Hamas Terrorist: We Shot Crying Children ‘Until We Didn’t Hear Noise Anymore’ thumbnail

Hamas Terrorist: We Shot Crying Children ‘Until We Didn’t Hear Noise Anymore’

By The Geller Report

These philistines are not human.

Hamas terrorist: Shot crying children ‘until we didn’t hear noise anymore’

By: JNS, November 1, 2023:

“The mission was simply to kill,” Hamas operative Omar Sami Marzuk Abu Rusha told Shin Bet interrogators.

Hamas operative Omar Sami Marzuk Abu Rusha during a Shin Bet interrogation. Credit: Israel Security Agency.Hamas operative Omar Sami Marzuk Abu Rusha during a Shin Bet interrogation. Credit: Israel Security Agency.

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) released an interrogation video on Wednesday of a captured Hamas terrorist, who participated in the Oct. 7 massacre in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz in southern Israel.

“The mission was simply to kill. We weren’t supposed to kidnap, just kill,” Hamas operative Omar Sami Marzuk Abu Rusha told Shin Bet agents. “To kill every person we see and come back.”

A Hamas terrorist who took part in the Kfar Aza massacre on October 7 in his interrogation: “Our mission was to kill everyone we saw, and then to come back.”

Hamas is ISIS. Hamas must be defeated. pic.twitter.com/yXHnywMPNL

— Israel Nitzan🇮🇱 (@IsraelNitzan) November 1, 2023

Asked if he was told to murder women and children as well, Abu Rusha said: “Yes.”

“They told us that all the settlers were soldiers. There were soldiers among them. Kill every single one you see,” he said.

A Hamas terrorist who took part in the Kfar Aza massacre on October 7 in his interrogation: “Our mission was to kill everyone we saw, and then to come back.”

In the six-minute interrogation tape, the terrorist calmly describes murdering young children hiding in a safe room.

“We heard sounds of young children,” he said. “The cries of young children. A young child, something like that.”

“I shot and Abu Kamil shot. We shot at the door,” he added. “Until we didn’t hear noise anymore.”

The Shin Bet agent asked him what the difference was between him, given he had an order to kill from Hamas’s Nukhba commando forces and ISIS.

“In the things the interrogator showed me, there is no difference, in the things I was shown,” Abu Rusha admitted. “I saw videos worse than ISIS. The ones the interrogator showed me.”

Read full article.


Pamela Geller


More on Ibrahim Bharmal, EDITOR of the Harvard Law Review at @Harvard_Law & @Kennedy_School. See him physically and verbally assault an Israeli student during an anti-Israel protest on campus. Read his NEW Canary Mission Profile: https://t.co/FhgNNbpME6 pic.twitter.com/C49vYh2m9e

— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 1, 2023


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Weekend Read – The Gem of Unplanned Pregnancy Options: ‘Open’ Adoption thumbnail

Weekend Read – The Gem of Unplanned Pregnancy Options: ‘Open’ Adoption

By Terri Marcroft

Editors’ Note: The following essay is the third of three by Theresa Marcroft published in The Prickly Pear. This series is an important contribution addressing the crisis of unplanned pregnancies in America. The first essay, Weekend Read: How Abortion Hurts Women, presents the very real long-term physical and mental health dangers prior abortion causes, largely ignored and denied by pro-abortion advocates. The second essay,   Weekend Read: The Harsh Reality Behind Single Parenting, discusses the very difficult job of raising a child or children without a spouse, predominantly as single mothers. The high percentage of poor outcomes for children of single mothers, i.e., fatherless homes, is tragic and a major factor in the breakdown of America’s social and cultural fabric. The Prickly Pear is proud to publish Ms. Marcroft’s presentation of a win-win solution, truly The Gem of Unplanned Pregnancy Options: ‘Open’ Adoption.

This article is very timely in that November is National Adoption Month – truly a celebration of life and the essential role of loving families in the lives of all children. 


Each year, almost three million American women face an unplanned pregnancy. When a pregnancy is unwanted, and those involved are not ready, willing or able to parent, that is a dilemma with no perfect solution.

The obvious options for one facing an unplanned pregnancy are abortion, parenting and adoption, but few among us know much about the pros and cons of those three options. Let’s explore that third option.

Adoption Practices of the Past

What most people know today about adoption is based on preconceptions rooted in the past. Before the 1990s, most US adoptions were ‘closed’: the woman who gave birth was not allowed any information about the adoptive family. She was not permitted to have any ongoing relationship with her child, and vice versa. In many cases, the adoption and the very existence of this new person were carefully guarded secrets, and all involved shared an unspoken pact never mention it again.

Some adoptions were closed as a way to protect the privacy of the birth mother, as well as the birth father and their families. Closed adoption meant no fear that the child could someday find them and ask questions or interfere with their lives.

In those days of closed adoption, the decision to place or to parent typically was not made by the pregnant woman herself: She was often forced into choosing adoption by her own parents who didn’t want the embarrassment. “What would the neighbors say?” The pregnant girl was sent far away to live with a distant relative until the baby was delivered and “given up.” Then things could return to “normal.”

Sometimes a closed adoption was the preference of the couple adopting because they wanted to pretend that the child was theirs from conception onward. The adopted child was often not told that they were adopted. He or she grew up assuming—or being told—that their story was no different than any other child born to any other couple. But the adopted child knows that something is off. It’s just hard to pinpoint exactly what. Since families are not good at keeping secrets, the adoptee would usually learn the truth eventually. With that revelation comes a tidal wave of feelings of betrayal: “My whole life has been a lie!” “My parents did this to me??”

Secrecy was the hallmark of closed adoptions. And secrets are nearly impossible to keep.

Whether the closed aspect of the adoption was the will of the birth family or the adoptive family, it was a path often chosen out of fear—a fear that being honest would somehow result in rejection, shame, confusion or disapproval. For a myriad of reasons, the adopted child’s true story was buried and replaced with a carefully crafted tale.

As a result:

1. The woman who placed her baby was never able to grieve. Imagine going through the trauma of parting with your child and never being able to talk it out, receive needed help, or heal. She was not able to know the next chapter in her baby’s life or to stay in touch and see how her baby fared in the new family she made possible. Nor did that new family even acknowledge her—or the gift she gave them.
The story just ended, abruptly and without any closure.

2. Many adopted children eventually feel a desire to find and connect with the birth parents. All children want to know where they came from. It is an innate curiosity that causes children to want to know their story. For many, some milestone in their lives sparks the search. It might be their wedding, the birth of their first child, or the marriage of a child. Many search and wonder for years; many never find any results or closure. Many adoptees only find their birth parents after a great deal of research and effort. That long and painful search is a by-product of closed adoptions.

The search often leads them to sealed adoption records. Each state has different laws about opening these records. Recently, several states have chosen to “unseal” records. Other states do not allow adoption records to be unsealed and released. Sometimes the records are forever lost—destroyed in fires or moves. In these cases, the curious adoptee is left with many unanswered questions that can be painful for the rest of his/her life.

That is trauma layered on top of trauma. It’s no wonder that adoption horror stories abound.

We have come a long way since then.

We now know the harm that was caused by the practice of forced, closed, secret adoptions. Thank God those days are gone! Adoption has successfully evolved into something entirely different today.

A massive shift has taken place. The practice of adoption has completely flipped — from the closed adoptions of the 1950s, 60s and 70s to the almost entirely open adoptions of today. If there is such a thing as a “typical” infant adoption scenario in the US today, that new norm nationwide is called open adoption.

What does open adoption really mean?

It is actually a continuum of openness: Each family navigates the waters until they find the balance of contact and distance that works for them. Visits and privacy are a tradeoff, and geographical distance between the parties will require more work and planning to stay connected. Some want more contact, gathering regularly to celebrate holidays in person. Others are satisfied to exchange letters, photos, or social media posts.

At the core of open adoption is a world of possibilities. There are an infinite number of ways to structure any ongoing relationship. And adoption is no different. A continuum of options are possible. And when a family structures these new relationships in the way that works for all, inside the limits of their comfort zone, they know it. They can feel it.

Open adoption means ‘possibility’…

For the Birth Parents

Open adoption means peace of mind. The birthparents can rest assured, knowing that their child is thriving with parents who overcame many hurdles before welcoming their new child into the family. Ideally, the transparency and openness of the adoption allows the birth parents to stay informed about the child’s progress. It often includes ongoing communication between the birth family and the adoptive family. In some cases, this is worked out gradually and informally. If both the birth parent and the adoptive family want an increased level of contact and visits, they can arrange that. In other cases, adoption agencies actually require a set schedule for birth family visits to be included in the adoption contract. Sometimes there are negative experiences when the birth family and adoptive family have different expectations and cannot find a compromise. Open adoption works best with open communication.

For the Adoptee

Open adoption means that the child’s questions are answered.

The child will first ask, “Why did my mom choose adoption for me?” The reasons for that choice are as different as each woman who places her child, but the theme running through those stories is that the birthmother was not able to parent at that time in her life, and she loved her child so much that she wanted the best for him or her. She chose to place the child’s best interests above her own. It’s a brave and selfless act of pure love. Learning that the decision was extremely difficult and made from a place of love is very reassuring for a child.

For the Adoptive Parents

Open adoption means information.

Some adoptive parents are lucky enough to share the last few months of the pregnancy with the birth parents—they get to know them and gather some insight into their stories. They can also access genetic and medical information to best care for their child in the future. They will be able to provide doctors with fuller history so they can then choose the right course of treatment. It’s also possible to gather and preserve cord blood at the birth. It’s also helpful to know ancestral histories of various medical and genetic conditions and proclivities, such as alcoholism, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, heart conditions, and certain types of cancer. All of that can be very helpful.

There is no ideal level of openness. As with any ongoing relationship, work and communication are required in order to strike the balance that works well for the adoptive family and the birth parents.

The basic idea underlying open adoption today is transparency. In most cases today, children are aware of their background stories. They know they were adopted and why they were adopted. Their birth mother chose adoption at a time in her life when she felt she could not parent; she was not ready, willing, or able (perhaps all three) to parent well. So, she made the very difficult decision to go forward with her pregnancy, then thoughtfully chose parents for her baby, and then intentionally placed her child with them. The reward for making that huge sacrifice is knowing that she has helped to create a family, and being able to watch her child grow up, maybe even be treated like a member of the family.

Even when a woman doesn’t face pressure to place her child and the adoption is 100% her decision, it’s still quite challenging. Most birth mothers describe adoption as the most excruciating, difficult decision they have ever made, but one that they knew, with all their heart, was right.

These women go on to describe the rewards of seeing their baby raised in a happy, stable family. The ability to stay in touch and remain a part of the child’s life is one of the key benefits of open adoption. Observing the child’s upbringing is also a large part of the healing process for birth parents. After a necessary initial grieving period, the visits and other forms of communication can be helpful to both the birth mother and birth father, knowing that their child is well-loved.

In addition to providing transparency, another pillar of open adoption is ongoing communication. The open relationship makes this possible, but whether or not all parties opt to communicate regularly is up to those involved. This usually evolves over time. Some need distance in the first few years after the birth; some bond quickly and become a new extended family sooner. There are many possible scenarios, and there’s no “right” way to do this. Each open adoption is as unique as the humans that comprise it.

