the seventh consecutive year. Israel finished behind Denmark, Iceland and Sweden.

Afghanistan edged Lebanon as the least happy country.

“In order to give a more accurate picture of the state of happiness in all countries, the editors of the report refer to the average life satisfaction in the last three years when calculating the ranking. Therefore, Israel’s ranking in fifth place in the happiness report marks the stability in life satisfaction in Israel over the last few years, and not only in this one,” Panti explained.

“For example, even during the Corona period, which was traumatic all over the world, it was still possible to see that the top ten of the global happiness ranking includes more or less the same countries every year.”

The annual report is based on data from US market research company Gallup, and analyzed by international experts led by the University of Oxford.

In addition to self-assessed evaluations of life satisfaction, analysts also assess each country’s healthy life expectancy, freedom, GDP per capita, social support and more.

RELATED ARTICLE: MIDDLE EAST FORUM REPORT: U.S. Intel Failures on Iran Proxies Underscore Need for Regime Change

EDITORS NOTE: This TPS News Agency report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Israel’s Strategic Game Of Survival thumbnail

Israel’s Strategic Game Of Survival

By Center For Security Policy

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer’s obscene call on the Senate floor on Thursday for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster from power was the latest sign that Hamas’s strategy is working.

On the “Caroline Glick Show” this week, U.S. Military Academy professor Col. John Spencer, who chairs West Point’s Urban Warfare Studies Program, explained that the terrorist organization’s plan for victory is a concerted political-military strategy.

Hamas, he said, knew that the Israeli Defense Forces would respond in force to its Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel. “They wanted Israel’s counterattack, and then they wanted to hold in the tunnels and use the hostages just to buy time for the international community—namely, the United States—to stop the IDF in their operations.

“Their only goal is to survive. … It’s all about time. They want to survive Israel’s attack against them, which gives them immense political power. If they survive in any way, they have strategically won the war,” said Spencer.

Hamas didn’t invent this approach. This has been the Palestinians’ strategy for defeating Israel since at least the 1982 First Lebanon War. In that conflict, the PLO relied on the United States to force Israel to permit the PLO to survive to fight another day, by leaving Lebanon for Tunisia.

The Palestinians clearly identified Israel’s greatest strategic vulnerabilities and built their strategy around them.

Its first vulnerability is its Jewishness. Israel is the Jew of the international community. As such, it is continuously scapegoated, just as Jews have been scapegoated throughout history. The United States is the only powerful nation that has ever been willing to stand up to international bigotry against the Jewish state. So the only thing needed to collapse Israel’s international position is for America to turn against it.

This goes double for military capabilities. Since 1973, Israel’s ability to keep its military operating during a war has been dependent on U.S. resupply. The Palestinians reason that if their many friends can convince Washington not to supply Israel with weapons in wartime, then their terrorist forces will survive.

Since all the Palestinian terrorists need to do to win is survive, their strategic aces in the hole are antisemitism and time.

Today, all aspects of U.S. policy regarding the Hamas war against Israel in Gaza and the larger Iranian-directed war to destroy the Jewish state are aligned with the Palestinian strategy.

Read more.


Caroline Glick

Caroline B. Glick is a Senior Fellow with the Center for Security Policy. She is a senior columnist at Israel Hayom and the author of The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, (Crown Forum, 2014). From 1994 to 1996, she served as a core member of Israel’s negotiating team with the Palestine Liberation Organization.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
“I made it clear to President Biden in our conversation, in the clearest way, that we are determined to complete the elimination of Hamas in Rafah as well.”

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) March 19, 2024

Biden considers cutting off Israel in its defense against Hamas and other jihadists.

— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) March 19, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

‘A Great and Effective Door of Opportunity’: Perkins Visits Israel to Meet with Key Leaders thumbnail

‘A Great and Effective Door of Opportunity’: Perkins Visits Israel to Meet with Key Leaders

By Family Research Council

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins touched down in Israel on Saturday, March 9 to meet with Israeli leaders and assure them of American Christians’ support. The next day, Perkins visited Re’im, the site of the October 7 attack where, as Perkins described it, “over 300 people were brutally murdered, tortured, raped, and abducted by both members of the Hamas terrorist army and civilians from Gaza who were the second wave that came in behind the fighters.” Perkins reported that Hamas’s October 7 attack “was not designed to be terrorist strikes, but an invasion and occupation of the various kibbutz that were attacked.”

While visiting Re’im, Perkins told The Washington Stand, “We prayed and repented for America’s complicit role through the funding of Hamas through the UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency] and through the billions released to Iran, which is the puppet master behind Hamas and the other rogue actors in the region.”

Perkins and his team also visited Kibbutz Be’eri, where at least 130 people were killed by Hamas insurgents on October 7. “We walked among the bullet-pocked houses where grenades were tossed into houses by terrorists and RPGs were fired at houses in an attempt to breach the reinforced walls of the safe rooms where families were hiding,” Perkins recounted. “When they could not get the families out of the safe rooms, they set the house on fire. When the smoke forced the families to open the bulletproof windows of the safe room for air, they waited outside the widows to toss in grenades.” Hamas forces also invaded the nearby city of Ofakim, which Perkins visited. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) cleared the city of Hamas soldiers on October 8.

On Monday, Perkins stopped in Samaria, along with mayor Yossi Dagan and Israeli parliamentarian Ohad Tal. Perkins explained, “Approximately 70% of what we read in the Bible took place in Samaria and Judea. This includes Bethlehem, Hebron, Shiloh, Schechem, and so many other places. It is also what is deceptively called the West Bank, as if it were not part of Israel.” He added, “We stood on the mountains of Samaria and looked down on Tel Aviv, showing how impossible it would be to defend Israel under the ‘two-state’ solution that is being promoted that would give the heart of Israel over to the Palestinians.”

“We stood on the Mount of Blessing and prayed for God’s peace and blessing upon Israel, recognizing that the blessing comes from God when we obey His word and walk in His ways,” Perkins recalled. “We also prayed for America to walk according to His word and ways.”

Perkins also met with Israel’s former ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer, who is now serving as the country’s Minister of Strategic Affairs. Perkins recounted, “In our meeting with Dermer, his opening question posed to me, but directed at the group in a lighthearted way, was, ‘You’re not going wobbly on us, are you?’ I assured him we were not going wobbly.”

Next, Perkins sat down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who “discussed the situation and made clear the resolve of Israel to protect itself and that victory must be complete, which is the elimination of Hamas.” Perkins said that Netanyahu “expressed appreciation for America’s support, past and present. Still, under the present political circumstances, which was not spoken about but understood, he asked for Christians in America to stand with Israel.” Afterwards, the FRC president prayed over the Israeli prime minister and attended a late-night worship service. As Perkins described it, “Everywhere we went, including at that worship service, people were so thankful for us coming to Israel at this time.”

After an interview with Dan Cohen of NewsMax, Perkins recalled that “a small crowd had gathered to watch, and one very elderly lady came up to me with tears in her eyes and said in broken English, ‘Thank you, thank you for coming to Israel,’ and she began weeping, ‘We need you to be with us.’” He continued, “There is clearly a sense that Israel, apart from America, is standing alone, and with President Biden’s statements, America looks wobbly. In one kibbutz, it was said by one person that many members of the community had come there to escape persecution elsewhere and that Israel had been the safe haven they had fled to — what now?”

His delegation also visited the site of the 1929 Hebron massacre, where nearly 70 Jews were killed by Palestinian Arabs before being evacuated by the British authorities. Perkins explained that the Hebron massacre, “while not in scope but in brutality, was a mirror of October 7.” He added, “Hebron, like Bethlehem, is a Palestinian area with just a small enclave of Jews living there that the media refers to as ‘settlers.’”

Perkins also met with Yossi Fuchs, Netanyahu’s chief cabinet secretary. “[A]gain,” recounted Perkins, “the focus was on Israel’s need for the church to be visible and vocal in their support of Israel because the threat is great.”

On the team’s final day in Israel, they visited with Holocaust survivors and a senior citizen choir at a Jewish Agency-sponsored retirement community. “That joy-filled event was followed by a very somber visit with families of hostages at the hostage headquarters in Tel Aviv,” Perkins recalled. “It was encouraging for both the families and for us that after hearing their ongoing grief and struggle, we prayed for them and hugged them. The impact was visible.”

Perkins concluded:

“Every generation has its test of how it will treat the Jewish people. While not all have persecuted this population, which represents less than half of a percent of the world’s population today, many remained silent. October 7 was preceded by growing antisemitism, and it has pulled back the curtain on even more, right here in America. What will our generation do? Ignore it until the horrifying evidence of the consequences of our silence can no longer be denied, or will we stand against it and heed the promise and warning of Genesis 12? There is a great and effective door of opportunity opening to the church to show love in a tangible way to the Jewish state of Israel by standing with them in their hour of need.”


