Is Biden a Buffoon, Bolshevist or Both? thumbnail

Is Biden a Buffoon, Bolshevist or Both?

By Dr. Rich Swier

“The Bolsheviks, also known in English as the Bolshevists, were a far-left, revolutionary Marxist faction founded by Vladimir Lenin that split with the Mensheviks from the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, a revolutionary socialist political party formed in 1898, at its Second Party Congress in 1903.” – Wikipedia

We have been watching Biden and his administration since his inauguration on January 20th, 2021 and we have to ask:

Is Biden a Buffoon, Bolshevist or Both (B,B, or B)?.

Looking at Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) Agenda we have concluded that it contains all the essential elements that only a buffoon and Bolshevist would embrace. Therefore we have concluded that Biden and his administration are both buffoons and Bolshevists.

We believe that Biden, his administration and his mentors Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama are Bolshevists.

They have broken away from the party of Thomas Jefferson and turned into the party of a far-left, revolutionary faction that kowtows to radical agendas of select groups at the expense of the health and welfare of the general population.

Biden’s Bolshevists

Since FDR the Democrat Party has gone down the path of big government to solve problems, rather than allow we the people to deal with our problems in an open market and free society. FDR’s New Deal, big government writ large, has morphed into the Green New Deal. Efforts are under way to replace God with government largesse.

Because of FDR’s New Deal, LBJ’s Great Society and now Biden’s Green New Deal we have three classes of citizens: the Bolshevists (political elite), those who work for a living (American patriots) and those who vote for a living (blood sucking automatons).

This new class structure not happenstance, this is by design. 

Here’s our short list of Biden’s and the Democrat Party’s Bolshevists:

  • Labor, teachers and federal employee unions. Bolshevists one and all.
  • Radical Democrat Socialists like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and like minded individuals.
  • Radical Islamists like Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and André Carson who support organizations that are anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian.
  • Antifa and its followers who use violence to make their presence known.
  • Black Lives Matter, a black nationalist Bolshevist organization, which is dedicated to racist policies including but not limited to defunding the police and attacking non-minorities and minorities who don’t support their far-left Bolshevist cause.
  • Members of the radical LGBTQIA who want to fundamentally transform gender and sexuality while gaining political power to attack all who oppose them and their far-left agendas. These agendas include destruction of the traditional family, gender and promote pedophilia and pederasty.
  • The legacy media which has failed to tell the truth and therefore has become nothing more than far-left propaganda.
  • Social media which has silenced free speech using the amorphous term of “community standards” as their weapon of choice to pick who they allow to post and who they deplatform, including a sitting President.
  • Administration appointees who by-in-large are carryovers from the Obama administration. This group are far-leftists who fund, support and defend all of the above Bolshevists.
  • And finally, those Bolshevists who voted to put these Bolshevists into positions of public trust.

The Bottom Line

The Democrat Bolshevist Party is now in charge and the people are pissed. Everything is going up: taxes, inflation, gasoline and diesel prices, cost of food, clothing, drugs, medical care, housing, rent, etc. Also going up is the number of Bolshevists in government jobs.

This does not bode well for America as a Constitutional Republic. As the Bolshevists took over Russia and became the Soviet Union, today we are seeing the Democrat Bolshevists taking over our lives, liberties and happiness.

We have labeled those who elected Biden “the depraved electorate.” The depraved are the 87% of Democrats who give Biden and his administration, “positive marks for the job he is doing.” The “depraved electorate” are willfully ignorant of what is really happening around them.

The republic can survive a Biden, who is after all, merely a buffoon.

It is less likely to survive a multitude of buffoons, such as those who made and now defend him as their president!

Time to focus on the depraved Bolshevist electorate who defend, encourage and support Biden, the prince of buffoons.

Will November 2022 will be a reckoning? Will the electorate give us conservative majorities in the House and Senate?

If not gird your loins. Armageddon is coming! It’s us patriots against the Bolshevists and their blood sucking followers.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Biden Bans Nuclear Weapons Critical To U.S. National Security! thumbnail

PODCAST: Biden Bans Nuclear Weapons Critical To U.S. National Security!

By Conservative Commandos Radio Show



Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism.

TOPIC: Biden Raises Cost Of Domestic Oil Production With New Order On Federal Leases!


Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, served as Chief of Staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, Director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, and on the staffs of the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA. He is author of the books Will America Be Protected? (2022), Blackout Warfare (2021), and The Power And The Light (2020).

TOPIC: Biden Bans Nuclear Weapons Critical To U.S. National Security!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

New York Times Op-ed on Holy Weekend: Let’s Get Rid of God thumbnail

New York Times Op-ed on Holy Weekend: Let’s Get Rid of God

By Discover The Networks

The far-left propaganda outlet The New York Times chose Good Friday, which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus, to publish an op-ed that proposes rejecting belief in God.

Titled “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God,” the article by disillusioned ex-Jew and New Yorker Shalom Auslander, who claims that God is responsible for “war and violence” and for “oppression and suffering.” He argues that, especially as war currently rages in Ukraine, we stop teaching children about Him:

God, it seems, paints with a wide brush. He paints with a roller. In Egypt, said our rabbi, he even killed first-born cattle. He killed cows. If he were mortal, the God of Jews, Christians and Muslims would be dragged to The Hague. And yet we praise him. We emulate him. We implore our children to be like him.

Perhaps now, as missiles rain down and the dead are discovered in mass graves, is a good time to stop emulating this hateful God. Perhaps we can stop extolling his brutality. Perhaps now is a good time to teach our children to pass over God — to be as unlike him as possible…

Killing gods is an idea I can get behind.

The article is so poorly-argued and theologically illiterate that one must assume the Times published it on Passover/Easter weekend solely for its clickbait value.

New York Times (NYT)

96 Known Connections

During the course of its history the Times has won 94 Pulitzer Prizes (including a record seven in 2002), far more than any other newspaper. These awards have sometimes been fraught with controversy, however. For example, Walter Duranty was a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times Moscow correspondent in the 1930s who concealed his knowledge of Joseph Stalin‘s mass murders and other atrocities in the Soviet Union. In 1933, at the height of the Russian famine during which millions starved to death, Duranty wrote that “village makets [were] flowing with eggs, fruit, poultry, vegetables, milk and butter. … A child can see this is not famine but abundance.” According to historians, reports such as these were crucial factors influencing President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s decision to grant the Soviet Union diplomatic recognition in 1933. Writes historian Ronald Radosh,  “Duranty was a propagandist for Stalin and everything he wrote was a lie.”

The Times was likewise dishonest in its reporting about the atrocities of the Nazi Holocaust…

To read more about The New York Times, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Top Biden Pollster Warns ‘Most Americans Are Pissed’ thumbnail

Top Biden Pollster Warns ‘Most Americans Are Pissed’

By The Daily Caller

Top Biden Pollster Warns ‘Most Americans Are Pissed,’ Says Democrats Are Facing ‘Really Sour Environment’

President Joe Biden’s chief pollster John Anzalone warned Democrats about major electoral problems going into the 2022 midterms in an interview released Friday, although he believes that they can still avoid major losses.

Anzalone, who also worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, has previously warned of Biden’s low approval rating overall and among Hispanic voters in particular. He told Politico’s Ryan Lizza that voters are unhappy with the Democrats’ lack of action on key issues such as inflation and health care.

“Voters are very much in ‘What have you done for me lately?’ They always are. And they don’t feel Democrats can get their shit together and get things done,” Anzalone said.