The bottom line is open adoption offers options. It offers connection. It offers answers. The people involved can forge the path and set the new traditions that work for them because everything is possible. Staying in touch is possible. Communication is possible. Loving relationships are possible.

And in this world, who would turn down one more person to love them? And one more person to love?


Current US culture presents two choices for women with unintended pregnancies with two choices and paints an unrealistic picture of both: abortion as a safe, quick, painless answer, and (often single) parenting as a glamorous, empowering adventure. Then we dupe women into believing this mirage of “solutions” by withholding the rest of the story.

But there is another choice!

More widespread education about open adoption is needed to enlighten the public so they can better advise, assist, and advocate for open adoption. Understanding the upsides of adoption done well, and openly is key. It has changed drastically in the last three decades and is a much healthier practice today. Understanding the downsides of both abortion and single parenting is another piece of the unplanned pregnancy puzzle.

The women and men who choose adoption for their babies do so out of a powerful love. They do work through the difficult times and often emerge stronger on the other side, proud of themselves and ready to embark on life’s next journey. Often the birth parents are happy that their child is being raised by people who are ready, willing, and able to parent well. And, they are often quite happy to become a part of the family they’ve helped create.


Terri Marcroft is an adoptive Mom to her 24-year old daughter. Terri is the Founder and Executive Director of Unplanned Good, an organization dedicated to promoting open adoption for women facing unplanned pregnancy.

For more information, please see unplannedgood.org/. The article above is a condensed excerpt from her book Pro-Choice Pro-Adoption: It’s Time for a Loving, Positive Response to Unplanned Pregnancy published in 2022.

Photo Credit: Pixabay Free Stock


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Ranked-Choice Voting Is The Monster Under The Bed Of American Elections thumbnail

Ranked-Choice Voting Is The Monster Under The Bed Of American Elections

By Shawn Fleetwood

Ranked-choice voting ‘is a scheme of the Left to disenfranchise voters and elect more Democrats,’ a new report found.

Democrats are using ranked-choice voting (RCV) to benefit their party and disenfranchise voters in elections across the country, a new report provided to The Federalist found.

Published by the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), the new analysis unearths how Democrats use the complexities associated with RCV to diminish confidence in elections among U.S. voters. Under RCV, often dubbed “rigged-choice voting” by its critics, voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of first-choice votes in the first round of voting, the last-place finisher is eliminated, and his votes are reallocated to the voter’s second-choice candidate.

This process continues until one candidate receives a majority of votes.

While both major political parties have a history of promoting RCV, it’s primarily Democrats who are pushing states and localities to adopt the practice for future elections. As noted by FGA, of the 74 pro-RCV bills introduced in state legislatures this past year, 57 “had only Democrat sponsors.” Meanwhile, “just eight percent of the total bills received bipartisan support,” with Republicans introducing 16 of the 17 bills opposing ranked-choice voting.

“Both the number of bills supportive and opposed to ranked-choice voting saw a large uptick in 2023,” the report reads. “Part of the reason for this increase is legislators have seen the system allow less popular Democrats beat more popular Republicans in federal races in both Maine and Alaska.”

While RCV proponents often claim the system “guarantees that elected officials receive majority support from the electorate,” election outcomes in Alaska and Maine — both of which have adopted RCV — show the exact opposite is true.

In Alaska, Democrat Mary Peltola won the state’s at-large congressional seat last year even though “nearly 60 percent of voters [cast] their ballots for a Republican.” As noted by FGA, this race also saw nearly 15,000 votes discarded due to so-called “ballot exhaustion.” The term “ballot exhaustion” is used to describe when voters select only one candidate on their ballot, and those ballots are tossed because their first choice didn’t win a majority in the first round.

Of the nearly 15,000 “exhausted” ballots thrown out in Alaska’s special congressional election, more than 11,000 were from voters who “voted for only one Republican candidate and no one else,” according to the report. RCV also played a major role in helping Alaska GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski win reelection during the 2022 midterms, which reportedly saw the “lowest voter turnout percentage on record.”

Election outcomes contradicting the desires of voters were also documented in a 2018 Maine congressional race. In that election, then-incumbent GOP Rep. Bruce Poliquin lost to Democrat Jared Golden despite Poliquin winning the most votes in the first round of voting. According to FGA, more than 8,000 ballots were deemed “exhausted” and effectively thrown out.

“These ballots are not just pieces of paper, each is connected to a voter and his or her preference,” the report reads. “By throwing away these ballots, ranked-choice voting is erasing their opinion and leaving their voice unheard in the democratic system.”

But discarded ballots are just one of the many problems associated with RCV. In jurisdictions that employ RCV, delayed election results and errors have become the norm. During New York City’s 2021 Democrat mayoral primary, for example, it took “a week of counting and 11 rounds of tabulations” before city officials determined that “135,000 test ballots had been counted by mistake.” It took nearly a month and eight rounds of counting before a winner was ultimately declared.

Voter confusion about how RCV works has also presented its challenges. After using the system for a June 20 primary election, officials in Arlington, Virginia, opted not to use the practice for its upcoming fall elections, “pointing to confusion about the process” among voters and “concerns about whether outreach efforts were translating to diverse support for the new system.”

FGA concluded its report by calling on lawmakers to follow the lead of states such as Florida and Tennessee by banning the use of RCV in future elections.

“This complicated and confusing form of counting votes is not a non-partisan solution to give voters greater voice,” the report reads. “It is a scheme of the Left to disenfranchise voters and elect more Democrats.”

Other states that have banned RCV in recent years include South DakotaIdaho, and Montana.


This article was published by The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit: Nast cartoon on Wikimedia Commons


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

The Average Cost of Public School Education Is 58% More Than Private School thumbnail

The Average Cost of Public School Education Is 58% More Than Private School

By James D. Agresti

The average cost of private schools is a vital fact for understanding issues like school choice and public school spending. This is because it provides a market-based comparison to the cost of government schools. Yet, the U.S. Department of Education hasn’t published an estimate for the average cost of private K–12 schools since 1995.

To fill this decades-long gap, Just Facts conducted extensive research to develop a methodology that reliably measures private school spending. Beyond analyzing academic papers and government reports, Just Facts performed data checks and corresponded with the Department of Education and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis to ensure accuracy.

Applying this method to the latest available data, the average inflation-adjusted cost of private K–12 schools in the 2019–20 school year was $9,709 per student. In contrast, the cost for public schools was $17,013 per student—or 75% more than private schools.

Public schools have a disproportionate number of students with disabilities, who cost more to educate than other students. Accounting for this difference, the average cost of educating children in public schools is now 58% greater than in private schools.

However, the cost premium of public schools is almost certainly larger than 58%. This is because government data on public school spending excludes some key items.

Coupled with data on student outcomes, these findings have major implications for the state of the public education system and how to improve it.

Historical Data

In a 1995 working paper, the Department of Education (DOE) estimated that “total expenditures for private schools in 1991–92 (including operating expenses and capital) were between $18.0 and $19.4 billion,” and the cost per student was “between $3,350 and $3,600.”

For the same school year, the DOE reported that public schools spent an average of $5,626 per student.

Comparing those figures, the average cost of public school education in 1991–92 was about 56–68% more than private school.

Since then, the DOE has published the average full tuition for private K–12 schools in 2011–12, but there is a significant difference between this figure and actual costs. That’s because full tuition, or the “sticker price,” is “the highest annual tuition charged for a full-time student.” The actual amounts paid by individuals are often much lower because they receive discounts for reasons such as having low income, siblings in the school, or a parent who is a teacher.

Since 1992, inflation-adjusted average public school spending per student has risen by 47%, and the DOE hasn’t published new data on private school spending. Thus, a fresh comparison of the cost differential between public and private schools is needed.

Just Facts’ Methodology

To determine the cost of private schools, Just Facts measures all income to them, including tuition payments, charitable donations, and government spending on private school programs. This is accomplished by summing federal data on:

All of the data and calculations are available in this spreadsheet. The bottom line result is that the average inflation-adjusted cost of private K–12 education in the 2019–20 school year was $9,709 per student.

This compares to the DOE’s figure of $17,013/student for public schools—or 75% more than private schools.

Incidentally, 75% isn’t far from the DOE’s estimate of a 56–68% cost premium for public schools in the 1991–92 school year.

Beyond that gut-level check, Just Facts corresponded with federal agencies, analyzed academic publications, and tested its methodology by using it to calculate total expenditures for private schools in the same 1991–92 school year that the DOE examined. This yielded a figure of $16.2 billion, or 10–16% lower than the DOE’s estimate of $18.0 to $19.4 billion.

The 10–16% differential accords with the following statement from the DOE’s working paper: “We would be surprised if improved data changed our overall estimate of total expenditures on private education by more than perhaps 10 or 15%.”

Some of the stated shortcomings of the DOE paper’s methodology are as follows:

  • “The main area of concern in the data for Catholic elementary and secondary schools is the response rate: each had a response rate far below 100%. (The response rate for the elementary survey was just above 50%, and for the secondary survey it was about 57%.)”
  • “In addition, our use of region as a proxy for geographic variation may be somewhat crude.”
  • “The principal caveat that needs to be attached to our estimates is that we are uncertain about the specific expenditures school officials included in their responses to the survey items we relied on in our analysis.”
  • “Nor do we know whether most schools responded to the survey items on the basis of a formal school budget or on the basis of less formal materials.”

Students with Disabilities

Per-pupil spending on students with disabilities is roughly 1.9 times that of typical students. Because a disproportionate share of students with disabilities are enrolled in regular public schools, this increases public school spending relative to private schools.

In 2019–20, students with disabilities comprised 1% of students in regular private schools and 14% of students in regular public schools. After adjusting for this difference, the 75% cost premium for public schools declines to 58%.

Unmeasured Costs

The cost premium for public schools is likely greater than 58% because the DOE’s data on public school spending doesn’t account for certain expenses. These include:

  • state government spending on administration.
  • the unfunded liabilities of pensions for government employees.
  • the costs of post-employment non-pension benefits (like health insurance) for government employees.

Such costs are common in public schools and rare in private ones.

The State of Public Education

The performance of schools has major consequences for the well-being of children, as well as the fabric of the nation. The father of the U.S. public education system, Horace Mann, was profoundly aware of these stakes but failed to foresee how his vision would unfold. In 1841, he declared that public schools were “the greatest discovery ever made by man,” and if they were “worked with the efficiency” of which they were capable:

nine-tenths of the crimes in the penal code would become obsolete; the long catalogue of human ills would be abridged; men would walk more safely by day; every pillow would be more inviolable by night; property, life, and character held by a stronger tenure; all rational hopes respecting the future brightened.

Reality has played out very differently than Mann predicted. Even though inflation-adjusted spending per public school student has risen by about 43 times since 1885, public schools are now spending an average of $343,663 per classroom per year:

  • only 37% of U.S. residents aged 16 and older can correctly answer a question that requires basic logic, addition, and division.
  • only 22% of the college-bound high school students who take the ACT exam meet its college readiness benchmarks in all four subjects (English, reading, math, and science).
  • two-thirds to three-quarters of all young adults in the U.S. are unqualified for military service because of poor physical fitness, weak educational skills, illegal drug use, medical conditions, or criminal records.
  • the drug overdose death rate has quintupled since 2000, and if it remains at the current level, one in every 40 people in the U.S. will ultimately die of a drug overdose.
  • 15-year-old U.S. students rank 31st among 37 developed nations in math, even though the U.S. spends an average of 38% more per K-12 student than other developed nations.