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Israel has become a partisan issue. Do American Jews care?

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

The Toxic Fruit of Reformed Theology: Part Two — Two theological Butchers Origen and Tertullian thumbnail

The Toxic Fruit of Reformed Theology: Part Two — Two theological Butchers Origen and Tertullian

By Kelleigh Nelson

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”  ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, on Hitler’s evil.

“The devil is not fighting religion. He’s too smart for that. He is producing a counterfeit Christianity, so much like the real one that good Christians are afraid to speak out against it. We are plainly told in the Scriptures that in the last days men will not endure sound doctrine and will depart from the faith and heap to themselves teachers to tickle their ears. We live in an epidemic of this itch, and popular preachers have developed “ear-tickling” into a fine art.” — Vance Havner

“You can’t love God without loving the Jewish people.” —  Corrie Ten Boom

Amen to Corrie Ten Boom who lost her sister and father in the concentration camps, but survived to tell the story of how her family saved Jewish brethren and then ended up in the camps simply for loving God’s people.  She is considered one of the Righteous Among the Nations.”

So many Christians are on a collision course with God.  Many evangelical believers, to their utter shame, are joining ranks with the enemies of Israel in attempting to “lift Jerusalem.”  Surely, the ugliest and most pernicious partnerships ever witnessed in the history of Christianity, is the joining together with, and marching arm in arm with, those of false doctrines, including the likes of liberal protestants, Islamists, humanitarians, secularists, politicians and a host of other ungodly rubble of society.  (Like heretic Rick Warren’s Chrislam.)

Rallying under the banner of “justice for the Palestinian people,” these multifaith crusaders are blissfully unaware that they are on a collision course with the God of Israel.  This is a theologically driven jihad and those who are united in their opposition to the State of Israel will not be held guiltless.  Some join because of their anti-Zionist prejudice; others with a pro-Palestinian axe to grind, likely bent on furthering their careers at the expense of truth.

Jew Hatred has grown tall in the amillennial seedbeds of our churches.  Amillennialism is a laundered system which has bleached out the plain meaning of Scripture; it cannot be deduced from Bible study, but must be taught.  Amillennialism makes no distinction between Israel and the church, wrongly asserting that there is only one people of God and one overarching covenant, the so-called covenant of grace.  They do not believe in the thousand-year reign but that the millennium is symbolic of the church age.  Symbolizing the Word of God, where there is no symbolism, has created some of the most heretical doctrines of both Christianity and cults.

Remember that many uninspired hands have commented on the words in the Bible.  Not all Bible commentaries are of sound doctrine.

In 1867, J.C. Ryle wisely urged his readers to “Cleave to the literal sense of Bible words, and beware of departing from it, except in cases of absolute necessity.  Beware of the system of allegorizing and spiritualizing, and accommodating, which the school of Origen first brought in and which has found such an unfortunate degree of favor in the Church.”

Unfortunately, Ryle’s wise teaching went against the Church of England which was steeped in allegorical methods of Biblical interpretation which can be found in the writings of their most learned and influential theologians.  They believe they must always look beyond the plain literal sense of the text to the “mystical meaning therein.”  Many of the theologians did not agree with the prophecy that Israel would again inhabit the land.  But Ezekiel’s prophecy is true, “And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by.  And they shall say, ‘This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced and are inhabited.’”  (Ezekiel 36:34-35)

Scripture teaches us that an escalation of opposition against Israel from the international community will build.  Zechariah speaks of that time of unprecedented pressure when “all the nations of the earth” will rise up against Jerusalem to besiege it.  In that day, when world attention is fixed on God’s beloved city, the Lord declares that He will make Jerusalem “a cup of reeling to all the peoples round about.”  He will give advance warning to would-be meddlers that “all who burden themselves” with Jerusalem, those who attempt to lift it, will be “cut in pieces,” (Zechariah 12:2-3).

Origen and Tertullian

Origen of Alexandria, also known as Origen Adamantius, was an early Christian scholar, ascetic, and theologian who was born and spent the first half of his career in Alexandria, Egypt (c.185 – c.253).  He died in Tyre, Lebanon.

Tertullian of Carthage was born in 160AD and died in Carthage 240AD.  He wrote his main theological works at the turn of the third century, primarily apologetics, mainly targeting Gnostics and Marcionites. But in his Apologies, he includes An Answer to the Jews. As with most early Church fathers, his anti-Judaic works have been largely ignored by scholars but they are, frankly, an embarrassment.

The Jews, with their constant idolatry, writes Tertullian, deserve less than the Christians, who have fled idolatry to worship the true God.

Like Philo of Alexandria before him, Origen believed he had uncovered the doctrines of Plato in the writings of Moses.  (Plato offers a state in which there are justice, good and wisdom, his state was criticized as “anti-democratic, anti-humanitarian, anti-individualistic, and totalitarian.”)

Once again Greek allegorical tools were used to “excavate” the Old Testament text to reveal its true “hidden” or “higher spiritual” meaning.  Like Clement and Philo before them, Origen and Tertullian were able to make the Bible dance to whatever tune they chose to play.  They claimed that faith was also the basis of gnōsis, a spiritual and mystical knowledge.

Origen’s lengthy treatise, Against Celsus, opens a window into Origen’s Greek-Christian mind, revealing just how deeply convinced he was that there was no future for the Jewish nation in the purposes of God.  He therefore set the theological stage upon which Israel’s “irrevocable judgment” would be performed with the church playing the lead role.  As far as the church of Origen’s day was concerned, the Jews had committed the unpardonable sin, deicide (the murder of God), and all they could expect was unrelenting punishment and the harshest condemnation from the Christian.

The same libel against the Jews was uttered and written by Tertullian.  Third century anti-Judaism libel was the accusation of Christ-killing. This is not done by isolated Jews or religious groups according to Tertullian, but “all the synagogue of Israel did slay Him, saying to Pilate, when he was desirous to dismiss Him, ‘His blood be upon us, and upon our children.’”

Reality has it that the Romans murdered Christ.  But if one digs into history, you’ll find that the Jewish leaders did not want Him crucified for fear He would become a martyr.  For Christians, our belief is that our sins were laid upon Him and he was the final and perfect sacrifice, the perfect lamb of God slain for us.  Nevertheless, we should never have been separated from Passover in the earliest church.  How sad the cost to our Jewish brethren, most unforgiveable, and how sad the poisoning of the true church by men filled with demonic hatred.

Origen was a Neo-Platonist, and he immersed himself in Greek philosophy, and was “one of the first to place the authority of tradition on a level with the Bible.”  Link

Origin and Tertullian influenced Augustine and in turn Augustine influenced Calvin.  The lie continues despite the truth being written in the Lord’s Word.  Augustine was the patron saint of the heretical doctrine, “Replacement Theology.”

Can readers see how this false and heretical doctrine from such an early age could turn into the massive hatred and destruction of all things Jewish?  Surely these early men, although having some things right, were accursed of God because of their demonic hatred of His people.  The Lord calls Israel His Wife!  The unconditional Abrahamic Covenant speaks volumes regarding the harsh punishments and curses that will befall those who hate Israel and who have cursed her throughout history.

The anathematizing of the Jewish people had begun.

For Origen, all souls, including the devil himself, will eventually achieve salvation, even if it takes innumerable ages to do so. Origen believed that God’s love is so powerful as to soften even the hardest heart, and that the human intellect – being the image of God – will never freely choose oblivion over proximity.

Tertullian believed that only martyrs go to paradise.  All other Christians (the Theotokos being an exception?) have to wait in Hades for the resurrection.  The Greek word, Theotokos, means to bear God, as in to bear a child, and was used to refer to Mary as the mother of Jesus. Mary is named Christotokos (Christ-bearer) in 431 by the Council of Ephesus in response to this insight.

In the year 400, Theophilus summoned a council in Alexandria, which condemned Origen and all his followers as heretics for having taught that God was incorporeal, which they decreed contradicted the only true and orthodox position, which was that God had a literal, physical body resembling that of a human.

Both Origen and Tertullian profoundly shaped the way Christian minds would interact with the Scriptures, but it later fell to Augustine of Hippo, the unrivaled patron saint of replacement theology to systematize Origen’s allegorical methods.  Augustine’s harsh amillennialism dominated the Reformation and exercised great influence on the theology of John Calvin.  Then too, there is Emperor Constantine who, by legalizing Christianity, declared “open season” on the Jewish people.  And of course, let’s not forget John Chrysostom, called the “golden mouth,” whose virulent anti-Semitic Eight Homilies Against the Jews find their equal with Martin Luther’s treatise, On the Jews and Their Lies (1543).  These men may rant and rail against the Jews all they like, but the God of Israel will have the final word.

Far too many have tried to excoriate the Jews from modern day prophecies, but it will never work for God has decreed for His ancient covenant people, a foundation of truth upon which the doctrine of Israel’s restoration stands.  No Origin, Tertullian or Augustine, Luther or Calvin, or any of their twenty-first counterparts, can halt the progression of God’s prophetic purposes.

