PODCAST: Fog Of War thumbnail


By Kenneth R. Timmerman

NATO military leaders met this week to discuss their first-ever coordinated war plans since the end of the Cold War.

You heard that right.

Not since 1991 has NATO had a coordinated war plan, which of course at that time was still aimed at defending Western Europe from a massive Soviet and Warsaw Pact invasion through the Fulda Gap in Germany.

All of NATO’s post Cold War military operations have been offensive and thus contrary to the defensive charter of the alliance. They were ad hoc adventures to punish the petty tyrant of the day: bombing Serbia, two wars against Saddam Hussein, the endless war in Afghanistan, bombing Libya, bombing Syria, and countless mini-wars in Africa.

Have any NATO members objected to this grotesque manipulation of the alliance’s charter? Not a one that I have heard.

Now NATO wants to put its imprint on an alliance-wide “defensive” war against Russia, since all of the Warsaw Pact countries now belong to NATO.

You might say, about time. Then again, you might also note that individual NATO countries began deploying their own forces to the confrontation line with Russia ever since the first Russian aggression beyond its borders in the Republic of Georgia in 2008. This is a trend that accentuated after the Russian take-over of Crimea in 2014.

My good friend Dr. Stephen Bryen, a former deputy undersecretary of defense in the Reagan administration, follows the Ukraine war in detail. He told the Bill Walton podcast this week that he believes Biden’s strategy is to defeat Putin and “dismember” Russia, goals that are neither in America’s national interest or in Europe’s. You can listen to the entire interview here.

One of the comments from the NATO commanders that struck me was their confidence in threat intelligence and early warning. As one commander put it, NATO had “transparency” into Putin’s buildup in Ukraine, thanks to military satellites, drones, and other sensors.

“For Ukraine, we had all the indicators quite in advance,” this commander said.

That left me stunned. If one thing has been constant since Putin’s initial buildup of forces along the Ukrainian border in March 2021, it has been the lack of reliable public information.

We the People are stuck in the Fog of War, with all sides – Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, NATO – lying like their lives depended on it.

The lesson this week is this: our elected representatives need to demand that our government stop lying to us – not just in Ukraine, but around the world.

The Durham report, released this week, was a good first step. It showed that the FBI, CIA, NSA, the Democrats and the media were all lying about Trump-Russia collusion.

Copyright © 2023 Middle East Data Project, Inc., All rights reserved. Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Durham Report Shows The Corrupted Elite And The Fact That America Is Losing Its Moral Compass

Consolidation of Power, The Great Reset Goal—The Fourth Reich [Part 1] thumbnail

Consolidation of Power, The Great Reset Goal—The Fourth Reich [Part 1]

By Kelleigh Nelson

“Indifference, to me, is the epitome of evil.” — Elie Wiesel

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” — Thomas Paine

“Communism will never be halted by negotiations or through the machinations of détente. It can only be halted by force from without or by disintegration from within.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Ask yourself why totalitarian dictatorships find it necessary to pour money and effort into propaganda for their own helpless, chained, gagged slaves, who have no means of protest or defense. The answer is that even the humblest peasant or the lowest savage would rise in blind rebellion, were he to realize that he is being immolated, not to some incomprehensible noble purpose, but to plain, naked human evil.” — Ayn Rand

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” — George Orwell, 1984

When I was a child, the world seemed so beautiful and sweet.  Summers and holidays on my grandparent’s farm were wonderful.  Cows, heifers, pigs, chickens, ducks, rabbits and much more.  Riding on the tractor with grandpa through the fields, helping gramma make noodles and drying them on the back of a towel laden kitchen chair, feeding the chickens, collecting eggs, getting ready for the county fair, and weeding the garden, all part of a beautiful summer.

I drove the tractor while grandpa and my uncles put hay and straw bales on the wagon.  I was paid a dime a load and by the end of summer, I had $5.00 to go to the county fair.

Mom and I lived in Chicago and often took the train to Indiana. Mom worked, so all the holidays were spent with my grandparents.  I had the best of both worlds, school and friends in the city, summer and holidays on the farm.

Gram’s gorgeous Gladiolas in her flower garden were taken to the cemetery on Decoration Day, and the numerous vegetables covering an acre of their backyard were canned for winter.  The huge tomatoes and the sweetest corn on the cob and muskmelons grown between the rows of field corn were delicious.  Grandpa would put the melons in the cold water well with the full milk cans and then pull them out after supper.  Gramma would slice them in half and put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the center.

Even in winter when the snow was so deep and grandpa had to dig a tunnel to the barn, the days were bright with promise and fun.  I’d go out to the warm barn all bundled up to take grandpa a thermos of coffee and watch the kitties waiting for a pan of warm milk.  In the winter, the cows stayed in the barn to keep out of the weather, but come early spring, they’d be out in the fields.  Dinner was at noon, and grandpa would come into the big living room and watch Amos and Andy with me until gram called us to eat.

Grandpa planted in the spring. One year a field would have sweet corn, the next might be soy beans, maybe wheat or oats would follow, but then a year would come where the ground sat fallow and clover was planted.

After a full day, grandpa in his easy chair and gram crocheting or doing needlepoint while watching Jackie Gleason, Milton Berle, Red Skelton or Gunsmoke.

The high holy days started with Thanksgiving, then a month of Christmas, followed in spring by Easter.  All were celebrations where the entire family gathered together with gram’s two sisters and their children and grandchildren.  Amazing arrays of food and desserts, and it started with the family’s favorite meatballs, and shrimp cocktail.

Those were the days my friend; we thought they’d never end.

Now they’re gone, but I can still see them in my mind’s eye.

Times have radically changed, and this series of articles will try to explain the depths of the evil we’re seeing in our beloved country, and what we can and should do to stop it. Be patient as I gather the information and condense it to give an overview of the times we live in and the people behind the evil.

The Fourth Reich

Never Again is Now Global, is a five-part series by Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav. She has laid bare what we’re seeing today as perfectly paralleling Nazi Germany.

In the following four-minute video recorded for Holocaust Memorial Day the 27th of January 2012, Rabbi Sachs comments on the silence of people that haunted him ever since he first started thinking about the Holocaust.

That silence still resonates today with the autopsy of the COVID years.

Our silence in the face of evil gives the enemy power.

In Vera Sharav’s first video, Rabbi Michoel Green commented that he was astounded at the willingness of people to be told what to do and to comply.  He said he would not close their synagogue, and that humans should be morally outraged any time a government or corporations ban together to trample individual human liberties.  He believes what we saw during the COVID years parallel what precipitated the Holocaust in the 1930s, the marginalization of a minority, and identifying that minority as a threat to public health.  That is exactly what master propagandist Joseph Goebbels did, and Rabbi Green said, “It’s right out of the Nazi playbook.”

He explained:

“There is nothing more reprehensible than government or authority of any kind claiming a minority of people or an innocent human being is a public health risk.  It doesn’t matter if these people claim to be doing this innocently for the greater good, because that’s what Nazis did as well.  That doesn’t justify marginalization, persecution and apartheid and ultimately eugenics policies targeting innocent human beings.  What we’re seeing now days is precisely that.

“For the last 70 to 80 years, we’re championing ‘Never Again,’ we’ll never allow this ever again.  But those same liberal organizations are doing exactly that.  Just recently there was a Jewish woman who was also a Holocaust survivor, who was asked to speak at an event at Touro College on Holocaust Memorial Day, and they cancelled her because she could not show her ‘vaccine’ papers.  This was at an orthodox Jewish Institution.  They have become the modern-day purveyors of tyranny.

“What we’re seeing now, is not just the prelude of Holocaust, we are witnessing genocide right now, global genocide. I don’t know if viewers are aware of what is happening in Shanghai or what governments are doing to people.  People are literally being left to die.  They’re being locked in their homes, being denied nutrition and hydration, access to medical care, all in the name of combating an amorphous, invisible disease.  That’s exactly what the Nazis were doing which had no scientific substantiation to it.

“That’s really the issue here now and this is why I appeal to people, scientists and people who work in the medical field.  If you have an opportunity after 70 some years to atone for the Holocaust…by doing what?  By no longer standing by in complicity or collaboration with genocide, with eugenics, with persecution of minorities, with scapegoating minorities.

“This is what our elected and unelected officials are doing, blaming the unvaccinated.  They’re blaming the un-Aryan; it’s the same thing.  It just has a clever twist to it, but it’s the same thing.  It’s the same genocidal totalitarian tyrants doing the same thing all over again.  Only thing is they gave it a face lift.  Now it’s not in the hands of brown coats, it’s in the hands of white coats in the name of science.

“So, what has happened is that intelligent people suspended their own critical thinking.  This is what the CDC or the AMA dictate, this is the policy, we have to support the policy.  The policy matters more than the individual, more than my oath to my individual patients, more than the Hippocratic Oath.

“And that is a violation of medicine.  It’s a desecration of medicine, a desecration of religion, it’s the cynical subversion of our entire society where everyone becomes a policeman of tyranny.  And this is the important thing there also…what is it called, plausible deniability.  Everyone wants to wash their hands and say, ‘It’s not me, I was just doing my job.’

“That is exactly what every German, every Ukrainian, every Pole who participated in the mass killings, or banned people from stores back in the 30s, that is exactly what each one of them said, ‘We were just doing our job, taking orders.’  At what point do people wake up?  At what point do the medical people wake up?  At what point do they realize the narrative has been highjacked?

“There is no free discussion, there is no dissent allowed.  We’re living in times of tyranny, book burning, censorship.”