Public schools cannot be logically blamed for the entirety of this ruin because many other factors may be involved. However, public schools play a role—and often a major one—in all of these outcomes. Hence, there is clearly room for improvement.

Competition & School Choice

One of the most effective and time-tested ways to improve products and services is competition. Explaining why this is so, the textbook Economics: Private and Public Choice states:

Competition is a disciplining force for both buyers and sellers. In a competitive environment, producers must provide goods at a low cost and serve the interests of consumers; if they don’t, other suppliers will. … This process leads to improved products and production methods and directs resources toward projects that create more value. It is a powerful stimulus for economic progress.

In accord with that principle, numerous academic papers provide evidence of the benefits of competition in wide-ranging industries.

Likewise, the academic serial work Handbook of Research on School Choice states:

Much of the debate over school choice is based on the premise that there is a public monopoly over the provision of schooling and that schools are inefficient, in part, because of the absence of competition. If families could be treated as consumers and had the right to freely choose which kind of education they would prefer for their children, choice advocates assert that both government and non-government schools would improve….

Based on anecdotes, some people claim that competition doesn’t work in the sphere of education, but comprehensive facts like the following show that it does:

  • At least 22 high-quality studies have been performed on the academic outcomes of students who remain in public schools that are subject to school choice programs. All but one found neutral-to-positive results, and none found negative results.
  • A gold-standard experimental study published by the Quarterly Journal of Economics in 2011 found that high-risk male youth who won a school choice lottery in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina “commit about 50% less crime across several different outcome measures and scalings of crime by severity.”
  • Among 23 experimental (or quasi-experimental) studies that have been conducted on the academic outcomes of students who experience school choice:
    • 13 found statistically significant positive effects.
    • 6 found no statistically significant effects.
    • 3 found statistically significant negative effects.

The Money Drainage Myth

While ignoring all evidence on the benefits of school choice, teachers unions and politicians like Bernie Sanders argue that school choice harms public schools by draining funds from them. The polar opposite is true.

Private school choice generally increases public school funding per student, which is the primary measure of education funding. As explained by Stephen Cornman, a statistician with the DOE’s National Center for Education Statistics, per-pupil spending is “the gold standard in school finance.”

That’s why a school with only 1,000 students would be better funded than a school with 2,000 students if they both received the same total funding. It’s the funding per student that matters, not the funding per school.

Private school choice boosts per-pupil funding in public schools because the public schools no longer educate the students who go to private schools—which spend much less per student than public schools. This leaves additional funding for the students who remain in public schools.

For each non-disabled public school student who moves to a private school, the cost to educate her declines from an average of about $16,000/year to $10,000. This leaves an extra $6,000 in funds for the public school to spend on the remaining students. The savings can be even greater if the law caps the amount of money for private schools to less than $10,000.

What about the costs of students who are already enrolled in private schools? School choice initiatives are typically designed to help children whose parents can’t afford private school. Thus, school choice laws often target benefits to such families and limit benefits for richer households. Even though some of the benefits go to students who are already in private schools, the net result has been that most school choice programs save money. This can be used to increase funding per student in public schools.

Certain school costs (like building maintenance) are fixed in the short term. Thus, the savings of educating fewer students occurs in steps. This means that school choice can temporarily decrease the funding per student in some public schools, but this is brief and slight because only 8% of public school spending is for operations and maintenance.

Tax & Debt Implications

Instead of increasing per-student funding for public schools, the money saved through school choice could be used to reduce taxes or pay down government debt.

In 2021, federal, state, and local governments spent $745 billion on K–12 education, costing every household in the U.S. an average of $5,764. Over the average U.S. lifespan of 76 years, this amounts to $438,000 per household.

Because the average cost of educating children in public schools is now 58% greater than in private schools, taxes, and debt could be significantly reduced by allowing parents to put their children in schools that cost less and provide better education.


Compared to private schools, public schools are costly and ineffective. An array of facts indicates that this situation—which poses a dire threat to the entire nation—can be improved by competition from school choice.

Although choice could help students, parents, and taxpayers, it would harm teachers’ unions by depriving them of dues and power. This is because private schools are less likely to have unions than public ones.

In turn, this financially harms Democratic politicians, political action committees, and related organizations, which have received more than $230 million in reported donations from the two largest teachers’ unions since 1990. Unions also give many unreported donations to Democratic Party causes.

The National Education Association has sent an open letter to Democrats stating that “opposition to vouchers is a top priority for NEA,” and the 2020 Democratic Party Platform opposes private school choice. Nevertheless, public school teachers are more likely to place their own children in private schools than other parents, and leading Democrats like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Elizabeth Warren personally attended and/or sent their own children to private schools.


James D. Agresti is the president of Just Facts, a research institute dedicated to publishing facts about public policies and teaching research skills.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Whose Children Are They? thumbnail

Whose Children Are They?

By Bruce Bialosky

When I was growing up there was no question who was in charge of me.  It was my parents.  I was blessed with going to one of the finest public school systems at the time — Shaker Heights, Ohio.  It was clear the schools were responsible for educating me to read, write, learn mathematics and science, and teach me about history, particularly American history. The responsibility ended there. Have things ever changed?

I saw a transition when my own children attended school. The Beautiful Wife and I chose to send them to a Jewish school system. We knew of the degradation of the public school systems (in the ‘90s) and wanted our children to have our Jewish values reinforced during the long school days they experienced.  When they were in elementary school the only indoctrination they were subject to was spelling correctly and multiplication tables.

Challenges began by the time they got to high school. There was a required health course that was a poorly disguised sex education course.  Reviewing the curriculum, I questioned some of the materials and was told by the school headmaster it was a required course by the state of California for my children to graduate.  Otherwise, tough luck sir.

The following year was dedicated to teaching the elements of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. I had seen the movie and found it to be a load of malarkey. There were predictions in the movie passed off as being truths about the future which have subsequently turned out to be incorrect.

For a meeting with the principal and science department head, I arrived with a stack of counter-evidence to what was proposed in the movie. I started by holding up my well-worn copy of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb.  I spoke of how when I was my kids’ age the book was spoken of as gospel. Virtually everything in the book turned out to be hogwash.  In fact, even the Left-leaning Wikipedia states, “Paul Ralph Ehrlich is an American biologist best known for his pessimistic and inaccurate predictions and warnings about the consequences of population growth and limited resources.” I told them Al Gore’s movie would end up being thought of in the same manner. It had no scientific basis. Unfortunately, they went on with their misguided celebration of the movie.

The challenges we faced 17 years ago are insignificant compared to what is being spread in the public school systems today in coordination with the two national teachers’ unions propagandists.  I don’t know what I would do today if I were faced with the degradation of the school systems in my area.  I am sure I would pull up stakes and relocate to an area where my children were not being indoctrinated. Alternatively, they would be home-schooled.

That is exactly what I see happening.  Every group that ever wanted to change society has drafted the children into their movement and trained them in their thinking. Lenin did it. Stalin did it. Mao did it. You can rest assured that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il did it and Kim Jong Un is continuing in their footsteps. We know Palestinian children are being indoctrinated to hate and want to kill Jews. 

You can fight back.  My friend, Barak Lurie, recently wrote a book, Keeping The Kids All Right, a handy guide on how to protect your kids from indoctrination.

Many people are pessimistic because the teachers’ unions have such a death grip on the educational system.  It would be moderately acceptable except for the epic failures of educating the kids in the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. That is why they call for abolishing standardized tests — to hide their malfeasances. 

Recent wins by parents wanting traditional education along with parental control in the schools have given me reason to be optimistic. Parents who for a long time trusted that their school boards and schools were doing the right thing have become activists. Many parents are running for school board positions instead of allowing the Education Cartel to control their schools. 

The bigger move is taking back control and returning it to the hands of the parents. As of today, there are ten states with universal or near-universal school choice programs, meaning that all or virtually all students in the state are eligible to participate in a school choice program. That puts parents in charge of choosing their kids’ school instead of being told their children are sentenced to an underperforming indoctrination factory.

These states are Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, and West Virginia.  These programs allow students to use public funds to attend a private school, charter school, or other non-public educational setting. Six more states have legislation to adopt universal school choice.

In the next five years or so we will begin to see the contrast in performance among states.  My money is on the states that provide freedom of choice to parents.  You know where the school funding follows the students as opposed to the performance in New Jersey, New York City, Chicago, and California where children’s futures are sacrificed to the god of unionized teachers.

We used to blindly trust our school systems before teachers’ unions took over.  Those days are gone.  Parents need to be and are once again involved in their children’s education.  They must take back control.  It needs to be done before we have a generation of uneducated, indoctrinated zombies created by inferior schools.


This article was published in  Flash Report and is reproduced with permission from the author.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Congress Headed For Showdown Over Ukraine, Israel Funds As Massie And Greene Say ‘NO’ To All thumbnail

Congress Headed For Showdown Over Ukraine, Israel Funds As Massie And Greene Say ‘NO’ To All

By Tyler Durden

House Republican opposition to Ukraine funding – a large part of why Kevin McCarthy was ousted by the Freedom Caucus – is solidifying under newly crowned Speaker Mike Johnson, who hand-delivered a report to President Biden with a list of demands.

In particular, the list – written by Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA), informs Biden that Congress won’t authorize any additional funds for Ukraine unless the administration answers a dozen questions about the path forward. Chief among them – how Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy plan to win the war against Russia, and how long it might take.

“Failure to ask these questions, and a continued willingness by Congress to enable this carte blanche mentality to date, is, in my opinion, a dereliction of duty and a recipe for disaster that will enable a Ukrainian defeat and enhance Chinese aggression,” said Garcia.

Johnson, meanwhile, has made clear that House Republicans won’t bundle Ukraine aid and money for Israel’s conflict with Hamas, as Biden wants.

On Sunday, Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures” that Israel aid must be separated because it’s a more “pressing and urgent need” that the House will act on this week.

“There are lots of things going on around the world that we have to address, and we will,” he said, adding “But now what’s happening in Israel takes the immediate attention, and we’ve got to separate that and get it through.”

What about no on Israel too?

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Sunday posted on X that she won’t support any more foreign aid, including support to Israel, because of the national debt…..


Continue reading this article at Zero Hedge.

Image Credit: Gage Skidmore


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Decolonization from Theory to Practice thumbnail

Decolonization from Theory to Practice

By Phillip W. Magness

Since October 7th, 2023, we have seen that ideas have consequences in the real world. Phillip Magness is an economic historian who specializes in the economic dimensions of slavery and racial discrimination, the history of taxation, and measurements of economic inequality over time. He also maintains an active research interest in higher education policy and the history of economic thought.

He joins Kate Wand on Liberty Curious to discuss his recent work on Critical Race Theory (CRT), its proliferation in academia and the mainstream, and its connection to the far left’s response to Hamas’ massacre of Israeli citizens. Phil Magness is a Senior Research Faculty and F.A. Hayek Chair in Economics and Economic History at the American Institute for Economic Research.