“So if we’re able to do something — a skinny BBB or whatever — on health insurance costs, prescription drug costs, elderly care, childcare, that’s a big deal because it will give Democrats a competitive advantage on what they’re doing for working families. And it’ll cut through the inflation narrative, the Ukraine narrative, the Afghan narrative, the border narrative, etc.,” he continued.

Biden’s campaign pollster John Anzalone thinks Ds are blowing it on their economic messaging by not highlighting inequality enough:

“We’re scared of our own shadow on taxes, and it fucking makes no sense”

via @playbookdc

— Joseph Zeballos-Roig (@josephzeballos) April 15, 2022

Anzalone also pushed back on the perception that Hispanic voters primarily care about immigration.

“There’s this narrative in D.C. among Democrats that you only talk to Latinos about immigration. Like, immigration is the twelfth issue that they’re concerned about. It’s always about the economy or inflation or healthcare or schools,” he said.

Republicans are pinpointing a July special election in South Texas as a test of their newfound gains among Hispanic voters. Republican Mayra Flores, who will also seek a full term in November, is hoping that concerns about immigration and inflation will be decisive in flipping a seat formerly held by Democrat Filemon Vela.

Anzalone also argued that Democrats should push tax increases on wealthier Americans, adding that Democrats are too “scared of their own shadow” to do so.

“Biden’s proposal of making those making over $400,000 pay a little bit more taxes and big corporations pay a little bit more taxes so they pay their fair share to make investments in healthcare and education and childcare is really important,” he claimed. “Most Americans are pissed at the fact that they pay their fair share in taxes as middle-class people. They work hard. They want to see the benefits of the economy.”

Election forecasters believe that Republicans could pick up as many as 35 seats in the midterms, which would create the party’s largest majority since the Great Depression. Anzalone believes that such losses could be in the cards for Democrats if they do not act quickly.

“No one’s going to sit there as a Democratic consultant and try to bullshit you that this is anything but a really sour environment for Democrats,” he said.



Congressional reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: Are Latinos Really Abandoning Dems? Poll Analysis Gives New Insight

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Schnooks, Crooks, Liars & Scoundrels A Field Guide to Identifying Political Buffoons! thumbnail

PODCAST: Schnooks, Crooks, Liars & Scoundrels A Field Guide to Identifying Political Buffoons!

By Conservative Commandos Radio Show



Gene Berardelli is a street-smart trial attorney who, through his time as the Law Chair of the Republican Party in Brooklyn, New York, has developed a solid reputation as an election attorney successfully representing conservative candidates. GENE Co-hosted “Behind Enemy Lines”, a national award-winning radio show and now is the creator of “Buffoon of the Week”, a feature broadcast on the AUN Television Network!

TOPIC: Schnooks, Crooks, Liars & Scoundrels A Field Guide to Identifying Political Buffoons!


Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. His analysis and commentary have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Politico, Human Events, National Review Online and Townhall. Along with John Fund, he is the co-author of Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk, Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department. And Their newest book is, “Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote”

TOPIC: University of Virginia Cavalier Daily ‘Journalists’ Show Cavalier Disrespect for Free Speech!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

Americans overwhelmingly support a congressional review of a new Iran deal thumbnail

Americans overwhelmingly support a congressional review of a new Iran deal

By Center For Security Policy

Editor’s note: The Center for Security Policy gratefully acknowledges its collaboration with tippinsights on the simultaneous and exclusive release of this important story.

As the final stages of the Vienna talks progress, the prospects for a revived joint U.S.-Iranian nuclear deal become more likely. Americans overwhelmingly agree that a new deal must be submitted for Congressional review.

Congressional Review And Vote

A new collaborative CSP/TIPP poll conducted in early April 2022 found that 83% of respondents, including 85% of “liberals” who are following the story, feel that it is essential that Congress votes on whether or not the U.S. rejoins the nuclear deal.

38% of respondents are “closely” following stories related to the Iran deal, while 53% are not. The number of Americans tuning in to the progress of the Vienna talks is likely to rise as the prospects for a revived deal become more imminent.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement Act (INARA), passed in 2015 with bipartisan support, prevents the president from suspending or waiving sanctions before Congress can vote on an agreement. Essentially, any new deal to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons must be submitted to Congress for review. Therefore, if Democratic Party leaders refuse to submit the current Iran deal on the table in Vienna for Congressional review, they would violate this treaty. Additionally, according to the poll results, a lack of Congressional review would not be supported by the American people. But, the administration is not likely to follow it. The argument is that the reentry to JCPOA is not a new deal and that Congress authorized it earlier in 2015.

President Biden promised to rejoin the Obama-era deal that remains constitutionally questionable at the onset of his term. In 2015, the Obama administration executed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as an executive agreement, not a treaty reviewed and voted on by Congress. While executive orders alone are not rare, the use of one to accomplish significant international arrangements is. Article II of the Constitution dictates the president must obtain consent from a two-thirds majority to pass international obligations.

The method the Obama administration used to push through the original 2015 JCPOA, combined with Iran’s growing capabilities, may be influencing the strong support Americans have for Congressional oversight this time around.

Joining The Deal

62% of those following the story support joining the deal, while 33% oppose it. Support by party and ideology varies widely. Most Democrats and liberals support while Republicans and conservatives oppose the agreement. Support by party and ideology:

  • 84% of Democrats,
  • 37% of Republicans,
  • 49% of Independents,
  • 43% of conservatives,
  • 69% of moderates, and
  • 84% of liberals.

Full Disclosure Of Terms

In the same CSP/TIPP poll, respondents were asked, “How confident are you that the Biden administration will fully disclose all of the terms of the new Iran deal to Congress?” 64% of those following the Iran story selected “confident,” while 34% selected “not confident.” Ideally, Americans would trust the sitting president to be transparent with Congress, especially when significant consequences are on the line.

President Biden’s credentials aren’t the best, despite his 40 years of foreign policy experience. We hope he will be transparent and negotiate a long-term agreement with bipartisan support.



Maya Carlin is an analyst at the Center for Security Policy. She is a former Anna Sobol Levy Fellow at Reichman University in Israel and has bylines in The National Interest and The Jerusalem Post.

RELATED VIDEO: Donald Trump warns new Iran nuclear deal would doom Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Wikileaks just dumped all of Hillary, CIA, FBI, PedoPodesta and more emails! Get them here! thumbnail

Wikileaks just dumped all of Hillary, CIA, FBI, PedoPodesta and more emails! Get them here!

By Save America Foundation

Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online.

Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCain’s being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic.

Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on. The info enclosed will take a lot of time to read and digest.

These are Clinton’s emails:

Send to everyone you can as fast as you can!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Faith – Why Is It Important? thumbnail

Faith – Why Is It Important?

By Bud Hancock


There is a battle constantly raging in the mental realm, a battle that if lost, can claim the soul of the combatant.  The battle is between Good (God/faith) and evil (Satan/fear).  Just as God and Satan are diametrically opposing forces, so faith and fear have never been able to exist together without a fight breaking out.  They are both spiritual forces and the fight is in the spiritual realm where both faith and fear operate, and in the mental realm where Satan attacks.

There are several main differences between faith and fear.  First, from the human perspective, fear is both a ‘passive’ force and an ‘aggressive force’.  From its source, Satan, it is an ‘aggressive’ force, ALWAYS active and actively seeking to enter and control your mind; it is ‘passive’ from the perspective that the target of it doesn’t need to do anything for it to enter and destroy.  In fact, unless the target aggressively acts to oppose and stop fear, it WILL enter your mind and begin its destruction.

