Covid Injections, Toxic By Design thumbnail

Covid Injections, Toxic By Design

By J.W. Bryan

According to an article, “Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the DOD, HHS” by Sasha Latypova, posted by Forbidden Knowledge, the so-called, pseudo vaccine used in the COVID-19 injections is toxic by design with intent to harm.

In this presentation of “Intent to Harm,” she says, “I’m going to discuss evidence of conspiracy, which is not a theory, of the U.S. Department of Defense, Health and Human Services, other government agencies, and other governments all over the world in collusion with pharmaceutical companies; a conspiracy to commit mass murder through bioterrorism and informational warfare operations, worldwide.”

The fact that the policies governing the implementation of this So-called pandemic were put into effect, almost spontaneously, throughout the world, confirms the existence of the conspiracy. It is the only way it could have been brought to fruition.

Latypova continues: “That the evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the COVID-19 injections, so-called “vaccines” and other nonsensical COVID response measures implemented, in lockstep by governments all over the world.”

This too, confirms the existence of the conspiracy.

“And, as an example, these injections are toxic by design. We know this. There has been an extensive body of literature, studies, scientific discussions, evidence published on this matter. There are numerous mechanisms of injury built into the COVID-19 injections, the most important one being that these shots are designed to make your cells attack themselves; make your cells express antigens that are toxic (spike proteins) and then create antibodies to attack the cells. So, it trains your body to destroy itself. Toxic by design.”

In reference to the numerous mechanisms of injury built into the COVID-19 injections noted above, there is a recent report from Germany involving several people who succumbed to a massive heart attack 28 days after receiving the shots.

A scientific investigation, attended by six scientists, revealed that the heart was caused, by signals from other cells to speed-up to the point that it ran out of blood to pump causing death to follow very shortly.

Continuing, Latypova points out the absence of safety in the shots – that there is an horrific death and injury toll recorded in numerous datasets that are designed for pharmacovigilance, such as VAERS, vSAFE, Eudravigilance, Yellow card and so forth. And we know today, there are millions of reports of injury and death. Permanent disability and sadly death in very young people, including children, has become common.

Ms. Pavylova alludes to the absence of efficacy in the vaccines, “In fact we know that there is negative efficacy, meaning these shots make you more likely to get sick and die.”

There is extensive evidence, from many reports, confirming that this is happening throughout the world; not only are many getting sick, with some dying, but according to multiple reports many are dying shortly after injection of the “vaccine.”

She points to the lack of good manufacturing practices, that “There’s extensive evidence of bad manufacturing of these products. I covered it a lot in my own work, and I know that there is highly variable production of these shots. I demonstrated it in many ways. We have documentation of this coming directly from the manufacturers and from regulators.

“They’re not compliant with Good Manufacturing practices and importantly, there is no enforcement of Good Manufacturing practices worldwide for these products.

“We also know that there is malignant government policy all over the place and it’s surprisingly consistent across all countries of the world. The Governments are all lying, covering it up, gaslighting of the injured. Persecuting of dissent, whistleblowers, especially when they’re professionals such as myself; professionals like permanent doctors who are speaking against these measures and there is massive collusion with the media, who are all engaged in informational warfare and propaganda.”

And then there’s this:

“And especially, perverse financing. So, the money flow is tremendous and it’s all funding this crime, funding doctors, nurses, vaccinators, university administrations, employers, government officials, funding them all to continue to commit this crime.

“The crime is very clear and there is very clear intent to harm.”

Why is there no action by the regulators?

That’s a key question. Why, given all this, has no one stopped this? The FDA did not recall the EUA, the FDA did not recall the product and there’s been no enforcement of the Current Good Manufacturing Process (CGMP).

Well, the answer is because Health and Human Services Secretary, Javier Becerra, and FDA Commissioner, Robert Califf are running the US Government’s bioterrorism program jointly with the U.S. Department of Defense, Secretary Lloyd Austin, the Department of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  and many other government and defense officials.

This is as much of the article as I can cover, it is very long; but you need to read the entire article. Click on the link, “Evidence of the Conspiracy to Commit Mass murder by the DOD, HHS” by Sasha Latypova.

In connection with the foregoing, please see my article, “Millions of Children Targeted by the FDA of December 12, 2021.

When the FDA approved the current (at that time) Pfizer “vaccine” they signed a death warrant for millions of children across the globe.

Dr. Richard L. Fleming, PhD, M.D., J.D., contacted the FDA concerning the safety and efficacy of the COVID “vaccine.”  He was assured by them, in words to the effect, “That it was everything a vaccine should be, ‘very pristine.’” However, it appears that Dr. Fleming was somewhat dubious, so he and his team went into action with tests to either confirm or reject the FDA’s claim.  Link

One of my previous articles from May 21, 2021, The Cornucopia of Deceit, Lies and Ultimate Evil”, relates to what is now going on.

According to a, and an official UK document from the Ministry of Health reveals that COVID never existed.

This, of course, is something many of us have known from the outset.  The genesis of it was launched from the Wuhan lab. This is where the “COVID virus” supposedly escaped from. This posed a question in my mind, for somehow it had been leaked out that the virus could not be seen. Therefore, that being the case – if it could not be seen, then it could not be isolated for the making of a vaccine.

There is much which can be said about the above; for instance, if it cannot be seen – how do they know that it escaped? Or how do they know it was in residence to begin with?

And, if it existed, why was it stored at the Wuhan lab? In fact, what is the purpose of this lab? Why would they spend hundreds of millions of dollars to maintain a lab in which to store a virus that cannot be seen and was allowed to escape? Or so they say.

Something else which revealed the fallacy of all this was a report noted about a discussion/conversation between the pros and the cons of the issue.

The question was, “if the virus can’t be seen, how do you know it’s in there?” Answer: words to the effect, “we know it’s in there, but it can’t be seen because, (and here it was stated) that some element of the nomenclature of our optical powers wasn’t strong enough to see it.”

The response: what if it was 100 times stronger? Answer: No. What about a thousand? Answer: No. What about 10,000? No answer.

All of that aside, it should be a given in anyone’s mind, if they would only consider the existing evidence – that the COVID virus doesn’t exist.

Jon Rappaport lays it all out in his January 29th, 2021, article in the People’s

“By far, the biggest sources of illness we are dealing with are lung conditions: various kinds of pneumonia; flu and flu-like disease; TB; other unnamed lung/respiratory problems.

“THESE ARE BEING RELABELED “COVID,” It’s a repackaging scheme. People are dying for those traditional reasons, and their deaths are being called ‘COVID.’

“None of the COVID deaths” anywhere in the world requires the existence of a new virus.

“For instance, in Wuhan, where the whole business began, the first ‘COVID’ cases of pneumonia occurred in a city whose air is HEAVILY polluted. In China, every year, roughly 300,000 people die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases. None of those deaths need to be explained by invoking a new virus.

“There is no evidence that an actual germ is traveling around the world felling people. The ‘evidence’ is invented.

“The ‘pandemic’ is invented.

“The fraud is promoted.”

I realize that what we present as evidence is ignored by the forces we oppose. Evidently, they are confident that all channels for us to bring forth any consequences for their actions is blocked. However, more people are becoming informed about what is being done to them, and as more folks awaken, with many more people either dying or being seriously injured for life, it could result in the development of a situation that could be very uncomfortable for those who are causing the deaths and injuries.

Recent reports have surfaced which indicate this may have already begun.

Australian Senator Gerard Rennick has accused health authorities and Big Pharma of lying and engaging in pay-outs in the development and distribution of COVID vaccines.

Rennick’s statements made to the Senate on record raise serious concerns about the trustworthiness of those responsible for our healthcare and have led to his calling for an investigation into the potential corruption and misinformation surrounding the COVID vaccine industry.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola: on 30 November 2022 in a Parliamentary speech, Gerard Rennick, Senator for Queensland, Australia, reviewed some of the lies told by members of Parliament and the Department of Health about the COVID injections.

I listened to his speech twice. He really laid into them. I wish I could have been present to observe their expressions as he told them off.

There’s no way I can do justice to this report. You need to read it yourself.

Log on to Grand Jury to investigate COVID vaccine Crimes in Florida as Australian Senator demands investigation into Corruption & Bribes paid to Health Authorities by Pfizer

Then there’s this:

Meanwhile, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a stand against such misconduct, petitioning the Florida Supreme Court for a grand jury investigation into the matter.

If our Congress and Senators cared about the people they supposedly serve, there would be many of them speaking out against the COVID injections the way Senator Rennick is doing in Australia. At present, US Senator Ron Johnson (R-MN) stands out as a lone warrior and advocate for the COVID vaccine-injured in the US.

I would hope that the findings of the Grand Jury investigation, if it happens, will support what we know to be the truth about the so-called pandemic.

Also, I hope that its findings will confirm that the so-called “vaccine” is the cause of many deaths and serious life-time injuries, and considering all evidence, the so-called “vaccine” was specifically designed to either kill or seriously injure millions of people to depopulate the earth by, at least, 85 percent.

Send this to your Senators and Congress person.

I will send it to mine.

In addition, share it with as many others as possible.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.

The Unseen Cost of Government Largesse thumbnail

The Unseen Cost of Government Largesse

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

The U.S. government recently hit its $31.5 trillion debt limit after years of careening baseline spending on entitlements combined with emergency COVID-19 spending in the last few years to produce record-busting deficits. The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives, elected largely on economic concerns like inflation and runaway spending, now faces an obstinate Senate and White House. A showdown appears likely as does the ritual brow-beating of all those who object to simply raising the debt limit “without conditions,” as President Biden demands.

To those who will inevitably cry, “Don’t use the debt ceiling as a negotiating tool!” over the coming weeks and months, it should be pointed out that it is the only tool that has been even remotely effective at taming Congress’s appetite for spending. In the same way that an intervention is only possible when a drug addict is in crisis, debt limit negotiations are the only context in which Uncle Sam has accepted even modest constraints on government spending in recent decades.

Conservatives and libertarians rightly decry the rapidly-expanding national debt as an embarrassment, a threat to the nation, a root cause of inflation (as the Federal Reserve must expand its balance sheet to purchase the Treasuries that finance these huge deficits, as happened most clearly in the pandemic’s peak), and a promise of higher future taxes. While all these are accurate observations, one effect of massive government spending and deficits is often overlooked in the standard conservative critique: the forgone private investment of capital and therefore forgone economic growth, often termed the “crowding out effect.”