The Lord is gathering the Jews to their ancient homeland; He is watching over their flourishing land; He sees Israel’s enemies rising on every side; He hears the Christian Palestinian lies; and He bears witness to the injustice of the anti-Israel boycotts.  The stage is being set for the end of this era, and when it comes, there will be hard times, but our Lord God will set everything righteous for His people.

Thomas Newton had this sober warning to all who would touch the “apple of God’s eye.”  (1 January 1704 – 14 February 1782) Newton was an English cleric, biblical scholar and author. He served as the Bishop of Bristol from 1761 to 1782.

“We see that after so many ages, [the Jews] are still preserved by a miracle of providence a distinct people; and why is such a continual miracle exerted, but for the greater illustration of the divine truth, and the better accomplishment of the divine promises, as well as those which are yet to be, as those which are already fulfilled?  We see that the great empires, which in their turns subdued and oppressed the people of God, are all come to ruin: because though they executed the purposes of God…all that they intended was to satiate their own pride and ambition, their own cruelty and revenge.  And if such hath been the fateful end of the enemies and oppressors of the Jews, let it serve as a warning to all those, who at any time or upon any occasion are for raising a clamor and persecution against them.”


Next up a deep dive into Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustine and Calvin and the rotten fruit their reform churches are built upon.

©2024. Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Spaanderman and Schuler thumbnail

Spaanderman and Schuler

By Matthys van Raalten

In the recent past, my country, The Kingdom of The Netherlands, had one big patriarch. He wasn’t very famous among the general public. But he had enormous influence in the well-being of my country.

His name was Maarten Spaanderman. He was a psychologist, who treated women that suffered from hysteria, and men that suffered from compulsive behavior.

Mr. Spaanderman had his office in Bloemendaal, a quiet village to the North of the town of Harlem. People from all over The Netherlands came to visit him for help.

I also got to know him well. And I accepted him as my mentor. He taught me valuable lessons about life. He even confronted me with my own short-comings.

Mr. Spaanderman was a real gentleman. He believed that human beings should accept that they were born with a shadow side. Only by accepting that one is human, and by saying ‘no’ to animal instincts, a person could walk in the light.

Mr. Spaanderman was not religious, but the man that he had most respect for in the history of Mankind, was the Lord Jesus Christ. He called him a great servant of Life.

In your country, the United States, there also lived a great patriarch, who had many things in common with Mr. Spaanderman. His name is Reverend Robert Harold Schuler.

Reverend Schuler was a Man of God, and he preached Christianity in a very humble way. He promoted kindness, and he never hid his tears when he was emotional. The magnificent Crystal Cathedral in Los Angeles was his church.

The world is in need of new patriarchs. Elderly men, with huge knowledge and experience, who serve Mankind.

Mr Spaanderman and Reverend Schuler are often on my mind. I will never forget their difficult lessons.

©2024. Matthys van Raalten. All rights reserved.

Reject the ‘Red Pill,’ Carry Your Cross thumbnail

Reject the ‘Red Pill,’ Carry Your Cross

By Family Research Council

Feminism has, for over a century, been playing merry Hell with Western civilization, engendering (pun intended) division and enmity between the sexes and giving rise to a host of moral and societal cancers, such as abortion, transgenderism, and the decline of the family.

The division between the sexes bred by feminism initially targeted women, pressuring them to be more and more like men, especially by leaving their homes and children and joining the workforce. Of course, women cannot, by their very nature as women, be men, and thus feminism spawned a dual bitterness among its female adherents: bitterness towards masculinity for being unattainably masculine and bitterness against femininity for not being attainably masculine.

By the final quarter of the 20th century, after achieving its magnum opus in the Sexual Revolution, feminism had fixed its withering glare on men. Masculinity was soon labeled dangerous and “toxic,” and men were pressured to be more like women, particularly by abandoning or suppressing masculine characteristics like assertiveness or aggression, independence, and providence. Having been told for generations that they are, by their very nature as men, problematic and oppressive, it is little wonder that there has been a decades-long crisis in masculinity.

Many men today strive to avoid the “toxic” label and so cede their God-given role as leader and provider, often allowing women to shape their opinions, lead their relationships, and split their role as breadwinner equally. This weakness has wrought even further civilizational decay and has driven countless men into desperate little psychological corners. Some simply whither away and die there, more terrified of being called a monster than of the sad, shivering husk they instead become; some, disgusted with the horror they are told that men are (a disgust frequently compounded by pornography addictions and neglected psychological conditions), decide it’s better to be women than to be men, and so seek out gender transition drugs and surgeries; and some, sick of the stranglehold that feminism has so long exerted over the culture, take the “Red Pill.”

The ‘Red Pill’

Across the internet, hundreds of thousands of young men partake in the “manosphere,” a community of websites, blogs, video channels, and social media influencers who promote physical fitness, tanned-and-toned body aesthetics, and a ridiculously luxurious lifestyle and claim that feminism has poisoned culture against men, encouraged and entrenched vitriol against men, and proliferated and normalized sexual degeneracy among women. So far, spot on. But despite its largely-correct diagnosis of the social evils plaguing our civilization, the remedy prescribed by the manosphere is just as poisonous: the Red Pill.

What could have been an ordered and even noble response to feminism, a surgical maneuver to excise the cultural cancer, devolved instead into a cesspool of violent misogyny, rampant degeneracy, and nihilistic materialism, with a dash of narcissistic homosexuality for flavor.

The Red Pill does not respond to feminism’s pervasive sexual promiscuity by extolling the virtue of chastity, but instead jealously encourages men to be just as promiscuous, if not more so. The Red Pill does not seek out the forgotten masculine characteristics of courage, endurance, providence, and self-sacrifice, but instead cultivates only aggression and self-seeking. The Red Pill does not remind men that they are to provide for their wives and children, but instead tells them to “rise and grind” so they can afford a bulky luxury watch and a fluorescent luxury sportscar — all the better for cruising for chicks. The Red Pill does not remind men why manhood is good and necessary, but instead conforms masculinity to the terms set by feminism, in the inverse: poisoning culture against women, encouraging and entrenching vitriol against women, and proliferating and normalizing sexual degeneracy among men.

In short, the Red Pill is just vapid internet slang for feminism’s evils practiced by and for the “benefit” of men. Just as feminism is characterized by labelling masculinity “toxic,” so also the Red Pill is characterized by labelling women “sluts.” Misogyny is an essential component of the Red Pill, which in many cases leads to yet another social and sexual evil: narcissistic homosexuality.

‘Men without Chests’

Although there are multitudinous psychological factors that may lead one to identify as homosexual and lead a homosexual lifestyle, there are, at least superficially, two forms of homosexuality. The first is readily familiar and recognizable: the effeminate homosexuality which favors leopard print and limp wrists. This form of homosexuality is prone to a catty love-hatred of women born out of envy. In some ways, effeminate homosexuality feels itself more at home around women, in no small part because it seeks to emulate women.

The other form is less often seen and even more seldomly discussed: hyper-masculine homosexuality. This form of homosexuality rejects femininity altogether, deriding women for not being men, while worshipping the superficial traits of masculinity. I say the superficial traits because such authentically masculine virtues as chastity, temperance, prudence, and self-sacrifice are neither sought nor cultivated. All that is desired is the muscular male form and the personality traits of aggression and pride.

God made male and female for each other (Genesis 1:27). While effeminate homosexuality seeks to play the role of the female, hyper-masculine homosexuality removes her from the equation altogether. Its narcissism and self-absorption is so complete that it worships only itself and whatever has the hubris to resemble it. Even if it does not culminate in homosexuality, the ideology of the Red Pill still reaches these dizzying heights of auto-adulation, worshipping a warped and fractured image of masculinity so fervently, so devotedly that vehement hatred of all that is “other” becomes in itself an act of worship.

This self-adoration, paradoxically, necessitates a fracturing of the self. Man is incomplete in love without woman, just as she is incomplete in love without man. The Red Pill denies this fundamental truth and thus fractures man, carving out of him that which in fact makes him a man: his heart. The Red Pill encourages men to push themselves to the limit, to lift weights, to live adventurously, to earn inordinate amounts of money, but for what? Simply for the sake of making oneself into one’s own idol (as in idolatry) — not for the sake of the other, for the sake of a woman, because the Red Pill preaches that no woman has value as a woman, only as a fleshy instrument for sex.

The end result of the manosphere’s efforts has been to instill in its adherents a distorted and disordered hierarchy of value, prizing wealth and fashion above the human souls they were made to give themselves to in love. The Red Pill encourages (almost goads) men to achieve and perform, but simultaneously denies that there is anything worth achieving and no feat worth performing, no object to either. C.S. Lewis predicted such a dreary, purposeless dystopia in his book “The Abolition of Man.” Lewis wrote, “In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”

What a pitiable and miserable existence the Red Pill renders: sex without soul, achievement without meaning, work without purpose, nothing worth living or fighting or dying for, just one’s own self. Another great Cristian author, G.K. Chesterton, pithily summarized such an existence: “Yourself, yourself, yourself — the only companion that is never satisfied — and never satisfactory.”

