The Democrats’ Coup 3.0

Many people apparently believe this election is like any other, when it is as unprecedented as the response to this year’s flu has been. Those who get all their information from the media, aka “fake news,” will believe what they’re told: Trump is a dictator who lost the election but refuses to accept the loss! After all, the media’s been branding him as an illegitimate president all along, so this fits in with their established narrative.
Loyal, gullible Democrat voters, conditioned to regard Trump as that racist, homophobic, xenophobic “clown” in the White House, must be jubilant at the prospect of finally being rid of him—never imagining that they’ve inadvertently just voted away their future in favor of a Marxist dystopia: austerity, enslavement, and misery for themselves and their children. No one would knowingly sign on to this—unless, of course, they expected to be the rulers.

Trump vs. Biden? No Contest!

Interestingly, I’ve read that Sleepy Joe got more popular votes than any president in our history! Hmmm… that’s quite a head-scratcher. How can arguably the weakest nominee who ever ran for the presidency have managed that trick? Biden has nothing to show for his 47 years in government, unless you count his profiteering in scandalous pay-for-play schemes. In fact, this tsunami of votes for him came right on the heels of the breaking news about his drug-addled son Hunter blithely selling Daddy’s influence to Communist China, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan for millions of dollars earmarked for the Biden family—including 10% for “the big guy.” I’d say Biden was also the most corrupt person ever to run for the presidency, but I think we need to bestow that dubious honor on Trump’s last opponent, Crooked Hillary.
On the other hand, Trump, in addition to his powerful advantage as the incumbent, has also proven himself to be one of our greatest presidents. His track record would take another 6 pages to recount: all the more astounding, as he accomplished this feat with both hands tied behind his back by the Deep State. And unlike most politicians, he actually loves America and the American people; he’s fearless, genuine, compassionate, amazingly hard working, honest, smart, funny, charismatic—and truly an inspiration to millions of Americans who by now love him so much they’ve started chanting “We love you!” at his recent huge rallies.

A Trump Second Term: Justice for Coup Plotters

I’d go so far as to say that many Democrats and their assorted globalist pals don’t actually hate Trump himself. What they hate is being exposed and being thwarted, and Trump has been brilliant at doing both. They’re also fearful.These folks don’t want to wait four more years. They’ve committed treason—they’re in it up to their eyeballs. Recall that in 2016, Hillary was caught screaming at Matt Lauer for putting her on the spot in a presidential candidate forum. Afterwards, in one of her storied meltdowns, she yelled, “If that f—ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!” The prospect of the noose is why the Dems and Deep State have been so desperate to get Trump out. Unfortunately, all this time, POTUS has been without an attorney general who would aggressively pursue justice for these felons. And now we may have to pay a high price for the DOJ’s negligence, dereliction of duty, or, more likely, complicity. And yes, I mean Barr. No more benefit of the doubt.
For now push has truly come to shove. The Leftist cabal—including not only the Democrats, but also the international banking cartel, Soros and pals, Big Tech, the Deep State (including those embedded in the DOJ, FBI and CIA), etc., is going for broke. They would have preferred to implement their grand agenda of world domination under a Hillary presidency, since she’s one of them and would have aided, rather than impeded their plans. However, to usher in their vaunted New World Order, I believe they would have used the same Covid Pandemic ruse they inflicted on us this year—they had that playbook established at least as far back as 2011 (see the film “Contagion”).

The Dems’ Multiple Coup Attempts—Third Time Charm?

Recall that the Deep Staters concocted an “insurance policy” to get Trump out of the Oval Office as soon as he got there. That was the Russia Hoax, which dragged on for nearly two years. Then came the even more desperate Ukraine Phone Call Hoax. That one was beyond absurd, but it kept the “Orange Man Bad” narrative alive, which I believe was its intended purpose.
And now we come to the ultimate coup d-état—the classic kind—the overthrowing of the government. Now the Dems and the enormously powerful globalist/Marxist cabal behind them, are trying to overturn the election that Trump clearly won. This time, they’re seeking to oust him not by cooking up more phony scandals, but through massive election fraud. They’re playing hardball. This is nervous time for us. These are very dangerous waters.
Just as the enemies of America war-gamed the pandemic (Event 201) shortly before unleashing it on us, so too did they war-game stealing this election from President Trump. Anyone with half a brain could see Trump was going to win in a landslide, even after the globalist Left pulled the rug out from under Trump’s soaring economy with the draconian lockdowns. He was drawing unprecedented crowds at rally after rally, while Joe either hid in his basement, or emerged briefly and spoke to groups of 30 people compared to Trump’s 30,000. While Trump galvanized the crowds, speaking for an hour and a half or more, Sleepy Joe said as few words as possible, many of them garbled. He did, however, make one honest, revelatory statement: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” This has to be the most damning Freudian slip ever. The truth will out.

War-gaming Overturning the Election

While the Russia Hoax showed some ingenuity, the Plandemic is the evil geniuses’ masterpiece that continues to wreak havoc with our lives. By contrast, their election fraud is blatantly obvious and would be easy to expose and counter, were it not for the media’s collusion. Tens of thousands of ballots mysteriously appearing at 4am, nearly all for Biden, overtaking Trump’s dramatic lead in multiple swing states? C’mon, man! Yet this outrageous plan could conceivably work here, as variants of it have worked abroad. More on that below.
The globalist elites’ war-gaming for this coup was conducted by the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), including strategies for removing Trump if he won the election, and replacing him with Biden. Huh? Why would you war-game a coup d’état against your own President if he’d just won the election? Three guesses. According to Roger Stone, the brains behind this treasonous plan is Norm Eisen—the Dem operative who also orchestrated the Ukraine phone call impeachment of the President.

A Snake in the Grass: Norm Eisen

Worse yet, Eisen is apparently the mastermind behind many of the so-called “color revolutions,” largely funded by Soros, that have successfully effected regime changes in a number of Eastern European and Middle Eastern countries, by toppling legitimate heads of state through nefarious subterfuge. In fact, Eisen is a key author of the blueprint for overthrowing regimes: “The Democracy Playbook: Preventing and Reversing Democratic Backsliding.” How’s that for an Orwellian title? Alarmingly, Eisen and his pals are now bringing their diabolical strategy to our own election and our own President.
It’s actually a pretty simple blueprint. To pull off a regime change, you need control of the media—which the Dems have in America— boatloads of money (think Soros, etc.)—and hired thugs who’ll riot in the streets when you give the signal. You spread rumors that the election was fraudulent and/or you mess with the votes to serve your purpose. You mobilize your shock troops of lowlifes to stage protests, carrying placards calling for the ouster of the leader you want to overthrow. You trigger violence and mayhem. The press blares out your narrative on cue: the people are demanding that so-and-so step down! And presto—you send the legitimate leader packing and install your guy in his place.

America’s Color Revolution

To bring this home: Our own unconscionable media is right now aiding and abetting a similar regime change plot in America. Take a look at this quote from the New York Times, “A sitting president has spent months telling lies about non-existent voter fraud. Now that his re-election bid is in deep trouble — but with the outcome still uncertain — he has unleashed a new torrent of falsehoods, claiming that the other side cheated. He has demanded the Supreme Court intervene to decide the election in his favor.” And this: “In the simplest terms, the president of the United States is attacking American democracy in an effort to remain in office.”
That’s how it’s done. Convince the public that what they see with their own eyes is false, and what the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post tell them is true. Today, November 7th, Joe Biden declared victory and he and Kamala Harris both gave formal acceptance speeches, though Trump won this election, and the President’s team is busily gathering mountains of evidence of election interference and voter fraud by the Dems. It isn’t over, folks! It’s just phase three of the Color Revolution psy-op. Trump can still emerge as our rightful President—but we clearly can’t take this for granted.
The Times’ reporter quoted above did make one true statement in the same article—we just have to read it in the context of reality rather than that of the Left’s poisonous narrative. “This is a dark and dangerous moment for American democracy.” And for our Republic—if we can keep it.
© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.

Sidney Powell: ‘We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden’

Sidney Powell:

There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from We The People of the United States of America to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump. To manufacture votes for Joe Biden. They’ve done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in record numbers, to absolutely fraudulently creating ballots that exist only for voting for Biden.
We’ve identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.
If you look at Florida where things were done right you can see that that is how the rest of the country should have gone. But they also used an algorithm to calculate the number of votes they would need to flip. And they used computers to flip those votes from Trump to Biden and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also.

©All rights reserved.
GEORGIA – 132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible
Affidavits: Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count
Liberals Changed Rules of 2020 Election

CUBABRIEF: Millions of Taxpayers Around the World have Bailed Out The Castro Dictatorship. None of them are Americans.

Reuters reported on October 30th that “wealthy nations grouped together in the Paris Club of creditors have waived Cuba’s annual payment for restructured debt but plan to impose a penalty.” The article then makes the claim that “this year marks the first time Cuba has missed the entire payment due by Oct. 31 since the restructuring agreement was signed in 2015, though it fell short of full payment last year as well.” Although accurate, it leaves out the prior decades that the Castro regime played the role of a dead beat whether or not economic conditions were good or ill for Havana.

The 2015 restructuring and forgiveness of debt with the Castro dictatorship, a byproduct of the detente with President Barack Obama, is providing a lifeline to the Castro regime. This is a regime that Wall Street Journal columnist Mary O’Grady observed in 2014 that “since 1959, Castro Inc. has racked up unpaid foreign debt and other claims totaling nearly $75 billion—including $35 billion owed to the Paris Club. Cuba is one of the world’s most notorious deadbeats, and the Cuban economy is moribund.”

In 2002 the former Executive Director of the Center for a Free Cuba, Frank Calzon, offered an assessment of U.S. economic sanctions, “say what you will about the U.S. embargo, but one of its best-kept secrets is that it has saved U.S. taxpayers millions. Because of the embargo, American banks aren’t among the consortium of creditors (among them Spanish, French, Canadian banks) known as ”The Paris Club.” A consortium that has been waiting for years to be paid what’s owed.”

Mr. Calzon gave a conservative assessment when he claimed that U.S. taxpayers had saved millions in bailouts. In reality, the embargo has probably saved American taxpayers hundreds of millions over the years. Consider that the above mentioned Paris Club in 2015 forgave $8.5 billion of $11.1 billion debt that the Castro regime owed. And Havana, even before COVID-19, was failing to meet its remaining obligations on its debts.

These patterns stretch back over the entire history of the Castro regime, and the leadership, despite claims in the press has not changed, and this is due to ideology. Scott B. MacDonald writing in Global Americans on November 2nd observed that “despite the revolution coming to power in 1959, Cuba has remained considerably dependent on external props to maintain a generally inefficient command economy, dominated by large state-owned companies backed by the Communist Party’s inner court and the military.” The rest of the article is worth a read, but MacDonald errs when he asserts Cuba “is headed by Miguel Díaz-Canal, the first non-Castro family member to preside over the country.” This is wrong on two counts.

Although General Raul Castro handed over the office of the presidency to his hand picked successor Miguel Díaz-Canel on April 19, 2018. Havana used this to give the false impression that there was a transition in Cuba. The reality is that General Castro remains head of the Cuban Communist Party and in control of the military, and in the Cuban Constitution that makes him the maximum authority.

General Alberto Rodriguez Lopez-Callejas, Raul’s former son-in-law, runs the Cuban economy. Raul Castro’s son, Colonel Alexandro Castro, who negotiated the normalization of relations with the Obama Administration, is an intelligence officer with close ties to the secret police. Both are key posts for running the country, and are directly tied to the Castro family and General Castro.

Osvaldo Dorticos, was another president not named Castro in Cuba following the consolidation of communism under the Castro brothers in 1959. Diaz-Canel, like Osvaldo Dorticos who was president of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, over the past two and a half years has done the bidding of the Castros.The succession was not to make Miguel Díaz-Canel the new dictator but to maintain the Castro dynasty in power. Raul Castro and the Castro family continue to preside over the country.

This is also why patterns of repression continue to remain similar. The Christian Post reported on November 2nd that in the city of Santiago de Cuba regime officials “demolished a church that has long been a target of the communist regime and arrested a pastor who streamed the demolition live on social media, a human rights group has reported.”

Millions of taxpayers around the world have bailed out the Castro dictatorship, and have subsidized repression. None of them are Americans, thanks to the U.S. Embargo on the Castro regime.

Exclusive: Wealthy creditors give Cuba a pass, but will impose penalties
Cuban authorities destroy church, arrest pastor who filmed demolition

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for a Free Cuba column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

UPDATE: Biden-Harris and ‘The Art of the Steal’

UPDATE: One America News Investigates: The Art of the Steal

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.” – Joseph Stalin, from The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary by Boris Bazhanov, published in 2002.

What Americans are witnessing is something we have never seen before. We are witnessing what I call “The Art of the Steal.” It is a parody of the title of a 1987 book credited to Donald J. Trump and journalist Tony Schwartz “The Art of the Deal.”
Today is another day where we find Democrats in large cities doing everything they can to steal the 2020 election. This is not about Trump, this is about fundamentally changing the ballot systems nationwide to favor one candidate over another.
This Art of the Steal began well before Donald J. Trump came down the escalator and announced his run for President. We are now learning that it began with groups intent on controlling the way ballots are counted and who oversees the counting of the ballots. The focus has been on three key Democrat initiatives:

  1. Use of software to count ballots e.g. the Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 system.
  2. The push for states by Democrats to adopt vote-by-mail using the excuse of the Covid pandemic.
  3. Control who is in charge of counting the ballots particularly in key cities such as Atlanta, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Pittsburg, Detroit, and others.

in an article titled With Locally-run Elections, a Handful of Big Dem Cities Now Can Control Entire U.S. warned:

Democrats have lamented how the Electoral College gives smaller states outsized influence over presidential elections. But consider what they’ve done via illegal means: given a handful of Democrat-run, major cities far greater influence over the current election.
That is, with vote-fraud being mainly a Democrat-big-city phenomenon, we now face the prospect that shenanigans in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta and some other leftist metropolises will be the deciding factor in who takes the White House next year.