The basic idea is that there exists a total sum of money, or financial capital, that individual and institutional investors are willing to loan out or invest. Most economists call this the “loanable funds market.” The supply of loans, as with any supply curve, slopes upward and to the right. In other words, as the interest rate (the price of a loan) rises, more people will be eager to supply loans. In contrast, the demand for loanable funds slopes, like a normal demand curve, downward and to the right. That is, as the interest rate goes down, more people are interested in borrowing money. Just think of any normal supply-demand graph, but with the good in question being a loan rather than a physical good or a service, and the vertical axis labeled “interest rate” rather than “price,” as in other markets.

The demand for loanable funds is a function of how much capital investment businesses need (which is itself a function of how profitable those capital investments are), what quantity of money consumers need for purchases like homes and new vehicles, and how much money the government needs to borrow. In a game where the total supply of loanable funds per year is set, say at $5 trillion, every $1 trillion the government runs up in deficits is $1 trillion less available for private investment in the innovations that improve quality of life, bring us new medicines, and create new jobs.

Increased government deficits shift the demand for loanable funds to the right. As any student of elementary economics knows, this increases the price, or in this case, the nominal interest rate. Many private sector projects that make sense at 4 percent interest are no longer acted upon if the government runs such a large deficit that the interest rate must increase to 7 percent for investors to shell out the cash necessary to finance that deficit. Increasing the supply of loanable funds through monetary expansion, as happened in the COVID pandemic with breathtaking speed, can temporarily hide this effect. However, this spurs inflation that reduces real returns and hampers economic growth (the stock market’s dismal returns since runaway inflation started in late 2021 is one example of this result).

In contrast to the Keynesian “money multiplier” theory, which insists that government spending stimulates the economy by circulating money via transfer payments that otherwise would have remained in savings and uncirculated, savings in nearly all developed countries are not locked away gathering moths and rust, but invested. Of every dollar put in the bank, more than 90 percent is invested in loans for commercial enterprises, in home loans, and in bonds, and this doesn’t account for the fact that a larger and larger share of surplus savings in the United States are not in the traditional banking system, but in brokerage accounts, 401(k)s, and elsewhere.

Government spending does not multiply the economic power of money, it diminishes it. If the opposite were true, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela would be among the wealthiest nations on the planet, since nearly all economic activity is facilitated through government spending in those nations. That they are not, but that nations with relatively free markets such as the United States, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Japan punch above their weight economically suggests that private investment in the innovations and technologies of tomorrow everywhere and always beats government transfer payments in facilitating economic growth.

Every dollar the government must borrow is a dollar not available for private businesses or individuals to borrow, and that reduces future economic growth and job creation. With America’s debt now hovering near 125 percent of GDP (before netting for debt held by government entities) and deficits topping $1 trillion yearly as far as the eye can see, we can no longer ignore this drag on the American economy.


Nathan J. Richendollar

Nathan Richendollar is a summa cum laude economics and politics graduate of Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA. He lives in Southwest Missouri and works in the financial sector.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why Do Wages Rise? Not Because of Minimum Wage Laws, New Data Show

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NEXT TWITTER FILES BOMBSHELL: Massive Media Fraud on An Unimaginable Scale, Silence the Masses At All Costs thumbnail

NEXT TWITTER FILES BOMBSHELL: Massive Media Fraud on An Unimaginable Scale, Silence the Masses At All Costs

By The Geller Report

“Real people need to know they’ve been unilaterally labeled Russian stooges without evidence or recourse.” — Twitter exec Yoel Roth.

The took a wonderful digital platform designed to share our thoughts and ideas and with the express assistance of the country’s most venerated intel agencies weaponized to destroy our freedoms, our country, our very way of life.

This is bombshell.

The FBI Director is openly bragging at the corrupt WEF about how much the FBI “partners” with Big Tech to censor the Free Speech of Americans

Apparently the Twitter Files didn’t scare them

The FBI seems quite proud of its tyranny

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) January 19, 2023

McCarthy was right.

1.THREAD: Twitter Files #15

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

3.“Falsely accuses a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts of being Russian bots.”

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

4.“Virtually any conclusion drawn from it will take conversations in conservative circles on Twitter and accuse them of being Russian.”

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

5.These are quotes by Twitter executives about Hamilton 68, a digital “dashboard” that claimed to track Russian influence and was the source of hundreds if not thousands of mainstream print and TV news stories in the Trump years.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

6.The “dashboard” was headed by former FBI counterintelligence official (and current MSNBC contributor) Clint Watts, and funded by a neoliberal think tank, the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD).

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

7.The ASD advisory council includes neoconservative writer Bill Kristol, former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, ex-Hillary for America chief John Podesta, and former heads or deputy heads of the CIA, NSA, and the Department of Homeland Security.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023 outlets for years cited Watts and Hamilton 68 when claiming Russian bots were “amplifying” an endless parade of social media causes – against strikes in Syria, in support of Fox host Laura Ingraham, the campaigns of both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

10. The secret ingredient to Hamilton 68’s analytical method? A list: “Our analysis has linked 600 Twitter accounts to Russian influence activities online,” was how the site put it at launch.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

11. Hamilton 68 never released the list, claiming “the Russians will simply shut [the accounts] down.” All those reporters and TV personalities making claims about “Russian bots” never really knew what they were describing.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

12. Twitter executives were in a unique position to recreate Hamilton’s list, reverse-engineering it from the site’s requests for Twitter data.

Concerned about the deluge of Hamilton-based news stories, they did so – and what they found shocked them.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

13.“These accounts,” they concluded, “are neither strongly Russian nor strongly bots.”

“No evidence to support the statement that the dashboard is a finger on the pulse of Russian information ops.”

“Hardly illuminating a massive influence operation.”

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

14. In layman’s terms, the Hamilton 68 barely had any Russians. In fact, apart from a few RT accounts, it’s mostly full of ordinary Americans, Canadians, and British.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

16. Twitter immediately recognized these Hamilton-driven news stories posed a major ethical problem, potentially implicating them.

“Real people need to know they’ve been unilaterally labeled Russian stooges without evidence or recourse,” Roth wrote.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

18.Yoel Roth wanted a confrontation. “My recommendation at this stage is an ultimatum: you release the list or we do,” he wrote.

However, there were internal concerns about taking on the politically connected Alliance for Securing Democracy.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

20.“I also have been very frustrated in not calling out Hamilton 68 more publicly, but understand we have to play a longer game here,” wrote Carlos Monje, the future senior advisor to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

22.“I’m shocked,” says Sonia Monsour, who as a child lived through civil war in Lebanon. “Supposedly in a free world, we are being watched at many levels, by what we say online.”

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

24. “When I was growing up, my father told me about the McCarthyite blacklist,” says Oregon native Jacob Levich. “As a child it would never have occurred to me that this would come back, in force and broadly, in a way… designed to undermine rights we hold dear.”

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

25. Even Twitter execs were stunned to read who was on the list. Wrote policy chief Nick Pickles about British comic @Holbornlolz: “A wind-up merchant… I follow him and wouldn’t say he’s pro-Russian… I can’t even remember him tweeting about Russia.”

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

26. I’m listed as a foreign bot?” said conservative media figure Dennis Michael Lynch. “As a proud taxpaying citizen, charitable family man, and honest son of a U.S. Marine, I deserve better. We all do!”

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

28.What makes this an important story is the sheer scale of the news footprint left by Hamilton 68’s digital McCarthyism. The quantity of headlines and TV segments dwarfs the impact of individual fabulists like Jayson Blair or Stephen Glass.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

30.These stories raised fears in the population, and most insidious of all, were used to smear people like Tulsi Gabbard as foreign “assets,” and drum up sympathy for political causes like Joe Biden’s campaign by describing critics as Russian-aligned.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023 was a lie. The illusion of Russian support was created by tracking people like Joe Lauria, Sonia Monsour, and Dave Shestokas. Virtually every major American news organization cited these fake tales— even fact-checking sites like Snopes and Politifact.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 27, 2023

My response to being on the discredited list. I also should thank @elonmusk for allowing Matt and team to reveal the truth about what’s been happening behind the ugly curtain.

— Dennis Michael Lynch (@realDennisLynch) January 27, 2023


Pamela Geller

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump To Hit New Hampshire in First Campaign Event Outside Florida thumbnail

Trump To Hit New Hampshire in First Campaign Event Outside Florida

By The Geller Report

President Trump is once again surging as we approach 2024. Republican candidates better think long and hard before they decide they want to take on President Trump in next year’s primaries. The links to President Trump’s campaign stops in New Hampshire and South Carolina are below. #Trump2024!


📍Salem, New Hampshire 1/28 at 10:00 a.m. EST
📍Columbia, South Carolina 1/28 at 2:30 p.m. EST

RT if you’re watching LIVE on RSBN!

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) January 24, 2023

Trump set to visit New Hampshire ahead of South Carolina event

By RSBN, Jan 24, 2023

President Trump has added another stop to his schedule on Saturday, Jan. 28, ahead of his event at the South Carolina State House in Columbia. According to a report from Fox News, the president will visit Salem, New Hampshire, to deliver the keynote address to the New Hampshire Republican Party’s annual meeting.

Per the outlet, New Hampshire GOP Chair Steve Stepanek stated of Trump’s upcoming visit, “President Trump has long been a strong defender of New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Primary Status and we are excited that he will join us to deliver remarks to our members.


Geller Report Staff


The People’s President: More polls illustrate Trump’s position as frontrunner for 2024 primary nomination

— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) January 22, 2023


Surely, $31 Trillion Is Enough Debt

Top George Soros Director has Frequent Biden White House Access, Records Show

NEXT TWITTER FILES BOMBSHELL: Massive Media Fraud on An Unimaginable Scale, Silence the Masses At All Costs

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Now Faces ‘New Criminal Liability’ Over Classified Documents—So What’s Next? thumbnail

Biden Now Faces ‘New Criminal Liability’ Over Classified Documents—So What’s Next?

By Dr. Rich Swier

“It’s the deep state that has taken over our nation at every level. All of the three letter agencies (CIA, DOJ, FBI, DOD, DHS, CDC, are now functioning as a shadow government and they will take down anyone who resists them.” — Dr. Rich Swier, LTC, U.S. Army (Ret.)

We have been following the Biden classified documents case with great interest. The reason is that we may be witnessing for the first time the political downfall of an American president openly orchestrated by the deep state.