The Way of the Cross

Surely the Red Pill’s depressing, stifling conclusions can’t be correct, surely the cancer of feminism hasn’t succeeded in actually killing its host civilization, surely there must be some hope.

There is. The moral and spiritual diseases of both feminism and the Red Pill are both cured by the cross of Christ. That way lies true manhood and masculinity. Where the Red Pill whines that feminism has ruined everything, Christ says, “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5). Where the Red Pill suggests that there is no way forward for men or women, Christ says, “Take up your cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). Where the Red Pill extols promiscuity and degeneracy, Christ commands, “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).

And more than this, Christ shows us how to be real men. The flashy images of bodybuilders and Bugattis that populate manosphere websites and social media feeds suddenly pale next to an image of one Man, not clad in designer athleisure but stripped of both his clothes and his flesh, adorned not with a Rolex or a pair of Ray-Bans but with a crown of thorns — one Man, hanging upon a tree, breathing His last.

The 20th century Catholic priest Josemaría Escrivá once explained, “The school of love has a name: it is sacrifice.” Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the greatest image of manhood that ever existed. On that cross, Christ exemplified and embodied the perfection of every masculine trait: the strength to carry the sins of the world, the courage to submit to His own death, the humility to hang naked, nailed to a tree, the self-sacrifice He made of His life, and the love He poured out upon the entire world as it scorned Him and mocked Him.

Real manhood is not to be found in the Red Pill, nor is the manosphere’s response to the cancer of feminism the right one. Real manhood is to be found in taking up your cross and following Christ, even if it means following Him to death.


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Schumer’s ‘Rabbi’ is an Anti-Israel Activist Who Protested War on Hamas thumbnail

Schumer’s ‘Rabbi’ is an Anti-Israel Activist Who Protested War on Hamas

By Jihad Watch

Schumer’s ‘Rabbi’ is a J Street activist affiliated with anti-Israel groups.

The media decided to defend Sen. Schumer’s attack on Israel and warning to spare Hamas and create a terrorist state by rushing out his ‘rabbi’ Rachel Timoner to claim that “he said what most of us think” and “what the overwhelming majority of American Jews are saying to each other”.

The first part of that is probably true.

Rachel Timoner is an activist with such anti-Israel groups as J Street, T’ruah and co-founded the New York Jewish Agenda leftist organization alongside Sharon Kleinbaum who faced an exodus from her ‘temple’ after saying Kaddish for Hamas terrorists with a mission of fighting the city’s Orthodox Jews.

The latter isn’t because these anti-Israel extremists don’t represent Jews. They represent only the Jew-hating far Left.

Bringing out Timoner, the clergywoman of the leftist congregation Schumer attends, doesn’t help him. It reveals how bad he really is.

Let’s take a look at what Rachel Timoner has been up to.

Timoner took part in a recent anti-Israel ‘ceasefire’ rally while whining that, “continued war and Israeli occupation of Gaza will be an unmitigated disaster”.

Rachel Timoner signed on to a letter by the T’ruah anti-Israel hate group which claimed that “there is no military solution” and demanded that Biden “ensure that Israel does not invade Rafah” and finish off Hamas.

In the past, Rachel Timoner had signed on to a T’ruah/J Street letter defending BDS.

Timoner, the author of op-eds such as “Fellow Dykes: We Must Be Both Pro-Israel And Pro-Palestine”, tries to have it both ways, but she picked her side.

The side of those who murder Jews.

We know what Timoner is. Now what does tell us about what Schumer is?

“Schumer has attended Timoner’s synagogue near his home in Park Slope, Brooklyn for at least a decade. Timoner officiated his daughter’s wedding, blessed his three grandchildren and buried his father.”

This is what Schumer embraced as his guiding spiritual light.

A mere few weeks after the Hamas atrocities, Rachel Timoner was already scolding Israel in a sermon, warning that, “killing thousands of Palestinian civilians will not bring back the Israeli civilians.”

She repeated the same message in a New York Times op-ed.

T’ruah summed up Timoner’s remarks at one anti-Israel rally as, “American Jews must tell our govt we oppose this war and want an end to the occupation and a real political solution for Palestinians and Israelis.”

That’s the message Sen. Schumer took to the Senate. It’s not the message of American Jews, but of their leftist and Islamist enemies.




Schumer Doesn’t Realize That Israelis Have Lost Faith in a ‘Two-State Solution’

Schumer Falsely Claims Palestinians Have Their ‘Own Culture, Identity, Cuisine, and Literature’

Schumer Claims That Netanyahu Has ‘Lost His Way’

RELATED VIDEO: What People Got Wrong About Trump’s Foreign Policy | Victor Davis Hanson


🔴 Eliminated: Faiq Mabhouh, head of the Operations Directorate of Hamas’ Internal Security.

Mabhouh was hiding in a compound at the Shifa hospital, from which he operated and advanced terrorist activity.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) March 18, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Lebanese Muslim caught at border says he’s Hezb’allah jihadi, ‘I’m going to try to make a bomb’ thumbnail

Lebanese Muslim caught at border says he’s Hezb’allah jihadi, ‘I’m going to try to make a bomb’

By Judicial Watch

When will Old Joe and his henchmen invite Basel Bassel Ebbadi to the White House?

Illegal migrant from Lebanon caught at border admitted he’s a Hezbollah terrorist hoping ‘to make a bomb’ — and was headed for NY

by Jennie Taer, New York Post, March 17, 2024:

A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he’s a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New York, The Post can reveal.

Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by the US Border Patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas. While in custody, he was asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied, “I’m going to try to make a bomb,” according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The Post.

But Ebbadi later claimed in an interview that he had been trying to flee Lebanon and Hezbollah because he “didn’t want to kill people” and said “once you’re in, you can never get out,” according to internal US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) documents.

Ebbadi said in a sworn interview after his arrest that he had trained with Hezbollah for seven years and served as an active member guarding weapons locations for another four years, the documents show.

Ebbadi’s training focused on “jihad” and killing people “that was not Muslim,” he said….

Continue reading.




Federal Judge: Illegal Immigrants Can Carry Guns

Who is Basel Bassel Ebbadi? Iran-backed Hezbollah operative held in US, admits he wanted ‘to make a bomb’ in NY

Schumer Doesn’t Realize That Israelis Have Lost Faith in a ‘Two-State Solution’

Schumer Falsely Claims Palestinians Have Their ‘Own Culture, Identity, Cuisine, and Literature’

Schumer Claims That Netanyahu Has ‘Lost His Way’

U.S.-based Muslim cleric boasts that Muslims will become majority in Swedish cities in just one generation

Schumer’s ‘Rabbi’ is an Anti-Israel Activist Who Protested War on Hamas

Satan Officially Comes Out for ‘Palestine’

Bangladesh: Muslims brutally beat Hindu restaurant owner for keeping restaurant open during Ramadan

RELATED VIDEO: What People Got Wrong About Trump’s Foreign Policy | Victor Davis Hanson


An illegal caught sneaking over the southern border has admitted to being a member of Hezbollah.

The Lebanese migrant headed for NY said he was hoping to “make a bomb.”

Biden’s open border is enabling terrorist threats to our nation.

— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) March 18, 2024

Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah has an elite sleeper cell called “Unit 910” that has infiltrated the United States.

“First of all, know that this is a very real thing”
– Todd Bensman, CIS Senior National Security Fellow@BensmanTodd

— Adrian Norman (@AdrianNormanDC) November 22, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff Publicly Raising Money for Group Who Was Part of Oct. 7 Atrocities and Terrorist Attack on Israel thumbnail

Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff Publicly Raising Money for Group Who Was Part of Oct. 7 Atrocities and Terrorist Attack on Israel

By The Geller Report

Of all the worthy causes for which one can raise money this is what the coprophagic Ella Emhoff comes up with!

However, this should not come as a surprise since her step-mother, Kalamity Harris, was urging people to contribute to a fund for bailing out Antifa and BLM rioters in 2020.

Supporting murderous scum has become something of a family tradition.

Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff publicly raising money for relief group allegedly tied to Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel

By: Jon Levine, NY Post,  March 16, 2024

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The stepdaughter of Vice President Kamala Harris is publicly raising cash for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency — even as the United States has cut funding to the group over its members’ alleged participation in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel.

Ella Emhoff — whose father is second gentleman Doug Emhoff — posted a link to UNRWA’s English-language fundraising page on her personal Instagram, and only removed it after a Post inquiry to the White House.

