Democrat Mob Terrorize Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett at Her Home and Church thumbnail

Democrat Mob Terrorize Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett at Her Home and Church

By The Geller Report

After failed assassin uses Kavanaugh home address Democrat activists posted online, pro-abortion group RuthSentUs escalates against children and fellow parishioners of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Nobody is doing anything to stop any of this.

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) June 9, 2022

Pro-choice activists march outside home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Protests against Supreme Court Justices have ratcheted up in recent weeks

By Bradford Betz , Lisa Bennatan | Fox News June 9, 2022:

Just one day after an alleged assassination attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a small group of pro-choice activists descended on the home of Justice Amy Coney Barrett Thursday evening.

Waving banners and holding up signs, the group walked up and down the sidewalk chanting call-and-response slogans like, “Your neighbor says post-Roe, we say hell no!” and “Hey-hey, ho-ho, the handmaiden has got to go!”

Protesters outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

Protesters outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. (Fox News)

The tiny rally came a day after protesters marched in front of the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh following the arrest of a California man who had threatened to kill him.

The man, 26-year-old Nicholas John Roske, was carrying a gun, a knife, and zip ties, according to police. Later Wednesday, he was charged with attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice.

Demonstrations against Supreme Court Justices have ratcheted up in recent weeks in response to a leaked draft opinion suggested that the Supreme Court was on the verge of overturning the landmark 1973 abortion case, Roe v. Wade.

A group of drummers marched outside of Kavanaugh’s house after an alleged assassination attempt.

A group of drummers marched outside of Kavanaugh’s house after an alleged assassination attempt. (Fox News)

Roske told police he was upset about the draft as well the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas last month, where 21 people – including 19 children were killed. Roske said he believed Kavanaugh would vote to loosen gun control laws, according to a criminal complaint.

A Department of Homeland Security report said the Supreme Court draft opinion has unleashed a wave of threats against officials and others and increased the likelihood of extremist violence.


Pamela Geller 


POST-KAVANAUGH POLL: Almost Half of Young, Male Democrats Says “It’s Acceptable To ASSASSINATE a Politician”

Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks to below 40% in RCP average

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

5 Reasons America’s Birthrate Is Plummeting thumbnail

5 Reasons America’s Birthrate Is Plummeting

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

The simple truth is, there are fewer people who want to bring kids into the world. Though the reasons are diverse, 44 percent of non-parents between 18 to 49 say it is not to or not at all likely they will procreate.

Elon Musk recently tweeted, “population collapse is the biggest threat to civilization.”

Population collapse is the biggest threat to civilization

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 24, 2022

The tweet included a link to an interview Musk gave where he expanded on the subject. “Assuming there’s a benevolent future with AI, I think the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse,” Musk wrote. “Collapse. I want to emphasize this….Not explosion, collapse.”

Musk has been known to raise this concern in the past too. Last year he told the Wall Street Journal, “I can’t emphasize this enough, there are not enough people.” He also said that low and rapidly declining birth rates are “one of the biggest risks to civilization.”

That the wealthiest and arguably one of the smartest men on earth spends his days fixating on this issue should be a signal to others that things might be more dire than they think.

According to the US Census, “The US population grew at a slower rate in 2021 than in any other year since the founding of the nation.” And we’re not alone. According to reporting by the BBC, “Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation showed the global fertility rate nearly halved to 2.4 in 2017 – and their study, published in the Lancet, projects it will fall below 1.7 by 2100.”

Population replacement rates are important for a society to sustain itself. We need people to be born so that there are workers to fill the various needs of the whole. Old men cannot do the labor young men can do, young adults are needed to care for the dying and aging. Fewer people means less economic activity, smaller GDPs, less innovation, and less competition.

It also means we have less division of labor. As Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of Nations, “The division of labor is limited by the extent of the market.“ That means people are less able to specialize and lean into their preferences or areas of expertise in their work.

As a whole, the machine slows and then stagnates when new firewood is not added to the furnace.

But while Elon Musk is absolutely correct about the problem and the potential threat it poses to society, he has not addressed (as far as I’ve seen) the underlying issues creating it or discussed how they might be solved.

So, in an effort to address these issues, here are five reasons people are increasingly choosing not to procreate, along with the free-market responses that could address them.

The simple fact is, some people don’t want children. And there are legitimate reasons for that choice.

No matter what Sheryl Sandberg wants you to believe, women cannot have it all. “Leaning in” is a practice that has left most women who attempt it barrelled over in pain.

The reality is, while women tend to work outside the home in most partnerships now, the vast majority of childcare and household work continues to be laid at their feet. This is an ongoing issue that causes many women to choose not to have kids or not to have more kids.

In life, just as in economics, there are trade-offs. Most women realize they will likely not be able to be a successful career woman, a dedicated mother, and a jaw-dropping homemaker all at the same time. There are choices to be made here, and some women are simply deciding that motherhood is the role they can let go.

It’s important to point out that these are choices that used to be harder to make. In generations past, women were shamed for not having kids, ostracized in society, or simply did not have the access to birth control they needed to determine their own pathway. We’re moving away from that kind of culture, and the advancements in women’s healthcare have empowered women to set their own course.

As a woman who has never wanted children, I’ve thought deeply about this topic. And I believe there are many others who are looking at the same factors I am and reaching the same conclusion.

Motherhood is hard, physically, emotionally, and mentally. I personally never wanted to go through the pain of childbirth, nor do I want to give myself the mental and emotional anxiety that comes with taking on this role. But as pointed out above, this wasn’t always a calculation afforded to women.

Furthermore, I love working—always have. And I’ve built a meaningful and impactful career I’d never be willing to give up. While some women choose to work and have kids, that’s not a situation I’d choose for myself. I’d never put my kids in government schools nor would I want them to spend their time with others in daycare. So when faced with the choice of pursuing my work or raising kids, I simply choose the former. It’s where I want to spend my time. I’ve met many others who feel the same way as me.

There are other factors as well. While the world has actually been improving (though you wouldn’t know it based on the media), there are many people (myself included) who look around and still don’t find the world to be one they’d want to bring kids into.

Thanks to birth control and the gains made under feminism, these are choices women now get to make that other generations simply were not afforded. As a whole, this is a choice that should be accepted and even celebrated by society.

Are there free market solutions to these factors? Sure. School choice would make it easier for women to homeschool or find other alternatives. Remote work would allow more people to balance child-rearing with their careers. And improvements in our social climate would likely make people more optimistic about procreating.

Still, the simple truth is, there are fewer people who want to bring kids into the world. Though the reasons are diverse, 44 percent of non-parents between 18 to 49 say it is not to or not at all likely they will procreate. And that’s ok. But for those who do want kids, we should strive to create a world where that option is as feasible as possible.

While some women and men are simply choosing not to have kids, others wish to and cannot find adequate partners.

It’s important to remember that we are still merely a few decades into a new normal: the sexes having equal rights and a fair playing field.

While this is long-overdue progress that should obviously be celebrated, it also means the social fabric of our society is still fraught with landmines. For all of human history, women and men have not been in a situation where they were equal under the law.

That means culturally and biologically women are programmed to look for partners who are stronger and wealthier than they are, because those elements were essential for survival for most of our existence. But in recent decades, women are largely surpassing men economically. They are more likely to obtain degrees, are catching up to men in their earnings, and in 37 percent of US households, women pay the bills.

To this, many will say women should just lower their standards or not be so picky. But it’s not that simple. Again, to do that requires overcoming significant evolutionary impulses on the part of women. And even when they do overcome these factors, it still isn’t working out. In fact, marriages with female breadwinners are 50 percent more likely to end in divorce. This illustrates that the power dynamic shift created between higher earning women and lower earning men is one our society has not yet learned to live with.

Furthermore, while men say they are fine with dating women who are smarter than them, psychological studies have revealed otherwise. Men are also biologically inclined to be providers and to be competitive. But for the first time in history, they’re having to compete with women, and outcome wise, they’re often ending up in second place. It turns out they don’t find this so appealing in practice.

The fact that LDS and evangelical families are still having more children backs all of this up. Since gender norms are changing more slowly in these communities, it would seem their relationships are not suffering the same growing pains and therefore the number of children they are having is falling more slowly.

These are societal problems, not ones suited for public policy. And the harsh reality is that it will probably take decades for us to sort out this new landscape for romantic relationships and for people to evolve past the male provider/female nurturer gender stereotypes. But they are challenges worth examining and overcoming, and at an individual level, we can all look for ways to foster romantic relationships that take these factors into consideration.

Even for people who do want to have kids and manage to find the right partner, there are still a multitude of landmines they must overcome before they can comfortably procreate, and they all trace back to affordability.

A flourishing society would naturally incentivize people to procreate. But that requires a steady currency, good job market, relatively safe communities, the promise of a good education, and economic factors that make it affordable to have and raise a child.

According to Merrill Lynch, it currently costs $230,000 to raise a kid to age 18. That’s a jaw-dropping amount, especially when one considers record-breaking inflation, wage stagnation, and economic uncertainty created by the reckless printing and spending policies of the US government.

The reasons for these high costs also trace back to the government. Childcare costs have been soaring for decades thanks to extreme government regulations and restrictions on these services. In one survey, 85 percent of parents reported spending 10 percent or more of their household income on child care.

Education is another major financial calculation in these decisions. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, government schools are atrocious and private schooling or alternative options can be expensive or unfeasible. Many parents are also hesitant to place their kids in government schools because of gun-free zones that make them sitting ducks.

And then there’s college. The price of higher education is astronomical, and that is solely due to government subsidies and loans. But while evidence increasingly shows college is not a good investment for most, many parents still desire to give their kids every opportunity they can and thus factor this in.

Additionally, healthcare costs continue to rise in the country thanks to the government increasingly taking over our system. Insurance prices shot up after Obamacare and there is no end in sight for many.

Finally, there are the costs of infertility. A growing number of Americans are having trouble getting pregnant when they want to. Some blame this on problems with our nutrition. Others say it’s because people are having kids later in life. Likely there are multiple reasons. But whatever the cause, fertility assistance is extremely expensive and a cost many cannot afford.

Relatedly, many economists point to the quantity-quality tradeoff theory which implies that a reduction in fertility would lead to more human capital investment per child. Meaning, people would rather invest their love, finances, and attention into a smaller number of children versus spreading it across a large family.

There are many public policy reforms that would bring these costs down. But for the time-being it is understandable why for some the math is simply not adding up. People want to know they can give their kids a brighter and better future than they themselves had, and for now, that simply isn’t true for a lot of people.

Finally, many economists point to something called the demographic transition theory to explain the decrease in childbirth. In short, because child mortality rates have dropped so precipitously under capitalism people don’t have to have as many kids.

In generations past, as terrible as it was, parents would have a lot of kids with the assumption that several would die. That is no longer the case. People can plan how many children they want to have with a high level of certainty that those kids will live into adulthood.

Furthermore, as societies have become less male-centric, parents don’t have to keep having kids until they have a boy. For inheritance, property, and societal reasons, this used to be a goal for many people, but it is one that is quickly diminishing.

Many of these are issues we as a society can address through free-market solutions. It’s time we have that conversation.


Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is the Content Manager and Brand Ambassador for the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Weekend Read: 5 Reasons America’s Birthrate Is Plummeting

By Hannah Cox

The simple truth is, that there are fewer people who want to bring kids into the world. Though the reasons are diverse, 44 percent of non-parents between 18 to 49 say it is not at all likely they will procreate.

Elon Musk recently tweeted, “population collapse is the biggest threat to civilization.”

The tweet included a link to an interview Musk gave where he expanded on the subject. “Assuming there’s a benevolent future with AI, I think the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse,” Musk wrote. “Collapse. I want to emphasize this….Not explosion, collapse.”

Musk has been known to raise this concern in the past too. Last year he told the Wall Street Journal, “I can’t emphasize this enough, there are not enough people.” He also said that low and rapidly declining birth rates are “one of the biggest risks to civilization.”

That the wealthiest and arguably one of the smartest men on earth spends his days fixating on this issue should be a signal to others that things might be more dire than they think.

According to the US Census, “The US population grew at a slower rate in 2021 than in any other year since the founding of the nation.” And we’re not alone. According to reporting by the BBC, “Researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation showed the global fertility rate nearly halved to 2.4 in 2017 – and their study, published in the Lancet, projects it will fall below 1.7 by 2100.”

Population replacement rates are important for a society to sustain itself. We need people to be born so that there are workers to fill the various needs of the whole. Old men cannot do the labor young men can do, young adults are needed to care for the dying and aging. Fewer people mean less economic activity, smaller GDPs, less innovation, and less competition.

It also means we have less division of labor. As Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of Nations, “The division of labor is limited by the extent of the market.“ That means people are less able to specialize and lean into their preferences or areas of expertise in their work.

As a whole, the machine slows and then stagnates when new firewood is not added to the furnace.

But while Elon Musk is absolutely correct about the problem and the potential threat it poses to society, he has not addressed (as far as I’ve seen) the underlying issues creating it or discussed how they might be solved.

So, in an effort to address these issues, here are five reasons people are increasingly choosing not to procreate, along with the free-market responses that could address them.

The simple fact is, that some people don’t want children. And there are legitimate reasons for that choice.

No matter what Sheryl Sandberg wants you to believe, women cannot have it all. “Leaning in” is a practice that has left most women who attempt it barrelled over in pain.

The reality is, while women tend to work outside the home in most partnerships now, the vast majority of childcare and household work continues to be laid at their feet. This is an ongoing issue that causes many women to choose not to have kids or not to have more kids.

In life, just as in economics, there are trade-offs. Most women realize they will likely not be able to be a successful career woman, a dedicated mother, and a jaw-dropping homemaker all at the same time. There are choices to be made here, and some women are simply deciding that motherhood is the role they can let go of.

It’s important to point out that these are choices that used to be harder to make. In generations past, women were shamed for not having kids, ostracized in society, or simply did not have the access to birth control they needed to determine their own pathway. We’re moving away from that kind of culture, and the advancements in women’s healthcare have empowered women to set their own course.

As a woman who has never wanted children, I’ve thought deeply about this topic. And I believe there are many others who are looking at the same factors I am and reaching the same conclusion.

Motherhood is hard, physically, emotionally, and mentally. I personally never wanted to go through the pain of childbirth, nor do I want to give myself the mental and emotional anxiety that comes with taking on this role. But as pointed out above, this wasn’t always a calculation afforded to women.

Furthermore, I love working—always have. And I’ve built a meaningful and impactful career I’d never be willing to give up. While some women choose to work and have kids, that’s not a situation I’d choose for myself. I’d never put my kids in government schools nor would I want them to spend their time with others in daycare. So when faced with the choice of pursuing my work or raising kids, I simply choose the former. It’s where I want to spend my time. I’ve met many others who feel the same way as me.

There are other factors as well. While the world has actually been improving (though you wouldn’t know it based on the media), there are many people (myself included) who look around and still don’t find the world to be one they’d want to bring kids into.