Attempts to steal an election is not new. Voter fraud is not new. What is new is that for the first time in U.S. history stealing an election may actually happen.
In our article Biden Has Singlehandedly Destroyed our Free and Fair Election System we noted:
Voter fraud has now become the primary  “weapon of choice” of one political party.
Since the 2016 Presidential election the Democrats have taken the following public positions on voting in America:

  1. End the Electoral College.
  2. Implement a national popular vote system.
  3. Implement a national vote-by-mail system.
  4. Control the voting process by any and all means necessary.
  5. Control how the votes are counted.
  6. Create phony ballots to offset legal ballots as we are learning in 2020.
  7. Refuse to purge voter rolls of the dead, non-citizens and those who no longer live in the state. For example, a lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation found that in Detroit, Michigan there are: 4,788 duplicate registrations, 32,519 more registered voters than eligible voters, 2,503 dead people registered and one voter born in 1823.
  8. Reject any form of voter ID laws, labeling them as voter suppression, thus allowing multiple cases of fraud.
  9. Over look voters who vote more than one time, i.e. those who are residents of two states and vote in each state illegally.
  10. Give voter IDs to anyone and everyone.
  11. Target Republican voters and cancel out their ballots.
  12. Emphatically say there is no such thing as voter fraud! While at the same time conducting voter fraud by all means available.

The final outcome of these Democrat Party policy positions is to enforce a popular voting system and then control that system at the ballot box.
Is 2020 the death of our Constitutional Republic?
Is it the final nail in our free and fair elections’ coffin? Are we entering a socialist state where the ballot box is totally controlled the state, and how the people vote be damned.
The sentiment “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything” that originated with Stalin has now been perfected by Joe Biden as the leader of the Democrat Party in 2020.
We believe that we must trust in President Trump to get to the bottom of this Art of the Steal. Expose it for what it is. A blatant very public effort to steal an election.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
We Must Have Election Results We Can Trust
Analysis: Illegal votes by non-citizens alone may have proved decisive in 2020
Did a ‘computer glitch’ flip 2,392,722 Trump votes to Biden?
THE STORM: America is at a tipping point!
President Trump is Singlehandedly Restoring Our Free and Fair Election System and the People Love Him For It!

VIDEOS: Trump Campaign Exposes Voting Software ‘Rigging’ in Swing State of Nevada

Watch as members of the Trump campaign confirm that election software used in Nevada was rigged. Dead people voted. People who had moved out of the state of Nevada voted. And a whistleblower had confirmed that invalid ballots were counted by the order of his supervisor.
Giuliani on fraud lawsuits.

Examples of voter fraud pour in

Focusing on Nevada – Megan Barth Michelle Malkin

Michigan Republicans to Probe Voting Software After Counting Error
35,000 Ballots that Were Deceptively Brought in…
EDITORS NOTE: This Election 2020 update by Vlad Tepes Blog is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Overall Multi-State Data: Mathematical Evidence

This information was posted on MIL-OPS a Defense Department site approved for discussion among military officers and military retirees with appropriate military specialties.
First Benford’s Law.
Via GNews:

As the vote counting for the 2020 Presidential Election continues, various facts suggest rampant frauds in Joe Biden’s votes. So does mathematics in terms of the votes from precincts.

Benford’s law or the first-digit law, is used to check if a set of numbers are naturally occurring or manually fabricated. It has been applied to detect the voting frauds in Iranian 2009 election and various other applications including forensic investigations.
This is what described by Wikipedia:

“Benford’s law, or the first-digit law, is an observation about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many real-life sets of numerical data. The law states that in many naturally occurring collections of numbers, the leading digit is likely to be small.
For example, in sets that obey the law, the number 1 appears as the leading significant digit about 30% of the time, while 9 appears as the leading significant digit less than 5% of the time. If the digits were distributed uniformly, they would each occur about 11.1% of the time. Benford’s law also makes predictions about the distribution of second digits, third digits, digit combinations, and so on.”

One of the examples is the population of the world, which are naturally occurring numbers…
…It looks like maybe Biden had lost big cities like Chicago and Pittsburgh, which is why the fraudulent votes need to be brought in, which skew his curve away from a normal looking one.
For those who are interested to reproduce the analysis, you can follow the instructions here and give it a go.

Benford Law analysis of Chicago, Milwaukee and Pittsburgh show THREE CITIES where there was likely fraud to benefit Joe Biden.

Voter Fraud in Wisconsin – Massive Dump of Over 100,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Appear Overnight

“In the United States, evidence-based on Benford’s law has been admitted in criminal cases at the federal, state, and local levels.”
It was also used to determine fraud in the 2000 and 2004 U.S elections. I conducted a Chi-test comparing Michigan’s precinct vote counts to Benford’s law and found that Biden/Haris votes returned a, 0.000017% (Statistically significant, especially with a very large sample) whereas Trump/Pence votes returned a score of,
53.059791% and whilst looking at my data set I noticed there were 0 write-in votes in Michigan
Very odd stuff.
This is the source I used for my data,
Here are some pictures of the spreadsheets with a graph comparison of the expected results vs what actually happened.
Biden’s vote numbers in Michigan do not match Benford’s law at a 99.999% significance level.

Benford’s Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past – Joe Biden’s Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed — No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information

Mathematical Evidence

According to CBS News, President Trump does not plan to concede in the event that the media declares Joe Biden the winner of the election, and elected the 46th president of the United States. The Trump campaign and it’s top advisers called for multiple lawsuits on the grounds that the ongoing vote count would result in tallying illegally cast ballots.
The lawsuits will amount to an aggressive effort to highlight anomalies, statistical impossibilities, or other perceived problems that could affect vote counts before a final presidential winner is declared.
Many reporters at press conferences that took place in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan on Thursday asked his political appointees and supporters for evidence of the wide-scale problems they alleged occurred.
If it is just the mathematical evidence Americans are looking for, there is endless evidence. Here are just the facts.
Statistical Impossibilities in Wisconsin and Michigan: 
In both Michigan and Wisconsin, several vote dumps occurred at approximately 4am on Wednesday morning, which showed that Joe Biden received almost 100 percent of the votes. President Trump was leading by hundreds of thousands of votes in both states as America went to sleep, and turnout in the state of Wisconsin seems to be particularly impossible.
With absentee ballots, former vice-president Joe Biden was also up 60 points in Pennsylvania and almost 40 points in Michigan According to the New York Times.  Comparably, Biden was only up single digits in absentee voting in most other battleground states. Wisconsin has not yet been reported.
Elections officials in Michigan and Wisconsin could not explain Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s sudden and dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states Wednesday morning.
When asked at a Wednesday press conference how this occurred, Michigan Department of State spokesperson Aneta Kiersnowski told reporters “We cannot speculate as to why the results lean one way or another.”
This is particularly concerning considering republicans led in mail-in ballots requested and mail-in and in-person ballots returned leading up to and at the start of election day.
According to NBC News on election day before the polls opened, In Michigan, Republicans led 41% to 39% in Mail-in Ballots requested. Republicans also led 42% to 39% with Mail-in and in-person ballots returned.
In Wisconsin on election day before the polls opened, Republicans led Mail-in Ballots requested 43% to 35%, and Mail-in and early in-person ballots returned 43% to 35%. Almost ALL of the ballots found, while most in the country were sleeping, after they officials stated they would stop counting, were for Joe Biden.
Some statistically savvy observers noticed other mathematical flaws, as random numbers in statistics should follow a pattern in their distribution. If the numbers are falsified, it is easy to detect.
The increase in Democrats relative to Republicans was significantly higher when the Democrat was doing worse overall in early counting. Within each ward, late votes break heavily to Democr
The increase in Democrats relative to Republicans was significantly higher when the Democrat was doing worse overall in early counting. Within each ward, late votes break heavily to Democrat in exactly the races where they are likely to affect the result.Biden’s Vote Tallies Violate Benford’s Law:
According to some analysts, Biden’s Vote Tallies Violate Benford’s Law, as all of the other candidates’ tallies follow Benford’s law across the country, except for Biden’s when he gets in a tight race. Biden pretty clearly fails an accepted test for catching election fraud, used by the State Department and forensic accountants.
Analysts ran the data with Allegheny using the Mebane 2nd digit test with Trump vs Biden. The difference was significant. It just doesn’t work. Biden’s is fishy, many significant deviations. In Trump’s there were only 2 deviations but neither are significant at the 5% level. The X-asis is the digit in question, the Y-axis is the % of observations with that digit.
So as an example, if the total votes for Biden is 100 in a precinct, “0” is the second digit. If the total votes were 110, “1” is the second digit, and so on.
For Biden in Allegheny absentee ballots, there are multiple significant deviations. For Trump, none of the deviations are significant at the 5% level.
Senate and House Races Compared to Presidential Seem Curious
Others have taken a look at ballot numbers in important states with no down-ballot votes, versus states that are not swing states, and noticed a disturbing trend.
In Michigan, Trump received 2,637,173 votes while the GOP senate candidate received 2,630,042 votes. The difference here is only 7,131 which is not far off from what we see historically. In the same state, Joe Biden received 2,787,544 votes while the Democratic senate candidate received 2,718,451. The difference is 69,093 votes which is much higher than the historical norm.
In Barack Obama’s 2008 victory, he received a total of 2,867,680 votes, while the democratic senate candidate received 3,033,000 votes. Somehow Joe Biden gained over 60,000 ballots with no down-ballot vote.
In Georgia, it’s even worse. President Trump gained 2,432,799 votes, while the GOP Senate candidate tallied 2,433,617 votes. This is a difference of only 818 votes. Joe Biden in contrast gained 2,414,651 votes, while his Democratic Senate candidate tallied 2,318,850 votes.  This is a difference of 95,801 votes.
In many counties and states across the country, including in those called for Biden or where Trump is now trailing, Republicans substantially overperformed what was projected. NBC estimates Republicans may ultimately end up gaining as many as eight seats.
In Cuyahoga, Ohio, Joe Biden only had a net gain of 4,000 votes compared to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 performance, yet at the same time had a net gain of almost 70,000 in Wayne County Michigan. Numbers like this are unprecedented and highly questionable. Some economists have even expressed their confusion regarding what happened in Wayne county and Milwaukee in the dead of night.
Joe Biden apparently ended up with millions more votes than Barack Obama received in his historic 2008 election where he ended up with 365 electoral votes, winning Florida, North Carolina, and even Indiana.  This is even with millions more votes to be counted yet in 2020.
Massive Enthusiasm Gap:
Joe Biden with almost record low enthusiasm, underperformed across many major cities compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
In New York City, Chicago, and Miami, he was down 201,408, 260,835, and 6,945 respectively.

However, in the states Biden needed to overtake Trump in 2020, he gained massively.  According to the Associated Press vote total data, in Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Pittsburg, he was up 76,518, 67,630, 28,429, and 29,150 respectively.
According to polling, The difference in enthusiasm for the candidates is significant. Trump leads 52.9 percent to 45 percent among the 51.2 percent of registered Rust Belt voters who say they are “Extremely Enthusiastic” about voting for their preferred candidate. Among likely voters who are extremely enthusiastic, the president enjoys a double-digit advantage—60.5 percent to 44.9 percent.

Less than half of the supporters of former vice president Joe Biden, (46.9 percent) said they were voting for Joe Biden because they like the candidate. Approximately 8 in 10 voted for President Trump because they wanted his as President.
Pennsylvania Chaos:
In Pennsylvania, Trump led by almost 800,000 votes on election night after most Americans headed to bed. Over the course of the last 72 hours, President Trump’s lead shrunk to less than a 95,000 vote lead in the keystone state, and then Joe Biden took the lead.
Over the past couple of days, batches of votes started flowing into the final tally, mostly in favor of Joe Biden. Five Thirty Eight reported recently that “Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported: 23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden”
The Pennsylvania Democratic Party predicted the remaining 580,000 uncounted mail-in ballots will go resoundingly for Joe Biden, projecting that the former vice president will carry the state by about 175,000 votes.
“Based on the Party distribution of the ballots cast in each county, we believe that 75% of the remaining ballots will go to Joe Biden,” state Sen. Sharif Street wrote in a statement. “We project Biden will win by about 175,000 votes.”
Biden is only leading in Pennsylvania by just a few thousand votes.
According to Politico, it was the ballots found in postal facilities that put Biden over the top in Pennsylvania. Postal workers found more than 1,000 ballots in Philadelphia facilities Thursday and 300 in Pittsburgh. The Philadelphia and Pittsburgh ballots were part of more than 2,000 ballots discovered in dozens of postal facilities across the two states and expedited to election officials, pursuant to a judge’s court order.
For what it’s worth, there also happens to be a record number of 90-year-olds registered to vote in one year, during a pandemic, than at any point in Pennsylvania history.
Confirmed Errors: 
On election day, there were several confirmed reporting errors that were fixed upon being revealed by journalists as they watched the numbers roll in.
In Arizona according to Politico, An error found in Edison Research data that was identified by a journalist showed that 98% of the vote had been counted in Arizona when in fact only 84% of the vote had been counted.  Officials corrected this mistake when it was pointed out.
In Georgia, Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said.
The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election. That glitch prevented poll workers from using the pollbooks to program smart cards that the voters insert into the voting machines.
“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley said. Ridley said she did not know what the upload contained.
There was also something suspicious about the vote reporting in Antrim County, Michigan, where Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 30 points in 2016. Initial vote totals there showed Biden ahead of Trump by 29 points, a result that can’t possibly be accurate, as plenty of journalists noted.
When NY Times journalist pointed this out on Twitter, they corrected this and called this an ‘error.’
According to the Detroit Free Press, a USA Today affiliate, officials investigated the wonky election results in Antrim County.
Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy said results on electronic tapes and a computer were somehow scrambled after the cards were transported in sealed bags from township precincts to county offices and uploaded onto a computer.
In 2016, Trump won Antrim County with about 62% of the vote, compared with about 33% for Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump beat Clinton by about 4,000 votes.
Wednesday morning, Antrim results showed Democrat Joe Biden leading Trump by slightly more than 3,000 votes, with 98% of precincts reporting.
More in Michigan
In Oakland County’s 15th county commission district, a fixed computer glitch turned a losing Republican into a winner. A computer error led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later.  The incumbent, Adam Kochenderfer appeared to lose by a few hundred votes, an outcome that seemed odd to many in his campaign.  After the apparent computer error was found and fixed, Kochenderfer ended up winning by over 1,000 votes.
There were many other confirmed errors, including in Virginia where 100,000 extra votes were tallied for Joe Biden, and more may be revealed as the weeks go on.
There were also many processing delays, specifically in Fulton county Georgia where a pipe suddenly burst in the processing center.
On November 4th, at approximately 6:07 a.m., the staff at State Farm Arena notified Fulton County Registration and Elections of a burst pipe affecting the room where absentee ballots were being tabulated.
As of 7 p.m. on Wednesday Fulton County Elections officials said 30,000 absentee ballots were not processed due to a pipe burst. Officials reassured voters that none of the ballots were damaged and the water was quickly cleaned up.
But the emergency delayed officials from processing ballots between 5:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
Former Politicians of Blue Cities Chime In:

President Trump was leading big until certain Rust Belt states froze their ballot return reports. When reporting resumed, Trump began to lose steadily.
In Mexico, 1988, the PRI was losing handily until ballot returns froze, only to resume in a massive pro-PRI turnaround.