“We urge Ms. Emhoff to go on the website of UN Watch and read our reports showing how UNRWA teachers and school principals systematically promote and encourage Jihadi terrorism and the slaughter of Jews,” said Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of the nonprofit United Nations watchdog.

UNRWA, the largest employer in Gaza, has long faced international criticism for its close ties to Hamas, which has ruled the enclave since 2006.

Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter Ella Emhoff makes another bizarre NYFW appearance
UNRWA, the largest employer in Gaza, has long faced international criticism for its close ties to Hamas, which has ruled the enclave since 2006.

President Trump cut US aid to the organization in 2018 — a decision President Biden initially reversed when he took office.

Under Biden’s leadership, at least $730 million found its way to UNRWA’s coffers.

The rapprochement ended, however, in January, when Israel presented evidence that UNRWA employees had been involved in Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks that left at least 1,200 dead at a music festival near the Gaza Strip.

As many as 450 UNRWA workers are members of extremist groups in the Gaza Strip, Israel contends.

Hamas tunnels were uncovered under the agency headquarters in Gaza where they also siphoned off the building’s electricity, Israeli officials said.

One released Israeli hostage said they were held prisoner in the home of an UNRWA teacher, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Continue reading.


Paul Schnee


UNRWA is a Terrorist Organization

UNRWA Staff Recordings Prove Hamas Treated Young Women ‘Like Animals’

Amid Evidence That UNRWA Employees Participated in Oct. 7 Jihad Massacre, UNRWA Gets Nobel Peace Prize Nomination

New Report Reveals the Extent to Which Hamas Has Infiltrated UN Agency

Biden Appointed Terror-Linked UNRWA Official to Senior Director for Intelligence on National Security Council

Wall Street Journal: At Least 1,200 UN Employees are Actual Hamas Terrorists, 12,000 UN Staff in Gaza have Links to Islamic Terrorists


UN Staff Celebrating Hamas October 7th Atrocities

Report: UNRWA Teacher, Gaza Doctor Kept Israeli Child Hostages

Another UNRWA School That was Cover for a Hamas Underground Bunker

39 Republicans Sponsor Bill To Cut Off Funding of UNRWA

UNRWA inciting violence with U.S. funding , study shows

As Biden funds UNRWA, UNRWA teachers call for Jew-murder

UN bars Israel’s ambassador from displaying pro-Hitler posts by UNRWA teacher

Watchdog: Dozens of UNRWA Teachers Incite To Violence, Spread Jew-Hatred Online

UNRWA Caught Teaching Terrorism, Jew-Hatred as Biden Regime Resumes American Taxpayer Funding

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Muslims Understand Compassion Differently Than We Do thumbnail

Muslims Understand Compassion Differently Than We Do

By Harold Rhode

The idea that compassion is between man and man, not just God and man, barely exists.

The origins of Islam are twofold. It was a revealed religion, but grew out of pre-Islamic Arabian tribal—that is, Bedouin—culture. When Bedouin cultural values conflicted with Islam, Bedouin culture almost always won out. Over time, Islam and Bedouin culture melded into one. It is this combination that constitutes today’s Islamic culture.

The problem with Islam today is not a problem with Islam as a religion but rather Islamic culture. If Muslims choose to pray five or even 50 times a day, that is no concern of ours. But regarding Islamic culture and its view of non-Muslims, we do have a say.

Hebrew and Arabic share many common words and roots, but their meanings often diverge. For example, in both Arabic and Hebrew, the root R-Ḥ-M refers to the womb and signifies compassion. But the understanding of compassion in Judaism is very different from that of Islam.

The opening line of the Quran is: “In the name of Allah, the merciful and the compassionate.” We know what “merciful” and “compassionate” mean in English. It relates to the relationship between God and man, and between man and man.

In Islamic culture, by contrast, compassion is only between God and man. Compassion between man and man is almost absent. This does not mean that individual Muslims do not share our Western concept of compassion, but if they do, it is not derived from Islamic culture.

When a Jew asks God for compassion and forgiveness during the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, he must first approach people he has wronged and ask for forgiveness. The person asked is required to have compassion and forgive. We believe that only by showing compassion to our fellow human beings will God be compassionate and forgiving towards us on Yom Kippur. Islamic culture is quite different.

On Oct. 7, we witnessed the results of this. Among those slaughtered by Gaza Muslims on that day were Bedouin Muslims who were Israeli citizens. They were killed along with Israeli Jews. Unlike the Nazis, who tried to hide their extermination program, the Muslims who slaughtered their fellow human beings—Muslims and non-Muslims—were proud of what they did, as demonstrated by the recordings of phone calls they made to the victims’ parents and friends as the murderers were terrorizing and murdering the recipients’ loved ones.

Why did the murderers also kill other Muslims? Because Muslims care first and foremost about their family, their clan and tribal associations, in that order. This has been true throughout Islamic history. Compassion towards one’s fellow human beings often barely exists.

There are many examples of this phenomenon:

When Hamas, the Iranian regime and Hezbollah send shahids—martyrs—to kill themselves in the name of Allah, they do not choose them from their own families. If they had compassion for others, why would they send other people’s children to their deaths? As we say, put your money where your mouth is.

In Arab culture, blood feuds continue for years without forgiveness or compassion. Perceived “wrongs” must be “righted” by deadly vengeance even if the original insult or crime might have happened generations ago.

Women suspected of dishonoring their families may be killed by family members. In some cases, the woman’s “transgression” is merely talking to a man who is not from the same family. It is not uncommon for fathers and even mothers to tell one of their sons to erase the blot on the family honor by killing his sister. We know of cases in which the son protested and his father told him that if he refused to kill his sister, he would be cast out of the family—which is the only security the son has.

Co-author Harold Rhode once taught a class in the Islamic world about Islamic culture. A female Muslim student wearing a hijab told him that she had to be very careful about talking to a non-relative. At the end of the day, when classes were over, her father personally escorted her home to her village. This student understood very well that if there were any rumors about her, she could end up dead. Moreover, her sisters pleaded with her not to do anything that might dishonor their family and thereby prevent them from being able to marry.

Before the Syrian civil war began in 2011, the country’s population was as high as 22 million. Since then, millions of Syrians have been killed, expelled or displaced to other countries. We have no idea what the population of Syria is today. It could be as little as 6-10 million. We wonder how Syrian dictator Bashar Assad could do this to his “own” people. But Assad doesn’t see most of them as his “own” people. He is a member of the Alawite sect. He is not a Sunni Muslim like approximately 72% of Syria’s pre-war population. To him, these Sunnis are expendable because their existence threatens his regime. Compassion does not enter into the equation.

When Kurdish citizens of Turkey refuse to call themselves “Turks,” the Turkish government has often labeled them “terrorists” to justify imprisoning or killing them. Not for nothing do the Kurds have a proverb: “No friends but the mountains,” expressing their feelings of loneliness, betrayal and abandonment.

When Islam conquers, it conquers by the sword. That is why there is a sword on the Saudi flag. Saudi Arabia’s ruling creed is an extreme form of Sunni Islam. Its flag symbolizes this creed. Beautiful calligraphy on the flag reads: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” This simple statement, called the Shahada, is the central principle of the Islamic creed. The sword symbolizes their prophet’s conquest of pagans. The message: Either convert to Islam or die.

When shahids capture enemies, they do not just kill them. They usually make them suffer. Only then does the shahid kill his victim.

In 1947-1948, when Palestinian Arabs fled then-Palestine, their fellow Arabs responded by putting them into refugee camps, where many of them and their descendants still languish. Their “fellow Arabs” never had compassion on them and assimilated them. By contrast, when Jews fled from the surrounding Arab countries, Israel welcomed them, and the fledgling state helped to establish them as full citizens.

In Persian, the closest equivalent to the English phrase “it doesn’t matter” is “it doesn’t bring shame” (eib na-dareh). This means that what you have done will not shame or humiliate you and your family. We rarely think about shame and humiliation, but Muslims almost always have them in the back of their minds. If someone does something shameful or humiliating, others have no compassion for them.

These are just a few examples of how differently we Westerners and the Muslim world understand compassion. Our concepts of compassion and mercy are very different from those of Islamic culture. This, in short, is why so much of the Muslim world is so violent not only towards others, but towards other Muslims as well.

This article originally appeared in the Jewish News Syndicate.



Harold Rhode received in Ph.D. in Islamic history and later served as the Turkish Desk Officer at the U.S. Department of Defense. He is now a distinguished senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute.


Bennett Ruda is a freelance journalist for The Jewish Press and a contributor to the popular Elder of Ziyon blog.

©2024. . All rights reserved.

Let’s Focus On Islam, Again thumbnail

Let’s Focus On Islam, Again

By Matthys van Raalten

Elections are coming up in the U.S., but an important topic is left off the table.

This topic is Islam, a dangerous religion, that contradicts everything that Christian civilization stands for.