Rabbi Green said that his grandmother survived the pogroms and Bolshevism and Stalinism and she told her grandson that the government is never allowed to dictate to you what is essential and what is not.  The governor of his state told the clergy that worship was not essential and the Rabbi decided right then and there, they were not shutting the doors of their shul.

His wife asked him, “What if someone gets sick, what if we get sick?” but Rabbi Green answered, “We have to be ready to die before we allow government to shut down our religious observances, our right to live and live freely, our essential human liberties.”

And that’s why Rabbi Green never shut the doors of his synagogue. He said that many people were upset with him, and a few were accusing him. He felt that accusations without any substantiation or evidence claiming he was causing risk to anyone is exactly what propagandist Goebbels did to the Jewish people in the 1930s and 40s.

Too many people sat by in complicity and silent collaboration despite the extraordinary assault on humanity and individual liberties, and it was unprecedented.   People showed their cards willingly, but this was forced experimentation without consent for many, and as Rabbi Green said, “Just like what Mengele did.”

On February 5, 2021, the Supreme Court told California, that it can’t bar indoor church services because of the coronavirus pandemic, but it can keep for now a ban on singing and chanting indoors, which also is totally against the Constitution.  The high court issued orders in two cases where churches had sued over coronavirus-related restrictions in the state.

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to authorize a $400,000 payment to settle a legal battle with Grace Community Church over lead pastor John MacArthur’s defiance of COVID-19 restrictions in the early months of the pandemic.  The pastor said the money will go to the Thomas More Society who represented them in this case.

Too little, too late.  The first amendment was trampled to dust.

Fear and Propaganda

The COVID propaganda succeeded so perfectly.  Fellow citizens became mask Nazis screaming at those who didn’t cover their faces, calling them murderers, heartless, and callous human beings who shouldn’t be allowed healthcare, or should be imprisoned.

This time the targets aren’t the Jewish people.  This time the targets are all of humanity, and all of the Lord’s creation.

The animal population is also being poisoned with mRNA injections, including zoo animals.

Children’s Health Defense reported, New York City will begin tracking the carbon footprint of household food consumption and putting caps on how much red meat can be served in public institutions as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 2030.

CCP’s Social Credits are part of the Fourth Reich.

The people behind this evil hate the Creator and His creation.  They want to be gods.  They want to create their own world, but first they must destroy the world created 6,000 years ago by Elohim.

For 50 years Klaus Schwab has been expanding the World Economic Forum (WEF). He calls the “Great Reset,” the fourth industrial revolution which is really the Fourth Reich. His father operated a manufacturing plant in Nazi Germany and used slave labor. Klaus learned well from his father. He has his SS all over the world. In 1992, the Clintons were early global leaders under Schwab. Now King Charles has joined Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, Biden and the rest of the heads of state who are members. Even House Speaker McCarthy is a WEF boy.  (Oh, that he had lost the vote for Speaker.) We are riddled in both parties with young global WEF members. Schwab brags that every nation has now been infiltrated.

Schwab’s plans echo Maurice Strong’s UN Agenda 21, and before that, President George H.W. Bush’s New World Order.  Everything they’re planning follows end time prophecies from the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

Bezos, Musk, the MSM, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Hollywood, the large corporations, all of them are run by WEF members.

All over the world, everyone followed the same plans for the “crisis” that was designed decades ago to frighten the people into allowing the destruction of their economies, their businesses, their health, and their livelihoods.  Death was everywhere, but especially in hospitals, served up with Remdesivir and ventilators.

Evil is walking the earth.


We no longer trust our medical systems in America either. Had they all stood up and said, “We will not follow these hospital protocols,” and then said, “These vaccines were made too quickly, people should be wary,” they would have succeeded in keeping the people’s faith in their judgement. Now it is gone, and we all know they lied to us to save their own hides and didn’t care how many perished as long as they weren’t hurt.

For those in the medical profession who blindly trusted these godless creatures who created this evil and thrust it upon the world, you’d best be finding out what can be done to save those who willingly complied with the injection propaganda along with those who were mandated by employers or the government.

FLCCC.net has protocols for those who took the jabs, and Drs. Peter McCullough and Ryan Cole have shown studies proving nattokinase helps eliminate and dissolve the spike protein from the body. See The Wellness Company, with Drs. Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch, Heather Gessling and Richard Amerling.

These evil godless creatures aim to destroy the majority of humanity along with the rest of creation.  Already our meats are tainted, our vegetables are next and will be grown in vertical farms of the future, to ensure mRNA is continually fed to the masses.

Bill Gates, the godless eugenics/vaccine lover, his Rockefeller buddies, and the CEO of Apeel, WEF member James Rogers, have developed a coating for fresh fruits and some vegetables to lengthen their shelf life. However, Apeel coated avocadoes take forever to ripen and once they get soft to the touch, you open them to find the fruit inside next to the skin is rotten and the core is still hard.  I tossed most of them that had been purchased at Fresh Market.  Their label stated they were grown in California.  The Apeel label was not on them, but Fresh Market is listed as having Apeel avocadoes in Knoxville, TN.

The devils behind this evil will one day pay dearly for trying to replace the Creator with their own godless evil.

©2023. Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.


FBI Repeatedly Abused Surveillance Tool To Spy On Americans In Wake Of Jan. 6, Newly Unsealed Court Doc Reveals

The Justice Department’s Planned Law Enforcement Overhaul Closely Aligns With Progressive Demands

Hayes to DeSantis: Sex Change Treatment for Minors None of Your ‘Goddamn Business’ thumbnail

Hayes to DeSantis: Sex Change Treatment for Minors None of Your ‘Goddamn Business’

By Discover The Networks

Thursday on MSNBC’s All In, unhinged host Chris Hayes said he believed Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was infringing on the freedoms of families with a Florida law banning sex change therapy for minors.

Hayes said, “Ron DeSantis’s dystopian, authoritarian vision is most apparent in the legislation he just signed yesterday. It bans all gender-affirming care for all minors in Florida, everyone 18 or younger. That law also empowers state courts to change custody agreements if a child is receiving or is at risk of receiving gender-affirming care. Meaning taking a kid away from a parent.”

Remember, “gender-affirming care” means the mutilation of children in the name of a gender ideology that has been imposed on an entire generation of schoolkids by Hayes’ Party.

“Telling parents how they can or cannot raise their own children is among the most authoritarian things that government can do. And now that is exactly what Ron DeSantis and the Republican Party in Florida and generally the conservative movement that endorses this are doing purely for ideological and punitive purposes.”

Remember, whatever the Democrat Party accuses its opponents of doing is exactly what the Democrat Party is guilty of doing.

After showing a clip of DeSantis telling Democrats, “If you’re coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I’m standing in your way,” Hayes became unhinged:

What a tough guy. You see all that swagger? He’s going to stand in your way if you’re coming after parental rights. If you try to tell a parent what they can do with their kids. That very same wing of the Republican Party embodied by Ron DeSantis and the government of the state of Florida, has now demanded and produced a situation in which the government that you saw there with the tough guy swagger about freedom? Is going to decide if your child. Who lives in your home that you gave birth to or raised, that you love your kid. What kind of care they can get. He decides. Care that, to be clear, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports and recommends.

Think about what this means right now as I’m speaking to their parents and families in Florida who have decided as a family, as parents, along with their doctors, that this health care, gender-affirming care, is the best care for their kids. You may not like it. But you know what? It’s none of your, excuse me, goddamn business! To me, that is what the courage to be free means. Freedom means that in my household, our family decides what kind of health care our child does or does not get. Not Ron DeSantis. Not the Republican Party. But that is no longer the case in Florida.

It’s Hayes playing the tough guy here, not DeSantis, who actually is a tough guy. Hayes is a pudgy, goggle-eyed propagandist for a party that preaches infanticide and the psychological and physical mutilation of children in the name of gender ideology. Citing the woke American Academy of Pediatrics as an authority on this issue is hilarious, because especially after the manufactured pandemic, Americans now know that the medical establishment has no integrity or truth whatsoever.

Hayes’ Party hates parental rights when they interfere with his Party’s Marxist grooming of younger generations. And they hate Ron DeSantis because he is showing other conservatives the way to stand against their demonic agenda.

Chris Hayes

15 Known Connections

Portraying America as a Permanently Racist Nation

In March 2018, NBC News published a piece by Hayes in which he cast America as a nation that was, and always had been, racist to its core:

“School segregation declined for decades and then sharply reversed, so that schools in all regions have been getting more segregated. In the South, the percentage of black students in majority white schools was 23 percent in 1968, rose to 44 percent in 1991 and by 2015 was back down to 23 percent. Meanwhile, the wealth gap between black and white families has exploded and the inequality gap between whites and blacks has also increased or held steady in everything from infant mortality to homeownership.

“All of this is the result of a political movement that has existed since the country’s founding, whose power waxes and wanes, but endures — always endures. That is the movement to preserve American racial hierarchy and white supremacy. It has gone by different names at different times, but it has not ceased to alter the trajectory of American history.

To learn more about Chris Hayes, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Texas AG Ken Paxton Investigates Children’s Hospital For Allegedly ‘Unlawfully Performing’ Child Castrations

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Watch as Biden Uses Buses To Transport Illegal Aliens Into America thumbnail

VIDEO: Watch as Biden Uses Buses To Transport Illegal Aliens Into America

By Dr. Rich Swier

We have been writing about Biden’s not only opening the border but now we have video of buses being used in the dead of night to transport illegals into our nation by DHS.

