YouTube Escalates Crackdown on Alternative Content Creators

YouTube has announced new policies aimed at “limiting the reach of borderline content” and to “protect people from problematic content that doesn’t violate our community guidelines.” Got that? They’re figuring out how to “protect” people from content that does not violate their guidelines.
The recent announcements come in the context of reporting on the 2020 election. One of YouTube’s principal tools is their choice of “recommended videos,” about which they boast “the top 10 authoritative news channels were recommended over 14X more than the top 10 non-authoritative channels on election-related content.”
As for these “authoritative channels, YouTube has chosen CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and Fox. Because those news sources do serious investigative reporting, leave nothing out, and are entirely objective.
YouTube has already been doing a very good job at limiting the reach of “problematic” content, but they’re determined to crush dissenting content completely. Quoting from YouTube Insider, “while problematic misinformation represents a fraction of 1% of what’s watched on YouTube in the U.S., we know we can bring that number down even more.”
And to “bring down that number even more,” as of December 9, YouTube “will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, in line with our approach towards historical U.S. Presidential election.”
But hold on. Widespread fraud or errors very likely did change the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Why not allow an open debate and presentation of the facts?
To get two very different interpretations of what YouTube has done, listen to Jeremy Hambly, on BitChute, and read Taylor Hatmaker, on TechCrunch. Hambly is understandably upset that YouTube has already deleted more than 8,000 channels that had spread “misleading” information about the election between September and mid-December 2020, yet is turning their canceling action up a notch. Hatmaker, on the other hand, and like so many millions in the United States, does not recognize fascism even now that it’s in the open and poised to seize absolute power. Hatmaker thinks YouTube is doing too little, too late.
Hambly, with over 1.0 million subscribers on YouTube, is hedging his bets. His videos are now disbursed across multiple platforms including BitChuteRumble, and Odysee. And every time YouTube silences another voice, these alternative platforms gain viewers. But with YouTube still commanding 90 percent of the U.S. digital video market, what they decide people can and cannot see has a decisive impact on how millions of Americans form opinions and vote.
An ongoing public debate over the impact of fraud on the outcome of the 2020 election would be healthy. But to the extent that debate occurs, it will be done on alterative media. And whether or not fraud actually did change the outcome of the 2020 election, swing voters were already decisively manipulated by the actions YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google search, and every one of the “authoritative news channels.”
©Winston84. All rights reserved.

Lin Wood’s #FightBack Blocked from Facebook and Twitter

Every time you view a post on Facebook or Twitter with a “warning” message of any kind, know you are living through times that we watched with horror happen in other nations, but now are witnessing right here.
And then there are the accounts that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others, along with crowdfunding sites and payment processors, simply cancel. This is the reason the Winston84 directory exists. Our mission is to report on the new platforms arising to cope with censorship, and provide profiles of banned content providers that show where they can still be found.
When finding people to add to Winston84, we error on the side of inclusion. But there should be no controversy whatsoever with respect to Lin Wood and his #FightBack Foundation. Wood is a respected attorney whose clients have included Nicholas Sandmann, Carter Page, Dr. Simone Gold, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, Mike Lindell, and many, many others. If you view his website, you find nothing remotely hyperbolic or offensive.
But nonetheless when you click on his Facebook account you get a message “This Page Isn’t Available,” and when you click on his Twitter account, at least as of 12/12/2020, you get a message “Caution: This account is temporarily restricted.” Even his Parler account, inexplicably, will not load. If that’s deliberate, bad move.
On all our profiles, we leave in place the deplatformed links so viewers can see the extent of the censorship. And it is getting worse, systematically. There is no reason whatsoever that Lin Wood should be getting deplatformed.
When the internet began it enabled unprecedented ability for content creators to inexpensively reach millions of people. A little over a decade later, social media’s capacity for viral proliferation of information online took that ability to an even more unprecedented level. And then the clampdown began. Today, big tech is coopted by establishment media and corrupt special interests within the federal government. There are things they don’t want us to know, and they’re trying to put the genie back in the bottle.
The good news is they’ll never succeed in lulling literally hundreds of millions of Americans back to sleep. Their actions during the pandemic and during the presidential election have not denied, but increased the credibility of those who have been warning for years about online censorship.
Additional good news is the fact that censorship by the big platforms is stimulating rapid innovation in online communications. The information war has just begun.
©Winston84. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: A Huge Civics Lesson

These are historical times, and if you are not paying attention, you are going to miss something. Of course, I’m talking about the 2020 presidential election, and the ensuing investigation for fraudulent voting. This will be discussed by historians for the next several decades and perhaps beyond. This easily overshadows the 1960 election between Kennedy and Nixon, as well as the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. All of this was preceded by the “Summer of Hate,” which was much more intense than the 1960’s.
The only beneficial byproduct of 2020 is that it is forcing Americans to finally learn civics. This is why I consider 2020 a huge civics lesson for America, something they should have understood all along, but took our electoral process for granted. People are only now starting to figure out the genius of the Electoral College, such as how it is used to represent all the people, not just those living in the major urban areas.
People are also starting to comprehend the need for “checks and balances” between the three branches of government, and the role of the 12th Amendment should no candidate get more than the minimum 270 electoral votes. And they are most definitely learning of the dangers resulting from voter fraud.
I recently talked with three naturalized citizens about their impressions of the helter-skelter of the 2020 elections. One was from the Ukraine, one from Albania, and another from Greece. I found their take on the subject interesting. All three left their countries to realize the “American Dream” and had gone through the process of becoming American citizens. They were excited to naturalize as they perceived America as the source of opportunity, liberty and fair play. However, the 2020 elections caused them to change their perspectives.
The Ukrainian said the elections made those in her native land look good, and you have to remember, hers was a country notorious for corruption, but is now cleaning up its act.
The Albanian said he was not allowed to vote in his own country, as everything was prearranged in advance by the regime, not by the people. To be able to vote in a fair and transparent process appealed to him greatly. Because of the hubbub over the 2020 election though, he is losing confidence in America’s ability to conduct an election. He also has a problem with the news media who, he believes, is twisting and turning the truth to suit political needs. Like many Americans, he no longer trusts the press.
The Greek claimed the elections in his native country are worse than the American version, but not by much. He considers the Greek elections corrupt and believes the Americans are going down the same path, causing him to lose confidence in the country.
All three understand the basic principles of American government, something they learned from their naturalization process, but all are disappointed in the madness of the 2020 election. From their perspective, America’s reputation is being tarnished by the election, the two warring political parties, and the news media. They have trouble understanding why the greatest country on Earth is acting like a bunch of boobs. To them, it’s embarrassing.
It should also be embarrassing to all Americans, but it is not. This is an ideological clash so severe, one cannot figure out how we will survive without some form of bloodshed. Like I said, this is something for the historians to figure out years from now. In the meantime, learn your civics!
Keep the Faith!
P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE. These make great holiday gifts!
EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Supreme Court Betrays the American People, but State Legislatures Have a Higher Authority

“No wise man ever thought a traitor should be trusted.” –  Marcus Tullius Cicero
“I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery.” – Aeschylus
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” –  Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Theft of a presidential election violates the Constitution.” –  Attorney John Milkovich, Author of Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order