Thanks to birth control and the gains made under feminism, these are choices women now get to make that other generations simply were not afforded. As a whole, this is a choice that should be accepted and even celebrated by society.

Are there free market solutions to these factors? Sure. School choice would make it easier for women to homeschool or find other alternatives. Remote work would allow more people to balance child-rearing with their careers. And improvements in our social climate would likely make people more optimistic about procreating.

Still, the simple truth is, there are fewer people who want to bring kids into the world. Though the reasons are diverse, 44 percent of non-parents between 18 to 49 say it is not to or not at all likely they will procreate. And that’s ok. But for those who do want kids, we should strive to create a world where that option is as feasible as possible.

While some women and men are simply choosing not to have kids, others wish to and cannot find adequate partners.

It’s important to remember that we are still merely a few decades into a new normal: the sexes having equal rights and a fair playing field.

While this is long-overdue progress that should obviously be celebrated, it also means the social fabric of our society is still fraught with landmines. For all of human history, women and men have not been in a situation where they were equal under the law.

That means culturally and biologically women are programmed to look for partners who are stronger and wealthier than they are, because those elements were essential for survival for most of our existence. But in recent decades, women are largely surpassing men economically. They are more likely to obtain degrees, are catching up to men in their earnings, and in 37 percent of US households, women pay the bills.

To this, many will say women should just lower their standards or not be so picky. But it’s not that simple. Again, to do that requires overcoming significant evolutionary impulses on the part of women. And even when they do overcome these factors, it still isn’t working out. In fact, marriages with female breadwinners are 50 percent more likely to end in divorce. This illustrates that the power dynamic shift created between higher-earning women and lower-earning men is one our society has not yet learned to live with.

Furthermore, while men say they are fine with dating women who are smarter than them, psychological studies have revealed otherwise. Men are also biologically inclined to be providers and to be competitive. But for the first time in history, they’re having to compete with women, and outcome-wise, they’re often ending up in second place. It turns out they don’t find this so appealing in practice.

The fact that LDS and evangelical families are still having more children backs all of this up. Since gender norms are changing more slowly in these communities, it would seem their relationships are not suffering the same growing pains and therefore the number of children they are having is falling more slowly.

These are societal problems, not ones suited for public policy. And the harsh reality is that it will probably take decades for us to sort out this new landscape for romantic relationships and for people to evolve past the male provider/female nurturer gender stereotypes. But they are challenges worth examining and overcoming, and at an individual level, we can all look for ways to foster romantic relationships that take these factors into consideration.

Even for people who do want to have kids and manage to find the right partner, there is still a multitude of landmines they must overcome before they can comfortably procreate, and they all trace back to affordability.

A flourishing society would naturally incentivize people to procreate. But that requires a steady currency, a good job market, relatively safe communities, the promise of a good education, and economic factors that make it affordable to have and raise a child.

According to Merrill Lynch, it currently costs $230,000 to raise a kid to age 18. That’s a jaw-dropping amount, especially when one considers record-breaking inflation, wage stagnation, and economic uncertainty created by the reckless printing and spending policies of the US government.

The reasons for these high costs also trace back to the government. Childcare costs have been soaring for decades thanks to extreme government regulations and restrictions on these services. In one survey, 85 percent of parents reported spending 10 percent or more of their household income on child care.

Education is another major financial calculation in these decisions. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, government schools are atrocious and private schooling or alternative options can be expensive or unfeasible. Many parents are also hesitant to place their kids in government schools because of gun-free zones that make them sitting ducks.

And then there’s college. The price of higher education is astronomical, and that is solely due to government subsidies and loans. But while evidence increasingly shows college is not a good investment for most, many parents still desire to give their kids every opportunity they can and thus factor this in.

Additionally, healthcare costs continue to rise in the country thanks to the government increasingly taking over our system. Insurance prices shot up after Obamacare and there is no end in sight for many.

Finally, there are the costs of infertility. A growing number of Americans are having trouble getting pregnant when they want to. Some blame this on problems with our nutrition. Others say it’s because people are having kids later in life. Likely there are multiple reasons. But whatever the cause, fertility assistance is extremely expensive and a cost many cannot afford.

Relatedly, many economists point to the quantity-quality tradeoff theory which implies that a reduction in fertility would lead to more human capital investment per child. Meaning, people would rather invest their love, finances, and attention into a smaller number of children versus spreading it across a large family.

There are many public policy reforms that would bring these costs down. But for the time being it is understandable why for some the math is simply not adding up. People want to know they can give their kids a brighter and better future than they themselves had, and for now, that simply isn’t true for a lot of people.

Finally, many economists point to something called the demographic transition theory to explain the decrease in childbirth. In short, because child mortality rates have dropped so precipitously under capitalism people don’t have to have as many kids.

In generations past, as terrible as it was, parents would have a lot of kids with the assumption that several would die. That is no longer the case. People can plan how many children they want to have with a high level of certainty that those kids will live into adulthood.

Furthermore, as societies have become less male-centric, parents don’t have to keep having kids until they have a boy. For inheritance, property, and societal reasons, this used to be a goal for many people, but it is one that is quickly diminishing.

Many of these are issues we as a society can address through free-market solutions. It’s time we have that conversation.


This article was published by FEE, Foundation for Economic Education and is reproduced with permission.

FDA Pushes To Authorize Novavax’s Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Cardiovascular Safety Issues thumbnail

FDA Pushes To Authorize Novavax’s Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Cardiovascular Safety Issues

By The Geller Report

Despite overwhelming evidence of the harm the Covid vaccines do and the FDA’s admission that  the vaccine carried the possible risk of causing heart inflammation, particularly in young males, similar to the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca mRNA vaccines, they are pushing to authorize this poison.

The lies and deceit are monumentally criminal …… And the Medical establishment has destroyed the public trust by going along with this horror.

Sudden death is the most catastrophic contraindication of the vaccine but its effects are systemic, The uterus is also a biologically active organ because it’s always preparing a new inner wall monthly then tearing it down and starting again in a menstruating woman so that’s another big target of shitty spike vaccine.

And remember Covid19 vaccine has been linked to prion disease which is an incurable brain disease, a dementia like Creutzfeldt-Jakob.

We warned you all! Corona bioweapon vaccines don’t work and they are dangerous and deadly. @pfizer #Pfizer 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

— calfit32 🇺🇸 #Unvaccinated (@calfit32) June 5, 2022

You are some sick, sick, sick and deeply disturbed people @ashishkjha

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) June 2, 2022

FDA Pushes To Authorize Novavax’s Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Cardiovascular Safety Issues

The FDA appears to have lost its high standard for drug safety and efficacy, and it is the American public who will suffer.

Earlier this week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had a public advisory committee meeting of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to discuss an emergency-use authorization (EUA) request by Novavax for its vaccine to prevent Covid-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older. The committee voted to approve it.

It is clear that there is a noteworthy adverse event signal, especially cardiovascular-related events, following existing Covid vaccines and boosters. Based on available evidence, there is no reason to think the Novavax vaccine will be any different. Indeed, the FDA review of the Novavax “protein subunit” vaccine acknowledged the vaccine carried the possible risk of causing heart inflammation, particularly in young males, similar to the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca mRNA vaccines.

In addition to the medical review, the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database for Covid-19 vaccines shows a significant number of cardiovascular-related events in young healthy people in particular. To date, there are tens of thousands of reports of heart attack, myocarditis, or pericarditis in the United States alone.

The United States alone has accumulated a list of more than 800,000 reports of adverse events associated with these vaccines, with even more adverse events reported worldwide. Moreover, reported cases are well known to represent only 1–10 percent of the adverse events that occur in actuality. In short, the sheer number of cases — something we’ve never seen before — is cause for alarm to drug safety experts like myself.

Myocarditis and pericarditis used to be considered rare conditions. They are defined as inflammation of the heart muscle or layers of the pericardial sac, respectively. Both conditions cause easily recognizable echocardiogram (ECG) changes and have nonspecific symptoms that include shortness of breath and chest pain.

They can easily be diagnosed clinically with ECGs and treated by pharmacology, but in order for physicians to do that, the FDA label must recommend physicians look for certain symptoms immediately following Covid-19 vaccination. Failing to immediately diagnose myocarditis or pericarditis could have fatal consequences.

These cardiovascular adverse events were warned about in the FDA medical review of the Pfizer application, and the FDA receives new reports on cardiovascular adverse events on a daily basis. The FDA’s medical officer review, which was the basis for approving the Pfizer vaccine, notes that “clinically important serious adverse reactions [were] anaphylaxis and myocarditis/pericarditis.”

Patients Not Warned of Risks

But the problem is patients were — and are still — not being adequately warned or monitored for cardiovascular symptoms on existing Covid-19 vaccines. Pfizer should already have placed a warning on the label.

Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca should have already volunteered to warn all their patients about potentially deadly cardiovascular adverse events, as well as other adverse events trending upward in VAERS that are associated with Covid vaccine and booster administration. At a minimum, any Novavax vaccine should have a prominent warning informing the public about the risk of potential serious and deadly cardiovascular adverse events, but since Pfizer and Moderna aren’t doing so, neither is Novavax.

Adverse events from drugs were already the fourth leading cause of death prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the FDA. Because Pfizer and Moderna’s cardiovascular and other adverse events were not taken seriously enough by the FDA to warrant more substantial labeling warnings, Covid-19 vaccine adverse events have become a major source of morbidity and mortality, per the FDA’s VAERS reporting system.


Pamela Geller 


Vaccinated women suffer stillbirths, miscarriage, abortion at nearly 34% higher rate, Hebrew University reveals

Healthy young people are dying suddenly – as doctors seek answers

‘Significant’ Cases of Neurological Disorder Associated with Covid Vaccine

New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save

MIT Scientist Warns Parents NOT TO GIVE CHILDREN Vaccine, Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease In Young People

MIT: COVID Vaccines ‘Significantly Associated’ with Spike in Heart Attacks in Young People

CDC Data Shows More Than 1.2 Million Covid Vaccine Injuries

Pfizer Unable to Secure COVID Vaccine Authorization in India, China Due to Side Effect Concerns

Vaxxed Kids Are 300 Times More Likely To Die Than Unvaccinated

Whistleblower Outs Medicare Data That Shows 50% Rise in Death After Vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Missouri law bans pharmacists from questioning doctors who prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine thumbnail

New Missouri law bans pharmacists from questioning doctors who prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

By Jihad Watch

Missouri Governor Mike Parson holds to the view that it is up to a doctor and his or her patient to make decisions that affect patient health, particularly given COVID-19, for which an experimental vaccine is being forced on the public via mandates in many jurisdictions. Vaccine mandates have become a partisan issue, with the GOP mostly opposing mandates. According to the Kansas City Star, Parson, who is Republican, has just “signed into law a bill that bars pharmacists from questioning doctors” who prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Note how the Kansas City Star article references the two “controversial drugs,” but makes no mention of controversial vaccines.

Reuters published an article in 2021 that included a warning by lawyers that “the vaccine is so new that there’s virtually no definitive research on injury causation to cite.”

The article continued:

Indeed, the overwhelming majority of all litigants under what’s known as the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program have NOT succeeded.

Reports are now copious and mounting about sudden deaths associated with the vaccine, and vaccine injuries. In November 2021, the European Parliament released a German study “examining the autopsies of people who died shortly after vaccination.” The study suggested that “50% of these deaths were caused by the vaccine, which is also believed to be behind an unprecedented accumulation of lymphocytes found in the hearts, kidneys, livers and spleens of the deceased.”

According to the Daily Mail, doctors are trying to determine why so many healthy young people are suddenly dying in Australia. Young people are now urged to have their hearts checked to avoid Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Although the article offers no reason for the sudden deaths, Australia imposed upon its citizens some of the most restrictive COVID rules in the world. Those who tested positive were sometimes required to be quarantined at facilities. By November 2021, over 10,000 Australians had filed coronavirus vaccine injury claims.

The American Council on Science and Health is now advising the obvious: “it’s good to be skeptical of scientists and the politicians who listen to them”; yet this didn’t seem so obvious at the height of the COVID crisis. The psychological mass coercion by governments, medical establishments and media was astounding, and questions were discouraged. Many are now denying that any “forced” experimental vaccination took place, while others are calling it “an American tradition.” Take, for instance, the New York Times article “Vaccine Mandates are an American Tradition,” which presents an argument that everyone already knows, but omits the most important aspect of subject at hand: the nature of the mRNA vaccine. It an experimental, gene transfer and expression vaccine which was developed hastily. The public was actually the test subjects. Note: the COVID vaccines were described in Clinical as an experiment to “Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals.” In other words, scientists studying the vaccine did not know about the “Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19,” so they had to study it on the public.

Actual Study Start Date  :

April 29, 2020

Estimated Primary Completion Date  :

February 8, 2024

Estimated Study Completion Date  :

February 8, 2024

It was never a secret that these mRNA vaccines were experimental. Mass fear took precedence over research, and all possible reasoned approaches. Mass immunity was never properly weighed, nor were other alternative treatments, including ivermectin and hydroxychoroquine. Citizens were forced to take part in an experiment with immense possible impact upon their personal health, or face severe punishment and/or marginalization. Not every jurisdiction went along to get along: Florida fought mandates tooth and nail.

There is no denying that COVID was a potentially serious illness that killed many. It does no good to downplay this, but many scientists warned that herd immunity (much like the flu) was an intelligent option to weigh, considering the low death rates, particularly among the most vulnerable.

The National Institute of Health surprisingly published a report by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock — a retired neurosurgeon and current clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, as well as a visiting professor in the biology department at Belhaven College. In an article entitled “Covid Update–What is the Truth?,” Dr. Blayback began with a stunning rebuke of trusted authorities:

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.

Although governments and many institutions are asserting that no one was held down for forced vaccinations, they are manipulating the discourse, and refusing to admit the coercion and duress forced upon citizens who faced devastating job loss and marginalization for “not following the science.” Restrictions continue, with more vaccines on the way.

Dr. Paul Alexander, former Trump administration official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the COVID-19 pandemic, became a victim of media bashing. The mainstream media has been doing a hatchet job on him in efforts to ruin his reputation and protect Big Pharma and globalist government.

Dr. Alexander stated

You must understand that most people (those I write about below) were and are scared about retribution and their research grants etc. They still are. Most if not all are. Their jobs, salary, grants, and to be honest, safety, guides their decisions. Few people are brave enough to stand up. Yet there are many who are run after the money and advancement.

He also issued a grave warning to parents:

I again warn. I am warning parents to be very careful with their healthy children. Their children. Stop and step back as to these vaccines. Your children bring near zero risk. They do not need these vaccines. Period. No one, no Fauci, no Walensky, no Francis Collins, no Albert Bourla et al. have prosecuted the case as to why your healthy zero risk child needs a vaccine that is proven ineffective and harmful. Your response should be NO! Under no condition! And be willing to defend that hill! There is no liability protection for your child if harmed by these vaccines.

