Weekend Read: Propaganda and the US Government thumbnail

Weekend Read: Propaganda and the US Government

By Robert Malone

In Edward Bernays classic tome Propaganda, published in 1928, was an attempt to both alert the public to the power of propaganda while also allying the public’s fear of it. The overall messaging of the book now seems so naïve. One of the core themes and underlying beliefs of the book is that there are elements in society that are not corruptible.  

As an example, the book ends with the thesis that newspapers are the arbiter of news, thus the editors, writers and owners are the gatekeepers ensuring the public of a fair rendition of both sides of any issue. That the idea of newspaper spreading propaganda was virtually unthinkable.

This may have been how journalism was perceived in the past, but that is no longer the case (if it ever was). The idea that the government or a political party might buy up enough advertising space or provide other incentives so that a newspaper editor would think twice about running a story contrary to the government’s position was not even a consideration. The view was that newspaper writers, editors, or the owners couldn’t be bribed or converted to one cause or another seems to not enter the author’s mindscape. The idea that the newspapers of today would become advocacy conduits for one set of beliefs held by the government over another set of beliefs seemed farfetched in 1928. Now it seems unthinkable that it would be any other way.

Propaganda is a form of public opinion manipulation involving the creation of a specific narrative that aligns with a political agenda. It uses techniques like nudging, repetition, emotional appeals, selective information, and hypnotic language patterns to influence the subconscious mind, thereby bypassing critical thinking and shaping beliefs and values.

Propaganda is made up of truth, almost truths, half-truths, truth out of context as well as false truths. Its purpose is not necessarily evil, but it is always meant to manipulate the mental state of those receiving it. This is an important concept that this classic book makes over and over again. Governments and organizations use propaganda for good and evil.

The distribution of “truthful” or “untruthful” information which causes the recipient to become wary or skeptical of the government and its intentions is defined by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as malinformation. Information which may or may not be truthful but differs from the US Government’s approved narrative at that point in time is defined by DHS as misinformation. Either DHS-defined malinformation or misinformation which is being distributed for a political purpose is defined as disinformation. Under the Biden administration, DHS defines the spreading of mis- dis- or malinformation as domestic terrorism, which then technically allows various laws, policies, and US government programmatic infrastructure to “counter” such information and those who distribute it to be deployed in response.

In general, propaganda is classified by colors: White, Gray, and Black Propaganda.

White Propaganda:

  • White propaganda is a type of propaganda where the producer of the material is clearly marked and indicated, and the purpose of the information is transparent.
  • White Propaganda is commonly known as marketing and public relations.
  • White Propaganda involves communicating a message from a known source to a recipient (typically the public or some targeted sub-audience).
  • White Propaganda is mainly based on the fact, although the whole truth is often not told.

Gray Propaganda:

  • Gray Propaganda is the communication of a false narrative or story from an unattributed or hidden source.
  • The messenger may be known, but the true source of the message is not.
  • By avoiding source attribution, the viewer becomes unable to determine the creator or motives behind the message. This is common practice in modern corporate media, in which unattributed sources are often cited.
  • An example of gray propaganda would be placing news stories in news outlets instead of buying ads to directly appeal to the intended audience. This is also common practice, extending to “ghostwriting” of entire articles by corporations or advocacy groups which are then published as if originating from independent news outlet analysis and writing.
  • When using gray propaganda, a message or false narrative coming through the news media appears to be neutral, thus believable, whereas the direct appeal from someone who is clearly an opponent of the target (person or organization) or advocate of the promoted message would be unbelievable.
  • Astroturfing, the use of fake organized “grassroots” movements to spread a message or false narrative —is an example of gray propaganda.
  • Operation Mockingbird, the large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and manipulated domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes, often employed Gray Propaganda.

Black Propaganda:

  • Black propaganda is designed to create the impression that it was created by those it is intended to discredit.
  • Black Propaganda is typically used to vilify or embarrass an opponent or enemy through misrepresentation.
  • The major characteristic of black propaganda, when effective, is that the recipient (audience) is not aware that someone is influencing them, and therefore does not feel pushed in a certain direction.
  • Black propaganda purports to emanate from a source other than the true source. This is the type of propaganda most often associated with covert psychological operations.
  • Sometimes the source is concealed or credited to a false authority and used to spread lies, fabrications, and deceptions.
  • Black propaganda is the “Big Lie,” including all types of creative deceit.
  • Black propaganda relies on the willingness of the receiver to accept the credibility of the source. If the creators or senders of the black propaganda message do not adequately understand their intended audience, the message may be misunderstood, seem suspicious, or fail altogether.

Examples of Black Propaganda:

  • Declassified documents have revealed that the British government ran a secret “black propaganda” campaign for decades, targeting Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia with leaflets and reports from fake sources aimed at destabilizing Cold War enemies by encouraging racial tensions, sowing chaos, inciting violence and reinforcing anti-communist ideas.
  • The US DoD Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) (now renamed and restructured as “Office of Information Activities”) was specifically designed to propagate black propaganda.
    • The Office of Information Activities (OIA) currently resides within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict with responsibility for policy oversight of military psychological operations activities.
    • Following 9-11, the US DoD organized and implemented the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI), which maintained a mission described by the New York Times as “circulating classified proposals calling for aggressive campaigns that use[d] not only the foreign media and the Internet, but also covert operations.”[
    • At the time, Pentagon officials said that the OSI was to pursue ‘a broad mission ranging from ‘black’ campaigns that use disinformation and other covert activities to ‘white’ public affairs that rely on truthful news releases.’Therefore, OSI’s operations were intended to include black propaganda activities.
    • OSI’s operations included contacting and emailing media, journalists, and community leaders with information that would counter foreign governments and organizations that are hostile to the United States. In doing so, the emails would be masked by using addresses ending with .com as opposed to using the standard Pentagon address of .mil, and hide any involvement of the US government and the Pentagon.

With the advent of computational technology, particularly the internet – the ability of many different factions to use propaganda has grown exponentially.

Computational propaganda can be described as an “emergent form of political manipulation that occurs over the Internet” (Woolley and Howard, Computational Propaganda. Political Parties, Politicians, and Political Manipulation on Social Media, 2018, p. 3). Computational algorithmic propaganda is used in social media – on blogs, forums, and other websites that involve participation and discussion.

This type of propaganda is often executed through data mining and algorithmic bots, which are usually created and controlled by advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning. By exploiting these tools, computational propaganda can pollute information and rapidly spread false news around the internet (Woolley and Howard, 2018).

The European Parliament has defined computational propaganda as “the use of algorithms, automation, and human curation to purposefully distribute misleading information over social media networks.” 

One can easily detect a major issue with this definition. Remember, the classic definition of propaganda is that it can composed of truths and untruths meant to coerce and manipulate for good or evil. However, the working definition of “computational propaganda” is that it is only comprised of “misleading” information meant for nefarious (evil) purposes. Does this mean that if a government uses computational algorithms to manipulate via truthful information then this is not computational propaganda?

By using this narrow definition, which has spread throughout academia and the internet, the European Parliament has defined propaganda to include only malicious “misinformation.” Hence, computational methods to spread good information would not be included in their definition of computational propaganda. Was this an intentional oversight? Most likely not.

Truth be told, it isn’t just “bad actors” who are using computational propaganda. Examples abound of how these technologies are being discussed and have been used across the world by governments to induce people to eat better, stop smoking, or even how to behave in public spaces. This is generally referred to as “Nudge” technologies.

The problem is that, historically, those who employ propaganda will use whatever means are necessary to achieve their ends. Even when propaganda is in the service of doing good and is backed up by experts in the field. Propaganda aims to control our thoughts and behaviors. The propagandist measures success by “effectiveness.” Propagandists will use whatever tools they are allowed to use to achieve those ends. Currently, there are no government regulations on just how far they are allowed to go. In fact, it is rarely acknowledged that these tools are even being used.

The tools available to modern propagandists have become increasingly sophisticated. Not only are we being subjected to data mining of the personal information which are freely available via the web to use against us, but these data are being combined with behavioral tools such as nudging, neuro-linguistic programing, hypnosis, visualization, repetitive imagery, and messaging, which are often employed through the use of bots and trolls.

Here is a safety tip: never participate in free, online questionnaires or games. The organizations that create these activities are selling your answers and your email or Facebook address/personal information to interested third parties. This is one method of data mining that we should all be familiar with.

Over the last three years of the COVIDcrisis, propaganda methods based on advanced applied psychology have been developed and successfully deployed to coerce people into taking experimental vaccine products, wearing paper masks that are not effective in preventing viral infection or transmission, and quarantining or “lock down.” We have all lived through the effects of this massive propaganda campaign, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Psyops: When propaganda techniques are used by the military, intelligence agencies, or the police, it is referred to as psyops. Psyops can be used by governments against a foreign population (PsyWar) or against the citizens of a government (domestically).

There is a misconception that the US Government does not conduct propaganda on its domestic population. This may have once been the case, but no longer. According to the US Department of Defense “Psychological Operations Manual” of 2010, in the case of domestic crisis management the DoD can become involved in Psyops operations against civilian citizens during times of crisis management. The manual states:

“When authorized, PSYOP forces may be used domestically to assist lead federal agencies during disaster relief and crisis management by informing the domestic population.”

Although many believed that the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 banned the use of propaganda by the US government, nothing is further from the truth. The Smith-Mundt Act only applied to specific media outlets developed by the US Government for foreign markets, and only to the US State Department and to the relatively obscure Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). Furthermore, most of the prior restrictions placed by that act were repealed or amended in 2013. There is nothing that stops the US Government (including CIA and DoD) from propagandizing the American people. Our government, media, universities, and medical establishments are just a few of the domestic organizations that routinely use propaganda.

Between 1975 to 1976, a wide range of CIA operations (including CIA ties with journalists) were examined in a series of Congressional investigations (the “Church Committee”). The most extensive discussion of CIA relations with news media from these investigations is in the Church Committee’s final report, published in April 1976. The report covered CIA ties with both foreign and domestic news media.

For foreign news media, the report concluded that:

The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.

For domestic media, the report states:

Approximately 50 of the [Agency] assets are individual American journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. Of these, fewer than half are “accredited” by U.S. media organizations … The remaining individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives abroad … More than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial publishing houses formerly provided cover for CIA agents abroad. A few of these organizations were unaware that they provided this cover.

Journalist Carl Bernstein, writing in an October 1977 article in the magazine Rolling Stone, said that the Church Committee report covered up CIA relations with news media, and named a number of journalists and organizations whom CIA officers he interviewed said worked with the CIA. A copy of that article, titled “THE CIA AND THE MEDIA How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up” can be found here via the wayback machine.

Many believe that the CIA is prohibited from deploying modern propaganda and surveillance technologies on US Citizens, but that is not the case. In prior years, there have been various directives to this effect, for example:

According to the final Church Committee report, former CIA director William Colby told the committee that in 1973 he had issued instructions that “As a general policy, the Agency will not make any clandestine use of staff employees of U.S. publications which have a substantial impact or influence on public opinion.”

In response to the pressure from the emerging Church Committee findings, in February 1976 CIA Director George H. W. Bush announced an even more restrictive policy: “Effective immediately, CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station.

The final Church Committee report also stated that all CIA contacts with accredited journalists had been dropped at the time of publication. The Committee noted, however, that “accredited correspondent” meant the ban was limited to individuals “formally authorized by contract or issuance of press credentials to represent themselves as correspondents” and that non-contract workers who did not receive press credentials, such as stringers or freelancers, were not included.

Here is what congressional law (National Security Act of 1947) has to say about domestic CIA activities (clause from SEC. 104A. (50 U.S.C. 3036):

RESPONSIBILITIES.—The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall—

(1) collect intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate means, except that the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall have no police, subpoena, or law enforcement powers or internal security functions;

(2) correlate and evaluate intelligence related to the national security and provide appropriate dissemination of such intelligence;

(3) provide overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside the United States through human sources by elements of the intelligence community authorized to undertake such collection and, in coordination with other departments, agencies, or elements of the United States Government which are authorized to undertake such collection, ensure that the most effective use is made of resources and that appropriate account is taken of the risks to the United States and those involved in such collection; and

(4) perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President or the Director of National Intelligence may direct. 

So while “internal security functions” were specifically prohibited by Congressional legislation, Congress provided the administrative state and the Executive (President) a back door to authorize the CIA do pretty much whatever they want it to do.