“In an autobiography that began circulating in Mexico this week, de la Madrid sheds more light on that dark night in Mexico’s history. What he reveals is not new, political analysts said. But in 850 pages, de la Madrid’s memoirs give the firmest confirmation to date of one of this country’s biggest open secrets: the presidential elections of 1988 were rigged.

Political analysts and historians have described that election as one of the most egregious examples of the fraud that allowed the Institutional Revolutionary Party to control this country for more than seven decades, and the beginning of the end of its authoritarian rule.”
Rod Blagojevich explained that there is no question that this is what is happening in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and other cities. “In big cities where they control the political apparatus and they control the apparatus that counts the votes, and they control the polling places and the ones who count the votes, it’s widespread and it’s deep,” Blagojevich said on Friday.
I guess even corrupt politicians who went to jail understand the impossibility that Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton in only cities located in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin.  All while the GOP lost zero house races, and won 8 of 11 governors races.
As Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza once said, “Indeed, you won the elections, but I won the count.”

Ballots Received After Election Day
A federal judge on Wednesday said he may call Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to testify about why the U.S. Postal Service missed an Election-Day deadline to sweep locations in several states for left behind mail-in ballots.
The order, issued by U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, was meant to trigger sweeps of facilities in six key battleground states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Texas, Arizona and Florida. Some of the 12 districts included in the order have legislation against accepting ballots after midnight on election night.
“Now you can tell your clients this in no uncertain terms,” Sullivan said in a Wednesday hearing. “I am not pleased about this 11th-hour development last night. You can tell your clients that someone may have a price to pay for that.”
According to the Washington Post, more than 150,000 ballots were caught in U.S. Postal Service processing facilities and not delivered by Election Day.
In a pair of decisions, the Supreme Court on Wednesday let election officials in two key battleground states, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, accept absentee ballots for several days after Election Day.
In the Pennsylvania case, the court refused a plea from Republicans in the state that it decide before Election Day whether election officials can continue receiving absentee ballots until November 12th.
In the North Carolina case, the court let stand lower court rulings that allowed the state’s board of elections to extend the deadline to nine days after Election Day, up from the three days called for by the state legislature.
On October 26th, the Supreme Court declined to extend the deadline for counting of mail-in votes in Wisconsin, a victory for Republicans who brought the legal challenge. This particular extension order originally came from a federal judge in September, a crucial point that the conservatives on the court all agreed on: federal courts shouldn’t micromanage state-run elections.
The Supreme Court ordered Pennsylvania Democrats to respond by Thursday evening in a case challenging the state’s three-day extension for counting mail-in ballots.
President Trump has moved to intervene in a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania Republicans, arguing the state’s Democratic Party and Secretary of State violated the law by extending the time for counting mail-in ballots to Nov. 6 at 5 p.m., despite the state legislature setting the deadline as Election Day.
The lawsuit takes issue with a state Supreme Court ruling that postmarked ballots be presumed to have been mailed before Nov. 3, even if not clearly postmarked to that effect.
North Carolina will not finish counting votes in the presidential and state elections until local elections boards process outstanding mail-in and provisional ballots next week, according to state elections officials.
The process, spelled out in state law, means the winner of North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes for presidentlikely won’t be known until next Friday, Nov. 13.
The court, at Trump’s request, recently issued an interim order to election boards to set aside certain mail ballots that lack identifying info for the voter, and to not count those votes until after the court rules further.
Thousands of Deceased Confirmed to Be Registered and Some Even Voting:
An observer noticed something curious about some of the names on the ballots recorded in the state of Michigan.  Upon further review, one particular name out of the list, and confirmed to have cast a ballot, happened to be born in 1902 and passed away in 1984.
A pollster noticed the list and video and used social security death index data confirming the deceased voter.

Here is a list of over 14,000 dead people who either voted in Wayne County (Detroit) or we’re registered to vote.
Here is the website where you can verify for yourself. Note that you have to guess-check the month of birth.
Another poll watcher who was later kicked out for taking photographs, noticed a decent sized list of Michigan residents who have also been confirmed to have cast their ballots.  All of the names on the list he reviewed show their birthdate in chronological order.  Apparently, there are many voters born in the early 1900’s in the great lakes state.
A lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) alleges that there are at least 21,000 dead people on Pennsylvania’s voter rolls. The lawsuit claims that Pennsylvania failed to “reasonably maintain” their voter registration records under federal and state law in time for the 2020 presidential election.
“As of October 7, 2020, at least 9,212 registrants have been dead for at least five years, at least 1,990 registrants have been dead for at least ten years, and at least 197 registrants have been dead for at least twenty years,” the lawsuit states.
“Pennsylvania still left the names of more than 21,000 dead individuals on the voter rolls less than a month before one of the most consequential general elections for federal officeholders in many years,” the lawsuit continues.
According to the lawsuit, about 92 percent of the 21,000 dead people on Pennsylvania’s voter rolls died sometime before October 2019. About 216 dead people show voting credits after federally listed dates of death in 2016 and 2018, the lawsuit alleges.
Studies Finds Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Ballots, and More Votes than Existing Registered Voters:
According to CBS LA, Ellen Swensen with the Election Integrity Project California says they found more than 277,000 questionable ballots were mailed this election year in L.A. County before election day.
That’s 63% of all the questionable ballots mailed statewide.
It includes more than 4,800 duplicate ballots mailed to the same person, and 728 ballots mailed to people who likely have died. In 2016 their investigation found many dead voters still registered. Now four years later, there are more.
If this is happening in LA, it’s certainly happening in major cities nationwide.
In October, Judicial Watch released a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveal a notable disparity.
The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens.
“In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100% including Michigan.
Milwaukee recently ‘updated’ its voting data for its wards after a newspaper pointed out 7 wards had more votes than registered voters.  Some voter turnouts originally showed higher than 200%.
In Nevada, lawsuits are underway regarding over 3,000 individuals who have cast their ballot illegally in the election.
A Letter to from lawyers to Attorney General Bill Barr, which included 60 pages voter records, stated that they have identified 3,062 individuals who appear to have improperly cast mail ballot in the election. We verified this by cross referencing the names and addresses of voters with National Change of Address database,” said Catherine Herridge of CBS News.
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

America Can’t Let This Lesson From the 2020 Election Go to Waste

Many Americans were prepared to wake up Wednesday without having a winner of the presidential election decided yet. Election officials had to count an unprecedented number of mail-in ballots due to COVID-19, so some delay was to be expected.
What many Americans were not prepared for was the confusion, uncertainty, and distrust that the country was plunged into.
Multiple states still are undecided, and the process of resolving this uncertainty turned nasty.
The position of Joe Biden and his supporters is to “count every vote.” President Donald Trump’s representatives, on the other hand, are calling for only legal votes to be counted.
The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>
The Trump campaign is reacting to accusations of corruption and fraud occurring in several key swing states, as well as reports in some areas that election officials refused to allow qualified GOP observers to observe the ballot-counting process.
These accusations prompted the Trump campaign to seek a recount in Wisconsin and to file lawsuits in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.
It’s an ugly development in an already ugly year, and it is making Americans across the country lose confidence in the election process. That is absolutely poison for the health of our democracy.
The reason our democratic republic has functioned as well as it has for the past 231 years is because of our trust in the electoral process.
When confidence in the election process disappears, confidence in the legitimacy of government disappears with it. It is a very potent way to destabilize a democracy.
That’s why adversarial nations use election interference as a weapon against democracies around the world.
The truth of what happened in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin remains to be seen. Given the unusualness of holding an election during a pandemic, and the massive influx of mail-in ballots that come with it, it is eminently reasonable to take a closer look at the vote-counting process.
Unsurprisingly, the left has a plan of attack for this very eventuality.
The Trump campaign’s attempt to investigate potential fraud plays into a narrative that the left has promulgated weeks ago: that Trump will stage a coup if he doesn’t like the results of the election.
“Donald Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede,” asserts a writer at The Atlantic.
A chorus of similar articles from left-leaning publications primed their readers to anticipate that the president of the United States would behave like a despotic dictator should the vote not go in his favor.
“If Trump won’t concede, these activists have a plan. Groups like the Movement for Black Lives, the Sunrise Movement, and the Women’s March are ready for November 4,” declared Vox the day before Election Day.
The website, paid for by the leftist organizations Stand Up America and Indivisible Action, will direct visitors to nearby protests.
Clearly, enormous thought and preparation have gone into blocking the Trump campaign from investigating possible fraud and irregularities while the election remains undecided. To protract this period any longer only prolongs this tension, introduces more opportunities for fraud, and further erodes confidence in the legitimacy of the election process.
So how can we prevent this from happening again?
The fact that Americans are experiencing any confusion, uncertainty, and distrust at all right now means that we must safeguard the integrity of our election process.
Legal experts at The Heritage Foundation long have fought to bolster election integrity. They maintain a database of election fraud cases in the U.S. and identify the voting policies being pushed by the left that would make our elections even more insecure.
Heritage’s experts in the rule of law offer a clear road map to making sure the ambiguity and distrust we face today does not happen again.
Not surprisingly, they have received vicious backlash for suggesting that election fraud exists, especially from mainstream media outlets.
But if the 2020 election provides us with at least one lesson, it is that we cannot delay safeguarding the integrity of our election process.
For now, we should determine the winner of the election without delay. As we do so, let’s not simply count every vote, but count every legal vote.

Christian Mysliwiec is commentary editor of The Daily Signal. Twitter:
Minorities rallied to Trump—and all the experts are baffled
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Election Wins and Losses for Pro-Life Movement

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

With Locally-run Elections, a Handful of Big Dem Cities Now Can Control Entire U.S.

Democrats have lamented how the Electoral College gives smaller states outsized influence over presidential elections. But consider what they’ve done via illegal means: given a handful of Democrat-run, major cities far greater influence over the current election.
That is, with vote-fraud being mainly a Democrat-big-city phenomenon, we now face the prospect that shenanigans in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta and some other leftist metropolises will be the deciding factor in who takes the White House next year.
(If you doubt this, know that ex-Democrat governor Rod Blagojevich just called such vote fraud a “time-honored” Democrat tradition. All connected Democrats know this, by the way.)
Such corruption has made some wonder how it is that we have state- and locally-controlled elections for federal offices when these contests affect the whole nation. It’s a good question, and the answer is that this is part of the wide-ranging powers states are constitutionally granted.
So this is definitely part of the Founders’ vision. Yet there’s a problem: A much larger part of their vision — a federal government so small and non-intrusive that who controls it is of little consequence to the states — has been scrapped. So where presidential elections were once merely a matter of who’d run the federal government, they now can be a matter of who’ll run Americans’ lives.
As to the Founders’ vision, consider that the acknowledged “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison, said that the “powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”
Do you think we’d have a battle over the election so intense that some are talking of civil war if the above were still status quo?
Just to cement the point, know that the federal powers were meant to “be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce,” Madison explained. “The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.”
People today aren’t frantic and scared about who’ll control the central government because they’re worried about “external objects,” such as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. They’re frightened because the feds’ assumed powers are becoming numerous and indefinite.
It was unthinkable in the young United States that the central government would create an income tax, issue a national “mask mandate,” determine what your kids would be taught in school, impose “transgender” privileges masquerading as “rights,” tell businessmen who they may hire and fire, or foist socialism or a “Green New Deal” upon the nation. Yet all these things and far more have either already been done or have been proposed.
In fact, Professor Walter E. Williams estimated many years ago that two-thirds of what the federal government was involved in amounted to unconstitutional endeavors. Moreover, that proportion is surely higher today.
So what now exists is a dangerous incongruence: States still have the freedom to run their own elections and possibly, via corruption, swing a presidential contest toward a demagogue.
But they don’t have the freedom from federal control that would make that demagogue relatively insignificant in people’s lives. For the feds’ domain is no longer limited to “external objects,” but ever-burgeoning internal objects.
Put differently, founding principles are now detached from one another, creating an imbalance in which authority over elections is localized while the consequences of elections are federalized.
In a way, this issue is reminiscent of why we also now have society rending battles over Supreme Court nominees. Kamala Harris had her history wrong when she claimed at the vice-presidential debate that Abraham Lincoln waited until after an election to choose a SCOTUS candidate because he wanted to let the people “make the decision.” In reality, Lincoln refrained only because the Senate was out of session at the time.
The very day it resumed, he presented his nominee and that man was immediately confirmed. It was routine and uncontroversial for the same reason such nominees always were until later in our history: The courts at the time adhered far more closely to the founding principle that they should rule based only on the Constitution.
But once they began arrogating greater power to themselves and judicially imposing faux law that affected average Americans’ lives, their nomination contests became like our current presidential elections: knock-down, drag-out, winner-take-all affairs.
It’s only getting worse, too, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talking about compiling a hit list of Trump supporters to be targeted for punishment. So now a handful of corrupt major cities could give us a federal government that will persecute Americans nationwide.
If you think I’ll now propose federalizing elections, you’ll either be disappointed or relieved. While this might minimize locally instigated corruption, it would introduce the prospect of federally instigated corruption as soon as Philly local-machine types (e.g., Biden and Harris) won a national election.
If we’re going to entertain changes requiring constitutional amendments, a better idea would be to give each locality a certain number of votes akin to electoral ones, whose number would correspond to the jurisdiction’s population. This would determine, along with the other localities’ votes, what candidate wins its state and receives the latter’s electoral votes.
This would eliminate rampant presidential-election vote fraud in big cities that support Democrats by wide margins. Stealing another 100,000 votes doesn’t help when your “electoral vote” count can’t be increased. (This would be beneficial for gubernatorial elections, too.)
At the end of the day, though, a better remedy still is one far more difficult to effect: constitutionalism and its prerequisite, morality in the people. As Founding Father John Witherspoon warned, a “republic once equally poised, must either preserve its virtue or lose its liberty, and by some tumultuous revolution, either return to its first principles, or assume a more unhappy form.”
We’ve long been losing our liberties, and some conclude that a tumultuous revolution is the only recourse. But we should remember that unless we first have a revolution in hearts and minds and return to virtue, an unhappy form will ultimately be our lot.
Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to
©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.