On January 10th, 2023 CNN’s Jamie GangelMarshall CohenEvan Perez and Paula Reid reported,

(CNN) – Among the items from Joe Biden’s time as vice president discovered in a private office last fall are 10 classified documents including US intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has received a preliminary report on the documents inquiry, a law enforcement source said, and now faces the critical decision on how to proceed, including whether to open a full-blown criminal investigation.

Read the full article.

Watch as Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, who appeared on Fox Business, discusses the latest news about President Joe Biden’s classified documents scandal and how he faces “new criminal liability.”

But is the problem Biden or those who elected him and implemented his policies?

Euthanizing Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

We watched with fascination as Tucker Carlson said, prophetically, that the deep state is euthanizing Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. because the deep state does not want to be flushed down the toilet with him in 2024.

Specifically, Biden and the deep state’s immigration, Covid vaccine mandates, Green New Deal agenda and most of all their Red-Green-Rainbow woke policies are now tanking and the deep state, the Democrat Party and even the legacy/social media are dropping him like a “hot tamale”, illegal alien border invasion pun intended.

Watch: Biden is Done!

As the race for the presidency in 2024 begins in earnest we are seeing the deep state and Democrats, and their media allies, essentially saying “anyone but Biden in 2024.”

The problem with this is that the deep state and the Democrat Party are fatally infected with what Elon Musk has labeled as the “woke mind virus.”

The deep state’s and Democrat Party’s own woke policies are the problem, not Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

QUESTION: Would the Democrat Party, added and abetted by the deep state, cover their collectivist a**es to win in 2024 by throwing Biden under the bus?

ANSWER: Yes. Because a coup by the deep state to take down Joe Biden is the only way to give themselves cover against being prosecution for treason.

What’s next?

If AG Garland, a key deep state operative, has his way and the DOJ issues an arrest warrant for Biden, then the U.S. Marshal Service would go to the White House and arrest Biden.

If the deep state doesn’t issue a warrant then it would be up to the Republican led House of Representatives, using information provided by AG Garland and the deep state, to begin impeachment proceedings against Biden.

Information obtained by and provided to Congress by the DOJ and FBI would be the political death knell for Joe Biden during the impeachment process.

Given that the Democrats, and the deep state, have soured on Biden, it might be expected to pass on a bipartisan vote in the House and move to the U.S. Senate where the impeachment trial would be held.

Understanding that the 2024 presidential election cycle includes: all members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 20 Democrat and 11 Republican Senators who are all up for reelection, the question is how many Democrats would vote to impeach?

The key question is given that the top of the ticket drives all of these races, the question becomes how many of the 20 Democrat Senators up for reelection in 2024 would vote to impeach Biden?

The bottom line would Democrats vote to keep power for themselves or keep Biden in office. That is the question.

Gird your loins, this is going to be a very interesting presidential election cycle.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Interview with Trump Senior Advisor Jeff DeWit Who is Seeking the Chairmanship of the Arizona State GOP thumbnail

Interview with Trump Senior Advisor Jeff DeWit Who is Seeking the Chairmanship of the Arizona State GOP

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

Former Arizona State Treasurer and Trump Senior Advisor, Jeff DeWit is my guest on Arizona Today. What made me designate this segment and the segment with Rep. Mark Finchem as SPECIAL EDITIONS are the weighted issues presented by both gentlemen. Jeff DeWit is seeking the Chairmanship of the Arizona State GOP at a time when the GOP appears to have become more “uniparty” than a political organization defending sound conservative and family principles, as well as the freedoms given to us by our founders. A lot of good talking points are sounded by many GOP leaders but, as they say, “the proof is in the pudding.” Unfortunately much of the GOP pudding has lost its’ taste to voters in general and conservatives in particular. Both Rep. Mark Finchem and Mr. Jeff DeWit candidly discuss this aspect without concern about being politically correct.

Arizona along with five other states were specifically targeted by Socialists, Globalists, and the Political Establishment during the 2020 National Election, and again in 2022. True conservatives in these states were not funded or supported strongly by either their state or the national GOP. Add to this the ugly truths that have come to light as to how our electoral process has been severely compromised, and we have a dedicated assault of our very freedoms taking place for all to see. Jeff DeWit continues the candid discussion as to the trouble the GOP is really facing unless strong and dedicated leaders step forward and fight the good fight to return us to values we all once enjoyed and, yes, possibly took for granted.

DeWit is most transparent as to why he has chosen to seek the Chairmanship of the Arizona GOP. Regardless of what state in our union you might be watching this conversation, this gentleman presents openly his views and beliefs as what is immediately needed if we are going to save our beloved nation from the full collapse Biden/Obama/Soros and their acolytes in both parties are engineering. Jeff DeWit’s views can be applied regardless of the state you call home. Arizona is fortunate to have someone of high caliber and verified experience come forward for such a time as this. Please listen carefully to why this gentleman needs to be elected State GOP Chairman in Arizona, and what you might begin asking how you might find someone of like mind and values for leadership in your home state. Both special editions share critical and sobering details of the real battle taking place in real time to turn America into something it was never meant to become, and our founders would be aghast to see today.

©Arizona Today with Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

When Does a Government Become Illegitimate in the Eyes of God? thumbnail

When Does a Government Become Illegitimate in the Eyes of God?

By Martin Mawyer

The Bible says all authority is established by God and rulers are ministers of God. So, when do when do leaders lose their legitimate authority to rule over our lives?

Last week, Kamala Harris was in Florida to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1972 decision legalizing abortion, which (as everyone in America knows) was overturned this past June.

In her typical arrogant tone, she made a speech attempting to defend a woman’s right to abort her child because those rights were supposedly enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.

Among her exact words were: “A promise that we made in the Declaration of Independence that we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Except … that’s not what the Declaration of Independence says.

The correct recitation of that historic document is that all mankind is endowed by their Creator “with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” [emphasis added]

How convenient that Harris left out the most important human right of all, the right to life.

Pure evil.

For Harris to intentionally omit this God-given right is to push the narrative that no living being has a right to life. But she had to, didn’t she? According to her, the unborn do not have this right. It’s OK to kill them.

No wonder some political commentators are calling our current government “anti-human.”

Here’s what FOX News commentator and podcaster Dan Bongino, said on Jan. 21:

“Just listen to the liberals talk; liberalism in essence is anti-human. Listen to how they talk about people: the ‘deplorables,’ the rednecks. They see you as a proliferating virus to this atheistic god they have, Mother Nature. And they see nothing … stopping them from doing bad things.”

Want more evidence of government officials’ being “anti-human”?

A couple of weeks ago, a staggering 210 House Democrats voted against a bill requiring doctors to save the lives of babies that survive abortions. Let them die. Kill them.

That’s anti-human.

Though it’s tempting to delve into the cesspool of other anti-human practices, policies and dictums of our United States government, it would distract from my main question:

When does a government become illegitimate in the eyes of God?

The answer is surprisingly simple if one holds the Bible as the infallible word of God.

When government leaders cease to be ministers of God, they become illegitimate. THAT role is their sole purpose: To be God’s servants.

The Apostle Paul says, “there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” [Ro. 13:1]

Think about that for a moment: Unless a government official is “established by God,” he or she has no authority over anyone’s life, ever.

Xi Jinping? None in China. Ali Khamenei? None in Iran. Kim Jong-un in North Korea? Nope. Not from God.

But how do we know if our rulers are “established by God”?

Again, the answer is simple:

He or she must be “a servant of God to you for good.” [4]

But what is “good”?

Simple again:

He or she must be “an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” [4]

“For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.” [6, emphasis added]

Simple, isn’t it? They must be devoted to good and to the punishment of evil.

Anyone who has watched the Netflix series Stranger Things will recognize our current government in Washington D.C. as the “Upside Down” from a God-ordained government. Legitimate governmental authority has been turned into a dark, nightmarish negative image of what it once was, and not just in D.C.

More and more, we witness open servants of evil running federal, city and local governments. Let’s call them … oh, I don’t know … ministers of Satan, whose real goal is not to govern for “good” or to bring wrath on evil, but to make a mockery of God, His laws, His justice and His creation.

They are purveyors of evil. They celebrate and applaud evil. They invent new forms of evil.

They are NOT established by God regardless of how people voted or how brilliantly a rigged election was manufactured. People can vote for evil people. But those rulers have NO God-given authority over mankind.

I’ll repeat Paul’s words:

“[T]here is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” (Emphasis added)

Our Founding Fathers knew that. They wrote a 1,338-word Declaration saying as much when they told King George and all the king’s men to hightail it back to their side of the pond. They were no longer needed, accepted or had any legitimate power to rule in the colonies.

King George lost his authority to govern the American colonies because he was accused of violating the unalienable rights God gave man: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Winston Churchill (did he ever tire of carting that heavy bag of great quotes around?) told the House of Commons in 1948: “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!”

Welcome to the Show that Never Ends: government authorities becoming tyrants who refuse to be servants of God for good.

No longer do Americans look at their future with great anticipation or excitement. Instead, they look over their shoulders with fear of the next mass killing at a Wal-Mart, a church or a school.

Since May 2020, nearly 300 vandalism attacks against Catholic churches alone have been committed.

There’s essentially a war along our southern border – more like a surrender – that has seen over 4 million illegal immigrants invade our country since Joe Biden took office. Countless (literally countless) numbers of these “immigrants” are terrorists, sex traffickers, drug runners and hardened criminals who steal the lives, liberties and happiness of millions.

Yet, when Biden visited Mexico earlier this month and met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Liar-in-Chief didn’t talk about ways Mexico could help our nation secure the lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness of Americans.

No: He spoke about ways the two nations could promote diversity, “equity,” and gender inclusivity, along with fighting “climate change.”

The White House is more concerned with turning children into circus attractions and cracking down on “terrorist” moms at school board meetings than making sure those same moms have baby formula to feed their infants so they can grow up cherishing their God-given male- or femaleness.

I could go on and talk about random attacks and killings, the devaluation of police officers, hardened criminals that are never prosecuted, stores shuttering across the nation because of theft, drug addicts menacing people and stores and dying on the sidewalks of big cities, and the insane push to disfigure little children into freaks of nature.

Only those who have never read the Bible could convince themselves that these people are “servants of God for good” who “bring wrath on those who practice evil.”

But if these rulers have NO authority because only God can establish legitimate leadership, how do we respond to these illegitimate tyrants and their demands for our ungodly compliance?