The American Civil Liberties Union followed up on the related issue of domestic CIA spying in a 2015 investigation and report titled “New Docs Raise Questions About CIA Spying Here at Home.” While links to many of the key cited documents have been deleted by today’s ACLU, they can be found at other sources such as the CIA’s Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. While the article is from 2015, subsequent executive actions and legislation only appear to have increased the authority of the intelligence community including the CIA to engage in domestic surveillance (directly and via the FBI), censorship, and propaganda activities.

The current debate about government surveillance has largely overlooked the CIA, possibly because we know little about the agency’s activities within the United States. While the relevant legal authorities governing the CIA, including Executive Order 12333, set out the CIA’s mandate, they do so in broad terms. Beyond the generalities in EO 12333 and other laws, the public has had few opportunities to examine the rules governing the CIA’s activities.

The Most Important Surveillance Order We Know Almost Nothing About

But we know more today than we did a few weeks ago. In response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the ACLU and Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic, the CIA has released a slew of documents concerning CIA surveillance under EO 12333. (The Justice Department has also recently released a set of documents related to the executive order.)

The national debate in the 1970s about the proper limits of US government spying on its own citizens was, to a large extent, about the CIA. In the wake of the Watergate scandal and news stories about other illegal CIA activity, President Gerald Ford and Congress launched investigations into the full range of CIA misdeeds — from domestic spying programs and infiltration of leftist organizations to experimentation on non-consenting human subjects and attempts to assassinate foreign leaders.

Although the CIA’s legal authority to spy on Americans was very narrow, these investigative committees — chaired by Sen. Frank Church, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and Rep. Otis Pike — discovered that the CIA had engaged in a massive domestic spying project, “Operation CHAOS,” which targeted anti-war activists and political dissenters. The committee reports also revealed that, for more than 20 years, the CIA had indiscriminately intercepted and opened hundreds of thousands of Americans’ letters. In addition to documenting the intelligence agencies’ extensive violations of the law, the Church Committee concluded that the constitutional system of checks and balances “has not adequately controlled intelligence activities.“

The Church Committee’s conclusion — at core, an admonition — still resonates today. While the documents that the CIA has released are heavily redacted, raising more questions than they answer, they strongly suggest that the agency’s domestic activities are extensive.

Some highlights from the documents:

A key CIA regulation — titled “AR 2-2”  governs the conduct of the CIA’s activities, which include domestic intelligence collection.

AR 2-2, which has never been publicly released before, includes rules governing a wide range of activities, including surveillance of US persons, human experimentation, contracts with academic institutions, relations with journalists and staff of US news media, and relations with clergy and missionaries.

Several annexes to AR 2-2 contain the agency’s EO 12333 implementing procedures. For example, Annex A, “Guidance for CIA Activities Outside the United States,” sets forth the procedures that apply to CIA activity directed toward US citizens and permanent residents who are abroad. Much of the relevant information is redacted. Annex F, “Procedures Governing Conduct and Coordination by CIA and DEA of Narcotics Activities Abroad,” is similarly redacted in key sections, including the section discussing the agencies’ “Specific Agreement Concerning Electronic Surveillance.”

The documents indicate that the CIA engages in a wide array of domestic activity, often in conjunction with the FBI.

Domestically, the CIA’s spying is governed by Annex B to AR 2-2, “Guidance for CIA Activities Within the United States.” This document explains:

Although EO 12333, AR 2-2, and Annex B prohibit the agency from engaging in electronic surveillance within the United States, the CIA can nevertheless ask the FBI to do its bidding:

Annex B and the CIA-FBI memorandum of understanding comport with past reporting that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorized the FBI to work with the CIA to collect Americans’ financial records in bulk under Patriot Act Section 215.

In addition, Annex B explains that the CIA may “use a monitoring device within the United States under circumstances in which a warrant would not be required for law enforcement purposes if the CIA General Counsel concurs.”

But what qualifies as a “monitoring device?” And how exactly does monitoring differ from “electronic surveillance,” which the CIA is prohibited from doing domestically? We don’t know. In the newly released documents, the definition of “monitoring” (as distinct from “electronic surveillance”) is redacted.​

The CIA also turned over several years’ worth of annual reports to Congress about the agency’s activities under EO 12333. These reports begin by discussing “Intelligence Activities Conducted by CIA Within the United States.” This header is followed by dozens of entirely redacted pages — once again suggesting that the agency is engaged in a significant amount of intelligence activity here at home. ​

The rules for the handling of Americans’ information are so complex that the CIA struggled to apply them properly.

A 2002 report by the CIA inspector general, “Intelligence Activity Assessment: Compliance with Executive Order 12333: The Use of [redacted] Collection [redacted] from 1995–2000,” observed “a general and widespread lack of understanding” within the CIA of the rules governing the retention and sharing of US citizens’ and permanent residents’ information. In particular, the OIG found that few managers or other officers “could accurately state the appropriate procedures for retaining or disseminating U.S. person information,” and it concluded that these rules were “not being applied consistently” by the agency.

It benefits our government for people to believe that the US Government does not use propaganda against its own people, but nothing could be further from the truth. Furthermore, through the reciprocal spying and intelligence sharing terms and conditions of the Five Eyes Alliance (FVEY), any barriers to domestic spying and propaganda activities that one of the FVEY intelligence agencies encounters can be circumvented by working with another member.

By combining propaganda with techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, bots, big data, and controlled messaging, do “we the people” even have individual beliefs, or is everything we think manipulated? If that is the case, what does this mean for democracy?

When a government decides to wage PsyWar on its own citizens, then the fundamentals and concepts of free agency, sovereignty, voting integrity and representative democracy become irrelevant.

If we wish to remain independent thinkers and preserve our ability to learn, think, and debate issues we must become warriors in the fight against propaganda.

A Real World Example of How the USG Propaganda System Works to Control

Johns Hopkins University, in conjunction with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the CDC, The UN, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the CIA as well as world leaders and mainstream media (MSM), held a series of Pandemic war games that occurred over the span of decades. The outcome of these exercises usually ended with the conclusion that there is a need to control populations in the case of a biothreat, during which behavioral modification and Psyops techniques would be used to enforce cooperation from the populace.

Even now, one can wander over to the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security website and see their current projects include an analysis of “anti-misinformation actions,’“ which they call the “Environment of Misinformation.” In March 2021, this center published a report entitled “National Priorities to Combat Misinformation and Disinformation for COVID-19 and Future Public Health Threats: A Call for a National Strategy.” In that report, they laid out some of the plans that governments across the world enacted during COVID-19.

Ensure a whole-of-nation response through multisector and multiagency collaboration

  • Ensure multisector collaboration in the development of a national strategy to combat public health misinformation through collective planning with social media, news media, government, national security officials, public health officials, scientists, the public, and others.

National Priorities to Combat Misinformation and Disinformation for COVID-19 and Future Public Health Threats: A Call for a National Strategy

  • Increase coordination across the range of government stakeholders and conduct a cross-governmental analysis of efforts and responsibilities for managing health-related misinformation and disinformation in order to streamline and organize efforts. Key US agencies include the Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Homeland Security as well as intelligence agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Encourage active, transparent, nonpartisan intervention from social media and news media companies to identify and remove, control the spread of, and curtail generators of false information.”

Note the first sentence advocates both a “whole-of-nation” and “multiagency” response and collaboration. That would include the Department of Defense as well as all branches of US intelligence. The next section specifically mentions the DoD and intelligence becoming more involved in combating misinformation and disinformation, not only for COVID-19 but for FUTURE public health threats.

The truth is that world leaders, governments, Big Media, Big Pharma, social media, and tech giants are already busy planning out the next pandemic response. In fact, they are again weaponizing masks (and even banking!), and collecting up COVID case counts by more and more testing to ramp up the sales and marketing (eg propaganda) for new “booster” vaccines. This planning includes all of our intelligence agencies. In fact, on the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security webpage titled “CURRENT PROJECTS, the Working Group on Readying Populations for COVID-19 Vaccine” lists two of its working group members as IQT (In-Q-Tel), which is the CIA’s private investment firm. This shows just how completely the CIA has captured the public health complex. This group’s mission includes “an agenda to guide the aggregation, generation, and translation of research about the social, behavioral, and communication challenges anticipated with COVID-19 vaccine.” This is evidence that the CIA, through IQT, is involved in working with non-profit agencies to create propaganda campaigns against the American people.

So, isn’t it time for those of us who believe there is a better way to live than to be controlled, to plan out responses and measures to combat all these draconian measures? To develop countermeasures that could be utilized to a bio-threat that do not employ censorship, propaganda, mandates, and behavioral modification techniques. You know, the old-fashioned way where the government relies on people to use their own critical thinking skills to assess what is best for themselves and their families after getting and examining all the relevant information available.

A collective group discussion concerning both how “we” were and are still being controlled, nudged, censored and lied to during the COVID-19 pandemic is in order. Because these efforts to control through behavioral modification and propaganda are only increasing throughout our digital world.

Truth and Propaganda:

Stella Morabito, author of the article “Truth or Propaganda” defines 10 questions one should ask to distinguish between truth and propaganda. A “yes” answer to any of these questions should make one wary of the source of the information.

1.     Is your natural curiosity being suppressed? Whether the debate is about global warming or gender-neutral bathrooms, or anything else, if you have a nagging question or concern that is being cut off or shouted down, this is a clear sign you are being force-fed propaganda.

2.     Are you being threatened with slurs or labels? Might you risk being called “bigot” or “hater” or “flat-earther” or worse if you simply express a personal preference? If so, you are in propaganda territory. Name-calling serves two purposes for propagandists: (1) it shuts down free inquiry and debate, and (2) it psychologically manipulates you through a fear of being “tarred-and-feathered.”

3.     Do you feel you will be ostracized if you ask a question or express a politically incorrect view? The threat of ostracism is probably the oldest manipulative trick in aid of mind control. We are hardwired from infancy to avoid social isolation, which is why peer pressure is such a powerful force. This is also why solitary confinement is among the most dreaded of punishments. Political correctness depends on inciting the primal human fear of loneliness.

4.     Do you notice a “herd effect” as people shift their opinions to adapt to a politically correct opinion? When others don’t feel comfortable having a real conversation with you, you’re living in a propaganda stew. Perhaps you see a classmate whom you were able to chat with earlier in the year but who has “evolved” with the program to the point that you can’t talk earnestly anymore. Maybe you notice how another classmate is excessively tentative in her speech and tone, a precautionary measure to avoid saying something “unacceptable.”

5.     Are you being pigeonholed as a result of your question or opinion? Today’s propaganda often deconstructs your humanity by way of a scorecard that rates your level of privilege or oppression, based on skin color, class, family make-up, sexuality, “gender identity,” and a whole host of “intersectionality” components. Sadly, officials who promote “diversity and equality” are trained to ignore your humanity as an integrated individual so they can view you as a composite of bits and pieces of identity politics.

6.     Do you sense that if you express ideas freely, you will be labeled a nutcase? Do you sense relational aggression at play? Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that is used by wife-beaters as well as cult leaders. It is a natural byproduct of unchecked propaganda, too. The tactics of gaslighting are basically twofold. First, to get you to doubt your sanity, or at least get you to think you are utterly alone in your perceptions of the world. (Consider the constant use of the term phobia by today’s propagandists.) Second, gaslighters make a point of regulating and controlling the personal relationships of their victims so they feel even more isolated and dependent.

7.     Will others be “triggered” by your opinion? If so, you are likely in a propaganda pocket: an “inquiry-free zone.” Emotional maturity has a lot to do with an individual’s ability to adapt. But propagandists see such maturity as a threat to their agendas. In fact, anything that enhances friendship or real understanding gets in the way of propaganda. Those who are “triggered” by a different opinion—who shut down emotionally by it—tend to be both the victims and the purveyors of propaganda.

8.     Are you expected to trade in reality to prop up somebody’s illusion? One common example is the requirement that you adhere to pronoun protocols, even those that insist you refer to an individual with the plural pronouns they and them. This is a prime example of propaganda messing with your mind by messing with everybody’s language. No common language, no common reality, no communication. People end up even more isolated, unmoored in alternative realities that destabilize a sense of self.

9.     Are you tempted to self-censor to avoid social punishment? Or are you tempted to falsify what you believe to gain social rewards? These two reactions build something called a “spiral of silence” that facilitates propaganda by creating the illusion of an opinion shift. It separates and isolates those who hold politically incorrect opinions by inducing them—through fear of social rejection—to engage in self-censorship or to pretend to be on board with the program.

10.  Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck in a cult? Unchecked propaganda is cultlike in nature because it suppresses free inquiry and pushes utter conformity of thought. It also incorporates a lot of features of cults, including the use of deception, psychological manipulation, behavior modification, mind-hacking, divide-and-conquer tactics, social polarization, relational aggression, gaslighting, language control, and much more.”