Satan is the ‘master of fear’ and he works to introduce issues, questions or problems through your eyes and ears that provide a pathway for fear to enter and begin its destructive work.

On the other hand and also from the human perspective, faith, when put into action, is an ‘aggressive’ force, meaning that the person who wants to use his or her faith to produce a specific result MUST deliberately and aggressively exercise his or her faith for it to work and produce that result.

This article attempts to explain the workings of ‘faith’ and why it is critical to maintain strong, active and aggressive faith in our Christian walk.

What is Faith?

The writer of the Book of Hebrews tells us, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:1 KJV).

Interestingly, the word ‘substance’ in this passage is the English translation of the Greek word, ‘hupostasis’, (Strong’s 5287, pronounced hoop-os’-tas-is); it means the ‘setting under’, support (as in a foundation), the ‘essence’.  In its use as a ‘foundation’, it assures us that faith is ‘the foundation’, the spiritual support on which our hope rests.

Enter the ‘Evidence’

The evidence mentioned in Hebrews 11:1 is the English translation of the Greek word elegchos (Strong’s 1650, pronounced el’-eng-khos) and is generally defined as a ‘title deed’, or a ‘proof’, a ‘conviction’ that brings confidence.  Even though every man has been ‘dealt the measure of faith’, faith alone will accomplish nothing.  A person’s ‘hope’ must be reinforced with a foundation (support for things hoped for) that will make evident (bring into sight) those things which ‘are hoped for’, but cannot yet be seen.  The first verse in chapter 11 of Hebrews tells us that by this action, the combination of support and the ‘title deed’, God the Creator made everything that can be seen from that which is unseen.

Greek scholar Marvin R. Vincent explained this action very well: the foundation, Gr. ‘Hupostasis’, and the evidence, Gr. ‘elegchos’ are not to be considered as totally separate conceptions in this case, but must be taken together for faith to work.

The foundation and the evidence cannot be separated or faith will fail.

How is Faith Activated?

It is critical to understand that faith, lying dormant, has absolutely no ability to bring anything hoped for into existence.  Faith, a spiritual substance, when used according to God’s word, will allow unseen things that are ‘hoped for’ and which exist in the spiritual realm to be proven, or seen, first on a spiritual level, with ‘spiritual eyes’, then on a physical level as faith causes the unseen things to be brought into the physical realm where the former ‘hope’ for them can be realized and fulfilled.

There are substantive things which can be seen with the human eye and things which cannot.  Both exist, but the physical things we CAN see often are given more credence just BECAUSE they can be seen.  However, the things that are spiritual exist on a higher level, one that can be accessed only by the spiritual force of faith.  It is futile and dangerous to try to see the unseen things with the human eye and bring them into the physical realm (using mental assent, wishing them into existence), thus denying the faith that supports the hope for, and the attainment of, the unseen:  futile in the sense that your physical eyes and ears, absent the force of faith, are not and will not ever be able to ‘see’ them; dangerous in the sense that, an unseen spiritual force, such as a demon spirit, is more than happy to provide you with something you can see that will enter your life in a way that causes chaos and destruction.

The Faith of God

Faith is not just required in order to realize the things one hopes for, but even more importantly, one cannot please God except through faith (Hebrews 11:6 KJV).  Why is this?  Consider that everything that our God created was ‘by faith’ (Hebrews 11:3 KJV).  He knew that  whatever He spoke forth using His faith, would come to pass, or appear, in the exact way He desired.  But why does God have to use faith?  Everything that can be affected in the spirit realm can only be affected using a spiritual force.  Fear uncontested will stop faith in its tracks.  Since there is no fear in God, He used His faith to create what He desired to have. His spoken words activated His faith and brought the unseen into a physical world where it can be seen with physical eyes.

Where Does Human Faith Come From?

We’re told in Romans 12:3, For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”  So there it is: God has given every man the measure of faith, but how much is that ‘measure’?  The English word ‘measure’ is from the Greek word metron (Strong’s 3358, pronounced met’-ron), meaning by implication, a ‘limited (fixed) amount’ or to a limited (fixed) degree.  So, from the above scripture, it should be apparent that every person has been given ‘the measure of faith’.

Dormant faith is virtually useless since it must be activated to bring any change.  If we are to learn to use faith to produce good things/results, we need to understand that it is NOT the amount of faith one has, but whether one has learned how to activate it.  What is needed to get the faith into motion, working on the ‘things hoped for’?  When Jesus was teaching around a multitude, a man approached Him and begged the Lord to heal his son who was ‘lunatic and sore vexed’ by a demon spirit.  The disciples had tried to heal the child but were unable to do so and the man brought the child directly to Jesus.  Jesus rebuked the demon which then departed from the child.  The disciples privately asked Jesus why they were unable to cast out the devil.  “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, YE SHALL SAY unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.  Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:19-21 KJV).

There are two critical points in Jesus words that MUST be understood if one is to use his faith to produce good results.  First, even though Jesus mentions ‘faith as a grain of mustard seed’, He is not talking about the size of the seed.  The mustard seed, even though extremely small, is capable of growing into a plant large enough for birds to roost in.  But, unless that seed is planted, it will remain a tiny seed that produces nothing.  Jesus equates the mustard seed with faith.  It is NOT the size of your faith that is important, but what you DO with it. But how does that seed (faith) get planted?  Allow the words of Jesus to answer that question with the words He gave to His disciples when they asked Him about the ‘parable of the sower’ in Mark chapter 4: “The sower soweth the word”.  The physical act of sowing a seed into the ground (which when watered, activates the seed) is equivalent to activating faith by speaking it out (sowing the word).  In Jesus’s words, if one has faith and properly activates it, nothing shall be impossible unto him.

Secondly, Jesus confirms that dealing effectively with certain demon spirits ‘requires prayer and fasting’.  Being ready in an instant to help someone who is being tormented by a demon will require more than reciting a few Bible verses and saying, ‘be freed, healed or blessed’.  This can be equated with the words of James who said, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James, 4:7 KJV)

‘Aggressive Faith’ Demands Something

In Luke chapter 18, Jesus was teaching His disciples and followers and he used the parable of the widow who went to a judge and asked him to ‘avenge her of her adversary’.  Jesus described this particular judge as ‘unjust’, a man who neither feared God nor had any regard for man.  Obviously, after the judge originally refused to hear her, the widow returned several times, asking for his help, and he, being wearied of her persistence, finally provided the vengeance she requested.

The widow seems to have had faith in the ability of the unjust judge to avenge her since she kept returning and repeating her request.  She likely knew that he was unjust but she recognized the authority that was given to him as a judge to avenge her.  We’re told that she sought ‘vengeance’, so vengeance is what she was hoping to get. She exercised faith by asking/demanding to be given what she hoped to get.

As Jesus ended the teaching, he stated that even though God ‘bears long with his elect’, He will avenge them speedily.  Then He asked a curious question: “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?”  I found the best explanation for this curious passage in The New Testament, An Expanded Translation, by the renowned Greek language scholar and Biblical translator, Kenneth S. Wuest.  Mr. Wuest also wrote a four-volume series, Word Studies in the Greek New Testament and these books provide an education in understanding the New Testament using his thorough translation and word study of the original Greek words from that period.  In this passage, Wuest relates that when Jesus asked that question, based on the tense of the words written, He was referring to the ‘type of faith’ the widow used when she ‘constantly’ asked the judge to satisfy her demand for justice.  Hers was a faith that would not allow her to ask once and then quietly and meekly walk away, forgetting what she needed.  Her faith was strong and she repeatedly used it (aggressively) to receive what she hoped for until the judge relented and provided it.