You would think that such a grave threat as the Rise of Islam in the World would be an important talking point among presidential candidates. But they shy away from discussing it. Or, as in the case of Joe Biden, they even embrace this dangerous religion, and wrongly think of it as a religion of peace.

The reason that not one famous American politician these days dares to talk about Islam, is fear for the consequences. There is great fear that one gets death threats from Muslims, or that the media will portray one as a racist and hater, or that one becomes a target of an assassinations.

Many years ago, I had a mentor in Bloemendaal, a village to the North of the town of Harlem. The name of my mentor was Mr. Spaanderman. He was more than 70 years old and his profession was psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Mr. Spaanderman taught me lessons about fear. He said that fear is a bad counselor. In fact, he entrusted me that fear is the worst counselor.

If you listen to your fears, you are in the end not superior to the animals.

I hope that the situation in America changes for the better. That means that the difficult topics are being talked about by politicians.

I personally consider Islam the gravest threat to Western civilization. And I have good reason to do so, as I have studied this religion in-depth. Let’s focus on Islam again.

©2024. Matthys van Raalten. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Sen. Chuck “Brute” Schumer empowers HAMAS, attacks Israel, throws Bibi into a tunnel and endangers Jews in America!

Joe Biden Backs Schumer After Senator Calls For New Elections In Israel — And now the crisis begins! thumbnail

Joe Biden Backs Schumer After Senator Calls For New Elections In Israel — And now the crisis begins!

By Jihad Watch

According to the Associated Press:

Schumer, a Jewish Democrat from New York, sent tremors through both countries this week when he said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has “lost his way” and warned that “Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah” as the Palestinian death toll continues to grow.

Biden is backing Schumer, signifying a new low in American-Israeli relations during this administration.

“He made a good speech,” Biden said in the Oval Office during a meeting with Ireland’s prime minister. “I think he expressed serious concerns shared not only by him but by many Americans.”

The full text of Schumer’s speech is published by the Times of Israel.

The speech and the subsequent support of it from Biden as he and Schumer hope to see the current Israeli government fall during a war for its very survival was recently reported on here. The speech and Biden’s approval represent a strategy to make Netanyahu the fall guy and install a government more to the left’s liking. As I recently wrote on Jihad Watch: Biden reportedly attempting to collapse Netanyahu government mid-war:

Here is one key reason why Biden is now reportedly attempting to force the collapse of Netanyahu’s government in the middle of a war:

Netanyahu has been a frequent obstacle to Democrats’ policies in the Middle East, starting with his opposition to President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, and continuing into his opposition to Biden’s Palestinian state ideas.

Another reason is the dilemma Biden faces in light of the upcoming elections, given his dependence on the Muslim vote and the pressure he has been receiving from Muslim communities. By shifting attention to Israel and the Netanyahu government, Biden diverts scrutiny away from himself, and creates an excuse for evading his responsibility to ally with Israel against jihad terror. He also gets to shift blame away from his administration for pouring money into the coffers of Iran. Under Obama, Iran — a main funder of Hamas — received $33.3 billion dollars in backroom deals. Under Biden, billions more have flowed into Iran.

Creating a crisis to avert attention and responsibility has become a signature ploy of Democrats.

And now the crisis begins.




Biden Regime Invites Hamas-Linked CAIR to the White House, Then Lies About It

Miami imam says Muslims will seize homes and properties of Jews, prays for ‘annihilation’ of ‘enemies of Islam’

No, Queen Rania, It is Not Israel, But the Palestinians Who are the Obstacle to Peace

Iran: Senior Khamenei advisor says ‘We must increase our strategic depth’ to be able to strike US with missiles

‘One of the Greatest Historical Injustices’ Did Take Place Regarding Israel, But It’s Not What Queen Rania Thinks

Florida man says he’s with ‘Islam Nation’ after starting fire inside Miami business

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘If Hamas Survives … Radicalism Will Be on Steroids All over the Planet’: Senator thumbnail

‘If Hamas Survives … Radicalism Will Be on Steroids All over the Planet’: Senator

By Family Research Council

For a Democratic Party so consumed with the evils of insurrection, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) had no problem calling for one in Israel. In a speech that would have astounded Capitol Hill a year ago, the highest-ranking Jewish official in America demanded that Israeli voters hold an unscheduled election to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, declaring that the man hunting down the terrorists who tortured and killed 1,200 innocent people has “lost his way.”

“A new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government.” How unbelievably on brand for Democrats. They’re putting the political calculations of an election year ahead of the greater good. What happened to Biden’s October promises, “We’re going to stand with you,” “We’ll walk beside you in those dark days,” and “We’ll walk beside you in the good days to come”? The second the Left’s base of Muslim sympathizers started screaming its support for Palestine, Democratic leaders dropped the Jewish state faster than you can say “two-state solution.”

Of course, the other irony here (apart from Schumer’s meddling in a foreign democracy) is that Americans are the ones living under a virtually incoherent president whose failed policies have led to the dumpster fire we’re seeing in the Middle East, China, and our southern border. It’s Biden’s country, not Netanyahu’s, that has “lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government.” And yet the Left would have been apoplectic if a Republican stood on the Senate floor and railed about the need for a special election.

Netanyahu, it may surprise Schumer to know, actually has more domestic support than his longtime rival Benny Gantz (47-37%). Unlike the prime minister’s fickle friends in the U.S., the Israeli people understand the need to eliminate the monsters who raped, incinerated, and kidnapped their loved ones. “This is World War II for Israel,” Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) insisted on “Washington Watch” Wednesday. “This is Pearl Harbor and 9/11 rolled into one. Did anybody suggest to our country after Pearl Harbor, ‘Be careful how many Germans or Japanese you kill’”? he wanted to know. And yet, that’s exactly how Democrats are admonishing Israel in Gaza.

“I don’t want innocent people to die,” Graham admitted to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, “but Israel has to destroy Hamas. Hamas is using the Palestinian people as shields. And I’m going to give Israel the time and the space it needs to destroy Hamas militarily. No more October 7th. This is the largest loss of life of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. … Israel is the good guy. Hamas is the bad guy. And Iran is the Great Satan. Without Iran, there would be no attack.”

Another thing Democrats tend to forget, Graham said, is that 33 Americans were killed in this attack. “And if Hamas could, they would add a lot of zeros to that 33. The radical Islamists, they want to kill the state of Israel. They want to the world to bow down to Islam under their terms. They would come after us if they could.”

So when Biden says that an Israeli invasion of Rafah is a “red line,” he’s ignoring the fact that there are six brigades of Hamas fighters still left — four of them in Rafah, Graham explained. “We have to let Israel destroy Hamas militarily. It would be like putting 80% of a fire out. You’ve got to put all the fire out. So I am challenging the Biden administration to say that if the hostages are released, the war is not over. The war is over when Israel destroys Hamas militarily, when they can have the peace of mind never to have another October 7th. It is not over until that day comes to my friends in Israel.”

And if the international community wants to criticize someone, criticize Hamas for using the million people in that area as human shields. But they won’t, Graham shook his head, “because anti-Semitism is alive and well.” He pointed to the dangers that Jewish people are facing all over the world. Even in Nashville, the senator said, Jewish schools are turning into armed camps because of the threats.

“… If you just watch the news, [you’d think] Israel was the bad guy,” Graham pointed out. But “here’s what I would say to the international community: ‘If Hamas survives, they’re coming after you.’ … If they’re still standing when this is over, radicalism will be on steroids all over the planet. ISIS is coming back in Afghanistan. … We’re in a religious war, my friend. Radical Islam wants to bend everybody to their will, and they will kill in the name of God. And that’s what I want you to understand. Dying is first prize for these nut jobs.”

The game-changer Perkins and Graham agreed would be for Israel and Saudi Arabia to normalize relations. “If you could have Saudi Arabia recognize the Jewish State for what it is — a Jewish state, the keeper of the mosque in Mecca and Medina, the center of the faith, it would end the Arab-Israeli conflict.” Think about why this attack happened, he pressed. “On October the 7th, the Iranians live[d] in fear of the Arabs and the Israelis making peace. It would isolate the ayatollah even more. This attack was generated by support from Iran. [And] Iran’s nightmare is for the Arabs — Saudi Arabia and Israel — to make peace and live together and build on the Abraham Accords. They did this to stop reconciliation.”

So frankly, Graham insisted, “the red line should be against the Iranian ayatollah — not against Bibi [Netanyahu]. Bibi is not the problem. The root of all evil is the religious Nazi running Iran: the ayatollah.”

With sobering clarity, the South Carolina senator’s tone changed. “We live in the most troubled times I can remember since I have been in politics. The world is on fire. Russia has invaded Ukraine. China is up to no good all over the planet, and our Jewish brothers and sisters are trying to be annihilated. It is now time to stand strong and without apology for our friends in Israel.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.