Anyone should be at least wondering why is it that so many talented doctors and researchers have been willing to sacrifice their entire careers to warn about an experiment. And why the heavy-handedness by governments.

Physician and biochemist Dr. Robert Malone also stated unequivocally that alternate COVID treatments were suppressed to promote the vaccines.

ACT for America founder Brigitte Gabriel told her COVID story and the case of an upstart pharmacist on an anti-ivermectin frenzy HERE.

Amid information overload, one thing is obvious, or at least should be: questions need to be asked, questions that might include the fact that Omicron affected both the vaxxed and unvaxxed, amid continued government restrictions. Also, why were people not informed by media regularly that the vaccine was an experiment, one forced upon citizens trying to hold on to their jobs and freedoms?

Under Missouri’s new law, patients, responsible doctors and pharmacists will now be protected, and able make their private medical choices freely.

“New Missouri law protects doctors, bars pharmacists from questioning controversial drugs,” by Kacen Bayless, Kansas City Star, June 8, 2022:

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on Tuesday signed into law a bill that bars pharmacists from questioning doctors who prescribe the controversial off-label drugs ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

The measure, which passed in the General Assembly last month, was attached to a bill that exempts military employees and contractors participating in a federal training program from licensing requirements if they hold licensing in another state. Parson’s office announced his signing of the legislation along with six other bills Tuesday.

The new law, which goes into effect in August, prevents state medical licensing boards from punishing or taking away the medical licenses of doctors who “lawfully” prescribe the two drugs. And it prevents pharmacists from contacting a doctor or patient “to dispute the efficacy of ivermectin tablets or hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets for human use” unless the doctor or patient asks about the drugs’ effectiveness.

Sen. Rick Brattin, a Harrisonville Republican who is running running for Missouri’s 4th District in Congress, previously told The Star he added the language regarding ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine after he spoke with doctors who worried they would lose their medical licenses for prescribing the drugs. Brattin, who said he previously bought ivermectin for COVID-19 but has never taken it, described the drug as “politicized.”….




FDA Pushes To Authorize Novavax’s Covid-19 Vaccine Despite Serious Cardiovascular Safety Issues

George Soros spent $40 million to elect 75 ‘social justice’ prosecutors in crime-ridden cities

Pain at the pump: Gas reaches $5 per gallon milestone

U.S. border patrol reports record migrant apprehensions: 220,000 in May alone

The Plea Deal of a US ISIS Terrorist Has Benghazi Links

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Warren: Biden Should Put Abortion Clinics on Federal Property in ‘Hostile’ States thumbnail

Warren: Biden Should Put Abortion Clinics on Federal Property in ‘Hostile’ States

By Discover The Networks

Wednesday on MSNBC’s race-mongering propaganda outlet The ReidOut, radical Sen. Elizabeth “You Didn’t Build That” Warren (D-MA) said that President Joe Biden should consider putting abortion clinics on federal property in states that ban abortion.

Warren said, “The idea that five extremists on the United States Supreme Court want to take us back to that world, want to treat women as second class citizens, I see this as a moment it has got to be all hands on deck, a whole of government response. I get it Congress could act, but we just don’t have the votes right now. So we need the president of the United States to act.”

“Extremists.” Five of the nine Supreme Court justices vote against infanticide, and Warren considers them “extremists.”

The socialist multi-millionaire extremist who lied about Native American heritage went on to say the President should take executive action to counter the possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

What the administration should explore, she said, is “what can be done with federal property within the states that are hostile. How about if the federal government looks into the possibility? Can they have clinics there? Can we give advice there? How can we be helpful?”

Warren concluded, “We want to see this administration have all hands on deck. This is a five-alarm fire. We need to be fight, fight, fighting.”

It’s a five-alarm fire for Democrats because the unrestricted right to kill one’s inconvenient unborn child is a leftist sacrament.

To learn more about Elizabeth Warren click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Senator John Barrasso: Schumer ‘Bears Some Responsibility’ for Threat on Kavanaugh‘s Life

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

In Movie, Matt Walsh Reveals How Gender Ideology Mutilates Kids thumbnail

In Movie, Matt Walsh Reveals How Gender Ideology Mutilates Kids

By Douglas Blair

The left doesn’t want you to know some consequences of what it calls gender-affirming care, commentator Matt Walsh says of his film “What Is a Woman?”

What is a woman? Seems like a pretty simple question. But in today’s America, the left thinks females aren’t the only ones who count as women anymore. Stories abound of biological males not only invading women’s private spaces such as bathrooms and locker rooms but dominating in women’s sports.

All of this comes with the support of radical leftists and activists in medicine.

Worse, those medical doctors aren’t just focused on treating adults. Transgender ideologues have targeted children.

Matt Walsh, author, podcast host, and filmmaker with The Daily Wire, has released a documentary film titled “What Is a Woman?” that he hopes will expose the worst aspects of gender ideology.

“You feel like you’re staring into the pit of hell, honestly. I mean, you’re looking at pure evil when you consider what they’re doing to these kids, and they know what they’re doing,” Walsh says. “They have to know what they’re doing because they’re the doctors and they know what it entails. They know that this stuff is obviously irreversible and they also know that kids can’t actually consent to any of this stuff.”

Walsh adds:

Kids don’t know what they’re doing. They’re not looking five, 10 years into the future. I mean, even before you get to surgery and that’s horrific enough, you’ve got the drugs, the hormone drugs, the so-called puberty blockers, and those drugs among other consequences, they also have the effect of sterilizing kids.

Walsh joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss his film and what gender activists are doing to kids, and offer solutions on how to escape this post-truth environment.


This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


The highly choreographed January 6 Select Committee that is being performed on primetime TV over the next several weeks can only be described as political and partisan trash. It is not about truth or acting in the interests of American citizens. It is about the 2024 election – clear as day.

Please click here to inform our elected leaders how you feel about the partisan travesty unfolding in the U.S. House of Representatives.

TAKE ACTION: Stop Pizza Hut’s ‘Book Club’ That Gives Drag Performer’s Book to Kids thumbnail

TAKE ACTION: Stop Pizza Hut’s ‘Book Club’ That Gives Drag Performer’s Book to Kids

By Florida Family Association

Parent company Yum Brands owns Pizza Hut as well as Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell.

Click here to send your email to urge parent company Yum Brands’ officials to show respect for the innocence of children by discontinuing Big Wig and other books that push LGBTQ on young kids.

To see this alert in your internet browser and share this article click here.

News Week published an article titled Pizza Hut Slammed for Suggesting Drag Performer Book in Kids’ Reading Club.  The article reports in part:

Social media users slammed Pizza Hut this week on Twitter over its book club’s latest reading suggestion that includes a drag performer book for kids.

The restaurant’s reading club Book It! Program, which targets grades PreK-6, has listed some books focusing on the LGBTQ community on its website in light of celebrating Pride Month, including Big Wig and Be Amazing: A History of Pride.

Since 1984, Book It! has encouraged children across the country to read more as “schools across the nation and millions of children” participating in the six-month program each year, according to the program’s Facebook page.

Big Wig is still posted at Pizza Hut’s Book It! Program.  Click here to see it.

Parent company Yum Brands owns Pizza Hut and  Kentucky Fried Chicken and Taco Bell.

Early attempts by other conservative groups to communicate with Pizza Hut via Twitter were quickly shut down.

Kindergarten and elementary school kids are way too young to struggle with the concept of being transgender.  Children are far too immature to choose a sexual preference for life especially when the overwhelming majority of kids who experiment choose to be straight.   It’s irresponsible to challenge the innocence of children with transgender propaganda when a high percentage of them would have otherwise ended up taking the straight heterosexual path for life.

Pizza Hut certainly has the right to promote whatever books it wants in its library.  You have the same right to object and patronize food chains other than Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell who don’t spend customer money on LGBTQ propaganda.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to urge parent company Yum Brands’ officials to show respect for the innocence of children by discontinuing Big Wig and other books that push LGBTQ on young kids.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge parent company Yum Brands’ officials to show respect for the innocence of children by discontinuing Big Wig and other books that push LGBTQ on young kids.

Contact information:

David Gibbs, Chief Executive Officer

Yum! Brands, Inc.

Chris Turner, Chief Financial Officer

Yum! Brands, Inc.

Tracy Skeans, Chief Operating Officer

Yum Brands, Inc.

©Florida Family Association. All rights reserved.


Why Should I Oblige Homosexuals – The Video Rant

Methodist leaders say ‘rebellion and dysfunction’ over LGBT issues splitting denomination

Why ‘Trust the Science’ Is a Con thumbnail

Why ‘Trust the Science’ Is a Con

By MERCOLA Take Control of Your Health

Scientism, Not Science, Rules the Roost 


  • As technocracy and transhumanism have risen to the fore, they have brought with them their own form of science — “scientism” — which is basically the religion of science. In other words, it’s a belief even in the absence of evidence, or in the face of contrary evidence, and this is a very serious problem
  • The clearest problem with the admonition to “believe the science” is that bona fide experts are found on all sides of any given empirical question
  • The scientific priesthood is intolerant to new ideas while, simultaneously, search engines and digitization of scientific literature have eroded their authority as gatekeepers of knowledge
  • The way things look right now, the gatekeepers to the scientific priesthood don’t seem to have any intention to open its doors to outsiders and independent thinkers. If anything, they’re trying to massively increase their control over the information we’re allowed to see and share, even to the point of proposing the creation of certifying boards to police physicians’ sharing of medical opinions
  • The idea that a group of people can be the sole arbiters of “truth” is irrational. Individual biases always creep in, and the greater the influence of such a group, the more ingrained and dogmatic those biases will become, until the system is corrupted to the core. One could argue that dogmatic faith in nonexistent scientific consensuses is the reason for why we are where we are today

Science has long been regarded as a stronghold of logic and reason. Scientists don’t draw conclusions based on emotions, feelings or sheer faith. It’s all about building a body of reproducible evidence. Well, that’s what it used to be, but as technocracy and transhumanism have risen to the fore, it has brought with it its own form of science — “scientism” — which is basically the religion of science. Sheldon Richman with The Libertarian Institute writes:1

“The popular slogan today is ‘Believe in science.’ It’s often used as a weapon against people who reject not science in principle but rather one or another prominent scientific proposition, whether it be about the COVID-19 vaccine, climate change … to mention a few …

The clearest problem with the admonition to ‘believe in science’ is that … well-credentialed scientists — that is, bona fide experts — are found on both (or all) sides of a given empirical question … Moreover, no one, not even scientists, are immune from group-think and confirmation bias …

Apparently, under the believers’ model of science, truth comes down from a secular Mount Sinai (Mount Science?) thanks to a set of anointed scientists, and those declarations are not to be questioned. The dissenters can be ignored because they are outside the elect. How did the elect achieve its exalted station? Often, but not always, it was through the political process …

But that’s not science; it’s religion, or at least it’s the stereotype of religion that the ‘science believers’ oppose in the name of enlightenment. What it yields is dogma and, in effect, accusations of heresy. In real science, no elect and no Mount Science exists.

Real science is a rough-and-tumble process of hypothesizing, public testing, attempted replication, theory formation, dissent and rebuttal, refutation (perhaps), revision (perhaps), and confirmation (perhaps). It’s an unending process, as it obviously must be …

The institutional power to declare matters settled by consensus opens the door to all kinds of mischief that violate the spirit of science and potentially harm the public financially and otherwise.”

Technocracy News also added a comment2 to Richman’s article, noting that “Scientism is at the root of both technocracy and transhumanism, indicating that the revolution waged against the world is religious in nature.”

Whether the war against humanity is truly underpinned by religion or not is open for debate and interpretation. But what is clear is that something has shifted science away from its conventional foundation into something that very much resembles religious faith. In other words, it’s a belief even in the absence of evidence, or in the face of contrary evidence, and this is a very serious problem.

Scientific Gatekeeping as a Priesthood

In “Against Scientific Gatekeeping,”3 published in the May 2022 issue of Reason magazine, Dr. Jeffrey Singer argues that “science should be a profession, not a priesthood.” Indeed, yet that’s basically what it has become. Singer starts out by reviewing the early discovery of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment against COVID-19, and the subsequent demonization of anyone who supported its off-label use.

He then goes on to discuss the scientific priesthood’s intolerance to new ideas while, simultaneously, “search engines and the digitization of scientific literature have forever eroded their authority as gatekeepers of knowledge.” He writes:4

“Most people prefer experts, of course, especially when it comes to health care … But a problem arises when some of those experts exert outsized influence over the opinions of other experts and thereby establish an orthodoxy enforced by a priesthood. If anyone, expert or otherwise, questions the orthodoxy, they commit heresy. The result is groupthink, which undermines the scientific process.

The COVID-19 pandemic provided many examples. Most medical scientists, for instance, uncritically accepted the epidemiological pronouncements of government-affiliated physicians who were not epidemiologists. At the same time, they dismissed epidemiologists as ‘fringe’ when those specialists dared to question the conventional wisdom …

The deference to government-endorsed positions is probably related to funding … President Dwight Eisenhower … warned that ‘we should be alert to the … danger that public policy could itself become captive of a scientific technological elite.’ Today we face both problems …

It is easy to understand why the scientific priesthood views the democratization of health care opinions as a threat to its authority and influence. In response, medical experts typically wave the flag of credentialism: If you don’t have an M.D. or another relevant advanced degree, they suggest, you should shut up and do as you’re told.

But credentials are not always proof of competence, and relying on them can lead to the automatic rejection of valuable insights … Scott Atlas, a former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford Medical School, has published and critically reviewed hundreds of medical research papers. He is a member of the Nominating Committee for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology.

Yet when Atlas commented on COVID-19 issues, the priesthood and its journalistic entourage derided him because he is ‘not an infectious disease expert’ — as if a 30-year career in academic medicine does not provide enough background to understand and analyze public health data. Why? Because this physician had the temerity to contradict the public health establishment.”

The Need to Reassess Dogmatic Thinking

Singer reviews several other examples of bonafide experts who got thrown under the proverbial bus by the medical priesthood during the years of COVID, and highlights instances where we can now, rather conclusively, prove that public health officials made bad calls.

Several studies have concluded that lockdowns had no beneficial impact on infection rates and COVID deaths, for example, while disproportionally harming the young and the poor. Yet no one has publicly admitted this strategy was an unwise one that should be permanently abandoned and never repeated.

Many studies have also demonstrated that natural immunity is better than the COVID jab, yet no changes have been made to the official recommendation to inject everyone, whether COVID recovered or not.

“Just as public health officials must abandon a ‘zero COVID’ strategy and accept that the virus will be endemic, the science priesthood must adapt to a world where specialized knowledge has been democratized,” Singer writes.5

“For scientific knowledge to advance, scientists must reach a rapprochement with the uncredentialed. They must not dismiss lay hypotheses or observations out of hand. They must fight against the understandable desire to avoid any hypothesis that might upset the health bureaucrats who control billions of research grant dollars.