This use of ‘aggressive’ faith was what Jesus was talking about when He questioned whether He would find it when He returns.  Just before His death, He was explaining to His disciples who had depended on Him for all their needs, sometimes through miracles, that He was going away and that they would now be praying to the Father in Jesus name.  He told them, Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.  The word ‘ask’ used here is best translated ‘be continually asking’, or ask just as the widow did who, due to her aggressive faith and persistence, received what she needed.  Jesus is talking about ‘aggressive faith’, the kind that never gives up.

Jesus was at times amazed at the lack of faith among his Jewish brethren, and was often amazed at the great faith he found among some gentiles.  But this question seems to indicate that He has some doubt about the presence of ‘aggressive faith’, the persistent faith that actually gets results, the kind that He seems to doubt will be in use when He returns to earth.  Based on the level of apostasy now being seen among the ‘religious denominations’, I would say His doubt is well founded.

Great Faith

The definition of a ‘measure’, or ‘fixed amount’ of faith, could easily beg the question, “If every man has inherently a measure of faith exactly the same as every other man, how is it that some people are known as having ‘great faith’ and some as having ‘little faith’.  Jesus used those descriptions in several passages, for example, when He was asked to heal the sick servant of the Roman centurion, and Jesus offered to come to the centurion’s house and heal the man, the centurion said, “Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.”  (Matthew 8:8-9 KJV).  Jesus then marveled at the man and said to all the people around him, “I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel” (Matthew 8:10 KJV)

Why did this get the attention of Jesus so that he marveled at the man?  Because the centurion, ‘a man set under authority’, and knowing exactly the limit of that authority, he recognized the authority in Jesus and he voiced his faith in that authority.  He spoke out (vocally exercised) his faith in Jesus authority, the authority God had given to Jesus to heal any sickness or disease.   The ‘exercise’ of his ‘limited measure of faith’ brought forth from Jesus the healing of his servant, that which he had hoped for.  His faith was still limited, but, because he exercised the ‘measure of faith’ he HAD, he received that for which he had hoped.

Little Faith

Shortly after his meeting with the centurion, Jesus commanded His disciples that He and they should enter a small ship and depart for the other side (of the Sea of Galilee).

And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.  But the men marveled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!” (Matthew 8:23-27 KJV).

Jesus asked His disciples why they were so fearful and said they were “of little faith”.  He did not mean that their faith was ‘small in stature’, but that, because they did not exercise it, it had no force behind it.  Just for comparison, let’s say that faith is similar to a bicep muscle in a man’s body.  Every male person born has that same muscle, whether a grown man or a small child.  But the bicep in the adult body is much larger and stronger than that of the child.  Why is that?  Simple, the man has used and exercised that muscle thousands of times, causing it to become larger and stronger with constant exercising, and the child has not.  It is not the ‘size’ of the muscle (faith) that matters, but how it is used, or exercised.

Faith Exercised Brings Peace and Joy

This same event is mentioned in the Book of Luke: “Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake (Luke 8:22 KJV).  If Jesus spoke it, whatever He spoke was sure to find fruition, or in this case, whatever conditions might prevail, such as a violent storm, because Jesus had spoken the words, He WAS GOING TO THE OTHER SIDE, no matter what.  He never allowed fear to enter His consciousness because fear is the enemy of faith.

Had the disciples established their confidence in and on Jesus’s words, they also would have laid down and slept, totally without fear, because the ship was going to the other side, storm or no storm.  Jesus never allowed fear to enter His consciousness because fear is the enemy of faith and if allowed to enter the heart, faith will give way to it. God’s spiritual laws always guided Jesus in everything He said and did; remember, God’s spiritual law always dominates physical law, even when the physical law presents a violent storm.

Thankfully, Jesus DID exercise His faith and he SPOKE to the winds and the waves and brought peace and calm out of chaos and violence.  This is what Jesus demonstrated during His entire life, that ‘aggressive’ faith can bring peace that passes all understanding and joy unspeakable.

The fact that Jesus questioned whether that kind of faith would be ‘found’ when He comes back indicates that He is constantly looking for it, knowing that it is the only way to bring the peace and joy that He wants us to have.

Are you ready to aggressively exercise your faith and receive the things hoped for along with the peace and joy you desire?  If so, submit yourselves to God, stay submitted to Him and then get to work and allow the exercising of your faith to begin bringing those unseen ‘things hoped for’ from the  spiritual realm into the physical realm where they can be seen and enjoyed.

Blessings and, Maranatha!

©Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.

How do you Manage America’s Decline? thumbnail

How do you Manage America’s Decline?

By Karen Schoen

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” – Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

Messaging has always been a favorite tool of the Globalists.

The problem is they concentrate so much on the message, there is usually nothing behind the message. Most Globalist programs are thrown out for the public to use without testing, or control groups, sampling and feasibility studies. The modeling is done by computer using the Precautionary Principal aka Worst Case Scenario (WCS).  The Worst Case Scenario /WCS creates the most fear and requires the most drastic measures to solve the problem. Obviously it is the preferred choice by the Globalists who like to create chaos.

Their solution is to focus on the item or issue that has the least influence over the problem guaranteeing failure and longevity of the project. i.e.: Transgender Appreciation Day… Only 2million persons identify as Transgender. That is about .03% of the population. Yet 99.97% of the population must endure a new lifestyle. If we live in a democracy as they continue to say, how does the minority get do make rules for the majority. Does anyone really care what a person does behind closed doors? I am not interested. I am interested in whether or not you are qualified for the job.   As a small business owner I was only interested if you could add value to my corporation with first rate products, quality workmanship, merit, values, morality.  I had my candidates read to me, write paragraphs, follow directions and do math.  These should be the qualifications not skin color. Choosing by color creates a mediocre atmosphere with mediocre products. Our government and media are perfect examples of this guaranteed failure. The SEC was just directed to lend money on the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance)score – not excellence, or worse yet, can they repay the loan aka exit plan.

Destroying the fossil fuel industry is another example of the lies spread by Globalist criminals who benefit from its failure. Thousands of products are made with fossil fuel. The industry now burns clean. This industry touches everything we consume. What will happen to those much needed products? Glass, phones, computers, transportation clothing food, air conditioning, appliances, plastics will all be eliminated in order to “save the planet.”  How come no one ever mentions that?

Removing CO2 the gas NEEDED FOR FOOD and buying land to remain fallow, guarantees food shortages plus a vast number of products and services no longer available. These criminals have dumbed and scared the population to think they can control Mother Nature.  By their concept people should Just go outside and tell GAIA (the planet) to stop the tornados if we give up plastic straws. Why are they determined to eliminate fossil fuel – because they don’t own the companies that produce coal and gas. Energy companies in communist countries are owned by the government and that is the goal of the Globalists. They must own everything, all forms of production, distribution, consumption of all goods and services. So they must bankrupt these companies and have them beg for money. Then the globalists will give money with lots of strings.   Once completed, this agenda will tell all (except the globalists) how to live, what to eat, wear, drive, monitor, work and distribute healthcare, amount of energy, and allowable food.  Right now Europe is freezing because of policies the Globalist lies have created. Renewables are not ready for prime time.  When renewables are used to fly a jet, I will listen.