Read more of Phil’s work at philmagness.com
Phil’s Faculty profile at AIER.org
Enjoy the full catalog of AIER Podcasts
Phil’s Article on Critical Race Theory in the Data

Use these timestamps to navigate the interview content:
0:00 – Intro
1:35 – CRT in a nutshell
3:05 – CRT academics’ reactions to Oct 7
10:24 – Media spin
13:08 – Who is colonizing who?
17:07 – What is decolonization?
19:15 – The dangers of CRT in the real world
20:39 – The proliferation of CRT in academia
26:46 – Why are these ideas so seductive?
30:15 – Promises
33:07 – Silver linings?
37:20 – Last Thoughts


This article was published by AIER, The American Institute for Economic Research, and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

DHS special agents are being pulled off investigating child trafficking to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants thumbnail

DHS special agents are being pulled off investigating child trafficking to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants

By The Geller Report

A patriotic whistleblower told Joh Hawley that DHS special agents are being pulled off investigating child trafficking to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants at the southern border.

Secretary Mayorkas can’t deny it. And this as FBI Director said the threat of a Hamas-inspired attack in the U.S. is at “a whole other level.”

Special agents yanked off child trafficking cases to make sandwiches for migrants at border – https://t.co/0Nd8bV3HWx

— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 31, 2023


BREAKING: FBI Director Chris Wray warns Hamas terrorists may exploit tensions in the US to “conduct attacks here on our own soil.” WATCH pic.twitter.com/X1FD3NQty0

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) October 31, 2023

And this:

JUST IN: FBI Director Chris Wray says Iran has made assassination attempts against “dissidents and high-ranking current and former U.S. government officials, including right here on American soil.”pic.twitter.com/CSn4omLfgA

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) October 31, 2023

And this as FBI Director said the threat of a Hamas-inspired attack in the U.S. is at “a whole other level.”

FBI Director Wray: “We are in a dangerous period… Gaps in our intelligence are real & it’s something that we have concerns about. It is a time for vigilance… If you see something say something.”

EXCLUSIVE: 100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross Biden’s Open Border in October, Says Source https://t.co/17XLguwYtX via @BreitbartNews Future enemy to start wars here…

— g.t.mace (@gldbug) October 31, 2023

According to a source within CBP, the influx of Special Interest Migrants across the U.S./Mexico border continues early in the NEW fiscal year as nearly 100 Syrian and 50 Iranian nationals have been apprehended by the Border Patrol since the beginning of October. The source says the influx of Syrian and Iranian Special Interest Migrants is concerning, considering the turmoil unfolding in the Middle East.

The Syrian and Iranian migrants were apprehended in multiple sectors across the southwest border during October. The latest arrest of an Iranian national by the Border Patrol occurred near Eagle Pass, Texas, on Saturday. The Iranian national was discovered within a single group of more than 300 that crossed into the small border city. A debrief of the Iranian migrant is pending as of press time, according to the source.

Feel safe?

A DHS employee posted pro-terrorist, pro-genocide images all over social media on the day Israel was attacked. And she’s apparently STILL on DHS payroll – pic.twitter.com/vKtrZ8ZnBl

— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 31, 2023


Pamela Geller

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Palestinian’ Woman Featured in VOGUE to Jews: ‘We Will Drink Your Blood And Eat Your Skull’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Key to Peace In the Middle East Rests With The Iranian People thumbnail

The Key to Peace In the Middle East Rests With The Iranian People

By Amil Imani

A Reckoning with the Past and a Call for Action

As protests in Iran persist, demanding greater freedom and a transition to democracy, the United States needs to reflect on its past actions, particularly about Iran, and decide on a course of action. To clarify: The Iranian people have been yearning for change, and the United States must stand firmly with them.

So, let us evaluate the U.S.’s past and present policies toward Iran with some practical advice for the current administration. We will also try to critically examine former U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s role in the rise of Shiite Islam in Iran and praise President Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. Furthermore, let this serve as a warning against supporting groups like the Mujahidin Khalgh (MEK) while advocating for support for secular Iranians and condemning the Iran nuclear deal for its hidden perils.

The Iranian Uprising: A Cry for Freedom

Protests have been raging in Iran for over a year, ignited by the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman, who was arrested for the perceived violation of Iran’s strict hijab laws. The following protests have become a massive movement, demanding greater freedoms and a complete change in the country’s leadership. Many protesters chanted, ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ —a famous rallying cry after nationwide protests erupted following Amini’s death last year. As the world watches these brave Iranians struggle for a better future, it becomes abundantly clear that they support their cause more actively. Doing so is not just a matter of principle; it’s a strategic imperative for regional peace and stability.

Encouraging International Support

The United States should lead the charge in rallying international support for the Iranian protesters. Diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, and targeted measures against Iranian officials and entities involved in repression, censorship, and prison abuses should be employed. By taking the lead, the U.S. can encourage its European allies and other nations to join a unified front, sending a clear message to the Iranian regime.

A Democratic Movement in Iran

A popular democratic movement in Iran is desirable and necessary to bring about lasting change. The Islamic Republic’s oppressive regime is incompatible with the aspirations of the Iranian people. Our responsibility is to aid in the transition to a more democratic, representative government that respects the rule of law and individual rights.

Young Iranians, mainly the urban-educated Iranians, are among the most ardent believers in democracy worldwide. Many view America as the country with the best hope for spreading and protecting the high ideals of democracy. In a sense, many Iranians feel a closer affinity with a democratic Israel than all the neighboring Arab Muslim dictatorships. Although Islam was imposed on Iran some 1400 years ago, Iranians deeply value their ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to the Arab culture. During the bloodletting war initiated by the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein against Iran, all Arab states sided with the Butcher of Baghdad against Iran. Yet, Israel was the only Middle Eastern country that remained neutral and helped Iran in the struggle. We Iranians don’t forget our friends, and we also remember our enemies.

Economic Measures

The United States should reconsider sanctions regulations that impede Iran’s interaction with international financial institutions, as such restictions may inadvertently harm the Iranian people. Instead, the U.S. should establish a fund dedicated to supporting the Iranian protest movement and promoting economic stability in the country during this period of upheaval. It is good that the US has imposed sanctions on Iranian officials and entities connected to the repression of protests, censorship, and prison abuses.

Amplifying Support through Media

  • The US should utilize traditional and social media to amplify and sustain support for the Iranian people.
  • By publicly championing their cause, we ensure their struggle does not fade into obscurity.
  • Publicizing their plight keeps the international community engaged and aware of the ongoing protests, which in turn exerts more pressure on the Iranian government to address the demands of its people.
  • President Joe Biden and other high-ranking officials should vigorously embrace traditional and social media to amplify and sustain their support for the Iranian people and remind demonstrators that the administration stands with them.

Facilitating Internet Access

Protesters in Iran rely heavily on the internet for communication and organization. The U.S. should take measures to facilitate greater access to the Internet for the Iranian people. This empowers them to organize more effectively and allows them to communicate with the outside world, shedding light on the situation inside Iran and garnering international support.

The Obama Fiasco

When Obama went on his apology world tour, bad-mouthing the United States and singing the praises of Islam and internationalism, he showed vacillation and weakness at every turn. For one, he did not even find it in himself to voice his support for the brave Iranians against the rule of fascist mullahs in the 2009 Green Revolution.

The results: Thousands of democracy’s best children of Iran were slaughtered, maimed, or imprisoned, and the Iranian mullahs are encouraged and have tripled their speed in the quest for their ultimate weapon, knowing full well that you neither can nor will do anything to stop them.

He failed to voice his support for the people. It implied that what was happening in Iran was a kind of family dispute best left to be settled by the Iranians themselves. A family feud indeed. One side of the “family” with legions of savages armed to the teeth, the Revolutionary Guard  (IRGC) and their hired thugs, and the other side of the “family” defenseless civilians using their voices to plead their case. The Islamic rulers spared no heinous means in mercilessly silencing the people’s representatives.

Today, the IRGC possesses an enormous power structure with influence over almost every aspect of Iranian life. Unlike the regular armed forces responsible for defending Iran’s territory, the IRGC was explicitly designed to protect the Islamic revolution itself and eavesdrop on the regular military. Khomeini never trusted the regular army.

No nation provided even moral support for the Iranian people, while the savage mullahs and their thugs consolidated their rule of terror with impunity. The same scenario is recurring, and the world’s silence is deafening while we are engaged in the Ukraine war.

Carter’s Legacy and the Rise of the Islamic Terrorism

It is impossible to discuss Iran’s tumultuous history without evaluating the role of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. His tenure oversaw a turbulent period in Iran’s history, ultimately leading to the rise of Shiite Islam and the establishment of the Islamic Republic. Carter’s actions, or lack thereof, are attributable to the birth of a regime that has caused immeasurable death, suffering, and turmoil, particularly during the Iran-Iraq war. The heavy toll of hundreds of thousands of Iranian lives lost in that conflict is a painful reminder of the consequences of policies that failed to support the Iranian people.

As President Carter dithered, Khomeini’s influence grew, and his message of Islamic revolution resonated with the Muslim population seeking an alternative to the Shah’s regime. The Carter administration’s failure to understand the dynamics of the Iranian opposition and its inability to support pro-democracy forces ultimately contributed to the rise of the Islamic Republic.

The upheavals of 1979 shattered the existing order, and a turbaned charlatan that Jimmy Carter called a saint, Ayatollah Khomeini, skillfully steered the forces of change to promote his brand of totalitarian rule—a rule aimed at taking Iran backward to a primitive, violent, and misogynistic society.

Carter made a bone-headed decision some forty-five years ago. Both Iranians and Americans paid dearly and continue to pay.

The Trump Administration’s Bold Move: Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal

In stark contrast to Carter’s legacy, the Trump administration made a crucial decision in May 2018, withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and reinstating sanctions. This move was not merely an act of political bravado; it was a statement that the Iranian regime, with its history of deception, violence, and religious fanaticism, could not be trusted. It marked a turning point in U.S. policy toward Iran, reflecting an understanding of the true nature of the Islamic Republic.

The Iran Nuclear Deal: A Flawed Bargain

The Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was touted as a diplomatic achievement that would prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. However, it had significant flaws. Under the JCPOA, Iran was allowed to continue its nuclear program, albeit with certain limitations. While proponents argued that these restrictions would prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, critics rightly pointed out that it allowed Iran to maintain its nuclear infrastructure, setting the stage for a potential breakout once the restrictions expired.

Moreover, the deal did little to address Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region. Iran supported proxy groups, such as Hezbollah, and incited violence in neighboring countries. The influx of funds resulting from sanctions relief further emboldened Iran’s aggressive regional behavior.

The Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the deal recognized these shortcomings and stated that the United States would not disregard Iran’s destabilizing actions.

Beware of Cultish Groups: Rejecting the MEK

While we acknowledge the need to support the Iranian people, we must heed the warnings of history and avoid supporting groups like the Mujahidin Khalgh (MEK). We must discern our choices and not inadvertently back an organization that could harm the people it claims to represent.

The MEK, considered a terrorist organization, has a dark militant history and a controversial reputation. While it claims to advocate for democracy and freedom in Iran, it has been criticized for its cult-like practices and authoritarian leadership. Supporting such a group could have unintended consequences, potentially undermining the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people.

As we acknowledge the need to support the Iranian people, it is vital to heed the warnings of history and avoid supporting groups like the Mujahidin Khalgh (MEK). “The MEK is not a valid player on the Iranian political scene. They have no credibility in Iran,” warns Ryan Crocker, former US Ambassador to Iraq.