WATCH: Biden’s Border Invasion.

Historian and Opinion Editor for the Daily Caller Michele Gama Sosa in an article titled The GOP Is Clueless To The Dems’ Sinister Immigration Agenda — And It Has Nothing To Do With Elections wrote,

The GOP has been very good at diagnosing the problems we will face from the illegal migrant invasion following the end of Title 42. Americans will pay more taxes while seeing cartel activity, gang violence, and other crime skyrocket. Housing and healthcare will become scarcer and more expensive, and the labor market will worsen as a larger labor supply suppresses American wages.

Republicans have mostly attacked the Democrats’ plan to create a “permanent majority” or accused them of enabling crime. Ultimately, this short-sighted approach focuses on the short-term electoral game. As usual, the Democrats and their handlers hide their true intentions, and the GOP is none the wiser.

The final Democrat goal is to turn America into a communist state in which Washington and its mega-corporate partners control every aspect of life. But Americans increasingly realize they are better off controlling their own affairs. So what is Uncle Sam to do?

Enter a pair of 60s radicals from Columbia University. Professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven taught at the Ivy League university during Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and Great Society. In 1966, they argued that Johnson’s welfare program was not going far enough because most welfare was the purview of state and local authorities. In order to get everyone on the federal teat, a crisis had to be created to give the feds the excuse to step in. Their proposal was to have massive numbers of poor people overwhelm local and state governments that they would beg Uncle Sam for help.

This general idea is the long-term strategy behind mass immigration.

If the Democrats cannot get Americans to accept a neo-communist, technocratic, oligarchic state run by billionaires and their political marionettes, they will import those who will. And the masses of impoverished foreigners, who are already accustomed to socialism and heavy-handed government, are the perfect trojan horse.

AOC may be dumb, but the people behind her aren’t. They want to overwhelm their own cities – and then everywhere else. They know that if NYC and Chicago can’t handle migrants, then the rural counties these cities are shipping migrants to definitely won’t – let alone the 750 million people who want to come here. The only entity left to pick up the tab is the federal government (in practice, this means you), which will use demographic chaos, poverty, and declining standards of living as a pretext to “save” the day. Coincidentally, Eric Adams has called for just that.

Read more.

These illegals are now being bussed across America and filling up our cities, causing a crisis which Biden and his administration will then declare a national emergency and take over the care of these illegals all at our expense. This will not only increase the national debt but will cause services for legal citizens to decline and even be denied. We are already seeing how this is impacting America’s veterans.

The invasion will continue so long as Biden is in office. The Republicans have yet to effectively stop it. The question is why?

The key question in the 2024 GOP presidential primary is: Which candidate can and will stop and reverse this?

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Leaked video reveals Joe Biden’s ‘hush hush’ migrant invasion

You Won’t Believe What Biden’s Doing at the Border Now – Watch



Biden admin plans to allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them.

Instead of enforcing U.S. immigration laws, Biden is enabling mass catch and release.

America is a nation of laws. This must end. https://t.co/ruogHkR5PS

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) May 11, 2023

NEW: Security video from a contact in Eagle Pass, TX shows a large group of migrants crossing illegally onto private property this morning. Crossings have been down big in Texas last few days, but are expected to rise again as cartels/smugglers figure out the post T42 border. pic.twitter.com/6iLcIeUkuY

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 16, 2023

FBI Whistleblower Testifies: Jan 6 Footage Hidden From Public Because It Shows Too Many Undercover Government Agents thumbnail

FBI Whistleblower Testifies: Jan 6 Footage Hidden From Public Because It Shows Too Many Undercover Government Agents

By The Geller Report

An FBI whistleblower has told the United States Congress’ House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that the bureau withheld further CCTV footage from the January 6th Capitol Hill fracas over fears of outing “undercover” agents present in the crowd.

FBI Whistleblower Testifies Bureau ‘May Have’ Had Confidential Human Sources in the Capitol on J6


A whistleblower from the FBI’s Boston field office testified that agents in Washington refused to share hours of video footage from the January 6 Capitol riot between the offices because there “may be” undercover officers or confidential human sources in the videos whose identities would need to be protected.

The revelation came in a prerecorded video testimony from whistleblower George Hill, which was played during a hearing of the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.) noted that a second whistleblower who was testifying in-person at the hearing, Marcus Allen, was allegedly retaliated against for sending an email linking to a website that said “federal law enforcement had some degree of infiltration among the crowds gathered at the Capitol.” Allen commented in the email that the information raised “serious concerns” about the U.S. government’s participation in the riot.

When asked whether the FBI had confidential human sources at the Capitol, Wray testified in November: “I have to be very careful about what I can say — about when we do and do not and where we have and have not used confidential human sources.”

“But to the extent that there’s a suggestion, for example, that the FBI’s confidential human sources or FBI employees in someway instigated or orchestrated January 6th, that’s categorically false,” Wray added at the time.

Read more.

Why the FBI And Democrats Are Attacking Whistleblowers

FBI says it won’t release Jan 6 surveillance video because it would show too many undercover government agents and informants


The FBI whistleblowers who testified before Congress today are not actually whistleblowers, say the FBI and Democrats. Rather, they are disloyal Americans who undermined investigations into the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

“My [Republican] colleagues have brought in these former agents, men who lost their security clearances because they were a threat to our national security,” said Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.), the ranking member of the House weaponization subcommittee. “Who out of malice or ignorance or both have put partisan agenda above the oath they swore to serve this country.”

But there is no evidence that any of the FBI whistleblowers are or were ever a threat to national security. One of them, Marcus Allen, won two medals fighting in Iraq and Kuwait. Another, Garret O’Boyle, served in the Army in Iraq, worked as a police officer, and graduated with honors in criminology and law.

Democrats pointed out that the FBI had revoked the security clearances of two whistleblowers, Allen, and Steve Friend, earlier this month. That news came in a letter that Christopher Dunham, the acting assistant director of the FBI, sent to the House Judiciary Committee last night.

The FBI claimed that Allen “expressed sympathy for persons or organizations that advocate, threaten, or use force or violence, or use any other illegal or unconstitutional means, in an effort to prevent federal government personnel from performing their official duties.”

Read more.


Pamela Geller



Marcus Allen bravely served our country overseas in the armed services and has been suspended without pay for OVER a year by the FBI for “disloyalty.”

Listen to his powerful testimony ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/5fR0VTk5zb

— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) May 18, 2023

Breaking: The FBI whistleblower just admitted to Congressman @mattgaetz that the Washington Field Office wouldn’t turn over video of Jan 6 to Boston because they had undercover officers inside taking part in the “insurrection.” pic.twitter.com/nv3fT0Y954

— 🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 (@Travis_in_Flint) May 18, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Study Reveals MOST People’s Lungs Now Riddled With Microplastics Found in Disposable Face Masks thumbnail

Study Reveals MOST People’s Lungs Now Riddled With Microplastics Found in Disposable Face Masks

By The Geller Report

Woman wearing protective face mask in the office for safety and protection during COVID-19

A shocking new study has revealed that most people have microplastics, commonly found in disposable masks, in all areas of their lungs. For those of us who refused the “vaccine” and the mask, it’s vindication but we continue to be punished by these toxic lemmings.

Also: Possible toxicity of chronic carbon dioxide exposure associated with face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children andadolescents – A scoping review

There were 12 types of microplastic found in samples.

The 4 microplastics present in the most considerable quantities included:

  • polypropylene (PP): found in carpets, clothing, automotive plastics, and surgical masks
  • polyethylene terephthalate (PET): present in clothing, beverage, and food containers
  • resin: a constituent of protective coating and paints
  • polyethylene (PE): a component of food wrappers, milk containers, toys, and detergent bottles

In 2020, the amount of disposable face masks littered into the environment increased by a staggering 9000 percent. Billions of people strapped polypropylene masks to their faces every day for two years and sucked their air through plastic fibers for 8 hours or more. To not have discovered plastic in lungs would have been surprising.

The confirmation of microplastics in the lungs also backs up a study conducted in 2020 which predicted a microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks.

Also: Covid-19 face masks: A potential source of microplastic fibers in the environment

A new study has revealed that most people have microplastics, commonly found in disposable face masks, in all areas of their lungs.

Not only are masks uncomfortable, make it hard to breathe, and are completely useless at preventing viruses passing through, but surgical masks worn during the pandemic could have a far unhealthier effect than previously thought.

Those British Health Trusts still mandating face masks in hospitals, and all the dentists and GPs surgeries that seem to have a psychotic obsession with preventing patients from breathing normally, might care to look at the long-term damage they are inflicting on them.

According to a new study published in the Science of the Total Environment, microplastics commonly used in surgical masks have been discovered in the lungs of most people.

According to thoracic surgeon Dr. Osita Onugha, the presence of microplastics in the lungs is a public health ticking time bomb with the potential to cause an explosion of cancer cases in the coming years.

Researchers in Britain looked at lung tissue obtained from study participants and found microplastics in all regions of the lungs including the deeper section. According to the study, this is the first time microplastics have been found in human lung tissue samples using μFTIR spectroscopy. Though the researchers did not confirm the source of the microplastic contamination, the plastic fibers found in the lungs are most commonly found in face masks.

Researchers identified 39 microplastics in 11 of the 13 lung tissue samples, with an average of 3 microplastics per sample.

In 2020, the amount of disposable face masks littered into the environment increased by a staggering 9,000%.