The major Globalist goal is to depopulate the planet. So the manufactured crisis is food shortages. We don’t have enough food they cry. Of course not as they buy farmland to keep fallow. Listen to the speeches of these “World Globalists”.  Those who control the energy, control the country. Those who control the food and health can control the people. This crowd of Globalists aim to control everything.  Click here to Listen as they tell you exactly how the Western economy will be destroyed. 

But…there is always a but…

It seems more and more that the Putin vs Ukraine has put a dent in the global operation. The more people understand what globalism will bring them: Training for lifelong labor, doing more for less, mandates, lockdowns, being able to choose only what the government allows.  There is HOPE.  We see rallies and elections bringing more nationalist candidates to the forefront.   Although Trump and Putin are very different they both believe in their respective country. Putin wants Russia to expand back to the days of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Trump wants America first and doesn’t care about expansion, But…they both want their country to succeed. The citizens want their country to come first as well. This message is being seen in each election as nationalist candidates in America are on the winning ticket.  This is being seen in other countries as well as Marine LaPen is giving globalist Macron a run for his life in the coming election.  Viktor Orban (Nationalist – Hungry) just won a major victory.

Globalists don’t care if the program and solution actually work. Their success comes from the loss of your success, the destruction of another industry, loss of morality, value, comfort, luxury.  They are constantly telling others to sacrifice while they lose nothing. Globalists force meaningless regulations on the opposition to insure failure. Then they use government regulations to prop up their choice of endeavor, invest and make millions.  They are happier when things don’t work. Then they can ask for more money, more time, another committee, more hearings,,, The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution aka transformation. So win or lose on the program, who cares. They will just create chaos so the people will be upset, frightened and need more government. Everything is connected. Nothing is random. There are no coincidences. Everything has a plan. All plans are based on lies. the next time you hear a globalist tell you to sacrifice, say ‘After you.”

The Globalist/Communist/Fascist/Democrat/RINOs are the enemy.

All they do is regurgitate the same old policies and talking points with new names. Money, Power, Control is all they care about.  We must be able to name the enemy. Don’t view them as Americans they are not. Don’t try to make sense of anything they do or say. They are only trying to confuse you. Look to see what they are doing like passing bills late at night to take away our rights.  We have allowed them to think they are the global elite.  We thought they cared about America instead they want to destroy the middle class and America. They hate Americans. They hate the US Constitution.  They will not be happy until they have everything you own and you work for them.  How do you control 330Million people?  You lie.

Is America worth saving? Are you an American or a Globalist? You can’t be both.

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

CDC Data Shows More Than 1.2 Million Covid Vaccine Injuries thumbnail

CDC Data Shows More Than 1.2 Million Covid Vaccine Injuries

By The Geller Report

And remember, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reporting is voluntary. How many vaccine injuries and death remain unreported by a gravely compromised medical establishment?

Because products failed and were never pulled off the market when deaths began to occur. No investigation, no safety review, no disclosure to the govt or coerced consumer. Pre-purchased products was the gravy train that drove large-scale bio-pharmaceutical corporate fraud.

— Peter McCullough, MD MPH (@P_McCulloughMD) April 18, 2022

CDC Data Shows More Than 1.2 Million Covid Vaccine Injuries

By: Megan Redshaw, The Epoch Times, April 17, 2022 PRINT

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 26,976 deaths and 219,865 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 26,976 reports of deaths — an increase of 277 over the previous week — and 219,865 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 2,564 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 805,921 adverse events, including 12,471 deaths and 79,811 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 8, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 12,471 U.S. deaths reported as of April 8, 17% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 21% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 59% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated…..

Keep reading.


A Wall Street executive whose analysis of CDC data shows an alarming rise in deaths among Millennials over the past year amid the COVID vaccine rollout said he’s hoping to start a national conversation that will penetrate an establishment media “blackout” by emboldening people across government and private industry to speak out.

Former portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock, Edward Dowd and a Wall Street insurance analyst with whom he has teamed conclude the CDC data show the Millennial generation suffered a “Vietnam War event,” with more than 61,000 excess deaths from March 2021 to February 2022.

There was a particularly significant “spike” in mortality in the fall of 2021, he said, that cannot be explained by the delta variant, opioids, suicides or other causes. He said his partner in the project, who has actuarial training, analyzed the insurance industry on Wall Street for seven years. The insurance expert, Dowd said, currently is presenting the data to a financial group and will eventually reveal his identity.

Dowd also has examined the Pfizer clinical trial data provided by whistleblower Brook Jackson, concluding it, and the fact that Pfizer tried to hide it for 75 years, point to “clinical fraud.”

RELATED ARTICLE: HUGE! Florida Judge Ends US Mask Mandate For Planes, Other Travel


“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. This is the most important announcement I’ve ever made. The federal mask mandate is over. Take off your mask if you choose!”

A wonderful moment mid flight on @alaskaair today!

— Ben Dietderich (@ben_dietd) April 18, 2022

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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‘The Dumbest Generation Grows Up’ thumbnail

‘The Dumbest Generation Grows Up’

By The Geller Report

An English professor Mark Bauerlein, saw what was happening to young people. In 2008, he wrote the The Dumbest Generation, arguing that millennials would become increasingly ignorant, vain, and immature because of their chronic use of digital technology.

Thanks to the Federalist for bringing this read book to the fore.

The Dumbest Generation Wallows In Mediocrity And Self-Pity.

By: Auguste Meyrat, The Federalist, April 18, 2022:

In Mark Bauerlein’s ‘The Dumbest Generation Grows Up,’ the notable English professor offers a bleak but accurate diagnosis of the millennial generation’s problems.

In the early 2000s, when millennials were coming of age, many people were optimistic about their prospects. They were growing up with the internet, entering a brave new world where everyone was connected, engaged, and more affluent than ever. All this awesomeness was compounded when smartphones came out less than a decade later.

During this wonderful time, few people dared to suggest that all these new high-tech amenities and continual indulgence would spoil millennials. Rather, many people really believed they would be the most successful generation in history.

However, there were a few voices in the wilderness, calling for sanity and a sober analysis of these innovations. One such voice was English professor Mark Bauerlein, who saw what was happening to young people. In 2008, he wrote the The Dumbest Generation, arguing that millennials would become increasingly ignorant, vain, and immature because of their chronic use of digital technology.

Thirteen years later, Bauerlein’s predictions have largely become true. As he explains in The Dumbest Generation Grows Up, a sequel to The Dumbest Generation, many of today’s millennials are not thriving as predicted, but instead are “ending up behind a Starbucks counter or doing contract work, living with their parents or in a house with four friends, nonetheless lonely and mistrustful, with no thoughts of marriage and children, no weekly church attendance or civic memberships, more than half of them convinced that their country is racist and sexist.”

And yes, they are still the dumbest generation, reading less than any previous generation and knowing next to nothing about the world they inhabit.

The Most Illiterate Generation

With an obvious desire to tell the world, “I told you so!” Bauerlein begins his book recalling the false predictions of success for millennials. Even though they had every reason to be concerned about the vast amount of idiotic online content young people were consuming, they preferred to see this as a good thing: “Lighten up, we were told, instead of fearing these kids who were passing them by, said the most progressive admirers of this new generation gap, the elders had a better option: ‘What Old People Can Learn from Millennials.’”

Realists like Bauerlein were berated as spiteful curmudgeons who failed to appreciate the many virtues of the internet. Curiously, it wasn’t the software engineers and programmers making this argument (many of them limit their children’s exposure to screens), but the humanities instructors who saw the new technology as a shortcut to developing critical thinking skills and being knowledgable.