I must strongly warn my fellow Americans not to repeat President Jimmy Carter’s monumental folly that brought the infamous Ayatollah Khomeini to power and birthed Islamist jihadism by standing behind Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the notorious Mujahidin-e Khalq or (MEK), the most dangerous terrorist group that even abused and murdered their members for trying to defect or escape from Camp Ashraf in Iraq. It would be equivalent to betraying the ideals of America—the flag holder of freedom in the world.

Secular Iranians are our True Allies

The path forward lies in championing the cause of secular Iranians, the United States’ best friends in the Islamic world. Their vision for a democratic Iran, where individual rights and freedoms are respected, aligns with our values and interests. We must throw our full support behind them in their quest for a brighter future.

The protests in Iran have revealed the Iranian people’s unwavering determination for a better future in which they enjoy the same rights and freedoms that citizens of free nations often take for granted. It is our responsibility as the United States, a beacon of democracy and liberty, to support their aspirations.

While history contains valuable lessons, the present moment calls for a bold, resolute stance. We must rally behind the Iranian people, drawing from our past experiences to navigate the complex landscape of Iranian politics. By standing with the Iranian people in their pursuit of democracy and freedom, we can help pave the way for a more peaceful Middle East.

The time for action is now, and the United States must seize the opportunity to be a force for good in Iran and beyond. In doing so, we can ensure that the tragic mistakes of the past are not repeated and that the Iranian people can finally achieve the freedoms they so desperately desire.

Final note

Once the Islamic regime is defeated, it would be the greatest thing since the fall of Soviet communism. It would subvert virulent Islamic ideology by creating a truly democratic, secular, strong nation in tandem with Israeli democracy in the heart of the Islamic Ummah. It would be an answered prayer just as much for the world as for Iranians.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: US and EU: Supporting Iranians demanding freedom is not a luxury

Hostages Kidnapped by Hamas Climbs to 245 as German and British Police Seen Tearing Down Posters of the Missing thumbnail

Hostages Kidnapped by Hamas Climbs to 245 as German and British Police Seen Tearing Down Posters of the Missing

By Dr. Rich Swier

IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari says the military has so far notified the families of 240 hostages that their loved ones are being held in the Gaza Strip, upping the number of confirmed people who were abducted on October 7 to at least 245.

🚨JUST IN: IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says the military has so far notified the families of 240 hostages that their loved ones are being held in the Gaza Strip, upping the number of confirmed people who were abducted on October 7 to at least 245. pic.twitter.com/P1tnu1SUHx

— Mohamed Fakhar (@Fakaa32) October 31, 2023

New videos on X and photos published by the DailyMail.com show German and British police officers destroying posters of Jews kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

This is bowing to the tenants of Islamists like Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and the Mullas of Iran.

Fury as Met Police officers pull down posters of kidnapped Israeli children in London

By Summer Goodkind and Natasha Anderson, 31 October 2023


A furious row has broken out after Metropolitan Police officers were filmed pulling down posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas during the terror group’s barbaric October 7 attack.

Two officers stripped the outside of Cullimore Chemist in Edgware, North London of flyers of the missing innocents after receiving calls from residents concerned about tension within the community.

Some locals in the area, which is home to a sizeable Jewish community, have slammed the officers over their ‘disgusting actions’. But the Met has insisted they were merely taking steps to ‘stop issues escalating’ and to ‘avoid community tension’.

In a statement, the force said that the missing posters were hung in ‘retaliation’ for comments about the Israel-Hamas war – including branding Israel and the IDF as ‘filthy animals’ – that were posted online by an alleged member of the chemist’s staff. Police said a print of out the remarks was also hung outside the shop.

Officers removed the posters and the comments because they have a ‘responsibility to take reasonable steps to stop issues escalating and to avoid any further increase in community tension,’ the force said.

Investigators are also reviewing the alleged staff member’s social media post for possible offences.

The controversy comes as the Met has come under fire for failing to clampdown on Islamism and extremism at pro-Palestine protests on the streets of London. Last weekend, protesters were seen carrying effigies of dead babies, and earlier this month extremists led a rally calling for ‘jihad’.

Read the rest.

German police officers destroying poster of Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas.

Have they studied at American universities? Or in Nürnberg? pic.twitter.com/RQWBSrwsGg

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 31, 2023

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Real Americans confront a Hamas supporter for removing posters of kidnapped Israeli civilians.

Well deserved!! 👏👏#ElonMusk#Gaza#IsraeliNewNazism #Israel #starlinkforgaza #Gaza_Genocide #HamasislSIS #Palestine #USA pic.twitter.com/bJwtVL3WW4

— Debashish (@nickjr001) October 28, 2023

Secretary Of State’s Office Lacks Processes To Clean Voter Rolls Of Over 78K Noncitizens, Nonresidents thumbnail

Secretary Of State’s Office Lacks Processes To Clean Voter Rolls Of Over 78K Noncitizens, Nonresidents

By Corinne Murdock

The secretary of state’s office lacks the processes in place to remove about 78,000 potential noncitizens and nonresidents from its voter rolls.

In its last two quarterly reports issued to the state legislature in May and August, respectively, the department reported that it had received reports of but not acted on over 78,200 potentially invalid voters. The secretary of state’s office didn’t respond to our inquiry as to whether they have since put in place any processes to remove those potentially invalid voters from the voter rolls.

Through the beginning of August, the secretary of state received reports of over 53,200 persons reported to have been issued a driver’s license or equivalent of an Arizona nonoperating ID license in another state; over 1,300 persons who admitted to not being a citizen on a jury questionnaire; and over 23,600 persons who admitted to not being a resident of a county on a jury questionnaire. In those cases, the secretary of state’s office disclosed that a process for sending notices, placing voter registrations on inactive status, or canceling voter registrations was “in development.”

These reports were included as exhibits in a Monday filing by Attorney General Kris Mayes in the case Mi Familia Vota v. Adrian Fontes, a case seeking to nullify state election integrity laws requiring stricter standards for voter proof of citizenship and voter roll cleanups.

These reports were previously believed to have not been submitted to the legislature, per previous reporters’ accounts of an inability to obtain the records. According to the exhibits, the two reports were submitted to Sen. President Warren Petersen (R-AZ-14) and House Speaker Ben Toma (R-AZ-27).

Last month, the Democratic Party-backed activist groups secured a partial win in a ruling from Arizona District Court Judge Susan Bolton. The judge determined that the proof of citizenship requirement set forth by the two laws in question, HB 2492 and HB 2243, posed too great a burden on voters.

Several questions remain before the Arizona District Court in the case.

One concerns whether HB 2492’s requirement that voters provide their place of birth, referred to as the birthplace requirement, violates 52 U.S.C. § 10101(a)(2)(B), referred to as the materiality provision.

“No person acting under color of law shall – deny the right of any individual to vote in any election because of an error or omission on any record or paper relating to any application, registration, or other act requisite to voting, if such error or omission is not material in determining whether such individual is qualified under State law to vote in such election,” states the federal statute.

Last week, the Biden administration issued a brief declaring that birthplace wasn’t material to determining voter eligibility. Kristen Clarke, Civil Rights Division assistant attorney general, and Gary Restaino, Arizona District attorney, argued that certain individuals born in the U.S. can be noncitizens such as those with diplomat parents, those who later renounce their citizenship, and those born outside the country to U.S. citizen parents.

Another question concerns whether the voter list maintenance programs set forth by HB 2492 and HB 2243 violate 52 U.S.C. § 10101(a)(2)(A), referred to as the discrimination provision, or violate the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

“No person acting under color of law shall – in determining whether any individual is qualified under State law or laws to vote in any election, apply any standard, practice, or procedure different from the standards, practices, or procedures applied under such law or laws to other individuals within the same county, parish, or similar political subdivision who have been found by State officials to be qualified to vote,” states the federal statute.

Another concerns whether the NVRA requirement that states accept and use the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) federal voter registration form preempts HB 2243’s voter list maintenance program.

The case is scheduled to go to trial on Nov. 6.


This article was published at AZ Free News and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Arizona News: November 1, 2023 thumbnail

Arizona News: November 1, 2023

By The Editors

The Prickly Pear will provide current, linked articles about Arizona consistent with our Mission Statement to ‘inform, educate and advocate’. We are an Arizona based website and believe this information should be available to all of our statewide readers.

Unstaffed Drop Boxes Jeopardize The Safety And Security Of Our Elections

Secretary Of State’s Office Lacks Processes To Clean Voter Rolls Of Over 78K Noncitizens, Nonresidents

Blake Masters enters race for Lesko’s seat

Arizona county sheriffs deploy deputies to border

Federal Court Rules Abortionists May Seek Injunction Against Abortion Ban

Biden Admin Targets Nation’s Largest Private Christian University

When Bonds Become Bailouts – The Case Of Mesa USD

Arizona rises in state business tax climate rankings

Hobbs Appoints Tovar To State Board Of Education

Hobbs’ “Diversity Council” Raises Legal Questions

City Of Flagstaff Threatened With Lawsuit Over Firearms Advertisement Ban

Mayor Gallego Proves Again That She’s Willing To Silence Anyone To Gain More Power

Sen. Kerr Resigns From Hobbs’ Water Council

Tucson Unveils New $140 Million Public Transit On Existing Route

Mesa Teacher On Leave For Dressing As The Devil, Chanting ‘Hail Satan’ Over Students


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Feminists Are Consenting to Hamas’ Rape Culture thumbnail

Feminists Are Consenting to Hamas’ Rape Culture

By Gil Troy

And they’re doing it proudly, on campuses and capitals around the world

On Oct. 7, Hamas unleashed a savage assault on southern Israel. These marauders were equal-opportunity killers, kidnappers, and abusers. Their bloody frenzy targeted everyone in their path—babies, Thai workers, Israeli Arabs, Bedouins, the elderly, special needs children, and, of course, Israeli Jews. They particularly relished targeting women—slaughtering them, raping them, cutting babies out of pregnant women’s wombs, torturing mothers and grandmothers in front of their families—and, many fear, sexually enslaving some of the hostages. The world witnessed these perversions because the villains proudly filmed them, then inspired Palestinians and pro-Palestinian progressives to spread them across social media. This secondary, digital, GoPro assault on the victims’ dignity made this orgy of misogyny one of the bloodiest and most publicized attacks on women in history.

Nevertheless, more than three weeks later, the feminist community remains silent. In May 2021, within days of Israel counterattacking in self-defense against yet another Hamas bombardment, over 120 gender studies departments denounced the Jewish state. Declaring that “justice is indivisible,” they proclaimed that our work is “committed to an inclusive feminist vision,” as per the National Women’s Studies Association’s 2015 Solidarity Statement, “that contests violations of civil rights and international human rights law.” The call was so popular, that the Palestinian Feminist Collective asked for patience. “Please note, due to the overwhelming response we are only uploading names twice a day. Please be patient as we are stretched to capacity.”

Now, despite seeing Hamas’ rape cult, not one gender studies department has defended even one victimized woman. Feminists have long taught us to believe the accuser and not blame the victim. For years, progressives insisted, in academic papers, on T-shirts, and even on coffee mugs, that when fighting oppression, “silence is consent,” or even that “silence is violence.” On Oct. 7, the violated women shouted, shrieked, cried, begged, rape after rape, cut after cut, fighting off these assaults with their voices and their bare hands as best each could. Some hostages may still be struggling. By contrast, violating every feminist principle I’ve ever read and respected, today’s feminist movement is violently, silently, consenting to this mass crime against women and against the victims from three dozen different countries. Some even doubt the testimonials—and the staggering, bloody, heartbreaking evidence of stripped women paraded through Gaza’s streets. Robbing someone of their story is a secondary offense—but nevertheless inexcusable.