Sen. Schumer Picks Hamas and Biden Over Israel

Michigan: Islamic scholar says ‘there can never be a permanent treaty with infidels because it cancels out jihad’

UNC-Chapel Hill: Professors Hail Hamas’ Oct. 7 ‘Resistance’

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Netanyahu Defies Biden, Green Lights Offensive Into Hamas Stronghold thumbnail

Netanyahu Defies Biden, Green Lights Offensive Into Hamas Stronghold

By The Daily Caller

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave the green light on Friday for Israel to launch a ground invasion against a Hamas stronghold in south Gaza, despite the Biden administration’s warnings, according to NBC News.

Netanyahu’s office said in a statement that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is “preparing for the operational side and for the evacuation of the population” in Rafah, the southernmost region of Gaza bordering Egypt and a hotbed of remaining Hamas terrorists, according to NBC. President Joe Biden said last week that an Israeli operation in Rafah would be crossing a “red line.”

“Israel has no choice but to go into Rafah, where four Hamas battalions and the Gaza-Egypt tunnels that resupply Hamas with weapons are still standing,” Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, previously told the DCNF. “If not, Hamas will emerge victorious and Israel will be vulnerable to more Oct. 7’s as Hamas has threatened.”

Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7 and killed over 1,200 civilians and took hundreds of others hostage, prompting the ongoing counteroffensive by the IDF in Gaza.

NEW | The IDF said on March 13 that it plans to move civilians from Rafah to “humanitarian enclaves” in the central Gaza Strip before any Israeli offensive into Rafah.

There are approximately 1.4 million displaced Palestinian civilians currently in Rafah.

— Critical Threats (@criticalthreats) March 15, 2024

Israel announced on Thursday there is a plan to move into Rafah and ensure the safety of the civilian population, according to The Washington Post. Israel plans to set up “humanitarian islands” in central Gaza, which will provide refugees with shelter, food and other goods.

Netanyahu’s office also noted in the Friday statement that ongoing negotiations for a deal to secure the hostages is difficult because Hamas is making “ludicrous” demands, according to The New York Times.

Though the exact timeline for a Rafah operation is unknown, Netanyahu hinted earlier in the week that the fighting could be wrapped within a month, according to Axel Springer, Politico’s parent company.

“We’ve destroyed three-quarters of Hamas’ fighting terrorism battalions. And we’re close to finishing the last part in warfare,” Netanyahu told Axel Springer on Monday. “[Fighting will not] take more than two months … Maybe six weeks, maybe four.”

The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.





Biden Appears To Cite Hamas’ Gaza Casualty Figures After Saying He Has ‘No Confidence’ In Them

‘That Question Was Not Answered’: MSNBC Host Presses White House Spokesman On Biden’s Israel Stance

Biden Admin Hands Out $500 Million For Oil Drilling… In The Middle East?


What precision.
Israeli drone strike kills Hamas commander Muhammad Abu Hasna in #Rafah, Gaza strip.

— Abhijit Majumder (@abhijitmajumder) March 16, 2024

The free international aid which arrives at Gaza is being sold in the marketplaces of Rafah. They don’t even bother taking it out of the aid boxes. The Palestinians can congratulate themselves on another successful scam pulled against the gullible West.

— Uri Kurlianchik (@VerminusM) March 16, 2024

The name of the gunman is Sheikh Mahmoud Nofal, the imam of the Al-Qassem Mosque in Hebron, and a Hamas terrorist in the city.

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) March 16, 2024

🔴ELIMINATED: Hadi Ali Mustafa, a Hamas terrorist in Lebanon responsible for advancing Hamas’ international activity and terrorist attacks against Jewish and Israeli targets.

The IDF will continue to operate against Hamas in every area in which it operates.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) March 13, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The Truth About Saint Patrick and Saint Patrick’s Day thumbnail

The Truth About Saint Patrick and Saint Patrick’s Day

By Dr. Rich Swier

Britannica on Saint Patrick Day:

The feast day held on March 17th of Saint Patrick, patron saint of Ireland. Born in Roman Britain in the late 4th century, he was kidnapped at the age of 16 and taken to Ireland as a slave. He escaped but returned about 432 CE to convert the Irish to Christianity.

By the time of his death on March 17, 461, he had established monasterieschurches, and schools. Many legends grew up around him—for example, that he drove the snakes out of Ireland and used the shamrock to explain the Trinity.

Ireland came to celebrate his day with religious services and feasts.

It was emigrants, particularly to the United States, who transformed St. Patrick’s Day into a largely secular holiday of revelry and celebration of things Irish. Cities with large numbers of Irish immigrants, who often wielded political power, staged the most extensive celebrations, which included elaborate parades. Boston held its first St. Patrick’s Day parade in 1737, followed by New York City in 1762. Since 1962 Chicago has coloured its river green to mark the holiday.

WATCH: The Boys of Kilkenny

©2024. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Real History of St. Patrick’s Day

BBYO Survey Reports that 71% of Jewish Teens Have Experienced Anti-Semitism thumbnail

BBYO Survey Reports that 71% of Jewish Teens Have Experienced Anti-Semitism

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

Research shows high-schoolers encounter hate both in person and online. 

BBYO has released the results of a new survey of 1,989 Jewish students conducted from Jan. 23 to Feb. 5.

The researchers found that 71% had experienced antisemitic hate or discrimination. Those who have faced it in person numbered 61% while 46% saw it online, and 36% had experienced both forms. Of those who had experienced in-person hate, 46% said it occurred at school and 45% chose not to report the incident.

For the teens who encountered online anti-Jewish hate, they reported that the most common platforms were Instagram (33%), TikTok (23%) and Snapchat (17%).

Matt Grossman, CEO of BBYO, called the survey “a critical wake-up call, revealing the stark reality that Jewish teens are enduring.”

The Jewish youth organization said in a statement that “the data indicates that the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas and the subsequent spread of misinformation and antisemitic rhetoric and violence have had a traumatic impact on Jewish high school students’ safety, well-being, and mental health.”

According to the report, 74% of BBYO members have seen more discrimination since Oct. 7.

Grossman emphasized that “every Jewish teen deserves to feel safe and supported, and it is incumbent upon us to ensure they have those safe spaces, as well as the tools and assistance they need, to navigate these turbulent times with strength and pride. We are so proud and grateful that involvement with BBYO has played such a significant role in helping teens cope with elevated levels of stress and anxiety.”

The uptick in antisemitic incidents and even hate crimes on college campuses has also come to play an important role this year for 64% of respondents in deciding which school to attend.


BBYO is the leading pluralistic teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences. For over 95 years, BBYO has provided exceptional identity enrichment and leadership development experiences for hundreds of thousands of Jewish teens.

For nearly a century, BBYO‘s leadership programs, the Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA, high school fraternity) and the B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG, high school sorority) have been providing exceptional leadership programs and identity enrichment experiences, shaping the confidence and character of more than 350,000 alumni who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the arts, and Jewish communal life. Now, BBYO’s network of teens, alumni, parents, volunteers, and philanthropists serves as the Jewish community’s most valuable platform for delivering to the post Bar/Bat Mitzvah audience fun, meaningful, and affordable experiences that inspire a lasting connection to the Jewish people.

EDITORS NOTE: This JNS – Jewish News Syndicate column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Self-Hating Jew Chuck Schumer Blames Netanyahu, Turns Gun on the Jewish People thumbnail

Self-Hating Jew Chuck Schumer Blames Netanyahu, Turns Gun on the Jewish People

By The Geller Report

“Israelis are notoriously outspoken and have a vibrant democracy. In the middle of a war the very last thing they need is for a Democratic Party politician to elevate his own party’s electoral needs over Israeli national security and over Israeli democracy. This speech, coming after the Vice President’s, appears to signal a continuing campaign against Netanyahu. It’s a shameful and unprecedented way to treat an ally, and an unconscionable interference in the internal politics of another democracy.” — Elliot Abrams on Chuck Schumer speech.

Another self-loathing Jews stabbing our people in the back.

Early in his political career, Schumer pretended to be religious in order to get elected. He’s the lowest of the low.

Just to be clear: the Jewish people support Netanyahu so Schumer is attacking the Jewish people.

Self-hating Jews have long been a pox on the Jewish people.

Senate Majority Leader gives major address from the Senate floor on ‘a pathway to peace and achieving a two-state solution,’ attacks Israeli government and calls for new elections.

By: Israel National News, Mar 14, 2024:

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer gave a speech on “a pathway to peace and achieving a two-state solution” today (Thursday).

In his remarks, Schumer called for the holding of new elections in Israel, saying that “Netanyahu has lost his way.” He further called the Israeli Prime Minister an “obstacle to peace.”

According to Schumer, Netanyahu is one of four obstacles to peace, the others being Hamas, “radical Israelis,” and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Schumer’s criticism of Netanyahu centered on the prime minister’s “outright” rejection of the idea of the creation of a Palestinian state in the aftermath of October 7.

“The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel,” he said. “The Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past.”