Besides struggling with the basics of adulthood, Bauerlein also argues millennials are dangerous to civilized society. They are entranced with the idealized utopias and “can’t understand why that blessed condition shouldn’t materialize here and now.” This has resulted in a noticeable radicalization among young people, who violently protest any views that differ from their own. Although most of these self-styled social justice warriors justify their actions as a noble resistance to true evil, so much of it amounts to collective temper tantrums.

Baffled by these outbursts from otherwise privileged young adults, Bauerlein seeks to understand the underlying motive—assuming there is one. After making a few inquires and observing millennials in their natural habitat, Bauerlein settles on two vapid but nonetheless serious mantras: “Everyone deserves to be happy,” and “It doesn’t matter who you love.”

Even a cursory knowledge of literature would dispel these notions. As though happiness were something you could complain into existence. As though all forms of love always work out for everyone involved.

Keep reading.

RELATED ARTICLE: Exporting American WOKE: Midwives are told not to using proper words for anatomy so trans patients won’t be upset

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: We cannot do this without your support. Fact. Our work is made possible by you and only you. We receive no grants, government handouts, or major funding.

Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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Hunter Biden’s Laptop Exposes Foreign Governments’ Covert Influence Campaigns in the U.S. thumbnail

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Exposes Foreign Governments’ Covert Influence Campaigns in the U.S.

By Judicial Watch

It would be naïve to assume that only China is engaged in such operations. Why did the entire U.S. media after 9/11 turn on a dime and decide that jihad was not the real problem, “Islamophobia” was?

Hunter Biden’s Laptops Scandal Exposes How Communist Influence Operations Work

by Helen Raleigh, The Federalist, April 15, 2022 (thanks to the Geller Report):

Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop revealed much information, including Hunter’s shady business dealings in Ukraine and China, raising questions about the extent to which President Biden was involved in his son’s business activities. This ongoing scandal lifted the curtain of foreign governments’ covert influence campaigns in the United States. No government has conducted such influence campaigns more effectively than Communist China.

To understand China’s influence campaigns on foreign soil, one has to get familiar with a secretive Chinese government agency, the United Front Work Department (UFWD), or United Front. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established UFWD in the 1930s, aiming to recruit famous intellectuals, writers, teachers, students, publishers, and business leaders who were not necessarily Communists.

These recruits promoted the CCP’s agenda, influenced public opinion in favor of the CCP in territory ruled by the Nationalist Party, and helped the CCP secure the weapons, medicine, and other resources to overthrow the Nationalist-led government. Then-CCP leader Mao Zedong called the United Front a “magic weapon” for the CCP.

When Xi Jinping came to power in late 2012, he greatly expanded the UFWD and elevated the UFWD’s status by having a politburo member, Ms. Sun Chunlan, head the UFWD. Today, the UFWD’s headquarters in Beijing is located in an unmarked but heavily guarded building next to the CCP’s leadership compound. This location says the highest power in the nation directly endorses its mission and strategy.

UFWD workers are assigned to many government branches inside and outside China, including almost all Chinese embassies, which now include staff formally working with United Front. The UFWD is tasked with helping the CCP aggressively and yet covertly dictate its messages and narratives about China. UFWD’s goal is to gather information and either win over or co-opt support for the CCP. It is to attack and neutralize potential dissent and opposition inside and outside China….

RELATED ARTICLE: WHISTLEBLOWER: Hunter Biden Raped Chinese Children. Claims CCP blackmailing Joe Biden with videos.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Starting the Brainwashing Early: New game Called ‘Playing with Pronouns’ is Pitched to Kids Ages 4-9 thumbnail

Starting the Brainwashing Early: New game Called ‘Playing with Pronouns’ is Pitched to Kids Ages 4-9

By Jihad Watch

2+2=5, Winston. If you refuse to accept that, you are an enemy of the state.

EDITORS NOTE: Here’s the promotional video for Playing with Pronouns:

Ready, Set, GROOM! Teachers are Recruiting Our Kids Into the Transgender Life with Books and Games

by Kevin Downey Jr., PJ Media, April 15, 2022:

For a group who “isn’t grooming kids,” the left is grooming lots of kids.

Before we get started, I just want to remind you that a transgender boy in a skirt anally raped a girl in a school’s ladies’ restroom, and his school district tried to cover it up. No one was sent to jail. The rapist was transferred to another school, where he sexually assaulted another girl.

Even though we have been assured that there is no grooming going on in schools, the video below shows a lot of attention-starved, science-denying leftists brainwashing kids in schools….

There’s a new game for kids age 4-9 called “Playing with Pronouns.” From the seller’s  website:

Read more about our Playing with Pronouns Card Deck. Simple card games to breakdown stereotypes, practice inclusive pronouns & expand everyday understanding beyond the binary for ages 4-9.

Playing with Pronouns is an educational card deck for young children designed to expand gender while learning and playing games. It rose directly from our experience as parents. We needed ways to foster inclusion and respect that were fun and could easily expand into our everyday life.

What is this game based on?

Based on our children’s books, They She He Me: Free to Be, and They, She, He easy as ABC  this revolutionary card deck uses PLAY and PRONOUNS as a familiar way to address gender with young kids.

But I thought the left wasn’t grooming kids? Games and books dedicated to normalizing a mental illness sure seem like grooming to me.



RELATED ARTICLE: NYC: High school principal fired for fraud, punished with seven years of a cushy desk job

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Book by citizen of the former Soviet Union reveals the truth about what’s happening to America thumbnail

Book by citizen of the former Soviet Union reveals the truth about what’s happening to America

By Dr. Rich Swier

This new book by lawyer and citizen of the former Soviet Union, Simona Pipko titled “What Is Happening To America?: The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction” offers a first-hand analysis of the Russian KGB government that brought the world and America to its current crisis.

Though China’s military is a great danger to the United States, yet, Russia presents an existential threat covertly destroying our republic from within.

Do you know Putin’s policy toward America and the world?

Have you heard about the ideology of Soviet Fascism?

If not, this book is a rich arsenal of information based on both first-hand personal experiences as a Soviet defense attorney and factual data.

It exposes the core of modern terrorism, its ideology and its operations.

By reading this seminal book written by a citizen of the former Soviet Union, you will learn about America’s problems in 2022 derived from decades of collusion between Russia and the Democratic Party.


What Is Happening To America?: The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

EDITORS NOTE: To read many insightful columns by Simona Pipko please click here.

PODCAST: School Nurse Suspended for Exposing 11 Students Who Changed Their ‘Gender Identity’ thumbnail

PODCAST: School Nurse Suspended for Exposing 11 Students Who Changed Their ‘Gender Identity’

By Martin Mawyer

When school nurse Kathleen Cataford wrote on a ‘mom’s page’ that 11 students were identifying as gender non-binary – 9 without parental consent – she was suspended within a week at Richard J Kinsella Magnet School in Hartford, Connecticut.

WATCH: ​School nurse gets booted for exposing too much

She did not disclose the names or ages of the children, only the fact the school was keeping this life-changing, dangerous information a secret from their parents.

Throughout the country, schools are coercing children into deciding whether to accept their biological birth or switch to the opposite sex.

The writing is on the wall for parents to clearly see:

Schools will soon begin counseling children how to receive “gender-affirming medical care” – that is, hormone treatments, puberty blockers and actual genital mutilation – without parental knowledge, much less consent.

In this episode of Shout Out Patriots, we examine parents’ options if they discover their school is funneling puberty blockers – or other ‘gender-affirming-medical-care’ – to their child without expressed permission.