Billions of people strapped polypropylene masks to their faces every day for two years and sucked their air through plastic fibers for 8 hours or more. To not have discovered plastic in lungs would have been surprising.

The confirmation of microplastics in the lungs also backs up a study conducted in 2020 which predicted a microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks. According to researchers in that study, the inhalation risk posed by spherical and fiber-like microplastics was high while wearing a mask. Unfortunately, researchers in that study continued to recommend the use of plastic masks despite the risk of inhalation.

CLICK HERE: What ARE Those Risks?


Pamela Geller

RELATED ARTICLE: DEMOCRAT SHAKEDOWN: Walgreens to Pay San Francisco $230 Million for FDA Created Opioid Crisis
















EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

SPECIAL REPORT: Diseases Coming Across the Southern Border thumbnail

SPECIAL REPORT: Diseases Coming Across the Southern Border

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

America is not only being bombarded with illegals, even terrorists, pouring across the formerly more secure Southern Border, but as you will learn in this SPECIAL REPORT on ARIZONA TODAY, a myriad of diseases are also coming into America with illegals from over 160-countries. I held with nationally known medical consultant Jean Rice, RN, BS/BA who has well over 40 years experience in the medical profession, this conversation is sobering, NOT theatrical or conspiracy theory but real and alarming!

WATCH: Arizona Today – SPECIAL REPORT with Jean Rice, RN

Acute diseases now arriving with illegals and refugees: third-world types of bacteria and parasites, new forms of lice and worms. Americans have not been exposed to these types of aggressive agents. Doctors not trained to identify or treat these new diseases.

  • Tuberculosis cases are rising across America, including treatment resistant TB.
  • Costs for counties and states to treat these new illnesses are extremely high – and rising.
  • More than 17 states in horror as to what they are challenged with now; real concern with what’s to come in months ahead.
  • Unscreened refugees brought into U.S. are now being integrated into our communities: NO background checks, NO medical history recorded; NO education on sanitation and basic hygiene; NO formal medical screening conducted.
  • Public or elected officials are not informed so proper decisions and preparedness can be accomplished.
  • 1 suspected and 1 confirmed case of Leprosy reported in Riverside, CA grade school
  • 150 high school students in Manhattan, Kansas ill with unknown parasite
  • 100 cases of Chlorine resistant bacteria were discovered in city swimming pool.
  • 150 people in 2 counties in AZ contract aggressive form of measles.
  • 2 dozen cases of TB reported in Kansas City high school after students came into contact with infected student.

I need your help to keep sending forward uncensored information that is founded on facts, not theory or mere sensationalism.

Please help me distribute the attached reports and the conversation. Go to your mailing lists and distribute…now! Americans need to become awake to this on- coming and serious assault to our health. Please also consider going to my website site: Arizona2Day.com and contributing by pushing the PayPal button. I have self-funded this show the past two years relying on the Lord to raise up contributors.

Thank you! Thank you most sincerely for distributing the content helping me to awake Americans.

©2023. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.


Refugees and antimicrobial resistance: A systematic review

Infectious diseases

List of Chronic Human Diseases Linked to Infectious Pathogens

Florida Law Defunds DEI in Higher Ed thumbnail

Florida Law Defunds DEI in Higher Ed

By Family Research Council

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday signed three bills to excise woke ideology from state higher education institutions and promote productive education goals.

SB 266 will “prohibit institutions from spending federal or state dollars on discriminatory initiatives, such as so called ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)’ programs,” the governor’s office summarized in a press release. HB 931 will “prohibit Florida’s public institutions from requiring students, faculty, or staff to take political loyalty tests,” and SB 240 will “expand workforce education programs and increase access to career and technical education (CTE) programs.”

The first of these laws doubles down on Florida Republicans’ efforts last year to crack down on woke ideology in institutions of higher education. SB 266 forbids “a Florida College System institution” to “expend any state or federal funds” on “any programs or campus activities that: (a) Violate s. 1000.05; or (b) Advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion [DEI], or promote or engage in political or social activism.”

The first prohibited category (violations of s. 1000.05) refers to a section of Florida law dealing with discrimination in K-20 public education, which the Individual Freedom Act (a.k.a. Stop Woke Act) modified last year. The Stop Woke Act added paragraphs stating that “it shall constitute discrimination … to subject any student or employee to training or instruction that espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels such student or employee to believe any of the following concepts.” The list that followed included foundational tenets of critical race theory (CRT) and other leftist ideologies, such as “A person’s moral character or status as either privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by his or her race, color, national origin, or sex.”

In October, a federal judge in the Northern District of Florida temporarily blocked Florida officials from enforcing this section of the law, on the grounds that it ran afoul of First Amendment Freedom of Speech.

Following this legal setback, Florida Republicans devised a different approach to achieve their original objective — eliminating woke programming on academic campuses. It began with Governor DeSantis ordering all state universities and colleges “to provide a comprehensive list of all staff, programs, and campus activities” related to DEI or CRT. Within days, the same parties who had challenged the Stop Woke Act complained that Florida was violating the judge’s preliminary injunction against portions of the Stop Woke Act. However, the judge denied the motion on the grounds that the injunction had not been violated.

Perhaps in an effort to avoid another free speech challenge, SB 266 does provide an exception from its DEI funding ban for “student fees to support student-led organizations” and “use of institution facilities by student-led organizations.”

SB 266 also enacted other DeSantis objectives for higher education. It directed the Board of Governors to review the mission and curriculum of each university, gave university presidents (as opposed to less accountable academic departments) final authority over hiring full-time faculty, and prohibited left-wing loyalty pledges as a condition of employment. These changes are among those DeSantis set forth in his January 31 education agenda “to focus on promoting academic excellence, the pursuit of truth, and to give students the foundation so they can think for themselves.”

In addition to SB 266, DeSantis also signed HB 931, which states that “a public institution of higher education may not … Require or solicit a person to complete a political loyalty test as a condition of employment or admission into, or promotion within, such institution.” It also bars universities and colleges from giving “preferential consideration” for employment, admission, or promotion based on “an opinion or actions in support of: a. A partisan, a political, or an ideological set of beliefs; or b. Another person or group of persons based on the person’s or group’s race or ethnicity or support of an ideology or movement … that promotes the differential treatment of a person or a group of persons based on race or ethnicity.” This prohibition encompasses university diversity statements (not academic diversity but identity diversity), which require university staff to affirm a DEI agenda as a condition of employment.

While DeSantis’ educational initiatives make headlines for countering woke ideology, they reflect a fundamentally positive vision, not one that is negative or contrarian. Rather, the goal is to remove politics from education, thus “empowering students, parents, and educators to focus on creating opportunities for our younger generations,” said DeSantis. This mission, to prepare young people to be productive members of society, is reflected in the third bill DeSantis signed, SB 240, which will “expand workforce education programs and increase access to career and technical education (CTE) programs.”

Unsurprisingly, left-wing activists like the ACLU of Florida dislike Florida’s higher education reforms, which demolish the barriers protecting left-wing academic hegemony. But every significant reform will face opposition. Ray Rodrigues, Chancellor of the State University System of Florida, said the legislature and DeSantis were “re-orienting our distinguished universities to missions that treat people as individuals, that reward merit and achievement, and center on recruiting excellent faculty while creating the talent pipeline necessary to fuel Florida’s future.” Making the right enemies is worth it, for the right reasons.


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Florida Officially Bans Mutilation of Minors in Name of ‘Gender Affirmation’

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Taylor Marshall: The LGBT Crowd is Not Oppressed- They’ve Conquered Nearly All of Society

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

FBI Special Agent Garrett O’Boyle, ‘The FBI Will Crush You. This Government Will Crush You and Your Family’ thumbnail

FBI Special Agent Garrett O’Boyle, ‘The FBI Will Crush You. This Government Will Crush You and Your Family’

By The Geller Report

Today’s Oversight Hearing on the Weaponization of the FBI targeting conservatives (more on that here and here) ended with this bombshell testimony. Multiple whistleblowers from within the FBI testified today against the agency’s leadership, describing obscene abuses of power.

These men risked and lost everything to come forward and tell the truth.  Their whole lives have been dedicated to service to this country and they have been destroyed.

Here is the closing testimony from FBI Special Agent Garrett O’Boyle,  O’Boyle was most recently in the FBI Kansas City field office. Prior to becoming an FBI agent, Mr. Boyle served our nation as an infantryman in the United States Army for six years in the Army, Mr. O’Boyle was deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. He received numerous service awards including the Combat Infantryman Badge, Mr. O’Boyle received an honorable discharge from the army upon leaving, Mr. O’Boyle continued his commitment to public service serving as a police officer in Waukesha, Wisconsin for four years. Mr. O’Boyle joined the FBI in 2018. As an FBI agent, Mr. Boyle was selected to serve on the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the SWAT team. Mr. O’Boyle graduated Summa laude from Marquette University with a degree in criminology and Law Studies yet the FBI questions his loyalty to the Constitution into our country.

Agent O’Boyle: It doesn’t solve it, but the FBI will crush you. This government will crush you and your family. If you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong, We are all examples of that.

Congressman Armstrong: Mr. O’ Boyle, If one of your really good friends same to you and said, I have this thing that has been covered up. And I think the American people No, no, no need to know about it.

Agent O’Boyle: I would tell them first to pray about it long and hard.

I would tell them, I could take it to Congress for them. Or I could put them in touch with Congress. But I would advise them not to do it.

Congressman Armstrong: You would legitimately try to protect one of your colleagues from doing what you have done.