Pause to think about people being forced to use transgender pronouns. Healthcare workers being forced to perform abortions. Doctors being told they must assist in euthanasia as a kind of “medical care.” Churches being told they must close their doors.

Our Founding Fathers drew the road map for us to follow, and it’s probably not what most people think.

The American colonies did not declare war on Great Britain. Instead they declared their independence.

In fact, during the first Revolutionary War battle on April 19, 1775, Captain John Parker told his Minutemen as 700 British regulars approached Lexington Green:

“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here.” Parker believed firing first would be tantamount to treason.

Paul Revere, standing off to the side, agreed.

“Let the [English] soldiers pass by. Do not molest them without they begin first.”

Indeed, the redcoats did fire first during the conflict that came to be known as the Battle of Concord.

800 British soldiers squared off against 400 militia. Through the use of guerrilla tactics (to which the British were unaccustomed), the militia forced the redcoats to flee, inflicting 300 casualties that included 73 deaths.

The Americans stood their ground, having declared their independence. They viewed starting a war as treason, but likewise had no compulsion to believe that declaring their independence was a treasonous act.

When government leaders are not servants of God for good, when they fail to be avengers on those who practice evil, they have no authority from God, they are not established rulers.

To protect ourselves, the Bible warns us to put on the “full armor of God.” Then it commands us to stand against “the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” [Ep. 6:12]

“When the day of evil comes,” the Apostle Paul says (and it’s looking like it’s now here), “stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” [12]

That’s exactly what Captain John Parker’s men did. They stood their ground.

That’s exactly what we need to do to oppose an illegitimate government without God’s authority to rule over us.

Also, like our Founding Fathers, this additional admonition from Jesus would serve us well:

“And He said to them, ‘But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his cloak and buy one.’” [Luke 22:36]

© Martin Mawyer from Majority Report. All rights reserved.

EDITORS NOTE: This Majority Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Elon Musk Meets With Speaker McCarthy And Minority Leader Jeffries. Here’s What They Discussed thumbnail

Elon Musk Meets With Speaker McCarthy And Minority Leader Jeffries. Here’s What They Discussed

By The Daily Caller

Twitter and Tesla CEO Elon Musk made a surprise visit to the U.S. Capitol on Thursday to meet with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

Musk said he met with the two House leaders to discuss ways in ensuring that Twitter is fair to both sides of the political aisle after taking over as the social media company’s CEO in October.

“Just met with @SpeakerMcCarthy & @RepJeffries to discuss ensuring that this platform is fair to both parties,” he tweeted.

Just met with @SpeakerMcCarthy & @RepJeffries to discuss ensuring that this platform is fair to both parties

— Mr. Tweet (@elonmusk) January 26, 2023

McCarthy exited the meeting with Musk and declined to discuss what the meeting entailed. He told the reporters that the tech mogul wished the Speaker a happy birthday.

“He came to wish me a happy birthday,” he told reporters, who turned 58 Thursday.

Leaving a meeting with Elon Musk, Speaker McCarthy won’t elaborate on what the two discussed, besides saying they’ve “been friends for years,” and that Musk came to wish him a happy birthday.

— Nathaniel Reed (@ReedReports) January 26, 2023

McCarthy said he did not discuss the debt ceiling that recently exceeded $31.4 trillion, and ignored all other questions related to the matter, Bloomberg reported. The press did not witness Musk leave the meeting or the building after their appointment together on the second floor ended.

Musk is a longtime donor of McCarthy and expressed support for him stepping up as speaker during the tumultuous, days-long speaker vote among members of the House. The California Republican finally became speaker after 15 ballots.

Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker

— Mr. Tweet (@elonmusk) January 5, 2023

The tech mogul has become a popular figure among the political right since urging people to vote Republican and voting for candidates of the party for the first time in the special election held in Texas’ 34th district. He publicly shared that he cast his ballot for Republican Texas Rep. Mayra Flores.

He further became a vocal proponent for free speech amid his $44 billion purchase and eventual takeover of Twitter. He later reinstated the account of former President Donald Trump following a public poll calling for his return.



Media reporter. Follow Nicole Silverio on Twitter @NicoleMSilverio

RELATED ARTICLE: Elon Musk Huddled With GOP Leaders And Donors. Here’s What He Told Them

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Matt Gaetz To Introduce ‘PENCIL Act,’ Blocking Adam Schiff From Reviewing Classified Information thumbnail

Matt Gaetz To Introduce ‘PENCIL Act,’ Blocking Adam Schiff From Reviewing Classified Information

By The Daily Caller

As Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy blocked Adam Schiff from sitting on the House Intelligence Committee, Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced legislation Thursday that would call on the House to vote on if Schiff should be banned from accessing and viewing any and all classified information.

The Daily Caller first obtained the legislation, which is titled the PENCIL Act after former President Donald Trump’s nickname of Schiff, “Pencil-Neck.” PENCIL stands for “Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Information Licenses” Resolution.

“Congressman Adam Schiff led the effort for years to weaponize lies from the Clinton campaign and a corrupt Department of Justice to smear President Trump while destroying any trust the country had left in America’s intelligence agencies” Gaetz told the Caller before introducing the legislation.

“Speaker McCarthy kept his promise to remove Rep. Schiff from the Intelligence Committee, and with the PENCIL Resolution, we will express the sense of Congress that he should be barred from accessing any classified information at all. He can no longer be trusted by his colleagues in Congress or the American people,” Gaetz added.

Schiff announced Thursday that he will be running for U.S. Senate., the same day Gaetz introduced the bill.


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

Gaetz first introduced the PENCIL Act in 2019, when Republicans did not have control of the House.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy recently confirmed that Schiff and Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell will be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and the House will vote on the removal of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Schiff took to the Chinese-owned TikTok app shortly after McCarthy removed him from the House Intelligence Committee, saying McCarthy removed him “for doing my job, for holding Trump accountable and standing up to the extreme MAGA Republicans.” He then asked for donations.



Chief national correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter


Reps. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Ilhan Omar To Officially Be Kicked Off Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committees

Rep. Adam Schiff Fundraises On China-Owned TikTok After Getting Booted From Intel Committee

Rep. Adam Schiff Announces Run For California Senate Seat

Elon Musk Meets With Speaker McCarthy And Minority Leader Jeffries. Here’s What They Discussed

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Germany Gripped by Protests after Biden and Scholz Spark World War III Fears thumbnail

Germany Gripped by Protests after Biden and Scholz Spark World War III Fears

By The Geller Report

German tanks rolling across Europe. What could possibly do wrong?

Olaf Scholz’s decision to send advanced military tanks to Ukraine sparked mass protests across Germany as Joe Biden also pledged US hardware.

By Alessandra Scotto di Santolo, The Express, Jan 26, 2023

Ukraine: Germany ‘not active in supplying arms’ says Halaichuk

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Protests are raging after Germany and the United States announced that they will send advanced battle tanks to Ukraine, offering what one expert called an “armoured punching force” to help Kyiv break combat stalemates as the Russian invasion enters its 12th month. While the news was welcomed by Ukraine and Western allies, Germans took to the streets of Munich en masse on Wednesday to protest against the decision.
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Chanting anti-war slogans and demanding a diplomatic solution to the war, protesters peacefully marched last night with the supervision of police officers along the route.

Berlin’s announcement marked the first stage of a coordinated effort by the West to provide dozens of the heavy weapons, which Ukrainian military commanders said would enable counter-offensives, reduce casualties and help restore dwindling ammunition supplies.

Several European countries have equipped their armies with Leopard 2 tanks, and Germany’s announcement means they can give some of their stocks to Ukraine.

Speaking in a video address late Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hailed the creation of what he described as a “tank coalition.”

“We must form a tank fist, a fist of freedom whose hits will not let tyranny stand up again,” Zelensky said.

He said Ukraine will push for more weapons, including long-range missiles and aircraft.

The streets of Munich are gripped by protests.

Germans came out en masse to express dissatisfaction with the transfer of German Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. The crowd chants anti-war slogans and demands a diplomatic solution to the situation.

— Viktoriya Samarina (@viktoriyarus34) January 26, 2023

“The terrorist state must lose. The right to life must be protected. And it will be so,” Zelensky said.

Though it will take months before the tanks arrive, Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines said the decision comes at a critical point.

“Tanks will help reduce casualties among our soldiers … then gain new results and win this war quicker,” said Oleksander Syrotiuk, commander of a company in the 17th Tank Brigade deployed in Bakhmut.

Ukrainian soldiers and experts said Ukrainian forces are running low on spare parts to repair old Soviet-era tanks and the specific ammunition they require while enduring relentless barrages of Russian artillery. The Western tanks could help open a new pipeline for ammunition to flow to Ukraine.

With an expected springtime Russian offensive looming, the tanks will also enable Ukraine’s forces to launch new offensives and curb casualties, three military commanders, including two in the army’s tank division, told The Associated Press.

“Without the new tanks, we cannot win this war,” said Maksim Butolin, chief sergeant of the 54th Brigade’s Tank Division. He spoke to the AP by phone earlier this week from near the Bakhmut front.

Scholz spoke by phone Wednesday with Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, the German chancellery said in a statement. All five leaders agreed to continue military support to Ukraine in close Euro-Atlantic coordination.

Altogether, France, the UK, the US, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden will send hundreds of tanks and heavy armored vehicles to fortify Ukraine as it attempts to break through entrenched Russian lines.

Russia’s ambassador to Germany, Sergey Nechayev, called Berlin’s decision “extremely dangerous,” saying it “shifts the conflict to a new level of confrontation and contradicts the statements of German politicians about their reluctance to get involved in it.”

Scholz had insisted that any decision to provide Ukraine with the powerful tanks would need to be taken in conjunction with Germany’s allies, chiefly the US. By getting Washington to commit some of its own tanks, Berlin hopes to share the risk of any backlash from Russia.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Dem Rep Who Opposed New China Committee Serves On Non-Profit That Shares Staff With Alleged Chinese Intel Front Groups thumbnail

Dem Rep Who Opposed New China Committee Serves On Non-Profit That Shares Staff With Alleged Chinese Intel Front Groups

By The Daily Caller

A Democratic congresswoman serves on a non-profit which has shared multiple personnel with alleged Chinese intelligence front groups, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu joined the All America Chinese Youth Federation (AACYF) in 2012 and remains listed as “honorary president” on the 501(c)(3) non-profit’s website, according to a DCNF translation. During Chu’s tenure at AACYF, its leadership has included multiple individuals who’ve belonged to China-based organizations that allegedly operate as front groups for a Chinese intelligence service.