This article was published by the Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Biden Announces $100 Million In Aid To Gaza Days After Hamas Stole Humanitarian Supplies thumbnail

Biden Announces $100 Million In Aid To Gaza Days After Hamas Stole Humanitarian Supplies

By Reagan Reese

Pesident Joe Biden announced Wednesday that the United States will be sending $100 million in aid to the West Bank and Gaza just days after the terrorist organization Hamas stole humanitarian supplies.

Biden, during his visit to Israel to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to the country while they are at war with Hamas. The aid package announced by Biden comes after the United Nations organization reported that its fuel and medical supplies meant for Palestinian refugees were reportedly stolen by Hamas, according to the Times of Israel. (RELATED: Biden Says It Would Be ‘Big Mistake’ For Israel To Occupy Gaza, Hamas Doesn’t Represent Palestinians)

“Today I am also announcing $100 million in new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank,” Biden said. “This money will support more than one million displaced in the conflict affecting Palestinians including emergency needs in Gaza.”

The president said he spoke with the Israeli cabinet and asked them to ensure that the humanitarian aid meant for Gaza civilians reached them rather than Hamas.

“Let me be clear, if Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people, and it will end,” Biden said. “As a practical matter, it will stop the international community from being able to provide this aid.

Biden announces $100M in humanitarian aid in Gaza and West Bank. @mattriversabc: “On Israel’s part that would entail allowing aid to go into Gaza and presumably would entail Israel stopping the air strikes that have pummeled the southern part of Gaza near the Egyptian Border.”

The president included that the United States will make sure that Israel has what it needs to continue its war against Hamas and will continue to fund the Iron Dome, the country’s missile defense system.

Biden’s trip was originally supposed to include a visit to Jordan to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Majesty King Abdullah II, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to discuss humanitarian aid to Gaza. The trip was cancelled, however, after Gaza hospital was bombed and the perpetrator has not yet been confirmed.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit: Wikimedia commons


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Former CIA Boss Has No Regrets About Rigging 2020 With Hunter Biden Laptop Lies thumbnail

Former CIA Boss Has No Regrets About Rigging 2020 With Hunter Biden Laptop Lies

By Joy Pullmann

Of course, former CIA Director Leon Panetta is not sorry. Lying to Americans and the press works, baby.

President Obama’s CIA Director Leon Panetta said, “No, I don’t have any regrets,” when Fox News’ Bret Baier asked him Friday about signing an October 2020 letter that pushed misinformation that affected the presidential election. The letter signed by 51 former top U.S. intelligence officials falsely claimed a Hunter Biden laptop containing evidence of Biden family corruption instead looked like foreign “disinformation.”

Polling indicatesif Joe Biden voters had learned of the laptop’s contents before they cast their votes in 2020, 17 percent would have changed their votes. That’s enough to have reversed the presidential results.

Panetta excused using his intelligence credentials to influence a presidential election by telling Baier, “Well, Bret, look, I was extremely concerned about, uh, Russian, uh, interference and misinformation. And we all know intelligence agencies discovered that Russia had continued to push disinformation across the board. And my concern was to kind of alert the public to be aware that these disinformation efforts went on. And frankly, I haven’t seen any evidence from any intelligence agency that that was not the case.”

Earlier this year, Special Counsel John Durham published a 316-page report showing the Russian disinformation hype that consumed the Donald Trump presidency was a Democrat Party information operation fed to willing U.S. intelligence agencies based on manufactured falsehoods. Earlier reporting and investigations had already demonstrated this reality for years.

Durham documented that President Obama, Joe Biden, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew on Aug. 3, 2016, about the Clinton campaign’s plans to run the Russian disinformation operation. They all knew it was a hoax before intelligence officials they oversaw started seeding the hoax in complicit media through carefully selected leaks. That makes the Russian collusion narrative U.S. government disinformation. And Panetta is still running it.

Brennan also signed the Hunter Biden disinformation letter Panetta signed and now refuses to disavow. The Federalist exclusively reported earlier this year that CIA officials recruited letter signatories and the CIA approved it before its publication. While a senior adviser to Biden’s presidential campaign, former Obama national security official and current U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also reached out to sitting CIA officials to recruit letter signatories and support.

Yet when Baier pushed him on the letter one last time, Panetta responded by trying to cover up one discredited, government-laundered disinformation operation with another one: “No, I don’t have any regrets about not trusting the Russians.”

Of course he’s not sorry. Lying to Americans and the press works, baby. Not one Democrat or intelligence official has had to pay a serious price for weaponizing U.S. intelligence agencies into partisan actors, a harbinger of totalitarianism. Why would they regret what works so well? Worst-case scenario, they may have to endure hearings in Congress that never result in firings, loss of funds, or restrictions on their powers.

Panetta surely knows that intelligence actors like him have massive control over what Americans know about public affairs, and thus election results. They can lie until the cows come home, and nobody whose voice is allowed to be heard will call them on it. It’s this dynamic that so conveniently boosts their power.

vast array of often government-funded “nonprofit” intelligence agency cutouts flag narratives that damage Democrats and pressure internet monopolies to turn down their volume. That’s the subject of a massive First Amendment case currently before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Just scratch the surface of any of these third-party information filters to see that they work to censor true and fairly debatable ideas. This includes censoring facts that show Panetta and those like him are far bigger purveyors of misinformation and disinformation than right-wing media, onto whom they project their own wickedness. For example, just this week the narrative-sifting tech organization VineSight flagged these themes as “misinformation or toxic narratives”:

  • “MAGA movement was able to make election fraud a top voters issue”
  • “The 2020 election was stolen and now Democrats are trying to interfere with 2024”
  • “Republicans should focus on Democrats not stealing the 2024 election”
  • and “Democrats are trying to interfere with the election.”

So-called fact-checkers use VineSight’s AI-combed information to choke the spread of ideas online, which surely will happen to this very article. Notably, VineSight’s “report” on “misinformation” flagged a tweet from Rep. Jim Jordan, who days later won the Republican conference vote for House speaker: “What’s happening in New York to President Trump with Alvin Bragg and Letitia James is election interference. Pure and simple.”

This web of entities ultimately helps U.S. intelligence agencies manipulate the elected officials who are supposed to oversee them, and the voters who are supposed to oversee those elected officials. If our nation’s affairs aren’t actually run by elected officials, but intelligence agencies who selectively inform them into everything from wars to overthrowing governments, we’re not a democracy, folks.

We’re more than a decade into publicly available evidence of this situation now, and Congress is still “investigating.” Not just the Spygate saga but also the Hunter Biden laptop saga involves multiple uses of federal spy agency power to rig elections for Democrats. Remember, Obama was able to spy on his party’s top political opponent and that opponent’s personal attorney due to the false pretexts the FBI fed a secret court.

Besides the former intel officials’ letter, the FBI also lied to internet monopolies about the laptop’s authenticity, according to lawsuit disclosures and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. This caused internet monopolies to censor non-leftist news sources when they reported on the laptop before the 2020 election.

Nearly a year-and-a-half later, after the damage was done, The New York Times finally reported, likely without government censure, that it had verified the laptop was authentic. That once again confirmed multiple former and current U.S. intelligence personnel had lied in a transparent attempt to influence election results.

The timeline of the FBI’s knowledge of the laptop indicates the FBI used its “investigation” as a coverup on behalf of the Bidens, not an investigation, for years. That laptop is now a key trove of evidence in congressional investigations into Biden family members accepting massive bribes for access to first the vice president and now the president of the United States.

Yes, we’re getting an impeachment inquiry out of this, but while the inquiry shakes out, Democrats have the president’s power, and boy are they using it. It might even be convenient for Democrats to ditch a Biden with horrifically low approval ratings who can’t speak coherently for a fresh tyrant like California Gov. Gavin Newsom that the media can go on to lacquer with lies half of the populace will believe because Democrats say so.

While U.S. intelligence is bringing its foreign election-rigging operations stateside, it’s failing to identify conflicts that could launch World War III. There is no justification for any elected official to allow this — except if they’re part of the election protection racket.


This article was published by The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit: youtube screen shot of Fox News by The Federalist


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Nonprofit Head Bragged About Hosting Chinese Police Station Right In Front Of NYC Mayor Eric Adams thumbnail

Nonprofit Head Bragged About Hosting Chinese Police Station Right In Front Of NYC Mayor Eric Adams

By The Daily Caller

The chairman of a New York City nonprofit bragged about housing an allegedly illegal Chinese police station in front of Mayor Eric Adams during a 2022 gala, video footage shows.

At the America ChangLe Association’s 24th anniversary banquet, its chairman, Lu Jianshun, took the stage and said the organization had established a “Fuzhou Police Department” within its headquarters, footage from the Sept. 26, 2022 event shows. The video also shows Adams was sitting in the front row.

“In 2020, we collaborated with the Changle District Court to establish a so-called Changle Overseas Chinese Dispute Litigation Center for Foreign Affairs and to help our fellow Changlenese to fight for judicial rights and interests,” Lu Jianshun said during his 2022 banquet speech, which was translated into English as he spoke, footage shows.

“At the very beginning of the year of 2022, in order to better implement the motherland government’s policy of benefitting the Overseas Chinese, our councilor of our association — which part of the — our councilor of our association, Mr. Lu Jianwang was invited to participate in the opening of ‘The World End Of The World,’ which is Overseas 110 network platform founded by the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau, and was also entrusted to set up the Fuzhou Police Department in the Changle Association of America,” Lu Jianshun said.

The United States District Court in the Eastern District of New York unsealed a complaint in April 2023 charging two members of America Changle Association — one of whom was Lu Jianshun’s brother, Lu Jianwang — with conspiring to act as agents of the People’s Republic of China and crimes related to opening and operating an illegal overseas police station.

9/26/2022 – With @NYCMayor Eric Adams seated just feet away, America Changle Association’s head used an English translator to say that the “FUZHOU PUBLIC SECURITY BUREAU” entrusted Lu Jianwang to “set up the FUZHOU POLICE DEPARTMENT” within their NYC nonprofit@DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/8qdENmOq2T

— Philip Lenczycki 蔡岳 (@LenczyckiPhilip) October 20, 2023

The Eastern District of New York’s unsealed complaint states that “Lu Jianwang and others” operated an “unofficial police station” on behalf of the Fuzhou branch of China’s “primary domestic law enforcement agency,” the Ministry of Public Security. By January 2022, the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau had opened 30 such international police stations, dubbed “110 overseas stations,” according to the complaint.

The Ministry of Public Security ordered Lu Jianwang to “identify the locations of Chinese persons of interests in the United States,” including a dissident living in California, the complaint alleges.

The New York Post has reported that sources close to the mayor claim Adams was unaware of America Changle Association’s police station at the time of the nonprofit’s banquet. However, video footage shows Lu Jianshun discussing the police station and its operations during the gala, with Adams sitting front and center.

“We started a new division in our association, which is helping everybody to collect their driver’s license, to register and to get their ID card from their hometown,” Lu Jianshun said during the 2022 gala.

Later in the evening, Adams was welcomed on stage and delivered a speech praising America Changle Association, footage from the event shows. Adams was joined on stage by Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping, both of whom would later face federal charges, according to photos posted in an article by overseas.fjsen.com.

“This is such an important organization to empower our Chinese American community, particularly those from the Changle district in Fujian province,” Adams said during his speech at the 2022 banquet, footage from the event shows. “As a city, this is an important businessmen and women, you are the foundation of this community in general, but throughout this entire city.”

“Your organization has been instrumental in our efforts to provide life-sustaining support to our newest New Yorkers and their descendants,” Adams continued. “And, so, I celebrate you on this 24th anniversary for the cultural contributions and how you continue to make this city a great place to raise children and families.”

Adams also acknowledged the presence of several other New York Democratic politicians, footage from the event shows.

“I’m especially happy to share the table with our amazing councilwoman, Sandra Ung, and our great senator in the state of New York, Senator John Liu, who have strong voices speaking on behalf of your community,” Adams said.

After his speech, Adams presented Lu Jianshun with a “Certificate of Recognition,” according to event footage.

In addition to Adams, several of the other New York Democratic politicians or their representatives also took the stage during the banquet, footage shows. This included New York City Council member Sandra Ung, New York State Sen. John Liu and U.S. Rep. Grace Meng’s “community liaison,” Sydney Li, all of whom delivered speeches in Mandarin.

Winnie Greco, special assistant to Adams, also delivered a speech in Mandarin, footage from the event shows.

During her speech, Greco welcomed several staff members of Adams’ office as well as two New York Police Department officers to the stage, telling the audience to reach out to the mayor’s office for help with operating a small business or immigration matters, according to event footage.