Agent O’Boyle: Absolutely.

Congressman Armstrong: And how do you think that solves, being able to shine light on corruption weaponization any kind of MS DOS misconduct that exists with the Americans?

Agent O’Boyle: It doesn’t solve it, but the FBI will crush you. This government will crush you and your family. If you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong, We are all examples of that.

Congressman Armstrong: I can’t think of more sobering way of ending a hearing.

WATCH: FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle’ testimony.

WATCH: They will crush you.

They will crush you. pic.twitter.com/cwwHwFhwev

— 🇺🇸 Pamela Geller 🇺🇸 (@PamelaGeller) May 18, 2023

WATCH: The full committee hearing from FBI whistleblowers.


Pamela Geller


Durham: FBI Dropped 4 Different Probes into Clinton Family Ahead of 2016

Beclowned Democrats Stall, Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI as Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committee

GOP Representative Anna Paulina Luna Submits House Resolution to Expel Pathological Liar Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress

Intel Agencies Massively Undercounted Searches On Americans Under FISA Surveillance Rule, Report Finds

Watch and Listen to What the FBI Did to This Whistleblower’s Family….

ANOTHER Soros DA Resigns in Disgrace

FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose Undercover Agents, Informants: Whistleblower


Beclowned Democrats Stall, Interrupt, Smear Witnesses, Run Cover for FBI as Whistleblowers Testify at Weaponization Committeehttps://t.co/WqbLGITYbI pic.twitter.com/jo2gSssQgN

— 🇺🇸 Pamela Geller 🇺🇸 (@PamelaGeller) May 18, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Murder Charge Reduced For North Dakota Man Who Killed Conservative Teen thumbnail

Murder Charge Reduced For North Dakota Man Who Killed Conservative Teen

By The Geller Report

He hunted this teenager down.

There is no justice for the free standing against Democrat totalitarianism.

Murder charge reduced to manslaughter for North Dakota man who struck, ran over, and killed conservative teen

Shannon Brandt, 42, was originally charged with murder, a Class AA felony, over the death of 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson.

Murder charge reduced to manslaughter for North Dakota man who struck, ran over, and killed conservative teen

By: Jarryd Jaeger, The Post Millennial, May 18, 2023:

On Monday, the North Dakota man accused of running over a teenager he deemed to be a “Republican extremist” had his charges reduced to manslaughter.

Shannon Brandt, 42, was originally charged with murder, a Class AA felony, over the death of 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson in McHenry last September.

According to the Associated Press, Foster County State Attorney Kara Brinster’s decision to reduce the charges was not part of a plea deal, and Brandt is still expected to appear in court for trial beginning May 30.

“There is no evidence to support the misplaced allegation of intentional homicide,” Brandt’s lawyer Mark Friese said. “The state and defense forensic experts have provided comprehensive reports confirming this tragedy was an accident. Misplaced media hype and community conjecture is no substitute for evidence.”

An autopsy found that Ellingson’s injuries “weren’t caused from being struck by Shannon Brandt’s vehicle and were caused by being run over.”

As the Associated Press reports, investigators claim that the incident was not politically motivated, and that Ellingson was not part of a “Republican extremist” group, as Brandt originally said.

Following the incident, Brandt returned to the scene and called 911 on himself, but failed to stay until they arrived, opting instead to go back home. As a result, he was also charged with “fail[ing] to render aid as required” by North Dakota law.

Police soon caught up with Brandt, who had admitted to having consumed alcohol prior to the incident, and arrested him for driving under the influence. A chemical test later confirmed that he had, in fact, been over the legal limit.

With a murder charge, Brandt could have faced life in prison, however, if he’s found guilty of manslaughter, the maximum penalty is ten years.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


BREAKING: Murder charge reduced to manslaughter for North Dakota man who struck, ran over, and killed conservative teenhttps://t.co/BH45mgoxDY

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 18, 2023

This is Kara Brinster, ND State’s Attorney

(701) 652-1270

Why did you drop Sannon Brandt’s murder charges, Kara? https://t.co/jggqLTWr4i pic.twitter.com/eLsI43e361

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 18, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Squad’ Dems Vote Against Honoring Police Officers Killed in Line of Duty thumbnail

‘Squad’ Dems Vote Against Honoring Police Officers Killed in Line of Duty

By Discover The Networks

During a vote Monday recognizing National Police Week, two members of the far-Left group “the Squad” were the only Democrats to vote against a resolution that memorialized police officers killed in the line of duty and expressed condolences to their loved ones.

Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Cori Bush (D-MO) uttered the only nays heard from the House floor as the chamber voted on the pro-law enforcement resolution. The resolution, which passed with unanimous support from Republicans and nearly all Democrats, amended H.Res. 363 title to read: “Resolution memorializing law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.”

Its passing honored “the 556 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, including 224 officers killed in 2022, as well as 332 officers killed in previous years whose stories were recovered during 2022,” while also ensuring police are equipped with the resources and training necessary to keeping communities safe.

The amendment opposed by the Democrats expressed “unwavering support” for law enforcement officers and offered “condolences and solemn appreciation” for the loved ones of lost officers.

The resolution vowed that the House of Representatives would acknowledge “that police officers and other law enforcement personnel, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, should be remembered and honored,” and recognized as heroes.

“Why did Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib just vote against a simple resolution to honor law enforcement officers during National Police Week?” Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) posted on Twitter after the vote.

Tlaib and Bush claimed Tuesday in a joint statement that they view community safety as a “top priority”:

Let us be clear: the health and safety of every one of our community members — including our first responders — is a top priority for us. But this resolution is not a referendum on support for the safety of first responders. It is a document intended to advance Republicans’ false narrative around supporting law enforcement and gaslight the public about where they stand.

Cori Bush

78 Known Connections

Bush Signs Petition Asking Clemency for Black Triple-Murderer on Death Row

In October 2021, Bush co-signed a petition demanding that Missouri governor Mike Parson commute the death sentence that had been handed down to 61-year-old Ernest Lee Johnson, a black, convicted triple-murderer who in 1994 had brutally killed three general-store workers during a late-night robbery. His victims were 46-year-old Mary Bratcher, a single white mother of three children; 57-year-old Mable Scruggs, also a single white mother; and 58-year-old Fred Jones, an African-American man who was the only caregiver for his elderly mother and disabled brother. After a binge in which he had purchased three rocks of crack cocaine and traded one of them for a gun, Johnson killed all three victims by repeatedly smashing them over the head with a claw hammer; he also stabbed Bratcher multiple times and shot Jones in the head…

To learn more about Cori Bush, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Bush Introduces Resolution for $14 Trillion in Slavery Reparations

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

REPORT: Prevalence of GSE Appraisal Waivers—March 2023 thumbnail

REPORT: Prevalence of GSE Appraisal Waivers—March 2023

By Edward Pinto

This report tracks trends for GSE appraisal waivers monthly and provides data on the risk characteristics of these loans.

To download the most recent data, please click here.

To read our comment letter to FHFA on appraisal-related policies, practices, and processes, please click here.

PDF to most recent report

Slide deck on GSE Appraisal Waiver Report


Edward J. Pinto

Senior Fellow and Director, AEI Housing Center.

Tobias Peter

Research Fellow and Assistant Director, AEI Housing Center

EDITORS NOTE: This AEI report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Previous Reports

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October 2022
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March 2022
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November 2021
October 2021
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3,000 Military Veterans Reject Pentagon’s ‘Left-Wing Social Agenda,’ Support Tuberville’s Fight thumbnail

3,000 Military Veterans Reject Pentagon’s ‘Left-Wing Social Agenda,’ Support Tuberville’s Fight

By Family Research Council

The cavalry is coming to help Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.). For months, the Alabama Republican has waged a fight against the Defense Department’s woke agenda by blocking the Senate’s approval of nearly 200 promotions for military generals and flag officers.

The military establishment, Senate Democrats, and the Biden administration have resorted to name-calling and unfounded warnings — even though Tuberville insists he won’t budge until the Pentagon reverses its policy subsidizing abortions.

Two weeks ago, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), touted a letter from seven former secretaries of defense to make his case. Today, a significantly larger number of current and retired service members announced they’re backing Tuberville.

In a new letter shared first with The Daily Signal, more than 3,000 veterans and active-duty members of the U.S. armed forces are expressing their support for Tuberville and calling on the Pentagon to rescind its politically motivated abortion policy. Four members of Congress joined state lawmakers, national leaders and thousands of everyday Americans who have served their country in the military.

“The undersigned stand united in condemning this policy,” they write in the letter to Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). “This policy is not just illegal, it shamefully politicizes the military, circumvents the authority of Congress, and exceeds the authority of the Department of Defense.”

The letter includes 593 individual names — including Reps. Eli Crane (R-Ariz.), Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.), Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), and Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) — plus 32 endorsers and partners with the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, which represents the position of over 2,500 military chaplains.

The Defense Department issued its policy Feb. 16, providing three weeks of taxpayer-funded paid leave and reimbursement of travel expenses for military personnel and dependents who are seeking an abortion. An estimate from Rand Corporation predicts the number of abortions would skyrocket from 20 to more than 4,000 each year.

Using his leverage as a U.S. senator, Tuberville is holding the nearly 200 military promotions. He’s earned the support of Republican colleagues, including influential Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) who said this week, “I regret that it’s necessary, but I think it is.”

Last week, a group of House conservatives stood with Tuberville on the Senate floor. Previously, CatholicVote organized pro-life and conservative leaders to enlist their grassroots organizations to aid his effort. And now a diverse group of service members and veterans are speaking out in support.