The DCNF located Chu’s Chinese name, Zhao Meixin, within a New York Times article and matched it with AACYF’s records to determine her membership. Chu did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

Although it remains unclear what specific responsibilities Chu has as AACYF’s “honorary president,” the congresswoman has led events held by the organization, such as during a November 2013 Silicon Valley tech summit where Chu served as “chairman,” according to a DCNF translation of AACYF’s website.

Five of AACYF’s leaders who’ve served at the non-profit during Chu’s tenure have belonged to organizations allegedly serving a Chinese government agency tasked with overseeing and coordinating CCP influence operations, the DCNF determined. The so-called United Front Work Department (UFWD) has been identified by government agencieslegislative bodies and experts as a central organ of CCP influence efforts, and experts also say UFWD works in concert with Chinese intelligence operatives.

“There is no exact counterpart in the United States for what [the UFWD] does,” Dr. John Lenczowski, former director of European and Soviet Affairs at the National Security Council under President Ronald Reagan, told the DCNF. “There is a strategic integration between the intelligence services and the UFWD in a way that has no parallel between U.S. intelligence, and, say, the National Endowment for Democracy, or even the State Department in its public diplomacy activities.”

“The reality of it is that the Chinese have been conducting a Cold War and we’ve not,” Lenczowski said.

The CCP’s UFWD “cultivates and controls pervasive networks of affiliates around the world” and has thereby secured “unchallenged direction” over large numbers of overseas Chinese “organizations and Chinese-language media, providing infrastructure for corruption, political interference and malign influence,” the 2020 House China Task Force report stated.

“This is what the communists do,” Brandon Weichert, a consultant to the U.S. Air Force, told the DCNF. “They create front organizations in countries that are open societies, like ours, to try to surreptitiously influence events, businesses and leaders in those countries to shape them into acting in accordance with China’s national interest and strategic needs.”

“In many cases, the players involved are sort of useful idiots or willing dupes. In some cases, they’re fellow travelers,” Weichert added.

‘Facts and Reality’

Rep. Chu recently voted against the formation of the House Select Committee tasked with examining, among other things, Chinese influence in the United States. In defense of her vote, Chu claimed that the initiative could lead to anti-Asian violence, according to a statement released by the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), which Chu chairs.

CAPAC did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

California Republican Rep. Mike Garcia told the DCNF that Chu’s vote against the formation of the select committee on China ignored “facts and reality.” Garcia told the DCNF that the new committee, which Wisconsin Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher is slated to lead, will “combat the CCP, not the Chinese people.”

“The vast majority of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle supported the creation of this committee,” Garcia said, referring to the resolution which passed 365-65.

The United Front

Chu appears to have served as AACYF’s “honorary president” alongside Chi Honghu, who is listed as an “honorary adviser” on the organization’s website, a role he has held in various forms since at least 2009, according to a DCNF translation.

However, just before joining AACYF, Chi apparently spent the previous decade or so as “director” of the China Overseas Friendship Association (COFA), according to a DCNF translation of COFA’s website and Chinese government records.

COFA was founded by the CCP’s Central Committee and the UFWD in 1997 and has been listed as a UFWD “work unit,” according to DCNF translations of archived versions of those organizations’ websites.

In 2018, the U.S.-China Economic Security and Review Commission (USCC) identified the group as a UFWD intelligence operation, referring to it as “the UFWD China Overseas Friendship Association.”

After Rep. Chu’s colleague, Chi, joined AACYF, he was also identified as an “adviser” for the China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA) within a series of Chinese government announcements beginning as early as 2010, according to a DCNF translation, and apparently continued to serve in this capacity until at least 2018.

Several experts on Chinese intelligence operations have identified COEA as a UFWD front group, including Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg, who characterized COEA as a “UFWD agency” in their 2020 book on Chinese intelligence, “Hidden Hand.”

Similarly, Geoff Wade, a China-focused historian at Australian National University, also identified COEA as a UFWD front.

“[COEA had] the same address as the [Overseas Chinese Affairs Office],” Wade told the DCNF, which he claims indicates that the Chinese government agency controlled COEA.

Chi and AACYF did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

‘Directly Subordinate To The UFWD’

Several Chinese government announcements running from 2011 to 2018 also identified another current AACYF “honorary president,” Florence Fang, as having held various positions with COEA, according to a DCNF translation.

Fang formally served as “executive director” of COEA’s 4th Council between 2009 and 2013, the DCNF determined after reviewing Chinese government records and the Florence Fang Family Foundation’s website. The DCNF matched Fang’s Chinese name, Fang Li Bangqin, which is listed on her foundation’s website, with Chinese-language records in order to establish her various roles with COEA.

Fang has served as AACYF’s “honorary president” alongside Rep. Chu since 2012 and has held the position since at least 2006, according to a DCNF translation of an archived version of AACYF’s website. Fang’s tenure at AACYF overlapped with her time as COEA’s “executive director” between 2009 and 2013 and also overlapped with her role as COEA’s “consultant” between 2013 and 2018.

In 2019, Fang also appears to have attended COFA’s 5th Council meeting in Beijing, according to Chinese government records. At the event, Fang appears to have sat just seats away from General Secretary Xi Jinping during a group photo and applauded the communist dictator as he shook hands with other members of the alleged Chinese intelligence front group, footage from Chinese state-run media CCTV revealed.

Fang is also the “founding president” and current “honorary chairman” of the Northern California Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, an organization which opposes Taiwan’s independence, a DCNF translation of her foundation’s website reveals.

The 2018 USCC report identified Fang’s association as one of “33 chapters in the United States” listed on the website of the China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification (CCPPR), an organization the USCC said is “directly subordinate to the UFWD.”

Fang has fundraised for Republican Jeb Bush, as well as several California Democratic politicians including Sen. Dianne Feinstein and representatives Barbara Lee and Nancy Pelosi, the DCNF found.

Fang did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

In addition to Chi and Fang, several other AACYF colleagues of Rep. Chu also belong to an alleged UFWD anti-Taiwan independence front group, the DCNF determined.

AACYF’s current “director general,” Zhu Bingfeng, as well as the organization’s “president,” Ren Xiangdong, have belonged to Chu’s organization since at least 2006, DCNF translations of AACYF’s website determined.

Yet, both Zhu and Ren apparently also hold leadership roles at the American Chinese Youth Federation for the Peaceful Reunification of China, according to DCNF translations of the websites of AACYF and the alleged UFWD front group CCPPR.

As with Fang’s anti-Taiwan independence organization, Zhu and Ren’s organization is also listed as one of the “33 chapters in the United States” that the 2018 USCC report identified as belonging to CCPPR.

Zhu and Ren did not respond immediately to the DCNF’s request for comment.

‘Thousand Talents’

AACYF has also interacted with and supported several UFWD front groups during Rep. Chu’s tenure at the non-profit, the DCNF discovered.

Just months after Chu became an “honorary president” at AACYF in October 2012, the group began advertising a recruitment drive on behalf of the “Thousand Talents Plan” in March 2013, according to an archived version of the Chinese-language website.

The Thousand Talents Plan is a Chinese government program originally designed to recruit “high-quality overseas experts” and allegedly incentivize them to transfer U.S. intellectual property to China, according to Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman, ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

An archived version of the Thousand Talents Plan’s website states the program is managed by the Western Returned Scholars Association, which is a UFWD front group, according to the USCC. The Thousand Talents Plan is also a means of economic espionage, FBI Director Christopher Wray said during a 2020 event held at the Washington, D.C., Hudson Institute concerning Chinese government influence operations.

“Perhaps Representative Chu’s concerns and those of like-minded colleagues would be eased by spending more time engaging those constituents and less associating with groups linked to the United Front Work Department of the Chinese Communist Party,” Steve Yates, a former Chinese language analyst for the National Security Agency, told the DCNF.

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Daily Caller News Foundation investigative reporter, political journalist, and China watcher. Twitter: @LenczyckiPhilip

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‘We Need New Blood’: DeSantis Rebukes Ronna McDaniel’s RNC Leadership thumbnail

‘We Need New Blood’: DeSantis Rebukes Ronna McDaniel’s RNC Leadership

By The Daily Caller

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida called for new leadership at the Republican National Committee (RNC) Thursday as the committee prepares to vote on a chair.

“We’ve had 3 substandard election cycles in a row, ‘18, ‘20, and ‘22, and I would say of all of those ‘22 was probably the worst,” DeSantis said during an interview with Charlie Kirk. “Given, the political environment of a very unpopular President Biden, huge majorities of the people think the country’s going in the wrong direction.”


“That is an environment that’s tailor-made to make big gains in the house and the Senate and state house – state houses all across the country. And yet that didn’t happen and in fact, we even lost ground in the U.S. Senate, and so you know, I think we need a change,” DeSantis continued. “I think we need to get some new blood at the RNC. I like what Harmeet Dhillon has said about getting the RNC out of DC.”

Republicans gained ten seats in the House during the 2022 midterm elections and lost one Senate seat, underperforming expectations of a nation-wide “red wave.” Notable losses included that of Dr. Mehmet Oz to Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, and former NFL running back Herschel Walker to Democratic Sen. Rafael Warnock of Georgia, along with retired general Don Bolduc, who failed to unseat Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called the performance “a great night” in a Nov. 9 Fox News appearance. McDaniel faces a re-election fight from Harmeet Dhillon, a lawyer and member of the RNC following Republicans in the November mid-term elections. Dhillon blasted McDaniel, telling Politico the RNC “whiffed” in the midterms by failing to support several candidates in close races.

Only 14% of respondents to a Jan. 11 Trafalgar poll supported a fourth term for McDaniel. McDaniel did not respond on the record to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation, but sent endorsements from prominent Republicans in Florida, including Sen. Rick Scott.





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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Great Food Reset: ‘Lab-Grown Meat’ Harvested in ‘Massive Steel Vats’ Edges Closer to Fed Approval thumbnail

Great Food Reset: ‘Lab-Grown Meat’ Harvested in ‘Massive Steel Vats’ Edges Closer to Fed Approval

By Marc Morano

European Union approves worms and crickets for human consumption.

The Great Food Reset: ‘Lab-grown meat’ harvested in ‘massive steel vats’ edges closer to fed approval & U.S. dinner plates – As EU approves human consumption of worms & crickets

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “You Will Eat lab-grown ‘meat’ and bugs — and Be Happy. Or so the forces of the Great Food Reset believe. Bill Gates is gobbling up U.S. farmland (now the single largest owner) and the World Economic Forum pushes eating bugs, and the U.S. FDA and USDA edge closer to approving lab-grown ‘meat’ — Bon appetite?!