In April 2023, the DCNF reported that Adams and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer attended an apparent 2022 fundraiser for Meng with Lu Jianwang at Crown One Restaurant in New York City.

Meng has attended multiple events alongside Lu Jianwang, including the September 2016 opening of America Changle Association’s Manhattan headquarters, the DCNF reported. During the event, Meng stood beside Lu Jianwang during the ribbon-cutting ceremony, photos from the event showed.

Adams, Greco, Meng, Li, Liu and Ung did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

America Changle Association, Chen and the Lu brothers could not be reached for comment.




EXCLUSIVE: US Venture Capital Firms Participated In Chinese Gov’t ‘Technology Transfer’ Contests

Prominent New York Democrats Cozied Up to Chinese Police Station

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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A Sleazy Little Means of Taking Over a GOP-Dominated Texas Legislature by Leftists from Team Obama thumbnail

A Sleazy Little Means of Taking Over a GOP-Dominated Texas Legislature by Leftists from Team Obama

By Amil Imani

In Texas politics, a Democrat named Hugh Brady, a lawyer appointed by President Obama to serve as general counsel for the White House Office of administration, and who held that position from 2014-2017, allegedly wields significant influence in the Texas House.

This is indeed a unique political scenario that has captured the attention of Texas watchers across the nation.

It’s relevant because Dade Phelan, a Republican Texas member of its state House of Representatives has been criticized by some county Republican Party groups and earned censure resolutions, as “teaming up with Democrats to kill our Republican priorities.”

These resolutions against Phelan are formal, public condemnations of a party official whose actions allegedly violate or oppose the party platform or legislative priorities. The Republican parties of Travis, Smith, Tarrant, EllisOrange, and Harris (and possibly other) counties have condemned Phelan for ignoring or opposing Republican priorities, appearing intoxicated while presiding over official House business, and pushing through the impeachment vote and voting to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Phelan has been criticized especially for appointing Democrat Party committee chairs, which had been something of a Texas-specific tradition but which was giving Democrats in the legislative minority majority-like powers. The Republican Party of Texas and other GOP activists called for him to end this tradition. Phelan’s decision to appoint Democrat committee chairs has been seen as a significant move as the party pressured Phelan into banning Democrat chairs outright. He ignored them and nine Democrats were given chairmanships, including Hugh Brady, who got the parliamentarian’s slot.

But to fully understand this unique scenario, we must examine Hugh Brady’s background and present role in Texas politics.

Hugh Brady’s journey into politics and law began with a promising legal career. His path took a pivotal turn when he was appointed as White House Counsel during the Obama administration, requiring him to provide legal advice to the president and make decisions on legal matters. He also had the power to make decisions on legal issues, which can significantly impact the actions and policies of the president and the White House. And this is exactly how he became a prominent figure in Democrat politics. In light of his role as White House Counsel, it is imperative to raise questions like – what responsibilities and powers come with this position, and how might they extend to a state legislature predominantly controlled by Republicans?

The unexpected nature of Brady’s influence in a state known for its conservative politics has raised many other questions. Here are some points on the historical context of party control in Texas and how this scenario departs from the norm:

  • Texas is renowned for its deep-rooted Republican political landscape.
  • The GOP has traditionally dominated the Texas House.
  • Dade Phelan’s decision to appoint Democrat committee chairs has departed from the norm of having committee chairs from the majority party.
  • Phelan’s appointment of Brady and his alleged influence in the GOP-dominated Texas House has left many wondering how such a situation could transpire and what it might signify for the future of Texas politics.

How did that affect the GOP majority? Take the case of GOP Rep. Brian Harrison’s vax mandate amendment, as it was pivotal.

Harrison proposed an amendment to Senate Bill 29, which sought to prohibit government implementation or enforcement of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

The proposed amendment should have passed easily in the Texas legislature but unexpectedly was killed off by Rep. Erin Zwiener, a Democrat, citing it as “not germane.”

That is strange stuff. After all, in a Republican-controlled Texas House, the power dynamics are typically straightforward. But with Democrats chairing committees, it’s as if Democrats are controlling the legislative agenda and poor Harrison couldn’t even get airtime for a vote.

Do you see how this situation challenges the established norms and what it means for the political landscape in Texas?

The rarity of a Democrat lawyer like Hugh Brady influencing what a Republican House can vote on merits has these ramifications.

Was it a scandal, or does it have a legitimate explanation?

Given the circumstance of this incident, one cannot help but question the legitimacy of Brady’s influence.

There are several possible explanations for how Democrat Hugh Brady came to be so influential in the GOP-dominated Texas House. More so because this was a scope provided by a Republican Dade Phelan, someone who cruised to victory to the House leadership position in a vote 145-3, secured by cutting across party lines, while some argue that his impact could be attributed to factors such as personal connections, political strategies, and policy priorities, yet a deeper examination of these aspects reveals a more troubling picture.

One of the most troubling aspects of Dade Phelan’s approach is his apparent willingness to work across party lines. Rather than upholding conservative principles and values, Phelan has been unapologetic about appointing Democrats as committee chairs. While seemingly designed to foster bipartisan collaboration, this tactic raises doubts about his loyalty to the Republican Party and its platform.

The allegations against Phelan are particularly alarming. Accusations of ignoring or opposing the party platform and legislative priorities and appearing inebriated while presiding over official House business point to a disturbing lack of commitment to the principles that conservative Republicans hold dear. His push for the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton further underscores his willingness to break from conservative ranks.

If these allegations prove accurate, they could signify a troubling level of mismanagement or corruption within the Texas House. Such behavior is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of the political system. If left unaddressed, Phelan’s actions can significantly alter the political landscape in the Texas House, thereby jeopardizing the values and priorities of conservative Republicans. Turning Texas blue, as the Democrats have fantasized about for years, could become a reality and they won’t even need to get the votes to do it.

In conclusion, the influence wielded by Hugh Brady, a Democrat, in a GOP-dominated House is a deeply disturbing development in Texas politics. The actions and decisions of a person with such close ties to the Democrat party raise questions about his commitment to conservative agendas. While cooperation across the aisle can be beneficial, it must not come at the expense of traditional values. The allegations against Phelan only add to the concerns, suggesting that mismanagement or corruption may be at play. Lately, voting for Republicans has been a flop because they are not true Republicans…whitewashed tombs come to mind.

Conservative Republicans must remain vigilant and steadfast in their commitment to their principles in the face of this challenging and unique political situation. Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is doing a yeoman’s job by seeking and endorsing solid conservative challengers to “Republican state representatives who voted to impeach him for the upcoming Republican primary.”

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

We The People Are Still Fighting America’s Communist Sympathizers 68 Years After the Vietnam War thumbnail

We The People Are Still Fighting America’s Communist Sympathizers 68 Years After the Vietnam War

By Dr. Rich Swier

For those of us who fought and served honorably during the Vietnam War there is still a struggle going on for the hearts and minds of the American people.

There is a rebranded form of Communism being fed to the American public by our government, the media, on social media, in our public schools, colleges, universities.

From the school house to the White House we are seeing power shifting from we the people to those holding political offices.

Our children are being indoctrinated by “collectivist mentality” teachers in our public schools nationwide.

Since the Vietnam War we are now fighting what I call the Red/Green/Rainbow alliance.

Red being the Communist sympathizers (e.g. BLM and Antifa), Green being the Islamist sympathizers (e.g. CAIR and pro-Hamas entities) and Rainbow being the LGBTQE+ sympathizers (e.g. Planned Parenthood and the entire Biden administration).

They all have the same goal—total control of and keep total control over we the people.

All of our federal agencies have now been weaponized and their primary targets are those who resist them and their mandates, policies and demands.

The Vietnam War continues against those in American politics, on university campuses, in business and serving in think tanks who are self-identified Communist sympathizers. The media has given them many names such as Statists, Socialists and Progressives.

Ayn Rand wrote a short nineteen page paper asking: What is the basic issue facing the world today? Rand, in her paper makes the case that, “The basic issue in the world today is between two principles: Individualism and Collectivism.” Rand defines these two principles as follows:

  • Individualism – Each man exists by his own right and for his own sake, not for the sake of the group.
  • Collectivism – Each man exists only by the permission of the group and for the sake of the group.

Ayn Rand wrote:

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

Today we are seeing this Red/Green/Rainbow alliance invigorated by the Biden absurdism of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity or DIE.

DIE is Communism writ large.

History of How We The People Got To This Point

As George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

To demonstrate how powerful these Communist sympathizers have become is best shown in a column by Tom Pauken, the founder of the National Student Committee for the Defense of Vietnam who served as a Military Intelligence officer in South Vietnam. In a column titled The Vietnam War: Still opposing the New Left at Home Pauken writes:

The LBJ Presidential Library is hosting a Vietnam War “Summit” from April 26-28. I put the word Summit in quotes because normally one would expect a true summit to reflect the major viewpoints associated with the event. That is not the case with this program about to unfold at the University of Texas.

The keynote speaker for the “Summit” is John Kerry who trashed his fellow American soldiers on national TV once he came home from Vietnam as a spokesman for the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Also prominently featured is Tom Hayden, a leader of the New Left who supported the North Vietnamese in that war and served as a useful tool for the Communists by making a trip to North Vietnam with his then wife actress Jane Fonda where propaganda film footage featuring Hayden and Fonda was made by the Communists. Hayden is featured in the session entitled the “War at Home.” There is no one represented on that panel from our Vietnam generation who opposed the New Left at home – even though our opposition to the student radicals from many of us as college students and our fellow soldiers was very strong at the time. I would have been open to discussing the other side of the war at home, but neither I nor others capable of representing our point of view were invited.

The Communist Ambassador from Vietnam to the U.S. is a speaker, but there appears to be no representation on the program from South Vietnamese refugees who are critics of the regime.

For “balance,” the Vietnam “Summit” features former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who was the architect of what became known as the Kissinger Accords, which paved the way for the North Vietnamese takeover of South Vietnam. Richard Armitage, former Deputy Secretary of State and a Naval Academy graduate who served three tours in Vietnam, resigned his military commission over Kissinger’s deal making. Armitage was not invited to be a speaker at the LBJ Library “Summit.” Nor was John O’Neill, another Naval Academy graduate and swift boat veteran of Vietnam (who graduated first in his class from the University of Texas Law School). O’Neill debated John Kerry on the war on the Dick Cavett TV show after both men returned from Vietnam. There are many other knowledgeable Vietnam Veterans, historians, and journalists who would have made themselves available to speak at a true summit, but who were not invited.

The guest list for LBJ Presidential Library Vietnam War Summit says it all. As Pauken concludes, “It is sad to see a prestigious institution like the LBJ Library miss an opportunity to have a real exchange of views about what went wrong in Vietnam and what lessons of history are to be learned from that war.”

It appears the ideal of collectivism is alive and well. Collectivism is what drives the followers of Marx, Mao and Mohammed. The new left is now in power. The war goes on.

UPDATE: Here are videos of the Vietnam War Summit hosted at the LBJ Library.

The Vietnam War Summit: An Evening with Henry Kissinger [Day 1]

The Vietnam War Summit: The War at Home [Day 2]

The Vietnam War Summit: Country Joe McDonald Performs “I Feel Like I’m Fixin’ to Die Rag” [Day 3]

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Some Good News for The Republican Party of Florida thumbnail

Some Good News for The Republican Party of Florida

By Christian Ziegler

With all the chaos occurring across the world and the focus on the back and forth of the Speakers race back home, I have some great news to share about the Republican Party back here in Florida.

Little background…On August 1st, the Florida Democrat Party launched and hyped a $1 Million statewide voter registration effort.

We had been curious how their efforts would impact the state voter registration numbers and with the state releasing the official numbers today, I will share there was an impact on voter registration… As The REPUBLICAN PARTY continued to EXPAND our voter registration lead by adding another 37,588 to our margin from September 1st to September 30th. Embarrassing for the Democrats, but well deserved considering just how vile and radical the Democrat Party has become. Read below for the full story of where Florida is trending!

In under five years, the political landscape of Florida has been transformed. In September alone, the Republican Party of Florida added another 37,588 to our voter registration advantage, bringing our lead over Democrats to 626,518 as of September 30. This isn’t just a shift; it’s a seismic movement. Florida doesn’t merely lean red; it radiates a deep, darker red.



“It’s evident that the Democrat Party is on the path to extinction in our state, and their recent initiatives, such as the ‘Take Back Florida’ campaign, seem more like a $1 million can of snake oil sold to their donors, rather than genuine outreach.

