Facebook and Twitter Immediately Flag Trump’s 46-Minute-Long Speech on Alleged Voter Fraud

President Donald Trump posted a 46-minute-long video Wednesday afternoon to Facebook and Twitter that was immediately marked as misleading by both companies.
The president framed it as an “update” on the campaign’s “ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud that took place during the ridiculously long November 3rd elections.”
‘This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made,” he states at the open. “Lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time, especially when you have to prove almost nothing.”
Trump then began summarizing a number of allegations raised by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and other campaign lawyers. He claimed that “many people in the media, and even judges so far, have refused to accept it.”
“They know it’s true. They know it’s there. They know who won the election but they refuse to say ‘you’re right,’” he continued. “Our country needs somebody to say you’re right.”
“Many very smart people have congratulated me on all we’ve done,” Trump said. “But then they went on to say as big and as important as these events were, the single greatest achievement in your presidency will be exactly what you’re doing right now.”
The White House declined a number of Daily Caller’s inquiries about the video, which appeared to be filmed in the White House Diplomatic Room.



Senior White House correspondent. Follow Christian on Twitter and Instagram
Trump Threatens To Veto Defense Authorization Act Unless It Fully Terminates Section 230
Bill Barr: DOJ Has Found No Evidence Of Fraud Changing Result Of Election
EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Greta On The Shelf Doll Will Track Your Climate Sins

U.S.—A fun new “Greta on the Shelf” doll will watch you every day and fly back to the UN each night to report your climate sins to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The doll is equipped with eye sensors programmed to detect activities that are harmful to the environment.
“Greta sees you when you’re sleeping, she knows when you drive your SUV to the store instead of taking public transportation,” the manufacturer said. “She knows if you’ve been bad or carbon-neutral, so be carbon-neutral for goodness’ sake!”
One couple in Portland proudly displayed their new doll and lectured their children on the true meaning of Christmas: fighting climate change. “We’re gonna play a fun game for the holidays this year — try to be good little carbon-neutral children, or Greta will tell on you!”
“How dare you!” the doll chanted as the kids of the household left the door open while the heater was on. “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood.” The doll then blasted off toward UN headquarters using its jet engines to report on the naughty children, who will receive coal in their stocking. They will be snitched on again, however, if they burn the coal for warmth.
Greta is programmed to detect activities including these:

  • Leaving the light on when you exit a room
  • Leaving the fridge open
  • Driving an SUV
  • Parents participating in illicit activities that may lead to the creation of more humans
  • Using a plastic straw instead of sticking your face in a beverage and slurping
  • Forgetting your reusable grocery bags at home
  • Getting a cut-down Christmas tree
  • Getting a carbon-heavy plastic Christmas tree
  • Turning on any electric appliances
  • Using the heater instead of rubbing two sticks together for warmth

Children have responded enthusiastically to the doll so far, saying things like, “Mommy, I’m scared,” and “Make the bad girl go away.”
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Arm Falls Off While Trying To Open A Jar Of Peanut Butter

WILMINGTON, DE—Staffers have revealed that Biden was the victim of yet another tragic accident after his arm fell completely off as he attempted to open up a jar of peanut butter.
“Yeah– it just literally fell off,” said one aide, confirming the story. “I walked into the kitchen and there was his arm, just lying on the floor. Mr. Biden didn’t seem to notice it was gone. I’m told this is a normal occurrence for people his age so everything’s fine!”
Once Biden noticed his arm was on the floor, he bent over to pick it up and his nose fell off. Aides rushed in to wrestle the confused Biden to the floor and take him to the hospital for reassembly.
“Nothing to see here,” insisted a spokesperson. “Biden will be calling a lid during his 2-week recovery time and looks forward to reappearing to take charge of the country and defeat the virus!”
Unfortunately, Biden’s recovery has been extended one more week after his head fell off as he tried to climb in the ambulance.
Biden All-Female Communications Team Won’t Tell Nation What’s Wrong, Nation Should Already Know
Fedora-Wearing IPhone Denies Existence Of Steve Jobs
In National Survey Of Favorite Foods, Lukewarm Bowl Of Porridge Wins 80 Million Votes
Pope Francis Says Covid Vaccine Will Now Be Required To Enter Heaven
In New EA Star Wars Game, You Must Prove You Were Vaccinated To Unlock Darth Vader
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Sends Me a Notice: They Investigate a German’s Complaint About My Post Yesterday

If you missed it, that post where I reported on an interview with retired General Thomas McInerney who called the election heist we have been witnessing a treasonous act, is here.
Imagine my surprise to get this notice (below) from Twitter.  And, imagine my further surprise to learn that someone in Germany can use a German law to silence my speech!
Here is a screenshot.  I am assuming this is legitimate as the link in the e-mail takes you to a Twitter page, here.
Oh joy, Twitter ruled in my favor….
But, what the heck is the Network Enforcement Act?
It is a controversial GERMAN law passed in 2017!

Reporters Without Borders and other critics spoke of a “rush job” that “could massively damage the basic right to freedom of the press and freedom of expression.

So Germans can complain to Twitter about something I, an American citizen, is saying about an American election! 

I wonder if Twitter asks the complainer for proof of German residency or citizenship?
By the way, I know that Twitter has messed with my account @RefugeeWatcher there for a very long time, so I am not worrying about gathering more followers, nor do I tweet much, but it is, for now, a very handy place to get real time news on the election fraud such as the President’s tweet about the Hannity interview in my previous post.
EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Soviet Style Counter-Revolution in America

Two decades ago I warned you “we in a war waged by Socialism and Communism against Western Civilization and American Capitalism.” I described that war as WW III: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations. Twenty years later we can observe the result: Russia was very successful in achieving all of that in concert with the so-called Democrat Party, which they and their comrades transformed into America’s Socialist Party. Many Dems were recruited, they infiltrated all corners of society right in our midst: courts, businesses, sports, media, and our democratic institutions. China has provided a deadly disease-COVID-19. Now, in concert with these two, the Dems have waged a counter-revolution in America. What’s left for them to accomplish? the assassinations… Read further to see how those Evil forces have managed to become successful.
Sidney Powell has presented a credible case of massive and centralized foreign infiltration in the 2020 election. She has revealed an unknown to me company that produced an international voting-fraud named Dominion. I went to computer and find the definition of the Dominion:

“Dominion, now the Largest or Second Largest Voting System Company, is Foreign Controlled and Depends Upon Secret Source Code Created and Owned by Smartmatic, a Foreign Controlled Company With Ties to The Venezuelan Government Led by Hugo Chavez.“

I was immediately suspicious, reading the name Hugo Chavez, a Communist asset of Russia, who ran Venezuela from 1998-2013. The normal mind can’t perceive a Soviet/Russian fraud—Socialist, lawless regime.
Socialists/Communists have always won elections by 85%-91% in the Soviet Union, in Russia, North Korea, China, Cuba, and Venezuela. In those years we didn’t know the name of the fraud, today we know its name–the Dominion electronic System. As a former Soviet attorney, the picture of Venezuela tells me a huge story of the Russian Intel and their Global conspiracy for these fifteen years. You have to know Russia, her Intel and their modus operandi—lies, cheating and fraud to see the picture. They do criminal acts by using their assets, their Communist cadres around the globe. The Republicans must know this modus operandi–a discovery of the Dominion fraud-scandal is possible only through awareness of Russia and her Intel’s activities…
Yet, additionally, Sidney Powell is investigating and reporting all kind of massive voter-frauds committed in six swing states by mail-in ballots, illegible people voting, dead people voting, the military votes for Trump dumped, 91% of people voted in Minnesota, where MN AG is a Communist, 85% of people voted in Wisconsin. Those numbers are testimony to the Fraud—an incredible fraud. But a corrupt FBI is intentionally ignoring all of that. The incompetent FBI and DOJ have taken no action against the Socialist Revolution that America has been undergoing for decades —they haven’t fought the enemy and thus allowed overwhelming foreign infiltration in all corners on our society. We are witnessing the result of that incompetence in the 2020. Those people who told you that the election had been secured are deceiving you. They don’t know Russia, her Intel, and Communist China with its Intel…, but are they really that stupid or is something else going on?
To grasp my ideas, I have to repeat again at least three elements of reality: First: Truman’s party is dead, it was infiltrated, contaminated and converted into America’s Socialist Party by the Russian Intel and the Party simultaneously fomented and fueled the “Swamp”. As in the USSR, they are going against the dissent–be prepared for growing violence. Don’t take my words, just look at the platform, policy, and projects the Dems entertain and follow today. This is the reason I have introduced you to the term Socialist Charlatans.
Second: There are no more Classic Liberals, they had been annihilated by Stalin in the 20th century. We are dealing with the Radical Left, which has a more appropriate name—Socialist Charlatans. These people have been indoctrinated, brainwashed and programmed for decades. Third: Understanding the power and reach of the KGB and the status quo of Russia. Using the term KGB, I mean the entire Russian Intel—it is a collective image–those three letters are familiar to the vast majority of Americans… Do you remember Putin’s KGB Mafia-Army?
If you think that the Collapse in 1991 of the Soviet Union has changed Russia, you are wrong, you don’t know Russia and her Intel. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t a collapse of the USSR, it was a collapse of the Socialist economy that couldn’t produce and compete with capitalism. Yet, the collapse didn’t touch the security apparatus (the real power in the country)—the KGB. Using the instability and chaos in Russia during those days, the Socialist KGB took over and catapulted Vladimir Putin to the presidency—and the circle of authority was established and closed. Today Russia runs by the same KGB apparatus. The old socialist economy was replaced by a crony capitalism under the secured KGB’s total control. Only knowing those components of reality, you can analyze the current events…

The Failed FBI and American Intel

The FBI and our Intel have missed a critical causation to prevent the stealing of election. That causation had been missed by historians like John Mitcham, by many Republicans and other pundits. As a matter of fact, the Russian Operation Disinformation known for years has existed as a part of a monumental Russian project, the outline of a design to destroy the American Constitutional Republic and many Republicans missed the elephant in the room—Russia, her Intel, and the Chinese Communist advertising propaganda campaign by bribing the American media, sports, and universities. Remember, Russia and China are in tandem working against America like a hand in glove…
To cover-up the crimes of Treason the Dems had committed, the anti-Trump forces had the task of diverting, and dissuading your attention from the DNC, who had been collaborating with Russian Intel for decades. There has never been a Trump/Russia collusion, in fact, there was a DNC/Russian Intel collusion. The entire ordeal of various witch hunts against Trump for years has been a fraud to cover-up the crime of Treason, committed by the DNC/Russian collusion. The epitome of this fraud is the state of Georgia, where the Republican leadership not knowing the causation allowed Socialist Charlatan, Stacy Abrams to work for years to produce that fraud. You have now her crop—two Dems’ candidates, who want to change American system designed by our Founding Fathers by supporting the core-task of the Global Communist Conspiracy. Read: America and the Global Communist Conspiracy, November, 24, 2020.
Sean Hannity is right in general, yet, he repeats to us every day that he respects 99% of the FBI agents as doing the right things. In this respect, Sean Hannity is wrong, critically wrong! The FBI has dramatically changed during the last thirty years: the experienced in Cold War agents have retired and young ill-informed, brainwashed and indoctrinated young agents have come into the agency. All our security and Intel’s agencies were transformed and some like CIA had been, in fact, collaborating with our enemies under John Brennon’s leadership. Read here my column: The Global Spy Ring, January 1, 2018