A food crisis and transformation are just the ticket for even more chaos that the WEF can exploit for their Reset agenda. The World Economic Forum is so eager to promote synthetic ‘meat’ that they are touting numerous ways to print up to 6 kilograms of the fake meat an hour. As part of this new coerced Great Diet Reset, the WEF has advocated eating bugs to save the planet. The Davos-based group has explained, “Why we might be eating insects soon.”

Our future is being planned by our overlords, load up on eating bugs to save the planet! It is a future that will happen, only if we allow it. It’s time for the Great Reject. Rise up and defy the Great Reset.”

By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot

January 26, 2023 9:46 AM

Climate Depot Special Report

Lab-grown meat moves closer to American dinner plates – ‘Grown in enormous steel vessels called bioreactors & processed’ into meat-like substance– Eat lab-grown meat from ‘massive bioreactors’ to save the earth! ‘Our planet is in crisis’ – Restaurateur Andrés, known for his work on global food security, told Reuters he wants to sell cultivated meat because of its environmental benefits. “We can see in what is happening all around us, in every country around the globe, that our planet is in crisis,” he said.

(Reuters) – Once the stuff of science fiction, lab-grown meat could become reality in some restaurants in the United States as early as this year. Executives at cultivated meat companies are optimistic that meat grown in massive steel vats could be on the menu within months after one company won the go-ahead from a key regulator. … Cultivated meat is derived from a small sample of cells collected from livestock, which is then fed nutrients, grown in enormous steel vessels called bioreactors, and processed into something that looks and tastes like a real cut of meat. Just one country, Singapore, has so far approved the product for retail sale. But the United States is poised to follow. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said in November that a cultivated meat product – a chicken breast grown by California-based UPSIDE Foods – was safe for human consumption. …

Another draw is that growing meat in a steel vessel instead of in a field could reduce the environmental impact of livestock, which are responsible for 14.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions through feed production, deforestation, manure management, and enteric fermentation – animal burps – according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


Bill Gates wants to stop cows from burping & farting in latest investment – Funds Australian-based company to reduce livestock emissions

European Union Approves Mealworms & Cricket Powder For Use in Bread, Crackers, Chocolate, & Soups Despite ‘Inconclusive’ Allergy Data

Europeans now also allowed to eat cricket powder and small mealworms – Earlier in January, the Commission also approved the use of small mealworms. The small mealworm may be used as (spread) paste, frozen, dried and powdered. Powdered mealworm larvae will also serve as a food supplement.

Daily Wire: Cricket powder will now be permitted in a number of food products, such as multigrain bread, crackers, cereal bars, biscuits, beer-like beverages, chocolates, sauces, whey powder, soups, and other items “intended for the general population,” according to the new regulation. Cricket One, a company that asserts that the insects are “nutritionally more efficient” and serve as a more reliable “source of alternative protein” than livestock, submitted the original application.

Watch: Morano on OAN TV on Great Food Reset – U.S. soon to be eating ‘lab-grown meat’ – Broadcast January 25, 2023 – OAN TV – In Focus With Addison Smith

Op-ed: The Great Food Reset – By Marc Morano

The Great Food Reset has arrived: Expect ‘real’ food shortages, Biden declares – Meanwhile, Bill Gates & China buy up U.S. farmland– Climate Depot’s Morano: “If the Davos crowd of the World Economic Forum were looking for a better global environment on which to enact their central planning vision of a Great Reset, it would be hard to imagine a more conducive chaotic time than right now.”  See: Watch video: World Economic Forum’s utopian Great Reset vision of 2030 – ‘You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy’ – ‘Whatever you want you’ll rent & it’ll be delivered by drone’ – Meat will be ‘an occasional treat’.

Also see: ‘Americans May Have to Say Goodbye to Steak & Burgers as Beef Costs Rise’ as inflation soars – Just what the climate activists always wanted!

Watch: Morano’s 20 min. speech on The Great Food Reset Takeover of Our Farms & Food Supply

Great Food Reset: Watch: School kids munch on insects as cricket snacks introduced to 1000 schools to ‘help save the planet from global warming’

Kid’s manipulated with bug-eating PSYOP: ”Chips are great aren’t they, and these chips are even better, because I think they are better for you, did you know that? Yeah, that way you know, mum and dad might let you have more chips. Good stuff” the interviewer said.

[ … ]

”Many children have the power of pester, so in some cases can be great agents of dietary change within the family” said Verity Jones from the University of the West of England in Bristol.

Marc Morano commented: “The Great Reset is happening here and now. This is not circa 1991, when we we were talking about a shadowy secretive vision of a New World Order. This is 2022 now and we are seeing a ‘new normal’ being imposed upon the world.

    1. Our current energy system is being intentionally collapsed ;
    2. Our transportation system is being intentionally collapsed; (and our freedom of movement is being stripped away)
    3. Our First Amendment free speech rights are being collapsed by government & corporate collusion;
    4. Our high-yield agricultural system is being intentionally collapsed to create man-made food shortages and chaos; and
    5. The ability to eat meat is being banned to compel us to eat ‘lab-grown’ fake meat and eat insects. Artificially caused food shortages will create demand for insect eating.  And our betters are using our children as hand-picked little ministers of propaganda to promote insect eating and ‘pester’ adults to comply with the agenda. (See:The Great Food Reset has arrived: Expect ‘real’ food shortages, Biden declares – Meanwhile, Bill Gates & China buy up U.S. farmland)

Watch: Morano on Fox News on the Great Food Reset: China & Bill Gates buying up U.S. farmland – Pushing fake meat & bugs – ‘Unfiltered w/ Dan Bongino’

Dan Bongino: Here to weigh in is the author of the upcoming book, The Great Reset…Marc, no one knows more about the Great Reset than you, you literally wrote a book on it, we just showed the cover. …Is what we are seeing in the Netherlands a sign of things to come if the climate activists get their way here in the U.S. and other places?

Marc Morano: ‘We know that Bill Gates’ goal is to get us to stop eating meat and get us to start eating lab-grown, vegetable oil-processed fake meat. The same with Al Gore. The same with the World Economic Forum. They are pushing insect-eating as well. The United Nations, the World Economic Forum…That’s been their goal, the whole entire goal. First of all, you have the World Economic Forum which Bill Gates is a prominent member. You have Bill Gates buying up farmland — the single largest American farmland owner now, according to NBC News. I know no one likes a monopoly so don’t worry Dan. China is also gobbling up American farmland. So it’s a competition. We actually have good old market competition — China versus Bill Gates. Who do you want to win that battle? …

This will have devastating consequences because as the old Chinese proverb says, ‘When food is on the table there are many problems. When there is no food, there is only one problem.’


Great Reset By Marc Morano – Chapter 12 Excerpt: ‘COVID Lockdowns Morph to Climate Lockdowns’

The Great Food Reset: ‘They really *do* want you to eat bugs’ – ‘They’ve made meat expensive & launched a PR campaign to promote bug-eating’

Michael Shellenberger: ‘I mean look at these guys. They’re obsessed’

‘Green Elitism Behind Farmer Crackdowns’ – ‘What role is the World Economic Forum playing?’

Listen: Morano on DC’s WMAL talks Biden’s ‘climate emergency’, lockdowns & the Great Food Reset: You Will Eat Nothing & Be Happy

Analysis: The Lies Behind Lab-Cultured Fake Meat – A Great Food Reset – ‘Aim is to control populations by creating dependence on private companies that control the food supply’

How to feed a nation – The miracle of the modern food supply

Copyright © 2023 Climate Depot, All rights reserved.

Death—Courtesy of the Israeli Supreme Court thumbnail

Death—Courtesy of the Israeli Supreme Court

By Martin Sherman

The initiative by the newly elected government to enact a far-reaching reform of the legal system is an inevitable result of the ongoing process of erosion of public trust.

According to the University of Haifa’s annual index for public sector performance, the public’s level of trust in the Israeli judicial system is at the lowest level since the index was first published in 2001.—i24News, Nov. 6, 2018.

After a decade in which left-wing voters expressed a 44 percent confidence in the judiciary, their confidence has eroded since 2017 to 25 percent in 2020.Haaretz, Jun. 4, 2020.

Today, Israel is engulfed in a tumultuous public dispute in the titanic clash between the advocates of a direly needed reform of the country’s system of law enforcement on the one hand, and its increasingly strident opponents on the other. Waxing evermore vehement and venomous, these opponents are engaged in a desperate last-ditch effort to preserve the remaining vestiges of their waning political power, by freezing the current distorted reality that still allows them—despite their minuscule (and diminishing) electoral support—to control much of the national decision-making process in Israel today.

A litany of travesties

The arrogance and blatant double standards of the legal establishment in general, and the judiciary in particular, together with an increasing number of verdicts that fly in the face of common sense—and any commonsense perception of natural justice—have led to a steep and ongoing erosion in public confidence in the impartiality of the courts—including the Supreme Court itself. Indeed, the catalog of mystifying decisions is as long as it is disconcerting.

The following is a far from exhaustive list:

  • The trampling of the right of the opponents of the 2005 Disengagement to protest;
  • The disregard of the fact that the investigation against Prime Minister Netanyahu was launched in flagrant disregard of explicit legal requirements—not to mention a litany of brazenly improper (to be charitable) police/prosecution measures during the investigation itself;
  • The discriminatory prohibition of demonstrations during the COVID-19 epidemic, preventing gatherings by the Ultra-Orthodox while allowing those by the anti-Netanyahu protesters outside his Balfour Street residence;
  • The repeated overturning of government decisions aimed at stemming the flood of illegal infiltration on the country by African migrants, and the detrimental effect this was having on the lives and livelihoods of less affluent neighborhoods in South Tel Aviv and elsewhere.

“Blaming everyone but itself…” 

Thus, the well-known social activist and left-leaning law professor Yuval Elbashan, warned as recently as last December: “Confidence in Israel’s justice system, once so high, has slumped, and the time has come for the system to stop blaming everyone but itself.”