Despite the noise, the clear message is that Floridians cannot distance themselves fast enough from the radical Democrat Party. Why? Well, it turns out that allowing the invasion of our country from the south while indoctrinating, sexualizing & mutilating children as prominent members of their party carry Hamas’ water just isn’t popular in our state, and the monumental swing of 956,946 voter registrations toward the GOP since 2016 proves that.

This shift in voter registration is good news not just for us today but for my daughters’ generation as we further continue to establish a sanctuary of sanity and freedom here in Florida. With that said – while the momentum is no doubt on our side, there’s no room for complacency, and The Republican Party cannot relax until every Democrat is out of office and no Democrat considers running for office in Florida.”  – Christian Ziegler, FloridaGOP Chairman.


  • 956,946 Increase in Republican advantage since 2016
  • 349,145 Decrease in Democrat registration since 2016
  • 883,693 Increase in Republican advantage since 2018
  • 419,335 Decrease in Democrat registration since 2018
  • 242,564 Increase in Republican advantage since January 1, 2023
  • 371,608 Decrease in Democrat registration since January 1, 2023
  • 25 Counties have flipped from Democrat to Republican since January 2016
  • 15 Counties have flipped from Democrat to Republican since January 2018

2023. Christian Zeigler. All rights reserved.

CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM: Prince Reza Pahlavi and President  Donald Trump thumbnail

CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM: Prince Reza Pahlavi and President Donald Trump

By Amil Imani

Why should we support Reza Pahlavi? Because the Iranian people support him. He has the full support of Iranians inside Iran, and we must unconditionally respect their will. It would be a colossal mistake if we didn’t stand with him. Despite other opposition groups resorting to violence, Prince Pahlavi repeatedly has stated that “non-violent change is the only way to go.” “Change must come to Iran by civil disobedience and non-violence. I stress that. We can’t have change at any cost.

Surprisingly, I have noticed some similarities between Prince Reza Pahlavi and President Donald Trump. He was a successful billionaire who was happy with his empire and did not need the headache of becoming the President of the United States. But, it was his hobby, passion, and destiny to Make America Great Again.

Prince Pahlavi also led a comfortable life and did not need this distress. But something big, something more powerful, was calling him to fulfill his destiny. Although he pledged his oath to become the next in line as the Shah of Iran, he has said that he is not seeking the crown unless and until the Iranian people decide in his favor to do so. For now, his focus is not the revival of the Pahlavi dynasty, and on numerous occasions, he has stated that it is up to the people of Iran to decide their future form of government.

Pahlavi said, “After 45 years, he still finds exile painful. “I remember my childhood, I remember my country’s scenery, wherever I am in the world, I am reminded of it. I live and breathe my country. I want to do something for that piece of real estate I call home. That is my duty.”

Neither President Trump nor Prince Pahlavi was obligated to engage, endanger, and inconvenience their lives. But, they both were destined to be the agents of change. It would be fantastic to see a meeting between these two men, a landmark step toward regime change in Iran.

Iran has seen demonstrations before, but there was something extraordinary about the recent events: many protesters called Reza Pahlavi to return and even chanted: “Bring back the Shah.” This is incredible.

Pahlavi believes the people in Iran have “trust” in his “vision” for a future in Iran. He adds, ” They look up to me somehow because of my track record.” Indeed, his track record is impeccable, and he has always stated that it is up to the people of Iran to decide their destiny. Perhaps most Western media are unaware, but Pahlavi’s popularity in Iran has skyrocketed. They love him.

Like President Trump’s slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ Iranians want to make Iran great again. Compelled by the inalienable right of the people to institute their government and replace it when it fails to serve its citizens in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Millions of Iranians representing the entire spectrum of society are demanding change from a repressive theocracy to an open secular democracy.

President Trump has been an inspiration to all freedom-loving people around the world. In a very short time, he has become a symbol of liberty. The Iranian people, with Reza Pahlavi at the helm, hope to repeat Trump’s motto of MAGA. More than four decades of rule by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) has not only failed to advance the security and well-being of the people. It has ensnared the nation in a stifling theocracy where the rights of the governed are routinely violated for the benefit of the governing. Regime change is the only option to bring Iran back to the civilized world.

Prince Pahlavi guarantees equality to all its citizens and, therefore, demands no less than total adherence to the principle of unity in diversity, a unity of purpose that draws from the strength and uniqueness of its people.

Pahlavi said he wanted to see Iranians “determine their own fate out of their own free will” and praised U.S. President Donald Trump and his cabinet members for supporting the Iranian protesters.

In last year’s protests, “Iranians have made it very clear that they do not want the current regime, but they are unarmed and will not use violence. And so, civil disobedience becomes the best means of confrontation. When diplomacy fails, and war becomes an unfavorable option, people need to pressure the regime from the inside.”

Both President Trump and Prince Pahlavi want to make their country great. President Trump asked the American people to work together to make America great again. Let’s restore America to her rightful place as the exceptional leader of the free world rather than just another nation amongst many nations. He has already achieved his goal in under two years. Despite Prince Pahlavi’s love to make Iran great, the civilized world must realize that their interests are not with a group of frantic rapists and murderers but with a rational man who understands world diplomacy and will lead the Middle East to a beacon of peace. The Western world, including the United States, must fulfill Iran’s destiny. After all, they should take some responsibility for wreaking havoc on Iran.

Pahlavi will protect the legitimate rights of all minorities within Iran as enshrined and outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We have had enough of parochialism, discrimination, and oppression of minorities. No one in Iran will be disenfranchised based on any personal belief whatsoever.

In short, once this regime falls, it would be the greatest thing since the fall of Soviet communism. It would remove political Islam by creating a genuinely democratic, secular, and strong nation in tandem with Israeli democracy in the heart of the Islamic Ummah. It would answer a prayer just as much for the world as for Iranians.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

With U.S. Distracted, Biden Admin Quietly Funds Open Borders Allies thumbnail

With U.S. Distracted, Biden Admin Quietly Funds Open Borders Allies

By Family Research Council

Amid the prospect of a possible government shutdown over the fiscal 2024 budget, the Biden administration’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently announced $22 million in grants for organizations to “help prepare lawful permanent residents for naturalization.”

The announcement drew little attention. After all, helping legal immigrants become citizens hardly seems scandalous, compared with the crises Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has created. However, several organizations receiving money from USCIS through these grants actively prioritize the push for further dismantling of American immigration law over any sort of meaningful teachings of becoming an American citizen.

Under the guise of providing support for potential future U.S. citizens, the Biden administration is funding organizations that advocate for an immigration free-for-all.

The conflict of interest is clear. This open borders administration seems to be funding support for open border policies.

Naturalization for qualified permanent legal residents is a noble pursuit. However, in the middle of a tense debate on government funding, money ostensibly intended to help in the naturalization process going to organizations whose primary focus seems to be dismantling whatever is left of order in our immigration system ought to halt any future funding of such grants.

One of the organizations, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (formerly the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, but still known as CHIRLA) received $450,000 from USCIS. In 2020, it relied on government grants for about 68% of its total revenue.

While CHIRLA received almost half a million dollars to aid lawful permanent residents in the citizenship pipeline, it’s tough to figure out how exactly it helps in that process. Its website lists citizenship-preparation workshops as a service offered, but does not show any upcoming workshops. Past events listed on CHIRLA’s website do not mention any citizenship workshops, either.

Easy to find, however, are CHIRLA’s legal services for illegal immigrants, as well as its principles, which include “immediate immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for all undocumented people.”

CHIRLA’s social media accounts do not seem to provide resources for legal permanent residents seeking citizenship, either. On the same day USCIS announced CHIRLA’s citizenship grant, the organization posted on Twitter and Instagram from Washington, D.C.

CHIRLA participated in a rally at the White House and appeared to meet with at least two members of Congress, advocating for citizenship for illegal aliens and an end to the deportation and detention of illegals.

One must wonder why an organization that seems more concerned with keeping the border open and free-for-all citizenship is receiving significant government money to provide a service that seems at best to be on the periphery of what it does.

Another organization present at the rally for illegal-immigration-for-all in Washington was CASA. CASA received $250,000 through the USCIS grant, but nothing on the organization’s website’s homepage mentions naturalization or citizenship preparation.

Its actual policy agenda is detailed on its website, which calls for extreme policy changes, including abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement — a proposal so extreme that even Democratic lawmakers have failed to defend it.

Michigan United, which received $300,000 from USCIS, also appears to do very little in supporting legal immigrants seeking naturalization, while prioritizing advocacy for a range of radical changes in Michigan and across the country.

According to events listed on the organization’s website, it has not held any citizenship classes since February. It does, however, seem to be very active in promoting open border policies.

Among victories the organization claims is preventing the requirement of E-Verify for Michigan employers. The organization also openly seeks to block Michigan law enforcement from cooperating with the enforcement of immigration law. No organization that seeks to obstruct federal law should receive federal grant money.

These groups represent just a fraction of the 65 organizations that received $22 million in total from Biden’s USCIS. This administration’s willingness to shovel money to left-wing activist groups under the guise of humanitarian support is well-documented, and USCIS’ citizenship-preparation grants are just another source of taxpayer funds used to reward the administration’s leftist allies.

The House took an important step in ending the misuse of grant money to support radical activism by leaving funding for these grants out of its appropriations bill for fiscal year 2024. However, as additional appropriations bills make their way through the Congress and to the White House, the many pots of grant money that Biden’s departments of Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, State, Justice, and more have given to pro-open borders nongovernmental organizations should be defunded.

This article was originally published by The Daily Signal.


Matthew Kuckelman

Matthew Kuckelman is a research associate with The Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center.


How do we remove Chinese Para-Military Personnel who are in America?

Giving $100 Million to Hamas Is Another of Biden’s ‘Numerous Idiocies’: Senator

On the new global war against the West, and for the moment primarily Jews

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

On The Bombing of the Gaza Strip thumbnail

On The Bombing of the Gaza Strip

By Conlan Salgado

2000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel has started retaliatory air strikes into the Gaza Strip.  These are big numbers; bigger than Israel can put up, which is important, cause this is a war all about numbers. Just ask all the people talking about ceasefires and peace and proportion and other big powerful words which you shout at the top of your voice, hoping it will drown out the rockets and the missiles. But it won’t.

Unlike most conflicts, the Israel-Palestine conflict is not very complicated, even though it seems like it would be.  Gaza is a hot bed of terrorism. It is a Hamas stronghold. All over the Gaza Strip are weapons caches and hiding places for Hamas. You would think, before speaking on the bombing of a certain place, you’d at least preface your explanation (or protestation) by saying it was a hot bed of terrorism.  I mean, bombing a place because it is full of Arabs is highly problematic. Bombing a place because it is full of terrorists/terrorist strongholds is quite a different matter. 

But then, that isn’t the whole story: Gaza is full of terrorists, but it is also full of civilians. (Of course, and forgive my callous historical tone here, so were German cities in WWII, but we still bombed them to near oblivion.) There is a point here: Israel should not bomb Gaza because they will kill civilians. Naturally, it is a stupid point for anybody who knows how war works, but it is a critical point.  The problem is the point is never stripped down to its bare essentials; usually it is embedded within an anti-Israel narrative.

And that is the hitch for the Free Palestine movement: if you really believe that Israel is an apartheid regime, if you really believe that Israel has routinely and unlawfully been killing Palestinians in the Gaza Strip for decades, then how could you condemn such an operation as Hamas? The methods were quite brutal, but the gist of it was “Palestinian resistance.” And you cannot condemn Palestinian resistance, at least not if you’re Pro-Palestinian. But for historical accuracy and to understand the current crisis, it is important for readers to understand that there has never been a sovereign Palestinian state on the Holy land or anywhere surrounding it. Ever, at any point. In fact, two sovereign Jewish states had already existed on that land, before it was even ever called Palestine, or Palestina, by the Romans.

It is in the very peculiar Free Palestine movement that we see the Left’s prowess at racialized politics, or more specifically, what Obama identified as the organizational power of anti-semitism. For the fact of the matter is this: there should be a Free Palestine movement, and it should be an anti-Hamas movement. Hamas is the reason Gaza is getting bombed. Hamas turned the Gaza Strip into a hotbed of terrorism. Hamas is the reason the Arabs in the North of the Gaza Strip are facing a land invasion. So where is the anti-Hamas movement from the Free Palestinians here at home? Couldn’t tell ya.

But what I can tell you is that, according to the Washington Institute, 57% of Palestinians have a somewhat favorable view of Hamas.  For all those trying to separate Hamas from the civilians in the Gaza Strip, bear this in mind. Remember too: this is what happens when you elect terrorists to lead your society.  They commit acts of terrorism, then they retreat and hide in your homes, using your status as a civilian to protect themselves. And if you are killed, along with your children, along with the terrorists, your innocence will not be honored. Your death will be mentioned on social media by the very terrorists who hid behind you, and among you, claiming, like all moral effeminates, that it was somebody else’s fault (Israel’s) you died.