Afghanistan: Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a MUST

Don’t be surprised by an incredible, massive fraud in the 2020 election. Two American Manchurian Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama made and left us naked, mute, and deaf to their Treason, depleting our military. But this was only a part of betrayals, the entire society was manipulated and conditioned by the Dems’ Socialist Transformation, implementing Stalin’s motto of Divide and Conquer for years. It is no coincidence that we have a divided science and medicine, which was unable to find a unified remedy to fight the Chinese COVID-19 in the critical first hours of the Pandemic. It is a result of the Dems’ Socialist Transformation. The Obama era has left disastrous consequences; the vaccine was approved by FDA on November 22, but planned to distribute December 11. This is Socialism! While capitalist-Trump oversaw development of the COVID-19 vaccine in an unprecedented nine months.
The motto of “Divide and Conquer” came from the ancient world and has been used many times and mostly successful by the ideology. You saw it in the 1950s –Stalin’s war against Korea and as a result Korea was divided. Then Vietnam, it was divided, Afghanistan and so on–the wars against Western civilization went on for the entire 20th century. It was brought to America by the global Communist conspiracy and Russian Intel.  Sen. Cotton is right: “Afghanistan is the place from which the 911 attacks were launched and the place that has the largest concentration of terrorist organizations than anywhere else in the world, the reason we’re in Afghanistan is to protect our own citizens here at home.” I can add to that:

We are in Afghanistan because of Russia and her Intel is there. Please, take a map and see a large extend of the border of the former USSR’s Muslim Republics and Afghanistan. Also, please, remember that all those Republics are still run by the KGB. The hatred of Jews and Western civilization united all Muslims and the KGB has used it. As in all other places, the KGB has infiltrated the Taliban movement with its cadres speaking all the languages in the area … and the killing of Americans continues—Taliban is tied to the KGB…. Like in Afghanistan, multiple terrorist attacks across the world are coordinated in the Kremlin… Read my books, columns, and remember Putin’s KGB Mafia-Army…

I never thought that I would quote Oliver Stone, but he was right in Oliver Stone exclusive with Jesse Watters. When asked about the job of our Intel, he went to the history of disinformation and many mistakes and failures by our Intel. In this connection Jesse asked him: Does Putin win? Stone didn’t answer or did not have the answer. I can answer:
Dear Jesse, yes, Putin and his KGB are winning up to now and this is the reason I am writing the columns to stop a vicious cycle of fraud that the Republicans can’t free themselves from. They lost Hollywood, then our educational system, then the media, and now the election… Socialist/Communist ideology is pushing us out of existence. There is the time to wake up, fight back and save the American Republic from the Global Socialist and Communist Fraud…
God Bless President Trump! God help President Trump!
To be continued www.simonapipko1.com and at www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/.
Book: Socialist Lies
©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Palestine: A Self-Imposed Prison

Hayaat loves her grandmother, Sitti, who always reminisces and sings about her previous home and their life before the Arab-Israeli War of 1948.  In an effort to restore Sitti’s health, Hayaat and her friend, Samy, set out on a journey to the other side of the wall to bring her a gift of Jerusalem soil.  This children’s book exchanges the customary propaganda for Palestinianism for a search for the truth.  This is my eighth children’s book review.
Thirteen-year-old Hayaat is the heroine in Where the Streets Had a Name, by Randa Abdel-Fattah.  She lives with her Mama and Baba, siblings – older sister Jihan, 7-year-old brother Tariq, 3-month-old Mohammed – and 86-year-old grandmother, Sitti Zayneb. The family is preparing to shop during the two-hour respite from the curfew imposed by the Israeli government.  Not explained was that the Israeli army sometimes places refugee districts in the West Bank and Gaza under army curfew as “collective punishment” and “environmental pressures” after a terrorist attack or when they are unable to control population unrest in the streets.  We learn nothing of the Israeli victims who are seriously maimed or killed, or of the families left to grieve, but this family is inconvenienced as they rush to the store, each with a list of items by aisles, load the car and return home in time.  The Israelis “confiscated our land,” Sitti laments, and the family of seven must manage in a smaller apartment in a poor Bethlehem neighborhood.
Additionally, Hayaat’s school is closed for the curfew’s duration, and she is tired of comments about her face – the contorted skin she sees in her mirror.  Her older sister Jihan is engaged to Ahmad, an Israeli Arab from Lod, who found a reception hall for their wedding in Ramallah, the West Bank, where he works and where they will live as a couple.  They grumble about the roadblocks and checkpoints that could delay their timely arrival at the wedding, but similar conditions exist worldwide to maintain security from interlopers and terrorists.  In the case of Israel, it is to ensure that Palestinians are unarmed and not bent on a killing spree.
The West Bank is Judea and Samaria, part of what the Israelis re-captured when they defended themselves against the unlawful siege and blockade of Israel by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan’s armies in 1967.  Despite the rhetoric, according to international law, this land is not “occupied,” but “disputed.” Inasmuch as the territory never belonged to Palestinians or to any sovereign nation, Israel cannot be an “occupier.”  The territory’s ultimate ownership is to be determined by agreement.  Further, the “1967 borders” were only the demarcation of an armistice line, the final border to be established by agreement.
Hayaat enjoys spending time with Baba, hearing his stories of their vast property in Beit Sahour, the olive trees, and the harvest.  He speaks of the mountain, home to many Christian sites, and the time before the Israeli “settlements” (a term used to delegitimize Israel’s legal housing) and bypass roads were built.
Her only friend is a boy, Samy, who doesn’t seem to mind her scars; they are kindred spirits and share their stories.  Samy’s father had been dragged from their house by Israeli security services and imprisoned these past seven years.  He was a terrorist, and the boy often acts out at school, angry that his father chose activism over fatherhood. He said, “He traded me for the cause.”  His mother died of a heart attack and Samy lives with an aunt and uncle.  Hayaat tells Samy that she overheard her Mama speak about a deaf boy who had been killed by a bulldozer that was flattening his house.  The author failed to explain that it is Israel’s policy to destroy the terrorist’s family home – sometimes seen as a deterrent; the death was an unfortunate accident.
At home, Hayaat listens to Sitti reminisce about her home in Jerusalem, and the war of 1948, the fighting everywhere.  She was terrified of the Zionist fighting forces and pressed to leave, adding “200 men, women and children were massacred.”  Perhaps Sitti does not know, but surely the author who undertook this narration does, that the Palestinian Arabs proclaimed jihad against the Palestinian Jews in November, 1947, just before the partition vote, and in defiance of the Palestine Commission’s resolution.  There were massacres and death throughout.  No doubt the Jews were also ill prepared and terrified when 1,000 armed Arabs descended upon the communities in northern Palestine, as were the British who turned over their bases to the Arab legion, leaving the Jews to suffer severe casualties and devastating defeat.  The trapped 1,500 to 1,600 women and children were entrusted to the Red Cross.  At this point, the Hagganah, a paramilitary group of immigrants, was renamed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and succeeded in stopping the Arab offensive.
With minimal help from the West, the Jews won with sheer determination and their purchased or smuggled crude British Sten guns, French 65-milimeter howitzers and other leftovers from World War II, as well as fighter aircraft supplied by Czechoslovakia.  Iraq promised, “It would be a war of annihilation,” but the Arabs wound up with less territory than was originally offered, which they’d refused.  The cost to Israel was enormous, with $500 million in expenditures and the death of 6,373 Israelis, one percent of their 650,000 Jewish population. An additional estimated 12,000 Jews were killed by Nazi sympathizer and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in 1950.
Sitti explains that they fled and could not return to her old neighborhood until after the 1967 War, only to find her home occupied by a Jewish family, Holocaust survivors.  Known also as the Six-Day War, it was initiated by the Arab states of Egypt, Syria and Jordan.  Again, Israel won and re-captured the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Grandmother was of that warring population and permanently displaced, but the Palestinians are adamant about wanting Israel.  Therefore, when Sitti collapses and is taken by ambulance to the hospital, Hayaat devises a plan.  She tells Samy that she wants to get Jerusalem soil from the other side of the wall to make her grandmother happy.
And so begins Hayaat and Samy’s journey to Jerusalem, with money “borrowed” from Jihan and an empty hummus jar to collect Jerusalem soil for Sitti.  They meet several people along the way, including Wasim, a dirty boy from Aida refugee camp, who speaks of one day playing with a famous soccer team; a cab driver who helps the children, knowing they are illegals with blue passes; bus passengers David and Mali, the story’s requisite young Jewish couple against the occupation, who block bulldozers and dine with Palestinian families; and the checkpoint’s young Israeli soldiers who search cars and bags, delaying some passengers while allowing others to pass.  Hayaat does feel some humiliation, but she understands their need to search for weapons and explosives.
They continue their adventure when the driver stops suddenly in front of a six-foot-high, barbed-wire wall.  The children exit the bus and follow two others who jump the wall to enter Jerusalem illegally. While on their own, they meet Yossi, an Israeli cab driver who often helps to smuggle people into West Jerusalem.  When they reach a roadblock protest, Yossi tells them to jump out and lose themselves among the crowd of protesters.
With the noise of a grenade and smell of tear gas used to quell the crowd, she faints to the triggers of a repressed memory of soldiers, a bulldozer, and homes breaking and falling.  She has a flashback of her old friend Maysaa falling to the ground, hit by the rubber-coated bullets used to disperse the people, and feels again her own face oozing blood.  She awakens as Yossi carries her to his cab, Samy beside them.  Yossi fills Hayaat’s jar with soil and uses his cell phone to call her family to assure them that the children are safe in Jerusalem and he will drive them home.
The family welcomes them and Sitti is again sitting in her bed, singing about her homeland.  With the next news report about another curfew, the family readies their pots and pans to resound in solidarity.  With the TV announcement about the latest bombing in Tel Aviv,  Baba says “revenge does nothing.”  As the family dresses for Jihan’s wedding, Hayaat assesses what she has learned – that she wants to live as all human beings do, to be “a free people with hope and dignity and purpose.”
Hope alone cannot bestow freedom to a people who deny others theirs.  Hayaat’s own people invented demonstrably false slurs that the Jews live well at the expense of the Palestinians, and that killing is permissible. Their differences are also cultural.  The Jews returned to their land of malarial swamp and desert, sacrificed blood and treasure to restore their history and ancient language, and toiled to create a successful country, whereas the Arabs, after losing the war they began, were made to abandon their original heritage (Egyptian, Lebanese, Syria, Transjordan, Iraq) and replace it with the false identity of “Palestinians,” and a victimhood mentality.  When they accepted the world’s donations, they were robbed of their pride.  Palestinian leadership keep their own people subjugated, their children emotionally focused on envy and weaponized for revenge.  This book reveals that they are surrounded by anger and death, with only Baba’s one-time reflection on the consequences of their actions.
It is not the soil of the land that would bring dignity to the Palestinians, but the freedom to live and make choices for themselves. The Arabs have been given a scapegoat, Israel, and countless excuses for their failures, which become self-fulfilling prophecies.  Were they told that their opportunities are endless, that they must earn their own wage by building their country, homes, businesses, creating services or products, they would increase their purpose, pride, and individual wealth.  Instead, the masses are raised in conformity, rigidity, illiteracy, and fear.  They sacrifice their own lives and wellbeing to continue Mohammed’s revenge – a ceaseless condition of discontent.
To her credit, Abdel-Fattah reveals that the previous generation perpetuates the vengeance.   Grandmother has confessed her envy of those who live better than she, and we glimpse the trait in Hayaat.  Sitti expresses her bitterness and anger against the UN, the Arab countries, and their traitors.  The traitors remain undefined, but they must include the Arabs who began the wars as well as those who offered no sanctuary to the dispossessed, those who were abandoned and left for pawns.  She reveals that her son-in-law, Baba, had had bad things happen to him (TK: he has learned lessons from his acts of retribution).  His generation includes Samy’s imprisoned father, whose political activism destroyed his own family.
We learn of Hayaat’s past when she fainted in the Jerusalem crowd, relived her trauma and the death of her friend.  It may well have been the girls’ deeds that resulted in the demolition of their homes.
This story appears to be teaching that the Islamic system, with its lust for what belongs to others, keeps them in a constant state of dissatisfaction.   The numerous clues and lessons to be learned exist for the reader, but they may be too obscure for the designated audience of teens and young adults.
©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