Liberals denounced Senator Joseph McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like a clan of hyenas to hide their own collaboration with the evil regime they so loved.  We now know from a variety of sources, including Soviet archives, since the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, that McCarthy’s charges were, in numerous cases, neither false nor hysterical, but correct.
The communist infiltration of America’s politicians and federal government has escalated exponentially since McCarthy’s efforts in the 1950s to expose the murderously evil nature and the massive espionage penetration of the U.S. government.
The socialist democrats and their comrades in mainstream and social media have executed the same kind of war against President Trump throughout his campaigns and his first term in office as they waged against McCarthy. The left hates President Trump because he has never belonged to their globalist establishment cabal, and he knows a communist when he sees one. Media’s propaganda, outright lies and censorship of the truth is a hallmark of communism. And it was our own Supreme Court who helped them.
The 1964 Supreme Court case, New York Times v. Sullivan, in a 9-0 decision by the liberal Warren court, gave media the right to lie with impunity about public figures unless actual malice could be proven.  And media has used this decision to destroy every vestige of liberty, freedom and truth.
These evil and destructive entities have permeated every front, environmentally, economically, agriculturally, socially, mentally and spiritually.  And both foreign and domestic traitors are throughout the upper echelons of our federal and state governments.
Pennsylvania and Texas
Everyone with half an ounce of brain matter knows that President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, except of course the overweight bagpipe playing Deep State impresario who runs the Department of Justice.  Just one statistic would show any fool who doubts the theft of this election that Trump won.  The five states who stopped counting late on November 3rd, all had the same percentage of Biden votes come in during the alleged “shutdown” hours.  This is a mathematical impossibility.
First the supreme court denied the Pennsylvania case brought by Congressman Mike Kelly et al. v. Pennsylvania et al.  The case was presented to the court by Justice Alito, but the court denied the request by Pennsylvania Republicans to block certification of the commonwealth’s election results, delivering a blow to the GOP’s bid to invalidate the alleged Biden win.  The theft was openly planned in advance and brazenly executed, which is why Biden calmly stayed in his basement while our President took on an extensive campaign schedule to be with the American people he so loves.
Senator Ted Cruz argued that the Pennsylvania case was not as good as the Texas case wherein 18 states joined the suit, but the Supremes denied the Texas effort that would have essentially nullified the presidential elections in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.  Legal experts claimed the case was flawed in several areas and likely to fail. Ironically the three judges placed on the Supreme Court by the President were missing in action and joined the far-left judges in throwing out the Texas case.
The crux of the Texas case was the argument that the four states it is suing, all four of which swung for President-elect Joe Biden, unconstitutionally changed their election statutes in their judiciaries or executive branches, when only the legislature is allowed to make election law. The reply brief from December 11th says that the four states failed to adequately dispute their point that this makes their entire elections invalid.  The justices could have agreed to hear the case and promptly dismissed it or ruled in favor of Texas, or they could have requested oral arguments before ruling. They declined to hear it outright.  Far too many judges rule by party rather than by law.
Only two justices said they would hear the case. Link  Justice Samuel Alito filed a dissenting statement, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas.
In 2017, we heard that the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society were putting together a list of conservative judges for President Trump. Neither of these organizations are truly constitutional conservatives…both are “controlled opposition.”
Heritage Foundation
The idea of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) originated with Heritage Fellow Richard Allen and has long been advocated by Heritage policy analysts. American manufacturing and jobs went south to Mexico.
Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans was the Heritage Foundation plan, written by Republicans and endorsed by the so-called conservative right. Stuart M. Butler wrote the Heritage monograph. Butler is a Brit who is a senior fellow at the liberal Brookings Institute, the same Institute promoting the privatization of education. Pay particular attention to Item #2 on page six of this document wherein it states, “Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance.”  President Trump eliminated this unconstitutional mandate.
Heritage has a strong Rockefeller and United Nations connection. They have received grants from Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank and right-wing foundations like Olin and Bradley.  Heritage was/is funded by former board member Richard Mellon Scaife to the tune of $30 million, and Scaife was a devout supporter of Planned Parenthood even taking out a full page ad in the WSJ promoting taxpayer funding of same.  Kathryn and Shelby Cullom gave over $26 million to Heritage; Kathryn was a member of the CFR as well as the League of Women Voters.
Federalist Society
Kellyanne Conway and her husband George are members of the Federalist Society, so it would seem logical that as counselor to the president, she recommended them.  The Conways give $50 to $100K to the society every year.  Conway has stated she’d be interested in working for the Biden/Harris administration.
Although the society started out with ultra-conservative and stellar members, it has devolved from its inception.  Members now include pro-constitutional convention Professor Randy Barnett of Georgetown University; Former Energy Secretary, David Schizer who clerked for Ruth Bader Ginsberg; board member Edwin Meese who in 1967, when Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, urged Reagan to sign an abortion bill.  State legislators introduced a therapeutic abortion bill which allowed abortion when it would impair the mental or physical health of the mother.  Reagan signed it.  Meese was also instrumental in the theft of Promis software from Bill Hamilton’s company, Inslaw.
Spencer Abraham is also a member who worked for George W. Bush and was given an award by the National Council of LaRaza.
Another member is David McIntosh, head of Club for Growth, who launched a $1 million smear campaign against Trump in Iowa on Trump in 2016.  As a Congressman from Indiana, he was in trouble with the Ethics Committee.
Donors to the Federalist Society have included GoogleChevronCharles G. and David H. Koch; the family foundation of Richard Mellon Scaife; and the Mercer family By 2017, the Federalist Society had $20 million in annual revenue.
The society holds a national lawyers convention each year in Washington, D.C. It is one of the highest profile conservative legal events of the year. Link  Speakers have included former ACLU head Nadine Strossen, business executive and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, former BB&T chairman John Allison, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, U.S. Senator Mike Lee, and White House Counsel under President Barack Obama Neil Eggleston. The Federalist Society invites to its events “capable liberal advocates to try to rebut conservative perspectives.”
Trump Appointees
Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett were in absentia regarding the Texas case.  All three had helped George W. Bush in his 2000 election case.  I had hoped they’d join with the two constitutional originalists on the court, but once again, they sided with the enemies of freedom.  Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have flip-flopped over and over on cases where they should have sided with Justices Thomas and Alito.
When Gorsuch was nominated, I wrote a number of articles about him.  He and his family belonged to an Episcopal Church with a female priest who attended the pussy hat march and loved it.  She supports abortion and has married same sex partners.  Gorsuch also clings to stare decisis and bad precedent and was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Kavanaugh was put through a miserable ordeal via Diane Feinstein and nemesis Christine Blasey Ford’s absurd and invalid attempts to derail the nominee.  Ultimately, he was confirmed, and later I felt the entire ordeal was theatre for us dumbed down masses.  Much the same had been done in 1991 to Justice Thomas.
Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Many preferred Justice Barbara Lagoa, who would have been the first Hispanic nominee with stellar conservative credentials.  Amy belongs to a small offshoot of Roman Catholicism called People of Praise.  I’m not worried about her religious affiliation; I’m worried about the fact that she doesn’t seem concerned that our election was fraudulent, treasonous and stolen.
State Legislatures
Yes, there is a higher court and authority than SCOTUS…and I’m speaking of two entities, the Lord God Almighty and in this instance, the state legislatures who have higher and final authority.  But will they go against their state’s electors.  We don’t know.  Republicans have consistently and notoriously been weak; they never fight like the Socialist Democrats.  State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate’s victory.
And time is of the essence…
Yes, President Trump won in a landslide.  Demonic and treasonous entities colluded to steal the election from the American people, including the Deep State Socialist Democrats, China, Iran and Serbia…all who worked together via Dominion Voting Systems, their Smartmatic software and programmed algorithms.
We know this…and yet the DOJ, the judiciary and the media are silent.  Treason is swept under the rug never to be mentioned.
I fully believe that the Lord God Almighty put President Trump in power to show us exactly what justice, righteousness and a love of liberty means.  He has been a president like no other.  He is a man loved and adored by every freedom loving American.  The Lord may still see to it that President Trump remains in our White House for another four years, but if He does not, then that means He has another plan for our nation.
Throughout history, when God’s people turn their backs on Him, they lose His blessing and evil thrives.  We never seem to learn.  It’s time for America’s people to realize that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and His Son, Messiah Jesus Christ is our salvation and glory.  Without Him, we are lost.
As a final note, write the legislatures of these battleground states…tell them to stand up for righteousness, truth and one person, one vote.  And pray for our beloved Republic which stands at the threshold of the abyss.
©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Planned Parenthood’s Racism Is Showing. It’s Time We Stopped Enabling Them

The Charlie Kirk Show – The Biblical Defense for the Defenseless

Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, likes to bill itself as concerned with racial equality, despite its origins in racist eugenics. But the recent firing of their Pennsylvania Chapter Executive Director over racial discrimination suggests that racism is alive and well within Planned Parenthood.
On a closer look, it becomes clear that despite the image Planned Parenthood strives to project, racism, ethical issues, and downright illegal activities have been endemic in the organization since its founding. More and more disturbing evidence shows how Planned Parenthood has for years covered up the illegal sale of baby parts, facilitated medical fraud, and neglected to report abuse of minors — sometimes multiple instances of abuse which led to underage girls receiving abortion services.
And Planned Parenthood’s recent debacle with racism in the Pennsylvania Chapter is only one in a series of controversies relating to discrimination. In another recent controversy, Lauren McQuade, the head of Planned Parenthood Great Plains — a Planned Parenthood affiliate group — parted ways with the company after she “created a culture of fear and intimidation,” and limited “upward mobility for Black staff”.
But the bottom line is that this racist, unethical, and illegal behavior is easily hushed up by throwing money at the problem. While Planned Parenthood certainly does whatever it can to extort taxpayer funding, much of their $1.5 billion budget comes from corporate donors. It’s unconscionable that companies who claim to work for the public good would pour so much money into an organization which promotes the murder of babies, covers up sex abuse, and has such close ties with racism. If corporations want to keep their reputation untarnished, if they want us to continue giving them our 2ndVote dollars, they must withdraw their funding from Planned Parenthood and give it to organizations which value every life, no matter the stage or skin color.
EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Seriously? As Trump Announces Another Mideast Peace Deal, Biden Named Person of the Year