So let us stop this nonsense. Hamas is synonymous with the Gaza Strip, because the Gaza Strip is its base of operations, and its strong hold. Hamas, as was just amply demonstrated, is an existential threat to the lives of Jewish people, and the existence of the Jewish state. Hamas must be exterminated, and therefore its stronghold is justly attacked.

No doubt, the American left will not speak of this or read about it. Undoubtedly, thousands of socialists and racialists will continue to use Free Palestine as their social justice excuse to advocate for Jew killing, and Jew hating. This cannot concern Israel.

And as to talks of proportion, we might usefully turn to the example of World War II, and America. America’s involvement in World War II began with a Japanese surprise attack that killed 3000 Americans. America’s involvement in World War II ended with an American surprise attack over two cities which killed 200,000 Japanese. We do not call that proportion. We call it victory.


Photo image from Wikipedia


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Did the Biden Admin Let the Attack on Israel Happen? thumbnail

Did the Biden Admin Let the Attack on Israel Happen?

By Matt Margolis

The Biden administration is already in hot water for appeasing Iran and unfreezing of $6 billion in Iranian assets which played a role in the attack that sparked the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

But did the Biden administration know about the attack in advance, too?

The Biden administration is trying to cover up what they knew about the planned assault on Israel, according to a report from Tablet Magazine. The outlet notes there have been conflicting stories leaked by U.S. intelligence services regarding their knowledge of Hamas’ assault on Israel. These leaks suggest that some in the administration fear that they may be held responsible for missing critical information about the planning of the deadly attack. Some stories, such as claims Egypt had known about the impending attack but the U.S. didn’t, don’t add up, and appear to be a false flag to keep the media focused on the failure of the Israeli government to prevent the attack instead of what Washington knew.

Related: The Real Reason Biden Is Visiting Israel This Week

Then there’s the insistent claims by the Biden administration that Iran wasn’t involved in the planning or financing of the attack. If they could say that definitively, they wouldn’t have been blindsided by the attack because they had intelligence about it. According to Tablet, there’s already ample evidence that the Biden administration “knew for at least half a year that the Iranians were in planning sessions with their terror assets, Hamas and Hezbollah”:

Back in April, The Wall Street Journal reported that Esmail Qaani, commander of the Quds Force, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ foreign terror unit, was meeting in Beirut with Haniyeh and Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah then fired off a round of missiles from the north, Hamas fired from the south, and another barrage sailed in from across the Syrian border. The Iranians could have sent a courier to tell its allies to fire off a few missiles at the Israelis. But with the Quds Force chief on the ground meeting with the heads of Hamas and Hezbollah, something bigger was in the works.

The United States can’t possibly have not known about this meeting, and could have easily followed up directly on the purpose of it, given its capacities inside Lebanon. The Biden administration has allocated $72 million to pay the salaries of both the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the country’s Internal Security Forces (ISF). One of the ISF’s big tasks is to target Israeli spy networks inside Lebanon. In 2022, the ISF rolled up no less than 17 Israeli networks based in Lebanon.

Here’s another bizarre fact. According to an Oct. 13 New York Times article, Hamas fighters who flew paragliders into Israel to massacre Jews did their training in Lebanon. It seems highly unlikely that the United States, with intense intelligence operations right there, somehow missed the hordes of paragliders all of sudden randomly flocking to do training in Lebanon at the same time—not least because the U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, Dorothy Shea, is a paragliding enthusiast who posted videos of her own airborne adventures as recently as mid-August.

Sources for the New York Times also claimed for more than a year that Iran was helping to plan the Hamas attack with Hezbollah, and that training was taking place in Lebanon and Syria. The Times also corroborated a Wall Street Journal piece that Iran had planned and green-lit the invasion days before…..


Continue reading this article at PJ Media.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Lesko Won’t Run For Re-election, Opening Door For Competitive Republican Primary thumbnail

Lesko Won’t Run For Re-election, Opening Door For Competitive Republican Primary

By Cameron Arcand

Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko announced Tuesday that she will not run for re-election in the state’s 8th Congressional District, which instantly open the door to a competitive primary election in 2024.

In her statement, Lesko called Washington D.C. “broken” and thanked her supporters.

“I want to spend more time with my husband, my 94-year-old mother, my three children, and five grandchildren,” she said.

Lesko has been in office since 2018, and she ran unopposed, excluding write-ins, in 2022. Her district sits northwest Maricopa County where a large population of senior citizens reside. 

As the seat will likely go to a Republican, conversation immediately sparked about who will throwing their hat in the ring.

Former attorney general nominee Abe Hamadeh was the first candidate to announce on Tuesday. 

“Our country is in desperate need of courageous fighters, and that’s why I’m proud to announce I’m running for Congress in Arizona’s 8th District,” he posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. “President Trump is under attack. He needs back up — and I’m ready to help him Make America Great Again.”

Before he jumped in, Senate candidate Kari Lake, who’s a close ally of Hamadeh, posted that she hopes he “considers” getting into the race.

Meanwhile, Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma said he’s considering a bid, according to Axios’ Jeremy Duda. 

Former Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters is also being floated as a possible contender, but many lawmakers in Lesko’s district have said they would not be entering the race.

“I will continue to be a states rights supporter. I am more interested in saving Arizona. It took people many many months to convince me to reenter the fray. Going to DC is not in my immediate future,” State Sen. Shawnna Bolick, R-Phoenix, posted in a tweet thanking Lesko for her time in Congress. 

State Rep. Austin Smith, R-Wittmann, also declined to run.

“I’m focused on representing the fantastic people of LD29 who overwhelmingly sent me to the legislature to fight for them,” he posted.

As for Democrats, Greg Whitten announced he was seeking the seat last month. 

The primary election is Aug. 6, 2024. 


This article was published by Center Square and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit: Home Page of Congresswoman Debbie Lesko


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Promoted Former Spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization thumbnail

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Promoted Former Spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization

By The Geller Report

We are in trouble. America can’t take another year of this illegitimate regime.

DHS worker and former Palestinian Liberation spokeswoman Nejwa Ali is put on leave after praising Hamas terrorist attacks and saying ‘F*** Israel…we are ready for your downfall’

  • DHS officer Nejwa Ali, 36, was placed on leave on Wednesday, following the revelation of her controversial history posting anti-Semitic and extremist posts
  • It was also disclosed that she served as a spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which has been called a terrorist organization
  • Ali shared an image featuring paragliders armed with AK-47s with the caption ‘Free Palestine,’ glorifying the terrorists responsible for killing 1,400 Israelis

By Noa Halff For Dailymail.Com, 19 October 2023

A Department of Homeland Security officer was put on leave after praising Hamas and sharing extremist content on social media – including one post where she wrote, ‘F*** Israel … we are ready for your downfall.’

Nejwa Ali, 36, who joined the US Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2019 and held the position of an asylum officer, was placed on leave on Wednesday, following the revelation of her controversial history.

She works at assisting asylum seekers through the immigration process, before moving to Homeland Security earlier this year.

Along with years of alarming social media posts, it was also revealed that she previously served as a spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization delegation in the US – a group once led by Yasser Arafat – which has been called a terrorist organization by US officials.

In one recent post, Ali shared a disturbing image featuring paragliders armed with AK-47s with the caption ‘Free Palestine,’ glorifying the terrorists responsible for killing over 1,400 in Israel.

The Daily Wire exposed years of concerning posts made by Ali, including one in which she expressed disdain for what she referred to as ‘Israeli and American privilege.’

It’s unclear how Ali was hired in the first place in government roles and the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) given her alarming previous posts and ties to the PLO.

‘USCIS strongly condemns antisemitism and the use of violent rhetoric in any form,’ USCIS spokesperson Matthew Bourke told Newsweek. ‘USCIS employees are held to high ethical standards both on and off duty, including their presence on social media. Any violation of these standards is taken seriously by the agency.’

 The Daily Wire reached Ali who angrily replied when asked about her past……

Read full article.


Pamela Geller


Witness: ‘Children Were Tortured In Front of Their Parents, Parents In Front of Their Children ….Eyes Gouged Out, Fingers Chopped Off…”

Iran Foreign Minister Threatens: Israel’s “Time Is Running Out”, Raises the Black Flag of Jihad

FUNDING GENOCIDE: Biden just announced “$100 million to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.”

ACTION ALERT! Tell your Senators: No $6 Billion Windfall to Replenish Iran’s Hamas-Terror Fund


The Department of Homeland Security hired a literal former spokesperson for the PLO and put her in charge of vetting “asylum” seekers

While working as an Asylum Officer, she remained an open pro-Hamas extremist who hates all Jews who don’t condemn Israelhttps://t.co/YTpcnqgQGz

— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) October 18, 2023

Two possibilities: Either DHS called the PLO to get a job reference as part of the vetting process, or it didn’t vet even the people it hires to vet immigrants She posted to public social media continuously about her true allegiance and goal to “root the resistance in Palestine” pic.twitter.com/moI7QY4tzu

— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) October 18, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Totally Inappropriate’: Trump Rips Biden For Sending $100 Million In Aid To Gaza thumbnail

‘Totally Inappropriate’: Trump Rips Biden For Sending $100 Million In Aid To Gaza

By The Daily Caller

Former President Donald Trump blasted President Joe Biden Wednesday for sending $100 million in humanitarian aid to Palestinians, calling the move “totally inappropriate.”

Biden announced the aid Wednesday, just days after the United Nations Relief and Works Agency posted on X that Hamas stole fuel and other relief supplies. Hamas attacked multiple locations in southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing over 1,400 people and taking over 200 hostages.


“This is being led by Iran and you would have never seen this happen. You wouldn’t have seen Ukraine happen either,” Trump said during a break in his civil trial on allegations of fraud.

“You had something about the fact that Biden is sending $100 million to the Palestinians?” Trump asked a reporter.

Israel urged residents of Gaza to evacuate Friday, citing the potential for ground operations against Hamas. People were reportedly killed when a rocket fired by Islamic Jihad hit a hospital in Gaza, according to assessments by U.S. intelligence, even as many media outlets initially echoed claims by Hamas that Israel was responsible.

“I think right now, it’s totally inappropriate. It’s so inappropriate to be doing that right now,” Trump said. “He’s over in Israel and he’s giving money to the Palestinians. I think it’s very inappropriate.”

Biden also received criticism for making concessions to Iran, including arranging for the release of $6 billion held by South Korea for humanitarian aid in exchange for Iran freeing five Americans it held prisoner.





Biden Announces $100 Million In Aid To Gaza Days After Hamas Stole Humanitarian Supplies

‘We’ve Seen The History’: Wisconsin Rep Has ‘Zero Confidence’ Biden Admin Will Vet Gaza Refugees

Calls For US To Take In Palestinian Refugees Raise Serious Security Concerns, Former, Current Officials Say

US Universities Silent On Continued Partnership With Country That Funds Hamas

GoPro Footage Shows Hamas Fighters Breaching Border, Shooting Civilians

Pro-Hamas Protesters Disrupt Confirmation Hearing For US Ambassador To Israel Nominee

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Yellen Says US ‘Can Certainly Afford Two Wars’ At Once thumbnail

Yellen Says US ‘Can Certainly Afford Two Wars’ At Once

By Brianna Lyman

Editors’ Note: When we read statements like this, it requires us to fondle our US Gold Eagles just to calm down.  There is no political force today or any institutional constraint to stop both parties from spending this nation into bankruptcy. Once a staple of our collective political discussion, controlling spending and deficits, and bringing down the national debt, are now simply not part of the discussion. With a tremendous fiscal burden now in the immediate future, due to the result of our Ponzi scheme structured social entitlement programs, coupled with severe demographic shifts, we now have been at war for more than 20 years. And, with spending to GDP already as high as it was during the peak of World War II, our officials see no problem making it even worse with vast new social spending and new wars. Having unleashed high inflation, and having produced the worst returns of the past three years in the bond market ever recorded in our history, our Brooklyn-accented schoolmarmish Treasury Secretary is determined to drive this nation off a fiscal cliff.  Deficits don’t matter until they do. Once that point is reached, there will be nothing to ease the pain.  Maybe funding these wars is necessary for our security, and that is being debated. But if that is the case, we can’t simply go on growing the government larger and more expensive. We need wartime finance, which means reducing spending on other things and raising more revenue.

Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen told Sky News in an exclusive interview Monday that the United States can “certainly afford two wars” at once. Host Wilfred Frost asked whether the U.S. can afford to finance a second war with the U.S. being in a weak fiscal position.

“In terms of what this all means, Paul Tudor Jones, the famed investor, was on CNBC this week, and he said, ‘This is the most threatening and challenging geopolitical environment that I’ve ever seen. At the same time, the U.S. is in its weakest fiscal position since World War II, with debt-to- GDP at 122 percent.’ Can — can America, can the West afford another war at this time?”


“I think the answer is absolutely. America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and support Israel’s military needs. And we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia. And look, the American economy is doing extremely well.”

Yellen implored Republicans to elect a Speaker so that Congress can approve financial aid to Israel and Ukraine.

“We do need to come up with funds, both for Israel and for Ukraine. This is a priority,” Yellen said to Sky News. “It’s really up to the House to find, seat a speaker and to put us in a position where legislation can be passed.” (RELATED: Will The War In Israel Put Further Strain On US Weapons Stocks?)

We stand with Israel. America has also made clear to Israel, we’re working very closely with the Israelis, that they have a right to defend themselves,” Yellen said. “But it’s important to try to spare innocent civilian lives to the maximum extent possible.”

The White House was reportedly considering tying more funding to Ukraine to a request for aid to Israel, The Washington Post reported. The Biden administration has given Kyiv more than $75 billion since the war in Ukraine began in 2022 and has requested additional aid for the nation.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Yellen Says US “Can Certainly Afford Two Wars” At Once thumbnail

Yellen Says US “Can Certainly Afford Two Wars” At Once

By Brianna Lyman

Editors’ Note: When we read statements like this, it requires us to fondle our US Gold Eagles just to calm down.  There is no political force today or any institutional constraint to stop both parties from spending this nation into bankruptcy. Once a staple of our collective political discussion, controlling spending and deficits, and bringing down the national debt, are now simply not part of the discussion. With a tremendous fiscal burden now in the immediate future, due to the result of our Ponzi scheme structured social entitlement programs, coupled with severe demographic shifts, we now have been at war for more than 20 years. And, with spending to GDP already as high as it was during the peak of World War II, our officials see no problem making it even worse with vast new social spending and new wars. Having unleashed high inflation, and having produced the worst returns of the past three years in the bond market ever recorded in our history, our Brooklyn-accented schoolmarmish Treasury Secretary is determined to drive this nation off a fiscal cliff.  Deficits don’t matter until they do. Once that point is reached, there will be nothing to ease the pain.  Maybe funding these wars is necessary for our security, and that is being debated. But if that is the case, we can’t simply go on growing the government larger and more expensive. We need wartime finance, which means reducing spending on other things and raising more revenue.

Treasury Sec. Janet Yellen told Sky News in an exclusive interview Monday that the United States can “certainly afford two wars” at once. Host Wilfred Frost asked whether the U.S. can afford to finance a second war with the U.S. being in a weak fiscal position.

“In terms of what this all means, Paul Tudor Jones, the famed investor, was on CNBC this week, and he said, ‘This is the most threatening and challenging geopolitical environment that I’ve ever seen. At the same time, the U.S. is in its weakest fiscal position since World War II, with debt-to- GDP at 122 percent.’ Can — can America, can the West afford another war at this time?”


“I think the answer is absolutely. America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and support Israel’s military needs. And we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia. And look, the American economy is doing extremely well.”

Yellen implored Republicans to elect a Speaker so that Congress can approve financial aid to Israel and Ukraine.

“We do need to come up with funds, both for Israel and for Ukraine. This is a priority,” Yellen said to Sky News. “It’s really up to the House to find, seat a speaker and to put us in a position where legislation can be passed.” (RELATED: Will The War In Israel Put Further Strain On US Weapons Stocks?)

We stand with Israel. America has also made clear to Israel, we’re working very closely with the Israelis, that they have a right to defend themselves,” Yellen said. “But it’s important to try to spare innocent civilian lives to the maximum extent possible.”

The White House was reportedly considering tying more funding to Ukraine to a request for aid to Israel, The Washington Post reported. The Biden administration has given Kyiv more than $75 billion since the war in Ukraine began in 2022 and has requested additional aid for the nation.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

The Rise of Pharma Fascism and the Ruination of the Commons thumbnail

The Rise of Pharma Fascism and the Ruination of the Commons

By Toby Rogers

I. When the commons was Eden

The commons” is a foundational idea in left political philosophy. The commons refers to shared spaces — oceans, lakes, rivers, forests, the air — that are not owned by anyone. It can also refer to cultural spaces — the town square for example. I could make a case that the internet is a commons — even though there are millions of individual owners of particular spaces no one owns the whole thing.

The left loves the idea of the commons because it harkens back to the era of hunter-gatherers who were free to hunt, fish, and live off of the abundance of the earth. The commons are also essential to the left imagination because they don’t believe in private property, so on some level, they think that the entire world is or could be the commons. And because they see themselves as more empathetic, educated, and wise than everyone else, they believe that they are the best stewards to manage the commons.

On the left, entire careers are made by writing and teaching about the commons:

Henry George was an early theorist of the commons in the 19th century.

Garrett Hardin popularized the idea of the commons with his 1968 article in Science titled, “The Tragedy of the Commons” about managing the individual incentives to overexploit shared resources.

In 2009, Elinor Ostrom became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics for her work documenting examples of successful management of the commons.

And heaps of additional left public intellectuals have done important work on the commons including feminist theorist Silvia Federici, Marxist geographer David Harvey, and newcomer Raj Patel (with his bestselling book, The Value of Nothing).

Anyone who wants to remain a member in good standing of the left must be able to speak at length about the Commons. This discussion of the commons is almost entirely concerned with protecting the collective space from encroachment by greedy individuals and rapacious corporations. The worst thing that one can do (a sin usually reserved for feudal lords, kings, and corporations) is to “enclose the commons” — make private and exclusive what was formerly open and accessible to all. I’ve long admired the idea of the commons and think it represents the left at its best.

And then a very strange and terrifying thing happened. Over the last several years, the bougie left, without even a hint of self-awareness or irony, enclosed the global commons — seized it is a better term — in the name of public health, based on false assumptions about how viruses work.

As I will explain below, this is the mechanism by which the bougie left slid from liberalism into fascism.

II. The birth of modern Pharma fascism

The battle against SB276 in California in 2019 was one of the most sickening and heartbreaking things I’ve ever witnessed. In 2015, California banned all religious and philosophical exemptions to school vaccination requirements with SB277. But SB276 went further. Sponsored by Richard Pan, a man with no empathy who is controlled by Big Pharma, SB276 revokes the medical license of any doctor who writes more than 5 medical exemptions to school vaccination requirements. In a state with 9,100,000 children, 5 exemptions per doctor are not very many. Fearing the loss of their livelihood, doctors in California stopped writing medical exemptions altogether.

Disabled by DTaP? Too bad, you still have to take all of the other shots. Your sibling died from a vaccine? Too bad, it wasn’t you that died (yet) so roll up your sleeves. This approach to public health contradicts two centuries of best practices in medicine. Prior to SB276 the entire scientific and medical community acknowledged that some people should not be vaccinated because of underlying medical conditions, previous reactions, or family history. But Pharma was in a hurry to wipe out the unvaccinated control group that would reveal the extent of their crimes so they introduced SB276 in a state they already owned before rolling it out to the entire country.

As the bill moved through the legislature, Richard Pan stood at the front of the room grinning like the Cheshire Cat, while thousands of parents, mostly mothers, testified about vaccine injuries in their kids. It was like something out of a Holocaust documentary. As the bill sponsor, he was allowed to respond to the public testimony prior to the vote by each committee (Health, Education, and Appropriations). At every hearing, he made a strange little speech that conveyed the new ideology of the Pharma Fascist Left.

Pan explained that “your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.” But he argued (and this is the sleight of hand) that the same principle applies to viruses. Because viruses exist, and because the unvaccinated may be carrying a deadly virus, the act of breathing, by an unvaccinated person, is the legal equivalent of punching him in the face. Thus the unvaccinated, by their very existence break the law because they violate his right to be free from disease. The only way to prevent this grave miscarriage of justice then is to either a.) force children to be vaccinated; or b.) remove the unvaccinated from schools (and the rest of society — Pan wants the unvaccinated banned from all public spaces).

Let’s just pause for a moment to note that he clearly does not believe that vaccines actually work because if they did, the unvaccinated would pose no threat to the vaccinated. When confronted with this fact he moves the goalposts to claim that his real concern is the “immunocompromised who cannot be vaccinated.” But like everything else, he says this is a lie because in California and all blue states they vaccinate the hell out of the immunocompromised as well.

This is the “logic” of Pharma fascism.

Pan has never had an original thought in his life so this angle of attack was likely developed by a Pharma PR firm and focus-group tested before sending it out to spokespeople in the Democratic Party. And now it’s the dominant ideology in the Democratic Party and ruling parties throughout the developed world.

There is a multitude of problems with this flawed ideology. But what I want to point out in this article is that it leads to the enclosure of the commons — even before Covid. Democrats would really like to enclose the air itself but that is too difficult. So instead they enclose schools by kicking out some kids (SB276 kicked 56,000 kids out of public school). Vaccine mandates enclose our bodies by allowing corporations to trespass with their toxic products. And Democrats try to enclose the public square (digital and otherwise) by setting up a vast surveillance system to censor, shadowban, demonetize, and deplatform anyone who disagrees with their increasingly zany ideology.

III. Pan’s “logic” is absolute horsesh*t

Democrats do not understand viruses, vaccines, or the law and it leads them to make catastrophic policy decisions that are destroying the health of the American people.

Viruses don’t work that way.

There are a quadrillion x quadrillion viruses in the world (more viruses on earth than stars in the known universe).

Research on the global virosphere has concluded that “Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day.” From the New York Times:

Scientists have surmised there is a stream of viruses circling the planet, above the planet’s weather systems but below the level of airline travel…. Each day some 800 million viruses cascade onto every square meter of the planet.

“Human cells, GOOD! Bacteria and viruses, BAD!” is how public health officials usually frame the discussion. But that’s not how health actually works. Instead, our bodies are a complex ecosystem of different types of cells. Only 43 percent of the cells in our body are human — the rest are various bacteria and viruses that communicate and exchange with our human cells and DNA in ways that make life possible.

Human consciousness itself is said to have emerged as a result of the beneficial exchange between viral and human DNA. Between 40 and 80 percent (an admittedly large range) of the human genome came initially from viruses. Viruses (and bacteria) regulate all living systems on earth.

So we’re never going to get rid of all viruses and bacteria nor would we want to. But what about the small number of viruses (about 200) that can be harmful to humans?

Vaccines are ineffective and dangerous.

The large gains in life expectancy and declines in infectious diseases in the 20th century happened before the introduction of mass vaccination campaigns. Improved living standards, sewers, water treatment facilities, food safety, and organized solid waste disposal, along with “improvements in housing and decreased crowding in US cities” are responsible for “nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among U.S. children.” That’s not me talking, that’s a review of a century of public health data published in Pediatrics. In an earlier era, when public health focused on large public works projects, health improved. Now that public health focuses almost exclusively on promoting vaccines, health and well-being have plummeted.

An analysis, by Danish researchers, of the best vaccine data set in the world indicates that all of the vaccines on the US schedule cause more harm than benefits.

None of the vaccines on the US schedule (with the exception of a tiny subtrial of the Gardasil vaccine) were tested against a saline placebo in a true randomized controlled trial. ICAN’s December 31, 2018 letter to the US Department of Health and Human Services proves this fact and it is perhaps the single most important document ever written during the vaccine wars.

Pan’s approach ignores all the rest of medicine. In the current hysteria, it seems that people sometimes forget that there are medical products other than vaccines! We can treat various diseases with antivirals, antibiotics, and a thousand other medicines without forcing one-size-fits-all toxic vaccines on the entire population.

Pan’s approach ignores all of the toxicants that can cause ill health. Zach Bush points out that waste ponds from industrial livestock production are breeding grounds for all sorts of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Pharmaceuticals introduce toxicants into our bodies. Factories and freeways produce a wide range of toxicants that impair health. We could find common ground on regulating those sources but Pharma controls the political process and so the entire focus of public health is on vaccines.

Pan’s approach also ignores all the rest of health. Why do two people with similar environmental exposures have different outcomes? Nutrition, exercise, rest, and sunshine (factors now ignored by allopathic medicine) make a significant impact on whether someone will get sick. Furthermore, as Jennifer Giustra-Kozek, LPC, author of Healing Without Hurting points out, most diseases that are usually attributed to viruses and bacteria often have an underlying vitamin deficiency that can be addressed through food, supplements, or intravenously in acute cases.