Their letter directly refutes the claim by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his seven predecessors that Tuberville’s actions are affecting military readiness. Democrat senators, led by Schumer, have repeatedly made this assertion — without factual evidence — to attack Tuberville.

“Over the past few months, the senior senator from Alabama has singlehandedly hindered our national security by blocking hundreds of critical military appointments,” Schumer alleged Monday. “Those holds are hamstringing our military. According to former secretaries of defense who served presidents of both parties, this blanket hold ‘is harming military readiness and risks damaging U.S. national security.’”

Beyond broad warnings about military readiness, however, Democrats are unable to point to specific examples proving their case.

The letter from service members suggests the real readiness problem is a result of Austin’s actions as secretary and the “politicized agenda” of the Biden administration.

“The American people, including its service members, are disappointed by President [Joe] Biden and Secretary Austin’s recent decisions to mandate receipt of the COVID-19 vaccines, promote the radical LGBT agenda, and now subsidize abortion,” they write. “Because of these policies, the military now faces an unprecedented crisis of recruitment — missing its recruitment goal for the first time ever last year. The focus of our military must be on keeping the American people safe, not advancing the left-wing social agenda.”

Even when Democrats have pressed military leaders for evidence, they’ve come up empty.

At an April 20 hearing, Senate Armed Services Chairman Jack Reed (D-R.I.) asked U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Cmdr. John Aquilino about the consequences of Tuberville’s hold on readiness in the region. Aquilino responded, “Operationally … no impact, because Seventh Fleet commanders are not going anywhere until the proper replacement is in place.”

Retired three-star Gen. Jerry Boykin, executive vice president at the Family Research Council, flatly rejected the idea when FRC President Tony Perkins asked him if Tuberville’s effort was endangering the U.S. military. Boykin responded, “No, it is not.”

“In the military,” Boykin added, “you don’t replace somebody until you have a replacement for them, which means the person holding that slot stays there until he has a replacement. This whole thing is more propaganda than anything else.”

And last week, three Heritage Foundation vice presidents — including retired Lt. Colonel James Jay Carafano, vice president of Heritage’s Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy — pointed to greater threats to military readiness than the failure to promote flag officers.

“America’s military readiness is of vital importance and one The Heritage Foundation takes seriously,” they wrote to Tuberville. “Each year, we publish an Index of U.S. Military Strength to gauge the U.S. military’s ability to perform its missions. This year, for the first time, we assess the military as weak and at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests. While the reasons for this are many, your holds are not among them.”

Carafano was joined by two others from Heritage: John Malcolm, vice president of the Institute for Constitutional Government, and Roger Severino, vice president of domestic policy.

Democrats could circumvent Tuberville’s hold by voting on each nominee individually. Doing so, however, would be a laborious process for senators who would rather approve the promotions as a group.

Just as he’s done several times already, Tuberville is prepared to continue his fight until the Pentagon changes course. Now, he has the backing of more than 3,000 service members and veterans.

“There is no truth more profound than the fact that all human life is sacred,” their letter concludes. “The mission of the United States Military is to defend and protect all American lives — not subsidize the practice of destroying innocent and vulnerable American children via abortion with taxpayer dollars. By pledging to hold these nominations to the Department of Defense until administration officials reverse course, Senator Tuberville is doing a great service for the American people — including its service members.”

This article was originally published in The Daily Signal.


Rob Bluey

Rob Bluey is executive editor of The Daily Signal.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

New Premise Poll: President Donald J. Trump Only Republican Beating Biden, Dominating GOP Primary thumbnail

New Premise Poll: President Donald J. Trump Only Republican Beating Biden, Dominating GOP Primary

By Dr. Rich Swier

Mar-a-Lago, FL — A new Premise poll shows president Donald J. Trump holds a decisive lead in the 2024 GOP primary election with 58% of likely Republican primary voters supporting him.

According to the survey, conducted May 12-15, President Trump remains the only GOP candidate who can beat Joe Biden in a general election.

In the general election race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump who would your prefer?

43% President Donald J. Trump (+5)
38% Joe Biden

In a general election race between Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis who would you prefer?

37% Joe Biden (+4)
33% Ron DeSantis

Who do you think the Republican Party should nominate as the party’s candidate for president in 2024?

58% President Donald J. Trump (+37)
21% Ron DeSantis
5% Mike Pence
3% Nikki Haley
1% Vivek Ramaswamy

Trump Leads DeSantis In Our New 2024 Republican Primary Polling Average


Today, FiveThirtyEight is launching our national polling average for the 2024 Republican presidential primary. It shows former President Donald Trump receiving 49.3 percent of the national vote and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (who has not officially entered the race) receiving 26.2 percent. Former Vice President Mike Pence, another potential candidate, is at 5.8 percent, while declared candidate and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is at 4.3 percent.

Some people will say that national primary polls aren’t important because there is no national primary (just a series of state-by-state contests). Others will tell you it’s too early — more than nine months away from the Iowa caucuses — to put much stock in polls. But we think there’s value in a national polling average, even (especially?) this early: According to our research, national primary polls conducted the year before the election are reasonably predictive of the eventual nominee.

Specifically, when candidates are polling above about 30 percent nationally, they have historically had a decent chance of becoming the nominee. That chance increases the higher their polling numbers are. On the flip side, though, candidates with polling below around 20 percent have been pretty unlikely to win, and those polling below 10 percent are usually doomed.

Read more.

American Greatness Poll: Trump Leads DeSantis by 21 Percent in New Hampshire

Among likely GOP primary voters in New Hampshire, former President Donald Trump holds a 21-point lead over Governor Ron DeSantis, 39 percent to 18 percent. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is virtually tied with DeSantis for second place, garnering 17 percent of the vote.

Although Sununu is competing with DeSantis for the “not Trump” vote, among those who describe themselves as “very likely” voters, DeSantis leads Sununu by six points, 19 percent to 13 percent. Trump leads both men among these voters with 45%.

New Hampshire GOP voters prefer Trump over DeSantis to improve the economy (+41 percent) and oppose far-left progressives (+19 percent). Voters also say that Trump cares about their needs and concerns more than DeSantis by a 17-point margin.

The top issues for New Hampshire GOP primary voters are border security (22 percent), liberal politicians in D.C. (21 percent), and taxes/cost of living (16 percent.)

The poll from National Research Inc. and commissioned by American Greatness surveyed 500 likely Republican primary voters in the state of New Hampshire using live telephone interviews (landline and cell) and text-to-online.

The survey was conducted on May 15-17. The margin of error is +/- 4.38 percent.

Read more.

2024 Presidential Election Polls

Last Updated on May 17, 6:4 PM ET

30 Most Recently Added Polls

©2023 Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Bud Light Fiasco Proved Conservatives Already Have The Secret Weapon To Win

Democrats Will Use Deep-State ‘Falsehoods’ to Win ‘Election after Election’: Senator thumbnail

Democrats Will Use Deep-State ‘Falsehoods’ to Win ‘Election after Election’: Senator

By Family Research Council

The Democratic Party has burrowed so deeply into the federal bureaucracy that it conducts “one continuous operation” of disinformation designed “to impact and interfere in our election using falsehoods across the board, election after election,” said Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.).

Federal agents’ refusal to investigate Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information, conducting a three-year-long inquest against Donald Trump over baseless charges of “collusion” with Russia, and classifying evidence of Joe Biden’s influence peddling taken from Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation is “literally part and parcel of the exact same operation,” Johnson told “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” recently.

“The individuals in the FBI that exonerated Hillary Clinton moved, went on to [the] Crossfire Hurricane investigation. That was a fraudulent investigation,” said Johnson, citing Special Counsel John Durham’s final report. “Then the FBI sees Hunter Biden’s laptop in December 2019. We have whistleblowers that said higher ups in the FBI said, ‘You will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop.’ We also have whistleblowers from the FBI who said that the FBI developed a scheme in August of 2020 to downplay any derogatory information on Hunter.”

The FBI Erases Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Bribery Scandals

The Durham report details how the FBI refused to investigate, much less prosecute, Hillary Clinton over three incidents involving receiving donations intended to sway her foreign policy following the 2016 election.

In 2014, a foreign nation sent an asset to curry favor with Hillary Clinton, who had not yet officially declared her candidacy. Agents sought a FISA warrant almost immediately, but officials in Obama’s FBI held up the application for five months. One agent remembered that “everyone was ‘super more careful’” about her application and “scared with the big name [Clinton]” involved. “[T]hey were pretty ‘tippy-toeing’ around HRC, because there was a chance she would be the next [p]resident.” Two officials, including Peter Strzok, “alluded to the fact that they did not want a presidential candidate on tape.”

Ultimately, the warrant came down 11 months later, “conditioned on the requirement that the FBI give defensive briefings to the various public officials and candidates of both political parties”: that is, that the FBI warn both candidates of attempts by foreign agents to affect policy. The offer came although Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe admitted that defensive briefings “reduce your ability to get to the bottom of the threat.”

Hillary Clinton did not attend the briefing, opting to have her attorneys attend in her place.

In November 2015, an FBI informant embedded in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign warned of another foreign agent seeking to influence her impending administration. The informant made a $2,700 donation on behalf of the U.S. citizen fronting for this foreign agent seeking to influence the Clinton campaign. The foreign citizen was known by the FBI “to have foreign intelligence and criminal connections,” and a contribution of that sort would violate 52 U.S. Code § 30121. Federal Election Commission records confirmed a donation.