If justice is indivisible, these women deserve justice—and empathy too—whether or not you like Israel or abhor it and its policies. If rape culture is never OK, all civilized people should repudiate so many Palestinians’ and progressives’ delight in spreading these videos and cheering these crimes. In their silence, most leading feminists became complicit, aiding and abetting this mass attempt to dehumanize women just because they’re Jews—or happened to be on the Gaza border that day.

Violating every feminist principle I’ve ever read and respected, today’s feminist movement is violently, silently, consenting to this mass crime against women.

Beyond the sheer cruelty and unfathomable scale of suffering, these crimes devastated so many people, Jews and non-Jews alike, who recognized the barbarians’ perverted pedigree. President Joe Biden connected the historical dots on Oct. 18, saying that when this “sacred Jewish holiday, became the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust,” it “brought to the surface painful memories and scars left by a millennia of antisemitism and the genocide of the Jewish people.” He added: “The world watched then, it knew, and the world did nothing. We will not stand by and do nothing again. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.”

Indeed, these crimes echoed the mass murders and sexual assaults the Nazis perpetrated during the Holocaust, that Arabs perpetrated on their Jewish neighbors during the Hebron Massacre of 1929, that Cossacks perpetrated on so many Jews during pogroms—and so many other Jew-haters perpetrated on Jewish women, no matter how young or old over millennia.

In singling out women, those guilty of this gendered violence want to dehumanize them doubly. They seek to strip Jewish women of their dignity by abusing them in unspeakable ways. They try humiliating Jewish men, treating them as so helpless they cannot even defend their women and children.

After three weeks of hearing how this sadistic saturnalia “exhilarated” too many progressives, those justifiably appalled by these enablers of evil are now being told the worst abuses never happened. Once again, the hypocrisy is stunning. Feminists teach that denying sexual assault intensifies the trauma, erasing the victim’s personhood yet again. Nevertheless, some feminists are questioning the stories—perhaps because they don’t want to question their blind support for the Palestinian cause. They want to deny the vile photos and videos, the reports from IDF officialspathologists, and volunteers at the overworked morgues, or testimonies from captured Hamas criminals describing “having sex with dead bodies, meaning the body of a dead young woman,” because the goal was “to dirty them, to rape them.”

The horrors of Oct. 7 were so unnerving that the characteristic gallows humor of the Israelis has been muted. The first joke I heard, however, is tragically on point: If gaslighting is denying you said what you said …. Gaza-lighting is denying you did what you did—after broadcasting it broadly to the world…..


Continue reading this article at Tablet Mag.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Want to start War III? Then import more anti-American/anti-Western migrants thumbnail

Want to start War III? Then import more anti-American/anti-Western migrants

By Dr. Rich Swier

The Federation for American Immigration Reform reported in an article titled Illegal Alien Border Apprehensions: What the Numbers Mean reported,

September 2023’s illegal alien border apprehension numbers are finally out, marking the end of Fiscal Year 2023. The picture they paint, is bleak, but also, given the lax security at the border, completely predictable. The total number of people encountered trying to cross our borders illegally was a record-breaking 3.2 million, up from 2.76 million in FY 2022 and 1.96 million in FY 2021.

Following the termination of Title 42 in May 2023, encounters briefly dipped only to rebound up again once it became obvious that the Biden administration’s announcement it would impose greater security did not materialize. Other factors have also played a huge role in driving the growing influx, including parole programs and the administration’s policies regarding Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

  • A record 3.2 million border encounters in Fiscal Year 2023, up 16 percent since FY 2022.
  • Types of Illegal Aliens: Big jump in migrants encountered traveling in family groups, up 62 percent in FY 2023.
  • Parole Programs: Big Pull Factor for Beneficiary Nations
  • Border Security: Open to Terrorism and Tyrannies

Read the full column.

WATCH: TUCKER ON X with British broadcaster, former politician and former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Nigel Farage explaining why when you accept more anti-Westerners into a country you are setting yourself up for WW III.

Ep. 35 Start another war, send millions more anti-Western refugees to the West. Starting to notice a pattern? pic.twitter.com/93dQaVfbNF

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 30, 2023

In a column titled Biden’s Busted Border Is A Giant Red Carpet For Terrorists Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor Deroy Murdock reported,

Maddeningly, Biden’s murder of the U.S.-Mexico border (1848-2021) goes even deeper.

Since Trump departed, southern-frontier incursions have soared among illegals in the Terrorist Screening Dataset. Consider these fiscal year apprehensions:

2017 – 2
2018 – 6
2019 – 0
2020 – 3
2021 – 15
2022 – 98
2023 – 169

Border Patrol caught only 11 terrorists trying to penetrate America’s boundaries under Trump. Under Biden? 282 — up an alarming 2,464%.

Also nailed on the “border,” as Biden watched: 73,008 Special Interest Aliens from 12 terror-tainted countries. Between Oct. 1, 2021, and Oct. 4, 2023, these illegals hailed from:

Afghanistan – 6,386
Egypt – 3,153
Iran – 659
Iraq – 123
Jordan – 185
Lebanon – 164
Mauritania – 15,594
Pakistan – 1,613
Syria – 538
Turkey – 30,830
Uzbekistan – 13,624
Yemen – 139

This month alone, through Oct. 14, illegals have busted in from:

Afghanistan – 285
China – Nearly 2,000
Iran – 30+
Pakistan – 35
Russia – 100+
Syria – Nearly 60

These numbers mean potentially massive trouble, especially since Hamas’ unprovoked slaughter of innocent Israelis on Oct. 7 cranked the Middle Eastern cauldron to boil.

Customs and Border Protection’s San Diego Field Office Intelligence Unit issued a “Situational Awareness” memorandum, which the Daily Caller News Foundation first obtained. The Oct. 20 document “assesses that individuals inspired by, or reacting to, the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border.”

The warning continues: “Foreign fighters motivated by ideology or mercenary soldiers of fortune may attempt to obfuscate travel to or from the US to or from countries in the Middle East through Mexico.”

Read the full column.

The Bottom Line

Import those who hate you and you are importing another 9/11 or worse, an army bent on starting WW III.

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


🚨 JUST IN: Biden DHS @SecMayorkas flat out REFUSES to answer how many illegal immigrants have ties to terror groups


— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) October 31, 2023

My reaction to Mayim Bialik’s video… who I really respect and like, BTW. Just my raw thoughts… pic.twitter.com/6nmhMuidzv

— Dr. Sheila Nazarian (@DoctorNazarian) October 30, 2023

HHS has lost contact with over 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children.

Yet, @SecBecerra has done nothing to address this crisis.

I will not stop until someone is held accountable for this dereliction of duty. pic.twitter.com/nFjETbYU8E

— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) October 29, 2023


Hamas’s American Allies: Other American Islamist Endorsers

Hamas’s American Allies: Far-Left Supporters

DEROY MURDOCK: Hell Freezes, Pigs Fly And Dems Demand Closed Border

Biden Admin Honored Top Official Who Worked For Soros-Backed Org Against Detaining Illegal Immigrants

Feds Warn That Hamas, Hezbollah Could Be Crossing Southern Border

Illegal Alien Border Apprehensions: What the Numbers Mean

Three Bills Moving In Texas Special Session to Increase Border Security

Ryan Mauro Discusses the Israel-Hamas War

Stop Calling Them ‘Pro-Palestine’ Rallies

Halloween Horror: The Return of the Bond Market Vigilantes thumbnail

Halloween Horror: The Return of the Bond Market Vigilantes

By Mark Wallace

For those who make their living on Capitol Hill and at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the real horror this Halloween won’t be the kids in their Halloween costumes or the scary movies in the cinema — it will be (and is) the return of the Bond Market Vigilantes.

Simply put, the Bond Market Vigilantes are a politician’s worst nightmare.  Politicians make their living collecting bribes dressed up as campaign contributions from lobbyists of every ilk.  In return, the politicians pass legislation expressly designed to line the pockets of the various interest groups that the lobbyists work for.  Oftentimes, the legislation itself is drafted by the lobbyists’ lawyers.  Some interest groups are so large — for example, senior citizens collecting Social Security and obtaining their health care through Medicare — that even lobbyists are not particularly needed to keep the money flowing.  When a vote to reduce Social Security entails political suicide, the situation more or less takes care of itself.

In other words, virtually the entirety of the Capitol Hill kabuki show involves keeping the U.S. Treasury’s money flowing to the country’s most important and influential interest groups, be they a single corporation, an entire industry such as Big Pharma, or a large segment of the population.

But what happens if something occurs that imposes highly undesirable consequences when the existing money flows continue or, God forbid, increase?  That’s where the Bond Market Vigilantes come in.  During the week of March 31, 2020, the thirty-year U.S. Treasury bond contract on the futures exchange traded as high as 191.688.  In the most recent week that ended on October 27, 2023, that same contract traded as low as 107.125.  That’s nearly a 50 percent drop from the high in one of the world’s most important securities.  It’s a drop that occurred over three and one-half years, so we are not dealing here with a flash in the pan or a sudden panic but rather a considered judgment by some of the world’s most respected and intelligent investors that leaving money in the hands of the United States Government for a long period of time (say, 30 years) is a very, very bad idea.

And why would it be a bad idea?  Not because the U.S. Treasury cannot be relied upon to pay those 30-year bonds in full at maturity in fiat currency.  The Federal Reserve can print whatever quantity of fiat currency (at this point in the article I am going to cease calling it “money”) it wants to, there’s no doubt that the Fed will manufacture out of thin air a sufficient quantity of fiat currency “I-owe-you-nothings” (as the great central banker John Exter called the Treasury’s greenbacks) to pay maturing 30-year Treasuries at their full face value.

No, the problem is not full payment at maturity, the problem is what will those wheelbarrows full of greenbacks will be worth when the 30-year Treasuries finally matureThe judgment of those investing in 30-year Treasuries — we can now call them the Bond Market Vigilantes — is that those wheelbarrows full of U.S. fiat currency being rolled out in 2053 won’t be worth a whole lot.

The Bond Market Vigilantes are a nightmare for Washington’s politicians and bureaucrats for a variety of reasons, the most important of which are the profoundly negative effects on the Federal Government’s budget, the financial markets and ultimately the economy itself.  Higher interest rates mean more fiat currency going to pay interest (obviously) and less being available for the various interest groups feeding at the Federal Trough.  Now, although it’s true that even more fiat currency can be printed to both pay the interest and pay the interest groups in full, that would just make the Bond Market Vigilantes even more anxious to exit 30-year Treasuries and thus would force long-term interest rates even higher.

High-interest rates have a depressing effect on both the financial markets and the economy.  If those rates move high enough, both would be crushed, and nothing makes an incumbent politician more likely to get voted out of office than a crashing stock market (“Sir, your IRA is now worth only half of what it was worth last year”) and an economy in depression (“Mr. Smith, we lost half of our customer base, so your services are no longer required”).