How To Beat Homelessness: Sarasota, Florida vs. Los Angeles, California

It seems like a strange matchup, a midsize community against one of the world’s great cities — or once great cities. Other than being in the United States and never seeing snow, there are not a lot of similarities between Los Angeles and Sarasota, Florida.
Except about 10 years ago, they both, like most American cities, were facing an increasing homeless problem. The warmth of southern cities, particularly Florida cities, is a major attraction for everyone, and as it turns out there are homeless snowbirds, of a sort.
But Sarasota and L.A. took two opposite paths in dealing with the problem. L.A., like many progressive cities, turned to a mix of homelessness or housing as a human right and pursued a “housing first” concept. Any program that got keys into the hands of the homeless quickly under “rapid housing” was pursued with gushers of taxpayer money — without regard to what had caused people to become homeless in the first place.
At the same time, those progressive cities — San Francisco, Portland and Seattle stand out with L.A. but there are many others — hamstrung attempts by law enforcement and business owners to remove the homeless from badgering patrons and threatening people or just urinating or defecating at their front door. “Homelessness is not a crime!” they cried emotionally. But what they meant was that the homeless committing crimes was not a crime.
We’ve all seen the results of these policies. Massive tent cities in L.A. where the homeless population is estimated to be 80,000 strong and is one of many factors contributing to people fleeing the once City of Angels. They have swelled into the suburbs, too, leaving fewer people feeling safe if they don’t live behind walled mansions with armed guards, such as the Hollywood elite who, bubbled away from impact on themselves, self-righteously push for the destructive progressive policies.
Sarasota took a different approach, one advocated by Robert Marbut, a consultant at the time he was hired by Sarasota in 2013, and who was later tapped by President Donald Trump to be the executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness — the homelessness czar.
Sarasota officials — and importantly, private institutions and organizations — followed many, not all, of Marbut’s advice to target the root cause of the homeless, seeing the homelessness as a symptom of a deep underlying problem with the individuals that normally falls into the categories of drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues. This is undeniably true.
Statistics are notoriously tricky on the homeless for obvious reasons. But numerous studies have found that somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of all homeless people have a severe mental illness, while another 15 to 40 percent suffer from chronic substance abuse. Large percentages also have spent significant time in prison and many have a disability. Despite these ranges, it’s easy to see that the vast majority of homeless people are not those who were “down on their luck” but otherwise fine, they lost their job and were evicted.
That’s why attacking those foundational causes of homeless is the only realistic and compassionate long-term solution.
So the Sarasota community, both the city and county working together, got rid of the homeless camps that had sprouted up, pursued treatment programs and ensured interagency cooperation that is often lacking, making sure the homeless received help with their underlying problems, their root causes, and then got help getting back on their feet with training and housing.
The Gulf Coast Community Foundation and other nonprofits in the Sarasota region work closely with the Sarasota County School District to make sure young people and their families get connected with social services and housed quickly while often requiring treatment of the underlying problems. Marbut calls this work the “most innovative youth programming in America.”
The result is that the Sarasota area’s “unsheltered homeless” population — those who do not have a permanent residence but are in shelters or other facilities — has fallen almost in half in the past four years.
It shows on the streets. Downtown Sarasota, considered one of the most thriving mid-sized downtowns in the country, was dealing with constant homeless problems a decade ago. It was the top story and the biggest issue for downtown business establishments. But it rarely makes any news now.
Like everywhere, Sarasota still has to deal with groups that the media likes to call “homeless advocates,” but which actually end up advocating for people being homeless through their poorly thought-out solutions. But the public sees the results. It is hard to argue with success. Treat the underlying causes of homelessness, not the symptom, through cooperative programs linking public and private agencies, schools and law enforcement. Common sense again offers up the best solution.
“Twice in the last week, when asked where is the best program in the country, I said Sarasota, Florida,” Marbut said recently.
EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like Rod’s new Youtube channel. Follow Rod on Parler.

PODCAST: Should Business Leaders Run the Country?

Back in June 2011 I wrote a column titled, “Why Business Leaders Scare People.” This was triggered by then-private citizen Donald Trump considering a run for the 2012 presidential election, which eventually went to Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate who failed to take down President Obama. Prior to this, we hadn’t a true businessman run for president, except for possibly Herbert Hoover who was a geologist and understood mining. The intent of my column back then was to consider whether the American people would support such a business person. In reading the article nine years later, I consider it rather prophetic.
I wrote, “When it looked like Donald Trump was going to throw his hat into the presidential ring not long ago, it electrified everyone including his supporters, opponents, and the Main Stream Media. His blunt talk was refreshing to his supporters and scared the hell out of everyone else. The Main Stream Media went right to work undermining his bid as they started to believe he could take down the president (Obama). He was ridiculed for everything from his hair, to his clothes, to his talk. The fact remains though, Trump scared them to death. Now I am not here to defend Donald Trump or explain his exit from the political stage. I’m not even a fan of his popular television show, ‘The Celebrity Apprentice.’ It is his image as a successful businessman who wanted to correct the ills of the country, and the reaction that ensued, which intrigues me. This is not so much about Trump as it is about any business leader who would want to be taken seriously on the political stage.”
I went on to describe the three traits making a business leader successful:

  1. “Is entrepreneurial in spirit, a visionary who knows how to recognize opportunity and capitalize on it and in the process is willing to assume risk. He/she is a gambler who knows how to calculate the odds.
  2. Knows how to get things done. More than possessing academic knowledge, such a person usually possesses an unusual amount of practical ‘street smarts.’
  3. Knows how to make hard decisions. A true business leader understands he is in the business of solving problems, not running from them. Yes, he will delegate some decisions and ask for advice from others, but he also understands the buck stops with him and will go to great lengths to see the business not only survives but prospers as well. Hopefully, he understands the best business deal is when all parties involved prosper.

It’s this last element which scares the public. Whereas others agonize over making a decision, the business leader knows how to define and weigh pros and cons, calculate the best solution to benefit the enterprise, and make a decision. It is called ‘business’ and some people are simply jealous of those equipped with the faculties to take rather large and complex issues and make some rather commonsense decisions. It is not the fear of a ruthless dictator which scares people; rather, it is the envy of someone who knows how to consistently make a logical decision, not an emotional one which most people tend to embrace. Further, when a decision is made, business leaders do not necessarily sugar coat their rationale which tends to make them appear abrasive to others, thereby creating fodder for the Main Stream Media.”
So far, I was batting 1.000 in terms of describing the future president. It was his ability to tackle major decisions with commonsense solutions which disturbed the media and his political opponents. Towards the end of the article, I pondered how the country would react to a President Trump.
“One last element that disturbs some people is that business leaders tend to be capitalists, not socialists. For obvious reasons, this scares the left, including the Main Stream Media. Make no mistake, this next election is about two extremes: capitalism versus socialism. Whereas the former defends the concept of the free enterprise system and smaller government, the latter is the antithesis.”
Plain and simple, people find successful business-types as either a God-send or very abrasive. To President Trump’s supporters, he was a breath of fresh air who delivered on his promises and made considerable achievements even in the face of a resistant Congress. To his opponents, President Trump is perceived as a genuine threat to the Washington “Swamp,” which worked overtime to fight him. To illustrate, consider what President Trump faced during his first administration:

  1. The rise of “Fake News.”
  2. The rise of the “resistance” movement, both in the Congress and the streets.
  3. The Mueller Probe which found nothing.
  4. The failed impeachment of the president.
  5. The “stolen” election of 2020.

This explains why Trump’s successes frightens the Swamp. What takes them years to do, President Trump can do it at Warp speed, and at less expense, thereby posing a threat to their existence.
This brings up an important point, is the nation’s capitol a good venue for business people to flourish in a presidential capacity? Unfortunately, the answer seems to be, No. As we have witnessed with President Trump, he is perceived as an uninvited outsider who challenges the authority of the status quo. As much as this may be needed, such a person must be willing to suffer the slings and arrows of a rather determined opponent. The only way such a person wins is if he/she can dominate the Congress and the press. Unfortunately, it usually works the other way around.
After re-reading my 2011 article, all I can say is, Bryce was more than right, he was spot-on!
Keep the Faith!
EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Saving The Republic From High Treason

“Sidney Powell is no joke. She served as a federal prosecutor for ten years and earned a national reputation as the attorney who swooped in, convinced Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty pleas, and successfully pressured the Justice Department to drop its charges. She was a stalwart and regular presence in exposing the Russia Collusion Hoax, and by my count, everything she said was going to happen did happen.” –  John Nolte, Journalist
“First of all, I never say anything I can’t prove… and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections. They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden.” –  Sidney Powell
“We have and army of digital soldiers.  This was irregular warfare at its finest in politics.  We have what we call here citizen journalists because the journalists we have in our media did a disservice to themselves.”  – General Michael T. Flynn

Sidney Powell was never a part of President Trump’s Legal Team.  Many of us assumed she was after the press conference. We also had that impression because whenever Sidney was on media, she was introduced as part of President Trump’s legal team.  She never signed a contract or accepted a retainer or funds for her expenses.
The Trump team issued a statement stating that Sidney Powell is not a member of the Trump Legal Team.  “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”  This was signed by Rudy Giuliani, Attorney for President Trump, and Jenna Ellis, Trump Campaign Senior Legal Adviser and Attorney for President Trump.  When Sidney tried to respond on Twitter, she was censored for 12 hours.
Michael Flynn Jr. responded on Parler that Sidney was suspended by Twitter when she tried to respond to the Trump team statement that she understands the White House press release and agrees with it.  Flynn Jr. stated that the earlier messages from the President’s team is not a reflection of any misstatements on Sidney’s part. She is staying the course to prove the massive deliberate election fraud that robbed “we the people” of our votes for President Trump and many other republican candidates.  General Flynn tweeted much the same.
Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit reported that Sidney Powell not being on the Trump team is an act to protect both her and Trump’s team.  It is not a message of disappointment in her latest interviews and actions.
Sidney Powell is not restrained or restricted with control from government checks and balances to release statements; she’s more powerful and dangerous without restraints from government entities.