It is always useful to challenge and reassess long-held premises and dogmas. People outside of a field might provide valuable perspectives that can be missed by those within it.”

Effort to Muzzle Doctors Continues

The way things look right now, the gatekeepers to the scientific priesthood don’t seem to have any intention to open its doors to outsiders and independent thinkers.

If anything, they’re trying to massively increase their control over the information we’re allowed to see and share, even to the point of proposing the creation of private medical certifying boards to police physicians’ sharing of medical opinions online and elsewhere. In a May 31, 2022, Substack article, independent medical journalist Paul Thacker writes:6

“This of course, is laughable. We have plenty of evidence that medical boards are incapable of regulating physician behavior simply by looking at the history of drug scandals in America, none of which could have occurred without the complicity of corrupt doctors — few if any of whom were later sanctioned by their own profession.

Anyone notice a medical board going after Duke University’s Dr. Ralph Snyderman for aiding the Sacklers’ opioid scheme and helping spread disinformation that these highly addictive drugs are NOT … highly addictive?

Of course not. Snyderman built up Duke University into the 3rd most prestigious medical school in the States. Despite spreading disinformation about opioids that killed tens of thousands of Americans, he’s obviously a great doctor …

Oddly enough, one of the most prolific tweeters on COVID-19 vaccines is Baylor University’s Dr. Peter Hotez. And while Hotez has spread disinformation about vaccines — in one example, stating that vaccines mandates were never going to happen and were just a dog whistle by anti-vaccine groups — don’t expect any state medical board to come after him.

The reality is that, during the pandemic, the medical profession has become cheerleaders for vaccines, not skeptics. So when a couple MDs write an essay in the NEJM saying we need to confront COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, you automatically know they don’t mean someone like Hotez who has tweeted vaccine misinformation, but who has also religiously promoted COVID-19 vaccines.”

Thacker goes on to detail the history of Dr. Edward Michna, who has spent a large portion of his career promoting and defending the use of opioids for several different drug companies. He’s also conducted several pain trials involving opioids, and despite having received many tens of thousands of dollars from opioid makers, he didn’t disclose those competing interests.

“In coming months, documents will be released, further explaining what the opioid manufacturers did. But nothing … NOTHING will happen to Dr. Edward Michna for defending these companies,” Thacker writes.7 “That’s why nobody should believe … the idea that doctors can regulate doctors. Doctors have had forever to do this, and they continually fail.”

Without Free Discourse, Science Dies

It seems the moral of all these stories is that without free discourse, science cannot flourish and falsehoods become harder to weed out. Free speech is a requirement for any well-functioning system, whether we’re talking about politics, medicine, science or anything else.

The idea that a group of people, no matter how well-intended, can be the sole arbiters of “truth” is irrational on its face, because who among us can claim to know all there is to know? Individual biases always creep in, and the greater the influence of such a group, the more ingrained and dogmatic those biases will become, until the system is corrupted to the core.

One could argue that dogmatic faith in nonexistent scientific consensuses is the reason for why we are where we are today. Gatekeepers to the scientific priesthood have already allowed science to be corrupted to the point its barely recognizable. The answer, then, is not more of the same, but less. We need less censorship and more open-minded sharing of viewpoints, opinions and interpretations.

And when it comes to creating medical boards to police medical “misinformation” shared by doctors, we already know how that would work out. While Thacker doesn’t mention this, many doctors have been targeted by various professional boards, including state medical boards, for publicly opposing COVID measures such as mask and COVID shot mandates. I discussed this in “Medical Boards Hunting Down Doctors Over Mask Mandates.”

Transforming the Health Care System

In his book, “Curable: How an Unlikely Group of Radical Innovators Is Trying to Transform Our Health Care System,” Travis Christofferson addresses questions such as: “What has happened to American health care?” and “What are the foundational disruptions or corruptions in the system?”

His book, in some ways, is based on the theory promoted in Michael Lewis’ book and subsequent film, “Moneyball.” It describes how you can use statistics to massively improve a flawed system.

“Moneyball” showed how, within a simple game of baseball, you can have massive inefficiencies, and by taking away the human biases and just applying statistics to find what is undervalued, you can massively boost the performance of a team.

When I interviewed Christofferson about his book, he offered several examples of how statistics and removal of human biases can be used in the same way to improve inefficiencies within the medical system. For example, the diabetic drug metformin has “massive repositories of data” suggesting it can be useful against a plethora of chronic diseases, including cancer, and it’s extremely affordable.

The reason it’s rarely prescribed for any of these other indications is because there’s a financial motivation to capitalize on more expensive treatments, even if they don’t work well. By focusing on undervalued treatments and low-cost prevention, health care costs could be driven way down, while simultaneously improving patient outcomes.

Another example comes from Geisinger Health in Pennsylvania. By introducing a Fresh Food Farmacy for Type 2 diabetics, Geisinger Health was able to reduce its per-year outlays and cost for Type 2 diabetics by a whopping 80%. Patients with prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes are given a prescription for fresh, whole foods, and allowed two free meals a day from the Farmacy, along with intensive care and educational support.

A third example is Intermountain Health. In addition to paying its doctors a fixed salary plus bonuses based on patients’ health outcomes, they also assess differences between treatments to see which works best.

For example, patients are always given antibiotics before surgery, but it’s never been established when the optimal time to administer the drugs is. Intermountain compared medical records, finding the optimal time was two hours before surgery, which cut their surgical infection rate by more than half.

Bias Corrupts and Corruption Is Inherently Destructive

These are all examples of how we can effectively and efficiently move medicine forward. By silencing debate and discussion, and by ignoring data and statistics, which has become the norm in this COVID era, the conventional health care system is headed for collapse.

This seems particularly true when you consider hospitals have, over the past two years, completely shredded patients’ trust by mistreating and outright killing COVID-19 patients with the most dangerous treatments available. Rather than collaborating with peers, most doctors have blindly followed financially-driven and politically biased protocols handed down from the reigning “priesthood,” and the results have been nothing short of disastrous.

Speaking of disastrous, California has introduced a bill8 that will strip doctors of their medical licenses if they express medical views that the state does not agree with, basically reducing medicine to a state-sanctioned one-size-fits-all endeavor. Absolutely nothing good can come of such a plan. I discussed this in “Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID.”

This bill, AB-2098, was passed by House vote (53 to 20), May 26, 2022, and is currently in the Senate.9 If this law is passed in California, we will probably begin to see similar or identical bills introduced in other states as well.

If your trust in doctors has already waned, implementation of such a law is sure to carpet bomb whatever trust is left into oblivion, because all you’ll be able to get, no matter who you go to, is the state-sponsored opinion. What happens then? How do we care for our health if our doctors are legally prevented from giving us their best advice? This is such a radical departure from sanity and sound practice that it’s hard to even imagine what medicine will look like at that point.

The answer, I believe, will be for good, caring medical professionals to start building parallel health care systems, such as those detailed in Christofferson’s book, “Curable.” We may also have to take on greater responsibility for finding solutions to our own health problems. “Take control of your health” has been my motto and tagline since I started this website, but it’s more important now than ever.

In years past, one of the greatest risks a patient faced was a doctor lacking nutritional know-how. In the future, the greatest risk could be doctors outright lying to you, even to the point of sending you to a more or less certain death, just to stay in practice. I hope it won’t come to that. But prevent it, we must resist and oppose these kinds of treacherous plots wherever and whenever they crop up.

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DONKEYPOX: The Real Disease That’s Killing Americans thumbnail

DONKEYPOX: The Real Disease That’s Killing Americans

By Dr. Rich Swier

It is time to understand who is really killing Americans.

We recently read an article titled, “Blockbuster Report: Soros Spent Over $40 Million To Install Pro-Crime District Attorneys And Unleash Violent Criminals Endangering Communities.

The Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund’sJustice For Sale Report” reveals how the left put pro-Black Lives Matter district attorneys and state attorneys in power across the country to let criminals off the hook and endanger communities in the name of “racial justice”

According to the Justice For Sale Report:

The U.S. currently has 75 George Soros-backed prosecutors overseeing half of America’s 50 most populous cities, according to a new report from the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF).

Traditionally, elections for district attorney have been quiet affairs,” reads LELDF’s report. “That changed recently as millions of campaign dollars have flowed into these down ballot contests.


The US currently has at least 75 Soros-Backed social justice prosecutors, supported through campaign dollars and/or Soros-funded progressive infrastructure groups.

These 75 prosecutors represent more than1 in 5 Americans or more than 72 million people, including half of America’s 50 most populous cities and counties.

From 2018 to 2021, Soros spent$13 million on just 10 prosecutors’ races, where his organizations were by far the biggest spender in the race and comprised the majority of the progressive candidate’s campaign spending – as much as 90% in some cases.

To date, Soros has spent more than$40 million on direct campaign spending over the past decade to elect prosecutors.

Soros uses a series of shell organizations, affiliates, and pass-through committees to steer contributions to both candidates and his robust support network for progressive prosecutors, which provide gravitas and

perks to preferred prosecutors.

Here are some related articles about how Soros and Democrats are more interested in freeing criminals than protecting American citizens from crime and criminals:

Since the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. on on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 hundred of thousands of Americans have died.

We looked at how many Americans have died since January 20, 2021 and here’s what we have found.

  1. COVID-19: Statista reports that as of June 7th, 2022 the United States is the country with the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths. There have been 1,033,830 deaths due to Covid. Deaths attributed to COVID-19 accounted for 72.4% of U.S. excess deaths. Click here for the death rate per 100,000 by state as of June 1st, 2022.
  2. Deaths: JAMA Network reported Between March 1, 2020, and January 2, 2021, the U.S. experienced 2, 801, 439 deaths, 22.9% more than expected, representing 522, 368 excess deaths (Table).
  3. Deaths of Minorities: JAMA Network reported The excess death rate was higher among non-Hispanic Black (208.4 deaths per 100 000) than non-Hispanic White or Hispanic populations (157.0 and 139.8 deaths per 100 000, respectively); these groups accounted for 16.9%, 61.1%, and 16.7% of excess deaths, respectively. The US experienced 4 surge patterns: in New England and the Northeast, excess deaths surged in the spring; in the Southeast and Southwest, in the summer and early winter; in the Plains, Rocky Mountains, and far West, primarily in early winter; and in the Great Lakes, bimodally, in the spring and early winter (Figure).
  4. Deaths by State: JAMA Network reported excess deaths were increasing in all regions at the end of 2020. The 10 states with the highest per capita rate of excess deaths were Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Arizona, Alabama, Louisiana, South Dakota, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Ohio. New York experienced the largest relative increase in all-cause mortality (38.1%).
  5. Mass Shootings 2021: The New York Times reported that the Gun Violence Archive, which defines a mass shooting as one with four or more people injured or killed, not including the perpetrator, counted more than 600 such shootings in 2020, compared with 417 in 2019. That carnage has continued into 2021, with hundreds of shootings so far this year. The archive, a nonprofit organization, has counted 25 mass murders, which it defines as four or more people killed, in 2021 as of mid-November. In 2021 the number of mass shooting in the United States were: Essex, MD 4 killed; Boone, NC 4 killed; Rock Hill, SC 6 killed; Atlanta, GA 8 killed; Allen, TX 4 killed; Muskogee, OK 6 killed; Indianapolis, IN 17 killed from April 15th to January 24th; Chicago, IL 5 killed; Boulder, CO 10 killed; Colorado Springs, CO 6 killed; San Jose, CA 9 killed; Orange, CA 4 killed. Additionally, BallotPedia reported: :  November 23, 2021 in Harvey, Illinois While students were leaving Thornton High School for the day, a person in a vehicle driving by exchanged gunfire with a student. No one was injured. [4]; October 26, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois Shots were fired during a fight outside Jose de Diego Community Academy. No one was injured in the gunfire. [5]October 13, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois Shots fired from a passing vehicle at a pedestrian struck James McDade Classical School, breaking one window. No one was injured. [6] ; October 12, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois Shots were fired at the exterior doors of Wendell Phillips Academy High School as they were opened to let students out for the day. A security guard and a 14-year-old girl were injured. [7]September 23, 2021 in Joliet, Illinois A window at the St. Paul School was shot out during an exchange of gunfire between two moving vehicles. Although classes were in session at the time, the students were in the basement and no injuries were reported. [8]September 15, 2021 in Champaign, Illinois Police responded to reports of shots fired on a field between Jefferson Middle School and Centennial High School. On arriving, they found 13 spent cases but no evidence that anyone had been injured. [9] ; August 22, 2021 in Rockford, Illinois A 13-year-old boy was shot during a fist fight in the parking lot of West Middle School. He was expected to survive as of the day after the shooting. A 17-year-old was taken into custody. [10]June 1, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois A 17-year-old boy fired shots into a crowd outside Lincoln Park High School and grazed another 17-year-old boy’s arm. There were no other injuries. [11]January 10, 2021 in Springfield, Illinois A 16-year-old girl practicing driving in the parking lot of Southeast High School and a 20-year-old woman who was in the car with her were shot and injured. There were no fatalities. [12]
  6. Mass Shootings 2022: The Washington Post reported over 200 mass shootings in 2022 to date. There have already been more than 240 mass shootings this year in the United States, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Thirty-three have taken place since a rampage at an elementary school in Uvalde, Tex., left 19 children and two teachers dead on May 24. Just this past weekend, mass shootings in multiple cities killed 11 and wounded more than 60. Mass shootings, where four or more people — not including the shooter — are injured or killed, have averaged more than one per day so far this year. Not a single week in 2022 has passed without at least four mass shootings. Additionally, BallotPedia reported: May 17, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois A gun in an 8-year-old student’s backpack at Disney Magnet School went off, injuring another student. The boy had found the loaded gun under his mother’s bed.[1]March 29, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois Shots fired from a vehicle driving by hit Thomas A. Hendricks Community School. Although no one on campus was injured, a passenger in another car was struck by the gunfire.[2]January 4, 2022 in Rockford, Illinois Two 17-year-old students at Auburn High School were shot while sitting in a car in the school parking lot. Both were expected to survive at the time of the shooting. Three suspects were later taken into custody.[3]

The Gun Violence Archive (GVA) prepared this MASS SHOOTINGS IN 2022 information:

Incident ID Incident Datesort ascending State City Or County Address # Killed # Injured Operations
2321440 June 5, 2022 Arizona Mesa 1457 W Southern Ave 2 2
2321693 June 5, 2022 Michigan Grand Rapids Pearl St NW and Ottawa Ave NW 1 3
2322804 June 5, 2022 South Carolina Andrews County Line Rd 0 5
2321772 June 5, 2022 Michigan Saginaw 300 block of S 11th St 3 2
2321532 June 5, 2022 Tennessee Chattanooga 2125 McCallie Ave 2 12
2321193 June 4, 2022 Michigan Ecorse 3800 block of W Jefferson Ave 0 4
2321593 June 4, 2022 South Carolina Summerton 4193 St Paul Rd 1 7
2321500 June 4, 2022 Georgia Macon 300 Block of Jones Ave 1 3
2320673 June 4, 2022 Texas El Paso (Socorro) 10851 Thunder Rd 0 5
2321266 June 4, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 200 block of South St 3 12
2320618 June 4, 2022 Arizona Phoenix N 10th Ave and W Hatcher Rd 1 8
2321698 June 4, 2022 New York Hempstead 77 Terrace Ave 1 3
2320862 June 3, 2022 Nebraska Omaha 2931 T St 1 3
2320361 June 3, 2022 Virginia Chester 10960 block of Stepney Rd 1 5
2318310 June 1, 2022 Oklahoma Tulsa 6161 S Yale Ave 5 0
2318046 May 31, 2022 Texas Waco 1900 block of Preston St 0 4
2317016 May 30, 2022 South Carolina Charleston America St and South St 0 10
2316616 May 30, 2022 Michigan Benton Harbor 999 Pipestone St 1 6
2315903 May 30, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia N Delaware Ave and E Tioga St 2 2
2315150 May 29, 2022 Oklahoma Taft 104 Elm St 1 7
2315333 May 29, 2022 California Merced Cowden Ave 1 3
2315892 May 29, 2022 Illinois Chicago 4400 block of W Walton St 1 4
2316364 May 29, 2022 Texas Houston 11654 Walnut Dale Ct 0 4
2315605 May 29, 2022 Arizona Phoenix N 58th St and W Windsor Ave 1 5
2315361 May 29, 2022 Nevada Henderson I-11 and Horizon Dr 0 7
Incident ID Incident Datesort ascending State City Or County Address # Killed # Injured Operations
2315074 May 29, 2022 Illinois Chicago 800 block of S Karlov Ave 0 5
2314991 May 28, 2022 Tennessee Chattanooga 100 block of Cherry St 0 6
2315338 May 28, 2022 California Fresno 2233 N 1st St 1 3
2315417 May 28, 2022 Florida Malabar 2500 block of Billie Ln 0 4
2315190 May 28, 2022 Colorado Colorado Springs 3800 block of E Pikes Pike Ave 1 3
2314951 May 28, 2022 Tennessee Memphis Chelsea Ave and Peres Ave 0 4
2313988 May 27, 2022 Alabama Anniston 1204 Front St 0 6
2313970 May 27, 2022 Michigan Stanwood 10711 185th Ave 4 1
2312678 May 25, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 3500 block of Fairmount Ave 0 4
2310278 May 24, 2022 Texas Uvalde 715 Old Carrizo Rd 22 17
2309711 May 23, 2022 South Carolina North Charleston 7550 Dorchester Rd 0 5
2311123 May 23, 2022 Ohio Cleveland 1032 Hartley Rd 0 5
2308096 May 21, 2022 Indiana Goshen 1204 Rosemare Ct 2 3
2308395 May 21, 2022 Washington Tacoma S Yakima Ave and S 56th St 0 4
2307631 May 20, 2022 Florida Kissimmee 2331 Old Dixie Hwy 1 3
2308017 May 20, 2022 California Highland 3606 Highland Ave 1 8
2307813 May 20, 2022 Louisiana New Orleans St. Claude Ave and Forstall St 1 3
2307044 May 19, 2022 Illinois Chicago 800 block of N State St 2 7
2306277 May 18, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 1500 block of Bouvier St 0 5
2305208 May 17, 2022 California Palo Alto (East Palo Alto) 2500 block of Fordham St 1 3
2302847 May 15, 2022 California Laguna Woods 24301 El Toro Rd 1 5
2303130 May 15, 2022 North Carolina Winston Salem (Winston-salem) 2000 block of 25th St 0 7
2304029 May 15, 2022 North Carolina Elizabeth City 901 S Martin Luther King Jr Dr 0 4
2302740 May 15, 2022 Texas Houston 8729 Airline Dr 2 3
2303337 May 15, 2022 Texas Amarillo 1003 N Fillmore St 1 4
Incident ID Incident Datesort ascending State City Or County Address # Killed # Injured Operations
2301751 May 14, 2022 New York Buffalo 1275 Jefferson Ave 10 3
2301494 May 13, 2022 Wisconsin Milwaukee Water St and Juneau Ave 0 17
2300713 May 12, 2022 Arkansas Hot Springs National Park (Hot Springs) 134 Convention Blvd 1 4
2299660 May 11, 2022 Illinois Chicago 6800 block of S Ashland Ave 0 4
2299126 May 11, 2022 Indiana Indianapolis 701 Canal Walk 0 4
2299793 May 11, 2022 Missouri Saint Louis 5000 block of N Kingshighway Blvd 1 3
2300830 May 11, 2022 New Jersey Paterson 36 Essex St 1 4
2298872 May 10, 2022 Maryland Baltimore 2800 block of Boarman Ave 0 5
2298836 May 10, 2022 Illinois Chicago 4800 block of S Ada St 1 4
2299407 May 10, 2022 Illinois Chicago 6400 block of S Richards Dr 0 6
2298519 May 10, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia Allegheny Ave and G St 0 4
2298591 May 10, 2022 Maryland Baltimore 700 block of N Rose St 1 3
2299176 May 10, 2022 Texas Brookshire Purdy and 4th St 1 3
2297823 May 9, 2022 Michigan Detroit 12600 block of McCoy Cir 0 4
2298092 May 9, 2022 Alabama Tuscaloosa 4420 21st St 0 5
2297261 May 8, 2022 Georgia Clarkston 6500 block of Old Hampton Dr 3 3
2296191 May 7, 2022 Kentucky Lexington 1560 LaSalle Rd 2 3
2296808 May 7, 2022 Texas Garland 800 block of Magnolia Dr 2 2
2296224 May 7, 2022 Florida Miami NW 37th St and NW 32nd Ave 0 4
2296037 May 6, 2022 Louisiana New Orleans 4800 block of Alcee Fortier Blvd 2 4
2296064 May 5, 2022 Washington Sunnyside 613 S 6th St 0 5
2293603 May 3, 2022 Louisiana Baton Rouge 2100 block of North 39th St 0 5
2294515 May 3, 2022 Kansas Cowley (county) N/A 0 4
2294477 May 3, 2022 Texas Beaumont 3580 S Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy 0 5
2291712 May 1, 2022 Louisiana Lafayette 500 Jefferson St 0 12

Click here to view the entire 10 page list of MASS SHOOTINGS IN 2022.

The Bottom Line

Biden and the Biden administration including the FBI, DOJ, DHS and other agencies have been in office during all of these murders.

So whose responsible? The criminals or their guns? We suggest that we are now experiencing a wave of criminality that began on January 20th, 2021 and is continuing to this day across America.

America is suffering from the very deadly Donkey Pox.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Florida woman used AR-15 to drop armed intruder attacking her husband, daughter

Living Room Pundit’s Guide to Soros District Attorneys

Sanctuary Cities Now Provide Sanctuary For Deadly Illegal Drugs thumbnail

Sanctuary Cities Now Provide Sanctuary For Deadly Illegal Drugs

By Michael Cutler

The New York City Health Department shows how to use them “safely.”

On May 11, 2022 the New York Times reported: Overdose Deaths Continue Rising, With Fentanyl and Meth Key Culprits.  The subtitle of that reports is stunning:  New data shows a surge in overdose deaths involving fentanyl and methamphetamine. Overall, the nation saw a 15 percent increase in deaths from overdoses in 2021.

Let us begin by noting that fentanyl and other narcotics are illegal because they have the potential to kill or otherwise inflict serious harm.

I can still remember my dad telling me when I was a teenager, so many years ago: “nothing is so good it could not be made better, or be so bad that it could not be made worse.”

My dad’s sage advice certainly came to my mind when I saw a the May 27, 2022 CBS News article, “Let’s Talk Fentanyl” ad campaign raises eyebrows for some straphangers.

You would think that an agency called The New York City Department Of Health would be focused on the health and well-being of the residents of New York City and consequently would do as much as possible to discourage drug use, period.

After all, the massive campaign against cigarette smoking, which is ongoing to this very day, has been extremely effective in getting people who smoke to stop smoking and prevent young people from taking up that dangerous and, all too frequently, deadly habit.

Consider this item posted on the New York State Department of Health:

Information about Tobacco Use, Smoking and Secondhand Smoke

Today, however, in the age of radical madness, the New York City Department of Health is actually focused on preventing overdoses- not be discouraging the use of such dangerous and illegal drugs as fentanyl, but by providing a guide to the supposedly safe use of these deadly drugs!

Consider this item posted on the NYC Health Department’s official website:  Fentanyl Avoid an Overdose.

Here is how this “how to” guide begins:

Fentanyl use can increase your risk of overdose, especially if you do not regularly use opioids.

Fentanyl has been found in many different drugs, including heroin, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, ketamine and pills from nonmedical sources. Anyone who uses drugs that may contain fentanyl, even occasionally, may be at risk of overdose.

To prevent an overdose:

  • Avoid using alone and take turns
  • Start with a small dose and go slowly
  • Keep Naloxone ready and on hand
  • Avoid mixing drugs
  • Test your drugs using fentanyl test strips

This supremely infuriating and disturbing sentence included in the guide states:  “start with a small dose and go slowly.”  In other words, when you first begin using these drugs in the beginning, this is the safest way to do it!

The “Health Department’s guide also includes this virtual menu of other illegal, dangerous and deadly drugs in this sentence:

fentanyl has been found in many different drugs, including heroin, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, ketamine and pills from nonmedical sources. Anyone who uses drugs that may contain fentanyl, even occasionally, may be at risk of overdose.

Drug use is, in and of itself deadly and destructive to those who fall victim to addiction.  Even those who do not die from overdoses are likely to find drug addition impacts their ability to support themselves and care for their family members.  Imagine the impact that this has on the children of the addicts.  Drug addiction has been cited as a factor in massive homelessness.

Then there is the issue of the crimes that addicts may commit to be able to buy the drugs they are hooked on.  I would love to know how many deadly shootings involve individuals who have drugs flowing through their veins.  Perhaps toxicology reports should be made public in the aftermath of a violent attack.

With all of the emphasis on gun control in the wake of mass shootings we need criminal control.

The same could be said for the accidents caused by motorists who drive under the influence of drugs and inflict injuries and death to those caught in their paths.

The drug trade also funds terrorism in the United States and around the globe as has been noted in numerous reports and various Congressional hearings.

Consider my earlier articles published in 2018: Iran Threatens U.S. And Its Allies With Drugs, Refugees, Bombs And Assassination” and Congressional Hearing: Iranian Sleeper Cells Threaten U.S. So many hearings, so little action.

Finally proceeds from the drug trade fund violent transnational gangs who create a veritable reign of terror in the communities in which they operate- frequently those communities are ethnic immigrant communities from around the world, because human nature is universal and the proverbial “good, bad and ugly” can be found in every race, religion and ethnicity. (My 30 year career with the former Immigration and Naturalization Service hammered this home to my INS colleagues and me.  Furthermore my approximately 4 year assignment to the Unified Intelligence Division of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration, followed up by my 10 years as an INS Senior Special Agent assigned to the Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) provided me with a front line seat to the nexus between failures of border security and immigration law enforcement that undermined national security and public safety.)

Last year I wrote an article, Interior Enforcement And The Border Crisis in which I postulated that the borders of the United Sates cannot be made secure against the entry of massive numbers of illegal aliens if they faced no consequences for being illegally present in the United States.  Illegal aliens only come to the United States in violation of law if they are encouraged that law enforcement authorities will ignore their violations of our immigration laws so that they can achieve whatever illegal goals motivated them to come to the United States – whether it is illegal employment, the desire to flee law enforcement in other countries because they are fugitives from justice, or because they seek to engage in activities involving gangs, narcotics, terrorism or other such dangerous activities.

Over the years I have written many articles about how so-called “Sanctuary policies” promulgated by city or state governments.  As I noted in an article awhile back, Sanctuary Cities Endanger – National Security and Public Safety

On February 27, 2003 I testified before a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims on the topic, New York City’s `Sanctuary’ Policy And The Effect Of Such Policies On Public Safety, Law Enforcement,And Immigration.

Now New York City and other cities are now apparently providing a sort of “sanctuary” for drug users that imperil not protect public health and the long-term welfare of both the drug users and their family members as well as many others who may fall victim to various aspects of the drug trade even as the Biden Administration has all but dismantled the borders of the United States to not only facilitate the flow of unprecedented numbers off illegal aliens into the United States, but massive quantities of deadly narcotics as well.

The only reason that drugs are being smuggled in such huge quantities into the United States is a direct function of the fundamental economic principle of “Supply and Demand.”  Our open borders facilitate the flow of fentanyl and other deadly drugs into the United States and local governments are helping to drive up and not tamp down the demand.

Consider my article, that sums up the insanity we face from so many directions: For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Stockholm+50 Attendees Need[ed] to Address the Impact on the World Without Fossil Fuels thumbnail

Stockholm+50 Attendees Need[ed] to Address the Impact on the World Without Fossil Fuels

By Ronald Stein

Efforts to cease the use of crude oil could be the greatest threat to civilization’s eight billion people.

The Stockholm+50 in Stockholm, Sweden, will commemorate the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and celebrate 50 years of failed global environmental action. The meetings on June 2nd and 3rd will follow months of consultations and discussions with individuals, communities, organizations, and governments around the world.

The rise of the Green World Order that will be addressed at the Stockholm+50 needs to address the impact on the world’s 8 billion residents in a future world without fossil fuels as efforts to cease the use of crude oil could be the greatest threat to civilization’s eight billion, and may result in billions, not millions, of fatalities from diseases, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths trying to live without the fossil fuels that are benefiting society.

Yes, the climate is changing, as it has been for four billion years, and will continue to change, and yes, there will be fatalities from the coming climate changes. Climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, between 2030 and 2050, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, and heat stress. However, the irresponsible idea that global warming poses an immediate existential risk for the world, that risk will be small in comparison to a world without fossil fuels, while current governments and corporate leaderships are attempting to revert to its decarbonized status in the early 1800’s and before.

As many world leaders gather in Stockholm the world faces a planetary crisis of pollution and waste, biodiversity loss, and climate changes, as well as other planetary ills that are affecting current and future prosperity and wellbeing. An unhealthy planet threatens human health, prosperity, equality, and peace, but the world also faces the threat of ridding itself of the same fossil fuels that allowed the world to populate from 1 to 8 billion in less than two hundred years.

Life Without Oil is NOT AS SIMPLE AS YOU MAY THINK as renewable energy is only intermittent electricity from breezes and sunshine as NEITHER wind turbines nor solar panels can manufacture anything for society. Climate change may impact humanity but being mandated to live without the products manufactured from oil will necessitate lifestyles being mandated back to the horse and buggy days of the 1800’s and could be the greatest threat to civilization’s eight billion residents.