Time magazine has named Joe Biden and Kamala Harris “Person of the Year,” in a tacit acknowledgment that they are, for all their individual differences, essentially a single cog in the socialist internationalist machine that is poised to roll all over us. And there is no doubt that driving the American republic to the point of near-death with election chicanery on a breathtaking scale is indeed a significant achievement, but amid all the excitement, it was barely noticed that President Trump had delivered yet another rebuke to the massively failed foreign policy establishment that is poised to get back in the saddle and start failing some more, by engineering peace between Israel and another Arab state, Morocco.
Trump tweeted Thursday: “Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!” The Morocco deal, like the previous one between Israel and Sudan, seems to be a straightforward bargain. Trump also tweeted Friday: “Today, I signed a proclamation recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara. Morocco’s serious, credible, and realistic autonomy proposal is the ONLY basis for a just and lasting solution for enduring peace and prosperity!” So Morocco gets recognition of its sovereignty over the Western Sahara, and the world gets another step toward peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
That makes four agreements between Israel and Arab nations, something John Kerry confidently stated was not even remotely possible. Isn’t it great that Kerry is about to go back to work for the Person of the Year (what pronouns does that beast with two backs use?) and start showing us how it’s done again?
No one thought it could be done, except, of course, Donald Trump. Back in September, when Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates signed their deals with Israel, Trump stated: “We’re here this afternoon to change the course of history. After decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new Middle East.” This was accurate. These “Abraham Accords” have already changed the entire landscape of the Middle East as, for the first time in decades, pragmatic considerations are taking precedence over the fixed ideas that have guided the foreign policy stances of all the Muslim and Arab countries regarding Israel.
Although this aspect of the conflict has been little noted and is still routinely ignored by foreign policy analysts, the Muslim world’s opposition to Israel has not been based upon conflicting claims for land or anything else, but upon core principles of the Islamic religion. As The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process shows, the Qur’an commands Muslims to “drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191). Even though it is a historical fiction that Israel actually drove Muslim Arabs out, this claim is a staple of pro-Palestinian propaganda, and hence it is a divine imperative, no more negotiable than the Ten Commandments are for Jews and Christians, that Muslims must destroy Israel and “drive out” the Israelis.
That means that as long as pious, believing, knowledgeable Muslims are in charge in Muslim countries, which is by no means always the case, no negotiated settlement will ever establish Israel securely and end the jihad against it. That in turn is why analysts ignore Islam when considering the conflict: people don’t like bad news, or problems that cannot be solved. Nonetheless, this is the reality of the situation, and no good can ever come from ignoring reality.
Why, then, did Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and now Morocco normalize relations with Israel? Because it was in their interests to do so. Sudan was taken off the terror list in exchange for normalization. The Islamic Republic of Iran has for years claimed Bahrain as Iran’s nineteenth province, and the UAE likewise feels the heat of being in close proximity to one of the world’s leading state sponsors of terror. In a certain sense, these deals with Israel are a byproduct of Barack Obama’s decision to send billions to the mullahs’ tottering regime: a newly secure and empowered mullahcracy threatens Bahrain and the UAE, and so it was in their best interests to look for assistance from a country that Iran also menaces.
Now, with the mullahs expecting The Person of the Year and their minions to prop them up again, there are numerous indications that many in the Islamic world have had quite enough of the Palestinians’ jihadist intransigence and resistance to all peace accords, and are willing to proceed on a pragmatic basis, quite aside from what Islamic doctrine and law say, in order to secure their own countries against the threat from Iran.
And so maybe Old Joe deserves the credit for Middle East peace that the establishment media is certain to give him no matter what: if he hadn’t publicly stated his intention to empower and enable the Islamic Republic, Sunni Arab states wouldn’t see the need to make accords with Israel to protect themselves from the mullahs. Make that man, uh, those people, Person of the Year!
Meanwhile, it’s too bad that there is no unbiased, trustworthy organization giving out prizes for efforts toward world peace. If there were, Trump would be a shoo-in. But that would require a sane world.

France: Former top general says he fears civil war due to ‘Islamist radicals’
France unveils new law to fight ‘those that distort religion to challenge the values of the Republic’
UK: Manchester jihad bomber’s brother says he supports violent jihad and imposition of Sharia through violence
Osama bin Laden associate is back on UK streets after being freed from US prison for being too fat
Iran Violates 2015 Agreement Again, and Even the Europeans are Alarmed
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Israel-Morocco Accord: Trump Gives the Nobel Peace Prize Committee Another Reason to Honor Him

Donald Trump has just given the Nobel Peace Prize Committee another reason for awarding him that prize. After the U.A.E., Bahrain, and Sudan, a fourth Arab state – Morocco – has now announced it has agreed to normalize ties with Israel. “Morocco, Israel normalize ties as US recognizes Western Sahara,” by Omri Nahmias, Lahav Harkov, and Greer Fay Cashman, Jerusalem Post, December 11, 2020:

Israel and Morocco have agreed to establish diplomatic relations, US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday, Dec. 10.
Morocco became the fourth Arab country to normalize ties with Israel in four months, following the Abraham Accords with United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan.
“Another historic breakthrough today!” Trump tweeted. “Our two great friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!”
Israel and Morocco plan to reopen economic liaison offices, which were closed in 2002, and work quickly to exchange ambassadors and begin direct flights, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
In addition, Trump announced that he signed a proclamation recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara, a disputed territory. “Morocco’s serious, credible, and realistic autonomy proposal is the ONLY basis for a just and lasting solution for enduring peace and prosperity!” he tweeted.
Morocco recognized the United States in 1777. It is thus fitting we recognize their sovereignty over the Western Sahara,” Trump added. No other UN member states recognize Western Sahara as part of Morocco.

That was the quid pro quo that Morocco required: recognition of its sovereignty over the Western Sahara. Just as the U.A.E. wanted, in exchange for agreeing to normalize relations with Israel, an American promise to sell the Emirates the Stealth fighter jet, the F-35 (and from Israel, it wanted, and received, a promise to suspend extension of Israeli sovereignty to parts of the West Bank), so King Mohammad VI wanted the U.S. to recognize Morocco’s claim to the Western Sahara. This was not only to satisfy the government in Rabat, but also could be held up to the Moroccan people as a diplomatic coup, so that they would be less inclined to resent the new ties to Israel.

The Trump administration viewed finalizing establishment of ties between the two countries as a prime goal in the past few weeks.
White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner said normalization “comes on the heels of four years of very, very hard work and very intense diplomacy.”
The move is the culmination of a successful year of upgrading Israel’s relations with Arab and Muslim countries, beginning with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting Chad and meeting Sudan’s leader in Uganda, the Abraham Accords, as well as the warming relations and cooperation with Saudi Arabia, in addition to a number of other Arab states.
Israel proposed a scenario similar to what has since unfolded, by which normalization with Morocco would come in conjunction with American recognition of the Western Sahara, to the White House in the beginning of this year, as reported in multiple Israeli media sources.
French media reported that Morocco purchased three drones from Israel for $48 million in January.

This is evidence of ties already warming up long before the announcement on Dec. 10. Israel does not sell weapons to states with which it has less than friendly ties.

Like the Gulf states, Morocco views Iran as a threat. Rabat cut ties with Tehran in 2018, because Iran funded Western Sahara separatist movement Polisario via Hezbollah.
Long before that, Morocco had a relationship with Israeli intelligence agencies. Moroccan King Hassan II gave Israel recordings of an Arab League meeting [in 1965] that helped Israel prepare for the Six Day War, according to former IDF intelligence chief Shlomo Gazit and former intelligence officer and cabinet minister Rafi Eitan. That same year, the Mossad helped Morocco abduct a dissident from France.

King Hassan II provided Israel with a secret recording he had made of an Arab League meeting held in Casablanca in 1965, that revealed both the disunity among the Arabs and the parlous state of their military – especially that of Egypt. The tale of that Moroccan tip-off to Israeli military, that helped Israel win the Six-Day War, can be found here.
And Israel, in turn, helped Morocco. Mossad helped persuade a Moroccan dissident, Mehdi Ben Barka, to come to a rendezvous in Paris, where he was then kidnapped outside a famous restaurant, the Brasserie Lipp, by two French policemen working for the Moroccans; Ben Barka was never seen again.