Powell’s Statement

Attorney Powell released a statement to CBS news.  She said, “I will continue to represent #WeThePeople who had their votes for Trump and other Republicans stolen by massive fraud through Dominion and Smartmatic, and we will be filing suit soon. The chips will fall where they may, and we will defend the foundations of this great Republic. #KrakenOnSteroids.”
Every rotten lying leftwing media rag reported that Sidney was fired.  Politico said she was cut from the team.  The AP said the legal team distanced themselves from her, and the Guardian said the Trump team cut ties with her after she made bizarre election fraud claims.  None of these headlines are true.  By now, anyone with an ounce of intelligence has figured out that the demonic mainstream media spews nothing but lies and half-truths.
Sidney Powell, General Mike Flynn, L. Lin Woods, Rudy Giuliani and so many other attorneys and state attorney generals across the nation are fighting the greatest fraud and treason ever perpetrated on this country.
If you love this nation and love freedom and liberty, you must help.  Please donate to Sidney Powell, who has hired experts in their field to prove the treachery and betrayal of the American people and equal representation of one person, one vote.
Her website is Defendingtherepublic.org and includes an address if you prefer mailing a check.

President Trump Pardon’s General Flynn

And now the General is free to go full bore to help Sidney Powell and prove the fraudulent election was stolen from President Trump.  General Flynn was innocent of all of the charges, and taking a pardon was not what they wanted, but his help in saving our republic was more important than any financial reciprocity he could receive from those who framed him.
Michael Flynn is not only free to speak, but free to openly help save the nation he spent 33 years serving and defending.  I love this brave warrior and his entire family.  He deserves the respect and admiration of every American, not only for his service, but for enduring with God’s grace and fortitude a four-year crucible of pain inflicted by the Deep State traitors.
His first interview since President Trump gave him a “pardon of innocence,” was with his friend Lt. General Thomas McInerny on Brannon Howse’s broadcast.  It is essential that every patriotic American hear these two men speak.

General Flynn tells us the president has clear paths to victory that don’t require a lot of courtroom action. What it requires is honesty from elected officials and the many Americans who are coming forward and telling their stories, and not just from battleground states.  They are witnesses and they’re signing affidavits.
Like so many others who are standing for freedom and justice, these witnesses, both republican and democrat, are being threatened and they’re angry…so angry that they’re sending in their pictures with their affidavits.
General Flynn believes President Trump will win Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan and probably Wisconsin where they just discovered a discrepancy in 130,000 ballots.  Mike said he was asked on a scale of one to 10 who will be president and he answered, Donald Trump.
He said, “Theft with mail in ballots, theft with Dominion and Smartmatic is done by election machines not made in America and our votes are not even counted in our own country.  We have so many previous elections with the same situations, but we’re in this to win and we will.”


The only way the President has to communicate is via social media and they are censoring him.  The Pennsylvania hearing was run by a retired military colonel, Doug Mastriano, and he gave a wonderful patriotic speech, but not one word was carried by the mainstream media and twitter took him offline immediately.  This is the destruction of our first amendment rights.
The rudeness throughout America has affected our wonderful president and beautiful first lady for four years and we’re angry about it…there is no decency, no respect, and no honor for the leader of the greatest nation in the world.  Why?  Because he doesn’t belong to the cabal promoting a new world order like Carter, the Bushes, Clinton, Obama and dozens before them all the way back to Woodrow Wilson.
Efforts to remove our duly elected president by every pressure the socialist democrats could think of was endless, whether it’s the fake Russia gate or impeachment, the filthy lousy lying mess with Covid-19, or this coup d’état…all are dangerous to the survival of the Republic.
General Flynn states that when our enemy tells us they’re going to do something, you had better pay attention and have some plans.

Lt. General Thomas McInerny

General McInerny said that shutting down vote counting in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and Georgia was not based on normal system operations.  The General reported, “These swing states stopped counting and shut down in the early morning hours of November 4th, which shows us it was planned and caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of the targeted voting machines. This was unprecedented to stop counting in five of the battleground states and demonstrates prior coordination by election officials.”
Media had reported that counting had ceased in the five states, when in reality, the counting continued and in early morning hours, all of a sudden there were hundreds of thousands more votes and all for VP Biden, when only hours before President Trump had a massive lead.  This is where cyberwarfare was employed via the Hammer and Scorecard plus the Dominion voting machines and software.
McInerny said, “Every one of these states had the same percentage of votes that were tallied during the “shutdown hours” and this is a mathematical impossibility and means an algorithm was used.  Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million mail-in ballots and got 2.5 million back.”
Sidney Powell has filed a number of lawsuits against these states.  Her complaint, filed last Wednesday against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Board of State Canvassers, cites the affidavit as representing a former electronic intelligence analyst and supporting claims that, “the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020.”  Now it is being reported that Russia was also involved.


Kraken is not some monster from a movie. General McInerny believes that it was Sidney Powell and the President through General Flynn who got the Kraken organization, the 305 military intelligence battalion, working with them.  The Kraken is a Department of Defense, Cyber Warfare Program designed to track, hack, expose, and acquire evidence of nefarious activity from enemies both foreign and domesticLink  The General says we have not seen any footprints from the DOJ, the FBI, or the CIA in this on the friendly side, only on the Deep State side.
The US Special Forces command seized a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany because the data from these battleground states were being sent through the internet to Spain and then into Frankfurt, Germany.  Special Operations seized that facility, which was a CIA operation, and they have those servers.  It has been reported that five US soldiers were killed in this operation along with one paratrooper.  McInerny believes the servers will show the algorithms and the vast fraudulent cheating in the 2020 election.
General Flynn was the Senior US Intelligence Military officer in the US commands at the Defense Intelligence Agency.  He is a career intelligence officer and General McInerny says Flynn knows this stuff backwards and forwards. McInerny tells us that the entire Deep State and the Democrat Party of Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, etc. were involved in this coup d’état.  He includes the judiciary and Judge Emmett Sullivan who was Michael Flynn’s biased and belligerent judge and that is why the Kraken was involved, because the President could trust them.
McInerny stated, “This isn’t just politics, this is treason, and it’s been used before.  We haven’t seen treason of this magnitude in our history.  We are going to demand that this president not leave office until the American people have a full disclosure of what has gone on.”
President Trump took an oath to the Constitution and to defend America from enemies both foreign and domestic.  The perpetrators of this communist revolutionary third world voting system are domestic enemies and traitors to the United States of America.  This is why President Trump should remain in office until we see justice.
Powell, Flynn, McInerny and all the others working on exposing the fraudulent votes in these and many other states, along with every deplorable, believe that President Trump overwhelmingly won with as many as 400 – 410 electoral votes.
General McInerny talked about all of this in 2017 on Dave Janda’s show.

The American Report

Mary Fanning and Alan Jones have been at the top of the game with regard to the Hammer/Scorecard cheating.  In 2015, whistleblower Dennis Montgomery gave sworn testimony to the DOJ and FBI about Scorecard, Dominion and Smartmatic.  Obviously, it has been ignored.  There are many avenues of truth on the web, but The American Report is superb.  Bookmark the site.


There are traitors inside the intelligence community who are trying to take this story and control it to their benefit.  They are guilty of treason.  China, Iran and Russia have access to our elections and that is an act of treason and war against America.
Generals Michael T. Flynn and Thomas McInerny are close friends. Both of these generals have stated that if we don’t stop this fraud and treason in America’s elections, the country of hope, of liberty and freedom will be lost forever.
©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.
RELATED ARTICLE: Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% vs. Trump 0.6%
RELATED VIDEO: PA poll watcher: USB cards uploaded to voting machines 24+ times, 47 USB cards missing 

‘Science says’ is a game anyone can play

“Science says” is a game Democrats have invented to tell us what to do. It’s like “Simon says” only for adults.

How Do You Play Science Says?

One person or a group assumes the role of the leader and calls out the actions. Everyone else must follow the leader and do the action, but only when the command is prefaced with the phrase “science says.”
For example, science says, pay more taxes. Everyone pays up. Science says, shut down the economy. Everyone stops working. Science says, gender is fluid. Everyone transitions to another gender. Science says, global warming. Everyone changes their way of life. Science says, systemic racism. Everyone denounces their own and other people’s whiteness, burns cars, and breaks into stores, taking home free sneakers, cell phones, and big-screen TVs.
If a player or a group does the action when the leader did not say “science says,” they are eliminated, lose their jobs and income, their reputation and careers are destroyed, they become unemployable and sometimes they go to jail. People can also be eliminated for failing to follow instructions that include “science says.” It is the ability to distinguish between genuine and fake commands, rather than actual ability, that matters in the game. The action just needs to be attempted and nothing needs to be accomplished.
The object of the game is to eliminate everyone who does not belong to the group of leaders, as quickly as possible. The winner is usually the most compliant player who has successfully followed all the commands. Occasionally, however, even those players may be eliminated, thus resulting in the leader becoming the ultimate winner.
Historically the leader has been the Democrat Party, which has used “science says” to its own advantage. Outsiders have resented the idea of telling others what to do.
But outsiders can play “science says” just as well as the Democrats can – and today we will show you how. Let’s play.
See more “Science Says” images here, here, here , here and here.
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by OfflineRed Square on The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Administration Backs Thomas More Law Center in Supreme Court Filing