Three and one-half years of declining Treasury Bond prices is a long time, folks, and it should be obvious to all those not blind that we are now in a new era where rising long-term interest rates and falling prices of U.S. Treasury securities imposed by the Bond Market Vigilantes constitute a slowly-tightening noose around the necks of politicians long used to spending like drunken sailors.

Collectively, the Bond Market Vigilantes represent a “new sheriff in town.”  It’s not for nothing that Democrat strategist James Carville stated that if he died and were reincarnated, he wouldn’t want to come back as president or pope — he would come back as the Bond Market.


Image Credit: Shutterstock


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Why Are Some Social Justice Unionists Backing the Palestinians? thumbnail

Why Are Some Social Justice Unionists Backing the Palestinians?

By Michael Watson

Editors’ Note: It is interesting that the “social justice movement” now endorses terrorism, we might add extremely barbaric forms of terrorism because they believe violence is justified for their cause.  No matter how blood-curdling the acts, Progressives can find justification. Conservatives have long contended this kind of violence was philosophically supported by this movement but was largely hidden from the public.  Proving that political positions often come in a “package”, Left-wing unions, student groups, anti-fossil fuel alarmists, university faculty, transgender and queer groups, members of the media, Black Lives Matter, and some feminists; all fall in line with their anti-Israel position.  This must come as a particular shock to the many progressive-leaning Jews that have lent support to these groups over the years.  We hope and pray they start rethinking their positions. But it likely is a shock to most Americans who now can see how deeply penetrated and corrupted have become some of our major institutions. We believe most of this corruption originates from the universities and the takeover of the Democratic Party by radicals.  Obama and Sanders have re-made the party. Why on earth are not Republican governors and legislatures, that have nominal control in about half the nation, not cleaning up our state-supported universities?  There needs to be greater ideological diversity on campus. If colleges get state money, taxpayers have a right and responsibility to influence university education.  For private colleges, it is more difficult. Why not start taxing the endowments for Harvard and Yale? Maybe that will get their attention.  If indeed this “social justice” claptrap emanates from the university, Conservatives and moderates should make cleaning up the university a top priority.  As for labor unions, how does taking such a sickening moral stance improve worker pay and conditions?  Members certainly should want to know.

Since the horrific terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, numerous left-wing institutions have disgraced themselves by taking actions that at least appeared to side with the terrorists against their civilian victims. In perhaps the most regrettable of all illustrations of the power of social justice unionism, labor organizations joined the self-discreditation—and where they didn’t, their usual allies on the far left denounced them for craven, financially interested right-deviationism.

Let us conduct a brief tour of the more notable union actions defending the Hamas rampage, the “Palestinian cause,” or those who exposed themselves by supporting them.

Little Labor Radicalizes

Some on the union-curious right have placed their hope for a revival of class struggle and trade unionist spirit in “little labor,” focusing on the Amazon Labor Union (ALU) and Starbucks Workers United. Yet both are radical—far more radical than the major labor unions content to align with the immediate needs of the Democratic Party of the moment—and their stances on the Israel-Hamas conflict illustrate this.

The Amazon Labor Union—praised for its organizing efforts by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)—got to work undermining the U.S.-Israel relationship before the outbreak of war. Campaigning alongside the extremely controversial former Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour at the Amazon Web Services summit in New York, Amazon Labor Union leader Jordan Flowers declared, “We are here today to fight back, and everyone should have their chance to say that Amazon needs to be held accountable, Google needs to be held accountable, and the Israeli government should be held accountable for all charges and crimes,” while demanding the company break deals it made with the State of Israel over cloud computing.

Starbucks Workers United, a campaign of the larger Workers United division of the Service Employees International Union, responded to the initial reports of Hamas raids from Gaza in about the worst way imaginable. The union’s official Twitter account posted (and later deleted) “Solidarity with Palestine!” in response to an image of a truck destroying the Israel-Gaza Strip border fencing. Many Hamas operatives used such gaps in the fence to enter Israel to murder civilians. The Washington Free Beacon reported, “Union chapters in Iowa, Chicago, and Boston promoted rallies in support of the Palestinian attacks, including a ‘Long Live Palestinian Resistance’ rally to be held in Boston on Monday.”

What About Big Labor?

The radical stances of the ALU and Starbucks Workers United drew attention from In These Times, a socialist movement newspaper that tracks the labor movement and other left-wing activist causes. The paper compared the radical positions of these unions and the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), which formally opposes U.S. military aid to Israel, favorably with the more pro-Israel positioning of other unions, including such banes of conservatives’ existence as Randi Weingarten’s American Federation of Teachers.

How did that happen? UE has a long and controversial history. It departed from the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO; later a constituent of the AFL-CIO federation) in 1949 amid disputes over Communist domination of the labor movement and whether to accede to federal rules requiring union officials to declare that they were not Communists. Since then, UE has gained a reputation as one of the most radical-left-positioned labor organizations with a notable membership (28,030 as of 2021) in the United States.

As for “little labor,” the same independence that leads right-wingers to falsely believe that independent (or independent-appearing) unions can remain politically independent or neutral outside of the economic core issues actually empowers those unions to be as insanely extremist as their activists’ hearts desire. Randi Weingarten, Mary Kay Henry of the national SEIU, Liz Shuler of the AFL-CIO, and the other national union leaders have very strong coalitional incentives not to cross the Democratic Party’s general moderately pro-Israel consensus. (Yes, it exists: Statements made by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) and President Biden about the current conflict have largely supported the Israelis, at least in theory. Practice may be another matter, but that is not yet decided.)

A further caution comes from the United Auto Workers—or at least its Harvard Graduate Student Union local. A faction of conservatives still imagines the UAW as a union of hard hats who don’t want to deal with silly social politics—indeed, who need protection from silly social politics! But the union in real life actually consists of a mix of auto workers, university graduate students, and casino workers, among others. And those graduate students are all about the silly social politics—and want there to be no consequences for actions such as signing letters blaming Israel for being attacked by Hamas. The Washington Free Beacon reported that Harvard’s UAW-affiliated union proposed a resolution to “allow students who have faced blowback for their vicious anti-Israel advocacy to apply for up to $1,500 a piece, funded not by union dues but the university’s own coffers.” Empowering Big Labor means empowering these factions, too.

Evolving Ideology

Senior, national-level union officials are old enough to have risen through a labor movement that was more closely aligned with an Israel ruled for decades and culturally dominated by a staunchly collectivist Labor Zionist movement, with whom American unionists had a strong affinity. Louis Nayman, a retired union organizer writing in Tablet, expressed disappointment in the AFL-CIO’s official statement in response to the Hamas attacks, contrasting its wishy-washiness to the small-d democratic resolution of the Cold War-era AFL-CIO leaders like George Meany and Lane Kirkland.

But as Labor Zionism has weakened in Israel (the Labor Party, which carries the flag of Labor Zionism in modern Israeli politics, fell from its maximum of 56 in 1969 to a mere four of the 120 seats in the most recent Israeli election), young labor unionists have lost a connection to the state. And as Labor Zionism crafted in the ashes of the Nazi Holocaust has declined in popularity on the Left, intersectional theory has risen. And intersectional and “decolonization” theory targets “settler colonial” nations for ultimate elimination—among them perhaps first and second are the United States and Israel. Let the would-be buyer beware.


This article was published by Capital Research and is reproduced with permission.

Image Credit: Shutterstock


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

The 1939 Flag of Palestine Recognized It As A ‘Jewish Entity’ thumbnail

The 1939 Flag of Palestine Recognized It As A ‘Jewish Entity’

By Dr. Rich Swier

The 1939 flag of Palestine clearly shows that it was recognized as a Jewish entity even then, and that the name “Palestine” historically referred to a region (so named by the Romans after they expelled the Jews in 134 AD, using the name of the Philistines, the Israelites’ Biblical enemies), not to a people.

Click here to view the 1939 flag of Palestine.

There was no Palestinian nationality before the 1960s, when it was invented in order to reposition what was then universally known as the Arab/Israeli conflict. Up to the invention of “Palestinians,” the Israelis were the tiny, besieged people amidst a huge number of hostile Arabs; after that invention, the “Palestinians” themselves became the tiny, besieged people against the big, bad Israelis. PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said this in 1977:

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

The Israelis were mistaken ever to play along with this charade.

1939 Palestinian Flag. What does it look like? Surprised?

Factual Israel, November 14, 2014:

This a Larousse French dictionary from 1939. In the appendix it lists all the then current flags of the world in alphabetical order. You’ll notice that for Germany at that time the flag was the Nazi one replete with Swastikas’ which proves that this was pre-1945 ( before 1945)!

Now, alphabetically, look for the Palestinian Flag. YES , there is one. What does it look like? Surprised? Oh, but you thought (Mandate Jewish) Palestine was an Islamic Arab-,Turkish-, Circassian Sovereign State that the bad Jews took over , right?


From 1920-1948 a ( class ‘A’ Mandate) State of Palestine existed as per international law but it was, as all of its major institutions, Jewish. Until the 1960s, name “Palestine” resonated as something Jewish to European ears; the Muslims rejecting the name saying it didn’t belong. The 4,000 year old Jewish homeland or “Land of Israel” or the “Holy Land” were all synonymous!!

The British as legal Mandatory over the Mandate managed or mismanaged the state partially with Jewish Auxiliary until Jews regained official sovereignty in 1948, by declaring independence.

The U.N. did not recreate Israel as some people claim.

Read more.

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová calls to leave the UN for supporting terrorism thumbnail

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová calls to leave the UN for supporting terrorism

By The Geller Report

Brava! A voice of humanity and moral clarity.

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová calls to leave the United Nations  for supporting terrorism stating, “Three weeks ago Hamas murdered over 1400 Israelis, more victims for their population than Al Qaeda murdered in the US on 9/11. And only 14 countries, including ours, have spoken out clearly against this unprecedented terrorist attack. I am ashamed of the UN. Czech Republic has no place in an organization that cheers on terrorists and does not respect the fundamental right to self-defense. Let’s get out!”

Czech DM calls to exit UN for supporting Hamas, warns Holocaust is back

The Czech Republic’s defense minister’s move to call to leave the UN came after a resolution called on Israel to leave Gaza without condemning Hamas.


One must not stand silent in the face of a second Holocaust, the Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová said as she called on her country to withdraw from the United Nations to protest its failure to condemn Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

“The Holocaust is back, and we must not be silent again,” she said, in a statement she posted on X.She spoke of her outrage one day after the UN General Assembly voted 120-14 for a ceasefire for the Gaza War, which focused primarily on the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza.The UNGA resolution which also had 45 abstentions, did not mention or clearly call for the release of the 230 hostages the terror group took captive on that day.

Read full article.


Pamela Geller


🚨 Breaking: 🇨🇿 Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová calls to leave the UN 🇺🇳 for supporting terrorism: “Three weeks ago Hamas murdered over 1400 Israelis, more victims for their population than Al Qaeda murdered in the US on 9/11. And only 14 countries, including ours, have… pic.twitter.com/BvMcjsgXdW

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 28, 2023

Every single word. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/gAbbb9hy2v

— Michal -מיכל✡️ 🟦 (@MichalSabra) October 27, 2023


U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Should Resign At Once

UN Secretary General Defends Hamas Atrocities, Endorses Genocide, Blames Israel

Anti-Hamas billboard taken down in New Jersey

WATCH: Massive Muslim Lynch Mobs Screaming “Allah Akbar” Hunt Down Jews at Airport in Russia

Islamic Atrocities: Baby Was Found in an Oven, Baked to Death by Hamas Terrorists

Biden Has Blown Up the World

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Stocks Look for Seasonal Strength thumbnail

Stocks Look for Seasonal Strength

By Neland Nobel

As reported in the past few missives on the subject, stocks, and bonds have been having a generally tough time.