Netanyahu, however, focused on the many Israelis of Moroccan origin and not security matters in his remarks on normalization, which he called a “great light of peace” in honor of Hanukkah.
Everyone knows the warm ties of the kings of Morocco and the Moroccan people to the Jewish community there,” Netanyahu said. “Hundreds of thousands of Jews moved to Israel from Morocco and they form a living bridge between the people of Morocco and Israel. This solid base is the foundation on which we build this peace.”
Trump’s proclamation said the US “affirms, as stated by previous Administrations, its support for Morocco’s autonomy proposal as the only basis for a just and lasting solution to the dispute over the Western Sahara territory…An independent Sahrawi State is not a realistic option for resolving the conflict and that genuine autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty is the only feasible solution.”
“Therefore, as of today, the United States recognizes Moroccan sovereignty over the entire Western Sahara territory.”
The White House also urged the sides in the Western Sahara conflict to return to the negotiating table under the framework of Morocco’s plan for autonomy for the Sahrawi people of Western Sahara.
Morocco’s sovereignty over the Western Sahara has been recognized by the U.S., but it is expected that the Sahrawi people will enjoy a large degree of autonomy. We will see if that promise by Morocco is borne out. And we still don’t know if that “autonomy” will give the Sahrawis a fair share of the revenues from the huge deposits of phosphates in the Western Sahara.
The US plans to open a consulate in Dakhla, in Western Sahara, which the Moroccan Foreign Ministry said would have “a primarily economic vocation.”
Kushner said recognizing Moroccan sovereignty in the Western Sahara was “something that seemed inevitable at this point; is something that we think advances the region and helps bring more clarity to where things are going.”
Following the announcement, President Trump spoke with King Mohammed VI of Morocco. According to a readout provided by the White House, “the leaders discussed cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus, ways to minimize its economic impact, and common interests in critical regional issues.”
During the conversation the King agreed to resume diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel and expand economic and cultural cooperation to advance regional stability,” the White House said in a statement.
King Mohammed told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a phone call on Thursday that Rabat stands by a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a royal court statement said.

Like the U.A.E. and Bahrain, Morocco has reaffirmed the boilerplate commitment to a “two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” And like them, it has no plans to help the Palestinians beyond that recital; it has decided to promote its own national interests – its claim to the Western Sahara – over the demands of the Palestinians, who have been “betrayed” and “stabbed in the back” yet again, this time by Rabat’s willingness to normalize ties with the Jewish state.

The king added that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are the only way to reach a final, lasting and comprehensive solution to the conflict.
King Mohammed also highlighted his commitment to a two-state solution, as well as the importance of freedom of worship in Jerusalem, during his conversation with Trump.

Of course, there is now total “freedom of worship” in Jerusalem, as there was not during the 19 years of the Jordanian occupation. The only worshippers who may feel they don’t have “freedom of worship” are the Muslims from countries that have normalized ties with Israel, who have been cursed and threatened at Al-Aqsa mosque by angry Palestinians.

The White House, not Netanyahu, informed Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benny Gantz of the developments with Morocco several weeks before they were made public, contrary to the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan deals in which they were told at the last minute.
Ashkenazi said that “today is another great day for Israeli diplomacy, a day of light befitting the holiday of Hanukkah.

And Ashkenazi should have mentioned that it’s also “another great day for American diplomacy,” but since he didn’t, we’ll do it for him.

“Renewing relations between Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco is an important part of the Abraham Accords that reflects the deep and longstanding friendship between the nations. I call on more nations to join the Abraham Accords’ circle,” he stated….

It isn’t true that there has been a “deep and longstanding friendship between the nations” (of Israel and Morocco), but I suppose it’s a useful fiction. Ashkenazi might have said that “we all hope that this historic agreement will lead to a deep and longstanding friendship between our nations.” That would have been dignified, hopeful, and true.
Approximately one million Israelis are wholly or partly descended from Moroccan Jews, the second largest group in Israel after the Jews from Russia. They are well disposed to their original home and to the present King Mohammed VI, who like his father, King Hassan II, is known for his sympathetic interest and affection for the Jews in the Kingdom.
Furthermore, King Mohammed VI’s senior advisor is Andre Azoulay, a Moroccan Jew who previously advised Mohammed’s father, King Hassan II.
The Moroccan king’s philosemitism, beside his interest in Moroccan Jews, is expressed in the distinct absence of any animus toward Israel, a view which he surely inherited from his father. His father hosted two Israeli prime ministers, Rabin and Peres, in Morocco, and remained friendly with Rabin until the end of the Israeli’s life, and with Peres until the end of his own, even when Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza were engaged in war. King Hassan II’s father, King Mohammed V, blocked efforts by Vichy officials to impose anti-Jewish measures on Morocco and deport the country’s 250,000 Jews to their deaths in Europe, and is revered for that by Morocco’s Jews and their descendants in Israel.
King Hassan has been celebrating Morocco’s Jewish heritage in recent years, and bringing other Moroccans along with him. “Judaism is part of Moroccan identity,” said Zhor Rehihil, Muslim conservator at the Museum of Moroccan Judaism in Casablanca, the first of its kind in the Arab world. “We still have a Jewish memory, even though the Jews left.” No other Arab state has devoted so much attention to its former Jewish population.
This normalization of relations with a fourth Arab state has gone off without a hitch. The sky has not fallen. The Palestinian Authority, still smarting from its treatment by the Arab League (that refused to denounce the U.A.E. and Bahrain), has been quiet. Morocco’s decision to normalize relations is likely to increase the pressure on other Arab and Muslim states to follow suit. Each additional Arab state that normalizes relations with Israel increases the gravitational pull on the others that have not. They’ve all taken note of the granting of national wishes – the F-35 sale for the U.A.E., the recognition of its sovereignty over the Western Sahara for Morocco, the removal of economic sanctions for the Sudan – by the American government. What would it take to get Oman to follow suit? Or Mauritania? Or Tunisia? And what of Saudi Arabia, whose King Salman thinks one way about normalization of ties with Israel (which he insists can only happen after a Palestinian state in the “pre-1967 lines” is created), and his son the Crown Prince, who doesn’t give a damn about the Palestinians, quite another?
Another coup for President Trump, in achieving yet another astonishment, but will the Biden transition team be willing to recognize this feat of diplomatic finesse? I have my doubts.

Trump Middle East Peace: Chanukah Celebrations in DUBAI
Falls Church, Virginia School Board Cancels Thomas Jefferson
Likely arrival of Biden administration leads to erroneous calculations and false expectations in the Middle East
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Teachers Union Opposes Vaccine As It Might Force Teachers To Teach Again

U.S.—Many are excited about the prospect of a vaccine to end the COVID-19 pandemic, but one group is adamantly opposed to the vaccine: teachers unions. Their fear is that widespread availability of the vaccine could lead to teachers once again being forced to teach.
“Teachers are too important to risk putting them anywhere near other people’s kids,” said National Education Association president Jacob Bridges. “We’re afraid that if the pandemic ends, people will think it’s once again okay to impose a grueling five-day-a-week, nine-months-a-year work schedule on teachers who frankly have better things to do.”
It has always been the stated goal of teachers unions to do the least amount of teaching for the most amount of money, with the ultimate fabled goal to get paid to not teach at all. Thanks to the pandemic, teachers have actually reached that goal with schools shutting down, but now teachers panic that the vaccine means that they will have to teach again.
Supportive politicians like Governor Andrew Cuomo are trying to assure them that it won’t happen. “We already kept schools closed despite science saying we didn’t need to,” said Cuomo. “And we will stop this vaccine. It’s time to end this tyrannical idea that one can ask anything of teachers. Teachers have the most important job in society. But you know who isn’t important? Your stupid kids. Keep them home.”
Nation’s CEOs Beg Ocasio-Cortez To Start A Boycott Against Them
10 Ways To Make Your Christmas Less Problematic This Year
Girl Asks Progressive Santa For Barbie, Gets Lectured On Harmful Gender Stereotypes
Dad Spends 12 Hours Untangling 3 Feet Of Christmas Lights
Disney+ Introduces $10/Month Add-On That Blocks ‘Frozen’ From Streaming Service
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