Indeed, over a decade earlier, in a book entitled “Towards Juristocracy” published in 2004 by Harvard University Press, Ran Hirschl, Professor of Political Science and Law, at the University of Toronto, cautioned: “In Israel, the negative impact of the judicialization of politics on the Supreme Court’s legitimacy is already beginning to show its mark. Over the past decade, the public image of the Supreme Court as an autonomous and impartial arbiter has been increasingly eroded.”

He cautioned “…as political arrangements and public policies agreed upon in majoritarian decision-making arenas [such as the parliament and/or government-MS] are likely to be reviewed by an often hostile Supreme Court… the court and its judges are increasingly viewed by a considerable portion of the Israeli public as pushing forward their own political agenda…”

The current initiative by the newly elected government to enact a far-reaching reform of the legal system is thus, an inevitable result of the ongoing process of erosion of public trust.

Victims of judicial intervention in policy

But the appalling harm that the current system inflicts on Israeli society can take on far more tangible and tragic forms. Perhaps, the most horrific (and I use the term with careful deliberation) illustration of this is the following:

On May 2, 2004, a young social worker, Tali Hatuel, who was eight months pregnant with her fifth child, was driving home with her four children aged 2 to 11 years old.

On the way, they were ambushed by two Palestinian terrorists, lying in wait in some roadside building. From their hiding place, they opened fire on the young mother and her children, forcing them off the road. The terrorist then approached the vehicle and slaughtered all the occupants from point-blank range.

What is both staggering and infuriating about this appalling tragedy is that the army had intended to demolish the buildings, which afforded cover to the murderers, because they had been used previously by terrorists to kill both Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers.

However, the demolition was prevented by order of the Supreme Court, which, under today’s system, is the ultimate arbiter of what is “reasonable” and “proportionate” even in areas where they have no professional expertise.

The perils of unbridled authority with no responsibility

Sadly,  Tali Hatuel and her four daughters paid with their lives for the gross judicial intervention into Israel’s security policy, while the judge(s) of course suffered no repercussions for the horrendous consequences of their decisions.

But that is how things are when the judiciary has overriding authority, but zero responsibility.

Clearly, a stop must be put to this glaring travesty!

©Dr. Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Corruption Of The 2022 Electoral Process In Arizona and Five Other States thumbnail

VIDEO: The Corruption Of The 2022 Electoral Process In Arizona and Five Other States

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

Honorable Finchem describes problems of the 2022 election that affected six other states along with Arizona. He also directs our attention to the Elections Fairness Institute.

Former Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem candidly discusses information further demonstrating the corruption of the electoral process across America. Our conversation is NOT a rehash of election sour grapes. Arizona is one of six states that were targeted to collapse the electoral process so no longer would candidates be elected fairly by the citizens, but “selected” by the drug cartels, George Soros and Marxists coupled with members of the “uniparty cabal” housed in the Washington, DC swamp spreading tentacles into key states.

Please further distribute this program on your mailing lists. Americans need to know the fight to which we are engaged. Choosing to sit on the sidelines so as not to get muddy is not going to work. Much like our founders pleaded for shop keepers, butchers and candle stick makers, farmers, blacksmiths, pastors and a good cross-section of every day colonists needing to come together to fight for the founding of this land meant to be free, we are engaged yet again in a mammoth struggle to now retain our freedoms and the principles that forged this exceptional nation. Please do not simply sit back and wait for someone else to get into the trench. You can distribute this information along with other solid information from folks working to expose the diabolical attacks to collapse America as we have known her and enjoyed. Hold elected officials truly accountable and cause them to answer you thoroughly and plainly. Consider sending a contribution to programs that are already engaged in fighting this good fight.

To assist me, go to ZELLE 602-826-7300. Also, please pray for those engaged in keeping America from going under, and trying to bring our nation back to what President Ronald Reagan once said, “America is a shining city on a hill.” (Matthew 5:14).

©Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Maricopa County: Failed Tabulators Misread A QUARTER MILLION Ballots During 2022 Election

Insider Trading Bill Returns To Congress Under New Title ‘PELOSI Act’ thumbnail

Insider Trading Bill Returns To Congress Under New Title ‘PELOSI Act’

By The Geller Report

Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments (PELOSI) Act. Brilliant.

Pelosi got obscenely wealthy trading on  insider government intel. She’s not the only one.

Sen. Hawley’s Insider Trading Bill Returns To Congress Under New Title ‘PELOSI Act’

By Brandon Drey • Daily Wire • Jan 24, 2023 •

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) reintroduced his 2022 insider trading bill Tuesday that would ban lawmakers and their spouses from holding and trading individual stocks and force political figures to return profits to American citizens under a new title dubbed the “PELOSI Act.”

The Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments (PELOSI) Act comes just over a year after Hawley introduced the original bill, in which he accuses politicians of somehow outperforming the stock market every year they hold office.

This time around, the senator’s updated version takes a jab at California Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who many Republican lawmakers had slammed after her husband, Paul Pelosi, sold up to $5 million worth of shares in Nvidia, a California company that produces semiconductors, just before the House voted on a bill surrounding the domestic chip manufacturing industry.

“For too long, politicians in Washington have taken advantage of the economic system they write the rules for, turning profits for themselves at the expense of the American people,” Hawley said in a news release.

In addition to prohibiting members of Congress from taking advantage of the market and wielding their power and privilege over American citizens, The PELOSI Act would also ban said politicians from holding diversified mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, or exempt U.S. Treasury bonds.

Six months upon assuming office, the bill would require new congressional members to divest or place prohibited holdings in a blind trust — to remain there while they are serving the American people.

Spouses of American politicians in Congress would also have to forfeit any investment profits back to the American people through the U.S. Treasury…

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller



The DOJ has officially opened up a lawsuit against Google to break up its Ad Technology Monopoly

Pelosi sold $3 Million dollars worth of Google just four weeks ago


— Nancy Pelosi Stock Tracker ♟ (@PelosiTracker_) January 25, 2023

RELATED ARTICLE: Pelosi Sells $3 Million of Google Stock Before DOJ Opens Lawsuit Against Google to Break It Up

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Covering for Biden, Pathetic Pence Swoops In To Save Corrupt, Criminal Joe Biden thumbnail

Covering for Biden, Pathetic Pence Swoops In To Save Corrupt, Criminal Joe Biden

By The Geller Report

Tucker Carlson: “Here’s the latest in unexplained weirdness in the news—Mike Pence of all people has just swooped in to save Joe Biden…”

Mike Pence “almost bragged” about the appearance of classified documents at the former vice president’s Indiana home, rather than worrying about facing prosecution.

In the latest twist in the saga of classified White House materials not being properly returned to the National Archives, Pence’s lawyers confirmed that a “small number of documents” were found at his home during a search last week. These were then handed over to the government.

Pence said he was “unaware” of the existence of sensitive materials at his private property and that he would be willing to fully cooperate with any inquiry.

Carlson said that Pence may have “swooped in” and saved Biden by revealing classified documents from his time as vice president were also found at his home.

Carlson said despite Pence repeatedly saying during media interviews that he was not in possession of any classified materials, his lawyers conducted a search of his home after being asked to do so by federal prosecutors wanting to build a case against Trump.

“The point would be to show that not every federal official walks off with state secrets. Donald Trump was uniquely evil in that regard, as in so many others,” Carlson said. “‘See, Mike Pence didn’t do it.’

“So if that was the plan and we suspect that it was, it backfired spectacularly because Mike Pence’s lawyer promptly discovered classified documents.”

Carlson added it was odd that Pence immediately notified authorities, as well as congressional leaders, about the appearance of the documents because “what he did was a felony.”

“We’ve heard that again and again. Keeping classified documents at home unsecured is a felony,” Carlson said.

“But Pence didn’t seem embarrassed about it at all. In fact, he almost bragged about it. So clearly, Mike Pence is not worried about being punished for keeping secret documents in his home. And that’s strange in a country where all laws are supposed to apply equally to all people. But Mike Pence is not worried about FBI raids. And that’s interesting. Maybe someday we’ll learn why.”


Muir: “Did you take any classified documents with you from the white house?”

Pence: “I did not.”

Muir: “Do you see any reason for anyone to take classified docs from the White House.”

Pence: “There would be no reason.”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 24, 2023

Associated Press: Documents with classified markings were discovered in former Vice President Mike Pence’s Indiana home last week, his lawyer told the National Archives in a letter. The records “appear to be a small number of documents bearing classified markings that were inadvertently boxed and transported to the personal home of the former vice president at the end of the last administration,” Pence’s lawyer, Greg Jacob, wrote in the letter. He said that Pence “engaged outside counsel, with experience in handling classified documents, to review records stored in his personal home after it became public that documents with classified markings were found in President Joe Biden’s Wilmington residence (Associated Press). Ed Morrissey: What does this mean politically? It probably lets Joe Biden off the hook, or at least provides enough of a distraction to cool the temperature around his scandal. Biden and his team certainly didn’t embrace the “everyone does it” defense when Donald Trump deployed it, but you can bet they’ll grasp at it now (HotAir).


Pamela Geller


SMOKING GUN: Hunter’s 20 Point Ukraine Email of CLASSIFIED Information From His Father Sent to Burisma

New Biden Regime Policy To Address Massive Border Invasion: HIDE THE NUMBERS

WWIII: Madman Biden Announces US Will Send Over 30 Abrams Tanks to Ukraine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

An Arrest and FBI Corruption thumbnail

An Arrest and FBI Corruption

By Jihad Watch

Trump wasn’t working for Russia, but it’s hard to find anyone in D.C. who isn’t.

On Saturday, the FBI arrested one of its own. Charles McGonigal, who used to head counterintel for the Bureau in New York and investigated Trump over Russiagate, was busted at JFK Airport and has been charged with violating the sanctions placed on Oleg Deripaska.

Deripaska, a Russian oligarch allied with Putin, has his name scrawled on parts of Russiagate. Before Christopher Steele was brought on board to produce the infamous dossier aimed at Trump, the British ex-agent had been working on a project for Deripaska to go after Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, who would also prove to be an FBI target.

In the tangled relationship that is an apt metaphor for Russiagate, the Russian billionaire appeared at times to be an FBI asset and at other times employed FBI personnel.

McGonigal is reportedly one of a number of ex-FBI agents who became freelance consultants, like American versions of Steele, under investigation. And connections between ex-FBI officials and the Russians have gone even higher than McGonigal. Louis Freeh, Bill Clinton’s former FBI director, represented a number of Russian oligarchs and his deceased predecessor, Director William Sessions worked for a top Russian mafia figure linked to Putin.