The informant told the FBI handling agent, “They [the campaign] were okay with it. […] yes they were fully aware from the start” of its origins, and intent to purchase access.

Yet “this apparent illegal contribution was not documented in FBI records,” Durham noted. “Instead, the FBI effectively removed their sole source of insight into this threat.” The agent in charge of the case, “responding to direction” from above, told the informant to have nothing more to do with Clinton fundraising:

“do NOT attend any more campaign events, set up meetings, or anything else relating to [Clinton’s] campaign. We need to keep you completely away from that situation. I don’t know all the details, but it’s for your own protection.”

Finally, Andrew McCabe quashed an FBI investigation into foreign donations to the Clinton family’s “philanthropic” nonprofits. Paul Abbate, now the FBI deputy director and then the assistant director of the Washington Field Office, described McCabe as “negative,” “annoyed,” and “angry” that the investigation took place, during a meeting on February 22, 2016. McCabe then told investigators in multiple FBI field offices that he must personally approve all investigations into the Clintons’ foundations.

In August 2016, Obama-era FBI Director James Comey shut down the investigation, turning it over to the New York office, and subpoena power was given to the U.S. Attorneys offices in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York. Those offices refused to issue subpoenas to investigate the Clintons.

The Southern District of New York issued 34 charges against former President Donald Trump at an April 4 arraignment over campaign finance violations, charges legal experts call strained.

Durham contrasted that with the way agents rushed to investigate 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over charges they knew to be hearsay. Agents received the Steele dossier on September 19, 2016, and, within two days, incorporated it into a FISA application targeting the Trump campaign.

Hillary Clinton is “the one, with the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative, that was cozy with the Russians,” Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) told Perkins on Tuesday. “Clinton was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to go deliver speeches in Russia.” But the FBI responded to their prodding after “they created this narrative, they paid for this narrative, and they pulled together documentation and hired people to push this narrative. And the media went along with them every single step of the way.”

The CIA Peddles Disinformation about Russian Disinformation

When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke on the eve of the 2020 election, Obama-era Acting CIA Director Mike Morell, “at the direction of current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken,” who was then “working for the Biden campaign [came] up with a fraudulent letter signed by 51 intelligence officials” asserting the story carried all the hallmarks of Russian propaganda, Senator Johnson told Perkins. “But also, we now know the CIA tried to solicit signatures from current CIA employees.”

The CIA uncharacteristically expedited approval of the statement, which deemed any mention of Hunter Biden’s laptop “Russian disinformation,” according to a report released last week by the House Judiciary Committee. Morell asked the CIA’s Prepublication Classification Review Board for a “rush job” to approve a statement via email on October 19, 2016 — three days before the final debate between President Trump and Joe Biden.

In an email to former CIA Director John Brennan the same day, Morrell revealed the letter’s intention was starkly political: to “give the [Biden] campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on [President] Trump on this issue.”

Partisan political appointees manifested their political bias in each of these cases — and tried, or succeeded, in changing the course of multiple elections, Johnson said.

“This is one continuous operation of the Left, of Democrats, of the Biden campaign, the Hillary Clinton campaign, to impact and interfere in our election using falsehoods across the board, election after election,” Johnson told Perkins on Monday.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) echoed his words Tuesday night. “We’ve got the pattern of recognition here,” Gaetz told Newsmax TV host Chris Plante. “You’ve got Big Government, Big Media, Big Tech all in this conspiracy to try to reshape the nature of truth. And guess what? You saw the very features of that conspiracy reemerge in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.”

Truth “shouldn’t be something defined by the powerful,” said Gaetz.

The Deep State ‘Goes Down Very Low’: Trump

Former President Donald Trump, who campaigned on a pledge to “drain the Swamp,” said clearing left-leaning partisans out of the U.S. government’s bureaucracy will take a herculean effort.

“There is a Deep State, and there are a lot of problems,” he told Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt on Tuesday. “I did a lot of firings, but it goes down very low” into the ranks of federal employees.

Durham closed out his nearly four-year-long investigation by declining to make any criminal referrals, or call for any new policies, to prevent future election-tampering. “Not every injustice or transgression amounts to a criminal offense,” wrote Durham. “If this report and the outcome of the Special Counsel’s investigation leave some with the impression that injustices or misconduct have gone unaddressed, it is not because the Office [of Special Prosecutor] concluded that no such injustices or misconduct occurred. It is, rather, because not every injustice or transgression amounts to a criminal offense, and criminal prosecutors are tasked exclusively with investigating and prosecuting violations of U.S. criminal laws.”

The Biden administration’s FBI responded to the Durham report by declaring the agency needs no reform, because “current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented.”

Impeachment, Expulsion Resolutions Introduced in the House

While Trump states the Deep State goes low, House Republicans are starting at the top.

FBI Director Christopher Wray faces impeachment, thanks to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). Her legislation, introduced Tuesday and reported first by The Daily Caller, raps Wray “for facilitating the development of a [f]ederal police force to intimidate, harass, and entrap American citizens that are deemed enemies of the Biden regime,” including pro-life advocates and traditional Roman Catholics.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) introduced a bill to expel Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), a Democratic hopeful for U.S. Senate, from Congress, citing his role in promoting the Russian collusion narrative. “Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intel to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars,” Luna said. “He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has invited Durham to testify before his committee and co-authored a letter to Biden administration CIA Director William Burns over “the role of the CIA in helping to falsely discredit allegations about the Biden family in the weeks before the 2020 presidential election.” Burns has until Sunday to respond.

Republican presidential candidates have called for massive retaliation against the agency. Aside from Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) said the next president will “need to clean house at these agencies, as they’ve never been held accountable for this egregious abuse of power.” Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley agreed. “Heads need to roll over this. Anybody that touched it or had a part in it needs to be fired and every one of their senior managers needs to be fired. The FBI has lost complete credibility when it comes to this.”

Equality Under the Law Is a Battle ‘for the Soul of America’

Restoring even-handed administration of justice has spiritual connotations, one rising Republican said.

“The Democrats try to lecture us on democracy,” Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) told Schmitt on Tuesday. “It is Republicans, it is conservatives: We’re the ones that are actually fighting for the soul of America and for our republic, because we want the law to be applied equally.”

The Bible repeatedly condemns “respect of persons” (James 2:9Colossians 3:25Ephesians 6:9), especially in applying the law (Deuteronomy 1:17 and 16:19II Chronicles 19:7Proverbs 24:23).

The ongoing bias of deeply embedded federal bureaucrats in favor of one party across multiple election cycles “is going to have to be a campaign issue,” Tony Perkins told Senator Blackburn.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

‘Destroy The Role Of Parents’: Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Angry Reactions For Saying Children ‘Belong To All Of Us’ thumbnail

‘Destroy The Role Of Parents’: Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Angry Reactions For Saying Children ‘Belong To All Of Us’

By The Daily Caller

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has drawn angry reactions for commenting that children “belong to all of us” at an award ceremony held by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

Jean-Pierre made the comments during an interview with Jezebel magazine at the 2023 GLAAD awards, weeks after President Joe Biden said there’s, “[n]o such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.” She was advocating for children to have increased access to sex change operations, procedures which are banned or restricted in many countries.

The activist organization Catholic Vote accused the Biden Administration of “working to destroy the role of parents at every turn,” in a tweet Wednesday.

In a comment provided to the Daily Caller, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Board Chairman of the medical group Do No Harm said that children can’t “make informed judgements” about these sorts of treatments.

“Miss Jean-Pierre is correct that the state plays an important role regarding children,” Dr. Goldfarb said. “That role is to protect children from child abuse and from their own inability to make good judgments. That is why children cannot drive, cannot smoke, and cannot vote.”

“There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.”

Yes, that’s a real thing President Biden said.

Democrats, from the president to the local level, are fighting to prevent parents from being able to protect their own children.https://t.co/QsOiGIxtLk

— SBA Pro-Life America (@sbaprolife) May 17, 2023

“The idea that children can make informed judgments about altering their body and their reproductive future suggests that adults, particularly those in healthcare, who support so-called gender, affirming care, are betraying these children.”

Pro-life advocacy group Protect Women Ohio commented that, “No parent wants to hear the government tell them their kids are not theirs.”

“Democrats, from the president to the local level, are fighting to prevent parents from being able to protect their own children,” another pro-life group, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, tweeted.

“Biden Admin Says Your Kids Belong to the Them. Guess what? NO THEY DON’T. We the Parents won’t let Big Government and their schools along with the ACLU & URGE remove our rights/responsibilities as parents so they can destroy our kids and our future,” the conservative group Eagle Forum said.



Social issues reporter.

RELATED VIDEO: They’re Coming for Your Parental Rights


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘That’s Election Interference’: Musk Rips Suppression Of Hunter Biden Laptop thumbnail

‘That’s Election Interference’: Musk Rips Suppression Of Hunter Biden Laptop

By The Daily Caller

Billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk called the Hunter Biden laptop scandal “election interference” during a Tuesday interview with CNBC’s David Faber.

Musk joined the network to discuss a host of topics including Tesla stock and Twitter.

“You do some tweets that seem to be, or at least give support to some who would call others conspiracy theories,” Faber said.

“Well, yes, but I mean, honestly, you know, some of these conspiracy theories have turned out to be true,” Musk said.

“Which ones?”

“Well, like the Hunter Biden laptop.” (RELATED: ‘The Answer Is Nuanced’: Musk Says Biden Won In 2020 But Trump’s Election Fraud Claims Are Not Entirely False)

“That’s true?” Faber said. “Yeah.”