World leaders make no mention that the entire pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, materials science, energy, transportation, heating, etc. are dependent on the same fossil fuels that they want to rid the world of.  Attempting to attain a decarbonized world like the one that existed in the 1800s and before, could result in Billions of fatalities for the eight billion on earth from disease, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths, versus the projections of millions of fatalities from changes in climate. We cannot continue poisoning the planet in the name of progress just to satisfy our endless electricity demand to fuel the rise of 5G, automated machines, vast data centers, and digitalization.

Surprisingly, the fossil fuels infrastructure may be less invasive than the mining for exotic minerals and metals in developing countries that are directly destroying the planet through environmental degradation and humanity atrocities being inflicted upon those with yellow, brown, and black skin people. The 2022 Pulitzer Prize-nominated book “Clean Energy Exploitations – Helping Citizens Understand the Environmental and Humanity Abuses That Support Clean Energy does an excellent job of discussing the lack of transparency to the world of the green movement’s impact on humanity.

Of the three fossil fuels of coal, natural gas, and crude oil, crude oil is the only one primarily used to manufacture products for society that are the basis of the economy.

Crude oil is virtually useless, unless it’s manufactured (refineries) into oil derivatives that are the basis of more than 6,000 products in our daily lives that did not exist before the 1900’s, and the fuels to move the heavy-weight and long-range needs of more than 50,000 jets and more than 50,000 merchant ships, and the military and space program.

The liquid fuels and products produced from the hydrocarbon processing sector aided the advancement of rocket technology, leading humans to break the boundaries of space and place satellites into geosynchronous orbit, significantly evolving the way the world communicates, navigates, and explores not only Earth but the distant cosmos.

Wind turbines and solar panels may be able to generate intermittent electricity, but they cannot manufacture anything. By-the-way, all the products needed to make the parts for vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, planes, ships, medical supplies, tires, asphalt, and fertilizer are made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil.

Everything that needs electricity, from lights, vehicles, iPhones, defibrillators, computers, telecommunications, etc., are all made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. There would be nothing to power in a world without fossil fuels!

The need for electricity will decrease over time without crude oil. With no new things to power, and the deterioration of current things made with oil derivatives over the next few decades and centuries, the existing items that need electricity will not have replacement parts and will ultimately become obsolete in the future and the need for electricity will diminish accordingly.

World leaders need to identify an alternative path that focuses on the reduction of certain demands, or identify the replacement or clone for crude oil, to keep today’s societies and economies running, before jumping out of the airplane without a parachute! Concurrently, the world needs to stop building pointless infrastructure and goods for the sake of producing them and refocus on meaningful and appropriate products and technology to support society and economies. Imagine if each human planted one tree, picked up one piece of trash, or simply pulled the plug on one human degrading electrical device.

With today’s technology to work and educate remotely via virtual connectivity, we should reallocate resources to get people back out of the cities into the rural areas as well as focus on adaptation, conservation, and resource efficiency. Systems need to be rebalanced back onto natural ones where humans are symbiotic and not parasitic, and we need to subordinate technology back to being our slave and not our master. Oil is a magic substance when used correctly and burned cleanly, but it can be the death of us all if used badly. The world needs to REDUCE not ELIMINATE crude oil and reduce its footprint as much as practical and possible, as that may truly be the only plan that will work to save most of the world’s eight billion residents.


This article was published by The Heartland Institute and is reproduced with permission.


Thank you to all The Prickly Pear readers who contacted legislators about the egregious formation of the “Disinformation Governance Board” at the Department of Homeland Security under Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Citizens such as yourselves made the Biden administration and DHS back away from this unprecedented Orwellian and tyrannical step of censorship and suppression of free speech in our Republic. There are critical issues to  ‘TAKE ACTION’ on and The Prickly Pear will serve as a rallying point to stop the left’s assaults on We the People and our liberty. God bless America.

DONKEY POX: The Real Disease That’s Killing Americans thumbnail

DONKEY POX: The Real Disease That’s Killing Americans

By Dr. Rich Swier

It is time to understand who is really killing Americans.

Since the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. on on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Americans have died.

We looked at how many Americans have died since January 20, 2021 and here’s what we have found.

  1. COVID-19: Statista reports that as of June 7th, 2022 the United States is the country with the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths. There have been 1,033,830 deaths due to Covid. Deaths attributed to COVID-19 accounted for 72.4% of U.S. excess deaths. Click here for the death rate per 100,000 by state as of June 1st, 2022.
  2. Deaths: JAMA Network reported Between March 1, 2020, and January 2, 2021, the U.S. experienced 2, 801, 439 deaths, 22.9% more than expected, representing 522, 368 excess deaths (Table).
  3. Deaths of Minorities: JAMA Network reported The excess death rate was higher among non-Hispanic Black (208.4 deaths per 100 000) than non-Hispanic White or Hispanic populations (157.0 and 139.8 deaths per 100 000, respectively); these groups accounted for 16.9%, 61.1%, and 16.7% of excess deaths, respectively. The US experienced 4 surge patterns: in New England and the Northeast, excess deaths surged in the spring; in the Southeast and Southwest, in the summer and early winter; in the Plains, Rocky Mountains, and far West, primarily in early winter; and in the Great Lakes, bimodally, in the spring and early winter (Figure).
  4. Deaths by State: JAMA Network reported excess deaths were increasing in all regions at the end of 2020. The 10 states with the highest per capita rate of excess deaths were Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Arizona, Alabama, Louisiana, South Dakota, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Ohio. New York experienced the largest relative increase in all-cause mortality (38.1%).
  5. Mass Shootings 2021: The New York Times reported that the Gun Violence Archive, which defines a mass shooting as one with four or more people injured or killed, not including the perpetrator, counted more than 600 such shootings in 2020, compared with 417 in 2019. That carnage has continued into 2021, with hundreds of shootings so far this year. The archive, a nonprofit organization, has counted 25 mass murders, which it defines as four or more people killed, in 2021 as of mid-November. In 2021 the number of mass shooting in the United States were: Essex, MD 4 killed; Boone, NC 4 killed; Rock Hill, SC 6 killed; Atlanta, GA 8 killed; Allen, TX 4 killed; Muskogee, OK 6 killed; Indianapolis, IN 17 killed from April 15th to January 24th; Chicago, IL 5 killed; Boulder, CO 10 killed; Colorado Springs, CO 6 killed; San Jose, CA 9 killed; Orange, CA 4 killed. Additionally, BallotPedia reported: :  November 23, 2021 in Harvey, Illinois While students were leaving Thornton High School for the day, a person in a vehicle driving by exchanged gunfire with a student. No one was injured. [4]; October 26, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois Shots were fired during a fight outside Jose de Diego Community Academy. No one was injured in the gunfire. [5]October 13, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois Shots fired from a passing vehicle at a pedestrian struck James McDade Classical School, breaking one window. No one was injured. [6] ; October 12, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois Shots were fired at the exterior doors of Wendell Phillips Academy High School as they were opened to let students out for the day. A security guard and a 14-year-old girl were injured. [7]September 23, 2021 in Joliet, Illinois A window at the St. Paul School was shot out during an exchange of gunfire between two moving vehicles. Although classes were in session at the time, the students were in the basement and no injuries were reported. [8]September 15, 2021 in Champaign, Illinois Police responded to reports of shots fired on a field between Jefferson Middle School and Centennial High School. On arriving, they found 13 spent cases but no evidence that anyone had been injured. [9] ; August 22, 2021 in Rockford, Illinois A 13-year-old boy was shot during a fist fight in the parking lot of West Middle School. He was expected to survive as of the day after the shooting. A 17-year-old was taken into custody. [10]June 1, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois A 17-year-old boy fired shots into a crowd outside Lincoln Park High School and grazed another 17-year-old boy’s arm. There were no other injuries. [11]January 10, 2021 in Springfield, Illinois A 16-year-old girl practicing driving in the parking lot of Southeast High School and a 20-year-old woman who was in the car with her were shot and injured. There were no fatalities. [12]
  6. Mass Shootings 2022: The Washington Post reported over 200 mass shootings in 2022 to date. There have already been more than 240 mass shootings this year in the United States, according to the Gun Violence Archive. Thirty-three have taken place since a rampage at an elementary school in Uvalde, Tex., left 19 children and two teachers dead on May 24. Just this past weekend, mass shootings in multiple cities killed 11 and wounded more than 60. Mass shootings, where four or more people — not including the shooter — are injured or killed, have averaged more than one per day so far this year. Not a single week in 2022 has passed without at least four mass shootings. Additionally, BallotPedia reported: May 17, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois A gun in an 8-year-old student’s backpack at Disney Magnet School went off, injuring another student. The boy had found the loaded gun under his mother’s bed.[1]March 29, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois Shots fired from a vehicle driving by hit Thomas A. Hendricks Community School. Although no one on campus was injured, a passenger in another car was struck by the gunfire.[2]January 4, 2022 in Rockford, Illinois Two 17-year-old students at Auburn High School were shot while sitting in a car in the school parking lot. Both were expected to survive at the time of the shooting. Three suspects were later taken into custody.[3]

The Gun Violence Archive (GVA) prepared this MASS SHOOTINGS IN 2022 information:

Incident ID Incident Datesort ascending State City Or County Address # Killed # Injured Operations
2321440 June 5, 2022 Arizona Mesa 1457 W Southern Ave 2 2
2321693 June 5, 2022 Michigan Grand Rapids Pearl St NW and Ottawa Ave NW 1 3
2322804 June 5, 2022 South Carolina Andrews County Line Rd 0 5
2321772 June 5, 2022 Michigan Saginaw 300 block of S 11th St 3 2
2321532 June 5, 2022 Tennessee Chattanooga 2125 McCallie Ave 2 12
2321193 June 4, 2022 Michigan Ecorse 3800 block of W Jefferson Ave 0 4
2321593 June 4, 2022 South Carolina Summerton 4193 St Paul Rd 1 7
2321500 June 4, 2022 Georgia Macon 300 Block of Jones Ave 1 3
2320673 June 4, 2022 Texas El Paso (Socorro) 10851 Thunder Rd 0 5
2321266 June 4, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 200 block of South St 3 12
2320618 June 4, 2022 Arizona Phoenix N 10th Ave and W Hatcher Rd 1 8
2321698 June 4, 2022 New York Hempstead 77 Terrace Ave 1 3
2320862 June 3, 2022 Nebraska Omaha 2931 T St 1 3
2320361 June 3, 2022 Virginia Chester 10960 block of Stepney Rd 1 5
2318310 June 1, 2022 Oklahoma Tulsa 6161 S Yale Ave 5 0
2318046 May 31, 2022 Texas Waco 1900 block of Preston St 0 4
2317016 May 30, 2022 South Carolina Charleston America St and South St 0 10
2316616 May 30, 2022 Michigan Benton Harbor 999 Pipestone St 1 6
2315903 May 30, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia N Delaware Ave and E Tioga St 2 2
2315150 May 29, 2022 Oklahoma Taft 104 Elm St 1 7
2315333 May 29, 2022 California Merced Cowden Ave 1 3
2315892 May 29, 2022 Illinois Chicago 4400 block of W Walton St 1 4
2316364 May 29, 2022 Texas Houston 11654 Walnut Dale Ct 0 4
2315605 May 29, 2022 Arizona Phoenix N 58th St and W Windsor Ave 1 5
2315361 May 29, 2022 Nevada Henderson I-11 and Horizon Dr 0 7
Incident ID Incident Datesort ascending State City Or County Address # Killed # Injured Operations
2315074 May 29, 2022 Illinois Chicago 800 block of S Karlov Ave 0 5
2314991 May 28, 2022 Tennessee Chattanooga 100 block of Cherry St 0 6
2315338 May 28, 2022 California Fresno 2233 N 1st St 1 3
2315417 May 28, 2022 Florida Malabar 2500 block of Billie Ln 0 4
2315190 May 28, 2022 Colorado Colorado Springs 3800 block of E Pikes Pike Ave 1 3
2314951 May 28, 2022 Tennessee Memphis Chelsea Ave and Peres Ave 0 4
2313988 May 27, 2022 Alabama Anniston 1204 Front St 0 6
2313970 May 27, 2022 Michigan Stanwood 10711 185th Ave 4 1
2312678 May 25, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 3500 block of Fairmount Ave 0 4
2310278 May 24, 2022 Texas Uvalde 715 Old Carrizo Rd 22 17
2309711 May 23, 2022 South Carolina North Charleston 7550 Dorchester Rd 0 5
2311123 May 23, 2022 Ohio Cleveland 1032 Hartley Rd 0 5
2308096 May 21, 2022 Indiana Goshen 1204 Rosemare Ct 2 3
2308395 May 21, 2022 Washington Tacoma S Yakima Ave and S 56th St 0 4
2307631 May 20, 2022 Florida Kissimmee 2331 Old Dixie Hwy 1 3
2308017 May 20, 2022 California Highland 3606 Highland Ave 1 8
2307813 May 20, 2022 Louisiana New Orleans St. Claude Ave and Forstall St 1 3
2307044 May 19, 2022 Illinois Chicago 800 block of N State St 2 7
2306277 May 18, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia 1500 block of Bouvier St 0 5
2305208 May 17, 2022 California Palo Alto (East Palo Alto) 2500 block of Fordham St 1 3
2302847 May 15, 2022 California Laguna Woods 24301 El Toro Rd 1 5
2303130 May 15, 2022 North Carolina Winston Salem (Winston-salem) 2000 block of 25th St 0 7
2304029 May 15, 2022 North Carolina Elizabeth City 901 S Martin Luther King Jr Dr 0 4
2302740 May 15, 2022 Texas Houston 8729 Airline Dr 2 3
2303337 May 15, 2022 Texas Amarillo 1003 N Fillmore St 1 4
Incident ID Incident Datesort ascending State City Or County Address # Killed # Injured Operations
2301751 May 14, 2022 New York Buffalo 1275 Jefferson Ave 10 3
2301494 May 13, 2022 Wisconsin Milwaukee Water St and Juneau Ave 0 17
2300713 May 12, 2022 Arkansas Hot Springs National Park (Hot Springs) 134 Convention Blvd 1 4
2299660 May 11, 2022 Illinois Chicago 6800 block of S Ashland Ave 0 4
2299126 May 11, 2022 Indiana Indianapolis 701 Canal Walk 0 4
2299793 May 11, 2022 Missouri Saint Louis 5000 block of N Kingshighway Blvd 1 3
2300830 May 11, 2022 New Jersey Paterson 36 Essex St 1 4
2298872 May 10, 2022 Maryland Baltimore 2800 block of Boarman Ave 0 5
2298836 May 10, 2022 Illinois Chicago 4800 block of S Ada St 1 4
2299407 May 10, 2022 Illinois Chicago 6400 block of S Richards Dr 0 6
2298519 May 10, 2022 Pennsylvania Philadelphia Allegheny Ave and G St 0 4
2298591 May 10, 2022 Maryland Baltimore 700 block of N Rose St 1 3
2299176 May 10, 2022 Texas Brookshire Purdy and 4th St 1 3
2297823 May 9, 2022 Michigan Detroit 12600 block of McCoy Cir 0 4
2298092 May 9, 2022 Alabama Tuscaloosa 4420 21st St 0 5
2297261 May 8, 2022 Georgia Clarkston 6500 block of Old Hampton Dr 3 3
2296191 May 7, 2022 Kentucky Lexington 1560 LaSalle Rd 2 3
2296808 May 7, 2022 Texas Garland 800 block of Magnolia Dr 2 2
2296224 May 7, 2022 Florida Miami NW 37th St and NW 32nd Ave 0 4
2296037 May 6, 2022 Louisiana New Orleans 4800 block of Alcee Fortier Blvd 2 4
2296064 May 5, 2022 Washington Sunnyside 613 S 6th St 0 5
2293603 May 3, 2022 Louisiana Baton Rouge 2100 block of North 39th St 0 5
2294515 May 3, 2022 Kansas Cowley (county) N/A 0 4
2294477 May 3, 2022 Texas Beaumont 3580 S Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy 0 5
2291712 May 1, 2022 Louisiana Lafayette 500 Jefferson St 0 12

Click here to view the entire 10 page list of MASS SHOOTINGS IN 2022.