CNA Staff (CNA) – The Trump administration has asked the Supreme Court to review a challenge to a California requirement that charitable organizations disclose their major donors to the state attorney general, siding with groups like the Thomas More Law Center that say the requirement will make their donors vulnerable to retaliation, harassment, and violence.
The move from the U.S. Solicitor General’s Office drew praise from John Bursch, senior counsel and vice president of appellate advocacy at the Alliance Defending Freedom legal group.
“Charitable entities shouldn’t be required to disclose confidential donor information to state officials who do not need it and who fail to adequately protect donor identities from disclosure to the public,” Bursch said Nov. 24. “We are pleased that the United States agrees that this case presents critically important issues that the Supreme Court should decide immediately. Forced donor disclosure is a threat to everyone and discourages both charitable giving and participation in the marketplace of ideas.”
Alliance Defending Freedom is backing the Michigan-based Thomas More Law Center’s complaint in the case. The center promotes issues related to religious freedom, moral and family values, and the sanctity of human life, Alliance Defending Freedom said in August 2019. Another challenger to the California rules is the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, which tends to take conservative or libertarian positions on questions of economics and other issues, including opposition to labor unions.
Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey B. Wall filed a brief asking the Supreme Court to grant a hearing on the case, which was victorious in federal district court but suffered a defeat in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
“As this court’s precedents make clear, compelled disclosures that carry a reasonable probability of harassment, reprisals, and similar harms are subject to exacting scrutiny, which requires a form of narrow tailoring,” said the brief to the Supreme Court. The solicitor general’s office said the appeals court ruling “compromises important associational interests protected by the First Amendment.”
“Petitioners alleged that their contributors had in the past suffered harassment, reprisals, and similar harms because of their association with petitioners,” the brief said. Disclosure would likely “expose their substantial contributors to those harms, and thereby deter those contributors and others from making future contributions.”
At issue is a matter of non-profit tax forms and the crucial information they contain.
Qualified tax-exempt organizations already must submit to the IRS a Form 990 federal information form, including the names of “all substantial contributors” in a section called Schedule B. Substantial donors are defined as those who give $5,000 or more to the organization in a year or 2% of total annual contributions. However, the information about these donors must be kept confidential on pain of civil and criminal law.
Non-profits that ask for donations in California must file their tax returns with California’s Registry of Charitable Trusts, administered by the state attorney general, currently Xavier Becerra.
Beginning in 2010, the California attorney general said that disclosures must include this Schedule B. The incoming U.S. vice-president Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was California attorney general from 2011 to 2017, and the rule change began under her predecessor Jerry Brown.
Both the Thomas More Law Center and the Americans for Prosperity Foundation have alleged that there is a high risk their information will be made public and disrupt their freedom of association.
Alliance Defending Freedom alleged that in March 2012, the California Attorney General’s Office began to “harass the law center and demand the names and addresses of its major donors even though the center’s donors, clients, and employees have faced intimidation, death threats, hate mail, boycotts, and even assassination attempts from ideological opponents.”
The legal group said that for those associated with charities like the Thomas More Law Center that “speak on contentious matters,” the disclosure of donor information “poses an imminent danger of hate mail, violence, ostracization, and boycotts.”
“Only the most stalwart supporters will give money under such a toxic cloud. Most will reasonably conclude that the risk of association is too great, with the result that groups who make the most threats will effectively shut down those with whom they disagree,” said the legal group’s request for Supreme Court review.
“Charities will continue to find as-applied exemptions impossible to achieve, and support for groups advocating contentious ideas will dry up,” the legal group said. “This Court should intervene now while there are still dissenting voices left to save.”
The request said California law has “deprived charities of resources, chilled their speech for nine years, and blocked dissemination of their ideas in our Nation’s most populous state.”
Alliance Defending Freedom has cited the Supreme Court’s 1958 ruling in the case NAACP v. Alabama, which ruled against the Alabama Attorney General’s demands that the civil rights group produce its membership list or cease operations. The restrictions on the group crippled the organization in Alabama at a key time when black Americans sought to secure civil rights.
The NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation.
The district court found that California’s required disclosures were not “substantially related” to its interest in regulating charities, as auditors and attorneys seldom use the Schedule B section when they audit or investigate charities. Even when the information was relevant, it could be obtained from other sources. The disclosure requirement was not narrowly tailored.
The district court said petitioners presented “ample evidence” that their contributors had previously suffered “harassment, reprisals, and similar harms” when their involvement became known. The California attorney general’s office had “systematically failed to maintain the confidentiality of Schedule B forms.” This failure included making hundreds of the forms available on its registry website.
The court of appeals, however, overturned the district court. It said confidentiality measures had been tightened and said California had a compelling interest in policing fraud in charitable organizations, and disclosing major donors advances this interest, Reuters reported.
It compared the rule to political disclosure cases such as Doe v. Reed, where the Supreme Court said that the disclosure of the names of people who signed a petition referendum was relevant to state interests in protecting the electoral process.
Alliance Defending Freedom’s summary of the case said, “the California Attorney General’s office has a history of posting supporter’s information online and offers no protection against employees, contractors, or summer interns downloading, e-mailing, or printing supporters’ names and addresses and then disclosing them publicly.”
“We’ve already seen how publicly revealing political donors with the intent of doing harm (or ‘doxing’) can ruin careers and corrode civil discourse,” the legal group said. “Givers would have good reason to fear being doxed—especially in today’s toxic cultural climate.”
The Thomas More Law Center’s president and chief counsel is Richard Thompson, who came to prominence for opposing prominent assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian. Thompson co-founded the law center in in 1998 with Thomas Monaghan, the founder of Domino’s Pizza who continues to be a prominent Catholic philanthropist. Alliance Defending Freedom said about 5% of donors to the law center are California residents.
Besides issues related to religious freedom and family values, the law center’s website also provides resources for critics of the Common Core curriculum. It names other key issues as “confronting the threat of radical Islam” and “defending national security.”
The similarly-named Thomas More Society, based in Illinois, is not connected to the law center.
For its part, Americans for Prosperity was founded in 2004. It has had strong financial support from two wealthy brothers, David and Charles Koch, whose combined net worth is in the billions of dollars.
Originally posted at http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/catholicnewsagency/dailynews/~3/dTnoutIU9_E/

Me, Über Alles: The Maddening Reason Politicians Break Their Own Lockdown Rules

There’s hypocrisy, damned hypocrisy, and the actions of statist politicians.
Most of us have seen the pictures or heard the stories. Governor Gavin Newsom, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Diane Feinstein and other leftists have been caught blithely breaking the very COVID-1984 restrictions they self-righteously visit on the citizenry. In the case of Denver mayor Michael Hancock, he recently flew to Mississippi not an hour after warning city residents to “avoid travel, if you can.” I guess he couldn’t.
This has left a lot Americans wondering if these posturing pols actually believe their own coronavirus rhetoric. Many no doubt don’t, at least not completely. Also, whatever they believe, they quite surely lack the discipline (not a big word among leftists) to adhere to any program. What would we expect, after all, from people whose only consistent credo is “If it feels good, do it” other than convenience-driven behavior? Yet there’s another, mostly unknown reason for these statists’ hypocrisy.
Studies have shown that leaders, no matter the time or place, tend to be worse than the people they lead. A major reason for this is that politics attracts power-mongers (along with the narcissists and sociopaths).
Power lust is alien to most people. Oh, they can understand lusting after sex or food or money, as virtually all of us have related urges (just hopefully not to a disordered degree). Though it’s a rarer defect, however, people can lust after power in just the way a robber baron may crave money; a nymphomaniac, sex; and a glutton, food. But most people can’t relate to this problem — and generally don’t even consider its existence — because they’re not saddled with it; instinctively projecting one’s own mindset and priorities onto others is a common error.
(If only this weren’t so, people might be more on guard against the power-driven, known as “megalomaniacs.”)
Now, megalomaniacs are overrepresented in politics because, of course, that’s the realm in which you can most directly exercise control and power. These people love it, “need” it and live for it. At risk of seeming frivolous, I think the following nine-second Star Wars clip well epitomizes their mindset.
[Please insert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg14jNbBb-8]
(If Gavin Newsom actually had the above ability, he could at least make himself useful and remedy his state’s rolling blackouts.)
So how does this relate to COVID hypocrisy? Well, one way to enhance your sense of power is by flouting rules everyone else must follow.
It’s even more of a rush if you imposed those rules on them in the first place.
It can make you feel special, above it all, like an elite, master of all you survey. Rules are “for the little people,” as the supercilious suppose, so you can feel like a big person if you’re beyond rules, beyond limits, beyond constraints.
These politicians are beyond reason and rectitude, though, tragically. A truly great leader knows he should share the sacrifices he asks of his people, but our power-mongers will have none of that. The point, however, is that they’re not necessarily just weak and willing to violate their own rules. Often, they revel in doing so.
Leaders’ increasing exhibition of blatant hypocrisy is also a sign of a declining republic. In a healthy one, this is less possible because politicians are held accountable. But to whatever degree a pseudo-elite establishment places itself beyond voter discipline (e.g., via rigged elections), it can in the same proportion place itself beyond the voters’ government-imposed burdens.
Megalomaniacs will never stop exercising irrational control over you because control is the goal, an end unto itself. They inflict their torments not just with the approval of their own consciences, but at the urging of their most animalistic desires.
Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to SelwynDuke.com.

In 2012 We Asked: How Did Voter Fraud go from a Cottage Industry to Big Business? Here’s the answer!

In 2012 we wrote an article titled How Voter Fraud went from a Cottage Industry to a Big Business. We wrote:

Many of my fellow journalists are focused on Governor Rick Scott and his efforts to insure Florida’s voter rolls do not have ineligible voters on them.  The question is how did we get to this point where we have dead people, felons and illegal aliens on the rolls in the first place? Why this did happen and how has voter fraud become a big business is the real story.
Both Republicans and Democrats have by either omission or commission participated in voter fraud or have fallen victims to voter fraud. Voter fraud is not new, what is new is that it has moved from a cottage industry to become a big business. The product is an illegal vote the profit is political power. [Emphasis added.

Fast forward to today. We have gone well beyond voter fraud to the new “big business” of election fraud.
WATCH: Excerpt of Penn Senate hearing: Colonel in Information Warfare explains what he witnessed on election night.

In our 2012 article we noted what experts said about voter fraud:

John Fund in his book “Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens our Democracy” states, “[T]he United States has a haphazard, fraud-prone election system befitting a developing nation rather than the globe’s leading democracy.”
There are three types of voter malfeasance according to John Fund:
• Voter Fraud – someone casting more than one ballot or voting if they were not a U.S. citizen.
• Vote Theft – votes stolen or tampered with.
• Voter Impersonation – a person claims to be someone else when casting a vote.
According to Rasmussen eighty percent of Americans agree these activities are wrong. Voter fraud, theft and impersonation have consequences. They put politicians into office who did not win the vote of the people honestly. Once discovered and rectified via litigation (which may take years) the damage is already done. The most severe and long lasting damage is a loss of faith by the American voter that his or her vote counts. [Emphasis added]

How did voter malfeasance move from a cottage industry to become a big business?

John Fund and Quin Hillyer, Senior Editor at American Spectator, have studied the growth of voter fraud, theft and impersonation cases in America. Both have concluded it began with the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as the “Motor Voter Law”. This legislation was the first priority of newly elected President Bill Clinton and the first law he signed after taking office. According to John Fund, “Perhaps no piece of legislation in the last generation better captures the ‘incentivizing’ of fraud and the clash of conflicting visions about the priorities of our election system than the 1993 National Voter Registration Act…” What are the two conflicting visions of our election system? One vision is that everyone in the United States should be allowed to vote, the second is that only legally eligible voters should vote. Democrats tend to come down on the side of the first vision, with some notable Democrats and most Republicans supporting the second vision.
The Motor Voter Law made it easier for people to register to vote, whether legal or illegal. However, this has not led to more people voting but rather to expansive voter fraud. As this law lowered the standard for voter registration it created an opening for those willing and able to use the system to make money and gain power. As John Fund points out, “Democrats might do better to look for ways to reform the voting system that would actually improve elections, instead of just making sure the laws do not benefit Republicans. The Republicans might wish to join the critical scrutiny of early or absentee voting, for the best evidence suggests that it no longer favors the GOP.”
John Fund in his book notes that, “[A]bsentee voter fraud [is] a growth industry.” When a person can both register to vote and vote by mail no one knows if this is a citizen or criminal. It is a third degree felony to vote illegally punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. An illegal voter is a felon. [Emphasis added]

The 1993 National Voter Registration Act

The 1993 National Voter Registration Act opened the voter fraud barn doors and many have tried to close them for nearly two decades. Efforts to clean up voter rolls have met with resistance from groups like the ACLU, League of Women Voters and today the Department of Justice in the case of Florida. On Monday, June 11, 2012 Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner filed a lawsuit in Washington, D.C. district court to get access to the SAVE data base maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. The Hill reports, “For nearly a year, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has failed to meet its legal obligation to provide us the information necessary to identify and remove ineligible voters from Florida’s voter rolls,” Detzner said. “We can’t let the federal government delay our efforts to uphold the integrity of Florida elections any longer. We’ve filed a lawsuit to ensure the law is carried out and we are able to meet our obligation to keep the voter rolls accurate and current.”