We warned that this was going to happen, and we were lucky enough to get the call right.  Weakness continued through the month of October and just might extend into the first weeks or so of November.

Many assumed the recent strength was “a new bull market.”  We expressed doubts, in part because of the trend in interest rates and also because valuations remain quite high.  But we admit we did not anticipate how weird this market would prove to be.  While the market is still nominally up for the year, only 27% of stocks in the S&P are trading above the longer-term 200-day moving average.  In the case of the broader NYSE average, only 28% are above their 200-day moving average.

Can you have a bull market with almost three-quarters of the stocks within the broad equity indices heading down?  Not really.  What you can say is that a handful of mega-cap stocks can make the market appear to be in an uptrend, when the bulk of shares are actually going lower.

We have urged caution by suggesting more money in market-neutral cash and short-term bonds, and less money in equities and long-dated bonds.  Now that short-term T-bills pay over 5%, it has been a good place to be.

During this most recent decline, results have varied depending on the time period measured and which sector of the market you may be positioned.

The best performer has been Big Tech, which is responsible for most of the gains in the S&P 500, due to the capital-weighted nature of that index.  That said, indications are that this leadership is now weakening.

But QQQ, which represents the 100 largest companies in the NASDAQ is up 30% or so on the year. That looks quite good at first glance.

However, the tendency to measure results in one-year increments can be deceptive.  Most indices peaked out by the spring of 2021, or a bit earlier. So, if you look at a three-year time frame, the QQQ is down about 14%.  Since inflation has soared in the past three years of Bidenomics, the real performance is not as good as headlines would suggest.

The widely followed and indexed S&P is up about 11% so far this year but is down about 12% from its high reached in 2021.

However, the equal-weighted S&P, which removes the distortion of the “Magnificent Seven” big tech companies, is down about 2% so far for the year, but down 18% from its high a few years ago.

The Russell 3000 (IWV) represents smaller companies.  The so-called “small cap” has been having a rough time. It is down 10% so far this year, and down about 14% from the highs three years ago.  This may be because balance sheets and cash holdings are weaker for small companies and the rise in interest rates is playing havoc with their refinancing costs.

However, other sectors have soared.  XLE, which represents traditional hydrocarbon energy, is up 188% over the past three years.  Money managers that kicked oil stocks out of their portfolios for green/political reasons, did their investors a terrible disservice. ESG funds have generally seen large outflows and people seem finally to be souring on “woke” investing.

Sharply rising interest rates have taken a modest toll so far on equity prices but have created the worst three-year return for bonds in American history.  TLT, an index that measures the value of longer-term treasury bonds is down a whopping 43.5% or so from the high reached three years ago.

Thus, with stock and bonds both struggling during the Biden period, the typical 60% equities and 40% bond allocation has been a loser, especially if measured against inflation during that period.  Bottom line, most investors taking a diversified approach, have lost ground over the past three years, and largely so far this year.

Don’t be too upset with your financial advisor.  They simply have not had good markets to work with and concentrated bets that have been good would have violated the prudential rules that they must abide by.

There is some hope, at least in the short term. Stocks have now become pretty oversold on a momentum basis.  In addition, stocks tend to do well from Thanksgiving and into January.  Of course, there is no guarantee, but that is the history.

Complicating matters, 3Q GDP was strong, suggesting the FED cannot ease back on interest rates anytime soon, which muddies the picture of the “seasonal strength” stocks usually show in the period just ahead.

In addition, the massive size of government debt issuance is putting downward pressure on bond prices, which is another way of saying interest rates are rising for market-driven reasons of supply and demand and are now out in front of the FED, which has “paused” rate increases.

Given how sharply interest rates have risen, we are a bit surprised stocks have not done worse.

It is somewhat surprising the economy likewise has done as well as it has. But it simply may be that huge fiscal stimulus has delayed the pain and that it will come in time.  Interest rates on home mortgages are now breaching 8%, and real estate turnover has slowed to a crawl.  Most consumers have their money tied up in their homes and it has been the consumer who has carried the economy.  Also, the cash hoard the public had built up from all the “stimulus” checks has now largely been dissipated. This in turn explains the explosion in credit card debt as people try to continue to support their standard of living.  But borrowing at credit card rates to maintain a standard of living is like a snake eating its tail.

Rising rates have kept the dollar strong, driving up the trade deficit and creating a headwind for gold.

Gold is up about 11% over the past three years, which is not a terrible performance given the strength of the dollar.  Measured in most other foreign currencies, gold is already at new highs while in dollar terms it hovers just below old highs.

Gold is now showing better relative strength than the stock market.  Given the runaway deficit spending, likely more defense spending, a probable slowdown that will force the FED to pivot, the chance of expanding war, and political chaos next year; investors may want to look seriously at gold.  It is currently “oversold” and Western investors continue to bail out of gold bullion ETFs, while most central banks continue to buy gold quite aggressively.  Weak hands are selling, strong hands are buying, and the public is not paying much attention to gold.  Fundamentally, that is a good setup for the yellow metal.

We view gold more as insurance against political mismanagement of money, and that seems more necessary than ever.

The first gold purchases should be in the form of bullion coins or small bars.  Investors should take delivery of the actual metal itself and store it safely.

Our longest-term advertiser would be a good place to start. Call American Precious Metals at 602-840-5500 or 1-800-522-GOLD.  If you are inclined to buy, please support them and The Prickly Pear.

Insofar as stocks are concerned, the short-term weakness has not yet broken what we believe remains a primary bull market.  However, continued deterioration has occurred with daily prices now falling below the key 200-day moving average, and shorter-term 21-day and 50-day have crossed and rolled over to the downside.

Certainly, the stock market is oversold and due to bounce.  But higher interest rates are doing their damage and while the recession call by many seems to have been too early, 2024 could still see a recession emerge.

The yield curve remains inverted, but it is starting to de-invert. Market declines have often occurred during the de-inversion process.

We also have growing concerns about a “credit event” that could shake markets. Years of zero or near-zero rates made use of heavy financial leverage quite popular.  As rates rise, assets sensitive to rates such as bonds and mortgages decline in value.  Those institutions that hold them like banks, insurance companies, finance companies, and pensions, have suffered substantial losses. We don’t really have special insight as to where the problem will reveal itself but rest assured somebody out there is taking a beating.  As we are seeing in China, it is possible the credit event could start abroad and spread here or it will be of domestic origin.

This chart will give you an insight.  Huge amounts of domestic corporate debt come due over the next five years and must be refinanced at much higher rates.  For the marginal borrower, this is going to be painful, if not fatal.

Therefore, other than some seasonal strength and a bounce from an oversold condition, we remain cautious about heavy allocation to stocks and prefer to park in 5% plus short-term T-bills while we await more information.  Stay in high-quality debt.

Much celebration has occurred because of the strong Q3 growth reported.  However, those who like to parse the numbers complain that almost all the growth is attributable to huge Federal spending.  Government spending is approximately 37% of GDP.

What is true though is the Friday PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditure) inflation numbers were bad, well above the FED’s 2% inflation rate.  Let’s face it.  The FED and Biden uncorked inflation and they can’t get it back into the bottle.  The market’s hopes for lower rates look increasingly bleak.


Image Credit: Shutterstock

Chart: Jesse Felder


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Zero Net by 2050 Has Zero Chance Of Succeeding thumbnail

Zero Net by 2050 Has Zero Chance Of Succeeding

By Dr. Thomas Patterson

Arizona State University President Michael Crow believes we are in such danger that we should amend the US Constitution to empower the government to deal more expansively with climate change. Dr. Crow’s view that constitutional protections of our liberties should be eliminated when they become inconvenient wouldn’t square with the founders’, but his estimate of the dangers and required remedies for our changing climate are quite mainstream.

“Net-zero by 2050” has become an article of faith among our corporate and academic elites, no longer requiring proof or intellectual defense. The notion that we must eliminate all carbon emissions by mid-century if we want to save the planet is the organizing principle for environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing.  In 2022, it was mentioned more than 6,000 times in filings with the Securities and  Exchange Commission.

The SEC has helpfully proposed climate disclosure rules to help investors “evaluate the progress in meeting net-zero emissions and assessing any associated risk“. Skeptics are sidelined as “climate deniers”.

But mounting scientific evidence suggests that net zero is wildly impractical and probably not even achievable. In September, the Electric Power Research Institute, the research arm of the US electric power industry (which would seem to be naturally inclined to support proposals that increase reliance on electricity), released a sober report on the practicality of net zero.

Their study concluded that “clean electricity plus direct electrification and efficiency…are not sufficient by themselves to achieve net-zero economy-wide emissions”. Translation: it can’t be done. No amount of wind turbines, solar panels, battery power, fossil fuel, or other available technologies will achieve net zero by 2050.

Furthermore, even “deep carbonization”– drastic reductions in atmospheric carbon levels – is an impossible dream. With natural gas and nuclear generation forced to the sidelines, that would require options like carbon removal technologies, which would cost a quadrillion (million billion) dollars, which would…well, you get the picture.

Finally, the report concludes living in a net-zero world may not be all that great. Supply chains operating only on electricity and the reliability and resiliency of a net-zero electricity grid could be highly problematic.

The response to this nonpartisan and obviously consequential report was silence. There has been essentially no media coverage. No climate activists rushed to dispute the methodology nor challenge the conclusions.

This is a significant tell.  You could assume if the eco-activists were genuinely concerned about our climate future, they would have some interest in responding to this major challenge to their assumptions. But they ignored it to cling to their groupthink.

Yet other indications that the transition to renewable fuels is already off the track keep coming. The government-certified North American Electric Reliability Corp recently issued its 2022 Long-Term Reliability Assessment. NERC concluded that fossil fuel plants were being removed from the grid too quickly to meet electricity demand, putting us at risk for energy shortages and even blackouts during extreme weather.

But wait, there’s more. PGM International, a large grid operator in the Northeast, recently released projections indicating it will soon lose 40,000 MW, 21% of its generation capacity. The looming plant closures are mostly “policy-driven” by onerous EPA regulations and mandatory ESG commitments.

Renewables, although lavishly subsidized to replace the lost electricity, consistently underperform and will be able to produce at most half of the electricity lost.  Meanwhile the government is perversely mandating electric vehicles, appliances and whatever.

Finally, the repeated assertions of settled science were unsettled by 1,609 scientists and professors worldwide signing a “No Climate Emergency” declaration. The document was issued by Climate Intelligence or Clintel, a nonpartisan self-funded, independent organization of scholars whose only agenda is “to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change and climate policy”.

They point out that there is no basis for claiming an upcoming existential crisis.  Carbon dioxide is not primarily a pollutant but a necessary basis for life. Moreover, there is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying natural disasters. Panic is dangerous, with the potential to plunge us into perpetual poverty.

They charge that climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on “self-critical science”. Historians of the future, reflecting on our era of hyper-politicized science, will undoubtedly agree.


Image Credit: Pixabay


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.