YouTube Channels China with Video Warning

The biggest fraud of the 2020 election had nothing to do with ballots or voting machine or even liberal officials. This election was rigged by something else entirely: Big Tech. And now, days before the results are even certified, Silicon Valley is making it clear — they aren’t done.
Americans are used to the mainstream media putting their thumb on the scales. In the Trump era, no industry has been more blatant about its disgust of the Republican leader and his supporters than the press. The veneer of neutrality, if anyone even remembers those days, is long gone — replaced by a ferocious bias against anything resembling conservatism. With just nine percent of the country convinced the media is credible, a lot of Americans turned to places like social media to have the honest debate journalists won’t. Turns out, Big Tech isn’t interested in a free forum anymore, and there’s no better proof than this year.
With its Chinese-level censorship, skewed algorithms, and rolling conservative blackouts, “nobody meddled in the 2020 election like Big Media and Big Tech,” Mollie Hemingway argued. On one hand, they suppressed information that would hurt Democrats on one hand and silenced voices of truth on the other. And this wasn’t just one platform — this was a coordinated effort across Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and its parent company, Google.
Now, with legal challenges still ongoing, YouTube has decided to turn its thought control up a notch. In an announcement Wednesday, the company announced that it would no longer allow videos questioning the election’s results or irregularities. “Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election,” the company posted, “and enough states have certified their election results to determine a president-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or any time after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election…”
For example, the company warned, “we will remove videos claiming that a presidential candidate won the election due to widespread software glitches or counting errors. We will begin enforcing this policy today and will ramp up in the weeks to come.”
In other words, if YouTube has declared Joe Biden president, everyone else must too. It’s a breathtaking display of information suppression — the kind we’d expect out of the former Soviet Union, not the United States. The message from our tech overlords is simple: “We’ll decide what you see and how you think about it.” Frankly, it’s mind-boggling the lengths that these companies will go to just to stop Americans’ exposure to a variety of facts and opinions. It’s even scarier, many have pointed out, that almost “all information in the English-speaking world travels through a single company, Google.” That’s a problem when the majority of our political conversations occur online.
This liberal monopoly — the quiet political conspiracy between Big Tech giants — is what’s driving so many Republicans to demand change. Right now, Americans have absolutely recourse when these companies attack their free speech. Twitter, Facebook, Google — they’re all immune from government accountability under the outdated law that’s regulating communications. So when President Trump talks about stripping Big Tech of their liability, he means that it’s time to crack down on anyone who would try to control American messaging. And thanks to examples like YouTube, conservatives will be more than motivated to try.
Already, 48 states have filed anti-trust lawsuits to break apart the Facebook empire. The Federal Trade Commission is suing as well, on a parallel track. Making matters worse for Big Tech, Democrats wouldn’t mind seeing them succeed. They don’t mind the conservative censorship, of course, but they do mind monopolies. And that’s what these companies have — both sides would argue — in more ways than one.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.

Here Comes Electors Clause!
Warnock Doubles down on ‘Pro-Choice’ Pastor Comments
EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past

“People who cannot be reasoned with can only be fought.” It’s an age-old truth, one good people ignore at their own peril. It too often is ignored, though, since good people are mostly reasonable and, in accordance with man’s nature, engage in projection. They thus assume that others are as reasonable as they are.
It’s reasonable to assume that mentioning right now the futility of reasoning with the Left is motivated by the election. It’s also, in my case, untrue. I’ve for decades recognized that devout leftists, emotion-driven and vice-ridden, operate by occultist Aleister Crowley’s “principle,” “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” But now, with the Left stealing an election after have stolen our whole culture and increasingly achieving its ends through violence, more people may accept this message.
When presenting logical arguments to advance a position, which is what I as a commentator do, I’ve at times heard from readers who’d lament that it was a waste of time because leftists wouldn’t listen. What they misunderstood is that those arguments were never, ever intended for the Left.
What must be applied here is “political/cultural triage.” This paradigm’s first group is the “Choir”; while its members are on your side, it still is beneficial “preaching” to them to “fire up the troops” and because “iron sharpens iron.”
The second group is the “Middlers”; not wholly blinded by ideology and being at least somewhat open-minded, they often can be reached with logos, ethos or pathos or a good combination thereof.
Then there’s the last group: the Initiated. Called “leftists” today, they have disordered thinking; married to misbegotten passions and, disconnected from reason and operating emotionally, they’re the sort that inspired the Jonathan Swift sentiment (I’m paraphrasing), “You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into.”
Of course, one here and there may see the light if they experience something akin to a religious conversion. But you will not reach them with logic or anything else — and it’s a waste of time trying. They are, so to speak, damned.
So how should we regard vanguard leftists, the Machiavellian destroyers of civilizations? How can you be prepared for them? Well, pretend you’re dealing with Satan.
You can view this purely as a thought exercise if you’re non-religious. But know that the enemy — and that is what leftists are — is above nothing and beneath contempt. They will say anything and do anything to achieve their ends, which they believe justify the means; no lie is too great, no theft too grand, no contradiction too bold, no sacrifice of life too unpalatable. Moral relativists/nihilists to the core, they have boiled their behavioral guide down to, “If it feels good, do it.”
Conservatives must accept this hard reality and avoid the aforementioned instinctive, very human but in this case deadly habit: projection. This is when you ascribe your own mindset, priorities and sense of virtue to others. But vanguard leftists aren’t like you. As with the Devil, they can’t be talked out of their passions or reasoned out of their malevolence. They are as aliens — and they do not come in peace.
Their no-holds-barred attitude is apparent to all with eyes to see. They have

  • continually attacked us traditionalists and fomented unrest at our political events while accusing us of authoring violence;
  • visited career and reputational destruction upon those who dare speak unfashionable truths while accusing those Truth-tellers of intolerance;
  • used government agencies such as the IRS and FBI to persecute us while accusing us of endangering the republic;
  • played the identity politics card and demonized whites while accusing conservatives of being divisive, racist and bigoted;
  • conspired with foreign powers to undermine our nation while accusing us of treasonous behavior;
  • enabled China, an imperialistic foe and a clear and present danger to our country;
  • endeavored to steal an election after having wrongly accused conservatives of thus doing in 2016;
  • abetted an invasion of our nation in order to raise an alien electoral army that can help them seize power;
  • mismanaged a pandemic and caused death while using it as a pretext for stripping our liberties, “locking down” the country and destroying people’s livelihoods;
  • corrupted our children with perversion and scarred their bodies, minds and souls;
  • facilitated the murder of the unborn while accusing us of indifference to the vulnerable;
  • prosecuted conservatives on trumped up charges while shielding their co-ideologists from justice;
  • called Truth “hateful” or “misinformation” and censored it via Big Tech while presenting convenient lies as “fact”;
  • encouraged violent mobs to create mayhem and attempted to strip the imperiled of the capacity for self-defense while sometimes being protected themselves by armed details;
  • attacked our history and heroes and destroyed our cultural heritage while effecting their own “Year Zero,” dystopian transformation;
  • indoctrinated the young in schools to transform them into foot soldiers in the leftist campaign of civilizational rape;
  • attacked our nation’s foundational faith, Christianity, while spreading corruptive moral relativism and destructive theologies; and
  • degraded society with perverted science while accusing us of scientific obscurantism.

In a saner world, people could talk things out, seeking that ethereal common ground called Truth. But morally nihilistic leftists scoff at absolutes and have thus turned themselves into glorified animals, driven by their base instincts and consuming freedom, virtue and goodness like demonic locusts. They won’t stop until they are stopped, and if people cannot talk things out, they are left to fight them out. And our leftists are ensuring that we cannot talk things out.
The reality is that if the United States were a marriage, there would have been a divorce long ago. Leftists are as alien to more traditional people as a race of aggressive, invasive extraterrestrials, and they’ve made coexistence impossible.
So what does this mean from a practical standpoint? How should we proceed? First, conservatives must stop being “conservative” (as in defensive) and realize that you can’t follow Queensberry rules when the adversary fights no-holds-barred. As an example, leftists can govern contrary to the Constitution, sure — and we act contrary to their governance.
To this end, traditionalist states/counties/cities should employ nullification, that ignoring of governmental enjoinments that Thomas Jefferson called the “rightful” remedy for all unconstitutional directives.
Note here that the latter will encompass much, as most of the federal government’s business (and some state business) involves unconstitutional endeavors. There is, for instance, no constitutional provision for bureaucracies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Education, and federal anti-discrimination law and “transgender”-accommodation mandates should be considered null and void; so should the Obergefell v. Hodges “marriage” opinion, to cite just a few examples. For leftists can con their way to an election victory, but if we let them con us into obeying them, that’s on us.
As to this, conservatives fancy themselves rules-oriented, but too many have been fooling themselves, following not the rule of law but the rule of lawyers (in legislatures and on courts). If leftists can consider the Constitution’s dictates “living,” we can consider their unconstitutional dictates living — and tell ‘em to go pound sand.
Lastly, be ready if leftists attack you, and defend yourself, viciously if necessary. If they push, push back harder; if they strike, strike back harder. Understand that this is war, and as in all wars hot or cold, this is only and ultimately about one thing: power.
Our second president, John Adams, said in 1798, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” “Moral and religious” leaves leftists out, and we should leave them out as well — from any of our future plans. Dead to us they should be.
Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to
©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.
RELATED VIDEO: Tucker’s BOMBSHELL Segment Exposes Chinese Spies Inside Our Government