The Bottom Line

Biden and the Biden administration including the FBI, DOJ, DHS and other agencies have been in office during all of these murders.

So whose responsible? The criminals or their guns? We suggest that we are now experiencing a wave of criminality that began on January 20th, 2021 and is continuing to this day across America.

America is suffering from the very deadly Donkey Pox.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

THE QUEERING OF AMERICA’S CHILDREN: Hey Mom & Dad Now You Can ‘Drag Your Kids’ To ‘Pride’ thumbnail

THE QUEERING OF AMERICA’S CHILDREN: Hey Mom & Dad Now You Can ‘Drag Your Kids’ To ‘Pride’

By Dr. Rich Swier

A reader sent us a June 6th, 2022 article titled “‘Preferred Pronouns’ Madness MUST Stop” by Devvy. Devvy wrote:

I will always remember more than two decades ago, Sean Hannity, saying on his radio show he didn’t care what queers did at home behind closed doors.  I thought to myself, you’re Catholic and instead of lovingly condemning what God Almighty called an abomination, you just want to shush it up behind closed doors. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.  An old saying but so true.

Even way back then so many of us knew what was going to happen to normalize the immoral and dangerous PREFERRED lifestyles of sexual deviants. While the “queer community” uses those exact words, you had better not or be smeared into the next century.

The prime target became schools with corporate America jumping on board throwing tens of millions of dollars to promote sexual deviancy.  These 50+ Brands Are Celebrating Pride by Giving Back to the LGBT Community – Nike, American Eagle and Disney are among the companies celebrating inclusion, equality and love for LGBT Pride month.  (None of them get a penny from me. I’m sorry but I will not spit in God’s face.)

Read more.

We then received links to a series of articles highlighted by activist, blogger, speaker, and best-selling author who educates and inspires the public on the burning social and moral issues of the day Elizabeth Johnson:

The Queering of America’s Children

After reading each article we came to the inextricable conclusion that there has been a continual effort to queer America’s children.


ANSWER: To groom them for sodomy, gay sex and prepare them for the pedophiles and pederasts!

Don’t believe us? Then read this BlazeMedia article titled “‘Drag the Kids to Pride’ event at Texas gay bar show children handing money to drag queen dancers“:

A Texas gay bar hosted a “Drag the Kids to Pride” event where drag queen dancers provocatively gyrated in front of children as young as toddlers. Tensions flared when protesters demonstrated outside the venue hosting the drag queen show for children.

The Mr. Misster gay bar in downtown Dallas hosted the drag queen event aimed at children.

A poster for the “Drag the Kids to Pride” event claims it is the “ultimate family friendly pride experience.”

“Our under 21 guests can enjoy a special Mr. Misster Mocktails while the moms and dads can sip on one of our classic Mr. Misster Mimosa Towers,” the poster reads. “Do you want to hit the stage with the queens? We have FIVE limited spots for young performers to take the stage solo, or with a queen of their choosing! Come hangout with the Queens and enjoy this unique pride experience, fit for guests of all ages!”

The Texas gay bar said the “Drag the Kids to Pride” event was a spinoff of Mr. Misster’s Champagne Drag Brunch – which tickets start at $25 and go all the way up to $600.

Read more.

So now parents are dragging their children to gay bars for what exactly? Are these parents selling their children’s innocence or paying others to take their innocence away?

We report, you decide.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Burger King Debuts ‘Pride Whopper’ With Two Top Or Two Bottom Buns

Pizza Hut’s book club promotes drag queen books to pre-K children

New York library hosts ‘drag camp’ for kids age 11 and up to adopt a drag persona and perform at pride show

Oreo Cookies Tout ‘Pride Pack’ for June Pride Month

Abortion Activists: How Far Will They Go? thumbnail

Abortion Activists: How Far Will They Go?

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

We’re starting to see just how far abortion activists are willing to go to get their way.

Starting with violence.  A radical pro-abortion group claimed credit for the Molotov cocktail attack on a pro-life office in Wisconsin and promised “increasingly extreme tactics” ahead.  Pro-life workers received death threats after the attack.  Two hundred students surrounded two pro-life students at a high school in New Jersey, pushing and shoving them, and tearing down their signs.  Pro-abortion protesters in Los Angeles threw rocks and bottles at police, and beat one officer with his own baton.  So there you have it – abortion activists are even willing to attack the police to get their way.  Then you have politicians like Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot egging them on.  She issued a “call to arms” and urged citizens to rise up and “fight to victory” for abortion rights – no surrender.

Then there’s the vandalism.  Vandals spray-painted a Catholic church in Boulder with pro-abortion graffiti – “F- the Church”, “My Body, My Choice” and such and the like.  That’s just one report.  Other churches have been vandalized, too.  A pregnancy help center in Florida was vandalized over the Memorial Day weekend, with “If abortions aren’t SAFE then neither are you” spray-painted on the building.  This is just one report; many more many more pro-life organizations have been hit, recently.

So it’s not just spray paint; it’s intimidation, and it’s being attempted at the Supreme Court, too.  Illegal protests continue outside Supreme Court Justice’s homes, and the local Progressive DA won’t do anything to stop them.  Abortion activists are laying plans to shut down the Supreme Court building next Monday, to prevent the Justices from reaching their offices and issuing opinions.

Politicians in Progressive cities are signaling they won’t enforce state laws banning abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned.  The cities include Austin, New Orleans, parts of Atlanta, Durham County in North Carolina, a Philadelphia suburb, Nashville’s county, and Fairfax, Virginia.  Sixty state and local officials pledged in 2020 not to prosecute abortion if Roe goes away.  None dare call it insurrection, but I will.

One thing to notice in all this is how organized it is.  These are not random acts of violence.  We see professionally printed signs, standard talking points, online coordination, crowdfunding, and other hallmarks of an organized effort.

So now we’re seeing how far abortion activists are willing to go to get what they want – violence, vandalism, illegal protests, attacking the police, ignoring the law, intimidation, and death threats.  If you can’t persuade people, smash’em in the face and firebomb their office.  It’s no longer about persuasion or winning the issue fair and square.  It’s about using any means necessary to get what they want and the hell with everybody else, starting with the unborn.  And it’s all supported by politicians who should be thrown out of office for their lawlessness.  The law means nothing to abortion activists and their willing accomplices in government.  Which is not surprising, because these people don’t even respect life itself.  My mother was the best political scientist I’ve ever known.  She said a society that does not respect life is in trouble.  Amen to that, and I will add a society that no longer respects law will soon find it no longer has the Rule of Law, leaving it to the worst and most ruthless among us to determine what goes on here.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: EXCLUSIVE: Kyle & Todd McMurtry Join Tucker Carlson for First Joint Interview


BREAKING @lakewoodchurch service disrupted by @tx4abortion activists determined to STOP SCOTUS from taking away abortion rights declared ABORTION ON DEMAND AND WITHOUT APOLOGY!

As they were removed they chanted MY BODY MY CHOICE!

Overturn Roe? Hell No!

— Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights (@riseup4abortion) June 5, 2022

Democrats aren’t hiding it anymore. They want to:

-Raise your taxes.

-Eliminate the filibuster.

-Abolish the Electoral College.

-Pack the Supreme Court.

-Raise the price of gas

-And take your guns

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) June 7, 2022


Joe Biden Invites Abortion Activists to the White House to Celebrate Killing Babies in Abortions

Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Calls Killing Babies in Abortions a “Constitutional Right”

Supreme Court Issues No Decision on Dobbs, Wait to Overturn Roe Continues Another Week

Abortion Activist Chains Himself to Fence to Protest Upcoming Supreme Court Decision

New Harvard/Harris Shows More Americans Want Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Oklahoma Abortion Centers are Not Killing Any Babies Thanks to State’s New Abortion Ban

MSNBC Host Andrea Mitchell Celebrates Abortionists Who Kill Babies as “Heroes”

Doctors Sue Biden Admin for Unlawfully Blocking Them from Treating COVID-19 Patients with Ivermectin thumbnail

Doctors Sue Biden Admin for Unlawfully Blocking Them from Treating COVID-19 Patients with Ivermectin

By The Geller Report

Obamacare destroyed the greatest healthcare system in the world.

Democrats followed the brutal Marxist Lenin, ” ‘Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of a socialist state.’

Doctors Sue Biden Admin for Unlawfully Blocking Them from Treating COVID-19 Patients with Ivermectin

A group of doctors has filed a lawsuit against Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration for unlawfully blocking them from using ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

By: Frank Bergman, Slay News, June  3,2022:

The suit is filed against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

It also names HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf as defendants.

In the filing, plaintiffs Mary Talley Bowden, Paul E. Marik, and Robert L. Apter argue that by publicly ordering health professionals and patients to avoid ivermectin, the FDA both acted outside of its authority.

They say the FDA inhibited the doctors’ ability to practice medicine.

Though the FDA has approved ivermectin to treat certain infections, the department has urged the public not to use the drug to treat COVID-19.

“Attempts by the FDA to influence or intervene in the doctor-patient relationship amount to interference with the practice of medicine, the regulation of which is—and always has been—reserved to states,” the lawsuit said.

“The FDA breached this critical boundary between federal and state authority by directing the public, including health professionals and patients, not to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19, even though the drug remains fully approved for human use.”

The filing emphasizes that the case is not about the efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID-19: rather, it said, “it’s about who determines the appropriate treatment for each unique patient and whether the FDA can interfere with that process.”

“Since the pandemic began, I have had one mission – help my patients,” Bowden said following the filing.

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“I provided access to testing when testing was hard to find.

“I provided treatment when other doctors told my patients to stay home.

“I have kept over 3,900 patients out of the hospital, but it hasn’t been easy.”

Bowden was “derided by Houston Methodist Hospital and forced to resign her privileges there as a result” of her ivermectin recommendations for treating COVID-19, the lawsuit said.

Read the rest…….

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arizona Lawmakers Eye Teen Mental Health in Wake of Texas Massacre thumbnail

Arizona Lawmakers Eye Teen Mental Health in Wake of Texas Massacre

By Tom Joyce

In reaction to the mass shooting inside of a Texas elementary school, Arizona lawmakers seek to explore their options to help teenagers struggling with mental health issues.

Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers appointed State Representative Joanne Osborne, R-Goodyear, to chair a new Ad Hoc Committee on Teen Mental Health this week.

The committee will look into causes and issues impacting teen mental health. Some of these issues include substance abuse, depression, and suicide. The committee hopes to find potential solutions to these problems.

The Ad Hoc Committee on Teen Mental Health will consist of members of the House of Representatives and of the Arizona community. It’s intended to research and review information about how substance abuse, bullying, and social media may impact the mental health of Arizona’s youth, including teen suicide.

The committee is supposed to identify potential solutions and offer recommendations to both public and private agencies to address teen mental health problems and improve access to mental health care.

“Teenage children today are faced with tremendous stress and pressure along the path to adulthood, and far too many succumb to substance abuse and suicidal ideations,” Representative Osborne said in a news release. “Struggles because of the pandemic and social media aggravate the situation further. As a mother of four and a longtime mentor to young Arizonans, I am deeply concerned with this current state of teen mental health, and I am committed to using the legislative pulpit to draw public attention to this important issue. Recent tragedies further highlight the urgent need for solutions. This will be our committee’s endeavor.”

Other House members who will serve on the committee include Representative Travis Grantham, R-Gilbert, and Representative Alma Hernandez, D-Tucson.

The Speaker will make community member appointments to the committee. Those members will likely include a parent who has lost a child to suicide, a pediatrician, representatives from the education community, the faith-based community, law enforcement, the governor’s office, and more.

The committee will hold a series of public hearings beginning in June. It will issue its findings and recommendations in a report in December.


This article was published by the Center Square and is reproduced with permission.


Thank you to all The Prickly Pear readers who contacted legislators about the egregious formation of the “Disinformation Governance Board” at the Department of Homeland Security under Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Citizens such as yourselves made the Biden administration and DHS back away from this unprecedented Orwellian and tyrannical step of censorship and suppression of free speech in our Republic. There are critical issues to  ‘TAKE ACTION’ on and The Prickly Pear will serve as a rallying point to stop the left’s assaults on We the People and our liberty. God bless America.

Maricopa ‘threshold’ Program Offers Rent for Homeless thumbnail

Maricopa ‘threshold’ Program Offers Rent for Homeless

By Cole Lauterbach

Maricopa County officials say efforts to help the homeless have fallen short at a critical step in their process of getting off the streets, and a new program aims to help.

The county announced Tuesday the approval to spend $5 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to help formerly-homeless residents afford their first rental. Named “Threshold,” the program is a collaboration between property owners and managers, the county’s Human Services Department, and the local nonprofit HOM, Inc.

“Reducing homelessness requires an ‘all hands on deck’ approach—from emergency shelter services at times of crisis to permanent housing and resources that lead to self-sufficiency,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates, District 3. “This partnership ensures people working to end their homelessness have a path into the rental market.”

Through Threshold, the county will give property owners rent, financial incentives, and other supports in exchange for housing someone as they begin the transition out of homelessness and get on firm financial footing.

“We believe individuals, families, and communities are safer, healthier, and stronger when everyone has a home,” said Mike Shore, President, and CEO of HOM, Inc. “The Threshold network recognizes that engaged property owners and managers are instrumental to helping people exit homelessness and seeks to make them collaborative partners in solving the housing crisis.”

Threshold is the latest in a $77 million effort to get many of the county’s thousands of homeless off the streets. As of Jan. 24, the Maricopa Association of Governments estimated 9,026 homeless people in the county.