We are now seeing daily how the 2020 election was stolen nationwide. The media refuses to investigate this fraud of the century. The Tech Giants are suppressing any mention of this election fraud labeling it “disputed.” The Democrats have embraced election fraud in order to insure they win the presidency at any and all costs.
Voter fraud is a felony. Election fraud is a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States of America.
Our elected officials have passed legislation that has allowed the 2020 election to be stolen. History tells us so.
Voting is not a right but rather a duty that has great responsibilities associated with it. The citizen is solely responsible to register and vote legally.  Americans cannot lose sight of the fact that voting is the act of the individual not the collective.
If you voted illegally you are a criminal and threat to our Constitutional Republic!
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Four Items Suggesting Something Rotten in the Swing States for Biden

1. Judge Hands President Trump A Swing State Victory – Donald Granted A Chance In Court To Overturn Results In Nevada
In Nevada, the Trump legal team just scored a significant court win that could actually change the outcome in the blue state. From MSN:

In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden’s win and set an example for other state challenges.

Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tweeted out the major update:

BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened—a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned.

That doesn’t sound like a team ready to throw the towel in yet. Many people on the ground are signing affidavits swearing they saw some major problems on the ground.
And finally one of these blue states is pausing their rush to certify the election and move on, instead being willing to listen to the evidence.
2. This looks like an interesting document

I was an electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence. I have extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world. The methodologies I have employed represent industry standard cyber operation toolkits for digital forensics and OSINT, which are commonly used to certify connections between servers, network nodes and other digital properties and probe to network system vulnerabilities.

3. What a great question:
4. More Miracles for Biden
EDITORS NOTE: This entry was posted in Leftist election rigging by Eeyore on the Vlad Tepes Blog. ©All rights reserved.

Send Us Your Tireless, Suppressed, Truth Telling Online Warriors

In the few months since Winston84 has been fully activated, we have received hundreds of suggestions, encouragement, comments, and even a few trolls have shared their thoughts. To all who reached out, even the trolls: Thank you. All of you are invited to use the Contact Us page and tell us what you’re thinking.
In particular, we very much want to discover new providers of alternative content to add to our directory. The only way we’re going to find those who are being suppressed is by hearing about them from people who found them before the algorithms.
One of our newest additions is Mr. Obvious, whose reach is suppressed on all the big platforms, and whose YouTube videos have just been demonetized. Mr. Obvious has been recently producing a lot of content offering information on the contested presidential election. Information that you will never find in the mainstream press. That fact, plus the choice of name – Mr. Obvious – makes this content producer a new favorite.
After all, never mind ballots arriving by the hundreds of thousands at 4 a.m. after “counting was stopped for the night,” but only in swing states. Never mind voting machines that, apparently, any moderately talented nerd can hack and cook. Never mind “tranches” of votes, by the thousands and all for Biden, erroneously stacking the tallies because of “upload malfunctions.” Never mind same-day registration, ballot harvesting, no voter ID requirements, or missing signatures and postmarks. Never mind that Trump earned nearly 6 million votes in California, a 35 percent improvement over his 2016 performance, actually increasing his share of total votes from 31.6 to 34.3 percent, yet lost in fracking Pennsylvania.
Two other new additions to the Winston84 directory are Englishman James Delingpole, a passionate intellectual and lover of freedom who we should have added long ago, and Australian Daisy Cousens, self-described “flamethrower and feminist apostate.”
Starting in 2016, picking up steam in 2018 and becoming frighteningly obvious this year are two things: online censorship is pervasive and is relentlessly escalating, and there is nothing you will read or view on the establishment media that you can trust anymore. Everything now has to be verified independently.
Also obvious, but not nearly as frightening as the censors and media NPCs would have you believe, is the fact that not everything you’ll find in the alternative media is accurate. But thank God it exists. Tell us who they are. We will feature them here.

Rules for Revolutionaries: Understanding the transformative events that are reshaping America

“All civilization has from time to time become a thin crust over a volcano of revolution.” – Havelock Ellis

Ever since the horrific death of George Floyd, events seem to be spiraling out of control. The American public is being bombarded, almost on a daily basis with reports of large protests in major cities; accompanied by rioting, looting, burning, assaults, and even murders.
Observing these events unfold, the average U.S. citizen watching tv from the purported safety of their home, might seem bewildered by these transformative events, the purpose of which is nothing less than a “re-imagining” of America. In order to better understand exactly what is happening, it is necessary to take a cue from the Revolutionary Handbook. There are approximately ten rules; which if you know and understand them, will help the reader to comprehend what is happening.

#1: Inertia is fatal to a Revolutionary Movement.

“The way to be nothing is to do nothing.” – Ed Howe
What does a great white shark have in common with a Revolutionary Movement? Both must continue to move forward or die. Those of you old enough to remember, might recall what was happening in the late 1960’s. The overtures of that movement are eerily similar to what is happening today. The problem was that back then, the revolution was centered around the anti-Vietnam War Movement. Once peace came, the impetus of the revolution died out.
In more modern times we had the Occupy Wall St Movement after the 2008 financial debacle. Protesters occupied an area of downtown Manhattan in close proximity to Wall Street. The civil authorities initially left them alone as long as there was no rioting or wanton destruction. However, as reports of widespread drug abuse began to trickle in, coupled with accusations of rape; the authorities had to act and cleared them out. Many of the occupiers had already left, not out of a lack of revolutionary zeal, but for another cogent reason; it was getting cold outside. Apparently, the winter months are not conducive to this type of protest.

#2: Do not identify your ideology by name; nor state exactly what you will do after you are in power.

Speak only in vague generalities and use simple 2 or 3 word phrases the public can identify with.
“Generalizations are generally wrong.” – Mary Wortley Montagu
Most Americans are fair-minded by nature and want to do the right thing. Terms such as Socialist, Communist or Marxist generally have a negative connotation and would not be well received by the populace at large. Do not look to antagonize them any more than is necessary. The revolution will need its army of “useful idiots” for the future. Instead, use terms such as “progressive” or “social justice warrior” to describe one’s self. Other terms, such as “environmental justice,” “racial/income inequality,” “redistribution of wealth,” “globalism,” ‘undocumented worker,” and “reimagine the police” are also useful. These are far less threatening to the average American. When Fidel Castro ousted the unpopular dictator Batista, Castro initially identified himself as a “humanist.” Only after he felt safe and secure in his new position did he announce to the world: “I am a Marxist Leninist.”

#3: The revolution must get control over mass media and the education system.

“Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually, and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture.” – Mao Tse Tung
It is a historic fact that once in power every single Communist or Fascist dictatorship closed down ALL oppositional voices. Truth is defined by whatever the revolution says it is, and anyone who dare speak out is immediately silenced. The only information that is heard and taught is that which advances the revolutionary cause. This was true in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It is just as true today in Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. This point cannot be stressed enough. Once the revolution gains control over mass media, it controls ALL the information that is disseminated, and once the revolution gains control over the education system, it controls the future. Currently, we are seeing big tech, mainstream media, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and academia censor and suppress free speech.

#4: All the apparatus of the state: the ministries, the civil service, the justice system, the military, and law enforcement must be brought under control.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” – George Orwell, 1984
This rule is simple to understand. Whatever the revolution cannot control could eventually be used against it. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all dealt with the problem of supposed anti-revolutionary activists by instituting a series of purges aimed at crushing ALL potential opposition, which even extended to family members. Stalin himself is alleged to have remarked, that it was fine if innocents were punished along with the guilty, because “that sends an even stronger message.”

#5: All vestiges of the old must be destroyed in order to build anew. This includes all history, traditions, culture, and iconography that cannot be made to conform to the new ideals.

“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984
In the late 1950’s, Mao unleashed the cultural revolution on China. It was based on a repudiation of what Mao called the “four olds”: old ideas, old customs, old habits, and old culture. Estimates vary as to the number of people killed but it was most certainly in the millions. Coming as it did after the disastrous policies of the “Great Leap Forward,” it left China an economic and cultural wasteland.

#6: Conventional ideas about religion and family are an anathema to a Revolutionary Movement.

“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.” – Karl Marx
“We have created a child who will be so exposed to the media that he will be lost to his parents by the time he is 12.” – David Bowie
Absolute loyalty to the revolution must come first. This extends even to members of one’s own family. Children are encouraged to inform on their own parents if they hear anything that can be interpreted as “counter-revolutionary; organized religion must also go. The revolution cannot have loyalty to God supersede loyalty to the state.

#7: The revolution can only succeed in times of extreme economic, political, and social unrest.

“Everything under heaven is in utter chaos. The situation is excellent.” – Mao Tse Tung
This is a very important point. A generally content, gainfully employed, and prosperous populace is not likely to support a revolutionary movement aimed at overthrowing the government, party or individual that has provided them with these benefits. In order for the revolution to be successful the population must be brought low and kept in a state of abject misery. Years ago, former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel stated: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Recently, activist/actress Jane Fonda brought this concept up to modern times when she noted: “Covid is God’s gift to the left.”

#8: Ultimate victory in the revolution will go to that segment of the revolutionary body that is the best organized, best financed, and most ideologically dedicated.

“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution, one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.” – George Orwell
A revolutionary movement can be composed of a number of seemingly divergent groups; each of which has a peeve with the central government. In our own country we have among others, minorities, LGBTQ, and feminists all rubbing shoulders with idealists, liberals, socialists, anarchists, libertarians, Islamists, and hardcore Marxist revolutionaries. The last group is unquestionably the best organized and funded. They are completely devoted to the “righteousness” of their ideology and even have their own para-military group – Antifa. Their ultimate goal is the complete destruction of the American political and economic system. They will settle for nothing less than total and complete power, which they will use to impose their will on ALL aspects of life. The second best organized and funded revolutionary group are the Islamists. Marxism and Islamism are in an “alliance of convenience,” and for now, intersectionality is in both of their best interests; until the revolution succeeds in overthrowing the system. In the end, they have nothing in common; least of which is religion.

#9: A majority of popular support is not needed in order to force your will on an entire population.