For Covid-19, the corresponding deficiencies that need to be addressed are usually zinc and vitamin D.

Individualized medicine will always be superior to one-size-fits-all Pharma-captured medicine.

The most extreme enclosure of the commons in history.

No Pharaoh, no king, no feudal lord, and certainly no political party has ever before claimed that they own the air and that the mere act of breathing by the citizenry was an assault that must be managed by a police state.

Yet that is the central claim of Pan, Fauci, and the public health bureaucracy and the idea that drives vaccine mandates, masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and the rest of the modern Fascist Pharma State. The cultural enclosure is also cruel and senseless — kicking students out of universities via vaccine mandates, delicensing doctors for helping their patients survive by prescribing ivermectin, and refusing medical care in hospitals to the unvaccinated are just some examples.

As I’ve written before, the only historical parallels with Pan’s ideology are Jim Crow laws in the US that declared Black Americans unclean (thus requiring separate drinking fountains, bathrooms, and schools) and the Nazis who claimed that Jews were disease carriers and thus must be moved into ghettos and concentration camps. But now this preposterous junk science has returned from the dead and it drives public health policy in the US and throughout the developed world in the Covid era.

IV. Ideology becomes policy and law

Unfortunately, the obscene ideology described above is widespread. Naomi Klein in Doppelganger repeats this same vile notion. In Klein’s view, there is no individual “I” — we all breathe the same air thus the Fascist Pharma State has the right and indeed obligation to police the bodies of the unvaccinated, lest they infect her superior over-vaccinated body. Again, it is beyond weird that the Cult of Vaccine does not actually believe in its own product while insisting on injecting it into others.

Indeed this nonsense has become the dominant ideology of ruling parties throughout the developed world. In North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea liberal democracy has been replaced with this Stakeholder Fascism based on junk science that makes Pharma rich.

You can see how it’s a short distance from this twisted supremacist ideology to concentration camps and extermination of the unvaccinated in the name of public health.

These junk science ideas about public health inevitably make their way into policy and the law. In 2020 the NY Department of Public Health created a regulation (10 NYCRR 2.13) titled “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” that enabled the state to remove anyone from their home for any reason and detain them indefinitely without due process of law under the guise of public health. Quite literally the NY Department of Public Health decided that concentration camps were the best approach for managing Covid.

Attorney and Brownstone Institute Fellow Bobbie Anne Flower Cox spent the last two years battling the state of New York to get this regulation struck down. On July 8, 2022, a NY Supreme Court Judge, Ronald Ploetz, ruled that the “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation is unconstitutional and “violative of New York State law as promulgated and enacted, and therefore null, void and unenforceable as a matter of law.” Astonishingly, Governor Kathy Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James appealed the decision and the appeal was heard in court just a few weeks ago.

If the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division affirms that the law is unconstitutional, it will be a small step toward sanity. If the court somehow decides that indefinite detention for any reason without the right to due process is lawful, we will be living in America’s version of National Socialism.

Of course, the national media did not report on the NY “Quarantine Camp” policy — why would they, they believe the same nonsense as Richard Pan. And just like SB276 in California, it appears that Pharma introduced this idea in a captured blue state as a test run before rolling it out nationwide.

V. Conclusion

It is essential to reframe this entire debate. I should not have to explain any of this but we live in The Upside Down World so let me state the obvious:

Viruses and bacteria are ubiquitous. They live in us, on us, and all around us and usually contribute to our well-being. Bad health outcomes can be reduced through making healthy lifestyle choices. For acute cases, there are a range of medicines and supplements that are effective. Large infrastructure projects (e.g. sewers, treatment plants, and pipes to deliver clean water to homes and businesses) are the proven best path to improving public health.

Public health policy in the US is based on junk science that enriches the largest donors to the Democratic Party. Health has absolutely nothing to do with it. If you follow the advice of the CDC you are putting your life in grave danger.

Health and medicine must always be tailored to the individual needs of each person. One-size-fits-all medicine is barbarism.

No one owns the air. It is not a crime to breathe. Anyone who wants to protect the commons must recognize the universal right for people to exist without corporate trespass into our bodies.

There are no pandemic exceptions to the US Constitution. Totalitarianism is not a recommended treatment for any disease. Concentration camps are never appropriate.

The best approach to any problem is always the free and open exchange of ideas in a system of free and sovereign citizens.


This article was published by The Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

University of Arizona and ASU Approach Israel And Palestine Protests Differently thumbnail

University of Arizona and ASU Approach Israel And Palestine Protests Differently

By Cameron Arcand

The Students for Justice in Palestine did not proceed with a rally they planned Thursday in Tucson, Arizona, after University of Arizona President Robert Robbins condemned the group.

Robbins said that the national organization of the group is why he disagrees with the rally, but said that they still were allowed to hold the demonstration.

“The national organization has made statements endorsing the actions of Hamas in Israel, which are, of course, antithetical to our university’s values,” Robbins said in a statement.

“I want to be clear that SJP is not speaking on behalf of our university. But they have the constitutional right to hold their views and to express them in a safe environment,” he said.

He also directly called out antisemitism in the statement, as the university has a sizeable Jewish population, and he encouraged civility in the coming days as tensions ran high.

As a result, the school’s chapter said in an Instagram post that they “no longer feel safe” and said they would postpone their demonstration.

The Anti-Defamation League’s Arizona chapter praised Robbins for directly calling out Hamas, the terrorist group that triggered the conflict in Israel.

“We are very grateful to [University of Arizona President] Robbins for your letter to [University of Arizona] students & faculty condemning the acts of Hamas as “antisemitic hatred, murder, and [an] atrocity.” We appreciate your calling out SJP’s endorsement of Hamas as antithetical to the university’s values,” the organization posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Thursday.

Arizona State University took a different approach to the matter, despite both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine events taking place on campus Thursday. University President Michael Crow has not made a statement himself, and the university stopped short of commenting on any specific campus group.

“The university is aware of the student-led demonstration on our Tempe campus. Students organized and promoted the event themselves. Arizona State University neither endorses nor restricts opinions voiced at campus demonstrations, as a matter of free speech,” the university said in an email statement when contacted by The Center Square.

ASU also put out a statement on Oct. 10 making students and faculty aware of support resources available to them.

“The recent terrorist attacks by Hamas against the people of Israel and the subsequent retaliatory strikes have understandably caused distress and concern across the globe and in the Arizona State University community,” they stated.

In the wake of the conflict in the Middle East that began last week, demonstrations at universities throughout the country have took off in recent days, prompting a wide variety of responses from campus officials.


This article was published by Center Square and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

TAKE ACTION: Stop Chinese Paramilitary from Flooding Our Borders thumbnail

TAKE ACTION: Stop Chinese Paramilitary from Flooding Our Borders

By ACT For America!

China’s Dangerous Alliance with Iran and Their Proxies.

TAKE ACTION: Stop the Chinese Paramilitary Threat in America!

Earlier this year we wrote about Chinese soldiers flooding our borders with known ties to the CCP People’s Liberation Army.

Our coalition partner, Colonel John Mills, has issued a compelling warning regarding the ongoing and relentless invasion across the unsecured Southern Border. According to his assessment, this breach in border security is being exploited by international terrorists and Chinese paramilitaries, who are using it as an opportunity to position the vanguard of their advance force for a potentially dangerous “summer of love” in 2024. With a known number of Chinese para-military personnel already present as an advance force for invasion within the US, the time to act is now!

One of the key points raised by Colonel Mills is the resemblance between the current situation in the United States and the well-known “little green man” strategy used by Russia. This term, “little green man,” is used to describe agents or operatives placed by Russia in target regions, often as a prelude to invasions, as seen in Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014 and 2022. These agents are used to foment unrest, gather intelligence, and create chaos to facilitate Russia’s strategic objectives.

Over 107 thousand illegal Chinese military-aged immigrants have been admitted into the United States since Biden took office.

Colonel Mills draws a parallel with China’s attempts to employ a similar strategy in Taiwan. However, he highlights the success of a new national security law passed in December 2019, which has helped identify and neutralize such agents who were operating within the legacy Kuomintang (KMT) political party which should serve as a guide to a similar solution here in the US.

🔴Joe Biden creating economy for Chinese migrants in panama outside of the Darien Gap🔴 @BenBergquam @AgueroForTexas @RealAmVoice @WarRoom_FanPage @CabelloAuden @stevegrubershow pic.twitter.com/e8psuvDuhE

— Oscar El Blue (@Oscarelblue) July 8, 2023


Incredible clip from Oscar El Blue @ in Panama. Shows primarily Chinese & several Venezuelans processing to board NGO bus North to Mexico w U.S. as final destination.

Watch clip carefully
Thread 1/4@Oscarelblue @GordonGChang @RealAmVoice


— Common Sense is Very Uncommon (@1TxStar) June 10, 2023

The core concern is that, with the unsecured Southern Border acting as a point of entry, the United States could be hosting an array of such covert operatives, whether they be international terrorists or Chinese paramilitaries.

The dark relationship between China, Islamism, and conflicts in the Middle East is alarming. China has established ties with Iran, which is predominantly Shia, and Iran, in turn, supports Hezbollah, another Shia organization. However, Iran also supports Sunni Hamas in the Palestinian territories. The notion of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” often applies in these cases.

In case you missed it, Hamas Terrorists Based in Venezuela Crossing Our Border.

The Chinese state media’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict is concerning, portraying the United States as an “enemy of peace” in the context of this conflict. This rhetoric reflects the wider geopolitical rivalry between China and the United States, where both nations are positioning themselves as global powers.

The Chinese Communist Party’s aggressive stance toward Taiwan, along with territorial disputes with neighboring countries like India, the Philippines, and Japan, underscores its broader ambitions and the complex geopolitical landscape in the Asia-Pacific region. The interplay between China’s foreign policy, support for various factions in the Middle East, and its wider geopolitical goals paints a dangerous picture.

As the United States grapples with the ongoing border security issue, it becomes crucial to address the potential presence of covert operatives, agents, or actors who might be leveraging the situation for their purposes.

RELATED ARTICLE: Hamas May Have Used North Korean Weapons During Israel Terror Attack: REPORTS

EDITORS NOTE: This ACT for America report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Obama-Appointed Judge Partially Grants Biden DOJ’s Proposed Gag Order On Trump thumbnail

Obama-Appointed Judge Partially Grants Biden DOJ’s Proposed Gag Order On Trump

By The Daily Caller

A federal judge limited the scope of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) proposed gag order for former President Donald Trump after raising concerns during a hearing Monday.

United States District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, an Obama appointee, granted the requested order in part, restricting statements about special counsel Jack Smith, his staff, witnesses and court personnel while permitting Trump to make statements about the Biden administration and DOJ, according to reports. Smith’s office requested an order last month that would restrict Trump from making “disparaging and inflammatory, or intimidating” statements about any “party, witness, attorney, court personnel, or potential jurors.”

Chutkan expressed reservations about the broadness of the DOJ’s proposed order Monday.

‘I Am Willing To Go To JAIL’: Donald Trump Comes Out Swinging!https://t.co/uPGV3uYsG1

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) October 18, 2023

At one point during the hearing, Trump attorney John Lauro said George Orwell “would be having a field day” over prosecutors’ arguments. Chutkan replied he “definitely” would, per reports.

Yet Chutkan rejected the defense’s argument that Trump had entirely unrestricted First Amendment rights to make statements about any party in the case, noting he is still facing criminal charges.

“First Amendment protections yield to the administration of justice and to the protection of witnesses,” Chutkan said, according to Politico. “His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify … public servants who are simply doing their job.”

Chutkan said Trump can not, for instance, make statements calling prosecutors “deranged” or a “thug.”

“No other defendant would be allowed to do so and I’m not going to allow it in this case,” she said, per NBC News.

Chutkan permitted Trump to make statements criticizing Washington, D.C., and its residents. She said sanctions were on the table if Trump violates the order but did not specify what that may entail, according to Politico.

A Trump spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement that the order is “an absolute abomination.”

“Today’s decision is an absolute abomination and another partisan knife stuck in the heart of our Democracy by Crooked Joe Biden, who was granted the right to muzzle his political opponent, the leading candidate for the Presidency in 2024, and the most popular political leader in America, President Donald J. Trump,” the spokesperson said. “President Trump will continue to fight for our Constitution, the American people’s right to support him, and to keep our country free of the chains of weaponized and targeted law enforcement.”




RELATED ARTICLE: Obama-Appointed Federal Judge Denies Trump’s Bid To Have Her Recuse Herself From His 2020 Election Case

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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