This article was published by The Center Square and is reproduced with permission.


Thank you to all The Prickly Pear readers who contacted legislators about the egregious formation of the “Disinformation Governance Board” at the Department of Homeland Security under Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Citizens such as yourselves made the Biden administration and DHS back away from this unprecedented Orwellian and tyrannical step of censorship and suppression of free speech in our Republic. There are critical issues to  ‘TAKE ACTION’ on and The Prickly Pear will serve as a rallying point to stop the left’s assaults on We the People and our liberty. God bless America.

Vaccinated Women – Fertility Signals Are Coming Through thumbnail

Vaccinated Women – Fertility Signals Are Coming Through

By Save America Foundation

Vaccinated Women

Fertility signals are coming through.

The topic of pregnant and nursing moms getting vaccinated under encouragement and coercion is painful. It’s painful to research, painful to write about, and painful to learn how carelessly the most precious among us are being treated. The very essence of life and nature live within pregnant and nursing mothers. Reflecting on how little regard was paid to that life is upsetting, and everything I have to report in this post is done so with a heavy heart and a hope that we’ll get through this with a renewed sense of personal autonomy when it comes to medical decisions.

Notes to Keep in Mind:

  1. The FDA + Pfizer actively worked to keep this data hidden from sight for our lifetimes.
  2. Academic institutions, Medical institutions, and public health agencies are all still recommending that pregnant women take the Covid-19 vaccines as a precaution against Covid.

Dr. Naomi Wolf, Project Manager Amy Kelly, and the WarRoom/ DailyClout Pfizer Documents Volunteer Research Team have uncovered so many new important pieces of information that it’s getting difficult to keep up. I highly recommend pinning DailyClout to your homepage and checking their updates often. Their team of thousands of volunteers including hundreds of lawyers is working quickly, thoroughly, and efficiently.

A lot of information and serious concerns have emerged surrounding pregnant and nursing mothers and the possible effect that the Covid vaccines are having on their babies. Dr. Naomi Wolf has been appearing on Warroom regularly to provide us with updates on the findings of her and her team. On one appearance last week Dr. Wolf broke down some of the main red flags that have emerged, with the help of a female physician who studied the data:

  • Pregnant women were excluded from clinical trials when they were declared safe and effective for pregnant women. Pfizer, the FDA, the CDC, the entire “medical community” and your local employer who declared that you couldn’t come to work if you’re not vaccinated have concluded that this was safe and effective for pregnant women based on trials that were done on rats in France. There have not been any human clinical trials that have been concluded by Pfizer or other pharmaceutical companies to find out if these vaccines are safe for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. There is currently one that’s still active, has no posted results and won’t conclude until July, 2022.
    • The animal studies that were conducted for the trial that the NIH based their conclusions on included 44 rats and were done over a period of 42 days. There are 2 main issues with this study:
      1. This doesn’t fulfill the requirement to ensure that the drug will do no harm to the next generation
      2. The doctors conducting the trials have all either been employed by or owned shares of Pfizer or BioNTech. There was an attempt to hide this fact by using their initials instead of full names on the study.
  • All Emergency Use Authorization excludes pregnant women.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers were NOT ALLOWED to participate in phases 1,2, and 3 of human clinical trials. They were included on a list of 21 conditions that were not allowed to be recruited for trials. Page 33
  • The Department of Defense data is showing that female soldiers are having an astronomical rate of abnormalities and fetal problems. (NOTE- Mathew Crawford of RoundingtheEarth Substack has stated that he does not believe ANY of the DOD data is reliable, as it’s been demonstrably tampered with. Having said that, there are whistleblowers on the ground who corroborate that the rates of a variety of serious medical issues have indeed skyrocketed in 2021).

Adverse Events

In the Pfizer documents that were released thanks to legal force, there is data on reported adverse events since the rollout of the vaccine. On pages 12-13 of the document labeled “postmarketing-experience” Dr. Wolf’s Team 5 found:

  • 28% of the 270 pregnancies + 4 fetus/baby cases of adverse events were categorized as serious, including:
    • Miscarriages
    • Fetal deaths
    • Uterine contractions
    • Pre-term deliveries
    • Premature rupture of membranes
    • Fetal growth restrictions
  • Breastfed babies were reported to have effects such as:
    • Infantile vomiting
    • Fever
    • Rash
    • Agitation
    • Allergy to the vaccine
  • 4 nursing women reported adverse events such as:
    • Partial paralysis
    • Suppressed lactation
    • Breastmilk discoloration
    • Breast pain
    • Migraines

The document concludes that no serious adverse events have been detected. Dr. Wolf again questions whether we, as citizens of the United States of America, must begin to consider if all of these signs put together point to a serious national security breach. She has never seen anything as bad as what we’re seeing today in her 30 years in journalism.

There is a strong case that the potential risks for pregnant women from taking the Covid vaccine far outweigh the potential benefits.

On May 17, Dr. Wolf re-appeared on Warroom shortly after the FDA and the CDC authorized the Pfizer Covid-19 booster for 5-11-year-olds. In this segment, Dr. Wolf revealed some new information about data on the vaccine for pregnant and nursing mothers:

  • In Scotland there is an investigation happening right now that was triggered by a threshold that was crossed regarding the number of neonatal deaths. Its double the baseline amount, and this is the 2nd time in 7 months that the rate triggered an investigation.
  • Contrary to BBC claims (partially funded by Pfizer) that the rise in neonatal deaths cannot be connected to the vaccine, Dr. Wolf’s team, specifically Project Manager Amy Kelly, has found conclusive evidence to the contrary in Pfizer’s own documents.
  • Pfizer defined exposure to the vaccine as breastfeeding. This was not disclosed to pregnant women. A research team in Germany has confirmed to Dr. Wolf that breastmilk can deliver elements of the vaccine
  • A baby born to a vaccinated mother died after being born bleeding from the nose and mouth.
  • A mother received her 2nd vaccine dose on March 17, and within 24 hours her breastfed infant developed a rash and became inconsolable. The baby died 2 days later, with evidence of liver damage and a rare blood disorder.

The history of the claims of safety and efficacy regarding the Covid-19 vaccines for pregnant and nursing mothers will hopefully result in individuals who will be held criminally liable.

Missing Data

DailyClout’s expert Team 5 research team has reported some alarming numbers from Pfizer’s documents regarding missing information. In one group of 270 pregnancies, there were “no known outcomes” for 238 of the cases.

That leaves us with 36 known outcomes. Of those 36 known outcomes, 28 babies died before or at birth. It would be really helpful to know the outcome of the remaining 238 cases.

Pieces of the Puzzle – A Timeline

March 2021 – 50 participants in a clinical trial reported becoming pregnant, with some of them subsequently being dismissed from the trials. Cindy L. Weis of the DailyClout found that those 50 women have still not had their profiles updated to include pregnancy outcomes.

In the same March 2021 document, we can see that Pfizer themselves admits the following:

  1. Available data are insufficient to inform vaccine-related risks in pregnancy.
  2. Adverse effects from the vaccine on a breastfed child are a possibility.

July 2021- In Waterloo, Ontario between the months of January – July 2021, there were 86 babies who were born dead, otherwise known as stillbirths. The baseline rate is usually 5-6 per YEAR. One brave MP named Rick Nicholls raised the issue in a parliamentary session with great concern and passion. In response, the Minister of Health gave the answer we’re all used to. The vaccine is Safe and Effective. Just to note, there was no noticeable rise in stillbirths in 2020, the year of Covid.

September 2021 – Scotland launched it’s first investigation into an abnormal spike in newborn baby deaths that was triggered by surpassing a threshold in infant deaths that hadn’t been seen since the 1980’s. (Note- this spike did not occur in 2020, the Year of Covid)

Ashmedai over at Resisting the Intellectual Literati wrote an extensive report on fertility issues and the vaccine back in September 2021.

Is There a Plausible Basis For Fertility Concerns?

In my own community, the most prominent concern on the minds of many of the vaccine hesitant, especially young women of childbearing age, is the fear of an adverse effect on fertility. Possibly because of this, fertility concerns have also been derisively dismissed by the doctors with more passion and vengeance than for any other type of adverse effect…

August 2021- NPR reported on a survey out of the University of Chicago to investigate reports of changes in menstrual cycles after the vaccine. They received 140,000 responses.,

October 2021- VAERS looked like this:


I ran my own VAERS report using only a few pregnancy-related keywords. The list is 769 events long, and here’s a screenshot of just a few from the first page:

December 2021 – IVF clinics reported unusual issues after the mass vaccination campaign began. Steve Kirsch covered it thoroughly.

IVF clinics started having serious problems right after the vaccines started rolling out

I just got off the phone with a woman who works at a large IVF clinic. She has to remain nameless to avoid being fired for speaking out. Nobody is supposed to know about the serious problems happening in the IVF clinics. Let me tell you what is really going on and the scientific study that explains it…

Read more

6 months ago · 498 likes · 457 comments · Steve Kirsch

January 2022- NIH funded a study that was released that reported a slight causal relationship between the Covid-19 vaccines and a lengthier menstrual cycle.

February 2022- An EU health agency announced an investigation between Covid-19 and disruptions in menstrual cycles based on reports coming in.

Josh Guetzkow reported on data from Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Israel. Vaccinated mothers were experiencing spontaneous abortions/miscarriages/stillbirths at a rate that’s 34% higher than their unvaccinated counterparts.

Stillbirths, Miscarriages and Abortions in Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Women

Data from Rambam hospital in Haifa reveal a stillbirth, miscarriage and abortion (SBMA) rate of 6% among women who never received a COVID-19 vaccine, compared to 8% among women who were vaccinated with at least one dose (and never had a SARS-Cov-2 infection…

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4 months ago · 58 likes · 62 comments · Josh Guetzkow

March 2022- A 2nd investigation was launched in Scotland due to the high rate of infant deaths, totaling 18 for the month of March.

Scotland Neonatal Deaths (top) vs. COVID-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy (bottom)

Notice the corresponding spikes in May/June (Dose 1), August (Dose 2), and January (Dose 3)? 🤔

Source: Public Health Scotland@ChiefNerd

— Love4Liberty (@Love4Liberty1) May 17, 2022

Pfizer, what say you?

After spending days reading reports about the horrible negative effects of fertility that are coming out in droves, I had to at least try and get some sort of response from Pfizer. After sitting on hold for a while, a gentleman named Ron got on the line. When I asked if the Covid-19 vaccine is safe for a pregnant woman to take, he read me the entire safety warning from Pfizer’s website. I then told him that I know many women who have had serious disruptions to their menstrual cycle, as well as numerous women who experienced miscarriages late term, shortly after getting one of the Pfizer vaccines. I asked him what he knows about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, given all the new information that’s come out from the FOIA requests.

He responded that he can pass me along to his managers, but first he has to read another statement, this time from the CDC. He proceeded to verbally read it for 10 minutes while I waited patiently. When he finished, surprised that I was still on the line, he asked if I had any more questions. I said yes, and asked if he wanted to be a whistleblower. He said he noted my response and passed me along to Olivia, which was pretty much a repeat of the first conversation.

I left contact information with both of them just in case, but somehow I highly doubt we’ll get a response. I did note to both of them that should they want to get on the right side of this scandal and begin to help those who are suffering, they should do so before the entire thing crumbles down.

Now What?

We’re now in May 2022. The claims of safety and efficacy don’t match their own internal documents that they tried to hide for 75 years. Yet academic institutions and public health agencies continue to insist it’s recommended for pregnant women to receive Covid-19 vaccines and boosters. Until when? Until the wave of misery gets so large that it’s no longer deniable? No one is coming to save us. Groups like DailyCloutVSRFAmerica’s Frontline DoctorsChildren’s Health Defense, and ICAN are sources of inspiration that there are still good men out there, as well as a source of hope that through their strength and efforts, we’ll come out of the other side of this with some integrity still left in some medical professionals.


Etana Hecht

American Israeli, homemaker, wife, mom to 3. Buy Crypto. You’re still early. Freedom > Safety.

©Etana Hecht. All rights reserved.

48 Senate Republicans Tell Schumer They Will Block Any Bill Undermining Hyde Amendment thumbnail

48 Senate Republicans Tell Schumer They Will Block Any Bill Undermining Hyde Amendment

By Henry Rogers

A group of 48 Senate Republicans sent a letter Wednesday to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer telling him they will vote to block any bill that would undermine the Hyde Amendment or any other pro-life protections.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter which was spearheaded by Montana Sen. Steve Daines and Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford and signed by 46 other Republicans. In the letter, the lawmakers say any legislation that undermines the Hyde Amendment, which ensures that U.S. tax dollars are not spent on abortions, will be shot down. The lawmakers added that the Hyde Amendment has saved close to 2.5 million preborn children over the course of 45 years.

The only two Republicans who did not sign the letter were Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. The Daily Caller reached out to both Collins and Murkowski for comment, to which Collins’s Press Secretary Christopher Knight said: “Senator Collins has consistently supported the Hyde Amendment to ban federal funding for abortions, and she believes that this prohibition should continue.”

Murkowski’s office did not comment.

“We write to express our unwavering support for the Hyde Amendment and all other longstanding pro-life protections. For more than 45 years, the Hyde Amendment has ensured that taxpayer dollars are not used to fund abortions, saving the lives of nearly 2.5 million preborn children. As you know, the Hyde Amendment is supported by both a substantial majority of the American public and a bipartisan majority of sitting United States Senators, and was most recently signed into law by President Biden in Public Law 117-103,” the lawmakers wrote in the letter.

There’s a clear message to Leader Schumer: We will not allow the Democrats to force the American people to foot the bill for their radical abortion agenda. The Hyde Amendment has been the law of the land for over 45 years, and my colleagues and I will ensure it stays that way,” Daines told the Daily Caller before sending the letter. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Blackburn Warns Dems Could Try To Pack Court With Ketanji Brown Jackson Before Breyer Retires To Try To Save Roe v. Wade)

Republicans in the House sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in June 2021 calling on them to oppose Biden’s budget and reject any budget legislation that does not include the Hyde Amendment. In the letter, the lawmakers noted that every president from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump included the Hyde Amendment in their budget proposals or signed it into law.

In February of 2021, Republican lawmakers introduced an amendment that would apply the Hyde Amendment to the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, however, Democrats removed the amendment from the legislation.

The Daily Caller contacted Schumer’s office about the letter to which they did not immediately respond.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.


Thank you to all The Prickly Pear readers who contacted legislators about the egregious formation of the “Disinformation Governance Board” at the Department of Homeland Security under Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Citizens such as yourselves made the Biden administration and DHS back away from this unprecedented Orwellian and tyrannical step of censorship and suppression of free speech in our Republic. There are critical issues to  ‘TAKE ACTION’ on and The Prickly Pear will serve as a rallying point to stop the left’s assaults on We the People and our liberty. God bless America.