“A minority may be right; a majority is always wrong.” – Henrik Ibsen
This is often the most difficult point for the lay person to grasp. Most people automatically assume that any revolution must have popular support in order to succeed. This may have been true in some cases, but not all. People might be unaware that in 1917 there were two Russian revolutions. The first in Feb/March, did away with the Czar; establishing a provisional government. The second in Oct/Nov, did away with the provisional government and established a Communist regime that lasted for the next 73 years. The provisional government made the mistake of keeping Russia in the first world war; a source of widespread dissatisfaction among the people (See Rule #7). The Bolsheviks then swept into power with a simple slogan: “Peace, Land, Bread.” Although one cannot be certain of the number of hardcore committed Communists among the masses of disaffected citizenry in the Oct/Nov revolution, their numbers would have been comparatively small. It is interesting to speculate that had the provisional government headed by Alexander Kerensky managed to extricate Russia from WWI, whether or not the November 1917 Communist Revolution would have succeeded.

#10: After victory, the revolution will turn in directions not initially anticipated. Once the revolutionary genie is let out of the bottle, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to control events as they transpire.

“All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – George Orwell, Animal Farm
In addition to exacting revenge on their opponents, revolutions usually turn on many of the very people who were its most ardent supporters. One only has to look at Hitler’s “Night of the Long Knives,” Stalin’s “Gulag Archipelago, and Mao’s “Cultural Revolution, for examples. French revolutionary, Pierre Vergniaud, best expressed this idea when he noted, “There was reason to fear that the revolution, like Saturn, might devour in turn, each one of her children.” Revolutionaries also speak in lofty terms about “justice and equality,” promising a true “classless” society, but in reality, wind up creating an entirely new class of elites based on party loyalty and affiliation.
Here then are the Rules for Revolutionaries. Hopefully, they will enable the reader to have a better understanding of what is happening in the America of today. One important point is that regardless of who is in the White House, what is happening on the streets will not stop (See Rule #1). The radical left is already looking to extract major concessions from the incoming Biden administration. They want something for their support and if they don’t get it, are prepared to take to the streets. That will leave the new administration with two choices. Either put down the insurrection by the use of force; or by appeasement: offering bribes and concessions in the hope they will be placated. The problem with the latter approach is that appeasement as policy generally does not work and only prolongs the inevitable confrontation.
Winston Churchill summed it up best when he said,

“An appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile in the hope it will eat him last.”

Where then does this leave us as a nation? There is no doubt that as a society we have made enormous strides in the last half century, yet we are still struggling to come to grips with our past. Sixty years ago, the election of an African-American with the unlikely name of Barack Hussein Obama to the highest office of the land would have been impossible. So too, the election of a number of minorities and women to seats in the House, Senate, and even the new VP Elect. We now have a large and expanding Black and Hispanic middle class and women have made their mark on the boards of some of the largest corporations.
Do we now throw all that away and adopt the failed economic and political system of our former Cold War adversaries? There is NO perfect economic or political system, but there are systems that generally work better for more people than others. As imperfect as it is, Capitalism works better than Communism. Capitalist systems encourage innovation, individualism, personal responsibility, and independence. Marxist systems mandate conformity of ideas, conformity of thought, conformity of belief, and conformity of speech. Whatever our many problems, a revolution aimed at the overthrow of the entire system is not the answer.
Neo-Marxist ideologues in the U.S. would disagree with this conclusion. They will continue to extol the virtues of the Cuban, Venezuelan, and Chinese systems, but they themselves recoil at the suggestion that they relocate there. When confronted with the fact that at its height, more than 60% of the world embraced that system; that it failed everywhere, they invariably say something to the effect that “We’ll get it right this time.” As always, they admit nothing, deny everything, make counter charges, and in the final analysis: double down on their ideology.
As for the revolution itself, George Bernard Shaw probably stated it best when he wrote:

“Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they have only shifted it to another shoulder.”

©Caren Besner. All rights reserved.

Why President Trump Will Win

Why Trump Will Win

“Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud.
By: Joseph Hippolito, FPM, Wed Nov 25, 2020
During his campaign rallies, President Donald Trump proclaimed, “We got ’em all” or “We have it all!” In the coming weeks — if not days — Americans will find out specifically what he means.
Those specifics promise to shake Americans to their core by revealing years of entrenched political corruption reflected in electoral fraud.
Lawyer Sidney Powell is providing a preview. Powell, who apparently had been helping Trump’s legal team prepare a case against alleged election fraud, told Howie Carr, a conservative radio host in Boston, on Friday:
“We’ve got a number of smoking guns — and we may have to get witness protection for some of them. We have a lot of extremely solid evidence. It’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying.”

Among those smoking guns:
  • Hillary Clinton used fraud to steal California’s Democratic Presidential primary four years ago from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. “When people told him about it,” Powell said, “instead of exposing it, he sold out.”
  • An employee of the Defense Department, in a conference call that included Sanders and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, told government officials how to commit sabotage in their respective offices. “There were a couple of hundred people on that call,” Powell said.
  • China, Iran, Serbia and Liechtenstein played key roles in interfering with the Presidential election.

On Saturday night in an interview with Newsmax, Powell mentioned:

  • Each Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania received 35,000 extra votes. “I would be willing to bet it happened everywhere,” Powell said.
  • States recalibrated voting machines after deadlines for modification passed.
  • Machines awarded a value of 1.25 for each vote former Vice President Joe Biden received but calculated every Trump vote at only .75. “You can see the reports of fractional numbers for the votes.” Powell said.
  • A former Venezuelan military officer who helped develop the machines testified they could be manipulated. “He knew as soon as the machines were turned off in those key states,” Powell said, that massive support for Trump “had broken the algorithm that had been programmed. So they had to stop counting and backfill the vote with fraudulent mail-in ballots or whatever means they used.”

This same officer, Powell told Fox’s Lou Dobbs on Nov. 16, “was personally in briefings when all of this was discussed and planned, beginning with Hugo Chavez, how it was designed there and then saw it happening in this country.” (Emphasis added)
Powell — who filed a lawsuit challenging Georgia’s tabulation Wednesday — continues to receive severe criticism and ridicule, even accusations of lying. But Powell is subject to the same laws against libel and slander as any other American.
If her assertions against Clinton, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, for starters, were found to show malicious disregard for the truth, an ensuing conviction would destroy her reputation and career.
“Sidney Powell is a serious lawyer. She is not going to make a false claim. Period,” said Larry Johnson, a counter-terrorism specialist who spent four years in the State Department and 22 years devising anti-terrorism exercises for military special operations.
Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani, one if Trump’s main attorneys, issued this statement Sunday:
“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”
Powell corroborated that release with her own:
“I agree with the campaign’s statement that I am not part of the campaign’s legal team. I never signed a retainer agreement or sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses or fees.
“My intent has always been to expose all the fraud I could find and let the chips fall where they may — whether it be upon Republicans or Democrats.”
Trump’s team is filing civil cases. Powell approaches the allegations of electoral fraud as a criminal matter.
“We’re pursuing two different theories,” Giuliani told Dobbs on Monday night. Trump’s team is concentrating on “misconduct of the election by state officials in at least five or six different states” involving “the deprivation of Constitutional rights for the President,” Giuliani said.
So how does Powell know what she knows? As she told Dobbs, “I’m going to release the Kraken.”
In this case, “Kraken” is not a mythical sea monster but a program the CIA and Defense Department use to get information about the nation’s enemies by hacking computers and cellphones.
The program includes various forms of malware, such as viruses, Trojan horses and remote-control systems — and even was used against ostensible allies.
In 2017, WikiLeaks released numerous CIA documents detailing “Kraken.” They included orders to spy on all major candidates in France’s 2012 presidential election, including the incumbent at the time, Nicholas Sarkozy. “Kraken” would provide information on each party’s election strategy and each candidate’s private conferences and ability to influence political decisions.
The CIA uses another program in conjunction with “Kraken,” called “Hammer” (or “Hamr” in the files WikiLeaks released), which Powell referenced. “Hamr” spies on protected networks without being detected.
Numerous plugins accompany “Hamr” to enhance its effectiveness. One, “AngerManagement,” targets Android devices. Another, “WildTurkey,” tests and refines its capabilities.
If WikiLeaks made CIA documents available to the public, Powell surely could access them and use specialists to translate the code and jargon.
After Powell spoke with Dobbs, reports began circulating about an American military operation conducted to take servers in Germany. At first, many thought the servers belonged to two election technology firms, Dominion and Scytl. Dominion — founded by Venezuelans — manufactured the questionable voting machines used in this month’s election.
But those servers apparently belong to the CIA, which has a field office in Frankfurt. The State Department also operates a consulate in that city.
“The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover,” Johnson said. “In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.
“Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through U.S. Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings.”
Neither CIA Director Gina Haspel nor FBI Director Christopher Wray knew about the operation, Johnson added.
Since Dominion owns servers in Germany and Scytl operates them in Spain — servers that received raw election data — “Kraken” could be used to manipulate that data.
If Powell does not represent Trump directly, she works in tandem with his legal team. If so, Trump would have the authority to declassify any information Powell could use.
Such a scenario would explain these comments Powell made to Carr:
“You have to realize how many forces — including many in the government — have benefited from this system. They knew it worked the way it worked, and they used it to install the people they wanted to install in particular offices.
“I think the fraud in the election goes much farther than the president. I think they did it to any particularly strong Republican candidate this time around.”
In other words, the United States faces its biggest political and existential crisis since the Civil War — if not in its history.

PA Hearing Expert Witness: “The Biden Injection” Vote Dump of 600K – 570K Went For Biden, 3200 for Trump
WATCH LIVE: Senate Majority Policy Committee Public Hearing on 2020 Election Issues and Irregularities
Pennsylvania Judge BLOCKS State From Certifying Election Results in Presidential and All Other Races
Emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 ‘potentially’ fraudulent ballots
Poll: 79 Percent of Trump Voters Believe ‘Election Was Stolen‘
Dominion Voting Systems employees were operating like state voting officials in key swing states
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

State Governor Frees All Drug Dealers To Provide Prison Space For Families Celebrating Thanksgiving

SALEM, OR—To prepare for the influx of Thanksgiving rulebreakers, Oregon Governor Kate Brown has ordered all drug dealers to be freed from prison to make room for all the families who violate COVID restrictions.
“Drugs are legal now anyway,” said Governor Brown. “I hereby pardon all drug offenders currently doing time in Oregon prisons. I can do that, right? Whatever — I’m doing it. The real menaces to society are the families who try to gather with their loved ones to share food and give thanks. These violent science-deniers must be stopped!”
According to sources, Oregon State Police have been ordered to go door to door and round up all families trying to celebrate Thanksgiving. Any person or persons not found alone on a couch crying into a clamshell container of take-out food will be arrested on the spot.
Governor Brown has assured the public that this zero-tolerance policy will do something “very important and science-y” to stop the spread of bad sicknesses.
“Losing Thanksgiving isn’t a huge loss anyway,” said Governor Brown. “Thankfulness makes people feel content which can inhibit social progress. We can’t have that! If we’re lucky we’ll find a reason to cancel it next year too!”
After Fending Off Pandemic Challenger, Planned Parenthood Retains Title For Most Americans Killed In 2020
Just Hours After Being Placed In Cuomo’s Possession, Emmy Statue Dies Of COVID
Sidney Powell Promises To Very Soon Show Us A Real UFO
Church Cafe Offers Triple Espresso Shots To Help Members Get Through Pastor’s 12-Part Series On Leviticus
Doctors Recommend Locking Down And Reopening Repeatedly Until Everyone Has Nervous Breakdown
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tucker Goes Megyn

But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump.