Increasingly, it looks like the election process, particularly in battleground states, is so flawed that their results, as presently reported, cannot stand.  Evidence has been mounting faster than we can tally it demonstrating that we have indeed been witnessing an attempted election theft on a massive scale, and thankfully, it looks increasingly likely to fail.
The attack on election integrity took place in multiple states using both conventional and cyber methods. On the conventional front, physical manipulation of ballots and tabulation processes have been perpetrated in selected jurisdictions. The malfeasance took multiple forms, seemingly centered   on the tampering of mail-in ballots.  In Philadelphia, multiple efforts were made by election officials to hide the tabulation process from the public, efforts so brazen that they have included disobeying court orders to allow representatives from the Trump campaign and the Republican Party from overseeing the counting process.  The brazenness of their efforts was heightened by the actual changing of the counting facility’s layout to make sure that counting stations were too far to allow for any effective oversight.
Philadelphia was also the first subject of Supreme Court intervention when Justice Alito ordered the facility to separate out and seal ballots that came in after 8 p.m. on November 3, 2020.  Unconfirmed by this writer are reports that Justice Alito had to issue the order twice because of noncompliance.  Regardless, as of this writing, there is no evidence the orders were obeyed.
In Georgia, a video seems to show thousands of navy ballots being found in nearby dumpsters with no explanation as to how or why they got there.
In Michigan, there is the late arrival of over 100,000 ballots, all for Biden, in one mysterious batch. Moreover, the GOP claims to have collected over one hundred affidavits from poll workers and post office employees, amongst others, attesting to the frauds they have witnessed.  These include reports from postal workers ordered to change the receipt-dates of ballot envelopes received after the election deadline so that they would be falsely stamped as having timely arrived.  And similar to Philadelphia, Wayne County poll watchers have been kept from witnessing tabulations, this time through the use of locked doors and covered windows.
In Nevada, the GOP has already filed suit alleging over 3,000 instances of persons with residencies outside of that state who nevertheless cast ballots in the Nevada election.  The plaintiffs report this to be the first of many batches they will be providing, some of which involve the deceased and may number as many as 7,000 votes.
On the virtual front is the intrusion of software designed to flip votes.  A vote-counting software by Dominion, called Hammer, appears to be the conduit for the manipulation.  The software is equipped with an app called Scorecard designed to flip up to 3% of the votes.  Discovered as a “glitch” by a poll worker in Michigan, the computer program was identified as the culprit in flipping 6,000 Trump votes to Biden votes (a 12,000 vote swing) in Antrim County.  Manual  tabulations have handed that county back to President Trump, but a review of the various programs used throughout Michigan indicate forty-seven counties may have been affected.  It also appears the software was used in eleven states, including every state presently under contention.
The origins of the Hammer and Scorecard are even more disturbing as they seem to link its production and distribution to Senator Diane Feinstein’s family and the Chinese.  Most compelling is a conversation between Steve Bannon and Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney that took place prior to November 3, 2020.  Here, General McInerney reports that Hammer is software developed by the NSA and picked up by the CIA as a Signals Intelligence Program (SIGIP).  According to McInerney, the Obama Administration added Scorecard to change vote counts by up to 3%.  What’s most compelling about this interview is McInerney’s prediction that the program would deploy on election night.  “They’re trying to set up this voting thing for Tuesday night,” said McInereny.  “It’s gonna look good for President Trump, but they’re going to change it.  And that’s the danger that Americans and everybody must realize.”
A simply amazing, apparent demonstration of the moment the “glitch” took place was captured by one CNN viewer involving the  Andy Beshear/Matt Bevin race in Kentucky.  The viewer showed the exact moment when Bevin lost 560 votes and Beshear gained the exact, same number.
Adding credibility to the concerns are the statistical anomalies in vote tabulations.  Benford’s Law, a statistical analysis used to detect fraud, evaluates the distribution of the first digits in multiple results.  This cycle, all elections tested, except Biden’s, comply with the predictions of the law.
Then there are the statistical impossibilities.  It is highly unlikely in an election that saw an increase in House seats for the President’s party and no change in his senate races, that the President would not prevail.  Of course, the mysterious arrival of over 100,000 votes in Michigan and Wisconsin, 100% of which were  only for Biden, strains credulity.  Another oddity, the percentage of mail-in votes in Pennsylvania (60.55) Michigan (37.95%) compared to the next closest states (Ohio at 15.3% and Arizona at 6.4%) raises significant concerns.
There is also the inexplicably high numbers of votes collected for Biden in certain jurisdictions.  Thus far in 2020, President Trump has handily overwhelmed his 2016 numbers.  His vote counts have been so large, that in order for him to lose, former Vice President Biden would need to have surpassed Hillary Clinton’s vote counts in 2016 and President Barack Obama’s vote counts in 2012. In no state does that happen except in some major cities in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona, a highly unlikely result.  Most notably, in Wisconsin, a 91% voter turnout is being recorded, blowing past the prior record of 66.8%, a difference of greater than five standards of deviation from the norm.
The totality of the data overwhelmingly suggests that the election, particularly those in highly contested states, has been breached, fatally tainted by malfeasants and opportunists.  The saving grace is that they have been largely discovered, leaving only two questions to be answered.  First, can the GOP and Trump’s lawyers successfully execute the legal arguments?  And second, will the judiciary have the intestinal fortitude to invalidate those illegal votes, regardless of their massive numbers?
If there truly is an attempt to steal this election, then it is imperative the coup be stopped because if not, there will literally be no reason to ever hold another election again.
RELATED ARTICLE: Did a ‘computer glitch’ flip 7.9 million Trump votes to Biden?
EDITORS NOTE: This The Federalist Pages column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Did a ‘computer glitch’ flip 2,392,722 Trump votes to Biden?

computer glitch is the failure of a system, usually containing a computing device, to complete its functions or to perform them properly.

“The presidency is chosen by electors from all 50 states, not news organizations riven with bias.” – Greg Jarrett
“If you count the LEGAL votes, I easily win the Election. If you count the ILLEGAL and LATE votes, the Radical Left can steal this Election from us.” – President Donald J. Trump

We first learned about what was called a “computer glitch” that flipped Trump votes into Biden votes in the state of Michigan. Watch:

But it’s much, much worse!

In one county in Michigan Joe Biden was well ahead, but the tally didn’t match with the past voting patterns. In the last 135 years the voters of Antrim County voted Republican in 32 of 34 elections. It turned out the software used in the voting machines had flipped as many as 6,000 votes. After the error was fixed, Donald Trump was 2,000 votes ahead of Biden.
Another computer glitch in Oakland County Michigan caused a similar flip. What are the odds? Strangely, it didn’t flip votes up for Trump, only down. Not so much a bug perhaps as a design feature?
The philanthropy group that worked with Dominion from 2014 – 2017  to provide “access to Voting Technology” for “emerging democracies”? The Clinton Foundation.
This voting technology may now be the largest automated system to steal an election in U.S. history.
Because of this the Republicans have asked for another 47 Michigan counties (of 83 counties) to recount their votes, but it’s worse than that.  Dominion Software is used in 30 other states across the USA, including every single “key” swinging state. Some of their machines were also reportedly faulty on the day of the election and voting hours were extended for those counties to try to help those who couldn’t vote due to the breakdown.
Watch: Gen. McInerney, Sydney Powell, Steve Bannon Project Hammer & Scorecard.

Townhall’s Beth Baumann in an article titled Paper Warned About the Software Company at Center of Ballot Glitches in Swing States; UPDATE: MI SOS Responds reported:

Spalding County Board of Elections Supervisor Marcia Ridley told POLITICO Dominion Voting Systems performed an update on machines. KnowInk, which makes electronic poll books to sign voters, also created an update. Both are something that is out of the norm, Ridley said.
“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley explained, saying she had no idea what was in the update.

What Our Research Found

Even though Dominion Software is used in 30 states across the USA we focused on just 10 of those states in our investigation.
Let’s look at the following 10 states that use this same software to understand the potential number of votes flipped in each state using the number of votes for Biden but taking away 3% of the votes cast:

  1. Michigan – 2,790,648 x 3% = 83,719 votes.
  2. Illinois – 3,056,219 x 3% = 91,685  votes.
  3. New York – 3,694,996 x 3% = 110,849 votes.
  4. New Jersey – 2,029,493 x 3% = 60,884 votes.
  5. Georgia – 2,463,889 x 3% = 73,911 votes. Biden leads in Georgia by 9,160 votes.
  6. Colorado – 1,753,416 x 3% = 52,602 votes.
  7. New Mexico – 496,826 x 3% = 14,904 votes.
  8. Utah – 489,469 x 3% = 14,684 votes.
  9. Nevada – 647,474 x 3% = 19,424 votes. Biden leads in Nevada by 27,550 votes.
  10. California – 9,163,752 x 3% = 274,912 votes.


These 797,574 votes, times 3 for 30 states, equals an estimated 2,392,722 “flipped votes” from Trump to Biden!

NOTE: We have sent an email to Dominion Voting to reply to these findings. When they reply we will update this column.

More Causes of the Chaos

But this isn’t all that is causing chaos in the 2020 election. Add to this the mail-in-vote fraud in multiple states, the ballots arriving after the polls have closed in multiple, including swing states, exclusively in favor of Biden.
Trump Campaign Pennsylvania News Conference
Shortly after the Associated Press called the 2020 presidential race for Democrat Joe BidenPresident Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani held a news conference in Philadelphia to cast doubt on the results of the election, focusing on the count in Pennsylvania. “Philadelphia is a professional place for voter fraud because you have a decrepit Democrat machine that you have had in power for 60 years,” claimed the former Republican mayor of New York City. Campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski and a couple of Philadelphia residents also spoke, alleging they were not given adequate access to observe ballot counting. Mr. Giuliani said “networks don’t get to decide elections” and vowed legal challenges to the vote count.

The media is desperately trying to cover up the #FlippedtheVote scandal. They are so desperate that Associated Press followed by CNN, ABC, NBC et. al. called the election for Biden on the morning of November 7th with other social media sites immediately chiming in.
The Trump campaign put out a statement [see below video] after the media frenzy to falsely install Biden as president saying that without a single one of the 50 states certifying their electoral votes, the winner of the 2020 Presidential election is, without a doubt, unknown.
Watch: The Trump campaign statement on falsely calling the election for Biden:

This election is not over by a long shot.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
CrossRoads: Pennsylvania voting curve does not add up


Michigan Republican Given Rightful Victory After Computer Glitch Fixed
The Hammer and Scorecard smoking gun: 150,000 Michigan presidential ‘voters’ didn’t vote for Senate.
Trump Campaign to Challenge Mail-In Ballots Counted in Absence of GOP Observers
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Team Trump Legal Team Says They’re Armed to Teeth With “Incontrovertible Evidence”
Republican-Led Michigan Legislature to Hold Hearings on Election Fraud Claims
Georgia Counties Using Same Software as Michigan Counties Also Encounter ‘Glitch’ That Flipped Trump Ballots for Biden

Interview with the author of “The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with Kindness”

Joan Swirsky Interviews author Linda Goudsmit on her recently published opus, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’.

Joan (JS): Linda…when did you have the blazing insight that what you were witnessing in the politics of American leftists were not sincere efforts to improve the system, but rather elaborate hoaxes designed to destroy our country?  
Linda (LG): From 2017 to 2019––I wrote a number of articles in response to current events. At about the third article, I realized that there was a consistent pattern of leftist political policies that were presented as altruistic, but in  reality were deceitful, tactical, political strategies deliberately designed to collapse––to destroy––America from within.
JS: Indeed, your book spells out the quite astounding number of 50 Humanitarian Hoaxes! And quite courageously, you identify the culprits you believe are responsible for this malevolent con job on America. I must add here that readers can also access your articles at: and
LG: Yes, there are many perpetrators of this stealth attack––and malevolence describes its destructiveness. But the Huckster-in-Chief is Barack Hussein Obama who, from his first appearance on the national and international stage, proclaimed his intention to ”fundamentally transform America.” Of course, most Americans had no idea that Obama’s goal was to replace our constitutional republic with socialism. We are witnessing the extraordinary success of his seditious plan today.