“So you know, that was a pretty big deal. There was Twitter and others engaged in an act of suppression of information that was relevant to the public. That’s a terrible thing that happened. That’s election interference.”

The New York Post was locked out of its Twitter account, along with several other high profile individuals, after reporting on the laptop. The laptop was initially dismissed as Russian disinformation though that narrative has since been debunked.

Musk also discussed free speech on the platform, and claims of fraud in the 2020 election.

“To be clear, I don’t think it was a stolen election,” Musk said. “But by the same token, if somebody is going to say, that there was never any election fraud anywhere, this is obviously also false.”

“It’s important to acknowledge that without saying that the fraud was of sufficient magnitude to change the outcome. So, my opinion would be that there was some small amount of fraud, but it was not enough to change the outcome.”



News and commentary writer. Follow Brianna on Twitter.


How Trump Is Winning The ‘Invisible Primary’ And Besting DeSantis

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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Obama ‘Most Worried’ About ‘Divided Media’: We Have Different Realities thumbnail

Obama ‘Most Worried’ About ‘Divided Media’: We Have Different Realities

By Discover The Networks

Tuesday on CBS Mornings, former President Barack Obama said that the “divided media” was his biggest concern for the future of the United States.

Host Nate Burelson asked, “Post-presidency, what about this country keeps you up at night?”

Obama said, “The thing that I’m most worried about is the degree to which we’ve now had a divided conversation, in part because we have a divided media.”

He continued, “When I was coming up, you had three TV stations. And people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not. Today, what I’m most concerned about is the fact that because of the splintering of the media, we almost occupy different realities.”

He added, “In the past everybody could say all right, we may disagree on how to solve it, but at least we all agree that that’s an issue. Now, people will say, well that didn’t happen or I don’t believe that. And one of the goals of the Obama Foundation and one of the goals of my post-presidency is, how do we return to that common conversation? How can we have a common set of facts. We may disagree on gun violence in terms of what the best prescriptions are, but we can’t deny the data that says the United States has levels of gun violence that are five, ten, fifteen times more than other countries.”

Obama concluded, “So if we say it’s just a mental health problem, it’s not like there aren’t people with mental health problems in those other countries. What’s the difference. This is probably the difference. Now we can have a debate, but at least we’ve agreed on some facts.”

What really worries Obama is that not every single outlet in the news media is a slavish mouthpiece for the State yet — almost, but for holdouts like Breitbart News, Newsmax, and independent journalists. He won’t be happy until there is absolute conformity in terms of disseminating State-approved information.

Barack Hussein Obama

266 Known Connections

Characterizing Republicans As “Racist,” “Sexist,” & “Angry”

In the summer of 2022, Obama said: “Sometimes it just turns out they’re mean, they’re racist, they’re sexist, they’re angry. And your job is then to just beat them because they’re not persuadable.”

To learn more about Barack Obama, click here.


The Washington Post Relies on Journalists Who Turn Out to Be Terror-Linked

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EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Weaponized IRS Removes Entire Team Investigating Hunter Biden thumbnail

Weaponized IRS Removes Entire Team Investigating Hunter Biden

By The Geller Report

The more the Democrat party is exposed for their criminal, treasonous actions, the more brazen and emboldened they get. How long does America sit by and watch while the greatest nation on earth is set ablaze?

IRS removes investigative team from Hunter Biden probe in move whistleblower calls ‘clearly retaliatory’

By Steven Nelson, NY Post, May 15, 2023:

WASHINGTON — The IRS on Monday removed the “entire investigative team” from its long-running tax fraud probe of first son Hunter Biden in alleged retaliation against the whistleblower who recently contacted Congress to allege a cover-up in the case, The Post has learned.

The purge allegedly was done on the orders of the Justice Department, the whistleblower’s attorneys informed congressional leaders in a letter.

“Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress. He was informed the change was at the request of the Department of Justice,” Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt wrote.

The whistleblower, who supervised the Hunter Biden probe since early 2020, hasn’t publicly identified the first son as the subject of the case that he says is being brushed under the rug, but congressional sources confirmed it.

“On April 27, 2023, IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel appeared before the House Committee on Ways and Means. He testified: ‘I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline.’ However, this move is clearly retaliatory and may also constitute obstruction of a congressional inquiry,” the lawyers went on.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


‘That’s Election Interference’: Musk Rips Suppression Of Hunter Biden Laptop

The FBI is the Most Dangerous Domestic Terror Organization in America

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

As Dems Ignore the Border, Cries of ‘Do Something’ Grow thumbnail

As Dems Ignore the Border, Cries of ‘Do Something’ Grow

By Family Research Council

Maybe President Joe Biden isn’t the only one with cognitive deficits. At a fundraising event in Atlanta Friday, his “border czar,” Vice President Kamala Harris, insisted that everything on the border is “going rather smoothly” — an absurd assessment for a country that just watched more migrants cross the border last week than fits in Dallas’s AT&T Stadium (83,000). While our country is overrun by terror suspects and drug smugglers, the crisis earned barely a shrug from the two leaders, who spent their weekends either lounging by the beach or raising money for the party defending this lawlessness.

Since Biden’s czar has obviously lost touch with the situation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) decided to send a special Lone Star wake-up call. To remind Harris what border states are facing, he bussed dozens more migrants to the vice president’s residence and let them loose. As for other area accommodations, a local ABC station says that the D.C. hotels and shelters housing illegal immigrants are already at capacity. “There will be more coming,” Abbott warned leftist leaders, floating more drop-offs in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago.

“Pray that our country will survive” was all that Rev. Franklin Graham could say.

Meanwhile, the tsunami of migrants — which included an Afghan on the America’s terror watch list — is not a catastrophe, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas argued on CNN Sunday. “I would disagree [that we have fallen short],” the beleaguered Biden official said. “We have surged resources, asylum officers, Border Patrol agents, processing coordinators to do the data entry work so our Border Patrol agents can be out in the field. We’ve expanded our holding capacity in Border Patrol stations. … We’re setting up regional processing centers now. It’s extraordinary what we’ve done over the past 18 months or so.”

“Extraordinary,” yes. An extraordinary failure. Even NBC’s Savannah Guthrie didn’t hold back with Mayorkas, demanding to know why, after they’ve had “two years to prepare for this,” there’s so much “chaos and confusion” at the border. Like Biden, the secretary blames Congress. “We are operating with the constraints of a broken immigration system.”

A system, Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) points out, that House Republicans have tried to fix — as recently as last week. This “absolutely” could have been avoided, he told “Washington Watch” guest host Jody Hice. “And what you’re seeing now is the actual policies that would keep this from taking place — the [ones] that were initiated under the Trump administration — we saw that tide of humanity slowed to a little trickle. It was policies, not money, being thrown at the border,” he explained.

“… The Remain in Mexico Policy, which I tried to get into statute two years ago and introduced a bill to do just that, says, ‘Okay, if you come to the American border and you’re going to claim asylum status, you can make that claim, but you’re not released into the United States until you await your hearing date to find out if you’re eligible. You wait in Mexico until that hearing date.’ And just by that one simple thing alone, we were able to have 75% of the people who claimed asylum status returned to their country of origin.” Solutions like that were “contained in H.R. 2 … [which the House passed Thursday]. It’s going to the Senate. And now we’re going to find out how many people are truly interested in securing the United States’s sovereignty.”

Biden, of course, is just fine with the status quo. As he said to reporters during his bike ride, throwing open the doors to America has gone “much better than you all expected.” That’s because, Rosendale pointed out, this has been the Democrats’ goal all along. They want the country to be to be invaded by foreigners who are dependent on the government and the party who let them in.

“If you go back in time and you play the quote from Secretary Mayorkas from two years ago, he said at that time, ‘We have a plan. Please allow us to carry our plan out.’ And he has, [because] his plan has been to allow as many people into our country illegally as he possibly can under this administration. … He has absolutely no intention of trying to even slow down the flow of humanity that’s coming into our country. And it’s really unfortunate, because there is a lot of suffering that is taking place [with] all of those people.”

He, like former Congressman Hice, has visited the border multiple times and witnessed the turmoil up close. “They’ve got — what is it — I think up to 85,000 children now [who] are unaccounted for that have been released into the country. Where are they located? Where have they been sent? What kind of conditions are they living in? Have they been sold into slavery? There are so many terrible things that are happening to people that are coming up into this country.”

And the expense to taxpaying Americans is astronomical. The preferential treatment Biden is giving illegal immigrants — over our own veterans, who are being booted out of shelters to house them — comes with a massive price tag. “I’ve heard estimates as much as $150 billion a year in order for us to house, Medicaid, and educate all of the illegals that are coming in.” And because of their status, Rosendale points out, “they’re not allowed to work legally. So that means they become dependent upon our entire system. So we are creating a permanent underclass. And this is not humane. And the way that these folks are treated on the way traveling here is not humane.”

As for the surge being a non-event, Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) could only shake his head at the Democrats’ apathy. “Remember,” he told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on Monday’s “Washington Watch,” “President Obama declared it a humanitarian crisis when we were apprehending about 2,000 people a day. … It’s been averaging over 8,000 people a day. … [T]his is an enormous disaster that has been caused by the Biden administration. We [had] pretty well gotten the border under control [under Trump]. We shut down the flow of unaccompanied children, of family units abusing our asylum laws. But Biden blew that open. This is completely his fault. This is his crisis.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.