Be warned, however. The law is likely on the side of schools rather than the parent.

In an arguably similar case regarding parental rights, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled in 2016 that it was perfectly legal for a school guidance counselor to help a 15-year-old girl obtain a secret abortion.

Now, parents are faced with a new danger as they confront an orchestrated movement to dismiss parents regarding their child’s ‘gender welfare.’

In fact, a school district in Wisconsin made this abundantly clear last month.

Teachers at the Eau Claire School District were told NOT to inform parents if their child no longer identifies with their biological sex.

Parents need to ‘earn’ that right, the school district declared.

Teachers were shown a slide that read:

‘Remember, parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned.’

Parents are ‘not entitled’? Parents have to ‘earn’ that right? Schools are positioning themselves as ‘lifeboats’ to protect children from angry, backward-thinking, gender-conforming parents.

So, what would you do upon finding out your school helped coerce your child into their changing gender identity without permission or your knowledge? Or even given puberty blockers?

A better question is, what could you do?

©Shout Out Patriots. All rights reserved.

Bidens’ Stupidity on Gas Continues! thumbnail

Bidens’ Stupidity on Gas Continues!

By Save America Foundation

“This above all: to thine own self be true.” – William Shakespeare

Joe Biden, the usurper occupying, in my mind, the White House illegally, continues trying to pretend to be doing his best to get gas prices down. Remember, it’s an election year and he is about to get annihilated! Anyway. Trust me, everything he tries is just propaganda for the weak minded sheep out there who think the old man in his dotage is doing a good job!! None of it makes a real difference. It’s all charades. All a shell game where you gotta find the pea except there is no pea!

Let me explain.

First inflation and gas costs are not the sole fault of Putin or oil companies. His war is not helping but prices and inflation began their swift upward movement within hours of these leftists’ theft of our government and electoral system.

Secondly understand the gas prices we are seeing at the pumps are a direct result of this satanic administration and their energy policies on fossil fuels. They declared war on fossil fuels from the first moment they stole power. We all know, stopping drilling on federal land, no more permits, stopping construction of pipelines, putting so much red tape in front of lease holders to make it unprofitable. I could go on and on but my audience is smart and understands.

This administration sold its soul and our country to the extremists on the far left and have bought whole heartedly into the global warming lies. They say they are the party of science until science takes them in a different direction to their commie agenda. Then truthful science must be disregarded and mocked.

We see this by their choice to stop as much CLEAN production of oil here in my beloved United States of America and to buy oil from (a) our enemies and (b) from producers who will never produce oil as clean and safely as we do. Their lies and hypocrisy blow my mind as does the stupidity and ignorance of the sheep following them to the slaughter.

Let’s be honest here. If we had not made a big deal about us buying Russian fuel and therefore paying Russia’s military expansion tab in the Ukraine, we still would be. This administration is absolutely shameless. Then there is the Iranian deal they are trying to put together so as to get oil from Iran! By the way they are using China and Russia to negotiate that deal! You cannot make this stuff up.

Treason? You bet!

Oh. I forgot, they also want to buy oil from Venezuela and OPEC! All while we have enough right here for 100% of our needs plus a massive surplus we could export!

So, back to this administrations efforts to pretend they care!

That too is a lie.

They have authorized several releases of oil from our strategic reserves, oil that is there for emergencies, not to cover up terrible policy decisions in an election year. Thus they are damaging our national security – not that they care at all about that. The amounts amount to a tiny percentage of our daily use.

They have gone like the weak cowards they are on bended knees to OPEC begging them to increase production hoping that would bring the prices down. However, we were humiliated as a now weak nation multiple times as OPEC said no.

That wouldn’t have happened under Trump – in fact nothing we have seen the last 14 months or so would have happened under President Trump.

So. A brief resume of events so far before I come to their latest stupidity and lies. We have so much oil we can cleanly produce here that we cannot now obtain. We buy oil from our enemies that is produced without too much care about global warming and the pollution. We bought from Russia until the scandal came out. Now we want to buy oil from Iran, the worlds largest international sponsor of terrorism. Plus give them countless billions of dollars on top of that so they can become a nuclear armed state! Israel – look out, we are stabbing you in the back. Then we want to buy oil from Venezuela, a terrible socialist dictatorship that hates America. They will use those American Petro dollars to further keep their citizens down. Forcibly.

Everyone happy with those choices? I know I am not.

The latest scam is to allow ethanol fuel year round. This is fuel with a percentage of ethanol and sells for about 10c a gallon less. It is highly subsidized with tax payer money to the farmers.

Here is the kicker!

You get a little more performance BUT you do not get as many MPG out of it! Chicanery? Yep! Like a card shark.

Now they have just reversed course again and will begin offering for sale oil leases on federal land – again.

Hmmmmm ….. again, why? They are not reducing the red tape, cost and the years oil companies would need to start production, they are not allowing pipelines to be finished or started to move the oil cheaply once produced. These new announcements will produce more barriers and hoops for oil companies to jump through.

Most of the more significant areas of land with potentially the most easily and cheaply obtainable oil are not being included in the sales. The increased costs that will come with these leases will not encourage drilling as the oil cannot most likely be produced economically or for years. They are offering 173 parcels of land on 144000 acres which is an 80% reduction from the acreage originally stated. So not a big deal. By the way oil companies have to pay these leases monthly regardless to if they are actually drilling.

U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart said the following on Neil Cavuto’s show the other day after this latest Biden scam was proudly heralded by Biden’s Secretary of the Interior, that the oil crisis will be further compounded by this latest stupidity.

In his words from the Cavuto Show on Fox he said the following,

“I realize that the Secretary of Interior is very much on message with the rest of the Biden administration…which is we all pay 50% more for 80% less…she was very clear that’s what she was going to do for those oil and gas operators who were interested in doing work on federal lands, that we should be prepared to pay about 50% more in royalties and other fees that we already pay. At the same time, we’re only going to have access to about 20% of the current acreage that we have put forward to the secretary as potential oil and gas opportunities for us. It goes to this fundamental question of when we’re in a crisis like this, is this policy, will it do anything to increase production? And the answer is no…actually it will compound the problem. We have a short-term production shortfall right now. The Secretary’s actions that she announced yesterday will push this problem out three, five, seven, 10 years.”

You guys beginning to see it now? The lies. The propaganda? The chicanery?

The MSM will as always attempt to show Biden in a good light, showing how his wiseness and kindness plus his real concern for we, the people is coming out with these latest Team Biden solutions!!





©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

BLM Co-Founder Cullors: Charitable Financial Disclosures Are ‘Triggering’ thumbnail

BLM Co-Founder Cullors: Charitable Financial Disclosures Are ‘Triggering’

By Discover The Networks

John Nolte at Breitbart News reports that Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the Marxist revolutionary movement Black Lives Matter (BLM), complained that having to disclose the organization’s finances is “deeply unsafe” and “triggering.”

“It is such a trip now to hear the term ‘990,’” Cullors said, referring to the IRS form requiring charities to reveal their financial activities. “I’m, like, ugh. It’s, like, triggering… I actually did not know what 990s were before all of this happened.”

“This doesn’t seem safe for us, this 990 structure — this nonprofit system structure,” she continued. “This is, like, deeply unsafe. This is being literally weaponized against us, against the people we work with.”

Cullors claims she’s “been approached by countless activists who are worried that they too will soon field requests from reporters demanding copies of their 990 forms.”