As I explain in my book, it takes ideology and money to fundamentally transform America. Obama’s anti-American, pro-Muslim, Marxist ideology is taught through Common Core in schools across America. The Black Lives Matter and Antifa so-called protestors who are rampaging through our country today, toppling historical statues and proclaiming their goal to destroy our Constitutional Republic, are actually graduates of our own public school system. They are acting with the incitement of Obama’s resistance group, Organizing for Action (OFA), as well as with the collusion of the globalist media, the collaboration of the RINOs and corrupt radical leftist Democrats in Congress, and the cooperation of Democrat mayors and governors––all of them financed courtesy of their globalist handlers.
JS: And you elaborate in your book what their end game is.
LG: Yes, for these Marxists, the end game of socialism is communism. But for the globalists who finance their mayhem, the end game of socialism is the new world order––a one-world government ruled by the globalist elite themselves, of course! BLM and Antifa are simply useful idiots. Their supporters are low-information individuals who have no clue that the globalists bankrolling this global anarchy and social chaos fully intend to impose a one-world government through the auspices of the United Nations.
JS: In your book, you also describe how both corporate sponsors and businesses support radical groups like BLM and Antifa. 
LG: Yes––follow the money. It’s always about following the money. The corporate sponsors of BLM and Antifa, et al, know exactly what the plan is. The 279 globalist companies currently supporting BLM, for instance, manufacture their goods with cheap labor in China. President Trump put the hurt on China with his devastating tariffs and it is a financial nightmare for these globalist companies. They want to get rid of Trump and go back to business as usual with a guy like Biden—a corrupt Democrat tool of the globalists and communist Chinese.
JS: The whole notion of a hoax is something that fools both the American and the international public. What ingredients do you believe went into fooling such a massive number of people when it came to electing an inexperienced community organizer to the presidency of the U.S.?
LG: After WWII it was obvious to the entire world that America could not be defeated militarily. But our enemies did not go quietly into the night. They regrouped and revised their tactical attack plan as an insidious Culture War designed to collapse America from within. They targeted the three supporting pillars of American society––Family, Faith, and Flag. They pitted American capitalism vs socialism, American individualism vs socialist collectivism, American freedom vs cradle-to-grave dependency on government. And then they groomed the perfect candidate, Barack Obama, to do their bidding.
JS: You’ve written in depth about the two main weapons in the Culture War.
LG: Yes. They are: (1) psychological regression and (2) disinformation. Radical leftist Democrats routinely engage in political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism, all basic operating principles of the disinformation campaign. Children do not question what they are told––and neither do psychologically regressed, propagandized leftist liberals, who happen to be chronological adults. They really are Regressives, not Progressives. You can see this every day when perfectly normal-looking people embody the Humanitarian Hoax behaviors described in my book. They are emotional children disguised as adults.
JS: Which of the 50 humanitarian hoaxes you’ve written about is most relevant in today’s society?
LG: The Humanitarian Hoax of Eternal Childhood. It explains in explicit detail the crippling effect of pressuring a society toward regression and dependence rather than emotional maturity and independence. Again, we see this today in the young people, who have been dumbed down in America’s public schools, willingly taking money to “protest” a system they are ignorant of. Watch them being interviewed—it’s a national embarrassment!
JS: To tantalize our readers, please explain briefly the following Humanitarian Hoaxes (HH):
LG:Diversity is presented as leftist tolerance, inclusiveness, and compassion. In reality, there is NO diversity of opinion tolerated by the Left. Leftist diversity is presented as altruism but designed to eliminate freedom of thought and freedom of speech.
Man-made Climate Change is presented as the most serious challenge facing humanity. The leftist narrative claims all efforts must be directed at saving the planet from global warming or we will all perish in 12 years. In reality, climate-change hysteria is the United Nations’ political scheme to transfer the wealth of productive industrialized nations (especially the U.S.) to non-industrialized, non-productive nations. It is globalized socialism.
Gun Control is presented as an effort to reduce gun violence in society. In reality, gun control is the effort to eliminate the Second Amendment and disarm the public, something our Founding Fathers were determined to avoid.
Community Organizing is presented as the altruistic effort to end poverty. In reality, community organizing is the Cloward-Piven strategy to overload the welfare system and collapse the U.S. economy.
The Muslim Brotherhood presents itself as a civil rights organization advocating peace and tolerance. In reality, the Brotherhood’s mission is to subjugate host populations in North America and replace host religions and cultures with Islam and Sharia law.
Planned Parenthood presents itself as the ultimate healthcare provider to an underserved population and a provider of sex-education to schools. In reality, Planned Parenthood is an active participant in the Culture War on America, attempting to promote gender confusion, promiscuous sex, and unrestricted abortion-on-demand.
JS: The readers you’ve inspired over the past several years want to know what’s next?
LG: Of course I will continue to write political analysis for adults. My focus, however, is on America’s children. It is essential that American children are taught critical-thinking skills again. My personal contribution to that effort is my children’s picture-book series, Mimi’s Strategies. Nationally, the Department of Education must be completely overhauled in both form and content. If one more generation of American children is indoctrinated with anti-American propaganda touting the wonders of collectivism, when these mal-informed kids turn 18 and vote for socialism we will lose the country––a revolution without bullets!
JS: In less than three months, we will vote in perhaps the most consequential presidential election in American history. In terms of today’s tumultuous politics––a president dealing with an unprecedented pandemic and severely injured economy, his rival clearly dealing with clinical cognitive impairment, a radical leftist media not even pretending to be objective, and a push for mail-in voting which is notorious for massive voter fraud––what is your gut instinct about the upcoming presidential election on November 3, 2020?
LG: I remain optimistic, Joan. I wrote The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes in advance of the 2020 presidential election to make sure voters know WHAT they are voting for, not just WHO they are voting for. This is no small thing. This election is between Trump’s Americanism and Biden’s globalism.
The radical leftist Democrat Party has an anti-American, socialist agenda that seeks to weaken America. They have ignored WHAT President Trump has accomplished to strengthen America and, instead, engaged in four-years of character assassination and false accusations to destroy Trump and his America-first agenda.
President Donald Trump is the existential enemy of globalism. His proud and unapologetic America-first policies are the intractable obstacle to Obama’s insidious plan to transform America into socialism—the stepping stone to globalism’s one-world government. The Democrats have shown they will lie, cheat, and try to steal the election to defeat Trump and bury the serious and indictable crimes the Obama regime has committed.
However, I just don’t think Americans are buying what the Democrats are selling. I believe Trump will be reelected in a landslide.
©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

GOP In Nevada Sends Criminal Referral To AG Barr Alleging Thousands Of Cases Of Voter Fraud In The Election

“We believe the American people deserve to have full transparency into all vote counting and election certification, and that this is no longer about any single election. This is about the integrity of our entire election process. From the beginning we have said that all legal ballots must be counted and all illegal ballots should not be counted, yet we have met resistance to this basic principle by Democrats at every turn. We will pursue this process through every aspect of the law to guarantee that the American people have confidence in our government. I will never give up fighting for you and our nation.” – President Donald J. Trump

The corrupt Democrats are working furiously to mock and silence Americans who care about transparency and free and fair elections. Without them, we have nothing. They think if they are loud enough, we will disappear. They have no idea who they are dealing with.

GOP In Nevada Sends Criminal Referral To AG Barr Alleging Thousands Of Cases Of Voter Fraud In The Election

By Michael Cantrell, Flag and Cross, November 6, 2020:
The Nevada Republican Party has officially sent out a criminal referral to the Justice Department on Thursday alleging there have been thousands of examples of voter fraud in their state.
“Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud,” the Nevada GOP said in their statement. “We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.”
via Daily Wire:


Massive Vote Count Error That Helped Biden Uncovered
Democrats Compiling List of Trump Supporters For Retribution
Former Dem Gov. Illinois Rod Blagojevich: Dems Stealing Elections a ‘Time-Honored Tradition’
Pennsylvania Judge Orders Secretary of State to Segregate Ballots Statewide
Michigan county flips back to Trump, following repair of voting software glitch
USPS Officials in Pennsylvania Will TESTIFY UNDER OATH About Backdating of Ballots
Overnight Democrats Finally Steal Georgia
Trump Camp Rips Fox News — ‘Finger on the Scale for Joe Biden’
WATCH Donald Trump, Jr. Says it’s Time for Spineless Republicans to Fight Back to Ensure Election Fairness
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes says election process has been “compromised.” He will take personal leave to help Trump campaign.
After Massive Fraud, President Trump Vows Not to Concede
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE STORM: America is at a tipping point!

Article 1, Section 4 U.S. Constitution:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

I have been reading the many articles, Tweets, Facebook posts, media broadcasts and press releases from both political parties. I asked my Amazon Alexia to show me “articles about voter fraud” it quoted Nevada’s Attorney General saying that there is no voter fraud dismissing the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against Nevada. Try it!  I come away believing that in 2020 America is at a dangerous tipping point.
If this election does anything it will go down in history as the most contentious and disputed of any in my lifetime. 
The reason for this is that one political party is willing to win at all costs using every means available including voter fraud. The other political party is trying to save our time honored tradition of one person one legal vote. It comes down to this simple idea that only legal votes should be applied when electing anyone to office in America, from the President of these United States to the local school board member.
We are seeing on a daily basis the dismantling of our election system by the election system in particular states like Wisconson, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, California.
We are seeing our election system dismantled by our news media.
We are seeing our election system dismantled by the big tech social media, who are hiding the truth about the fraud and abuses of our election system.
We are seeing half of Americans so enraged that they don’t care if our election system is destroyed and replaced by a system of un-free and un-fair elections.
We are living in times where those who count the ballots, not those who vote, are determining who wins an election.
Finally, we are seeing the sovereignty of the individual, a bedrock of Western civilization, being dismantled at the ballot box.
We are seeing a great storm over Lady Liberty. A storm that will do one of two things:

  1. Expose and condemn the loss of our free and fair election system or…
  2. Embrace and condone an un-fair election system that takes away our individual right to choose our elected leaders, at every level.

Robert Spencer wrote:

The possibility that the Democrats could get away with this grand theft and install Joe Biden’s handlers in the Oval Office reminds me of an old joke: a man dies and goes to hell. Satan greets him at the gates and says, “You know, we get such bad media coverage. Hell really isn’t as bad as you’ve probably heard. In fact, you get to choose the eternal torment you prefer.” The miscreant was taken aback, and said, “All right, show me what you’ve got.” Satan showed him a room in which people were being tortured in fire, and another where they were encased in ice, and a third where they were sitting at tables drinking coffee and chatting pleasantly, although knee-deep in excrement. “This room doesn’t seem as bad as the others,” the man tells Satan. “I’ll take this room.” But as soon as the man enters, sits down, and orders his coffee, he hears: “Coffee break’s over. Back on your heads.”
That’s Joe Biden’s presidency in a nutshell.

Once Americans go over this tipping point it will be a long time before we get our freedoms back.
A government mandated hell will fall upon all of us. History tells us so.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Link to Active Michigan Voter Jason Lemoyne Daniel who was born in 1850
Breaking: “Operation Scorecard” CIA-Run Vote Theft Software Was Running In EVERY Swing State…“Glitches” Switched Votes from Trump to Biden!
Lawsuit Alleges 21,000 Dead People Still on Voter Rolls in Pennsylvania
SCOTUS Orders Pennsylvania to Separate Ballots Arriving After Election Day
Is Voter Fraud Afoot? A Look at 7 Claims
RELATED VIDEO: Confronting the Dems’ Election Steal. What the battle plan has to be.

PODCAST: A Pro Bono Lawyer for Trump Campaign Shares What He Saw in Pennsylvania

Tom Ranieri is a lawyer who volunteered as a representative of President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, working at an Election Day hotline. He was there from Oct. 30 to Nov. 3 and joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to share what he observed.