“This is a grave mistake for Israel, for Palestinians, for the region, and for the world,” he claimed. “The only real and sustainable solution to this decades-old conflict is a negotiated two-state solution.”

According to Schumer, Netanyahu has “dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing U.S. standards for assistance.”

“If Prime Minister Netanyahu’s current coalition remains in power after the war begins to wind down, and continues to pursue dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing US standards for assistance, then the United States will have no choice but to play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course,” he said.

Continue reading.

New Direct Polls poll for @Now14Israel shows @netanyahu leading @gantzbe by 10 points, 47-37%.
Likud is leading Gantz’s party 25 to 22.
The right-religious bloc has a 62-seat majority to 48 seats for the leftist bloc.
Biden’s fight with Netanyahu strengthened the PM.
Does the…

— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) March 13, 2024

Sen. Schumer has just single handedly turned Israel into a partisan issue on steroids!

And if he thought this will help unseat Netanyahu, it will only reinvigorate his base.

Complete own goal by Schumer. Bad for America, bad for the Jewish community, bad for Israel.

— Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ (@Ostrov_A) March 14, 2024

Jews like Schumer, traitors, have plagued my people since time immemorial.. The same traitors who built and worshiped a golden calf when Moses went up the mountain to receive the tablets (Jewish law), the same Jews (of the ‘Twelve Spies) who were dispatched by Moses to scout out the Land of Canaan (Israel) for 40 days as a future home for the Jewish people, during the time when the Israelites were in the wilderness following their Exodus from Ancient Egypt. .Ten of the twelve spies (the same ratio of Democrat Jew to Republican Jew) they slandered the land of milk and honey.  As a result, the entire nation was made to wander in the desert for 40 years.

Too many Jews have stood by and said nothing.

Chuck Schumer is a total disgrace. Not only isn’t the man who says that Prime Minister Netanyahu isn’t fit to lead Israel not fit to lead the Senate. He isn’t fit to lead a synagogue’s Men’s Club.
He deserves to be primaried by AOC. She’s a more convincing anti-Semite.

— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) March 14, 2024

Chuck Schumer stopped just short of dousing himself in lighter fluid.

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) March 14, 2024


Pamela Geller


Post 10/7 Looks a Lot Like Post 9/11, Only Worse

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Biden’s Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Biden Regime to Boycott, Sanction Entire Jewish Villages

Pro-Terror Jew-Haters Block Terminal at San Francisco Airport

NY: Muslims Take Over Times Square to Pray In the Street

Israel’s Ramadan Dilemmas thumbnail

Israel’s Ramadan Dilemmas

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

Hamas would like to see Israeli forces storming into the Al-Aqsa mosque, hoping it would lead to a regional conflagration. 

The month of Ramadan is always a sensitive period for security officials. This year it has to be handled with even more care because Israel has to contend with four arenas bubbling up with pressure all at once—the war against Hamas in Gaza; the heightened tension in Judea and Samaria; the attempts to inflame Israeli Arabs; and the ongoing clash with the Biden administration.

The decision not to prevent Arabs who are Israeli citizens and Arab residents of Jerusalem from joining the Temple Mount prayers in a sweeping manner has major importance.

In recent years, riots have typically erupted during Ramadan, especially in the second half of the month, led by Hamas-affiliated radical youth from eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods, as well as “lone-wolf” terrorists mostly coming into the Old City, young people who smuggle fireworks, Molotov cocktails and even pipes filled with explosive powder resembling bombs onto the Temple Mount before Ramadan, sleep in the mosque and barricade themselves inside. This quickly descends into a confrontation with the police.

The main mission of the Israel Police on the Temple Mount is to prevent rioters from throwing stones or other dangerous objects towards the Western Wall, which could lead to the evacuation of Jewish worshippers from the compound. Extreme Islamic elements, certainly Hamas, would love to see this happen, as this could be cast as a “victory image.”

The Israeli Police has extensive experience dealing with events of this type. It is clear to anyone engaged in this task that images and videos of police officers stepping on prayer rugs and confronting those inside Al-Aqsa mosque, broadcast live to the Arab world, would increase tensions and provoke much condemnation.

Hamas would like to see Israeli forces storming into the mosque, hoping this would lead to a regional conflagration; thus, such a move must be an absolute last resort.

Storming the mosque would not be a tactical event; it would have broad strategic political and security implications. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that such a move would have to be first cleared by him, underscoring the gravity of the matter.

In the current situation, there is no other choice. Events on the Temple Mount have a direct bearing on what happens in the Gaza Strip, with the discourse on a possible IDF operation in Rafah in the background.

Maintaining pressure on Hamas, by destroying both its military and civilian dispositions, while eliminating its political, religious and civilian leadership, requires the IDF to take aggressive action in Rafah. It must conquer and mop up the area, and target hundreds or even thousands of terrorists hiding in buildings, mosques and educational and medical facilities, and deal with the most difficult component—the underground tunnel system.

The main working assumption is that Hamas operatives in Rafah have already shed their identifying marks and are hiding among a supportive population, armed and not hesitating to use civilians as human shields.

IDF soldiers must not be put in harm’s way unnecessarily. Likewise, to minimize harm to Palestinian civilians as much as possible, it is crucial that they be allowed out of combat zones. But it is also worth remembering that with the terrorists being embedded within the population, the inability to definitively distinguish between noncombatants and terrorists adds to the complexity.

Another issue is the pier that the U.S. is establishing on the Gaza coast and the question of who will receive the humanitarian relief that is intended for the civilian population.

The most complex and dangerous way forward would be to allow clans or large families to manage the distribution of food. On the other hand, officials in the Palestinian Authority will also not be able to do so at this stage. Hamas is deeply embedded in the area, and it will threaten and even harm any entity that operates in its place.

Therefore, a combination of forces from Arab countries and Gazan civilians, as well as Israeli military intervention, will be required. This constellation, of course, is not a solution for the “day after” the war, which is the most critical aspect as Israel seeks a stable civilian governing authority to replace Hamas.

Read full article.

Originally published by Israel Hayom.


Arik Barbing

Arik Barbing, former head of the Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria sector in the Shin Bet.



Yemen’s Houthis announced that they will hit Israel more intensely during the month of Ramadan in order to support Gaza.

— Globe Eye News (@GlobeEyeNews) March 14, 2024

Ramadan in Europe 2024.

Nearly 60 graves in a French cemetery have been covered in Islamic graffiti, including phrases such as ‘Submit to Allah’ and ‘Happy Ramadan, non-Muslims’.

58 burial sites in Clermont-d’Excideuil cemetery, in Périgord Vert, Dordogne, were discovered

— 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Dee🇬🇧 (@b51230) March 15, 2024

This Ramadan, Hamas is still holding five Muslim hostages among the 134 hostages from 10/7 and before. Government spokesman @AviHyman wishes them, citizens of Israel, a special #RamadanKareem .

We are fighting to get you home to your families.

— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) March 14, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Israel Hayom column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, ‘Al Qaeda and ISIS, inspired by Hamas,’ demand Muslims ‘attack Israeli and U.S. interests’ thumbnail

U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, ‘Al Qaeda and ISIS, inspired by Hamas,’ demand Muslims ‘attack Israeli and U.S. interests’

By Jihad Watch

The Islamic State and al-Qaeda have been calling upon Muslims to attack Israeli and U.S. interests for years, but Avril Haines was likely too consumed with hunting for “insurrectionists” to notice.

ISIS, Al Qaeda ‘Inspired by Hamas’ to Attack Americans and Israelis, US Intel Chief Says

Algemeiner, March 11, 2024:

US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said on Monday that the Islamist terrorist groups al Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS) have been inspired by Hamas to attack Americans and Israelis.

“While it is too early to tell, both al Qaeda and ISIS, inspired by Hamas, have directed supporters to conduct attacks against Israeli and US interests,” Haines testified to the US Senate Intelligence Committee. “And we have seen how it is inspiring individuals to conduct acts of antisemitism and Islamophobic terror worldwide.”

Antisemitism has skyrocketed since Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel launched the current war in Gaza, which is ruled by the Palestinian terrorist group. Antisemitic incidents have reached record levels in the US and several European countries following the Hamas atrocities, which resulted in the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust by the Nazis during World War II.

“It is likely that the Gaza conflict will have a generational impact on terrorism,” Haines told US lawmakers. “The crisis in Gaza is a stark example of how regional developments have the potential of broader and even global implications.”

Haines also noted concerns that the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza could spread global insecurity: “The crisis in Gaza is a stark example of how regional developments have the potential of broader and even global implications.”…

Continue reading.

No kidding, really? This kind of incisive analysis is why Haines makes the big bucks.




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Remember That Islamophobic Hate Crime In Burlington, Vermont? It Wasn’t

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Feminist group says Afghanistan under Taliban control is ‘most dangerous place in the world for Afghan girls and women’

Kamala’s Gaza Coup

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.