What is it about good-looking, brainy, articulate, even charismatic people––particularly if they’re in the public eye––that makes them so vulnerable to the self-destroying over-confidence and arrogance known as hubris?
Who can forget when the beauteous, brash and brilliant Megyn Kelly blazed like a shooting star on Fox News, used her background as a former practicing attorney to conduct piercing and revelatory interviews; showcased enough magnetism to, as my mother used to say, charm a bird off a tree; and entranced the show-business and tabloid worlds with her romance and marriage to a rich and handsome businessman-cum-author and then give birth to three adorable children?
In the feminist-invented world of “having it all,” Kelly certainly fit the profile.


And so did Kelly! As soon as the business mogul and TV star Donald Trump descended on the escalator in the eponymously-named Trump Tower with his gorgeous wife Melania in June of 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America, every media person in every outlet in the world salivated at the chance of interviewing the billionaire builder.
But nothing would reveal the Real Donald Trump as much as the TV debates in which no less than 16 Republican candidates participated––all of them with the formidable political credentials that the businessman-candidate lacked.
They included Governors Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH); former Governors Rick Perry (TX), Bobby Jindal (LA), George Pataki (NY), Mike Huckabee (AK), Jim Gilmore (VA), Jeb Bush (FL), Chris Christie (NJ); Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Marco Rubio (FL), Ted Cruz (TX); as well as former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.
And who got the plum assignment to host the first Republican debate? None other than Fox’s “it girl” Megyn Kelly. I remember vividly how Kelly tantalized her audience with explosive things to come––rolling her hands, her eyes glistening––as she invited people to see what they had never ever seen before.


And she delivered! Right out of the gate, she accused candidate Trump of being abusive to women.
Uh oh. Wrong question to the wrong target. Did fledgling TV starlet Kelly really think she was more seasoned in media savvy than the guy who hosted two TV shows––The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice––that ran at the top of the ratings for over 14 years?
At the first debate, Trump destroyed two entities––all of his opponents and Megyn Kelly!
The American public––in poll after poll after poll after poll––believed that Trump was more credible, appealing and honest than Ms. Smarty Pants. And it was not long before Kelly was gone from Fox, hired by NBC-News, then gone from NBC and now into, um, podcasts.
Yes, this clever species likes to be paid the Big Bucks, but yoo hoo Missy….where do you think that money comes from? It comes from We the People tuning into this or that TV or radio station or Internet site, and if the numbers are good, the advertising increases and it is that advertising money that pays your overpaid salaries!
Which brings me to an egghead like Tucker Carlson who may understand capitalism but clearly does not understand the power of We the People.


Since November 2016, Carlson has hosted an 8 p.m. show on Fox. In fact, on July 2020, he broke the record for highest-rated program in U.S. cable news history, garnering an average nightly audience of 4.33 million viewers.
Typically, his show features a monologue of provocative political commentary which cites numerous examples of leftist hypocrisy and challenges––with a high degree of empiricism––such sacred cows of leftism as global warming, open borders, and mail-in voting. He also interviews numerous “experts” to either affirm or argue with his own political opinions.
So how did this media star––just like Megyn Kelly––crash and burn?


When Tucker Carlson recently attacked attorney Sidney Powell, who was initially on the Trump legal team but is now independently pursuing justice for the president for the massive voter fraud that has put his reelection in question, We the People immediately suspected that Fox management had ordered Carlson to sing their leftist song.
If so, Tucker obediently complied, evincing the colossal conceit that Atty. Powell should tell him––a Fox News employee, a dispensable employee––the proof of voter fraud that she planned to take before a judge (or several judges) in perhaps the most consequential legal case in American history.
And when she didn’t respond to his preposterous and presumptuous interview request,   he had a verbal, on-air temper tantrum, acting indefensibly  rude and obnoxiously antagonistic about one of the most seasoned and respected lawyers in our country.
While most Republicans and Conservatives were so disgusted with Fox’s dishonest coverage of the election––calling Arizona with hundreds of thousands of votes yet to be counted, failing to ask even one question about the unprecedented shutdown for three hours of voting tallies in the swing states of Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, et al––they quit Fox and went to Newsmax TV and One American News Network (OANN).
But people like me and many others stayed with Fox solely because of commentators like Tucker Carlson and Mr. Rock-Ribbed Conservative himself, Sean Hannity.
However, when we witnessed Tucker’s shameful behavior toward Sidney Powell, the rest of We the People immediately and instantly and with no regrets whatsoever left Fox FOREVER! With, by the way, a Good Riddance to Mr. Smarty Pants!
And we were not alone. According to Jim Hoft’s unerring reportage, after Fox’s election-night coverage, Fox News crashed to such a degree that their viewership was cut by 50 percent in three weeks!
“Fox News spit on their audience, and their audience walked,” Hoft wrote, also displaying this dramatic graph.


As writer Andrea Widburg writes: “Fox News continues to insult its audience.
In 1983 there were 50 media companies, but today only six organizations are responsible for over 90 percent of all the “news” we read, watch and listen to! Five of the CEOs of these multibillion-dollar businesses are longtime leftist globalists, and the sixth, the only conservative, was Rupert Murdoch (Fox, Wall St. Journal, NY Post, et al) who a few years ago gave control of his empire to his leftist sons Lachlan and James.
For decades, these business titans have made massive financial investments in the global economy, thanks largely to the leftist con men and women—the Clintons and Obama & Co.; the Chinese Communist Party, the tin-pot dictators and America-haters of the United Nations; the leftist billionaires who thrive on and denounce capitalism at the same time—who convinced them that America was on the decline and that the open-borders, one-world-government crowd was in imminent ascendance.
Then Donald Trump happened and all that one-world baloney vanished overnight.


Since then, the globalists have done two things:

  1. They have continued to invest heavily in our economy, hence the rocket-like ascendance of the Stock Market,
  2. They have told their media whores to keep up the drumbeat of negativity about President Trump.

Why? Because the ratings for their devolving shows spiked with his election, as did the money that lined their pockets!
The always astute Daniel Greenfield elaborated on this phenomenon:
“The media spent eight years declining into irrelevance under Obama. Even before Trump, Obama had bypassed the media for social media. The big stories were fed to the press by Obama Inc. cronies like Ben Rhodes or hidden-hand political smear shops like Fusion GPS.
“Trump revived the media… [his] end-year remarks to the NY York Times acerbically summed up his relationship with the media. `I’m going to win another four years… because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there.’ The answering outburst of rage and contempt from the media burned all the hotter because the statement was not only intentionally provocative; it was also true.
“Trump’s greatest trick was forcing [the media] to get in the ring with him. That’s always been his trick for defeating his opponents.
“The media’s Trump rage ended Hillary’s career, put a Republican in the White House, pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords, brought in the Muslim travel ban, recognized Jerusalem and did all the other things the media wails about every second of the day. And the media helped make them happen.”


If the globally-coordinated, massively-funded, treasonously-conceived coup that leftists have been working on for the past five years succeeds, conservative patriots can be assured that President Trump will create a media company that overnight will have 80-million paid subscribers who will, finally, break––actually destroy––the malevolent, dishonest, and immorally anti-American media that has contaminated our airways for the past 100 years.
Can I hear an Amen?!
But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump.
Starting today or tomorrow––Happy Thanksgiving everyone!––you can watch the reincarnation of the Greatest Show on Earth, ending, I trust, with the hand on the Bible on January 20th, 2021, being the hand of the reelected President Trump!
©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES

Director of product strategy and security for Dominion Voting Systems, Eric Coomer, is  an Antifa radical who is a key player in the massive voter fraud in voter tabulating systems.

CONFIRMED: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Used Dominion’s Eric Coomer as Witness for the State to Defend LAST MINUTE COMPUTER CHANGES

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, November 24, 2020:
Dr. Eric Coomer who is responsible for the strategy and Security at Dominion Voting Systems.
But if you search the company’s profile Eric Coomer has since been removed from their page of directors.
This was after Coomer was found to be a Trump-hating Antifa sociopath.
In 2016 Coomer told the Illinois States Board of Elections that it was possible to bypass election systems software during the vote counting process. [View screen shot here]
Here is the video:

And in 2017 Eric Coomer explained how to alter votes in the Dominion Voting Systems in a Chicago demonstration.
This then is the SECOND VIDEO of top Dominion executive explaining to elections officials how to alter votes with the Dominion machines! This was a separate demonstration in the Chicago area (notice he is wearing a dark jacket and is without the wrist protector.)


According to reports in late September Dominion’s radical Leftist Eric Coomer made a “critical software change” to GA’s Dominion voting machines “without adequate testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission”.
This was reported in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Now this…
A group of Georgia attorneys sued the state after news of the last minute changes to the Dominion voting machines. They called for paper ballots to be used instead of the controversial computer voting systems.
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger called in Dominion’s Eric Commer to testify for him in the state’s defense.
GovTech.com reported:

Georgia election officials told a federal judge Monday that they’ll quickly correct a problem with touchscreen voting computers that left off the names of some of the 21 candidates in a special election for the U.S. Senate.
But attorneys suing the state government said they’re alarmed by technical difficulties so close to the time in-person early voting begins on Oct. 12. They want the government to replace the touchscreens with paper ballots filled out by hand.
Software on the state’s 30,000-plus touchscreens will be replaced to prevent an issue where the second column of U.S. Senate candidates sometimes didn’t appear. Those candidates included Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democrats Matt Lieberman, Ed Tarver and Raphael Warnock. Another Republican candidate, U.S. Rep. Doug Collins, wasn’t affected because his name appeared in the first column.
“The plaintiffs are flagging this as some apocalyptic scenario on social media, and it’s not. This is a very minor issue,” said Bryan Tyson, an attorney for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
The issue, discovered last week during pre-election equipment testing in Douglas and Richmond counties, occurred when the second column of candidates didn’t appear because of a technical problem with how touchscreens communicated with their underlying Android operating system, said Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems. He said the problem only happened rarely, when users made selections in a specific pattern.
David Cross, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said making a critical software change shows that the state’s voting technology is vulnerable to problems.
“This is far bigger than we originally thought,” Cross told U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg. “It’s hard to imagine a more concerning scenario.”
He said the software upgrade is being made without adequate security testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. But Coomer said the change is minor and doesn’t require recertification.
Election officials halted testing in the 77 counties where it had begun after they learned about the problem, said Gabriel Sterling, statewide voting system implementation manager.


DOMINION Director of Strategy and Security Eric Coomer: “Trump won’t win. I made F***ing sure of that.”
Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and SECURITY Eric Coomer Admitted in 2016 Vendors and Election Officials Have Access to Manipulate the Vote
The U.S. Stolen Election
Report: Anti-Trump Dominion Voting Systems Security Chief Was Participating in Antifa Calls, Posted Antifa Manifesto Letter to Trump Online
MORE FRAUD: Dominion Voting Systems Have Functionality to “OVERRIDE” and Process Blank Ballot
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.