Immediately After Moving To Texas, Elon Musk Announces Tesla AR-15

AUSTIN, TX—After years of fighting lame California politicians who want to lock everyone in their homes so they can’t go to space or build cool stuff, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced he was moving to a land flowing with milk and honey called Texas. Almost immediately after the move, he announced a new product the whole world has been waiting for: the Tesla AR-15.
“Um… h-howdy, I think,” said Elon, expertly taking on the local dialect. “Y’all want a Tesla AR-15? You got it, partner!”
The new firearm will look similar to a standard AR-15 but will in fact be a battery-powered railgun capable of firing 3 million rounds per minute. It will also feature a fingerprint sensor, Bluetooth capability, heat-seeking ammunition, and a chainsaw bayonet, to name a few.
“We really wanted to re-think self-defense,” said Musk. “This new firearm will be the go-to rifle for our SpaceX volunteers when they encounter hostile aliens. It’s also a celebration of the Second Amendment. If any federal authorities try to confiscate it, the rifle will automatically connect to the internet and file a lawsuit for you!”
The Federal Government has requested that Tesla at least remove the AI-powered “self-driving” feature on the firearm before selling it.
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In ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ Remake, Angel Tells George Bailey To Kill Himself Because He’s White
Here Are 10 Ways Trump Could Still Win
San Francisco Dogs Begin Bagging People Poop
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Help At Last: House Relief Bill Will Provide Free ‘Going Out Of Business’ Signs To Small Business Owners

WASHINGTON, DC—After weeks of partisan bickering in Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell have announced that a bipartisan relief bill is finally ready for Trump’s signature. The bill will include stimulus to replenish Pelosi’s ice cream freezer, more money for the Congressional Sexual Harassment Legal Defense Fund, and free “Going Out Of Business” signs for small business owners.
“We are proud, so proud, to finally bring Americans the help they so desperately need in the form of millions of free “Going Out of Business” and “Store Closing” signs for hard-working business owners,” said Nancy Pelosi. “In spite of heartless political posturing from the Republicans, we are proud to say that we managed to work together to get something done for the American people!”
“We are also proud to finally bring Americans the help they so desperately need with all these free, high-quality printed signs,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. “In spite of heartless political posturing from the Democrats, we are proud to say that we managed to work together to get something done for the American people!”
The new signs will be printed in a congressional staffer’s office over the next 3 years and will cost approximately 12 million dollars each.
Movie Studio Accidentally Releases Uplifting, Inspirational Movie
Biden To Defeat Skin Cancer By Ordering Americans To Avoid All Sunlight For 100 Days
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Trump Administration Adds ‘Who’s Your Favorite President?’ To Citizenship Test
Idiot Family Gets Puppy
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is It ‘Dangerous’ to Fight Voter Fraud?

I feel disenfranchised with last month’s vote because of such apparent widespread voter fraud in six key swing states. But the media says, “There’s nothing to see here.” As of this writing, 40 court decisions seem to agree with them.
Thank God for the alternative media which is a lifeline of information, which big tech, big media, and the cultural elites are doing their best to suppress. But you can’t suppress the truth forever.
A congresswoman from Florida says that Trump’s attempts to expose allegations of voter fraud are undermining our nation.
Stephanie Murphy (D-Florida), whose family fled Vietnam in the late 1970s, is a U. S. Representative in the greater Orlando area. She said, “My family fled a communist dictatorship, so I’ve never taken America’s democracy for granted. The President’s claims of election fraud are discredited and dangerous, nothing more than a cynical attempt to subvert the will of the American people.”
She was responding to this tweet (12/1/20) from NPR that said the election was fair and not stolen. NPR Politics: “‘This was a secure election,’ Christopher Krebs, the former top federal government election security official, said. ‘That is a success story. That is something everyone in the administration should be proud of.’”

  • Forget those suitcases captured on video brought out in the middle of election night in Atlanta, presumably chock full of Biden ballots.
  • Forget all those dead people that voted in Pennsylvania—even people who lived through the Civil War.
  • Forget the “over 400 affidavits documenting vote fraud and polling place irregularities, documenting that there were more votes cast than registered voters in quite a number of jurisdictions,” to quote Scott Powell, American Thinker (12/5/20).
  • Forget the Detroit Democrat poll-workers who muscled Republicans out of the room in the middle of the night and then taped up the windows so no one could see what was going on.

Gary Bauer notes (12/3/20): “…in numerous progressive cities, left-wing operatives systematically threw out GOP observers one by one. The vote counters, who are government employees, often erupted in applause as the conservatives were shown the door.”
Forget all that—nothing to see here. Time to move on. To question the mainstream media’s coronation of Joe Biden as president is “dangerous,” says Rep. Murphy.
Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis have held hearings providing all sorts of evidence of voter fraud that took place primarily in the wee hours of the early morning of November 4 in key swing states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona.
Regardless of one’s opinions on Donald Trump, I would think virtually all Americans of good will would oppose election fraud. Election security is critical.
I showed my wife a compilation of highlights of the Giuliani-Ellis Michigan hearings of alleged voter fraud. After a while, she almost wept, wondering how this could happen in her adopted country? She was originally from Norway and gladly became a U. S. citizen many years ago.
Democracy is messy. But to ensure voter integrity, it’s worth sorting through this mess.
One man noted, “If we don’t root out the fraud…we don’t have a country anymore.” That was Al Gore in 2000. But in the case of Al Gore’s challenge of Bush’s victory—which was predicated on Bush’s taking Florida—Bush won every single vote recount in Florida. Every single one, even those conducted by liberal (anti-Bush) newspapers, like The New York Times.
Jenna Ellis said “We’re a nation of rules, not a nation of rulers.” Ellis referred Americans to look up Federalist #68, which I did. This “Federalist Paper” was written by Alexander Hamilton, and he states: “…every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption.” He calls these underhanded deeds the “most deadly adversaries of republican government.”
Was there a cabal at work in the wee hours on the day after the election to bring in bundles of thousands of votes for Biden in the key swing states?
Twenty congressmen are demanding voter integrity, especially after they saw the footage of the Georgia suitcases. They wrote an open letter (12/4/20) to Bill Barr with this lead: “Dear Attorney General Barr, Two pillars of a successful republic are election integrity and confidence in our democratic processes.” [Emphasis theirs]
Gary Bauer notes (12/6/20), “After the election, a shocking 70% of Republicans don’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair….30% of Democrats believe it is likely the election was stolen from President Trump! These figures undermine confidence in our electoral process.”
Congresswoman Murphy is wrong. Until the many allegations—including more than a thousand affidavits where many people (including Democrats) report on the cheating they themselves witnessed on behalf of the Biden campaign—have their day in court, it is not “dangerous” to explore these accusations. It is dangerous not to.
©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Ex-Con Hired by D.C. as Violence Interrupter Arrested, Charged with Murder

In a curious twist, a “reformed” criminal hired by the District of Columbia’s chief legal officer to help curb violence has been arrested and charged with murder. The case involves a taxpayer-funded public safety program known as Cure the Streets launched by D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine to reduce gun violence by treating it as a disease that can be interrupted and stopped from spreading. Cure the Streets typically hires men and women with criminal histories as violence interrupters because they know first-hand about the challenges that residents of crime-infested communities live with. Racine, who was reelected to a second term in 2018, says the transformed criminals hired by his program perform community-driven public safety work that can avoid using police.
Here is how they carry out the task, according to Racine’s office: By interrupting potentially violent conflicts because they have relationships and influence within targeted neighborhoods. Violence interrupters “engage with the community to learn about brewing conflicts and resolve them peaceably before they erupt in violence,” the program’s website states. Violence interrupters also identify and treat individuals at high risk for involvement with violence by meeting with them and implementing individualized risk reduction plans. “They also help connect participants with needed services, such as housing, counseling and employment assistance, and develop action plans for a positive future.” Finally, the D.C. Attorney General claims violence interrupters mobilize communities to change norms by engaging residents, local businesses, community leaders and faith leaders to work with high-risk individuals to reduce violence. “CTS works with these partners to organize forums and public events where residents can gather and interact safely without fear of conflict and violence,” the D.C. government website claims. It is not clear what impact Cure the Streets is having on violent crime in the District, but the Metropolitan Police Department reports that homicides are up 20% from last year.
The program operates in notoriously high-crime sections throughout D.C., which are broken down by wards. They include Eckington/Truxton and Trinidad in Ward 5, Marshall Heights/Benning Heights in Ward 7 and Bellevue, Washington Highlands, and Congress Heights in Ward 8. The Cure the Streets employee recently charged with murder was a supervisor who led a team of six violence interrupters and outreach workers. His name is Cotey Wynn, an ex-con with an extensive rap sheet who served a decade in prison before D.C.’s chief legal officer hired him. Wynn’s record includes felony murder, first degree murder, possession with intent to distribute crack cocaine, and distribution of a controlled substance, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. On December 4, the agency’s Capital Area Fugitive Task Force arrested the 39-year-old Wynn and charged him with second degree murder while armed. At the time of his arrest Wynn was under the supervision of the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia, a federal agency that believes preventative detention should only be a last resort for defendants, who should live in the least restrictive conditions while awaiting court.
Police say Wynn fatally shot a 53-year-old man named Eric Linnair Wright in 2017 near the Trinidad neighborhood in Northeast Washington. The violence interrupter was identified by multiple witnesses after viewing security camera footage from nearby homes, according to police. Authorities also tracked Wynn’s cell phone to the location of the crime. In a statement issued to local media, Racine’s spokesperson said this: “The Office of the Attorney General is aware of Mr. Wynn’s arrest for a homicide he is alleged to have committed in 2017, prior to his employment with Cure the Streets. This case will now proceed through our criminal justice system where Mr. Wynn is presumed innocent. We are confident that justice will be served once this process is complete. Our hearts go out to the family of Mr. Wright, the victim in this case, and to the affected members of the community. The important work of the Cure the Streets team will continue.”
It was not that long ago that the same office, charged with enforcing D.C. laws and protecting the interest of its citizens, bragged about what a great guy Wynn is. In a profile posted on the Attorney General’s website over the summer, Wynn was portrayed as somewhat of a saint. When observing Cotey at work, you see a respected professional, a loving father, a devoted friend, and a pillar of the community,” according to the piece which includes a photo of the accused murderer delivering resources to D.C. residents during COIVD-19. The story also reveals that Wynn could not find a job after a decade in prison since “the damage to his reputation made it hard for him to find employment” so D.C. government hired him as a violence interrupter for Cure the Streets.
EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Has anyone seen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Last week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D. – N.Y.) doxed our address.
In response, the #VeritasArmy asked that we investigate AOC.
Little did people know that we have been investigating her for quite some time.
You can see what we uncovered so far here:

Hey AOC, where are you?
Clearly the residents in your alleged district haven’t seen you around.
Does that mean that AOC is being dishonest with her voters? Would it be the first time she’s done that?
There are plenty of questions to be answered. I’m sure there is also plenty to investigate when it comes to AOC.
Our investigation is still ongoing.
EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Politicians Breaking Own Rules Can Now Purchase ‘Hypocrisy Credits’

U.S.—A new system allows politicians to purchase “hypocrisy credits” whenever they break their own lockdown rules.
Each credit costs just $1,000 and offsets one hypocritical action by a politician.
“Want to go out dining when you just shut down all the restaurants, or vacation in an exotic location when you told everyone in your state to stay home? Just purchase a Hypocrisy Credit,” said HypoCredit founder Jacob Christopher.
The credits are selling like hotcakes, with millions of dollars’ worth of the certificates having been sold in California alone. Other Democrat-controlled states are also seeing soaring sales of the credits as more governors, mayors, and legislators look for ways to break their own moral codes with impunity.
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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Night the Rights Went out in Georgia

What Americans witnessed on November 3rd didn’t just happen. A lot of people don’t remember, but the seeds for this election mess were planted way back in 2018 when Democrats won the House. The coronavirus didn’t hurt, of course, but the cheat was on long before Joe Biden was nominated. Why does that matter? Because — the president’s attorneys warn — if Republicans don’t keep fighting, the damage to our democracy is here to stay.
Liberals are getting restless. The media is impatient. Even some Republicans, men and women who believe there was legitimate fraud, want the White House to throw in the towel and move on. Why don’t they? Because at the end of the day, this isn’t about the presidential election. It’s about the sanctity of American law. We aren’t just talking about Pennsylvania’s law or Georgia’s law — but the power of every state legislature to pass laws with the expectation that they will be upheld. Right now, elected leaders in state legislatures can’t even perform their most basic function without other state officials and courts overruling them. That’s not how democracy works. So when the Left tells everyone to “move on,” they aren’t pressuring us to give up on Donald Trump — but our entire constitutional system.
Americans have laws for a reason, and when they’re violated or ignored, it should concern everyone. Trump attorney Cleta Mitchell, who’s had her eyes on the Left for two years, knows the game plan. As far as she’s concerned, the 2020 election has been a coordinated sabotage since the earliest days of the new Congress. “Don’t forget,” she said on “Washington Watch,” “H.R. 1 — the first bill taken up by Nancy Pelosi when the Democrats won control of the House in 2018, was a massive election bill that would have provided for [this mail-in balloting] everywhere in the country.” Of course, as usual, the Democrats couldn’t accomplish any of their radical election plans democratically. So they started filing lawsuits to sue their way to an absentee system that would open up new avenues for manipulation. “Even in 2019,” Cleta points out, “they started [suing]… in Mississippi, Louisiana, cases in practically every state… [They] spent literally hundreds of millions of dollars (it might not surprise you to learn that George Soros funded it, [and] Marc Elias [of Russia-gate fame] managed it.”
The strategy was to get judges to “adopt laws — quote unquote — or orders that basically threw out the duly enacted laws of the state legislatures,” Cleta explained. Then the coronavirus hit, and it was the perfect storm for the Left’s stalking horse: rewriting election laws that would undermine the election safeguards and ballot integrity the states have in place. Even Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), Cleta said, when he was sued by Stacey Abrams (D) capitulated. “Instead of fighting them, saying, ‘I have no authority, and the judge has no authority to change the law — that’s the legislature’s responsibility,’ he ended up settling with them and entering a consent decree.” And you and I both know, she shook her head, “what happens to Republican officeholders when they decide that they like to be loved by the media and the Left. It’s not good for conservatives.” And, as we’ve seen, it’s not good for the process.
For the time being, there’s at least a very compelling case in Georgia. When it comes to fraud, people keep asking, “Where’s the evidence?” Well, as the Trump campaign said in its filing on Friday: here it is. Their court petition has more than 1,000 pages of sworn testimony and nearly 100 affidavits — signed under penalty of perjury. “There’s nothing in this lawsuit that is not backed up by either a sworn affidavit by an eyewitness as to a violation of a Georgia election code or a declaration by an expert who has analyzed the Georgia state election and voting records.” It would be difficult for Raffensperger to read the petition and not understand that there are tens of thousands of illegal votes — “more than enough [to make up the margin of victory] that should be thrown out,” Cleta argues.
“That’s what’s so remarkable here…” Cleta went on. “Several of these violations — just taken by themselves — would be three to four times the number required to invalidate the election. [It’s] all in there. So… I will guarantee that the secretary of state, the number one defendant, has not read the analysis of his own data.” But whatever anyone says, she argued, “this election was not valid. Those results are not valid. And the secretary of state has a lot to answer for in my opinion.”
Her concern, like a lot of voters, is that these issues need to be cleaned up before the Senate runoff elections. The courts and certain state officials helped the Left undermine election laws, and the legislature needs to assert itself to make sure that a) that doesn’t happen again, and b) that it doesn’t affect January 5th. When almost 40 percent of the country thinks November 3rd was a rigged election, the last thing Americans need is to have the Senate thrown into the same limbo.
FRC Action’s Faith Family Freedom Fund is hosting a special Georgia event with the hopes of making the runoff results as resounding a victory as possible. Join us at Truett McConnell University’s Benjamin F. Brady Basketball Arena on December 15th at 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 5:00 p.m.) for a Pray Vote Stand rally with invited and confirmed speakers like Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), Senator David Perdue (R-Ga.), Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.), Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Governor Mike Huckabee, Ralph Reed, Todd Starnes, and more. To RSVP, visit the website.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.

In Kentucky, Some Schools are More Equal than Others
Concern for Nigeria
EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The Two Party System: Those Who ‘Get Out The Vote’ vs. Those Who ‘Go Steal The Votes’

It appears that for years one party has focused on the principle of getting out the vote. This is done at the local level where party members knock on doors and ask people to legally register to vote.
Another party has for years decided that it is easier to steal the votes using various means.
QUESTION: Guess which party uses GOTV vs. GSTV?
This idea came to me after I received an email from titled Should Trump be invited to Joe Biden’s Inauguration?
The email asks:

We CAN’T WAIT for Joe Biden’s Inauguration in January.
We know that Biden’s presidency will be the beginning of something GREAT for our country.
And there’s one thing that will make that historic Inauguration Day even sweeter — if Donald Trump ISN’T there!!
We can humiliate Trump one final time, but we need to know whether 34238 Democrats agree with our plan. So, let us know…

Vitriol is palatable. Why would anyone want to “humiliate” any president? Why would one faction want to dis-invite the outgoing president? Why, just one party that I know of.

Go Steal The Votes

There are four pillars that undergird the Democrat’s Election Fraud in 2020:

  1. Voting machines (specifically Dominion Voting).
  2. Mail-in-ballots (people like West Virginian Jeff Harshman who posted on his Facebook page, “I voted 29 times by mail in 29 different districts in battleground states. Vote Joe no matter what!!!”)
  3. Faulty voter rolls (a.k.a. dirty voter rolls) dead people voting, people voting who do not live in the state in which the ballot is counted and “ghost voters”.
  4. Failures by the USPS to either deliver ballots, failure to properly post mark ballots (in swing states) or caught intentionally destroying ballots which have been found in dumpsters.