“People’s morale in an organization is so important,” Cullors continued to whine. “But if their organization and the people in it are being attacked and scrutinized at everything they do, that leads to deep burnout. [T]hat leads to deep, like, resistance and trauma.”

“Well, when you create a charity designed to improve the lives of black people, collect $90 million, and then spend nearly $6 million on a mansion, I can see why accountability and disclosure would bring about a little trauma,” Breitbart’s Nolte concluded.

Patrisse Cullors

33 Known Connections

Cullors’ Wealth and Multiple Homes

In 2016, Cullors purchased a three-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom home in Inglewood, California for $510,000.

In 2018, she paid $590,000, in cash, for a four-bedroom, 1,725 square-foot home in South Los Angeles,.

In January 2020, she paid $415,000 for a three-bedroom, two-bath “custom ranch” on 3.2 rural acres in Conyers, Georgia. The house included a private airplane hangar with a studio apartment above it; an indoor swimming pool; the use of a 2,500-foot community runway capable of accommodating small airplanes; and a large “RV shop” where a mobile home or small aircraft could undergo maintenance or repair.

In April 2021, it was reported that Cullors had purchased her fourth home, a secluded mini-compound in Los Angeles’ semi-remote Topanga Canyon for more than $1.4 million.

It was also reported in April that Cullors had recently looked at property in an ultra-exclusive resort in the Bahamas, where luxury beachfront apartments and townhouses were priced in the range of $5 million to $20 million.

In June 2021, it was reported that Cullors had spent $35,000 to have contractors install wooden fencing around the entire perimeter of her Topanga Canyon home. They also installed an electronic gate at the driveway portion of the property.

To learn more about Patrisse Cullors, click here.


Adams: Real Cop ‘Defunders’ Are Those Who Voted Against BBB

Maxine: GOP Gov. Ivey Pushing ‘Racist Ignorance in Your Face’

Tedros: Media Treats White Lives as ‘More Equal than Others’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Federal Mask Mandate For Public Transportation Overturned By District Judge thumbnail

Federal Mask Mandate For Public Transportation Overturned By District Judge

By The Daily Caller

A federal judge struck down the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) mask mandate for public transportation Monday.

District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle of Florida’s middle district ruled that the mask mandate exceeds the CDC’s statutory authority under the Administrative Procedure Act, according to court documents. The lawsuit challenging the mandate was initially brought in July 2021 by the Health Freedom Defense Fund.


— Misyrlena Egkolfopoulou (@misyrlena) April 18, 2022

Mizelle, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, ruled that the CDC’s order “violates the procedures required for agency rulemaking under the APA” and remanded the mandate order back to the CDC.

The Biden administration has continued to extend the temporary mask mandate order throughout the pandemic, most recently announcing last week that the order would be extended at least 15 more days into May. With all 50 states and most localities having dropped their indoor mask mandates earlier this year, the federal mandate forcing Americans to mask on planes, trains and other public transit is one of the last remaining COVID-19 restrictions still in place.

Earlier this year, 21 states sued the Biden administration in an attempt to end the mandate. Biden’s CDC has come under further scrutiny for continuing to apply the public transportation mask mandate, citing the threat of the BA.2 Omicron subvariant of the coronavirus, while ending Title 42 and relaxing immigration enforcement, citing the reduced impact of the pandemic at this time.



Healthcare reporter. Follow Dylan on Twitter


The Biden Administration Is Ignoring The Science On Airplane Masking

Biden’s Mask Mandate War on We The People


Airline CEOs to Biden: Drop the Mask Mandate

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Unhinged Twitter Board Adopts ‘Poison Pill’ Stop Elon Musk and Free Speech thumbnail

Unhinged Twitter Board Adopts ‘Poison Pill’ Stop Elon Musk and Free Speech

By The Geller Report

The left cannot permit the free exchange of ideas because their failed ideas cannot stand up to scrutiny and challenge.

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.

Putting up with being offended is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not bear being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed while everyone else lives in fear, while other groups curtail their activities to appease the violent group. This results in the violent group being able to tyrannize the others.

If speech that offends a group is outlawed, that group has absolute power, and a free society is destroyed. A group that cannot be criticized cannot be opposed. It can work its will no matter what it is, and no one will be able to say anything to stop it.

Inoffensive speech needs no protection. The First Amendment was developed precisely in order to protect speech that was offensive to some, in order to prevent those who had power from claiming they were offended by speech opposing them and silencing the powerless.

A free society is by its nature one in which people put up with others being uncivil and offensive. The alternative is a quiet authoritarian society in which only one opinion is allowed and the others are silenced, and ultimately sent to the camps.

And just like that Elon Musk proved the system is rigged.

— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) April 15, 2022

If Elon Musk does nothing else, he already won. All this freaking out, crying, screaming on social media and scrambling to out buy stock, just because someone who believes in free speech has a stake in the company, is deeply telling. And it all happened out in the open.

— Stephanie (@StephHoover8) April 14, 2022

Twitter board adopts so-called ‘poison pill’ plan to block Musk from taking platform private

The plan was adopted by Twitter’s board of directors

By Just the News, April 15, 2022 – 1:09pm

Twitter’s board of directors on Thursday unanimously adopted a plan Friday to stop Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s plan to take private the social media company

Under the plan, which is also referred to as a “poison pill”, shareholders’ rights will become exercisable if an entity, person or group acquires beneficial ownership of 15% or more of Twitter’s outstanding common stock in a transaction not approved by the board,” according to Fox News.

The board says the plan “is intended to enable all shareholders to realize the full value of their investment in Twitter” and will “reduce the likelihood that any entity, person or group gains control of Twitter through open market accumulation without paying all shareholders an appropriate control premium or without providing the Board sufficient time to make informed judgments and take actions that are in the best interests of shareholders,” the news outlet also reports.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden approval rating drops to 33 percent, hitting new low in key poll

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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A Gun Rights Reminder: Levi’s Doesn’t Support You thumbnail

A Gun Rights Reminder: Levi’s Doesn’t Support You

By 2ndvote .com

As President Joe Biden pushes to even infringe your Second Amendment rights, we wanted to remind you that he isn’t doing so alone. Many corporations have decided that your right to bear arms comes second to their political advocacy – advocacy which violates your human and constitutional rights to self-defense.

One of the worst offenders is Levi’s (1.00), the clothing company which has donated over a million dollars to strip your ability to defend yourself and your family from intruders, criminals, and tyrants. As we highlighted in 2018:

Levi Strauss is a clothing company with an agenda. It has a “1.00” ranking in all five of 2ndVote’s categories where it takes corporate action and just a month ago launched a million-dollar anti-gun campaign.

You may remember that Levi’s desire to control your life isn’t limited to guns. The company recently forced out a senior executive who didn’t hold to their restrictive policies on masks and vaccines. It is the height of irony that Levi’s views self-defense against a man-made virus more important than self-defense against criminals and corrupt government – even though masks and vaccines are of limited value, at best, when it comes to stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Levi’s offenses are myriad. The company donates to Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Campaign, and wants you to put climate alarmism ahead of real issues like having a job and defending your family. It’s no wonder we rank them at a paltry “1.00” out of 5.00. Truth be told, our algorithms score them well below a one, but we trim it there to keep things in perspective.

It’s time to ditch Levi’s in favor of better options for your 2ndVote money. Consider shopping at Everlane (3.00), Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, Inc. (3.06), Lululemon Athletica (3.16), and Cabela’s (3.26) — all companies which focus on impressing you, the customer, not a few loud liberal talking heads.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.