We may very well find that the retired FBI officials who haven’t gotten contracts as commentators for cable news have gone to work for the Russians. And McGonigal may be the first of a number of FBI figures who were tasked with fighting Russian influence who instead learned enough to go to work for the Russians.

If McGonigal is guilty, it’s because he was following in the footsteps of retired FBI directors and top elected officials. Deripaska had previously managed to purchase the services of former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole to “persuade U.S. officials his client isn’t a criminal” and of a firm linked to Hillary’s communications director and Bill Clinton’s deputy press secretary. When you can buy both sides of the 1996 presidential election, why quibble at a mere FBI official? Russia may be a mafia state, but unfortunately we’ve become one too.

A long list of American political elites had taken Deripaska’s money. And the FBI had been corrupted into serving the political interests of that elite rather than protecting the homeland.

When it came to Deripaska, the FBI’s priorities were helping Hillary Clinton win an election.

Even while Deripaska was suspected of, according to the New York Times, “extortion, bribery and even murder”, he was able to spend time in New York while the FBI tried to solicit information from him about Trump’s Russian connections. Instead of ‘flipping’ Deripaska, the Russian oligarch allegedly flipped the head of FBI counterintelligence operations in New York who would have likely led efforts to gain information from him on Trump.

Deripaska had apparently employed quite a few former government officials like Jonathan Winer, a former top Kerry aide, who lobbied for the Russian oligarch and who also promoted the Steele dossier. The Russian oligarch claims to be the victim in all this. As does Igor Danchenko: the alleged source for much of the Steele dossier and the subject of a failed prosecution effort by Special Counsel Durham. And yet even defenders of the Steele dossier have been forced to argue that it was ‘tainted’ by Russian intelligence. And that means the FBI was tainted too.

But the FBI was tainted as a secondary effect of being politicized by tainted figures.

The Clintons, who had initiated Russiagate, as usual had led the way. In 2009, Hillary Clinton arrived bearing a ‘Reset Button’. The button, pilfered from a hotel swimming pool, was meant to symbolize the desire of the Obama administration for a new relationship with Russia. All it really symbolized was that the Clintons, like the Russians, would steal anything that wasn’t nailed down. And the real relationship launched with that button was between Russia and the Clintons.

This was the same year that Deripaska hired a firm tied to the Clintons. The head of that firm, who would also work for the Russian foreign ministry, would later show up working with Steele and a Justice Department official involved in Russiagate to help the Russian oligarch.

In 2010, a Russian investment bank paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to deliver a speech and Putin called to offer his personal appreciation. Meanwhile the Russians were slowly swallowing Uranium One while investors wrote their checks to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton, who would later reinvent herself as a hawk, conveniently opposed sanctions on Russia.

In 2015, McGonigal was CC’d on a briefing given by the FBI to the Clinton campaign warning that the Bureau had information that a foreign government was “attempting to influence Hillary Clinton through lobbying and campaign contributions”. Rather than investigating potential criminal activity and national security violations by the Clintons, the FBI instead gave them a ‘heads up’ that there was suspicious behavior taking place.

McGonigal had been working on Russian counterintelligence matters since at least the 90s. He had close ties to former FBI Director James Comey. When Trump fired Comey, McGonigal, speaking in an official capacity, called him “one of the most loved leaders that we’ve had” and stated that “many of us who were nominated for leadership positions by him will forever hold him in esteem as we progress through our FBI careers.”

Comey, along with other FBI figures, had signed off on Hillary Clinton’s actions. And there was every reason to believe that the Clintons were the ones who were actually tied to Russia.

Russiagate was a masterstroke that took one of Hillary’s greatest legal vulnerabilities and turned it around so that the country has spent the last six years debating Trump’s ties to Russia while at the same time justifying illegal surveillance and prosecution of her opponent’s associates.

But that victory was ultimately pyrrhic. Hillary still lost the election and her corruption, like that of the Biden family, provided an opening for foreign countries looking to buy influence in America. Beginning with the Clinton era, a generation of FBI officials have alternated between working for the Clintons and the Russians while compromising our national security and domestic politics.

A corrupted FBI leadership did the dirty work of the Clintons, who were looking to redirect the blame for their Russian ties, and then in some cases decided to cut out the middleman by working directly for the Russian oligarchs.

In Washington D.C., retired generals go to work for defense contractors, retired IRS officials teach corporations how to avoid paying taxes and retired FBI officials go to work for the Russians. And aspiring presidents, like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, open nonprofits that allow them to legally take cash from foreign countries while prepping their future administrations.

FBI officials are just copying what they’ve seen top elected officials get away with doing.

Russiagate and what happened to the FBI can’t be understood apart from the routine corruption of a city whose public servants work for the government in order to trade on that knowledge. The grand hypocrisy of Russiagate was that this corrupt political class used its Russian and international connections to smear Trump with their own crimes. Trump wasn’t working for Moscow, but sometimes it seems as if it’s hard to find anyone in Washington D.C. who isn’t.




New Jersey: Army vet sent her jihadi lover money as he fought in Syria and threatened to strike in U.S.

Facebook welcomes Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Regiment back on its platform

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Watch Florida’s Volusia County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner with Jim Jordan thumbnail

VIDEO: Watch Florida’s Volusia County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner with Jim Jordan

By Dr. Rich Swier

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio keynotes the Volusia GOP Lincoln Dinner at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida on Sunday, January 22, 2023. The gala event attended by 1,000 also heard remarks from Florida CD 6 Congressman Michael Waltz and CD 7 Congressman Cory Mills. The event also features video highlights from the Ron DeSantis Inaugural and from key Volusia GOP milestone events and activities over the past eventful year.

The Republican Executive Committee of Volusia County in an email stated,

A thousand people filled the Ocean Center Arena to hear from Congressmen Jim Jordan, Michael Waltz and Cory Mills Sunday. It was an epic night for conservative patriots.

We now have the complete video produced by Vic Baker. We promised you movie and a show, and here it is!


©Republican Executive Committee of Volusia County. All rights reserved.

Lockdowns and Vaccines Caused More Death Than They Prevented thumbnail

Lockdowns and Vaccines Caused More Death Than They Prevented

By The Geller Report

Insightful piece here over at The Burning Platform:


The lockdowns and vaccines have caused more death than they prevented. Suicides, overdose deaths, deaths due to preventative healthcare not accessed, deaths by ventilators and Remdesivir, deaths due to not allowing doctors to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and now sudden deaths from the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are all verifiable and factual, but no empathy from the covidian cult is forthcoming for these victims. As Desmet points out, once the mass formation began it encouraged various factions to keep it going for their own self-interest. The cult never wants it to end.


The superficiality of the citizenry, celebration of deviancy, financial illiteracy, unserious culture, technology obsession, and devastating level of governmental, academic, media and corporate corruption, are a perfect recipe for the fall of the American empire.


It appears 2023 could be a tipping point year in this Fourth Turning, much like the 15th year of the last Fourth Turning (1943-1944) when the tide turned during WWII with the Battle of Stalingrad and Normandy Invasion. Biden’s corrupt administration appears to be imploding. Inflation, rising interest rates, a $31 trillion national debt, $200 trillion of unpayable obligations, a USD that has lost 97% of its purchasing power, out of control surveillance state agencies running amok, broken education system, rampant worship and promotion of deviancy, ghetto crime rampaging in every major urban city, transferring $120 billion to the Ukraine (actually US arms dealers) to instigate WWIII, provoking China over Taiwan, and allowing unelected officials at non-governmental organizations (WEF, WHO, UN, NATO, World Bank) to impose their rules, regulations and mandates on our lives, has set the table for the disintegration of our financial, political, social, and cultural institutions. The downward spiral, decades in the making, is irreversible at this point.

Will all of these lit fuses ignite their powder kegs simultaneously in 2023? Probably not, but a few will explode, producing unintended consequences and start a process of falling dominoes and chaos for the average human on this earth. Having already ruined the livelihoods of tens of millions across the globe, destroying thousands of small businesses, igniting inflation not seen in forty years, causing food shortages, and making our lives far worse, the sudden deaths of children, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends from their mandated gene altering, spike protein inducing therapy should be the last straw and provoke a violent response from the awakening masses.

Read the whole thing here.


Pamela Geller


Italy Vaccine Victims and Their Families March Through The Streets

Turin, Italy 🇮🇹 Vaccine Victims and families march the streets. So sad! #DiedSuddendly #VaccineDeaths

— Melissa 🇨🇦 (@MelissaLMRogers) January 24, 2023

This is our precious daughter, Trista. She #DiedSuddendly on Nov 9th. She was 18. The #Pfizer shot killed our daughter. They took this sweet, beautiful, kind, fun, loving girl from us. Help us hold them accountable! #JusticeForTrista #ProsecuteFauci

— Taylor Forrest Martin (@AtTheMartins) January 8, 2023


UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Pfizer Scientists Knew That mRNA Covid “Vaccine” Was Likely Cause of Myocarditis, Heart Attacks

FDA Executive Officer on Hidden Camera Reveals Future COVID Policy: ‘Biden Wants To Inoculate As Many People As Possible…Have to Get an Annual Shot’

35-Year-Old Middle School Coach and Teacher Dies Suddenly in Front of His Class

More on Covid ‘vaccine deaths here…

Elon Musk: ‘Felt Like I Was Dying’ After COVID Vaccine

Vaccine Genocide

50,000 Excess Deaths in the UK

21 Year Old Surfer Evan McMillen Dies Suddenly

Young Fox News Exec Dies Suddenly

Died Suddenly: American Idol Contestant CJ Harris Dies at 31

Temporary Morgues are Being Built Across UK Due to Unprecedented Increase in Excess Deaths

Died Suddenly: University of Pittsburgh Student Lindsay Heck Dies Suddenly At 25 Years Old

Died Suddenly: Colorado College Tennis Player Has Died Suddenly at 20 Years Old
Died Suddenly: Former Alabama Running Back Dead at 42

16-Year-Old Basketball Player Suffers Stroke While in School

Kindergarten Student in Ohio Dies Suddenly

17-Year-Old Basketball Player Dies Suddenly at Home

US Air Force Academy Cadet Died Suddenly While Walking to Class

Thrice Vaxxed Young Television Reporter Sparks Vaccine Fears After Collapsing Live On Air

Vaxxed Into Early Graves: This Week’s Young Victims Who Died Suddenly….

CDC and FDA Opens Large Scale Investigation into COVID Vaccines Link To Strokes

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.