Let’s take a serious look at each one of these four pillars that have led to massive election fraud in 2020.


On October 26, 2020 PBS News Hour did an analysis of the Dominion Voting system in Georgia, a state where the 2020 election recount is being currently disputed. The PBS analysis found the Dominion Voting system seriously flawed when compared to using a traditional paper ballot.

We first learned about what was called a “computer glitch” that flipped Trump votes into Biden votes in the state of Michigan.

But it’s much, much worse!

In one county in Michigan Joe Biden was well ahead, but the tally didn’t match with the past voting patterns. In the last 135 years the voters of Antrim County voted Republican in 32 of 34 elections. It turned out the software used in the voting machines had flipped as many as 6,000 votes. After the error was fixed, Donald Trump was 2,000 votes ahead of Biden.
Another computer glitch in Oakland County Michigan caused a similar flip. What are the odds? Strangely, it didn’t flip votes up for Trump, only down. Not so much a bug perhaps as a design feature?
The philanthropy group that worked with Dominion from 2014 – 2017  to provide “access to Voting Technology” for “emerging democracies”? The Clinton Foundation.
This voting technology may now be the largest automated system to steal an election in U.S. history.
Because of this the Republicans have asked for another 47 Michigan counties (of 83 counties) to recount their votes, but it’s worse than that.  Dominion Software is used in 30 other states across the USA, including every single “key” swinging state. Some of their machines were also reportedly faulty on the day of the election and voting hours were extended for those counties to try to help those who couldn’t vote due to the breakdown.
WATCH: #MalkinLive – Election update.

WATCH: How Democrats used the Dominion Voting system to cheat in the election.

To read all of the articles on voting machines please click here.


The First Great Election Conspiracy

They say that history has a strange habit of repeating itself. So do politicians.
The Democrats have pushed the idea that mail-in ballots are the best solution for voters. This is not a new idea, but rather just another attempt to steal an election. The first attempt to use mail-in ballots occurred during the 1864 election.
In a eye opening column in The Washington Post titled Mail-in ballots were part of a plot to deny Lincoln reelection in 1864 Dustin Waters wrote:

Traveling to Baltimore in the fall of 1864, Orville Wood had no way of knowing he would soon uncover the most elaborate election conspiracy in America’s brief history.

Wood was a merchant from Clinton County in the most northeastern corner of New York. As a supporter of President Abraham Lincoln, he was tasked with visiting troops from his hometown to “look after the local ticket.”

New York legislators had only established the state’s mail-in voting system in April with the intent of ensuring the suffrage of White troops battling the Confederate Army.

This great “election conspiracy was conducted by the Democratic Party, known as the Copperheads. The Copperheads were:

[T]he Northern wing of the Democratic Party, which opposed the Civil War. These Peace Democrats urged an immediate, peaceful settlement with the Confederacy. Many supported slavery and blamed the war on abolitionists. They argued that Southern states had the right to secede and that the federal government’s policies under President Abraham Lincoln violated the Constitution. Republican writers labeled these Democrats Copperheads to suggest that they were poisonous snakes, betraying and endangering the Union. The Democrats accepted the label, reframing it as a reference to the image of Liberty on a copper penny. In some cases, members of the group were arrested for treason, tried, and imprisoned or sent into the Confederate states.
The Copperhead Catechism refers to Fernando Wood who was New York City’s mayor, and later, a congressman. Wood was an avowed Copperhead who, in 1861, had urged the city to secede in order to maintain revenues from the cotton trade.
Read more.

Dustin Waters noted:

The results of the 1864 elections would heavily affect the outcome of the war. Lincoln and his supporters in the National Union Party sought to continue the war and defeat the Confederacy outright. Meanwhile antiwar Democrats, also referred to as Copperheads, looked for an immediate compromise with the Confederate leaders and the end of the abolition movement.
Read more.

The Second Great Election Conspiracy
Fast forward to the 2020 Presidential Election. Like their predecessors The Copperheads the Democrats have rekindled the the old, and proven fraudulent, use of mail-in ballots. Their excuse? COVID-19. The Democrats have made this pandemic and the USPS an issue to blackmail states and force them to pass legislation allowing mail-in ballots.
In a Daily Signal column titled Potential for Fraud Is Why Mail-In Elections Should Be Dead Letter Hans von Spakovsky wrote:

Absentee ballots are the tools of choice of election fraudsters because they are voted outside the supervision of election officials, making it easier to steal, forge, or alter them, as well as to intimidate voters.
Going entirely to by-mail elections would unwisely endanger the security and integrity of the election process, particularly if officials automatically mail absentee ballots to all registered voters without a signed, authenticated request from each voter.
Voter registration rolls are notoriously inaccurate and out of date, containing the names of voters who are deceased, have moved, or otherwise have become ineligible.

To read all of the articles about mail-in-ballot fraud click here.


October 17, 2018- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) to discuss election integrity and how dirty voter rolls can mean dirty elections.

To read all of the articles about faulty voter rolls click here.

ELECTION FRAUD PILLAR 4: Failures by the United States Postal Service

Project Veritas released a new video of another Brave USPS Insider who says that pro-Trump and pro-Republican mail is being ordered to be discarded while pro-Biden mail is “to be treated as first-class.”
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “The only political mail that will be delivered from now on will be that of the ‘winner,’ in this case, Joe Biden. Other political mail from other sources and senders would be put into the undeliverable bulk business mail bin.”
  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “All political mail for Biden was to be continued to be treated as first-class and delivered the day it was received.”
  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “I think that we’re a delivery service and that [playing politics] is not really our place.”
  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “The only thing that’s going to prevent a fraudulent election is people having the courage to come forward. I wouldn’t want to say that I had the opportunity to do that and didn’t do it.”
  • Whistleblower says Elkins Park, Pa., USPS Supervisor of Customer Services Walter Lee gave the order to 30 postal workers

You can watch the full video here:

What is going on with the USPS? Since when do they decide what political mail goes out or gets discarded?
This is the third Pennsylvania USPS Insider to blow the whistle on election malfeasance in the last week. There is something going on with USPS and we must get to the bottom of it immediately.
To read all of the articles about the failures of the USPS click here.
Election fraud is real. Election fraud is a threat to our free and fair election system. Anyone who commits election fraud is an enemy of the state.


Elections in the future will be about who can steal the most votes. If this election fraud is not stop dead in its tracks then free and fair elections will become a thing of the past.
As Joseph Stalin said:

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

Intentionally stealing votes is worth of third world countries. Once any party will to steal an election takes power the only way to remove them from power is by  force. As the Declaration of Independence states:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

What Americans are witnessing is something we have never seen before. We are witnessing what I call “The Art of the Steal.” It is a parody of the title of a 1987 book credited to Donald J. Trump and journalist Tony Schwartz “The Art of the Deal.”
Today is another day where we find Democrats in large cities doing everything they can to steal the 2020 election. This is not about Trump, this is about fundamentally changing the ballot systems nationwide to favor one candidate over another.
This Art of the Steal began well before Donald J. Trump came down the escalator and announced his run for President.
Stealing elections is now become big business. 
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
RELATED ARTICLE: Judge says California Gov’s “anyone can mail in a ballot” exec order violates the state’s constitution.

AOC Shares Plan To Enact Socialism For Five Easy Payments Of $49.99

NEW YORK, NY—Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, widely regarded as the world’s smartest socialist, has been working hard on her plan to bring socialism to the U.S. She has now launched a new website, where she will share that plan with her fans for the low, low price of five easy payments of $49.99.
“Do you want to make more money without having to work? Sure, we all do,” says Ocasio-Cortez in a video on the website. “I’ve unlocked the secrets of socialism, and I’m practically giving them away at a price that will easily pay for itself.”
The video also included testimonials from people saying how they’ve benefited from Ocasio-Cortez’s socialism. “I’m bringing in $5000 a month staying home and doing nothing,” said one man, “all thanks to the secrets of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialism!” The video did note that these people were paid actors, though.
People who send a payment to Ocasio-Cortez will get their very own socialism kit, which will have Ocasio-Cortez’s policy proposals (including an editable Green New Deal). It will also have a decoder ring to get Ocasio-Cortez’s secret messages just for socialists. And if you act now, the first one thousand socialists will get a free “Tax the Rich” tote bag.
The new socialism kit looks like it will be popular with Ocasio-Cortez’s fans, but it’s expected to face stiff competition from the similarly priced Crazy Bernie’s Easy Socialism Now.
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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.