“The Daily Signal Podcast” is available on Ricochet, Apple PodcastsPippaGoogle Play, and Stitcher. All of our podcasts can be found at If you like what you hear, please leave a review. You also can leave us a message at 202-608-6205 or write us at
Rachel del Guidice: I’m joined today on “The Daily Signal Podcast” by Tom Ranieri. He’s an associate attorney at Faughnan Mendicino. Tom, It’s great to have you with us on “The Daily Signal Podcast.”
Tom Ranieri: I am deliriously happy to be here myself.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Del Guidice: Well, thanks for making time to talk with us. First off, Tom, can you tell us where you have been working in Pennsylvania at the Election Day hotline and what you were observing?
Ranieri: Certainly. I was, as I would imagine many fellow people similarly situated to myself [were], watching with increasing concern as the Democrats attempted to change the rules of the election over the last year. Obviously, I think to make it more easy for them to pull the kind of tricks that I know that they’ve pulled in the past, having been from Pennsylvania.
I didn’t realize that they would be as brazen as they’ve been. And to a certain extent, as a Republican, you expect Democrats to cheat a little bit. And so you need to be on hand to make sure to hold them to account, make sure they follow the law because if left unobserved, they would just do whatever they wanted to do.
So I reached out to the Republican National Lawyers Association and volunteered my time. I told them anywhere they needed me [I’d go]—I’d be able to go to Florida, I’d be able to go to Pennsylvania. I’m from Virginia. I’d be happy to stay here. I just told them, “Send me where you want me and I will go and be content.”
And they got in touch with me a couple of weeks before Election Day and said, “We’ve decided that we really want you up in Pittsburgh. We have a bunch of people in Philadelphia, but we still need the Western Pennsylvania legal team to be bolstered, especially on Election Day.”
I said, “Absolutely, I’ll go.” So I drove up after work on Friday, October the 30th to the headquarters … in Allegheny County, which I’m not going to tell you where that is because I don’t want it to be targeted, but I went up there and we got plugged in.
And then for the first few days, what we did over that entire weekend to that Monday was we worked incredibly hard, getting poll watchers and canvas watchers signed up, trained and credentialed, so that they could legally observe the polls and legally observe the canvas locations.
On Election Day itself, I was asked to take the first shift. We had broken up the watching of the canvas into four shifts for that first day—from 7 to 11, 11 to 3, 3 to 7, 7 to 11—to have at least a couple of lawyers and several volunteers on hand to watch the pre-canvassers.
That is the people that are opening, verifying, and then counting the ballots that were sent absentee or mail-in, to watch to make sure that they followed the proper procedure in law and that everything was done above board.
Del Guidice: Tom, you were there, what did you see specifically on Election Day? Can you walk us through some of the things you observed as you were there?
Ranieri: Well, the first thing that happened was, I walked in to the pre-canvas location at 7 that morning, around 7:30, actually. And there was a line of people trying to get in to watch the pre-canvas. And this guard came up to me. This Allegheny County worker was manning the door and he was very agitated. I didn’t understand why, but he very much wanted to talk to me.
So he ended up talking to me for 15 minutes. And in the course of that 15 minutes, told me that he had observed them turning on the voting machine the day before, he had seen them running ballots through it. And when he asked them what they were doing, they told him that they were just removing deceased people, but you’re not supposed to do that until 7 a.m. on the day of the election. So, that was probably a lie.
So automatically, first thing I hear, eye witness testimony from a county worker that they had been tampering with the machine in Allegheny County before the day of the election and had been counting or otherwise using the machine to get votes or to do something before they were legally allowed to do so. So immediately, I’m thinking this is shady.
I try to get in, I see the canvas location. And then there are cameras in an entirely different section of the warehouse, pointed at where the canvas workers are working, but they are bad cameras. They’re not very good.
And there’s only a few of them and they are placed so far away that you can see the people who are counting the ballots, but you can’t see the ballots they’re counting, which is the whole purpose of having a canvas watcher. The canvas watcher is not there to watch people. He’s there to watch the ballots.
The reason it’s important is because the Pennsylvania law for absentee and mail-in ballots states very clearly that no mail-in ballot is valid where the outer envelope is noncertified by the elector, or as I say, the voter.
And if there is no secrecy ballot—that is to say, no secrecy envelope containing a ballot inside of the outer certifying envelope—it is not a valid ballot. It is called a naked ballot, and it should be put aside immediately.
And if the secrecy ballot inside of the outer certification ballot has any markings, which tend to identify the elector or his political preferences or in any way attempts to communicate to the person who’s looking at the secrecy ballot the preferences or desires of the elector, those are also immediately disqualified. They’re not valid votes and they should be put aside.
Now, as you can imagine, you need to be able to actually see the ballot for that to work. You have to see the certification. You have to see the signature. You have to see the date and the address. You have to see that there are no markings on the secrecy ballot, and you have to make sure there’s a secrecy ballot.
None of which you can do if there’s a camera put up 20 feet away from where the people are opening the ballots and you are put in another room inside of the canvas location, away from the canvassers, and given a couple of television screens with teeny-tiny pictures of these guys counting votes.
When asked, this guy I know, another attorney there, David, he asked—I think it was David, it may have been Kathy—asked, “Well, all of this seems odd. It seems like we can’t really observe the ballots. So there’s really no point in being here, right?”
And he goes, “Yeah, that’s the point.” He literally admitted that the whole purpose was to keep us from watching the people counting the ballots.
Del Guidice: And you should have been able to be in the room, but it sounds like you were not permitted, correct?
Ranieri: Oh, no. None of us were permitted to actually be in the same room as canvassers. And the fact of the matter is that that’s not what the rules say. And as a result, we have no idea how many ballots were improperly cast.
We saw them sorting and organizing ballots. We didn’t know—they were putting some ballots in one bin and other ballots in another bin. It’s not necessarily sinister, if you know what they’re doing and why, but if they are refusing to tell you or refusing to allow you to watch, they could be doing anything. And there’s no way of knowing.
Therefore, once the ballot is out of the envelope, that’s it. Right? That’s the whole reason it’s important to have pre-canvas watchers is because once the ballot is out of the envelopes, there’s no way of telling whether it’s a legitimate vote or not, because it’s just a ballot. So by doing that, they, in essence, were attempting to kind of present America with a fait accompli:
“Maybe we cheated, maybe we didn’t, but we have more votes.”
“Well, who watched you count them?”
“No one, but we did count them and, look, there are more of them.”
“Well, OK. But it’s not a real election. You did it unobserved. You could be lying about all of this and there’s no way for us to know. Because if you wanted to, you could just slip in a whole set of ballots that aren’t properly marked or certified or connected to any particular elector and count them and say, ‘Ah, look, [Joe] Biden won.’”
And that’s what I suspect they were doing.
They’ve been fighting us in our ability to watch the polls as well as the canvas and pre-canvas the instant we started the election. They kept us from trying to see.
Let me ask you, what kind of person tries to prevent you from watching people who are supposed to or who are supposedly doing their jobs in an ethical fashion? Why would you want to stop someone from seeing that? I don’t understand except if you’re trying to cheat, except if you’re not trying to be ethical.
My only concern is that it won’t matter because they have already counted so many of these ballots whose provenance or integrity is completely unknown.
And they’ll just say, “Ah, well, that’s just how it is.” And then the courts won’t want to overturn an election, even though it was stolen because it wasn’t an election. And that will cause all sorts of political problems for them.
So the Democrats just seem to be banking on the fact that no one’s going to want to make the necessary trouble to hold them to account.
Del Guidice: So, Tom, as Election Day progressed, can you tell us about what you observed during the day?
Ranieri: After leaving the pre-canvas, I went back to the law offices where the main place for Election Day operations, EDO, in Pittsburgh [was] with around 35 other volunteer attorneys from across the United States, and the firm had set up a hotline now.
We weren’t getting calls at first and the reason we weren’t getting calls was that apparently, I don’t know if this has been confirmed or not, but my understanding from the people in charge was that the switchboard had been hacked and that there were a bunch of problems with it and no calls were being routed to us. So that took several hours to address.
But during the course of the day, we received hundreds of calls from both voters and poll watchers reporting things such as, well, … Republican poll watchers were being consistently ejected or refused entry to poll locations.
In fact, one of the places, the person in charge of the poll said something along the lines of, … it uses a bad word, but he said something along the lines of, “Well, they’re on that Trump stuff. So we’re not going to let them in.” So there were things like that.
… In the Penn Hills, I know there were reports of poll watchers and workers wearing Black Lives Matter paraphernalia, which is a violation of electioneering law.
The HCLU along with Sunrise USA and several other leftist coalition organizations bound together to create something called, like, the Voter Protection Program, or I don’t know, some nonsense. Obviously designed to do something different than what it says it was designed to do.
So you had poll watchers wearing official lanyards that said like “Official Vote Protector” and were offering to help people cast ballots, which is, again, illegal.
You’re not allowed to see another person’s ballot and you’re also, unless under these very specific circumstances, you’re not allowed to be in a polling location. You’re not to be allowed to be in the same place where a ballot is being cast if you are not an authorized representative of the person casting the ballot.
But because they had these little lanyards, people were going up to them and they were helping them fill out ballots and they were helping them. They were talking to them about the election, all of which is just electioneering. It’s illegal.
You can put as much of an objective facade on it as you want to or say, “Oh, we’re just trying to keep voters protected,” but it’s not. You’re not doing that. You’re using it to influence the election. It’s obvious. Everyone sees what you’re doing.
So in the beginning, in the very beginning of Election Day, what you want to do is, the poll watcher needs to keep an eye out to make sure that the machine that counts the ballots is at what’s called zero. So that you know that the machine hasn’t been reset after the most recent election, has not been used to count anything, and that you’re starting from scratch.
Multiple poll watchers were prevented from verifying the vote total was at zero on machines at several locations. Which means, again, the counts cast that entire precinct’s voting into doubt because now we don’t know whether or not it had been pre-populated with votes.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, of course. We don’t know one way or the other, but it certainly doesn’t increase our confidence in the vote totals for whatever precinct that prevented that from occurring.
There were some places where the number of people in the official voter rolls having been counted as having cast ballots was greater than the number of people who had been observed entering the polling location. That’s a problem because it indicates people were voting who didn’t actually come, which means that we don’t know who voted for them or if they even did vote themselves.
There were multiple reports of people who had already been counted as having voted, despite not having received an absentee ballot or having voted in the least even more egregiously. I understand that this is an orgy of bad news. Do you want me to continue or am I giving you—
Del Guidice: Oh, continue. Please continue.
Ranieri: OK. One of the biggest problems is that in Pennsylvania, anyone can cast a provisional ballot, even if that person is not eligible to vote.
Because … in case there is a problem, in case the elector had been lost in the shuffle of Election Day, whether he had just moved to the state or county, or it was his first time voting, or any number of things like that, he may be eligible to vote, she may not be eligible to vote. There’s no way of really knowing.
So we allow them to cast a provisional ballot and then check the legal status of the elector after the election if they assert their ballot as being true, genuine, and correct within three days of having cast it, which they should be informed of at the poll.
This is important because it preserves votes that might otherwise go uncounted, which would otherwise be legitimate votes. So it’s certainly something we would want to pay attention to and make sure that it was done correctly and honestly.
Now, many polling locations refused to give people provisional ballots and turn them away. That’s a real problem because, again, the understanding is that the Trump supporters were going to be coming out in force on Election Day itself.
So any attempt to prevent people from being able to vote provisionally is an attempt to suppress the vote because the likelihood that the person coming out to vote on Election Day itself is a Trump supporter. So you’re more likely than not to keep a Trump supporter from voting provisionally if you don’t give them a provisional ballot.
That happened a lot. There were chronic shortages of provisional ballots. They were turning people away. They were refusing to give people provisional ballots, and we had to send lawyers to several locations to force them to do it. And even then, once the lawyers leave, who knows if they continue to or not.
Another type of vote that matters is, oh, so you were allowed to vote on the machines in person because any in-person voting is different than pre-canvas.
You have essentially four different types of voting. You have your normal, in-person voting, which you fill a ballot out and then you cast a ballot and it’s counted when you cast it or … you’re marked as having voted and then it gets counted later.
Because those are all cast between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Election Day itself, that’s very straightforward stuff. Those are good votes. And then you have your absentee and your mail-in ballots. Those are early voting. …
So the votes that you cast in person on the day, those votes get canvassed. Your absentee ballots and your mail-in ballots, those do not get canvassed.
Those get pre-canvassed because they were not voted on Election Day. They are considered to be an illegally inferior form of voting. It’s still acceptable, but it does not have the same legal strength or … reliability as in-person voting does.
And that’s why you have these outer certification envelopes, inner secrecy envelopes, and then the ballot, is to help bolster the credibility and security of mail-in voting. Those things are all pre-canvassed, again, starting on Election Day at 7 a.m.
Then you have the military and overseas ballots. Those are different. Those are given much more leeway … because they have a very special paper. They use a very special envelope. They’re just different in the way that they’re counted and we have it all really locked in because we know who’s in the military. We know who the overseas citizens are.
So those tend to be pretty reliable. Those get counted once they come in. And I’m not certain what they call that. I didn’t do a lot of research into it.
And then, finally, you have designated election officials who will bring votes in from drop box locations because early voting ended the Tuesday before the election in Pennsylvania, where people were still allowed to, in essence, drop off their Election Day ballot early at designated drop boxes, which would then be locked at 8 p.m. and brought down to the canvassing location to be canvassed, again, having considered it being voted on Election Day itself.
Now, if they aren’t postmarked, the law is very clear that they can’t be counted.
Of course, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said that they can be. They are given the presumption of having been a valid vote, which is absurd, because it, in essence, makes the other team, as I say, anyone who wants to challenge the validity of a vote, into the unenviable position of having to argue in negative, this was not voted on election. There’s no way of proving that if there’s a presumption that it was.
That means that anyone could just gather up a whole bunch … of envelopes, thousands upon thousands of envelopes, [and] not worry about putting a postmark on.
And now it’s very clear that the secretary of state’s directive about how to handle mail-in and absentee ballots and other non-Election Day ballots is that they have to be delivered by the [U.S. Postal Service] and received by the canvas location that they’re destined for.
Now, if they don’t have a postmark, they are technically in violation of the Democratic secretary of state’s order regarding mail-in ballots, but no one seems to care about that in Pennsylvania. In fact, they pulled a dirty trick when the Supreme Court issued a stay.
One of the main reasons the Supreme Court issued a stay was that the secretary of state had sent the letter to the Supreme Court. The secretary of state of Pennsylvania sent a letter to the Supreme Court of the United States saying that:

Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to sequester ballots that are voted after 8 p.m. on Election Day. We’re going to sequester them, and we’re not going count them. And then once we deal with this whole trial, once we deal with the whole legal issue of whether or not these ballots can be counted, then if we’re allowed to, we’ll open them and count them.

And so the Supreme Court, based on that letter, gave that stay. That kind of led to the problems in Pennsylvania that we’re seeing now.
The day before the election, the secretary of state issued another directive saying that actually what they were going to do is … they would sequester everything received after 8 p.m., but they were going to open it, canvas it, count it. And since we’re not allowed to watch that process, they could do whatever they wanted to. And it’s a technical violation of the spirit.
If I’m the Supreme Court of the United States, I’m furious because the secretary of state in essence lied, right? She said that we would follow this procedure and then at the very last second changed the procedure, and so doing, changes the entire political landscape of the election, and there’s not a damn thing the Supreme Court can do about it.
Del Guidice: Is there any way that can be appealed?
Ranieri: Yes. I’m certain it will be appealed, but how much damage is going to be done and how …
The problem is that you already have news media people calling states for Biden and against [President Donald] Trump in which these abuses have occurred, and the popular perception of the legitimacy of one candidate or another is going to be affected by what the government officials say.
And we know that the news media has an ax to grind. So we know that they’re going to use any and everything to make their case that Biden won, regardless of any cheating, abuse, election interference by domestic actors, or any other illegal activity.
They’re going to ignore all that and they’re just going to make it sound like this was a democratic thing, a democratically elected president, and that President Trump is just sour grapes.
And so the real issue, and this is what they planned all along, was to basically just … cheat and then everyone’s going to cover for them and not everyone’s going to know about it, and that people will think that they didn’t steal the election when they did.
But the fact of the matter is that when you see the same kind of behavior across different states consistently—so if you see Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania all were doing the same stuff, all the Democratic government officials, the governors and secretaries of state and attorneys general, were all pulling the same stuff at the same time, and they have all been fighting the ability of the Trump campaign to witness what’s happening, that is not something that happens by accident, that’s coordination.
They are coordinating and have been coordinating. And that coordination is malign. I mean, it’d be fine if they were just coordinating like anyone else coordinates, like, “We need to make this argument to the American people. We need to get these people out to vote.” … That’s all good stuff. That’s what you want to have happen.
But the coordination where you are deliberately trying to flout Election Day laws that ensure the integrity of elections, and then essentially just present everyone with a fait accompli, regardless of how true it is or not, a definitive statement, “Here’s who won and now shut up about it,” … I can’t interpret it as anything other than corruption.
Del Guidice: Well, Tom, given the fact that we’ve talked about how there have been so many people that have potentially voted illegally—I know that there are at least 21,000 dead people on the voter rolls in Pennsylvania—then given the fact that you talked about ballots are being counted days after the election ended, even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court allowed that, how likely do you think that it is that this will be going to the Supreme Court?
Ranieri: I would give it a 90% certainty because I think we’re going to have a Bush v. Gore election. We’re going to have to listen to another four years of when Trump wins, which I do believe he will win if we’re successful in the courts, if we get these problems addressed, we’ll have to endure another four years of the left acting like he didn’t win the election properly.
First, it was election interference by Russia. Apparently now it’s, I guess, voter suppression. I know whatever it is, they’re not going to accept the result unless that’s what they want. It’s going to have to go to the Supreme Court.
I mean, listen, they have so exposed themselves at this point. The left has so exposed themselves, and the news media and academia and all of them, as the hacks, the partisan hacks, that they are completely incapable of objectivity. That if they don’t win, their entire world is going to crash.
That’s why they’re fighting so hard, is when Trump won, all of a sudden their little gravy train came to a halt and it wasn’t as easy for them to take money from China. It wasn’t as easy for them to do all the things they had been doing that kept America in decline.
I’m telling you why it’s going to go to the Supreme Court. It’s going to go to the Supreme Court because the fact of the matter is that for the past year, the news media and the Democrats have been lying to the American people about the polls and everything else.
They have been manipulating votes. They are clearly corrupt and are unafraid of misusing government resources for their own political aims.
Once you’ve revealed yourself to be power hungry and unprincipled, you don’t get to win elections again unless you force it down the throat, you brute force it in.
This entire election is an attempt by the establishment to brute force re-control over that federal apparatus. It has to go to the Supreme Court because they will not give in otherwise. Even then, I’m not certain they will.
Del Guidice: Well, we’re running out of time, but two more quick questions.
First off, we’ve been talking about litigation in Pennsylvania. There are several lawsuits currently in this state with the Trump campaign filing a new lawsuit against the Philadelphia election officials and Republican lawsuits that are basically alleging Deputy Election Secretary Jonathan Marks violated state code by notifying Democrat Party representatives of ballots that were rejected before the polls closed.
Do you have any perspective on these since you were on the ground in the state?
Ranieri: My perspective is, I mean, it should be unsurprising, of course, since I worked for the campaign, but my perspective is that they should win on the merits.
The stuff that I was seeing and hearing is utterly unacceptable and in direct contradiction to both federal election law as well as Pennsylvania election law, as well as several safeguards guaranteed by the Constitution.
Anything can happen in the courts. There are stupid judges and there are smart judges. This is another reason why a bunch of things are going to end up in the Supreme Court, because you’re going to get inconsistent rulings from lower courts who are frightened of losing their position, who are frightened of being targeted by the left, who are themselves malign or bad people who just want to give the election to Biden.
There will be some people who are the same way for Trump. I’m not going to say that there’s not bad people on both sides, but you’re going to get a bunch of inconsistent rulings from the lower courts. Then it’s going to get appealed to higher legal bodies because it’s much more difficult to pull fast ones in appellate courts.
I would imagine that a good number of them are going to end up in the Supreme Court, not least of all the fact that this Philadelphia judge, the GOP went to him.
This just happened recently, but this Philadelphia judge denied the Republicans, I think it was a motion for injunction, because they were let into the pre-canvassing place, but they still couldn’t see the ballots. They were being prevented from watching the ballots, which, as we’ve established, is the only important thing.
The guy was like, “Well, you’re let in, so what do you care?”
“Well, because we can’t see the ballots, man. I mean, that’s the whole point of us being there.”
Then you have this Philadelphia sheriff who refuses to follow the court’s order to let people in the canvassing locations.
I just think that there’s been so many abuses by so many government officials at this point that we’re going to need the input of some impartial arbiters in the form of the American appellate, the 3rd Circuit, appellate courts, and the United States Supreme Court.
Del Guidice: Well, lastly, Tom, this whole conversation in essence has been about potential fraud, but just to address it head-on, I know there are many voters throughout the country now who are concerned about fraud and how ballots are being counted, what’s going on in these canvasing areas.
Since you were there, I mean, do you have concerns about this election resulting in potentially being illegitimate or significant fraud occurring?
Ranieri: I’m deeply concerned that there is a pattern of widespread fraud and election abuse in Pennsylvania, which could have resulted in hundreds of thousands of ballots being improperly counted, basically hundreds of thousands of invalid ballots being counted as though they were valid.
Now, whether or not that means Biden gets those votes or Trump gets those votes, I don’t know. I mean, because they’re trying to hide it, I would say it’s probably Biden because they’re Democrats, but again, that would be supposition. I’m not certain about that. The only thing I know is I have a very low level of confidence in the integrity and credibility of the Pennsylvania voting results.
Del Guidice: Well, Tom, thank you so much for making time to speak with us today and to share all your eyewitness accounts of what you’ve been observing in Pennsylvania. It’s been great having you with us.
Ranieri: Thank you so much. I’ll be honest with you, I was worried that no one would listen to me. I was so upset by this that I tried to talk to several people and a lot of people just didn’t seem to think it was important. I don’t understand why.
But I thank you for taking the time to listen to me and for caring about what I saw because I felt so, I mean, honestly, I felt really alone. Now I feel much less alone. I’m grateful to you for that.
Del Guidice: Well, thanks for being with us.

Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a congressional reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel. Twitter: @LRacheldG.
RELATED ARTICLE: What to Know About Litigation Being Waged Across US to Preserve Trump Presidency

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Against All Frauds, Trump Fights on

They say waiting is the hardest part. But they were wrong. Waiting is much worse when the messaging is controlled by a radical media with no interest in a fair outcome. For 48 hours, Americans have been glued to their televisions anxiously hoping for accurate updates on this nail-biter of a presidential race. What they’ve gotten instead is a torrent of commentary about the ridiculousness of President Trump questioning the results or laying claim to contested ballots. Worse, some outlets — like the AP — are calling anyone who draws attention to the irregularities liars. If you believe in transparency, you’re a “conspiracy theorist.” If you think there are anomalies to investigate, you’re in denial. And yet the media — who’s gotten everything dead wrong for five years — still thinks we should trust their judgment? No thank you.
Our country is swimming in a sea of unknowns right now — and maybe by the end of it, Joe Biden will lay claim to our highest office. But we’re a long way from knowing that with certainty — and certainty is what Americans, with so much at stake, deserve. As Ken Blackwell reminded everyone on “Washington Watch” today, “One of the brilliant aspects of our two-party system and our constitutional republic is that elections work best and have the confidence of the people when there is transparency and bipartisan oversight. When there is a lack of transparency, and partisanship in the administration of an election — not bipartisanship, but partisanship — you undercut not only the authenticity of the result, you undercut the buy-in to the result by those who are governed.” In other words, it’s to the benefit of everyone — including Joe Biden and his supporters — that these questions are answered, and that voters are reassured that this election was done by the book. Maybe some of us won’t like the outcome, but we need to be able to trust the outcome.
Instead, the media — who’s spent the last five years doing everything they can to undermine and vilify Donald Trump, whether it was Russian collusion or Ukraine — wants to give fuel to another false narrative that there’s nothing in this election to dispute! Of course, they have plenty of selfish reasons for doing so. Not only does it help take the attention away from the “smoking ruins of their credibility” in predicting this election, but it also helps to accomplish their longtime extremist agenda. They’re so invested in the far-Left, they’ll do anything to stop Trump’s reelection — even if it means sowing seeds on any legitimate claim to the presidency.
To be clear, I’m not suggesting that the results we’re seeing are fraudulent. Do I think there’s cause for suspicion in certain areas? Yes, and that’s where I think both sides have an interest in reassuring Americans that the outcome is accurate, and the process is impartial. In states like North Carolina and Georgia, liberal leaders aren’t helping that cause by postponing the counting or refusing to certify Trump votes. That not only keeps the country in limbo, it leads to more uncertainty and mistrust about what state officials are up to. It also gives the media more time to pound home this narrative that Joe Biden won, and Donald Trump is trying to steal the election. And frankly, that’s reckless and flat-out dangerous. The angry mobs have already put the country on notice that cities will pay if officials take the time to get this right.
Donald Trump doesn’t just want every vote to be counted, he wants every vote to be verified, an important distinction made by John Nolte. And frankly, what does he have to lose? Nothing. What does America have to lose? Everything. If he’s criticized for fighting his country and taking a deeper look into the “workings of these Big Democrat Machines in cities like Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia,” so be it. Maybe that’s what the Left and their megaphones in the press are worried about. The longer this goes on, the greater likelihood more inconsistencies will be exposed. Even now, as Joy Pullman spells out in the Federalist, a lot of this just doesn’t add up. “We’re supposed to believe the GOP had a great night except for the president?”

“It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump. Trump has solidified his support among Republican voters and enjoys a massive approval rating from them he didn’t have in 2016 and expanded his coalition to more working-class and minority voters this year…
Yet we are supposed to believe the same media-Democrat complex that fed us wildly erroneous polls all year, and runs false information operations on us about coronavirus, the Russia hoax, and everything else they can use to steal power, that this blue wave’s evaporation did not at all affect the top of the ticket?”

No one can blame conservatives for being cynical. That’s what years of marginalization, fabrication, and deprecation from the media have wrought. “Show me an American who trusts politicians, polls, news organizations, and social media [moguls] who fancy themselves our new masters, and I’ll show you a fool,” Michael Goodwin insisted.
At the end of the day, our call is not for upending the process. Our call is for integrity in the process. And if the shoe were on the other foot, I guarantee: we wouldn’t be the only ones making that call.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


The GOP Spoils the Dem’s House Party

Praying for the Peace That Only Christ Can Give

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump’s Duty to Zealously Contest this Election

As President Trump walked out of Wednesday evening’s press conference a female reporter, in a fashion emblematic of the press’s unprofessionalism and its disrespect for the Office of the Presidency of the United States yelled out, “Mr. President, are you a sore loser?”
The question, of course, is sophomoric, insolent, and designed to injure Donald Trump the person.  Fortunately, President Trump did not honor the question with a response as he quietly strode out of the White House Press Room, but it did bring up another issue altogether that is being raised with increasing frequency amongst the audacious press.  Should the President of the United States even be contesting this election? Wouldn’t he better off to bow out quietly and gracefully?
The United States has a two-centuries-long tradition of observing the peaceful transition of power.  Indeed, the time when such a transition became most threatened was following the highly contested race between Jefferson and Adams where the latter, after a protracted and heated stalemate in the House of Representatives, quietly loaded up his coach and rode out of Washington.  Since then, Americans have prided themselves at being the harbingers of peaceful transitions, although they were not always smooth.
Regardless of the outcome, this election will go down in history as one of the most contentious, heated, and vitriolic in American history, and with Joe Biden holding an apparent lead, one must ask, shouldn’t the loser bow out gracefully?
Well, for every thing, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.  For President Trump, the time now is for a legal fight.
The fact is that this election has been anything other than transparent.  Impropriety is running rampant among polling stations in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, among others, in some cases preventing even the observation of counting procedures. It is curious that in every contested state where the President has had a lead, it has dwindled with the discovery of more ballots.  And in each of these locations, suspicious circumstances have abounded.  Meanwhile, in the first example of hard data supporting a case for election malfeasance, the President and his team have provided a list of over 3,000 names of individuals who had previously changed their state of residence, but nevertheless still voted in Nevada.  With an 11,000-vote deficit, such a list, if accurate will make a dent in the former Vice President’s lead.  Concurrent with the delivery of the list, the Trump team announced that thousands more such names will be forthcoming without including an even larger list of deceased persons who apparently resurrected long enough to vote in that state.
As the list of impropriety grows, it appears that the President’s case to reverse some of these adverse results is getting stronger, and I would not be surprised if some of those states declared as Biden’s ultimately get reversed and are declared to be Trump’s.
So, should the President pursue every legal recourse to reverse outcomes that appear to have come out in Biden’s favor?  Of course the should.  Not only is this a question of great personal import to the President, but it is one of even greater import to his followers.  Recall, these votes do not belong to President Trump or former Vice President Biden.  They belong to every person who cast them, and these two men are their primary representatives.
At some point, when the process is exhausted, Vice President Biden may end up being declared the winner of this nasty, dirty election.  However, with what I am seeing, it seems to me that the winner will likely be the President.  Either way, the President has a duty, not only to himself, but to the American people to zealously pursue this process to its natural conclusion.  Only then can some semblance of credibility be preserved for the ultimate winner of this contest.
Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in 3 Vans
NEW VIDEO! Nevada USPS Mail Carrier Caught Pledging to Remove Donald Trump From Office
The U.S. Supreme Court Should Act On Pennsylvania’s Vote Count
VIDEO: Registered DEMOCRAT Observer At Philly Ballot Center: “This is Coup Against The President of The United States of America”
RELATED TWEET: A “crisis of our survival comparable to Washington on Christmas Eve and Lincoln at Gettysburg.”

EDITORS NOTE: This The Federalist Pages column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DEFEND THE ELECTION: President Trump’s Fight to Protect Every American’s ‘Legal’ Vote [Video]

“If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us.” – President Donald J. Trump


Donald Trump: (00:02)
Thank you very much. Thank you.
Donald Trump: (00:08)
Good evening. I’d like to provide the American people with an update on our efforts to protect the integrity of our very important 2020 election. If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us. If you count the votes that came in late, we’re looking to them very strongly, but a lot of votes came in late.
Donald Trump: (00:36)
I’ve already decisively won many critical states, including massive victories in Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, to name just a few. We won these and many other victories despite historic election interference from big media, big money, and big tech. As everybody saw, we won by historic numbers, and the pollsters got it knowingly wrong. They got it knowingly wrong. We had polls that were so ridiculous and everybody knew it at the time.
Donald Trump: (01:06)
There was no blue wave that they predicted. They thought there was going to be a big blue wave. That was false. That was done for suppression reasons. But instead there was a big red wave, and it’s been properly acknowledged actually by the media. They were, I think, very impressed, but that was after the fact. That doesn’t do us any good.
Donald Trump: (01:26)
We kept the Senate despite having twice as many seats to defend as Democrats, and in a really much more competitive states. We did a fantastic job with the Senate. I think we’re very proud of what’s happened there. We had many more seats to defend. They spent almost $200 million on Senate races in South Carolina and Kentucky alone, two races, and hundreds of millions of dollars overall against us.
Donald Trump: (01:57)
At the national level, our opponents major donors were Wall Street bankers and special interests. Our major donors were police officers, farmers, everyday citizens. Yet for the first time ever, we lost zero races in the House. I was talking to Kevin McCarthy today. He said he couldn’t believe it. Zero races, very unusual thing, zero, and actually won many new seats with, I think, many more on the way.
Donald Trump: (02:24)
This was also the year of the Republican woman. More Republican women were elected to Congress than ever before. That’s a great achievement. I won the largest share of non-white voters of any Republican in 60 years, including historic numbers of Latino, African American, Asian American, and Native American voters. The largest ever in our history. We grew our party by 4 million voters. The greatest turnout in Republican Party history.
Donald Trump: (03:00)
Democrats are the party of the big donors. The big media, the big tech, it seems, and Republicans have become the party of the American worker, and that’s what’s happened. And we’re also, I believe the party of inclusion. As everyone now recognizes, media polling was election interference in the truest sense of that word, by powerful special interests.
Donald Trump: (03:25)
These really phony polls, I have to call them phony polls, fake polls, were designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden and diminish Republican’s ability to raise funds. They were what’s called suppression polls, everyone knows that now, and it’s never been used to the extent that it’s been used on this last election.
Donald Trump: (03:51)
To highlight just a few examples, the day before election, Quinnipiac, which was wrong on every occasion that I know of, had Joe Biden up by five points in Florida, and they were off by 8.4 points and I won Florida easily, easily. So they had me losing Florida by a lot and I ended up winning Florida by a lot. Other than that, they were very accurate.
Donald Trump: (04:22)
They had him up four points in Ohio and they were off by 12.2 points, and I also won Ohio, great state of Ohio very easily. And the Washington Post said, “Biden up 17 points in Wisconsin,” and it was basically even. They were off by about 17 points, and they knew that, they’re not stupid people. They knew that. Suppression.
Donald Trump: (04:49)
There are now only a few states yet to be decided in the presidential race. The voting apparatus of those states are run in all cases by Democrats. We were winning in all the key locations by a lot, actually, and then our numbers started miraculously getting whittled away in secret and they wouldn’t allow legally permissible observers.
Donald Trump: (05:15)
We went to court in a couple of instances and we were able to get the observers put in. And when the observers got there, they wanted them 60, 70 feet away, 80 feet, 100 feet away or outside the building to observe people inside the building. And we won a case, a big case, and we have others happening.
Donald Trump: (05:33)
There are lots of litigation, even beyond our litigation. There’s a tremendous amount of litigation generally because of how unfair this process was, and I predicted that. I’ve been talking about mail-in voting for a long time. It’s really destroyed our system. It’s a corrupt system and it makes people corrupt, even if they aren’t by nature, but they become corrupt. It’s too easy. They want to find out how many votes they need, and then they seem to be able to find them. They wait and wait, and then they find them, and you see that on Election Night.
Donald Trump: (06:09)
We were ahead in vote in North Carolina by a lot, a tremendous number of votes, and we’re still ahead by a lot, but not as many because they’re finding ballots all of a sudden. “Oh, we have some mail-in ballots.” It’s amazing how those mail-in ballots are so one-sided too. I know that it’s supposed to be to the advantage of the Democrats, but in all cases they’re so one-sided.
Donald Trump: (06:34)
We were up by nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. I won Pennsylvania by a lot. And that gets whittled down to, I think they said now we’re up by 90,000 votes and they’ll keep coming and coming and coming. They find them all over and they don’t want us to have any observers. Although we won a court case, the judge said, “You have to have observers.” Likewise in Georgia … And they’re appealing, actually they’re appealing. We want a case that we want people to watch and we want to observers and they’re actually appealing, which is sort of interesting. I wonder why they’d appeal? All we want to do is have people watch as they do the vote tabulations.
Donald Trump: (07:16)
Likewise in Georgia, I won by a lot, a lot, with a lead of over getting close to 300,000 votes on Election Night in Georgia. And by the way, got whittled down and now it’s getting to be to a point where I’ll go from winning by a lot to perhaps being even down a little bit.
Donald Trump: (07:37)
In Georgia, a pipe burst in a far away location, totally unrelated to the location of what was happening and they stopped counting for four hours. And a lot of things happened. The election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats. We also had margins of 300,000 in Michigan. We were way up in Michigan, won the state. And in Wisconsin, we did likewise fantastically well, and that got whittled down. In every case, they got whittled down.
Donald Trump: (08:12)
Today, we’re on track to win Arizona. We only need to carry, I guess, 55% of the remaining vote, 55% margins, and that’s a margin that we’ve significantly exceeded. So we’ll see what happens with that, but we’re on track to do okay in Arizona. Our goal is to defend the integrity of the election. We’ll not allow the corruption to steal such an important election, or any election for that manner. And we can’t allow silence, anybody to silence our voters and manufacture results.
Donald Trump: (08:46)
I’ve never had, I’ve been doing a lot of public things for a long time, I’ve never had anything that’s been as inspirational by people calling, talking, sending things to us. I’ve never seen such love and such affection and such spirit as I’ve seen for this. People know what’s happening and they see what’s happening and just before their eyes, and there are many instances which will be reported very shortly.
Donald Trump: (09:16)
There’s tremendous litigation going on, and this is a case where they’re trying to steal an election. They’re trying to rig an election and we can’t let that happen. Detroit and Philadelphia, known as two of the most corrupt political places anywhere in our country easily, cannot be responsible for engineering the outcome of a presidential race, a very important presidential race.
Donald Trump: (09:39)
In Pennsylvania, Democrats have gone to the State Supreme Court to try and ban our election observers and very strongly. Now we won the case, but they’re going forward. They don’t want anybody in there. They don’t want anybody watching them as they count the ballots, and I can’t imagine why. There’s absolutely no legitimate reason why they would not want to have people watching this process, because if it’s straight, they should be proud of it. Instead, they’re trying obviously to commit fraud. There’s no question about that.
Donald Trump: (10:20)
In Philadelphia, observers have been kept far away, very far away. So far that people are using binoculars to try and see, and there’s been tremendous problems caused. They put a paper on all of the windows so you can’t see in, and the people that are banned are very unhappy and become somewhat violent.
Donald Trump: (10:41)
The Eleventh Circuit ruled that in Georgia, the votes have been in by Election Day, that they should be in by Election Day, and they weren’t. Votes are coming in after Election Day. And they had a ruling already that you have to have the votes in by Election Day. To the best of my knowledge, votes should be in by Election Day, and they didn’t do that. Democrat officials never believed they could win this election honestly, I really believe that. That’s why they did the mail-in ballots, where there’s tremendous corruption and fraud going on.
Donald Trump: (11:15)
That’s why they mailed out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots without any verification measures whatsoever, and I’ve told everybody that these things would happen because I’ve seen it happen. I watched a lot of different elections before they decided to go with this big, massive election with tens of millions of ballots going out to everybody. In many cases, totally unsolicited.
Donald Trump: (11:43)
This was unprecedented in American history. This was by design. Despite years of claiming to care about the election security, they refuse to include any requirement to verify signatures, identities, or even determined whether they’re eligible or ineligible to vote. People are walking in there, they have no idea. They just take in the numbers. They’re writing down things, the workers, and doing a lot of bad things. And we have a lot of information coming and litigation that you’ll see that will shake even you people up, and you’ve seen it all.
Donald Trump: (12:16)
The officials overseeing the counting in Pennsylvania and other key states are all part of a corrupt Democrat machine that you’ve written about. And for a long time, you’ve been writing about the corrupt Democrat machine. I went to school there and I know a lot about it. It hasn’t changed since a long time ago and hasn’t changed. It has gotten worse.
Donald Trump: (12:36)
In Pennsylvania, partisan Democrats have allowed ballots in the state to be received three days after the election, and we think much more than that, and they’re counting those without even postmarks or any identification whatsoever. So you don’t have postmarks, you don’t have identification.
Donald Trump: (12:56)
There have been a number of disturbing irregularities across the nation. Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit. Detroit is another place, and I wouldn’t say has the best reputation for election integrity. Poll workers in Michigan were duplicating ballots. But when our observers attempted to challenge the activity, those poll workers jumped in front of the volunteers to block their views so that they couldn’t see what they were doing and it became a little bit dangerous.
Donald Trump: (13:32)
One major hub for counting ballots in Detroit covered up the windows again with large pieces of cardboard, and so they wanted to protect and block the counting area. They didn’t want anybody seeing the counting, even though these were observers who were legal observers that were supposed to be there.
Donald Trump: (13:49)
In Detroit, there were hours of unexplained delay in delivering many of the votes for counting. The final batch did not arrive until 4:00 in the morning. And even though the polls closed at 8:00 o’clock, so they brought it in and the batches came in and nobody knew where they came from.
Donald Trump: (14:06)
We’ve also been denied access to observe in critical places in Georgia. In multiple swing states, counting was halted for hours and hours on Election Night. With results withheld from major Democrat run locations only to appear later, and they certainly appeared and they all had the name Biden on them, or just about all. I think almost all. They all had the name Biden on them, which is a little strange.
Donald Trump: (14:34)
I challenge Joe and every Democrat to clarify that they only want legal votes because they talk about votes and I think they should use the word legal, legal votes. We want every legal vote counted, and I want every legal vote counted. We want openness and transparency, no secret count rooms, no mystery ballots, no illegal votes being cast after Election Day. You have Election Day and the laws are very strong on that. You have an Election Day and they don’t want votes cast after Election Day and they want the process to be an honest one. It’s so important.
Donald Trump: (15:09)
We want an honest election and we want an honest count and we want honest people working back there because it’s a very important job. So that’s the way this country is going to win. That’s the way the United States will win, and we think we will win the election very easily. We think there’s going to be a lot of litigation because we have so much evidence, so much proof, and it’s going to end up perhaps at the highest court in the land, we’ll see. But we think there’ll be a lot of litigation because we can’t have an election stolen by like this.
Donald Trump: (15:43)
And I tell you, He trum Small elections were a disaster. Small, very easy to handle elections were disastrous. This is a large scale version, and it’s getting worse and worse every day. We’re hearing stories that are horror stories, absolute horror stories, and we can’t let that happen to the United States of America.
Donald Trump: (16:11)
It’s not a question of who wins, Republican, Democrat, Joe, myself. We can’t let that happen to our country. We can’t be disgraced by having something like this happen. So it will be hopefully cleared up. Maybe soon, I hope soon, but it’ll probably go through a process, a legal process. And as you know, I’ve claimed certain states and he’s claiming states and we can both claim the States, but ultimately I have a feeling judges are going to have to rule. But there’s been a lot of shenanigans and we can’t stand for that in our country. Thank you very much.

Biden Has Singlehandedly Destroyed our Free and Fair Election System

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.” – Joseph Stalin, from The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary by Boris Bazhanov, published in 2002.
“There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it.” – A.K. Antony

Joe Biden we have put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization” in the history of American politics.

As I woke up on November 4th, 2020 and began reading about how votes were magically appearing and magically disappearing in Democrat controlled cities and states across America! I was shocked. I had never seen something this wide spread and organized in my lifetime.
From Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconson to Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. Ballots were showing up after the polls closed by the tens of thousands.
As I watched news network after news network call a state for one presidential candidate over another presidential candidate before all the votes were counted I was bewildered.
The term “fake news” took on a new meaning. An ominous meaning.
When I went to Google, Twitter and Facebook to learn about what was happening with ballots and voter fraud I saw these posts completely disappear from Facebook and Twitter and shadow banned by Google. In many cases Twitter would post on a tweet about voter fraud this:

“Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.”

Or this:

This Tweet is from a suspended account.

As I saw the vote counts stop and then suddenly start again followed by the counting of hundreds of thousands votes for one candidate for president to the exclusion of all the other candidates,  I thought to my self – will 2020 go down in American history as the first un-free and un-fair election?
Voter fraud has now become the primary  “weapon of choice” of one political party.
Since the 2016 Presidential election the Democrats have taken the following public positions on voting in America:

  1. End the Electoral College.
  2. Implement a national popular vote system.
  3. Implement a national vote-by-mail system.
  4. Control the voting process by any and all means necessary.
  5. Control how the votes are counted.
  6. Create phony ballots to offset legal ballots as we are learning in 2020.
  7. Refuse to purge voter rolls of the dead, non-citizens and those who no longer live in the state. For example, a lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation found that in Detroit, Michigan there are: 4,788 duplicate registrations, 32,519 more registered voters than eligible voters, 2,503 dead people registered and one voter born in 1823.
  8. Reject any form of voter ID laws, labeling them as voter suppression, thus allowing multiple cases of fraud.
  9. Over look voters who vote more than one time, i.e. those who are residents of two states and vote in each state illegally.
  10. Give voter IDs to anyone and everyone.
  11. Target Republican voters and cancel out their ballots.
  12. Emphatically say there is no such thing as voter fraud! While at the same time conducting voter fraud by all means available.

The final outcome of these Democrat Party policy positions is to enforce a popular voting system and then control that system at the ballot box.
The idea of one man/woman one vote is passé. The ideal of a free and fair election is a thing of the past. The process of counting all the votes on election day is dead, thanks to the United States Supreme Court.
The only thing important today, as Stalin said, is “who will count the votes, and how.”
Is 2020 the death of our Constitutional Republic?
Is it the final nail in our free and fair elections’ coffin? Are we entering a socialist state where the ballot box is totally controlled the state, and how the people vote be damned.
The sentiment “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything” that originated with Stalin has now been perfected by Joe Biden as the leader of the Democrat Party in 2020.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
RELATED VIDEO: CrazyTown – Extended Joe Biden Edition.

RELATED ARTICLE: Arizona Voters File Suit to Restore Their Ballots Cancelled Over Sharpies

VIDEO: “MASSIVE FRAUD” Rudy Giuliani Says Major LAWSUITS Will Be Happening

NewsNOW from FOX reports on massive voter fraud:

©NewsNOW from FOX. All rights reserved.
Trump Takes His Case to Court in 3 Battleground States
Count Every Legal Vote—No More, No Less
The Media and Pollsters Are the Biggest Losers of 2020

U.S. Loses $19 Billion in Afghanistan Reconstruction Funds to Fraud, Waste, Abuse

A staggering $19 billion spent by the U.S. government to reconstruct Afghanistan has been lost to fraud, waste, and abuse in the last decade and that only includes a portion of the money allocated by Congress for the cause. In 90% of the cases examined in a new federal audit, the money was blown “carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.” This month the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) published a troubling report that analyzes less than half of the U.S. budget for the initiative, $63 billion in projects. As of December 2019, Congress has appropriated $134 billion for Afghanistan reconstruction, which began roughly a year after the U.S. invaded the Islamic nation to destroy Al-Qaeda and eradicate the Taliban.
Afghanistan reconstruction has been a huge and well-chronicled debacle that continues fleecing American taxpayers nearly two decades after its inception. Judicial Watch has reported on the various boondoggles over the years, most of them documented in tremendous detail by the SIGAR. Highlights include the mysterious disappearance of nearly half a billion dollars in oil destined for the Afghan National Army, a $335 million Afghan power plant that is seldom used and an $18.5 million renovation for a prison that remains unfinished and unused years after the U.S.-funded work began. Over the summer, the U.S. government got slammed in an audit for spending tens of millions of dollars on useless and ineffective drug addiction programs in Afghanistan as part of the reconstruction effort. In a scathing report, the SIGAR blasts the U.S. for not knowing the impact of its investment and failing to conduct site visits to project locations or maintain required files or records.
The latest probe is especially impactful because it takes a comprehensive look at projects over a lengthier period. The 19-page report is littered with a multitude of examples of waste that should outrage every taxpaying American. For instance, books provided for an education program have never been used because they are in poor condition and an empty sports stadium that is unlikely to ever be used because it was not designed correctly to host soccer games and does not have a functioning irrigation system. Investigators also found poor workmanship and a lack of maintenance, including falling ceiling tiles, broken drainage grates, and unlevelled playing surfaces with incomplete water systems protruding from the empty soccer field. A $5.2 million Kang Border Patrol headquarters compound has never been utilized and is not being maintained despite being allocated maintenance funds. The outrageous list of examples goes on and on throughout the lengthy document.
A section on fraud includes cases of crimes involving federal procurement and contract fraud as well as theft, corruption, bribery of government employees and public officials. The SIGAR identifies 30 instances of procurement and contract fraud with a total value of more than $296 million. Examples include a translator with U.S. Special Forces who started a trucking and logistics company that paid $140,000 in bribes and gratuities to U.S. service members to assist him in obtaining work. In another instance a contractor committed millions of dollars in fraud involving food service deals affecting the U.S. Central Command. Investigators also exposed a ring in which individuals were for years fraudulently selling U.S. Embassy Kabul meal cards. This resulted in the U.S. government losing between $50,000 and $80,000 monthly for a total of $3 million. Investigators also found that in the last two years alone, more than $3 billion was lost to fraud or corruption.
“Endemic corruption, widespread insecurity, and a lack of accountability over on-budget assistance continue to make any investments made in Afghanistan vulnerable to waste, fraud and abuse and may threaten the peace process as well as the perceived legitimacy and effectiveness of the Afghan government,” the new SIGAR report states. On a positive note, the inspector general’s work has resulted in about $3.2 billion in savings for the U.S. taxpayer. “Based on our audit recommendations, we identified approximately half of this savings, or $1.6 billion, as funds that agencies, such as the DOD or the Department of State (State), could put to better use for other programs or efforts,” according to the watchdog.
EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.